p®s>aurflam©Hi4. ' jJtJLTM’riM TOO MUCH LAND. "The generally attempts to cul-1 tjvate top muqhr land.' The disadvantages j arising from this cause, are many and ob vioue. It ia no exaggeration to soy, that tfye lands cultivated in the country are ca •pable, undera higher state of .cultivation, of producing twice ap much as they ,now will our farmers of the West fol ly appreciate this truth ? There is no one thing that contributes so much to retard .our Agriculture, as the folly of.culhvnung .too much land. . . In the first place no firmer shouldl think of managing 80 or 100 acres of land with one or two men. It is bad economy to »; nothing can bo expected from it but poverty, -poverty of both land and purse. How much better it would bo to cultivate 1 half the number of acres or less, and to do "it well. It costs just as much to plow an 'Acre that will vjeld 10 bushels of corn as one that will yield 60 or 100 bushels.— The difference in hoeing would bo the samo. lt will require the same amount of fehcipg; in tho one case os in the other, and the same tax will have to be paid on /each. ’Why not, therefore plow less and j plow DBEPER 1 why not cultivate less and manure more? Farmers, many of them, appear to forget that they have a good pro-, : ductive farm just underneath the one they are cultivating, equally and perhaps more ’productive than the one on the surfiico. ' Turn' up this farm, then, and use ndeep ; sub-soil plow, —expose it to the action of the sun and frost, and thoreby double your .mi* • ,h the surface farm—if there are an} scruples about disturbing theono immedi ately underneath —may be greatly increas ed in productiveness by properly manur. ing it. ‘Let a portion of spring work bo devoted to carting out manure on the land that is to be cultivated. Be assured that no tabor will pay better, ir unv ono has doubts on the subject let him try an acre pfthin land without and another with nm pdre. And if he desires to be still more .utilitarian in his investigation, let him ■ deduct tho cost of tho manure from th* vajue of the increased crop, and it will be * (found much bettor to manure one acre well than to cultivate two without manure. Bullet him try the experiment of both ■plowing deep, and at the samo time manur fng we|l, and ho will forever abandon the jdes of cultivating more land than ho can cultivate well. -’Farmers! think of tljesa things:—do ‘ more— practice them, apd our word for - jt you will never have occasion to regret that you did riot cultivate more land. > Ed. Ohio Farmer. From Barry'* Fruit Garden. Pfnlt yrecs-r-Thcir Diseases and insects ‘Ahts.—These insects are notwerjr de-j jsiructive, yet they sometimes do consider* 1 able injury to beds of seedlings, by making ; their hillocks among them; and they ulso ’ jtifest ripe fruits. Boiling water, oil, or spirits of turpen tine: -poured on their hillocks,'disperses iheiri; and if mouthed bottles half plied with sweetened water or syrup, be hang among the branches of a tree when 7- the fruit is attaining maturity, ants, wasps, flies, and beetles of nil sorts that prey 7 greedily upon sweets, will be attracted into them. ■ 1 Mh Dowpiqg, who recommends this ns _ g “general extirpator suited to all situa tions,” says “that an acquaintance caught in this Way, in one season, mpre than three ' bushels of insects of various kinds and -'preserved his garden almost entirely against them.” , -ji. gentleman in Detroit, who was very careful of his garden, informed me that hn had pursued this method of trapping in / sects with results that perfectly astonished • ' him/ Ho hod to empty th,o bottles every ' few dpys to malte jnptn for more. A very pntappiqg nnd killing nnts is, w' smear the sides of the flower pot? with molasses, and turn them oh thejr mouths neaflhe hillock; the insects will soon as. ' ’(retnble inside on the molasses, when they ’ ■ ere easily destrbyod by a handful of burn* . lOgjstraw. rTgjt Peach Thee Boheb. —This is a \ ini)St‘ destructive insect when allowed to ucreaso for a few years without molesta * liop. We have sepn whole orchards of trees ruined by them. They some 'times attack eVen young tree? in the nur / pery, and commit serious depredations on " their collar, rendering them in some cases, ouiteunfit for planting. Their mulltpljca fion should be prevented by all possibjc i peons. The eggs ore deposited in summer on : the base,of the trunk, pear the collar, when . ,the bark is soft.' They ar.e hatched, and bora their way under the bark of the tree, ' Either in the stem or root, or both, produc ing rtn effusion of gum. Where trees are already affected the proper, .course, is to . . • clean away the gum, destroy any cocoons 1 (~ ithat; pay be, trace the grub through its bhles in tjih tree, and kill it; then nil up ... : jOrouhd the tree.with fresh earth and .place - .a ahovel full, or two of fresh enrlh around - the base. One of the best orchards in the vicinity pfKochester was at one time near jly ruined by the prevalence of the grub, ’ when it changed. proprietors, and tho pres ,ent one adopted and followed the plan rec .dtoipended above’, until thejre is not a.treco iOf one left. The psheS or ..slacked', lime should bo applied every spripg, and at the lend of summer way be shattered about the j trees| both utshes and lime form an excel - 'dent dressing for the peach. {&*H you wish to drive n cut nail into ' .seasoned oak titnber t and not i' I, VP it t®| V. break or bendjjust have a snStill quantitys • jof oil near by and dtp the hall', before dri-; Vipgnod it will never foil to g0.,1n mend-* itig carts utid .ploughs this is hfjpreat «d.i Vantage* for they are hiade generally of, ; oak wood. In straightening ola.pnils be*; fore using, lit it bo dope on; wood. Ifl ! 'done on%P tfJdy will $ j.ui« ] ■o‘ .. ’,7" ARICDIIXAHINATION. „ ••First class of vagabonds, 1 Challenge* dered our old school ; n > a ' Bter ' e * 0 (t; ,r HATB viikoo«o«wß*thih«»i!h evqty! question correctly, j or iSWk.ttnHh your bodies,’’ was the next pronunciomento of the old, autocrat of our red school house. b *£jB^ wMdpyou y »Why , a stick to drive cows with I sup- 0,,0, * pi,,: WOp STROP. P °!,G’e t out you young vagabond! did I r you Udfog ia 8 a book about SSSSSg^S^ was Sylvester Sound, you arc John’s yo “® thil!” I '., ,Mi.^s4!ffivSSSSSssS offing a noith, and hearin’ a noitb .” ••Explain.” ' • taui!SS«, W “Yeth thir. 'lf you stick 1 ESv^“ n Ano»L m “ raiun t. into vour inouth^n.ndpull’itout lhuddtnl}t caMO | TBpfl ivoini. • the cold air rushes into the wakum and MofolDlMflCk’s LifCl* Fills, produteih a thound that thrikclh on tlio lnf , ho „., cm ,, m or«,iMji. •«<S»y**? t K: ss^rspiil QC quite right, Sarah. John cap weight of ipy stick. . I niu. wbi, i h e * 1 , l Ji e 'M I | ,, liJSMo«Hp»liVor\'« B M“ 4 «b. a ••Yessir. A cow sticks your finger in toSS'fetSSSSi^SIJSKS'SS ! her rhouth, kicks over 'ho tin pan, vvhich e o p npt „d l^sJ^"- h ' l^, i r , '' ~lD * tbe of a cow’s kick.” , <32>CE> j “Well, John-you credit your teacher. v«a -W;-; o p n ' ü ß ‘„V n ® i You may take your book and run home. = T.I-' Willy Chase, what is the currency of the United Stales 1 iioodnoU. gm<u»«*. ui«n<.««r B.*m, rai»lnu» ‘•Cash-money.” , „„ oslw* J. R- lIODENSACK—aII •‘What arc its denominations? ot^A«»u“wi!^ “Coppers, Bogus and Bungtown cents, jSgg-. IT" 1 " 8 uo V »■ pennies, fips, f cs ’ nlsh^uarterC°"pista' A S enis in Clearfield county. levys, mnepence, Spanish quarters, p.sia » £ „ inua tx^M. reens and shin-plasters. . c n vTatsun i'iVi.Mibnr*' “That will do. Jones, what is the , S'Boau'u'^K'vTrvV•"V.'. l u , icl^p>)lt.. l ’ s , an dard weight of the United Slates ?” Moua.uH “Scale weight and wait a little longer. An <i L>y 'iicVia'r M »Jd* Me’o>™i i» tH« “Samuel how many kingdoms are there C ach 25 cents. in the mineral world ?’’ phii !I deiphbTjon--'-o. l^i.-ir “Four.” “Three only, sir.” “Four, I think, sir—mineral kingdom, vegetable kingdom, animal kingdom, and kingdom conje.” r “Now tell mo how ninny kinds ot mo tions aro there 1” “Four.” . - , “No, there are only two, voluntary and involuntary.” „ “Simon says there are “Point, poipt up, down, and wigglewag. | “You rascal, I’ve a mind to wigglewag your jacket: Hadn’t you better describe the motion by my stick “Yes sir. Up stroko and down stroke, the up stroke regular and easy, the down spasmodically electrifying, and us effects I strikingly indescribable.” uyou'understand that, I see. “George Smith, do you jrcmember the story of David and Goliah 1” “Yes sir. David wa3 a tavern keeper and Goliah was an intemperate man.” “Who told you that 1” “Nobody. I read it, and it said that David fixed a sling for Goliah and Goliah got slewed with it,” “Wasn’t Goliah a giapt, a strong man! “Yes he was a giant, but he had a wcalf head.” t'How so?” “To get so easily slewed. ‘•Yes, George, that was undoubtedly owing to the strength of the sling. Wasn’t David a musician 1” “Yes, si r he played psalms on the harp i a favorite instrument with the Jews, and at the present day is called a Jewsharp.” j have one in my pocket—here it is. Place it in your mouth, breathe on the| 1 tongue gently; then strike with your fin-1 L er i this way—and the psalms in harmo nious corn cobs, fructify on the ear ne nnt j ural ns thunder. pThat’s sufficient— you can pocket your jewsharp,” ", “Jane, what is time i “Something thqt flies, anyhow^ “HoW do ypu 'ipake lh at out ' “Why, lemjmfugU '' “What’s thdl?” . “Lntin; it means that time flies, ana how can time, if it flies, be anything else than something that flies?” “Excellent. What’s the meaning pt requiescat in pace /” “Rest quiet cats, in peace. “Well, Jano, at Latin you are perfectly au fait* —which, translated, means perfect ly awful; it is a great phrase, from the classics, and applicable to this class par ticularly.” , , t ... “Now tako off yqur jackets, and 1 win give you your rewards of merit. Those who get more than they mPfil, can keep the overplus as a token of my speciul af fectioh for them; and those who get less can have the mistake rectifled by mention; ing the matter to me,” OCrHow strange it is no poultice has*'ever been discovered to draw out a man’rf virtues so fully, as the sod that cov ers his grave. ; (K7"A steam packet arrived recently at SpAUhamplon, England, having on board a bjcna uud u as presents Irom the Quecp of Portugal to the Queen pfGreht Britiap. , (py A country editor drops th<? disinter esed observation i—“ Blessed are they who do not advertise,; *■ for Xhey ,\vill be rarely troubled with customers." fttrtf you wish lo make youraelf a fa vorito' with your Neighbor,; buy a dog, tyid tie him up in theicellur or yard at night. He won’t sleep any all that night for think* ingofyhuV 0^ u Uncle i6 the latest invention in, the .pWS line. I life;i«of "Juho, three dollar I gdld pieccs are tobe cpincd. '< - PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSh. ■ Estnbliihed 18 vtnra ogotiy Dr. KinKELIS. N.W _ corneroi'Third and Union»lrecls. between cartel theamaUim. etnetare*. * r * h’/»ivl whereby theooa* I "" .po..NOTICE U»“dSteSFlSi habitSvJSSSiSS'S-Sli iiip^sisl SsSiaSsSsS restorer. ■ I WAD. YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous Life , or a Premature Death. Kinkelin on Self-Preservation —Only 24 cents- Tbi. '’oakiaitpobl .hedu mind with u.rnillnroim»tli».o<'. !,««»«»«r Eiw SSd “pMmUtvieaitiai It will learn bow to prevent the deetruo- cent.. eno!o.e<|l n« WU». add,«.ed tn Hr Kln KCLIN. N. W. oorrerof ThliJ aoi If pIM beUviren dptuceand pioel Phlladeldhia. will oneore ebook addren Dr.K.br letter. IPO.. * >l palieie»^of C MSlclne* t,l?i*iMtien.,fiio..ro,waniedb|'Mnd otbenVeppHed with (ha above work “{^ r.TjPTV rmiitAOS rOBFEIT-DB. r 1 forfeit#sot Nailingto cure any c»w di«ii«n lbßt MJWoitli «e«enlh itreot Philadelphia “dfShnwho have roolioo nomoUirr patent*. Hiran • ? r« «[j d o tr, wbo have bton unfortunate in the itleolion oi & Pbrncun arelnviwa ’’’nVl'OTGN'CV.—Throojh cnrcJirninort iadoleeuce loth* n .V,i,o. bv eioa, or Klf-obim the evil t oto name on..— ,’rJm.vu're impotonor. ln*omntsrv f >■ *r'JiVL’irtlTlloy * lon or lbs outrun. lon ol rtf morv, 3 dirt** »tor* .neural debiiilv. or coortltotionM rtorang.in-at, aia auroui Stow if uueuarjr cnualt tho Doctor withconfidcoM.- IJ RKAU anSS , K&VI.ECT.—Tan nffl'ctcd would do well to U t& l b«.lth,» , ai.plo r a. andin rnanv fa*«»>titfetr live* in the h&odi nt phyiciani ignorant o- i“u f ‘ , It it ccrtUol/ imi'oanble lor ono man lo [irooroanuotolal than hi. brother pmletton.ami lutbatbe d TBAWOK r ?HkSTIOK.«&I«If -‘'votedtotho.lou, end uoauoejlt ordlioamiol'the Kfrho'hMd olwra opoa tba body, throol. aoto or lag*, paint in uw bear. ArhnitM mercurial rheumatism, eiHe ore*. uraTol. in?eulan lies diteatci ariitn* from jouthfnl MWiiti* or impurities of tbe’blood. whoreby the conituailoa }?J* na fv^Dlace enables thoDooiorto oirereueedyretierto&U *bo anyplace w* «r *•»»«« b^- g, 1( ,-,F„oandTen Dollar.per pactare B([p , -3> jgjj,.,,. <c2»ct*aadlc©o C. c. FBICIJ &€©., * . MILESBDBfI, Pa., o EarECTFt)I.I.V; anaoaau-tlo^i 1 “‘ , ?"a%“ddd! 1 o" £v d U*n»ofClaarheld coonty. »h* iiiv\n HOUdB lorhebirraid. WM.hr total, oocopled by T.MIWI.irt Milan.? | lonI( barntri hie them 10 condnctthegorwardiaj «d ttw ** eroded in n tiule beitemilctb»b aate owr y«‘ dik pocdj wd ■r ihct rilatifl. 'Thcf fttlQffl thfljf- COIWIMtI lu&v 1 *«-*<(, Produce entrusted to thciroa ro* * 111 Im!» cmw !?«»i**aoo* I er ftiSiot a portion to one hou w and oaothpr port on in *®°*l « the line, rnnniuirday anVmi'.t. »othatoneorthe other w* ll learoFjhllaijelpbln in "SS IBON.I.UMBEB. &o„ sp.. ,«• “iWtol'“t n « uceoVp o bio patron to ». a. they guarautoatb. moat oartio ular .atleavioo to good. ”i 3 -«t-pd Wholesale and Retail Grocery, }> S S 5 S wTaD 'depot, a foil dao eoailjb'to Muirtmentot, s 2 1 . Ia f s«tfnrnr., h« woßldn.k $ S hi. Old patroM.toglrt Woiy cgH. mS» » W«Pai»d to S 101 l el price* that emoeot f»H to pl«WO* , 0 pnv V S February Id. *B^B,— ly *' .'l’o Mill' oW%B. su®loothaelia!oiitaofPaltal»»< and wadtro.tto ** r DJ® f*ot*t* betsie mski»V eo*a«em«BUeliewbeie. %ntl beua- UTered.il'detirad* be madoof coed nuterlaU end fini|h*d m a voiimeolike »&hnef. lice* ?«■ ininX! a* order FIVE eio per tor. liMbU** andowwmn* chiaery in lb* oona hot thnbeet Wfiikmea minsUie eery bait Iron and Coal, ivithinuy othtriilvßitit6>tl)ifleiiin.|ilnieUuiil|| > worb will be dona SiweilM intho be4t ,p ll /{ff^^RTEK^AaeoT” 1 B ° l °* r ,r<Hparticuia«.oaU on tti. EBB< ; Msrob f.lM'i-^iy.. <9l. '. : . V- - . i KaDY-MAUK CLOrHINb olalhaoite»ury dewiiptipn u'J”!*' m I .SMITH «t IRWIB. . OOORIM STOVES. ,ME«WI££ZaS. NEW COOPS. Large, Splendid t)“ Chedp Aiiortmeot ol'Oood.. con.ittlns ororarr atria nnd qa«l»r Of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswart, Gut lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes Arid Bonnets, Confectionary, Clocks If Watches .■ ALSO, a Inrgoanil woll wli-ttnl nook of Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs Sf Medi cines, See., tfC. - Isthoitall kind.oiOopu.“iuaMr,{ootlnnCoanO|Bio^ ; ffOf*«SSSl': 1 Morrltflft!»» Nov. Ifr. WSB. Monlelius Brother & Ten Eyck. OE*laavat taloimihail.r en.i.nnu the ii.oiio <»»«gJiy D tnatibar harntakenlnto Bartn.T.hii>*.iLhihem. UENJ. HART. HOKW. who baring uaroMaM lha a oia roiaia;ir aow d“(o* b“.“«“oa a mo°,J «Vu«l»a .«B lh MONTELIUS, TEN EYCK, & CO. Whef«iti*'V a»e prepared tueltallkMi°* Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Tin Ware, Hats, Caps, >.4 unniH call partioolar ntleutl(,n tolheir»fii« ot HO'/lo A a JtEiiSd eitherke.pn.etorthemo.iMcaeiii.needband., “3 * i l iS.a“d tj do any hied of woikia .hat Uha or ban “d. *'x»S a*.o k«" alafee and wall 0..0rt«l .uok of PATENT medicines . ?>!nYmknt w® Vrrtiht’a lodlaa Vatatablo Pill., and all other PENN mow FOUNDRY; Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, GlaffEdDEij P©». Tur. Inndeniioed would annonaoa to tbo oltlien.o( . 'l'tioirfiald and ad,oihlng oonatloi, that bn ha. opened a _ .unira lha borough or Cealßeld, near lha ,ob» made ntt ha ben malarial, and at «<» ft*l® n Kadi* VVuodotOoal Thi. Store ha. probnblr tbo lorg«l ntro rtom « PARLOR STOVES—Iot althar wood ot ooal. do a btantlfolCool Siora, vase 32 NIi?E & TEN PLATE Storei-venr cheap. MANTLE ORATES, with >0 turner placer. A largo railetr andVnpftioi ftnl.heJ Grain. t tom 18 to 23 Inchea. kWl * Also, Made to Order, nnicT.,,l BAW.MILL GEARlNG—hariog decidedly'the larectutook. and b««t rniiety ot l?| l i“f‘Y?nss > SMAtV menl in unfit P.nn.yirnuia ; MILL DUUS. oiiat 1 INO—lataa and tmali.clean or wrong ht non. lIAN . • . taseMW® Constantly on hand and for sata, pamrinc UlLlaH TIIKESIUNO machines. pew* nuck"s uklebrateJmjuain drills, (to. Ao. * Screw-Cutting. Any.lzed Soraw, with any deilrcd nnmbatol thread. to M*rch 4. IBal.-ly. , ■ rga re> S=S £2a 02 o Addition, Lumbermen! »TMI FBSnbicrtbera diet lor aa.’none of George Page • baoood Portable saw-mills, itfiiu *n 1)4 vtnna Eofifeo nltschtd, nil wv siQlo Eat lo't'arnera to'phi 11 P.bo '*•* Bal'd ii'™d° on t B ,00) fee t '°Tnay *wdi 'el 10 .all their Stock or DORSES. Sled.. Chain., & 2-o'nanienun, apply to G. K. Mark. althaMlH. ortoJ.L. 8 halls at Said Enalo Potneoo. Any petton oan tea the mill m 101 l operation now. MARK & SIIOLTE. Tl»<*mherft. 1E53. 1 HEMPmiiL’S H MOTEL CLEARFIELD. PA. , “IS'whmihV”ll *t «!l lima t» prfosredio s-Sskb OTriisrM'SKSpi'*-. DLUsad UAU sopeUed with tfeo *' Ao'rnit |l. |P&3. ; “LOLA MONTES.” Boot ffiumcfii gihoo MaMmg, AT CLEARFIELD BRIDGE. PIEI U BB11>G£» in ib« ntw bonding oocop»*d by Job# England Whipped, Tariff or Jio Tariff. nnilE iawonbri o*Leonard &iloow. qaUTEB, A«fc»L Cteaifwld.Dw- 6* 1653* • ' ■ • ' GtaMmet <& OBm&fiff JOll»'#Ll€H kl * d,of CABINET-WASE. Illishop U ilmatato.. Maikol street, botweso Third and PAn.ik t»K«ra «ilklnaiof work mbU line will be mad* m IbVH ilfex tt l' V LB. and on the moit FA'VOkABL li TBHH ; endoo.ihe»hortrttnotice. . . L * t ■ ■’ rjrcomNß made to bollm^ TAILORING BUSINESS REMOVAL. fflpHE subscriber, thunklut fur past favors, tin- HL pecUuliy mlornißhiBrij6(omcrB,(,nd public, geheraity,that behan removed hlbnhbpto the Uuil** tling.over thtitat Office* Jatoly. dccopiedby R. I\. Ward,and that he will bo there loundjU ell times •'OO hamT to supply biscuatOraottv lfnliltesomeoi hlßcotompdraries. lie is unable to promisa that Ins Fashions are of the robstnpprovea aiyleol. AftTr apiTV. biii will uisureihem rootleaccording to the XgKS tFttshion. days. . ; 1 • THO&, SHEA. Clearfield,iVpril 1> 1851,', BAB.IBOM . luptooinuitlr .espt.,l, 5991. THE ROAP JO HEALTH. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS* COKE OP A bISOBD£R|5 VEB *** ? AD Dl °^ SSS^y lomer. to whom „?i«.Ti"liiil bMt tionWsd me -hai after tt*® fin}. hi .IfgSSSiihSif n eh® QM>aoa> SP3SS,HSf s ' %m. i «><«. »pe«k« malm ,w ' a,lo *"^ \V KtBliCS. | an |0 & Copy of n Letter in Ihe .Holrarl 1 , ’y‘ n v C 'V u J tor ’° Py ihVl«l Mnrch, 1851, by Major J; Wnloh. safes .*«». *« ellacted 0 petf-dtcuts. ■ fi^vs'ts^seas^ I statement. August 2nd; 1851. to tbecood efTMtsorHolo. n^hMlb^ wSSESS“Wi?SS taku oMtoiio.wi.hoai ioojnv.ot.ncoot polo, wmcn leoumj "“tWfi&T HE.IHV COE. North rtieet.Eroii.NwfoJit. Thi«e celebrated Pills nro wonderfully efficacious tft llio following dortiplnintsi ‘ Art™- rW.otsl.Uud.. §»»»{Sfg«,ri {tSlSfcComelel.t. «oot Hymp- S‘^““!!:& 0 a ff U on 00r °“ CO K , wS?' l<m ° f th *Ev«. a J??mplilnU -Vonsi.alAflcoflon. g£ BS»Wn S'Ax N#w*ork. T w DYnTT & SONS, Worth FeooodBirwi, Phl'ade’pMft. Wnol«»')8 Aconii Tor pann«7iv«o>a. .Tbero I* a coo»!il«iau:a lafing by taking tbo largkttaixwi ° ISLB.-nirw’i** for tf '° s aldanw of »* llw,a 1 . 8-,erlr 4111 I onl«r at« adlxcd w each Bo* Valuable Real ESstate at private sale. W “ l ‘ nJ A FARM OF .106 Acres, Corw«B*vlilo. md inowiMux® ■'Wish Farm. .grog, The mproveme/its consist of about 73 acres *ofS cleared land, a goodstate'-, of, cultivation, a a. Large Bank Barn, Spring-House* Dry-House, Shop, and other necessary wildings, together with one of the larges), best selected, and most productive APPXE and PEACH ORCHARDS in the \ounty. Thf* FARM li well tnupHed wlhexceheot-jrMef. mwt°M>Bvcn!«at to a «ood niiketikaod iHtmilH.anda * tj^r“! : a:tnern.iticnlan j ßpl , l# | eltbarrfthambicri %"h.%“l,«^,'lm,“,. 0 oW h 4^T ta U o“•r.ant l »\ ton* »»■> s watra.ua deed H»ca. MIcHA EI, Wia. vriM-IAM WIA - la i-balfol lha Iwitt otUmrad Wiw.rceattd. J.ananr la. IHH -if. ~ IRON FOUNDRY anfl MACHINE SOP, \ At Clearfield. y A T’Jbawta^S^SS raaeofacture all k«ndi of . T»/r*7fJ Castings used for Grist Mills, Sato-MiU* and all kinds of Machinery. ElleCaitioffiaro no - of a “o«r or aaaHt»-«qu*l. ir »oJ , l KK?t,ur.K MACHINE SHOP, --MAN KNUWTIIYHSUM- WilhtwotoperiorTuU.lSO LATHES, driron bt etennj MAN. KNOWIHYaW.F.r invaluable Book, only 25 els. per copy. ■3&KS?“Bmy Fondly Stooli ten. n eopy.» vlYf rr I *£? J Lo’”Lo n wh oThi olrenio ..ll‘ow foi-nnn CIIPIEB SOLD IN L®3B -MAN THREB CMh ir oS a llo i. now oaaima. A new edition, teeued aadtmp.o^. he moat approved palioroa. ■ Jl.iurtutnej. Sa HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES, hunter’s meoioaXjJmahuai.andHAtriP HAIUaVVAI m-r,D . C</vr.»c I HOUR FORTHB ACFLICniD. Oontninini nnornt. A T.SO—Fallen Air Tight Farlor otoves aeorthe Otljla. Proeren, Treatment and Oore or eaarj J /I7cn Erm< fdiaaaw.aantraQtcdhFPrumiicuiiD.ijejaai luUropam, Nine Plate ann Coal otoves. JUSO, , s.lf-abuip.or try b Jtunliirtcei. WI n nilvrce I(.r their ora- Wiard’s celebrated. Plough ■ BLE “ H “ d ?! IluißtandaiUliall on itaionabletarma. and tnulalhailhr Piiaaroaaturo . ‘ ..... cliittneof Ibeeouutr eeaarally will find llto thauradvaaiar: To whkblo added receipt! (ortho cure ortto nSjy irasaaa. foci'Vhim their oa.lom. OABH will alwaia Be preferred ad a trratueon tbp Menus: Bymutrme and . eopeVrulon.oll oidera ro,-p,hw,.l pi«htA#H Nov f« IWI ) . - • Thim.-wi hooi cxijMution iha mo«; c}m.H*begtl¥Mnd i ■ 1 " 1 — wo-k pQb'iihtdon ihpo’a lordl rMetof wMstwt i ioaii. a> oultnji an Untune*’ unjt«. u aldaue* Itwu'oiba .1 e«on of iU leader* it u ftee (roai all objectionable mature •. i d nuwever faitidiotu. ennoble? tapUcHKit m 1 i.ehaDdiorhiaton*. The auliorhaadevoied many yetuto A he 'ranineut of the vmoqi compia at* treated ul« and with , >o lltiio breath ‘oPulF/anJ too UU o i*r«iuropiioo to im* ; ote,' hehfticfl *»d to.ih» world at the merely aoimoalpr’pe faicenu the rui-soHnome iweotjr year* moat mcdbuiol ; ra tlOß.’»—lUraid 4 'fto teacher or . narrat thonld be vMfhoat tha lynoenad** npoiUil iu ibift mva uabte woik It wooUi aave/eat* o< j rtin, raojtificati a aeii M*miw to the jromh :under tncu ; banr*. , ‘-‘P*uyi.**# AovocaT* , ' . [a I'fdi’jyirn.utJftravmAoin* ‘hlo,in wrliihl qf Hoou r * v erlicßt Cimpeaioi. aa>»:—• *i buV Ab d> up : *u« ibovi^ o .* !| ir iouih, by eyl(«a«ntoleand t >e pm lootet ,v# ‘‘.en le| mt » tne habitoi elfAi'oJio’ioi v»i hcuMa*ii*j. • t thr aib asdUiafiktia) coouQoer.ce*tji‘tDibrn?ieUr»BDd. jifTmliet ThbOiititlitaUoiieof th -twangs wno are nu"i , dkrai to* hare enf^bed.it not broken*dbwa^ and s o doact know tbeoautaorihoome Any *hitg that cat, donflioto enlah'fiu- ana laflartice tha imbuo mind aitw rok, and-ultimately to tetm>vettii».wuU-*P' L «»d 10010001 man wrefahuinm. wbalc conf-r tne areauik**ieMtnjr next »hf ieH*loaofJeißaCh»bton kepw*«ntjioowm)*ftcea*- 4 Liobi - iotemp iaac*,left-eoMoftßto*fca.Mir»mbk«)' bnihjthaiibtm.tnooinßdioDOttibontandr/tiatA : MOV* jo the hu oan rk 0 Aooept n,y >bai»k» on beoalf I and. believe me, FOur;ao>ort«<Jp *tM ptb J\aree*ayuvily antaardia ”, . . . F will b* foiwaidod (lecnitlyMailontw aad poit. te or.tisoopiasror onedo'lar.— & Co.; Pobiahen bokjatf, BUOK cT:. i, ; t.*• v ,sai>Vp JBWrly« What can be got IMIE mdenll-td hoiro «»'\ which ih>i ocifelo riot. <m >"tbl».) 'ho Homo 4oo\ ileal WoiH hnd Timm, (w.okll very mo«le»#ieonceof hVK thieogobticstiena* ail order* «»no\ & Wlini.wMDepiomptiy etumK pohiiihl MOtt pabl'ahfctV oyb\ Pabliihou of tb» tUtmv Grand literary and Artlstn. Annmremenu hav* been mado wJbrV 111KlKKtl MA3 .ZINK. A i NEW VUtitt. MtltflUAL WORLD Al\ lobtortbtrt. (or FJ VB UvLXiARp*,-[* crataw, with a vengeance, The RtofcaiA 'an par annatn 1 U»e Home Journal 1 w ,'\ Morion) VVorlu amt Time* A lar» a year at the oiftal rate* 1 bat tbnj %A omamed tor' ft*© Uo tan a year, it J f»ot-M iQtlpuo ate. whiob »» Joit ww WM, Vwft Ku Mfigatuo, edited tr -bivWU .’i u It u asoeceuani tot peak- rortweii » ih„ "nori- gentftt. hamorooi and tyior mi A bwn the »• •h ßlllßll jnt rolaroe will mmlw t\ '"SftLfft Ti.^}om*Joa.aal. t edloJ by GEI ..i p- *>„•& A [Lyirr ho' l moilc*' iooiool o»er PP b ',WA, unblicltiool will i>Mi» fornilr #!>•»'„* pL?«< le A knoaiMAit Science. liberator* i MQt|oi Mfo >4 invr lioßitlM'Oovffitti VVtt» htstoti 'Jt th« NfcwSrt Paihipnit and other n'tiactjoo* JH s^wfisaa^A sassfFiK&agyrjE'Uja uuipioT. ®wh» oow 4t .v.v’C&Pv Oo nbrr lit 1553 —ly. for Five Dollars !! <d Into oo .arraoeematti b the Knio*e*boclet Mane 101, Cwrefcly.) aadt eMu ,) too*w tnt>rcribert*oi lh iLbARtt A V EAR tor th iing that amount to Di t IJEL 11UESTON, [of tba KntcXJtbockor. Mis u wii,lw, I the Homo Journal, ft VVUiLlrt \pt World ano T trie*, [r nriwn , N Voffc 1 ""STRAW HOODS—-SPRING 1858. Twd i & b uS«w» i »«»> a i!. rtbntrr 10. iew B ‘ ralb Bow * < ' Bl "** t ™ , * airpw * Ck»H<v..Ot.»,l.»aw-«<«. j &§3lp§ liapOtfWM.tOlUUllM 1 and detuned toidooss j id«»ua»d jr I . ( (Mtithend umtm,.:- . Taw CATfIOpfCK Crttiol'ilfcEwKi’SSi «vetied(l*n)tUOth*i * m it*? - a married of aamirtind, . and nindi> HiMwW h^".' h* »ame of •: : Fefflale.CqH*', :■? plalot*, ~ , Ofihtit (ire ‘ Wi orientiintettfi* Wiihb. t'luorXlMi, • o r „y''bjt'«!,'Chro*)* • wono; Ibflccbiii _ i.SUppreired; nudtrrwi' n***b»tTn*!lTi.n.&c *wiih ml tbelr acoepiiiinylnir eeltt, , “ :VbmJ «e«pi«d.) no natter bowterere or ot hbw loo* *t*fe !»&rd forth* wetfttre nt the pMlentt. ttaj.* TWJ’Fl'fjjfjUJy. ifdA-af tfill MCj Bftff WItBCIMDf *lt* MtttFVj w«r f*ct* tire new msnlfwrg thelr apn r f 'bsMan. iaot on r b* »v ahrtin* toil loiheiru*otm«nr ©fall th«diwu©* forwhiohM . , litattqtod. hot in wunt faitancw accepting tha a*Oß7 ( oni io ftoillt*’* lit Introdnotjon Into mor*Kcneral ate ny n 'V«(tinfluence of thl«comii;«liloii upon itojjiitlaleooittiJta*’ lion li of the tnott friendly kind 1 rbf* loOettjMCßteendJeytn* fern*!* fined have no f*it*ln t » hector nny ItDetl. oillliletfof tSinmleioniercory nor any aitlelj whloh canprotaln ael WM toior out, beTeniniidi entirely of »*»* able entrant*, end onoarMtO«»'otan* Ilk*aplaunet 00n1t»t.... \,, .-nt V ■! he MatlntOn*randl of thla lentndr,ln th«eat*oftbUolb** uMoiatoS with any atiiol* unlnendly to th« animal eoonottyi Pror. DtJNBAK, M. ti.. Baltimore. Md, P B b., Utlc«, N«r Tdtfc D. Y Toons. M I).,Bmcine N«wVoi*. M 11. MIL.W. M 11. UocheitM. N. Y. “ O. M. O Cao«»d»l«oa K.Y- W. W. UKbSE M. U..CU uf N**' *<>*• W PRESCOTT. M. U.. Concord. K H. Patnphletl om b* VSrAMoN.* A?" fo&AC Al«»for.*.,tir DIu W U» f l» n «^ r4^f . p -- Central Depoi.B'J# OfDatfirajr* N.'Y*. March 16,1853 —3m. 1 . ~ r.% t'rjro tbo Wnibinctoa Union. AonlU. \. Wo publish below the prospectus of the crniic Monthly Ifeview.” which Mwtrs.Wjlfw® H. Lewis & Co. propose to publish simultaneously in Now Vork nntl Woshington. the first nutnbo: to be issued in May. Ovid F. Johnson.esq.. attorney general of Pennsylvnni*. owl well known ns nimble end vigorous writer, will tnkccfwrgeol llioeditorml department of the ne>v Review with purposes, ns shadowed forth in tbo prospectus, which challenge the sympathy nod good wishes of the de mocracy. The daily-press cannot supereede the necessity for well-conducted monthly publication*. There is a separate Geld of usefulness lor each when properly edited, with u view to the maintenanceot important principles, und not to me uggrnndi2ement of individuals, factions,'and classes. We trust tfcst the new cnteiprise ol Messrs. Lewis &Co. will be managed wnb that prudence end zeal which insure success: PROSPECTUS ' OF THE “DEMOCRATIC MONTHLY BEYIBW." The Right* of the Siatei. and the Union of the Sfaf^ IT U tbo Intention or the intMoribereto publish tbo tat ilar ol’ererir month, beginning with tbo iiext.fimuiteneoa«ly In ihepiilre ot VV«ablagt6»»«‘f Now Vork, a periodical, to bo entitled the jfAJbMUCKAfIU MONTiIL.I uEVI£W« M bach numuer will eontajn at toast 95 pace*. and be printed on tioapauerl® or sty It. it will a*o boembeiluhed with afi .ely engraved p.Htrau ot a dUtinyulsbsd iivin* man. e m •> r aci e g rtaliMmea, soldier*. anUte and author* Ibe polircincharacterolthii Review will ho, »* ita ti: I*s indicate*. DnMoCfikTtc* asaaar of iUmain obj>cUto oloo.dnte tbetroe p.iac«plo*« ocratic pauy. I- will examine, i» a iplnt of fJJ~ '■* cando . nil tboleaitia* mesiurtsof ihspisient ‘dmishU*. uon. and n<icord 10 ttnmn eheerfal sapport. Hbo.W w*. , However, unfoitueeteiy dillcfin epiniott'Ott any pout from the President. waibatl not iwutfltoloexprenoar j meat,, and prematlhe isasoni that ooniuam ns udo so-, eabtuiuinc to the democracy of the country Uw decision be* 1 This Uc.i.w will also aim to foinuh Its wadeti with a araphlo and comprehensive notice ol tba new works pubUMr* ed» which may letm to bo entitled to it. and aUo a record of allfweatifio discoveries and l improvements. _... . Ttio oreseo’. condition of tho nation* of Europe, and the at* wbicb.*omaof |bem»uad wwaidaejtjua uonjoja or'ihlj cotUntni. hnve mvasted ernfforeigiii lalation*w-ibUw utmost importance K«ves wae this loiwaat P* 4 <*d (®,* litoatioo of moi%ritlcald/tficolry tnan at tb* pieaent momect. The most lnflnxiWifir*n!ie»*. lar-teelng wUeom. and adroit ikill will to requited to avoid complicating our iDleiesttaat affairs wtiithuseof Europe Wa eoabdenUy Uttittha ad. oloittmon will to equal to thetttk We• “SSiS/SSwijS anti epmi eyeth* progress of affair* ia Mtllcoqudtba Wert Indie*. Hue atonei* our vulnerable pert r .. - , Thiifioview will abtfaln from alipefionalUy.and tcAio b&rmoaiM and unite tbo iamoeratio party, bith ia teehes . and principle. it will ho tbo eiyontai of no clique, faction, of individual. Tbo editor will *ueak for himeeli. todepcao. eQ uy '■nd fo-vlculy. under a thorough icate ot the raspon.l* DilUj.be assume*. The undersigned have lairotodamoai’.or, afuraooroful oouiultatua witbttoir prominent d»oi'>«‘:>:.3 friend*, aad have chtwaaon- wbora ability and tbey believe will lecnro for blm oaiv«r*aieoond«ioDtt nnu :* j* pool, thi*afticb* thcpubtujcaa form aoolTvoi «titrtr*» of'be merit, of tbit publication tfeyera .ol the mr*t di.t,.” gnlahed writort In tbo 00-iaUl have esgeged to beo.;n:e rrju. larconiributorv to our payee Wo ask neiiberoonfiJfencjiiif palronagvifiheybeuotdoMired. . Out first number will coot ala ageaeraioollineof tnc luvro <ra design to parsa*in I'o‘uro. The odiiorifti depar moot it under the control of Ov*D r. JOHNSON,wq. tl ‘ • Tmu 3 -Foo,Doll.^« SS » S .P^»bU™ & « 1 l. ;t c i . New Yoik.April.lSsB. _ Powuh.M I Cosiaonicatiou moit be aridren&d to Too Ueio«;c:-i-i , iMonthlr Review* New York.'* ■ ■ • . . i Bd’torc who insert Ihit Prospectoi end forward t heir ns.'** contftiaiD* 4 t will be forni h«u with a copy oftbe aetiew. kMrinatiipi. •h th* KNICKSR- UhNAU, nnd the ITlM&Mo anw \ThUi| o n#j» lit \k»riaTh rat rial 10 lar« t aoJ Uo Vfcios huh: dol b workiraa bft V wof'hv ih* 1 (a. Or tha VQA.V LMHO \jeariltba* WMnth6 \d»dv iha \P. mHk- Wfarail? \d T mci. \r«l» M* aobarf. vattot; V>rmq \|ly 1* \thwa \n»P,* r i»po\ ff Vhttoo'ia'ioX Rose’s din. .Midi. $3OO wsyk BGFEEENCGSr nt to mill Owners. HA? Tl«i A'.ENCV.Jpr thii aid na«)>l»i.»U of ' • < : .ctlodWater Wheels. »U B 0110» to p#ti linti&ii.wi; , a would aim UP that fill mflMßi, ward l \ ISiZI lift., at banter* itfc#'of FiWr Mopey# iliaiSi oaitr-n wWM N.JVV.VJ M.M »B<t OWUM. i**f wto Dollwi .Willi .10 (ha MU d sVrCHIN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers