Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 18, 1853, Image 3
the republican. CLEARFIELD Pa., March 18, 1853. DFMOCRATfC NOMINATIONS. Canal Commissioner, THOMAS H. FORSYTH, Of Philadelphia County. Auditor General, EPHRAIM BANKS, Of Mifflin County, Surveyor General, J. PORTER BRAWLEY, Of Crawford County . o^7” Attention is asked to the Veto Mes- j sago of Gov. Biglek. It shows that our! oxcellcnt Executive is properly watchful o! the interests of the Commonwealth. We can readily imagine how our old,staid and plain common sense fnrmcrs will wonder at the wisdom of a Legislature that would pass such a law. THE STATE CABINET. Wo find the following telegraphic dis-' J patch in the Daily Neus of Tuesday last,, 5 and which wo presume to be authentic.— | Mr. Black, the new Secretary of the Com- j I monwealtli, was a member of the State; I Senate during much of the time which j I Gov. Bigler served in that body. Of I about equal years, and their political opin-i | ions harmonizing in every particular, it is 1 pot strango that an intimacy of the most | confiding character was thus created. — j This relation has continued ever since.— I Mr. Black has the right kind of talents for I the station, and his whole energies will be ] united with the Governor for the promo -1 tion of the prosperity of the Common- I wealth. W '■Jiff* ih-; Iqy ll VIIS‘ lad' 1113- 5 Mr. Hughes leaves the Stato Depart- A ment with a fame that few men have earn- j ■A c d in so short a time, and which tho great !' est might envy. His transfer to the At •,i; torney Generalship will continue to the ’ State the benefit orhis wise and patriotic counsel, and afTord him more time to at ■ tend to his extensive professional duties. th*- for ! en,i IDO ida nd, ere gl»-’ irst Up ar- ■ dr* Harrisburg , March 14.—The Hon. F. ;.l W. Hughes, Secretary of the Common ; wealth, has resigned, and the Governor V to-day commissioned the Hon. Charles A. Black, formerly member of the Senate from.Greeno county, us Secretary. It is understood thnt Mr. Hughes ro i signed for the purpose of accepting the appointment of Attorney General of the C; Commonwealth, now vacant. I NEW JUDICIAL DISTRICT. r A bill is now before tho Legislature to ft create a new Judicial district, to be com '■) posed of the Counties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield. So far as we know or have ! heard, our citizens feel very little concern i ! 1 in its fate. Business connections, strength-, ' ened and matured by many years of in- j .( tereourse, incline us to lean to on eastern, :■ rather than a western connection. But ns <. regards our judicial district at present, we think our citizens generally would prefer •' remaining under the jurisdiction ol his ' , Honor Judge Knox, to that of risking tho chances of an election for another. Bo- ha» a inj ar- sides this, at tho timo of tho last Judicial ■ apportionment, it was thought by many of V our citizens that their cousins in Centre a nd Clinton manifested a remarkoblo de r ? grceof indifference about the into ofClear | field ; nt least the annals of fail Pto show that any tears were shed when it was known that we were sold to the Yan ;|kee3, Good fortuno got us out of thnt j trouble, and we are now perfectly contcnt . /.fled. -If they are not it is nono of our fault. > Winter ! Winter! and no Flood. — T |The flood that was so confidently expected " about jhe time of our last publication, did .come-T—but cold weather did, and Mon ?ft day, Tuesday ,and Wednesday of this tjsveek gave us a continued blast from the P^ttorthwest that would do honor to the re ■}: of Hudson’s Bay. /% . t)ur lumber streapis now present a novel ) iappearance. The rafts aregenerally fitted : up and ready to be sent to market as soon f as there is sufficient water to carry them. Hundreds of young men from adjoining counties, who have spent their labor in making and proparingthis lumber are now anxiously waiting for a rise in the water, many, .giving up in dispair, have Irelm-ned to. their homes. m Had wo a flood now, there would prob ably be men enough to man and run pretty » Jptjflfly all the lumber that is now ready, at 1 |spce. This .will not bo tho case, however, ■ a week of so ; foFmany of our citi- I thpn have, resumed operalionson : and those of other counties 9 left us. r ss »f tfcl bilL)';> Mas6s 11 Siftt i led^ai fa 1 Pennsylvania Farm Journal ,’ iviblished at West Chester, edited and A. M. Spangler, By by Bowen, Meredith, & Co. Ipfannnthlv at 61 per year, each jggSiping 32 pages, and is an in* Pennsylvania Farmers. ||UB|er of the 3d volume will bo April land the vol* Ml|i the fist of J&>«ry next. OUR MAILS AND THE P. M. AT SPRUCE CREEH. I Dinner at the White House.—The | We have received the following letter dinner given by tne retiring President we nnve receiveu .* K „ 'Fillmore to Gen. Pierco is. thus described from Spruce Creek whether ritten by . a correspondent: President Fillmore was the P. M., or some one else, we are unable Qt t j, o head of the table, with Gen. Pierco to soy —but ore willing that he, whoever nt his right, nnd Gen. Scott on his left.— ho may be, shall have every opportunity Secretary Everett was sealed opposito to; to “remove” the, “evil to which he alludes. Gov. Marcy, and Attorney General Crib | SPRUCE CREEK, \larch 12, le>s3. lende ” oPP oa,t0l ° Gen ’ Gusl,in g> ,h . B \ Messrs. Editors I—Your article on the , the old and new cabinet inlet mixed Voung I’iJl more and Sidno, Web- «i » 0» iy i . 1 stcr sat side bv side, and such a harmoni* such charges should ho eradicated from . -C .... . > , suen cii.ugis suuu u . . . n ous spectacle of diverse political elements the minds of the public, parttculnrly those the White House be of editors therefore, we deem .t necessa »« anJ Gqv , m wero ry to remove an evil which has long been y frnlernizingand agre ea bl e. The 7& 'ITS , 5 , liasty plalc of ™ P »„ fo, e ou=„ in ,l» with neglect It ou must know that tho 1 ° J j Post Master at this place is not responsible j Settlement with tiik U. S. Bank.— ;for any matter after leaving this office, Gl)vernor Has signed tho bill closing and at nil times, and undoi all circumstnn- (ho scvern| , n|S|g of |ho u. S . Bank, and ces send out two mad bags, one with the sct(li tbe j udgmont obtained by the matter for Clearfield and cnlie couii y, g^ 0 a(r ainst iho Dank on account of ho ,the other with matter beyond, nnd il they W() bc ]j CVCi j s to pay the deviato from the right course, are we res- Sta[c ' s lt so 00 0. [i v closing the trusts, ponsible? You are not willing by the tone Bank „ eli rid 0 f a lnrgc and useless ex of your article, to make any allowance for [)y comproir ,i s in s the judg the non-arrival ol the mails from .ho east ' mcnts lav j n; , aguiust Li, removes a weight of this place, which occurrence has been wou '|j torcvcr fccep it in the dust. 11 quite frequent of late. \Ve arc not in (u) Bnn , c bas anything nfier paying its reach of Philadelphia nnd New York, hut cri , dilorH) lbcre is now at least a chance 01, have to wait until the news arrives, and mnlcj it nvailnble to stockholders. We 1 Ido hope the good people ol Uearheld will llndcrstand lbu Bank has several hundred i !do likewise. Yours, thousand dollars’ worth of property after SI RUCb CKEIilv. in „ lbc §150,000 named to the State. | P. S.—There is a mail leaves here cv- 1 ‘ b Daily Record. \ erv morning for your, place. ! ’Now, if the author of the foregoing mis- ! Kr An exchange paper savs :—Genera ■ Pierce delivered his inaugural address, al-■ erable attempt nt wit, w 1 again refer to his ovcrcoat , amid immense , our remarks, lie will find that we did not c h CL > r i ri ;g, just exactly as if ho were deliv-; complain of the conduct of the Post Master t ,j-jng au oxleinporc speech. lie had no nt Spruce Creek. Wc onlv asked that, in paper or any notes, but delivered the ad making'up the through mail , (i. e. tho dress beautifully and gracefully, without a , , c m , n i blemish to tho end. It will be remember-• mad “beyond Clearfield, )ho would be ™ p residcnts Taylor , Polk and oth careful not to put matter into it directed to rcad tb(J j r nddresscs from the rnanu this place, us the P. M. here was not al- scr jpt, When lie came to that part of his [lowed time to overhaul the said through address which related to the protection ol mail. This is what we said. Wo made American citizens abroad, he turned face ; , . _ , to face with Mr. billmore and the diplo |no complaint. But now we are willing K>. mni;c g> nnd )aid down the law with put our words in the shape ofn complaint, thriUing emphasis, and when he again or “charge” if you please, and assert that turncd to the mass of the people in front, | the Post Master at Spruco Creek must be .occupying the vast square below, they-j cuilty of “neglect,” elsq why is it that cas- shouted with delight, and every man o guilt) oi, v y (ho fif thousand i n lbc street declared tern papers and letters directed to this p ja (hc man for the lirTK; s. place, frequently pass in the through mail. . - in the evening, to Curwensville, and re-; o^7”The Ohio Legislature, on tie -~t in i evening, ’ , : instant, passed a bill to amend the Ux j turn froin that P lacc tlle nCXt mornin o 1 Law, authorizing county auditors, in ens |lf the P. M., at Spruce Creek can satisfnc- eg wbcro ban i <s re f US e to pay tho tuxes torily account for this, without convicting | fiv i ed U p on u, e m, to enter said banks, for himself of ‘neglect’ in making up the“mnil ciblv, nnd, with crowbars, pickaxes, &:c., for Centre nnd Clearfield counties,” wc break open safes, vaults or other places 'iti ]ii ] whnrc the money moy bo kept, nml lake will give it up. Or is lie, the said I. nmoum of mx c | a i m cd. The vote on 1 ignorant of the fact that Curwensville is fj na | passage of tho bill was 20 to 5. “beyond” Clearfield? . GoLn ColNAOE ;_The'coinage of gold We are willing to put up with a Unite(J gtute3 Mjri|) from its orga ' n i. deal of inconvenience in this respect—and : zation , 0 tbo c | oso 0 f 1552, is thus given have done so—without complaining. But by tbc . jq ew York Journal of Commerce-. U. be called to an account by those whoj At Philadelphia, B 1 141 > cause this inconvenience for politely ; 3,450,608 50 requesting an officer to do his duty, is a Dahlon( . gili 4,817,809 50 little more than the bargain calls for. 03“ Graham’s Magazine, for April,which is already on our table, is a mammoth ol its kind—containing 144 pages, filled with the productions ofupwurds of 30 different authors, and several illustraiions. This large amount of valuable reading is furn ished twelve limes a year, at the low rate ofs3 —or $5 for two copies. Important from Honduras The schooner Chas. Pearson, arrive at New Orleans, on tho oth inst., from Hon duras. She reports that great excitement pre vailed on the Island, in consequence of Her British Mujesty’s war sleumer Devas tation, having anchored off Troupillo, and demanded the surrender of the place, in the name of the Mosquito King. Tho inhabitants were given two hours time to decido beforo the commencement of bombardment. Tho inhabitants yielded to superior forces but solemnly protested ugainst the outrage. ~ \ , . , , The Mosquito king flag was hoisted and tho Honduras flag pulled down. The British war steamer then proceed ed to Limas, and cannonading was after wards heard in that quarter. It was pre sumed that a contest was going on between the steamer and the Honduras troops. A severe shock of un earthquake was felt at Belize on tho 10th of February. Vico President King Declines the Oath. Charleston, March 12. —The oath ol of fice was not-administered to the Vice Pres ident on the 4th instant. Mr. Rodney, bur Vice Consul, visited Mr. King, on the 3d for that purpose; but Mr. K. consider ed the ceremony unnecessary, fearing that he should never be able to reach Wash- to assume the duties of the office, and if ho should, the oath could bo admin istered nt Washington. The friends, how. ever, who accompany him encourage tho hope that the salubrity of his present loca tion may yet restore him to health. Kale from Havana—Vice President King Worse. | New Orleans, March 12.—The Crescent City has arrived with late,r dates from Havana, The latest advices from Matan zas report that Vice President King was getting more feeble, and tt was doubtful whether he would bo able to leave Matan zas alive. Suita Anna in Mexico. New Orleans , March 11.—By an arri val at this'port,. ibis morning, we learn that an English steamer was met seven days ago, entering the port of Vera Cruz* with Santa Anna on board. Total toclose of 1852,5'237,025,484 50 During the Uvo months of the current vearan mlilitional amount of about 8 8, 500,000 hus been coined, which is to bo added to the übove—making a total in round numbers ol 8245,000,000. ff3“one thousand laboring men arc wanted on the line of the Susquehanna Railroad, between Bridgeport (opposite Harrisburg,) and Sunbury in the State of Pennsylvania. 'lbis read is filly-lour miles in length, rnnsShroiigh a highly im proved country, and will furnish employ ment lor Slone Masons, Carpenters and laborers, for tho next twelvo months. A large portion of the line is heavy work ex cavation —laborers that are familiar with work of that kind will find certain employ ment and liberal wages. Hero is a chance. Interesting from Mexico, New Orleans, March 9. — We have re ceived Mexican dates to the 21st of I-ebru ary. Tho Trail d'Union says—“ There is little doubt that Suuta Anna will bo re elected. A houso has been already secur od and furnished for him, and u Mexican revenue cutter sailed from Vera Cruz, on the 21st, with a commission to invite his immediate return.” Rnmorcd Appointments Washington, March 13.—1 t was ru mored to-day, that a number of appoint- j ments have been definitely fixed. It is. believed that Hon. A. W. Bucl, of Michi-j gan, will ceitainly be appointed Minister j to Berlin, a nd Mr. Dean, of Michigan, As- j sistant Postmaster General. 11. H, Hgath, will probably be appointed Secretary ol the new Territory of Washington. More Indian Troubles. St. Louis, March 12.—W0 have advi ces from Little Rock, which state that the Camanches had or late become very trou blesome, committing many acts of violence. They were making preparations to attack Fort Arbucldc. MARRIED. —On tho 15th inst., by the Rev. J. R. Morris, Mr. David S. Plntnor of Now Washington, to Miss Jane Cross, of Curwensville, Clearfield county. DIED—In Bradford township, on the 10th inst., Lovinah, wife of Joseph Win nery, aged 32 years. L. R. CARTER, AGENT for thoialoofSrUVEd, and CASTINGS of ell kloU*. Aho. HAH tKON aNAIt*3. Tbreshiafe Maolimei. Tlowt, AorioaUoml Implements «to., on fioond uwet, uadex the Printing Offioa AUGUSTUS WEiTMAN, BAsVaml qlbpr W* l» U« tnebid •tylf ) -\ ? . How AtflvoirltnsffliinnoEattSo i Public Vendue- TIIEr.B wlllbaofleiednt FUtILIC BALB. nt the homo ot'the nubicrlber. In ttimdy tuwavhlo. Oienrlield noaniy, 00 f-RItMY TUB l'lllsr DAV Ob’ APRIL fU'.X .. mo I’nlluwlmt pTOCftty i to Wit . FOUR COWS, two of which nre fresh, wilh calves,-and two Strippers. One four year old STEER. Two three year-old MK.IFFERS. Seven head of/IfOUNG CATTLE. Six HOGS. A quantity of HAY. Wheat, Rye and Ooats by the bushel—and other articles too numuious to mention. ST7*Hale ‘o commence at NINE O'CLOCK, A. 51 . when nni wlwro duo altoiidatioe outl a leetonable credit will bs «'*«»• «< «■» knoW j^!tts£i"Joil#l V dTON. March 11. 1850 —St. ' Htmtknao TMUJ public arc fcarcDy Onu-ione.l my wife B il ANN AM on my nertount, a* ihe lm« oft m” bed and Uo-iM without jn.i ran»n. aad Jam therefore determined lo no mor«d«buother pu L | T3 M, ie n. Itacm (owothi;*, Mirch W, IHtYd DR. MARCniSI’S WIPMaISI ' T* HErtPW“ ,IJ ‘‘l /a*s . **■ I oy orPj-itti'M “• j AiW \Y\ SS\'J*y /' l,u ’* pi Cwar- ; !(:. lifl.l n«4tl vicißltywa ’'///, pv.iaintioi* lot oiniftl ■•" v /' ‘4 imuoM nnu- lo lanu Hl*» W '' '■ - and d'-.imerMoboutnec I r<X«-/'V : •• idfntUtnl wi i 111 hi: • VIT - In ailii and liapymc-i ' ' #l pkjyam.«. Ti.n i.-athoml ’r4l>>Vx>’ - n. UN Will Ctiro O) M!f . v • ' ecu’ of J'il • br.mi.’ti - vi { \\V S ' rt it< Hi* li\ vA' * -rn'.'-ntMi’o f.’ninl*. Hft <T. ' rr*. humN uf inidurria 1 :. ;'n. » * s ' pm'iliy iitm-vu Female Com piatnts. j p‘ r |^^vT' 1 —« ( if I'iiMi- are ! nd-l.'im uo . /I I '.. Writib: M,i riif.Thn •-•. ff '•IPM "JJ : I’" i>r - 1 • * - I ' l n u M-n .i rohiicu, Uc . v niw. i ti.nir m c-.m-Huy i »d (■•rr.L. i .ic !?!.*) r.J -rtttc.* *■ • w '••vrt* ot ;r hi. a »'rin. ‘"RfiNV rHOMl*i::Ni' I'MVSICIAN-? ii Mia nly 'f Nf.v Yiirh -ci'l CMI. - I.' ? ’.--, Fr‘in ' '**• w:h .ai n -.m x. it i- \ • i-.’C.-i *1 ihi- nii jvp -•' -tu* • ■ .ui’Miin.. -- ' - rpf ir,l for th- thu t-nmh, lint - i-.-nttnu-.i «i 1 - r; \ ™ "i - ";r;sr.v. n .' - - i.K.rnvj.. {. time mourn: •» r. •u-pimu M» a <ecrv *u Uckti-o iu in'ru'J jcLju into icca.-tu: u*o «y v..v t a.- itfliienee nf -hii'-omi*- titi in npon ‘be r..*nnleroai'itn .Jn uo. umm.-rt >■ > *•««. . 1 "r t'l ol’im W u iVmaiH liiv,> nc» lean in » n ■ ■ l'i: *r.f lenv 1.0 l Man. lor «qo ni'n-u'i-. P'»r any an nl" wt.ich can prove t« my wnv injur no<. bt>inx t.ifMr* fn‘iteiy nl v-tio ablo eiitasu, ao-J s.ri-im'cd *0 a« »o i.Ru n . 'i».« Mntlti.U.f ruudi n‘ t-wi r-tnuJy. m theoo'e p( ihudai* imouab iho crnn.-ii «>c inomy •»■ the •/Ham. w Ith » dHfrwnnnoii "»the r«*nialfi or*nn«. AIM Jl PI- IN A>. PR.r>‘-’cr 111. C»!'’ol'“‘,'> !■;.")« ""'Y , f tn«c.i .fi.ience cf ‘he olllicie l. ft'- Ub. •'y i* 1 AN I) Cl K/kf itfiMrtlH. w.:l 1..» foil ad in lha pam.'h'O . i u*ri'l*’»-r wiui ic.u'Oriu'H ob* lannlinn the I and lymb'i.lvui ol ih.- 'o which the uueouun ui L.u« itien ami t'-'JiiCUin.VM - i* icipcui tiltrMiv.'m . TllK INOKKOIKN r.*». ai crtiri.vl by hi*b medical ■nth Lrii (•NPiMPblei.) an At.l, VKGE I‘AUi.fcl, nod I asiiiated w in any arcolo uni non !ly lulbe mimal economy. ftIIKEXLNCK* Prof lIHNHAK.M I• . Uall-marr*. Mtl j i; <irum;iv M. I». *' ' . r. H PK‘;KU\M. M. iM'licn. Nnv Yo i. I). Y KOUlfcJ, Ai l)..t?»nou»a M. H. Mi MU 4 . M. M . Koe.he«»er. N. V. 1,. It. t'l/KMINU. M. li CaßHH.lai*oa. N. Y. w W M. of New York, w’ pKErtOUTi’.M. I)-. Uonnrud.N 11. P.njplilel. oau b. Aim by Drniiut. In nil bn n.ljnimin couniW. A J. II MAK jHIBI GO . I’ropr.nlur., (S«Dlrai 0.-POL.3S4 Urondproy. N. V. M ipfh 15. IH;—“’fr*. Valutiblt- BSt-al HlsSale AT PRIVATE SALE i M M H E labicribeu, id bcnrxlf oftheheirtof Comad Wi*«. la«e I of Pihrt towu%i*ni. Clcarl'i-M ooowly deceased, offer nl l*Kl V AT B **A m*» foMowmc d-iunbed well knuwa aou vainahle HEM* I’A.TE coomnna of A FARiM «F 106 Acres, rtitunt* in P»k« town*nii\ Clearfield county., on tin' oi» n i<>ul 'oMiim item Curwtitivilm t.> Tyrone. lo».»r miJM itum L’urwcuktiSlu- aaii n QJ tha Wise Farm. The ' improvements consist of j about 75 acres of cleared land,' jiji , fa f rr a good state of cultivation, a Large Dwelling-House, a Large Bank j Barn, Spring-House, Dry-House, Shop,] and other necessary buildings, together , with one of the largest, best selected, and j most productive APPLE and PEACII\ ORCHARDS in the county. i Tliii r»\UM t* well tnun'ted with excellent water, onever failm* S'PMor cio»t w fh> wuh oilier; 10 itlua.eil that at u iitllo i'Ximt.-tj water c*uld He convey*il t* a*y cart of . ther the liou»a or barn. To tboie who desire toprccurea HOME KUU t.IKE, tbit Farm oltm inducement* cot to be eicebeii iniho county. The InnJ it of rooj qujiltly. hi,’hiv "JSoativa. ami well adapud for both iram nail ern».-u«d It u iou.v*nl In the n.iJitct a poual'jas anil industrious »t*jUe niro'. conven out to a co »h martlet. kojJ uruiinilo, oa*l a *°gy» C i*o f | r u t-v r pnnicohrc nnplv to edhro of'ln iuoicji brr; or in Mrn«» -Vikp, on trie The *• I'l bn »tM uu U e ruokl roasaoablo terms ami a warratU'o deed tivro MIUUKI. WHB. Wll.i.Ull'Vllli. In h lir.irol l lie !mn UVl'miil \Y lie. deocmeil Jnnon'T 111. 'f- COURT SALE.M OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. II Y Viilnoof <i nde. of the Orphani’ t-ourt of l.letrli-lii l>oouiilv uioodi.ut i>l *Ri<l I'onr. at lehruir/ taint loot, will bo eipoied to I'Ulll.lC SAI.E no tho dominion Saturday the 26/h day of March, 1833, rhu tol'oivioc described *ilanb!« REAL ESTATE, cum 6.- H.'aniii of 100 Acres of L;m<i, witli allowance, slothe iTOperty of UKH A El) DAVH.ait unie 10 Wbod*aid towmhio. Clauifiold coumr. aoajmjntdi mely on the mmo rr»id landing liom UeirfHd and lb *'“» i, ut « to Neviioi’* MiM« *1 he land t« well cnloa toted to- to'in • ing i>nri»oif», wub #oud and nuundunt water lhuuni>fu*o rnenii cite About 50 acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, a log house and barn, with other buildings of convenience. TELIMB—• toe half ton purchn** money in huml, nnd the bahnneo »n two equal annual paycnenl* i’’* l ?* l *”* .MjmV UO r M | by hood and moitguße. IbAAC OO&b. Adm r. , Eebiuary £b, Monlclius Brother & Ten Eyck. BE* leave to iQlotm thvir ir endi and the P-'bUu < en ** t ?’j 3 > tna» tnev harel&tiQ into partnaraliip with ilwra. BbN J. MART HORN who having uurchiued the s'uie ~| , l,' Tr |y Loot ivWin H. ••loom, and having united H wiih their own. are now doing bunneuuu a moie Citeobire tcußuuder theiitlocf MONTELIUS, TEN EYCK, & CO. Where the? a fo prouurcd to lell all hindic I 'Dry Goods,Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, 'Fin Ware, Hats, Caps, ij*c. \ An.l w.n.lil nail pnlticulur utloiitim to ..nnK •■* HO' ITS ail'd hlr )EH. a. the, Ke.-i* a into! Ilia mo.l"Xl>eilft.ond hanm. Sod Bin„«red lt> do pay land ill wntliin lhal lino 01. bu..- II f Tiro* nlio keau It I'ltitu ■»"' well “<•"'>«“ lucid PATENT MEDICINES. . - all I|J 4 y .C V. (.1)1 iIIBN 6t CD’S. M’AUISTEKS ,»lI*NT I'A'l■ri.lsl'OWObba. IJNlMl'.i'ii'. Honib till 1 ! I’Wlin Vvrtxlii'i loainn Votes bio Full, and ail cllitt Medionint dmally. Kept m n country item. Curwenivnle, feb- *“ :d ”s WLolcsulc and Retail Grocery, £ S vv EilY. hiving mule arrangementi tocAU/ou V the WHOLESALE GROCER V UljtflN ES.-Un Hiiih S t ndr*litiia the eubicriber will conlinuo to Keep at tbe v S Se' ni Me r bet mil il’i. oear.lho BUNN. KAll. ? S RiiAl) DEPOT, ti lab onu complete tu»mtment or P S crOUEHlfeiJ. fcACUN,LARb.«OM». YaH.IK. S < UN NAIL*. DRIED I ‘ I KUir...nd all tho leading &r- S c ticlti. Ic trade—Tlinoalitl fet tmitlavori, he would oik . c hn old ooltoui to «ivo litoi a call, ai lie l. i.iei.aied to C S toll nt iinoei that ennot fail to please. <* S Ftbruaty IU..iBVd.-ly. J.U.EBy > ALL ABOARD! Cl C. PRICE & G').. of Mllotbortr.(fivenot-ico^bat their /. UoafJOIlN IIUHHELI.” wllloavoUATlELr.’S WHAItv, at Pbliadalphla. tw soon ai naylyationojens—ar fordißS a nood opoorualty tor roerohanu wuhrair on «nily lui'pijof (toodi. March 11, '63,-Ht-pu. ~WM. :r. GILBERT; BI.AOItSMtriI— At in 801 l totfOihlp. at tha bii U*n proniftly aUrydod ro. y #icl) la 3 Estate of George L. Miller, iltc’d. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That lyiUM. of Admin. —— — litralion hrxvo-Utou ir ranted to the I* on .v 111 . .. « ~n ./-i-p AUAIVif nfoEOKOB U MILLNtt. Ill" Ol Momi towaihip.. ; JAfa.' U. GKAnAIW, • - • . . CletitliaM couniv, (lactatcl. All pmwb»: ln h ' lol J l n “ l oribo f.Vn 1 OCBT MASTER. MERCHANT sad DE/UiEIUN IfPM* F UCH--«.ahdn,t,n>.Tlmmo,d township. )W| “a7n.tT .ami Will Piwtnt than, duly anlhnnl,anted f». :_ . icltlcment. ENGHANI). Administrator 'dVrAnBI'H MlEUliii. Adin’w. Mor-ii ir>vTi«ltln. Mntoh H. I -M -ml RAIL ROMAIC HOTEL. MARIETTA, Lancaster Co., Pa. THE underlie. r<l wonicl rupratlall)' [ j' Tiovfiim: [»qblio-»*D«l to 'l;o MJftlßb.%- LAOLSMIYH, Wp.tfons, IJusuici, tafl.. &o.«, jietiedoo MEN <»F CMSARPIBU) Ct MJNTV—that he oontmaoi Jo ,f$ , ||ofl nntico. and the vary bu&t n>le. al hiioW •taodi* kecD the above uii<refi Ho »>t. 1 backfill fur pn*i t«vori. h/ lho boroush of Curwcukville. X)eo. 19,1809. atuoiion to t!*e wanta nnJ wnt.u «»f hu Guoiti itchoui’iti* «“‘V« - <»*»■«*"» uil '“ m P “ ' r LEWI3 BOUSBAU If. ISSB. S33;[piE i aiX!.£3‘ 'iSPEPQidQ.®;. ’ c. C. PEI€K <& Co. 9 lUILESBURG. Pa., RENI’tCTTULL.V nnnODnci'lulheMc'clm'U. nml o.thur to A IP SMITH. lollie llgttuili. WnrcUcaia.nlio llie .UtVIN n jtnCIIANT. AND 111, AI.MI IN A\IJ mta'. oi*u|)lerl l.y T. M. Hall, n> tllio.hurK, which w l ata- i |yg Uuunl(y p,„docei<-ne/un/-Htuto!i:eo[. hotwae l Ch«rir bio them u> oou.luu: Iho ronvurdinK and fcturohouio biitmoii j <oliU —0 1» r w«»m vi Uo. J ,o °- Su ■ n n itlle bmtcr c’.y in ibnn thoy have ev,ry«l b acted ;/ • THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & U>. er, uiu noi ii portion m uta ho ire nail uuoi irr la aoo* 'iu»N-l‘‘tlUNDßßS—iJmweu%»ilio, Ad fxienatv* n«v« ♦ “%5 tb« !laa. lunnlat <ta» A^il'. °“ ,e ' wi 1 thomas ii. fulton, & co.. Ail kind* o' PKU' l.rMI!r.K. fio.. tc..ra rwrßltCH ANTH- uuil mlcniivo iltoltri. onu .MhluilQgl ite . C* vpfl no llorwn’il *il m an> poiol on the lino ' Ifl oTLambor, liftld tlilu. July w. Haw Thankful » -r put Uvor«. ihey iinprsifuiiy folioitacootln- i»* nf ptib i'* patron me, >i« they gunrnotH* the roo«t panic , übir ulleaMou totfamU oo&tmuuii to lb* i chv.i«- Mii«»httnr, March 2. *63 —U-P'l i ANNUAL ASSESSMENT. ; OTATEMIJNT showing tbepKt egftte aiprnnt cf tho A»* t l * 5 a.infut "R.l VuiimHoQ H un »*veral twrshij.i tr.a Hdronci'i l<; e-iriiit.i* ccuntjr ft* nia«;e r»’»d reiurm*.l by tti« . int :i'divn Am.iv.m.'o ih<i >O.l ra!>. :H A. thaw ne pVmUm' a:nounl<T StaleT«n toeacn Jibf.mua »®.i lo.rn>t»ip U» ••nU vTuritio--* *\fr t*ab y «o »u AA of Aft. mblv pumU lk« i-lh - day 9!J t.*x. A. u., vh 1 39* S' * ©® ? 5 1 r oo? t - u "*e if S?£ T ?% Q cvS: r 1 o .«r » r j £•» + : g©g . - > . . u . • .- . . w-« ~ • 9r. r: = . • »» rr 3 £ * : : : S?: : : i 5- • ; r. : • T*T • : • • : • r 5 . _ ;»*'• -J FJ c /_ Z _*'•*. - VCOx«-^ :: ;S t 7 r --1 * ~ V v|j.rr o - vi r i- - t ■ tr. -o s\^'<uZ' it£ I J.*-- J wAp*x;jeX-»sj --<r ~ <S r* d.e - C. :*- •» g • ! __ n 2 ~] 5l I tx * ««c u oßea —“ ij|g=s**&2j|ii 3?§fi§2|§St£iiSfl -- || t» c. 6r I « fc j $ S 3.0 es 3 2 I - ~ •»« •si sSca?-?? __ljL~l!LS£l£i^H R . 5 »1 S o 5 fr Sl ip I • p2'-P*ecroM*.- B - c IS I 'gsg'r¥gsgsg^s§ggggg|§g§gr^L li!as£ftrssßS«ssfi?S£sse2S?a||s 5.6 j r m t h gal !■ W ?o 'Si S2lgMSgssisessSSS£2S&ssa|o ■ TaY’]-: the noderoißped C?inimH*ion*n of Clearfield coonty VV Do Certify, ihm l.i- above i« al<u>t aad correo'»ute. | men«ofthtf »if*fceMo an.ou-10l the Aiieitinrsl *n«l Vllihj tioool Hie «eve»Rl obj-o'» made lexabjupy the lnw« , Commonwealth tor Hiale pu»l>o»e». a» rotomed bv iho A»se» ior»of tho levcral hurooulu aud luwu»mp«. and puolutaedby , nnthmt* il thoebove n acted Aol or Au»mmy i Witold our hand* anil ical ol office tim *ul day of t obroa* | ry. x 0 . ttr.M AM2X ANDKR. ? Commii 1 KAHIJbI. bilOl-V. S iloneu c; li. OOOUL.ANDfcH. Clerk. ILaiistt ©lf ]SsteEll®ffE Of Foreign and .Domestic Merchandize in Clearjiield county, A. D. 1853. 'fcL.Abß. roiclenfc Swan Becoarla 'own.hin Lt«»® r |< I l„eel Cooper -lo do No gaol 14 Jaiuai M liolly 3 A liouur 14 Uoynlon & N«>*liOf <io *{‘* ‘njJmuo/ 14 J ('ovod«fit Co. do do « 1U ia ! tetsss**. £§? Raild... Mar.dai Co. *l’* do Vo?, ii y.ijjy inwaihlp No |lqnq. U ; Sninuui Amido 1, 0 * u l4 l> v-.' Hnn.ti <'« do N° l MUcr l* . iilni. a co.—Not. Wth da. do }j • R 11 Moor* do do *j,° **Q nor 3 I jV'm«H Craiiam Llri.dlord townil.lp No ilauor 13 Hurl lialM llrc.ner "a do 'J"" {j Pollen 31 IJimon da da .. 14 ;;^Saa^ ;^“ IO Vr P , MSS ; da do' jfcSSS |« I llmny at ttaiali.iuyb Ui .r ton o.hlp No l'yno. |4 ! , :!;rr.!ir" ss !i S - £ h;^SlbJ22^ii J. It. Hanualr Cov nßtoo lown.bip la'iuor 14 t'lauci. I load. la*. »i do !! ' i ul , iXo do Ro liquor 14 Join 11. F.uuqun do da /"'l'oo/^iT 0 " 1 ! Kmnnld M0....P Claaitlu'.d Po OOyb .. .. I|J ' ii Wallace Si Hill. do do ho 11. « U , lnvm Sr IMHUII 'I ' da '.d 40' C. Kialr.r do do £» ‘d ■>>' ‘J 1 Win. J. .vlaaio do do 4 “ !5 A. K. VVii.til da do Au uual 14 Wiaitiaiiio. Fa laneido ‘Jo 1 1° J i? u.a n 11, tail .-luiin da do mull " Win 11. Illaom Cuiwaavillc uoioujb L."iu"' McHiii'o iq Wnyhl do do No 4“° }J Montniicai fcl Ua do do Ho qnor lo Wm. A.Mu.ou.Senl 4, ’bJ do No ! goo >j !| i “(i°a"'( l ; Lh [l.Bmeilieoituf town.nln N" I.iquor 13 | K“> “■ ft“Vr r *'‘r ,im r u,,,,p S°o itsr. : T il l niluu 8t Co. Girard lown.bip Nn luinor 10 | Aopuilji. lioaoalo da do No MJH" „ y !*,„ j k 'i'i'wiii 3i .Vial Comm tow «iblp No liquor 14 SlVinyl'T Howon ti.a'n.lilo N°, ,'|u°a, ;« , J ill a M.llia.o Joidau lawn.lilp No liquor J 4 Obvid Mi'-Keuxtian < o do jjo quo! n Milpi As IM'oatr. d.» dq No iqoor ** Burt a trcoaian Kartaaa. townib ip No bciao' Bdv. aid MuGnivey do , a N | “or }! B H. Hall M Co. do da Ho liquor 14 Wol. Aildlcnianjr. Law a’nee IeWUIIIIP No Iquor J 3 Jomeu Tuire.t it Co. di do No Uq ior n Edlllddd T. Il.e..nei MorriitoivaiUlo }* f: W Hole si Co.. do do N ‘ uauor *« *llO So Ila Co Patent Medmiocu 4 Wililii, do da Nil liquoi 11 fiiove A: McKn'iu uo NolM ll of J»n.e. ii Leo a aid do do Liquui by q mil Wallen di Bruner l>nn town.hlp N-, liquor lu Itotili ia. & Co. do no r? 0 ! ?,? , ll riiz i Irviu Piko IowoaUjl) No hlu./t W Jjlib Si 11. I> I’.lton da da Imiior 13 M,J Jjo «'« i’tttdnl Me 1; ul.l* * o GHHiol’oMly do do „ »4 K VY* Maora Union towD«blo JJo ‘quor 14 flunry Wh v«ii.*ud do* J)'* j U9f .*} Aofuhnm Uu’M Woodwaid lyu'DJhlp No I'luor U .ioMD M. C‘hu»«i do d> li J J. A. IJ'SUij do do Moor J 4 Uaniul Houls do _ do No U IPitbßic Notice. AlAi p«rioo« in Uus dtove c»tfl fjU'iijnc li*’. will no tiC' thGt AN AiVIiAL well t».i licit, n tlio I)ffls,. «n eATUUDAV nils skviwth ImYuF UAV NEXT. when ClcuCcH, Mattoli 4. Itiii. THE LAST NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. A lit C'tdleotoii cf Count* bail :Haw T.*‘ ‘'o' " c g i\ iorrr.*-r jean, ere |x«i«by ui» ifio.i. i J*- H 11,1 AJTJUN t Ilf tliuit Uopiu-itM nro uiAn-mi ou L eft ftf a y <'mm, they may expeulto p*/ f*'- r ■« ; ul i«nui»iU..»l> tbanßUnr. liy m-Vo. Clerk. ft! arch 3.1663. ALEX. COLWELL. KITTAHHIKB IKON WORKS. HAVING purohated th* later-etofoor partaeii.vr* an $. lemivtly engngod iu mttaui'nctßnng IRON, NAILS, CASTINGS, &c., Principally ol Meinl p’odnocrtM Maiionipir ai d Pmu LVvk fdTDfvce*. Tlieaupeijoruy ofouf workmen and oJ tl*o metal nted joor wairantyoftho artie’e* unDuiooiored nud ueiei* minotiou to tellol iVUOuiti pncfi, will. ul* hoped ladaoo 11 "w.u^toMi 1 me»tts«B!o of MERCHANDISE, at who!, tal.hud I.UII .ticduOMl uiiom. OULV.VEIJ.WURoWN. Hooca oratttßmw.. fMiuip. ■ tu, K!tUtlul«f.r.b 11, ISJB.-W.-pJ. BUSINESS DIBEi!TOBY nF CLEAin«’IISLD.C' ! C. KRATZER, | TVIERCHANT AM) LOMIIRU HEALER—Conn? of It 5. Erunt a&d-Loauit tlrctia—Clearfield. Ece.IKMBM. A. L. SCHNELL, HpAlfjOn-Uithereburc.-xvill ilybia work jolt a* pood aa > A satfirni’* any other ietlow. l)ec. JW. 1851. A. K. WRIGHT, Merchant and KXVBNHVE DEALER IN DtIM- B£lK—tfouihwcfct Ooraer of thi: lri. LEVER FLEGAL, [ILACKSMITH, l.ntlKTimiiß. Da . "ill 1) II.UI IU 111, Uno, aMI will a'*u lotnlah l V liiKs &i< . veiy cheap, end me m; I acta red tn tb»t>t*t cut vzunnteA. Autf- 7. IfaJ.-T , JAS. ALEXANDER, Si A DDLER AND HARNESS MAKER-ln hl»»ew th.*> I on Markotttteet, nauMsiKU'ikoM. AT llio inauth ol L’tiit Run. 6 inilos f.ora CliarflaM MERCHANTS. niidinioi..ive Lumber im.nuluuioi.iti. jono 43,18 M. j ~ WILLIAM A. WALLACE. \TrnUN B V a I* l.A'-V. Ulfi'M* .i/*j liniPß In* tendencr on Jocund »uea uppciiL ine re«HeuOA:ol i»ov. fi-Ll ID. April H.IMJ ~11. T. THOMPSON, r~>fi y^ilßLAN—rj jy bfl foil r.iUiei at hit office, or at K«o» J '{■.[' iWF.H-Curwoiivviilw-ttbea »ut «m pro’VsMO-jdlif uiiiiuit/ Doc. an. !»»■ SADDLER. IJAHNCiA & fUI■SK MANUF ALTDHI K » 7 —On »tie«t iinuHtlii c./ om < L ~ 0U * Dnji '.oi.i Hon. i>O.IUnJ. MRS. ELIZA IRVIN, Extensive het.ulek fiiiieign and d 0.00,110 .00,110 Me rclianiliei —Eauend ol Slalo $ ®omas shea, It asi'UONAULK TAlCOß—lnribaw’i How. on Matk»t * *w-et, immudiatOy o*rr tne Post Oca—CjßarHpi *V*l tc «» * a .. s?s :s *** ' -- ■ SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, rr\NNEK and UIIOT end SIJUE MANU FACri: R.ER— -1 Cnrwaii.v.lla. 11oo.eU.IBSl. GEORGE W. ORR, BLACKSMITH. 11l till new Shoo on Third .treat, jnolh ol Moitct Clearfield. Fa. »» 1- IBia - R. V. WILSON, PHYSICIAN— Ullloo on Ceuond meet, opDOiite jheiMi a,nu« of <!ov. Diclor. Claaifiiaid. April IB IB°- n * §■ g £ ? HENRY LORAINE, PHYSICIAN noil DRUGGIST. on hia retldenw. Clearliald. Aprtf lh. ISt^, i ' ROBERT McNAUL, I TANNER— Allha ULD STAND in Curwei^Tilla.^, RICHARD MOSSOP, Retailer or and domestic MER CHANDISE & LIUUORS—At lliS Mjh Lo'*- J stand. AWo,on lbs wMUidcof Jdttreet. Deo. BtMSSI. WM. P. CHAMBERS, WHFBLWKUJHT. CIIVIRMAKER. and 110U3& It riIQHN PAlNTER—GurwaotvuU. B. F. STERLING, SADDLE St AARNES3-MAKEU. and JUSTICE OF O i illi PLAfJL—LuiwtiJiivilltJ. iDat» WAGON MAKER* corner of Tliirrt and Locost ’-to**}*. UieaH'irJil. KepHihuK done luordtr. Apm. *o> WALLACE & HILLS, p ETAII.hRS Or FOIU-.ION N M i>ool y-f'’G lC MEa " IV Olloi.DMC-at Shnfc ioldfatnud—Clenrtlold.^^ HURXTHAL & BROTHER, MEUUIIANPB huj bUMtiKB 'V00.11..1 1 poit Oltice, Bradford ip . Clc"r(q»ld CO. Aftnl n. »<♦ GEO. RICHARDS, F“Wi uufrvta ' epd iL B TiA b . 0W JOSEPH. S. FRANCE, ATTORNEY AT J.A W.Ollteeon f,larket*tfßet,»dJnlaTDj tuereiidenceuf J.L. Lau.e, Eiu , 18Ja - 1. L. BARRETT, MERCHANT. LUMHKKMA.N AND IiKNEUAI.PrJJ UI'CE L'EALIiK-At Hartall,' nil.};. &i UgultM lir.tLe Uco. 00. KH O. B. MERRELL, r I. ,pp p.l{. TIN Si HA BET IRON WARE MANLYAC. i./rv HER—At Heiual'. oid Hand on Manat ,tr;ei-Cto»i (loli!. Uau,.». cm. THOMAS MILLS, piOVin AND SLEIGH MAKER, on Third « , .r«t. iw.inil Martel i.nd Loann. L'caili. 'd. la, Apnllh. J. E. BItOWN ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, GEO. W. RHEE.M, JOHN W. SIIUGERT. WILLIAM H. BLOOM, \T ERG!! -‘.NT anil ‘..'.MllhUandPT IUUCB OBAU'I. iM . 'urwcn-iiMr. l"«:kW noun;,. Pa. Annul. HM WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE,: l' and Oil MR MAKER, and HOUSE nndSIC.N \j PAIN PER oned- oi ...u,li ol tha Praioylcdnn f.nuitti. on tenon 1 .it»u. t n.-a.lifU Pa. Apnl 10. IoM J. A.. J. G. RUSSELL Tannery a courriers and dealers in ali. kind, olLaalher. Illdi». Grain. S:o ttkan Faun.villa Pa Grnmpianliid. P. U., Feo. 4. Dd<L DAVID SACKET, CAMNET AND CIIAIR M AKER. lAioa.ttl batw.ra Bcctinil ami Third. llenrliold. I‘a. Apnl 16. ItUi., . . CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. Wheelwright a ciiairmakers. ae.-Biiiu puil. I‘tke iOwnkh:p. Um.W, IBM. GEORGE R. BARRETT, A rrORNEY AT EAW-OHico aujoinmii h.j i«W«km rV oa Neoood *licet. Clearfield. April 16. <«»■ GEO. B. GOODLANDER, I*7AGON , MAKER—Lulhotibora. Woik don.« VV on Yiioii notice, and OQ goodtermi. D>»o. fcJ, M. DR. S. L. COBLE, ~ IHVRK'I AN—re»id»»c«oni* milutait ol Clearfield DrldXu— If will attaud lonllcaUoulha»lioito,lnulica. ci)i , J6>l!(W> p W. BARRE'IT, SAMUEL ARNOLD, Merchant ami rßuDUoti dealer. Ln*haj,tort G.tailUld coimiy. Pa. Aniil FREDERICK ARNOLD,, T 7IMCH AN i' and PRODUCE DEALER. EuthaAhuii iVI L'lci-linid no.. Pa. Aniil 11 i tIU. DR. G. F. HOOP, f .' jpUENCHVILLE, pleaiiinld county^,. JOHN IT. HILBURN, . JAMES lIOLLENBACH, ' J. H. JONES, nrinß h R6oT»MAttEU-Aoi»Ji.lß. Ill* «>* S®wlbSiS,V.tM.a rod . JOHN C. RICHARDS, fe 6 PHYSICIAN— On lha,R:d«« Road to Chett omaki font ml'et from Uotwoawlll...- leU. . M. E. WOOD, 1 T,H YSICIAtI. .May alwayj t.u ioand at hit rtjJdoaon L r fca< naiiillo. wbeatolpp,fttilaniillr.l;«oat. “ ■ Deo. in, 18. f.,