.-*»». Insuitku Witnss. —Considerable amusement was crentedin tbo Grand Jury >oom yesterday, by an Irishman, who was ►'alMti'ptoigive testimony on n bill of in dictment for keeping a tippling house, then before , the jury. 'A Juror—‘‘State sir, whether you know the house of Mrs , md if it be not situate in the Ciry ofPi.ts burgh, Allegheny County.” Witness— ''holding his hat in one hand, whilst he ■<fcpt the other engaged in nipping tho corner of n Inw book “Faith, sn’ it’s ■ thyself that do know the house, y°r honor; nn’ why ’undt I know it, lax you, an’ I in tho habit of visitin’ it every day of my life, for tho last tin years?” Juror—“ls it in Allegheny County ? ’Tis in Hardscrabble, suro enough, an’that’s all I know!” Juror—“ Tell us what you <nwthere.” Witness—“ Well, bedad,that's a purty comprehinsivo question you’re axin me. Tell you what I saw there? why, that ’ud taka me tho whole livelong day. I saw gamblin’there.” District At torney —“You havo only to tell us wheth er you saw liquor sold there, in loss quan tities than a quart?” Witness—“ Well, I guess P did. I took many an’ many a drink there myself, and bad stuff it was too, by my sowl.”— Here the prisoner was told ho migh* leave, and, with a bow and a scrape, mado for the door; he was, however, called back by a juror, who contended that tho offence com plained of was not properly proven, inas much ns tho witness might have used a quart at a single drink ! ,Mr. Finnegan— “ The jury wont to know how much you generally take at a drink?” Witness— “ Faith, an’ that’s what I hardly know.— Sometimes I lake n good drink, and some times not so good.” Juror—“ Would you ako a quart at a time ?” Witness—“Wud Itakowhnt? Try me wid it, on’you’ll know. But any how, what did you ax me such a mono question for? I thought ye’s were all gentlemen, but now I sec ye’s are ihe manest and inquisitivist spnlpeens I ever met wid—so I’ll till the likes of yez so morel” Hero ho left tho room in a passion, mentally cursing tho impertinence of those who would pry into the size of kis potations. The indictment wa3, wo believe, ignored.— Pittsburgh Dispatch. Bits of Thought. —To raise good cat lie, a farm should be in such a state that A would produco good corn, cabbage or good clover. An increase of farm produces- lessens ihe market price, and the consumer is more fcenefitted than tho producer. Therefore, the encouragement of agriculture is the interest of the whole pcoplo. It is the first duty of tho States to encourage agri cultural improvement. The brightness of tho plough-share will prove a better security to our republican institutions, than all the windy patriotism ef long speeches of Congress. He who encourages young men in the pursuit of agriculture is doing a good work for tho morals of society a hundred years hence. The lady who-treats the husbandman with scorn because ho is a farmer, contrib utes something towards increasing the number of candidates for the State prison nd the gallows. All the true honor or happiness there is this world follows labor. Were it not tor working men there could be no progress cither science or art. Working men are earth’atrue nobility. Those who live without work are all paupers. For the community to honor one who ’.pends life in genteel idleness, is like dress ..tg a hog in silk stockings. Mirth and vanity are known like a bot tle of beer; but wisdom and virtue by •heir abundant products for lusting good. It is not the most show that does the most service. Still water often runs deep. Singular Phenomena. —Our readers *re aware lhat on Walnut Hills exca vations arc being made, on the line of the 'new Short Line railroad. The workmen hnvo in excavating passed through layers of crystallized limestone, and soap orslate stono alternately, in which very litllo wat er was fqund. A few days since, however, when they wero about ono hundred ond seventy feet from the surface of tho earth, the flames of a candle or of a burning {natch accidentally came in contact with a liquid supposed to be pure water, that had gathered in one of the holes drilled in the rock. Much to the surpriso of all present, tho apparent water instantly took fire, not nf terthe manner of inflamable gas, but sent nj> a strong, clear, and steady flame, as if it Were composed of some kind of oil. On applying fire to tho liquid which was in the other drill holes in the vicinity, it also burned in tho same manner. Since that ii'nitf lamps and candles have been entire iy diseased, with in the subt erronean apartment, the substanco continuing to burn , steadily, and emit an excellent light. Mnny persons whoso curiosity is excited visit the spot daily to witness the singular phenomena. Tho liquid gives no unpleas ant odor while burping.— Gin. Sun. Unpaiuixeled Speed. —Wo have been informed that n locomotive, despatched from Laporte to Chicago for physicians to atteml Mr. Doxtader, ran the entire dis tance and back in ono hour and forty ipinutes. Tho distance is 58 miles each way, makirie n speed of 110 miles in 100 minutes. This was over 60 miles on hour but there was no train—-nothing but the locomotive. —Daily Wisconsin. <£rThe best food for fattening fowls i s potatoes-mixed with meal. Boil tho pota toes and mash them just before it is pre sented. They fatten on this diet in less than half the time usually required to bring them to the same condition of excel lence on corn or even meal itsolf. Not Bad.— A “Knight of the Whip" makes the following inquiry of us : “I wonder if an editor’s leaders ever got over ih'e traces . MURPHY & SMITH RESPCCr/rLLV announce lo me cii;.?c23 of Cleaifleld count* that tho? aru rannufn tuumu'i «• * BUGGIES, WAGONS, sc., In tho borough of Curwecsvihe. at theuld Foundry, where ell wt rk in tholr Hoe wid be done in the very beat manner, tad on the moil favornb- term*. GRAIN CRADLES, A tuperfor rrlicle. will al*o be raaoufiotared and sold cheap. , ALSU-Ad REPAIRING done to rr.l er on tho shuriesl no Uco. J Y D MURPHY. W. fl. SMITH. Curwoi'iyd r. May 5 IBIS flm—pd. BY Virtue clan order of the Orphan*' Court oi Clearfield ooonty, granted at Kcbrnnry term. 13d3. there will be exposed to PUBLIC SALK, at the "(leonsria Mi li," in Ucooariatnwn«hip, Clearh«ld con my, on SATURDAY THE I’lilKD DAY OK ULTiEMHEU nexi. the tollowlng de»- cubed PIECE wk i»ANIi, ittnato ta the mid towo*JKpof Utioosna. late the esta'o ol J JtiN IV. MIILEK, dcceiseJ, towit.— ALL tho interest oftaid deceased of, in and to EIGHTY NINE ao'os IU4 perobo* of load, mu te in said lowmbto of Ueccarla. being tail of a larger irad in the name of William Unfl. beiiinolng hi a will * nax stamp, thenco eoit 134 perch as to a Uemuck, theuoe noAh ?! poicho* to a white oak, thenoe by iacd of Jjhn Derry degrees west 1?4 perohes to a poet, thenoe south d decreej w. st by land oi Tho*. Wilson tfi parches to tbo p’acn of negjuning boondod hr land* ot Aaron Weld, daoob (Viyet*. John Lie tner anti riar»L mao Pmii,.*. Ucin* uriaxorovod Inn ■. w«l, caf?u;nied f»ra •mail farm. Tne *oi| nof a pond q laiity, aad ha* soma tim* b«r on it. suitable for Lumb<rriat purposei. Doe at emJanoa will bo given on (be day of tale by the ad mmiitrul:r. TERMS OK 8A I.E. Ono ioT cash on tbn confirinatioD of the sale, and the reel due to ooe ytor >o t>e secured t»y jadgment bond aud rnort Cage. ilj ordeiol the Court , 0 , OM LEUaNALD WELD, Adm’r. Jone 3. 1853, s VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. g| i' HE sabscribcri ofler lor tala a valuable tract of onimpio ve ; land kn'iwu &• tho &AMOEL EI.M tract, boloagit* to »ho «talo of II IjEWy dtuM..and PAl'dlOtC UAL LAGEiEtt. titua e on t.eeast side ot D'earJieul (Jrerk, io Wo * warn towushin o;«arii Id uoun'y, udinioiox said creek, and andtof ho?cWU»on. Joseph (Seat and Wo A'ejnnoar. and abdot nine ml e* -biva Cl arfju'd Uridve. tJaM land ha* A large quantity of limbc thereon, and a portion of it is well adapted to farming, and contains 450 acres and allowance. Granite Farmer. For further puriiofl far* a>>pfy* to Janus WUlGl.tiV iiJfcUiAII I.EAVY. !Vr. of Mash I.cuvy. rieo'.t ... [■ATttIIjRGAI.LAGHEU. (.iu*.’, 1 Clear!Hltl. June i, tdoJ —lit,—p.j CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. r pi!E r.XKnu.'-.- !■ llll.i I .cI’UOTION wen rr. A or>enrd oo M< IN lAA V , tho dh'O un er the oh&rici ofJAMKS IHPDLEGDIIixiN.A.M. 1 rti-oijoo'nl the T'aiKei n to plocatho Acn-I«i»y npon ■he footing ooD’eraufated It; (ho orivionl founders cl lha la* ithutiou. by t llj'inc to tho ronih of Clearlield oouuty, oy p rtorj lei of I- chiving U.u benefit of a Thorough English and Classical Education, At wel. as i.. 0 • si u toe.. (i < iitMu-tti • ln*ifuuuou. Kales ofTiailion .• COMMON ENGLISH DEPAIU MbNT-Embra o’n« He[ulia«. Writ n*, Hpciiiotf, Arilhmctu-, (iengraobi, Eojjluh Grammar nab fiwloiy, per qia.ter |3 Of T(ll4 HIGH UK ENG LI Ml OKPAKTMLJU’ 6 Oo THK CLASCAL Uiil’AlUME.Vr *7 Oh Pui'i’a t'etir nii of ac.iuifiag the insd-ra 'aoetiufet wtl U. afforded lacjliitci to do 10, qpod oinlinc apylicclioo to the X*rimii imJ. By oubroflh* IJjvd of Triuteoe, a J. ». McKNAJ.LV. Fej’y. Pf*»rfieli!. Ar*n' l^if i. J. on Tho 4th day of July next, at 10o’clock, A. M. Each member ivili pmvido lumielf with Ten Rottndß ofblank ('urlrjdgo. nml be,in aiiendimce punciua I> ot the hour* with his unus and equipments in good order. By order olt.’np. Wallare, D. T. KTZrVILKR, O, H, a, t7r7HERBAB.aUHOVVN IJOUSE.imi. wfelljf* * f pp»o() io bo about Bor 9 year# od. 008 hind foot white, mi i«it on my prctni- . 'LI q If tes on th 9 <Mih day i f tebraaty Iqc TOffggijA Now o|| rorinn. wboinny beinterested Id the owneMuu ol •aid horse, will taka not ce that i hove had sad how* ordered a JP or Jj l J u l,0 «* , °* *«® lowitab'p v'lerk. and unlei* tho owner or said liono comei forward, prove* proper' v and payi the uharce ter tho keepmz * f said hone, a d incideotal expenses, h- will <n« mid lor It'o same nrcordlntc to law ' Morris lowest,ip. May HU. JOHN BMBAL. A Journeyman Cabinet-Maker. Aoomdjoi kneyman cauinet maker, win be ntlordH liberal w-iges. andouniiantoraplofme t by au* Purina immediate l / to JOHN GUMC/j. May til, ]&3.£. For Rent. T"'ppW iai p<utol ftbEAHt JELD ACADEMY. Clearfield, Apiil 80, rjj. i ' Bl MoENALRY. Q^C*D^ t <2J? O 00 Coart week. A sat , iß^s2® f 2 i «*¥l«ras apA^StSSsasSfc'*®; th nto^ntblp,MayVl, |Sjj L’UIAS (U7HD Copper, Till & Sheet Iron-Ware! lAjnyifACToisi, O. B. MERRELL rfl \NKrills far tli«liberal iMirirotige he ha* horrtoforo rpo-ivt-d, rppcotlally announces lo the pohlio iM ho hy nmovi’n *o hu rewsheponthe alVy.latho roirnt'Mer roli’i lime!, whrr* ho is well uuidi d with stock, ni di* Will mpt-Aitni fill h lt 'ii-tlen for Copper, Tin, Shccl-Iron and Japanned Ware, AiTM RAP amir* HOOD rt itnaba fount] inauy country 'on q iu tlia iala'ior of the Blnto Old Brass and Copper Wifi bo taken tit ihehighnu priori in ►xcliango fd, work or W Hr**. Mending dona to order. CU-vfnM. May 4 !Ffi3. A Great Rush at Ihe Cheapest Corner. c©E£iS3 sy auu, os>.. I | (). PATTO*. Uoj'iH returned from the Eastern Cl 1. J ties. wi'h n Fros it nil splendid Qsscrltmni of Goods, ojDiiittoxr in non oi ' arlies nnd Uentli nv**- ’a D.mi t .no I*: Chub-, "as Imerci ard Vritme*. II ii, tpsHon?- t* -id B!>oi'i Silk hnd Cashmere Sluncls, Hosiery, 'Trimmings and Notions, <J-c. MEN’S READY MADE CLOTHING. ll sidwu'tj, faint* tv ii nils, li,.a 7. a r, Iron Nails nnd ip kas. GKOCE‘ttES aND V »fj, Cj(l -trwafn, I' lAVnre, Looking Cos'ps, Omits and Hook* and * i 'al OAftry. Drugs ond Palmd Mciltcinn. Cook tsiovm Two !l-irto Wagons, and every cthur article uaiolly foond in a Country Biore. l*le«ie call at ihe CHEAPEST CORNER, end examine niy aioch, before uorolrasirg eltcwhero. As I am determined to sell at Wholesale or retail, cheaper thunnnyothor establish ment in tho county. H, I',PATl't IN. CarwonivlHo. Mnv 13 lS'il A CARD. A. M« M lIIL L WOULD lesm-citaiir inform Id* fiends, and the pubic generally. trust h« si I coutiaucs to uUtud to all oa.u in the lice oi Dental Operations, At hlscffioc ac'jjinina bis dwelll* *r m th- Inronyh ofi'lMr. field. ht< mi) fm I'ntind at neuly all ti nc» tn hi* i.oie In the end of t o Mnnnon hocie Artificial Tcilli lo'crtcd on Plato or Tirol, aad warran cd to giro entire iaiis. taction. EXTRACTING TKET’I don? without danger to rhopx tun'. hjhl with bat Ii tie pain. 'lVeih KILLED and CLEANSED In a proper andiciontif io manner. BUfi « \ AK fl ii. COURT SALE. M Vnlunble Keal Bistatc. Allciilion Re^ulni'B! YOU will mrol for pnrnile drill, crl (lie Town Hall,ii) the Horough ol Clear* Juno 10, 1853. $5OO Challenge* - WII A'feVEHo-incerni'thc hval'h aod hapfifiessofo ped plo is nt nil times of tho most valuable importance. 1 tflho it fprcraMod ihateve»y pehion will da ail in Uieif power, tosivothc live'of their chi'droo, and that every penon widen* deawor to promote their.jwnhouith at alisacrifioo* 1 feel it to bo m? doty ro solemnly assuro you that W RM3, accord, log to tho opinion of'ho most oo ebmtvd Physician* nrethe isrinmry ennsea ofn large majority of disenusto which dhik drennnd a - uh* ure liable: if you have an appeiitooontinu* a'ly ohangoablb fr .ra one kiudof food lo nm.lher, Had Mrealh.. Tain in tho Stomsch, Tiotubg m the Nose, Uardneis and fail a ssol tho Holly. Dry Congo, Blow Kovor, polio Irrognlar— remcmh irthat all thesadoauto WOUMB, and you should at onco apply I' m rerr.eily j nOBENSAGII’S WORM SYRUP. An article iouadi’d-uuoa Boientifia Principles,at>mpound?d with pnroty vegorublo subBiaoo«.s, being peil'eoilp safe svhen lnßen«and can bo given t/ th •mo t tender Infant with deci ded heueflchO oiled where bowel Oomp'nints and Dhrrhcon have made lh >m weak iinddubdUalod thoToaiu properties oi my Worm Byrup aro moil that it stand* without an ctjnnl in the catalogue of medicines, in givlug touo and s'rouath to the Stomach, widch ranks* it nu Infailiblo remrdy fur those afliictnu with D/snesia. thn astonishing cures performed by ihis Byrap after Phyiiciom have failed, is the best ovidonce ofiu superior uliioauy over nil other* TSse 'B'npe Worm ! Th’*ii thn most difficult NVorni to destroy of nil that infoit Ihe human svstem, it grow* to au'ulm<>it Indr Oni'o length, becoming so coiled and fa.tono.i 'iD tho Intostine* and Btoni nch bfleonne tho health so sodly es to oxuspßl. Vila* Dance. Kits, no . that thet" ulftitricifiolclom if ever suspect lh?t itis Tupo Worn hastening Umra to an onrly grevo. In oTdono destroy th s Worm, a very onergctlo treatmont must bo pur *u d, it would therefore boi.rtfpor to nkodorßolmy Liver Tiltsao a* to removo’nll obstractlon*. that the Worm Byrnp may act dtro'il npon tho Worm, whkrh mast bntnkon in dotes ol 2 Tnbifsii'ioiiiulli 3 t : moi a day, Thesooiroollon* followed have nw«>r been known lo fail in coring the must obstinate casaof Tape Worm. Molbcnsnek’g Drives* Pills. Nopnrtnftho sys em ii more liable *o d *<?aro titan the i.iVEH—it serving as a llliorer to pmtfy the blood, nr giving i tho proper inoretlon to the bile—to * hot any wrong action ol i the 1/ ver efTcMiisthe othet importam parts ofthe system, and malts variously in l.ive' Ct.mpl not, Jnundico, i yspeps n, t&o VVeihonld thereforn, watch every symp’emthat might indiCK*' a wron notion oflhe l.ivrr. I’het» pills being com piVud of UO-jTS nn«l (urn it hud i>y mture to heal li e .ick Narnu y. lit An KXTEOtuHANT, which eng orunts thotccieiun fun thu Pulmonary mucus memkrnnn or pro.m'tps the difcharcu ol seorelfd mutlnr Ud' /in AI.TEII ATIVE, which clianges in some Inexplicable and insensible manner ihe oortaio morbid noifon of the tysteu 3d ATO NIC. which gives tune cud s'rength to thn dpi ronssystem, ronrwing health and vigor lo nil parts of t' e body. 41 b. A i IATII AiITID. which acts in period harmony with the other ingredients, am' operating on the Dowels, nod expe ling tne whole muss cd'corrupt nod vitiaitd mnt'er, and inuilyinfl the Ulood, iv/iicii d.)broys discasa and ro.tures health. c O a CE> OPCS>DEEl<3ill<£>S3 o Yon will Dint tne«e Pdls an invatoable medicine in many complaints to which voa are subject, la . bstruu'ions either totoi or parlial, tboy nave been foond of inestimable oencflt— iheir fanctioo&i arrangements to a healthy action— omifying the blood and otr.er (Inlds so efloctnally at lo pnt to flight all complaint* which may uritoirum female Irregnlari lies, as Headache, Giddiness, Dimness of Eight, Pain in the .Side, Hack, &o Nono eeniiion nnlesa signed J. M. iiODKNSACK—aII others being bate Imitations. Cjy Agents wishing new supplies, and Keeners deal ions of necomiag Aceots must addros* tno Proprleior, J. N. fJobensack, t’hilaueluhla, Po- Agents in Clearfield county . Wallace & hillh cioarflaid. C D W ATHf »N r do. B. AKNt H.D Lntuenburg. GBOII h K ItE Vf T Y Uridgport. MjBKIDK a WRIGHT Unrwensville. J fc 11. I) PATTON do. bTEVKNBON fit C/() Marysvilio. Aod by every respectable Dealer and Merchant in Ihe oonuty and gra’e cacli 25 cents , I’hiladelphia, Jooj t;d, 1162.—1 y. 8 riiiLAUci.riiiA M K DIL’AL IIOUS E . fldlnblisheii 18 yearn ngn hy Dr. Kcvkema, N.W »!ny 5, ItC3 ! fiirnorol I’liird nnil Union nt rccfH, between 6’prueo and Pine h(s , Philadelphia. EIGiiTEKN yearsofextensive and uninterrupted practice iDvnt in this city, have rendered Or K ti»e roost expert and socoeisful practilioDer, far and near, to the treatment of nil (tiscns-is of a private namra. Pe son* afSiced with nicer* "n the body, throat or legs, pass nHiehendor bones, mor ooreal rheumatism, stncinrcs. gravel, ditorues arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the bo >d whereby the oon sti'utlun has become enfeebled, are ell treated with snccost. He who puces blotted under the care of Dr. K.,mny r»li gloaJy confide iu hie honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon hi» tKtll as & idiyticlan. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Youog men who have iniursd themseives by ao«rtain prao lice indulged In—a habit frequently learned f.om evil com imniuos at tcho >1; it e tllcots ot which are n'gbtly telt, even when vtlrop. and ({esf-oy both mind and iwdy. shoold apply immetliatcly. Weaknws nnd c. nstitu’ioual debility, iastol mnronlaroeeryv physical Inwfudo nnd general prostration, irntability and alt norvcis nlfection*, iDilife.tu>n,slnggi»ri ne«« of tha liver, nnd ovtry dircaso in nny way concoe'eo with tho ditorJei ol tho procreative fonctioss cured, and full v.gor restorej. YOUTH ANtT MANHOOD! A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death. Kinkelin on Self-Preservation—Only 24 cents. This ''ook just publ shed is filler! wilh-.utrful information, on the itifirumtius nod diteaiev oi >he Generative Orgaus. It ad dreufs I'tell aiiko to Youth, MaohooJ and Old Ate. and should b<- rend by all The valuab’e aivicaand Itnprojsive warning it gives will prevent yuan of misery and salienng, »sd save annually thou sands of lives. Parents by reading it will learn how to prevent the destruo ion of their Children. *•*A remill ince of 23 cent*, eoclotod la n letter, addressed to Dr. Kl KElilN. N W. nonserof Thir ]an i Union streets, between Hpruce and Tite, I'biladeldlua. will ensure a book und*:rcover per rvtorn mail. Tefiu*is ala distance may etldrei* Dr. K.by loiter, [post paid ] and bo cored ut homo Package* ol Medicine*, Directions. &c , forwarded by send ing n remtUitr.e, and pot op secure from damage or curiosity. uook-Bejieri, N*wi Age is, Pcd.'ers Canvasser*, and all other* supplied with the above work at vrry low late*. ffll'TY I f)I,EMtB FORFEIT-DR. HUNTER WILL i. forfeit $5O iffaillng to tuie any owe of secret disease that may como under hit cue, no matter how lone standing. o> how ■ fllotioe. Luhar rex a einvitod to hit i'r ivaio Koonn HdfSo.ih •'oeeaih street Philadelphia wuhoa fearoi inter ruction <rora other pat ents, Siraug.'-rs and others who have beon nofoitunoun o tin selection o< a Phjsici.in aie invited to uall. _ IMPOTRNCY.—I‘Hrcn/rh unrestrained indolrnooe in th** pnman*. by eicrt* or itrlf-abase the evil» are name om.— Premature im loUrcy, involuntary •emii.al discharges. wast. idb or the organ,. lon of inamorv , a duias a for fouiuJe some y. 2<*r.o'itl drh.h'y, nr coutt it nt imi.H di'nir.geuvLt, n»e sure to Mlow |t nn consu.t the Docrcr with ooulklodco. He olrert a pcrluct euro. UhA(J AND HiiPLECT.—The cfll cted would do well to tenvo* tw'nie tru»tfne tb-s;r benhh, uaiyiaeri. and in many eaie l their Jr v »». in the hand* of physicians ijonront ot thi •-*&**of oiiiatires. It it certainly imp -t«»l»le lt,r orto man to understand II the ills t* o huaiea family are lutjact to. » ve rt r\')Ptc'a!» o fhyroian hn his pyou i;r branch, in which hr •i mu.*u su■ C' lilul than his broiher profcuoii. nod to that he devotes most ol hi* t me and i.ndy. VEAUb r )t<* t KAtJTIOK. eiolotively devoted to thesiud) tnu treatment oT diieaici ol the tuxuai oigont, tocoHicr with ul-vrs upon the ondv, thro-.t. note or leg*, pains in tho head or hones. mrfHinrinl rheurnatiftn t>r|o urn. gmyei irreguiad* i|**s disei.es i.ruma from muthfol r.xoemff.or impo’iiiesol •ho hlojd whor<*'»y tho crnstituuon has hoc mio eolsebled enables tne Hoc'or to olfer lucedy rolh fto all ho m-.y place theu.ulvn omlur bis cure. Medicibe torwmdrd to noy part of the United BtaT©s.~ I nee r ire and Ten Dollars per packaj o. €. C./PKICBO &Co., • MILESBURG, Pa., V annunaceto Hie Murcha* ti. and other 11 tyen» of Clear Hald ooonty, that they hu vo, ta eddiuon to Iho Unrsbxle Wnrehroso. nl o leased tho IKVIN fH -Udfi ntel j ciooupto'i hi T M. Hull, at Wileilmri:, whioh will 6u& bloiliem ip coo'uuilho Korwarding and Morohome business n n i-.tle better it; le llmo they nave ever ytt bean conducted lit that place. They at*.uro u oir ousteraers that Goods and t r»si.j«.e enuuitcd tutheiroMo v 111 In ah cases bekepltogcth «r, aoti not o portion in on« l oose and aoot’ior port on iu ano thfr, at ho» been t'o olten tho oam 1 her will k«ei> TWO HuATd on the lion, rannintdny nod pia .t. so that oneor the otber will leave Philadelphia in ovory lijhtorlon days. A.I kinds or PU« > U-JE. IRON. DUMOER, Sio„ &o.,re. c « »*" »“‘ I 1 / ?»Wftid dto nn> point on the line l hi nk In I lor p I*l foyors. they respectfully solioita codilq. uanre ol ppo Io pitronaae. as they gnarantee ihe most onrtio' Qlar attenthm to goods coniiijuou to tho r charce. Mtle>bnrx, March U, ’53 —4t—pl Ij Wholesale and Retail Grocery, S s s S *ii », u.iv.dk imtiw rurHi.grmenis touairyoo S S the VVHOi,KSAL,K t.TKJUEKV BUdlNtBMn Phil. S S ttfeli h'a. the subscriber will continuo io keep at t S Qn, ‘ 6 :- h 't'«. near thn PENN. HAIL J C ?J a t DQi eomjdete aisortinant ol .» N C ’K U M^M l o S rYnAU I LA rU) ’ TAH.IK- <s S DN.NAII.B DUIKUtHUir, '1)11 all tho leading qn L c ucltos iQ trade •"TbanklnMbr oast favors, he wontit nsk c « his old patrons t<> give him n call, a, he is prepared to < ? sell nt price* that ennuot fail to please. S > febronrylt) ,808— ly JK.EBV S To lUill Oirnti’g, T 1 nnrtffiijued ha. oppolnlo'l L R. CARTER, of O.earlield. nl, Bffrtti for tho aalo of Cm ti n 21. who will rcoeive bill, lur all kfodiof UUI Gearln*; and ola'r raaoblni. Kii« I .‘.7 08, . d V ,011,1 rn 0,,,M,,t "m* 10 well locallandox .minotbecataloifQeofß.Uerai. and ipeoinjeoioflna work baloro making oa*o.jnionu eliewhera. Cartin.i willbiulm »JIJ r i c<l ‘ . d P*i te<i, J , n Uleaifiold.and wairanled .0 bo made of ffOodiaaterlal.aDdnniiii-dinawotkmanljKo maanor, flav. utdor FIVE tinpanor l.atliei, and otiicr mrL ohlnei; In th» aame piooorlian. emuloylng none but the bet workmen, n.laatbd very boitTij Iron and Coal, with many Si h w.n ■ , .*in “S-Vn* that hi, work will So“ 5” as well as In the be.t cHy shops, an . on tba shortest notice I'orparUonlors.callonMr.OAHTElt, Agent BOUOa * March 4. NATIIA.f MYERS. H aUhe J llore or " ,N<i 01 deioilpiloD Jaon H, IBiil, . ; SMITH Ik IRWIW. COOKING STOVES, CkartliM, Hep 8, ’.l l. 11. CARTER, A,ent. .di\r©irttfis©iam.©im - <!:rSo October 37. DSJ.-ly. t’ei.t.2. 18)2 —ly. NEW GOODS. TUG Subscribes would ’nfoHn tho eltimflt of Cfeirf.etd coonty, and ihepublfo generally. that ha hat JUBT RE CEIVED, and f* NOW OPENING, at tha Storehouse for* roerly oooupied by Wing & Getohel, at Morrlidale. a Lar§e, Splendid ly Cheap Assortment of Good*, consisting of every ttyla and quality of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Cut lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes and Bonnets, Confectionary, Clocks ij- Watches. £ ALSU, a Imccamt well selected ,100 k of Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs i|- Medi cines, Sfc, Ini}iortA , l kinds ot Goons usually keptin n Country Store. Alf.of which he IsdfrrermlnedioselMJHEAPEßTHAN EV ER BEfORE OFFERED IN OLEaHFJELDCuUNTY. . , EDMUND F. BRENNER. Morrlsrale, Nov. 10, 1359. Montelins Brother & Ten Eyck. BErr leave t luiorm their r earn ami toe p.biic generally, that they have taken into partnership with them, II BN J. HARTfriIORN. who having purchased the store formerly kept by Wm 11. loom, and having united It with thofr own. are now doing busmen on a more eitenilvo male under thetitlo v*f MONTELIUS, TEN EYCK, & CO. Where llihv aie prepared !<• »eti ell tiudaot Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Tin Ware, Hals, Caps, <J-c. And would col) particular attention to their itoufc of ROOTS and SHOES at (lie? keep aietol the moslexperi-wced hands, and a’<* pre, ated to do any kind of workin that line of buii* ness. They alio keen a lane and well umorted stool of PATENT MEDICINES. Snob a« all IJAV nBS\ LOUDEN to GO'S M’ALIBTERS OIN tMENT. CAT TLB POWDERS. LINIMENT. Hough •iosPepdn. Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills, and all ether Medicines usually kept in aooantry store, (Jurwensviilo, Feb. ill, 1863. PENN IRON FOUNDRYS Machine, Pattern ami Blacksmith Shops, (Sllsurfi®!®, Pm, THE undc.vitrced would announce to the citizens of Clear finld. and adjoining cutinties, that he has opened a room on Second strict, tu the borough of O'enrfiaid, near the store of Leonard to Moore, wheio he intends keeping a GENERAL ASSORTMENT UF CASTINGS. warranted to be maderfthe best material, and at prices that cannot fail to Diease. The folio win* compo ihestockon hands: FULTON’S IlOl'-Ailt COOKING SToVE. foi either Wood or Coal This Stove hes probably the largest Intro dnotion of any other form ol staves. It has superseded in aim stevery county, tho well known Hathaway and Zieg* ler stoves. It is easily understood, and'the (lues being to arranged that all can bo cleaned without any troable. Ti.e peculiar lorto and constrnoUon is inch as to reoderluhe moitdurabln of ail stoves. Numerous testimonials could be odded, bot it is deemed unreoesaary.i IMPROVED PREMIUM COOKING STOVES—at from 19 ( to no , I PARLOR STOVES—for ettherwood or coal. AIR-TIGGIIT do HALAMANDEU - do a bsautifol Coal Stove. VAdH do EGG do NINE Bt TEN PLATE Stoves—very cheap. MANTLE GRATES, with summer pieces. A targe variety and superior finished Gules (rout 18 to 98 inches. COMMON GRATES, nil stars PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL RAILING; HOLLOW WARE s OVEN MOUTHS; GRllt IRONS. WAFFLE do SCALE REAMS WAGON BOXES,BLEIGH.SLED to UOUoOLES.UAR RINGS finrßafu,ROAD SCRA PERS. a new nmole. CORN SIIELLEHB, CORN AND COil MIL(*S. warrant©! to grind 15 Dus. Ears per hour. UIaCKSMITH TUYERES, the best In me ; do, MAN DRILLS and TIKE RENDERS ; Together with the osoal variety of artloles kept at Foundry Establishments- Also, Made to Order, GRIST uni S.WV.MILL GEARING—bay. nx dccidt-llir tha largest stock, and beat variety ot natteras of any establish ment in western Pennsylvania ; MILL DOGS. SHAFT ING—large ami small.'Toast or wrenght iron , HANGERS, DltUMSnnd PIJLLIES; Roto and other approved Water WHEELS; WOO!) and IRON LATHES; MANDRILLS forCiirnlarSaws W MJDHORING IACfIINKS, Constantly on hand and for sale, CANNING MIU.H. THRESHING MACHINES. PEN NUCK'S CELEBRATE" GRAIN DRILLS. ho. ho. Screw-Cutting. Any sized Screw,. with any desired nnmberol threads to the inch, miter iq are or V thread. Urasi, Cooper, and Bsbheti's Metal Castings mode to order. Nathan myers March 4 tPo'.-1r OPC2S OS Attention, lauubcvnien! T UC Subscribers ofl«» lor sn e uua ~1 i»e,- ge Page’* Second I PORTABLE SAW-MILLS , W,th an 18 Horse l’o .«.-r tlogiuu un-icmti a.I low and in complete running order, having been bought nod patnplr June la:t. situated about 2 miles from Raid Eagle Fo-nace. nod about half a mile from tha to*nprka londiog Iromßald Ragle Furnace to Philipsbarff. Raid Mill will cotb.OOufeet in Tenhon s. Thev will also seti their Ftook of MORBES. gleds, Chains, too . if waoied. For n&itiuuiars, apply to C. K. Mark, at the Mill, or to J L shod* at Raid Euglo Furnace. Any person can see (hemill in lull operation now. MARK & SHULTZ. D coroner H. 1859. 2>©<BgNE>jß rasumsaiiMyg THE POCKET A3SCULAPJUS, OH, EVERY O.NE lIIS OlVrt PHYSICIAN TIJ E FOUTIETH editlen.with One Hundred En*ravio£i, Sowing Diieruea and Malforma* ioci of the Homan System io wery shape and fjim. To which i addo i a Treatise on Mu Diseas »of Females, bring of (be high, it importance to married people, r to thoro contemplating tnar iaee. Hy WILLIAM YOUNG. M D. Ijf tco father beiusham*a to pro .•til a copy of the AESCULAPI US to h 6 child, it may tars him in early grave. ].*t no yonng oao or ’vomatt enter Into ihese ret ot»lie«tl'»i* of married life 'ithvot read log the POCKET BSCUMPIUS. Let no one •igh, i'ain to the Side restless tre whole train of Dyspeptic their physician be another mi the AESCULAPIUS. Have tb»» marrtf il.or thrir.e abont to be ronnieti. am impediment, re d ti.ii truly mcful book, m it ha> hewn the means of savins thoti tan of no foriunato orentur«\ fmm the very inwi of dent'.. By* Any person rendioj TWIvNTV-FIVK CENTS on closed in a (filer, wliJ receive one copy olThit work by mail, ot tive copies will be sect for One IMlar AdJroia, Cpost paid.) !>K WM. YOUtfC, No. 132. Ppruce Street, Philadelphia. November ID ISjJ—ly. BIO'ffEL CLFAKFIf-XD, PA. I MIR lohfcriber moit respectfully inform! thecit'zeni of <M«arf»B , U ofiuoty and tho trnvollmc pohlio Kcoursll). that he ho* taken the abovn named IIUTBL situated on the corner nl l*'ront end Market street*, in the borough of Clear i» Id, where ho will nt all tinj-s be prrnarrdto nccomraodoie those who rony faror him with their cutn-m. No pain* will ho u»are 1 by the uro irretar tn make his ousiomvrt comfortable, and In* a DOM fci to ’ho o who may itop with him. HisSTABLH will be carefully otteoded to—and hi* TA* DLL and UAU tappliod with -ho best the market will rff rd. WM. J. lIHMPUIM*. A n *n*t Jl. 186 J. “LOLA MONTES.” B®©(t gunnel Slh©© Msilkmg, AT CLEARFIELD BRIDGE. 'll iii 'e**/ec«iaiiy uimoudcwto iho pob!lo, hoha l commenctd the above Uoiinjai at I LLAU £v l . BRIURL. in the new building occaoiod by John UonuM, on the west sido of tho un.i’k. where ho will manufac ture HOOrd nnd SlUHCSrol’ull kinds, nod at loir prices, on th* inortcit notice, and In the very bed manner. Rive BUORTY a call. . Jone 4,1853 England Whipped. * Tariff or no Tariff 'T , IUS mbicribr ntend* koeiung on hood o large mort* 1 meniofiH'»N and NAli*H. which he will tell on the TOo»t reaiouub.o team, at tho Iron and Foundry store, eiltoin ms Leonard fit Moore. J f'tearfleld Dim. C, IB3J. U R ‘ CAnTEH - ©BiTbiimc&-4 (DUasinn* 'MinMango JOHN (RBJLltia WW r f* u f° t,n "» ni mi u i:oo lo tho oniicn. cf Coat, kind, of” ** °° d , 0 lhat ho u now mnnuluclutlag nil CABINET-WARE. (lilihop it aiiQuteJ o‘. Market street, Detfveea Thin? itarl hTvT 1 ° r ,7 ork •■W'Jliw will ti road", and tb ° “°« E A VUIiABLB TEHM-t *yCOFI'INS mule to ordaron the.hoiU.t sotloa Dooomber S, 1863.— tf. TAILORING BUSINESS; ~ REMOVAL. ffflHE subscriber, thuuklul for past favors, res & poctlully informs bis customers,and tho pub'm genoralfy, that Itehas removed luarhop to huiN ding over tho Post Oflico, lately occupied by K F. SM,*" h f wi j* b “ there louridat afl times on bond to supply his customers, Unlihesomooi Fash'lLna a°,i; n T, B h unabl ° 10 P rora '‘>° ‘hat his rasluoDs oro ol tho most approved stvle of Anti. auiTlf, binwill itisurethem mode according to the EcUest Fashion of more modern days. , ' THOS. SHEA. Clearfield, April 1, 1851. „ BAR-IKON Mlt * an * ***** MnitanUr on haad and for tala tfapt* 0,181!!. : CARTER. Agent* His|ys YOUR REMEDY! ointment A MOST MIRACLLOUB CUBE OP BAD LEGS. AF TER 48 YEARB’ BUFFERING. Extractor n Letter Irom Mr Williom Gilpin, of7o dS't. Mary , o Sireer, Woymoih, dated Mny 15,1851 To Protessor HOLLOWAY* ■ • SIR—At the age of 18 my wife (who is now 81) ciOgnt a violent cold, which setled in he* logs, nod ever tiooe that timo they have bson more or toss sore, and greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distraoung. end for months rogothor she was deprived entirely of rest cod sleep. Everv remedy that medi oql mon advised was tried, but wttboat efTsct; her health auf feredsevorely.and thostatoor he- legs was terrible. I had often read your Advertisements, and advised hertotryyoar Pitts anu (Jintmoflt; and. as a last resource, after every othor romedy had proved molesi.shocoosentod t do so Bhecom menced six weeks ago, nnd strange to n late,, is now in good health Her legs aro painless, without seam orsoar, and no sleep aoui d nod unuiitnrbed. Could you hnvo witnetsod tho suiierings of my wife during the lost 43 years, and o-intrast thorn with her present emoy mentor health, yon would Indeed led dollghtedin having been tha means of so greatly nllevia* tlnglhesuireiingiof afetloworoatoro. ...... (Signed) WILLIAM GALPIN. A PERBON 70 YEARS OF*AGR CURED OF A BAD LEG. OP THIRTY YE ARB*'STANDING. Copy ul n Leller from Mr. William Ablm. Ouiidorof GnaOvona, ol nusitcliffe, near iluddcrsfiold dated '?• ny 31nt, 1851. ToProlcssor HOLLOWA*— ~ , . J# 6IR-1 salterodlor a period of thirty years from a bad leg, the result of two or throe sliiferent aooidenis otGas Works; accompanied by scorbutio symptoms. 1 had reoonrtoio a variety of medical advice, wiihoui deriving any benefit, and was told that (he leg mast be amputated, vet in oppo •'lion to that opinion, roor Puts nnd Ointment haveeffseted a oomoiote cure in so short n timo, that few who had not wit* nested it could credit tiro foot. ..... (’Signed) WILLIAM ABBS. Tho truth ofthil statement can bo verified by Mr, W.P. England, Chemist, 13, Market street, Huddersfield. A DREADFUL BAD BREABT CURED IN ONE MONTH. Extrnct ol n Leitcr from Mr. Frederick Turner, of I’enshurst, Kent, dated December 13, 1850. To Professor HOLLOWAY DEAR SIR— My wifo had sofTered from Bad Breasts for more ihan six months, and doriog the whole period bad the best medicine nltsndaoce, bat all io no use Having bn'ore boolo-d anawiul wound in my own leg by yonr unrivalled m:dtclno. [ determined again to nie your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gave them o trial la her onto, nnd fortunae it was 1 did so, tor in less thhu a month a perteot cum was i f fect'd. nud the htnstit that va ious other trranones of my famrly have derived fMtn their mols really aitoaishiug. 1 now strongly rccommenp them to oil my fri nai. (tsi^ne^^ These Pills should bs used oonjolntly with tho Ointment in the toUowing oases *— Bad Log«. Bmi Qronftle, Barns, Bunions, Difo ol Moscneincs and Sand Fliee Coco bay, Chiego foot. Chilblains, Chapped hnnde, Gornfl, (Salt,) Cnncere. Contract-d*ond atifT Joints, Hlfplmnliaais, Fietulns, Gout, Glondulur Swelling*, Lumbago, Piles, Rhea. mutism, Scalds, Soro Nipi>les, Sorn Throat*, Sltin* dieeaees, Scurvy, Sorc*headn, Tumours, Ulcer*, Wound*, Yaws. Sold at the establishment of Protestor GALLOWAY. £4l Strand, (oear Temple Bar LondoaO and by all respectable llraggins and Daalcr* in Mediolnoi throoghont tho Riitish Empire, and of u-ote of the United Stares, in Pots at . y/>ic.,and it £Uj e&oh. Wholesale by the nrindptl Drag houses tn tho Umonwaud by Messrs. A. ti. to f). BANDS, N. York. Tliero *• a considerable saving br taking (he larger sizes. N. U.—Dire*'tion* fur gaidaaoa of pati~nt.s in every disorder areaitizel toeao*- Pot. Oct. 14. 1834,— 1y. Valuable Iteal Bislale AT PRIVATE SALE. M. M M. M THE iubtCflb«fi,in behalfoflheheinolCoorad Wise, late of Pike township, Clearfield connty dooeased, eft-r at PRIVATE **ALEthe following described well known aod yalnahls REAL ESTATE, consisting of A FAKifa OF 100 Actch, Situate In Pike towosnip, Clearfield county, on the main rota! leading from Carwensvilla to Tyrone, four miles from Carwensviilo. nod known as the Wise Farm. SThe improvements consist of about 75 acres of cleared land, in a good state of cultivation, a dwelling-House, a Large Bank Barn, Spring-House, Dry-House, Shop, and other necessary buildings, together with one of the largest, best selected, and most productive APPLE and PEACH ORCHARDS in the county. I iiu r iKM i» well mpptied with eioet.»nt water. soever failing ttpuog oloie 10 with others 10 •ttoa-ed tbat at a hub expjnte wafer coold be conveyed t» any part of ether the hoaieor barn. To those who desire toprccarca liOM ti f<)K LIKE, ihit Farm oll?n tadoceraeots not to be nxcel ed in the coanty. The land it of good quality, bitb'y luodnclive, aud well adapted for both grain aed gra»s—and 11 it located In the midttofa populous and indmtriooa settle' men*, conveo’ent to a good market, good grist mill*, and a goodicbool. ty'Forfo tntr particulars apply to oitherof the subscri bers or to M'not «Vim, on the promitet. The property will be told on tHe moil reasonable terms sad aw art at tee deed given MICHAEf, WISE. WIM.IAM WlJfcJ. Jb bi'hslfol the belrt of Ooorad WUo, deceased Jsna&rr M, 1853.—if. PLKASA.VT Dlil.B, IRON FOUNDRY and MACDINE SHOP, At Clearfield. THE undersigned respectfully tnnonnocs to the people cl Cienifiold and the adjoining counties tnat be still contio uet to carry on the above buiiueisat bis exrensive establish ment in the Doroogh of CleaiHeld, and is now pr.partd to mnnufaclnre at! kinds of Castings used for Grist Mills , Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery. His Castings are no . of a upenor quility—eqoal, if cot id perior.lo any otbor is the State—si be uses none but Ihe ve« best material, nod employs none but the very best ol workmen Hit MACHINE SHOP , With twotuperioi IMG LATHES, driven'by steam, ii now In snoi*s*fulop«riilior. and onder tho management of aprnc'hal mechanic—where almost aoy aillde of machinery enn he FIN IHUISO in tho very beat *t*!o, and on short notice Ho ho* now an hands a targe assortment or 0 tunss, inch a* 8 r<)VEB of vano ■ sizes and patterns. Pl.Ol till Ik< *NB. WASH Kr. ri'LEH, &0., &0.. he offer* to sell low for Oath, or on a rrnsonab'o credit, lie ii now outing, from he moil approved pauerns. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, Winrd’s celebrated Plough. An i nil klnrii of IIUI.I.GW-W AUE, SLEIGH and BLED SOLES. WAGON BOXES. Sin lie intends ilos ell on reasonable term*, nod trmtithaitht citizen* oft he county goaerali, will find ii to their advaniuse to give him tlioir cutlora. CASH will always De preferred— bot the hisheit price* will be nl'owe<i lor t oontry Produce and OLl> METAL. Ashe give* lim establishment hispersonal supervision, a 1! order* for work will receive nrcropt attention, Clearfield. Nov 23.1851. DAVID LiTZ. Wbat can be got for Five Dollars!! lUIE nt deriie-cd have colored iniorm arrangement by whioh ih«y agrreto furnish tho Knlenotbockcr Maga sine, (ra >othtr,) iha Home Joornal, Cwrek'y.) and t. o Mo. iichl WoilJ and rimes, (weeklyJ tontw snbicnber*. at the very moderate price of FIVE DOLLARS A YEAH lor the ihteo pobl | catlon , , a.l order* voc oaing that amount to Dj or St Willis, will be promptly attended to. n BAMUEL 11UESTON, Publisher of the ltnicfcsrbockor. „ MORaia & WILLIB, PublUhori ol tho Home Journal. „ , ~ . , DYER & WILLIS. Publiiheitof the Mntioal World ana T oe*. U 67 llr<adwo v ,N York. Grand Literary and Artistic Combination. Arrangements have been made to furnish tha KNinifPP. «Ew VUU»t A MuSIoaL* I WOBIIFaNU TIME&,*to n.w f.i u! 1 ? > lhB Homo Jobibsl Two dollar* : and tho Mmioal Worlu ami T mei Throo dollari j maklns liuht dol ohlafnrdVnfV/itlti 1 !! , “ l “' 1 h i al ,uoh w0, l“ ha Si I ',* 11 ““ lor FloeL'o lan ajear.U a Tact trulr wanhnho Calana aso. which it inn dow balng mhared in. Of tha ahlsgazfao. oditad by LEWIS GAVI/>UL) ha A it, R ' I *. nDnt ' c , el ? !lry 10 ipaak. For twenty yaara It hai ben the mo*' seaial, hnroorooa and tpioy • in the wuiid : and VQl.mowiil ho brtt.r than any tha fuS aml N p rt, “‘ | o"''Jo a 'nal .m.od by GEO. P. M'Ut nta anapt is «ell Known as the bcs'. Tamil* Rlntical World and T met b /. ARD I’«IRES WILLIS, with Lowell Mai ion,GeorKe 11. Curtis. Thomas (lattlns*. iVm. B. Bradbury. l * flut l olhet musical writers eontributtoc; nnd which gives, amonv other tbitijrs, over worth ofmu HSJiiA ra . U worse orin.tructloula haimony annually i* hkTi^.i^®* 1 “.P 110 * 1 Jontn&l aver published. These three publication, will port a ratnily npln nearly everything worth knowtog I— Ait Lheiatnra; Mo.ia. Pa ml ley, ."*ca Ili ■ taro 1 Inyo turns, Dl ooyerlc.; wit. Homor, Fanoy Sontf oi!?? * L h ? Newe.t Faihioni. and othe- aitraotloni for La dle.: - hold. New Ma.lo lor tho Sabbath, th. (thureh and tha h™.ld,» .Ke*l«w» snd OriilShm. or Mu.loal Wmk., Potior art and Perlormanos. t in abort, the voiy pick and cream or Noyelty Inold.nt, Hlatory. Biography. Art. Lilor atureand Solenos: Including whatever can Eegivtn In pul odioal. to promote ileahby Amcicment nad Solid Intlrno tlon In tho family, and help to m.ke It Heitor, VVlicr.nnd ilappl.t, may ha now obiaioed foi Five Dollar.. Addreu PFFiE Sl WILLIS. 867 Broadway. STRAW ROODS—SPRING 1R53. TflL/oh'anbcri. now ortpared to cyhibitto M.rohanu _ and hlilio.r. hi. oiual heavy .took or Ladle*’ ana Mii- STOXIV kIAOO SILK IiONNETS, STRA W TRIMMINGS and ARTIFICIAL FLOWERSs Ftdm-leaf, Panama and every v&nolyof SI’MMEII HAT* For Gentlemen; whioh for Eitent. Variety and oenntv nr £KiSh2L , ' a ' w ® uniformlycfoie piti..^4lfS! Tonnd Febratry 10. Httfi ° B ° nlhBeooad SltMl i PiiUdslohlA 1 FREDEMOK ARNOLD, DR. MABCnISI’S TOSSES® 18 pESPECTKUJv LV OPKauEU li this oltiiene pfVlUt (fold nod yinlnjur ■■» preparation for •arneet' importance toinmliiei and deotmed to b«oo me identified erittnlhe health and happlneie Tbl« OATIIOL'id- ON will care 8p per cant, ol all chronloais. «*«ee Incidental to the respect ab'o female, married or nnoonUd.. «*aaliy bnown ttbrtetthe name Of Female Com plaints, Of these pro Prolaptoi uteri Ortallinc ouhe Womb. FloarAlbui. or K unitmio is. Womb: faoJdaoi&t oapprctted, nod Irtei* n 'arMcbitihtittoa, *clr accompanying evifi, (Cancer eicopted.) no matter her/sovcro or orto.w lomitftn, ‘"SPany prominent pnYsicurta it thocit* York and Atherplaoes* finding themselves yrJthont a remedy in Invcteratocares oftbe above complaints, and haring doe regard for tho welfare of the patients* have recommended the nio of thle medicloo: and after witnessing .its salatary ef. feet* ere now monifesllng their approbation, not only brie* sorting to It in thoir treatment of oil tho diseases lor which it islntonded. bat in some Instances accepting the agency of it to facilitate its introdoolion into mote general uso by tne Fac ulty. The influence of this composition apon llio femaleoonslitru tion is of the roost friendly kind ; the most dollcato and feeble female need have no fears in ps use for any length of time,for it contains no memory, nor any article which can pnmr lo any war injar oub. being made entirely of vegeable extracts, and prepared so as to taste like a pleasant cordial, *1 hoMadmOperaadi of this remedy, in the core of this olats of diseases, is through the general economy of Use system, with » peculiar determination to the female organs. ADDITIONAL PROOF* of ibis Oatholican bfeing worthy cf theojiifltioncocf theofilicted, as a Bt)obi£J3FUL,BAFiS ANI) CiIKAP REMEDY, will bo found in tha pamphlet, together with Important observations touching .the .natnre and trmpathies of tho diseases* *o whioh tho altontlon of La* dies and I’rnct Kroner* is respootfnliy invPed TDK INGREDIENT*, as certiHod by high medical anth ority. (soe pempblet,) are ALL VliGETAllLß.aad are not btsooiated with any article unfriendly tothe animal economy. REFERENCES: Prof. nUNOAK.M. H.. Ralfmoro, Md. * J. C ORRIUIC M. IJ, '• P. It PECICH AM, M. b., UUoa. New York. I). V FOOTE, M D-.Sifraouto New Yoik. M. 11. M(I,UL M l». Rochester. N. Y. 1,. D. FLEMING. M. D Canendnfgoi N. V. \V. W. ItEEBE. M. 1)., City of New York. VV PRESCOTT, M. 0., Concord. W. ». Pamphlet* can he lion gratfi at the Drug Store of O t) WATSON. Ag’t.ClaarGttd Alto for tale b j Druggists 1n all the adjoining doantl*f. J. 1) MARoMSI fc CO ,Proprietor*. Central Depot.Bol Broadway, N. Y. March 15,1853.-«ro. From the Washington Union, April 18, 1853. We publish below the prospectusof tho "Demo, rratic Monthly Kovinvv," which Messrs. William H. Lewis & 6.) proposo to publish simultaneously in New York and Washington, the first number to he iF»tied in May. Ovid fr\ Joha‘iun,e«q., formerly attorney general of Pennsylvania, and well known ns nnnhle and vigorous writer, will toko charge iho editorial department of the new Review with purposes, os shadowed forth in tho prospectus, which challenge the sympathy and good wishes of the tie*' mocrary. Tho daily press cannot rmpcrsetlo the necessity for vvelNcunducted monthly publications. There is a separate field of usefulness lor each when properly edited, with n view to the tnaintenaneo of important principles, tend not to th 6 aggrandizement of individual, factions, and classes. Wo (rust tl.ut tho new entcipri6C of Messrs. Lewis & Co. will bo managed with that prudence cud zeal which insure s u recta i prospectus OF THE “DEMOCRATIC_MONTHLy REVIEW.” The Rights of the States, and the Union cf the States IT u the intention of the subscribers to publish on'bsfliti day of every month, beginning with the rateth of May next, siraoltaneouily la ‘hechUs ol Washington and N«vr York, n periodical, »o be entitled the *DEMOURAUi.' MONTHIi REVIEW." Each number will contain at ieast 9d paces, ai.d be printed oa fine paper In a very superi or ityle. It will a*o be eroba’liihed with a fi eiy engravKl portrait of a distinguished Lvia* man. emhrauiag u&ietmrb, soldiers, artlits and authors The potireal charatstercfthis Review wilt be, cs its tide iadica’as, DESocaiTic, and j&e of itimelri obj-ois to the troe prisciplnol hodeoi. oeiatio party. 1 will examine, la a spirit ol'fairness Se t caudo', oil theleadiDd measures of lira present sdramlitra. tioa anil tp theme cheerful support. Fhonld ne, however, unfoituaateiy di/lei in opioion on any paint if- ns the President, we shall not hesitate to express our own loan, meats, and preteat the reasons constrain quo do to— submitting to the dcmoQ r ?ioy of the country the decision Lv tweeu us. This Review-will elij elm to forahh its reader* with a e rap Mo and comprehensive ol tho new works publish* ed, which may teem to be entitled to it, and also a record i f all scientific atscovertes and improvement. The present condition of the nsiicoi of Europe, and th* at titada In which some of theta stand towards certain nmtiors ofthls costlaent. have invested onr foreurn relations with tM utmost Importance. N«ver was this government pl-joed lo a situation ol more critical difßcoJty than at the present moment. The most Indexible fi'tone.s, lar-seeiag wticum, and adroit skill wi|l bo required 'o avoid cnnipltealini our intere*ti am all sin wit a those ol Enrope We trust the ml rainistra ion wi I beequalln the task We shad waloh « i;, uosbeplac ere the progress nl affairs In Mexico amt tho West Indies. Here alone la onr vulnerable pert This Review wilt almoin from all personality, and se«>k ’.a harmonma and nnito the Jetuocnthc party. bsth in fectiiii en 1 principle. Ji will ba the expoannt cfno tlqae. factioii. or individual, 'ihe editor will sot-ak for hlmsolt. Icdepono ently 'nd fe-rlctsly. under a thorough sente of tne fujpoki,- bjiitj, he assumes. The undersigned have selected an edi:o*, after a oaretul consultation with their prominent dsmjcrat i friends, and have chosen oa-s whore ability and cxiier!*nt« they believe will secure for him universal confidence and ie» pect. From thisarticl* thepubhccan farm a oorreot estlaiv<» ol »he merit cf this publication of the most dutia* finished writers la the coautri have engaged to beonmc rsro> arconttibulorsto oar pare* We ask neither coofldeuovnui patronaga if the 7 be not deserved. Onr first number will contain a genera! outline ortho conr-a we design to partn* in to’uro. . The editorial depar ment uander the oont/ol of OVIU F. /trllNt?ON. esq. TERMS '—Four Dollars per annum, pnyableln advance. » •• • » *. .william a. LEwia um, New York. April, 1808. .* Pnbllshars. Communications must be addressed to *Tha Democrat'll Monthly Review, New York." Kd tors ,vho insert this Prospectns and forward their o«t>*r cootMnicc t will be farm hrd with a cojy of the Review. 'MAN, KNOW TIIYBI2LF." An invaluable Booh, only 25 cts. per copy “Every Family Should have a copy.” 'aOJIII in less than tube:: DuUt/ MuNHId. A new cditioo, rovited and laiinov • ed. jail isjae ■. DR. HUNTER'S MEDICAL MANUAL AND HAND nV Ar’FLICTIiD. Containing mi out* hoe oftho Dugin. Frog rest. Treatment and Caro of evaiy Jw® * fdiseue, connected by Fromiscaou, Sexual Intercourse, by Stij.atrase. ot by b xoal Excess wire advice for theft p™ vantiOD, written in b lami.iar stylo, avoiding all medical tech bio iiuo', and every thins that wonld o fend thecae ufd*. ceBO/.from tk* remit or eorae twenty yeais* «uco*rsfnl nrac ttco, exclusively devoted to the care of dkostaof a de.lcato or private nainro 1 o wbMiii added rcceioU for the oare of the above diteatet. and a treatise °° the Duosei, Sycu't jmt and Cato of the t'e* verar.d Ageu, forTw«i.ly.Flvocenu neopy, Six copies <rae dollar. will be forwarded to any parioftbo United States, by mail, Dee of Postage. Address. no.lore paid. Ccflfan & Co.. Fubluheis. or *‘Uox IW. Foil UlUce.” FhiladdpMlT * |fh . oat exooptton. the most coraprchertiva and intelligible woik pubhihed on the c!a>3 of diseases of which it J lll terms, ft a ldoses UiUFtotb" 11 i* ftll ohjecliepable matter. ?i - k Q .°s arC r h however fastidious. oan object to placing it in the bandiorbiscons. ibe author has devoted many years tit J ° v ® r « o,,| co | iip , a'i>t* treated of. and *w.Ui i 'too little presumption to in,* . ,e s 10 *h» world at the merely nominal prion ilia tSl^-HVttAtD 0 * OUW lw “ ty Mari nort looottifal !JSRf ,te J , ?ir hi !i ,nTftn 5 b,a ' vo,k - Jt weald lave years ci n * raoitifioallnn and sorrow to the youth under their ch arse. M -P*oPl.* , e AovccaTe. i» A ,! r *f?/ t * ri,n J L;ier^ma “*n (, hio.iD writing oP'Hhptr's ,a yi'“~* Thouiaod» upon tboniamli of i!!*. b f.•V 1 % ar S p J?“/* the.oftoßncecr& pai»lon«. r nß ?hifi» ,^J?i 0 r he f 0 . bUof wifbopt realia !k g rV faa, i Q l oonceqnencei upon tberaielvesand lSjft r sS;i ,e, h J JI t Co,ulllO r ~l L 0I V f . th. breads who are rats* kJIfL .I? 16 ® n fi*‘»b.ed»it not broken down, and h« 6 JL«!?i#£ Do, r l k? cao,fto . r the care Any ihing that cao ?m£k R -? > . tQ 'l. 0,1, * b ' on aßd influpneotho publio mind as to f «k ,l ? Qleiy 10 r ,°®ove this wldetipjead sourceof 7«S! I l.ulj ,ohe f n . eu - confer the greatest hiestiof mrsi i?«»u - »°f Christ, on (hopreient and ooml* egeo* fk«J°k* : » / n kmp ranco, (or to* aso of intoxicating drinks. > ibongh it has slain tnooumds opon thousands: ti nut a greor er toourro to the human rn o Acoopl my thanks on behalf of be uium’ed and, boliev.. me, your co- wotkor in tto rood work you are • » actively eugagvu in " • ne copy will bo forwarded (securely enveloped and Do*t. age p iicUon receipt of *5 oaats or' six copies for one dollar— AddressCo3Dfc.N & U< r.. Publishers, boxl9d.Ptiihdelnhh» UOjIKBKLLERB. CJANVAidIiOS&ud BUUIC AtiiNTH supplied on the most liberal terms. * • a - Bopt, fr4652-Ir. Important to Mill Owners. Rosa’s clinct Action Water Wheels .Aod U prepared at the tboitfiit botirn f<% knt > * h^aMfe'v $3OO Reward ! $M5* «tfobo,- amonotmc to between 18D0 and a o&fSiiuSL 0 *! I*aper Money, mm> and Meehanlo," OnakSt New l '«'' PR,*h* tolnmbia Bank and Btlitirs ’ ijait bill on the "Middlalown Bonk ,nd »»• •*> a fhJVh« or l< l l ow ? o,ia * »li> r k<> l D«pJ?““ , ,^ ? * 'OM °P barer to Uoiaaa Paldiln ak Carwtniviii' 0 ,h ' ‘ ob orl- April 20.1833,' ■ JUIIN PAT^plint Estate of David Hoover, dec’d. payment Immediately/ I outf* Wil, rh? pfeei field Jane 9, lRJ3.—p^,v • T«XISON APD Adm’r,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers