Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 08, 1853, Image 3

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    the wateredjmt,
.ope mindjnunated ‘hem*^ple.
their country threatened with subjection to
tho will of a tyrant Ministry on the one
hand stripped of its.righta and privileges:
while on tho other, war—desolating war
stared them in the face, with all its horrors.
1 But a spirit of resistance, deep and strong,
is abroad j tho crisis is passed; all is stoked
upon the issue of the contest. ; r I
This was an age of heroes. They fear
lessly bared, their bosoms to the storm, to
avert the destiny which threatened the
country they loved. The struggle was
long and' bloody; all the eviU which hu,
inanity can endure, they suffered. But
they shrank not, nor faltered. The pol
star of their hope still rose above the trou
bled horizon,to the cloud
by day and tho pillar of fire by mght did
; the Children of Ureal in the wilderness.— is indeed obscured by the clouds
of defeat ; hilt they vanquish not, despair
not :of the result. Their cause is approved i
: of ilea ven, and cheered by its smiles,they,
persevere. The Eagle of Freedom flut
tors aloft ever the prostrate Lion of the
boasted power of Britain. ¥eaco crowns
the efforts of patriotism, and Liberty, the
first bom of Heaven, is the reward of the
toils of the oppressed. Its banner is vet
floating over us, and palsied be the hand
that, would dishonor it, ,
Our fhthers of. the Revolution laid the
foundation and commenced the superstruc
ture-leaving to future generations tho
task of completing the edifice they so aus
piciously began. Their difficulties , an
daugers ended not with the close of the
the. war. ' They found themselves, it is
truo, independent of British rule—free
from the oppressions that had impelled
them to take .up arms. But this was all.
Chaos was before them, an exhausted
country was around them. Devastation
Had marked the foot of the invaders; the
arts of peace had been neglected, and the
coiintrv was without resources. Ihe cot
onies were held together only by tho re-j
collection of common sufferings, and com-,
men dangers. The instrument which
connected them was but as a rope of sand.
A government was to be formed,
amotions moulded; conflicting interests
and prejudices to be harmonized and a new
order of things established. But the samo
over-ruling Providence that guided them
through a long and fearful struggle, was
with them still. : As He gave them valor in
war' so He gave them council.
They saw rtnd fully appreciated tho dim
gers to which their liberated country was
exposed. Tho wise men of the nation—
many of thbue who had periled their lives,
their foitunes,and their sacred n honors,
for the achievement of its liberties, were
called by the people to devise ways and
means to meet the crisis. I hey proved
hemselves equal to the emergency, and
•ln<--American Constitution was the result
uf their labors.
• "That instrument-r-the perfection,of hu
man wisdom, as applied.-to the formation
Of government—yet remains in its origins
strength and purity-the palladium of our
admiration of the world.—
tinder it, the union of the States was ef
fected. Since then, their progress has
bhen onward and upward. From thirteen,
ffiy havo become thirty one, and the three
Million of inhabitants have increased to
upwards of twenty three million. That
tin's Union, so. fraught with national and
individual blessings—so necessary for the
protection end preservation of civil, jtoUti-
Sii, and. religious liberty, may be preserv-
J\ n its integrity, is the prayer of every
patriot heart, . ~ ' ,
After tho formation of the government,
order soon came out of confusion, and what
beforb was without form and void, assumed
eknnn nnd fair proportions. Peace con
ned wifhin ouf bonders for over o quar
ter of a century, interrupted only by slight
difficulties with France, the Barbary Pow
era and an occasional conflict with the
Savages. ,But EngM had never,»“ f “*«
conceded full independence; she had
S 'to demand Of us allegiance, it is
irue ; bet she interposed others equally
humiliating to our national pride, and con
wary to every principle of ‘Oternational
lawf Increasing in impudence as we for-;
bore to chastise her arrogance, she coium
uSd hor incroachments end r°se ia her de
mands and pretensions until tbe spirit ot
the country was aroused, A second wa
‘F c , 7_ thl9 too. our countrymen dis
pfEngUnd/an hoiSable.peacq was cpn
-Out’country enjoyed a Jong period of
tranquility »*® (^om P a ®*f^.^.^ l^ < ]bj B tory
mnral nroarcss unparaleled mtbe history
SS A few Indian wars alone
broke So monotony of our history until
Shen wb suddenly (bund ourselves
in a war with a neighborin^
nuhlicf" This coritest v too, «■ ft**
•idarlntr deeds V* but is so recent that it is
, We can scarcety rqfrain firtm «k. (
,o of bur ancestors anticipated re
;otrt their toils, so
which;we behold V s.Wno.of them
vd, while they were laying up the
tjr on empire, * which within
(es.wbuldextend thousands of mileS)
ibrace within its bosom twenty mill
_np the human.racel,. Wbothentho’t
'^P 8 ! their buBy pbpulaiion, thout
oppression,* and gathered importance from
the efforts made to crush
In the progress of out history, wo have
seen the American people, while sustoip
ins only the character of colonists, and
strusslinff with the .discouragement and
difficulties of new settlements, maintaining
at their own .expense, and bringing, to;
prosperous conclusion, wars, which a sol-i
fish and jealous bother country, by her
pride and impudence, had occasioned.---]
Wo have seen these colonies, amidst ml
the oppressions which they experienced,
through exactions, calumnies, loss of char
ter,and one abridgment of liberty after an
other, still maintaining their loyalty-still
indulging the feelings and adopting the lan
guage of affection, until justice and patri
otism and religion, bid them rise to assert
those rights which the God of nature de
signed for all his rational offsprings. _
. Through a long and trying war, in
Which '■ inexperience had to contend^ with
discipline, and poverty with wealth, wo
see them pledging their fortunes, liberties,
and lives to one another, and to the aston
ishment of the world, accomplishing their
iemancipation. And when emancipated,
and transformed into nn independent na
tion, wo seo them calmly betaking them
selves to the organization of a government,
under a constitution ns wise, ns it was sin
gular, and whose excellency and compe
tency the experience of more than seventy
vears has confirmed. . .
Simultaneously with these events, what
extensive conquests have been made on
the wilderness? Deserts have put on
beauty and fruitfulness, and a way has
been constantly extending towards the wa
ters of the Pacific, for the advanco of civ
ilization and religion.
Incidents in the history of our country
ore valuable Tor study. The record of
what our ancestors have achieved and
I suffered to purchase our liberties, will im
press upon the minds of the young an idea
of their priceless value. the children
of America be early imbued with a love
I for their country. Teach them the pnnci
pies or true patriotism, by the way add by
tho fireside—going out and coming in; re
henrso to them while in their infant years,
the story of the Pilgrims. Tell them the
story of tho Revolution, and their love ot
country shall “grow with their growth and
strengthen with their strength.
When Mr. Rishol had concluded, the
following toasts were read by J. B. Shaw:
By John Young—
Our Captain gives, the President,
His bosom burns with valors flame;
And round the decks the toast is sent,
Of Lawrence and Decatur’s fame.
Our glorious land of liberty,
This toast in turn is given;
And ever as 1t came,
| I nive, the land we live in. ,
| By W. D. Shirey-The j day we telo
brate.—ln the memory of that day which
aa vo birth to liberty, may, the glorious re-,
suits Which have sprung from Us aefs never
cense in their onward course lm all the
nations of the. earth are free.
Bv C. Lnnich—Education is the foun
dation on which our republican institutions
are perpetuated, and on the intelligence of
our youths depends tho future liberty, hap
piness, grandeur and glory, of our beloved
country. Then I would say to tho Sun
day School Scholars of Mt- J°y« S° oh m
tho path that leads to honor and renown;
become learned and you will be great ;
love God and serve him, and you will bo
Bv ,s Naihoniel Rishel—May the course
ofthe Mt. Joy Sunday School ever be on
| ward and upward, and peace, good will
land prosperity crown every effort. |
By Oliver Conklin — i
Oh, may every mother have seven sons
And twice as many daughters; I
May every ship carry seven guns,
To sweep the Atlantic waters.
By John Shaw, Jr.— ‘ .
All hail the day of freedom s birth.
Its fame be echoed round the earth ,
Till eyory nation’neath the sun, _
Has learned the name of Washihgton.
.By Oston Shirey—May our soil be as
poisonous to Kings and Lords as that of
Greenland is to snakes and toads. ;
By Matthew Ogden, Jr.— , .
Shall the name of a Washington overb
heard ... ..
By a freeman, and thrill not his breas ,
Is there one out of bondage that hails not
the sword,. . .
As the Bethlehem Star ofthe West.
Bv E. K. Shirey—Preserve the Consti
tution as it is; untouchedS&nd unimpaired.
Carry it out in the spirit in which it was
framed; transmit it to bur children as We
received it; ills the richest legacy wo can
bequeath them. God grant that it mav be
transmitted from generation to generation
until time itself shall be no more. ' .
John Owens—The day we celebrate.
A day dear to. every American; a day to
be held in everlasting remembrance;_ a
day whose light circulates joy through the
hearts of all republicans, and horror thro
the hearts of all tyrants. :
Bv Joseph Lamch— Odd-Fellowship.
This is hoping that Odd.fe|lowsbip may
Charitv end Benevolencei and thereby
By Peter Qvvens^The, name of Wflsh*
inffton adds hew liistreto humanity,and re
Sdatotho’remotest regions ofthe eath.
Bv Wm. Ogdenr-rTemperance: May
a rlval in all our Happy land.
' By J. W. Wallace— ; ■ - ' •
; OppreMion? power opr sires repe led,
They rsjlled forth to victory,- •
Bdhddir- '"r" •
By J. B. Siiiw—To the fair sex s Wo
admire them for',their beauty, respect them
for tHeir intelligence and virtue, and love
them because we cannot help it. • v >;•.
By .Toseph t. Thompson—
The ships of our navy
■ And the ladies of our land: . ,
May the former be well rigged,
And the latter well manned.
The exercises were then closed.
• . A. YOUNG, Sec’y.
Temporary loan. .
We huvo noticed statements in some of;
the papers, that Gov. Bigler had negotia- j
ted a temporary loan of seven hundred j
thousand dollars', to carry on the state im
provements. This is not entirely correct.
The facts of the case, as we understand
them, are that by the terms of the last ap
propriation bill, the Governors authorized
to anticipate, by temporary loans, the sur- . ,©ff JLcßtkftffllfß,
plus receipts for the years 1858— os, DEMM « ING on tie
after providing for all ordinary expense?, b»«u.- bl*. M*
including the interest on tho public debt. s«muai d^.u.
Tho sum so raised is to be> appropriated j ji. :
towards the,completion of the N. Branch iuv.t.r. n««-
Canal relaying the north track of the Co- i'^j o hiiß.iiwin!»).i).. Jotnimii.
lumbia railroad, and the avoidance of the 7
plains on tho Allegheny mountains. Un- &SX*. w. n. Ba
der this-authority temporary loans to the uow. vv|ii].ra Ko». h(Ut Bonil(I .
amount of ©475,000 have been negotiated
and not 8700,000. The reasons for this| H. W.u.r.v, a««
measure are very obvious. The Goverm■
or had taken tho position that the Stale, m
(debt should not be permanently increased ■
for any purposo whatover. That all tnoj
improvements now in progress must bo
completed from tho current means or the j
treasury, JOjd that too without .disturbing,
the Sinking. Fund. The contractors are,
now at work, hnd unless the revenues were (
anticipated by temporary loans, no means;
of 1 payment could he furnished, as the,
■balance in the treasury could not be nscer
tained until the close of the year, and con-1
soquently the work on theseimprovementsi
I would be suspended, and their completion,
bo important in every way, postponed.— j
Under the present arrangement we are as
sured tho North Branch Canal .will bo
completed by tho first of October, and tho
north track of the Columbia railroad, un
der the direction of tho faithful and inde
fatigable Joseph Baker, Esq., will be fin
ished about the same time, nnd be one ot
the best roads in : tho country. Every
right minded citizen of the State, not dis
posed to find fault with everything, must
see tho wisdom and tho advantage of this
P °No' mdn in tho state understands her
financial affairs better than Gov. Bigler,
und no man has or will labor with more
untiring zeal to promote he true interests.
Terrible Steamboat Explosion and Loss of
New York, July I.—This morning,as
the splendid steamer New World was a
bout leaving her wharf for Albany, she
collapsed her flue, and for some Umo ho
I greatest consternation existed among tho
larce.number of passengers onboard. |
Tho steam burst forth in an immense
stream, doing considerable damage to the
boat, and scalding the engineer and assist
ant engineer ; and one of the hands has
since died. The others are dangerous.
All the passengers escaped without injury.
Kr The Strawberry, which is now, at
the height of its perfection in our markets
if applied with a brush lo the teeth, will
remove the tartar more effectually than
any dentrifrice even invented. Give it a
trial. One or two strawberries, eaten in
ihe morning will cleanse the mouth de
lightfully, and with their application to the
te ß eth, os recommended, gives a delicious
fragrance to tho breath. (
OirA. fire broke out in Pittsburgh on
the 27th ult, destroving property to the
amount or 575,0()0 or 8100,000, which
was mostly covered by insurance. *
During the fire o man by the name or
G Gracy, cut Thos. M’Closky with a
knife. The unfortunate man lived but a
few hours after receiving the stab. Ihe
murderer eluded the officers and made his
Remedy foe Dysentary.— The sea- ,
son having arrived when biliona and dy s
enteric diseases prevail, the following
cipe from Babcock’s Philosophical Recre
ations, may prove serviceable to the pub
lie:—ln addition to the value of pulver
ized charcoal in bilious disorders, two
ounces of it boiled in a pint of fresh milk,
may be taken in doses of a wine glass Tull
by adults, every two hours, in the most
obdurate dysentary, until relief is rmpart-1
ed, which has not failed to betho effect, m
almost every instance. It harmless and
may be tried with safety.
(KrThe Steamer Georgia, from Califor
nio, which arrived in New York on the
29th ult., had on board .two muhoos
of gold. * - - ~ ; - ",
. , THE vegetable extract .
For thetureof Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and
all Nervous and Constitutional Diseases.
tadTiuihonjfrUierartPPP®'?"? banifit loril-par-
I oartnir Klu. lhor will or wboM uorloni mtem bar
•Mla*ta#ds!f“SiSSßroro■»»y onu wh&tovor. In
I Emu oroitialw or 'J’Jff'flSi’orS«• iundioi,iuperiiidao«il
ohioalcoomplaißU.ordl«^ononaimau v
Iby Mryoainoii t'W* I *,“JJKJJf »»_ p, r .on« oat of tho
I Tiomall oaitiqrtbaVW ol ?l“ 0, f ,•• " ■ .
I ■ May Vl. lSiS.—ly- "/lU— ____,
JoelJ*Wood;Mr. Benjamin Lankford-of|
. NewYork[to; Mlsa Elizabetlvßo,throck,of i
Clearfield: £&.'»•. £ -ate. 1 ' :Z"V
-*! On thfr‘ 27th of June, > by' Bev"Joel* $•
Wood. Mr. Benjamih Louhaberry, to Miss
MareaUt Bai'geri a» of Clearfipld, coi»p»y..
Mr Adam '<■ Scbieler■ to .Miss Elwabelh
Spoertof townrftfp.^
fitd tiduhty Fa.
pVWlo.ttl.lD OlaatfleJlf county. ,■
hlai.oirih.tpf IB yean'
1i« .KftnfjT SuddHOlS bu»te«*», thtl hs cnuuot bM*®*/**
\- ♦h.^Mlonor*oOd« inln«ctW.wrt. iiiUart* beeping
,«t |# tillmimjiw Jy IB f„ lBW ’ , |
tt a » n.mJni wi«hin» to get tld of otinlul corn* can do ja
.AU p«non* wtimnr k „ BTOHK. Mrt cna oi the
pJnoffl" wh“oua«lllflhVt himM?:
d« 1 .h.r«t.".”.c0m10.t.... «‘»£®NNAN “
*'*“?• Clearfield, July 8.18M.-3m ~ ' -.
And 250 Acres of Timber Land'For Sale 1 .
Ihe.ltf in!
I Th# mill U boll, on th» nn tl between Ih.Btt-
Urndyh)Wniblp.neBr Eotberi' n «. n d|ha PBOX , n ,, WBjy
qnab.nnn .ml VV.lj.ioW .oral | luuriß &by SM r.«>.
Tarnptka. there‘ij a n K Ibe laurt.-'l’hl. » n *ood
.nd »n Mcellent aTAUI/E cm Blab |, uvetiment.
ch.noe rot thoio who want )anm nlurt enquire of
nil who mar la vo| himwiUiacoil. afi TRIM*
| .eleoiedtuorimemm OU-r qa(llllJ „ Dll
! M :' * M low IIU ofd Soil, men Wo leQae.lcd loiOO
, wiJ bo*olJvtry low. many haw one ».» ma» find it
i tinu. thm P », t h 6 winie* d .n' ““hat hoi* Picpamd to fotw.b
aS V m:S‘.Vd%iS«'VoAi. P«»P« "Hffifta. BUKA.
| July H. Is6a _
" Dissolution of Partnership*
rnilE parteereMp ji' l ' l .'l,£ 1 1lulfiSUN* ”fC urwon »-
film by Rook or oilier account. ,h a hami* ol JIWIMI
save c»u«. a* their boou arc uj immediate co ltctioa.
BVANd b»Q .ol CnrwontTiUo givnfd THOMP&ON.
without «j»j»«ttoi'«no Bl * jIcKeON RUiitSON.
alltVini that ihe now wu lo»t. Julln “
Bih July 185 A —dt.
LEV. E*o..i“‘b.m.unerdl^cljdbyl»r. ((jid #coaan „ for
He ul*o.yite»notia* that nil hi hooa* |,f t with
*>."r oih.ixa
A LL DUlilct 8« h00 ‘
the mm par 2 k?tS*aaraViand IW3. Amttopom m
m «.•{?«.*sarsassiftf* *“ oh, ' mrn '
thereb ■ low a P >■»»■ ol 'bah**"®/ ? h .
Cleaifi lil. July B.ftß. ■
A “"SVy^SsAul
Id nut to pay it uolao. buALE j,
July 8.1853.— pd. _—
A LL penorii are be re try cautto‘L'Je'rfal 1 ® *VuKli' o'! "*E°L>
w «3SS£S
Vtt®Mms ®m<2l ■ A©®©**}®®®® •
/V A GOOD QITAUTV. for .»1. el I.rLnc tfm.t^. «'<>'•.
|_J CaiweftiviUa. Pa*
W IU t. in ~«io» U.. TH«» *» ff
batl»eaw o ”ai.uo°willta't»“ li^f,<l^s[;^J), Eß.cictk.
CommiHioneraOf?'*' Joiy
biiht aoo. «d city •»«•■***»•
July tf. IM’j 1
pLACLBMITM. W?? 0 ;!- te'l.'ViN °«‘ KoldTa'dU
. . leveu flegal,
aad vrarranM _— -
and Locuit-Onrweßivin*.
AB ssswr
nj EUOHANTB. o«d M^ llvo
JVI of bomber, Baldwin. _—
. | f ..k jinn 6 ratios from UowD*ld"
Lu “ bM mttnU,aolaitrl,
“ aTlTschnell, .
ilald ■ ■ '•*’** I
"dSTr. V. WILSON, .
m harfiofoyg - '; • -'■■• ■ ■•■■■ —.■
ioninNABLG TAUiOß^lftShaw’s JKoWiOb MaiM
F^rtsS?{«*^ ly :°™ f «!• ron,oco*ci^tr^ Bst ;
rpANggR-ißano^ *****
->iUo. .•...•■■•■" " - 1
! • w - v,; vi ' l,l 1
* TO*
r — r "wEW '<^PQDS""'V• * OBN
oppositethe Episcopal Church, a taiac« H r, Bndotf./r»rttta’af#ll»u»»lrpt ■ , :> -. ,„j.
; Seasonable Goods, . .:.
Consisting in part «K* r I Grocer i eS)
ies, Queenswaro, Hardware, Oast/ pi icines and all other articles. usually >,
ter and Spring Steel, Hats, Caps ana , kept in a country, stor<,. ;, p*
.Jonnets, Boots and Allif „ h ,o h ?1 n mV.^^s^^'4^ 8 n D f ? , ,a^Ss^:
Made Clothing, Pmnts and Oil, /•'
and every thing else usually I ,ium at «lowl“,^* u “ lh ciwusn & BW A r,;
kept in a country store, ■
nttil aotai Ihfiit it f on Tj; fl » lift conviooed of tbti
July l, IBM.
a A Desirable Tayeru Stand ani Fora
r | 'HE inbreriberontn for SAl.Eor RENT*
1 TAVERN trtAWb.QBih»B.WMb«Mf “g Wftulb.
v etl luiiodlot a tuv**ip loflal'Oo Kc.
The Farm contains ISO Acrct—os f\
which are cleared, and,mostly in meadow.
fi jiTy 1“ f v‘-l't C " li * > °* h * AL EXANDER COCK
“Dissolution of Partnership. - ■
J ■-IBSH. : JUU'« C.
' Come ahead Ladies and Gentlemen.
m!lEmbioiibei take«P l ***®*?ft “J,°ii l co°tl»°^e'-he bun
] "»il -be iiaUu.i. ,iMr.wU>“ »• b«*
Xa w". h* £”«1 5.” > or Uuubd. -.hichh. w.ll <>-«•
pita of on Th? M _ p FOUTZ .
.Jolv 1- 1853.
Valuable Lot at Public Bale*
rpHEItE will I’.V oVitoUiM
.1 Horn*sl'°if > i?n U ?ffLS 1 a’IuWB LuT, tilostoln lh»
dATOltErj fcSlßEß^ltM'AlJJVV (in]# t „, olt b.roof
T-1.l 1653 -10.
JOHN MIX. Sv'enditione E«pnnn». No B»pu
mHEAUJ)I'I'OR»PPO' Blc 2 r b Bhjfif8 h jfifl l r?wel?. , »n>S« l ®“‘”'
I X* Son or inndi m f/vSndSi on»B««.o»ni. wUlmeol
kale of Knal tnwPi on < Lhfl boronicn ol Clenilieid.
nil partlo* tnfetetfeU *>£?“W®, AUGUST. «f J o'olooH
onMONDAV ih» “ us f TO K 6O« CKANd.And.ior.
in theofurnooo. ld.-iA^cv
July 1»U ISW. • ■
Estate ol Jonathan B. Ames, Deceased- j
Estate ol William llaslet, Deceased.
tvrOTfCE 1* hernbr S» A ,b?£iSe'ofV»*
IN been *rnnted >o Jhe (st!i r i|Sld connty. deoenttd,
HASLET. t»<y®ts; , l“"fSS!Pnii«!i,i«oSfd lomnkepny
Ad peiioni indebted 10 «nin ainte »rn o|aim , M>lnl i tne
rpiIE nndertientd wronl d ioit>ec ! fu I]r « Btoro
1 end it.o imVlcsonornßi. .' ’iinlV u llloom'i Ulnck
el nikOOMINOWN. Eonnorl, .plendid
Biioitinßßtol OKOUKHiBOii hUMidCR HATB«
CMJ’niING. MUUTO anrt tiHOEg^bUMMi^ 0
CROCKERY* i-'iiiciNEß ;fiic .tataclad with swat
6r> ntepwed Jo
onto la iho RnlledelpWn 01»i«‘_ Qar ftleß d,. nnd lhe
tell at roo*t attoatibm# jaw PjJR «*xamlnaonMtock.
tba ca»b m no caw itluwue
Jana &#, 186 -
Off ©sail 3^o4a4©«
iMtfJfy"**} ÜBR .
AUiU rjpbt titlo JpßrftdV lownihip? d*c'd., of m and to a
WINK-Jott- »^® r ,5 l 'VaVlowmWp. boaudod br I and of
Ninety Acres, more or less, with a Cabin |
House and Barn erected thereon, and
about fifteen acres cleared.
and mortal* OB th» jißaWlNE.Br., Adm’r.
Brarlr towmhi?. J ana 2‘. Moi-u- ___
fANNEK— AUha V LJ> STAND l» ontw *?”.yM.'lB3l
bitiifl'T WttlOllT, CIIMUMAKEU. and HOUSE
W BH3HN PAINTfiE-rCuiwamta*- t)cc ,gMIBM.
oaiiM.-tasss tr- -wmi
“henry LORAINE, : •
OH YBICIAN •* d c l ?J} f < iSd WT '® a **“ ApVu'S’ffi&r
J 7 hi, ywlricßoo. ClwatUa'o,
v*»sse&t& ro ‘ fiflwg!
fuld, ' 1 1
tarru-Rc'llANia 'aria CUM SEE 1) E A r.£RB • W°o,'l 1
M E ro lOffld.. 8,a51d.d t p. Cl.arfl.ld co. April It. M-_
abwat. " ' : ■ ■ 1 ■ ’ ,
-''■ ' • ■ -
7 cTkratzer, ■ '■
' _„ br h*NT At»l> UJMBKK. I tALfitt-CotaM «l
• jXsTalexande«* , ,
ao« wHootw'oooor ih«b*rt'Ati3oßTMfcl*Ta.,
I gipifSmg
DRY GOODS ‘-2 ..
~ anlto Biin»ilT*i'*»'<l*Bl;l»ir ih» ctoUMt-fnipa'dli* ■»«
’ q»!fp!!cV»na.h.U.u.ok.ol
Groceries, Queenswarc, Hardware, Bools
i and Shoes fyc.,fyc., _•' . . '
«tonal In mn f*«M}t to»*» ‘ nl ?« 01
o Vuß^D*«a,“ln?omaXl
| m_. -
At Smith’s Dry Good,; Grocery and: Clothing
rffirv jjp ao o? fl.'oa aaaB--
Performance every day, Sundaysßxcepted.
•*5 esr*.....»■■ «*s'«suScw» sstiw
01 . **»,
and varied ASSORTMENT..:
Yes, at a small Advance on first cost.
Cheap €ash Store*
WM. A. MASON, Curtcensvillt,
HAS Jott retorted from theclty of Phil»d«lphi».irlt*»
Sprint? and Summer Goods, consisting at
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,, •
Queenswnre, Boots & Shoes, .
I Hats, Caps and : Bonnets,
]^^thS, ladies.
At. po.Uooi.tir i«S l h "\ iliili
h "crlteo°'ici .I,.CHEAP CASH STORE onSIAI»*>««-
New Store! New Store!!
\ UEiuit now opoojoe »t hnlr o«n»
r. b Mws? *.«&«.
MyjfiffflffiwSffift Iholr.storo .ooh. o
7~g3g3.rEicgsy CSiCDCDcjQss
A, thM nwer i.w « ABJB.
boli'VO il nr. InvUod ■• onll nn4 b.
hvu‘ o p?lW.l> o. L HEED. jr. WEAVER.
' SIAIBI3. ■'
ol CUBWUN3VII.UE. haown Mlb»
• Ana©ira®®m'Bs®mJs«-
«ajiicriharijMiapr»nme»iOfto W.A^wj u j,.
Town Lots
&To I N °e^
to »«* to
P Xiwn>». Anna ».l?M>-lf-
And NINE Acres of Land for . Satt
ri'Hß Bubre.lbrr will tall gi ffl‘SK b b *.{s?UM U«M.
1 knowaipaa IKJUBEbBAW M Viih'aiaa
at between Cleaifid'd Bad Caiweßiriua, wt(U|4
5t.WnNB n DwL ? I‘uNQUOIIdB." nd■Kvrouks. a.lwa*
Sf a'iICE. toaitbcr wilh Taw-
P, l 'tioUl READ.
-Jnßail4.lliM-Sni.-pd — — ■
Estate of A. Ellis, deceased.
VTOTICK It hereby •WjhJjYnbMiSbe? enuS' l a'lSuf
IN ha*a baaf Biantaji to o,
meat ImOedißiely. and £«•?“.KniioaiedtorStlaßwai,
WJMWUI propaily^"lUEßEU-AdmT.
Estate of SamnCl Baines, deceased.. :
Notice u har.brjrw-n •”
aatuaiMal to W D % A uuBjKU Et'i.. New l.umbeitewt.
Jbbo 84,18 M.-St. ’ •' ‘ » . ' ■ .
Estate of Anthony Krataer, deceased.
®? s£esa!:?,, % wSISS’iP SSSTafisfessffig
areherfbr waojjjd to WH«J o *ihe i ß m« tre mJIW to
M,T.SViW «»T tot^d
* Wo&nffl® <Ss .. .
W HB a R h E «'&™^
VV BAH I*' l “/.SnLroie I ¥ereby onntioß and fettwim
Mdibreoftoi an.l tbla dst«B»laaa ooopaW
bylaw.' . - ISAIAII B. WASBICK.
Bacoatla lowaihip.Jobe t, IBjS. ~. ~ .-. ■ -.■.!.
6 Cents Reward- a,
UDNAWdV r«n>S: wtwitww 0'... Mm
l\. «bont the lit of MarchUit. uhw ■
JaoobHeW. atea ibom « wr ,'v„%r, ■ tJ&T
JaCOB liitouibuilt, a feat 6 Of > "Ifß
?§s&&&,Mr* 1853 -*•’ ' ‘
: l 1 Wanted*
inn' oo#OT ijm*. fl^Seßpi
* IKB ' ' ' ■'""" ■•_> -■'| -- J
iaAA.O neaa.