.fMEE:DAYS LATER MOM EUROPE. Qfe. t&irkishi QitQtion-r-CtomiidiGlorij Reports—?Thc Ticrks Arming—Be ' .din&yt'Ftotirf' \ . ~ _ J u J lc 3o-~—The Royal Mail " Siwmisliip Africa, with Liverpool dates to the jBft, heipg thpft days later, arrived hqre.thH morning i»t 7 o’clock. ''WPyidiiva by tfts arrival possesses much The advices from Turkey hre very con xftdicttyy/butit appears that the Russian forcie(shaveenteredt)iepanubian provinces. .Thnl'LiverpOOi Grain Market was less nciiye, /and prices downward. Flour had declined a6d.; Wheat Id., and Corn ,was idOH dnd drooping. At Manchester irado was quiet with a doingi ' -Thesteamships Washington and Frank lin jiad both arrived out. Tho -reported insurrection at Milan, in .consequence of a circular frorji Mastpinito die soldiers, had caused many urresfs. The armaments in Turkey and Russia continue. The English and French fleets had sailed. , ‘ A nttd dispatch'from Vienna says that tho Russian Ambassadors at' Berlin and Vienna insist on Austria and Prussia dis continuing their, passive attitude on tho .eastern question: or, in other words, they must back Up the pretensions of Russia. The press is occupied almost.exclusively vDi’tfiythe Turkish question, which indeed aeeniS.ta 'occupy tho undivided attention ofthe whole public. But it is almost im possible to arrive at any truo estimate of /(Shearings. The Russians seem deter /lifted to occupy, if they have not already {his Dahubian provinces, which Franco ap. pears determined to prevent','while Eng land ovidently lias a strong disliko to the whole ’business. Tho Turks aroofming at ail points, aro paying liberally for everything with gold. Tho mediation of Austria has beon accepted by Russia. In die rmdst of these conflicting appearances, ifte J*nris Bourse remains comparatively calih. England. —Nothing of interest to tho ] Agie/ican public was dono in Parliament 1 on Wednesday or Thursday. ’A resolution for (ho repeal of tho dut;es on soap, was agreed to in tho House'of on the 17th. ' 1 Hon. Rev. A. P. Perceval, tho Queen’s Chaplain, had committed suicide. j In the House of Commons Lord Beau- 1 /nont called attention to the State Law of . South Carolina, in respect to colored sea ineti, British subjects, and moved for the .correspondence which has taken place be-. Iwheß England and (be United States on (he subject. The motion was agreed to. 1 ' Franc?:. —Tho Horijieur Echo'men- 1 rionf that orders*have- been received by ' the maritime Board of that port to make tor all mariners fit to serve, and ex ienjl pone. ' ' Rugene Sue, it is said, will soon return - foParjs, by permission of the government. j Ytetbif Hugo is iiow in tho east, and a bout to take upr-his residence in Portugal. It was stated in Paris on the 16th, that the Italian refugees in France have been officially informed that any altempt at in- Correction at the present time will be fatal copptry, as Austria would readily avaif herself of the opportunity to proceed tor eifremities, and that the French force ■in Italy would also be increased. The weather in France was unfavorable and the harvest unpromising. Numerous arrests 1 have been made in Pnris of persons supposed to be engaged in ? conspiracy to take tjie life pfthe Em peror.l : Italy.—A violent agitation has taken place at Milan, in consequence of another appeal by Mazzini to the army having ap peared. ...To, be prepared for what may happen, the Austrian government has ordered the concentration of a largo force at Gallarate, between Milan and Arona, not far from the'Piedmontese frontier. ‘ Austria.— The announcement is made that a new loan of eighty million florins is wanted,'; ' ■ ‘ Swjt^BKt*ND.—Tho Council of S\yjt- Zetland have resolved to resist at all costs the unjust demands of foreign powers. '•‘'Spain.—The has placed 20,000,- 000 reals at the disposal of tho govern ment, to meet one half of the yearly inter est, payable at London and Paris on the ISth inst. .- ■Gonzales Bravo has declined tho mission to Washington. . Russian force now on the Dsntijbo frontier is about one hundred (find thirty thousand, under Generals Lu bers dnd'Dandebar^.' . Rear Admiral Rornileff has a fleet of 40 gunboats, carrying 'l6O guns, capable .»Uoaia [|. IB feel wheel, on this tieot, on the, power of Use Tbrte Mile Ron. The Tom. pikeleudma from Clearfield to Beltelonte paiitethrooibthii Uaol The diitaoc* Iron) this plaoe to unioville, on the Bald EaglePiank Road, W milee. To Jollan fnrnnoe, ned Honneh f-nrnaoeaboat 14 to ifctpitee. The djitanoe to the near by the road If or 1<) miles—to tha month ol the oreek, by water, lUmllea, There It a Vein of Iron Ore on this Traci, And within BUorhhodsof waterpower; This Is the place ipokeo of by Proletmr Rogen.in his Geoloaloal Ueporlot |B4l, where he eoy*. *•»* mile* norihc&st of on the faronlke. Is the red shale of forern tton XI, immediately be* low tbew)naiottjorauiofiotmitiotiXU.''&o ,&c,—end olos* et b(i rtraafU by saying, ‘ Thii pluue U worthy of a forther inyeiiitaiion 1 * • HIiUMIOUS COA’< and the best of TIM* DICK are abundant in tho neighborhood The Terms will be mads easy, and an indisputable title given, Apultto the subscriber m mue» sooth of Corwens* vllle, near Fruit Hill PoU Office, OloirfieM county, Pa„—or (o JuHN JU. THOMAS, Oatoovitle. Centro county, Pa„ tPtatnittg P* 0.. J-or to David ttflger, who resides on the praues. w o Jhi®gS' I will olio Mil Irom FOUU fKJVUEGD to ONE THOUS AND good Haw Loss, Which will cotn good deal 01 Pannel Lombot. daid iocs are about one mh Lovaac Tailor tio. .5° Bamn,l P. Sbotr Farmer Woodward do Darnel Philin do do do Tho,, McObeo 1 do Sell do T. B. t)a,ia do Fermion do ThonatOwrai do do ■ do (ieorae U.Maa do Beocaria do 8. B. irillar Bladumith Bom do lofin Gaarhart Farmer Uaoatar do John McOulljr do Cheil do Henry Hit, da Girard do LIST OP GRAND JUROES for Sept.tcnn, 185 S. JohnC, Ban! Carp inter CurwenavUie John Keamt farmer Drady Johnßochtol do do John Ureaaocd do Glianl James Gallagher do Ilnrosda John Mitchell do do Jure Hatton do do William Miohaeit do do James Orotiruan do • _ do JaocbFearoo do Bradford John Turner do do AdamGcnrha.t do .. do Abraham Kjlaa (to Morns Richard Denver *lo Fen# Jonathan Wall . do do Hamuel Moore do a _ .do Ijato Southard Carpenter Boro* Clearfield Wo, Beady Lumberman irostoo David Dell FuiLi IJeU . JohnßhowaKer • Fanoe* Orator JimetApeaoef: do riao J.A.T. Hosier do do Anderson Murray do S^ara William Michael, da KsiUl.u, Common Schools* OTATEMEN f ihowmg the amount or the Btalo Appro- O Dilation to each School li atriot in CUaxiield county. for the School year 18*4,ns follows: t Diitrict9* < Am'tDistricts. amount. Beccaxift township. $B5 88 Foi township . $lO 34 Hell do - 64 84 Girard do 83 40 Bold do 43 83 Goshen do 85 18 Bradford do , Si 60 Huston ; do 23 Ji Brady do 1 IWOet Jordon ■ do B*B3 Bornilde do 101 <0 Karthaus do M j» Clearfield botouch 6JM Lawrence do 1U?44 Carwenaville do 44 28 MonU do - 74 63 Cbeaitownihlrp fcOWPeon do WW Coviniton ,do ./•48 W Pike do M4U Decatur do 47 id union „ do 27 W fer*own do 87 07 Woodward do 4b 24 1 certify the above atatement to entitle and correct, ao. cordlajr toatromcrlpt fur p Jibed by the tJnperfaiendaat of Common Schools to *he Commissioners of Ciearfieid county, uudoa fll. mthU G .A}te« 6otjl ANDEB> Commissioner*! Office, June 10,1853. and Retail Grocery, £ s 532€8iir»a»aa3lbt!acf 1 s i Q i s S W.C. ED Yt having made arrangements tocairy on S S the WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS in Fhll* S \ adelphla, the subscriber will continue to Beep at the C ? corner ofMarkeland6tbit*s,ttearitheP£NN.UAib r > KOAl) DEPOT, ft full end complete ntsorlmentof > S GROCERIES, BACON, LAttO.ROFES. TAB, 1R- S S ON.NAILS,DRIEDFiiUIT.Hnd hftlfaeleadmg ar. S l tioletlatiftde.'-ThanftfQl for oast favors, be would ask C ? hie old petrous to give him a call, fti be U prepared to J p uil at prioea that cannot fail to please. ? S FebraanrW.iB63.~ly. JtR.EBY. S £2>22^QD332C^Cao Hannah Wiriterniiz.Y ' Intho Common Pleaa of by her nevl fnentl j Clearfield counly. No. 35. David VViutornilz, > Fob, terra. 1853. Alias Sub v«. i prana in Divorce a vinculo Joseph Winternilz. j roafrimoni, returned “Mot ' Found.” To JOSEPH WINTERNITZ, the Dft. fTtAKENOTiUE. Ihtt you are rtanirwJ to app.tr In the JL Ouuit of Coni mo. I’le n of Gl.srttstd county oa th, TlllßD MOHUAV OF BEPTEMBEB NEXT. to sntwor Ibo onmpltlnt at HANNAH WINTEHNUZ. by h.r next fii.ndotvtd W 'nlernilt, .sdibow onu. If say you bay*, why itld Usnath ibaaid'bpt b. Olvorosd from tht bcndt or Matrimony. < • • „ WILLIAM POWKU,, Bh% OUlce. Clesriielil, Juno iB, 1863.—pd. < ;•; 'CvO ulioii. ■. At£ p»rtoiu known'to nie YALE'S BELF-SBTTBHS '*o*oo»nif or Clearfield, will pleaia como and tattle Copper, Tin lron-Vfare! ,0. B. MERRELL nriIIANKFUI. for.tb, liberal nauooaaa ha hathereioro™ I . receivedi Mipeotlallir.anaodacai .to tha publlo lhaiha has removed to his now shop on the f»Eor- Id tne rear orMer* reil’e Hotel, where hole vyell iuoplua with stook, andis well prepared fill all order* for / Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Japanned Ware, AaCIIGAP andai GOOD ai oaaba fooail la any conatry town in tbo intatlor of tha State . Old Brass and Will be taken at tho blghiil prioo, in luchaago for work or jSF'Mondlni,dono toordor. Cloa-flold. May 4, 1533. A Great Rash at the Cheapest Comer. c© uciSP'ur£Lim c©» HD. PATTON, Has jott returned from the Eastern CL * ties, with a Presu and splendid nsionmetA of Goods, consisting In oart ot Ladies and GsnUemov's Diets Goods: Cloths, C&almeros acd Vettings, Hats, Bonnets and Bboes Silk and Cashmere Shawls, Hosiery, Trimmings and Notions, Sfc. MEN’S READY MADE CLOTHING. Hardware, Glass. Paints and Oils, Sheet Iron. Zino, Iron Nails aad spikes. GROCERIES AND PISH, Csdarware., Tinware, Looking Glasses# Clocks andß&ddlery. Books and Stationary. Drugs and Pataot Mcdiolnet, Cook Stoves. Two Hone Wagons, and every othar urticloUiualiy found in & Country Store. '•< _ _ Please call at the CHEAPEST CORNER, and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. As I am determined to sell at Wholesale or retail, cheaper thananyothor establish* ment in the county. H. D. PATTON. Carweiuvllle. MarlS 18a. A CARD. Ao ME o KL]I Ed Ed S WOULD reipeotfally Inform bl, friend,, and tbatmbllo nnerally, that he atiil ooacinnea to eitend to nllcalU la tho line or . _ .. Dental Operations, At hitcffice adjoining his dwelling, in the borough ofClsar* Held. He rovy be found at neatly all times in his note In the west end of toe Mention house. Artificial Teeth lntertod on Plate or Pivot, aad warranted to give entire satis. ,a KX?RACTING TEETH dono without danger to the pa tient, and with but little pain. , , Teeth FILLED and CLEANSED lu a proper and scientlf* IOO,IU,, ‘ M ' May 5. 1853. BUGGIAKEiIiC}. MURPHY & SMITH RESPECTFULLY aonounoe to the Citizens of Clearfield county, that they are manufacturing BUGGIES, WAGONS, tfc., (n tha borough of CorwensvlUa. at the Old Foundry, where all Work in their Uae wIU be done in the very beet manner, and on the most favorable terms. GRAIN CRADLES, A superior article, will also be manufactured and sold cheap. ALSO-All REPAIRING done to order on the'honest no tice. ' J Y D. MUnrUlt W. (I. SMITH. CunvenavUle, May 6.lBs3.—Sm—pd. a ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.M Valuable Real Estate. BY Virice ofan order of tbe Orphans' Court ot Glearfiold county, cranted at February term, 1&3, there w»h be exposed to PUUI/IO SALE. at the "Beceann Mi'ls.” in BecoviaiownthlD* Clearfield county, on BATUHDA Y THE TUUU> UAV OP BEPIEMBEIt next, tbe following des cribed PIECE OP LiANU, situate in (he said township of Ueocaria, Ja'.e tbe eitale ol JOHN W. MILLER, deceased. I °ALL the Ictereit of raid deceated of. in and to EIGHTY' NINE acres 104 perches of land, sitniitein said township of Cecoarla* beisf paitof a tarter tract In tbe name of William Half, beiiaaincata white o&xstump, thence cait 184 perch* at to a hsraock, thenoa noiUr Sf perohei to a white oak. Ueaoe by lied of John Ileojy Abbes MX dexraes west li(4 perches to a post, tbenoe south 3 dentes wrst by laud ofThos. Wilson ua perches totho place of betianlox bounded by lands of Aaron Weld, Jsoob Myers. Job a Li* htner amu Hard* mao Philips, beio* neimprored land, well calooiated fora small farm. The soil is ofaxood quality, and has some tim ber on it, suitable Tor Lumberma purposes. l)ae attendance will be civenontbeday of sale by tbe ad miaistratcr. TEBMttOrSALE. On* half c&ih on the confirmation of ibe tale, ana the retr doeinonejrear iobeiecared hr jatigment bond and mart* ia*e. 8) order of the Court. _ a , LEONALD WELD. Adm’i. Jane 3.1853. gg VALUABLE LARD FOB BALE. m riillEiobscribari offer for eaie a valuable traot of unlmpro- X veJ land known a* the ti AMU EL ELM tract, belonging to (be estate of U. LEAVY doc’d.. and PATRICK UAU. LAGHHK, •itoft.e on tr.ecast ilde o! O'cailiald Creek, to Woodward township Clearfield county. adjoining raid creek, and lands of Uaac Wilson. Joseph Ueet and Wm. Alexander, and abont nine ml e» above Clearfield Bridge, tfold land has A large quantity of timber thereon, and a 'portion of it is well adapted to farming, and containsiSQ acres and allowance. For further particular* aoply to 4AMISS WKIGLKY &BARAII LEAVY. Ri‘ri of Hash Leavy. dec’d, or PATRICK GAULAUHEK, Clear'd Clearfield, Jaaeii, 1353—4t'—piU detl/oui of acquiring the modem languages wilt be afforded facilities to do go, upon manioc application to the Principal. By order of the Board of Trustees. J. B. MoENALLY.Bec*/. Clearfield, April 30.185 J. MRS. E. A. MORRIS, OF CURWENSVILLE, would inform the ladlei ofClear field counrx, that she has just received a targe and ftil assortment oi Spring ■MfiMfimmiry ©®®dls 9 Contlttlne or RUTLAND BRAID. BONNETB. wjpoLE, HATIN PEARL. (X)BUHOH. EDO. DIAMOND. AKUIi GIMP, RIPPLE GIU.GOBBAMka. «o. Alto. Silks, Ribbons, Capes, Linings, Illusions, FRENCH FLOWERS, PABS, and every variety of trimro ines, Person! tending orders from o diitanoe shall have them immediately attended to. All repairing done In |ha neatest and best posatblß manner, and oh Lbo sbchUst Botov. Cniweniville, May SO, i863.-Bm. E. A. W. PENNSVILLE TANNERY. rpUEundenlcMd wonidtowwetfulirnnuoudoeto thelf cm. A lomeii aaftpitOßi Koncrully, that Ui,y hove common, ed boiiuM opmtb, “HEADY PAY” lyitera, belle via,"it to bo th, beet lyitem.—lit.. beoatue there wbl be no bad debta to bo paid by tuine thoia who ai* williad to par, ai U too much tba cata .under the Credit intern.— Secondly .wa can •all our itock lower than ou credit, became we oaa make our return Kroner, end thm th ore will been advantaxetotho nail er a* well on tba buyer.—We intend keepinx uoaitantly on tend, n rood auo rtmen f of LEATHER, iccb ei Bean. Bole, Ipper. Kipi.and UaJkuklni. Ilaraeu leather. ahWax.fco. For wbloh we will tale in exchange * t the bilheit mallet pi l oaa, all kind! of country nroduca. inch an GRAIN of every deecrfptlon, Beef-hldee, Calf ikini, lumber. Berk, 'Pillow, so., end men a little caih would oomn very bendy. Wo will BAo, furniib cuitomen with lead, made Boot, nod Hhoei, Gaan, llaraeii, Collan, Bridlm, uau,Saddle! So., on ihori notice, and at the lane price! which they would beve to pay the nannfactufin If they bonnhtoftham. Uatneu maken, Bhoemaken. and olhen, will pliate call and examine onr ■tack. MayfiU.lkfi3.-fim. JOHN RUSSELL & GO. 'i, Estate ol Henry Dlle, Br., dte’d. NOTICE IBUEkEBY GIVEN. TbatLetter, of Admin lltretioßbavebeea rraated to the enburlbcn on tba Miata of HENRY, WILE. Sea., let. cf Peon townihlp. Clearfield oounty,tjeoeaiea. All peooai idaebted to uid a tat® am requeued to make payment to the inbiortbere, wllhont delay—and ihotnbaeinr demendt nralntt the tame will pmaent them duly authenticated for letilemeat. May 87, IHK.—fl.pd > COOKItNC STOVES. o'.siwan'a'Kffis?: 1 " •' ClenrfiW.Sep »”»- : “ r \;;,!;^%P*VßEfli - iW«r-'. NEW GOODS. Large, Splendfd { tNAM BN TAI. RAH.INOj lIOLI.OW WARE; OVEN MOUTHS: GRID IRONS, WAFFLE do. BGaLb BEAMS, WAGON UOXEB.BLI2IGII.HLEU U. HUB OGLES, OAR RINGS rorßofts, ROAD SCRA PERS, a new article. COHN BIIELLERS,CORN AND COB MILOS, warranted to arind IS Uni. Ears per hoar. HI.AGKSWITH TUYERES, the best in Die t Jo. MAN DRILLS and TIUE BENDERS ; . Together with the utnni variety of articles kept at Foundry Establishments. Also, Made to Order, GRIST and SAW-MILL GEARlNG—baring deddedlr the largest itock. and beat ranatr of pallerai of anr catntiliih. meat in western Pennsylvania ; MILiL 1)004. HilAijT jN(i—Jwt® and small, of cast or wmoghtiron* HANGERS* DRUMS end POLLIES; Koiannd other approved Water WOOD and IRON.I^TH^rMANDHIidLS forCirrnlarSaws. WOOD BORING MAOfILNES* Constantly on hand and for sale, PANNING Minus. THRESHING MACHINES. PEN NOCIi’a UEUSBRATEIIJSBAIN DRILLS. &o. 6c. Screw-Cutting. AflMteed Screw, wuh any dsilrtd anmberof threads to the Inch, eitheriq .are or V thread. . , , Brut,Cooper,andßabbetTsMotai Cutjaumadttogder. March 4. 185?.— \f. ■■ .■ ' ; UP QD 532. E3^ilas3 o Alfenfion, lumbermen! HP!! E\Hubiatlbors ofler lor tde one of Geoige Pago’s Second Portable saw-mills. With an 18 Horse Power Engine attached, all new and in complete tannine order. having been bought nod potopir June ia*t. situated aboat Smile* Irom Bald Bugle Furnace, and about haJfa mile lVo*a the turnpike leading from Bald Eagle Furnace to Pbilipsborg. Bald MIU will cat B,WJ feet in Ten boa.e. They will altosoH tbeir Block of BOUSES. Bledi, Chains, bo i if wanted. for "articular*, apply to C. K.Mark. at the Mill, or to 4 I« fiholtg. at Bald Eagle Furnooc. Any person waste the mill full operation now. MAUIC St 8I1ULT&. December 8. 1852. j HEftifrflltLL’S HOTEL CLEARFIELD, PA. THE tnbscrlbftr most respectfallT Informs thecllxenaof Clearfield county, and tho travelling onbllo Maemly. tbatb* has taken tho above named HOTEL situated on the oomei of Front and Market streets* in the borough of Clear- Osld, where he will at all time* bo preoared to accommodate thoie who roar far or him with theft ctuiom. Ho palm will be spared by the proprietor tn make hit oustoraers comfortable, and hl« house a HOME to thorn who mar stop with him. Hu STABLE will t>© carefully attended to—and his TA BLE and UAU supplied with ibo bent Oiajaa*rk«t^wlU|arrsrf m» vlolem cold™ htoh*ml«dln hnlegYnnd •™tL*n?iSS“hl? ther have been more of In* sore, and greatly lauamed, Her naunlo viitb diitraatlag. and for monthMogmliM nhnwa, 3«prtr*dra!iral>> dfrail tnd.lMp. Ev,rvrora.dythatm»dl oalmen ad»iiedw«rtil«l. butwithoat cflect; htalth atjT fendwv.mly,and tbaifot.of herle»* 1 tiyl oltea read your AdverilMUHOU, Bud adv Uri limtotry wu pill. pod Olatmoat's and. u > Initrwoaron, Wi"»i» remndy had proved oMleM.ihaconientedudoio.Bh.oom; mttoced six weekeaxo* end strange to rtt&t*, le now Inffood healthT Her leas aS palnlmi. wfihout seam or.oaf, knd her sleep sauid end undisturbed. Could jrpti have Kb " •altering! of my wife doting the last 43 yean, *bflWb£* o i*} Uicm with her pfcWai enjoyment of health nrttn woola indeed feeidellghted in having ten t|u rotwu ofsd greatly allevla* ÜB »tb..»tf«iD^df.T^ora t r. iliL — GAlilN . A PERRON 70 YEARS orAGBCURED OFA BAB LEO. OF THIBTY YfcAßfl’ STANDING, , Copy ol n Cotter {row Mr. Williom Abba. Builder of Gas Ovens,, 01. Rnthcliffe, Huddersfield • dated 31st, 1851. T BlR > -7«d*«Sd of thirty yenn Ilrom s bsd ise. tha remit of two or thro, dliftront naold.at. juDM Work,; oocompanied by .corbatlo aymntomi. 1 had raooune to a variety of medwat advlc. without dertVlag any benefit, and wm iold that the lee malt ba snoatatod. y«t. to oppo sition to that opinion, your Pill, and Ointment haTOeftooted a oomplete care Is io ehorta ttm., that few who bad ootwit* aeued It coaid credit the wtLLIAMABns. The trnth ofthle nat.mant can bo ratfflad by Mr. W.P. England, Ohemltt, 18, Marketitreet. Hnddenfleld. A DREADFUL. BAD BREAST CURED IN OWE MONTiI. , __ _ Extract ol a Letter from Mr. Frederick Tumor', of Ponshurat, Kept, doled December 13,1850. DEAR tilU—Mr wifo had inDored firdm Bad Brwaito for pots than tlx monlba, nnd dori.g th, wtola panpd had tba bolt mediclna nttoudanoe.but alliono üb. tlaylngb«rore honlod nn awful woUnd In mr own leg J’f. Yoar unrivalled medicine. [ determined ngain Io nia jonrPiUa and Ointment, and therefore gam them n trial In her oa«e, nnd fortuaatolt wot J did 10, for in ton than a month n perieot cure wan If fcotfd, nnd the htneßt that aarlont other br«apa*i ot mr famtlr hare derived from theb nieto reallr attonUhlag. I now •uocglr recommeno them to all These PillsshooldbeasedodnJolnUj with the Olntmrat in the following otjw j*- Bad Legs, Bad Brcaats, Burn*, Bunions, Blle oi Moschetoes and Sand File* Coco boy# Chicgo-loot, Chilblains, Chopped hands, Gorns, (BuR,) Concera. (’bntractcd nnd stiff Jdirilf,'Klephantlosis, Fistulas, Gout, Glandular dwellings, Lumbogbi Piles, Rheu. mnUsm, Scolds, Soro Nipples, Sore Throats,^ Skin diseases, Scurvy, Soro«heads, Tumours,.Ulcers, Wounds, Yaw 9. ' Hold fttthe sst&MUhmsnt of Profwsor HALLOW AY, S4I. Strand, (near Temple Bar London.) and by all reipeotnble irrogsiais and Baalert la Mediolnet throuahout the llntiih Empire, and orthoie of the Uniied'Staiet, in Pot* at H7«o„ and $1 600. each. Wboleeale by the nrlnoloal lJrng hoiiei in the Uoioo. aui by MMtii. A. 11. & V. HANDS,N. ThoreleaconiWerableiavlngbv taking Hie larger ijzee. N. ii.—Direatione fox gaidance of pailtmu In i»m; uiiorder areatfized toeaob Pot. Oct. 14. 1H54.-ly. Valuable Beal £stalc AT PRIVATE SALE. £g. M ii M TUB eubscriben t in behairoflheheinofConrad Wlsa f late of Pike townibip, Clearfield coonty. deceased, oiler at PRIVATE HALBtbe following desaibed well known aad valuable REAL ESTATE, coaditing of A FARM OF 100 Acres, Site ate in Pike towomlp, Clearfield coanly, on the main road leading fromCnrweniville to 'X>rune, four muea from Garwenkvillo. a»d known a« the Wise Farm,. S I'he improvements consist of about 75 acres of cleared land , in a good state of cultivation , a hceUing-Hduse, a Large Bank Barn, Spring-House, Dry. House, Shop, and other necessary buildings, together with one of the largest, besl'selected, tind most productive APPLE and PEACH OR CHARDS in the county. This FARM Ii well «nopU«l with esceli.nt water, a never failing Spring dote to the door, with other* aozltoeieu that ate little ezptaao water oonld be conveyed tJ eey part of atbenhe home or barn. To thote who desire to procure a HOME FOR Paraotleniadacamenu ndl|o be exoohed in the coanty. The land la or good quality, highly productive, and well adapted for both gram aud gia*i-«d ilia located In Ihe midalofa popolona and iodmtriona settle* meat, oonvedent to a good market, good gmt mills, aad a f < ry»°jfffrn.ingwnaiilcnlar» apply to eithetof Uwinbscfi bea. or to Moses wise, oa the premises. The property will be sold on the most rewonable terms and n wanaatM deed given. ulcllAEll WISE, WILLIAM WIJE. In twhalfol th. hsira or Ooarul WUo, deceai«l. January 12. IHsB.—tf. PLEASANT HILL IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. undersign*'* rctpeotfolly annoanceis to the people ol . Cirarhdd and the adjoining coanUeslflathesliUconlin on to carry on tn* above holiness at bis extensive establish, moot la the poroegb of Clearfield, and tsnow prepared to manafacinra all kinds of • Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery . HiiCastinki are now of » mperlor quality—eqoet. ifnotio Kiior.lo any other in the tttaie—es be usea nose bet tan v«« it material, and employs none hot the very best of workmen Ul ' MACHINE SHOP, With two inperlor TURNING LA'i’BES, driven by itoam, is now in luccesifal operation, and under the management of a practical mechanic—where almost any article of machinery cao be FINISHED Id the very best style, and on short notice. He bat now an hands a larce assortment or Cnines, such as BTOV ES of Vanob s sixes and patterns. Pi «01’G (1 IKONS, WASH KETTLES, which he offers to sell low for Cash, or on a reasonable credit. Ue Is now casting, from be most approved patterns. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Farlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, Wiard’s celebrated Plough. Anil sit kind.of HOLLOW-WARE, SLEIGH nod BLEU SOLES, WAGON BOXES. Bio • lie intends Uos ell on reasonable terms, and trusts that the citizens of the county generally will find it to their advantage to give him their oostom, CASH will *1 wars. De preferred— butthe highest prices will be eiigwed for Country Produce and OLD METAL. Asheiiveshiiestpbluhtsenthupcrsooal supervision, all orders lor work will receive prompt attention, ’ DAVID LITZ. ri*nrO*M. Nnv 2P. IRfi|. STRAW ROODS—SPRING 1853. THE tiobionber is now prepared to exhibit to Merchants and Milinors his usual heavy stock of Ladies' ana Mi*- PM* STIIAW AND SILK UONNETS. STRAW TRIMMINGS and ARTIFICIAL FLO W£RS ; Palm-loaf, Ftaßtna end every vuieljr of buaunsu HATS For Gentlemen: which fbr Extent. Variety and baanty of manßfactoro.B> well a, uniformly doia price., will ba found unrivalled. ' „ TIIOMAB WHITE, „ No. U Sooth Second Street, PhUadelphta. Fobrnary 10,18i3/ EMPTY DOLLARS FORFEIT —DH. HUNTER WILL A forfeit S5O llfaillflx 10 oureany oiMofewret dityaiathat may com, tracer bli oow, no matter bow lone ttandlaj, or how iDlioUna,'Either Sex aio layitod to hit Fr irate Room, BS North Uevoalh ilreat Philadelphia wlthodt .fear ol latar, roptlon tromoth,rpatiaatx. . Bitaa«,n and other, who hare beenonrortanaum uia Hlaotlon or'a Fayudan aralaxitcd local!. _ . . IMPOTENOY.—Tbrooirh oßrextrained ladnlyenca In the pal,iona.br exoen or the «ilk am nutaa-oui.— Frematare impotaner, Inrolnnlaiy atmlnal dltoharaet, wait- Ins or tha orsaa,, low ol raemorr, a dlatae a fbr female aoolety, aeneral dibllity, or oonatitntlonal deran’tyment, are lora to follow. If neoeuary, coaanlttha Docror with ooafidence;— Ho olfeixa perfect cere. ’ ' , , HEAD AllD BbFLBOT.-'Fha afjliotwd woold do well to lentot beipre tnutini Ibolr beaith. bapplaeu, and in many eaaet their lira. In the band, of uhyilclnea Ixeorant ortbii olauormaladlo,. It la oartainly lmpoaaible for onomaato nndentand, all thaUUtbahnmao family uainbjMt to, Kva ryrespadablaPhysician hai hi, pognllar branch. In which he l« more ,ucooulB( thea bli 'btotb,r profeaaon, nmT to that bo derote, moat of nla t.me and , indy YEARS OF rUAUTIOG,eioIii lively derotediothoilndr and treatment or dlwue, of the Miuel onenx, twethar with oloen npoa the body, throat. 1 nose or ten. paint fo the hud, or honea. meronrlal rhenmailiro. atrloiute,, aravel, irrexnlajl tier, dlaaaaa ariilm fYom ronthfnl axmiies, or lmpoiittn of tha blood,. whereby Ura. ctmUitutios haa baoofata anfeabled. anablea tha Doctor to offer,neody rellaf to all aho'may place thermti.ee aaderhl, care, 1 ■ ■ ' Medlolne forwarded to nay part'of thh United Btatee.— Prion Fir, and Ten Pollan per paokua. _ ol ■ ■ Papt.B,lBs3.—ly. / ToMJllOwners. ry. .Forionadeilronatoooatraot wri|do w«ll to call and ex emiao the oatalOßda or Patterna, and apaoiraena of tha work. ohlnery la tha anma paoDonloa. amplpyin, .none, bat tha beat workman. o,ln* tha very bait Pilt min and OOnl. wlth many Fo,puUonWr,, o allonMr.OA#Tß|. A A~L March «.lBia-|y;;, a',,;, * .... OBtF 1: Kent ■; ; Dwtliin* p'irt AOADftMV. •A iSw6RF.II n.;:.".,;. a'i.i Clutßald, SPill®. lt». ■ -V: DBI r: V ■’ ■■••• ■ fS RESPKOTniTI ield Mil.; Vioicitr !W £\ ; ) w&ftiktybfc ttff ssiurii v\ i ioiporuitioo tttdd«Ubedt6bo6Vrh^i' wtirtWAn • ThU .'CATHOLIC • I ,JN win cnro &f* jfti i]ldKroi!?vi£:v;* 1 It hit** l. Cfijilc. , > WomU: JnSTwiT SappmtM .;bd lrr«' \! .tit ncoompaot In* tnli, . (Otßw. iwwdroftowloa* *«*■.■■ • on of thli mtdlclnt t 'I Orily. (uo pamphlet.) in ALL VEGETAEDE.nnd trlhot. fl uioclnttd with nnr nrtlole nnltitndlr lOUiannimaitootianit. REFERENCES: . i Prof. DUNBAR.M.H., Bnlt mdra.«d. ... Jj J. O OKKIUlt.fi. D. •• '■ ' • : I P. H PEOKIfAM, M. U.,Ctioa.Now Jfork. i I D. V. FOOTE. M D., flmoaU. New. Voile. • fr&WklfiM'F&Wi.t.r. • ■: W.,W. HBE3E.M.D., City ol New York. , I W, PRESCOTT. M. U.. Concord. N.H. , ramphleLctaho&atymUMUh^Dm.6lo,...^. Aiio ro, mi. bj -! I , . . CaatraiDepot.3U4 Bftodmjr,N. V. - j "March 16,1853.—5 m. .... • , . . from the Wuhiof ton Unloo. Ann) U. ISkJ. Wo publish liolow the projpecimof lho!”l>emo cratic Month ly Ueview," which Mo sett. Wiftiem._ H. Lctvift Si Co. propose to publirii kimuKanUomly > in Now York and Wailiingtuh. the first numbo: to- ; be insuoti in May. Ovid F. Johnson, eaq.,‘formerly attorney general of Pennsylvania, and well.known, asannblo and vigorous writer, will tokd'chnrgaot lho editorial department of the new Koviiw with, pufposes/hs shadowed forth in lho prospectus, which, challenge the Sympathy artd gooil wishes of the rle mDoracy. The daily press cannot, Supersede the. necessity for Well'Canducled monthly publications. There is a separate field of usefulness lor each when properly edited, with n view to the maintenance of important principles, und not to the aggrandizement of individuals, factions, ond classes. Wo trustlhsl the now enteipriso ol Messrs. Lewis & Co. will bo ; managed with that prudence and zeal which insure 1 success: PROSPECTUS OF THE “DEMQCRATIC_MONTHLY REYIBW.’* The Right* of the Slate*, and the Union if the Statet. r’ Is the latsatioß orths subscribers to publish oaths tint dsr ofsvsrr month, bezlsoioi with lira month 01 Mar next. aimulianeotulr la the cities ol Waihiagtoa and New York, ap srtodioai* to bo eatitied the “JEMOCKAfIU MONTHLY REVIEW.” Kadi ft fata tier will ooatais it least Vtf paxes. and be printed on fioe piper In every an pert, or style. Itwillaso be embellished with a finely eaffiaved portrait of a dUtiacoUbad jivtne mao, embracing statesman, soldiers, artists andaotbon. lie political character of tils Beview will be. m It* title tadieates, demociutic, aad aae of its mala objects to elucidate tbe tioe principles ol (he dem ocratic patty. li will examine, ia a spirit of fiiraaeeand, caado’« all the leading measure* of the present adminliua. tion. aad accord to then) a cneerfal support. Bhoultf mt, however, uafoitonatciy differ in ©pinion oa ant puist froth the President, we shall not hesitate to express our owe watt meats, and oreseatthe reasons that oonstrala as to do to— submitting to the democracy of the country the deoUtda be tween us. . .. This Ueview wilt also aim to furnish its readers with a graphic and cooprShentlve aelioe ol tbe new works publish* ed b wbioh may teem to be entitled to it, and also a record of all scientific discoveries and improvement*. Tbe prewnt condition of the nations of Eorope, akd the at titude in which tome of them stand towards certain oorliooe. of this ooitiaent. have invested ©or foreign relations with lho utmost Importance. Never was this government placed ia a •itonUoa of mote critical difficulty man at tbe present moment. The most inflexible firraoe**, lar-teela* wisdom, and adroit, skill will be required to avoid complicating oar interest* aal aflairt wiu those of Europe We confidently iron the ad ministration willbeeqnalto the task We shall unsUeping eye tbe progress of affairs ta Mexico aid the Weil ladiet. Hcrealoneisour vulnerable pert This Review will abstain from all pertdaaiUf, end stek to harmoaiu aad dnite the democratic party, both in feeling and principle. U will bo the exponnet ©f ao Cllqoe. faction, orlndlvldohl. The editor willsueak for himveli. intiepeed eatiy end fetilessly. uudei a thorough tease of the rosponii- Dility, be sinaiaes. Tbe undersigned have teuoted pa editor,, after a careful consultation with their prominent democratic friends, and have chosen oa* wboio ability aad expenrnee they believe will seenreforhim universal Confident* end res: peel, from thisarticl* the pnbho can fond a correct estimate of the merit of this publication Wevemfof the mbit dulla* euiihed writers in thecoaotiy have engaged to become regu lar contributors to oar pages. We ask neither confidence nor patronage if they be not deserved, . j- Our first number will contain a general outline of tbe 000 no we design to puna* in future. , „ The editorial deparmeol isfindgr Uieoontxolof OVID i. iOHNHON.gsq. , TESMi —Eonr Dol'.ats pm annum, pbyableln advance. WILLIAM U. tIEWIB & CUm New York, April* 18*3. • • • . Poblubers. Communications mnst t>e addressed to ‘The Democratic Monthly Review, New York.**, Ed’tors who insert ibis I'rospcolus and fo»waM (heir paper contumns ;t will be foroi-htd with a copy oftbe Ueview. ‘MAN, KNOW THVSELF.’’ ■ • —. An invaluable Book, only 25 cts. per copy. “Every Family Should have n copy,” ennn COPIES sold in less tuan three OVrUly MONTH d. A new edition, rovited and improv ed. joitixaner. DB. HUNTER’S MEDIUAI, MANUAL AND HARD BOOK FOR TUB AFFLICTED. Oonlamlnannoot line of the Oiixln. Prokreu. Treatment %ad Corn of every form ofdiseaae, oontrected by PromucnonaSexoallntoruoarte, by S>lf,abnie. or by B xualErcen, witn advioe for thalr pre vention, written in a Ihaibiariiyle. avoldin* all medical toch binaliilei. and avory thin* that’ Would o'fend tbaeerpfde osnor, from the rcalkol aoma twenty yeaa‘ ancoaulul prao* tine, exclnaivety devoted to tha chit of of a donoaio or priveta nature , ' To which la added recdnL for the enre of tha hbove aiieamf. and a treatiio on tba tiaa,e<,,tSjtnpt7m, nnd .Core of tiro Fe ver and Acau, forTwenty-Fivaooata aoopy, Hlxoopioiooo doliar: will bo forwarded to any part of the I Inlted Srntex, by mail, free of pottage. A'ldren. no.loee paid, Coadenot Co., Fubhthen, or**liax UB, Pou Otßci. I .’ Philadelphia, v •'This it, wlihont exception, tbe moat oomprehenuve end inteiliglblo work pnbliilied on tbe clam of dinaia of which it treeti, nroidin* ell hichnicnl term,. It nddreitea tuclf foth, lenun of it, reader,, it ll nee from all ol’jaclianable tdaUer, , and no parent, however faitidion,. das object to pl,clo| it in thebaadiofhuaon,. The eathorhee devoted many yeglnto tbatrentmtntofthe yaripna romplainta treated.of, and .'.with tod liula braatn to Polf,' sad 'loo little preanmpiiou to- Im* pow,’ he ha, oflared to the world at tbe merely nominalprioe ofMoentx,thelrnlitoflaoma twenty year* ntottiticooufol pra ttoe.’’—HißaiD , "No teacher or parent ihoold ba witbont tha koowledc. Imparted in thit,leva nablo work. It woold leva yecte of . pain, mDrirrisatloli and aorrdw. to tbs youth trader their charye, l ’—Paoytn’a Advocii*. . , , ■ . ... , APreibyterlxnUlerßymaninDhlo.ln wtltrir*of‘‘Hoatc’, Medical Companion, aaya'"Thoniand, upon tbonrendiof onryontn.by eyilexampleahrl tho’.nflaen'caof tha paxtionr. havo,been led Into th, habit of Mdf.pollotloa wlihont realix; tag the tin and the 1 faaiittt 0 onieqnencea upon tbehuelvei and thrirfamiliet. Thgoonxtitntlonapf thoniaadi who are rau; rnifpmilia, bats been antaablad, il not broken down, and they do net know th* canio or tha care . Apy thin* thet oad ba does ao to eo|if htea ana influence tba pablio mind ae to ohtok, and njumaiely to.vemov* tbia wlduprwd too roe of human wretpbedneu. wouldcoof.r tha areateathleum* put to the rellftiXß ofJaau, Chrlit, on the prewat and pomiaixen etation,. internp renoe,Corineuw orinroxlcatln*drink,.) thongh it Ena tlaln thoaunda npOn thoßiatidt, la ppt a grear ertoonirretothebß.mnßraco.. Acoapt ay thaakio* behalf. oftbenfßioiediknd, believe toe. ipnr co.worker In iho gcod work yon are«r«ouv*ly angoged in,”. . One popy will ba forwarded (lecOrely Mkaloped and port- ~. .. ■ ...Sapt,B.jaW-1y.,. important to mill Ownsrs. T n of«h^n E ra^L^^ V ' fo ' Rose’s c?tDfc< Acttoa Water Wheels. SS^n“te!»'vA'SaS'l"'?® prSinulam'd'cdy' a^ulfen iJSeni 11 A Journeyman. ,. * 4SSf“S C Si§- M 'f.TSi. < SK