Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 17, 1853, Image 1

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The Maiderer of Ellen lynch and Donoro Shaw.
Some account of his .life, by himself—his
last words upon tho Gallows.
Tho droad sentence of the law was car
ried into effect yesterday morning, upon
Arthur Spring, sr., murderer of Ellen
Lynch and Honora Shaw, in tho yard of
tho county prison, in presence of a large
cqncourso of persons. Though the public
aro generally acquainted with all the cir
cumstances of tho murder of the unfortu
.nato women, it may not bo out of place, at
this timo to recapitulate a few of the lead
ing fhets. The double murder was per
petratod on tho night of tho lOthof March,
1853, in the house of John W. Carroll,
No. 260 Federal street. The murder
was of so diabolical a character, perpetra
ted as it was for a few dollars, and attend
ed with circumstances of such unparallel
ed atrocity, that our community oxhibited
an unusual degreo of excitement. Tho
day subsequent to tho murder, Arthur
Spring and son woro arrested at the houso
of Patrick Maguire, in tho west end of
Markot street.
Tho inmates of the Federal st. houso
were also arrested and hold in custody un
til young Spring made tho fearful revela
tion which consigned his father to a felon’s
grave. Tho first trial began on the 21st
of March, in less than two weeks from tho
commission' of tho murders, and during
tho continuance tho Court-houso was be
sieged daily with an excited crowd, eager
to catch a glimpse of the criminal. The”
trial lasted for several days, and ended in
the prompt conviction of the prisoner
On that trial, Mr. Reed, tho District At
tprney, made an oloquont and forcible
speech, from which wo make a few ex
tracts. Of the murdered women he thus
Mrs. Shaj£ was a sempstress, known to
many of our citizens. Her sister, Mrs.
Lynch, was the wife of Bartholomew
Lynch, a man much oldor than herself—a
plain man, an honest, confiding man, and
a gallant soldier, bearing on his person tho
scars of many a wound. He will bo ex
amined before you, and will toll his tale of
sorrow plainly and ingeniously. On the
Monday before the murder, he left tho Ma
rine service of thoTJnited States, and was
paid off about eighty dollars, in twenty
dollar pieces, which, for safe keeping, he
left with his wife. She had, besides, oth
or money, and at least one ten dollar piece.
Lynch left his wife on Wednesday morn
ing for New York. It will bo proved to
you that tho prisoner was acquainted with
Lynch and his family, knew that he had
gone to New York, and that his wife had
this money. It will further bo shown to
you that with Mrs. Shaw the prisonor was
on terms of friendliness, and that he was
at the house on Federal street on both
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Of the murders, Mr. Reed gave the
following narration:
“This house of Carrol’s it will be ro
membered, had been often previously the
. 6ceno of disordor,, so that noises from with
in attracted no attention. Little, howev
er, did the neighbors or passers by think
of the deed of horror that was doing that
night. Tho next neighbors, both above
and below, hoard this fearful struggle and
suppressed cries—a citizen and neighbor,
•passing nlong, stopped on the pavement,
and listened to what seemed to him more
than usual disturbance. He heard two
screams and a heavy fall, and then all was
still. When ho reached home it wanted
ten minutes of ten o’clock. The struggle
dflfe) over. Tho doed of blood was
dono/Tho victim was silenced forever.
The money was earned. The murderer
crept up stairs to the room where the in
fants wore sleeping, and with his bloody
knife burst open Mrs. Lynch’s trunk,
leaving the point in tho hasp, and secured
his coveted plunder. He then set fire to
the house, and left tho poor infants to their
fate. In darkness he fled.”
Of tho testimony showing tho prisoner’s
connection, with the murders, independent
of tho revelation of tho son, tho following
'allusion was made. . , ,
“Justdt that hour— orratherntjust such
lime 6b was needed to walk so far; Arth-
Sp"» 6. <*>.•» «"•* » “P'T
en. had pretended to go to bod at his lodg
ines in Market street, near the bridge, was
seen in thestreot muffled up ana hastening
rhomo. At nine o'clock ho was not in bed
' Arthur Spring was at Carroll a houso with
Mrs Shaw on Tuesday night, know of
the money, and knew of Lynch’e* intention
lo co away the next morning. Ho was
there again on Wednesday, and know that
the Carroll’s wore going to tho ball, and
•|L„t these poor women would be alone and
unprotected. Arthur Spring was a*(eft
banded map, pnd these wounds were giv
en by a left handed man, Arthur, Spring
had in his possesion a foqr cprnored dirk
J Life, :cQrrWpP“ d »Sg w,tl ? P»ecAfam d
v»n tne ; ■ - . , 1
‘•One of tho, deadly weapons found coy
* Mood nnd hw wasapiece of
pip.o, and ia tho cellar of tho house
Spring liv.cwl. were pieces, pf tho
. IKiame'sort! Of pipe. The ‘other weappij wis
dirk knfflvtfc® °f which, tdenlffl
as Arthur Spring's, was found ugder
• _ 1.. , ...
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Volume 4,
Mrs. Lynch’s body, Ho pretended to go
to bod, and yot was in the street at ornear
eleven o’clock, and got in at tho back door
of his lodgings. Ho had not a cent of
money on Thursday, and on Friday he
had a sum of money, and the kind of mo
ney that was stolen. At a little after day
light on Friday morning he sent to purch
ase shirts, his own being wet and stained
with blood. His coat was found heavily
sfneared with blood.”
Mr. Reed noxt proceeded to narrate tho
revelations of tho son, which must still be
fresh in tho recollection of our readers.—
With all the care that had been taken with
the trial of the case, however, it did not
stand; and for reasons assigned, which
were argued before the Court on tho 29th
of March, tho Court grantoda new trial.—
Tho second trial began on Tuesday the
6th of April, and though following so close
ly as it did upon the first, led to the same
exciting scenes in and about the Court
house. The second conviction of Spring
followed, and upon the rendition oftho ver
dict, the prisonor obtained the consont of
the presiding Judge to make a speech,
which ho did. Spring was sentenced on
Saturday, the 16th of April, by Judge
Kelley, on which occasion he mndo anoth
long speech, differing somewhat from tho
first. In this he said that his son had told
him of killing Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Shaw,
which he did not on tho former occnsion.
This was the last appearance of Arthur
Spring in public, but since then his say
ings and doings from timo to time have
been duly chronicled.
Springs’ Life and Confession. —On
tho Bth and 9th of the present month,
Spring gave to tho Rev. Messrs. Street and
Kensil, who were in attendance upon him,
a nnrrativo of his life and what he wished
to be understood to be his dying declara
tion in regard to the murders imputed to
him. In it ho states that his father was a
Presbyterian and his mothor a Catholic ;
that he camo to this country nt an early
age, and workedat laboring for sometime;
ho then started a storo in Market street, a
confectionery, in which for a period he did
remarkably well, but he finally lost con
siderable on perishable fruit which ho
bought. Though ho was married in Ire
land, ho married soon afier his arrival in
this country a Miss Margaret Carr, by
whom h® ad six children. Afier alluding
to his reverses of fortune, and his removal
to New York, he details particularly the
account of his arrest and conviction thorc
for robbing a man named Dillon,’of which
he protested his innqcenco. It happens
that his son Arthur was charged with theft
in that city, also, of which the father said
he was innocent, for the robbory was com
mitted by the man alleged to be robbed.
Ho then goes on to reiterate the samo sto
ry as told by him on other occasions. We
givo this in his own words as copied from
tho Argus.
“On the night of the murder I went tb
my bed at 7 o’clock. When I went up
stairs tho boy followed mo. 1 had my coat
off. ‘Are you going to bed,’ said ho. I
took the handkerchief from pocket, and he
tied it about my head. So I went to bed
and he went down stairs ; and afier he went
down stairs the little girl camo into my
room. I looked and I heard the door open,
and I thought it was the boy come back
again. She went out, and the boy came
back in about five minutes,and said ho had
been delivering 6ome books for Mary Ann
Maguire. Ho asked me for the liquor,
which he put up in tho bottle in tho even
ing. I told him it was where he left it.
So I said, ‘don’t deliver the liquor to-nght.’
He said, ‘I am going there anyhow.’ This
was afier ho had delivered the books. ‘I
promised her (Mrs. Shaw) I would take it
to her,’ said ho. ‘I promised it to her last
night, when I was on her lap.’ He reach
ed there about eight o’clock, and she re
ceived him and took him into John W.
Carrol’s room. She said she had a young
man and woman up stairs, and my boy
stood in the front room until about five
minutes post eight, when they went away.
Then ho and Mrs. Shaw hud a drink to*
gethor, so he started and said he would go
!and see where father was, and' said, ‘1
will bo back again,’ and at half-past eight
he reached where tho boys were,and there
he remained playing dominoes until a
quarter to ten o’clock, and then he camo
back to Maguire’s, and stopped in the bar
room until 12 o’clock, and then he told
Maguire, ‘father is in bod.’
So Maguire closed up at 12 o’clock.—
Ho then started down to Mrs. Shaw’s, and
Mrs. Shaw was crying, and tol d him she
had liked to sot tho house on fire, and
Mrs. Lynch had come down stairs and
hollowed and pulled her off tho settee, and
said, you are going to set tho house on fire.
Mrs. Lynch put tho fire out. This was
the time the neighbors thought the murder
was committed. So my son and Mrs,
Shaw went to work' and finished the bot
tle. ; Mrs. Lynch heard him at the trunk,
and Tolldwed him dow;n stairs. He thon
left and ran out and came home, and came
up stairs to mo, and told me what ho had
dot®, us above stated. He asked'mo for
my pocket-book. I said, ‘have younot
one of your own?’ Ho aaid, ‘Mine is too
large.’ I asked him what ho wanted with
itj and sajd that ho could find it in my pan*
Clearfield, Pn„ June 17, 1853-
taloon’a pooket. There was nothing said
about the money then.
The boy left the room, and I did not
see him or know where ho was until morn
ing. When I got up in the morning, there
woro three now shirts on the table. Ho
told me to put on a now shirt, “for the shirt
is broke and bloody from tho fight with
Carroll.” I said, “No, my shirts are clean
enough; but he insisted on it, and I took
off my two shirts and folded them up, and
put thorn under tho table. In tho morning
I was called, about 7 o’clock, to breakfast.
I then asked my bdy, “Where did you
got those shirts 7” He said he got the
money that was in that trunk. I askod
him how much 7 Ho said he did not know.
I told him that I would bo suspected.—
“No,” says he, "I can provo you was in
your bed.”
Tho boy was very uneasy, so after
breakfast I went into the bar-room, and
played dominoos with Tom Maguire. My
son went out; I did not know whero ho
wont. It was raining hard. Somo time
after he came back, wet from tho rain.—
John Maguire said to him, “that is a bad
day to be out.” He seemed to bo uneasy,
and in about half an hour the officers came
and asked fora man by the namo of Spring.
I said, “I am the man.” They airested
me, and I asked the officers what I was
taken for. They then informed me that
it was for tho murder of Mrs. Shaw and
Mrs. Lynch.
Although the boy brought homo the
money, he never told mo that he murder
ed the women, neither do I believe he had
any hand in it nor do 1 believe ho knew
anything about the murder, for if ho had,
he would havo told me that night. Theso
nro my dying words. About Christmas
time I frequently went to Mrs. Shaw, and
was on very intimate terms with her.
In regard to the murder of Mr. Rink, I
know nothing whatevor ; I never saw him,
nor was 1 ovor in his storo, neither do I
know whore his storo was, except that I
hoard where it was through tho papers.
In regard to the murder of Mr. Hope, I
never knew the man or heard of him until
after I was in prison. This is all I have
to say.
The Execution. —ln order to lay all
the particulars of the execution bofore our
roadors, wo proceeded to tho prison early
yesterday morning. It was about half past
eight when we reached there, and we found
few persons either within or without the
prison. None of tho public functionaries
had'yet arrived. The few minutes wo
had to spare were devoted to tho inspec
tion of the interior of tho prison, which
we found to exhibit its usual cleanliness
and good oraer. Tho keepers wero all at
their posts,and nothingexcept a few more
than tho number of visitors usually found
within, indicated that any thing unusual
was to be enacted. We found the prison
inspectors, Messrs. Corwell and Fletcher,
attending to their duties, and learned that
they had been there from six o’clock, A. M.
We learned from these gentlemen that the
condemned had slept well during the night.
The Rov. Mr, Street and Rev. Wm. Alex
ander having divided the night with him.
To Mr. Corwell, who visited him at a very |
early hour in the morning, he said that he
felt very comfortable and willing to die—
that ho should go to the gallows like a man.
At the same time ho shed tears copiously,
showing that he was fully sensible of his
situation. The Rev. Messrs. Street and
Kensil remained in his cell till mid
night, during which time Arthur was ask
ed how ho felt. He answord “I never felt
better in my life; I never murdered no
person and I expect to die a Christian ; I
beliovo in the Lord Jesus Christ, that he
alone can forgive my sins, and wash my
soul in his blood—and that Ho alone can
save mo, and I never did beliovo any thing
else. I also believe in the Resurrection of
the body, and in a judgement to come, and
Life everlasting q/ter death, and that every
man must-givo an account of every action
of his life, whether it be good or evil, aud
in a place of happiness for tho good, and
a place of misery for the wioked.”
To a question put to him with the open
Bible in his hand, “Do you feel that God,
for Christ’s sake, accepts you and forgives
you? Ho answered, “I trust he does,
and death does not trouble mo.” To a
quostion put to him. “Do you, in tho fear
of God, before whom you will appear in a
few hours, forgive every one who has in
any way injured you 7” He answered,
“I do, and I trust He will forgive me, as
I forgive them.”
In tho course of the conversation tho
Erisoner asked Mr. Street if ho believed
im guilty, and he answered that ho did,
whereupon Spring said that ho could not
toll nil tho murders he knew without impli
cating his son. Afterwards ho denied all
knowledge of the murders. Spring among
other things, said that ho did not intend to
die as soon as was thought—that ho intend*
ed to oat a good dinner before he loft.—
This was said in a jocular manner alto
gether uhsuited to . the solemnity of tho
scene. He then related an onecdote of
twq men in the old country who had mado
a wager qs to their swimming powers.—
When.thoy met, ope had a Joaf of bread
under his arm, the other a wallet on his
back. The one with the wallet asked the
other what he was doing with a loaf of
bread. Ho replied that he oxpcctod to be
gone for several hours, and that ho had
provided a meal ; tho one with a wallet
was asked what he was doing with it, to
which ho replied that ho expected to be
gono for a weok and had made arnplo pro
vision. Spring regarded this as a good joko,
and said that as ho was going on a long
journey, he would go well provided.
At about 9 o’clock, Marshal Keyser ar
rived with a large force, and a portion of
his men were stationed at the north avenue
to provent those not duly authorized from
passing around to tho spaco where tho gal
lows was erected. Also, U. S. Marshal
Wynkoop and Deputies. His Honor the
Mayor of tho city, several of the city and
county magistrates, and representatives of
tho municipal corporations.
Tho weather could not have been moro
pleasant, except .that the sun became a
little warm before mid-day.
Tho Sheriff arrived botween nine nnd
ten o’clock, uccompained by his Deputies,
and his arrival, as is usual, created some
Wm. B. Reed, Esq., the District At
torney, ronched tho prison at an early hour
bringing a letter from Governor Bigler, in
answer to ono sent him, to know if there
was any hope of pardon or respite, and
the answer was decidedly in tho negative.
Tho criminal maintained his composure
during the reading of the letter, and at
the close, protested his innocence in tho
strongest terms.
From ten to oleven o’clock, tho number
within tho prison walls was increased to
not less than five hundred persons —some
estimated tho numberatconsiderably more.
After half-past ten, it having been whispor
ed that the execution would tuko place
about eleven, tho excitement within increas
ed, but all was order and quiet, few talking
above the ordinary tono of voice. At a
few minutes of eleven tho Sheriff’s princi
pal deputies commenced to arrange tho
Tho Sheriff at this time was with the
prisonor, together with tho Clergymen in
attendance, as follows :—Rov. John Street,
Rev. R. T. Kensil, Rov. William Alexand
er, and Rev. Mr. Allen. Then religious
exercises were gone through with appro
priate to the occasion, in which Spring
At precisely 11 o’clock, all things being
in readiness, tho condemned was brought
from his cell in company with tho clergy
men aforementioned,tho Sheriff, Mr. Freed,
the Keoper of the Prison, the executioner,
and the Marshal of Police.
The Condemned. —Arthur Spring, the
condemned, was dressed in a straw hat,
(under which was tho cap to shroud his
face,) dark bang-up coat, dark vest, and
gray pants. His arms were pinioned be
hind him, nnd he walked, with a firm step,
between tho clergymen.
On tho way to tho gallows, the clergy
men sung a hymn, but the prisoner made
no effort to join in.
The execution. —Tho jack-ketch on
this occasion was a negro, as wo wero in
formed, who wore a grotosque mask, re
presenting a blooming youth. Ho was
dressed in the prison garb, had his hands
gloved, and woro a cap much like that of
Procession to tiie Gallows. —Mr.
Anthony Freed took tho right of tho pro
cession to the gallows. He was followod
by the cxocutioner. Next the prisoner,
with Clergymen and Shoriff.. Then .fol
lowed tho Marshal and polico board, wear
ing their badges. Next, tho Sheriff’s
Jury and Special Deputies. Then came
tho reporters of the press, and after them
tho citizens who were invited to witness
tho execution.
On the way to tho gallows there was
considerable confusion and disorder among
those who were placed so as to full in at
tho close of the procession, but who want
ed to break the line, and bo among tho
first on tho hanging ground. The Marshal’s
Polico finally restored order, but not with
out much effort.
The Scaffold. —The prisonor was tho
first to ascend tho scaffold, followed by the
clergymen, tho Sheriff and tho Marshal of
Police. The hangman did not go up un
til after religious exercises were over.
The Sheriff’s Jury, tho Polico Board,
tho Reporters, and various functionaries,
were ranged in a circle round the gallows.
The condemned boro himself with a good
deal of coolness. The parties being all
arranged on the scaffold, the proceedings
wore as follows;
Rev. John Street said :—Arthur Spring,
you have been convicted of tjte murder of
Sirs. Shaw and Mrs. Lynch. The exe
cution of that sentence is now to take place.
I have not consed to warn you of the ne
cessity of repentance, ahd your making
your peaco with God. Aro you guilty of
the murdor of thoso women 7
Arthur Spring with much feeling, re
plied, No, sir! no, sir L •
Rev. Mr. Strcot, (resuming,)—it is
alleged, and the .Grand jury have brought
d true bill against you in regard to the
murder of Mr. Rink—Aro you guilty or
not guilty of that murdor?
Arthur Spring.—l never saw tho man
in my: life.
Rev. Mr. Street. —I have but one more
question to ask you. Beforo God, who
secs you, and in whoso presence you nro
soon to stand, is your son, Arthur Spring,
jr., entirely clear of the murder of those
women 1
Arthur Spfing.—l boiiove ho is. I bo
lieve thnt he had nothing more to do with
it than I had.
Rev. Mr. Street. —May God havo mer
cy on your sour. It is all I havo to say.
Mr. R. T. Kensll.—[Those on the scaf
fold kneeling down,] prayed ns follows :
Almighty God, the Father of our spirits,
the Redeemer of our souls, whose eyes oro
now upon us, who knows the secrets of all
our hearts, we would approach the mercy
seat on this solemn occasion through the
merits and righteousness of our Lord Je
sus Christ, and humbly beseech Thee to
look now upon this condemned man, who
is to pay the penalty by tho forfeiture of
his life. We humbly beseech Thee, O
Lord God, ns Thou urt acquainted with
tho secrets of his heart, and as Thou
knowest who was the murdorer of thoso
for whose death ho is now to suffer, if he
is guilty —[The condemned l.ere shook his
head violently. Rev. Mr. Kensil conlinu
ing] —to move his henrt. Do Thou, oh
Lord, so move him that he may declare,
before God, his Maker, whether he is the
guilty man or not. And, oh Lord Gods
we humbly beseech Thee compassionately
to look upon him in mercy ; to forgive his
sins, and" receive him to Thyself. We
would pray for our Heavenly Father to
extend His meicy to that boy and those
girls, his children ! And oh, may the spir
it of tho Lord guide them, and may they
find morcy among mankind, und may thoy
find mercy in God I We pray Thee to
take us all into Thy henvonly keeping ;
preparo us for the events of Thy provi
dence; receive this man, and, finally, all
this multitude hore, in Heaven, through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Rov. Mr. Street. —Ho tolls us that his
son is entirely innocent of the murder. —
He made that statement last night at mid
night to me in his cell, and he now da
dares before this that the stain
of blood is not upon the skirts of his boy.
Arthur Spring—Gentlemen : I will go
further and say—
Here lie was drawn into conversation
by thoso around him
Rev. Mr. Kensil then advanced to the
front of the scaffold and said —Ho wished
to say, “Gentlemen, mid I will declare it
for him.”
Arthur Spring npproached his side, nnd
in a clear voico spoke to those before the
gallows as follows : —“Gentlemen, I went
to bed that night about seven o’clock, and
never got out of my bed until 1 w-ns called
to my breakfast in the morning. I never
knew anything pf the murder until the of
ficers told mo of it.”
After the religious exercises on the scaf
fold wero over, the Rev. Mr. Alexander
took a black handkerchief from the pris
oner’s neck, and Jack Ketch being ut hand,
tho struw hat was lifted off of Spring’s
head, and tho whito cap drawn over his
faco; tho rope was then adjusted, und the
prisoner’s hand wns shaken by the cler
gymen, the SherifT and the Marshal.
The Sheriff was the last on tho scaffold.
Immediately upon his descending, the two
props under the outer edge of the scaffold
were removed, and the next moment, amid
breathless silence, at precisely 17 minutes
after 11 o’clock, tho drop fell. The neck
was broken by the full, for the knot seem
ed to have worked around to the back ol
the head.
. The felon, however, soomed to die easy.
In about two minutos ufter the full ho gave
several convulsive shakes and two or three
twitchos of tho shoulders, and all ap
peared to be over.
At precisely 17 minutes of 12 o’clock
ho wus pronounced dead and cut down. —
Tho body was removed to ono of the
rooms of the prison to await tho order oi
his son.
The crowd outside was quite large, and
great efforts wero made to scale the walls.
Ono person did get on tho wall, and main
tained his pluco to tho Tho house
tops and tho trees in tho neighborhood
wore all crowded.
New Motive Poweh.— Mrs. Parting
ton, says the Boston Post, in the presence
of a numerous party of her friends has ex
pressed her decided opinion that the period
is not far distant when steamboats and lo
comotives will bo propelled by tho force of
moral suasion. She therefore does not
recommend to her friends to tuko any of
tho caloric stock at present.
(KrThe Pittsburg Post states tho Shccn
borger & Co. have contracted for 11,000
tons Railroad Iron, with offers for con
tracts for 04,000 tons Ohio alone, at their
works in Johnstown. Anthracite pig metal
is quoted at @41,50; Scotch pig @4O;
Juniata blooms at @BO.
03” A delicate and iiitefesting female, n
Lapland giantess, measuring seven feet
two inches, weighing twonty-four stone
fourteon pounds, is being exhibited at
Aberdeen, Scotland.
Education —The preserver of our pub
lic institutions. ’
hr* 3 -'Mf* "'sr' ISA -
do 19 month!. 7WJ d ? . . d ° SSo
9 do 8 month*. 400 I columns no»l“- $
do « month!. 6609 do » Ao J”
do 19 month!. 800 l do la do . i" w
A liberalrodnotlon wlllho mndo toMorohttnti ond othor*
whoadvortlio by thoroor. ~ . , „„,i t.r.jid by
Oar paperolraalatoi inoirory nolchboihood.npa w
neailr ovorr lomllr in tho coontv-nnd Ihorelor* nßortt ■
oonvoalentand ohonn raeant.fbi SL,a'i*t«nd
oonntjr—tho morohont. mcoWmc.nnd all other*-}®
tho knowledge of their Icoclion ond builßOM Wa inoo
lUtotoinioifACmd” for ovorr Meohonio. Morohont, ana
Profenional mnnm tho conctr. Wo hove tdcntr of'oom
wlthontonCTonomntt npon ourrcadlpn oolpmni.nnd nomnn
In a loiillmnto bnilnen will loio by ndverlliln*
Tor, mn lonornlinlo. thomorooitomivrly n mon ojiveriiiti
thogrenter wlllbehiiproUti. ;
Boohs, Jobs and Blanks,
Number 23.
Prices of
France and the U. S. —Tho Monroe Doctrine*
Wo have already alluded to the rumor
of a new difficulty bclwoen Franco nnd
iho Sandwhich Islands, and to tho offer on
tho part of the latter, to become incorpor
ated with tho United States. Tho Wash-
ington Union notices the subject in a form
al manner, and gives this narrative of tho
facts of tho caso :
“Tho story of tho discovery of the Haw
aiian group of islands, by tho famous nav
igator, Capt. Cook, on tho 10th day of
January, 1778, and of his melancholy
end, is familiar to tho cntelligent reader.
The advantages of the group, os a ren
dezvous for vessels cruising in the Pacific
ocean, brought its heathen inhabitants into
frequent contact with the merchants of
civilized nations. Of an exceedingly tract
able and docilo nature, tho islanders read
ily yielded to the influences of a Christian
civilization, insomuch that the first corps
of American missionaries found them in
1820equolly eager to reject their old sys
tem of idolatrous superstition, and to es
cape from tho blacknuss of barbarism. —
Tho traffic of the merchants prepared tho
way for the Gospel of tho missionary, and
in less than fifteen years the faith of tho
Protestant Christian became the establish
ed religion of the people and the Govern
ment. Meanwhile the wholo group of is
lands had been roduced to one dominion
by the great chief Kamehameha, the “Na
poleon of tho Pacific,” who was so much
loved and reverenced by his subjects, that
the pious proposition of an enthusiaiiyc
mourner to ‘eat him raw,’ would have
been undoubtedly carriod into effect but
for the interposition of the missionaries,
who procured for the deceased monarch
a more decent and Christian burial.
“About tho year 1839, a company of
French Catholics arrived in tho islands,
and began to teach with that success which
has attended their missionary lubors in all
quarters of the globe. Tho Government
took offense at their inroads on the estab
lished religion of the Kingdom, banished
the Catholics, and persecuted their con
verts. Subsequently the system of perse
cution was abandoned, nnd the Catholic
missionaries were allowed to return to the
islands, but under certain disabilities. —
Just about thut time Capt. Lapluce, of th>
French frigate L’Artemise, arrived at Hon
olulu, and under threntsof immediate hos
tilities, extorted for the Catholics the same
privileges enjoyed by the Protestants, nnd
also bullied Government into a treaty for
the admission of French wines nnd bran
dies at a very low duty. For the faithful
performance of these stipulations he ex
torted a security of twenty thousand del
lars. Of course the British authorities
would not he outdone by tho French
so in 1843 Lord George Panlet.ofher M i
jesty’s ship Curysfort, went a bowshot be
yond tho insolence of Capt. Laplace, uivi
mado such demands upon the King that, i :
utter despair, ho abdicated his authority,
nnd surrendered his dominions lo Quec:
Victoria. The cession was accepted l ;
Lord George Pnulet, and the governniet
of the islands put into commission. Th
supremacy of the English wus of brief du.
ntion ; for on tho 31st of July, 1843, IL n
Admiral Thomas cancelled tho acts m
Sir George Pnulet, and restored the domin
ion of tho islands to their legitimate sover
eign. The Government of Kumcjiameha
111, has since been formally acknowledge
by tho Unitod States, England, France,
Russia, and possibly by o'.hcr Powers.
“The concessions to the French coni
mundcr, especially in regard to tho ndmis
sion of wines and" brandies into tho Han
aiiun kingdom, as they woro made undei
tho pressure of compulsion, have been
very reluctantly and imperfectly carrie d'
out, if not formally revoked, fn consc
quonce, the French Government has re
poatodly manifested an unfriendly dispos
ition towards tho Hawaiian kingdom; an l
it is not at all improbable that the report
of a hostilo expedition against tho island'
has some foundation in fact. Tho man
nor in which the French Government soiz •
ed upon the Society Islands, does not ui
all removo the suspicion of thoir design;,
against tho Hawaiian group.”
Tho Union then says, that tho author
ities of tho Sandwich Islands liavo more
than once proposed some sort of political
connection Avith the United Stales, but that
official correspondence had nevor been
made public. Tho editor says:
“Whatever difloroncos of opinion may
exist ns to the propor interpretation oUk
foonroa doctrine, uy'nro agreed tbit yaV.
der no circumstanced can this Goycrnfricht
suffer tho dominion of the Sandwich Is
lands to be transferred to any other Power.
Such transfer could never be made but by
violence, and in disregard of the wishes
of thopeopleus well usol thcGovornment ol
the islands. Tho present King has announ
ced his intention, ip any difficulty witli a
foreign power, to throw himself upon tho
protection of tho American Governemut.
In, such an emergency the duty of. this,
Government would be sufficiently obvious.
is it that a person oifa turn'-
pike very ruroiy loseg his i| »y f. -Because
fie h toil’ll at every gate.;: ‘ .