the more brilliant, but less useful,intellect can never command. ITis public ise wus an uninterrupted of successes. No man enjoyed in larger measure the confi dence oUoso who were capable of appre cfatioE h'»s worth, as is attested by his re oeated election to the presidency protem. of the Senate, and by the high esteem ol averv eminent statesman of overy party hi the country. When a man of sticli un sullied character, of such solid worth, and of such groat influence with the country, falls in the discharge of tho high function of Vice President, the nation may well mourn its loss. Of genius, capacity, and experience in the public service the coun try may feel no want; but where shall we find another in whom arc united so much of integrity, honor, mngnnmm ty,l discretion, sagacity, courtesy, and sound ability as were blended in the character and illustrated in the career of William Rufus King— the chivalrous gentleman and the spotless patriot. Highly Important from New Mexico ANOTHER WAR WITH MEXICO ANTICIPATED New Orleans, April 21. The Picayune has received some highly interesting documents from New Mexico, which promise to embroil this country in a war with Mexico. The accounts state that Governor Ban had issued a proclamation, claiming the Alecilln Valloy, now hold by Mexico, as a portion of the American territory. F The Governor asserts that this valley . 'was left out by the neglect or oversight of Commissioner Bartlett, and that it clearly belongs to the United Estates. He has, therefore under this confident belief, ordered Col. Sumner lo proceed to the spot with an armed force, and take P °Col S . Sumner, however, it is stated, re fused to obey the instructions until lie had ] received positive orders from Washington. In the meantime, the Mexican authori ties received notice of the movements on foot, and immediately sent a body of sev eral hundred troops to tho Mecilla Valley, who were commanded to rests! tit anjM»£ rifice all attempts made by the U. plates to the valley which *• »<*'■] can Government looks upon as a portion of; * xr,““br«cco»„,s ion, Ac intense excitement prevailed, and it was oxpected to embroil tho country in another war with Mexico. Bloody work was an ticipated. . * Colliery Explosion—Loss of near Ffty Xius. At Wigan on tlio 2‘2d, at 1, 20 P. M., iust as some sixty men had ascended from Arlcy Mine, and while they still stood on the* brow of the pit, they were alarmed b> hearing a very loud report, which was in sta'ntlyBfollowed by a great rush of air up both shafts. So violent was the rush up the up-cast shaft, that it forced up he thick iron plates around the mouth of the pit. Dense volumes of smoke, sidphti , and coal dust ascended the u P’“ b | for nearly twenty m.nutes ; nnd hougl the downcast was not so bad, still tl rush up that wav was very fierce for a tune. Some idea may bo formed of the ex treme violenco of the shock, when e state that, though the workings are more than four hundred yards bolaw ih° sur-1 •face of the earth, the tables and other, moveable things in the Nav.gat.on Inn, and other houses neartheßritannia Bridge, , .were shaken.! and this too at a distance of three hundred yards from the mouth of r nit Tidings of the calamity spread rapidly through the town, and the greatest . apprehensions were felt fot the safety of “ I ' Tho H pnderlookcr,-Vwo bowmen and a few other persons,'were on the bo vat the ,S»'el"“bv XtS, 3US 1 tbacK wen iou , , « This was aone nnv nerson to descend; und the nr g . any person i un derlooker, and , H “” S ' S' aSs^«Sst"tti mm they found all the lights extinguished ftPflV y , r wind but by the aid of the ,by.the r u usho n f ;^ (1 ’ t b h U cv l Ucd upon an ilajpps they earned, *cy dircc •ss jnftrssai ; ?&&&£&& ! .« ,er >; ‘'“l’Sno'™ ™ o.her' men .tayed I ■ teing im P? e “ t nreatta soffieienlly, and; ■&■#!!* — ,e i to enter the workings. there of this morning, a p Gov> B®K&S*FS ilhitantsof lbc doaputed territory favored ■ «"al coropemtion. ; ‘r ! The product of: the, Lake Superior cop " 1 - last ' vear was equal to 2,500 equaftb the annual tOn8 ; „Sthoworld; Norway7,2ootons, *<**»•»■ w****™* l """"" [Communicated.] DIED-On the 6th instant, at r Cle "f e ‘ Pn Mrs Mary Shaw, widow of Archibald in the Presbyterian church in that place woman ol groat noted |„ r l,ep r;rs!S&. ■• “c r*ss* £-!s;r^»F£^s^ had a constant and firm P white robo , the spirit, and wMclothad in the pn«wn and ol her Bedocmer-. imputed "fc' 'j»“ nlf . would Stand before him, on me groat u y HI ponce. and without a tear. sensible When bor Inst hour cumo. aho «»» oltbo grcnl cbnngo that w“» ,|,, n gs of tliis She dosed her eyes in p without n single 1 world,and went Uisloop in Jesus, wmi ""CA righteous, when bo dies, ■'■When sinks Ibe wenrv soul to rod , How mildly beam the closing ev -• How gently heaves theobeli, ol lhc Her maiden namo was y her husband county ol Derry, ' rc ' ' igoo, and stayed n , camo ovor to this coui y Utey ruraos while in Chester county, f rom r vcdloond 11 i uu , nnd sealed in a l :.;£rn.d“”,r:,»„ t ... ...» r—•» ■»> »,r.KKiss.WSSr^ devulod mother in Isreal. [CommunuaWd. In Huston township, on the 27th mst., Mrs. Aurelia, consort of Mr. l' rccm “ n Lamb, in the fifty seventh year of her age. Or Inch or tew— tho deadly arrow dies. ■- st& bc m AHd heir, an™ tyrant loot Iho eternal wound 1 Hot/ AcalvQi?&BEsiffii©i!hfts^ Temperance Meeting. rj 11 1 8 Wa.h'a«io»i»»>i ol ' .™;’ D D I J o'? mVi" A MonUityMeeltoc.. ° h n , t hu eoutt bouio- The Ir.ejt".* 1B6». ateatlr csndla I eh'. 1 :l (IJr ,i [lU iu I are twocaed to 0 r Temperance. and J.e -a « nay bo «rcoud } p (;nLIcH prc.idoni._ Instruction iu French. r r l !,i?,.oJe* r, .o n^m, TrKl*/A r rK^K£NC C l Tc :l on field, anopporloniiy to ouiuu W’.;. apolico ion mo, bo made to the on. d.Xted.ot Mr.. Ale*- " ,,n '• j muDGE GOHDON. Clearfield. April 30,-at From the Wa.hlMlon Union. An r.l We P «W»h crnlic Monthly l>evl “ ' I>u t>liaii simultaneously U. Lewis & Co. fXIIJ ih"first number to ■» Ovhl K- Johnson. esq.. formerly be issued p ennB ylvaiiift. and wtll known attorney general <» r J w ui tnko rhnrgool ns enable end vig new Review with 11.0 editorial denarimen I . mlß peclus. which purposes, os shadowed lorth .‘ r ‘ ol the de clmllcnge l !'? B y'7’“ l 'y y supersede tbo j mocnoy. iho Im'y W Ul | y publications. ! necessity for weU ' c |;' l J l ! „f lllie |„|nos/lor each when , There is a separate held <> ‘ lBe ia nco ol | , properly ediled. ' v '“ aggrandizement ■■ 0 | important ftttnciple.., C | W , BI Wo trust thut j, of individuals, ''“‘-"^sLewi. & Co. w.U bo | prudence and zeal which msuro bUCCt’s** : OF THE *‘DEMOCRATIC_MONTULY review. The m S ht. of the Stale,, a,,1 the Union of the State, TT It the intention Mn» York, a petioaio. .>0 *?""** writ «0"'“ n * 'jSSfei'=«K lW T 'h".K.«in W «W^“j^.Wnl.“”o'“k- , pabl ; .h > .riptrio b*’JSiUrf to U. a-a al.o ...cord of -Uted a 2»3lg:ftf ta Tfc,«=rS£ & as HB9M SISSSSi boSnt B enerai optima of the conns W^, iSitoS» s !“^aV I StpSi“ui.adnr th. 00.t.010f OVID F. New Yolk. to -The D.moo.ntio jgSjSggSsBSSBHSB* TRIAL LIST lor Hay term, 1853. . „ E. William. John Campbell - i.tmo McKee Joiopb BmUh v». Giietd lowniblp AnKn*Au».^ a p^ n v 'vi A.Ulooroji*., Aliza Irvin. Adm i a fjord Uallak®* 4roql> IjOhrnao v . foicr Bloom Wm. H.Blflojn Wm. Bloom n! Wm. Wj WilM* JJ* pellgibeiftp, l &,£ loom ; 0 »oph ra ?i°“ ThomM Jweinlftli Moore g jj.Tftylo* Wm.H. Bloom Ji. JammlJaW® 1 * 0 ® _ «• uSmiowSIKiP j MoMonui v«. jamciohftrp vvPhobS l |St Wam> tV. liaaotjmijti Bloom &Ms rl „ sssa£ifc&‘fis? -.«Kup'et.el. «« B n S’e“f“ r.: Ann Arne. CJonrod Uaker . vi. VVm. U»^loora Middie* woltb Vl * B1 w r te2atd - . ■ V ,V. wS’.h“«. b . T .K. a. MoClfti;* VI. oien li- to "• fCompaoy K h c“Sy n " wMPOW'Ea.Wtp'v. AptUUo*lBs3. . For Sale- | "ouijhof OHia'U= lJ - AptilSO. 1858, Caution . . OXEN. Rt> w .\ a 1 JSFffWif» lidOW wln &ttdM ° [ Wosfafnsi to4MViS*'' a’p':' 1 . Thorough English and Classical Education, yA Y fie)(t r>» e • ; ot FK nvM,ns : .? h A gS , .wfo oUl ' rw «"“ Dbl J2!E! ■ 1 FARM Of 123 ACRES oi LAND; O W2S. H K 1 Kales ofTuilaon -• A " rC ‘ Mwcu i s’o'u!'--" _ ~ o; , mo 1 story Log House and a Largo and Gommo, Female Com onr!o.°upo h n D »»>« | fIH dious Barn, a Thriving Or-. P l " ta &.p,., ‘•““^thror.h.B,.,- ofr ffiW> j chard, and about 85 acres \A“:fe°ib». 30.185 J. > ° f J“„ J lb. nnder.iaood .."wYJffffV.Sg i-n. fmilirr panicnln.s npolr 10 em '° 0 Suppreuod. and lrrea “ ond m " olca,Bo1 ' 1 - TERMS. A „ t lhB „„ „ w«m“Tbow’on*Itaol asßssr?Z.«%mr«. .„ . Vmsw*** i— ■- -a s»'iSiS:a; ssxjs “Vh. inflnenoo oftl.ii mSat Iwffi'dSS'ftJbte iicootnlnano merenrr. nor nnr amnio nbl6 Oltmoll , nnd „r^.^. u r t H?.‘e togoltirr with important ® b ™' T " u “" io h the atloatlon ot La dim and PrnotUinwp'jaroipooifn|jjr mW'nd b I , lca , Bnlh THli INGREDIENTS.*. and nro not J&JEi ZZZ'^SIV animal ooonomf. references. Pro r. DUNBAR. M. J'-. Baß'mow. Md. ISAAC SMITH, ISlltesig, iß^^aP IWSSS^^alr —iqmbkkr Moral. 15,18-.3.— C.I.- I M ERCHANTB. »" li “ ,en,iv " de “'“'‘' °°Jn“ SIUHM 1 [VI ol l.nmber. Bald llrn»- . Sheriff's Sale of Beal Estate. | jM.cioartleia conntjr.nmlto mo I»o« et ''^ Ion 7tTf P»t»lto .»10. at the coo . X of M A Y oc'it. at l Certain Tinoi of l.ftßd »}tuai© »n Qr |e|i# boon( | P d * Itoffcd? | execoUon and toU°e "w » «h. Ptoporty °f «aor«o Uoo.her. M ORPHANS’ COURT SALEK mWaUAU ®osi3l Eo- It Bexuel lntercoui.e, | J, r lh , ~m. trnoi to wil :-Uc*mnlna at» form of ditoaw. oontracttd oy l ronn advicefor the r pro- 1)oonllw l noil de»oriheOl ai iouow . we «lo3iuiU hvp- | hv Sfcll'*abo**. oi toy “.' XO ?L.?Pfi_‘ nv.iiiliDK all roedicel tech* , . lflm i oc k, thence extending ßol ' ” cy /{parcel weal *W& pwch* '"voteiTuie cure of dUea*e* of a «’"•* | j °«h & rcooiot. ro,U,eou L oor0-jft” » ( « and & V ettU#a on r a n »v TenU o copy . Hix oopiei ono V f p F AUJ .‘ vlh J tKiHUK upon it. withinm/ a sri arc; ® i "° m,ie ' ol ";;; i* »!. l'- t n ° i [i, c ;';„ l ,l ,l^pr.'S. ;l ivo am. j "^'L, piston »*Thu n. VMthoQt *f L ??y°°\ hQC [ aMO f dUea»e*of which h ftCTB , of thonnove'land, |, e mlook. thence «outh 37 do iniellicJble work f er m B it nddteitei tuell to th* rtftrlM ,to wils-Ueginnini at a hJJ« # no rth 53 dourec* writ 1 uoals. ovoidioß all Uc l7\ C r» 0 „ r rom a |t objectionable matter* I _ fees W e«t**3 peichea to ft t*o«t, j ecreM eait w petohftt I 1 fo i f---tr,;.* ! i i AJ “ *• ta.f»Yi °a.caoeVM. npca.hmmelve.aa.l . Curwen.vUln. Apr,l 12. BA ; tSclr fumilie*. The o-jniuituioo* of bfo fc en down.and', • - : SS^'iiaKSj.M. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.®.; SheukaS“lum«u • 1 13a)i them »;h ho Mi® “--VTho ln'.erest ofrurd.S', Bept-J.WW-lk thence by land ot Joan H»orjr Ab w<#l by | ftn d ot 1 ho*, to a poet, ilicnc# aouir ~ t.pffinnioff bounded bf S pVrob- Until ot Aaron Weld. Jacob My . jj ca |calatcd lorft ™’S,S^r'rii: e .oSTon" J pd“lil,,,m. Cou d.Suilihlo ter UumPormr, purpeer. ALoU, WILLIAM POWELL, Sheriff- Sheriff 1 * Office, April CO. 1853. MOUNT JOY ACADEMY, - , nnNT M county, i’o.. J"is,rTi'Tul rJfiS.'SS”".! and U~ i UI EXPBN3&S-ror Hoard, Wa.hlajr.Tortl™. Sc m i ia th* Enuluh and Mathomauoid Uepaitmew. 10 w In the C aw.c&l Department,— •:•••* Kor rafonmctnnd particular*. u [; mOOKE. Principal- Monni Joy. March *»9. ISM.—5t. Attention Regular* 1 -«rOU Wilt meet fur parade drlll ' t ' ,c Y I'own Ilall, i» Iho liorough ol Clcar- The 28th day of May next > at 10o’clock, A. M. COURT SALE IJk ico punctually ul l * ,c tl0 ; r , w.iu >... op mum real estate. U,,J C “ UI1 ”O. s. | _ TSSJ* 14//* day of May, 1853 ]g©K»Blt©irs ISf®4ii©Oo j MtMl ,„ t: , 0 ,„ T£ . vrOTIMI. S.o», m"'UK!* of’7..<>.*o- M Uor. decked. -■ ■- ‘aS.'lwm! lA A & E,oi I In the boroo.b of .5 « ¥&&“,£ i« 'ofTA <««»»«““»“'" 1 ■** I ££;«? Wfc - in”"“Vs^r' l *'H luwanoe. . , , johnSliitey ami fieo* 2o H Bl^ B** 8 ** dut Uhnroh, an g® _||qiJjse and un eV eKMLB^»M L 8^». h o;on, leaned ot .ho ! l ,r^"r;r^'-Von 3 u o3iMl EVA * t , 9 . Adm ,. townabip. U»nille.d T. w PORTEK. Kesiaw- c April 4. IBM. lUciaUr'a office. Clearfield. ApiilUl. IBs*. ,ril 22, 1853. off IL ©Moires, Itcmßining m -he F«.< Office al CleorheUl on the s:av„ >r HrocSwny Jamci W. V -{,l John & John Pago Drown lCe*xian MontgomeryA. Calltn Jams* ManitleM Allen D. (jo'oneil William 'Merrill tiowaid Coble ttamael McLean John , Conflcr PftiLp Moßwen Mi” Matilda J. Comrrln* John MoEnallr Wilton livaoOptmh Meßntire Patrick 1 Prance J. a. McDowell Jonathan Hamlin Abel Worrit Motet Inward Maggie (Jstnicber John l CUe Deoii** ( m Leandor N. IKliher Jacob p«tet» George B. Ktnc MawhaL Kigier John M. Klrh Hanx Mirnel Shannon John ICirk Alexander Bbaflner Gal* In A. KohnGeorge H- _ ShirolyJaoob LawyeiMi” Ann u. ghitely Walter Lentone W »1 lam Hwarti & Bower* » Leonard Abraham ThomomnDr.G W. Long John VVM-uAdKBAUGU, r• M- $3OO Reward! amounting to between! at New Biuniwick. N. J.» taßDleCTofUrown ord f-'f O C ( P -!°wi“Auo'dred DoUa»w>Ut« * Thaabo»oiibara'cither lo the «ol>icti- PATCH IN. Api il 20.1853- For M Rent* rpHE OweltoU pirtofUio OEE/UtTIEED ACADEMY X Apply “ Clearfield. April 20. lfß3. - notice. | a fisSs»*§ BB3S&M*—ESSr WSirfess sssssfssw ofiaidSeyleroA loauoaiy. DANIEL HEN. I KrnfW towcilp. 8,1853,-jt-pu- -JSZgSSGM ° M Wv. | F"'° ,n,l ‘" Miiu - April 8l 1853 -~ at ~ t ’ d ! TPmMtt© -id an IVTOTLCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN "do*. or ° ro J; o.der »» w» *iSX“ JOSEPH KYEAU. r...-lli»»B.I.IP. U. 1863. . _. JBKAELi KIUIIOL3, TjsSililfSfe nS»o W^«n Ftutip*. tied by land* of John VVeiu. Aar Uy i ura oq the par ?pg. Hit iDieicit bnmg l ho G ® ou °f d th J imeretUold will «S=Ssa«‘- mlnitUalor On. -r°“ y %®u^^ WEU , Adm ,. Al'iil 9.1W3. Dissolution or Partnership. rpl! E Co-Parlneithip (J IMAN , liaJin*: &• Part- I MEW i'OUCBt. and L S. lownlhJ,p,Cleal nil. in thn Mnrcaoriln l.n.ino on the Uth of field coaniT. y" .' “l Arconoti ol the lam firm are in ..i» p-~- 1 itml UJ itltlo the ,nm “- MATTHEW POEOEE, E. B. UEMaN. £ Bradford. April 20,1853, pd, err Now Then, /-10 MB ON. ' l X":owrcce 1 , .n«. Large and well selected assortment or new I and cheap seasonable goods, I Which h. will diipowofnpon .nch ternr. a. will aim i ill i&tiifaoiioa. MATTHEW FOELEE. 1 Bradford. IQ iii.'RKnv GIVEN to all[>ewn»tf*tttl have] l?4RMnml SAW-MILL, \r. Bel* townehty, l ?'.F* y known a« the Barnhart BAM; Clearliejd t*>unty. lhßt a |j o f iha Tce.mi. £*nrmio# J» ,B ® UEL VEllHbil* i» ott sdi nod Lumber ma r infaciored l! ' er ° rioml'ffiak wrnc withoat him ha/ine tor Uterc.tinth.m j, M. KELLY. Gian llopc, Matoh 23.1853. . ronrt Fr;desainatio»i. teantli J“! 11 ‘‘'Ar'flSn »Sj' P VonnnKo. and the Honorable* Held* Clarion. .tiw®i» hU*T. Auooiete Jodse* l u N e i their VrweDl beafina date u,e^ f WElm”ikTHd»”“r^' ul « ISoSI 10 mudu6C ' To'tlieCoionor.JiiJubM » . ll >®/* ’, lu their own proper tor tiro oonniy o inaaliiiani, Examination* and other llemombmo co>. io ®9 11 “ , J(! dooo nad all witneue*. apd Inlboir bcbiifainiodo'n' 0 g® hu „ of tho Commonwealth aSdbtheipenopi.P'«®®“ ll «‘ n 1“S n to bs then and there at agein*taoy utironer*. are q j )cs 8t tdelr petU. lending. Jnror* and will heroalter PunotaalaUoodaucooi jbio • flntdBy ortbe teuton*. be expected and rrta't, .’lp--ticld thie6tb day oIJ an’ ry, GIVEN undai one ihoo»®“d eleht hundred ana Mhi&yeSf, o .ivonlh yea. of Amo. lean la dependence. 3. B. McBBAJAiV. STKAW GOODS—SPUING 1853. flowers i Palm.lenr. Panamn and every valien of BUJSIMKII HATS SKiSUrtSSi wilu. SSffiS l A»' $&•“*“ uarienilod. THOMAS WHITE. Wo. 41 Booth Seoond Btieet. Philadelphia. Pebtaary 10,18081 Estate of George Adam Korb, dec’d. MMSSW I iltftJy UwmMp* MmcH-Pi 18H' Valuable Beal Estate • s ALEXANDER, at PRIVATE sal i ■ Lt tis IRWIN & SONS, '“a* Acres, j -Jan"lB - W.u B -li-■ Curwm**i'l«- “ ull InowuaiUm Wise Farm . ftwvy. The improvements consist of about 7 H (teres of cleared land, DgLina good state of cultivation, a a Urge Bank , Barn Spring-House, Dry-House, Shop,', and other necessary buildings together / 11 nf the largest, best selected, and APPLE and FSAGH °Sm a?^s^-ffli h ®5L rss&z «.§£ • P sis{r»f* b:‘„rrnio”iu «-»*■ ‘" ,i “ ,,h - on ‘ l “ particular. spplf .W atvartaMeo d** 6l ! aivtn. MtCHAEI. WISE, WILLIAM WISL. Üb-hairol the !.eir. of Conrad Wi.c.« C c«ort January W. 1853.—if. __ Montelius Brother & Ten i TsE|tt«» v J.H. Senior r 3 0 do John Eddmeei 5J d Jaooh kooi ,t 0 John J Benin* pever Arnold 'Sniior P W.Bctneamc a*' 1 ™ [)avid Cathoart *4O Ootrlnitoo HolcmoD j q Pika William A. Bloom carpenter David Sharp Ferro .r »««• David Artami 1 j,, Bell i>»" o,i.rd Thoma* Uonnrd Banner Brndrotd WiUInm,UOOTM d ° Union Nathan Unci. d ° na.con O. H. Unmm „ Burn* de ThomM Mebafley ■ Bl "k.milh Boro' Ulearfiel J LIST OF TRAVIS JURORS for Moy term, 1853. ini, oil *£- Btad'o-dto^hit, J.W. Graham Girard do Jnmet Netioo , Fergaioo do Janie* Fergmon ““ Ueentur do David Go** S° do do John Hughe* do d» Samuel MoUarren . ‘, mbe . m , n do do Abrnhnm Go** 10 Fill do IMi Uhl" McGhco ‘£, “do do Ad.m b Wheeland do “ JncobVaHet' do »oni* do Jame* Hughe* , do d° Jnoob WUe S? Beocaria do Jama* H. Uegarty do do Wo, M. Hml'ey «j„nnraiiker do do Union Milo* F. r mor Woodward do U.Bhofr ‘'a™ l - 1 Utadf do gantuelFey . do do Henry Goodlnnder do do do Koiwell Unther • 0 Clearfield boroogb Corwenivllle'do iffisssr ”««» »ir'* n W Thom a* Strong Sr Utwrenoe do Johnathan Niohol* o “jo do Samuel Clyde uo do do Wm.Spookmaa da Pike do Jame* Bloom do do do Johnathan R. Bloom do Conneton do > i W. Hctinait* do t j o ito John do chell do Samuel Mobwen uo td - WILLIAM POWELL, Bherifl. iTo OKS . °Vu«'“!I ofAn Boolotf. p.Uiea •% foa.«i»«r »'«#"£ ViM.i.'Wr'i* Thelie lgiont>rary .£ Uaxtei, Venn. Pufe r° NeUon!* IV An big no» HhtotU the K.rommUon. end v “£v°?;pSF.m!l ? UtojnNlS' with »»!.•»* , Umtodßrnvmi.. oUo bo hlu i ..peratelr. Alio 623 1 w & iob u“ o ii.°ur°mne“uv “"“nssasr Vote. ■ — BcJ. Cl'“ ir,> PHENIX, in Bradford ««»• r “” a Ml?®:- March 54.1858. : - . J. H. JONESi i'./' .i) IJI'ORY OP IiLEiRPH&D CO- J. L. CUTTLE, . -rrnnNEV AT I.A W »nd LABO AGENT. OlBe* Ajoininc hi« roildenco un Ma.kot W«s'£ lfßS . WM. T. GILBERT, y» bACKBMITH— At Vfuli- AK -4 A I S MtUt‘ci?ANT IN LUM- P O UER-aSiSmio“. lowD,l “ P ' D eo . cTkRATZ er > , r u A. L. SCLINELL, IAII.OIt-Lnthe-.liura.-'v|H ilolni a» aheap, m bo» other “ jTI). THOMPSON, TJt.AULHMITH, Wmoih,D«mlm. hi.oldiwna'i» |J .bolt notice, end Ibe ver, belt .Die, me boronthol CotweniTillo. . A. K. W RIG LIT, merchant anu IYI BBU—SouthwMt Owneroitn« u,am^ eo lever elegal, C, , n L.ACKSMITH, I ' pl | h^ r , *[ Po ,[[’^,l;umlih ll V VA^DNR^kII , D fidßTiS.'ve!“ob?a; IW e'bd mnnuf.cto.ed and warranted. WIT T TAM A. WALLACE. ATsfeftißsraaaF fluid. !’»• _ " II P THOMPSON, al’Sftni- . Lira* Siore * THOMAS SHEA, ~ GEORGE W. ORR, tji.aOKSMITII. Uh.iaewShoßOnTW.d.mßt.jWn' ° 15 Market UiaarM'l. 1 »■ r V. WILSON, HENRY LORAINE, T>H VBICI AN aadSjßU.fiolt3T. on 8r t?* StS?*' 1 * P"„, ratideocc.CtctufioM. ROBERT McNAUL, epANNEK —At the OEU.BTAMU in Cntw KggSSS? WM P CHAMBERS, «*7IIEFLWKIUHT.’ciWIBMAKBB. and HOUSE b W aioUNFAINTiK-Curwnn.' vIU«. Uoo _ B F STERLING, IOHN w. shugert. htirXTHAL & BROTHER, w®«k»m»3W*E geoTbichards, ‘"gAV- 0. B. MERRELL, MSV-M o.S THOMAS MILLS, WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE, on .Monrt ilreeU Cleaifl»W Fo- J. &. LG. RUSSELL. rpANNERS & UU DAVID SACKETi CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. _ «THEELWRIGHT a CHAlKMAKEfta 'tgfal.' ‘ W poit. t’tKe ipwoihlp. _ GEORGE R. BARRETT A TTOIINIiV AT LAW-0»i« i^j. A oVßKtmd Clourfield- c Woik doss to ordet W A o o n ?^“o*« El^^ ‘ Bridio— .b« w< lto . SAMUEL ARNOLD, MERCHANT onJPHODUCII ljEAU i l J;in7?sr'‘ IY4. Olearbfcld county* V** : JYJL ' / —; —— '—"'"''drTgTf- hoqs, ynttMiaiVlbUi. OtoMiio* «—»f ■• 'Ysfai'Vt uu. ' john. il March 2.1*3.