. *JB OFF OT. for now. *. bv chas, swain. : - fi'iIi" 8 .jonjii |■;; y :'• 5« Ilie.rijnoVJSOftglowy •**'■ W)Vferaft&* WioVc brightthnn'iWitar !’ ( Ti« true llinl riiy.w'iiht is. b.lil.Enmll, v.i i fbiglola rnay like the vine; o B)|t I'm mil liko nn ongol nl nil! />, J 'j' V l*h® : ? aBl bit divine! • , Ho he off w’lli you now—don’t .1 ie‘6 ■’ • .l v u VSl'oiiVo dtUidiiig from eveuntil dnu'ii I "• My flop mny lip bounding,mill Iron, . t'■ *1 »•>i. uJßmuH’fli.nyi in lliii lonai like n ibvm! -, 1 ' Jul.'iuna pvrr the method wt'knoiY, . ■ ■■ Sinre Aihin in Eden began— , Tlint boJonm were niirotohevnow, I AfldiHVek^werdoCfourao.liko'iheßWnn! -> ; o6 rio.vy lill jiou.lenrn To vyo>|,|tkp h p)"in itiiirled'yoitlh ; " rriinil: ifyoii IdVo ni.O, discern. Tow.n.yyu must no o mo jvilh truth ! 1 .VtUtldnllhor-irlwlctid of those flowers, ■ In wlijrliyod tire cvbred rj(e-,. Thntyoil'pifymieod to love tie all hours, ' ' ifttiorf'nk enrh oilier I nil life.' nji'Wiv 'V ' ■■■ ■ \i. - w ijnMla now luif ol »yo Uml tnilil of mein, > - bl tnurriogo Vbixlcr genthi queens '.lliMfe.Miliricty ;»li< , n«'r iphb '«pe#Kp, !j , cp U! em 6 | .3 smiling on her cheek// t t"W#»l<[ian».oi'gui)diieM in Ihui liosom gioiv'r' • What prudent,royc i» (lironed, upon her bri/v .M,\iYJbai lender Irulh in ell.she cities or ea ya,t' anil peace in oil b«ri.qfcya! lhot cheorlul fiico,// belt offecnons gruw divine ing rite; , i 4;iili«i*)l«»ife,r«y’j wilh.lovo. sbreno aitibrighl; ! '’“Ckfifity'Vrealhia her lips wilii sullies n'iigfit ; Her kindly voice hnlli music in ils no'/a; Ami'hfiai'Cfl'a uivh lUmusplirre nrourw bVr limit! Wav to rAv old Dnoxs.—Tl/e Mobile" correspondent iclls' i!o following Jgpftd’'story-,qf how a bill' -ma collected wort) n ‘“hard customer.” j . . creditor,; is a /lever, shrewd lbcetioiy. njuj industri- H** - ‘tlini, for hi; never |ved by his wits, ‘possessed of u cdi3idernble stock. Ijese, John Hoys/us not. - Ho wns le, tricky, and e/idenily dishonest, ild'uti ncceptanc/ or his-—long past then some neighbor told him thut JoUn hhd gathered oiery cent he could . or tirirfiWy—would pay no Pndiwtjs.off nat day .for California, as a bad shoifibr Ned’s “money Force -woultf bn worse than use jam, and (i ruse waadhe forlorn hope. you are oil’ for the dig* "■* l “Yesfi goto-iiorrow.” . JltSiyifeWiVW. lifch you .to return ma that i./„ i fiorrv I can’t, | for I,haven’t a matt” l '■ nrNow/ Ned knew his pocket-book was downright plethoric—over-crowded. wHWeli.ifyoi can’t it’s bud ; but no reason fiSdfcptir parting in ugliness. So, let’s tako ft^drink.’!.'.',, tyed i# oapjtal company—can drink his ; jpkoa.great deal more.; .So, jn^pur&uiiri'ce'|Oi i bis b'timor and more of , hi6r-jilan,helaughed and quaffed, smoked and joked, arid 6cemed not to hnvo a bad j the World. John relished his fun but hi* liquor more j and ns his hwdn ud his Honesty were l equally weak unreliable, begun, to close ,Oflii-ftyp»\s,lhougb, by lessening the mini bflt.of.,Nye aiother champagbe 4 ” cried |9nn,/ip.a,similar «, n e. ‘ . \ ‘ “ jFhis gtive him n q*friut, and john\was awftrted to their mutual room by tho fdee- wury Ned. - "■ i*j?aBt/sleeping' and John, JfMtnti.bg of-. California or Champagne, or JWbaips, n mixture of the .two, •wherij'fod topk-put a suspicious looking and atteroa- Jed slip of paper, which seemed remarfo. Wy like-a,, Ipng-sleeping and rpuch-b|ui. dlpd «p p om(se ) to.payT’. Ca^f u i| y ca |c U . Winjg. jbte rest. from date to oownjtbe- same upon the note—apd ttmp etidoraingthe document with—(‘received jb'e cbhtents. Sd Ocluber, ’52, E/H.,” he Jlirned -tp gaze upon liis pot-companion. “Good!” muttered 1 the sledper,: “let’s jhßvfoahother I — Ned.jbetj.cafefully coupted dttt from tho sleeper’s ill-gottenVweolth, the exact sum i^sJ«|>t:«ihd'jn,terest' j ' apdin. ifs ‘stead 'de- jhe tiforesniibcancelled ucceptnpc,e, Retired to rest. ' . -the morning,' John rose up, flol 'the a giant refreshed with wine, but \ l.ilto.'n medium-sized rascal, who had td fcftfi.tpo much of it over night. NQn. opening his depository for stolen pocket- book—? John suddenly been robbed Of ovor lhrdd hun / . dr ?4#\ars!’-’.... / , t v /^! , %’i ,, . t ts!ted iN]ed, “Oh, no.! that ' W I locked the door myself.” ■ . u) o e reo hundred nnd odd ?” ; exactly the amount you think of it,'did you Iwipby.tne fhatnbo r jhat; did? 1 s, '-lisHw bun- S,n d Jr3'S h 0t ver y: t (ruow— Wa,; o gdiug to lrW»i i Three., .hundfed Yos r l - 1 think 1 fltat, final!y, you paid me thittboio ” shouted “I , pave been robbed I” ■ •.v ,^r’.. j „ as'ltinocentiy V„no.- was umongf.thP'lndiuns, ,‘il begin |eJq^»TfWgly'thiit; : Just search ;Jolr'that wfe 1 ”: Papers; lilro op Q >ho lodlts for 1 what ho does not .wish; to 1 ibid, 3“ met his '•i-t «* u .;uv;i „.j)v.--, py IjßfcTfcfftgS sstps j- vrA:me*ysmmte HHT i-tiegot ;4lcci(tqnl!y , 6edapG'd‘idiaj > a'il'h , d(i%st j ■ ct -'' " r :' ! WMo; 4.'irAg©H '' 0?C?"At o lute triuf; ip de/pn- 1 ««monnce,io4ho citixeaiofclwu. dant, >vlio ivns not ftmiliar with-the tinil-! wi«»»ui».t to be (liiilnctty nnderttood that ho will 3LXI« CHEAPER (ban any.other ntabiunmont lu tnemunty. tST*Cail oarly and lecnro tood btreaioa. Carwenivilfe, i)eo. 3, 1853.—tf. j young dandy about starting on a sea went to a store to purchase Jits lile preserver, /'. “Ob, you will not want it,” suggested the clerk, “bags of wind woti’t sink !” OCrDobba says that a munbohinij time shout'd be Ted ou ketckVi. MuryVSlrepl.Wi'ymutli, dated May JO, JBSJ. Tp I’rokiMr lIULMJWAY. ' . ' , Bill—A’. Hie e*o of 18 roy wlffe (who It now 611 otught & vioteai co'if, tvliio‘i tolled in her less, and ever lipcu (hat iirao ilmf have wore or iqu tore, aad greatly inflined. Her 'IKOQIO4 woru dutraet-Off. afld for mjntht'iutcther she \va« deprived entirely ol re%v ami sleep. Lverv rernody (bat modi cm men advised was tried, but withooi effect; her health inf feted severely. ami he leys wu terrible. | had olted read your Ail mem ivKhh-*rpr,*Mjt en.oy m-oiol health, you ««mid inrt-«t nel deiixh ->4 ns havini; bo n tfw trsani ofso ureauy ullevin-| Uqj; tlij lulkribfiof ote'tnw creature (tairn.dj WILLIAM GALPINV | \ PERSON W^VEARj^J*GB Ci'URI) ■»k a HAL) j I.! i). OPljmiTV VKAXB'SrAW'ujNV). ('<>)>}' <>. M i t'ljt'rlrom Mr. William Ai*i u of UanOvciiis, ill near Huddersfield, dined • ny 31*1, f Hi>|. , To Hr*!m<)r || , I bIR • 1 iH*»«j>od lii» o pctim! of thirty yrjirj from a bad fax. (ID rn.uuot tw.»or tnr«t cl. iprfui accdrats ut (»;u iVotu ; by »cor >o 10 irr.i t-ru*. i had reuour*pio a vem.y ol medical• w.ibatu deUtiDg toy aa>) wm lo’d that he I e n-ua be a nmitmort. r*t la opuo »«ion mihv opioioa. your Pul* and i 'iaticeat have»fl*i.ed oomuld* euro m toahoit n time, ihat tew who had uul wit. auuu u could credit lao Inot. _ . , i* * * * WflorO WtBLIAM ABBd. Tno tra»h ofinji ilatoice&t ombe veriHwl t»v Mr W.P baffaod. threnut, 13, Marfietilreot, Uudder*G»:d A DHEUJFIH/BAn UKfcASt CURED IN ONE • ' MONTH. E.xiract uf it Lpner from Mr. Frederick Turncr.ol Perwhursl. Kent, dated December J 3, ISSO. To Pr-.fn'sor (fOIAjOWAY—.. ' ' ’ nCAR woo had suffered from Bad Breasts for morefhaa *ufnaum, and duriugino whole perodhadth* belt mididir* ait,jidaace, but all jo oo *ie imviair bo om healed an uwlul woqncj in mrown Ut by your unrivalled roidicme. 1 dd.ermiDtd arain jo am yoorPilli and Uialmeat. and .beraioroffevothem atmiHn herorre. and Inmina « it wa« 1 did *o, tor iq hoi than a month a perfect care wo* *1 fechd. aad tho binelit that va n,u« ether hrmojfi ofmy family bavedmived uieU rfiaby aiioaufuog 1 now rccoclmeuplhem to all my Hi pile ' CeUoeu ) ; ' ' j JU ’ FREDERICK Thrso PilUihould bestedcoAjoietly wtih the olatmeot in the io lOwicc cases Bud Lege, find firenMs, Burns, Bunions, Bite of Moscheioeu and Sand Fiiea Coco bay, Chipgn font, (Jhiihlnirw. Chapped linnda, Corns, (Soil,) Cuiicefa. ('ontrnch d nndatiff Joints, Klephantiiisis, Fintulus. Guul, Glandular Swellings, Lumbago, Piles, Kheu. maltam. tcnlile, Soro Nipples, Sore Thruutu, Skin dieetmee, Scurvy, Sore.beads, Tumours, Ulcers, IVunnds, Yuws. S.iJd at the esta-lUhment of Professor lIALLUWAY, 241 oiraod, (oeur Teinpio tJ&r iton.tan.j aod by alt re,pec>abl« I'ruittMrs And Dealers ia Mericlas* Ihroaehbut ihe Hdush bmpiie,aodofLOai «ub*crihef niter* for aalehia vfihjabb f .» C FARM, aitoete In Occa.’U' (owothi.t. Clearfield coouy, two and a naif tniita Wait JliiieL P'bari. cn tbe Ridge Uoad leading u> Glen uouo, containing lOS Acres. The improvements are a Story and a half He ved Log House, Log Barn, Thri ving Young Orchard, fl.*r< qj excellent opportunity to any! I't-fiO 1 wiakinc 'o o oc He a cocnf juabl-i h'n e. fha property *v l| bd mill cheap. The Title it indiapntnbln. Pur l«f ni amt furthar particulart, apply to thokCLM tettbaroft thtt Kioamai. 1 Decatur town ihiD. Deo. sumi-tr. HOGHES - OP QD '@3<£iu 0 Attention, JLiuyibcrnjen! T J C^ ti i°: ,b ° tf for ***** 000 Page’* Second x PORTABLE SAW-MILLS , SLvf? , M ,,, *° 'Kniiioa attached, ail new and Id i loaning order. having beeu bought and putopir l« caiidt Iron* Bald Haile ronaco. at hall a mile trow the turnpikn leading lrotn Uald jyw* 1 *! Pmlipabora., Bald Mill will eattMWUtoi •810 “°f * ol ' ,bei '* tocll or HORSES. Bledi. Chains, or In full Purnaoo. Ah* person can ««> the mill December 8. ’ MARK & SHULTZ. < „ JLoMc&irss • • li z:!z s oh™.k aicwati -- M ° n ,he iS¥p 6B s tßWsrj'..:' ChllUi Jemoi W-3 KStSr!f,VA nw '' » 1,../ «U. V «J'lvTlllum I'ertUsou DarM Piontd iK .• • . fJeaihiiKJeoiiee W . p,l»|e,fbb, ' ' l.ilh. tlo)apauel-J Roy EmuW, . •’ > ! /i, . i i lino.TimnthVvii . > IPiri'l. ?.» • lioweroy Jobn\ ...... [ll mlm Abel H , Shaw.HtcbardK' : HooverMlei Anna . tinyder Aostin \ ‘ Hoover Mr? Mary b-'ynitly Williams ' JopverMf*. Mary/ /.; !l Bmitn Wi’linnr ;, V Hole. A by 1 hompsou loan K Houcks Dr Jacob WannDavlf" , . \ jlney jß.ibertCividow or heir«)Wa«ne.-Joseph ■ v.l lrv‘o John Weamor. ft . John-3 \ Kift™!i!!h!? ’ 'M, V •• 'YeedFre' jameß wriohgv, >p• • '• bauahdeavy. January 13. J 853. .r, . .• . , •. ' - 1 Estafa of Benjamin farson, seaij dee’d. N}? HKtfDUV teiieri Te.timen d. neDjamln Carion , |en„ laieof Uia. io the .nh ’’U 0 *'norcjopi aadfc'aocen, Boperwr Plates, Ojmmcn do* • * Common do nth Bowls and Pitchers BoouTnreens. Bowls. Pitchers. Lee daubs.' Torablrr, Lamps, Candle* 8t cks, &u , &o. Cc. Hardware . Mill. Hand, Wood, Ccmpan an-t Tenant BAWS. Wadi. Oulte-, IliiK**. Screws. Augun, Pinsicii. Knives sod rotkt. Pocket Knives, Bpoo.it, Kasort, Biraps, Bcuturs, r/U'ir* aurl everythin* in this line. Groceries. Whfto Havanas SofM. B'cam Syrop Molasses* * Do Brazil -do Bogav (loose do C-UiUed do New Orleans do ** kp* l ., do Alatansas do Brown N. Orleans do . Candles Do Poitoßi'to do Bosp [oiperial Tea Hio Co flee. V'-nm: Uysoa Toa. Java do iV iCk _ do , « BpermOil Cayenne and Black Pepper, Lard do Alip(:e, Fiih do Dj Lronnd. Ouvo do Cionoamoa tt Cloves, Brandy u Whiskey. Übcckulau.&c., &c. &c.. See-, &c . etc , so. Medicines . JAYNE'S Erpehioranl. A'leimlre, VefoiHuee. nail-Tonic an I Dye. and Pilt. LUUDBN'S Expo.lorsnt. Aitemiive. Pill.and Vermirueo Dr ORDE .V Mwliolnei, r'All- M KdVt it IK'd-Ver.uKDtre. Alu AllUter'eiiiotmeat. FJi» p» • herd'* iJaraapatilla, Heir* Genntm- Petr * turn JPr J . o. liuagblob's I’vpkiD, tee t/Q« Uigeitlve h'laij, ur Grutno Ja 00. la* cureof Dyipep*ta R'etmg trcwufieid'ioftitbrnior Cattle l'owd?r»— or wiiboll tiiu Midicmei n»nm|y fautdlna • _ Country t. n 0.c,,' WM. H. RU)UM. burwemville. D.c 8 IBiU. NEW GOODS. TDlj.Subroriber uonld *Uorm Uie citrzeni ,of and the public Generally, that rtehai JUtiT Kb bfcl VbD,.aml ia NOW l)t'r>N|.NO, A( the S'orehOuie for* mcily uecupUd by Wing & Cetehel, at Moniadab. a Large, Splendid Cheap A’tottmfcnt orGoodf, coaiutidg ci’every itylo and quality hereby nulily all nartininierriiod.lbM they will meet for Hurt pnrposo a: the aIDMOfrJ. B. MeEnnlly.-lo the boroutb of Clcßtlisitl, oo.THUKHDoy ,lho THtUU DAY of PEHUU ARY nczt.wlieir nod where all porsons interested era trades ted to attend wl|b theirponen and witnesses. ' , ‘ ' JAMES T. EEUNAtiI),3 ■tadWitt*?’ ' . Janbary 5,1852. , Estate of IHcliard Duvis, dec’d. IVT OTICE IB ri EREB Y GIVEN, That belters of Admit,'. J.l titration have be en rrhnled u> the »übicrlber upon the estate oI RIJIIAUD DAVW. late uf Woodward towaiblo, All persona indebted to taid ea ute:o>e reuoeited to make payment to the lubactiber. in Woodward township, without deUy-aod thcue having de mqndi againu the same will present Ihemdaly amhentica. ted iorseUlemest. . Janoeryd3. |So3. ' i.v ■- V-. GEORGE WILSON. , i- PHVBICIAN may he found at his pfflu* in bill'llEßß * ' UCKD-when not absent ouproloss|onalUuilcess. February,23. WoJ. . . , ■ . . ■ Important to Mill Owners HAS. THE ACENCY. for this and A oibercountiei in Peunsylynniu of ' Rosa’s (fjWciActioa.Water. Wheels, rhoiteit notice to put hem In ofwarns’i® 8 terniory. lie would nl tho Publfo that ofthebcn duSiw ob 7 P ' Vllh «w*to)«t Crockery Ware ClßarHolA, Daremliin.tf7. IPs2.—^r AT3ON * A *«bt. AT THE CASH STORE. cnoDwon^^ chi^elHtw^. I *^, 19 O’ 1 ! kkd.ftjamiuo.beioro p jo ,. DooembetlOj 1850.'.,“ *'ssoo Challenge. rind bftpDinciiofawj) *t felt time* of (ha most valuable Importance. 1 iakejM'prerfl».tO(Mbstevftr7i' CE> £5 a ®QCEiSiQ.<3&63o Yon will find tneie Pills an invaloable medicine In many complaints to which you are subject, in . bsiruc’fons either tele* or partial, they have been loancl of InctUmsblo benefit— restoring their functional arrang«mnuit lo a healthy aot.on— purifying the blood end other fields loeffeiituallyettoputto flight all complaints which may arise from female Irregnlari lies, as Headache, Giddinea, Dimness ol Bight, Pain In the Bide. Back, Ua. None genuine nnless signed J. N. HOBENBAOK—aII others being base Imitations. , cy Agents wiihiojt new snppliet. and Brora Keepers desl ronsofbeoomiag Agents mail address me Proprietor, J. N. lloboQiack, Fhilajelohla. Fa Agents in Clearfield county. WALLACE i i 111L1.3 Cleaifiold. C It .VAI'ON, do. B. Alt in OLD ; Lutoarsborg. GEUfUR BE ITPY Brinrtmrt MoBRIUk a WHKJHT Corwm»ville. J S: II I) PVITON do bTBV ENBI »N a CO Marysville. Ann or every respectable lieuler and Merchant in the county und S>a‘r Plain Olive. Do Green, Do Blown, cacli 25 cents. ' 'Philadelphia, June i 3, Itfii.—ly. PENIV IRON FOUNDRY; Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, (Sllairicm, ]Fa O THE Inndenigned would announce to the citizens of Clem field, and adjoining counties, that hi hasoponed a roomoaßeojsd str«et, in iheboroogbof U'eorfioid. near the store of Leonard & Moore* whe>e he iotenoi keeping a GENERAL AdSOKTMBN f OFGAbTINLS* wamrmed to be madsr f tho best material, and at prices that cannot fail to p«ease. Tbefollr com>o ep rt of he slack on hands: FuLA’i>N*B HOI-AIK COOKING BIVjVE. lor either Wood or«k>al This Btoveha* probably tho largest intro (JOCttoa of any ether form of staves. It has superseded In aim si every couoiy. the well known Hathaway and Z«*g lerstoves. Jt is easily understood, anB the Uue« being so arranged that A AAIENTAI. RAILING; HOLLOW WARE; OVEN MUUTHB: GKIIMRoNB. WAFFLE do SCALEOEAMo WAO»vN BOXEB.BLEIGti.BLEU » UAR RINGS fi* Rafis, HOAD MURA. PERB, a »ew article. CORN BHELLERS. CORN AND f.OllMlLl;S.w*irra»fe‘to grind Has Ears per hour, BLACKSMITH 1 iho best loose; go, MAN* I>HILI*B andTIUE BENDER*: Togetbor with the Qsuai v,.rietr of articles kept at Foundry Establishments. ■ Also, Made to Order, GRIST and S/y W. .MILL GK\Kl”i(»—bav n< decidedly the largest cluck, nud brit variety oi patier-io! any establish meat in wcU'rn l‘tnajy»vnnie ; MILL LOOS. MIAKf INi»—large am* unali. • Tcati or w/rujht iron, IiANUKK*. IMlUNHanri I'ULLI E 4 j Kow nod »*ih»*r approved Water WjiEGI/SjWlhKitoljß’lN I.AI’HKi; MaNUCILUS 'V >. >D BO t»VG •A'WlNtta, Constantly on hand and for salo, FAN.NI.Ni; Mil.l.*' TIIHLS.IINfI MACHINES. PEN tIuCK’B CKUl!«U\rij" ■; i:A_>N DUILLS. &c. &u. Screw-Cuttiiit«°od, mankind, R-^AHn‘ U p[ii?, i “d** f °' konnelvei.' Remember th. OLD Bi AND, Market meet, neay the Diamond, , ... ■ • •’‘•learfield, Nor. 23. 1833. India Rubber Gloves, Mittens, &e. ?T:o ; Wool Lined And Mittens, -- ■ 'j.-, .. ■■ ■■■ , . *•- i k , -.1.,-,, CAPOE b*mad4 *n RESPECTFULLY announces that be Is now preparfd to manufacture all kinds of ware in hit line of busiueti in the he.t mannex. at the cheapest rntce, and on tboihort eitcotio-s. He has Jatt laid in a froth and lorgo supply of Raw Material, and with the aid ot the ben of workmen* and' the use of the latest and bestimnrved raaoblnery.be ass a ret thoudblfothatfiecsnsupply them with Copper , Tin, Sheet-Iron and Japanned AtGHEAP and c> GOOD ea can be found in any oonntry town In the Interior of tho Biato , He intends to keen nonstantlV on httndt a. general assort mentof REaDs-MADF WARE ol hit own manufacture, which will be so'd wthi-rat WM< B.E*M. B or RETAIL* Old Brats add Copper Will be taken at tbebighe«<. p;iuw>U aaohasge for worker wire. CF*Mondiag done to order. Hnshop Is at the old stand, on Ma ket street* where the nubMoarereiueotfally invited to o&ll and examine fortbem* reives Tin & BlardWare STORE. OB MERRELL respectfully informs bis friends ao.i • customers, nad theoiuztsartilftr » blD lb* MERCANTILE and “HUE BUSINESS; and have just roceived frjm PhUadel phla theirseoond and handsamegisoxtmealof ]FaM raimdL Wiimtioff (Jf all kinds and latcstityles* which, having been potchaved a ( uausualiV low rates, they are enabled lo eflsx to fueoablio the very BEST BARGAINS. It would tie almost Impossible to enumerate the many aril. c i co ,pming tber stock of* goods just received-bat they mvlie oil to come and see for themselves, nssaring them that they will get More Goods for the same money thnn at any other Store'in Curwensville! They heveall kinds (if* DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Q UEENS WARE, HARDWARE,, And aUc'thsr article* usually found in a well farnishrA store. To render lh>ireiiabli«hm«ot well worth a v.»u at oil timri thei wtlicooUoue to as tho sriAsuq advances now supplies ol sa-tsoniibie Goods for l.adit-s*. and Geatiemaos’ wear so aa la.be always roidy to oflei the choice oT Eastern Markets. » i’ti.y would also call atlen'ijn to tholr apartment of Krßoo|i» nil (I Shoes, i 'Thera lji«, alwa,. knp on hand a Idias and well atiorted K V VoßobcO. aAUiJi. 0 '^ 0 - UA-LP. Kir. and all hind.of G*aUein«n»’ nIiUISJ. ’. AJto. ... Tadics’Fine Shoes. Such as GAITERB la.d LAOr. li-illi'.v FkENUIJ 'ind JENNY LIND TIES. *i o l DJ'KBB ol all kinds, qoalilie. and sizes. and Muses’ GAHERB .and of nil Atthay keepconstantlyn lot of tho best practipsl workmen and Manutucuiie ’heir Phofs the? can warrant theouto be made of the best Material. »nd in tno rxut anu latest* xies. IG/’HIDEB and CLUNTUY rßOl>Uo£ taken iu ** change for goods. r REM E M BEE,—Their vtrabUsmrnt Is one door Weft of John Draucker’* hotel. Curwonsvilie. Ortt. tt», Ufij—Tm 1 . ' , NATH A 3 MYEKB, “LOLA MONTES.” ®®©a.©Ei(t{l olh©® MaiMnaga . AT CLEARFIELD JJRIDGE. Al'l' <:•. ecuu ij ui.ujUk.ce» 10 thhn 5SS d iiV»i v lt "Himaculae tore HOt flo ana SHOES, of ail IgqiL, and at (air prices, on ibMborlMt notice, act! In Ui* very be*i manner. GiveHHOKTV ac»p“ inne'4. ; v ! ,-. h vw“ l » IIDRBES, and aa tbo only known, taa.iioTna jn ibe world haeint been and in the private dtlerioary pract-cu of Ibe i. a .l li h « L» inver koowD it lo fHtiiln#lln|i|elnil.nt».oj nrododm a'ajttncunie. audleav to* the born in jood ipirlu f.r wnrk The utt. r Inoompiten. oy.d the hor.e for lapor, whan trSdhleiJ wnh thucorani'in duenie. ibonld induce every one htvln* enob to apply im oediately fortbl» remedy. , : *: “ “ ~ “ PRICE ONE DOUI.AR'PRE PACKAGE. ' ■Which will ha .epL- Wllh foil (iorclloni.’fi 'to ony parto d}“,Ved PaD fibi' to lellt,,or oomninnioailoni to Ko ad Rear ofNo. IQ Bontb FIFTH Strief pSiabfeTphiaV H n ...» w b°!«alea«entforlhoUDltad^iatet. .m; wanted Uironahont the countiy towhom GEORGE LANICIL jr., XBaeß^Cs.sbcaaa. whomay (aroyhim Witrttheir atuu"m.i iNhn«liir>viii b-»"*rat bytbauro •riator tomii.hu OMurnttneomroiUhla inn hi* Houma HDftE totbo eWhomiy .tjj uritTh.m , fI.STAULE will dn.“,d t f t \ ’ Bnt«rid ooconHng to Act of CodctpH% 4n thk jfow 1851, by j s. HOUGHTON, M. 1)., Jn thecJeek'j . P«J9* tff the District‘Court for Iho Eoittrii ■■ , ,District of Pcrt&syWflnte. ,•''J.‘ ’ •. : AnotherScientiflc Wonder! , . - GREAT CURE FOR.., ■ DYSPEPSIA! D' Ji & or,' ! «&sTRi€ ; jriiifcß;’'. 1 ,; Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth fftoroeei ol tuc Ox, oiler Directiotieof BARONfAEBIG, The great Physiological Chemist, by J . 8. llocoh ton, M. D., No. 11. North Eighth 6’trebt, Fhlldv dei phin, l’a. This jsn truly wondorful remedy far Indio Burros, ’ DvspKpptA, Jaundice,'LiVEii Compjeaint. Coiih ' stipation. and Debilitt. Coring niter Nainre’i own method, by Nalure’sown agent, the Gaetrei 'Juic'd,' . l ' '' .'Hall a tenspoonfu! of (hie Fiyid.inrased in'fcis ter, will digest or dissolve, Ejve Pounds ojr Roast Beep in about two' nouns; our of the Stonjmch-- |:i, i.,-j bleft'fleld/Jqly 6.1851. !'ifGJJS'NfW *• ohleOr porformed fatJif ittnnfcob b r the t." uid ofti fluid whicn Irecly exude* fnjrn theinnercoatoj that organ. when in a itate of health*cafye4 the Gailnf Jaice TliUFlaidit the tiff at Solvent or the rood, the PutH I'xbk, Pfeiftyviot. aod.tNimnlntliif Agent of lh«►H'etliich and intestine*. vYlthbut it there ielU-be no coQverilon of Food ixuo 13 lopd ann nonutrjuoß oftbebod/ • bawfituar.afoul,lorpid.painfnl. anddema'-Urecawmioaef the whole dlgestlveappnrntoi. A weak, half j«ad, or lojured atomerh produfeoaeo goodGaatrw JD|ce»e«d-beBcelbe 4i*» ease* diilretsand debility Vhtehenaue. ' ' />Kl\S|A> AND RKNfIKT.;. [■;.,? ; PEPSIN* l» the chler element,'of Grtat‘ DifeathtgPrlmcibld of thoGaitrlo Joice. It it fopod in great abundance is the aoljd partaoi the huiuaa nomac.b after death, ood aoraetixea eaoteithoiiomachio digon luelf. or eat ji»elj op. JUita|*6 iooadfn the'stomach of animal*, at the o*, •eotf,&4. Iti# the material .p*«d by farrow* in met'eg cheese,catted Keniet, theeflect pf which ha* long been tbo. wonder iff thedfltrir* The curdling yftbe nn!> i» the dial urccowofdieettioD Bea. net Dotmiet nktnniildog power The, etomacb Of p calf jdll nurd.eatari? one thoutaad tape* iMoWswcighcof mUk.-J Baron Liebig state*that Mineu-rloUNjP«p dluql«djoii*tjr thousand oarttof wuler, wihdigttt tuner audotAef'M*bu. ,> -« Uiieated storoacha product no good Gaittlo Juice. HeifaeitO Peoiio. 'JVnhow that ghie want may r be perfectly eappHed. we quote the loliowmi; i j . SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE...... BARON LIEBIG, In Mi eclibmiiil wort -on Amnil Chenmtrj. uri: *\An AruPc’al Oireitivo, f iol4 nuy fee readily obtained would be in iht homm itoadoo/' ÜB. PtIHEIPA.Io 'Pt pd tad Diet," onbiithod be Wibon 12 Ui., fteir Y rk, cnge Ss, iltlMtM •am**r4at feet nod d*icrib>» t>»t» *uath*l©J ; vfepac».t§t,*» Thera ere f«w higher QDitior.tle* than Dr. Perei ft Dr J'JHN W, OHAPEH, Pro-mor of Chemfilrr utbe Medical (Jollefeot the Unfv*r»it» otMw York, le hi* “Tm Hook ofChfimitrjr/ pa*eB*i, «a»». *'lt ha* bean a qaottk* a bother artiflciei digestion CiUUi bo pe*faftnad~bat Kit bow onleeraall/ edwitied that it may bo *’ Profeiior DUNGDtSOJi of Philadelphia, i» hfo tre*ferOfi on Hamm rhyiinlpgy. devote* more lean fifir page* to oa examination ol ih>a subKct, . HlsfexperJrntnU with Dr. Befttf moat,on the (jauyic Juice, nbialuedfromtha Uttar botftM •tomach on ljrom aojraMi are well kapivn. aHpaaei/' he t ay i "digestion oocorredaspeafeoliji tft-tbrAftitiouutWia theNaturaidifetijon*.” AS A JDVSHCPSI/k CURERi ; ' * > 1)8, HnUMITOV \ preparation of PBPBIN hai predated themnit marvelwa* efUcu. curing caiesof Debifjlf ;£taaQias lion. Nervnai Decline,tind Dyspeptic OtuamPtitfn. tuppottd to beor tho very verge oT lt Is imponibleto fir* Ui*dn!*iUvf riuei es cad tbspprak jvito and wonderful, bni permanent Itiio "reatNliiiVOUrt AUTIDQTCvatd from, the aslant (iblQoly smalt qnantrtf necastarr to prooncebeiHliy dtititibs*, a believed to act 0000 fcIie&sakt sympicmi, a£4 it only need* to berepeaten, for a short‘ime to make these toon eflro’lpe* maoeat. PUUiTy UP iiLOUp and VIGOR OK ItOlW follow atonoc. It iMiarticularlyrrcettentla case ofNtnit*, Vorailin;. C'ampt, Soreness of the pitof tfc* Ntonjich. dls'tm after eaimr. low, cold suiio of the Btnbd’ Hea triseas* Udwshi ol Spbiu, Dcspondcuoy, emaciation Weakness, tewdsac/t* Insanity. Snco’ids. &c. Priee.ONU DOLLAB pe| bottle, Op* bouf* wC! bites AfTeol a lasting c* r * . PEPSIN IS POWDEBB, BENT UV MAIL, i K'EB UK I'UNi’AOK ; Forcrmvp»iencciJ.'i*mii4t tunll p&nanf tbc icoiittrt'j th* IhGESTIVE MATTER UK iHE FEPBIN upotoptilU form OlPuwd«r»,:Wi{H directive* to bo flino|r«d Is alcohol, vv&tor. or iyrup, by ue patients' 1 heW oowdervebr tain precisely tne fame n:at*itl *ent br Bill/ fllEl OF for ONE iXUJ.Mt ««Dl(po*t paid)ioi)r. J. *. iJoCGHION Ng. ll.Nu'th Eizhtb atmt. Phil*.,Pa. Hu package* or uvadolOn V,*4ty i>ack>-te aad bo* he D*e» ooue but the e'w | h*»t material, aodetnplmt noneboLtiifiyerjr baitortrbfSuwi machine Shop', •••"• WUh two iopww«Tuß ING L.ATIIKS, driveobjhiuioi. '• now to lucoeufuloperotioi.. hod ondor the n praciicpirttiechduc-wbue aimrst afljr aitiole nrmeobhxwy fit* PINIBHfcO in the very beet >tjlo. and noiborluoticf- Kn **odi« larae euortmeßt of 0 uteri. UQR W to* HATHAWAY COGKING4STOVES.* Air Tight Pdtlbr Stemci K Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. • ■Also Wi:uU J s celebrated Plough. Rf!x Q r?«'»^ nK ‘ BLEIC ’' H “ d *' L ?P | litz. - Cle&ineM. Rot £8.1851. A T FRENGHVILLE. ? T 2fs»n?'u OOD8: arhlob >»M ««l*ot«d wilt* » *t*iet Mi»h? tc.uUALU V, ul f lilch lit wiTTwIIM cbttfi u Ufa i*. ■bpoiiitsljtwhiralaibaiaanat*. i'-- 1 I< j ■.> ' Thanbfol for lhalibdm) 4oiu/tt£b*hu fttitlafftrtB *Uoßitti /inaoodi at toe ftiibiit.mariet nwi. V' - > ■SaiEiMsa'sl r ‘ i»i ! PBIRESs.- ! 1r 1 . rl ° ■‘"■v •-;•.<-;^K£MQVAIi. I ? i -<|i--- aoiTir !h° rao V “PPWed iiyle of Aim WMSt^KSSSSS*"' otoriHdV&Xitt i/ Jli MMmtmmtimt-i DIGESTION. NEW"COO is;;:-;:: v- ;k.n