CbnPAnioNs.—Parents cannot bp too careful in selectipg spciety for fynur children','triad young men cannot be too choice iq theijr asabcjntes..' The'adage has lost nothing by ago wf»ich says ."a man is i known by the coinpanyjie keeps.*’ To young men, especially, it is of infinite im- ; yortance that they be furnished with com* | panions possessing generous hearts and honorable virtuous sentiments, tjlays the ] distinguished Robert Hall, in his “Works” 1 recently published by Harper& Brothers i ; •tSocipty is the atmosphere of souls; and j wo unnecessarily imbibofrom it something : whichjp either infectious or salubrious.— The society of virtuous persons is enjoyed beyond their company? while vice carries a sting in solitude. Tho society or the company you keep :is both tho indication of .your'character and the former of it. In company,' when the pores of the mind are openedi there requires more guard than tisjjal, because the mind is then passivo. Either vicious company will please you or it will not; if it cldesnot ploaso you, the end of going will bo defeated.” In such society ‘‘you will feel your reverence for rhe dictates of conscience wear off, and that narno at which angels bow and devils tremble .you will hear contemned and abused. Tbe Bible will supply materials for unmeaning jests and impious buffoon ery 1 ; tho'consequence of this will be a practicalSdeviation from virtue; the prin ciples will become sapped, and the fences of conscience broken down; and when de bauchery has corrupted the character, a total inversion will .take placo; they will jjtory in their shame. Ler ’km Wiggle. —A rural philosopher somewhat advanced in life, whose limited knowledge of nature's mysteries had been acquired without the aid of science, and wboknew not “whether a microscope was something good to eat or ai now Tangled farming machine,” was o'nco in conversa tion with a youthful friend fresh from school-, who talked to him of the wonder ful developments mads by that instrument, a specimen of which ho carried about him. While the old man was making a frugal meal in the field at noon, the youth produ ced his microscope, and explained its op eration, which ho illustrated by exhibiting its powers upon several bugs and divers minute atorqs of inanimate matter at hand. To his surprise, his eged pupil did not manifest much astonishment, and stuDg bv fits indifference, he detailed to him how many scores of living creatures he devour ed at every mouthful, and in each drop which quenched his-thirst. At this his hqafOr was skeptical; and to prove the fact, the boy snatched from hia hand a chunk of rich cheese which he was then devouring, and placing it under the mag* aider, the mass of wriggling animalcules Wa» triumphantly pointed to. ' The old man gazed upon the sight indif ferently, and' at length with the. utmost nonchalance, took another huge bite. ' iilDpn’t: exclaimed the boy, '.‘don’t eal it, Uncle Ben, don’t you see ’em t See fern squirm and wriggle 1” “Let 'em wriggle !" said the old philos opher, munching away calmly, “they wl got the worst ef it, ef they kin stem ’ it i tin,’ 1 and he deliberately finished his 'm«l. : ■ B*CKat»»EHs.— Gough recently stated A sbfeewhat startling feet in one of his temperance lectures, which will astonish qorae of the Maine Law men,’ He assert edithat of the 600,000 persons who had irigned the Washingtonian pledge to ab stain from the useofall intoxicating drinks, 450,000, including himself, had retrogad ed, and either filled the drunkard’s grave, or were living drunkards, or had been drunkards' and reformed again for “a apell,” and that the original mover of the Washingtonian pledge project now kept a few groggery in Baltimore. This is cer tainly rather discournging. If Mr. Gough is not mistaken in his satieties, there is rather a battle" to' be fought yet by the Rummies. Lost Child Found. —About five years aeo a male child of Richard Welsh, of Woodward township, Clinton Co., N. Y., was lost, end the impression became gen eral that he had strayed away, and been drowned. It appears that ha was stolen, ] and'Carried away to Tioga county, by on insane woman, where he was taken from her by legal process, and placed jn the charge of a very respectable ■ family, in Which he has remained ever since. The boy was abopt three years old wjien stol en. OirGrocers who sell sweet peas for ‘old goVernment Java’ should, remember their fatter end, and boar in mind that “Jordan »a hard road to travel.” .Things are not judged by their “labels” in the next world. ' Good Health.— An institution founded OH ' easy conscience, fresh air, and. lots Of exercise. Vice and indolence are al ways dyspeptic. Tho former breaks up digestive organs by too much thought: the latter by much sofa and rocking-chair. . ftipOh for a lodge in some vast wilder new* some boundless Contiguity of shade, a jjrtire, cold \yator stream, .with plenty of Jrput, and not to deep'to tirade ! WOpldH l-too ‘enjoy }t — well 1 :,yV..,7 :! (KrWro- S. Sharkey, late United States i CJqpaul at Havana, has been ■' nominated 'far-.Governor by several ‘County Conven jiipnVof Mississippi. 1 ■ Subniarinb Telegraph from to Ireland is completed, and the prea are in process of being laid dotyq on all thoraijwaysi ‘ yp' _./ 'y;' - * goniusi in lowa has invehtedon engine that, be supposes .will supercede, atearni ' The motive powers a gallop of bailed dttwo to a pinj: ‘ - j ;roth6r-li^ar-fc; tpan condemn religiqp altogether -than ipeakharshly of‘their own particular sect. " (ttrAi farm ,of Jid acjt%',ltear We^t ~ * • !• -- I • ■'* *’ * ‘ .. r >• .. t. -I. ; 4 Timber, Timber Land and Iron^dte^'^i^k. Til£fiu\ut5i6eritlllt*ll the Tollomn*dt*orlbed »«la«W* ■“t of . TRACT lio. 1 •—“oFHAND. contalalnit MUaoree. ormon.aii lZ»on *!?TJS?ta , u7l2SSiflusfsr aadOleainetd oo?»'»L„*| , SiS f iwh^ U pS« U ““" oidotrtnf ll wall llfllbOTtQ WltO Wrlw aIIMo _> • • SS« 0 __TM undivided bell flirt or a TtMTof IHO. -*•“ trend, altd lit Ante or» Moihaanqn oraek, ■id adlolalat the above aamei Ptvce of laod. otmtaint JOT fto.ei. 01 mow. Ton* u araat Walir.puwet » n thU treet.tha Orefkejljidlnl 10indent power lor a Porn and Uolllen Mill. The 81k Mile Una and the Three Mila Ron (i* wW?n am plenty of Trout) empty into toe Moibaooon on thli treot. eaob ol wnlohailordf.pmoae to two yowl mill rente., There It a Brit tale newly built Go.ted Baw-M 11. 18 Iwt wbeel.on thto traot. on the power of tba 1 hree Mila Run, The 1 urn* pike leadmc from Clearfield to BellHbnte duwm throuihthii tract. The dlttanoa from thU Plaoo to Unlojllle.ou the Uald Eagle Pink Haaa,fd mti*e. To ynllaal'anmoe.aed Hannah tnrnace about 14 to lb mile*. Thw dlatanooio th® nver by the road Bor 18 mitev—to the mouth ol the oteak. W water, Ud mllee Thom U a Vein of Iron Ore oa this Tract, And Within'6o ot'blirodi of naur power. .TMile thojplio* ■poleoolby ProleworKenan,to blnGeoloaioa Hepoitot imi. wherahe inyi, "Blr rallel aoitb.att of Phlllpibnu.on the Turnpike. litLered ihaleof fonnrtion XI, Immediatalr be low tEeoonalomeraieorioimation Xll,'’ «to ,«to.—and oun ce hilvemurki by iaylpk,*‘iiiil place n worthy of a tprthct mmtliatioa." UlTl/hUOI/B GOA 1 , and the belt ol TlM UKK'areabundant io thauaiitbborhooq , Tha T ermi will be made eatf. and an Indiiputabie title aivea. Applylotho mbiarllreriii millionth of Curweni yllln, near Emit Hill Pott Offlot. Clearfield oouutr. Pa.,-or to JOHN 11. THOMAS, Umonvllle; Oentro county. Pa.. [Plemlnyf. 0.. J-or to David Bilker, who rciiilei oath* 'Saw-Eaupga Mo. I will alio mil Bom fOUII HUNDRED loWNE THOUS AND coodSaw Con. which will cot a food deal 01 Pannel jumber. Bald lori are about ono mho above Dr Ijoyl * aill on the river hill, and about 8)4 mlieiabovaMr. Owen • £ . The river i. wide here, and they nan be dt van. or tawed at the above mill. There loti can be put Into the rive, forle« *B CO per M g" ji UTCER. Tb n e®* ! L.ncuterlnlellitenoe.’>- will laierttbe above three tlmei omlltin* too latter put relatld* to eaw low-Md tta ••Cllnten Democrat” will miert that put ol| h'’‘bn]'?!'" I '?* to the toll of law losi, three ttmei. and lend their bull to tbit bffioSe I ' PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE Eatabliahed 18 years njo by Dr. Kinkkun, cornerofTlurii nml Union Btreela, between Spruco and Pino »t«., Philadelphia. Sail inooeulol praotltioncr, far and MW* iniMla'Sith sSam all dlwamor a oiiaatenniore. Pa inn* aßlloted wilhaloeri on tha body* throat or lags, ta.m n lIUs hand or bon«i. mar ournnlrheomatiim. ilriolurn. *'? h ,e, d, 0 d O T“‘? ®thaoS” ronlhfalaxceiieaor Impuntiei or the b ood wbareor inn non ititntloa hai Uecoma anfeablad. are all 'rented with •nooau* Ha who plica* hlmiail nodar (h* career D'-. K ‘- aiomlr collide in hia honor aia aenllemcn. and confidently relrnponhluatllaia phyilclan. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTIC£. Vonnf men who hn»n Injured ihemialTei by acerteln preo tica indolted la—a habit Iraonanily learned from o*l com p&aioni alschools th# effects ol which etc Bjcht f t . whin a»l««p. and doitror both mind and bodr. ihould appl» lmmed““ly. Waalnen and cuniWnilonal debUir.l.«ol raoioolnreaenty. phyiionl laiiitudi and jeoarol jorMirnuoai, Irritability and all oirroul l wayoonnao aj wUh nan of the Hear, and aiarf dliaiua In any warconnaoiao mm jthedUordetoflbeprooreauve fuacUoni cuied.a»uioiiT.*or | rwtorej • nw*D, YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous Life, ora Premature Death. Kinkclin on Self-Preservation —Only 24 cents. Thi« tookluttpubl.ihed li flilod with oreful information.on to! lioroatSaid di.aatat of th. Uenoruti.a Otiui Uad drauea tuali aliko to Youth, Manhood and Old Aaa. ana **TbundoaMt- , «dulcaand Improniaa warnln* ikwill OrorenlTeara of mtiarr anti inllartn*. *nd »n annuallf thou. "part” n'bMa&dlnt it will lawn how. to praaant tha deatruo l°f.JKam'ittalloJ'ofM cant*. aaclmad in «iatlai. addraiwtl to Ur.KI;\KEUN, N, W.cornaror Third •SjUnlmi lUaaU. batwaan Bpruceand Pina. Phlladuldbia. will aniura abook ° Pmbol a 'a ta*(Stana? mar addma Di.K. by lattar. [port inc » Md put op leocre him daioags of BsSSilto»"h«wi Afenu. Pedlew. all othara aappllad «Ith tha aboaa wotk LIST OF TEAMS JDRORS for Sept, term, 185 S. R«orc« B. D»\« Ktimti Pj*» 58!*.““.®“ £> % SS ft si si 'uw'mu <£ Kaniju. . ■ "y' Wholesale and Retail Groeery, J; i s s 5 ‘Ss»& »**afsaM:av?Km£y 5 S KOAD DEPOT.a full S UN.NAiilafiJHißiyfetuir.Hod S l C ticlwiti trada.—Tbsoaful lot Dsrt farori, ha S > U?3d to(ivohima call. Mhe l* P»P“*l $ S aall at ptloai thateaaeot fall to plaaie, , „ nv t S February U. *9SB.-r»y. £E>SiW< 3D5XiC^l53Bi9; Harinnh Wintcmiti.'l ■[ In. ttto, Common Pleas by her nevt friend CMesrflold county. ..Nov 35, David VVinlernii., . Fob, tdrm. 1853. AlwsSub; ■■; poena in Divorce a vinculo Joseph VVimorniU, ) irmlrimoni, returned “Not - - .•' .. Found.". . To JOSEPHWINTERNITZ, the Deft. m.icE NOTICE lb at Too Me tecinimd to. Sppear la the I I ivint At (jomico r ‘ oonty 01 tha S' A (rmMIJND/fv OF 'SEPTEMHEtt*NEXI’. to eeawer eempUlMof HANNAH ■WUtTEtttU'lj&i by .bar next ißdDavid -Wintataltß.'Aadsbow qiqm> it asr roa aava. |wh?«3 , Hanaab«hool» couitrr town In the Interior of tbe Stoto. Old Brass and Copper- Will be taken ftt the higheit pricey in exchange for work o: done to order. A Great Rnshnt tbo Cheapest Comer. HD. PATTON. Iluiait returned from the Eastern Cl. • ties, with * From ud splendid assortment of Goods. ooniitUmrla oortol wmn: <&©■ Silk and Cashmere Shawls, Hosiery, 'Brimming* and Notions, dfc. MEN’S READY MADE CLOTHING. n.NtwiM GIAU Paint* aid Oil*, Bhect Iron. Zino* Iron BjfS and’inik”) GIIOUBRIES AND PIBH, UxUtWa. Tinlsr LaSkltt* OlY*»e«* Clock* and Saddler-Uook*and KStoMroTihugsaid Patent Modiclnes.Cookßio»m.Two Horii! W»*0B»f and ereor other oitlole nsoall, found in » p?.“ro".® ,0 «uh. CHEAPEST COKNEU, nnd examine ns, *tock, before patohaiias el*awharo, ■ As I am determined to sell at Wholesale or retail, cheaper thananyotjjer establish ment in the caunljr. p oN _ Cn , w „ l - 111 .. Marl* 183*. ' ' ' ’ A CAR’D. Ao Mo HOa 3Lr S lßlha Dental Operations, At his office aitjoiaioe hie tha boroufh ofClear- Held Ho ro* jho lound at nonilx nil times in bn ttoto in tho west end oi toe Mansion hotse. ' ' ; , Artificial Teelh lnrortod on Plato or Plrot. and warranted to aim entile satis "exißACTlNQ TEETH done wiihont danjar to the pa lo manner. M, r 6 _ IiBS. BUGCIV AKIWCe. MURPHY & SMITH RESPECTMTJLIjY announce to the citlxen* of OeailiaU county. that they are maaafactQriaff BUGGIES, WAGONS, ffc., In theborouihof CurwenifUle. at tbeOld Fontdrr. where all work ia their Um will ba dona in the my bol manner, and on the mo*| favorable ter©»* GRAIN A superior article, will alio bei mannfaotnred and m[d ch*ap. AlSo-All REPAIRING dot* to order on •-"••horj“J no Uo *- W. U. tiMITUT Cnrwensrtlle.Mar B.lBl*.—Bm— pd. Ml ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. M Valuable Real Estate. £»Y Vlitnt ot to order oT tbe Orohau’ ► ooooty, (ranled el Febraary term. ItW. U>no will be exposed to Y>UBLtO SALK. M the "B«»ane fi‘ ll i> Tll l 5 Bacoariatowaihip, Cleatfiala county» on BA.TURU A V THB THIRD DAY OF BKPrEHBEK next, the rollowlßK dm cnbed PIECE OF LAND, iltaato in tb® »aurt townihip ol U«co*rtß, late tha wtale ol JOHN W. MILLER. deceased. I I °ALL.Uie Internet of said deoeatad of, In and to EIGHTY NINE aemlMperobmof land, tiioaU in aaJd tofiriAgof Beocarta* being part of a larger tract In tbe name of William hXSSoSS*aiawhl'e Sx hobo, UrtnooMil IMptrob* eiioa hemlock, tbeaoe noitb e* thence by land of John Haory Abboi MX eu.(ob«uoand or jadimenl bona m mon- B) O,jMOUb I!EUNALD WELD. Ado’,. Jaw 8.1853, _____ „ i|g VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE- Jl| rmiEiabtciibate oiler lor sal. a salaable traot of unirapro.l JL sot land taownMttobAMUEL ELM tract, beloualnt I to iho eiute or 11. LEAVY dooM..aad PAIRILK GAL. I?AGUKR. eltuu.e on too out lido ot C oortiold Creek. i» I Wood ward townehlp Olasrrield county, adjoinio* laid crwt, and 'andt of liaoo Wilton. Jowph Uett and W“ and about mno ml efabore Clmftold Bald land hai A large quantity of timber thereon, and a portion of it is well adapted to farming, and contains 450 acres and allowance. | For SABAII LEAVY. K.w' Hrntb Leary. dooM. or PATRICK GALLAGHER, Clear'd i Clearfield. Jana 3, ISW —«t»—pd. do, do 1 Bradford ; ft- Morris Psn» do do Boro* CUarfieJd /Haitoa lUu, . CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. THE EXBRUWES or THltt INSTITUTION were re opened on HONDA.V. lb* %U> Inst., under tba cbarie of JAMK& 01DDU3 GOKDON, A. M. ... Tb* object of tbe T'tutee* Is to plaoetba Academy upon lha footre* by tba onejuat fonnawi of the la* stitoUon.Dy oflenai to tba youth oj Clearfield county, op. portusiiieiofrecciviuy the beßeatofa Thorough EngUshaad Classical Eaneatlon, At well u tin rutuntlinu ol Rudimentary Initructiou. do Girard Kartbatn Bales of Tuition •• COMMON ENGLISH DEPARTMENT-Embra olag Reading. Wrltm*. Bpellla*. Anthmetlo. Ceoyraphy, Eoiltib Grammar anil History. par M'GII E K *EN G 1 iiV b*EPARTftI ENT.'. '. .. ®do THE CLASSICAL DKPARAM ENT«....... tyFflpils desirous of aonultifia lha modem lMfUftaeJ WiU ba aflordad lacilitiei to do ao* upon maeini application to tba P«» 0 Cloarfleld.ADtUSO.iesi. ■ ' - MRS. E. A. MORRIS, OF CURWENBVILLB, would inform tba ladiae erciaai field conurr, that aha has juit received i lari a *ad full assoitmentot Spring / ' MnMnmairy o©®<3lo> I GIMP. RIPPLE Gm.UUSSAMER. eto- Alio, Silks, Ribbons, Capes/Liniogs, Illusions, FRENCH FLOWERS. FABS. nod arerr rarietr of trimm aaiT Panone lending order, from n dliianoe .hall bare them immediately utSndea to. All repairing doueiln the naueet and beet poUiblo manner, and on tba ebo.teat . OnrweairUle, May SO, J868.-Sra. E. A.W. PBNNSVILLE TANNERY. adbuiiSi upon tba "‘REfiDV FA,Y” system, baUeviun h JI to ba tb abest iy n etuiAU.. baoaiua tbaj a w Ul be no bad da bta to ba paid by toxina those who are wUlina to pay. as Is too I moon tbs care’under tba credU lyttyma-Sacoualy.2J caa u ij our stock lower than on otadU. because via oau maka out I retun SMMv.aod thus Uarewill bean advantaieto the sell •ras wall a* tie buyer.—Welutand kaepiaf constantly on band, a food assortment of LBATHBHiioob as flpan.oola, k oaf*BMr“Fd*M. r^eWni“^mtoL E Gaari Haruesv« (JOlbn, Bridlßs,’wßci.94dSl#skCu on short Shua)Kisi l «r.w Estate otEnir Ble,Br.,die’l. ATDTIUE IB HEREBY I3IVEN. Thatljjttmj'of Admin. without delay—and thorn ba*(ardamaada ai alnrt tba earn. W ! ■’ May 87, MJA-ft.pd AkBRY HlULir. AdmPa, UOOKIKG STOVES. NEW GOODS. Large , Splendid $ Cheap Anoitaint of Good., «owttiin« ofoww •»»!• •»<> I®^ j3r« &»<&, Groceries, Queertsware, Cut lery, Hardware, Bods, Shoes and Bonnets, Confectionary, Clocks Sp Watches. ALSO, a tarioend w«li Mleoted .look of Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs Sp Medi cines, Ac., Ac. Inabortall ktnd.orGopd.owallr kaptlaaCMntnBg^ ; ! Monlidal#» Not. 10, 185 fl. Montellus Brother & Ten Eyck. mltava to Inlorm theirtnende and thepubllo inwgijj, ‘ h MONTELIUS, TEN EYCK, & CO. VTh.r, they ara ptepaied to nil all kind, or Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Tin Ware, Hats, Caps, faj. * PATENT MWICINES. R 8 Ctetrfleld. UW i, 1853. PENN IRON FOUNDRY! Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, oEafftt®nn» Pa. IMttfIURIMM: a. naiad that all can b* oleaaedwlthonl any tronbla., »!• Dconlfnl form and oonitrnoUon I, ««ob “Ai, Soudornblo of all atoree. Numcroci uitimoniaU coaid l&goViD t BKmTuM ‘oOOkSg from 18 PARLOR STOVES—for alth.rwood or ooal. SALAMANDER do a baaatlfhl Coal Store. VAdE do ISBfISiSffiSEiB— BLACKSMITHTUVEBK 3 lno«e»do. MAN *.».« r-<- CatftbUinintnti, Also, Made to Order, GEISTTaid BAW.MILL GEARlNG—heelnc daddedlr the U |ar, e*t .took, and bait rerietr ot P.'friSß rN^ra,r.“.nT.^fi^ D or JrKirti fora WOOD BOEING MA DR A lieution, Lumbermen! rjlll oCUt for tt!« on# of Goon# P«l# • B#oomu Portable saw-mills, Witbaa 18 IlorM Poaer Ec«la.»ttachndall naaand In "tm* W?li alw Mil their Stock or MOHSES. Bled.. Chain.. apply to C. K. Mark, at tba Mill, or to J. b. Shtmi at Bald Rail. Foraaoa. Anr pmon can ... the mill n foil operation now. MARK & SHULTZ. Deoembcr 8, 1853. __ BEnPUILL’S H HOTEL CLEARFIELD, PA. l u . Tup mhirriber molt 'respoolfiiHy la farm, tn*citftiftiol I'l JifliM WMty. sodUa UaT«lll»« oub to , th>Vbo» aimed HOTEL illoMedon th« 5S?i« of la thoborotuh or Clear. I Anrntt 11. IBM. - ' ' _.- T “LOLA. MONTES.” ( . ©mail 'M©Mnng» AT CLEARFIELD BRIDGB. FIEIJI BHIUaE, la tbo aaw bolldlnt < l9 cap iff* I’Vmrfn as tha wait afda of tbn OIWKi wbflfi b# Will WBlOffcO* iwoßOora and sIIOES. of all kiudi. and at fall pnow, oa tbß*b6rtMtiDotloo,aan ln tbawf b«t maaner. _ GIvaBHOKTY a call. Jnna4,lBM. England Whipped, Tariff or no Tariff. moit reuonnbl* tenni.atlba Iron and Foundry itoro, adjoin “* Laoaud A Moore. u B OAHTEa _ As«»t. Qlwarflald flao- B< IBSfli . - G©Mnn©4 <& (Dlhanff ME ©Mungo JOHN CJULIcn W,uUof CABINET-WARE. : ' ■lliihopUsltostsdoa Market street, bstwesnThirdload Fondh. wbort all kind* of work in bli line will Ihjjnnd* la tho BEST BTYLE. tad oa tbsnjortFAVOUAULETEEMd sad oaths shortest aotios. , *JP*COFFIHS made to order Oo^bssbortest^ol^s. TAILORING BUSINESS. REMOVAL, THE subscriber, thankful for past favors, res pectfully informs hia customers,end tho public generally, that bebas removed bis shop to tbo buiN ding over the Post Office, lately occupied by R. F■ Ward,and lljat he vdill be there fbdnd at all limes "on hand” to supply hiscustomers, Uolikesomeol hiscoleraporariet.taisunablo : td promise that.his Fashions ore of the roost approved stylo of Anti auiw, but will insurelhehi madenccording k totho Latest Fashion of metre tnodern days. • \W:; v.'V.;-;-THOS.SHEA. ;• I Clearfield; April O ; • ' " • • VVi .’t .'/litU* •» the Road to health. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CURE'OP A DiSORDEREDEWER AND BAD bin Mod th-Uii’-to? [SS^w^fej^^SSSSi w.r. mlMUn*d of blr oo* onaab* Inform} sansffii FSS"*KaSSs^rffi apeaKmaoh £■,*»”{, of ,oli ' “ U,,l ‘ l,li ifw.'KlßKU ß . A Copy of o Letter in tho Hobart TownLourter,of Py tho Ist March. 185 ,by Major J.Wolch. i iKajtSS&ffiSS'iSsS .Haortd a parfuct cart. . _ ■ • ipqgKHasaS&’E etalernent. Aufiust 2nd. 1851. oow' ibairmeana, comprwbreir»otlw>.**ooui3 uSm «MoiSr wlihont or pala. wblca toouia | BOt (ttJnS)' HENRY COE. Worthatrert. Lf a*. Norfolk. Theao celebrated Pill. are wonderfully efficacioua in the following coinplauua'. . A«. Farm, ot all krtd. g» BUtoSbompWaU Oolt w • ,T ai * P ' 1 Oollot Inflammation ThS?!* “of ■“"ijw.'cSißPlalstt VfMre>J A<[*««U3; 'tti Rhoamatlam jrUaiyjr 0.aa... Uraentrr ' R.t«BUoßor Orln. Re.. tta. +:r»«lp.r«. , . ccrpCal., or King * Female lrreknlantiea Erll gold at th. Eatabliihmret or Pro !'*"°' i { ’ 0 h *; hoove in th. Union, and br Metai . A. B. at U. BAmre. N.w Volk. .j, nyorx & SONS. North SOoondairwt. Phlladelnbm. Wboleaale Aaenie for P«uai>l»a"'a- , ... .Thai, la a conalderab:. aarioi br uklot lb. lan «t *i«“ B /or lb. lotdanc. of palleola lo.r.rr dla order art a (Hied to each Box. Qc obar lit. 1853 -If. Valuable Keal Kslale AT PRIVATE S/yLE. Ht M . rwiiiF bthilforibeheifiofCottrid WUju W# THf "taS«3fip. «•»** s°K , t d 'saitai«‘yS A FA Kill OF lOG Acres*. , CatwtßtTlU*. and kncmaa>ln*_ Wise Farm. firZtfLt Ike improvements consist of about 7S acres of cleared land, JfHtjL—*'?! a good state of cultivation, a Large .Dwelling-House, a Large Bank Bam, Spring-House, Dry-House, Shop, and other necessary byildings, together with one of the largest, best most productive APPLE and PEACH ORCHARDS in the county. I apply to dthnoTthtiabuil ta U.m. »»«1 awartutM deed *im». MIOHAEt. WtflE. WtJK. I a Ivhair 6llh«!*li*«f Conrad W»»a. *h«Undranuin I to #i»e him their onrtom. CASH ■ bat the hlenett pnoee will be allowed lor Oou»L» rrocaoe and OLD METAL. Ae he «i»et hT« eeiabluhaenlhle penonnl • inpetmloa.ell orden ror work will rocelee^mrojtnUßnUon, Cleetntli.KoT.SB.lMl. ■ '* . STRAW GOODS—BPRING 1853. THIS Statwmber i* now, prepAr«d lo exhlbit td MwobanU iad fdUinwi hit oinnl bow rtocjf of i*?Uor Wi MU STRAW AND SILK SONNETS. i ? STRAW TRIMMINGS and , ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS ; Palm.l«ar.Pa»amaaiici«™j»vamtjror . BUMOTKB.HA.T4 7 ‘ L Foi G.nlt«m*n; &rErt*»t, Varitfrand j*aatr Of tninnfootara. m wall ai baiforoily clow price. I wilt twlbaad anrivalled. THOMAS WHITE, - No. H Soalh S«x)Bd Btnat, f 4iladaipßia. ' Febraarr 18. ISS' ' ' ' EMPTY DOLLARS POBFEIT -DR. HUNTER WILL 15 CbtfelUSOirralliacio ourenny oatoor t&ttt dietatothal mar com* under hi» matter how lon* etendlny. or how effllotlaa. Either Sex tie Inrited to hie Private Rpoma 88 North Seventh etreet, Philadelphia. without fear ol later, motion tram other ptt'euu. Bliauiere andpihert whohayn been onfoiton&le ia the re lectio a 01 aPhjiician areinTited rats? ®zssz TU3AD jBJs , B£!®Ebfc 1 The afllloted would reheat before tnutlna thehr beaitbv haoplneeii andln many oaten their liver, tn the haadeof pnTtloiaa t liuoieut ol thu start of tnatedTet. i It It certainly Jmooitible lor one man to the Ilia the human family areeahjeel to, tr.reiDectablaPbSeioinn bat hie: neouiutbrnnqb.iji whlcnhe lemoreanooesitnf than hie brother prolereoil, aad Ip that he devotee inoetßniU* nth and etody.;- •, • ileeVdieeaeet nrleiaa from youthful ei«teee,o» Iropuritteaof £^sa»»sai«»*nss«- W'.rfW'lDrtKßttto^' l TolUillOwners.•V-.v. rbaSS*j« .»lM«th» o*t&U>l*e of f«tuisi. «»d .iMdjftMMlhtyorK, Unnd.K e«j of fBGfigfc|& a»wrtr«MrM«»ag|w* I l»Kxas ;' S?SS; - J&S&Tsfs TW*Mbirr«nM;;, • namMor fei&itfwi* Md MWUf bimwD o*j6f. DUNBAfe.M. }>.. B«It oo««. JM. O V. /oOTE, Ml).. Small w tMwJfoik. M 11 Ml til-9, M. L>.,&ochett«r.N. Y. P*mphl«u cm b. S* “ .■ AUo forialß JSKfr- ' Ustrtl IkpotißOl Broadway# tl» Y. r *, filarob IB,ißsB.—Cn>. . '. *rora tne Wuhiattos Unloa. Anril'U. ISM. Wo publish below the prospectus of tho erotic Monthly Review.’’ which Mitm. Willlßta , H LewU & Co. propose lo publUh »icDiiltaneoui j in Now Vurk and Washington, the first n ■ be issued in May. Ovid K-Johnson, esq., formerly attorney General of Penneylvania, and well known , ai an able and vigorous writer, will take cjiargoot. “o edhorhii department of the new Review wit, purposes, as shadowed forth in the prospectus. Which challenge the sympathy anil good wishes, of the do? moersev The daily press cunnot supersede the rtecCMity for well'cohduuted monthly publications. The” isn separate field of usefulness tor each when properly edited, with a view to the maintenance of important principles, and not to the of individuals, factions, and classes. Wo trust hit thenevv entoi prise ol Messrs. Lewis dr Co. will be | managed with tiiaf prudence end aoel which insure :«uccell|t PROSPECTUS OF TUB REy|Btf.’' Tht Right! of On SUUtt, and the Union of tit Static P' U Iht l*t*atloo of tb* (abKiUwr* to PoWUh oo lh» if'‘ggft.S&f «TSSulf « SsSSSSfeASsSSSsSfiS Sssfe.s^nS^Krs-sas.v l ’TbUKi»i«w will .Ik. *l» to ftitM It. gSESSsi^^ wZrSSI • ThUflAvkw wiU abtitio rrom all porwatut J*ttd lio"Si*th« dnnorano P*nf. bxh U i~li»« SSumiSpl*. It will t>« tb* *apoa*»> o» ■» ■LWiSEIit Otiadlrblaal, Tb* *ditoiiwUlM>«*k fe' Mtiv-.oftb.«,iw W Th««j*oriW boeai'iMflt uiadat tb* oof ttpl of O YU> T, 11 TrlSSifl-^&wPpn^^g^g::&ss'£&!?■ ■ ESSuSSicalJu mn*' b« addtuwJ to "Tb/iftmuJt'iil* *^ l .tor.%lTil«rt'Sh SSlpMtn aai fomud th«J«;p*p« oonuioibg .t win b* faint hid wub a copj oi tb* Bt M *. •MAN, KNOW THYdKLP." Ati invaluable Book, onh/ 25 cts.perpopj » “Btcry Family Should have .-a copy* CAiflß* BULD IN LESS TIJA.N THEEO 5000 MONTHi. A »«w edition; r«»lwU and Irnymr. ed.jn»tUiu»i. , hnaofthe Orlcin. ProgfMi, lie* Uncut ft»d tiorv fbunrfditMUkO!)itncUii by Pioioucuoni BcxdiU bf ot by a iual £xC4U. witn advice written in • familiar tiylr. avoMmj all madicai tech. 52iui»«, aad avary thio# that waald 01 . oanoi.fromtba rttoltol lorne twenty je&ri Ut».ailu»iv»iy devoted to lha cor* 01 i&euw or a d* icata °¥o reoelDU for th. cure of tU »to»edh.wi. and a treatiia on the Uaniee. Bymntoma aid Cntonf the t '•TUd A«o, forTwenty-RYe centi a copy, t /fj dollar: mil ba forwaraod to any partortbe Il»lt«dt3i«^>j,l>/ taallf free of poitaie. Aldrcii: Donato paid, Golden &Co . fobluhan,o>"Uoi IW. P ban bean lad Into tbahabitor mliipollotioa wlibontnaM Ini theiie hndtba feairol oouwonencaiopontbimielyeiiid ; thuir familial. The oonaUtoUonyr iboO.and. wboim tW, ini familial bay* bean enfeab'erUt not btOlan aow»' thpy donot katrw iha oemoorthe etnaA»J'h’*» M [redone *ou> anTahraa andlaßruaeathe Cheat, aad ultimately to remote th V. w J£sSEldLdn™«{ human wietohodneae. wonld eonfirthayrMW.ojJ"'"* JJfJ to tba toliyloa oT deini VbiM. on tha SpK&Ki^fiSft W o?o ,^D^mS'foma*rdS e (« nnokipM and net- Important to Mill Owners. : Rise’s direct Actiori.Wntfeir'Wlieels., Audit ptspind At tit* Aboitwt aotio* ■to ollt i Mot Cn£l .uim. or to wlUwJltqtT. l|* wo»W alio »m Uytt ibU m»>P* v . i Ifotate plDpiVid Hgowr, detfd. Nm^?fe v or o m«^uSs ter wi! A *;' J» GOOD JOURNEYMAN OABINEt MAKS®.'WI >"! " i j^toCTaaij& ‘itreii ,