i^p»Hi3i>ALE>*‘July'B;'MsSL' •IXhe 7;7th Anniversary of our j^ a ,i;onrti/-ihdependence, -jras .celebrated near 'Brdvrh-s 'Sdhool House, in Morris township,’ with r jtKat.. spirit which should ever ActuQte’AmoricnnFreemen. .. Thd dpbt! Vslected for the occasion, waa indeed; tr beautiful one—‘well sailed to cel ebrate the glorious 4th. Thb stand, tablo, &c., wero'jitritntped in with evergreens and other emblemi* n ° * orty : and u P on which spot wasassembled about three hundred citizens of Clearfield County ,•to do honor to the day. All their, common avocations, wero on that day bus- ; pended, 1 and they assembled there around tho'.?fcstivo board to forgot their former feudd '.dhd animosit.es, to soften their po litibal prejudices —to contemplate the gran deUr and stability of our republican msti tutions, and to sing the poem of our count ry’s deliverance. No event could be more interesting—no spoctacle moro sub limo, than to witness the citizens of Morris doing honor, to the mighty dead, and hold., ing up" to public admiration tho deeds or! those heroic men who laid the cornor-stone of there public, in tho sombro hour of the revolution. , After. 1 having selected officers tor the day, the Declaration of Independence was read in a very able manner by Abraham Brown, Esq., after which. tlm Rev. Mr. Lanning addressed the Sunday School children, in a very able and .impressive address. Tho; citizens then, partook ol a. very-slimptuous repast, prepared by the Ladies of Morris, on the Pic-Nic principal, and in’ which all participated ; and lor which the ladies deserve the thanks of the citizerif, for the excellent and plentiful re past, prepared on that occasion. After the cloth was removed, the meet inc was again called lo order, and apaJ* riotic address delivered by Mr. Joseph C. Brenner; in a very able and eloquent manner, exceeding in eloquence tho ex pectation of oil present. He closed his able address by an eloquent appeal to the citizens present, to protect and defend tho sacred legacy left them by the death of Charlea Corroll, the last who survived the signors of the Declaration of Independ- Cl> Tfter the following toast was ofTered and read, tho meeting adjourned. The Ladies of Morris who prepared this excellent repast—May they live long ; may thev never want for any of the good things they have so liberally dealt out to us this day. Yours truly, J. H. ■ TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. . Agreeably to public.notice, the friends pf •ho teiriperimce reform, in Clearfield coup-, tv, assembled in ,the' Court House, in,tho ( Borough of Clearfield, on the 4th instant, at 3 o’clock, P. M.. The Convention was j called to order by tho Rev. J. J. Hamilton, 1 and wns organized by electing Pnilip G. ■ Gulich, President, and Wnx. M. Reedy, Secretary. • , ■The Court House being too small, loir iho number assembling, bnd.tho use of.the M, E. Church being politely tendered to the Convention, it adjourned to tha| place. After adjourning to the Methodist Church, the President called on the Rev. J. J. Hamilton to invoke the blessing, and di. rection of Heaven on our deliberations. I The Rev. Thomas P. Hunt being pres* eat, and notbeing/f citizen of the County, was invited by resolution to address the Convention; Mr. Hunt then read the fol lowing resolutions, which he defended in a 1 speech of great eloquence and power, and which, were,afterwards , Resolved, That it right of the Wives, Mothers, and Daughters of _thia republic to receive legal, protection from inflicted on them by tlio. Liqupr iiartv. ’ * * '* ’' l ' ** ) •,' * ; .. , . •».» 2d " ‘That J \vd • Mil'vote Tor bo man to make laws for; : us,' dpi; to cketiitb them, who will not pledge.himself to use his ef forts to procurd for the benefit of tho com munity m general, hnd . for children in particular, a Prohibitory Law, against the traffic, in intoxicating liquors, to bo usedds.a beverage. 3d. That in., ns much “8 rire a j . sufficient number'of well qualifiedl menfin all the , political parties, who ore in favor of a prohibitory low, in whom : w «*». confide, a neglect to put such in nom na, tion. bv the^political 1 parties, ought to such parties, as itheir intention still to suf lifer innocent females and children to bo .wronged, and ruined as they have been, Chd now are„by: the Liquor Phrtyfpnd. tustifies every honest father, hußbqnd, bro '{her nnd friend, in fbfusing to sustain such i■nominations, and callanpon .them h obrtv which will regard the rights of our =li¥rsl« ™t superior, to _ any prme.ple n«*.g forth , in'the platforms of any. of the parties ■ ‘ The Rev.-:J. J. Hamilton then : wdrea .tho following resolqtiou. 'vhich he Mvoca fed, and which was, adopted : . I » -Resolved, Thai the' yictmvpf mtettW raficb has a claim upon us, Bnd . u Commonwealth: forprplectto.b Pffll.'Mf* : who, for- the sako of his pence, will tajte advantage s>l j\i? appetite, -to tgmpt hun to drunkenness, and'thatit i tgSBSMBtcSft .JgWjutfpUf Itearty pupporfi ftpi that , nemipr of : t^rri;W HI itoirtmate 1 Such a tben U w.il organize Snarly,and M e «ei/ o ti\hO ' ftPfibinted, swhov BbalL havp. iKe , • a if it- - t;, ;|;p cb,o ‘ initteo If <3 U J JOF Rev/jn; Sobaton, *•£'%*’. . „ W. W. Robinsofl,: Rev»A,Hockenbury, Joseph Jr.wip.; P;? v * j ,>J. B. JVlcEnoHy, Esq. .'V v . ( Convention adjourned. ..... " ' WM. M. REEDY,SecVi ; [P.- S.: J. B.:McEnally,Esq., and Rei:. J. F. Porter sent in their resignation to the standing, committee, and the commit tee, elected to fill their places, John Chase andßev. Mr. DoihlJ . ATTENTION DEEOCRATS. 1. On Saturday, August 27,1853, be tween the : .hours of 1. and 6, p. m;, the Democrats.'of each Township in the Coun ty, are to hold, their Primary Election, at the place where the General Election is j i held, for the purpose of electing delegates to represent their respective townships in 'the Democratic County Convention, to be i held in Clearfield on Saturday the 3d day 1 of September, at 1 o’clock P. M. 2 The number of Delegates ench town ship is entitled to elect, is as follows ;-r- Brady, 4; Bradford, 4; Lawrence,. 4.; Morris, 3; Pike, 3; every other township and borough,.2 delegates. 4. The following persons are appointed Cemmitteesof Vigilance, in their respective townships, to superintend and conduct the Primary Elections, in thoir respective dis tricts, viz: / , TT Bradford-—JacobK. PiercOj James Han nadeo, V. B. Holt. j Beccaria —Dr. G. W. Caldwell, J. W, Wright, John ShofF. ■ _ __ Bell—R. Mehafiby, W. T. Gilbert, H Brcth. Boggs—John E. Shaw, 1. L. Barretti Luke Kylar. ~r . Brady—Dr.'J. T. Boyer, Jacob Kuntz, Tolbert Dale. , . TT ~, , Burnside —John Cummings, Hugh o»at- lag Cheat—Win. flicker, Gilbert Tozer, | Andrew Tozer. Covington—Francis Coudriet. Decatur—Wm. Hughes, sr., J. M Clar* ren, Esq., Jno. Gearhart, Esq. Ferguson—Cortes Bell, Thomas Owens, Wm. McCracken. Fox—John J. Bundy. Girard—Henry Hite, Abraham Kylar, Joseph Kylar. , Goshen —A. Leonard, Wm. L. Rishel, Thompson Reed. . riuston—Edgar Hoyt, Valentino Hev. Jordan —Jacob Gibson, Cobrad Baker, F. W. Shoening. • . Kart ha us—Lawrence Hartlcm, B. LI. Hall, Geo. Hfeckfendom. ' * Lawrence——Samuel Clyde, S. ShafFncr, Thomas Dougherty, N. K. McMullen. Wise; Chester Munson, Jacob Wilhelm. V . 't " " u -i ••Pepnr-S.' C. Hepburn, Anthony Hue, Jonathan. Evans, Jr.' • ' 1 ; ' . Pike —George B.Dale, Benj. Bloom,jr., John I. England. ' _ ' Union—Peter Laborde; jr., Elias W. Horn, David Laborde. Woodward—Thomas Henderson, John D. Alexander, W. H. Henderson. Clearfield Borough—F. P. Butler, M. A. Frank, Thos. Ji McCullough. Curwensville —James Harvey Fleming, | David. Fleming, B. F. Sterling. ■ •, By order ofStandingCommitlee, MARTIN MICHOLS, jr., Pres’t, J. B- McENAi.i-Y.Sec’y. j, : , was tho editor of the ‘‘Elmira Gazette,” whp in the last number of his paper made the following severe but sub-j limely truthful announcement“ When you see a man of business, who will not ad vertise or take a newspaper, look out for a mean penurious skin-flint, too tight to en joy good health, and who holds a penny so near his eyes that he can’t see a dollar. 1 MARHIED.—On Thursday the 30th of June, by the Rev. J. J. IJamilton, Mr. John Thompson to Miss Mary Lynch. On the 7th ihst., by tho same, Mr. John Frederick, to Miss Anna Barbara Verse; Oh the 2d 'ihst., by the Rev. Haiiehen-| berryi Mr. Aaron C. Tate to'Miss Martha J. Brown, all of Lawrarice township. : Accompany the above notice was a large and delicious take, for which the happy couple have our best wishes for their pros perity.' ' * :'V- - •" DIED.—In Marietta, on the 10th ult., after h'iingering illness of twb years, Maj. Francis Flury, in the 62d year faf his age. In Boggs to wnship, this county T ©n the 20th ult.jJoshuaAiTate ngied about thirty- on Saturday the 16th instant, lsaiah Fullerlon;.agod about .SO years. ~ , . • <• * The deceased had long been a. citizen oi this county, and a useful and industrious 'rii&hber ctf society, \arid >as highly ea teemed by all who knew hi/ii. Deleaves a family of small children to regret hp loss His remains were conveyed to tl>o tomb oh Sunday evening last, followed by about 400 citizens of the borough ana neighborhood; Thefuneral serv.ceswere attended to by the Rev. Mr. Diehl of. the] Lutheran Church. ; ; " ;; lii Lawrence on Monday the isth inMl, after dlingeringollness,Sarah, dhiighid# of Sabnuel and; Ellon. Jordan, FITS! .. KPEVEPTICPILIjS' 1 Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and\ aS Nervous Diseases^ NMVI ' M»J»7~I*M ~ iT - Oodd News; /' ' l ' i : :Netd Confectionary arid Grocery ': Store, On vVoier WrcolopjiotHeHdmphill'&Hotal, 00 Ilili • sS£i|SwsSS" KOBEIIFR. WELBII r: (DEffl®lk '&■ WaitoUa .MfsTkoff.., . diet Gold Uretit F«*. Mormn* fir* | W ping. Ribbon Pint. Alto, Gentlemen ■ J/V / pino tiold Pmvof diftefett _thaPJM Y| ■**♦*. Fine Ooid Em HI if Oiopt. JjJJJZg I* otJennr Uad Rlen and {J*JV u &*SSj vZf Pinter fUnit. Fine Gold Fe»» » reflojij i’VJF Kold Welch Key*. Bil*» r Teh fc Table Dalle* Knirej.Bogw T 00 *?^” EsSrSwS-'«' ?SS iStoSS ssasr&a; r'?lV?&3wa ? A?tb»»bownwnilowd warr.oted *ood.. gg^R^mwtw&io® PAIRED. a»d Warrantad foromw- » M at a great bargain, IF APPLIED, FOK SOON. ■' A VPRY Yalnnbln MILL ud TIMBER A. «'os*«i> Olaaißald Lrwk.Lloaiflald Jkdit^J laaaGnit Mill. Maw Mill. Stow, and wTotal Dwa hai.,ana the .u.atlo.Ol tho»™t»c;d»« ir ,». •b-hb Ba.ao.iida«.PbH.d. fiHAITNHV lIULOE«T,WItI> WAINWRIGIIT,HUN- M J‘fOKE| N -N SMmJMEStKTiSW COOU3.NO 16H MARKET STBKCT. Philadelphia. UtoS- , JotF H 1653-Bra. • . , - • B. M. Stevenson, & Co. A i t PFnftONS ARB Tbit th® L I«lOKrt ofR N BuveotOß s VO** tr* in rey band* lor f, AL*ipVran'»'wbo h.rrtbad d.altaia aittooata withoutdeta/. ■>- U. M BNAi LY, Jolf H- 18JU.— €t. Atl r ‘ * a - Estate of Catharine Baum, Deceased. Mahi^ tioated lot MlUanaal. L. JACKBUH INDIANS! INDIANS! WAR WHOOP #WARDANCE. a A " t uXV, R U msiiNAN'jP&fuwf! eMtVnd ot 9 tba pJrtOffloa when poo will Bui bln "»•»"* "in’* Adalee danhafaot all ibeoomfott that saaba . cult*. o| eAT g a u s Jolr 8.1853.—5 m. &;■' VALBABLE 81W MitL ; And !50 Acres of Timber land Fort Sale. THSiN^uiidTiW HimitS PINE TIMBER of ibo'bwt QUilitrr ¥SlJSß U w.uifol lb. ijOehA»i»B*dVV»l«»»ord TnnHjt miUdlS ibbrSßfwti cbt«M for tcwe who "J Bt p o ?f^o, OT P particatßn Mature of rasa^f^tta^Hgaaa; !Lns4 ®ff 3L©4ft©ffs, D BHMmNOl.tWPmlOfflx.atOlmxfl.ld.Pb.. Botdißß, D. F. U nffoSti?Bamwl IXwitt. / Junm B. Boilaad. | . «»*• I —Job* H. liwio. M. U" dODP «wj». J,—AbXO.ima.J -■ k.—S. IS. Kteae. g3£S»s&'*• «•*~ °'»-Wl'libl SSy. wfe A°Bl’oip«i»> Ch-Ul. BouLr. 'fe‘B*o B r J?u“QjiCDaEEiSi© 6S3oa® ®*e to carry ©■ thooboTO to® l c*}®** nnoired to waltoo “.To.' Olflo„. Wh.i« h. *V*hMMbaadaw.lt I m tlaaa their patrotag• a«.d a*®* h £ hs U prepared to fortiib JaUr&ira* ••.'•• ; - ‘ - Dissolution of , - : ’ Itrra by BooborqlMr;wo;”' 1 0 S' , fflS htnd■ «r JOdlAll EVaKSew- »f C " , "*“ Y ‘ U * fo g “n'tlK* J^ON°*' jlcit-ONBO^IdON. CAUTION- A liL tenon in bwjlljSctSuUlfiSu'uuilbTi , .s2rcD®» : ■' '■■■■'2 toaka'ftfld aocooat* Tot ilreinotio* tnat «UJgJ »ju with lulf fitl»« 1168 _ 1 “ ' » , oA|S^f l) Vbon,n.lu, 0 , 0 , , • ; o # B. OOODLANDKRt^k. Cle&rfl ld.JntrB,l*Wrf* y> . ' /Vi_ ■' n v. ALL pwrt* J <|o H AM- A la »ov orinpo 18aa.«aUl«*,loi UKb JORDAN.,.1858— pdi ■'.■’;i' : ' ; ■-- - ALh panoai on V&KK “f"^ Aim u£ W»» “>M' u L ,l JOHN u. rn&imms®s? VtOthati VAIL ACADOVILVDMO fIF A 00011? QUALATyifirultlivAl6imithhic _Stontir Cuniressvlllo.ra." 4 • J'• yv, co»«|iii«»"» ?“*• ,olr *• lB “ - ' ' t c^ , qE»cwO 8 “... !:)v iptm-unTl./'-- * * | 1 w -~- * "- . - iRWIK & SJIITH. 1 now opwlneonoofUn Uit ASSOUTMiiNIS gmjpgjmg DRY GOODS Groceries, Boots and Slioesfar.,s-c>\ | , 1 •«eao»ll I tt»T«»">*'l>* ot * 0,8, * nl " i o * ,lt ° klß QPCPtdS3 g|hiS«gt» wiih tlidtlw* rt*i**l**7 o* the neat ltvox#bl6<®nn*. tod roJfa'tSS.'^rorinaUonJv-Pj'CJf'™ »nJicrib*ro«Oi» promim.Or 10 W>"jjJ AtllooM Jr. jQßalullMr ' • , . • 1 -I I—' feKSHSSSS'SS The \3farM contains lBo Acres — 55 oj\ which are ckared, and mostly in meadow. ■sjS&&SS3^SSS “wlrt. lh * P a” EXAMDEB COCK ToWn Lots- . .1 1 ml viLLB. Ujo loo&Uo* of which Uu lows or nut loclncemmUi to w ha» a t, ant j,noaol in a *‘> o»», “ HJSNHX UVVAN. ;, Dihsolntlon of Partnership. . Juu.mMiLEa. ■_»_ ' “NOW THEN. I CbWKf flActwi iMdtCS Wild ix&lltltttlCH* poeof on ih» m4»t renoaul# M- ppoUTZ l 'Wi ' ' Valuable Lot at Public Sale. the yUil thW*of [■ • jtiiilias. ' ' •• ■■- ■*»- aooßoouess).J .jqhn‘,’M*& / 1 - 4.%!*•*•.»**• f* p r «**«fmirok»PiM?fi3^‘W<2! B,t 10 report diwlba- T DR GIBBONY HOOP, , ,„t, j : — r~TSICs. L. couEEr ; * ' P°agaaKrfajggS' , ~ 'GEO b. goodlander, . ___ wuigbt, .-.v- * „• Cl BTlUld *- WILLIAM BLACKSHA Sr agjffif of u,,Pk,l,^h!^ J. L. CUTTLE, * TTOBB EY AT MW on;! LAN V® 6 ' A joints ht> rerdenoe, on M"^ M,lr " k>C | 1 * a , J|,h 8.1853. JAMES BIDDLE GORDON, ■ •m.BNBY AT w lln French nt German. M * ' L. R. CARTER, .. Threihlo*»lMlUnei. Flowi, Aenm|ll^lmPlora«“ t J J . on BebendiUeet, under be Trlniin* uuioe. ■ »’ RICHARD GLENNING, Jolyt>.l£&3- 411 ' ■ J. D. THOMPSON, B«aß&a»waftigs{a« Ul6 bofooih of CflfweotfillOe i 11 lever flegal, SSSHSSSffiSS and warrant- AU,J ISAAC SMITH, nrrFRCIIANT AND DEALER IN LUMBER AND M toSnit»ProdDMeeneiellr-3uit«iir»e(.^«wMnCbet7 end Loomt—Oorwenmlle, tree, uv, THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK..& CO. |IU)N-Ki.IJNDbIW-dJoi W en.,ille. An f7ssi ‘ o ' , mßatofUamug»cn*dai.ooider. ueo. va, THOMAS H. FULTON, &CO., ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, Jana Id, IBM. —- DAVID SaCRET, , r IABINEr Loeu.lt « y J°£*« »Bacond imd Third* Ucarfidd, Fa.. .apump* . , A. L. SCHNELL, WILLIAM A. WALLACE. dr f. antes canfied. oVpßKNcfliVlLffi ii. 3 *lol«ll»-^ ffl “.»«S 1 00 I V e V t I.UTZe’Hiore. . June*, »»»■ _■ SAMUEL ARNOLD, ' : . ; M«^^ UCK ROBERT McNAUL,.: , TANNE;R-At th.ULD.BTAN Die | RICHARD MQSSOP,, RFTAIfIER OF FORB.GN AND DOMESTIC iMEB' riiANMIHB & LIUUOBB**At Blflar ft U*. old WM.' P: CHAMBERS, Wheelwright, chaihmaher. end houses BIGUN PAlNTER—Curweneeille. | |88)- B. F. STERLING, : OADDLB a A4RNE33 MAKER. »d JUOTICE p HIE f EACH-*Uuiw«iuvill». p«0,33.1Mi. HENRY LORAINE, pH vsici AN Mdi uauGGia-r. IT bit rial (lend. L'lctrfield. '( , Apm id. JOHN w. shugert: AGON MAKER, comer or '£ hi {?/? a '.H® , ! , i 8 * , !45 1 ' CleaifiAid* tUp&irioc dopotootaor. Apol«»o. ”r._ GEO. RICHARDS, • F^»°^m ILUR -' v “ l cnJ " . O, B. MERRELL, " /tapper TIN fc BAEET IRON WARE MAN UP AC- C^rU^h-AtßeiMel'eold^MdCTMai^iljwt^^P ..u • -THOMAS MILLS, e-IOACU AND bLBIQH MAItER, oii Thlr4 «’mt. bo. Kj lWeen Market and Loonit.Uieatneld. Pa. Aprils. »■ HURXTHAL & BROTHER, . m/rFROHANI'S ana LUMBER lIEALERB. Woodland MW*. Uiadfordtp.(Cleaifieldco..Apiim. nS. ; < H. P.THOMPSON,, . T-nHVBICIAN—Mar be found either ot hit offlce.oratßco- P'fiyia’.bot.l-UnVvt.n.tUle-wh.n not abtoat.t _—- . DR. R. V.-WILSON, 1 -. >» hi>*lOW* i *~j ~~—■ .. . i, I .' ■ l John m:chase, ue ? rvswAn, . r .niew-'f Store. 1 t)“nHope tnmpjke with Ut* Lbnu Ot«e^ (Otd» isd oflin lof uliilWoPPiy : . 1 'QgE^gpqpdflfitSa Groceries , Hardtcare, Drugs, PatetdMed icines : and all other articles usually ‘ : kept'in a country store.- I Aii A f«Mflk‘w'm bo told it morfeiaio Pfioqi '|brnA» of ex- I AUorwn Icn ,wui oo *oi u neifhb ,r * >* ftffil.iSiSS™ then, wf intend dotn* t-tt tinea? at «l» at catb parohatot g[| l^ l E w fca wAN. , VALUABLE DOUBLE &AW MILL And NINE Acres of Land for Sale. ( rpHE Rbbteribw VIII «» » Tjat^wai l°J»a dinr odtbe preaiMil. ~ AbUltnuna ,'join ill. 1065.-3 m.-pd, . ; • Estate of,Samuel Yoting, Deemed. «; j teSb^MEW»»«a “jm/iIK&3&& Kwf , Estate of Jonathan B4mei,Deceased^', * lU IHEOKPHiiNtt’ •Y'HE Xadiiot appointed hr tha Uonjt of'iba •T'ld tb.r«d.£aior l.t«j Estate ofWllilam HasUftsseass>, \ L\ u> JKUEr^Vtt**!*uideoastf• (taoeaxd,. i«ai T ,. - Amn -\ ''«' ■-•ii-’ft : -" v - • >l ' il|,»lt»iiMd'»;itt»i*Uv FUtEhxn any part dl.lW. Unhed,Stat«-. All !? U8 ‘JVjnl^jEfw odd tested to Dr. A, M. Mauncouu, Boa mtMMgm Folk City: ' Ptlblishtnff Office, No, j*9, UMMr N \ W nSUr Blanch nnd Crap. gwdHs. Bloom.burg; J. W, W,r*. U . Karmihgcr.'Manhoim; H» W. ■ * BfirJitf.*.' s.McpQnold.VnwoiQwn:^M* (I A .Lands. Rending!,.E. V - R I’ Crueller. BrdWnSiillol Uentz ana ptarii Carbondale; Etdred hud Wright; Wtlliurtupbrl. 8 Tuck. Wilkesba.rrcf Geo; WEo(r2 y : ‘ Crosky, Mercer: S louder, lionet or, S | >eW riWit : - Utica: R P Dnnitnlnga.- Stitncuet, F R PerertOT, Fbiladclphioii John: LcForgc, iMiltord.: - New York City by once. Sherman St CaDewitt And Da>epP<|rf.B«^ i * CO, :‘ Ms* HO IsM-tm.' ; .; - .' ■ ', -’■ Medicines \yhlch never ld.ll to give BatUfattlon Ahd orO'Usoil by many- Physical m pntiW hl,i,Prep«r»iloni.h«ranw 01« » ail ' lh , follows Vich c.J to a fl-SW 8 Rose's Nervous,omi Invigoraling Cprdja.. SARSAPABILIiA BLOOD ,i bfl toond in UR. -'"bo vou SUFFER WITH ’ Liver DUeaM* DyM>W , ’ l, i> ft*!"&w ■rCMsfsm\y Or Eibeciorunl. UMMaMriM| I:,, DiSia CpmJrinU IS*t»«*l Compound, jM Tonic Thick, Mngic Linimenl.Carmumtivo Baliun, .y*4sSJS®S»K^« 'fSSeeje^iM^esasSi i ibroupboQt ttocintdi ; ■"~^~T t I?T ; tT T r 7":' ,i i}i»»W' ;iP«M>P»-:v h'%* UJ J|lJ(}Ay ta'uXmu' I '■] .'• <<}) &r'{&CE U hrJe'lir sire? ftiS/PM# /.E&tßte bt A^Hs^deeeagddi'-C:) mejit lffltn«3iftl*l*« RDtl .?,!«i f noihenttfl't® 4l lorwtUtiineql. h ' * 'Eiiaitf Samiifei d^Kas^. l^* l»w JJ Mmvhfffi? SSS^StaWSr "‘JSv.trti'tstljTttt-tl-.vo ws 10 vlrl.yisri :»;ap. 1 Appti u> ■" CtesiB«M. AP 03.