n _ E cocosbVear. inadvahcb. «1«« ir J.ori-AIDWWH 1 ” Six MONTtiB. 1« igj#SEKV£ Ha«Uoo»lli»tmro*wmininowed , ißffgof do*u<* * • 1 “’■*- thone & Co., r Mj*j£ Skelehts or tho Mississippi Talley.—Ho. h anTschoJnera were finished and sent to and by ;fF !T 6e! P' ,Usburgh iS n °fNew C Pennsvlva +*rtV4r L river in the world the ' ves jem pnrt or N |w Y ed with do this? Besides he has appointed Minis a^uitb^?ss 'sssss su w oSSri?K^ 3SS^SSST^?E^|SSS«SS?S. dolUblo impression. moulh 0 f j 1 have in this letter given a rapid sketch » certain , d gentleman of Brim- consider-1 0 f a country abounding in more real wealth E e notoriety does Holy Water But I, the Ohio, there glands arej t h an the whole of South A ™ er . l “’ i " > h e jdo most decidedly object as one of the deni able Wand.. Some oMh of { nQt got onc hundred m.les .nto .he to being sold, without a just of exquisito beauty, . and afford the Erea t valley. Little over 50 J ears "«£’ Compensation or even previousi notice, the most delicate fo 1g > re3 i- nd t h o whole space of this country wa mp h _.j 6urpr i se d to find in your j most lovely situations for a ret, am. & wildorn ess infested 1 was n jjP , md c , g ed h ,s, dence. , , creeks to the num- with savage beasts of proy, and th views on the tog-driving, nnd had come out , i Tributary riverandcreeksto .t with B forcgt> and , t s made to views , he fl llDg G f ter °f ooe „ D p;t?BburKh and its mouth. — blossom like the rose, and 50 11 w '” c “* t loose fogs, but wlmt surprised me tho most, Ohio between Pi B and flourishing i inue io improve if our cnergi P wns tbat j, e wOB so long in finding o , Over one hundred ciue the right course; but if we neglect ’ timber was the most profitnb e V townsare situated on its banks“- . “ and seek for lanced ™ owncts. But he is on the right ) ShV.~> -* « -"“■"t—i Vo*°S»° rf ’ fc ““r mh oE,Tn n N »r-"-5 lb Wo"'h«vB Ihc 1 eollon Liquor Uwini even ascended to Olean, two n industry furnish ease and luxu y y ,__ but j supp oso you havo seen 500-vards wide at its mouth. to be d “ l '“® L y d not them-and 1 alone abundancC) f rom five cent ones up to one TtoYougShray “ fhis “ S Democracy,n Young Do r.-:-rf.H=s=7j»= •sSjffSgssaaS P^SSkSSS; 1 *' «t oSmsburg, the capital of the state; ° f at h homo o nd abroad, mav be ask west pi Wnshineton ci* i eeil t u b rp. vvh ns had been in • -‘X’fu- Perhaos its site is unrivalled in P°' v<^! . kd al the futile attempts of a iW^SSSS^^zSS ri ?s 1* tyveptf access 118 early histo- and tl to have their nation brought f? • tile K*gtpP®. o. q, be Governor of not g cooly pocketing the ! Sites'^ i Mississippi. h . a “ -ond was about the National I Wd fa ised to ' :& mouth of French C c^*““j es » n 8 the dered by '"fP. w^° iaslv Y ur i e d the intbo ! *«tftke possession of the L, , power—m their m j y» , n ,whoso * It a itrn t Gov- ye*’'** SSnSI Democratic party ! Ohio company CPtJJJ 1 ® ga „ ed doing .f? "£abroad, and a strict pohe/ for French and Indians, and Jo ienn people.. Bu _| y tell*-but if wo; v Fennsylynnia, ag ainst them, they! pnd he ha y • declared clearly, or vtoOV h« vin » GenfLorbi, wrong B-. ,H ® r SS.s tv which.will enhance sae--' ■riiiBRBSPnNDENCEOF,TBE BEPDBLICAN. . . 1. * : . ■. . i -' ‘ ‘ ' ' , ' : ■ ■ . ; 1 ' •' ’:i . L --. == AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. : l . cra »l.v VtPKRi DEVOTEETO LITERATURE. AOMCTHTUBE. MORHIT . Volume ; Clearfield, Pa„ June-t 6, 1» 53 ‘ 03"Bic TurdeTachief of the Wyandot triboof Indians, who removed to the Indian Territory, writes as follows to the State Journal concerning their pr - ent condition :-Our improvements, when appraised amounted to upwards 0r8127, nttV which was paid us in the Autumn of S«r “n «h. Spring of 1850 our Chiefs retroceded the ooo'or‘the proceeds wScsted in five percent. Govermnent Stock— making onr present annuity did brick edifice, neatly finished. We have three district Schools in active operation, under the immediate supervision of the | Council. We have two flourishing Sab-, , with good libraries. We have a large Temperance Society, and a Division of the Sons of Temperance about P L formed And as for our agricultural mirsuits they are carried on profitably, ev £ S yielding a surplus for the mark ed general thrift surpasses that of nnv tribe north of the Arkansas line. In generally is contented and happy. jhyLpM*- # h , “ e .’?“h™!.v P °Thi« SEEZSdfc I,l ’(S-The iAcmW Enmioet «W ssspgSS&i? ?Cflb!aping a , :•■' ■-• ■'•■'• ‘•' •/'' " *■' . • • I- . •—I —t——■— ~• .' i, ftro nre tt few which may bo ' of'wL.B .1.0 «*r.«j£*XSf M. D*«b -*« h»veja.t„ n .B.™d »>o ; »'““'“ho m. «*,. B V . tha ts,ate which is replete with happiness or P.y , 0 delicacy, which ia one of Vhe apt, nnd irttolligent, with a■ 1 P. ; sery> Tho issue depends upon the P r . u ‘ un y nlg 0 f t l le female character. His ling” of waggishness. He wis dent| J miable , uniform conduct winch wis- _ Geogrnph y, Poetry, Moral Eaaays, to tho Charity Hospital, and a room dom nnd v ; rlue 80 strongly rucommed,on y h £ Travels, Sermons, and other third story given him ! {„. the one hand, or on that imprudence winch religious productions, will not entering into his new quarters h * want of rnfteciionor passion may prompt, to ' en largo your understanding, to ren traduced to a young French gentletrmn, a . . , TJI V od a more ugrebuble companion, and occupying the room, also a studen. You are allied ton man of honor, of taV y )t yolK v i r t U e. A. woman devoid oj young Frenchrpun, it .seems was very ofnn (ipen^,nc(oU3 disposition, * has no security l'rnnk in his manners, courteous, vet , ’ therefore, in your power, nil h virtue •it i 3 sacrificed to her pas and ho thus addressed his companion : You ? don ‘ estic hap . Tor her virtue, « s of G od, ieher »Sir, I nm indeed pleased toseeyou marred, if you now Besides, in those and hope that we may prove ma,unl ' y Sect upon that system of conduct which calamity to which families must agreenbloj but, in order th°t this ma y X invariably to pursue—if you d , where will she find support, if the case, I will inform you that I have y°“ oa f th / h om which you .f e ” j n her just reflections upon that had several former room mates, with none nov I deviate. Qur condu ct „it b rovid t nce which governs the of whom I cbuld ever agree-we could Suit of whim or caprice, o ter, « * whether animate or inanimate never pursue our studies together-■ - will ive us man y a M(jtUM l p oi jl eness between the most inti room conmins two beds; as the o ’ see ba f o^o hand what is always the | f r , en d9 is essential to that harmony cupant, I claim the one neatest the . r , hy and the most essential shoul d nev(?r be on ce broken or m d°Tho Kentuckian assented. ’“Se firs?maxim which you should im-‘ SI'MTfS 1 The more warm “Now,” said the Frenchman, 111 draw deeplv upon your mind, is, never, lhe attachment, the less will cither| partn a boundary lino between our territories, P J c * onlrol your husband by opposi- .. bQ lighted or treated ">h the and wo shall each agree not to encroach P di leasurc> or „ n y marks ol an- ' « degree or rudeness upon the other’s rights;” and taking a tion, >J n of sen6e| of prudence, of po |it e ness. then, .fit be not,»n i welf» pfeco of chalk from his pocket, he made g fc eUngs , C an not, nnd will not bear JJ ig nt least the meansofgmngto the mark of division, midway, from one uio * of nny kind, which is attend- odness a new lustre; it is the iwn side of tho room to the other. • Sl '* h ® d Juh an angry look or expression. The of Renting discontent, and even q^k added, “I hope you have no objection to of afreclionB ,s sudden ly stop- P uthe o il of mtercoyse, it remove stranger; “1 am perfectly satisfied with U . g be | Ulle d e ven in his own eyes, j wUI on | y ad d, that matrimontal l hPP it.” S Ho then sent dawn lor hts baggage, en nssU red, the wife who oncooxct os not depend upon wealth , no, 'and both students sat down to their book a. sentiment s in tl» breast of a hus- » no|ft>bß fo«ndjnv«lth,b«l«a«.»Ji» Tho Frenchman was soon deeply enga- bund y jn_ ever re gam the hi(,h g properly tempered and uni _ nec i«i red while “Old'.Kentuck” was watching wbib sbo m ight and ought to have retain- situations. Ckjmpeencyi Ud Wl,«» h?.-rH»:l»r. .fl»to.i .U tayo.d •“ P“”'Ttodid h« must be and how ho might “fix him. maq# he expects from her smtl , not suppose, however, tha .. Thus’things went on until dinner time frownß . he expects to find mhe advise your husband to^augm^Jh^^ swfwS-..!«- tocllic “-— ,to Eb«fe*SdS'ps & x-zs £S4s£: a „dnever unju.dytr»»d. S- 1 4 »&“• ™”p “ « Tii - as£Zi£n nb- h..M ch.lk. .tanked him. “"he. opiln. On nnd aeltlement oflhat -boundary „ Uould „ g me». o.ety Jv j ihoy hove been .he very be.. hre „»nb.mere ,e»..n heK IS ”' S «1. .nmnn, «he» hor : oersonal attractions are no more. P Has your husband staid out longer thnn K XiP it has no other -. ccnB Hmiion of South Carolina^for. efTect than to render them dwontunjed ‘ t u- governor from going out ,«f tb# BiS»4bn