ebie railroad accident. Susquehanna., N. Y., Juno 18.—Tho boiler of engine No. 58, which was push ing a heavy freight {rain up grade, when about half a mile east of Susquehanna, on the.lflth inst., at 4 o’clock, P. M., explo ded, instantly killing, burning and scald ing, a large number of person’. Five are known to have been instantly killod, among whom was the engineer Mr. Arnold. Two others were So much injured that it is doubtful whether they will survive till morning. The son of tho engineer was very much burned and scalded, and, it is thought, re ceived soipo several internal injuries.— Three others are known to have been blown into the river, and as others are mis sing, it is thought they shnred tho same fate. Justice Seymour held an inquest upon the remains at Susquehanna, and tho jury acquitted the officials of all blame in the matter. It was supposed that there were several bodies in the Susquehanna river, but none were discovered, after a careful Howcver, the current is so rapid there that tho torn fragments may have been carried away. A gold ring and some pieces of coin wore fonnd upon the bank. Mr. Arnold, the engineer, with two oth er victims, were buried with much sol emnity—all tho stores in Susquehanna bo ing closed, and craped in mourning. Second Dispatch.—Further Partic i'Larb. —Tho engine was an old eight wheel driver used in helping the freight trains over the hills. It exploded in the rock cut between this place and Dane-boro’ about half a milo from Cone watca bridge. When sho started, her ten der was literally covered with passengers going to tho summit. Thoso who were killed instantly were two women, Mrs. Catharine Staterly and Mrs. Catharine O’Day; and three men, Walter B. Arnold, engineer, Michael Cassey ana patrick C'a ron. head was blown on tho rocks of the south side of tho railroad, his body somo rods in ahbther direction. When his body was found the countenance was still as natural as life. Ilia little son—a lad of 13 —recognised it, und exclaimed, "Oh! there’s my father!” Ho ran to ctn braco it. The head dropped from tho rocks, and tho brains foil into his hands. The headless bodies of the two women lay blackened and mangled a few rods from the engine. Their husbands live at ihe “summit.” Tho bodies of the two other men lay torn and scalded a short distance from the tender. Six are knowu to be wounded, viz: Gil bert Hill, slightly. A son of Walter Ar nold, engineer now deranged; injuries n bout tho head and neck; may recover.— Miss Eliza Stoddard, arm blown off and otherwise injured; has just had the stump of tho arm amputated by Drs. Smith and Fisher, of this place; recovery doubtful. Mrs. John Collins has a leg injured so that tho bones are coming out, and hand and arm torn badly. Her husband,'who left her, and of whom she was in search at tho time, utterly refuses to have amputation performed. She will probably dio to-mor row or next day. A number of others are slightly woundeo. Tho causes of the accident cannot in all probability bo ascertained. Arnold the engineer has tho reputation of being a careful and strictly temporato man. — Tbreo guages of water were in the boiler at the time when she loft tho alnlion. 58 was an ongine which has been in constant use three or four years. Yesterday she was in tho shop for repairs of smoko pipe. Tbo verdict of tho coroner’s jury was— Death by accidental explosion of boiler of engine 68. No blame attatchcd to any person driving the machine; nor could it be seep that tho boiler was in any way de fective. Another Censure of the New Hav en Railroad Company. —A man named Thomas Low was, run over and killed on iho New Haven /Railroad on Tuesday. — The verdict of thb coroner’s jury says the accident occurred while running at a speed of twenty-five miles an hour —said speed, under the circumstances, being nothing kfs than downright recklcsstiess. The train, &app°“ rs » was passing through a station, where there wero other trains, at the time of the qpcident. The jury also censure the company and its agents for the criminal carelessness and recklessness in not sounding the alarm whistle , and al so strongly censure the usual custom of all through trains, of both the New Haven opd Harlem Companies, in running them at so great a speed through stations at a time when other trains are on said stations delivering and (receiving passengers. Daily News. fieiions Accident-Breaking down of a Pier- New York, June 18—Pier No. 0 North River, gave way this afternoon under the jveight of iron and other merchandise, carrying men horses and carts with it.-y Tlio goods were chiefly from the ship Western World and Union. One horse was taken out alive, but others are down, and it is feared some men are buried be neath the wreck in the water. Armstrong County.—There were, says the Armstrong Democrat,two bodies found in the river about two miles' below Kiltan ning, on Sunday the 14th instant. The first was found embedded in the sand in a sjuing position, and so much decayed as to preclude all possibility of identification.— An old pen knife and a-pioco of red chalk were found in one pocket. The other was the body of a man named Brewer. A Coroners inquest was held on both bodies. yordict upon each, accidental drowning. Cholera in Alexandria.— The Wash ington correspondent of the Petersburg Ezprtsx states that up to tho 15th utst., there were twelve cases of cholera, and seven deaths, in Alexandria. OCrGovomor Bigler Las matiOv£o 11(10 fri kft 01 the resultsut H» ex srienoe lor the pas' thirty yean. rOQQ* X HIS sum with Sj?i- IIW. BALTIMOHEt'T . BALTIMORE, Md , to whom orders from all nans of (he Union mast bo addrested, po>i paid. May k 7. 1363.-Iy. How AdlvoirftasomoimltSo Cs^ce>upg3Q633<» NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE. 'IMIE undersigned would reipectfally inform their friends 1. aud the onb to Koaerally that they have openrd a Btore at RL'JOUINGTfJN, Formerly known as Bloom's Black smith dhop. Clea’fieH county, Pa, wnh anew aud tniendtd assorlinantnfGßOCElUEß.DßY READY-MADE CLt) TIMNO. BOUTS and SHOE*. bUMuEK HAIR. CROCKERY. HARDWARE and CUTLERY. WOOD and TINWARE, DRUG**. MEDICINEd, Btc,selected wilb great care in the Philadelphia Market, which ;hey are prepared to sell at most citoniibink low pnaes. Oar friends, and tbo public in reuerai are invited to call and ex&miub-our s’ook. LUMBER, GRAIN , and all kinds of oonutry produce in koo jo eich&nite for Good* at the highett market ptic-t. and I he ucth lo nr. case refused. ÜbX 2k B '.J ) )M, June 24, ihsd. COURT SALE OIF Y&Bm&M© ISoaH Isßtt&ftOo I_>Yordeiol theOrphan*' Ooart of Oleatfiold oonty, there L> will be cold at PUBLIC VKNDUtJ. Croat ory, on the premiie* 'n Saturday the 1 6th of July next, AM lha right title interest and claim of CUNRAD MFU WINE. Job . lute of Brady township, d»c’d., of in and to a certain tract oflaod In ss'd township, bounded by land of Conrad Moiwine. Hr., E i Rube! and other*—containing Ninety Acres, more or less, with a Cabin Houso and Barn erected thereon, and about fifteen acres cleared TERMS.—Ona third on confirmation of sale, and the bsl ato 1» two equal annual payments, to be secured by bontf ana mortgage on the premnes. D .. t CONHADMERWINE.Sr., Adm'r. Brady township, June W, RJo3.—t*. VALUABLE DODDLE SAW MILL And NINE Acres of Land for Sale. TIRE Bnhsorlber will nil on rsaroaablo terms, thst wel l X known large DOUBLE SAW MILL, situate on the nv er between Cloatfidld and Corwenivill,. t»mth«r with on, acre, of land udloloinr. on which beildei th« Mill. ONE DWELLING HOUSE, and KirCHEN.a large BTAULE. together with other necessary buildings. For terme and other partiodare WITya nn‘?R RFAD ' ding ontbepremetle. . ALKXANDbR KLAU. June 84. Ic63.—Btn.—pd. Chain Pinups. -I■‘HE Bnbicribet. have constantly on hand • °f I CHAIN PUMPS.which they arapteparod to fit up and pnt In operation on tho preatirca of any and all perwnr dun- PUMPS.oen hoaccomm,dat.3 by Clearfield, June 24, 1858. ___ Estate of A. Ellis, deceased- NiytlUE is hereby given. tKat letter* of Administration hain bwn gfanle* to the eubioriber op the a tata of ABAl 1 !! ELLIS, late of 801 l township Otearfieltboonnty—Bll pjnon^hfrlng° clal mi 3XT& dissolution of Partnership. TUB partnerehip horetoforn eiiit IngbetwMnlho .nhicnber. S. hcr.alte, ho ocn lnned l, Both°partner, will attend to ejoslng Clearfield, Jnn.Bl. 18i3.-Bt. A. M. HILLS. Estate of Samuel Haines, deceased [ff™ 1 10 "iMWJUBSKU 1 EiX.Neiv Cnmcetlsnd. June ID. 1853.—dt. ' - Estate of Anthony Eratzer, deceased. jr A U .?!| I .?«rt-.7 R W , !’ER KRATZEB. Adnt-r. doced many pliyiioiam to n*e it in thelrpraotico. For a woak constitution it li a good restorer; it completely removes from the system all nervous Irritations, and Ualmost miraoulousin Its rapid and happy olleot. Tho weak and the nervous are frequently restored to perfect health before aslng one bottle. Puce filly cents. SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PURIFIER. A valuable Spriu/rMedicine Tor Pnnfying the Blood it lo be Toond in UR. Uo3E’ti SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND.— This preparation it made of frcth (Isadoras Sarsaparilla, and combined with other ingredient*, to render it the very best Blood Purifier made. At Spring and Hammer Medicine, or Drink, itii psUt&ble, ref nth. nit end mediolnal ; it ii alio era oaaiont in eniiohing the Blooc outing all Sam Eruption* and Ditoatet, Scrofulous Bores, Venereal Uitcatctaodiitbsd etfeois upon tho constitution, Droptlonl Hwelltoct. Rheuma. tiim from Mercury. Uilet. Old Bote*. Kidney and Bladder Af (eotioni, and raisin* up a weak and brokencomiitn ion from any cause.—Price, #1 for quart bottle*: 60 olt foreman bottle*. do you suffer with any tain? ITron do. are Dr. ROSE'S PAIN CUKER, l! caret Tooth ache. Bore lhruat, Eartche, tstlfft Neck, or Point in the race, ia n few minutes. It caret quickly, Pain la the Stomach or Bowels, Curet'Cinlbljint, Coins andany lmia'ion on the teet. It acta like aebarm (or Pain* in the Side. Eimbsor Back, and for Rheumatism from a sudden cold, iliimoxicalin its etleo's. la bottle* ld>6 It and M centi. Liver Dißonaen, Dyspepsia, and Billouu Ilubila. If year Liver is deranged, yo r akin will ba.rwliow ; Dy». Pepsia and Oil Ilona condition of the system will follow; yon will be troubled wihcold feet, variable appetite, and depreie ed spirits. By t-krogDr. ROSE'S oelebratcd Railroad or Antrtiillioui Pills. roo will toon tind all the above bad apron* tom* dl.ai'poar, They give strength and richneu to the blool. Boses la>4 and 25 cents, Theta Pitta are called RAILROAD PILLS beoauso they |0 ahial of all other Pllla in theirgood elfeuti. tSTFiIEE FROM MERCURY, i ALSO.—Dr. S. Robo'm Alterative or Blood Punfi* cr, Cough Syrup or Expectorant, ttlienmotic Coni' I pound, Dyspeptic Compound, Compound Extract of | Duchn, Tonic Mixture. Astringent Compound, Hair Tcnic.Thick, Magic Liniment;Carminative Balsam. Worm Killer or Vermifuge, Croup Syrun, Golden I Pills, Female Pilla, Alterative orForoily rills, Pile j Ointment, Tetter ur Healing Ouitment, Eye Oint ment, Eye Water, Strengthening Plasters, French i Specific, Acoustic Oil, Infant Cordial, Klexir of Opi um, Liquid Hair Tonic, Whooping Cough Syrup, and Female Specific. All of the sbora pre.-aratl.mi, with Or. RUSE’B MEDI* UAL ADVISER, to persona in lickneu and in health, to be hid nt EDMUND E UtlHrtN SR, Morntdole. CLaifteld ci> . it. D, FATTEN, C&rwe&aville, and of dealert gooejally j throojhout the Stnio. > June 24.185J.—?tn. JOHN M. CIIAfiK, New Store. FfIHE undenigned respectfully inform the inhabitant! of 1 ulearftJd county, that they haveopeued a STORE in lb* town of ANSuNVILLE. In Jordan towmbip. at the intenootion ef the Dion llopo turnpike with the Chtrsi Uieek read, and offer for tale a fall tnpply of CaE>cOS3 a Groceries , Hardware, Drugs. Patent Med icines and all other articles usually kept in a country store. Ailofwhtoh will be told at moderate prices for carb. or ex changed for DRAIN. LUMBER, be. Our ncighbira we r»«pectM>|iy aik to call, and aunre them we intend doing bo lineie at m low rate* a* caih purchase* will aftnw. June 24.18i3.—ly. CHASE b SWAN. Town Lots THE tuWlber Informs tbo:e who are dwirouiof pnreha* mi'IOWN LOTS that he will uitpoieof a number in the town of ANSON VII,EIv. tire loctUoo of which often great Indaucmenti to Meohaoio* and other*, situated a* it it to a scod agricultural omntrv where an abondanor of employment can bi prooured. The GLEN HOPE turnpike fnm TYRONE CITY paun through it, and other improve men's are contemplated 1 Application fo< lo t may be made to the subscriber on the pf^rn l ***. HENRY SWAN. AnsonvTe, June K). 1F63 —if. ES<3s>'&y 2 jail now opening oneof the beit ASSORTMENTS isimdl Suananmaff ©®®dle ever brought toour town. Penocs within* to buv good* M the FAIREST PRICES, bad bettor be on band ioju. Thou itock of DRY GOODS ti quite attentive, and will bear the oloteil inspection a*'to quality and price, and (heir stock of Groceries, Queenstvare, Hardware, Boots and Shoes m. WIIEBGAB on th.lld day of June. 1853. my_ wife SA RAH left my bed and board wjthoot any Jnit can., or provocation, and tneiefbial hereby caution and forewarn all parsons from bea ding, harboring, or I trusting.her any amount whatever on my accoant a, lam determined to mi no debts of her oonliaotlng afler thl» data unless competed b f hn - ISAUU 11. WARRIOR. Bee cat ta township. Jane P. 18j3. 0 Cents Howard- ** T» UNAWA Y from th, inhroriber on or Jtv about the Ist ol March last, my son jAOOIt HESS, aged abont 18 rears. Bald JACOB Is stout buUt.6 feet 6or I Inches iqfUlSi high. Tba above reward bat no tbenks OkV will boglveo for bis return, and the publid. l|w are oautioaed against bnibormg or trusting "Ztmwu'FhTp. Ma, 201853-3 C. ISAAOJi Wantett^ inn COHD3 STOVE-WOOD CUT. EED .cuatfield. Jiin# 18,18 M. VALUABLE SAW-MILL PRUPERTX, Timber, Timber Land and Iron Ore for Sale s THE sobicriberwllltell the following detorlbed valuable REAL ESTATE via: mj** 1 The one undivided half part of a TRACT .*“• OF LAND, conttdaing lWacrct, ormore,i:t* a ate on filoshaonon Creek, which it the line between Coatr# and Clearfield countiei. fiJost of thi« tract is tiilablo land, andnartof it well timbered with. White Pine. niJ A ,The undivided half part cPa Traot or Land,alto situate on Moihannon creek, and adjoining’the nbovs name! pDoeof land, oontalng 407 aoici, or mote. There is great Water*Power on this traot. the Creek aflirdlng toftlclent power for n Forge, and Rolling* Mill. The Six Mile Baa and the Thru* Milo Run (in which are plentyofTrool) empty into the Motjjaunon on tbli tract, each or which ailord Lorn one to two good mill teats. There ia a first ra'e newly built Goarod Baw*MUl. 19 feel wheel, on (hit traot. on the power of the Three MU* Hun. The Turn pike lead mg. from Clear field to Uellelonte pane* through thi* traot. Tho distance from thii plaoe to Untoville, on the Bald Eaglo Plank Roed, 19 rnilei. To Julian Fnrnaoo, and Hannah t urnoce about 14 to It* mile*. The distance to the rivor by tbo road Uor 1U miles—lo the mouth of the creek, by water, UJ miles. There It a Vein of Iron Ore on this Tract, And within 60 or 60 rods of water power. TMt It tho plaoe spoken of by Proieuor Rogers.in hit Geological Report of 164 L where he says, "Six mliei northiOit of rhiiiptburg, on the Tornpike. I* tho red shale or formetion JCI, Immediately be low the oonglomerato of formation XU," £kc , &c,—and olo*- et hit remarks by laying, * This place-s worthy of a forth?* invMtlgotion.'' Ull UMIOUS CUA 1 * and tho best of 1151* OER are abundant in the neighborhood Tho Terms will be made oaiy. and an Indlipatan'e tit.e givej. Apply to tho inbtctiber ttx roi e* south of Convent villa, near rrolt Hill Post Olfiov, Cleaifie’d county. Po,,—or to JOHN B. THUMAS, Unionvitle. Centro oounty. Pa.. [Fleming p. O. J—or to David Bi'ser, who reside* on the promos. Saltao 1 will altoitll from FOUR HUNDRED to ONBTHCJUfi- AND good Haw Logs, tvhloh will culn good deal ol < nan ?‘ Lumber. Said Ines are about one mhe nbovo Dr floyt t a.ill on the river hill, nud about 2H mile* abovo Air. Owen « m il. The river ia wido here, and they can be driven, or sawed at the above rolil. Thoio logs can he pot into the liver for le*tthan #S CO per M foot boards, at any time. WILLIAh O. BUTLER. Jane 16.1613. The ‘‘Lauoeater Intelftgenoer" will insert the above three times omitting the latter part relating lo taw logs—and the "Clinton Democrat" will mien tlm p *rt of the above relating to the tale of taw logs, tbreo time*, ana tend their billilothis ciftoe. Truth is stranger than Fiction, And beats it by far, As any one will tell you Who calls on ! A JM. HILLS, AT (he OH Stand, in the west end of the MANSION HOUSE, where he U determined to supply all those who may favor him with a call with anything in the lioso. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, and Fancy Arliclcs, on l^io VERY CHEAPEST POSSIBLE TEEMS, Fon.uehto indeed at to DEFY ALL COMPETITION.— And l make the assertion of sel'ing The BEST Goods nt the Lowest Prices. We urede'ermU d to stand op to the Rack Fodder or no Fodder, and Sell lower than any other person in this town dare sell. All am now trlliov «bL for Ihtt K CADY JOHN DA VIA. I am bound for QUICK BALKS, and the leait micgina I* profir* (&~So give us a call, and be sure and bring "John" along with you. * Cleat Geld, June 16,1652. HENRY SWAN Opposition TO Imposition. JOHN, bnng In the Lightning Rod, and tlirup theaai mt!i, and tnen let at go down to J. Bo §HIW 5 § New Establishment , AT HILL’S OLD CORN ER!j They do say he has got tho tallest lot ofj COMFECTIONERY, NICK NACKS & FANCY ARTICLES, that ever slipped over the Allegheny Ridges. Besides a smashing lot of GROCERIES, and deci dedly the largest and best assortment of LIQUORS That onr little bar* bar been stirred uo with. And then they »ay he teilt thvm so oheap too And if yoa Bramble, he'll carry ihero away for yoa inlolbo bargain—or give you a Biftnol LEMON ADR a fewNCTS, tomeCANDY, oral least a o'eaiant SMILE, and n Yankoe eighteen penee. John , let Blue Ruin alone, and we II go toJ. B. Shaw’s. His terms are cash, but they say he has small profits.^Q Cle.vlield Jone 10, iris 3.— 8 *. Caution. ALL persons known to ote YALE’S BELF-BETTER3 In ine county of Claarfieltl, will plcais com* anu settle the oi* of the Right with L. K. CARTER, et Clearfield, who is authorised br me to make amicable te nement* for the same. Boil wii be intlUuted agamit all nenon* neglect, log thin notice. UUBLRI LY I LE. AIjL pertoni wish or to purahaie Rights and Blooks for Uprjtbt and Circular caw-mills will call on L. R. Car tor who I this day authorise to make contract* forth? same. Juns II pd.-Cm ROBLRT LYTLE. Hannah SVimcrniiz.'j In Iho Common Hlcae o/ by her nevt friend I (.’leorfield counly. No. 35, David Winierniti, Feb, terra. 1853. Alia* Sub v*. 1 pamx in Divorce a vinculo Joseph Wiaternitz. J nmtrimoni, roturned M i\ol Found." To JOSEPH WINTERNITZ, the Deft. TAKE NOTICE Ib-It you are required to eppetr ie the Cuurl of Oomtno * Pleis of Ceetfie'd counly on the THIRD MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER NEXT, to antwer toe complaint or ItANNAU WINTEKfU'i Z. by b«r next friend David WintofQiU. and show oiuse. ii any yoo have, why said llanoah should net be Divorced from the bond* of Mstnmvny. WILLIAM POWELL. 8h’Q. Sherifl’s OHicy, Clearfield. June »t<, 1853 —pd LIST OF TRAVIS JURORS for Sept, term, 1851 George B. Dale Farmer Pike township ctamool Caldwell do do do Abraham Bady uo do do William Price do do do Nathan Clover do do do J.P. Norris do do do Lorens Earlline do Kanban* do Juba Patterson do Jordan do George Erhard do j° Jossph rsttsr >lo Moms do Johu Sliowalter do do do George Beam* . do o® “ <, John Millo* Lumbe mnn do do Richard Glenau Bhoemaker Clearfield botough G W. Orr Biaohtmtib do do Wm. Mapes farmer Lawreao#township N. K. Bloduliin do do do John Daughorty .do do #do Levi Luts Merchant Covington ao Bamnei Bpeuoer Fsitner P«n John Urenno*d 9*™“. Joma flsllnjho, ‘ lo " B, *« John Mltoheil . •« »g« «owa.h.P dj *g jjs &d 32 SSSfcSK :Si gg Brady ° do lOOOdJofdaa do 6* Commit. Linen or Onai field oonaty. tsdon film fathlt opije. g Cl'k. Oonxinictere Office, -laiis 10, ISis. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLEARFIELD CO. DR F. ANTES, lIAVINQ onrohsied the propotlT »nd ® r Dt.G.F. H HOOPS, tenders his professional ser- ices lo the oi'laoas of I'HENOHVILL.E and »ioinlt».—Offoe one door eyt ot LU'l '/S’ Store. “ u - DR. GIBBONY F. IIOOP, HAVING chanced hi, tesldeuce srom Fronohville. to Kr lartvillo. in Morrif township, leiiNOtfully cfrm hisser vioes to the »»• noon ding community. Jane 10. Accy, DR. R. V. WILSON, HAVINO removed hli Cilice to hU new dwelling on Se« ooad street, will promptly aoiwcr ml professional onus, os heretofore. Cloarfiield. Juno lb lota. SAMUEL ARNOLD, MERCHANT and PRODUCE DEALER. Lnlheretmrg, Clearfield oountr, Fa. April 17, ItLsst. ROBERT McNAUL, TANNER—At ihe JLD STAND In Cnrwoiisvllle. A Per.iW.iH’l RICHARD MOSSOP, Retaii.ek op foreign and domestic mer chandise & LtUUUKS—At Bigler h l.Vi. old Hand. Also, on the westsideof shUtreet. D00.8U.1001. WM. P. CHAMBERS, Wheelwright, chaibmaker. end house & IJIUIIN FAlNTER—Curwonsvillo. IgH B. F. STERLING, SADDLE St AARNES3-MAKER. nnd JUSTICE OF THE FEACE—Carwonsiillo. Dcc.BB.IEM- HENRY LORAINE, PHYSICIAN and DRUGGIST, on Merkel,treat,opposite hit residence. Clearfield. April lb, IoSJ. A. K. WRIGHT., MERCHANT AND EXTENSIVE DEALER IN I.UM DEU—Southwest Comer ol the Dlamodd-Lleaifi Id. D«0. IB*. IBM. JOHN W. SHUGERT. WAGON MAKER, corner of Third and Locnst street,, Clearfield. Kepaiilng done to order. April. 10. oil. HURXTHAL & BROTHER, MERCHANTS end LUMBER DEALERS. Woodland Poet Ofllce, Biadford tp.. Clearfield co. AnnlJ7, 62. GEO. RICHARDS, Fashionable- TMLuR-wcit end oi shaw’e n 0» un eiaie, at hiioUl stand 10 the boroach of Uarwen«v|ll«. Deo i9.iooil. LEVER FLEGAL, OLACKSMITH. i.olboriljurf. Pa . will olt.ndlo oil bo.l- K DC in hi. lino, owd will atio tumuli W AI.UNB, BUG -I*l £S, &0., very cutup, and manufactured in the best style, and warranted. Aug. 7. IBoH.-y. ISAAC SMITH, MFRCHANT. AND DEALER IN LUMBER AND Uouotry Prod uue generally—State street, betweeni Cherry and l^ocust—Uorwensvillo. Dec. SO. 1851 THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO. IKON-FOUNDERS— Utuvren.vllle. Ad eiteD.ivf Ot.or meat ofUastmgi made to order. Deo. W. THOMAS H. FULTON, & CO., MERCHANTS, aadexicnsivs dealers, and Manufacturers ol Lumber, Bald Hu's. July HS.IBfIJ. JOSEPH H. BRETH, BI.ACKSMl i'll . at NEW WU-IHNGTON, Clearfield ooamy, where all kinds of work is done in his line cl business no the shortest tvUoi and most reasonable terms. May iO.tH63. __ - \VM. T. GILBERT, Blacksmith— At in neiitownihip.otihe Crow Roads leading from MoGhoe'i Mills to a*w Wash inrtoi. and from Chert creek to tho river—where all call* in bis line will be promptly alteadJU to. Maroh J 1&3 JAS. B. GRAHAM,- POST MASTER, MERCHANT and DEALEIUN LUM BER— OrnhomtoD.lirauroid lownibip. Doe So, IoM. C. IvRATZER, Merchant and lumber LEAi.EU-cornoi oi Print nod Locuit ilrtati—Clearfield. Dec. 99,18J1. Bjadford do L. JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW,con be fouod at th. oflloo rorm. ail r oconpied bjr U. R. Baneit. on Booond etreit. Cm i fiold, Pa. Jnao 8,1368-nd. JAS. ALEXANDER, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER—In hlenawihop ODMarkatim-«i,noMMairelF»hoiel. (gJI Uhttrd ICftfLOaUI JOHN 11. HILBURN, BOOT and SHOE MAKER. 00000.1 .treat, nearly opijo.ll* A. K. W right*i.pro.Clearfield. Pa. Apiil IB.lMf JAMES HOLLENBACII, BLACKSMITH, on Thud meet, between Ma.k.lhnd Walnut, Clearheld. Pa« April lb, ittoi. * GEORGE WILSON. PHYSICIAN mnv b, lound at lilt OIDo, in LUTHERS BURG, when not abssat ou prolenluual business. February flti. lbtOL - AUGUSTUS WEITMAN, BASH, nod other work in his liae. will be manufactured in tbe but style Maroh 17. J833.—1r. J. L. CUTTLE, A TTOfINEY AT LA W aadliAND AGENT, OIBc, nd. /x joiamg hisfeiictsaceou Market strut, L. R. CARTER, GRAND EXHIBITION. At Smith’s Dry .flood, Grocery and Clothing 523 ce> ap £L ua nfigi 8 Porformanpe every day, Sundays excepted. I kOOßSoporint HALFPAST FIVE, A. M., Peircrmante P 9 tooomniaaceattilX. No postponement on ncooaol tf the were Iter. : «EV-ER was anoh'an opn r’ttnity oUorod in DUfIVV r.Nfi jLEtoerftrily the eyes oud mind torso LI rTLbMONEY. COLLECTIONS! from the ANIMAL. VEGETABLE, tad MINERAL KINGDOM, of every oounlry on tlo GLOBE, can them bo torn. I will not attempt a description—for had 1 ihe vooabnlaryofa Dow.jr. 1 would fait far ihortof doing justice to my COMPLETE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT. Bach of tlio nodionoo who. alter selecilng snoh artlolos ar thsr wish,can pnrohato them at a VERY LOW FRILL. Yes, at a small Advance on first cost. To bo oonviaceJ that tho above I. Iho oa»-Ki»onsa oall.- Com.one. comea»C SJdITH Cnrwensvllle, May 87,180 d —Bm. ISAAC oMlltl [MARRIAGE. Happiness and Competence. why is it i THAT w, bi-hsidinnrv remain, wires In the m* ridso of lire, broken in heollh end spirits wilh n compliant on ol diiossee and ailments, depriving thorn of sown <«'Hre enjoyment of In# at an nee whon ’ hysical heal h. bnoyan-r ot*piri»s« and happy serenity of mnid, fiimng Isoruacpnui lion of health ihould be predomlnaot. .« Many oftho ciuaiflol her salloringsat first—perhnps »# »• before, daring girlhood. oMh- first year* of l et miiiugs \tere In their origin so light ci to pass onno.Ltd. IN AFTER YEARS, When too late to be henelittod by oor hoowleige, we Jooa baok and maorn* and regret the lull oonseqaenoes ol uu.r ,f WhS C woald wo not often glvoto possets In earl? life, th* knowledge we obtain in after yean. And what days au-i nights ol angoisn we it ght have been tpa'od, if the keowi» edge was timely possessed, it it MELANCHOLY AND STARTLING Tobeho’d theiloknetsand infl'etlngendared by msny a wj « for many years* trom oaases simple and controllable, easily remedied—or better tull-not incurred. If every WIPE AND MOTHER , , / . . Potretsed the information contained mi hltle.volumi, Cwun in thereaoli of all) which would spare to I.erttH YEARS OF MISERY. f . , And to her ho-.band Uio constant toll ano an*i«ty of mind . neeeu&rily devolving npon blm fromeiUspeiaoi the wile, withont glv eg him theopportonity of acquiring that compe lenoe whlah hfs exertlous uro ontltled. and the po»aei«,.1 That none need remain nomformed npon ’J{J; to their poaoo, their health and their bappinon, ft Pamphlet of Thirty-tu Pokm. containing « tiaoU. with , J , l[**tle page, and aito index of o intenta. will be tent free ofehargo toarery » pan ol the United stare*. by addreitmg, no»tpaid. a« herein. receipt ot Filty Cents, (or Ono Dollar for the lino Edition, eitro binding.) "THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPAN ION" is tent [mailed free] to any part of tho United States. All letter* must he post.paid, and nddrested to Dr. A M. MAUKICEAU, Box 1224, New York City, publishing Office, No. 129, Liberty street, New York t For Saie bt Blinchand Crap, Harrisburg; J. Swarte, Bloomshurg; J. 8. Worth, Lebanon ;J, • Farminger. Mnnheim ; 11. W. Smith, Huntingdon , S. McDonnld, Unlontown; J M Baum. Now Beilin; H A L’indz Leading; K T Morie, Cranesville, N. V.; ft P Crocker. Brownsvillo; Went. and Stark. Ciirbondale; Kldrcd ond Wright. William,port . STuck. Wilkcaliurre; Geo. VV Earle, Wavneslroro ; It Croeky, Mercer; S Leador, Hanover j 8 VVTay. lor. Uticn ; It P Cumming., Somerset; T B Peter »on, Phdadelphia ; John LeForge, Millord. Pa.; and in New York City, by Stringer ond Towniend. Adrianre, Slicrraan &Co , Dei,ill end Davenport. Burne, und Co. t iFFICE 188. Llb.rtr BtrMt. o,»t Gwenvdol.. M»r SO. 18j3 —dai. Morse's Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot. THIS i> a PURELY VEGKPABLE COMPOUND, acten lineally prepaied from tha best Roots and Herbs ol the Materia Medlca. end has gained tte universal reputation lor iho following effects, vix : , ... , . Regulating and Strengthening the Liver and Uigfi* five Organs, and clensing the Slnmoch and Bowels, and ihu.ooila, all Billion. DieeaM,. Llvei Complaima. Dye pepaia, Indlee-ilon, Co.tl.enti*, Pile.. Headache Pev« “*d iv,as, Jsanalce. Nausoa. Loe.of Appetite, fico.. and cauttax iha food to nontl.h and inpponev.iy part. PUB IKYING 'i'li K BI.UUD—Aad ihul imiing aU Hamort. Cutaneous Eruptions, Borofula, Salt Rheum* Erysipelas- Boald Head. Danker. Pimpie. oa tt, face, Ulotcliw. Uloara. Tumor,. Memorial Ditease, fencer.. Ho. . . .... REGULATING THE SECRETARY ORGANS—Aad by enablia, them to perform their proper function.. pruvanrin, and curia, many pamlul and dangerou. ClMrue, . Blrnajin. emu, aad Uaiatin, Iha NoivofaSy.temlliu. allay lot Nwv ooi Irritatiuo. and curiag all Diseases ol the Nerves, as Hfi 'aria. Neuralgia,Cramps, fto. tl . ~ . It is univeraoi in the euro of at 1 Femnlo Lomplnini*. as Weakness. general debility, Irregularity, Obstructions, dwelling of the Feet Limbs, Joints.&c. caused by weakness, also* LUNG and THROAT COMPLAINTS, each as Colds. Cough*. Asthma. Consumption. &c.. also. Dropsy. Having r. aie oic of the Compound Btiud. of of Yellow Dock Root, prepared by O. MORSE « CO., either ourselves or in oar families, and hading it to be a very salatxry fectual preparation, we do most cheerfully recommend H to U e public as a very valuab'e medicine. E Bourse. Etq . Cashier ofthe National Bank Providener. R. I i A W Hponsor, Kiq.. Caihler Lime Rock U»»k un 410 do. Rev. Win A. Phillips, Rev J.R. Richmood.L. 8. Jonw. editor Providence Gen. Advt.. Wen. Held. Gyms Fisher. M. B H P .James Hutchinson. G 8. Dee, V. J. Bales Hoot. Renj Colby, and one hundred others ol U>« roost respectable fi*miifc» of Providence. . This certifies that l have for a number of >**/? tainted with the composition end MOUSE'S COMPOUND feYRUP uF k fcLWJW iK>LR rout 1 have also fcoen acquainted with Its modus oper* andJ in dUease. aad can say that in all rwpeoU it U admira bly calculated to r-tnedy tho elate of Diseases rerwhldi it is deiignfKt. It is ttpeoially valuable in INDIGESTION* aod all lie attendant symptoms, it ex ite* to healthy *c 1 1 on 1h j LIVER, removes Torpor, and InaoUvity of thUnROAN. and sUmnlatei healthy notion in nil the system. As a DCFU RATOR or purifier of the Blood It has nosuperior. * Provldenoe, R. 1. Jan 1, iBBd. DAVID HOLMES, M. D. Prepared by C.MORSE & Co., no. 440 Broadway N, York, and eold by Druggists ond others through out thia nnd other counties. May 20,1503. ly. C. D. Watson, Agent, Clearfield, Pu. MR3. E. A. MORRIS, OF CURWENBVILLE, wonlil inform the label of Uleai field ooQurr, that she has ju*t rocoiygd a large aau rail assortment of Spring MnlMmsiiry ©®®cSlSp GIMP. RIPPLE GIM.GUBBAMLR. tl a. Al*o. Silks, Ribbons, Capes, Linings, Illusions, FRENCH FLOWERS. FA.BB, nnd every varietr of trimm i n „ Persons sending older* from Qdiilnuoe shall have them immediately atunded to, All repairing done in tbe naawsi nnd best possible manner, and op tbe sho.UsL not ce. Cuiwsniville. May SW, i853.-Bm. E. A. W. PENNSVILLE TANNERY. wonldleepeclfaM? fißßOßUcato tbe!r ea«- JL lomtrs nod pat ons generally, that they have coaimeto ed bnslnsss opt nihe ••READY FAYV wtup, heiUrieg Li lobe the best syifem.—lst.i becausethp «.wMbe no baddebts to be pa.d by raxing tho e «lip ere willing to iuv. gtw Iwj much the oa»e under the credit system.—Secondly i»e oan sail out slock lower ihxn on credit, because vreesa make onr returo sooner, nod thus there will bean advantage to the se*i eras well ns the buyer.—Wp Inton 1 keeping.couiUmtfy oh* handTausoitmnto?LKaTHLit,.auto.a. •»(*«. Clppe*. Kips,and Cnlk-«Uns. t fluruee prion which they would have lo pay the manafaciurus rflbey bought ofthem. Hornet* sntkers, khoSnaker*. uni urh