Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 01, 1853, Image 2
~ THE REPUBLICA -CIEABFIEtD Pa,, jfniy i t 1853. jtflMfOCßflTljD IVOMflVATiftivjs Commissioner, ; ‘ TfigMAS H. FORSYTH, Pf Philadelphia County, , , >; i ' *'." Auditor Generae, vM HR ai m banks, ' Of Mtjflin County. 'Surveyor General, h POUTER RRAWLEY, v Of Crayjfofd County. _ STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING.—Tho Democratic Standing Committee of Clear fieidCounty for the year 1853, will meet at the Court Houso, at 4 o’clock P, M. on the 4th day of July next. By order oftho L,, r Standing Committee. _ lne following persons composo that com jtnittee;: M°j* Y' B ‘ Uplt » Jolln Shoaff, F. G. Miller, Jf. M. Cummings’, G. B. Goodlan tier, J. Sutes, Francis Coudriet, G.S. To wr,. Richard Hughs, Thomas Owens, i Qhn h Bund y« H. J. Hite, I. W. Gra tam, Philip Hovener, C. Baker, W. S. Roy, Martin Nichols, jr. Samuel C. Thomp po"« J :, A * r * Hunter,\V. F. Johnston* glias Horn, G. .W. ShoafT, J. B. M’Enal ty, J. H, FJeming. < fttrTho Democratic Stnto Convention to nominate a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Coort, will meet in Harrisburg, .on Thursday the 28th of July, will be seen that a call for a pteniing of the Democratic Standing Coun ty Committee, on the4th of July, has been published in our papor for some twp or ; lhree weeks. This Committee consists of of one person from each township in the and it is all important that a full board should be in attendance as business importance is to be transacted. I - The BcbclJion in China. The rebellion in China is now known to if of.the most formidable character, and jhe reformers, or revolutionists, or what- else they may bo called, have trav ersed so much of the Empire, and so ma ny of the large cities and populous dis /r'icts have already yielded to thejr power, " work of successfully revolutioniz es e®. whole kingdom is now more than half completed. What the particular ob ■ject of the revolutionists is, or what refor feotion eey pretend to effect does not ap .jfffi: to be very clearly explained. But the fact that wherever they have conquer, ed, and secured a foothold the peoplescem *> well satisfied that they make no com plaints, and in no instance, as far as known, ■h*y® they attempted to repossess them selves of the adminis*ration thus over ibrown. This speaks loud in favor of the of the revolutionists, is of itself suf ficient to enlist the attention, if not the fa vorable .consideration of all Jiboral govern- If we are to credit our present hibwiedge of the Chinese Government un jjfcjfr;!*® present Tartar dynasty, it is a despotism of the mosttyranjeal character; Jtenee any change will behest likely for ihe better; worse it cannot be. ■ > -.’pST”Wo Pro requested to slate that the Tjio*t*s P. Hunt, Agent of Lafay. will preach in the Presbyto-, / ,an .s )Utc h at Ctirwensville, on the 3d of J«ly, at II o'clock', A. M., and at Clear field at half past 3 o’clock P. M, 0 f the same day. He will also spend some time in the county to secure scholarships in JLafayette College, fKrWe regret to learn that while Mr. fhomaa Shea, an industrious mechanic of our town, was in Philadelphia, last week, some one of the long fingered 1 gen try who iplest some portions of that city, succeed. £d in getting hold of his pocket book, and extracted therefrom the sum pi' two hun dred dollais. I * ftlrTho different Sunday Schools of nce > nra .making all necessary prep-1 pralions for an appropriate celebration of Ihe approaching An naversa ry of our Na tional, Independence. For the Republican. ■ Mmsbs. Editors -As tho time is fast apjironching, in fact at hand, ’when the of the county will be called up. • a 6 m cc *'ph of candidates to be >rtecl -- V ‘P® democratic party for the flinerent county Offices—arid, as the sub- sf > a<l represent‘us in the next ?°P# S ' is exciting con-i sidetable feeling dirisßg the people of the •county,,and J.'artictildirly"s 0 in the upper ■•end of the county—allow fne therefore; to suggest the name of one of our own ,r *f onn ection with the nomination for . that office-ami that persort is Robert - MbhaPf4t, of Bell fojvnship. Air. MehUffy has always been an dbtjlye; and unWaver. I , 1?® Democrat, and a man possessing oil) ,; . the necessary qualifications to make a good and efficient Representative, :and one' in "Sfc-# SPP thesrinterests. ShduldMAi ! jkjWJjW/fc in the District I that there.isfl'oman ? n the county wfip wou|d run a larger Vote •l* * • l . ___ ** IB 'Vnshinslon Union. I TUB MISSION TO CHINA. ! following communication was Tho latest inleligence from China would handed us with a request that we would' P rob^ lo overthrow 'give it a place in our columns. .The ob ot the present Fnr|ar;dynasty, and the in- 1 n r . . •; .. ~ , stallation of a new Emperor at Narikin, • JC ;^' bo writer heing tp .discloso to the •of the ancien Chinese family. P l '-*, 2 ® 118 ofour county, the advantages of this revolution be ac'complished, it and running their,timber to market , will be the most important event of this over that of soiling it to the log.fldatere^i this ISTho ![’ 9 .*7° f ° r ‘ h ° ,USt few 80 ob ‘ world. It is generally believed’that tho new j atructe “ °“ r navigable streams by their dynasty will be more favorable |han its newn “d illiberal systepi of rafting, predecessor to foreign trade and inter-1. Messis, Moore Wilson.— From the best course ; and pur increased commerce from; information that I can get, there was no tioAtlanUc as well as from Oregon and ,pinntimber sold a Marietta last spring, low*' aliformu on tho Pacific, place this coun-'Cf than 6 cents por cubic foot, and some as r y, * n ? position for tho developement of, high as 14 cents, which would make an an immense trade with China and the [average of ten cents per foot. It costs to neighbortng States. Tho United States I lnQ k e raft, and run timber to Marietta 4 and Unnirare both great powers fronting.; ce nts per’foot, without the hauling, which upon the Pacific, and their products and Entirely depends on tho distance. If your manufactures are admirably calculated foritimber was on the bank of tho stream* or an immenso and largely beneficial trade 1 80 near it as to cost but h dent per foot for and intercoui'se. Wo aro the only great) hauling, you would at that price have for nation that consume? tea, the'staple pro-! timber °nd profit 855 00 per thousand feet, duct of China, free of duty; and our cot-! Tfio samo trees which would make 1,000 ton and cotton manufactures, and various jfeetof square timber, wouldcutabout 9,000 other articles, ought to be freely received) l" e{ 3 boards. These trees cut into saw in exchange. The present crisis has in-[ log B °nd delivered on the bank of the duced the President to tender this mission j s * ream » would cost tho owner for cutting to the Hon. Robert. J. Walker, of Missis-j ani l hauling 89 50—allowing him to pay sippi, late Secretary of the Treasury of i hauling at the same rate as stated above the United States, accompanied by all *h® timber—which logs, in order to necessary powers, and authority to accom-1 bring tho owner the samo for timber and push the great object of this most impor- profits that the square timber does, would tant trust; and Mr. Walker, wo under- have to be sold for at least 87 00 per stand, has accepted. tho mission. It is thousand feet of logs, board measure, well knpwn that the last Congress placed If the timber is so far off the stream as the missons to China upon "the highest }o cos t 3 cents per foot to haul it, theprof grnde known to our diplomacy. Since j (3 Qn d timber would amount to 830, 00. this action of Congress, new events have The samo timber cut into saw logs and the given to the mission a still more command- same price paid for hauling, would at 87 ipg character. There is at present no di- per thousand feet for the logs, board meas plomatic station upon which the public ure, on the btralf of tho stream, net the eye, not only ofour country but of nil civi-|°' v ner 828 50. lizod nations, will be more intently fixed. To this signal interest and importance of the mission alone, we presume, it is owing that Mr. Walker, whoso political antcco. dents so eminently fit him for tho work before him, has abandoned his well known preference for private life, and undertaken this high and difficult diplomatic service. His general views in favor of a liberal commercial policy are well known to the country and to the world. Under the tariff of 1840, our revenue, ns well as our [imports and exports, have .been doubled, and the prosperity of the country is unpre cedented. W hate vet opinions may be en tertained by the few who still advocate the protective policy ns regards his views in connexion with reciprocal trade with Eng land, there can be none who will doubt the propriety or his opinions in regard to an. enlarged trade and commerce with China, and the East; and wo presume .there is no American who will not desire his success in the great and important mission now intrusted to.his care. Mr. Walker’s views in regard to our trade with China and Asia are fully set forth in his several Treasury Reports, and especially in that of December, 1848. In that report Mr, Walker concluded his viowd on this subject with the following prophe tic remarks: “Our ports upon the gulf, with thoso up on both oceans fronting upon Europe from tho East, and Asia from tho west, occupying the central position between all the conti nents of tho globe, nearer to them all by convenient routes than any other nation, [including an easy access to the whole in terior of our own country, we want only tho ocean steamships of adequate strength, speed, and numbers, to give us the com mnndof the trade of all nations. Nor should wo forget that, in carrying our trade among the great and populous na tions of Asia, and facilitating intercourse I ,ba f vast region, passing from coast | to . c ,? ast * n the short period of twenty days, with monthly or weekly steamships, tho light ofChristianity, following the path of commerce, would return with all its bless ings to the East, from which it rose. In t/iose regions commerce, must be the pre. curser ofChristianity: commerce, which loaches peace and intercourse between na tions; which declares that man is not the enemy of man, nor nation of nation; but that the interests of all countries and of all mankind are rapidly under the goneral influence of an unrestricted reciprocal trade and intercourse. . / “By your-recent acquisition on the Pa cific, Asia has suddently become our neighbor, wjth a placid intervening ocean, inyiting our steamships upon the track of a commerce greater thanthat of all Europe I combined. I his commerce is ours, jfour merchants and government should, by their united energies, secure for us wjth Asia a rapid and frequent communication by steam. .Oui products and our manu factures, .and especially our coarse cotton fabrics, ore precisely what are desired by several hundred millions of their people, vvho. will send us back in return their specie and their rich productions, so few of which are raised within our limits.” tj ** 18 not a little remarkable that the ■ I predictions of Mr, Walker, as regards the ad vent of Christianity in China as tho re suit of increasing trade and intercouse, Jseem on tho eve of fulfilment, os in dicated in tjie proclamation in favor of Christianity by the rebel chief—not im probably now the new Emperor of China. ITb* 3 proclamation, if the facts are truly stated, i$ the most stricking. event the [ world has witnessed since the unfolding of the banner ojrthe'Cross by Constantine at the head, of the imperial legions of Rome. Wo are sure we but echo the voice of tho whole Ame rican people in wishing en tirp siiccess to Mr, Walker in this great and, arduous trust confided to hint by the opening, the trade of China of the'vvwkj 110 ntr y bnd that 80 ,arge 9 breadth of potatoes has not* been sown in Ireland as the present year. .Thenppearapco of the crop is most promising. ,1, Corrcupundenco ol the Niiliunni Democrat. PUBLIC SENTIMENT IN CDBA. Havana, Juno 8, 1853. You cannot conceive tho distrust and | anxiety which the mysterious policy of Eu rope is inflicting on this ensiaved people. We knotv not what to do—what to cx- P ec t on whom to depend. Our condition of suspense is insufferable ; but this dread of tho projects of Spain and England, and our trust in tho magnanimous policy of tho American Union, have nevertheless pro duced some excellent fruits in tho way of union and organization. The Cubans of| every"-rank and calling, even to those chil dren of luxury who formerly said, ‘‘wo are rich and prosperous and desire no change,” have been forced to observe the insecurity ofall this wealth and indulgence. Tho most loyal and distinguished adhe-i rants ofSpnin have had sons and nephews thrown into dungeons, and sent into mis eruble exile for mere suspicion of enter | taining liberal sentiments, and even their delicate and stainless daughters have been dragged to filthy prisons, and cast into those abominable houses of correction, among brutal and dissolute criminals, for no offence, or suspicion of offence, but the utterance of republican ideas. The spirit of persecution has been so regardless of justice and decency that no age, sex, or class has escaped its cruelties, and all classes, therefore, are now united in plans of resistance. Revolution i 3 inevitable. There is not a intelligent man on the island who is not concious that a terrible crisis is at hand. Ho must bo in lamentable ig norance of the true state of Cuba who de nies this sombre fact. The languague and conduct of tho British officials quar tered about us add new anxieties to our critical position. Tho determination of Great Britian to organize and take under her orders all tho Africans, which (con trary to her bonds of slave-trade suppres sion) she is always planting here, is haughtily declared at tho British consulate. When we point out the danger to our ru ral villages which the sudden license of thirty or perhaps fifty thousand idle unciv ilized, and ferocious negroes, from the sav age shores of Africa, would produce, the British officials make answer that this is not their business ; their duty stops with putting these Africans in civic equality with us. - Many families are selling their property at enormous sacrifices, and leaving the island. Fine estates are being offered for half thier Value, and there is no saying where this depreciation of real estate may atop, probably at no point short of a revo ration. Two years ago—yes, one year ago— you vrould find many native Cubans, and nearly all the'settlers from Old Spain de daring against the possibility of an insur rection. Now, I affirm that no Cuban, and few Spaniards, believe the present slate of things canoxist another entire year For my part, I believe that all these cruel ties are not practised by the Spanish offi cials m the hope of preventing the loss of the island. They are inflicted in brutal vindictiveness, because poor, enslaved Cu ba tsescaping from their hands'. There is a supposition afloat—l know not on what grounds, though rumor attrib utes it to the officers of the British squad ron—that simultaneous with the “procla mation of free equal citizenship of all the Africans in Cuba,’’ the English fleet now collecting in these seas has orders to seize L rto T, ■ , 0, wou ld tally exactly with what-England already avows offiei 1 policy its possession wbuld complete her chain of island colonies from the Bahamas, on the coast of Florida, to the outlet of the majes tic Bio Orinoco, and to’ constitute her the absolute captain of the Ameican isthmus as vve!l as °f the African race'in America. It will be a finaJbead to her kingdom of Caribbean islands, but it will not be very profitable to American 1 trade, and produc tion. 'r./ r ofDominica will gaincom thuig by Our irbables. The planters of Fbito fticd 1 Will fly ttyre with iMrprpperii t y‘ a " < Mf“L ,i es < to escape the domination °* , ."Bjfhd nod her negroe colobista; and if Spain or' England encroached'on 11 its rights or independence, the brave and , liberal President of Dominica, the jjllus trjous Satana, wjio has led it forward in ' its most honorable victories, will demand ■ Jlho interposition ; of the United States, for tho just protection of an American nation from the arrogance of European dictation. The liberal assignment of land in free donation to settlers by the republic of Do minica will be another cause of emigration from Porto Rico,, as it is but a few hours* sail ditant from that doomed island, and as healthy as it is beautiful. Some Ameri cans in Cuba are olso turning their eyes to Dominica as the most convenient refuge from the intolerable annoyances and re strictions of the Spanish rule, and where the same as in Cuba, they may enjoy the j delights of a tropical paradise. L From the Now York IforaM. Southern Negroes in California. Their Remittance of Gold—Return of\ Eight Men to their owners—Efforts of\ the Abolitionists to detain them—Resis tance of the Blacks, and their safe ar rival home. Moboantoh, N. C., May 23,1852. In reply to the ideal cases which the fa natical writers of the anti-slavery portion of the American press cite, and the absurd stories which the abolitionists orators pro pagate, in order to impress their readers and hearers with the belief that the Ne groes of the South regard their owners with abhorrence, and sigh for emancipa-j tion, I beg to inform you of a few tangible and positivo facts, which will tend to prove) most clearly that the contrary feeling ex ists amongst them, and that they will re member, respect, and even return to their masters, from a state of freedom enjoyed under the most alluring circumstances. Amongst the passengers who arrived in your city by the California steamer, upon the 13th of thismonth, were seven or eight slaves, returning from the gold-diggings of that country to their owners, who are all planters residing in this neighborhood. Four of these men had been in Califor nia for about two years, and for the last twelve months they have had the entire control of their own actions and opera tions. During nil this time they were quite successful in gold digging, and have been in tho habit of regularly transmitting tho proceeds of their labor to this part of tho continent—sometimes by means of drafts drawn in California, and others by express. Having lately determinedto return,they arrived in New York, as above mentioned, I and remained there for three days. They were immediately “hunted up” and sur rounded by your abolitionists and free soil ers, from whom they received the most pressing invitations, and by whom tho most earnest entreaties were used, in order to induce them to remain, so as to form part of an exhibit against tho institutions of the Southern portion of the Union. But it was all in vain; they took their departure at the time previously arranged for amongst them; and leaving your fa natics and sympathizers behind, turned their faces toward the old North State once more. When they arrived in Philadelphia they were subjected, to a repetition of tho same attentions from a section of the same class inhabiting that city, but the result was equally barren in profit to the cause of psuedo-philnnthropists, and the men arriv ed here in the last stage, all ingood health and spirits, and seemingly most happy in the recollection that they had ‘saved them selves from their Northern friends.’ There are at the present moment some one hundred and fifty negroes, from” this and an adjoining county, in California, where they are daily engaged in mining with great success and profit;.and from! the firm disposition with which they have resisted all the evil influences which are brought to bear upon them by a restless party, which disgraces and disturbs the country, I have no doubt but they will all in like manner return to their owners, un less prevented by tho decrees of Provi denco alone. The owners of those slaves, and tho en tire South, owe them n debt of gratitude, not only for their firm adherence to hon or, but also for their manly resistance of that party which is equally tho bane of the block man and America. I write in much haste, and I will ask of ypu to insert thi3 in the columns of the Herald, in order that if the “Cabin” wri ters of the day should ever wish to find a “Key of Truth” regarding the slave ques tion, they may search for it in the inde pendent columns of that journal. In haste, Southerner. For the Republican. Messes. Editors : — From spme remarks in the last Republican , I infer that vou hav « not r *ght!y understood' the object of the County Temperance Convention, to be held at the Court House on . the afternoon of Monday next. It is to “devise meusures to secure a Temperance Candidate for the Legislature,” not to nominate. That a nomination of a candidate for that office will be a part of the measures, no one eith er knows or can affirm. If the existing parties, or either of them, will give us re liable Temperance men, who will carry out our wishes, it is all we ask. We hope you, and all good Democrats and Whigs will meot with us aaft tell us how we can secure our object without a separate nom ination. A reliablecahdidate wewUl/tape I If the existing parties will not give us oitej we will make our own, as a last resort.— We expect that the Rev. Tnos. p. Host, the celebrated Temperance lecturer will meet with the Convention on Monday af ternooif, Rey. E. W. Jackson and D. M. uarber have been attend, but ah answer has not yet been received. „ " Thiv» truly*- v.;. Patou., (ttr Tb- ..'here sip some that/live without any design at nil unit only puss in the world likp straws upon, a river,; they do not go, qut they art carried, "* ‘ • Ci l * » • THE DANGERS / The recent disasters to vessels ajad on the railrqads call loudly for stringent re forms in the management of railroads, and for more care in those having chargb of passengers. The real extent of these cal amities is qcit known, but the New York Times compiles a summary statement bf the disasters, os received between the dates of April 1 ahd May 18, which we subjoin, j as painfully interesting: VESSELS.— Steamer Independence. — Wrecked and burnt, Februfy 10, near Margaretta Island, in the” .pacific, 107 miles north of Cape St. Lucas—l 29 lives lost. I Steamer Tennessee. —Wcqt ashore on the 16th of March, near San Miguel, on the Pacific. Six hundred passengers bn board—all rescued. Steamer Jenny Lind. —Exploded April while on the.way from San Francisco to San Jose —31 lives lost, 19 persons in jured. Steamer S. S. Lewis, —Went ashore in the Pacific,nearßelinas Bay, April 9th.— Four hundred and forty passengers on board—all saved. Steamer Albatross. —Lost in the Gulf while on her way from New York to Vera Cruz, April I Oth. . Steamer. Ocean lyave.- —Burned on Lake Ontario, Saturday, April 30—‘37 lived,lost—passengers 21, crew 16. Sark William and Marry. —Wrecked on reefs in Bahatfaa Channel, May 3 170 lives lost. Railroads. — Camden and Amboy Railroad. —Afternoon train from Pbila delphia, Saturday, April 23, ran off the drawbridge nt Rancocas creek. Michigan Southern and Central Rail roads.—Collision at the crossing, April 2G—lO lives lost, many persons injured. Boslcn and Maine Railroad. —One man run over and killed, April 28, at Read, ing Depot. Reading Railroad.—One man killed, near the Falls of the Schuylkill, May 5. New Haven Railroad. —Morning ex press train from New York, Friday, May 6, ran off drawbridge at Norwalk—4s lives lost. New York and Erie Railroad, Ram apo Branch. Collision on Monday, May 9—2 lives lost. Old Colony Railroad. —-Freight train thrown off, near North Braintree, Mass., May 11—cause, misplaced switch. Traunton Branch Railroad. —Train thrown off, Saturday, May 7—15 persons injured—cause, a broken axletree. New York Central Railroad.—Colli sion, near Syracuse, May'S, between pas senger and cattle trains —engineer hurt. Hudson River Railroad. —Child killed, in this city, Monday, May 9th. Total. —Loss of life, during three months, on sea and river steamers, 307 ; on railroads, 66. Aggregate loss, 433. From this statement, it will be seen that upward of 400 persons havo lost their lives, during the transit from place to place on our various routs of travel, in the short space of three months. Beside the wrecks of sea-going vessels, attended with loss of life, no less than three first class steamships havo foundered—each containing a large number of passengers, varying from one hundred and fifty to six hundred persons on each vessel. These were rescued by I strenuous exertion; but, under less favor able circumstances, they might havo beeni added to the list of dead. Those results indicate a lamentable laxity of discipline, a want of energy, and an absence of fore sight, which demand the most vigorous in vestigation. Bank Charter Notices.—Wo notice announcements already published in the Harrisburg papers, pursuant to a provision in our Constitution requiring six months notico of intended applications for charters at tho next session of tho Stato Legisla ture: Banks ofNorthumberland, Honesdalo Bank. Miner’s Band of Pottsville. Farmers’and Mechanics’ Bank of Al lentown. Bank of Gettysburg. Canonsburg Saving Fund Society. Bank of Commerce. Penn Township Bank. • Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Cat. nsnqua. Blairs vil Ie Trust and Saving’s Company, Iron Manufacturer’s Bank at Ports mouth. Lumberman’s Deposit Bank at Ports mouth. Horrible Bailrood Accident. Boston, June 25. —This afternoon, about six o’clock, Captain Winthrop Rich, nrdson, a well known retired tailor, pf this city, while crossing the Maine Railroad track, at Melrose, a few miles from Bos ton, was struck by the Express train, and lashed to pieces, not a piece being found aiger than his hand. Jepartore of Two Suspicious Armed Vessel from New Orleans. New; Orleans, June 22.—A telegraph iq dispatch from the Balize says that two auspicious vessels, armed to the teeth, left the head of the Passes at 2 o’clock this afternoon for sea; destination unknown. samboat Explosion and Loss of Life. Charleston, June 25.—The steamer Wayne exploded her boiler forty miles be low Nowbern, N. C., kiting five negroes and seriously scalding two. CttT The Jersey Shore Republican says that the citizens of that place will celebrate the seventy-eight adversary of our Na tional Independence, on Monday the ith I of july next. They are only one year in advance of tbeir neighbors. • * •« of mortality, indicate »-.*«* in IST a day.of wxnnd a half an hour.-!- Lpndon is a, great place tojive in, ami it] seems, to serve to die in also. ( FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE HUMBOLDT. Interesting-from all parts of Europe. The Steamship Humbodlt, from Havre and Southampton, arrived at New York on Tuesday, bringing London .dates to tho Bth inst. Among the passengers are W. C. Bry ant, Esq., Editor of the N. Y. Evening Post, R. Scheliden, Special Envoy from Bremen to the United States; R. Bingham Esq., Counsel General and Charge from the English Government to Caracas; lif. Brown, Esq., late U. S. Consul at Rome; R. W. Sykes Esq., Bearer of Despatches from the (J. S.Qegalion at Paris, and the Rev. E. E. Adams, of the American Chap, el at Havre. It is ahnouttcqd that the split in the English Cabinet, between Lord John Rus sel and the Irish members holding office, had been healed up, Mutual explanations having taken plaqe between lira three gen tlemen (Messrs. Mouseli, Keogh and Sad ler, who had resigned the offices they fill ed,) and the Earl of Aberdeen ; their res ignation had been withdrawn. , The Baltic reached Liverpool on tho 7th inst., after a run of n littlo pyer ten days. The Cambria arrived at Liverpool on the 6th inst. On tho 2d inst., the ratification of the treaties for the renewal of the Zollverein wero exchanged at Berlin. Piedmont has sustained a severe loss by the death of Count Balbo, President of the Council, which took place on the 3d. Tho British Mediterranean fleet hod sailed from Malta for Dardanneles, and tho English Channel fleet had been ordered to the Mediterranean. Tho French fleet had arrived in Besica Bay. When the Humboldt sniled, the impres sion had gained ground both in London and Paris, that although the Emperor bf Russia might make some demonstrations against Turkey by menacing, or even by ’ crossing t|io Denubean frontier, yet that actual hostilities would be avoided by a di. plumatic settlement of the question. Telogrsphic despatches from Vienna state that tho Russian forces had already commenced their march towards Moldavia and Wnllncia. Tho fourth army corps had already been ordered from St. Petersburg, to proceed from Warsaw by forced inarches to Bessa rabia. Tho Turks on the other hand, were not idle and wero preparing for a vigorous resistance. The Egyptian fleet and an army of 30,000 men were proceed ing to the support of the Sultan, whilst the Turcoman chiefs were raising 100,000 men free of expense lo the Porte, for the defence of tho Islamism. Notwithstanding these portentous signs, it was generally thought peace would be pre served. The Meditation of Austria and Prussia was spoken of. Count Nesselrode had also arrived in London with despatch es. The most recent intelligence, how ever is that published in a third edition of the Times of the 7th inst.,'to the effect that tho Emperor of Russia had despatch ed a courier from St. Petersburg to Con stantinople, with a demand that Prince MenschikofF’s last proposal be accepted. The fact, says the Times is favorable to a pacific solution of the dispute as at first appeared to be, and sending of anoth er courier is fresh proof that tho symptom of temporization and hesitation commen ced by Prince MenschikofF Is continu ed by the Emperor himself.. Although it was still fully thought on tho receipt of this news that the peace of Europe wouldijftfrhe broken, yet, the fur ther dcvelopement of the affair was most anxiously awaited. The returns of the board of trade pub lished on tho Ttli inst., showed that "dur ing the month ending may sth, the value of exports from Great Britain exceeded by £2,309,995 the correspondin'; month of 1852. The Earl of Derby was installed as Chancellor ofOxford University on the Bth inst. In the House of Commons, the Income Tax Bill had been read a third time ami passed. The habitual imprisoonme.nt of British subjects, (colered) by the author ities of South Carolina, was to be brought before the House on an early occasion. LATER FROM EDROPE. Arrival of the Baltic.—No fears of an European War. New Yohk June 26, P. M.—Tho American steamship Baltic, with Liver pool dates to the 15th instant, being four days later than the previous advices arriv ed here at 7 o’clock this evening. The London money market was less active, and Consols closed at 98}. The markets, owing to the Pacific ad vices of tho Turkish question, were steady. England.— Tho Earl of Clarendon in a speech in Parliment, officially announced that English and French fleets had heejj ordered to the Dardanelles, in the event of ! a rupture between Turkey and Russia. Tokkev.—The aspect of affaire prom ise a speedy settlement without recoureo to war. ■ * The government, however, aro prepar [mg for a defence against R ussia n good earnest. The Port has. ordered twimy. seven vessels of war to the Black Sea, ful !y equipped. He has called out two'hnS. B jj^ BBl 4'“" Tho Era P eror dT Russia' has addressed a note to the different Europdin powers, that it is-.not his intention anything to disturb the peace of Eurene H<v wants nil matters settled', peacefultv* Spain.—A ministerial crisis is still ihi. pending.. The offitira.of the government are in a yery unsettled condition, ; Awsxwa.—Russia accepts, the medi.