Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 08, 1853, Image 2

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OpfißKFlEfp, JULY BiA, 1.853.
“o~* Democratic Nominations.
•»•.. .... ‘
Canal Commissioner,
THOS. if, FftRSYTH.of Phllridclphiuqo.
vciiv run Auditor General 1 . , ;
. E ; PHB>IM BANKS, of M.ilfln coupty,
‘ Surveyor General.
J. PORTER.BRA WLEY,of Crawford co.
otfltSM&n Thursday lasi, as we had about
R^ihcd 1 tetting.the type for this week’s
itjhe bpard op which the adyertise*
ideate intended for the, inside, were placed,
accidentally slipped 6fF the stand, and about
three s feOltinirie oftho same were knocked
' VYe have not attempted Jo, pet
pP;,fWstdi -jrepjace. tho advertisement? thus
broken to pieces in time for the present
bUtttber,’hs‘ It would have been impossible
po~but \ve. shall have all set
jip iypd inserted as soon as possible.
‘ n P°N, 0- E; BARRETT.
glad lp learn that the abovd
Maned gentleman, has been appointed by
PiealdCnt PiEBCE, Commissioner to revise
fUA Codify the Revenue laws of the Uni*
lid 1 States. 1 The position is one of great
elmni. ■;
and labor, but .t is nssignea
to the hands of,a man ,whoso ability and
taAjptry will enable him .to perform the
l#tm>witfv«ntire satisfaction to the govern*
t'dflirtSFhe appointment of D. \V. Moore,
to a Clerkship in the Post Office De.
at Washington, 1 wijl no doubt bo
to his nuiperous friends in this
nntinty. The, Post Master : Genorul Ims
ffa* rewarded a fhithful Democrat, and has
(ho wishes and expectations of all
mttfSds d.f our citizens. Mr. M. ; will con
s||Us,!,hia interest in thle Republican, ns
tewtofvre. ; :
..bliis a singular tact, that this is the first
liM<5 r evor a Democrat of Clearfield
honored with an appoint*
pMat ;undar, tho General Government.—
iharWhigs have, had, two Marshals, and
even now a gentleman of that party from
is holding a high office under
ibis i'&ruellyprdscriplive" Democratic Ad*
AnniliratiOo. We trust that hereafter our
rnay not bo as much overlooked
~ji% she Haskeen heretofore’
proceedings of. the Democratic
Standing Committee on the 4th inst., it will
Ifchwisb-that l Saturday the 27th day of
has been fifced upon as tjtoday of
df tho Democrats at their several
istricts. for the purposo of ap
olegaies. to represent ■ them in Harrisburg Keystone, came to us a
tJduflty-CoDvention-—which Cbnventiop is r •; 6 -.i. .• i
.• ■.< a vV few evenings since, with ap article mark
tow held in the Court HouS n Clearfield, ~ ~ ,r . . ■, . ~ .
r. .. * ed, indicating a. desire that wo should give
J»r«fSepl,mtor i, pUce f no i p , p „. ; Th |
eauweie y opo lnt tho ID* rtr ;[( P p overt ( ]o jjg nß j ureo j’i Jp[(N( ,p o ; l - c^i i
p JU B^ OUt | 0 co | l | lt y W 1 g' vo | l3 and advocates the repeal of the “stato tax
ju^ldvatattentionwiW clr xts great ,m. of , hreo mil , B por lon per mile n whicl)
P>4 , eaian 9 roa .°f ° ur P 9. ' l >- (|jo writer says, ,“is ncpv imposed on nil
~, fP P®r t o ma e o p ;ever y description transported
at*Mmimte*-it .is. only- neeeaaarv that .. . , , „ in , „
.. ... *i over the foad. Alter carefully perusing
the people shall neglect; these primary , : •
■ • j , the production, we have come to the con
meetings, They are then in danger of , i v ;,
wjwo ••jTT:„ j v .i. j • • elusion, that we can without much diffi*
being controlled by the designing and in- , .. » -
••• •' •: n , culty or research, find contributions from
«fc either moraHy or pbli.ic.Uy, and ■*•«“»* P°>«y mom »n„d, and whteh
win.’cannot procure any delegated trim »«“'■* l» >nom taterojng to per reader.
A <iW e.L ■ • , than the article referred to. We therefore
Amott a fair expression of the opinions of , .. . . . ' .
ifljjse whom tljey wish to represent.— decline giving it. a place in
Jw?o.®ver a County Convention is com- our ' Colutnn9 '
posed of such materials, the chances in fa- er ® wo f conv ‘pced that the writer
Vor of bad nominations greatly preponder- was honest in protesting tjiat he did not
Now to prcvpht all suck mishaps' 'it this measure through any ‘par.
|ls only necessary that the.primary assem* .* ici^ ar ’ fr* en< khip - for the Pennsylvania
blages bo attonded by men of sincere pur* Ruilroad Company, nor tiny wish toin
'pbiSs, who witl : superintend the'meeting crease the dividends of tha stockholders,"
.‘,|ifU», ! ihe sole, aim of obtaining a fair ex- the.repe#! of the tax wpuld tend to
Session of the -wishes. of the! Democratic “Pf omote the prosperity of the State, odd
of their district. If the township ««'coUrage thdse great industrial interests
miteetiogs' are attended' there will be no u P on . which that prosperity depends,” we
'jdbliht‘ about the character, the rcspbhsir ’wduldl then, heart and hand, join in adyo-;
o,r o( the Delegates sent to vac, 'hg the measure. But we are inclined
tWCounty Conventibn., Tho hnst of men t 0 helieve that suph a movement at the
err ; aud may they; but the P r ®sent time, wouW only enable the cofri.
cbaOces are greatly' in fuvor of the fair P a *>y to pocket a greater amount of'the
nomination of'the very best men bt such peeples money, of they already re
' n'-CS'rivetitton. ' !' •''' '• ' ; ' I ceive it liberal share—and that the mass of
, V Tfirj dominations jo' bai mado j>y this people not Jn tho [east be bene.
. f *C ( are not of the.mselvep very /ited.thdreby. ;'• . ..i . .:iy:
jWpprittni; but when taken in connecUon ! does not appear to have been thp ob.
,iw‘itk;Bieifuture;action and welfare of our eedipany’to.jrcducb the prices
: juit ; ai ; jmpdr^ht;asi*tlidy' ? iye(. $/?s!!&%s!. *hc-.JpWftsit
Wore. toencourago transportation.
;t ' b ®-pf
v^ntioE) wjth' the ;cop..exffc.cti.. they.bavo- ei«P endeavoifed' Id' extort; tH<j
it willJset a vio:"pihera| yyisuld
• hereafter, arid,'Buob W ‘WOleven on this system-bT idoihg bu.
tbVmed,and such measureii adopted,its {vil| ' t ?,i n S?^ ; ?hPy .hayo noV been for , want of
gerierali’ satiafaeddri, j The ’'pbrtdi'dote ~..i f, . ,;/.i.j-| ■
■ , ''' v ‘ ! >■ '' ■’ ] J - v.-fjVhi-- ! i'(!
and act as though he fell, that tho interests
of the other counties of tfto district had as
strong a claim upop his attention as those
bfhis own county, apd would always bo
regarded as such. IF such a nmn'is nom
inated, wo shall have no fear as to tho re
sult, let'what will oppose. ;,r\ / ,
j?oUßjrp of juiy. |3: i,;
Tho soventy-'sevepth Anniversary ;ofi
tiur National Independence, was appropri-j
ptoly observed by the different Satjbafe
Schools pf the borough and neighboring!
yicinity,’and citizens generally, on Moni|
day last, :
The different Schools, citizens and mil- 1
itary, convened ut tho M. E. Church, at!
0 o’clock. At half past ten, the .entire as- j
semblpjje, escorted bjjr the Regulars,’ up- j
de'r command of Capi. njarc.hed |
to the beautiful grovo on : the hill; east: of j
town, where the table, which was not a;
small one, was soon covered ' with evory-j
thing pleasing'to bebrilff arid good, to take, j
which had been, prepared and brought on
tho ground by the ladiesin attendance.—j
All.present partook of a sumptuous repast. |
After tho cloth had been removed the
audience were interested by a very appro
priate and most eloquent address, by Capt,
Wallace. The Rev. T. P. Hunt, mado a
few very appropriate remarks, but soon;
wandered from the subject, and spoke at I
some length of tho .evil of inte/riperpnee,
and endoavored (o give the political parties
particular “Jesse” in regard to their course
on tho subject.- He recommended as a
means of retarding tho onward march of
intemperance, that all persons there assem
bled, and all lovers of liberty, nnd those in
lavor of further extending the . blessings
we now enjoy, should unite'and elect to
our,next Legislature a temperance man.
IJe endeavored to impress upon the minds
of tho people, that this was the only way
in which tho much desired reformation
ever could bo effected. Ho was opposed
to uniting with either of the political par
ties—but wap in favor effeminating and
electing their own men. .
Mr. Hauchenbury, then made n few
very appropriate "and pleasing remarks,
aftor which tho meeting adjourned. Ma
ny of the citizens immediately returned
to their homes, while others remaihed for a
time on. the ground. The Regulars march
ed to town end paraded the.streets, making
a grand display, and enlivening the scene
and, waking ; up the ‘natives’, by firing sev
eral volleys of musketry. .
•The day was p'easant, arid every thing
passed agreeably and to the satisfaction ofj
all. . Thus passed the 4th of July 1853 j
in and obout CJearfield. . !: '
The day was appropriately observed,
we understand, in different parts of the
county.’ ;
. The Sunday Schools and citizens of
CJearfield Bridge and vicinity, had : a cele
bration on Tuesday tho sth in commemo
jrationof our National Independence, f
will wo have nssurapqo that tho yepenl of]
the tax which fe at present oxaefed ofj
them, tond to promote the prosperity of
i the State; and.then we might bo induced
j to advocate the measure—believing at the
! spmo ; tifio that wo laboring fer the
“greatest of tjio greatest numbCr.’p-
Unde? the piWent prtangem&ijt of affairs,
there is ho doubt but the Corripariy.nro aft
! forded a most ad mi rabid opportunity of ex
j torting from the people', which opportuni
ty eagerly embrace—and far be it
] from us to advocate the repeal'of tiro tax
lot the present limn.
Tub CoubT House,—As we c have trav
elled past the Court House in this place,
daily, for. some time past, wo have
ferent tithes taken a peep at the lightning
rod attached thereto, and hnVocome to the
conclusion that tho persons having charge
of the building, and thoso who freq'uentthe
place are certainly, not “afraid of thun
der The rod is made fast to,the steeple—
the upper ond extending considerably
Lnbove it, ond tho lower end layls immedi
ately od the roofofthq house—some twen
ty-five or thirty feet having beep broken
offby some accident or other and destroy
ed. According to our way of thinking,
this rod, as it now. is, instead of conduct
ing tho lightning oft'tho house, is admira
bly calculated to conduct it on to ih . The
house has been thus exposed for some
months. How long it is destinod to re
main so wo know not. Perhaps those
whose business nnd whose duty it is to at
tend to it could inform us.
of our furmors state that the
fly which .has been making such sad hav
oc with tho grain in different parts of the
state, has within a short jtirnu past, com
irienced its work of destruction upon the
wheal crop in some portions of this county.
The crops are so far advanced and the
time for harvesting so near at hand, it is
thought that no serious damngo will be
(ttrlt occurred to us on last Saturday
evening 09 we saw one of the “promising
youths” of this placo; mounted on horse,
racing a cow up and dowrithe public sreet,
endeavoring to drive tho horned animal to
the stable of the owner, that that \vas not
the proper way of doing that business—
especially when there are men, women
and children crossing the streets ut differ
ent places.
The Stouding Committee, at n meeting!
convened at Clearfield on the 4th duy ofj
July, 1853, made the following orders and
arrangements: : ,
1. On Saturday, August 27, 1853,he.
tween the hours of l and 0, p. m., the
Democrats of each Township in thn Coun
ty, are to hold their Primary Election, nt
the place where the General Election is
held, for the purpose of electing delegates
to represent their respective townships in
the Democratic County Convention, ta bo
held in Clearfield on Saturday the 3d day
of September, at 1 o’clock P. M.
2. Tho number of Delegates each town,
ship is entitled to elect, is as follows:
Brady, 4;. Bradford, 4; Lawrence, 4;
Morris, 3; Pike, 3; overy other township
and borough, 2 delegates..
4. The following persons are appointed
Committeespf Vigilance, in their respective
townships,, to superintend and conduct the
Primary Elections, im their respective dis
tricts, viz:.
Bradford—Jacob K. Pierce, James Han
pagen, V. B. Holt.
; Beccaria—Dr. G.W. Caldwell, J. W.
Wright, John ShofT.
; Bell—K. MehafTay, W. T. Gilbert, H.
Boggs—John E.Shnw, I. L. Barrett,
Luke Kylar.
Brady—Dr. J. T. Boyer, Jacob Kuntz,
Tolbert Dale, . ,
Burpside—rJohn Cummings, Hugh Gal
Chest—VVm. Tucker, Gilbert Tozer,
Andrqw Tozer. ,
• , Covington—Francis Coudriet.
. Decatur—Wm. Hughes, sr., J. M’Clar
ren, Esq., Jno. Gearhart, Esq. ,
Ferguson—Cortes Bell, Thomas Owens,
Wm. McCracken. '
Fox—John J. Bundy. :
Girard—Henry Hite’, Abraham Kvlar,
Joseph Kylar; 7 '
Goshen—A. Leonard, Wm. L. Rishel,
Thompson Reed.
Huston—Edgar Hoyt, Valentine Hev.
ener. ■ ■ 7 '
Jordan—Jacob Gibson, Conrad Baker,
F, W. Shoening.
■ Karthaus—Lawrence' Hartleiri, B. I).
Hali, Geo. Hecketidom. ' : 1 • ;
■ Lawrence—Samuel Clyde, S. Shaffher,
Thomas Dougherty, N. K. : MpMiilleh.
Morris—Jacob' Wise, Chester Miihsdn;
Jacob Wilhelm.
Penn—S. : C. Hepburn, Anthony Hilo,
Jonathan Evans;‘Jr. 7 : ' <'■■■'<. -
Pike—George B. Dale, Beni; Bloom, jr
John I. England. ■■■■"[, 1
‘Union-TTpeter, Laborde; jr'l, Elias’W.
Horn, Dayid tabordo. v ;
Woddwdjfd—-Thomas Henderson, John
D. Alexahtier. W. H. Henderson.
Clearfield Borough-rF. P.Butlqr.M.
A.Trarik, ! Thos.J.Alc&uHdiigb. ■ i
i,w CurWen4viller-Jit’mos Harvey ; FJißinihg,
David Fleming, B. P. Sterling. •: •;
o ! ;. JByorderJofStandibgCommittee, :
' ™ W” 1 |
!;■; J;: B:;iMcEßX|.i.ys Scb’b;;;' sv"'i p.: I
i ■ ■; ■ If.';,-.’ thlii
From the Washington Union.
The 'Renewal of the Abolitipnlit Agitation.
We have, upon a former occasion,
pointed out to pur readers the efforts of the
northern enetpios of the administration,
both white and black, to renew against it
the abolitionist agitation; and, we' have
shown how the southern whigallies of these
pgitations have lent their aid to theqftnck,
by a monstrous attempt .to disseminate'at
the South the idea that the administration
has abandoned, or is capable of abandon*
ing, the broad national principles on which
it was placed in power. There nre special
circiimstances aggravating the criminality
of this course of the opposition at this time,
which have not yet perhaps been fully
brought home to the popular conviction.
Heretofore, ndolitionist agitation in this
country has been mainly a domnslic affair.
As Buch, the people have recognised in it
the worst evil in our federal system.,. As
such, it has, done all that can in any way
be done among ourselves to cramp and re*
press our national growth, to foster d hos*
tile spirit between different portions of our
country, to disturb the prosperity of oil its
great material interests, and finally, to
break up, in so far ns any madness of guilt
can do it, the social, commercial, political,
and religious union which makes us one
people, and opens before us an august fu
ture. Under such convictions—convictions
grounded upon.a painful and perilous ex*
porienco—the people, in a, majority so
weighty as to be worthy of the issuo which
created it, resolved in the late presidential
canvass, and by their vote ordained, that
hencoforth tho sectional agitation should
cease, that henceforth the adjustment of it
should stand, uhd that the federal govern
ment should 710 longer he used as an en
gine of war wpon the institutions of one
half of the countrij. Now, considering all
this os uu affair merely domestic, in which
foreign jealousy or hostility takes no part,
it is yet plainly no ordinary crime against
the American people, their peace npd their
dignity, to undertake the reversal, .the de
feat, or the evasion qf puch .u popular ver
dict. The usual justifications of partisan
virulence or extravagance .have in, such a
case no application,, fbr the reason that the
| whig abolitionists, whom tho Inst canvass,
on the showing of their own co-partisans,
looked to tho anti-slavery agitation at the
North ns their main path to power, were
yet in their convention forced so far to suc
cumb to the popular feeling and convic
tion as to incorporate into their organiz
ation the pretence at least of.a full pledge
to keep the public pepce on the question
of sin very. Bv sp doing, they themselves
set upon any future attempt ,tq renew an
anti-slavery ugitation the brund of political
outlawry, even as ihc' people had before
decreed to be nothing less than domestic
But during the last few weeks, just at
this time when the abolition ossault upon
the administration has been showing itself
most clearly, a foreign element has come
into the case, with a power of evil and
peril not before experienced. Wellascer
! taincd facts on the one hand, and, on the
other, reports too grave and well sustained
to bojightly considered, have combined to
indicate a settled purpose on the.part of
European powers, through an avowed and
coercive abolitionist policy, to assail the
! vital interests of this country, and to strike
l a deadly blow at the traditional policy,
which, since the time of Mr. Monroe, has
sought to shield from foreign interference
our national peace, security, nnd growth.
The late movement in British Parliament
in regard to the police laws of South Car
olina ; the British glorification of the au
thoress of a novel whoso whole notoriety
arises fromits incendiary abolitionism; the
open proclamation at Exeter Hall of the
existence of an organized society inCanda
for the enticement and succor of fugitive
slaves, n/id its bold appeal for aid in its
work to the people; if not to the authori
ties, of England ; the Howden diplomatic
correspondence in relotiqn to Cuba, had
between Lord Palmerston and the Spanish
minister some time since, though iporo re
cently developed here; and, finally, the
repeated rumors 'which have reached this
country, to the effect that an intrigue is
on foot, to make; Cuba an abolitionist
stronghold, and eventually a barbarian
African colony, under the pretext of a
great scheme of emancipation p—all these
iacts indicatp but to clearly, that foreign
powers have already ;begun to rely upon
the aid aqd alliance of abolitionist agita
tors among us, for the consummation of a
policy at war alike with our nationql pros
perity* safety, qnd peace.l'
In this view, what, is wanting ( io the
case pf the men who would now-excite in
this country4thi3 -baleful fanaticism, and
urge it on to a renewal of sectional aggres
sion and;agitation, to malro them tfioy>ub
lie enemies of the United States? They
are at war with every : capital interest of
the country.; 'fhoy war with, the
deliberately-deplored policy and'sentiment
of .the people,, They are at, war against
the public faith, pledged to stand by the ad
justment as a, bar to, further agitation.—
And, finally, they are in league with the
most insidous form of, foreign aggression
upon our interests; and. interference with
ourrights! ' , v !
Such, is the position of the men whom
:the whiga of the South are now aiding in a
•futile and hopbless effort ; for nothing is
moredear than that events now apparent
ly soon coming to light will expose ere
long to the people of the South this: com
bination in its true colors, and then,' as tlifi
history of the late canvass shows! its: doom
is sealed. : So: long as the policy of this
administration Shall 1 be sustained by the
country, so long will the public f?itn be
sternly kbpt. That faith is pledged against
a renevdMof the ahti-slavoryi agitation.—
.So longTrs this administration issustajned
by- fhe people! the policy which protects
out Rights, our; safety, ! ahd 6hr interests
ph. continent from foreign invasion or
infor/erefice, will be to the last; vindicated
and 'roslptm’ned/ At no point, and upoft
no occasion, is the ,npqintainance of (hat
policy of more vital concernment that .whop
such foreign aggression puts on the chape
of on abolitionist propagandists In suob
a shape it must arouse against it from }he
start not only tho whole poweroCjihegov
ernment, but the wfcoje patriotism! wine'
country.—-In such a; tnodajof foreign as-,
saultjipon us, whether'it Ifinds its centre
of action in Cuba or in Cahddu,th<|£louth
will see the death-blow to its safety, tho
North will see tho most fatal 'stab at its
growth and prosperity, and the whole
country will behold the most .dangerous
and-the most .insolent of all attacks Upon
our commercial interests, our peaceful re
lations, our established, policy, and our
territorial rights. • k '
’ It may not be generally known that there
exists in Canada an organized and active
association for thd encouragement and re
lief of such fugitive slaves as may be able
to escop into the British provinces. The
objects ofthis nssbciationnre fully disclos
ed in an account of a late meeting held in
London, of which we give the particulars
below. It will be observed that a direct
inducement is held out by this association
to slaves to s’make 5 ’make their way to .Canada;
and if the statement of Mr. Ward, as to
the numbers which annually find their
way therejbe near the truth, the induce
ment is effective. It will be observed, also,
that the objects of this association meet
with a cordial sympathy amongst the no
bility of England, and that material aid is
readily granted to carry it forward. ■ We
cannot see how Great Britain can hope to
maintain those fraternal relations with our
government which ought to exist, when
she countenances such interferences with
our institutions. We have called attention
with earnestness .to the evidences of her
disposition to draw around us a lino of free
black governments by procuring the eman
cipation of slaves on tho islands adjacent
to'.us, tind now we see ' evidence of the
same’spirit in the readiness with which
means are furnished to induce a concen
tration of- True.blacks on our nothern bor
ders. But, without indulging in further
comment, we call attention to tho proceed
ings of tho meeting in London :
“Fuoitivk slaves inCanada. —A pre
liminary meeting of gentlemen interested
in the welfare of the fugitive slaves in Can
ada was held on Tuesday, afternoon, the
7th instant, at Radley’s Hqtel, Bridge
street; Blackfriars. The Earl of Shaftes
bury presided. There were present Messrs.
Robert Forster, Spicer, Hronan Fisher,
VVilliam Tylef, L. A. Chamerovzow, Rev.
J; James, J. C. Galloway, and Rev. James
‘•The Rev. R. S. Ward, dejggate from
the Anti-Slavery Society of. Canuda, made
a very interesting statement of the condi
tion of the fugitive slaves who'have escap
ed to, Canada. Tho number escaping
every yedr was not less than thlreo thous
and, and is constantly increasing. Tho
majority arrive at various points on a fron
tier of seven hundred miles, almost desti
tute of clothing nnd of the necessaries oi
lifo. The Anti-Slavery Society of Canada
affords them temporary relief qntii they
procure work, which they usually do wjth
in a week, there being no case on record
in which,except in tho caseof sickness, re
lief bad to be extended beyond a period of
six days after their arrival. In conse
quence, however, of the heavy claims of
this nature upon the limited means of the
Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, the com
mittee had delegated Mr. Ward to cornO to
England to raise d fund, the interest of
which might be devoted to this special pur
pose. ' Tfye Eral of Shaftesbury expressed
his sympathy with the object of Mr.
Ward’s mission, and a commission was
appointed under his lordship to promote it.
It wns determined to hold a public meeting
ut the Freemason’s tavern, at an early
day, to afford Mr. Warden opportunity of
making a public statement as to the condi
tion of the fugitive slaves in Canada. The
Earl of Shaftesbury having consented to
preside on the occasion, a sub-committee
wns appointed Jo make the necessary nr
rangements. Several subscriptions were
then announced; and, after thanks to the
noble chairman, the meeting separated.”
OCrTho Tttscarora Register, published
at Mifflin, Pa., in speaking of our next
Gubernatorial candidate, and the course
so far pursued by the present incumbent,
Gov. Bigleb, speaks as follows:
“Wo unhesitatingly say that the course
pursued by him since ho entored upon the:
duties of the present term eminently enti
tle him to another term.. He has discharg
ed tho responsible duties attached to the
office of Governor of Pennsylvania, with
fidelity and given general satisfaction to
the great Democratic party, of which tie is
prominent member. ,Ho has always been
an able and fearless champion of the poor
man’s rights; for a number of years ho
has been afloat upon, the tempestous sea of
political life. His voice was ever heard
on the side pf the; oppressed: ever ready
to support the cause of the people against
the grasping.ambition of the reckless dem.
agogues .w^q,would steep their country* in
ruin for the ?ako of power or gain.: The
Democracy of the Keystone State will not
hesitato to give their support to her!talent
ed .and worthy 399. .
The New Mexican Tabiff.— The New
Orleans Picayune says' thdt the 1 publics!
tion of the new Mexican tariff has blefen
prohibited at Vera Cruz, arid jt is believed
the duties will be still further-changed ; in
some instances lowered. • • ’ ’ 11 M
: (ttrlt is Baid that Pueen Victoria 'de
clined to receive Mra.Stowe/aridexpress
ed her surprise; that Lord Johnßusscll,
Palmerston, and ot he r mofribe rs of the gov
ernmebt'attended per party' at Stafford
■House! 1 : ’
Coppor orb has been'discovered in
Johnstown county H’. C. This is the'first
wciiqla ; qf ths||rtte; ! ; . ■
! aoust WI
. Sunday School of Moiipt Joy iriet 4
at the Mount Joy School House, on the 24*
flay of July, to celebrate our National 10.
.dependence- The following were appoint
ed officers oftbe day:
. Vice Presidents.—William Ogden, John
ShaW. ■
i Secretary—Peter A. Young.
Committee—Oliver Conklin, p, Owens,
Mathew Ogden, Zacharias Ogden, Nelson
Thompson, J. W, Wallace, , •
! The exercises of the day were com*,
menced by singing and prayer, odd ah;
address to the Sunday School by the Rev..
Samuel Creighton. The Declaration of
Independence was then rCad by J. B. Shaw,
after which the dinner was prepared, and
a largo pumber of people,paitopk thereof. -
The meeting. then called ( to .order by
the President, eind'iiV dddrpss 'delivered
by Mr.'John Owens, jK, who was followed,
by Mr. 1 Nathaniel RiShel; With the follow,
itigaddress: • : ■'■'/
Fkuow C|Tfzarts 1 : ftyv.
olution’ forms an epoch ,in the history of
the stands prominent as on'e'of,
the most important, riot only in tho imrtie-.
diate consequences' Which rosujted'jfroni
it, but in tho continued influences it is' des.‘
lined to exert,upon the destinies.of the'
world through all coming tjme, 1 " i ‘; ;
It opened p new era in the . scienceof ‘
government, rind, like Ifieadventof, the, '
Christian religion,jf'j'estabh'shed a '.pew'
dispensation.';, ' ii; '^
Our country was baptized with the
and consecrated by 'the prayers of the Pill
grims. It has been tlie asylum •of thp-'
persecuted of nil. nations.- ; ‘
First came the, Pjlgririjs.'who,' ip. the',
language of their covenant, ‘‘fled from';
their native (and, and Homes,‘and rela*.;
tives, for the glory ofGod.nnd the
vation of tho Christian religion.”‘ ~T l Hen
came tho pioiis, Hugenots, of France, es
caping also from a persecution which'had
literally made the moiintuiris deserti arid
the vales, to ro,n with blood. , , ,
These r aro the founders of our country
—the ancestry to which we look back’with
a feeling of exultant pride, i
Soon ciimc tjio time' of fiery' trial, npd '
severe tribulation; the ceaseless watch;,
the bouse of God begirt with sentinels-and
filled with arnied worshipers; the night ,
attack by tfye ruthless savage upon the ,
frontier settlement J the burning dwellings j
tho murdered infant, slain in its mother’s
arms; the bleeding father scalped,, and
trodden underfoot ere the warm spirit has,
departed ; the feebio women; led captive 1
and driven away, and, when nature could
no longer suffering, torture and
death; the stout resistance; the fearful
vengeance and final triumph. These,and ’
n thousand other trials were the portion of
those who laid the early foundations of
the institutions, whose blessings are now
No sooner was the.savage foe subdued
—driven back from river odd mountains $
no sooner did those selT-sacrificing' men ’,
begin to enjoy the fruits and reap tito re
wards of their toil and suffering, than they
became an object of jealousy and’envy to
the mother country! England, led by a
narrow policy, no sooner saw the colonists
in a situation ,to defend and provide for
themselves, than she resolved,to impose
taxes and assessments for the benefit of the
Home Government, at the samo timo de
nying them a sharp in the enactment of
those laws by which they were to be taxed.
These unjust imports and tyrannical meas
ures met, at the outset, with strong and
determined opposition, restrained though
it was by a habitual reverence tp the ma
jesty, of the King and Parliament pf Great
Britain. But, as the oppression .increased,
and the hand of tyranny became more
eroneous, the elastic spirits of the colonists,
though bowed down for the moment, re
coiled with terrific force upon the oppress
ors. The measures adopted by the min
istry of England to subdue the rising spirit
of discontent, was but so much fuel to the
volcano which was sqon to shake Npw
England to its centre, and whose premon
itions of the cataslrophe were felt through,
out the colonies.
But it was at the battle of Lexingtoii that,
it burst forth in all its fury, with a glare
that illuminated rpck, hill and dale, forest
and prairie, and with a shock that was fejt
throughout Christendom. . , !
The Battle of Lexington is the .first .act
in the opening drama—the first of the.
“Daring Peeds'” achieved by our revolu
tionary fathers. It gavo earnest to the!
spirit with which they entered the.fearful,
struggle,, and of the final triumph which!
crowned their heroic efforts, after vearp of
toil, danger and blood,. Familiar 99 house
hold words though the evonts of the Revo-!
lulion are, we hope the, lime will never
come, when they will cease to bo of deep,
and absorbing interest to every American
freeman when their recital.;will cease' to
make the bosom of every patriot glow
with renewed emotion,'
r , Then followed tho trials and sufferings
pf the Seven' Years* War. Men accus
to the implements of agriculture and the
mechanic arts sbized the sword ond fho
musket, ehd .went forth to’ bailie.' for the!
right! TJiehabill|t).et]i|p.of the citizen were
exchanged for the covering of the! soldier;
map left hi si hejne and;his happy fireside
for the tented field, thecampofwar!'' ftho
instruments of peace were wrought! jinto
instruments ofdeath,andthe patriot march
ed forth to meet the oppressor with a firm
rpsplye, to.conquer or ,dio. The farewell
waosaifl, anfphe Idst.offerihg made
altar, of donjiestic.jafiectidbs. , ' '
spirit, of our fathers. Thefire
whioh had been Kindled 'hnA
Bunkefjplill coptipued'its course, Btirnimr
PP a s^. over t P Q .' I PP'!.;; ft’sp’ed'Hk^a
w(nd. l ‘ It f 1 mw
B^lfh^ i Bn,d,.eped itb light ! a(ar : <)fr-|^h