Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 21, 1853, Image 4

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Macedon, N. Y., 3d Mo. 21,1653.
• Mr. Editor: —I observe in u late num
ber of tho Michigan Farmer, on inquiry
for tho best mode of raising corn fodder,
and having tried several different ways,
tho results may bo of benefit ip others.
A common and very objectionable prac
tice is to sow broadcast. This requires
at least four bushels to the acre, and even
with'the amount of seed, tho growth is not
dense enough to keep down tho weeds,
and, os a consequence, tho ground is left in
a foul condition.
The best way is to sow in drills. First
plow and harrow tho ground, ns if for corn
or potatoes; run furrows in <»m> direction,
with one horse, about three fectapnrt; with
a hund-basket of corn on the lull urm,
walk rapidly ulong flic side of the furrow,
strewing the seed with the light hand,nllhe
rate of about fifty gruins to the .foot, which
will be about two bushels and a half or
three bushels to tho acre.
A little practice will enable any one to
do this evenly and expeditiously. The
seed mny bo covered in the best manner,
by means ofn orc-horse burrow, passed
lengthwiso with the furrows. Two men
will thus pul in five or six acres in a day.
The only subsequent culture needed is,
to pass a one-horse cultivator between the
rows, when tho corn is about a loot high.
No hoeing is required. j:s growth will
cover the whole around, and all the weeds,
no matter how thick they may be, will be
completely smothered up and destroyed ;
nnd when at the close of summer, the crop
is removed, tho ground will be led as
smooth nnd clean as a floor. No crop
have Ic'er seen equal to this, for reduc
ing grassy, weedy soil, into u mellow con
dition in a single summer.
If the crop stand erect, it is most con
veniently cut with the scythe. A little
practico will enuble the workman to throw
an even swath, with tho heads in one dir
ection so as to admit of binding in bun,
dies. If much is thrown down by stomis,
it must be cut with a corn cutter. When
bound, it is to bo put in large-, substantial
shocks, to stand several wceke, or till
winter, unloss the ground is to be sown
with wheat, in which case, the crop must
be drawn of, nnd deposited to dry, else
Every beginner spoils his first crop, by
its healing in the stack. liven after dry.
ing several weeks, there is moisture
enough in the stalks to causo violent fer
mentation. Tfie only mode of preventing
this disaster, is either to-leave the shocks,
on the ground till winter, or to build vury
small stacks, witli three rails placed up
right in the center, for vaniilation, and ap
plying plenty of salt.
Fodder thus grown, nnd well cured and
salted, is greatly preferred by cattle to hay.
A neighbor thinks three tons are as good
as four tons of good hay. It should grow
so thick that the stalks will be quite small;
then they will bo wholly eaten by cattle
and none lost.
I have tried different quantities of seed
pcrncrennd find that a much less rate
than about three bushelsj is attended with
a diminished crop, although tho stalks
mny be taller. One bushel per acre, yields
but little more than half as much.
I usunlly obtain, from land (hut will
yield 30 or 35 bushels of corn per acre,
from 4 to 6 tons perncre of dried fodder,
ns an average for five or six years past,
has cost me übout one dollar and a half a
-ton. Hay. is usually sold hero for six or
iteven dollars a ton and some times for ten.
Yet it is astonishing how reluctantoUrfarm
firs are in adopting tho corn fodder culi
vation. I hope farmers of Michigan may
sot a better example of ccomony.
The best variety of corn appears to be
that which will afford the greutest number
of stalks to the quantity of .seed sown.
Coarse fodder is not as good as fine. —
A rather moist soil is best, ns immense
quantities of moisture are thrown off Lv
such n mass of leaves.
Beside the cheapness of lhis crop, and
the great ease of cultivation, it possesses
the foljowing advantages : I Bankruptcy Ij.lusthatkd.—Twomcr
1. It may be sown after the hurrying 1 c hants were standing in Wull-strecf, dis
work of spring is acomplislied, or ut the CO ursmu on bankruptcy, when one of them
end of spring, or early in summer. 2. It, | )crco ived a real live Yankee lumbering
tnay bo harvested after the wheat and hay downstreelwiiha luiiloondstie.k in his hund.
crop ate secured, or during the compare-, “Now for some sport,” ejaculated the
lively leisure season at the close of sum- mer cliunt —“We’ll ask his opinion on the
mcr. 3. Not yielding nny grain it does subject of bankruptcy, or rather his ideas,”
Hot exhaust the soil, and is perhaps tlm {je noW hailed the Yankee with “Holloa,
best crop to precede wheat. 4. It is an | r iend, can you tell us the meaning of
ndmirable crop lor smothering nnd destroy, bankruptcy ?”
jng wueds and grass. J “Well, I reckon I kin—and skin me if
A brief glance at the advantages of the j don't.” j
general cultivation of this crop may not; “Please explain.” !
,|>e out of place. “Well, you just lend mo five for about
Tho annual value of the hay crop in' t | m!0 minutes.” j
ibo United Sutes, is about one hundred mil-1 “Here it is, friend—now proceed.” j
lions of dollars. Thoso who have already ! “Well, now, I owo Zok Smily fifty cents
ndopted the corn-fodder crop, winter their ! g nrn Brown, the tailor, five dollars for this
•took nt less than half their former expense. ere con t ] n nd you five.”
WoultJ it, therefore, be extravagant to bo-: “Well,” said the. merchant, “now give
lieve that one-quarter of the pre ent ex- me m y five.”
'pease in tho use of hay throughout tho’' “Oh, giteout! I'm a Bankrupt, and you
country would besuvedbv its general use? come s h„re with the rest,” and hoj
sfet one-quarter is about twenty-five mil. left tho astonished merchants.
lionsol'dollars annually—enough toendow j r
agricultural schools, nnd build railroads A Hard Case. It is an old saying that
tiy the score—nnd is well worthy of some nothing cuts like truth. We recollect of
{tgeftion for its introduction at large. [hearing, many years ago, a capital story
jof a man, who, on his return from n pub*
Rufuses to Deliver.—A telegraph lie routine, burst open his door in i> rage |
from Baltimore, to the Philidelphiu papers. h,s cl ! l !^ t ' n 1 ’ k,cked hlsd °-’ h “ rl “ d i
ktatca that Gov. Lowe refuses to deliver his 1,,1 ‘ b.-hmd the gnite, nnd paced the
McCreary and Merritt, charged with kid- apartment back urn. forth with the fuiocity
napping the Parker girls, on the requite-,*" ".f., 1 . "p r * , ..
iion from Gov. Bigler. - j “What .» the matter, my dear? sa.d
We understand that Gov. Lowo also re- *'' s wondering wl ' o, .
fuses todeliver another man who lied from ! “fitter ! ” r 1 0 ; irodl ! ,0 1 «ngjy husband,
this county into Maryland, some time “matter'enough! Neighbor B. has public
since, when-about being arrested on u ly called me a liar .
charge of Fornication and Bastardy,— “Oh, nevor mind that, my dear, replt
bn the ground that, ho thinks,-tho matter dio g° woman ; “he can t prove it,
has bepome too old ! . y° u know, and nobody will believe him.
. | “Prove it, you fool?” roared themad
(KrA FEi.tow who was lieingded to ex- man more furiously than before, “he did
obution, tbtd the'officers they must not take prove it! He brought witnesses, and prov
<°him through n certain street, lest a merch- edit on the spate I Else how should Ibo
?4nt who resided there, should arrest him ip such it d ■■■• —— of -o passion I”
ifpr tin old debt I J " The argument was a poser.
For tho Republican.
Gentle April, month of shew. r*
fnlertsperte 1 with sunny hour*.
When the burls to fragrant fluwcii
Open to adorn earth's bowers {
Tnou (wet come, sweet music bringing.
Oi bird, nml I" «■ bisect Ringing,
Tiil the oarlh with song m ringing :
Tender hl./Ksums upward springing
Icccnsn ur\lho bterznnrc fltngin-j ;
Th**n haul lyrnc in ' rnj:v Mii-' Mg,
|.iV* d .irk sty. tows owm-iiy whiling.
Ail lV‘< tui'n’-ol enrih begu ling.
Fz/'RA in tin* distance dancing,
Is with giftnol fl avern advancing.
Earth's ten Jin*u»niul i harm* enh ;n< ing ;
Opening lcav. fi are nodding, pr/uirtng.
Sunbeams are from Houvrn yiun trig,
Jnju'.is’y to weloomo thee.
Harbinger of mirth arid glee.
A*> l'ii> Sturms of winter flee.
Geulio April, thou art fleeting ’
Short, alas ! h is hron our mooting
frr.rcely time to give thee greeting
Thou urt paiMng fast away,
Hweidly, cm in y.duy by day,
(>tv mg piiii el i rosy May ;
VVoii'd ihmi longer mighi'st leinim-
Ve: I know ll.oil’ll come again
To rep!n« eon 101 l and p''in
The beauteous flivvers by winter shin.
Come lo Mii-itir the nrhing Inrun,
Burked liy sickness, care ami pain;
Thou wit mine I hut wMi cut tell
1/ lo welcome (lice bhall dwell
Thofpuho love lli- ft now mo we 1 f
Urnri* ilml with alf clion hurn,
Most, pon hiinee, ere ihy return,
Moulder »n the silo A urn :
Emu ho w ho grrohs thee now,
May, with co'd nnd pallid brow,
To the "K ng "f Ter<or” bow ;
Willi no Ini'ii I, r.o ov cd one near
Liles * hour :o • lioer.
J\‘o;nt lo weep ' e>ide his hier,
O'c r Insgrave lo shi d a tear;
lo a distant, oiruugt r land.
Tonoed u> a stranger hand,
Followed by a stringer hand,
There to sleep the drerunle** sleep.
Where silern e doth her vigils keep;—
'J’here lo slumber on alone.
Him place o. reel at length unknown
Unmarked by stone,
Be ileu: Why should he rare f
Thou will come—and wild fljivcri lair,
V\ ilh their Ir.gmme lrrsh and rare,
Scatlor i j prolusion there-
Tlou wilt come—a trusty friend
Vf..r by year, till time shall end,
O’er mu sleep ng lorm in bend,
To his grave thy charms lo lend ,
Tln-u, with each returning year.
Fur awhile, wilt hover near.
O’er him weep ihe de tear i
Though of art no sign or trac a
May hi* lonoly maus.on grace.
TIIOU vviil not forgot lh« p nee.
Geiule April! must we part?
Yes, ’ii» true 1 Bui like a dart
ilie thought to pierce my heart.
I havo loved ttioc pissing woll,
Better far than tongtto can tell—
Lovely April, fare tiirb well.'
Wamiinoro.N.(lnd ) April 30. 18)3
Curious Prayer. —The Syrncuso Star ■
! is responsible for the following : |
“fn the Slate of Ohio there resided nj
family consisting of nn old man by the 1
name of Beaver and his three sons, all of
whom are hard ‘pots,’ who had oAen
laughed to scorn the advice and entreaties
of a pious though very eccentric Minister
'who resided in the same town, h happen
ed one of the boys was bitten by a rattlc.-n die
arid was expected iodic, when the Minister,
was sent for in,great haste. On hisurrival ,
he found the young man very penitent
and anxious to bo prayed with. The Mm-j
ister calling on the family, kneeled dowm
and prayed in this wise: |
“O Lord, wethank thee for rattlesnakes;
'we thank the because a rattlesnake has
j bit Jim. We pray thee to send n rattle-1
I snake to bite John : and one to bite Bill ;
I send one to bite Sam ; and, O Lord, send
| the big"ost kind of a rattlesnake to bite
I the old man, Ibr nothing but rattlesnakes;
! will ever bring the Benver fnmilv tore-j
! penlance I”
: IPMUrntfl-& AdlTOirtklsoEao^So
JWAUSBRfiSASff <Si <£>£J©<E>WM
I H. W. Corner Sccoud & Mulberry streets,
SLICES, cj-c., j-c.
Thotc comioanciDM Nctv Btorea uro t'Biticolsllr iavlt-aJ to
i „ivon to Pioiluob. jiriS—Bin
s&Zy* sa m <1 ® o£l a
F R,,M 400 TO 20 OUO tor [tiKUU.i AW l' f l A t'..
cirv Pllort;:.TY o ,ca-ii.
ChaSHen g’e.
* H niA HCV t.H c pceiu* the In fi I h and Inp-. a pro
\ V i»le it at ftii 1 1 mot of the inzv va tiubl* I
"»aveihdW«fUiftt children.uml thatcv»ry herion wdl en
, ,i!. ar to Hhmetholr..wnheam at alt tocnlH:; I leel-t
In be nf dnty to aolmiuly neiuie y>n that w a *v i:i,T ‘*
:b< lo the opinion ofthe mm' o■ t 1 h>»i» i"“* v'<' the
t p ,i m ary came* of a laritc map my of rhrean to \\ biJi ohtl
<Ot)?and a \tl'i are Itahio; ii >mi havorm %i.p-»Hocouttsu
n ly ohaa«eah!efr m o!i*»kindol I. od l*> an-On-r. dad Strath,*
I’ un i- the Sommcli, d-idung anno Wore. UMoncJ* aad lad*
'n ,1 „Ml"! MCI. Dry C M ! »«'. I , »l«. l'.«« *r
...nocb-r 1.-. ’.llllic- *'<»» \»iMMc.nnil you .1u.u1.1 at
onoa ap,M t •' " " °' lv • -
An n.tiy> u '.». "c* u’.t. l'n..e ;tn’». <: n'lnund.!.!
w tl. 11l ~y lokl'm ». L-|.i« wrl.i- ll i»l» »!>•“
Mal.n. «.l«l or 1.,. rup lrudj. I I .-.l " h >' M
I dirii b util **..t wlie'B I»jvvcl I o ftp om i nn i IJii .loi
I hnvr n..» lh.-r.> w -A' .Md.Ub.llUl. .1 I!.. p/'■
1 „,r Worm .srfi.p nrc inch Hi I eqartl ir>
! |t>c on-.AlocOB of mrdic nr». in eivin* to. «> and rrrr./Th lu
ti»9 Si >mnrh. wh'oM njukuil an Ir.Ulhlo rem.'dv Inr thine
' hifiicva ve i I. Ity.jwMa the iMtovK'imK Pturo tie.'ornrd »■*■
, um Syio,» al*c*i I’m .iji in navj h.n0.1, i» the be*; evtdemc
■ of iu m»>rfrioi wlhcAwr <v. r all i/.liwi.
/ The Tape Worm !
Th'« ii the m drinijnu vvonntu deoro> nt «it that infer’
rlr* hunino ***'«mi. ■ • .'r->w« to nn .imm Itidefini'e ’onrt I '.
tcc> • ir; ro <-o'cd h 1«I fndeiied tatrin lotint pri ao i
«ioh eil-o in»» u.o heoilh «o to citve ftt. Vi'uyl >;>n< *
pt« > c 'h dth » fi!t?i j ! Ld spltiou; it tvir »i> ( ltU >t *'
Tir Aonih.’.»iemn; »li-.o i.* la oti-otut
i «vr »y lli:* vV.hiii a *ei>' ot tretitmsnt intitl n<» p »r*
• a d, it would ihepd"'" no 1,1 nit-riurß ni mr l i'c
i'l.h iohi'ii re'nnvr .‘nil o!»3*.i U'.:‘ii‘ch that the W »rm
nmy 'i. i direct a,*<»n tliu Woirn. iv;m;h must i>« taßen ir. dm. ’
ol 1] Tnhle».moufo:ii 3t:roe» « day. Th»-» -u»e. non. "» -pwe-i
hav« »evio bo*o uno\yy<o"l<.ii m cnr'iu the ir.oi' o .*u-n».
ijM-j ol Tipe Womi. /
llobciiNnck’N Biivcr s”ills.
No part o( the ijri'em i» more liable 'n J •'•mo than Iho
l.lVElt—it tervini ni a fll'erer Mpu ifv th i tdo-rd ot jjtx »«e
the proper »eoretioa in tti« Idle —*0 'lo.' ar.r irr.ic; notion ol
met. tor vffenutbfl olhei Import »o. pnniot the not
i >n:u venou.'* in I i%*o* Or mt» ■to', Jaco-heo. . y»iep«a.
So VVeiiiuald. therefor-, watch r.rtry •> aui'Oio that m*c»t
tadioai'* a wroo aoiiou of Iho l<tver 1 hrn-|M » h*:ioj com*
».>tkd of KO- TS and PLANTS liinmhe;! *v p;ini i to h-a
ir e ticß : —Nanie.y ,I*l An lv\ I' I • >i\ ASI , n Imh nuu
m-oit the .e.-relio’i ln»*« U»j iMlmonery» no
i»roi..r'ty i » Ibo dtinhnr je ul incieted im'te' A u AI >1 tAI *
AIMVL-. which rhviui -n tome ip.evt>hcah>a-»d
m iaoe--'he ner'am r.iortul .-0 to" of ihe *; 3*l A T* »-
NUJ whi' Ii iot»« and s'lrcrth to tin n »•’oiu iy»iem.
ln.'k th aalMcor to u 1 pai't of t• e both . 4lh. A
i;ATHAHTI‘d. which -ct* 111 peii.f h’nt 'D7 «'th llieothf
iftyrcdlHtitl. nnd fiaur.: on ’n-' |i rt ‘ n! ft •.• 'ini' tt-.c
•xho'o mm* of carr'u.t and >tt a *;d .•na'‘rr r. \ • .ir.-iiui* di-'
vhic! »Uttro> k it.ti.a-c re»u c» .i‘a Ii
<o*oo I^°®J>i3a.Sill<3S>33y>
Y«>u >»il. li..d t.c o I*iitt nn di mi - in** .
eomplattiU t«« wh ub l-eu uretJ’-isol. In h*'Ul-.SOIM edhf
lot«. or partial, tney have been l.ioaiTof iaeitnnahle l emfli
nrtto'iaf iheii inncttoool arroneeiii.n »tonh«a'ihy ud ub
oniifrac the blood and other flnid« »o efleottinlly an to pat to
fl.iht all compUt-t* which may en:e Irom I inn o irreinhw
•tea. e» Hrodorhe. Uui(tine4», Dnnnoitol S*cht. I’nia to tno
None eannine ot>lci» tlincJ J. N. HOBENBAf!K*~aIi
ctliert befog bare Imitation*. , „ ,
car Akcdi* wbli o* oew ropphe*. atd Store Keeperi d*«t*
roonnf tresriroiac A«o..t> matt 1 roprir.or. 1. N
iiobeuiack, rhi'aielphta. Pa
Agents in Clearfield county.
W'Al.l.ACi: .y 1111.1. H I’.JVliiM
V, U A A I’n
S AKN'iU) h'fl»er»har*.
HI . B oK iTI’V liriitepon
MoOKIDB ea WKIQUT CjiweftAVtlle.
J tl II ll I'AITUN. ...on
t?TIiVBNS«»N & Marysville.
And i*y ev'-ry respectable Deale< and Merchan'. is the
c* ottty and S've
onch 25 cents.
Piiiladelpliiu.J’ia 161 ~lr
m k u i c a l ti u u s i:
E.tuliliblicii 18 years iijo l>y l)r. Ki, N.W
nirin rnl I hird mnl L T i> ‘>u Mirt-in. i'Htu-rn
iSj/rurr mnl I’lti.- t*!> . I’hi Itiilel j*hui .
IJMOtTt'.r.A and ontm»fiU i) I nl ' f-C'ie*
Hi < id this n-y have n*»>'lo e • l>r K i e a int e*i**-n
*u«l lucorstlul praclitioorr, fur ami nea». ■ * ( h« h-iimm' o'
,| of n .rt vme nil oro I'e urn alu oed with tiloen
o Iho bodr, i hroat or legs. t'S Ol o ho h- cm bones, m-i
cuienl r'nmnmtiiin I'rietares, g-nvel. liteaies t'uiuglrom
you'htutrars pa <» l;npu'i , i*totihebo»d whnr**bythe cou
iji'i|»Q a* iir-.ouc -Die-b'etl are nil ■ feat**l with succa t
M • w »iu hi id • : u u!*-r t h-* . M*-i I Pr r\ .. inny r I*
lyconHdein his honor a* « g.-nilemio and cuotidcm >
ely upot. ht» ei .i .*.» a • li> »ict t-i
TAKE PA It l'l< U I. A ft KTril’E.
Vuodb ni u wnn nav« inpiird th«jiti*« v»** h» a o tla'n » rsc
ttce todnljeit in—.t hiHit Ire-ri*'.'> I*'i m d f • in e»H r.'m
al *cho I; Re bllt-o»i o' vhch Hreoighl/ le'.eken
when as!ee;> act; deal oy bolh mud tod buly, * i«»uul tipi ly
immediately Weakness mil o di. itu too l debi'itv. !*«» U
>mirciitar rssr;r physical lagitiudc and gen.-'n * >».
irptnl'tlity «•!<! a't > ervous HlfecUopt, mdige lh>o. ilnxtti.b
no;, uj i»,e Uvt r. tia.l f*ex> ilneAieiDfin) way couM'-re*! wi'h
iHo 'Hioidut i«f tin) yroaroaiive luuct:on* cured. tuJ lull v *u:
A Vigorous Lije , or a Premature Death
Kinkelin on Self-Preservation—Only 21 rents
Thu ’not just pa HI ihed it fi H»1 tilth ntcfnl information. f-n
»ne .tifirmti-e* amt di.ra*e ol UfOerjtl ve I it r.*l
11<-• i-1 iiiol( alike to Voulh. .HJar.h vd no- I Md A.o an!
»b-.»u t! It. r* r»d by n'l
'J’he vriHftb’e a v.ce nrd impr-ntvo warning tt i v. '
ptevffji r» ul ruticty nud iDiteriug. t id *t vc annn it'j 1 ho '
<iadi !ivt«. . .
Tarenti by reading It will learn how to praveot ibe desUtf-
■p o ol 'heir Oh*.Hire- ,
A t<'< of £3 cea'i on- lotn 1 ~i o letter, pdilre-.s**'
to |)r. K| KKI.IN.N VV o-yr-»r if Vhtr} find PoMa itrtc-U.
on Hp»u« e and f'loo. lM.jlado!dh:a. wiil enture a ! trok
nnd -rcov r per rt-urn tn dl. .. , ~, f
IVruon* i.t « dPtancemay adurois 1 1. K by Udtur. [poii
M l ] *nd l»- nt hum*
IH‘rH t/e* ol M**(ttciti»'«, Pirec*J**ni. ftc . fom-i'd'-d Hy irnd
ig rmti o i: . ■ t*i»t up .»fo fp I’iOUj dv-ittte t-f cy.'.uiiy
n .vk-~-lieT>, ihwi ta. !'*••! *-r* ■,ntivat':rv r.ii! Li!
A Hen k.ti p:l«d M.ih the above rc.i i.\ %,n t-*.^
( >cl o<'<M 2 . I 0 A.— 1* .
jrirrv rou.Mis koufk’t -mi *;i f n x r.n
I' fnilctr 150 ti latlinc 'o uute -tijy cup •’! u» • f >! ' **n t!i-.t
nt ty cipna on l *u hit cure, do mnibri how lot C <tbbd*n». or ,
how fflmliuu. F.tlh?r m*i « e lavite-l lo hi» ft ntt ; < iioi’.t.t |
:?h r>o-ih ati .t’joi iHiiiadtlphitt wphou lea' pi :*>(*••
ruutlon nomoltacr i>4l call. meg-r» nn lo* tt-ic vr'titlrnr ,
?j.»en aufonuunli* 10 Iho idection O' o f'h' i'niu ateinviUd
1 IMFOTtiN^Y.—Tlifounlj onrosUdirr l iudaljcnce in ll>«
ptskioos by uxocis or led-abtiis tlm rviP nton;iuie ont,-
Fr»-ro*luro Irruoteucy, invoianlarv rtrunai dtijbttrg"*. wail
log or ihoorjran*. lon of memory, a tltsfai e for iocie y.
sei>etal dpbtlily, or. conililuiinna' I'tjanceiupt-l, aieiureln
f-lloty II ceoanary oomuit iho L>ou;of wiuioouiutcncc.—
HHolfeii u pcrl'ecti coro.
RUaD AND Rvd«’I.F.CT.-Tht) r m cl'd woul.l do w.-ll tn
rcll.ot ore irniliac lhi.ii berhli, t.aopliitn. »tr*'l in mao#
uMrt ihpir livo». in the Imnil* ol phynemnt tccofaui o» im.
clan-*fmtlad'es ItU coilainly un.'-*»thiu t'-r t-no rnan >o
nuiU?r»tand II iheilii t* e human Inmllr n»o ia|j *ct t<i. r ve
ry reioeciab'o Phyi cian In* hit prop branch in w Inch he
i* moto su coiilut than h.s l>i dher r-roleiaoti. and lu that ha
ucvotfk most n( bit l tnw end i tidy.
YRAIW gr rK.M;TiOU.i’Xcinnve!r drvo'.r-d’o ih: ilodv
-nd UeetmePt ol'duuatosol ti.o iciusl otyun*. ir-ito with
ulc*r« upon tl e o‘Mjy, Uiro <l, note ut ley*. »ntni ip iln hen •
or boaei tiid/eurial rhoureatiirn i rin urt*. piHvt'l urDKUl.i'i
tic* tlis.-att'i urti'Djfrom youthful t*;e»»e»,or impuiliuioi
tiie l.!o p! whereby Uio ccnitllutton has b-o-i*ie eol«o!;l*-d
e >nljle* the Doctor to offer coeetly rcihf to all -i»i m y plaoo
tbetrstlvos under hi* care.
Medicitie for* ardt-d to «*f> port of Iho United ytatei.—
I’ltcu Five and Ten Dollar* per pncKa fo
' ISyJ.—ly.
To Mill Ohih'l's.
r'U under..guud hat nurooiod 1. 11. CARfFU, of
C'etilkUl. fils Qg< n> for'iho tahi of (?'<fclinj;t, who will
teceno bills lor ad hinds of Mill (.uariun. and oiler nibchin'
ry i'ctirjii* dtMitou* f«» c.mtutt will do well localjunilex
mitietheoatalo^ueofl'aitsips und ipootimnsortli l work,
baio'e muhniK entfacemcnti eluiwhorp. Cnitif-A*- w ill ho tl j
desired. *t (JlbUiliuld, and wn rttoiod u lip mutieof
good muitrlnl, nud liatsb*d m a wa.lnvui’if.o ru*nccr. tiav
.nir in lunmnK older FIVE rupcritu nu<! other ici.-t
nlnneiy in the snmo pionortion empiojiLC urn* imt tiicb. vi
w-rKnu-it, mine the very beitPig run nud Uun , » with many
other ridviniaua*. hoflatiria hi work w'll lr»done
n< wi |i at in tiic heat city ihopi, an « on iho tnor c.t nutic-:.
Fur particular*, call on M*. CAUTDK,
MaroH 4. iy-S2.—ly
Wew Sftore. oasopened a '-TuKK in GLEN HOPE
CHnrfic dooumy, whsm he intends Iteepiu* cocsD>ntly
on hand a GUuD AfcdUItTMENT of all UimiiatuttlJy kept
in acouolry itoro.
A;l kinds oi P odoca taken Inexohaoce lorffoodt. ( ~
Gl-n Hope. Oct. 7,18 W 6m.
HJCADY-MaDE OLOCfIING ©talmoaleicry deturipMon
tor talc nl thosioro of
Or tIi«MII3T APPKO.VEU BTVLE, at'fbo tow pitceM
fwn *l5 to *l3. Tcd Pleto fof. AS.
Oi.nlWM,en> S, >«- I>. W. CAin UU. Aftnl.
Copy of a Letter from Mr. K. W.Kirkm, Cltemiat.
7. I’tefcot areet, Liverpool, (England,) dated Gill
Juno, I&51. '
r " IR-- V c°u r 1 Pi I v 'nml uintrnont have stood the hljhe.too
annals Ini cl rroiuietary Slidlcinoi lor ipma rente. A cut-,
luiu-r. to whom loan rclarlor any anqai'le ■ deilro: tnololot
you snow mo pnnicoloreof tin earn Si.a lt»'l bean troubled
I'jficim will, n nlrordeind nvur ar il bail di.pi.tioD, on ihr
InP 00 noon, however, thn virulence r.r me nltaik woe «o
nlnirainii. and iho mil ,u,motion evl in to tavondy. that double
wive entertained of her gut bain* nbl.e to b.-at ui. tend rt.
lonannlely .ho ,vn> iniluocd to try your I’llli, and ,he u lormi
roo ha; nil 11 tho lint nod a ■ h e.ieoetd.nj Jo n, .ho had a mat
label. tjhecominue.l to takethev .am. although tin. need on
Iv ilueo Itoioi lull now Id the enjoyment ol uerlo t nr«lih.
1 o-old have lent you iumv inorooitiei bin Ihoaboveiroin
Iha Sev. ri'y of .thn /, nod the Hp-eily < -uio, 1 thln»
ipuaki mnjli in favor ol your ailonlsnlnp t'ltli. .. u , IC ,
I (iano.l) U. W MRKL’S.
Copy of n Letter in the lluhirt I'i.vtn Lourter.ol
At the Lowest
Market Prices,
ilio M Murch. 1651, by Mujor J. vVnltli.
Mnwet M’l'onnicnn, ninet'Pi) itat* »f a*'* f*ii«hu(r ftl
No’v To an, h - id U-rcn lUil-firjK lr<i*n n rlv BRumMic r«
vcr for u (iward* of two month** wh ch l*ail enuruff »lep»j y t*<l
he .*l ihi ui«i ul hut limb*, iluron 'fc'i %h<* wr« uo >r
Uruoaie ol the medical men id Holm i lowa
n».l by thtm her iM«o h’m y -at< :e-u ' hopolcs* Alncoip'9-
vai'p.l it oh h.m i.nry llo!l:>*‘oy • o -leb(.iic«t Pi !». * bich »ne
cinufu'ccltn U,Rod m >m mcrcitblu ihurlipo-jaol timoih«y
, j| c:t:t a uui*j.
AN 'lan >M AOII or A r'EKal iN 8l Y BAII ■Of >0 h
Krmn Me «r«. Thcw & Sun, l‘fU|inchir«ol 111- Lym.
Anvcruscr, u 1.0 < ■<n much lor Ihe lolluwinjj
phiicrneiti. Auciiel 2nd, 1851.
! o i‘role**oi li'jUl/ ) AV , i <r . ~ff i
t ili-ttf.' Ju orfi»r jiuny to *\v 1 > f*t Hr* I >
w'iv ' t IMIil lu. . l nTffj .-l * -te-iy "r>ma,.un
urd tirfhiomi n i-‘f itom-uiM w -»ion wnt *:*.i •icj> niw.o •>• ->y
mini tntuul breilh.llml |.io •■e.ieil in lorn .lilus iNi'JL
Imi*W > cei • <»r a#?* unit not wi hit a» Jin«: m» n tyuuc* il • i'.< ,l
n| lit -, hcuPil *o iovi.l a;o, Ipi' l . m »«a- !•»»
r.'n.Tl ill .-Jl 1 1)4 lllil'!'' t*C<] Ifl.uuvi ivi.hthol* I '» •
n><w 'lOJii-.. by uu-f mmo., loino.iu* o y acuvy ami oiu
i..k i cirici't \vi livQi i-0 nvuf.i iui «a r ii/iio, wMoh 1 o. u.a
HE <KY cnv.. Noitfi itrcGt, I,yno. Nor.’. In
I'tiC'Bo ce!cl>rite*l Pills* nrr wonderfully eflicnuou*
*- n( , Fcvun ot all kiaJi rb*:o TiM'.nti
A * t Min Fit* H o'o aaJ tUnvel
Mi ion* (’(fUfilaiot* limit y»c»*n*laiy st > m ;»
H o-ohM on thrSsin jli'JH & r J» B 'r lo iv!.
It.met L’otopiuiiiU lutJ «him!i T o Do’on^oi
i „; lUI lLll.irmn’iUon Touii-ri
\ 'on* ipntion of IhcJuunuiee Tilutia
u,, vv « i 4 l.nei C, mpiaitti Vouoisa AIT. clton*
0,n.u.,i,i'.1m l.'jmuaco w ' > '"v' n U '.V iT m
~ i, x, I’ll*. We ik Hell i r m
lif.iiMvI if.iiMv Hhcoimr.un nh&’ertr csuic.
Dy»i.rtrf I'Cf inf*a ot JVnr kc . SiO.
ftryiijn l“* Huroiuia. oi K;ud «
L'eontv Uresu ; vU:ei Kvil
Sol t at thn K*‘nHliih>>iPD' of ProfeuM NOM.OWA V. 241.
Mrs-ill (U**t l ro-.-lo »*ar. London.) as<i !jy n 1
PriiSKi'U »o 1 lx n!«r* m M d nuicj i-rou*h-* i*
L ni.-itP* an<i <'* .li.ik• ol ' it«* L' ~i»i I < au t . »n IL>xp* at .< »?
-'() nail 11 «.« e:u:h. Wfn'*i "3 by tbo pMrcpil Unis
hmif.-i in ih* I'boti and M'»*" A B. Si l>. >MM'
Nvv/ You
T w. DVtTT &. 30N.*.
North £c*cjdil .*> rw.t. Phi u r t’hla.
Whol-i I" Aiotvi lor Fcfto-vlvat.'n
P a cOti*td»*mli< •* »ovmjt oy tbkiD£ ;he lhi£t:U six *0
—iVTr-c’i »ni I,if the cQidaoc? of patient* Id every tli»
order a;e to each Hoi
An invaluable Book, only '^rls. per copy.
“Every Family Should have a copy.”
•"/MUI i i.N i.Em TIU.I IHRKE
>t<’3 Hi *. A ::rw edit.jj, revived and ir.r.eov
e.j. juti man .
r* ,l v Tl! , A- i , •otimin.' na util
i-neoMh.* < . t'lojirc** li»nim i.l M.d .w- ol *v-»ty !
frr;j t iMlfOnie, <; >i*t mot d •*/ P*oioi*' -, i j't nu i r.tetu'jit '•*!.
•tv S il-NOuw. 01 uy xurv t.xce.i w. t» ad > icu mi the r\r« ,
von! ion, * rjiim in a inmunr •' i '**. 'iron! tax oil medical 'cub
nio .urn . and every thing lint wornd u icoJ lhu ear ol i'«- |
mno/ from lb* remit of aoma twenty yi a a’■ucciaiui oran |
exeluaiveiF devottd lo the cart of of a do *cua j
or i-iWa e nauno „ , , , . t
To « huh ii added rec-inli fm Hie caro oft'.e above ,
mil a o.i the L.ovea. rtym .1 id* and Cue «.l tli*» l *
vet aril Aceu, for TiVvi.ty*P»ve cent* a copy . x o we* one !
jnllrtf; will be for vvetdod to any pah o! tna 1 -ailed b» j
ooml. free of poalago. A dreta paid. Cculoait Co ,
Pnhli«heri, or '* Itnx lto>, l*o#l Olfi ja. M I'hiUidnlphi i
‘ rin«». wihoot txauntion tha moi’ c ■ru,'»f. lienilva and ;
iutetligildo woA i .:il>'iah*d oo th« c'a * of .i *a»ii of wU -h i ,
trpai* a-onling n>l technical term*, n ild *'«m iUtlfiuihci
»e«u)u of it* tcudi'U ll is (toe from till objection t*» e m itler.
it,ci no patent, nowever Imtutiou*. can ob ici to plaoi-R H iq j
! ti s lutml. of hi*ton*. The aut.o: h.iadevoted luanF F*" • lo ,
iho ‘rent meat ol the vm uui ootnpia x-1• treated >L end * wih .
oo tuil-j hr#ntn o I’nfl.’ and luoliUe ohuumpiinn lo im- |
hi be* ofl rrd lo .hr wo'id at the merely nominal pr»c6 •
of Hi oeaia ihn rul a ol l*omi twenty yean mj*t »uoo jului j
ora Uoo M —lltPalD |
‘No teacher or parent thoold be witloat the knowledge i
Imparted in *h a inva aabJ»» work It would inr* rcara of 1
:>a<n. moiiUics" a at<d »nrmw to ihtr yoo'h under il-oir
charye/'-PlftiFL*’* <Mrvoc«T* .
A Preabyieri o t;<*ri*a> ja in ihio, >n writing of iinaU» a
Medical I'i.njpanio*-, »a> v: I hm • ?*d» up'»u ihcQt&D'ia of
I our • uuih. i»> evil eiam:»:a and t- •• litl.i-u. e of the paa.i in*.
1 ;,nv - •» c ii- 1 iut-r the mbit «•( .c-il..iui quo j without leiitz
i ih» *io and thr fe.n :ul o ui>cn therotelvea and
j m he* fh** c-nitdti't'ina ol lh u*aa»l» who ar** r«:»
id i lam. i'*i hare t> -<> not hriken Uow n and
rie. Co r.ot know the cauie or ihe cu.e Any Icr-c that can
b- di>im *o lo rnl gh'en udu lafl i , "'ce tl e tuibhc mind na t«'
nii mnir >• to remove ih’a wolc-.p ea-J Miorce of
huroeD wuuli coid r the icreno «l • IciiinL’
to 'he lelixioa ol Jeiut t.hmt. on pteirut and erm ti yeu
«ia lona Intemp ranev', (or t e ate of m oxtea in„' .u*t.k« )
■ h ngh it hn* il vin h.onvtnd* upon tad* a nut a /'ei f
.-1 o tt.e homan ra o Auco;<i tur thaj!r»on liehnit
o' h" fflic wl and, i>ctitv me. co worker in ihe geoJ
w ork y«.u are a * a d i v ly eosa/. d in ”
oe oupv will t> • forwarded enveloped and poet
age p iron tcetyi >*f -5 o*nti or l«ir “Oe rto'l'''-
»d ‘ma t i »SI >* N ft • * ■ , Tub . h ;* hi>x IDS, l* ..jtdelphia.
h m •!<{?•,LI.BUM i!\NV.\ r t.IW i ud iIU K AUt.NTd
.un. it.l oi ttic runl !it»; ral tLfn.a.
Hcpi. 3 IPirl-ly.
3’3jjpir a &mgs‘ c O J
C. C. PBfilCß<; & c«.,
{> yTT IJI »J • • hunmirvin Si«
V <ii.♦n* ol ■ ’>f. liuln c;-uj,i> . i '.f»i ihi v h»" iu
'o i ue ilorrmle VVurrh. tue. al o "i
niai. occupied l»r T M. o» Viifvhu
fir : hr-n m nor. ' o,;i l!> I'tu *•&'<) i.l »u l ft-V ■).? *• !t n»>. i
n n i■ u* h«. u*; «f >ip i *ift u |ii( ) f •'vt t< \ • n 1 n te.
itihai place. i ht»> .lobrn li eu <.»i>l/tncrs r<v *i> •■’u . «:D?iuvlc*i lo thru ewe *- ih la oh oo««i. !>•* kr; t
ur. &<■•] doi o ponton la hojae etui ancLicr i or. ia in anu
I'ier. nth»» b?en t<»o !he ca»o.
I hry win k«Oi> TiV'l) U 1 >ATH on tho lio®, rnrtninj tlav
■uni oir i, »o 'ha' oim>i l.‘i« uthci vr l l le.wo I’ot'adolphia in
e»**r • Itclit or tf»n ilr)-».
a Hi.nJ* O' i‘K'» IRON. | l f. , MHGK..Sto..fco..rf.
c» v-d -.n I foiwa-d <! t ' *in> wiel on ihr* nae
Th*u*»» l l'*r i>uf Tmoi*. '.hty f***i:eoHu! y »o!ic'l a c?r in
qmico of i-uh -o p -l/oa *co. R* ihoy co vauio* the *no%t »■ i-e*
ulai aiteu'ton totfioJs coat'ciiu-i i-» ih* i **U*»'v»-
Mi:* Ur.: . M'.'d. '
s Wholesale and Retail Grocery,
5 < ei\) r-> ;T Uu v?n ~ s
S \y. C ..I) V, h*v c.r ms w -* *. i* • 1 io c» ') on S
S Mio.-Kiu »;?*hin> u • h S
C nilrhhin, svtil tin licit" >1 I • * C
r - ororr ’*l M» r> ►*' Kad .'•!> «: ’«. nsur 1 J’ KN N. (»A l•. .
7 M'»AD iiF.r l i . '* f 0 i vk twins ,.* »r* tii': 1 "»
S UK'h.T'U*.- I* N'llr* T\it,iu >
VON.NAIbS bit! in t\U IT. :i.J l ' U S
(/ I i;lrs ITI tub- —M' 1 ti& in I t"i .*i.j tf•. v r*. I>? w( u w
/tia oM |tHlioi> yn't l-i'i a t<»i! in Ic li |.;r. K aied ii, ,
/ «l l-r tss t hj! • «r. r --t f u 11 t j ;..t tie.
S IVtiirui' l‘i S'J—ly ,1 il / S
X AJlenstiosa ESttfiilai's !
will meet for pnrnde tlrtll. j>t the
RmCi ft fiAvn Iho IWough ol Clear*
if f The 28lh day of May next, at
I A 10 o’clock, A. M.
ml hnrh merntmr will provide himsrH with
r Six Hounds ofbJiuik Cartridge** urui he in
niletul mrc puiniua I) tit the hour, wait hi* aims
Drnl equipments in good order.
By ardor o! Cop. Will Wire.
D. F. K I Z,VILER. O. S.
April 22, 1553.
CD sioaftatSiCELs,
ALL pe>*ur»i aro liufo *> •> \U n>Si*u *.».■*! buying nr
joUtn*. or m nnv way nmbtlinz with n certain H\V
H» 133 H. of 3TAI.UK IN. i*ow io the |ifi.m:on nl PE I'UK
O* llr.-wJy luwoil'T, ‘ ißurfi.oil aa ur»l
h»if' Wat l iwToll/ l uriha ed by mo, uud is .n thu
of tali irey Icr ,>u toan on y.
H.-mly totvnr.l it, April B. 1833.—3 t—pd
«For Sale .
A <2‘>Ul> YOKE OP Y' UNC! OX
EN, They will bo'sold ohoai>, < ull
m ttio *u!ncrit>or two ciiloi west tf the
bj.i/itun . I i/icaiUeld.
13KAKI, Nl::ilui.S.
Apiii 30, ia;ii.
Caution .
A LL pertona are hereby Cautioned acaicat porohminaor
l\ In any way mpdrtliog with a certain Vote of OLA"‘K in uiepctteaaiiMi or JACOB Wood,
ward townihip. o* the title to laid Uien ti iu me, and are in
the poueia on of*alilKcbinaon loan only.
~t .. . , t WM. B ALEXANDER, jr.
Woodward towcahip, Aoril & M , l:u3
Estate of George Adam Korb, dee'd.
JVTCTiCE IS HEREBV GIVEN, that f.eUeri of Admin
il l»l atioon thow»al*>of Georje Adam Curb, late of Brady
tcwnihip.Ciea'litluoju&tjr. deceoaed. have brea giantedto
the anbtari h er. All pjrronHndebte'i to aald cuat* will make
payment, immediately, and hote bavin; cltltaa sgainat tho
same will preaentthamdaly amhenUcer d fomttlement.
Bra !y ttwwblp. Match UD, 1i?33,
in tfio f"l ovviiitj compl .lute
< io obi i l*t . l?-vi r*ly
MAN , KN ■ >yV Itl V * LLF.”
TriP Stibictibcr wtiUid iili'FiH 1
MSißmsK.®? s» t
rnoily oucu;itcil by 6. (Soicbrl at Minl.d.ln «
Large, Splendid i| Cheap
AMiiitnx - ol (lu'id., . '.n»:,iine .fmr) ntvlo «t' <1- •'_^ v ‘"
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensioare, Cut
lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes and
Bonnets, Conjectionary,
I Clocks ij- Watches.
I ALSO, n t. .1 . i>l'
Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs ff Medt- j
, cities, fyc., ffC. |
! In th in n'l kind* o 00 ; >... ko;> in ? rnnijtfr Wow. |
I All ot‘ wbtuh I'O l« (jKJ'Tmiu") *o "C.l Lfl [< A j j/AJ.. ~ tr I
I bil “KtORB urmtßD 'f-uurnnbr'-
j Morrm ale, Nov l n , _
Monklius Brother & Ten Eyclc.
nEg ie-.v< t, H.iHim mu r « »»»••* ../*•! me i- um
a# thn* 1 h«v havrinkvn inti i>mtiirr»t»iii svuh ili'.’in. ti 1„l'< .
HAIIT HORN, who havMU' ofm-bmp.i ih* l • o«o
ka ,i tiy vVtn H lonni, an.l having unicd U • I’h ihclr
own me now doing bunrrei* on n t-iionsivo 101 U n\><let
die n.i.. ».f
Sh> ' n ; ■.••• 1 1 **'''• 1
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Q'/ccns
wure, Tin Ware, Hals, Caps, tj \~c,
Bn'i'-Mll 'iG-fn. liloi w"- 1 t’ f i «!Lif 1 '(10 O-IMUf.I 'O-d hßTldl.
“and a'i , " ." .!■ , X »».»•«
»MI ■ Tl'fV B I'll - ' "" ” n ‘° r
fvtx i-'W -1 •* <•;'- I!£u 'Tr.ihJLl V ™
...."Oil in. Wruir - . In 1.8 • V»<« t’-di. and ml clbe(
M • i.c.fvjt tumii 7k* |»t it. n c uif »; f?.
CurwHinnlr, fob -1, * K d ____
Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops,
(Diiairr.iiais, IPs,
nr<i«r*i/reU vruuld nun'ao-e n Ihi citizen* oT
.J , |,% irfw’ltl Mi.l •»<!,< itreg c.iniirci, tlmth-hn-O'encU
~n j Mrcsml «tf o’, n the t»'jr<> *>t. hol CVirtie »l. near thr
v- , ;e ol |,u nf.n at More, wh' e he 'nffU'!* Kre;>i»«i n,
fii.;N’UUh ASc»on i'Ml'.N f or iV\r*TlNot‘. wu.nuie l
be mud ' ui'.teM:.!. urrt m ■,-ru •• that cru-mit fail
ti \> rThe I ndf win- r to *i,io vt*n ol h-i *1 'Mih «<n h*»!*a« . ,
fIU.J'/VS 1111 l -AIH CoOltlNU rtf Vb, lot rMiier .
U.s<l or « na. I hi' ?*t«,ve b.n i r .tiablr lh« tn’io *
duonon of uru other »o*mH *'•*«* 1‘ »>a< *u;«* >n |
niiti it« vo;> counl>. Ih© well known Hathaway t».i L tg- j
lur itovei Iti» *'« >ty uod.*<»*o:d, n?<! the <1 »c*. l oin* m
a' hil con bo d. nflfd »• it noil urn tr uli e T e
Ifcatitf lor ,n '»d-I ooti*trurinn <\ »u<h in re >d»*r it t it**
m,.»i rluiHlrtc oi nil «tiiv«*s Nu-n»r.-u« imtiroon .il< coa I- 1
t>#- o«trl»<i. bu' !i h tiv n*«l :n o;e»mv. ,
IMl’ln F;:c:mUJM ‘ aroViiS-ct/;om id
!’ -vludiK P-TtjVES-'or oiti«*r wood of c-jal.
"Al'.(-n ; *::T do _
- V I ,r\ M aN i) i.U do a fc^aaidO’Lvfft! stov*.
VA J K d j
l- Hi
>lx r. & Tr:!S Pl,* T i: Si.*»«-rat cheap.
MAN TLU i.IIa 1 li.S. w. h loijio.m i-tec-’. A large 'letr ;
nn I «n:»**••«»' fmithi l U i t« u> Lo to UJ .n.,he« j
n!\rs 'aon K a^'At, raiun«i; noid o'.y
r \V\ H E ; (IV t'N M;t THS : H ><ll> IR' »N *». 'VAHm.I
fi IPirt Mjlnl.s oat R t. fliaif.i.M.UoUU
PKKS. n imm-o"ic- CtIKN smi'J.KWH.Ib.R.N ANIi
rod v »!.' %v«r»AOt •togiml Ji Pit. 1,-.r» i«i ;>•*'' r I
"R / iK* Ml i’M ri Vi t! It.* best ii o* ; do. .-lAN
nrt'U.- n-it p!»r. : , , ,
I wr.n the j'.u d v nfit ' f nr*.--ci kc;-t at rounarr
E/' ’v , 'ii»lr3ifn «
Also, Made to Order,
r C.Ul'Tnrd \W *;< l.l< -»li Vtv I -t» I'lV n; djOiJ*»'iv
,/.r »■ ■ d b- • • v• r * o ol' *uy f» ;
u»-nt in *-a m l'. u •,»; vmn : Mt.l- UOtrH .M
i IN. i —U»vf r.o 1 r "»i-, f i f». •r w d »roo ,* i A .*• M A•,
|*C M ‘ J iTl.hlK 1 ; <oiq .m<l thpr n,.pro»e;i ; at«*r
\*. r.E- 1 . J - V, * n» aa ■ IR 'N 1 A I*'llv**; M \M|;i\!L.L>
! f t ,o« t.o.'Aiw- vv .*OII > ;'N.} AtM'V*:*.
Constantly on hand and for salo,
1 FANNIN i .till. '- I -id i> > MtCHIi’oP PEN
| N .CK’3 IiaI.KHR > ri: . A’NhlUua. to.fco.
! Screw-Cutting.
| Scrrvr, w..n i!o.,n.j tbrtada to
, lh- J >< h, r ll Of st; ;t/** vr V thr^id.
(fran,t;o»’ior,&cd liubbeU's .da'ol < nuin?» marj: >n orjer
i h \ J llA»N M\ EHa
! Mtircli i y 5 —1»
15° C£J 02. bSi Oa 0«i o
Attention, Lnnibcriuen!
'rMl ■ B'i'tb'C-tbft * cfl*r tor in a .i-o I tin., fa Pug-’, iooond
W.thao It I|nr»o Pj '.*r lingma ottheiiod. n.l n#w and In
ronipleia Tonniag order, having b**en bnoght r»nd pat up If
Jane la«t. iitunto-l nbynt J mtlu from Haul tu'e ra naoo.
ned nbool half a mi'e from the to -nptki l«aritou from Ha d
Engle Kornace to Phil-pvborg. Sai l M'it will cut h.l’tWfact
iu 'l’ou hou i.
Tney wdl nl*o »e!J thoir block of JIOn3CS. Klodi. Chain*.
For n nfU'jn lar*, app’y to IV K Mnek. nt the JJHI. or to J l<
bhuii* at Uald Eaclo Furnace. Aa/ peuoo Oin the mill
in lu ! "PMatioc nuw. U AKK ft BUOI.TZ.
P cfjnhor 8. 18.i3.
® f r’HEFOHTIET'.I c'iitlsti wi'h
J. Ono Hundrel Kc«»n*iDgi,
thow'.nz Dtieair* and MfiMirmv
t::>n* of ih» s*)iU>m Id
evcy ihipe rd<! firm To %yh:ch
i» ftr).*o t rv Tifii’n" uj> lb i
•» of IVm vci, btinji of thohtrb
i »i 'npo ,r flOo'- tn rmrriid ► coi-ic.
if to tt'o'c cootetm liiiicii tsar
' “■wiM.l 1M YOUNG. M O.
I, i . n f,' Sf f '* '•’» :>*«
irnt • roj l;e AE *• I’l • A^r*!-
i.V.N . i:
, ;1 , t *> I C'j *il
t ; i. • tir !%.• .. r- . » ii.i , 1 J • - , ,
l‘. qi. HD 1 KiHU l*,‘ *H !■»»*■ ;r ’* I V, 1 •’ UI '
mrnl v-l* i; •u * Mm'' l . ■* l"V ' ‘ : *' • • * ** , ‘’ ’' ** 1 ,l ,
jn«tr;r«l, <r hb »ui to tie m «?•»»«•>. :i n iu«»»••; "J far*'. '
thn Jrul, uu.lV ni <’ l.m • h** tn» ’ .j* »-i »«> iu i i««J
tan*U of fr m.j , £” v ’;. r , f •
|.crM»n *en , t , »» j >: '• T >-FI • < »•* !'<} in h will ran r li> man.
ot fi v * c.•»>'*♦ -Hi 'cr 'uu i" : .^ r vy v , )U V( ;
Aft.trw i. . |.-«U paid > , . 1 L , t>, V „
Novtmibfr I' l“6'J “*r
,Z - 1; p I
' J"* If It* FK • l‘n K\ 1 I ».» .« in \ r j k 'ii h- ?0 )l
3 « l.l'Ali AMlli'.l) < niK ! r '}m HKIVK-* » *-
>», kutf.v:* n • ; n-ii.i ihew-.- 1 ’
Utf-r Mifii n *h> j*-■ vti*‘ nl-i , i rnct o» •b
-■ ’ y.'r'.t'.nr (• r '■ rr n» ..‘Ji •*•?>: ?*’•! liuowii il iii
r -i. in '»t • n • o! '!uctr r a '•*. I n« v y o p.'jil 1 «nv
j : rh*« »:< f*r* I #r vv >»k T k o i*i« -r ;nCMT».>*»‘ •<:
. li* l ho- r. IV t « hyn tianblrd well Ihn .-■•rum
.11 • «.#>. sl.ooit-'iiCH e cr> u ;b bv.u.; iuo.* lo aiM>*> m
mt.l.lU') - In»I »i*• rnn»*dv
Wit r|> w i!i Sr , v ;»h r.l >1 d noli 'Di ” If. on/ err I c
th*» Uni'pfi All iui eri or ecn;intjw:oi» ion* (■> bo t rl
dr<.a-et(. Tint i'mU, lo
! !> f*’ v T.
Rear«iffin. 10 Spmh Kit* TH Strict Pti tihdtlphirt
whn e-n'e nyonl I* * r:! <& U a itui ih' * *
N. R~Aeonti wanted V mucho'it thn country tnwhor
» d tcon'i* wi l !’«■ t 0 rc : am: lht*ir ui tiw>; p'fio*'' ro
tlw .iilv“ru»«»■!.* >»l» Add v** >ia tib.nte.
clkakfii-.IjU, pa.
I Mli: .tibirnher i-ioil rm-«uMuliy ioforma thecit acn« of
oounly «o<l thi'irjvciltft** uuhito "t*u „
t'iM hd tin* K!t*>n Ute hbovf) earned llOTi-Ii rn fh*‘
owner "I F oat and Merkel >j thn Lomu: i* "f'O inr
u m uhf ro Jir» »* ill *ti ail tim _t be pr i>bk’<l pi icjcomtn.MDit j
then'wlifi mny lav<if him w.»r. thou out.. in No until will
t» - *. , ar. I by the tuo «ri.«(.*»r t:> rxuko **i» cil om-wi comforinlilw.
hik: hi’ hou‘«* n HUM 1C to thn.« who in ay ili*> with h'to
MiBTAULIi will tieoMeiuiu awrmlcd to—niut haTA*
lit >l2 nuil IiAK tuppiied with ho he I lie market wi i sf|* tJ.
i* ui»tm It (>*.*»■'.
' 2£<3>®ft siEßcft
T7IRANCIS .-II il l* .fitmoiiuijy aijnyjutci to t’u* pnbilc.
JL 1 lint hr hnt cctumsncid tlio übovo bunnf'is at <'J.il2Ai<*
FIL?I>1) IWUIhiU. ta tlie new banding occupied-by John
Coudi, cu lhe ifm> aids oT the droll, where he will manuf'uo
tine Ht 1< )'l*S and HHOI2S. of &U kind*, and affair prices, os
l!it»»horip»i rot'oe. and in tbovery beat xntoucr.
GiverfhOßTV a cal'. , June 4, 1852
Important to Mill Owners.
THUS USltMUfci- Ua* Tills a ftaoY. for lh!i and
otherconatiea in of
Rose’s direct Action Water Wheels.
Audi* pruportnl at the thoiteit nouco tu pat hdtn ta 0-era*
tion.or loteil territory. He would al*o eay that hia method
of water p<<wer is equal to other maal rotihodi. with no
half the nmount or water. 11 C NUYU SMITH.
Ult*arfi®!d Oct. 19- IBjJ.
Crocks, Crocks.
TMIE iab*cribei reti/ealuiiy unßoatu** mill* rabPothat
4 hi will bocoDManUy tapplied wilhaeeaerftl tuMMicout
ol Uie belt quality ol
Crockery Ware
MS&J ™,7oUtei“ Cttn:re “ UDlr - whto
Clearfi.itl, D e c«»b«2J, WAT?UN ' **>"*•
. * | i 1 .*■. » * ’
a.;*, n t*-«i
Enter id ftowdlns to 1 Afct'of'CmiprcM.% In tbo ym* "
1861. .Igr* 8, lIOimiITON, M.-X>.;.latho<n*rt’*-7
Ofllco of tho Dirtrict Cotnt far llio EaatcW' 4
IHstrlct of PcniifylTftujn-' ; ‘ * /
Another Scientific Wonder!
|f | h TfT
Prepared from UKN/.ET. S,,,m»a '
oi 11,0 Oz,nU< r Directions ol HA HON LILUIU,
The Physiologic til Cbemißi.hy J. h.Hocoub
to:.’, M. 1)., iVu. 11. Worth fcjghth Slreel.Jbiht*
<le phm. Pn. . '
Thipiafl mily wonderful remedy for iNDIOEfTJO/t,
Dthptpsia, Jaundice, I-ivkr Complaint. Con
stipation -imi Debility, Curing oltor Naluro’i
,»un iiit-lhud, by Nature's uwii agent, the GasU9
Juice. •
♦ -Half u lenspoonful of thu Fluid.infused in *«.
’l, r will iligc.l ordmoKc. I-IVE Pound, 01
lloAbT Beef in about two hours, out ol th,
, ilt'.li-'Tl'iN ii chiefly perloirood In the itonech bv U|
' > I •, fluid .whicnlr.eiy rjnd.i rin.n heinn.roonlrl 1
M»h-in 10 a •tat*’- **f h»ath, ctUlrd tl»e Gtupf
J h ,i 0 TM> Fluid it iho Or, fit SoieeSi ol iho food, the Pori. 1
t,Vn« I’,c-/vine. »•<! .•'.nmolmiDi A«c«' of [lie h'ooittlp,
, mr, eilimil >! there «"J| hr O'. dh-ntion.-ce,
?u.»er.i»',dic l o 111 nod on, nonntinl' nor ibe body i;
»vnrii>u»t f» iv,oi Kirp'H, i attful. nn l rtctnn,
. ” ",««-,Vo’Sn,:r;tM A weak. *•<'/*««'. .
m „i, pr,..|.i.,o«tn end liaiir.o Juice, cud Inn.etc du-,
•••*■* 'i- 1 "” WANo'Hh'fINET. ;
■« »r»-cM»ief (Jrent Dircutinr Prf*«!p'i
o h u io jrreat r.busdtinc* in tt# ;
1„I„I 111- nl,mm ... much -tiler deolli and .om.tljM*
► nc ttomaob.c •H.ep IUHf. , r oot i-»ell n|, ill. Mm
' .niTifilr, l' the oi. c&.f. fiic ItU.
11,/mni.,i..l n nd U. lem.-tln mn.inr Chen, o, celled l , «nc<„
tr.eelr.r: of «lu'h hr.< been the woni'erol li.e dilri-
Ihe cnr.tline cl ihe m,l i* u,e ilui n.ocmi ol d «ei"ion
nil nni.on mmo.ih rc pi>«< r lhei, mne li of 0 col wifl
one ihnumud lime. mown welohi ol mil*.-,
1.i.1, , itc'e; I u r c u- .1 o' tepilr dliluleet' 10 . Ity
,h timl.ol el'l.ti »II JlCei mei I noil ollllT fpf ll
,“I'.iomci,, p.n.i.ic i.o «i-d ‘'•"’ h ,lc „i I D i : c [ r,i Iho- thu wool IP 17 be perfectly mpp IM.
weqO'etle *,• io v. IH4;
! 3 iKNTinC t.UDENCE.
HAK'JS MHHIG, in m rtlfVVe'l won PI Amtii
'C;ioVmiirr. »a »: “An Ar fcml Kiold au, u
rliviiii oMV«v»d Ir. Pi them ,com membrane o' ihe.inmacbof
Rffl-.iw vehtyh t.uoo' mod. a« melt unu ejn,
Vt, U 1 ece ' rhiwd.arn! l)ito«tc<l. p'crtt.rly in tfetatr*
lantiwnl mnouili-iB h-human uoweCi..*
! PKU I'.IW A , I-J V* fftn’oaj’r-n'nr cn ■ tend and tVt.*'
' ul .hi,.hr.rt by U'.:u.n * ■ '■ * V-iJ. i-nreSt.
I .unr otrutfaci 001 '•? cr.b « f* 11-ib |cl i:rrpo?a.u,B -
I ft,or-* are few htihe' -»‘J t-'f um mnn Hr. I r»rl »
lie i'i,(N W. hK*n»«\ rro'owi ol J I# lb*.
' M »o*n 1 * Vie*eol n* l'ji'r :s.M - 01 Nr* 1 ork, l • hi* *'i'tl<
. i ».•<•*; "o' < »i- n»i«i 1y . * p'oK ii>«. * H I«ai }*»«• e inemct
v% h-Ut-f irijflcifti ilnf***nu c- uirt be ik r ‘orn»ed~bu? ttu oct
nr!*(-r;ft!'T n«'in* »rrt Ibsii uncf M* *'
' pr rrii. r l)i M. iein>N-l ll* his It) M; *rr.l -xtiX
1 (in llumMi !• C> more t*.ftn lilir t * 3 c* Vj it
f\ t-i, L-.t. nolih t >ntn ci fh»pi!>srim*»nu «i»h hr. tUn*
mori .*0 11*1 Ju c.\ nbinm*-d <n»m Un; hums^
: iti»n'ar nhd 1 trtvr nr 110x1? a*« w* U bro* n “In ah '
1 hf„i)» ooL J.r.’d u* pc'iaoih in Ifla nr:iuc.Ll m ifl
I l ','as ; a ’'ijvspr.psiA ci:rer.
DP f|« l ‘Giir-» v* * prooiiratlr.u ol ha* orjdcerd
; i-m***t ma v-'i'ou* ell ct. eunr.c lW>ihi», Easaua
Irin Nt*i vro* (VcilD**. aal fr**iu L’oaiun* i:uo
10 b«''*< ll>p rrry vi-rce nl i|-p stave, li is imp r» b'etor**
ft.w (I. icl!i of • n*r* ‘o broin of'hi* advartbeipn - but
ablhentic.iMi h-ive b6c® icoeiviH* ol m- itthic
200 HUMAHKABi.K cures
in PhlletUlpliia hew Volk nod «n«ion nlueo Thri,- ■ins
ui or 1 v all/'eso-r*'io cnici and the caret w<ro -11.-7 i:id wjirfenoi. bnt ff'mßDcril
111. 11 nMujiHUVilt’.- 4 ANTHIOTP., end Ir.i.
Uhlawlj imaii qnacttty neocjiiry to prodccchitt?:r?ru.!2i.'.v-a
i- b«IUTf<l to act open
' "KLECrRO-MACNK •IC PRlNnpl.j,".
Tht'rf >» co form c 5 o 1,1) 8H iM Vo I COM li, i < i L-> >v: ;cr.
ii don to: teem m *«aeh and rin v- a* •»•'••• , >/• '. .*.**»
t>Ml ih«*y may tm, it IiIVL? i.NSJANT h.,LL£.F.
doM remove• ali the o o i»lfa*&Dt »' n: P« rr , i- -* r . / ••cedi
to be repent e", iho.t tirr.c -rar c/*■:•»£ . r.J «r- :
maceot. PURITY UK 11! oo;, n. v.*.,* tt i,._ •>* *UY
fallow at ono«. It itparti:u!a;i> * x■*«■:.»*• /t*
V.imtting.Cminpt, t*ore uei io' : h p . n >• e
a f C r «ot'n<« low, co'd •' ate f . I ■ It-; >1 *•“■
ofr’pi'it*. l)e*jtoodrocr, i-tnaoMun \W::‘
lnia»ity.s*ttcH'l». #!•}
ruoa.ONß UOOLAII ptr to'.iJe, On'
Bflt "‘",." , ‘ :r p&’PSlS IN POWDERS,
For n.•*o»r file ret* ct ecnaior t«> «M par» of tlm 'f. •
MATTER UF ili«£TU bl 1* PQi ti* l ‘>
lor •» oi pjvytkn, with d'reoliom to he .JiMorw.l in rfrV'l
;.l.f>bol. waUr.uriMnp. hv t.i i»miat t. U-tro po-whiitf'-
mil piecUnt/ t..e mr.t;*r to -ho hotttn but 'w'rMfcf
unntitr lor the *taio t» M c*. ’»rrt w i»l t*nt ny m.u;. t Kl»»
oK POSTAGE, frr t)N h, )»•••.!.* I? -rn' u* \ o U:.
j. ts HolJUlilON Wo ll.Nw.i« l/itjtfc »»»••»«
mx packages To* !]•/«« dull n E*r , ' ?'’*, j'y. ■' l ' 4 k , u ‘iv*
hear* the written ligoalu eol J. HOIUHION.M 11.*
Sn|e Pr jut eICT , ,
•.’Atea'i wsfltoH 'u c on I r/ala :!.* ,/
Very li itral dticoui UOvt o i: fsu t* i-’ Ur j' nuts, Puli ttiw*
, and liiuikM I*r* ar-t d» \'*o.t to >el t»i f.*« •
AUK.tT* for (J'fvfiel.! f:ou-ty-
I WAI.LA' K - IMI li-, -r.tif'ti :
Wli.l.iA'l Out sua.•• .’.t,
| p ».v HA:UJt-n*r. «**jro.
t R WM •• Ki: l-r.t -a =»r* „ r
i i v Mri'iurr i v 3*.v
! ;o»in ti 1 M .f>.-e**u;e. co. .
Mu •.
a'c-, 1 -.'. saa^i.
At Clear field.
0 /■ .. hi
?*>• V, an•>'eif c
.*• • •• u i * .1 k 'C.I ► < *
Costings nan! for Grist Mil is, Smc. Mills,
and all kinds of Machinery.
. i ,i - ti Irt u, « • , tq .- . CCtfl
...». hr i , i’c k ti«i Utfi iio but toa v*
t ftntlrmpi*' *• *t« oo: trc *et>- wojt ol wcrStifi
‘i * _ _ .
- - .- , v - , ! «. i. U i ./\‘t i tl iv<.n by «*{;*>.
i•> ■ «** in i * •»'• !-!♦>. ir;.ti , ftiM utiuvi ih. 'f
ti f-'-'- i •>i me ihno tc- uHr •? :»;n (j»t «oy a'tL I* rt nr:o;iP»*r/
r.. i-i.n ism t i Mi. !!•'• %»f> hr*t u, lo n/iri n»h it no'.;*.
•!► »p* >.« h x TiT» « ».vae iaofic»r*2i ol U kO'.*i
'i - I • -v*> ■« vnt .. H Z'l \ud !*-•' >t l. li UtON'3,
'VA>H K; ril.l>*,ka fto.. wmc •h) to *e ; l
' ?a*>j or o-i a n a*.»r.*iL> •• c'f*.:il. lit/ 1* u-.w IMIW
he nt •*’ • • JjE
ALSO — Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves,
Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also,
'iVyard's ciJrbi'alctS IPJmiyh,
An I.'liu. 1.1» •'-‘A’ \ he.. in.Di(iil and OA-iP
sjlk v >.-» n *x ks iso
' i»j jtitfmJ* ,ii>a »•!! on fc'asvn&h.G «crtro». fnd t?p*.t«tbft :
•. i .**n» «il ’ il- CO *ut y '»> fth> will lifid • *u I v T .".ilvj’j
bivo mm »*«.r *-o»lo i. OAfeM •.% I*i mI%-: fk n.* pr«!<i
bji ti •» i übe* E.icss wit bw u, t o ju. <> f:* v j;1
r.«n! • 'l*i >MET Ui A* hr »mn* ln« lubir • \h* ctf»'l it
su,if *.» o >.n l ofJof* lot »wii» wih iC..c:w . r • :ii Ui i-'.i.
Da VIJJ i»li 2,
Citaifk-ld, rtov If f l.
t v’mHK suhocribor, minikin) fur past f*vorr, rvr
m puciluliy intorinfi hia cubloiut rb.»r.d thit pubcd
p **i *e» rn?) , lit a l In* has removed lua Mop lo l he* biiiK
diupovor iho UffiAP. iMiely uei-up-ed by K. Fv
V\nnl.?iml licit he wilt :>o ihere fnundcit aH ritm-y
• ui. kamr' to supply Ins rushwiprs, U«likr some i>l
MBCoi**inponirj»*e, lie* is. unable u» premise' that his
FiKhioiH lire oiftbo innsi approved style of Anti
quity, huf vwll inbureibcru nmcJoncconlmg lo iho
Latest Fashion of more modern days .
Clearfield, April 1, 1851.
England WiiSpped,
Tariff or no Tariff\
npflE «Q , keeping on hand a'taiae nroi;*
1 room oi tit* >N and which ho will *<jl oa tM
port reaionjibie t*mi«,attiie Jroo and Foundry ttoru.adjohfi
l;jff Leonard & Moore. * 4 df
f-'fnrfi. l.f n«.] ft, in\i 1-*. R. CAKTDK, Areal,
(DiaMia©4.<S§ (DBaafin* MEalktog.
• jwhn Gtua.atiga
.y rr^’o iht «>'i*on» 'fc«r.
kiurlsof v 0 “ ~" ‘t *«> » now inannlnolaiinc c)l
1 |n'»ns of < orK m bi, lino wil* l»« *o
iWi 6,4 !! rt Y * 4 lv ,lu 1,19 mosl FA Vi du\ Bbfc T&Hhl l
an i& \he»h«ufrsi vii!o?, .
*3/"Ei »!• X* IN.*4 madd to ord^rco tofcc.
- . ■ - ■ • [», IBSJ -\ r .
T’Ufi ll ' !,a ' > r UnnyoKod annhst UafXi ijfllt
°. n •“/. nooonot. a,.bg hi, |M-rfiwiXf'»
ooaiiJ wilhonjja.t cnnie,Ti»a.iaw ih»i C roV . ‘ 9 moredohborhoroont'ni-e-.ii." -“-^1.7.
Mfffgl-U-’ —«<>•». krfrtifi, ia& lVf, '~ v.
- * >•-!
Lo vtml
> ' . 1 0
o ro: r hjf <cd* i« 'h?
' . 0 ! J fv.l 1 !*•+*.: {#<••«’'3*
- o u m '-f ex -mi* »■« *•»! AMlih
,u. ilit *', u b u j:'ryQrii!rJ