Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 08, 1853, Image 1

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    *SggSB^fs^ w<^
' * , i .‘;..;-^-..,.flJ®:lKttJ| t J if, .V '■-'. H<
<*££&& *»®j
ip HOT PAID WITDIH THEM libßTß*.. ,to
SiwVttllittJ-Wta.. •«.
D'ewiWi-. ."•. ’• '■ '■ ; _ ~f , ' ij.awtt l
dutv km lubilitv or
Ao^tftri4?*^i lß^3ESsSloiWßiMi»»»-* t i<‘fifin’
—. , - .^l—
JWtof*}' B •£“? il
Awav round on the of the
globJ JeSfejn the ***
dian oceans, ties the vast islaad conunent
of Australia, m g it3Buperfi
curt area, thah these United States, win
all oiir accessions from Franck, Sphm^
Mexico. A mOriSter itself, it has tho »?w
of ;monetr6'iis islands, wfiteb, al»g JJ »
mother 'attd. Ch W£>o, sanjjuule
geographic divjiidn Of the .ChM—Aus
tralasia. And this iSTaUd continent, oho
of the many legacies OfCapt. Qi&pd*
British Crown, is .how undergoing ec rap.
idly the pibbeas of transformation Jrom
native .barbarism to avilization.that tho
dullest political philosopher “n hardly
question its “manifest destiny.
idently destined,arid at no far distantdny,
to become an independent P?wer among
the nations, Jn fact, another mighty Anglo-
Saxott republic, sharing with ours the com
mercial suptemicy of the earn..
*We have entertained this impression
since the confirmation of the extending '
golden resources of Australia, so ex -
have spread before the readersof the ifer-
St* for several davs past, canrtot be read
Without e confunrmUcm of
liter beciini i greet r^P^'ir.
SS HSW V iee&ionr, fjjtcel
r j rpiininuse analogous with our own.
h this conclusion is not derived
symptoms of impending rebellion, among
Her Britannic Majesty’s colonists and gold
Sggcrs, notwithstanding sOch 3 y m P tor ™
are occasionally betrayed ; but it * the
natural deduction from tho general dnft
the colony to that advanced condition
WKhH colonial guardianship is but as the
S&SS&frf mv'iJv'SS-
S°t bearded to thO waist, The elomeijp_
fn Australia are still in a stale of fO s i° n v
Soy hS assumed, as yet, neither
Steam and gold can accomplish, as they,
ieSults ««eddrte to
coritemplate, nhd miraculous, in their a
or tho' same all-powerful Caucasian ele
inration the tide setting into the gold re
So Will feel therriselves too large
riot' Waste her strength bjr cpOry
'Bray bo better tiubscrrfd by wnceding
......; i< >’> . ll ' :
rulln Whb hidved ftdiftOKlbto
to HiSitieMs
'' " ' .' : - '' :'y'''''- " | -. j
m^lc ,NTEt "'
Volume 4,
In ancient times there Jived,at Manheim,
a young man .called Otto,- who was brave
and intelligent,- but- incapable of bridling
ta, desires. When he wished for, any*
thing he spared ho effort to obtain it } and
|his •passims were like the storm winds
which cress rivers, valleys, and moun
tains crushing everything ih their passage.
T red of!he quiet life he*led at Manheim,
he one day formed a plan to set out on a
long journey* at the end of which hehoped
to find fortune and happiness. nso *
quontly ho put.his best clothes in a bundle,
placed in his girdle all the money he pos
sessed, and started, without knowing
whither he was going. After walking sev
eral days, fie found himself at the entrance
of a forest, which extended as far as the
eye could reach. Three travellers had
stopped here, and seemed, like himself, to
be preparing to cross it. One was a tall,
haugbtv woman, with a threatening mein,
holding in her hand a javelin ; the second
ia young girl, half asleep, reclining ran
tchariot drawn by four .oxen ; and the
third an old woman in rags and with a
haggard air. Otto saluted them inqui
ring whether they were acquainted with
theterest; they replied in the affirmative,
ho asked permission to accompany them,
that ho might not lose his way. All three
consented and they set out. The young
roan soon perceived that his companions
possessed supernatural powersho
was not afraid, and continued his walk
conversing with the three strangers.
They had already pursued for several,
hours the path marked out among the trees
when the sound of n horse’s footsteps was (
heard behind them. Otto' turned and rcog
nized a citizen of Manheim, who hud al
ways been bis greatest enemy, and whom
hb had hated for many years. The cit
izen overtook the foot passengers, smiled
insolently and went on. Otto became
very angry. “I would give all I possess,
l ever expect to possess, to
revenge myself on the pride and haughU
With the javelin. “Shall I make of him a
Sd S lame beggar ? You have only
to pay to me the price of the tronsforma
i‘- o “Xnd what is this price?” asked Otto
eagerly, -
“Tbv right eyo. . •
“I would willingly give & to be/evepg
cd*tho young man had scarcely finished
'sneaking, when the transformation prom
ised by his companion took place, and jie
found himself blind of an eye. He was
at first a little surprised, but consoled him
self with the thought that the other was
left, and that he could still see the misery
of his enemy. Meanwhile, they contin
ued to march several hours without reach
ing theendorthe forest, ponatont
lv becoming steeper and more difficult.
to be. fatigued looked
willi envy oh the chariot on which the
I ™.'* girl was hnlf reclining. It was so
skilfully constructed that, the deepest ruts
very .hort
smooth oh this chariot,” said he, approv
ing, ‘arid I should like such a one myself.
“Is that all ?” replied the second trav
eller; “I can at thte instant procure for
you what you desire.” • . . .■ ■
She strubk with her foot the chariot m
«,S she rode ; it seemed to become,
two and Otto perceived a second equipage
draWii by a couple of black oxen. Re
covering worn bis astonishment he thanked
the young girl, and was about to enter 11
.l Brrt •util" dta>wft<A
. V 1” 3,- « orv , tired—the chariot wM
but , j, aVO already said,
wSfis it 1” asked' thevjtoririg;lnahK'
. “You seethis flask J jW#^
“T?Kd effect aopnMCpW?.te?
»« “ *
strength revive. His heart bocamo joyous
and confident, and after haying sung all
theson'gS he kneW, ho slept soundly in the
chariot, without caring what became or
ihitn. vfrhen he awoke the three travellers
hitd diSa'ppeajred. and he was alpno at ho
entrance of h villflgo. tie “ ied Mf!
but one side of his body was immovable,
i he tried to look, but the only owV had
left was dim; hd attempted to speak, W
his tottgiie startiitiered, and be could col
lect only half his Ideas. At last hei aim
prehetided the greatness ortho sacrifices
Eh had so lightly made, the three travel
ling companions whom fate had sent him
had left him no resource but to beg his
bread until he died. . ' ■ .
Would you know the name of these
companions? The Woman withthe javc
lin was Hatred; the young g'r Wclimng
in the chariot, Indolence; and the woman
with the flask, Intemperance.
Often hadll heard of happiness, but wan
ignorant of it thyself. My anxious heart
inquired, is it all phantoirt~a thing of fie
tion, merely, and not of fact? I determ
ined to travel through tho earth and, sec if
it were in the possession of any mortal.
I beheld a king on his stately throne.—
Subjects obeyed his laws. A multitude
servants went and came at his
Palaces of the most costly materials were
at his service, and his tables groaned un
der the richness of their burdens. Ho seem
ed furnished with all he couM desire, but
his countenance betrayed that ho was not
h Ts y aW a man of wealth. He resided in
an elegant mansion, and was surrounded
by every luxury. But he lived in con
slant fear of losing his potions. Ho
was continually imagining that all h ' 3 Pro
perty Would be consumed or taken from
him; Thus picturing to his own mind
tho miserable condition of himself an
family, ho was not satisfied with his pres
ent wealth. The more he had the more
he desired. Surely here was no happiness.
I looked upon a lovely valley, surround
ed by hills. In the midst of this stewd a
neat fittle village. Our
murmuring down the Tho
lambs frolicked merrily about
grazed in the verdant pastures. und now
and then went to quench
nearest spring or purling bfook.j^Every
portion, or that they were not born to his
B ‘ a Seld a fai/young creature, blessed
with health and beauty. She was th
life of the ball-room, “ nd 'erceiied
mostconstant attentions. Butlpermved
that shb was not truly happy, inese
things could not satisfy the longing of her
he ?“awa true and heartfelt Christian. He
J, SLanUy exercising lev. .o to »
low-men, atad doing'all in his power to
extend the knowledge of Jesus Christ and
Him crucified. Ho trusted not to tbo van
*his life for happiness. He sought
Bia iulw..
nt neaco with God, bnd with mankind. Al
though hb experienced rhahy trials bo .
n pSblicandprivate, still he wascheerfo
and content with his lot. He only, of all
these, was possessed of true happiness.
The Use op liko
clear superstition exists even mour boast,
ed lightabounding day, concerifloff
of fruit This of course* hits no better
ground for
Ssa noCi** *» Mcelltnt »•
“Stoma of
general etfflsumptiob of tipefruits, wd
£ rdSm poSitively conducive to health,
fho very Cindies commonly assumed to
Stive in thh seasons of scarcity. Them
notions entertaiWa
ofthe bid effects Of fruit that it vs qu to
comfort, v the narbxism of die
longer pr freer tro fruits of
tHe contrary*. ■ Jj, , therefore caud*
preservauon^^^*"^ th( j ver y
ed to.roake tlieir ■ hody oper
time iphen the condition ot tn? uony ,
'&SB£ZtZ' I***
renovating influence,
urkifeea Ware, living.jn.rAJtegnfiPf,
'tioVer''#«» marnea.
--: i: *" ; • -'r ~ ■, _ ii;. M evjuwu *H. J «•**-" - ,s , .*•!
-to la** ~ :> w ; w:« v ’ ; ' !iri ' ,; 00 '
■rsii: -'■’ mt! ; ! :'
• > o:u « ;! u, v,.: ■•
July 8, 1853*
—Tmm ~,
I Some days since US a financier , w? 8
just leaving fts offioe in'Wall #Weej» & !
nfter a busy day.of stock and banking
SSAITWh M .-totiy
satisfactory,Vince his, ajuntenanw WJ»
that pleasant okpression which is comp^t.
iblo only with Unqualified success,) he no-
Iticed q countryman with a slouched ha ,
homespun coat, and thick l ? u ‘j.? oV The
boots, driving along a coyr. and-calf. in
cow’s udder was brimming full, ;so that
fine streams of the lacteal fluid wore run
nina from her teats. The thought of fair
country milk crossed tho broker’s btein,
and tho temptation tp secure such a luxury
nduced him to pause. .
„r gay,” cried ho to the countryman.
“Hello yerseff," replied the rustic.
“That’s a fine cow you have there.
“Waal, yes; pretty smart animal, *w-
kon.’ , 1”
“Where do you come from f ,
“Dutchess county, a leetlo back ot rox
espsy. Been drivin’all day round towp ;
consarnod tired, eny how.”
“Is vour cow for sale 1
<« Don’t know ; hate_ to part with her,
but mought dicker. Like to buy . -
“Perhaps so. What s your price 1
I “Look here, Mister, you can t havo the
| calf That’s half Devonshire and more n
| a quarter Durham. .1 want her.
“ don’t want the calf. What
will you Mtko for the cow “l”
“What a thunderin’ big house, soldo
ouised the countryman, as his glance rest
cd on the Exchange. ‘‘Must a cost a heap
you won’t sell, I’ll go,” observ
ed“ WaalTnbn’t like to part with old Bet;
but if you’ll givo sixty.fiVedoliarsinCah
forny shiners, you cap tako her. Look
at that,” continued the Yankee pointing to
a little pool oT milk that had gathered on
! the pavement, that’s .true Duchess grass
I juice, tew-thirds cream and the rest sweqt
bU Thofinancier thought the price mthor
high, but tho eight of \ho milk—and such
la bag full-convinced,,him that the bar.
gain would bo a good , one, so ko stepped
fnto his office and produced hisgold, which
tho Yankee carefully counted, hefted, bit,
&c, to make sure that it was good, obse -
ving that “folks are pesky sharp, down
here, and somebody said this was Wall-st.,
sol’d better look out.” Having satisfied
himsoir that the gold was good, be turned
away with tho cair, almost crying at part
fng with old Bet, who, he said he loved
“moro’n ho did his brother.
The Wall-st., gentleman hired a rimer;
’man to drive old Bet to his home; across
rhe river That night there was rejoicihg
Great was the flow of pure
country milk, so abundant that thO broker
, began to think that he had tipped kho mdky
wav. New pans werd purchased, the
even the cat had lick oxtra, and Biddy
called in all the helps around to talk over
the new wonder. " ;
The proud owner and hts wife wngra
ula,ted each other and went to sleep only
to dream of sailing in a huge tin pan oyer
„n ocean of milk. : Old Bet was fed corn
meal, and bedded like, a pet dog. -Next
morning, instead of fifteen quarts she gave
but ,hre B e ; next day about a mnt, attd
a week she was as dry ns a book of logar.
l,h The Wall-st., financier wris
sold —Tho Yankee never saw Dutchess
County! btit had got an old
iust drying up borrowed a calf, set him *o
nursing until the flow was soinowhat stim:
kepi .he »»
for a week, then Bhq was in proper order
S appear ‘‘on Change.” when he dresjmd
himself for the occasion, add mad e ms do
but in Wall-st. Tho done-browii broker
has since spld bis cow to a-butoher lor
some twenty dollars; and taken the milk
nana to his office to pitchpettmes mto.
Obedience to tub. . -
Providence Mirror tells the? following. -
“Rather a strict disciplinarian ,w»M 1
“boss” earpenter of whom we “bearn tell.
‘ s^Sti,‘whenil»tdS.%
for noon, , you can drop your workbut
when the bell strikes for one o clock 1
SS m*
; tv :hvb or thirty feet from the, grqupd, : >y>t|
a bundle of shingles on hlsbitck, when th
about that iMsW> nVJock I
bbrombneed th<3 scattered
6 Ht^ya,”'sayathe boss, ‘‘wc^w'^
Angles excnpMpn t? our^
at';& nauuhi^ilfecw
his own crutches'.
;',7.V> - v
N timber
; ' CMldtaia'ndfeaehelors.
The local man of the Albany
ticker as follows about chib
dreri and bachblothbftd: ,
«* Ohthat wo taerodboy again! ■ Bless
their dear Utile hearts, bow. we low ichil
dren. We always let them have the rown
Su'dless tHhy pull the cat’s tall and.
tdrtute dhm‘ animals, such os pbltmg the
legs and wings of flies, : steal confectionary,
4 nd poking straw in. their mother s .ear.
when she is stealing n nap.- We never
scold them for making mud pies or not
keeping their poses clean, Tor wo recollect
S tab wort, a child etir’s used tnhave
its 6wn wayi' Forgetfulness has blotted
lout the record of. unhappy njoments pass
led in early manhood, but Memory, Qod
! bless her, still empties in pur tap. nmapron
full of good things wo enjoyed when a
| C An old bachelor is a poor, forsaken, un
provided for creature. No young Vines
sfirout at, its roots, and no grapes aro ga
thered from its branches. Ho te8 3 > ‘°^>
and sweats for himself aloneahd nobody
else. Ho returns at eve to his solitary
abode, and :no says My
dear, where have you staid so long T JNo
lisDinc children climb his knee, and with
cherub (ones beseech daddy for them
thugar kitheth!” He sleeps cold mwmtor
for want of a comforter, and his summers
aro ripe with false blossoms of hope. He
is paving his.addresses to solitary, woe
through fife, finally to be wedded vvith the
cold sods of the valley. Poor, miaG r
ble bachelor! Happy taaraied manwith
qn angel for a-wife, and a dozen of little
cherubs! .
Babies in California— Crying child- ;
rcn in Church are Usually considered as
nuisancesf and taken out; but this is not
always th'e case, ad the following anecdote
from tho Ladies Repository for April will
Bh ° A brother just returned frojn Califor
nia, says he was present in tho “ n 2 re ?£*
tion of brother Owen, when a bab
arms of its mother began to cry.. A thing
so unusual in California o«rooted .nqt a
little attehtiqn, and the mother rose to r r
Ur “Don’t leave,” said the preacher “the
sound of that babels .voice is more interest
ine to many in this congregation than, my
owm It is perhaps the sweetest music
that many a man has heard since a long
The effect was instantaneous and pow
erful, and a large portion of tho congrega
tion melted into tears.”
Tub Monomania of theßei'ormek.
We hovo seen a Bick man, in moments o
hallucination, prescribe for the supposed
him He administers his fanciful drugs
for imaginary diseases with infinite tender
ness according as he conjectures they are
needed Tho sight is extremely touching,
S L dissolved whole companies in
sad and melancholy is it Some
times to observe a poor sick yohner,
whoso brain has become diseased by the
! contemplation of misery and evil. a tempt-
I ihe to prescribe remedies for social disar
£ which either do not exist or cannot
be cured if thfey do. -Society is doubtless
sick, and needs physic nnd a phyBiciam y .
But care must be exercised that the pny
Sah is nbt an invalid"himself, and occu-!
pied medicinesform^adrcs
ha feels but does not see. The good ana
S mender of mankind is someyes
unhappily a monomaniac.— JSeWfirb Adv.
' itVTho editor of the Lafayette Journo
proposes to bind up a'volumo containing a
copy of each, newspaper published in Fbo
Union, as a contribution to ‘ ho New Vork
Crystal Palace Exhibition. We regard
SfesVibh asd g66dl one, and should
be glad to bee it adopted by every Stote
tn the whole Union. A copy of overy
American newspaper will constitute
and one.of some magnitude
Qir'-'k Scotch paper notices anold yio- 1
mdOliving otGlassgow whoisnowl3o
3s of age. She is perfectly .free of
afflictions of the chest, during the> last cen
tury of her life she ;has been ajier feet strap*
So pain, and. her pulse does not exceed
70 tfcr grandfather died at jffle ajg? ,jj
S, and her father in thd 120th, year 61
is a great eutstituto for
paregoric. Show us a blockhead* nnd_wo
will'show you a : man #O, cap fjeep
twelve hours out of B Men.
cßii make men wakeful, you must maKo
Kntolligeut. IfWeownedthofeh^
I timo lLy cheat a poor
@Wgive Wcents bfit ; to heath-
l n >• '4fibth ! et 4lch mam *4^mthe.r
%mmm neier ~u wo
reach the other side of Jordan.
n 0...., u».jnio».
TTWP iSlivS?
- ss
Ilk* 'orj f tf«T» SBWWIMWJf
!• tb»'«t«»tet willb»ht»p?ofl , f’ji;; ..V r ••• ;■' ,
. • sßookSji lobs bb® Blanks»;; <<o iIT
l O"*M
i .
We have sometimes thought iW®
study of history was' not sufficiently c Ut
voted in our schools and
deed a student isoldom.ubless P r ' c r
acquires a more defimto idea of hiMO ?
1 then he,.gleans ‘ he
youth whose studies, afe.
different branches of English
orally leaves school with but vague. *«d
Snn&ttid notions df ancient or fcddern
l hl Tho‘advantageswhichare,dorivedfrpjr»
the stu'dy of history.,ore.immenpqj-g
they do not seem to be properly
ed. y History has been emphatically term
ed “the looking glass of T^L 1 „
fleets oil the actions of mankind and bring
aS u‘Hives us a prospea of human'
it shows us tho tumuUs/chanßes. W.
and convulsions of empires-the m gt
religion, virtues,and .vices ormdwdM
and nations-U furnishes us Wth pttUprnS
to imitate and examplo to deter.
By .studying history, a man : maygrcrt»
wise at tho cxpenso ofthe studies.ofQtUor
men He may thus visit, without trayell-
ZTm the habitable partsof theglobe. <Jo
mav revel at Babylot> with Alexander )he
X, or Sip Sack broth at Lacedmnu®
V •>» "S 3
Peter of Russia, while devising plan* to itrt
prove the condition Of his .barbarous cub
prove uiov fonbl wjth Columbus
Icf discover a new world-*or join Napol
eon and his numerous hosts, ‘“ “ttempting
to enslave kingdoms. In a word, familiar
acouainttuice with history wil givo aTnan
knowledge of Mankind, .vhich
enlarge a person’s ideaß, and stimulate to
noble deeds. —Boston Journal. ;
T<oVE and Romance^— We publish
ed days ago, says the °' j£ 8e » l
eKnrt sketch with the .above title,.., *
Gives the dalnila of a romantic
S ma,ri.BO,*o partioabemgaWy aoj
tied the" knot hymenial, the brother of th
i vounc ladv arrived in thiacityfrom Tex-
I as, and for the first time heard of the event,
i Ha immediately went to the St. vhariea
Hotel where the young lady was stopping
Company with H-, andher d ft agh.
er bTh from the same State, m wWb
charS the bride had ■ tieeh ? taeß« IgJ
her departure from home. Meeting. M*.
Hl in P tho parlor or tho Hotel, he upbrai
ded her with having lent hor countenpncp
to the secret marriage .of hts Bister, oppW
iSg to her some very harsh epithets hot
sot dowrt in the code Of clique tte JThi
aroused the iro of MisS H—, a young “ d
blooming virgin of seventeen summer,
brother, and shaking against his face her
whim and tiny fist, “wished she
or even had a weapon, ihnt she mi o ht kill
hil threatening at
titude, thelriritated brptherof the bride drew
was prevented by a gentleman visitor who
of “true grit” on both sides, and as a tale
hf refitting 0? a very pretty speci
men of the rothantic. ,
*A Noisascr-To have a peace-raurd
erirn? accordean strike up “Days ef Ab-
Seni»” about the time yoU attack a pile o»
tinnrfn nf4h6fS" Of 16 ' it blowibg
“ Auld lang Svbe” about the time
tovins back coil collecting. jout jdeM J»'
iSoclMilCr. Q»tedit«»l
can “pliancy our phelmxr . . . j
• (tjrAmong thecuriosities which «Ufe
the World’s Fair is a leather
exhibited a ffion( j Jacobs.
Thetoahjspring is India rubber, while the
w«lw are composed ofguttp percha. The
Sole is wound up by two boys r and a bed
wrench., Simis evidendy a gentusy
(ty-Every man has, id his pwnWp,fol
liebendugh-Aln his owrt n'ihd, | tr«ubftp
erioonh—in the performance of h»*
doficfonpies enougltr-faihis>°* n :^ 0, l ;
evils enppghTTrWlhout bei ?B curious a>t ? r
the affairs of others. * . .. v
ngFWhile a party of.twelve
. \wJiwL nt Newport, Sucks county tho
SScMt" l "'™ *“ Ibci'clothci. He*
rSbW }Aiim * * bK ' et -W*-
ed than dpscribed^,
celled tolwke' npcnnd ■ eek ■ hew be rtiey
l ' <•