' .a »,.klr at Clo«tff»M, Pi<.; byD. W. MOORP. It }’ 9 l AIIfMPHJiOISL Billion *»il Piopiltlor. at thafol fowl*? y«iyji"'»i»b!» OSE OOP? ONE YEAR. IN ADVANCE. •» « JP not PAID WITHIN THREE MONTH. » IP NOT PAID WITHIN 81X MONTHB. 1 M IF NOT PAID WITHIN NINE MOtITHB. 1 75 IF NOT PAID WJTBIN TWELVE MONTHS. 300 nji—Th6 ibbve»»rra< nro oi llbifil *>• l | t.d' ‘ ’ O£T oaantry papeilßth«SU'i> and will baaidoißfl. Hoi )Uooßli«uiiipo will biallowed nßtiloll»'M |l 'Mo‘h,r' 0 ‘ h,r ' • _ . DUTY AND LIABILITY OF POSTMASTERS. Pottma«tori nep'rofineto thoioto whnrr amonotoftht «n'l>* l > tl P uo^ l .”""”ntlrm«lvei.orlo olheti, b JSSY,'IiISSS."?”"a roT th ° p,ICPO “Si-,n8„,i.8,w oauMby milllbrombonl .h« ccßMy UnßofootißW « ——* - - t-ss- gsgsiSi A &3.SS , bc H s z\^ «. •* <*• —»»» >»” •»> • -resa .■.*.. *««.. * 3‘.t.3 imcrL of the country h"™ {„ „,,,„ „ r „ tree,™.!, on,l richng^r; rb „,, you ItttrO of it.” AV:raaUCo , lto ,„„ of thoughtful. Hitting «»«■>, ''» ™7, d„ v and terminating m a thickly .. ,• vva i| un <, staff into a mound of i v\ ni P™ oi f Tom consoled htmstdl tor tnt r .I ,i : n „ 3 0 f diis world, he begun to loti unx. wooded swamp, or morass. On ono s.de Wnck m(iuh , llt his fcctS As he torncd up , su,d m * s ,„ natur ' o) " sni d the black ; his property by tho lo^ 1 ' 13 * r ,,' t ioU3 ° a bou. those of the next. elevmion'of^'thT'ph'c'n 1 permitted' n goS[ j !” *" Walker, as ho! to his forehead, which nothing cou!d obUtyurc of delay had', modSsily td's'eaddy trav — to l be kept that no one was nl* th / sku ll a kick to shake the dlrl , cra ' c h ' first „ ws his wire had to tell was whetted Tom’s eagerness to the quick,, and, Ui Zlonward| were struck wuh seir i e- - - - • ndd moreover, that the devil presided at, Tum |;f te d up his eyes and beheld a , papers, fallen in Israel.” 1 usual woodman dress, with us nxo on ng in money matters; he was a the hiding of tho money, and took it under b , nck roan'sealed directly opposite 6™* ™ , lrccw hich his black shoulder, sauntering along the edge»M £ rn Bupcrv isor and ccnsurerol his neigh- SBCOHD WILLIAM TELL ?;! 3 guardianship; but ih.s, as it .* \ on , he stump 0 f a tree. He was ex- Jem cco ectc „ nd winch BWn mp, and humming a tune. I « »£<£- b J d seemed to think every sin cn „ W 0 laarn from h iiTnnwu he always does with buried ™ surpl Led, having neither seen , fnend had just it in lo 'receive Tom's advances with .. dif- (Q their account became a credit Abou, .“ Unis, a case was rreasme particular!/ when it has been “ a 1 ono approach, and he was , was rea fcrcnc(!; made brief replies, and went on ‘ hi 9 P v „ si(k , of ( |,c fee. He even tho .De E a , p olic? f •tt “nnen Be that os it may, Kid never . ° pluJ[ed observing, as wcl “Let tho Ireebooter humming his tune. ' talkcd of lh e expediency of reviving the brought be which j, cer tuinly * "turned" to recover his weal'll ; being ,he gathering gloom would permit tha " . that all he had heard and' fly degrees, however, Tom brought him ersPCll tion of the Quakers and the n - H . ’ narullel in tlieannnla of justice. ThortW aacr s£ed at Boston, sent out to - w * Either negro or ndjon ■ no* J all I (q D ’ d they began to haggle about In a word , Tom's zeal became w.tbouta „ ad beea moche*, Kmdand and there hanged lor a pirate. ho was dressed in a rudt, lull to let his wife into his ( terms on which the former was to have nolor ious as his riches. mlled as a marksman, undertook, by a dea fhout 'he year mi, just ut tho nmol \[ d[nn ’ r b, and had a red belt or sash, He v OB P™ lhU wn9 a „ easy so-i 1 ,,® pirate’s treasure. There is one con- Slil |, m spue of all his strenuous , l'" " 3 " toeatablish hia reputa when earthquakes were prevalent m New i gwn)h( . (l r „ und his body, but Ins nco * ns ; L ho wil | in r-|y shared it with her. All j dtti o P n which need not be mentioned, being lQ f ormßl Tom bad a u, h'“g P l fa ’ nd d | sl ,ute. To thisend, he load- Poland nnd shook many tu s ' nni rs 1 llh er black nor CO PP <:r - co . ll ' r ’ JU , 'i ?, pr ’ nvnr ; ct . was awakened at tho mention generally understood in all cases, where that the devil aller all would have 1- >\ d repaire d to hie garden, upon "heir knees, there hved near nutn ond with soot, as, Bho ur g C d her husband dov f, grnnlß favors : but there were TJiQt he mighl not be taken unawares, ed h,s p.stm ft , od ttboUt 18 fhis nlnce n mengie, miserlv fellow by the I hn(J bvel , QCC ustomed to toil arnon o )v g with lhc i.lnck man’s terms, an# othcr3 about which, though of less imp r there f ons) u , 9 said that lie n, *"y h . (d Q £, d< He oidered the child to stand of Tom Walker, tie hud a e. ; ri .s nnd forges. He had a shock of coarse , P- j d ma h c them happy for] t)Ce j,o was inflexibly obstinnto. H c '.‘ a small bible in his pocket. He ■ y . afieon Daces from him,with a potato up l'iey * 0 k '"" :«k hair ”l». «™< r™»> h », l “" d 1 in fr uiSlha. U» ™acy found I .rough >. wio biblc l..scoumm g .h«u«u..»d "J»' “" e ,S Th. boy oboyui. «i.ho U . to secure the new laid egg. Her husband gaid , ho black man with a hprse B rowl 'i s ®J“ nn s bitter were the quarrels they ' >V er, Tom absolutely refused ; he' »«“■ J| v J t 0 drive some usurious weav.crl neighbors, to whom the fact was and^ , ” i y^° l^dl<^t ' rCe grounds!” said Tom, with Q j > Tom be himself could'SioMempt him to turn bI!IVP , cd brSned ruulthni funcy-J ° b v “open tTon of the (bob j ‘ b/ia^ inllS C^ J Q r f i 55g£ l v °ed ?n a forlorn looking house that ‘%^ con b Pett body be d—!” stud the • ™ ir she succeeded, to „ e did no Ti„sis» upon it; he propos m- feCt mos , ; been used he m m ,n J nlono and had an air ot starvation stran , icri .. BS j flatter myself he will be own | Blc , d h e should turn usurer the. dc ~11e d lhal u , , ho 1118 l day the world would be me l boy . B hoad a . light*' l fowairaattlUiß savin trees, emblems of j doeB not ' look more to hisown sms and keep evening she set off for the anxious for the ncr ‘ ‘ turned upside down, in which case h P which he discharged lua pistol near if, no smoke ever curl- es 3 to h is neighbor’s. Look yonder, and Ih ’ h oavily laden. Tom usurer e, looking upon them as bn, peculiar fi ‘ d his horse ready for vilh lho same success as before. The miScwiney; no traveller ever stop- S )ioW Dcacc ? n Peabody is luring.’ 3and^for her, but in vain op | c . and h o was determined at ihcwor o extraordinar y exploit com mg door A miserahlo lmrso, whose T the case was brought, n<£ fu f wiw«; and sometimes he wind was likely to blow it down., car, of olh6r article of vul-' Tom Walker. ppn . !i„,ho following manner : _ i sympathizing with tho admiration which tok M d wli his head over the fence, look X J> ko f tho ,tree was scored tho and ' j |,t elapsed, another morn- ..you shall lend money at two per cn. o ne hot afkrnoon m the uog days just P xci(ed Qmon g tho weavers would lean hts M pQ . On no pe nbody . He now look- < no. Another n't, P gho WBB nev . ~« I afl Q lerrihll! black thunder gust was com-;« and h:iv ing ascertained by a P.i‘ eou ? l .y J'.j*So from the land of fnm- nnd found most of the tall trees mg.bu no .. Flgad> I’ll charge four,” wnB T ” m 8 ; up> Tom sat in his <'oun,mg ; hou S e in , ci l,ti°n nnd iw inmates had alto- wilh , hc name . of some great man or h J f roal ' fatK nob ody knows, reply . hi , white linen cap and Indian sllk m £ r "' I lhut lhu second time, the pistol bat ' n J“ d : f S " Iss No one ventured, however, to which it was wh, pored he ; swnmp.jjd ,/ nlcd that sh o gal(] block log s with delight. h-t-do Ten had grown u»ty and ,r-; t lookedi^bj. - !° ”r d „’between thorn ; the lonely way-j ir( , d bv huecanecrmg. Mii n ’ had cloned with lhe household booty v nnd voU want the rhino . : mated, and refused nnoth.rd y. . „ b ov!” In lh3 OI ' W tfd P S n[ of thounht gl mtorfere bet himself at the horrid 1 rendy f or burning! said ho .had cl p. pro vince, while others - „ Tll i s very night. | „ Mv f am i| y will bo ruined and brought , ‘often, in some stray m.wnenlofth § I . foioici»g mto c.1.f0 .Si'S'iL you to "»• “"‘‘“i'Ef;, I','J, ”1-K 'fohvfta™ lS C for«.rf to I a ? iBt f 1 P a J rf V „ short cut homewards \, IW ~ wood Unc! belonged to me long W h) B ch * cck apron, J uU] lend money out tor a con, d■. m iogt , ,is patienco and his pity. ; , daco9 we sketch a career oflifc all 6° I T bat b K r imp. Like-most short cuts, of your whitc-faced race P U? tri „mph. spread abroad Every tnkc if 1 have made a .hrlb-j n(J glin , hina _ w hat are they ! And whs. 1 * through the .JJ roti(o> The swamp the soil.” • n IV, current and probable story, remembers the days of Oov Mc\« . „ £aid h( , .Jure they, when years sober us! I It wasai» W i«h great gloomy 1 „ A P d pra y who are you, if I may b. -o lhc m °. sprves ,[ mt Tom Walker grew when money was peracuh rly . care . j L >, t then there wrro.three loud kno.i., . 1 was « h f.rg cks , somo of them ninety J lid Tom. . j however, obscr . I w - jb nnd wa9 „ lirnc for paper credit. c '> a , lhc sU ,., t door. He stepped out to see | rstfrnrfi^s z^ r £ dtss& 33 x'Ksrs I where the trunks f P . lookingliko b “ . gHCLllil)I1 0 f Quakers and Anabap- length, 113 tk „w ls began to hoot and the break- out now and then in l 3 un Jj whisked him like a cl, Id astride tho hon>o I nfj“Let .» get ■hold^i Walker never returned to fora- H upo Q 88 nl“,° ot dl!V 'kj t , a, nfter this commencement' wofol sight! fottinl nolltmß ul Bea tbo ncc t)y, unO ho acted him 8 bb 1 such M I huso described, on o homo 9 Bl ?indin« earth, and already overgrowni tn which ban been b “ rl f he high lo deal with tho black man as she was ‘ artml , reSj gradually squeezed Ins ousto-Uhoitlj which scemed t 0 «.» tho whole ' I rmSrStnm'fo tta irtm/heVus, ***“ 'ggf hiVdooe? 1 rorajtat 8 W“»-, o J** their I reached the old ort.«pd g » l^ h prop i,iuted lus favor. ,^J C gho ust have.died game, howcv- land, . d , )at u poD.chango. t Ho f t !nd tricW lho devil in ah i, : '' ''' ''''' * “• r “ im “ CB Voittme 4, Clearfield, Pa., May »*» aBfsS ’ L„«W Ur«,tlo.. •'»».«« «<•««*• ISTA 1« Vj£h.,b*V*M <|o. ,$ { bV(°co| , uni“Ta;o» l!|J -1 A': g 1 SS kSSIKi^ ito I*? mon ht, e'jl’tiottS UCU a no amoiihi. Iri , « do Sou ■to « rcotihT. ’ JSi 1 j” M V W do 18 mottba. BCO 1 uo , A iti»r« A Hb&n*' rodootlrto willba mail* toMotchsn'a o wiiomlvetibe byibarear. .„i.Kv rl hrr,i'.o»i»M.«£ i.Kjtoir.irrt A - ‘, ' c r T„. ”We hevo > I*". n i«,, uoioo'iVadlor eclsniM.Mi lhVpVn?.?«iii'"c’hU.roti.i__ Books, Jobs and Blanks, '^.ssSS:’ Wuunbt'V 89. horror-struck ns might hove been Trustees "ere appointed ,0 ,BKO rhi irgeo fTom ’ s effect, . There was no ,hin®, however, to administer upon. On «o«r°hin ß l.i» 11 mortgages were tound reduced to c.ncter• . In iiltco or gold and silver, his iron che, | was filled with chips and .shavings , ' skeletons lav in his stables instead of his 1 nilf-starved* horses, and the very next day great house took fire end was burned ‘° Suchwnsll'.e end of Tom Walker and h W ill gotten wealth. Let all gnmog oo ’’ey brokers lay thei-tory wel The truth is not to bo doub.ed. 1 / hole under the oak trees from whence he dug Kidd’s money is to be seen to t« d.,y, and the neighboring and old Indian fort is often hnuntedinstormy nights bv a figure on horseback, in morning gown and white cap, which i* troubled .pint of the ? »«r In fact the story has resolved itrelt m proverb, a'hd is the origin of that P?“Jj saying prevalent through New England, “the Devil and Tom Walker. Fonsy Mistake.- A *hort time siocno ladv look passage in tho cars on the C.ti •nJ 'i"H .m,lion and Dayton Rmlcooa Shorn,: her ticket in her dress pocket, where she lnd several mhor articles, an eatin.heraeir, become eng»jH in conversation with a Inend. The con dactor soon came nmand lor tie tickets. When he came to this l-uly. she dro . from her pocket what she supposed to b<- the ticket, and without loosing ut it offer I ,-d it to the conductor, and continued talk l ioV! butraftorextendioait fort, short land he not taking it, she \*.*m «1> ™ discover,! Hint she. was offering tin ■ doctor a fuw. toolh comb. Dev to Crocket. —An anecdote h roty . ~d of this remarkable man, which him infinitely n.oro honor than any office • r held 7 B.'foro ho was n enudidats * tor espoclL'd K>to, .h... aso ,son of scarcity in the Western Dw tric,, where ho lived. He wont up tlw Mississippi, anti bought a Out boat load of Corni* and took it to what he. called his “bid stamping ground.” When a ; mtie came to him to buy corn.'tliofirst quosttou „;;! ,i {f,r.nS'«>«“» ney to pay for it l J 1 111 - , D... . 7?; ''Op; you cannot have a kernel. I brought!- hero to sell. to peopje that have no money.. It was the foundation of his populuniy. . (V'rDropsof.water con.iKutotlio ocann. Grains of sand make the mounUuns.'-- Good actions in small, as wo|l ui w matters, constitute tho gO.ltlotmn. amounts 'duo tho printor whcn gUomod share, ; ■ ... .. : -