Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 18, 1853, Image 4

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    YOUNG AGAIN-A Drtnra.
wAn vltliAton aits in ahiglt back'd chair,
,i .i
—vummer aUcrnoon
fck'ofhri 'nricieiliV'lick"
Has noiclic/l'.tKdlioUi liPlblir ■'l
,- W Hr6ez4 blow'shi and n !>foez6 Moivs fjtit' ~,
From the scented summer air,, _, ' t ’, ’
hi* wrinldodoroid . ' t
1 And now it lifiH jiis Imir; .
his eyedfoimlown,' U ' (
!t And he sleeps cbiiiK ' 5 *
Wit sloops and tile old man dreams;
‘■Hiadißlld drops on his breast,
HisThands rein* tlioir loelilo imHI, \.-
;•- AmifaTl Tontslupjn rcsUj.. t ,
‘I he #S i isty?BlVo^3,‘ , nAd'iij'sMep ho dfonms,.
Tho yeurf'unrolllMir fearful scroll ;
.►irfWSA&Sili ogatal ■’ ' •
—Amollier's tones nrein hiscar,
Aidubrihacross his brain f
lie chases gaudy butterflios
Far dowli (ho rolling plain.
lie pltirhß the Wild rose In Iho woods
And gathers eglupUtic,
holds tho g6|den buUorC|tp3
,»uiu Beneath Hie sister’s chin;
dvcAati'Anglesin tho meadovr brook
bent and naked pm.
(Ml • ~I• . i ■
soittetoitonidown tho grasßy lane
And by the brimming pool,
o/And a sigh escapes his parted lips -
i Ashe hears iho bell fur school—
ha wishes it neyor were nine o’clock,
tho morning nover woro full,
ffio, tier’s,ftand is pressed on his head.
Her kiss is on his brow—
A spnunec's breeze blows in at tho door
Willi t bas bl n IciU'y bough,
. ls a mrm ogmn,
. And I]U yyes 9 (!pr;hird ogpifK, t
lq n tt- • •
‘ , Thv*'‘S£. PauPs Piontcr gives tnc fol-
ItVwtßg account. of things iicrcabouts:
'Hi? spew is two feet deep. Wo have
ho,rain, nnd our sleighing is abundant.
Somo’ofrdur people nro travelling to Tra
verse Acs Sioux and back, either preparing
fdF&>6nmg their claims on the Sioux pur
chiwVi ior transporting merchandize. A
gf&rt number of teams are hauling wood
jatd’tdhin, some from the region north of
town'ii'bpt mope of them from the river bot
tornsi 1 ;' 1 - Wood .is. worth from S 3 to S 3 50.
Some ere bringing up merchandize from
isa.'Cro'sse, Wis,, about 130 miles down
the river. They get S 3 per cwt. freight. ,
ißfany farmers are bringing in produce,
having kept it till this time for the sake of
thd"highest prices. But they are proba
btyisnate. Prices aro falling considera
bly. , the hog is sold by tho load
at 8 cent?. Flour is slightly on the de
cline! "Oats, which one month ago were
wfyrlh flO and 65 cents, are novy bough*,
sleighs at 40 cents. Trade in
town has not thus far'been so brisk ns in
seasons, past,- We know not how to ac
coußfcfor it, unless in tho fact of the great
increase of stores. Still, we think that
our stock? will be mostly cleared out be
fore thd’Ujye'niftj*' of navigation; which will
bd'fK@ first pdft of April."
Our Legislature is in" session. The
ineadsoof'Temparence will propose a hill
for Sthgthef la\y,‘tho last having been deci
dt^'.invalid,. ~ ;
• St. 'Paul wears a lively appearance these
dgys/and' -rooks like an Qld town. Our
are well attended, and wo have
mtinv pnyflte parties and ball?. The hol
iciaysiVore/respocted with a truly. Eastern
'devoitbn«! Just at this time of tho meeting
of the' Legislature, there is an unusual
ngtybor of persons in from various points.
presented of a.sunpy 'winter’s
about these times, in Third street,
would be interesting to a stranger just set
down 'from the fiulena stage. Loaded
: almost crowd the way, and livery
t^ifiAs 1 driVen. by fust'men, :are threading
ihSs^'"Way'among squads of politicians and
'of people is made up of
from the Various parts of the
States, of-Canadifln, French, of Half
breeds and .Indians. Some wear the Eu
ropean ■‘dostumo, some-the frontier fash
ions,', .which, _ among p numerous class,
bap, cut; according' to shape
ajidjjija of the varmint from.which it wap
' coat and-pants fastened by a
giwjey*and'moccasins to their.feet. The
,we’a f ;rth,o: bjpnket,i jii jn
crowd one will hear the language
of "the fhcFrcnch, .the German,
npd theSioiix,; , ;y a ■
MtU'nesoid Pumbeti tells a story of an ns-.
oftalies, who* ifchis offioiahcapaottyV
cjfljjfcd oh .d'dertain landholder halfway ber
tween St.,Paul,,and St. Anjony the other
dayyahd'commenceda valuation of the es* vl. ,
D., what value do you hold your
cstato at?’’',* ‘
sure, I hold do most valable cstet,
|‘n do‘terrUbroire. I hab fine prairie,good
wagwp'and acres tree hundreds. It is
worthonahundred dollars each acre. I
h'ab’.beeh refuse ten tousend dollare,”
' ;«Velry w,eU„Mr. i D., I will assess your
bfeiftJdi'thrße.h'U'pdibd acres; at pno hundred
acre,” , ••
;tl)iet r -assessor, .mpuntqd his
wen)! on to Jhe 'next hoijise.—
l r^V||eiqdel ) ; as- far ns heardTrorti, is that
theimpriident D. had for three been
riijiffg'un Indian pony between his lawyer
tneljjjjpraisalefrgmjone hurjdfed./dpllare
to jE(yo, dollars’, which „ in,his humility, he
|^^^y,}f).sti’nar'is ; the true yalue, '
JUfjO Of' l J" •• f ' J 1
>: ; t - W V througj)<tho
Rate o f wrong. Tho man \ybo cheats lias
|liiYjfe fiir^;^'Wv&MB‘-i][|jj^4kipn.and
piMkriy I ,' hbil-ibonds andtjokeii-' breeches,
things--that '■iprpduce / lastjng benefits, nre scampstnat.we know five years ago,
jtenliiVe''run awayy‘while the other two
pet sofgeahtg to a swill wagon.
< o( a kcltrr from VV. Kirkus, Cliomtsl,
7, Present sreat; fciyerpi|olt(Engtafiil,) daioil Cdt
\litlio, 1631, : wav ' " 5
' sik— Liul’rocnl liavo stood tho hlrhuton
mirinlp hit of Proprietary Medlcioe* for iomo y«ar». Acoi.
I tomer to whom tor any onnuiriwt,rtcsiroi .xo to let
tou know ttiepartictilnnol horcaio, duo had been troubled
in* wnaii with rt tliiurdiiad liver, and bad dijeition. On tuo
last howovor, the virulence of the ftttack tvaa 10
AlatmiDK. nnd tho lufiammation.iain «) levorrljr. that doubu
vveroenteiUkined'ol fier dot ibotnffttblo to l>eaf. up under it;
/ortuoatoly *be wAi induced to try your find tboinfornu
oiß that nlier tlio Jiut. nnd eseb iuccctdinjr do» c, nhp hftd Kroat
reliof. tfbecontiQOT.iTO tnkethera.unu oithouffb «hQDicdpn.
ly throo Hoxei.ihcii now in thoonjuymontof peffert henlth.
I otmld have»ent you mnny nioreca»cs, hut thenhovo, from
the tiov*rity of tho Atjacki nnd .the tJfKeilfr Ouie. I thinit,
...cak. much gjfavJjM , oar auanuliis^’ill..
Copy of n Letter in tho Hobart Town Courier, oi
iho Ist March, 1851, by Major J. \Valch. *
. Margaret 'M'Cbpoigaa,' nineteen Jtmri of dew. residing at
New Town, had boon sallerlna from it violent If henmatfti f‘e»
ver lor upward* of two,month*, which had entirely deprived
hernfthe oie of her limbs; dnrinq thu poilod she was under
the core oi the moelemifibat medical men in Hobart Town,
and hr them her onto vh« ootisUlerod hopole**. A Iricnd pre*
vniiea upbn him to try Ilollowny’s celebrated Pills, which the
consented to do, and in on incredible short ipacu ofticoe they
elieeted a perfect oaio.
From M6*sr9. TJicw & Sop, Proprietors of tho Lynn
Anverfiser, who enn vouch lor tho following
sinienicnt. August Sad, 1651.
To Professor HOI.LOvVAV,
Bill—lde*lre to bear los.imony to the inou efTecU of Hollo*
war’s Pilti. For iMnayeiiri t Bulferod nveroly from a pain
and tiuhtocti *n tho itomach which wni alto accompanied by
a shortness of breath,that pioventert mofiom walkin': about.
1 nro 81ycnrioffif:o, and aotwithitanding my ndvnncod ttaia
of life, these Pillo haroto relieved me. i hat 1 am desirous that
other* should W made ocrpir.iufett with their virtues. 1 nm
cow rendered, by their menus, comparatively autre, and can
take exercise without inojnvonlunca er pain, which I oould
BOt (Signed)' IlfcXftY COE, North itreet, Lynn, Norfolk.
Theso celehpntod Pills nro wonderfully efficacious
iu tho following complnints:
Anna ■ Foyer* ot all kind* Horn Throat*
Aithma Fit* • Stoud *nd Gravel
Billon*ComplainU Gout Secondary tiy m li
lt otohe* on tin* Skin Hcad-acho torn*
Bowel ComplainU Jmlieotton TioDolourcux
Ooiio* inflammation Tumor*
Coufipation of thcJaundtce r Ulcer* .
Boweii Liver ComplainU Venereal AflVctton*
Conaoraplion Lumboco Worm* ol all kind*
Debility File* Weakness tr ■< m
Orcpsy Hhfltim;:t:*m t whatevnr o o u to,
Dyxentry Kdcuitonot Unno itu., 6»u.
Erv»ipcf»» Scroluia, or Udny'i
Female Irroenlaritie* Evil
Fold at tho Establishment of Profetcnr FIOLLOWAY, *MJ.
Strand (oearTcraplo liar. London.) urn! by nil mpogtabit
Drug-Hits and Urnltrs in Medicine* I'iroozhout tho IfiMisti
Empire, ami Of tbtwof u.e Gutted Slate*.tu Hose* at K?aC .
S7c . and II nfo/ end), WholMald by the principal Drug
house* m the Union, and by Moitr . A. It. 8t 1). SANDd,
Naw York. .
... .Therel»acoh*iderab!e*avlnp by taking the largest tiz d
N. B.—Directions for the foidanoo of patient* in every di*
order are alfixed to ttfxob Box. a , * , u -« ,
Oc obcilst ,18j3 ly.
Sheriff’s Sale of Real Estate
» ■ Y virtue of sundry witsofVe.oExponai, it-fiPPi
pwV ftjl toed pat ol tho Court ol Common Flea* ofvWr
Jilij&L Clearfield county, and to mo directed, will be
iwtcd to public »ale, M ihc court noow in the boro'iflru ol
Cl-aifidd, on MONDAY iheSJUth day of FKURUAHY next,
:it I o'clock. p. m,, Uio following described properly, viz
A l iherusht. title, ioteimt -and claim of George Walter* id,
to and ior u certain tract of land, »»tua « in bell township,
Clearfield county, containing ONE HUNDRED AND iIF
TV ACHES ot Land, brine part of *nrvey on wi-rrtnt No.
Bit.B. in the name of John Nicbohoa. beguouine nt the two
(alien ash corner on. tho river, the bouadary«ol'Uiu iuul original
survey , tbeacu down the river 80rod». thmico by a line ncios*
said tract to tho nottftern line of the »ame *was to include l&U
acre* of the upper end of iaid Inrce survey. anQ so as to in
clude thu improvement©! *nid Walter* on *oid tiact. with two
[louse*, btabnog and DawWill ihVrtofc 'etedled. and about
Thirty Five acre* cleared. Belted and taken In execution
and to botoltloa LhaproprUv of the said George Wallets.
BY virtnoofailmila)’ .Writ, luoed ont of the same court.
anil to roe directed, will be exposed to public solo at the
maie time and placo, to wit— A Certain Tract of Litrd situ
am in Brady township, Clearfiold county, bonnded nr land of
Joseph L.mes, heir* of Wood*, John tioyDr. and other*, con
mining *ix acre* room or Jett, wi*4i a Log Xloof-j and I ottoiy
tad about three acre* cleared 'thereon nensed and taken io
execotion and to be sold a* the property of bamnei Miller and
HubertC. Taylor.
BY virtue ofa timilar writ, iuped out of the tame court. 1
and to me dirtcted, will be exposed topubflc sale at the
•ametimo and place. A Certain Tract of Lund, situate m
Hrady township. cdearSrld coonly. bounded n* lolltws, to
wit: nt tiienorthwot corner ol survey No *»-4.
Ot a post, iuuth 131 perches, east 1W perches, nurth 12t perch
es. west by John H>ahrMffpdrch« to t>e*iuojnft, coatmulr-?
[lOacrc* and allowanco. (retervine out of said boundaries 'Jd
acres a*follow*;—bojtnninc ntnorinwest comer ol lurvey.
*oiith $0 porches, euu 8U perches, north 10 perches, westew
porcbe* to bemjj t*art oflar.-tnr tru it surveyed in
pnuuancßol warr*otNo. br4. granted to Dr. \\ m- • mttn
sleized and takftain execution trod to te soiua* tnupiopu/iy
BY irtneof B dcil’iT wrl'. it*u«l ont of the sams court.
ur.d lo me directed Will bo exposed to public *a|*, at too
tamo time andi place, a Certain Tract of l»and iitnute in
Cov'ngtoa township.-CHaitinld ooanty, bnandiedby I land■ ol
J. Keating, nntlothers, containing NiftEl Y-&IX ACULo,
with ahoutruaxy ACRES cleared, ami aUousuand other
Seued. and token iu execution and
tu uo tolu a* the properly of John Henderson.
BY virtneofa *irnUai writ,issued onlof tho samaconrt,
and to me direoted.vFlMwr expowd to public sale at the
lame time and place, the Following rieio/, m:—
A CoitaiaiiutueamlLot, in the viilago of FennsviUe. Pena,
township. Clearfield county, bounded by the Turnpike road,
l>ol oi'Nulf and others, with a Blacksmithsoou theieon erec
tor]. tfeizod ami taken m exeenlon aud to be sold tts tho pro*
peit7 ot iluury Lank, by '■ ■
BY virtue of a similar writ, issued ont of tho sains court,
and to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale at the
lame timonud place, u certain tract 6t‘ Land e in Gio
soa towmhiu, Klk county, bodudedby lands oi James Jor.
dan. John iZ Washington Brooks, nml oilier*, containing
FIPTV acR-ES. with a House and Bara nod about Thirty
Acre* (Cleared. fieir.od and taken in execution and lo be tuld
a* the property of Samuel timith.
: WILLIAM POWELL. therill.
ShentTs Clfice,'January W, 1853.
Valuable Farm
S2PCSX22: 6g3^>t£aS3o
. . ryiiiE .n-bioriberntienfot miohii mini,bid
Oft 5. FARM, situate in Decatnr Iqwß.htp. fcrtft
nicariinid conn y. two and a balf milei tV.nt JR-iiL
ot Fh|nniburj, cn tiio Ridge Road tcadtnu lo Lien tiopo,
containing _ _ _
. I©2 Acres. ,
The improvements are a Story and a half
Hewed Log House, Log Barn, Thri
* ying Young Orchard, A about
6© acres cleared. ,
Thi« Farm ia ia tho b«t npricultnrnl pnrt of the
county. .The imptaved land if. »u a high cull !J a ‘ , ' , JJ»
and protectcd by pO’)d'«ubitnutiin fence*—and being eonven
lent to a cood market ollpri aa excellent oppojUnity loony
perron within* to procure a comfortable home.
V Thff proporty wll bj told cheap. The Title 1* indisputable.
EpTFof Ttsrm* and further particular*, apply to tbeauD'
icnberoa iho proraito;.. i<; , HUGIIE s.
, Decatur towmblo, Ifc.ft. 2?ClS?4*rrJ'^
irga go 523., «
Alieuli«ii, Luinbei’inen!
'npH E Subioriberi oflar for aale ono of Goorffo Booond
1 'portable saw-mills %
With an 18 Homo Engine attached, all cow and In
comnleto running order, having been boachtand put up in
SSne lait. situated about SI miles from Unld Eaffle Furnace,
and abont halfia mi!6 from ■the'lurpDfc* leading I tom Halil
Eaaie Furnace ta Fhilipsburg, Said Mid will cutMOUleet
**Tbey will alto toll their Stool of IiORBES. Sled*, Chain*,
nartioalom. npplr toC. K.Maik. at the Mill, pr to J. L.
Shultz, at-EaUi-Eddie Any person cantco the mill
in full operation now. ‘ & m VhTtf '
Docombor 8,1853.
KST(S> ,,^vS?'/
HA VlS’Jhkf received a large and well telectcd STOCK Or
GOOfiSsuitaolete-lbeanMon, whichtherareieHlnir oil
at very low prtoe*-*nrid they insrte^d/ with with to boy
GOOD COOIiSjSHEAP to call *and oxamiie beiore pur-
; .j) O aoniberlo.iai3.: , '
" to J11U; Owners.
/riUBBOUSDEIBEK lIA3 Tlll3 AGENCVi for this anil
1 oilier countios.ln Ponnaylvania.ot ••, ‘
pose’s direct Action' Watej Wheels.
And U preparod at ll»W ehoiteit notice to P nt , l j 1 e ??,[“JV,hnrt
t(oo,orto*ell territory, iio would alio say njothoj
of waterpower U equal to other fl*dalmfboai, with one
half theamoantof water. iIENKY E.oMlii*.
Clearfield Oct. fci), lbM«‘ m: m '/ J\ *■
• D^k^'-'Oroclis.
rilHB sobiCriber reipeclfuil? p&pqiinMr Bribe Publ:'othat
X ha wilM>e ctfcitanUy aobpliedTf ith & tencral auoitmext
onbebeUQaaliiyor. , _
Crockery Ware
From tli» Faotonr or Jm, Aten’-id CqnUe coontr-whidi
;4u 0. *!d «U»««r WATSPN. Aicnl.
- |, r-jEM»ian^d,p«cymJidr^ia3 t —tPVj\
f. , ' V'.-i-fli ■ ’
WOULD 1 roipcclfiilly nnnoooco' to the citizen* or Cloar.
fHd oouuty generally, Uiattie has jait opened,ln Uor.
WQBSviIJo, on Slide street, tivn doors west ol Draucker»noiei,
nnd one Uoor wcit or^Onlluions 1 store, a splendid aiio*ltn?nt
Ready Made Clothing,
ALSO, Boots and Shoes, Ilats and Caps.
GROCERIES.—tea, Coffee and
Sugar, all of the best quality.
of all sorts, aiid very cheap.
Every Garment boucht at thl# eitabuihraent tt'warranted
to be a« represented. as bo pay# a belter prtco than iHtj
JEWS, and sella oo rot'on or dnrna C fid* foods, njd tbercfore
cannot fall to please NO JEWri-NO JEW WORK—nor
no JEW MODE of dralincis lobeUarod Btlbtsbtote. lie
is determined to «rco’icotho first law -of- humanity, and treat
every one n« be would wi«h them to treat him. At all event#
none can do better than blvo nim achll, and whoever will «u
favor him, will meet with polito and gentlemanly treatment,
and are pnriicnlarly'iequcited, should they find nothing to
suit their tastes, notiobuy, , ...»
Finally. Ur. M. wishes it to be distinctly understood that he
will PELE CHEAPEN than any other eitablistimenf iu
CyCalleatly nnd locoracood bircnini.
Oorwunsvillo, Deo. 2, 1852.-11.
T©imiM© G®nalSagjira4n®imB
Fire? Fire ll Fire!!!
Great Destruction of {Prices
can he found a splendid nstortraen* ot GOODS ol the
hast •tylnijatt revived from Philadelphia. nt whioh p RCQ l
toured no paint latnulcim; the selection. I leal t&tiifiod that
i am able to cojinW-io with any Storain theconmy m
Quality, Quantity and Cheapness.
*31101510011 comprises Id part the following article*, all of
which win bo disposed of ut unmually low price* lor CAeH
LUMBER or Pll< >IJUCK. Qi I havo determined to adopt lu.
futnrethe ttEADV-pAY SYSTEM. .
j Dry Goods.
Merinos*. Calico*. Bleached Muslim,
Alpacas, ChioUc*. Brown no
])o Lainei, Ginghams, Moll do
(inrozfi, Poplins. Book do
porunn Clotbs, ParatiiHthni. Barred do
Cashmeres- Lostrci, C:.mmlc* f do' Aobos, Silk*. Idoeni.
Do Glove*. Lno*i. Ribbons,
l)o Blockings. Showla, Tu‘»*.
Do Hoods. Vlctorinei, Comlorlt,
Kinnnc'i, 'lickicu*. Lindseys,
Cotton Flannels, ChecK*. ole., iic , so.
Twl leJ Black, Plain Black, Plain Olive.
Do Blue. l>o Blue. Do Great*.
Do Drub, Do Gray Do liiown.
Black, Bloe. Grr*n. Gray, Doe Fkms and Fancies.
Brown, Green, Gray, Black. Bine ami Fancy,
Hats if* Caps.
Silt, MoicSkin, Tor umi Wool Hnti hut. Pluih. For Cot
fon. Otter and Seal Cup*.
Over Cent*. Dress Conti, I'rofck Co its, Sack tToat*. Cloak*.
Pant*, Veit*, Drawer*. i/mior blurts, Glovrv M*us,
Suick’Pe*. Cravat*, UandJierch rf», Comforts.
Boots tj* Shoes.
Gentlemens' Call Boots, Ladies'Gaiters,
Do Ktp Do Do Morocco Boas,
Do Coann Do l>o Leather Do
Do Fine Brogans. Dn Slippers
l»o Coftrto Do Do Thick tJboc*.
Do Gum*. .
Childiont’ Shoes. Childrens Gums.
White Granite Tea Sett.. Si.utmJ Te i 'Solti.
Flown Mine . lio do Mulberry do do
Hnpriior Cup* and b’uucen, r*uj»enor I In^ca,
Common do Common do
Wash Bowls and Pi’ohers St.-m. 1 uteem. .
Bowls. Pilchers. Ere Glattet, TurubUr;, Lamp*, Condi*
Bticki, &c . lie. fc:*:.
ftliH Crort-Cnt, I’ond, Wood, CcmpSM and I enant SAWS.
Niiil*. ,"PiKui. iilng**.Screw*. Augvr*. CMs.-mi, Knives
and Fork*. Pocket Knives. Spoon*. Razors, Straps.
Sci**ur», tfhetufi, and every Using iu.lhix line. _.
Whip* Havaana 3near. Sieam Byrnp Mojastei.
Do Until do Sugar House do
(‘iinlrJ do New Orleans uo
• Lout do Matnntai do
Brown N. nrlcaoido CunUleS
Do Porto Uloo do „
(niperiai 'Pea Hio
Yonog Hyson Tea. •*ava do
Black do BperuiUil
Cayenne nod Black Pcrpor, l.urd do
AUuioa, Fi*h do
Do Ground. Govn do
Cicnnamon a Clove*, Jrtnndy a whiskey.
Chcekoiate.&o.. lie.. &0.. tc-. A.C.. &c.. Uc.
JAYNE'S Eipectorant. Alteiative, Vennlfueo, Half Tonic
an ! Dye. and Fli t. LOUDKN’H fclxjmtrtoMuC Alterative.
1MI» and Vermiluge Dr. OREE.n'.v Methane*, rAFI-
N n'K/bVemiifuee, MuA Ibiter'* ()1n linen’.. fillip*
herd's SauapanlK. lieir'»Gcnuin*i , e,ir.* «u.« Dr. J.
g. Houghton'* lVp*tn, the truo Diyeitlve l 'jaw, or
Ca.trio 4u -:o. tor ih-: eurwof Dyip<*pna. Iwo.niif
FronefifUl’s oviubndeo Catrlq Vowders—Tonuli*
er frunalklbe Mulicine* muaily found in u
Connin' Fto:o.
All of which l amdetorttoinwl to tellut the LOWEST PO.S
SIULE PRICKS. Cull in. I will Dot nhar«o liny lliinn lot
100 «iyhl nt llm good.. nnd bul a »mall wiitn l ««:l to
.qq WiM. 11. liLUUIili
Luiwen*ville. IX O.B. 1832.
THE Subscriber would Inform the citizen*
conmy kdO the nnblio Generally. that he ha* JUS I RE*
CEIVfcJ). and is NOW lIFUNING, t»; ilie tvoreaouw tor
cutrly occupied by Wing fit GeJchfl, ut M oriiwdalo, a
Larve, Splendid Cheap
Aifcortnu-nt of Goodi, conmttnj of every tiyle nod quality oi
Dry Cowls, Groceries , Qucensiuare , Cut
lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes and
Bonnets, Confectionary,
Clocks tj- Watches.
ALSU, u Ifttceand well selected nock of
Rcady-Mude Clothing, Drugs iji- Medi
cines, tj-c., tj-e.
Inihor'. all fetad* of Goon* usually kept in a L’oontry BtOM.
All of which he lnlftrrmins’Uo *Oll CHEAPER I DAijlhu
Morrls<*aie r Nov. IQ. 1822. .
Farm & Town
For Sdle.
... TTmi.L be offered at PUBLIC BAt>Ron«W6
ft?3V W Tnciday ol tlio February Court next, at
JffilL the court houne—ir not sooner di*po»ed ol m
Frismeaale—The t'aim formerly occupied by MAiffjr.vy
OGDEN, deceased, in Lftwr«aco townahtP. eoatatuglnf
SEVENTY uorei. about FIFTH ofnvoich ore improved, with
a HEWN LUCi iIUUfcE. weather-boarded >bn«i pluntered.
81 hy 83 feet; losotber with a FRAM.E EARN and odter out
building!. • ' AX-80.
To be cold separate land. I Sett Burr MlliStonei.
1 Bell, Country Mill Stones, witHtimutMaohiuepnd Mill Irons..
LOT OK OROUND in tha tioioufb of Clear liulil. known In
theplnn ofs&idtown by numberB/.
TERMS OF third of the porchoso money
dowp. the baianco in three payments, with lutercit. to.busa-,
nurei) by bond Molte ,
, For DrTllem oi'Matthow Otdnn. deooiiied.
ClcaificltL l)co. H.ltjW.' l
/ ' Auditors’, notice.
THE undoriiirued Auditors.appolnted by G)e C°uil to
Audit the Final Admieutraium atfeount ol Gideon U.
Goo'Uellow. administrator ol im)ah Goodieilow, defeated,
hereby notify all partis* intended,'that they will m»et for that
purpose at the olliceor J.' fi. ijoEnally. In
Clearfield, on DAY of FEUUU-
Att Y next, when and wbero ulf persons intorcitod am JftQtUS*
tod 10 attend with V ' ; ‘ '
JAMJM H. M«nHAM; >Andllt>ii,l
January S, 1853. . , ,
Estate ot Richard Davis,iltc’d.
ill Utrotion have been named tu the tubicriber uooo tno
estate orUIOUARD DAVlS.late'of Woodward towmbip,
Cle&rfialdcoaaty. deceaseds AU porxoni Indebted to said vu
tntetaie roqueted to meko pavroe&t to the subicribarXta
Woodward townihip. without dtlay—and tboio havumAei
mauds apaloit the some will pretent them duly autbealica*
Ud.lbrmtUoment. COSS.-Adn.’™.'
Jannury 12, 1853. . ■ _ .;
PHYSICIAN may bo found at hii Ofßae In LUTHERS
lUJUG. wheh out abiett oo professional bastoeu. -
.February2o,lßoJ. 1 i ■■ ’ 1 •
! Kfiagraaßid
Tariff or no Tariff*
most naionable terms,at thoiron and Foundry ptore. adjoin*
'« b ~“ nl4tUoore - • ,U R. GARTER. AmC .
| . Oatufield Doo*&# lßßhijj‘^ll-- 1 ; iV’,r.. , '\,v \ ;
| .;,'iV/uI;A lilit-'d /' , 1 •
.1 .& «■ 'C»<
$5OO Challenge.
denvor to Promote the rown health atftlltaonflces. 1 feel it
to be mF UnSto •olomnlf aKure you tbtt'WUltMS. aooord.
Intr to the opinion most otlebratej? Physicians, aro the
mimary causes otVlarco mnjomy of diieaioi to which chil
dren nndV'ult* nrp liable: if yon have an appet tocontmu*
nily chanttrii&lo ff.»m one kind oi food to another, Dad OreaUu-
Fain in tbo Stomach, Picking at the Note, liardncti and lull*
nfjii ol the Helly. Dry Cqugh. Slow>evSr> Pulse Irrepnlar
rnniornherUml olltliciOnonoto WORMS, and you ihonlil at
ohco apply tho romody
An article loumled unoaSßienlifiol’dnpTplM. compounded
with purely vccoteblexillillkndii, bfclna poilbolly rafo when
taken,und can ho given to thempiirenilorlnjontwth deci
ded honcficioteHbci: wherebowel'ComPlMnb noil Dlonhroa
have meiio them weak und debilitated Ilia ionic ptopertlci of
my Worm Bviup oro ettol) that iUtonde without on oqtrel In
tliacamlogno or mctllcloer.' in giving 1000 nna
the Stomach, which jnaJie* it an Infallible remedy
offiicted With, the nrtonnhlng onrea potloinwd hf
th>* Syrup alter Physicians have lailoa, is the best ovidcnco
ofitxopQiiorelficaoyovernll others. 1
Tlic Tape Worn*!
This Is the mostdlfiicolt Worm to doslroy of olllfiM Info at
tba human *v*tetn. It emm to nn almost Indefinite length*
becoming so coilea and I'aitenml io Uie l o testi dpi and B tom •
DcUdlecting thb health so sadly ns to cause St. l)nnce«
Fit*, ac . that thoso tilflictcd seldom if ever suspect that It. I»
Tnon Worm hastening them to an early xrsvs. In druario
destroy this Worm,a very energetic treatment most bo pun
mtd it wonlfi therefore bßLtoper to take tf or 80l my Livor
Pills io at to ramovelnll obstructions. that tbo Worm Byrup
may not direct upon the Worm, which must bo taJren in doses
ol'IJ TabletpoonfolU 8 timos n day, These uirections followed
have never been known to fnilm coring themost obstinate
case of Topo Worm.
Rgoficnsack’s Liver Pills.
No nartof tho system ii moro liable to disease than the
LIVER—it serving ai a llltorer to purify tho blood, or giving
tho proper Bocrotlon to the bile—*o that b®*-^ roa *
iho Liver eflecti tho other Important parti of the •y»tent« and
rraolts variously m Liver Complaint, Jaundice, ' J>
&c We ihouid, therefore. watch every symptom that might
indicate a wront notion ofthe Liver. Iheiorill* being com*
Hoiod orKOUlfe nod PLANTH furnished by nature to heal
Uio tick Namuiy, I*l. An EXPEGTURANI,
menu tho secretion Dorn the Pulmonary mucus ,? r
proo.otPi tho disabargeolsecreted matter. Jd. An
XtiVE. Which cha-igu* In lomo incsplioable and ln«on»ibte
maanor theccrtnin morbid aciioo of the system oil. A iw*
MIL/, which give* tone and strength to tho nm vous system,
meowing health and vigor to all paru of the body. 4th. A
CATHARTIC, which acts In perlect harmony with the other
ingredients, and operating oo the Bowels, and expodmg the
whole must of corrupt and vitiated matter, and purtlytng the
Mood, which destroys diieaeo and restore* health. jf.
c <sj?cej .TgJrfQrcmskllCßiSSo
Von will find those PilU an Invaluable medicine In many
complaiuis to which yon are subject.. In i.lntrucHoas ci
lotei or partial, they have bean found ol inestimable benefit
res taring iheirfanctiunal arrangements to n hoa thy Qot.oo
nutifyins the blood and other fluids co ellectually as to put to
flight nil comphunu which may arise Horn temale o ,r ?«. al ‘ft l ’
ties, as llcadnche, Gidtlmau. Dimness ol Hight, Pain in tho
genome unless signed J. N. HOEENSACIC—aII
otliers bf-iDg bow frnitaiiont. . ,
gij'’Abi'Bii wirhiog new inpplics. aed Store Keeper*des|*
rousof beeomiua Aeen»« moil addrcis too Piupiieior, J. N.
lioliensaoK. I‘MlaJolplila. Pit.
Agents in Charfickl county.
WAL.I.AUK & HILI-S Ciantfiold,
C I) ho.
». AUNUL.D Lutoeribtug.
(JEllllaE UEATry. Utldgporl
McllttlDßU WKIQIIT Corwßßivilte.
J a H. U. PAITON do.
PTEVENiJON ts «).... filanr.villa.
And by every respectable Dealer and Merchant in the
coaoiyandMo’e. .
(fir Price, Cach 25 cents.
Philadelphia. Jane 113, 1P53.—1f.
Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops,
(GEsirii®mj Pa-
THE hiodorticned woald aanonnee to the oitixens of
Clearfield, and Adjoiotng counties, that he ha* opened a
room on street, in the borough of Clearfield, near the
itnrc of U Moore, wheto hn inten-u keeuioe a
to be madool'the best material, and at prices that cannot fan
to please. ThefolK»win» compoteo-rtol ibenookon handi.
Wood or Coal Thu blove has probably the largeit intro
duction of any other form ol itovee. It has »oper*cd©d m
aim ,- Bl evjry county, tho well known Hathaway ana Aifeg
ler stoves. It is easily understood, and the flues betar so
arranged that nil can bo cleaned without aay iroable. Toe
peculiar form and construction is such a* to render it the
ruost durable of all *tovcs. Numerous testimonials coolo
added, but it mleamed uareceisary.j
PARLOR STOVES—for eitherwooU or coal.
SA?jAMANDEU do a beautiful Coal Stove
EGG do
NINE fit TEN PLATE Stove*—very cheap.
MANTLE GRATES, with summer piece*. A large variety
nod lupiyior finished Grates I rom 18 to la inche*.
pI,' \in' j anrl"uTisA\inN 7, f'ai. railing : hollow
U !l< >ti m)LCS. OAR RINGS lor Rain. ROAD SCRA
PERS, a new article. CORN ttUELLERS, CORN AND
COli MK.LS, wnrra’ito-l to sr>rd 16 Hus. Ears per hour.
IW.aCK?*MITH TIIVLKKS. the bc*t in u»o ; do. MAN
DRILLS and TIKE lIHNDEU;: . ( u # , ~ .
Together witn the oiual vanoty of nrticie* kept al Poundry
Also, Made to Order ,
GRIST and SAW.MILIj GEARING— bovine decidedly the
laxfeuiuick. and U«*t variety ol iiaUerna of any etiAbltsji
rocnt in wtswn Fenaiylvania ; MILK DOGS. SHAFT
I\G— large uniWuall.nfcaii or wrought iron . HANGIStCtt,
DRUMS and PULIjIIJS; Koie and other approved J water
foi Circular Sawe, BORING CACHINGS,
Constantly on hand and for sale,
An-ti/.r' Screw, with any deiirod comber of thread! to
UrU *• ' MYER3.
March 4. 185 J
To Mill Owners.
TP E undesigned hai appointol L. H. CARTER, of
(benrfiold. hit agent for the pale of Cri»ting», who will
receive bun lor ad kinds of Mill (bearing, and older machinr •
ry. Burscm deiiroa* to contract will t'o well lo call and ex-
Mtiiu*? too catiiloguo orPattcici. and ipeai mens ofihe work,
before maJtiiii; euxagumSDUnlfcwhere. Costing* will be de
livered, if desired, at Clearfield, and warranted .oba made of
uood miitorml, and fmuh*U id ft workmanlike manner, ilav
me iu rnoniDK older FIViS Superior Lathes. aod other ma
chinery in tl>* same piouofliou. employing nono but the best
workmen, uuniMho very bo*t Pur Iron nud Coal, with many
other advantage*, he Hatter* hiAvlfthM lm work will be dona
tu well n* in tho be*Vuity shop*, an t on tho «horie*t notice.
l'„, pnrlieulais. call on M.. LAH TEK
March «. lWi-ly
Tremendous Excitement!
ISTOULD ro>i>ecllully announce to tbrir old latront, and
W “thur.stof mankind," that they haveinit re.eivod
tromlho tall.B
One of the Largest, Cheapest, and most
vdried assortments of goods ever bro’t
, to this or any other place.
3Lsi(Jln©s s 3Dn’Oo3’'©©©^lso
The atiootloD of the Fair Sex is particularly Invited to their
Stbftk, couilsllng partly of Mom tie Lege, Oatbmeref,.Moa*
doLalaei, French Merioos Conarg.lAlpaaciu, iso,
Their ruiortment ii unusually largo. embracing Clh’hs, Co*,
simerea—plain and faocy—SattiueU.SUkuad Satin Vestings,
&o.i of every quality and plica. ' ,
A very rioh Stock of aII loru, use* and qualltiee. made iu
the lote*t and beitityle. oy workman, and of tha xory
test material.
A very Inure Mioitment—for Ladles’, Gentlemens’, Misses’,
Boys’ and Children* 1 wear.
Hosiery, Gloves, Perfumery, Fanoy Goods, Buob os Ladles’
Drew Trimmings. Riband*, so., &0.-
Groceries, Hardware, Drag* uud; Queennvnre, of every va«
riotv and quadly, equal to the best, and the very cheapest.
They also have oa hand FLANNELS, TICKINGS; LIN
ENS, MUSLINtf. SHAWLS, and iu iburtcoQdsofaUkladi
to suit both town bud oountry. •* •' * 1 ' • .
t9~OoJI and judge for yonrselvoi. Rememberthe.OLD
STAND, Market street, near the Diamond, . •
1..!l.« ’ .MJlaaraotd.Nbw. 25, 185 a.
G „ India RtibUer Gloves, 1 Mittens, &c.
OUNTRY MERCHANTS,In makluir their nnrohnies.
should bottiealeot these desirable and saleable articles.
Tbeirt m&nufhutnra has been much improvod recently, and
thay are mado very durable. Jt’arUcalai attention U request
cd to the
Wflol. Uped Gloves and^Mitlens.
Then ero Indisponiable In cola nod wet weather.—Ladies
will Usd these Gloves useful in'Jauy work that will coil-tho
'hands, at thq same they will oure the worst Balt
Rheum orUhauped bauds immediately. They axo mado all
lengths to proteot the arras and wrist*.
For sale by WtLOQX, RILUNG9& CO. No: 8 Church
Alley. Philadelphia. GoOdyeats’s 88 Ohastunt street, do
J Ki t!. Phillips Piuiijarth. Pa. Faic<rabr& Haskell, Bnltr,
moreMd. 1 H. VV. Bluffer Charleston,B.o, Dart nml Hick
ox. Cinuiuoaul, O.tio, and by all Rubber Deafen in the Union.
■ For ealo at retail by Country Merchants generally. ;
• Novas, r ' .
• ÜBaainir MsiMm^o
kind, of . ~
■ llii shop 'it situated on Market »tieati;DetWefl» Third #ao
andou thesnortestuCUce, . -' ~. ij ■ .<:• . \ t .
Tin & Sheetiron- Ware!
ll A II FACS f'O © TV
O. B, MEUBELL . : !
13 ESPEOTFULLY announoei that ho i» now pmparea
JK, to BMohotare wl kind, of ware la hi. Il f eofbn,m«.
in tfteboßt manner, at tho chetpeit rates,.and on jjjejyort
wt notice. Uo baijust laid in a freih and largo supply or
i»-.- MatArinL and with the aid ol tho best of workmen, and
tho'iie ortho iatoitond B>.nre.
tho pnblio that be pan enpplr tbom with • > '
Copper ' 2Y», Sheet-Iron and Japanned
Ware, ....
AiCHOAP anil 01 GOOD ne.oaa bo found la any country
which will bo told oitherat VVHOM.3ALI, or tu.l AU.-
Old Brass and Copper
Will be taken at the hlßheit price*i in ecchunga for worroj
ware, ■
&f. in a?^° 0 n0 o«. on Mik'ot U roe. wl,ero ,ha
publionrereipoolfully Invited to coll and examine for them.
" ,l,e * Clearfield. Jolyfl. 1851.
Tin & Hardware
08. MERRELL rcipeolfolly Inform! hiilriend. and
• ouitotren, uod tbocitiieniol Clearfield county M®®**
ally, that ho ha* now opened on Second ilrcet.oppoittotne
rcudenoeofCol. Rarrott. an extunitve
Coiiper, Tin, Sheet-Rron and
!Uetal Ware STORE
And that he it bow rooelvlujj a largo airorimebt: yT.
Cooking, Furlor and Fancy
And a variety of lloumhold and Kitcheaand othorconvon*
toncpj never befjre olfeted for talo in tho county, among
which he would particularly mention aad reoommend a
As a superb article, and a great favorite with the ladie*. It
is light, eaitly carried from one room to and heated ,
with either none.coal nr char coal, at vary trilling e. t*en»o. j
and ti used either for Washing. IfODJOg orCooking. Rut hq j
would invite particular attemfoa to lit* assortment or Metal |
ware, among which iho following article* may be lound
Fla* B () LuM R KOUND I b't.AT UUT W ™-
LfpPßlftfK'lLLETS 1 . 0 ’ FRRNc/l 1 STBW PANS.
ent s zev. A spisoriid artlole. ’1 ISA HOAf,E*3.
pSi^vMTo 6 "' f °' 000k,n * SaIwRON W-AND
i S , bffi ß9> for Wi>
EN aMELeEL) spittoonb. GRIDDLES fis pie pans.
arttclei’are 'fitned and inside. «o
as to prevent them (rom coroding. and rendering: them moro
duiablo and less ,üble to break (rom indden beat.
Amon* iheBTOVES whloli b« oflara fonale ate lha fol
OwI,, fi. P .” , fIVMP&SvBD COMPLETE of IB 13:
No 3-NINE PI.ATE STOVES— Improved.
No. ri-E.MI'IUE 81'ATKof 1901. ,
No. 8-NEW YORK Alii TIGHT do
No. Io—OUGUMBIA BTOVEB, for Bar room!. So.
He bu aUodn band, will nil tobli coilomen. »erj onoap,
a lopororaniclo et'
Stove Blacking ,
That oid'i beat Itiichaap, eaiily pui on, looki coaoli
fni, and wnan very well. *
Cy* Ail tli« above nitirlei are INSURED, and will beiola
FUU CA&ii at pnctiiioiow at lotutooiih areiybody.
Clmfl#ld,Joly 8.1851.—»
Montelius, Brother, $$ Ten Eyck
WOULD reicectfolly inform the Public. that they have
entered into ui-partuenbin id Lho MEHCANTILE aud
sSHOE BUSINESS, ud(l hnvo jq*t received from Philadel
phia (heir lecund and. handiome utthrtoeat of
FaMl ana <3l Wnmftoif (s®©<3lss
Of nil kind* and latcit styles, which, having been pnrclitued
a» unoinallv low rtiei. they are enabled to oflor to tae public
the very _
It would he almost Impossible to enumerate the many arti«
class co" pfistnc tho r stock of Goods just received— but they
invite it I [ to come and sec lor themselves, assuiing them that
they will not
More Goods for tho same money than at
any other Store in Curwensville!
They have all kinds of
And aliother articles usually found in a well funsished store.
To rvnder their establishment well worth -a visit at all times
they will continue to receive, as the season advances new
»o;*p|}ee of seasonable for La/ijfP and Gentlemans
vJ»nt js tb be jJ«a r r ,•>£ a V/., 1 ? choice of Eastern
his'itkcis. . _
Th.y would alio call attention totheiMpartmentor
Where they always keep ou hand a large and well assorted
MfHIOJCO, CALP, Kif, and all hladsof Gcotlemeas’
BfIOEB. Also.
Ladies’ Fine Shoes,
SIIPPLUB ol all kinds, quolttie: and sizer ,
Also—ltoys* and Muses' GAITERS ahd SHOES or all
kind*. . , .
As they keepcooitanllyn lot of the best practical workmen
nnd Manufacture their Shoes thev.cao warrant them to do
mrnlo of the be*t Material. «ud m the best rsnd latest styles.
chance for goods. ... j tl . r
KEMEM »lEK—Their eslablismeut is ono door West ol
John Draucker’s hotel. Curwensvllle. *
Oit. 2U. leoß —om.
eumcffl MaTkam®,'
FRANCIS SHOUT, /enieotlnlly ennoucce. to Ibnpnbllc.
thnt Imhai conimsnccd tlio quov. basin,., at CLEAR.
FIELD UKIDGE, in lh« new bnlldln* oconpied by John
Condn. on the weit side or the c/ppk. wheie be will umnofno
tare lluqlb and PIIORS, o( all kindt. and at OtU Plices. on
the shortest notice, and in Uro very belt manner.
Give SHORTY a oall. Jane 4. 1b93.
rfiillß PREPARATION Is now being ofleied toth»Putdio
HOUSED, and as thejoaly known mediome in the world
bavins been used in the private Veterinary practice of the
proprietor forihotastjpyears; and he baft never known itto
fail In asinaie lusucce of produciua alaiting cute, and leav
ing tlio hone in good spirits far work. The niter Incorapeten
cyoftha horse for labor. l Whon troubled with tbiscomtnon
disease, should induce every, ono having such to apply.itn
mediately forthis xomody,
Which will he sent, "with full directions.” to any parto
the United States. AU letters or communications to bo ad
dtesicd.PaitFald, to j p HOYT.
Hsu orNo. 10 Booth FIFTH Street. Phlladolphin,
Wholetaie agent for tho United totaws.
N. B.—Agonts wanted throochout the. country to whom
e liberal discount will be given \ and their nunc* placed in
thoadvertisemonU. -Address as above.- ’ '•/ ' ;
: EBaaa.c^Ds;s3£kiaatioaaj
WOULD rtippcirolly t<ndorhlnlinhk«to thoiop Ho hoyd
heretofore favored him wilh a shore of their chttorn.
and now Inform, his Iriemli and the pnbliu ut laree, that his
Bellows aiensnin in blast, and that they can find bint In that
old loni eitaniuhod.aad convenient shop oa Second itrMl.
formerly ooonpled uy David Lit*; Where
Wagons, JBuggies, ,
Will bs Ironed ondtfitfiih.d oil .d tl:. boit stylo,nndon the
shorteit notice, nnd aliother work beloofipi to tbe .Dn,lae«
will be donein the bett manner MifoJthe most aoopwmoda.
ting terms. .1 ' . .:Ciearfiolde Ang.H/iko8i»«
THE mhlcnticr. Ai* rofpeorfnUy ihQriou.theolt tens or
Cleorliela county, and theunvelhni ppblio rtencrnily,
thM be bastakofithh above named HOTEL situated on the
comer of Front and Market streets', lUthe boroash of Clear
atld, wfaemhe will at all limeJ bh prcDMedto accommodaU
ioso who may favor hjm with fhefr cast;ora. No pains will
be spare 1 by the proprietor to make his oastomen poraiortabla,
and hlvnourea HOME to thoiewho may stop with bld». 3
Hi* STABLE will beonrefnlly attoudeti to—and hit TA*
BLEand BAR supplied with tho bcu tho market will aCTord.
August 11.1863. ..n.. ( i j,.•. (
• • th«,District &mifo* ttpfifiww i Mi*,
i Dlstjlct of pcnnsyjTTinlfl. ? - t
Dllllllfil ;!
OKs' ©ASTIBIC JUflCKi': nil
dolphin, ! l*ff. "' .' '°' ‘-' ' ‘ * ; ‘ J
Thikisa duly wonderful remedy for I»d)qjm!iio«i.„
Drnrkrau, Jaundicc. Livwv
BTiPAfioN. nrid DkilLiTt, Curing after TuhqrbV/
own mhihod, by ( lS4iuref«owi) ngeni.ihe Qbttre^)
Juice. 1 ■ 1 • ■ i ‘
• •Hall a tennpoonful ol this Fluid.infuteo Up wft» „
\ er will dißent or dissolve, FIVK Foonw qp
Rt/Anr Beep in AnooT TVs'tr uoDBn, oht ol ilio
Stomich. : 'DIGESTION., " ■: '
INGESTION it chleay pilformeaio w»toiiitoh br (ho '
ancilotextitte* J,W LlhO ulit iijti#' i
■■ ‘ V «
PEPSlN<*thachief element.or Great &l££{M£'{£&)j4 , ,y
Of tho(la*trio Joloe. It is faced fn ertet fibOddaSoo lit the
*ollrt pur not the human *torpwl»^«lWby'J«< l ““sJ'Wj
caniot the itomaoh (o djeeii lliell. oreatiuellup, II WJIg: ,
found in the jtomaob of animal*, n* thni ox, mfyfOfjUy H
tha material rued hr farmer* in making cneMVcallodHoonek,
thoefUrct of winch ha* long bofttlha
ai£if{i:aV.Wj#&SßSSSte ! !
Peptic. Toibow that.tbi* w*»* m Id
, wo-attoteth© followior
naunN I.IEBfG. In hi* oelcbmted work Aungt
ChemUUT, «r.f “Xp Arußoial PUwt ” ffaid marTj’
rmddi Obtained lromtfiamocpu*m*i«trrann«fU»Mtioil*i(k
whether artificial digeetlpacoold be performod-bttt Uttari*.
;;Hb;.«r,si«Srav •»»-'
SSSS h »Ms SeMSSyASG "■ ‘h. feSfev.'
th.Nnt».ald A .,«.h.« & ” l. lIRErt <
DH. HOUGHTOSMprepnriUoikofPfimlJ hnjwgWrf 1
th« noit raarrelioni eflecti. cOmi( caiupt Ilabjl>f|'#iS®asf5 1
tlon NerSjai Dcclino.aud I)yH*ei*le S?».j.^mn^bUtoJS*'
• A k. a h (La yaiy (if tH# < iPlf I®DOteiD»etQ CltC-,
the detaila of chief *n the limit! oT thl« l
authenticated certificate* have beep jeoelvedof more them-, i
In Philadelphia. New York, and *ffj r
nearlr ptl de*peraio cue*, and ihaoore* were eotq*|ii
“it K , r
itblnirlr xmallguentur nece**ary to produc«be&lUtfdlt«itw». (
i believed to act upon • j
There i* no form orOLD BTOMAOH COldPl* AiNTj} wMJ
it doe. not teem ttweoehend row* ntJ.hue. ti NiPmauMtou,l
y^as^iissgsjsvAjaj 5 -;,
ibllow at once. iti* particalotlreiMlientlnoamjofbbUTO.
, V ta el" 1
ofSpirtti, I>e*pondonc#. r.mAciatlon W 6iLkO&»J,'l*ldtoOf To
‘““ico'ftNTlioLLAß pe, bottlo. One bottle will n£!
effect» Inning crate.: •
with to be Moled
alcohol, water, orsynip,by tiepstienL
tain precisely tho same mntmr w lhe b*WU»,I««
nnantity for the same price, and will be «ent by mall. rKBB
B V , A , *eSs l w»nteil In every lojveih tk* Unit'd
Very tlberai disoonnUtiventothetrade.. Drntkiia*.avbalttw;
tors, and llookse'lerraredeiiied toecteiMonu. y;.
AGENT'S forCloirfwld eonot*—, . .n
*r RILLS, (.kjgirld bamoyh.
WILLIAM McbßlDE.Cumren,ville. ..... i
P. W. lIARHEIT, Lnthcribor*. ’
R. W.MUtyRE. tlnion towosbip. ./I !
I Max 28.1851— Iy. . .
At Clearfield. 1 ■ ■■
TfiHE nndetslefte'l respeclfnlly enaonnces jT
1 OJeorDcld and the adjoinina c 9 “bi
nos to carry on the above boiineti at hit ejtenrivo eMbipa
mcni In.the borough, of Clearfield. wtdji*BOw;pi»lfiE>tt v
manaf&cture all kinds of , ./I
Castings used for Grist Mills, Saio-MUli,.
and all kinds of Mfflhinert/. .
Hi.CaHlnes are now of n snperl6r qnaliiy-.qaar. If nttirt
machine stiop, T
With two anperior TURNING LATHES. dtHen by 'attain,
la np,w fir arlcqerafnloperntiePf pplfl under..themanM,rae W
a practionl meohanlq—whetenlmoateny. article of maanMli,
can bo FJ N 1 BRED In the »pn P«K itWe.andßnibprt*«M<
He be. now an hands e larie essortmant 'pr O'«iin,i. roc,
as HTOVESioi various siaeaakd pattern*, PLOUGli.ltWBbi
WASH KEn’LES. &0..81C.. which hoiflers to«Hlowltj
Cosh, or on a reasonable oredit. He is now oMUng* Iw»
ha most approved patterns,
ALS • Tight Party. fWfti
Nine Ptye and 'Goal Styes,
Wiard’s celebrated PIo|IRU
And nil HOLIiGW-WARE, W ::P
SOLES, WAGON BOXES, kd . , A ~.,.rr
. He intends Itoi pll, on ;ieaaon»Wa t»m«j( «*?. fflffiJßS!
cttiMna of the conntr Keneraliy wi|J find jtto tbeiraava*
toßii-0 him tbeir onslom; .UASII wiU'PmO*
but thn hiahest prtcea will bo allowed Ipr Cooßtry rroc .y
and OLU METAL. At he «iveshis «tabhttfßa»«hßperWbt*
supervision, all orders for work will receive prom
Cleptneld.Nyv.BB.lBB;.'; ~ ; .ft. . QVjfi
K ■-«EW'OOOOSK““ "
- AT'FREMlffrttE^.t
TUB inb.cnber leipectlaJlr nb'nonno*
lottUALirif. Md which M <WVI,
boouht'elMwberalD tHdaoQdtj. /mnm ntu-tnenriz^k
niffiDvir AKI?. b i"l OlKjiii. Sto„ wftimiEjjJM
attentiontohiiitockof. .•;;•>/ i ‘_ *' ■» : ifl * i
, Crockery-Ware.
Thankfnl for Uio Übiiai w(oto h»h(* Iwataifoto Itod'o' i
W“AJI Hindi onioaotry
Otth. bigW^^S**^.
' !>p,.chTiiio.3tpt. aa.gasa., yRA^!BpotJpaimA ;
removal: •
raillE subscriber.; thhnbrQl'fdr -pint hvotii, t’3
■ SL pectlully iolormfihUcuitomere.Mul tbe pufcjfr
generally, that he baa removed hi4*hbdtoth«'!;iii'
ding aver tho Puit Oflice. lotely ocoupied by S.-r-
VVard.pnd that he.wjillbe there laiiedat wfiifrer
“on hun , d"to supply hiacuttomer*. _UnUke«tuaear
hißcotempornriee.'heiitunhbid w ptttajie thatbir
Fashipus aVe pi Ih# hjokt eppibWOSie of .**«•.
attiTvi hot will qiadeiiecQrtlpg tewfc
Latest FhshiM of more mo3jfr% '
r, ou a ;
Clgarfieldj April 1,1851. v ;