ibs From the Washington Union. tfr.fatiM CONGRESSIONAL, ad Ja«.';'S ...... Friday, January 14 1858. J. E||is JSJ Senate.— Mr. Atchison presented the ere up' .dentials of Hon. John M. Clayton, elected isider* r ' Wf a senator, from the State of Delaware for leconj- ijj ;the term : of six years from the 4th of i week,;. 9 -March next. lis one' 9 Several private bills weroconsidered and llection iijjH . passed. ch the, S| The Senate went into executive session; ist no- jjg and, after some timo, information was re icle we; s lj| ceived of the death of Senator Upham ; st; 1 whereupon tl)o Senate adjourned, he geh- ~.9 House.—The bill to prevent frauds on not ex- |j| , the treasury wps passed by a vote of yea a s subject lw 124, nays 23. And then, going into 150- '-!s’■ Committee of the Whole on tho State of ad, f’< the Union, Mr. Seymour, of Connecticut, an im was called to the chair, and tiro committee i n proceeded to the further consideration of 1 irt.'; !i| t|, e bill to suppress the circulation of small Tty) vj notes in tho District,of Columbia; upon via'. -3 which Ficklin, who reported the bill, ilf. addressed tho committee at length. Sub isy i jjl sequently it was debated by many mem ;US r !'m bora jn five trtjnutes’ speeches, on various opi' 'm amen^men^3 > a late hour, when the 3y# i 9 committee rose; and, after disposing of his': 9 executive-department communications, the ito, 9 House adjourned, ner 9 Saturday, January 15 1853. W; ffli Senate.— Mr. Foot announced, in op propriate manner, the death of his col ere league, Hon. William Upham, which took gu- » place in this city op Friday evening. Mr. •'Seward followed in,some brief remarks, eon’' 88 arid after the adoption of the customary >re- ,; resolutions, tho Senate adjourned. >ve- ,f House.— Private bills on tho Speaker’s gh- ’ v- ■’ table from the Committee of the Whole on tof \k the State of the Union were taken up.— i of Til Tho bill for tho relief of Hon. William H. rcu- ill Wells and others was passed. The bill i by* || for the relief of David Myerle being next bill tl taken up, Mr. Brccltenridge commenced to. tion ; % address the House upon it. His remarks, xju- however, were cut short by the appearance ibit- ’•! of tho Secretary of State at tho bar. That t up officially announced tho and i decease of tho lato Senator Willjam Up iya 1 ham, of Vermont, Messrs. Miner und sted • Meacham delivered eulogies upon the de ;iD ,1 censed. And then, after tho passage of iock I tho customary resolutions, the House ad by 1 journed. the ' | . din • 5 junt ired a of ua tant Monday, January 17,1853. Senate. —A message was received from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Secretary or Stato in relation to t|io .imprisonment of the American consul and of other Ameri can citizens in the castle.of Acapulc. The Chair laid before tho Senate a re port of the Secretary or \Var, showing the contracts made under the authority of that department during the year 1852. Various petitions were presented and re- ferred. A resolution was adopted calling on tlio President for such further correspondence between this government and thut of Great Britain respecting the fisheries ns has not yet been mpde public. After u short executive session, the bill .providing for the construction of a railroad to the Pacific was taken up and debated at length by Messrs. Brooke, Bradbury, Bell, Hale, and others. The homestead bill was taken up and made the. special order for Wednesday, 26th instant. House. — The House suspended their rules, and passed-a large number of bills, mostly of a private character; amongthem were, a bill to extend the benefits of the pension law of 1848, to the widows of sol diers serving in tho last war with Great Britain, the Florida war, and the various Indian wars; a bill appropriating §50,000 ' for the erection of an equestrian statue of Washington in this city, to be constructed by Clark Mills; Bnd bills granting pensions : to the widows of the late Generals Me f ‘Neill and Armisted. The session of the i day was devoted wholly to business, and •i. much was transacted. f . Tuesday , January 18, 1853. : ; SuitATE.—Mr. Badger introduced a bill concerning bail in civil causes in tho Dis* k "irict of Columbia, the object of which is to abolish' imprisonment for debt. *' A joint resolution was introduced, to 'i pav to Clark Mills ©20,000 in behalf of :■ ,his services in constructing the equestrian ; statue of General Jackson. The bill from ! the House appropriating ©50,000 for an , * equestrian statue of Washington was con sidered and passed. ' .. ' Mr. Soule submitted a resolution calling - for information respecting the claims ot f ’American citizens against Hayti; which ‘ was adopted. , ; . r v 1 The joint resolution declatqry ol tne :.f views of the United States respecting colo ’ i nization upon the North American conti* | nent by European powers, and reacting I the island of Cuba, was taken, up. Mr. if Cass spoke at length upon the sub J® c t>“" d i | was followed by Messrs. Butler and Hale. I Mr. Mason obtained the floor, and tho Sen- I ,£>tC Hous°E.—The joint resolution for the re ' lief of John Taliaferro came up forconsid ;t eration on a pending motion tojeconsider : Ihe vote by which the House had refused T jo pass the second division of the said mint resolution; and this motion to reconsider •V Us laid' on the table after discussion, n which Messrs. Davis of Massachuset s,, $1 Stably,Newton, Williums, Jones, ofTen-. .‘I McMuUin and Stewart participa -1 , e 4 Mr. Houston reported, from, the J Ways and Means. aTesolu f \ion ; aulhorizing that commutee to employ 4' L clerk ; which was passed. Mr Brooks , ( ' reported, from the same cormriittoe, the I'> * Yaxk mint bjll; .to the second read ’ f! iS.rfnwhich' Mt. Chandler fl Sding the question bn the rejectioni of ii* ttm'Mlli mvblved.funder the rules) in that T bill. V Srtsß'thb clrculation of 6mall. 1 !SS& f ‘b«m B tof-thedayV6es«o^ | After pasßing the bill, the House adjourned. [every 'pose*. propo taany, kvest- Imea, [taxea jnount |e 98. [Tha ptioq BU it lax*- Knee, ire 9 3J ' e»- las- li> u Rsax Ib'liTii* '" r *“'T.~*TT“‘ ** -,--7 ■ ’*•' Wednesday', January 19,1853. Sbnatjb.—Mr. Foot presented r the Ore dentinls or Hon. Samuel S. Phelps, ap pointed a Senator by the governor of the State, tf 1 Vermont to fill the vacan cy occasioned by the death of Hon. Wm. Upham. Mr. Phelps was qualified, and took hia'seat in the Senate. The Chair laid before tho Senate a message from the President, recommend ing the payment of the claim mado by the Spanish government in bohnlf of its sub jects in tho case of tho schooner “Amis ! tad,” also, a report of the Director of the. United States Mint, and reports of an ex amination of the Blue Lick Springs and other sites, with a view to the establish ment of a western military asylum. The bill making appropriations for the support of tho Military Actfdemy for the j year ending the 30th of June, 1854, was considered and passed. i The resolutions tjeclatory of the Monroe doctrine wore made the special order for Tuesday next. The Pacific railroad bill was token up,, and debated by Messrs. Bell, Adams, Gwin, Davis, Hale, Shields, and others, until the hour adjournment. House— The morning hour was devo ted to the consideration of the New York mint bill, upon which tho House was ad dressed by Mr. Chandler and Mr. Brooks. Tho Speaker then laid before the House sundry executive and executive-depart ment communications : which having been appropriately disposed of, the balance of the day’s session was devoted to efforts for and against goint; to tho business on the Speaker’s tabic. 03-Hon. Robert J. Walker, we are sorry to learn, is still confined to his room nnd bed fit Washington. He is suffering from a sore leg, which wholly disables him ; nnd some of his friends fear that, under his other ailments, amputation may become necessary, or what is worse, that jhe may be carried off by the general de bility of his system. Mortality in Congress.— Several members of this Congress —three Sena tors and four Representatives,and also one bead of a department—have died since the commencement of the first session ; six were from the Eastern States: Whitcomb, Webster, Upham, Rantoul, Thompson, Fowlor, and Andrews, are of the number. Vermont never before lost a Senator in Congress who died at the Capital. To Ministers, Physicians, Justices nnd others. Wo have now on hand an as llpH? sortment of blank forms, neatly printed, ns required by the late Registration Law. No clergyman or Phy sician, or Justice of the Peace, should be without ono or the other, or all of these forms. The law is an excellent one, and should be faithfullycarried out. It is n law that, allowing that its wholesome provis. ions shall be faithfully fulfilled, will be. come valuable with age—and generations hence, it will afford satisfaction m thou, sands of cases to persons in search of the history of their ancestors. DIED.—On Tuesday morning last, in this place, of Scarlet Fever, son of David and Phffibe Sacket, aged 22 months. Wow AdvOffftkSSMOlDttSo Temperance Meeting. THE Waihlnjlonian. 0 r Clearold county hold limit Monthly Mottmr on Monday eveniun tho 7th ol Feb. “rAddtet. ma, b. T. H. FULTON. Janunty Btl, 1&3. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ’SyA'TJSStSSASf & <£>S©WJR» H. w. Corner Second & Mulberry streets, PHILADELPHIA. OEFER FOR SALE A LARGE ABSORTMEN T 0> TEAS, 1 , , COFFEE, 1 At the Lowest SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, Sf-c., fyc. Tbote commencing New Store* Attention «lren loProdoce. Attention Regulars YOU will meet for parado drill, at the Town Hall,in ilia Borough of Clear iold.on . . ’ho 22d day of February next, at 10 o’clock, A, M, - ;ach member will provide btin«dr with ix Rounds oflrlank Cartridge, and be in punctually at the hour, wifh b;. arma ne'nia in good order. By order ul LE[l , 0 , B. Jan. 28, 1853. Pennsylvania Lauds! pBOM 400 to 20 000 ftVMBEC&ANWzK city peopuuty o,ca ? h. A'«p • Beat Eitato Broker. No, 101. WaltinUt. J»m«y!X).lteB-4n.. philodelynia. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. * Of Valuable Beni testate. DV Virtu, clou tS oonutr. SVKfou MONDAY TUIi TVVKN tbSfSIowSI BrfAT*. tap th.orop«ty oU tract of land containing 333 acres, and t«C2»£3 l 1 StfGflP Sit himtviu* UUY intonat lath. timber- j O i IN PATTOff, ■ Curwenitilf.. Jau* !*• *BB3.—P<>* RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURES Of Clearfield County. FREDERICK -G. MILLER, Esq ; , Treaiurer of Clearfield county, in account with rfatd county from the 7th day of January, A. 0., 1852, to the 12ih (lay of January, A. D.. 1853, inclusive. DR. To araH Merited from ownenof Unreal* I Lands. 2 To amount reoeived from Oolltotow; __ un To amount received from Jnilio* Lnther on »tray»; ILL 1 Ef amount P&M Jaron, , By ftmoant paid forEteolipu expeaiei, ysj 5* By amount paid Coaitnblee, *52 gy amount paid £2 m y amount paid *\>unty Comminioneri. bio tv By amount paid tot lload Views, : 4JJ: JS By amount paid (or Frothonotaiy fees, }J» g{ By amount paid ulerk to Commliaioaafi, JJJ 5? By amount paid Commonwealth fata. s™ 01 By amonnt paid interest orders, p* By amonnt paid Anditonv Jj! IS By amount paid County Printing, *2} y> hj 22 Bf amount paid on Panther and Foi Bcilpy. fj! By amount paid Tipstafl, By amount paid lor liking meridian Una, {? By amount paid Jail Pom, ... ~5 Jl\ By amoait paid Collectors aiEionetations. B? amount paid Din. Ait* * Oonm’s Counsel. 'oq i By amount paid on Public Building*, 4j Thoropion Head. do 18 SI li 16 K. G. Lamm, 110“*“’ liW 4J ~4 u John M. Clime. 10 K-nhauv 416* «48 c iliver Moore, do KerthaW* • 3j Jg William'l‘nre. do Lawrenca nuj Georc* Jphn.ton, do MorrU “ a 1U IB Anthony Hi o. do leen 333.fi M william Caldwell. do l iao 477 a 1868 David Dreriler. do 3 13 68 a 63 h F°'Wmd U ' dS cMldaoc 34J88 10160 Joan Atkey. 00 Cwenardlo _WM -ill? Amount *lue oa Uweat.d i.aods, OulatanJinc Order* unpaid. BaUacaia favor oi tbaoouaijr, REDERICK G. MILLER. Esq . ■l'™ B *' l /""! Clforficld county, m uccount vvilli bcliool l und lor 1800 and 1801 To lunonst m.1v.4 from A T " a,urer - J5Vu n To amount ibceWtd Itom Unwa»«4 La« u» By omoun «pnld Clear6«ld boroueh. *» 11 Urcoaiiu township. •» Pell township. Uiodfortl township. ]] »; lioetts townrhlp. liraoy township. “ JS Burnside. towush’p. M w Chest township. J“K; Covington township. K| »- Decatur towntlup. .'S Perauson township » •» Poi town.mo, G raid township. °* J" Goshen townimp. " *“ Huttoß township, JJJ jK Jordan township. WJbd Kartliaus township. 1-1 jw Unwranca township. WUU Morris township. Penn township. “ Plko township, Woodward to' nship. SJ gj Onion townahlp. ™ 0 w Bola&ca dua tfcboola. i?n(TliFlil('K G. MILLER, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield county, in account tvnn the Road I’und lor 1850 end 1851, To amount from onttiwd lam!., To amount dnn from i reaiuiai Bell. Total amount retired toi IWO and 1851, By Amount paid to II {!ra(flVrd'towndiiP. J*j> g Brady townihip I'S JJ Hurn.lde townihip. JW Cheat townihip, SJ ' Oovineun tnwuihip. Decator townihip. »« y'oi townihip. “• forinmn towvhjp. « Oirard lownrtif. ‘2 Jf Domna townthtu, »• £ Hu«ton townihip, Jordan t.iwnihto. to Anithani townihip. « Lawrence lownimp. »- »} Mopiitownibtp. JJ Penn townihip. ‘[2 % Pika townihip, « » Union towninlp. ™ Wood nnrd townihip, re 8.411 HI 663 H 4 Market Prices Balance daa Roadi, a;* particular!/ Inritad to jatiSH—Bm I*7 E. the andeniiaed ,^ m s“?l?Sl , o? , flSßOEttScif U.' UOLLAUB AWD l Bjj Wilnusour handi tW« loth Jaiiqary, a-w . WILLIAM ALLXANDhK* J c ora » rBl PHILIP HEVENKH. S ftwn/t REPORT, that the aocunnU are a» abote «ta tod—That the h » , a"^,? I n ,I f AHED IANU l ANU FOURDOLLARS 61XTY-THREE DOLLARS ARD Ht'NDRGO rafiSSssi G. W. SHOFK, > Aud’ra. Attest. C\ KRATZEtt. > L. Jackson C bans. Clerk. ' M ORPHANS’ COURT SALE, M OF VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE.' IKSSSSSaS LatUarePure^nßat gf S^SL“IKd«S2S®t ,, rSJSii.?& SfftS'pWoM““tW«ibo. wplaodof beilo. lBO .. ACRE g t . With about 100 acres cleared and in a t ,ood state of cultivation; a large Frame Jlbuse 24 by 52 feet i and Large Barn Thereon ereotod. eltoaU oa Band, Ltclt creek, abon woven mtle»aonh J »»e«of - i 'laanatr U. IMM. __ Cli. Balanc-idna Dr T.Vrto OeMfiotd boiouah, »“ “> Becoatia tow».hlp. “ iHailuwßibip. « Biadford lownihip. « ™ Boafltown.hip. Kg ssasssjaip. ss Ohcrt Ujwnthlp. 12 Sn Codnstontowti IP. IHcatnr lownihip. j» " Fora o-on lownihip. *»jg For lownihip J “ £.l 'Jiintd lownihii). “™ Goihtn lownihip, “ Huiton lownihip. •' » Jotdno towo-hlp. 8 J J; Karibnoitownihip. Unwranca lownihip. »“ tu Morriitowniidp. Penn lownihip. Pika lownihip. S S Woodwaid lownihip. gw Umonlowuihip, . a.tHa 67 P*aß tp. overpaid, *v Balance due by Treasure to iCksttfheld boroafh. w M rieconria township. w 05 I Uell township. M « |UokiC» lowniblp. w itradtord towethlp, B ( *g Burnside township, $2 Obeit township, jg £ Vox township, M " r'enruxou township, »] « •Ji.aid township. *« H* Boston township. “Jj Jg Jordan township. B «¥ 1 Morris township. 60 I pike townsotp, LJmoo township Dae rindi ’ W & ’&) • Due do 4d & 4J. Total dn« road fund. *>63 M Attest, G. B- Goodlandeb. Llcrk. pany-MADE CLOTH tRQ of almost etetydaeoriptloa aaa r ?iSjrBM. ,t, * ~<', * ! ’ r SMITH &IRWIN. I Sheriff* Sale of Real Eltale. 1 MSa^BSSBSffi PSEBB 1 l&Kaa aib corner on tbo river, the bonodary of theteidorinmo* i lurve? thence down the river W rod*, theuoe by a line aetou taiJ irnct totbe not them line of the name «o M to include l&b , » Mr« ortho nPP« end of *ald large turvoy. and to mto in- I elude the »mprove«entoflaid W»lter»on«nldtrnot,witbtwo : rinoli Rtabliif ond tsaw Mill thereon eroded, and about I andto bo aold a. theproperty ot the.tid Ueorp> Walton. f ALiOU, w.ca no Bv wJrtnaofaiimilar writ, inued oatoftbeaam*ooaft. \nd t?m«d“reot«l, vfill bo Mpowd to public eel. at the «Umoand placo,lt> wit—AUortaln TYeot ol Landliln. ki lKadT lownihip. giasrfieid county, banniled of land of <~“ Miller and UooertU. laylor. wit*—Beamamlt at thonorthweti corner of WTO No Ml. S : uir£ y r. d h ■- Seizo^ I ftnd o lolHm i^ox^colfon' ancflulltf told'ne Ib'e property of George Gmftr. ALSO. By Irtneof n timilnr wri*. inued out oftboranio court. ano to me diraolad wißbeaipoied to Lublio eo e.ettho tamo time and place, a Certain "tract ol iltualo in Oovirtßion townihti*. Ulaarlield county, bipude AORESi J Keaunv. and other*, containing AUttiwO, with aboutFottTV ACRES clenred,anda Houteand other improvomen »themo* U 6el’ed and taken la .Mention and to oo .old at the property of John Header Ma. ALSO , BY virtue of a ilmllat mil. leaned ontof lhatameconrt, aod to tna oimeted, will bo eipoead to pnbllotale at the larao tlroo and plaoe. the followla, deecribodproperty, via.- a (Attain Home and Lot, (n the village of Pennivlllea Penn townihin. Clegtllßldtouuty, bounded by I the ™ad. Kitof Natf and other*. with n UlacUraitiihoo tboreonereo' ted tieixed ond taken m execabon and to be *old ai the pro* petty of llenry Long, by I By virtue ol n similar writ, iwoei out of t *r a .B and tome directed, will beexposed to Pab lo i^eet the •ame time and place, a coitalo tract ol Laod fclla J‘ e J“ ton townihio. Elk county, bounded by land* oi dan l °John & Waahiogtoo Brook*, and other*, k C ° d , l tES? KIFTV Ac-RES. with a Home nnd Barn and about Thirty Aore» Cleared. Soiled and taken in execution and to be eold a.the property ofßamnrl cm,.h., iAM pOWELL _ 6h , rin *. Sheriff** Office, Janmry 12# 185*. TRIAL LIST for Feb. term, 1851 Bot.let StSroi'li *• J fc**U*'* tu,n HateyXee.. V, IlSihXck ISLaib v* Leonard fe Thomi* Kylar W IMMoou. uieoi Smith v« g®VT clo °” _ vvm W Wiljoo vt William Bloom Joeepo MoHiaeken vi Fallnber & B““ Mile. I’enon More. Rooeton lianc Wilson v. Sbofl llardinan Fliillpe »• bamnaj^jlMM^r Hama vr Glatyow M A f lank v» S*?K,VluVk , ‘ 0h Unao Smith <> SamaalUaik t'-onr*d rrederick vi Henry Crow John fit Samnel Widomire v« S n SM liaieh Fullerton »• ? P JtimM E Ridd'e f* AnUionv MoQarvey Thnmai Uahafley et ull v* Henry William Bell J , a g \Vt?uZm "SasgL CJa.toa it Wliila T ! nf rfe.> Cm it. al. v.‘ «m PbllllptStßo , Rank & Replier WiUiam Bloom 983 61 1.1*6 46 !.»» (0 LIST OP TRAVIS JURORS for Feb. T. 1851 3amnalCr.ua Cl«k Oojw.«yUla R w, UcNanl 7 0n, ' r j? William Moßndo Merchant 9? MW Sat -La. “ K s r o th ° n ' Lumberman U«J«r Jacob Gearhart * * o m " Corlniton Jama. Froe and do p„„ ‘ 0 ’” d“ “a"*" 1 V. B. Holt do 3® Johu Crowell do Abraham K. ShofT do J .G. Glasgow Millwright Hiram Straw fGirard Peier L.amm Lomt) umeo .. W. A. Dale M , rraer d* Zaoharlab McNaul do Lawrence Motet Fulton do . Rudolph LU* do dQ WiUiam L- Head do » J W Burchfield Carpenter do T«ytor Ro**le» ,-do Boggt .'«t»r Gearhart Farmer gjg? William Dackat do Woodward Philip Flaher do slornl Hamnel Hoover do „ ( William T./horp , Fox isssWb'm. kfisss^ GRAND JURORS for Feb. term, 1853. j Jcoob Laboida l'*™" U.lo. lowajhlp cVm.A.Bjorm *3” do J teph A Caldwoll do d T&har do do AbrahamOuden Farm.. ‘£ w "’ acs So tjuuk Urowo d nay partot al f iI H? barß. C To a ibote wtin d«ii<> 10precure a Hritf thi. Farm oflere mduonmenU not to ba fnihaconorY. Tho land i. or good duality, highly excelled in tne ouu, -- both tram and irrau—and g< !» L t ! or o rn.tncrr'«‘lo»l»™'»'» ,, ', w eithOTof ,h,, ' >b,ori ' b Tt;°'proP^” e wmb''> 0 oW I SJ tin mo"'ioaionabla term, and a warrantee deed given MICUAEf. WISE. WIUUAM WIJK. In brhairol tho bell* of Ooarnil WUo.deoeuoa Janonrjr IS. - Estate of Hugh Leavy, dee’d. mnriCß IB HEREBY GIVEN. That Letter* T«lamen l\ iJirfiie been iwued to the »ob*orjl>er*, on tbß estnte of eulhentiflaledfor ulUnmaut. WHI(JIjBYi » ' BaBAH leavy, January 13.1853. . Ho5. ,LOE - w “ l 804 JOSEPH. S. FRANCE, * TTURNKV AT LAW, Office on Mntkotolrtot.ndjoininf A tin itSd.no. of J.U&ilte. Bag . I. L. BARRETT, m^msibks^^ ilnd*p __ O. B. MERRELL, COPPER TIN & BAEET IRON WARE MANUTAC C TURER-At Boluol’i old «uad on “oJ*u«? e Hold. u °°' 1 THOMAS MILLS, OOACH AND s LEIGH MAKEU. on Third .'reel, bo tweeo Market and Locau, UearUeld.Pa. ApriUtt* WILLIAM H. BLOOM, Merchant and lumber and produce; deali *, iJnrweoivUle. Cleartield county. Pa. April 17.18 0 i _ WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE, /WABINET and Oil AIR MAKER, and HOUBE nndBIGN C PAINTER. on. door lonilrol the I’reuD rl “V b ' on leoond olroot. ClomfiVld Pa. April 18. I»M. J. &. J. G. RUSSELL. Tanners u courrierb and dealers in all DAVID SACKET, ABINET AND OHAIEMAB.BK, loooit {"tween md and Third. Clearfield. Fa. Apnl 16. U»H. WM. T. GILBERT, BLACKSMITH— At McGhee's Milu. in Bel] township— where all work in hit line la done on »hott nS e \£?i 0 ** reasonable terma. |)oo » ltai ‘ CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. W H P««. OHAIEMAKEgS.gc.-BM,. GEORGE R. BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW-Offloe Adjoinins h« rerid.nce on Seoond elreet, Clearfield. April 10. >*>*» GEO. B. GOODLANDER, WAGON I MAKER—Lnthenburf. Work done to order on “?UM. oad on food term.. Deo.kV6U DR. S. L. COBLE, ¥IH YBlClAN—reridtaoeone milo ea,t ofCjearftald Drldfe— P “wilt titad to nil call! on tb. .aortal J(J P. W. BARRETT, : MERCHANT and PRODUCE DEALER. EoUionbnw. Ciaardald Co., Pa. April W.m». SAMUEL ARNOLD, FREDERICK ARNOLD, DR. G. F. HOOP, jpRENCD VILLE, CloartUld oonnty. "JOHN H. HILBURN, nnuT and BHOE MAKER. Beooart .ln*t, aaailyoprjMiW BTk.W,l,hu .io..rCtarfl.ld. Pa. April 18. IbW. JAMES HOLI.ENBACH, BLACKSMITH, o* Third itaat. jWj’Tfijj *" Walnut, Clwrfield.Pa. ApnUt.fa”. J. H. JONES* Valuable Farm IN DECATUR TOWNSHIP £B>CE>£R Sg3<£^32aEEße ftnntm inbwrtbwr oflerefbi tale hit valuable AbL I FARM. aituate in Decatur towaihtp. Clearfield county* two end ahalrmUet JUK ptbory. on tha RM*e UoaA hading to Glon hope, containing ■ 1058- Aereitj The improvementsare a Storyandahalf Hewed Log Home, Log Barn, Thri ving Young Orchard, <£■ about 60 acres cleared. ■Bil«s3S"sSai« Kiiber on the premise:. JOHN UUGHEB. Decatur townihio. Dec. 27.1853.—tf. s~bk> mpa 633 32a OS ® Attention, Lumbermen: rpiiE Subtoriber, otlti foi tnle on. of Gaorta Pet*'* Seoo.d 1 "portable saw-mills, w’ltb an 18 llono Power Enilna nttaohod. nil new tad In nom^letainnnlnt .order, hnvlnt been bon.htand nnlupm SSne ld«. ■ilnated nbonl a mile, tram Bald Eule £“' n | ?2‘; iSS nbnst haira mile from the rtrop'heleadlni from Bald K.iSlfuinsooto Phillpibnra. Bald Mill wUI cntß.WWfae* .oil lbelr Stool of RORSES. Blodt. Cbalat. 6t0,. *'JJSjSI:. bodlv to C. K.Maik. attheMilLot'o J.L- BhMWKSfWS*. Anr penoacaa mo IbtmlU in toll operation new. MARK & SHULTZ. December 8.1853. - - - AT THE CASH STORE. and „ rjAVE Rut received a larta ll ” d h'tbeviroiSdM^oS H GOODStnlianl.>oU;”.=e.oe. wh,cbtb.j y WGOOra’EAF nail and e.nonn. baroro P«- obatlni dMwhere. Decamber 10.1853. England Whipped, Tariff or no Tariff . Inc Loooard 8t Moore. CARTER. Aiont. Clearfield Deo- 6,1853. - 'SWSSSJS2»® a THE POCKET OR. EVERY ONE HIS; OWN PHYSICIAN rpll E FORTIETH wtiUa* with JL One Heed red. sowing DIMM* ■»“ Malformed r. W the Human sry thape and fotm. To tjhHa idded a Trent!., on theDiijja if Female*, helm oftheihl«h Importance to mettled people, to tbote contemplating Mr “wiLfj*UYOUHO.M D. 'SA??i^.‘iaVSS5 18 01 woman enwtlntoiheij ,t obUaaUoni of manied lit" ilhoot read!®* tno POOKBI iEBCULAPIOS. Let no one Joaita. Pain m the P»d». ,„d the whole train of Dripepde meat withont ooe.oltlng “‘•*£l,4: on r ,mpedlment,teeU married,or tbow aboui to be in bmm of tavjsc tbon this trnlirotefol book, aiUhai own inou«* ofdsaln. ta®d>ofonfortnnats oraator®* kmtv-fIvK CENTS o»* tST AW.PS"®*‘ m?2lSr» om«P 7 work b; mail. M°Srl c"opl£ wlft be wnt lor One *sjf r WM< YOUifo. IM BprttßißUto t, Philadelpwa* November 10.1853.— ly- JLj&gft ©if EdOtt&sirsj Remaining in the Port Office at Clearfield on tU. first day of Jon. 18S3 §S% B &«« SssSKW ■ H&r BSE*- KJwßwm KerfotooDavid p inlet Dean Gearhart G eorf • Vf korlowW S&» CTc J h°£sa Uoover Alai Hm’th VVuftam S lioo»«r Mr* Mwf S„iu, william £3““ i o, hawggsr w£dWk'tXaßMal fcTJota? ■ Winleml's MUiCaralM ■ I MapmlKlobardß JUDEBAUGB, P. M Court Proclamation. i&Saia.*s.«2 ) To ihe n'id h !o tl aupi« n ia VhSr own proper iisat«s^»gid^«wae & JSsS“3fiR£SSSfeaS; fifty tElee. an tub. Boventy-Mveath few or Aroei loan U dependanoa. WILLIAM POWELL. Sheriff. BESSOEdOTEOM. rpilE partntnhlp haratofora eaUtine Lu «r I «w Bad !i d |«J'S , „ t ttiid aoooaiu With .old futn or. and utlla the «omo LYTLE. Woodward tp . Deo SI. 1653. DANIEL HOUfZT Tb. burine., will haleafter hwTOntlouadjU th. hr Daniel Houu. where can be lonad at all tuna, a ipi.nuu. sort men t of t Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Gro ceries, Hardware, Queensware, Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ropes, S)-c., #c, And In fact every article nanally kept in a retail «tOM *ll ”?i^ l .^?^ p^a f TBSM. KSim. HQtrrs. A Journeyman Cabinet-Maker S3Z3P aacn'dic&dQ <» G°a°« D oa?jf)UHNMM’i!f SSs'® UuW'" “ ■, Apply imroedlataly to JOHN GULIUIt. Cl.arfield, De0tr0b.r3.1653- GEORGE WILSON. wwnvoinmii tnftvba found *t fall Offlc® IB LU’i’HBHB P"urB! wire. BOtnbwat da piolouioual cmUtaa. —— JOHN C. RICHARDS, PBlittg l ' Road 10 M. E. WOOD, ..., PBVBICIAN. Mcy alwaya bp found *t Wii r*W«o* u Car •aaviUa, when not profeulonalJy *fi**fa WH . Estate ol Blebard Davis, dee’d. WsßßlSSt&i tedlorntUameat. ISAAC Go3BJAdro'r.. January 13.1866. ' * Bap t, 89.1863. Auditors’ re ©lice.