JtECIPE FOR CORING SORES A writer in the Genesee farmer, ■.whbJsigns himself “R. and .dateS'at Centre Lisle, gives us the following recipe for curing sores: ''-/fake two and a half drachms of,ldup vitriol, four draclims*of al unj, and six drachms loaf sugar: or we w;ll say, blue vitriol the size * of a walnut, alum a size larger, and sngav the size ofa hen’s egg. o Pulverize and turn into a glass' bottle. Add one pint of good vinegar, and one table-spoonful i of honey. Cork, and shake the mixture three or four times a day; tthd when dissolved, it is fit for use. I . .This washNvilf remove film from! horses eyes-; will cure king’s evil, i and most kinds of fever sores ; will! destroy proud flesh, and cause the j sore to heal. It is great for hoofj rot in sheep and may be applied to any sore with safety. The sore should be kept, clean and! washed twice a day with the mix-' until completely healed. For the eye it may be diluted in soft •syater one-half, but should in all „casps be used as strong as the Jiatient can bear. For hoof rot ip sheep, add as much gunpowder vitriol; pare away all the affec ted part of the hoof, wash freely every few days, turn the sheep into fresh pasture, and you have a /jure. NEATNESS IN FARMING. A writer in the Norristown Herald truly says: Neatness, in /imping, matters, is a virtue that £annot be too highly commended Ar approved. No industrious ag riculturist will ever be found slo ven. Neatness and industry are generally found to go hand in jhapd. The farm of tile industrious jtiiaif is always neatly tilled, there are no weeds struggling for the mastery with his crops ; there are no* bushes scattered over his culti vated lands, no nettles or thistles ■hedging his pathway to his man sion, no shingles missing from his i toofj po pigs sunning themselvs in j bis front door, and no hats or un-' jnentionables protruding from the windows to supply the place of glass. His motto is, “Let all things be done in the proper seasou, and done well,” Who does pot admire a neat parlor, a neat sitting room, a boat kitchen and a neat table ? Why should we not equally desire jffc neat cornfield, a neat wheat close, and a garden or fruit yard ? TAKE CASE OF YOUR COWS. The Coudersport Peoples' Jour . ha/, has the following item of ad *vice, which should be heeded by all who intend profitable dairying jaext summer: Asa general thing, our people do not winter their cows with care enough. They should make their stables warmer; and build more sh.eds arouud the yard. It is too late now to build sheds for this winter, but much may be done Jp tighten up the stables. Cows well taken care of for the balance of this winter, in warm stables, well pleaned and littered—with plenty of be worth at least a quarter more next summer for milk, than those that are poorly jmused and- arelessly fed. Fruit Trees.— The method of jaipjng fruit trees by planting the scibns is a great desideratum in • the art of obtaining good fruit.—' 1 Jt has many advantages over graft-1 fng because it is more expeditious, | and requires no stock nor tree. —| They* may be planted where they | required to stand, the labor of .Pjriq day will be sufficient to plant pdt ehough for a large orchard af ter “the scions are obtained. The •tqethod of preparing the plant is as |ollcws: lake the scion as for grafting, U-Py time after the first of Feb iXiiary and until the buds begin to grow and dip each v end of the shoot into melted pitch, wax or tallow, and bury in the ground, the buds uppermost, whilst .f ho body lies in a horizontal po sition, andat tlje depth of two or three inches.- We--are informed , tjhat trees obtained in this way \fbear iii four years from: the time . planting. We have no doupt practicability qf this meth- WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. \¥. Corner Second & Mulberry streets, PHUJADEIiPHIA. oki-hh foii .s,\le a (.aiioi; ASSonTMENr of TEAS, 1 ' COFFEE, ■ | At the Lowest SUGAR, j. j MOLASSES, Market Prices, ! SPICES, fc., 4-f. j T' ol • ootmrcnciat New Hlore* uro partiotilorly Invited to 0 : ‘ "* o >f’Mi i Ivon tof'rodiiM. Pcsiß&HVivniDin ! pnoM 400 TO 20 000 lor hIEUUtiANIMAi^. L’ITY PROFERTY orOANIL Addre** ‘Vi JOS. A. HAUDICK. Real Eitato Hrohcr. No. IC7. Walnal tit. January 20, ISf.II —4m. FhiJndelphia. riULADKLT'IIIA ■ MEDICAL HOUSE. ICstn blishoi! 18 yenru ngo by Dr. Kjnicelin, N.W rorncrtilT’liiid nnd Unionsiruetu,Lctwecni (Vprticn and Pine «U., Plnludolpliin. ipiGHTkEN yunoofextfusivn and uninterruptrd practice U »ptnt in :hi» city, havo rccdoio l Hr. It. ti (uulilul exccimsor tinpan.iet of llie b'ooil whereby the con »Umiou u.i> ticcome tmiUFblvd. urn all treated wiLk kucoo.i. Hn wno piuce* hiennf umjpr Uiocuteof Dr. K-.inny r{. Farnnit by reading it will learn how to prevent the destruc tion ol their Children •**A remittance cent* cneloind in a letter. nddrciiod loilr. KINK Uhl:.. N. V\ , corner of Third aol i luion strtois, .Spn.r o an I Fine. PhiiudtMllrta. will ensure a hook under eovi r \*».t r.uc.ca mad. fVrio*.» m. u dtMuueo may adders Dr. K. by leltor. [post pnul.Jniid bdcumii m liol’ih I'acfcage* ol MiiUcine;, l.'iiecriont forward.**! by send im: n M'rmttrtuee, non put up sou-in* JV'.m dunrace or curiosity. fL.w* Age t*. iV'Deis. Canvassers. mid nil others iq j plied w dh the above work at very low rotei. . Oclotor UT.lbSd.— ty. DOLLARS FORFEIT-DR. HUNTER WILL \ lorU it »>(] it lailiug thor profmon, aod to that in devott* mo*t ol nil t mu and «tudy. YEAILS OE r deyoted to tiio »tuly nod treatment of ilii»>a*n* of th 9 *oxuai oreant. together with ulcer* upon tha body, turn-.:, nose or Icgi, pains in the h«ad. or Ijone*. murcnriHl rheuicauim, **llo gravel, irrusuiaii Uui. di*ca*e* ari*itij from youthful traci»oo, or lmpU'ita*iof the blood, whereby the coo*titu»inn ha* booome eniwfblud. euable* the l)oc:or uj olferipeody relief to all may place nnderhi* caro. Mwlicloeforwarded to any part of tbo Lulled tJtatca.— Fnoe f tvu and Ten Dollar* per paakage. B fcJopt.U, 1832.—1 f. “Every Family Should have n copy.” An invaluable Book, only 25 els. per copy, MAN, KNOW THYSELF. DR,■ HUNTEU’a MEUit.'AL MANUAL AND HAND HOOK FOIt TIIE AFFLICTED, Containing nuout. lineutjha Origin. Progress. Treatment nod* Ours of every forrn (f disease, contracted by ProomcuoQi Sexual Intercourse, by Sslf-iiDuse, ot by S«xual Lxoe»s. vjtn advice for their pre vention, written in a fumi.iar itylo. avoiding all medical tech ntc-mite*, aod every thing that woold o'fend the car ofdu ctnuj, from the retail of some twenty yean* ouco r >*ilul prno* ttce, exclusively devoted to the cutoof diseases of a delicate ur prjvAto nature i o which it added receints for the core of the above diseases, and a tn-atiie on the Causes. Hymirtams and Cum of the Fe ver a*id Aceu. forTwvnty.Five a copy , Six oopies one dollar; will be forwarded to any pan of the United Slates, by mail, free of po»i&mi. Lidress. pottage paid. "Box 1518. Pn*t CJliioe. or the Auihur. WNorih Seventh Streo*. Philadelphia Sept. 3. 195J-ly. XiskMos 51 JDifobs TffaMsaSnng'Bo JC. OOHRTEUFt KH, S. fi C'IKNUU . MAPLE STREETS, ABOVE RACE. IMIILAOEL -I'i‘lA. invite the Ladies of the Oily and Country to call and examine Ins iplen id stock of 'l ritumtagi, which has boon selected with the ntrcou care. Mr U being enabled. Irom hP experience in tire Iminess. to takea'lvan»n«;e of the wbim*»Jin market, is able to sell as low us uny otluv ert'hliihir.eai. Mr tiwas formerly prin* coal cmductor ol ibo extensive bn.inei* of Mr. VV.J Ho ia mbi), t%u. iio4 Chestnut street, atm hC extensive experience will tie a caa'auux’ ol bis ability to do justice to Ins ou*touj*m. HU Stock cmnjnr.es tho ibroiving—Spfc, Wonted, and Cot ton Curtain Frlnces. Binding. *1 assets and Oord-SilL nod Worsted Blind do—Silk, and Cotton und (i (jvw-Co:i)t.i, Hnsliej. So pi. Berlumery. &o.—Woollen and Colton knitting unu Daminr Yarn— Porte Monnaies, furnished Work-Boxes, Bracelets, and Fancy Article* gener ally. Call and tautuioe lor yourselves. i Sept. 29. W2.-fim , SHELDRAKE’S M. HOTEL. ALLEGHENY HOUSE. No. StO. O Mmket Street, ntovwHth, Philadelphia. Under the new urmi./eiiiott. the cars wh cii arrne from IMusbarg. Harrisburg &o , will run In tho New Depot. corner of Schuylkill 6th aod ni iiug Hsdsinnts will r>leasd civu u» ucab. Terms—One Dollar per day. b«p‘.. 16. im-Cio. 51)0 Agecrts Wanted. $lOOO A YEAR! IS/ASTED li, IiVESY O lUKTY 01-* THE UNITED * V S I‘ATfciS. active uud mo a, to ADexeoiu the saleof some of ttiobeii Books published in tho country. Tocienaf good uddresi, pouussinq a small capital of from f-o to inch will be pllerod as to enable them tn male from THMKE to TEN dollars a day profit. Tuo Books publlsbod by us mo all useful in their character, exir.irrifcly popular, and command lcr«e ifllos wherever they a/euflerud. i Foi furtiier particulars, address, (nost&go paid.) DANIFi.d tL GETZ, BQoce»tors to IV. A. Leary U Co., No. lßd North Socoud Struct, Philadelphia, Hepi. 16,1E53 —Gm. Commercial Hotel. Subscriber bavin* leased the I’ablio Iloaio, formerly 4. known as the Amoncau li tuse, No 18 tioutn BixtJi sticet, betweon Market nnuCbulnut strcuU, has changed the name of the same to ©(SJMJMOffoaafl IEI®4©S, Bens leave tq tuforra hit fricbtls and tho i’ublic, that this hoaso has audergone a rhorouith remodelling, repairing, re- PHlntina and repaoerinjr, fiom attij to bruement. An entire new outfit of {urnitnie, ueddies, &0.. tkc.. bat been proantod from the most celebrated Manufacturers tn this city. From tbo central iocstiou, end its olruo proximity to the uaijtoiul f opots, Hieamuoat Jiindlncs. Placet of Amusnment, bashionablixThcronghfares and Pub'io Pquares, uoHbtsin (taoements to tho Merchant visiting the city on bQtinots, or the Traveller seeking ploaturo. To families and females visiting the oity, every facility will be oifercd, and every cpmfort re. gorded o ronke thetr visit agreeable and pleasant. A shaie of the public patronage is respectfully soholtod. JACOB G. LKUO. JAHED IUVIN. Supuriutendenl. Proprietor. boot. 3.lBsJ.—tfm. Wew marts,, THE undersigned Las opened &BTOBE in GLEN HOPE Clumf‘Oldcr»umy. v/hcraholnteflds keeping conitnntly on hnnduGUUlJ of nil things uioully kept lu a country store. ••• All kludt ol P. oduce taken In exchange tor goods. - JAMES M KELLY. . Glen Hope, Oct. 7,lBsJ.—tira. CSlextxa> .iKWtv—NO JbW WuUK—uur RO JK'-V oi iltna ’c U>talnm! fmt l.nw of hnmiany. and treat •‘Very nnflfts ho wpuhl ui.ii them to trovt him. Atoll eveuli none coo tio better thun give j.irii u call, &i.arii»Mi.r l rly re.j-i**%iul. ihouiii they trod nulhtbc U» toil tin'll r.i/i n in.y . I tuo-iy. Mr. M w »r, P . jt to be HitJnct'y uadttntnod that ho will >Ki.i, limn any other fcatabJjaiiUir.ul tu too ooun’r. ZSf* Cali early and iteare Root’ bargains. t-'n; j|Je, [}cc. I RSS —tl' NEW GOODS. rpni. Hnbicriber uopl' 1 ,n?nnn thu oit.y.Jta of Cjpnrf.tM 1 .coonty. nncuho generally, that heiiaa Jl.'hT Ul> uLI V hu, a&ti ii b‘ r .»\V OI’MNINtJ, at the Cox uie/ly ooeuptttf oT \Vmc & at Monijiiaie, n Large, Splendid tj‘ Cheap Atsortmeat of Co IDNIT. EDMUND F. BKENNKK. Morrlidal.’, Nov. IP, 1863. C£3*q£»CDgO£3 AT THE CASH STOKE. aißwasr and HAVE lost received a largo and well selected STOCK OF OOOUSsuilablo tJ the so'ison, which ther are selling oil m very low pr.cei—and Uivy invite all wish wish to buj nOtil) GOOIJH CHEAP to call and evanimo betore pur chasing elsewhere. HKMPBBttLL’Sgjjk ggQTEL rU'.AKFIKLL). r stih»criber most resprclfnily lol’.irms the cit'xeni of JL tjlearfiebi county, end the travelling public geaur»ll» . thnt he has uk«a the above nuiuetl ii«.*’i'El. «iluate*R who may ttjp wiLhhmi. 'H'S STABLE will bt*careiully uttemlud to*—and his'FA BLE and UAH supplied with -he best the tnurnei wMI alford. . WM. J. IILMPIiILL. Aocitit 11. lb6J. “LOLA MONTES.” siEuil §Ba©© MaMuag, AT CLEARFIELD BRIDGE. ANCIb UTJ’, itxpeciindy announces to the public. 1. that he has caiumencul ihe ni>ove buiioMi at (;LE*VK FIELL BKIOHK, in the new building o*jCQpi»d by John Condo, on ihe west side of tho creek. where lie will mnnnfuc l uro BtM ) t'H and i»h( )KS, ol hll kind*. and at fulr prices, on the shortest notice, and in the very best manner. (»iv* tHIOJKTY ii cal . June 4. I V 'W Important to mill Owners. THE HUHSDKIHBM HA.-< THE ATENCV, for Ibis and fiber couutiM iu Pennsylvania, of Rose’s dinci Action Water Wheels. And is prepared nt tlm shoitott notiu>* to put ham to o.cre tiim.ru lo si*tl Lvr.itnry. He would nl o say that this method ot wa'er Dower tsc.j nl lo other niual rnoihods, with one mtlf the amount ot wm*,-. HFN K Y li. BMI PH. Cli urtiold (let. :l>. Irijj, llTOefiiS, Cfi’OtifiiS. f E suUoiibur respectfully unnouncsi to the Pub! o that X h• w ill be cocr-tnntly suppiiod wilti a general aikOi uneni ol the liost uuaiily ol Crockery Ware From the Factory of Jcsao Adumr. in Ceatro oonnty—which will be sold id ilia very lowest prices, C. u. WAT3UN. Aqeut. Clearfield, [Jpneml'rrU?, R’63,—l-'m. ILnell; ©if BoffltLtisirSj, Remaining in ihu Foet Office ai Cleurfteld on the lirnt day of Jun. J 853 Bulscl B F Morrell Howard Mutne; (3©o r flo Meyor Peter Carson W F Montenius Andrew Childs James w—3 MoKee Thomas Crawlord Henry McGee Miss Margaret Bodd Norris Motes Davoll Thomas O’Conne! Barney Edenboe William Pallmer Uwis kerguson David Picard R Gearhart George W Prinlsr ll^nry Giiiw Bosaaquet—3 Uoyßoseho llu.tmß.C Rue llrnnthf-Y Hall BteolieD Koweray John iralm Aboil! Phaw Biohardl! Hoover Mis* Anna hnyderAostin ilnover Mrs Mary tfmltb William 8 ffoover Mr*. Mary J Hmitn William Holes Alby *J hompson John R Houcks Hr. Jacob Wann David Hney K-.bart twidov; or heirs) Wacaner Joseph ■ i. rv in J.ulm 'Vearaor, jr, John—3 William Weed Froa’K iwiiLsw or heirs} KillnnJohn Winterniiz MissUaro ine MapM'UiobardlS WM.IMDGBAUGH.i’. M. Estate of Hugh Leavy, dec’ll. NOTICE IS lIEUEIIY GIVEN. Timt LotionToitamon. _VH? issued to the subscribers, «n the estate ol nj-'GH LEAVY, Into of Uie boruttgh ofClcarfiohl, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate will therefore make Imme diate pay meat—and those having claims aguiu»t the tame nre requested lo present them to the subrcilbers at Clearfield duly authenticated for settlement. January L2,IS&J. Estate of Benjamin Carson, sen., dec’d. TVTOTiCE 13 IJEKEBY GIVEN, that Loiters Tostamon- tary on the estate of Benjamia Carson, sen., late of Bra dy township. Cioaiheid oounty, doccaswj. have been gt&nted to the subicribori. All persons Indebted to said estate will make paymqutitamedlatdy.and those having claims against the same willpidsentthemdaly authenUcaUd forsjltlement. at his late tesidence in Brady township. ELIZABETH M. CARSON. Ex»rx. .<*» \ , tc--, WIiOUOE THORN,Executor. February 4, 1553, rUIAIN PUMPS for tale by V Juuoiu. WALLACE StOILLS. LOUDEN &• CO'S WORLD RENOWNED FAMILY MEDICINES fol r C Te ß & e c «. MJi ' MABK fit SHULTZ. Decsmbor lU, \Hj2 JAMES WPI(;LRy,)p T . SaRAU LEAVY, J Lxr * sl*oo Challenge. IH/lIATEVERconoorm thehefiUh aod hnpplnenof Qpco wV,'. 0)0 is ht ail times of the raest-valonble importance. 1 take ltfnrgras.ted thut every person will do nil In their power, tOiavotbe livot orUicirchildreai and that ovary period will ea* deavor to promote their own hoalth at ail sacnlicoi. 1 feel it to ho my duly to wlnrooly aMoro you that vyuHMB, noord* in? to the opinion ofthetnostoa'cbrated Physicians! ore the primary-causes of a largo mjiiority of diseaso* to which chlW died'nnd molts tire liable) if you haverra appetite eoutmu* nlly changeable fnm one kind ot food to another. Bad Breath,* Pain iu thotjtonicb, Picking nt the Nose, Hardness and lull* ium ol the Belly. Dry Cough, Plow Fevor, Putio Irregular— rorooroberlhataU these denq\e WORMS. nnd you shoQld at onco apply ti»o remedy/ nOBENSACK’S WORM SYRDP. An article ioanded Principles, compounded with piiro'y vegetable snbetnuoce, butnc petlvctly sufe when luKen. andean be given lo tne most lender Infant with dec!, dod baneliaml nfl'rct. whero bowel Complaints nnd Diarrhcea havn made them weak and debilitated tho Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup ore such that itdtamls without an equal in the osiulogue of medicines. In givinit tone nnd strongth to theStoraech, which mskrstt on Infnflihlo remedy lor those niPlctou with Dyr-petiu. the astonishing cams performed by this Syrup alter Physician* have failuJ, io ilie best evidence ofitssuperior efficacy overall others. The Tape Wod'ibi ! This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of allthnt Infost thehuraansvstora.it grows loan almost Indefinite length, becoming io coiled and fastened io the loteslines and Stom. nch efloctwe. the health so sodly ns to cause St. Vltm Dance, Fits, arc .that those aifllcted soldon* if ever saspeot that It is Tope Wotm hastening them to on early grave. In orderto dcsiroythts vVorm.u very onergotio treatmonl must be pnr* imd, it would therefore be proper to tako tor Bo) my Liver Fills so us to remove fall obstruct lons, that the Worm Syrup may net direst uiranthe Worm, which most bo taken in doses of a Tablespnnnfallf 8 times a day, Theso Directions followed have never been known lo fail in curing tho most obstinate oaso ot Tape Worm. Mobciignckta hirer Pills. No part of the system is more linblo to d'aoaso than tho 1,1 VER—it serving as a filterar to purify the blood, or giving the primer secretion to the hilo—so that any wrong action ol the E ver effects the other Important parts of tho system, ami mulls variously m Live- Uoinpbint, Joandico, uyspepta, No. We should, therefore, watch every symptom that might indicate a t*ron* action of the Liver. These Bills being com* posed of KOOTfI and PLANTS (nmished by mtiure to heal toe sicK Namely, Ist. An EXPECTORANT, which ntig meats the seoretion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter IM. An‘ALTER ATIVE, whicii changes in some inexplicable and Insensibio rnnunor the certain morbid notion of the srsteut dd. A TO NIU. which gives tono and s'ren jth to trio nm rous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts of the body. 4tJi. A CATHARTIC, which ucts in period harmony with tho other ingredients, and operating ou the Rowe:*, and expelling tho | whole muss »*f corrupt ana vitialnd umtior. nnd puiifying the ■ Wood, which destroys disoaie nnd retimes hcullh. j CO?CS> IS J CS>p£SiSID.C©S3 a You will find thcio Pills on invaluable medicine In many 1 complaints ro which you nre subject. In ntistriioUoxiß either tntu> r.r partial, they have been found ol jnoitiurable benefit— restoneg their functionol arrangoatouif to n healthy action— 'ratifying tho blood and other fluids so effectually as to put to tliilln all complaints which may arise iron) f'emnie irregulari. ties, as Headache, Giddiness, Dimness ol Bight, Pain In the Bill*). Hack, ico. Nono genuine unless signed J. N. lIODENSACK—tiII other* lieinc base Irailntionj. ry*Acfnti whlnng new supplies. and Store KeoDorxdesi roui oHiticomi.it* Agents must address tne Proprietor, J. N liobi'&tack. I i.i aJelphlu, Pa. Agents in Clearfield county . WALLACE & HILLS Clearfield. C D VVATHUN do K. ARNOLD Lutporsborg. ti fell E HEAT V Y Hridpp-irt McHRIDi-; a WRIGHT Curweoiviil* j a a. l) PAiToN do. BTICVENSUN tl CO Marysville. And by fjvrry rurpeciublo Dealer and Mercliant in the roaoiy and Oiri’ricc, each 25 cents Phdrulelj iti’s, Juno Li. P s‘J.—ly. PENN IRON FOUNDRY; Machine, Patteru and Blacksmith Shops, Olimirioiia, fa, "PHE .ticdersijsed would nnnoanoe to the oitixeni of Jl Clujdield. and ndjoini&g counties, lbath« has opened u room on Second in the boroOgh of Clearfield, neur ibe itoie of i/eonuid ti Moore, whore fip intern's keeping n GENERAL ArWOKTMENf UKCA&riNGS. warranted to be mmleefiue ijest raatetiu!, nrd at price) thol cannot fail to piease. The following compote the clock Du'hoods: FCLTON** HOT-AIR <’* IOKING BTOVJ2, foi either Wuodoriloal ’This Btove has prubnbly the largest intrO duction cf’-ny other lonnol stdves. ' It has saper«ciled in ulm- at »'very count), the well known Ifotlravny and Z'eg lt is fairly undeislood, and the llu^i-Imjip.-t so urrangrsJ'thni uli cap bs ctaanod without any tmub'e. T.->e peqblar fora and oonilrnction is such as to render lithe most tiurablo oi all stoves Numerous testimonials could l>» odded.hut it isdeeaird ivnr IMPROVED PREMIUM COOKING BTOVES-at from io BJO PAftl,OK BTOVES—for oltherwood or coal. AIK-TICDHT do SALAMANDER do q bcaatifolCoalßlove E<*o do NINE & TEN Pf«AT‘E Stoves— cheap. MANTLE CUaTLB, w ( ih sommer pieces. A large variety and tapcrioT finished Gistrt from Id to t)Binchei. I'U.MM' iN GR.Vi'Lk, ullfi7.es PLAIN AND OKn AM CN PAL RAILING ; HOLLOW WARE; OVEN MuCTIIS : Dhllf tltuNd. WAFFLE do. oCALEHBAMrs. WAGON BOXES.BLEIGH.HI.BU U BOUrsOLLS.OAU K'NGS for Rain. ROAD SCRA PERS, a new article. CORN t'HELI.ERB. (JOHN AND • 'OR MIL!*S. wnrraolo I to grind J 5 Hus. Ears per hour. BLACKSMITH TUYERES, the best in use ; do, MAN DUILI-S acdTHIK BENDERS : Together wiin the ukinil variety of article* kepi at Honniry EilabJiihmeDt*. Also, Made to Order, CKISTand SA W -MILL (J RAH I NG—having decidedly Ihe iargeu *Un.k . and bull vnrtety m rmtteraiol any tcublith n»«Ut in v»>»trru Feoniytvuuia * MILL DOGS. SHAFT lIS (I—lame and »nmll.ofcan cr wrought jrqo, HANGERS, DKUMSnnd I’ULMES; Kate nod other approved VVater WmCCLS; WUODand IRON BATHES; MANDRILLS for Or.-ulftfSxwi. WjOD BORING MACHINES. Constantly on hand and for sale, FANNING MILLS. THRESHING MAGHINEH. PEN- NuCK'S UIiLEBttATEH GRAIN URIELS. Sic. Isc. Screw-Cutting. Any tired Screw, wiih any desired uamlicrof threadi lo Lit** inch, otiher »«j are or V tltreud. Bran. Copper, and Babbeti’i Metal Caitinpi mule to order. % NATHAN MYERS. Match 4, ItoJ.—ly. ' To IVlill Owners. TPK onderxigned hoi appointed C. it. CARTBU, or C Mirticlfl, hi* agrai for ilia enlj of Cutting*, wlro will receive bui*. Uu ail Limit of Mill Goarin*. Hnd omer mauhiui • ry. IVraont dmiiou* to contract will do wall to call and ex- MU'Dc the caialurfuo ol j’aitciut, and nn'cnucn* ol the work, belote making en*a*emenu«lie\v|iui.!. Cutting* will bado- Uvea-d.U desired, ut Clbaitield, and warranted .u be made of good material, and linr«h*U m n workmanlike manner, Huv. in* iu lUDimig order KtVE Superior Cut he*, and other ma chinery in |fio tame pioburtion. employing none but Ute belt workmen, usiugthe verr boitJ’jc Iron and Coni, with many oUin advantage*,he llailershiratelfthul tiu work will be done at well a* in the be*t ettr thopi, nnu on the ihorieit notice. Bor puriiculuii. call oa M.. CARTER, Atr«-nt. NATiI A.N MKERS. Mmj'i I. P-W.-ly 1 re mendous Kxcitement! A GRAND EXPOSURE OF fiIKW OOOK>^. WA3L3L.AOT & ETOM WOIIU!) rosi.enlfuily unoon-et)'•» theirnUl pat/ont, and •‘Uirtrfaiof mankind,'’ that they hav«;ju»t ro eivud Iromlhe ea*l,j Onn of the Largest, Cheapest, and most varied assortments of goods ever bro’t to this or any other place. ]La«rph. i'n Falconer ts Ha,kail, Ilalti mareMt). H. VV. Blitfley Chaileiton,B.U. Bert and lllck iS’T'i n o, f, nVES which heoflert for tale are the fob owing btiderus v»r No I—IMPROVED COMPLETE of 1848. N». U-liANDY COOK. No B—NINE PLATE FTOVES-tmnroved. No. 4-TEN PLATE, or HaLiTMOBE COOK. No. IMPROVED No. ti—EMPIRE STATE of 1851. Nj. 7-JENNY JIN U H ADI A'l ( Jß—Parlor. No. H-NEW YORK AULTiGHT do No »—SALAMANDER do No. Iu—COLUMBIA 3WVES, for Bar rooms 6c. He has a’su ou band. to h:s caitom&rs. very umrap. ,i superor article of ' Stove Blacking , Tint can’t be bent. It isoheap, easily put cu, looifi beanii fill, and Wrt’iti very weii. CF"Adihaabove articles are INJURED, and will bo said FOR CAFH at juice* so low as to astonish everybody. Cleartiold. Jniy o, lßol.—r THE ROAD TO HEALTH. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CUKE OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD DIG&L TloN. C<*})y ol a Letter from Mr. H. \V. Kirluia, Chemiat, 7, Pre.-oot hreet, Liverji-jol, (Kuylind., dated Gth June, ibsl. To Prufessor HOLLOWAY SlR—Your Pill* and Ointment havertood the higheiloa oorialo lut o! Projmetary Sledlcioet for wmie yoan. A cm* tomer. to whom 1 can refer lor any enaumet, dcitroi aia lo let you know the particalanof hercaie. Boe had been troubled for year* with a (liiordeiad liver, and bad digestion. Un tbe I ait ocoamon, however, the virulence of the attack wui to alarminc. nn>l the Icflammation.iet in so severely, that doubts weto entertained of hur out being able to bear up apdnr it; fortunately the wniaploootl to try your I'illi, and the mfonoi tne that alter tbe iir»l7aad cacbsuccMdoix do>e, ahe had treat reMol. yhe continued to take them, ami altheugh *he died on ly threo Hoxct. the is now in the enjOymenlof perfect health. I could have sent you many morecases. but tire above. Irom the Severity of the Atteck, und Ujq Speedy Core, 1 tliiok. ipeQka much in favor of roar aitontsbinr Pills. (Signed) R. W. KIRKUB. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OP RHEUMATIC FE VER. IN VAN I)IEMAN'» LAND. Copy of n Loiter in tho iiotmrt Town Courier,of iho Ibt March. IBM, by Major J. VValch. Marearel M'Oonaigan, uiueLwm yean of age. r«siding ut New Town, had boen suliering from a violent Bhaninatto Fe vor for upwards of two months, which had entirely deprived her of the ukq of her limbi: dating thu period »he was under thecate oftbe mostouinent medical men in ilobait Town, anil by them hor case wai conmiered hopelesi. A friend pre* vailed ujton him to try Holloway's celebrated Pills, which she concerned to do. and tutin iacrediblo sliort space ol lime they dlecicd a perfect oura CURE OF A PAIN AND in THE CHEST AND STOMACH or A PERSON 8* YKAR3 0F ACE. From Mo-Bfs. Thew & S«n, Propnoton* of tho Lynr. Anvcriiaer, who ran vouch lor tho follovMng etuiement. August 2nd, 1851. To Fiofessor HOGLOVVA Y, Hiiw—l desire to bear testimony to the good elTects of Ho lo wav's Pills. For same years I suffered suverely liom a pain ami lightness 'o the stomach which was nl»o accompanied by a short nets ol brunih.lhM prevenUnl me from walking about. 1 am 84 vests of age, ucd notwiiiiitanding my ndvunped state the*'-I*, 1 1« have so relieved mo, i hat lam deproas that others tiiotild b« made hcquuinted with their virtues. 1 am uow rendered, hr their means, compuiativoiy active, andean mke fseroue willful inconvenience or piiio, which 1 could not do b-f‘ote. (Higucd) HENRY COE. North street. I.yun,Norfolk Tiifso colohr ttorj IMIs nru womlorfully cflicacious in Hu* luliovviug com|tl»imts: Agtiu Fevers ul nil kinds Koro Thioefs Antbroa liu Slone and Crave! Illilou* Comnlaints (iuut Beoondury Symp li;otciie» on iheH'.in Hrad-aphu toms Rowel Compiumis IndlceaUou Tio DoloUreox Colics Ipflaimnaiioii Tumors Consupation of theJuundioe IJlocra Rowel* Eivoi Complaints Venerea! AlVsctlons (/otisuaiiilioß Lumbago Worms ol all kinds Dibility Files Weaknois \ r .• ro JRfpty Klieuroutism wlostover cause, Dy&entry Koiouinmof Unm« /CfcTdto. liryiip.tlas HcrolaU, or King^k Female Irregol&MUes Evil 7 Potd »t the Establishment of Professor HOLJjOWA Y, 241. Hlroori (near Temple Uar. Ijondon,) uud by alirespucinbls Druauists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the IJritUh Empire, aoo of those of the United Bute*, fn Boxes at &7>uu., 870 . and 91 bl'u each. Wholesale by the priuoipal Drue houses in the Union, and by Mossr . A. U. & D. BANDS, New York. ... .Thereis a considerable saving by tolling tbo Inrgoit six d uoxei'. N. I!.—Dirooriont for the guidance of patieni* inevsry dia order are atlixed to each Box. i DR. HOYT’S ■ is PREPARATION is now belngofloied toth«Pnblic X as a GUARANTEED CURE for the HEAVES IN HOBBES, and as the] only known raodioino in thevkorld having been used in tne private Veterinary praotice of the moprietor for theiastEOyears j and bohaanever known Uio fail in a single InsUnce of producing a lasting cure, and leav i ins tho horse in good spirits far work., The utter incorapeten oyof tbe horse for labor, when troubled with this common disease, should indudo every one having moh to apply im* mediately forthls remedy. PIUCE ONE DOLLAR, PER PACKAGE. Whioh will be cent, ’’with fall directions. 1 ’ to any narto tho UnileU Stitas. All letters or communication! to bo ad dreated, Postpaid, to 1, P HOYT Rear of No. 10 Booth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. . Wholoiaie agent for the United otates. N. D.— Agents wanted tbroaghout tho country to whom e liberal discount will be given; and tboir names placed In the advertisements. Address us above. GEORGE LANICH, jh., Sißßeac^JliS^jSfiiailtha^ respectfully tender hl» thanks to those who hake V y heretofore favored • aim 'wills a share of their oustom. ana now informs his friends and the pnblio at large, (bat his Bellows are again la blast, and that they oan find him In that ?''d. ions established. And convenient shoo on Second street oiracrly occupied by David Litx, wboro i ~ ’’ Wagons, Buggies, &c. VVlllbolropodaml fiolihod oil miha belt iiylo 1 and on tho •botyat notice, amt a'tether work belonuin* to tho btulom {?*“ in tbo bait manner and on .hemort oocbmmedT ung terms, > .Clearfield, Aflg. 2/, ibs2.' Joly.b.u./if ;ui- " v \ .... r • R;M0330P, ; . Cat«Fi(i‘ncwrcilni; \tfUhe A- B*. 8 *. nouoiirox. X. .u. in tu« t Ww, Ounii of tin? JUiiftTli-t ‘ Court' /of, tlu* J.Weru ’ ‘‘M ' -*.i »'.’■! i .‘Wftrirt of 1,.' Another Scientific Wonder! ! c f R\IGCSTION is chiefly performed in the stomach kr tbt is uid ol a fluidlwhich frufily exude* from tbelnnerccriluT (hat organ, whon in a stats of health, called the (:«u»ii Jaice. This Fluid is the Great f.oivcutof tho Fodd.tbipavr lying, Preserf Ids, uod inulnno 0 Agent or th* tPanttV and intestines. Wilhont It there v/ill bo on d/gettiol conversion of Food in 10 (Hood, non nonotrllirn ofthebedr* ba’.rnthcr a foul.torpid, painful, and dcsuar 1 e cooditfouol the whole digestiveapparatus. A weak, half uoid.ofinißfta •toraacli produces to cnod Gastric Juice, ami heavotbe uis l ease, diitiess and debility which ensue. * . <1 PEPSIN is trie chief element, or Great DigoitintPHsciplJ ol tho (Ja*trioli>ne power ’lit* iioinsoh of a oaif I card .0 nearly one ihonsond timet t’.s own weight of mill*] Duron i.iubtg stn'ei that "< tur: u*rt 01 Pepsin Unsolved 10 kiiti I tnousand tiurls of wmht, will digest meat and other' food.Pi I Disumcd stomachs prodnew no gi>'»d Gauric Juice. linnet,* I Pepsin. To show that this want may ho perfectly I we qu j.c the following 1 RAUON LIEIIIG, In his celebrated wont on AnpwH Chemistry, ur s: “An Artifoml Digestive FhuJ tD&y tel readily onLuftctl from the mucous membrane oftheit omacht/1 u Calt,ij»'which various nrtirkt of tooJ.M meat nod ec«, will anil Digested, p.-aitfllym the sues mnnde’ o» they would tio in tire human stojut.cn,” DH. PKH El FA, In hu fuitTonstrja'ireon andDlef" puhilUiml bv lYtiion hi Go., New Voile, f-ai;e2s, rtr.if.su* seme great fact, ami ncncrib » the methodo| piepai.vjun- Therc ore few higher authorities than Dr. fVrpi t l)r J'IHN W, l»l(/VPEI\. Professor of f’henjiifry tn Osej Medical Goilejeot ri.e Univ 'd, in vs. “It fins been a question whether artificial digest ioxt ; ciuld 00 per formed *-bnt Hti now universally that, m may he. M I Professor DUNOEIcjUN of Philadelphia, in Ms great wodl no Human PhVsiJogy. devotes more tunn fifty paces to as examination 01 this sUbpoi. liisespaiitneut* with Hr, Umu< mont.on the Gastric Juice, obtained from the living htirassj stomach an J from aimnals nro well known. “In' ill caw. I 'M lie says "digestion occurred as petfestiy in the ArUbciaiuiil ihc Natural dices!ion*. 7 ’ DR, IIDI’GRT* >N ’ *5 preparation of PEPSIN has prodaosi the most marvellous effects, coring cnees ol Debilit), L‘i®wi* lion Nervnas Decline, and Dyspeptic. Coosomnlion tuppMsa to boon the vory verge of the grave. It is irapcwlletotJii the ih'tbiU of cuter »u the limits of this advertiteni®ai-ijl| anUienticited certificates have betn rccmteilol murelhshG' I you remarkabli; cures .1 la Philadelphia. New Voik. and Hoston alono. These wertj nearly all desperate cases, nnd ihecnrts Wero sot oalyjspU] end wonderl’nl. bat permanent- , I Jt is a greaINEKVftUA ANTIDOTE, nod from thsailosJ iibiupi; small qoactity oeoess&ry to piodacehe&llhydigMtiot. is believed lo oct opon KLKCTRO.MAONK 110 PRINCIPLES; ; Tlierfl i, noform oroM) 3TOM AOii COMPLMSTO wkloli it docs not seem to touch and remove at once No bad they may ho,it GIVES INSTANT RKMGF. AsaagU dose removes all the unplcus&ut symn'omi, and ilorlyneeei to ba repeated, for n short time to umie these good efirc'.SMr. tnanent. PCUII Y UF HI.UOD nod VtfluK OF UODV. follow at onca. U inpartualarly excellent in caxe of flan,! Vomiting, Cramps, tsoreucscof the tut of the Ktomach.dutiail after catinir, low, cold state of the lilood. Heaviness, IxOiietl of spirits, Despondency, a.maciuitoa Weaknais. letdsie}ti| insanity. Hacmido. hto. • I Price,ONE DOELAB pet bottle. One bottle will o?u| effect a lonia* curp I PEPSIN IN POWDERS, SENT BY MAIL, FREE OF PUBI'AGE. For convenience r-l sendioc to ail parls nf the cooatry, Ik Digestive matter of ahe pepsin isputopißi* form ol Powders, with directions to be dissolved fn dijitft alcohol, water, or symp, by Ue patient. These nowdinosi: t&ln pioofsoly tne same matter as tba bottles, bot twicctk quantity forthaiame price, and will be sent by mai>. FEU OF POSTAGE, for ONE DOLLAR scnt(poit pald)iolk J, 8. HOUGIi'IxJN. No. 11, North Eighth street, Fbila.,Pk Six packages for five dollars Ever/ package nsd Ultk bearstbe written signatnro of J. 8* HOUGIITON, M..lb Bole Proprietor. Agents wanted in every town in the Units] Btat«- Very liberal disooonts given lo the trade. Druggists, Polina tars, aud Roobso lers are desired to act as agents. AGENTB for Clearfield conoty— WALLACE 3 i HILLS, Clearfield borough. WILLIAM McHßlDEfCnrwcnsvillo. , P. W. HARHETT, Luthersburg. R. W. MtXiRE. Union township. CUMMINGS iz MEtIAKrY. New Wc*hinr»on. JOHN C.BRENNER.filooresvilie, Clearfield co. May 28, 1851—1 r- 'YMIK underilccr* resprxtfully announces tothopeOpk.d 1. Ciraibefd aod lltp udjolmug oounlies that he •till cenlis uestyoarryon lor. a’nive buiiceuat his extensive estlbW ment in iho o/ Clearfislil, aod is now WepiflolO manufacture all kinds ol Castings used for Grist Mills, Saiv-Mflll. and all kinds of Machinery. His Castines are ao/rol a superior quality—eqoal, Ifsoln perior.io nnv othor io the Stute—as he uses coae botta»»» Uui uiaieiul. and employs noue but thevoi) hoitof wwrlP* l Hit ' MACHINE SHOP, WiUiiwoinnoriorTUßMNO LATUKB. du«na by ireio i, uow ic vjcoviifuipperation. und uodw a practioal meohanlc—'where almost any article of mschlMf! can be FINISHED inHte\ery bost stjlo. and on shoilsotiw f)e ha* now an bauds r- lareo asconmant of E,JV. B PS,v!Sa as B'fl IVEB of varm s sizes und puistrui, PLOI GH WASH KETTLES, fcrc..&o.. which he ofi'srs to sell low Ifl Cash, or on a rt.as(»iinb!p credit. Ho ti now outiag. BO* he most upprovnd pnUeUiS. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stdca Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also,- Wiard’s celebrated Plough And nil kind, of HOl.Ui W-WARE, SLEIGH ibd BLI SOLES. WAGON BOXES, tic , k c .« lie Intends Hci oil on re&iouable terms, and iratU tblH cluzsnc of the county generally will tied it lo Ibeirudvantl to give him their custom, CASH will always .bepreferrw but too liixhexi miocu will bo oliowod tor Country Frcwk and OLD METAL. As he gives his etiablnlimoeibiipernj| suporvuion.ulJ ordcra lor work wilt receive orompt atteom DAVID Liu*. Clearfield,Nov. 23,1851. , . ■<■: Do oborlst ,1552.—1 y. WEW GOODS ; AT FRENCIIVILLE. ■ T'llE tubioriber respectlully cnnouncoi to hisfriflo4il X tho pnbUo generally, that he has iusl RENEWED! STOCK OF.GOODS, whioh wassoleeted withnktrlotrtf to QUALITY, aud which he will sella* cheap u cu boughteltewhera in thalcounty, _ ■ _ ma _. hi j In addition lohis stoct of dLY GOOD 3, GROCERH HARDWARE, LIQUORS, Ac., bo would paiUqtrlailH attention to his or ' €rockcry'W«’ii , e. , Thankfnl fo: the liberal oniiom MX' from his fellow citizen* he roipeotluily soltcits ncontiutti ol tba same, assuring them that hie stock will bio posed of oo such terms as will r l vo full satisfaction. C2TAII kinds of Couutry produce will ba tahenjn e iw for good* at the highost market prloei. * no ' I'RANCia COUDKifif Froochville, B«pL 23. 2802. TAILORING BUSINESS. : REMOVAL. ; • v. TIIE subscriber, ttiankful fur-past favor*.' poctfully informs hiß tu'stbiriers,and tfib po general? y, ilmt lib hab removed lus.sliop tofhe n dingovor tho,Tost pf|igo, lufoly occupicd by ?. Ytard,and that he will bb there (ouudntallti ‘‘on hand"to'aupply hiscustoriiora; UhlikoeGi) hiscotbraporaries.’ ho is Unablo io promiseUifit fashions ar© of thg rnost ( elyjo Ai fVUiTYt but vyill inyuro thom rnadoaccording to Latest Faction of more inoiletM fiatiH ' :ril i SHOS / SBB»' Clearfield, April l^^i. 1 ‘ '' ,: i ■-* : "'A*. . .\f>i ■■ .i England l ;, W’] % fmmk i i Clearfield. Dec- 5, jjja," ft. V'l ?'•{ ri'A'SIN AINU lUONNKT. , .SCIENTIFIC EVIDENT! 1 A* A DYSPEPSIA CURER PHEASANT BULB. , IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, At ClearJidd. e»*e| Ta*r#_ M E>.nuilrr ito(*i{