Women's RlOiro in Paraguay.— ln a series of “Sketches of.Paraguay,’ written we find die .follow ing attractive descripti6n of female habits: •'Everybody smokes in Paraguay* and nearly Every female above thirteen years of age chews. lam wrong. They do not chew but put tobacccfiri their mouths, keep it there constantly, ',ekcept when eating, '.and instead of chewiiig, roll it about with the tongue, and tuck |t. Only imagine ■yourself about to salute the .rich, red lips of a magnificent little Hebe* arrayed in satin and Hashing with diamonds; she puts you back with one delicate hand, while with the fair, taper fingers of the oth er she draws forth-from her mouth, a ; brownish-black roll of tobacco, quite two inches long, looking liken monstrous grub, and depositing the savory lozenge on the " rim of your sombrero, puts up her face, and is ready for your salute. I have some times seen an over delicate foreigner turn nwav with a shudder of loathing under such circumstances, and get the epithet ,tfel talvacco (the savage) applied to him by. the offended beauty for hts sensitive squeamishness. • However, one soon gets •used to these things in Paraguay, where you are, per force of custom, obliged to kiss every lady vou are introduced to, and • one half you meet are really tempting enough to render you reckless of conse quences, and you would sip the dew of the proffered lip in the face of a tobacco bat tery, even were it the double-distilled “ho mey of Old Virginia.” OCrThe Columbia Spy tells a good sto' rv of a gentleman in the city of Now York who, during the rage of the “chicken fe vcr,” which has been quite virulent among . our eastern, neighbors lateiy, bought him a fine pair of Shanghais for the sum of 920. Having no place for them in his store, he sent them to the house of a friend •for safe keeping, with a note, stating that ho would “call at dinner.” His friend, | l unfortunately mistaking the whole tenor and drift of the proceeding, by the time he . “called for dinner,” had his unlucky Chi nese fowls barbacued and basted in the • best American style. The denouement may be imagined. The first named party lost his appetite very suddenly, when] made acquainted with the nature of the , relishing dish of which he was called up on to oartakc; and his host was stricken with consternation on being informed ot - the quality and cost of the rooster and 'pullet which he had unwittingly submitted .to the tender mercies of his kitchen au thorities. Deqtdedly the best chicken sto ry afloat. The Soap Plant. —The soap Plant, so called, grows all over California, on high hills as well ns in the valleys. The leaves ;make their appearance about the middle of November, or about six weeks after the rainy season has fairly set in; thoplants never grow more than one foot high, and the leaves and stalk drop entirely off in May, though the bulbs remain in the ground all thesummer without decaying, it is used to wash with in all parts oftliecoun try, and by those who virtdes it is preferred to the best ojj soap. The method of using it is merely to strip off the husk, dip the clothes in water,and rub bulb on them ; it makes a thick lather, and smells notnnlike new brown soap, lhe botanical name of the pomaridianum.” Besides this plant, the bark of a tree, chelna saponarta, is also used in South America for the purposes of washing. Several other plants have been used in various countries ns a substitute for soap. All or these contain consider able quantities of oleaginous and a'kalme principles in their composition, on whict Their value depends. —[Hogg s Instructor Import Case. -The New Orlean Bella seys :-Mr. A Gonzalez Vigil, native of the island of Cuba, has resided ‘New Qfleans since 1837, He is a natuj alized citizen of the United Slates, hd held a commission' in the State servicj iff and is, in every respect, a faah f ul ej m good citizen of this republic. But, on aj count of the accident of his birth m Cu, tho Spanish authonties of that isiar choose to consider Mr. Vigil a spams citizen, and being informed, thro g apieJhf 6 , that Mr. V. is a patriotic Cuba : whUnvely participates and sympathizi in Sraovements to relieve his native 1 land of the tyranny which oppresses i • have actually initiated judicial proceeding ' against him, citing him, by Mt, ®° ~ the official Gazette , to appear and answ. to the charge of treason. But it is forth ' alleged that Mr. Vigil was personally cit< bv the Spanish Counsul in this city pear and answer the. accusation aga ;him in Cuba. This was d °f> too '™' Ifull knowledge on the part of said Con !that Mr. Vigil was a citizen of the Uni States. . ABOLmos Bmbphe»y.— The ho: langui an'acci abolit “M aayinf ■whict . .my hi lioned alaver V %y.areagifa|jpg Liquor, FuETHER MKXiCAN- ' NEWS,—A fICW bureau, having speciafcontrol over public roads and tolls, has been created. It will take charge of the roads from Toluca to Vera Cruz, via Orizaba, from Mexico to Acapulco, from Puebla to Perote, from Perote to Vera Cruz, from Mexico to the interior, via Queretaro, and from Tampi co to San Luis. Also of the railroad from Vera Cruz to San Juan. The work on the roads will be dpne by engineers ap pointed by government. The budget of this bureau is put down at 89,400 per month. p . Gen. Aopudia has left the city of Mexi co for Monterey, as Governor and Milli tary commander of the. State of Nuevo Leon. Senor Emparan, late Governor of the State of Vera Cruz, has been appoint ed Mexican Consul at Havana. A dramatic conservatory, for the pur pose of educating, gratuitously, young Mexicans ofboth sexes, for the stage, has been foundod in the city of Mexico. The Siglo says that a numerous com pany has been organized, with sufficient pecuniary means to undertake the work i ing of the mines of Arizona, in Sonora.- i The principal authorities of Sonora are in ercsted in it, and Senor Maraina Paredes is at the head of the enterprise. Five Days Later from Havana. Onslaught upon the school teachers,etc. ' Mobile,' June 2, 1853.—The steam ship Black warrior has arrived at this port, bringing Havana dates of the 31st ultimo. A letter dated Havana, 30th May, says considerable excitement has been occasion ed by the Captain General severely re primanding the professors and masters ol certain schools, for teaching tho scholars too liberal opinions. He at the same time expressed his determination to suppress such instruction. Tho parties blamed tried to get up an indignation meeting, but it was put down by tho authorites; Fatal Affray.—Wo have just been in formed, says the Pittsburg Union, that on Friday last, the 27th of May., a melancho ly afihir occurred at Atnwell tp., Wash ington County, resulting in tho death of Mr. James Reese, an old farmer residing there. It appears Reese and his son had a violent altercation, in which a young man, whose name wo have not learned, aged about eighteen or nineteen years, cm ployed by the son as a laborer on the farm,took part, and deliberately shot the] father in the abdomcij with a rifle. The wounded man pursued the boy Tor about two hundred yards, bit failed to oyertako him. The Coroner’s ( jury held on inquest upon the body, and returned a verdict of manslaughter against young Reese, and the boy, who are 'in prison awaiting their trial. I An Intehesthg Young Couple.— There Tesides at Plnistow, says an Eng- Hsh paper, a yoihg lady who has just reached her twen/eth year, who stands six feet four Inches other hoes! The mid dle fingel on each hund measures six inch es : longfh of arm, two feet four inches. She is dll growing ! Her beau is also a giant, no less an individual than Edwau'Cranser, the Kentish giant, who, thougfbut, nineteen years old, is seven feet si inches in bight. This will be one tfxhUallest wedding on record, when it corns off. klzL lyiARlUAOEai— Th9 Liberty (Md.) tfe/s states that John Clempson, ’ j r G. R- Sappington and Mr. Stephen D. 1 Lawrence, all respectablo citizens, have 1 vilhin a month been remarried x to their ’ vjves according to the Cnlholic formula. •The first couple wore first married some ;hirty years ago, and each of the others juite a number of years. The causo of the reperformanco of the ceremony is the late union of one of each-of the couples to the Catholic Church. A Quadruped Chicken.— I The Ger- J; mantown Telegraph publishes the follow ing extract from a letter of a gentleman ol ( Columbia, to a citizen of Germantown:— “One of my Shanghia hens had a few chicks, hatched a levy days ago, and one of them, which toddles, about and eats heartily and seonis to thrive, haifour n ihe '“jiw uTsiS.’ Pr " m ’ A ISAAO“W.M_JrT Attention Regulars! YOU will meelfor parade drill, at the rown.Hall,tn Ilia Korough ol Clear field, on . The 4th day of July next, at 10o'clock, A. M. Fnch roctnbor will provide himself with Ton Rounds ofblnnl; Corlrtdgo.ond bc|in on. jo punctually at «ho hour, with Ins nrins ond equipments in good order. By order o. Cop,. VValhce iLEß os> „ June 10, 1853 Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron-Ware! , lAIIFAOI OlaY, O. B. MERRELL THANKFUL for the liberal patronage he hR » received. respeottally announce* to the publio ihtf h« hsiremoved to Ijli new thopon the Rlloy.m the fenrnt Mer• relfi Hotel, wher* he It well tupuli-.d with ttook, audit well prepared til! oil order* for Copitcr, Tin , Sheet-Iron and Japanned Ware, AtCHRAP undue GOOD at can be found Inany coulftry town in the interior of the Plate Old Brass and Copper Will ba t»k«n (I ill. hmhoit ihicm in eich.nc. for work or war*. CSTMandlne do., to Order. c|ea . EcM< Mo , 4. IMS . A Great Rush at the Cheapest Corner. fgjnn Hn. PATTON. Ilniait returned from the l2n»'';o *?! • tiM; wiiti a I'tci.i usd iplendul nuorlmosl of OooiH. ooa»UUm in oait d __ Silk, and Cashmere Shawls , Hosiery , ' Trimmings and Notions, tj-c. MEN’S ready made clothing. li.frimr* niAii PoinU aid OiU« Sheet Iron Zinc, Iron WKOUBRIES AND KISH, Cedarware. T*fi\w*rri (jlas be\bo» d al neatly all lime* m bi* *W)ie In ibe woat ead pi tae Mouiion home. \ Artificial 'fl'celli luterted oa riete or Pivot, sad warranted to givo entire • W. 11. SMITH. OoriTeniylllr. Mar 6 1853.—8 m fjft ORPHANS’ COURT.SALE. M Valuable Real Instate. Tl Y Virtue ol an older of tba Orpheus* Oourt of Clearfield B com™, grant*! at February tuna. 1863. tb«e; wi t be expoiedtoPUllLlH SALK. at the Ueecerla 'in lleooaria townihlo. Clearhotd ootinty ( ooBATUHUAY Til E THIUD DAY OF BKPIEMBKII next, tba-rol.owins: der nrfhsdPlEOE OP Jl/aHD. eltuato io tbe said towtuhip ol .fttiVlW th« »t5?ol JOBS W. UILLEU. deceaiod, IO ALL thelntereitbfiaid decoyed of. In and to EIGIi rY- NiNB acre* 104perohetof lanu. itiaate in saldf ft*nrsri&. balsa Dart of ft mizcr tract in thanameof WiUiora SS '““eadidj nunntrator. tEBMBOFSALE. , ... gate. B > ‘>^ e, °f l^ E oNALD WELD. Afim’r. • 'June 8.1853, .< ■ : gsg VALUABLE LAND FOB SALE, jp «S !Ku^ie B S'« Bridge. Said land ha. A large quantity of limber thereon, ana a portion of it is well adapted to farming , and contains AGO acres and allowance. ffgta fJ SS a. ■ ; - _ v Estate of DaTid HohVer, dee’d. tboiuDMiloar. , bating clalnu ogelnat the i payment iounodifttalf* an the nil oat d For Httltmept. AMEd T. LEON r ' ; • J jun *3,lB33,—BL,1833,—8L - I - I-'- 1 I. 4 « /.'I S2P®*v?Ny 8 1 | ngjgyglgm ikwiiv&smith, Ajuijoil nW opening oneor the belt ASSORTMENTS of simd Gr@®o»*»rFlNßß -10 «S«hxh!". Cleatfield, May 23.1858.’ Cheap Cash Store. WM. A. MASON, Curwensville, HAS jolt retn read from the city of Philadelphia with a •plendlduiiorlmentof - _ • Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of j Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, j Queonswarc, Bools & Shoes, tints, Caps and Bonnets, And overythltg elie uiu illy kept in a Retail Srore. of which will be aotd IfURl f UR CASH on ni roaiocablo tetma ai oanbs bad ct»ftwh*reln thecounty. THE LADIES Are particularly I'eqocjtod to call ud tiamlM hU atock of Bonnet*, Lace*. Cawn*. and other franoy Article* before purchasing elsewhere, a* they cannot fail to be pleased with tyiSiii theOHEAP CASH STORE onßtate itrnl. one d dp fl. 03. £Efi3 8 Performanco every day, Sundays excepted. < tOORS open at H At.P PAST PIVE. A. hi.. Performance 11 tocnmaroecaclSlX. No poituoneroent on account oi Ih NEVEU wa« inch anopn'rloollv oneroil in Cimvv HNP. VILLEto Oiorirytheerei»ndmindtorio IjtI IEEMONEY COLLECTIONS from the ANIMAL. VbOEl ABLE, ana MINERAL KINGDOM. or every oooniry on the OLOUE. ,1... k. tiun I wnl not attempt # desofiptlon“forhad 1 fh. io?ahs‘a“Sfa Oow.r. » vvoeld fait far .hortol doing jtistico to my COMPLETE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT. Yes, at a small Advance on first cost. To be cotvtnoed Hint tha above It the covr-ltiveni acnll- Uomaoac. comtall.-Ailmlitanoo frea-chijdian haiUrroej Curweeivi.le.Moy W. Ihea-am. ISAAC e.miih MRS. E. A. MORRIS, OF CURWENSVILLE. would Inform tha ladle, ofC'oer field couory, thatibo hai iuit received a larja and foil auoitmiutol Spiing ! HnMnswaffy ©©©dUs* ARCii GIMP”RIPPLE GIM. GOSSAMER, fco. Alio. Silks, Ribbons, Capes, Linings, Illusions, PIIPNI'H FLOWERS. PARS, and every variety ortrimm. fn«. Piriuu. lending nidir. from a diitanca ihell hsvethem Immediately nti.ndod to. "Paring doaa In the nnateet aud beitpotublcmupnisr.ftodonthoiho.tMt w Carw«niville.Muy‘JO. IBM.-3m. A ’ V PENNSVILLE TANNERY. iiKHSS ggSSivSSSIIiI eei all kindl of conatry produce. loch ei GRAIN ol every WwWl Gbefe 1 , |luriiet| ll CohM». mldlm.'u'o IsJddl M So., ori abort «m" wwbwp Morse's Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot. This i>» purely vegetable compound.«ien tltienlly arooaiedfrom the beitltooii nod Herbiot the Mal.riaMwliM.and hui _«ained tie umvcnol tepatatioa lo» sasgssSßSfgsas cnrlnc all Hamm.; i; RECULAr ING TirESfebßEivtuYOHO ANS-Aad b 7 iSMagMi 'hiVuniversalSnllio euro «rnll Female Complaint., „ 1-ebilit*. lm’caloiiiy. »Cola.! Oootbi. A»thma, ConiumpUon, tto.« alio. Uiop>y. do Rev. Wm P AThilOp? ItSv. J. B. Ki £f,? d oo S| O w ß 'iJ“sf' J T Uala DootVßonj. Colby, and ono bandied o'.hc»ol tbo O D t BYRU I p , |^ a YELLO\V O DOUII fe,«V 1 bnvo been ncrjanjateil with It* nodi in dlieaie. atd can ear that •nnli rcipocu it i« o dmlt^ all tu attendant lymptomi. it exlUeito Jr*uTl/oKGAN MVBU, remove* Torpor, owl inactivity or UiU * Kuan. and stimulates b'altby action in ail iheeyetera. A* n UlAru fe t«“ d BiviffffiOJfcl. M- a Prepared by C. MOUSE &. Co„ no. 446 Bread way ?5. York, anil sold by Druggists and oihuOlhtough. out this and oilier counties.. May 20, lJj3.-ly. C D Watson, Agent, Clearfield, Pa. AMERICAN " The nndenllned otren hie «er*lcn ln the prowculion or i.uim. hfltnMCoaereii and t'-e K.eral UepaitraeiiU. end in. ueXolloa of eaV bP.me.. .equine* ulieewn ol tu (leneral References. , Washington. lion JOHN W. MAURY. Major, , VON UERULT. PiUMtM Minuter. HENRI BQfUH BPENOEtt. Bel*i»u Miul.lei. c'eu^WjNFIEUDBCOXT. B inker.. < HIIBR UROTHERB. Benken. tSi&n * IENKY London. jnsrt-.PH R iNGERSOLL. American Mlnlrur j ; S MbS-EABCUY. M'tewo Ba*. »'• ss!s?, & a • g*gp|g^? t OLDTi •gift' W&ra. L BAlJum v- i ' r '■■ For Rent* academy, X JkPP>»“ .:■!•!.•■;•' CleaMielli.'AP'jjs•***■^-ivjj, :•••'• BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLEARFIELD CO., : L. JACKSON CRANS, • i ATTORNEY AT LA.W,can ba found at the office form* liel dSr o T“' br ?’ E , Banßlt ' °° Joa?B.lS™3-S. ‘ ' ■ JOSEPH Hi BRETH, BLACKSMITH." at.NEW WASHINOTON. CleHOeld county, where nil kind* of work u dona In hU line ci butinea on I he ihoilert notidd and mo«t leaionablo terra*. May vO, U 63. • FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant ? nd produce dealer. LuUmr.buiit. Clearfield oo“.Pa. • Aptil 17, IBM. DR. G. F. HOOP, J3>RENCHVIEEE, Clearliuld county. JOHN H: HILBURN, BOOT and SHOE MAKER. moodA•“ M t,A o ? i T. , r O oP I BS IIO A. K. WrUhUiiore.ClflttiOeld.Pa. April u>, low. JAMES HOLLENBACH, Blacksmith, on Third itreot, b ? tw g®”,P?s , lfs| a and Walnut. Clearfield,Pa. April 16. Hto3. GEORGE WILSON. PHYSICIAN mtfr ba found at hi. OlOja IS,*fJl**. 11 BRS HUttU. when not abientoa prolouioaai basinets* February 20. IBoSI. AUGUSTUS WEITMAN, CARPENTER, cau befonnd at hl.new.hop nearthe cor. n-' ol Market and Thlld Street., whore WINDOW S ASil. end other work in hi. line, will bo ' n the 1)..t .trie March 17, ÜBd.-ly. J. L. CUTTLE, Attorney at law and land agents office ad. j ultima hl.ißiidonoeon Market .treet. J.’jgpj. WM. T. GILBERT, larton, and Irom Chert ere. t to the river-where all call, la hi. lino will be promptly nttesdad to. M#tol| le - 3 JAS. B. GRAHAM, POST MASTEA, MERCHANT and DEALER IN LUM IIER-Urahamton, Uradloid township. igji. ■C. KRATZER, Merchant and lumber i»RALBR-coin.r of Front andLocu.t .trceu-Utarftold. lfJl v A. L. SCIINELL, TAILOR-Luthnr.bni*.— will do hi. work yo.t a. cnod an a, cheap, a. any other fellow. Deo.dd.lDol. J. D. THOMPSON, tno borooah of Oarwen.ville. Deo. JH.itoJ. LEVER FLEGAL, BLACKSMITO. Lotherrharc, Pa . I * l almjrllJO n«ii iu Ins line, and will aiio lurntin WAOJJWni uuy uißslVo.. very cheap, end manafactared in the oat .lylo, and warranted. AOg * * * * ISAAC SMITH, IS/rERCIIANT. AND DEALER IN LUMBER AND M Country Prorlaoaaeneially-Stato.ireei, between Cherry and Loou.t-Onrwee.ville. Dec, au. rear THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO. TRON-EOUNDERS— Catwen.villo. An «^ n^ T J B J, ~orl ’ £ ment ofCaitmge made to order. tJlle. _ THOMAS SHEA, e-iaoi! lON ABLE TAlLOR—lnSbnw’i Row. ori Market Ft™n.mXelyo..r tno l'o,t SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, TANNER, and BOOT and tJUOE GEORGE W. ORR, BLACKSMITH. In bi, new Bboo on Third .traet. jouih ol Market Clearfield. Fa. way i. R. V. WILSON, HENRY LORAINE, w?g;;gr' mM,, Agg A. K. WRIGHT, rewPitrHANT ANU EXTENSIVE DEALER IN LUM- M L UIS' I -Southwait(Joraerol tbo Hiamodd-CjeaiTHd. JOHN W. SIIUGERT. AGON MAKER, come? o|'Third and Ijoooil itreet* •UeirSeld. Repairing done to order* April, Id, HURXTHAL & BROTHER, reWFRUHANTB and LUMBER DEALERS, Woojland -M Foil Office, Bradford tp . Clearfield co. April H. aB ~GEO. RICHARDS, F A n B n“.!^^ffis? LOE ’ :VV “ l 8,1,1 fiftrav; O. B. MERRELL, IOnPPER TIN fc BAEET IRON WARE MANUPAO C TUUER-At Beiuel'i old Hand on field. *- 1— X THOMAS MILLS, COACH AND SLEIGH MAKER, on Third etr«t. to tween Market and Locnil. Clearfield. Pa. AptllUf. 6J. H. P. THOMPSON, ni'MDl. *- • • • - GEO. vv. RHEEM, t _ (2ADDLBR. »^‘ l N^ m “;SSSf» E omoVl> AO OaSacoad IUWI. ovw ab.lSW* Draft ttiote ' « - x i SAMUEL ARNOLD, ERCIIANT and PRODUCE JOBAbiSR. . Clearfield county. Pa. ROBERT McNAUL, ' ; T ANNER-Attb.OLD STAND in Coiw.u.rill..^. RICHARD MOSSOP, : ,, eVr-i-Air.FR OP PORE.GN AND DOMESTIC ■ MER* R wAandlbE & UUUOBB-Al Bl*l*r:jfc CO'"i. old ,^,| UH ‘pec.BlM«l.‘ WM. P. CHAMBERS,. Wheelwright, chaxbmakeb, eadUpusß h i BIGHN PAINTER-Cutwaneyllh..- „^g, 1851 . 7“ . E', ,F;. STERLING, v ;' 7' ■gw^ijsssssiffi^.v'iiifaigL o '- ..f 'i V marriage. - Happiness and t'ornpetencp " •/, ' way is.lt ? . rpHAT.wf behold many females, Scarceia tf 1 lire.broken In health and, .pint. with a coraplleaUoani dlien.e. and ailmlnU, depilvia* thenl.ol Ihe power IJf !"• enjoyment of lile at an aae when rhr.icnl heal h, buoyancy of ipirii*. and happy serenity of miau; aririnj from.B Conrtl tion of health .hoald be predominant. l.ri.il. • Many ol'tlie c.TJSits ofher itrllerlny. at flrtl—perhap. »•>" hnfnre. darlne girlhood,.or th to paw unnotlcad. . IN AFTER YEARS. , , . . Vl/hen too Into to be hcnellued by'our knowlelee. wo lcok back and mourn, and rexrottha tuU oon.eqneaoe, of uni **Whatwinrld we not ofton Itlve to the edeo wa. timely ponced. It I. “lUI-not incarrcd. If ev«y , • WIFE AND MOTHER , . - ... And Jo hor hutbauddho^Dußdul^M^mt^analeyr tbe’hopldac.iOf'himielf. wife and otih 1 dran ' BETURE THE MEANS OP HAPPINESS . .. By becomina In ilmo portewed of the knowledee. the of which hn. coo.rd the *tokn«. and poverty of ih RUNAWAY ftom the aabwnber on or \Sjbfa. about the Jit or March jaat. lay arm /»Un JACOB HESS, aied aboutiß’yeirt.. Bald JACORIiMont built, Ofeetd or 7 lochei “ftwß high. • The above reward bat no tbanka 'ijv/ep* wUI baeiven for hla return, and thapoblw are cautioned harbortng or traiPug \j Stf«xwXgag» : ißAAgiifess. a IJ'IOD YOKE, OP YOONa «*- I Wir . tiR _ A UN. They t*IH be io d cheap, Cadi ')|BDMBmMVo« Iba artbionbat, K»b ruiin vart of the borough of C | «b' l ** lll i ' / IBRAEL NI'JUOLS . AnrtifiP. IMS- • , , , ; Caution* ArriMC*. 4 CLEABFifiLD ACADEMY. I» r r ■