aUBOTSASrWTESfIEJt. . " ROLLING OKWABD. . In the Mqssacbpsetts Plowman we find; by ‘pow. JK.’ j a comfnupieation from Mr. H. Ware, Jr.,; text.-- Ko'.ling, roiiinj.; keep ih» kali roiling- ! ofr'«*Picknfirtii Farm,” Salem, Mhss., in My Heakeps:— When I spenk of rol- j' lio gives Ills experience' ip the use of jj rt g y ou needn't take particular pains to ; Cplftols; os food lor horses and cattle. He understand tlint I ha-vo reference to ten sqpjes,flint he,has led them to his horses ~j ns> What 1 I mean by rolling is, that fdt 1 the last 12 years ; that they, --prefer you'should Jtecp matters rolling ( onward—• them tb any other kind of feed, that they nhead, and not ullow them to rest are'good lor milch cows, and that for a nc ] stagnate: Perscrvcro in all things, swine end poltry, when cooked and mixed put your hand to the plow and never look with a little bran or meal, they hro excel- hack,and the timewlll come that your car lent.' Ml (jive my horses, each,once a day, riago will pass tho huts and densofpover abotit oi penkr—ihis being about one-third ojf |y, as unconcernedly for a dollar as a duck their keeping. For horses used .for draft for an India-rubber: overshoe., apd moderate driving, I consider’carrots, My friends: see the whole universe is worth about half ns much as tl.e same made to roll! Tho sun, moon and stars j weight of good hay. For stable horses, uro u || 0 f g| o ul>lnr form, and they are; usedio being driven hard,lshould usealess bound to keep rolling on so long ns the: (quantity jus I think thorn too laxative, and y eiirs ro || round. Thcro is nothing squure a more stringent feed better. For working ; n nature, all approaches, more or less to oken, I esteem them very highly, us they rotundity. Do you know a beast, bird, promote health, flesh, and ability to per- f, s h or creeping thing that is square in its forip labor. Foi milch cows, carrots are m uko? No, 1 know you don’t. Man’s! valuable, ns they improve the quality of i 3o dy is round, his limbs and his bones aro their milk,rather than they increase the round, and so on allround. Hois con quantity. Their efiect on the general up-, structod that ho may roll along,' tumble pearanoeond health of the animal,is deci-jniong, 0 r get along some wny or other;! dedly good.” I but a square thing can’t budge an inch. —} Our own experience, as well as ail the l No, this ball of mortal flesh should be information’we possess from those who kept rolling, in constant exerciso, as much have been in the way of raising nnd feed-: as j|, e rolling spheres, in* the carrot, agrees with this statement. j But one half of you don’t roll enough to Tne only thing that we cannot understand, keep from moulding. Tho consequence is considering the value of the crop as hav- j s y OU present shabby exteriors, nnd the Ing been fully established, that our farmers, spiders of melancholy weavo their webs in! do not cultivate it more generally—that, ev ery corner of the brain. ‘Keep the ball; all of them who have stock, do not, with j rolling,’ is the motto for all—politicians the same regularity that they put in a crop | especially. If you get up an excitement of potatoes, plunt their quarter,half, or acre j„ favor of any purticularpandidaie for thd of carrots. —*■ Germaiitowrt. Telegraph. Presidency, you must ‘keep tho ball roil ing,’ or probably he won’t get a chance to sleep within the walls of tho White House. Would bo Presidents aro like balls of snow; the more yon roll them the greater they grow (in imagination.) But there is one thing certain, wo must turn to Clay at lust, not politically speaking. Yes, dear breathren, time rolls on, and it won’t bo but a little while before we shall bo rolled into our graves. Tho grass will grow green übove us, tho birds will sing tjieir matins and their vespers in tho thick sum mer foliage : but wo shall hot behold the beautiful (lowers,»not boro tho sweet songs of tho liltle merry birds. No,we shall bo there ‘as snug as a bug in a rug,’ as blind as a bat, as dead as u post, and as stiff as a poker ; only we shan’t—not wc. The soul’s uld clothes lie buried in tho ground, but the dispospessor still lives, clothed in the unfading and unwearoutnble garments of immortality. -Meanwhile Earth and her Seasons rollon as usual. One generation passes away, nnd another succeeds. Whe living wonder where tho dead are gone, nnd wait wjth fear the solving of the great mystery. You will find it out eventually; but while you live and-move and have your being,’ do your best to ‘keep the ball moving.’ ‘So mote it be.’ PLOUGHING AND SEEDING T wish you to encourage Farmers always to .seed ground as fust as they plough.— The amazing advantages will at once he apparent to the reflecting farmer. To those who will not think on the subject •enough to see its importance, I recommend tq .‘try a patch It is lamentable to see so many farmers plowing for a week, and then when the entire field is done, nnd the weeds and grass seed pretty well germina ted, begin to put in their crop. The mois ture and mellowness of the earth, when first turned, create immediate vegetation — .delay loses this to the crop nnd gives the advantage to the weeds and grass that are jn the soil. Onlv look at it, and think pf it. * 'Vj/nEAT in Wisconsin. —A correspon dent'of the MUioaukie Sentinel , who has been ■! in some of the adjacent counties, Writes thus: a few days past I have made a hurried tour through this county and Waul kesha county, apd am much gratified to be able, to say that the wheat crop looks as Well as it has been known to, at this season of; the year, for many years. Several farmers that I conversed with in regard to jt> said that the roots wore never more healthy, or bid fairer for an excellent harvest. Although the general impression is that there is not as many ncres in pro ddrtion to the amount of tilled land as there Ral .been in former years, yet wo may dhbfidently look for a lurge harvest.” ‘The Illinois State Register says the Winter wheat is very fine throughout Cen tral Illinois, and that everything betokens a‘year of unexampled prosperity to the fttiners, 1 • '/■ (The papers from all parts of the Valley of James River, bring but one report growing wheat. We do not recol- tp have heard of its being so uniform- Jy,.promising before. . The Rochester Anerican says: •iWe have accounts from farmers in various towns of Monroe county, respeef ingibegfowing wheat. All copcurinstating (bat its condition Is exceedingly favorable. Such, we believe, is the fact generally throughout the Genesee country.” lk Pennsylvania, as we learn from our exohanges, tho crops are in a healthy con dition. end an abundant yield is antiejput* #4-- wheat crop of Ohio will be unusu ally large, notwithstanding a proportionate increase of corn, occasioned by the heavy demand for pork. vote hyth'vpeople of that Stute on the Free jSchooj Law. They decide that a bill ■ otherwise c»nstitutional can be rendered' unconstitutionalJjy requiring its validity to ■ depend bpon a vo*, of the people. They ’ hirgoe that the State. .Constitutions have .confined the law to the Leg islature. Judge Hayiier, r,f Minnesota, made the same decision on giv*.;, the liqu* pr law to the decision of the peop*,. OirFanny Fern says, that whence the short” of matrimony we don’t know who is rising in the world, begins to ex. .vrfrat is, that’s all., hibit superior powers, and the possession |\ sentimental'chap In Rhode Island, of true genius, he must hide his light un- iriu n ds to petition Congress, at its next dor a bushel, or else have all creation after sessit* f or an appropriation to improve him trying to blow it out. ■ J. he u u afikctioii,'so that hence- OiTA Western, editor;says they need W Surse of true love may run .not beast of the speed, of the May flowhr— * taking passengers from Detroit to Clevo- ‘ ie u nu n it 'j^ s i :( n OW eatima v|atid in six hoUrs—for some; boats have ta- ted to'be aoout that it waa when ken passengers from New Ydrk t«jetornity| they left mypf .With;,three {}} ]eW tt)kiV.po 1i jne, ■■ half, • . - ..... How to do it. —The Albany Dutch man “lets off” any quantity of “good things” weekly, and among other sensible advice, soys : “There is nothing to be gained by dung ling for a twelvemonth after a sensible woman, talking unmeaning stuff—-words without wisdom. Tell her your wish, like a man, and not like u blubbering school boy. She will never trifle with your af fections ; and if there arc three grains of common senso in your tnucklo carcass, she will be your own before a month has passed. See the history of Rebecca, in Genesis, 24th chapter 57 verse: When Abraham’s servent had conculdcd the pre liminary contract with Mrs. Laban, on the part of her daughter, to become the wife of Isaqc, the old man was anxious to gel home, to show his young master the bon ny lass he had brought with him ; the mo ther wished him to remain, a few days to recruit himself and his camels. He per sisting, it was finally referred to the daughter. “We will call the damsel and inquire at her mouth,” said tho mother. — When Rebecca appeared, her mother ask ed: “Wilt thou go with this man? Re becca replied: “I will go.” 'Jfhere was a noble girl for you. No tear,starting from her black eyo ; no whining, hor simpering make-believe, nor mock modesty but what her heart wished, her lips uttered. Like an honost maiden, she replied, “I will go. | Now, young ladies, go thou and do like ; wise. When the man you prefer before all others in the world, says': “Will you go with me!..” answer, “I will go.” By the by, ladies, when you wish to read u true, simple and unsophisticated love story, just read over tho twenty-fourth chapter of Genesis.” ' humerous old man fell in with an ignorant and rather impertinent young minister, who proceeded to inform the old gentleman, in very positivo terms, that he could never reach heaven unless he was born again, and added ; ‘‘l have experienced that change and now feel no anxiety.” “And have you been horn again 1 ?” said his companion, musingly. “Yes,'l trust I have;” “Well,” said the old gentleman, eyeing him attentively, “I don’t think it would hurt you, young man, to be born once more.”' The Long and the Siiort of it.—A marriuge took place in Williamsburg, last week, with the following peculiarities—the groom measured six feet lour and the bride four leet six. If this is pot the “long und i WHOLESALE GROCERS, .w&u'jmm&sr <& <&sawwaw j B. \¥. Corner Second & Mulberry stress, PHILADELPHIA. OEFER FOR BALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TEAS,- COFFEti, ■ ,/. SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, 4-c, Thoie commencing New btore* eft I. AUoatlon civen to I’rodaco. '^^QiC£i7. Walnnttt. *- January 20, Isadora.' Philadelphia. sso© challenge. take n lor ciai.ioil that every uenoo will dtt nil Inlheir power, lo.nvotho itvo.of tholr childreo.and thatevtryperton widen. ilcnvor to promote tlieirownhealth m nliiaoriuoei. I idol it to be tny doty to .olemnly nunto yon that Wt IKBIS, accord, ina to the opinion ol'lhn mn.t OBebmivd Thyi cian., href ho prfinary ora larso majority or.druraea. to which chll dr. D ond a nlii nre llnbln: Jl you have an nDPeI to oonllna' nily ohnocnnolo lr un ono kind ol rood to another, Had Urentli,- “•.On in tho Htomnch. I’iokinit at the Np.o, Han no. nnd lull- J,:.. n! Ihe llollr. Ury Uoneii. Slow tenor, Pulio Irregular— rcmembcrthntnll thoindenolo WORMS, and you ihonld at once apply fa remedy nOBENSICK’S WORM SYRUP. An article lonndrd noon Scientific Principle., compounded with purely vecoublo nib.lnno.., being perleaUy aaft when tntrn.nnd can bo given u tender Infant wiibdMl. dod bunelioiel ellect where bowel Coinplnlut. anil have made ilum weak end the •i oaic preperlie pi my Worm Hvrup are luohthat it atanda without an equal n ”i cafaloaoe nl medicine, in giving loan and ilreetthlp ii IM Htomach. which mute* It art Infallible rern?dy Forthoie afUiotml wiih Uyrpp.ia. tho niionUhlnff curna porlonned by thti tSyrop nlier Pliyiicinn. havo failed. i* ibe bctt evldeoco of 1U luporlor ofticaoy over all other.. The Tape Worm! Tlr.ii the moildilßcnlt Worm to do.troy ol all thatjofe.t tho human *v.tem. U grow* lo an almon Indffinifa leoKlh. boaoming u> ooiki! nod fattened l» the and, Ht«m. KHLcnnc the health .0 mdlj» a. to came let, Vtin. Uant, Kill uu . lint thiwo allhcted .eldom it ever eaipotl that iu« Tape Worn haitemng them to an early grave. In■ o | [«« ,l ° defray thioVonn. a very ecercdlo wwtmont mi •a d. it would tbeielore be proper to akeborßol my J.iw FilUiOftito reraovelaUohitrucUon*. that the Worm Byrop miy net direct m»ou the Wutm.wDich muit b* taken mdou>i S. •/TaMeiSt.lull.3 time, n day. The...e rection, followed liHvotievnrbenn known to full in curias the mu*l ob.tiatito ca.e ol Tope VVorra. Dlobeeisack’s fl.ivcr Pills. No tiart nf tlio »yiiem U more liable to d eeaw than tho I -IVEK—it serving tu a tlUerer to puiify the blood, or giving thepinner .rcietloo tothe bilo-io That w vno*e the Ijverofleciithaothetimportant paruoftho .yitem.aiul rr-tfulls in l/ive' Gumplunt, Jaundice. f; VVuilioulil. thprvlore. watch nvtrv *> mptem that might mdicate a wron action oHho Liver. The.o P»l.. being: com. “,.,i nnle manaor ihocutiaiu roetbiil nu.loa of the »yitei.t M. ATO NiO. which *Mv«i toae ftud itrenitth to the ne* fi~xra rre, ;-tr£\ SblL CS> S 3 o Von will Had lhe;o Till* an Invaluable medioliie iu many complaiotv to which you are lubieet. u ; S totet nr partial, they have been loand ol lueilimable banellt resioiiae their fui.uilopal arranKeraeat* to a healthy net .oft nuiilying the blood ami otner fluid, .o efleatoallyaa io l>ut jo flight all eompl.alau which may url.o from XW le p ‘.JVu fti* no., t. Headache, Giddmeii, ol Bight, Pam m thy unlet. tlgned J. N. IlOBENSAtMt—nil other* being hate.lmitation.. ' .. gyAgeat* wi.hiDgnow aupphe* J N rouaofbeoomiog Ageui* must addn at too 1 roprietor, J. N. flobeotauk. Philadelphia, Pa- Agents in Clearfield county. Qjp? WALLACE S f111.!.3 Clear Sold. C 1>- WATSON, ••■••do. S, AllNOLl) Loioor.borc. 111-b 111. E HEATHY lirldeport McfiltlUL & WKilillT Cimvon.villo. J s H U PVI’ToN STEVENSON U CO Mciy.vlHo. And hy every leipectablo Dealer aud tlvrchaut in the county and ,• • , • „ * (K/'Pnce, each 2a cents. , Philadelphia, Juan ltd.—lf. , <r. lv..«unjr r 11- gtnutly conhdein hit honor n*a gentlmnuu,nod coouaent.y rely epoa bi..kUl a» a I'hy.ician T/IKK PAUTIUULiVR NOTICE. Yoonc men who hnvo tni*tr«d tlwmeivu* by ocutato pr»o llcaltidolredln—a habit leuiobd I,<>m ev» com panions a* ichiH; t»e etfecu of which arc ® ,£ k‘[y Je « v ®» wh«o Gflieji. uod destroy ooth ratnd nod body, should apply itmuftdlattly. Weakness and c*.n»titu iod .1 debility, wiol ramculnrcaetcy. physical lauituds and l)r P , ,i I r ®f I , 4 ? irritability and all nervous iilffcotlon', inihtO»ttun. slu..Kl»h □el. <>! the liver, and every disease In noy way coun»«»e«l with iherfiiordeioMbe procreative functions cored.aaaiaHt.*or restore.* KKAD. YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death. Kinkelin on Self-Preservation —Only 24 cents: Thl« t ’nok jmtDUhl ihedli lilloJ with oiefuliofomialioe.oji ttie mtitmativs mul dis-mic cl (he (»* neral’ve Y*£, au ** ** *, dteur* i'jell nliko to Youth, Manhood and Old A it. aud ihanld l>- rend by oil , . t . . , ThoveiuGb'o atvicoand impressive warning itjctyeiwili inuveDiyeun of misery andsalience. uDd tuvo annually ujou* lß pareuu UyVartiuc ft will loam how to prevent jho dcstrao “tinu ofthefr Children . ‘ •»*A wnilp’oceoffio c.iats. enclosed in t» letter, addressed 10 Ur. Ul vliiJUlN. N.YV.oorueroithird an 1 Union streets, between Spruce and Pine* Philadelphia. will ensure a wool* undercover par reborn mail. , r , persons nt a dUtsncoin&F address Ur. loiter, Lpoii paid.]and becured at hgrao. Pacixaces of Medicines, Uireotloni, to., forwarded hy send* ma u remittance, aud put op seonre fromdamaßeor cunosity. fluok*6eller«. News Asads, Poil'cr*. Canvassers. und all oUierikupphefl With Ibeabove Work ut very low laic*. ’V October dl. i“DJ. — ry* rpfFTY UOt,L*RS FORFEIT—DR. IIUSIER WILL V* forfeit ISO il ratline to cure nny case of werot dissniothni may come under ha care, no. matter how lons sUindtog. 01 how i filleting.. Either b**x uie invited to hi* Pr ivate Moon* H#riortn feoveoinstreet Philadelphia without fear oi luter motion (torn other patent*. Strangers and other* who have bevnunfoituuaiem the itleotion ui a Physician aieinvHtu tI> J.MI*OTENCY.—ThroUBh unrestrained indolence in thfc iiiivi’.m by excess or *Wl»abuso iho »>vil« aro nuroo out,— tnuutjuey, involuntary seminaldischarges, wui ine drtheoreaos.loiiof memory, a dista* ofor lemalesocib.y. eenural liability, or oonstilutiomil dorangeraMit, areeuroto follow cvMuittho Uooror with confidence,— "R'tSADANu'He.’i'f.'EOt.—'Th. afllictod would do well to ielh.ot before traiUnir their beaiih, napulneii* and In many caws t heir livoi. In the hand* ol iinysiciaai ignorant s ot l iu otuss of maladies. 111* certainly impossible lor one man to unduntund .11 theills the human family uro subject to. Lve ry respectable Physician hu* tils peculiar bruncu. in which ne is morosoccocstuf than hi* brother profcuors, and tothatbe Uevnteb roost of his true nml siud/. , .. YfSAKcS (Jr rRAUITUE. exclusively devotedtotnostudy end lrestmuntofcli»ea:e*oi tho sexual organs t topolher with ulem upon tho Doily, throat, noso price*, pain* in the head, or boues. mercurial rheumatism. •(rio ures. (travel. i»re*uiail iltti. disease* amimrirmu jouthlol excoudi, or ImpuMtlMOl Ihe blood, wheibby the coniutution ha* hsoume enfeebled ennbloethopoctorto offer speedy relief to all who m«y placo thtiintfive* omtorhls cara. _ fT ... Medicine forwarded to any part or too United BUta*. Priau Five and Ten Hollar* per g lB3^ly To ITfIjLII Owners. TPB undeniiioed ha* oppoiate.l L.-R* CARTER, of CJeutlieJd, his aprtti for the tale of Caitlnc*. Who will rccblvo hill* fbt ail kindidf Mill Gearing, and oilier tnaohlm - ry. Perioa»de»uoD*lo coatrAOt willdo well tpcall and ox amine theoatnlonao ofFattern*. and »peoimcn* or the wont, bafore makinit onfia*{vnient*e!*owhew. Uaamjftawillbade i iivered,if desired, ut Clbatfield.and wa ranted .o bo madoof cood material, end ln a workmanlike manner, liuv* ine in lunains order FIVE Superior Latbos, nud other ma olilnor; In the same ptoocrtUmvcamioylng none bat the u«*t woikmon, uilnn the very best Tie Iron end Coal, with many other advantcgei.hetlattonhimseU that biiwotk wilibedono ao Well us in the best city shops, and bn the shortest notice. ro.PMtioular.,oulloa Ur.OAUTEU.jAe.nt,. - yEnB Muroh 4.1853.-1/ , . . . . Wew Store. Til B nmlenirntd bus opened a &TOIU2 in GLEN HOPE CharlieUi bounty, where he intends keeoina coo*t»ntly on hundaGUOl) AHKOMTMLNTofaII LhmeiuipaUykept in ucounti>‘,«tnre. - • . Ail klmls ol F odnee taken laexohanjte lor flood*. , ,w \ • • .• r ’• MUIS3 M nnhhi. 1 GlenUope.Oct-7,183U . , '• i i KAI) V-MAUE GLUI'IUNG ot almosteaery description IV lbrsftlaat tliesioioof . ,v ‘ i-uiift .untrii M ’ Joes IK, JB6J. ; . SMITH ft Htwrft, COOKING STOVES, QP Uw MOOT APHkQ VEU STVLE, dt tbo lop pri««XJo., and $1 £oj. each. Wholesalo t» the Drug houiei in the Union, aud by Messrs. A. ii.& D.SANDS, N. There i* a considerable laving bv taking tho linger sjte*. N. u.—Direction* for raidance of patients in oyery disorder areallixed to each Pot, Oct. 14. lbol,~ly. An invaluable Book, only 25 els. per copy. “Every Family Should have a copy.” CAfttfk ClH’iEb ISOLD IN LE43 THAN THREE OUUU MONTHS. A new edition, revised andimiuov. ed. juiliitnoi. * DU. HUNTER’S MEDICAL MANUAL AND HAND l HOUR b'Ult THti AfFLICTED. Containing unoat lineofthu Origin, rrogress. Treatment end Caro of every form rf disease,contracted by Pronmcuoui Sexual Intercourse, by Stll-abiue. 01 by S xual Excess. who adTicolor their pra veniioo, written in a familiar style. avoiding all medical tech nia-tliUei, amt overy thing that would o:tendlha ear oldu c.jnoj. from the Teiultolsome twenty yean* •uce“Mloi prac tice, excJu»i»oty devoted to the cure of dilutee of a deicate or private n&turo . , , To which u added receipts for the cure of toe above rmoavos, and a treatise oe tboCanie*. Symptjmi and Curooflhore* verand Ageu,'ive cent* neopy • Sjx ooptei one dollar; will ha forwarder! to aoy partol Ida United dtatoi. by mail, tree of postago. A'Jtlre**^postage paid. CotdonUCo., publitheii, or ”Uox lltf, t’ost Office.” Philadelphia. •■Th»u* without cjwepuon. toe most ojmpfbheasive o.oa iDteilicibla noil published on the data of‘disuses of ii treat*, avoiding ail Ltchmcai term*, it addreiiea lUkirtothe reason of lie reader*, it i* flee Irom all objectionable matter, nod no parent, however fastidious, can object to placing U in the band* of hi* ion*. The authorhasdevoted many ye*r»to the treatment of the various oorupla.Btitreatedoi.anu with too little breatn to Puli'. * and ‘too little presumption to tra iiiwe/ he has oftired to tlte world nt the merely nominal ptjoe of tl3ceo|s, the iruitaoffsome twenty yean most sucocsslui “No teacher or parent ihoold be without the knowledge imparted m this tuva uable work It would save yeaii ot pain, mortification noil sorrow to the youih under their charge.”—P*ofl*’* Advocot* . r. A fraibyternoUtergymanin writingof Hunter s Medical Companion, says:—•'ibouwndi upon thousandsol our youth, by eyil example and tne olluouce ot the pasuont, have b*ren leu into the habit of .*elf‘iu)hution without italic »oir th«*ia and the feanul cousequences upon themselves und their fan lies The constitution* or thousands who are rut in* famines have l*e*n enfesb.od, it not broken down, and tney do not know the came or the care Any iluog that can he done ao to onl ghlen und influence tho public mind as tu check, und ultimately to remove this wido-sprovl sootcool human wretcherintti. would coaf»rthe greuu*t‘'louinu next to Uieietfgioa of Jems Christ, on die present and coming gen* er&’ioa*. la temp ranc*. Cor t..e use of intoxicating drink* ) though it hasslain tuoustods opon thousand!. I*not aereat er recur#'* to the human ra ;o. Acoipt n»y thanks on uahair or he afflicted. anil, believe me, your co worker in the gtod work you ure« »acuvrly engaged ia ” \ ne copy will b» furwaidcl (tecurely enveloped and pott age pidrij on receipt of fcj.osnU or tlx copies for one dollar Address COdIWN fct UO., Iteb'.khpr*. box !*>, P viUdelphtsi, £<>OKSKl.Li:i«. C-anVa-SEIU and UOUII AlitNTd supplied on the most liberal terms ‘MAN, KNOW THYSELF.” <^]rpry*flrg\gg>' ! c GJ?t? i Slcs3.C©o €. €. PISICK &C®. 9 MILESBURG, Pn., RESPECTFULLY onnoonceto the Murchv ta, and other d Lens ol Clearfield county, thatthey have, mbdriiiion to ihe Uoiaeule Warehouse, auo leased thoIKVIN ilUudb lnl«l> ocoupied by T. U. Hall. al Uiieihuur, which will eaa blothem to conduct tbo Forwardiag and tttorehoute burnen ,n a.'iulft le than they navo ever yet been conducted Atthatplac?. They imura tPoir cuttemerx that Goods and Produco entrusted to their oare »\ ill in aticuset togeth «r, aaii cot a portion in one hoaie and another port on in ano urn, ** hiw’beun too often the oa»e. The/ will fctep TWO UOATd o.\ the Inn, ronnineday and nuit, to that oneot thp other arid leave Philadelphia lu n SS kiidi% l MuVf'iJOE, IRON. L.UMBER.tio.. oe-ved and forwarded to nny point on the line , Thnnklhl lor put favon. they respectfully tolioita oontin nance of pnb io patronise, tu they guarantee tbe most oartio* ular attention toeoodioouiiKuou to their charge. MUo*bor«, March J. '63 —4t—P'l S Wholesale and Retail Grocery, || v s S W.U. EBY, having made rmencemeuii tocair/oo S S the WHOLESALE OKOCEUY BUSINESS in I hit- S C adeli hia, tho tuluoriber will continue lo Keep at the C r corner of Markot and 6th •t , i. uear.lhe PENN. UAtL « l HOAD DEPOT, a full aon mmnWe nisorfmentot ? S GROOEKIES. HACON.LARU.KOPES. TAU.IK- S C ON, NAU.B. DRIED FftUlT, «»ml all tholead-ng or. r tides in trade.—Thnnalal lor past favnn, he would eilt V j tiii old patrons to give him a cull, as be i» prepared to t > sell at prices that oancot fail to pleasu. ? S February Iti. ib53.-ly. S Attention Rcgularti! YOU will meet for parade drill, nl tho I’otvn Hull,in Ilia Rorough ol Clear field, on The 28lh day of May next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. finch member will provide himself wilh Sii Rounds of blank Cartridge, and bo in m. jo punctually at the hour, with his nrmß and equipmenis in good order. By order of Cap. Wallace. D. b\ ETZJVILER, O. S, ' April 22, 1853. C£2 e»Qaii£l<3£> cq 9 ALL* penon* ara hereby G.ILM lONLHI due. *»t boylnpor lolllnr, or in any way meddling with a certain lIAy HORfIH.orSTAL.I.LON. now In tlio poieiiibu or I'EI UU riEVLEIi. 01 llrody townihlp, Clearfield connty. ai laid hone nai lawfully pttrclnued by ina, unci ii in the ponotudn of said Boyler on loan oniy. DANIEL. IIEN. . Brady (owmliio. Anrll B, 1853.—3 t—pd. ■ ■'' ' For Sale. ‘UPV • A UOODYOKR OF YOUNG OX mSL. till A KEf. They will bo «o!d cheap. Call nSffiMsKK&Bon tba aubtcuber two milox well of the buroach «f oieortield AptllV, 1858. Caution. C A Lt, penooe «io kwMw Ooolioned nsatntt purobMint or A in any way medblin* w«li s oertalo Vokeof ItLAL’K OXEN, now la tne ponralon of JACOB ROUtfiß.olWood. waid lowmblp. at the title to laldUxaau m me, asdoiein the poiieuion of.aidEobm.“ALEXANDER.Jr. Woodward 8d«lo5»f Estate of George Ailam Sorb, dee’d. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, that Hetteri of Admin. littatioon the ewataor Ueone Adam Qorb.latoor Brady townihip. Clearfield county, deceased, bate Mif (panted to the eubtcit'ior. All pertont Indehle Ito laid mtata will matte payment immediately; and thoie haying claim! aaalnat the tame will piewntjJjem duly aathen^loa^d^fh^Mtt^ment. Brady 29,1868. Ciptes, y'w L/ !'■ i A k ,ptcani|annyo J , A ». T n E d R .ad A ro- ii .al. NEW GOODS; | mllE B'nber, and Babbett’e Aletal Cartlngi made to order N&iilAii MibUo. March 4. 1v _______ IS 3 G£> 532. S 3 Baiiißibernien! rpn Kfldubioribeta otter tor la.'e one of Geo; go Page’s Second C PORTABLE SAW-MILLS , Withes Id Horse Po*er Engine attached, all new nod In coojpiuie tunning order, having been bought and pntupir. June lan. iitaaled about 2 mile* from Uoud Kcu!e lunacs. and about half a mile from the tu»npjke leadiog tromßuld Facie Pomace to Pbihpibor*. Said Miil will cutß.ClWtest ’"Tuci'wlllalio toll Ibeir Stool: of HORSES. Sledi, Chaim, kpor Tiftftioaiar*. apply to 0. K. Mark. attheMill, or to J Ij. ghaitx at Held tlaglo Furnace. Any person can see the mill mlull 0.e.a.i00 now. MARK & SHULTZ. D-comber 8, 1353. Sept. 3 1853—1 y. mills PREPARATION it now beingofUied loth* Poblx l nt a GUARANTEED CUBE for the HEAVES IN HORSED, andat theiooly known taodivioe to tneworld h&vine been mad in tna private Veterinary pract'co or the mopritlor for the ta*t 00 yean; and be hat never knownit to Ml It, mingle Imtanco ol producinii a lasting care. andUav ia< the hone in j/ood spirits far work. JX be inpompitnn. cyofilie horse for Inoor. when troubled with thisoummnn dunare, should induce every one having sooh to apply im mediately I'orthis remedy. TRICE ONE DOLLAR PER PACKAGE. Which will ba tent, -with fall direction!.” to any oarto theUnitedStntct. All Ulterior commonlcadons to ba ad dretied, Part Paid, to 1, p. HOYT. RearorNo.lo Bonth PIITH Street Philadolp'hia, WboiejaUacentiorthe United otutM N. B—Agents wanted throughout the country to whom e libern! discount »itl be given r aodlhelr tames placed in the advertitemrntfr Addresi at above. CLEARFIELD, P 4. THE inbscriber moat rospeotfally informi thooltacn* of Cb.vfiola county. and tho travelling imbllo cem-rslb that he liu* takon the above named HOTEL litnatedcn th corner of Front and Market street*, in tho borough of n id. where lie will atr.ll Uind be nrrparcdto accomraoum« thorowbo mey layor him wltntheir cost* rn, Nouamwltl be spare 1 by the urourtelur to mako hi* ons'om iu comfortable, ann hi* hotifo a HOME to thoie who may »top with bun- Ht STABLE will Pq carefully utteadfd to—and hi* I A - OLE and BAR supplied with ihe best the rasrHer wl l;*fr.r'!'« end SHOES, of all kinds, ar\U at fair price*, op thMhorteit notion, and In tho very best niaoner. an,. ; - CroekeryWare •Prom the Factory qfdwi* Adam., tn : Centra rannty—which will be told at the eery lowest prieei, :•„ a. V- h.iWATSOH. Arant. Ofear field, Ptcemh«rS7,lB63.—Bm, ; do :K PLATE 8! DR. HOYT’S ®©WJMa®s» “LOLA MONTES.” Enteriil ao»idMe to', 'Art iu£ .Oohgmw# In ijttt I 1851. hi J. 8. UOtrOHXON, M. », In Ilia cl.r*» , 1 . •OfflM’oMhn .District Court* JbMßfr Kstiero' •' 1 - of Poun>jl»oul»; . . -11 Another Scientiflq W’onclerl ' I 4 O'UftE FdR '( D^SPEPB^IJ DIGESTIVE FLUID, 0® 3 ' GASTRBC ■’ JSJBCK. -; S Prepared from RENNET, ortho fourtli AmMcVV ol tho Ox.nltcr Directions ol BARON .LIEBIGLi Thocreat Physiological J.S.HoufllD ton.M.D., m. 11. North Eighth Street, Fhfl.iv .- dolphin, la, * ' ' . Thisi? a truly .wonderful remedy DrsFEFStA, Jaundice, Liver Comflaint, Cog.. stipation. and Debility. Curing alter Natursi own Natuie’sown agent,tho Oostrd- Juico. " '* * 'Hall a teoapoonful of this Fluid, infused In w». *tor, will digest or dissolve. Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, out of lb* V Stomach- • DIGESTION. IT.IOR3TION is ohlefly performed laths stomach b» lie , IJ aid of a fluidlwhloh freely esuds. from ha inaer postal that organ, when la a stats of health, aallsd.the Game,' Jtiioo This Fluid is the Great Solvent of thn Kood.dieFßil f.tog, Preserving. and Stimulating Agent of tho B'oaisch and intestines. Without It there will he no tU|eition.-iu> coaversion of Food Into Blood ana nnnntrlllcn ol the body : bntrathor a foul, torpid, ..amfuf. and deiirnetirecondillonef!.,e..«dd.him,whi l h.dJ| ! e. NET _ PEPSIN Is tho chief element.or Great- Digesting Prgiclole : oltheGasttloJolce. Ills round'in great aUandance IB the solid onrtsol the hamaa stomach after death, andsomstltnse - catties this stomach to dlcesi Itself, cr octiuell op. It lies* , ,'joad In the stomach of animals, as. theiox, calf. Ac Ills , tho material used by farroeri in mniln* cheese,called thoefltet ofwbich has lone been tho wonder of thodalrif-. ; The card ling ol the mil. Is the Uni; process ol digest o» 1< net poiietsei astonishing power The it-imoch of a pal] will . nnriLe nearlv one thousand times Itsown tvoishtol.mils.— Baron Liebig stntoi that -Ono P»rt ol Ponsns dii«,l«d in silly Ihnuiand pails of water, will digest meet and other'food. Diseased siomachs produce no good Gesirto Jntee. ; r Pepsin. Toihow that thti want may be perfeulll' soppllaJ, l we Quote the lollowloa SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. RAR.ON LIEBIG, iti hi* colebraled work 0» AmtD&' ChemLtry, ta *; “A® Arlitfcial DiiwlWo Fluid may t»#’ readily obtained from theniucp®*membr«Mof thestoraacbof which vattoo* ar'.lclMor food, a • meat and ««*, willbeSoneßo4.Chaneed.and r)iee»ted,preci»Bly t inthe«aoe manna' attr.ev would be in ihe Hainan iiowach, . liR PEREIRA.In blifaraonitryajUooa* froodand Oiei/' Dohluhocl by WiUon & Go., New York. P««eBs, alut'ith* •nmoereat faot. anil dmcrib.* the methoriol pieparauoa.- Thero nre few higher anthoritie* man Df. F«rpl a. DrJOHN W, DRAPER, Profenor ol Chc-miitry In.tfca Medical lhe Ur.lmiily ol New York, in hie *r«t Book of Ohemiitry.” paEeCdtJ,*ays. It hae beena qoiiuoa whether artificial diee*tionc<>t>ld ho performed-bav 111* now univercally ncinoltiedthat It may be.” ' Profenor DUNGLISON *r Philadelphia, In hie great work on Homan Phyilolory, devoje* more tnau lifty page* to aa ftxaminauon ntthii subject. DLexperlraent* * tth Dr. B*«. mont.on the Gaetric /nice, obtained from tba iivint human •tomach and from animnli are well koow®. Jxv all cum/' heiaye/'digettioß ooonrred aipeifecUy in the AiUbcialailn lh^alDro, ATA oB DYSPEPSIA CDUEn.' DR, IIOUGHTONM preparation of PEPSIN baa orodoced the most mansion* eflecL. coring caiwol Debility, EmarJa; > lion,Nervoa* Decllne.and Dyipeptio Consumption *opi>bi*d to beondhe eery ver«e of theffate- Ills tropowlbletoil** the detail* of oases *n tha limits of this advorUwmsnt-bit aatbenUciled certificates bave bee® leeelvedof muretnaa 200 REMARKABLE CORES. la Philadelphia. New York, and ttoiton alone. These wet, nearly elldesperate cases, and theoates were eolunlr. rapid end woederfol. bet permaaeDt. ■ ■ ~ It Is a greatNKRVOUA ANTIDOTE, and from thesston. [shingly small qeantity necessary to produce healthy digestioe. it beltovtilloact nuo® ELfCCTRO-MAGNEIW ORINCIPLES. ; There u do form of OLD S TOM AUH COMPLAINTS which it doe* not *ecm to teach and remove ot one* No matier bow bad they may GiVKS INSTANT UELIfiF. 'AilßCte do*e remove* all the unyleaiaot lymptomr, and it only need* to berepeftteo, torn thort «ime to mate the*e eood «Uto;ipei. maaeeu PUIUTY UP IILOIiD and VIGOH OF UOftY. follow atonce. lti*partualarlyexcellenf io ca*e ofNaniea, Vomiting.Crompr.SoreneMol the pitof thontomaqh. dittren after eating, low, cold *tateoftbe Blood. Ileavmeti, Uowaet* of Hpim*. Deapondenoy. emaciation Weakoea. laidencr to Imaeity,Sucicide, file. _ , , .... Price.ONU DOLLAR p« bottle. Oao botUi will oliea e,le c to i“" D * o plPSlN IN POWDERS. «f SENT B V-MAIL, rREE OF ■, Pnrcrmvi-Dtecceol *emiiflrto all part* of the country, the DIGESTIVE MATTER OK iHEPEPSINuputupmUr. for n ol Powder*, with direction* to be dtssolved in diiuit'i alcohol, water,or tyrup, by twpatieaL Ihesopowder*cos.- tain precisely tae *nme matter a* the bottlr*. bat twice U * Quantity forthetame price, and willi be wot by maH, rKhi. UKPO.STAGB,for ONE DOLLAR *antCpo»t paid) ojit. J. 8. lloUGfitON. No. ll,North Etahth street. Phila.,it. Six package* fo» livedoliM*. *» v ® r T > S? -51 *■ '‘tV* brarsthe written sigantuia of J. 8- lIOUGUIGIs, M. . wanled in every t-swain the Unltid Rtat. * Very liberal discouelsgivantu thetrado. Uissglsti.vus nisr ters.and Hooks, lets are desired to eel as agenu. AG E.STB for Cleorflulo county— WALLAtIb « HILLS. Clearfield boroueb. Wl t,LI AU. MoBRIDE. Cunvonssille. P. W. HARNETT, Lotbertburir. IL W.MUORfi. ynlnatownsliiii. . CUJIMING9 iit MEHAFFV. Now VVnshlbr«*■• opjebutthav bot material. and employ i none but the very bettol wouns iii» ' MACHINE SHOP, WUhtwojopcxior Tt-li If'U IjATIiUS* driven by ti«m # U now ip snotseuiulopemt'o- . end under ltujtnanaetcnatitbf a prajticiU meobjtiio—whtie aimott any article of tnoomstfry can bt FINlSm;u inthevery belt style. and •>& shoitnulice* w Hehn» now ad hands n late© assortment of-U ti'nai. tncii., et3T< vario • sizes and paturoi. PliOt GH iHOIHO| , WASH Kftri'LtH* &0.. &c.. wiiio?» he offers to soil JowJW;; Cash,'or on a rrasynable credit, iio is.flow d&UttM PlPti' ho most approved patterns. ' . HATHAWAY COOKING-STWES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves: Also, j WBard’s crlcbi'ated PloiighP Auinlllindjof lUM,I,()W-WaUU, BLEIIiH and BLIiD tSULEs. WAUUM DUXES, tto ■ .. ; Molutondiiuuell on reaioonhle nhmi, and Ua*t< that the duifßßofihocoantv KQ'.»:all> wllltinditto thrii adractßit to Qtva him iheir ootlo;u. CASH will alwnr* t>9 preionfQ— butthp hwhe*' nncbi will be allowed lor «oomry Prpqora nod OLU METaE A»lieinv«ribl*e*tal)l!ihmd i hi* pcnncil order*; rpr worlilwill rece(vour« Clearfield. Nov ‘2P.1H51. _ TAHORIJiO BUSINESS. ~~ r . REMOVAL.;- THE nubicrlberi ihuaklLl I‘or past fnvorc, re«« PCciluJlyjnlorniphW tnjfUtmmrfl.njid lhe public general?}*, t hut he haa temoved hu Lo.lho huilv ding oVcl* ,‘lho ;Pnat Office, tuidly oecop'ted by R. Wurd.amJ ltiat he will he .there liiyndnt alHlrijea *‘on kiiruiy tu,supply hjacuefunier?,, Uhl.i.kJeßpniC.ol hlttirou mporVrieß.' he la upublt* jo prunjitii’ tltfahis Eanliioiih urt* t>ftheinusl : upproVodHiyii , ‘tfr,AytTI < ftUiTy.dmtwl). insure ibeni mode according: -to the .Latest jfixshion of mo/e modern.days* : : , ; THOS; SHEA. . Cl.inrficld,,April 1> JBSJ. ! im' " 1 ; |sn gfiaod-rWi™ Tariff or.uo^Tm '"PHE .ncicrib-. uitcad« 'kn-plbi.ou', hand] i' momofiKON and whioh ho J moftt la tAt tbs Iton aadilTobaa inx Leonard &Moore: , r, * " cinn*fH'l ilyo.jS; ©albm©t M . . .. JfIHA GCLicii: Sp^Kfafty / atißouDMt,o iho citizen* cfC ear* 1 y W ii npw.nmrtiiaaiurinr all, kind* ol . . . . CABINET-WARE. ■'! l|i|ithopiht Llarkcl.tiled.. Ut'.vrou TMrd acd I'Ounh. Wbofo at) kinds ol .voriL in hh rJjfldfcwlll l>* tbs tt and TERM:* qptl On thi»«hint*u , • '■ ,'Aik tsrcOfr'l''JNfcimtule;tobrd4rortUmßhOftfii’ note*! _Pcm»nahf*T v'.* lHf.3 'rpMEVviblid Mu> iiWebV Cuttliokia acaiuA lirasttue raiwlP' .•A’ ItAtW AJ* fla my iMPOttjil.ii. ahajmubftniv b&" bdairi wiihbot jb;i catua. and I amthsrofore 4«t A pwMoww