.nV. b-xnicn'jsjf jn ! »a».%: •' PAID WJXiliSj THRljp, MORTOI, ’l'« fi'p'Ndi' piif) RipNtiVS. ' .. . lororipD «Mis‘iini4Woishffli|''l.'„' it'Wb-tf EAii* wfttiiWTiVEtivE ;»«? ‘ v A^i^iThn BbaviVntMis ird ttt Hl>mM m ''^fUS'mA B,V oottntrf n*P*f Jn ft?)*Bt*Wi pa& wHtbfc«** c W i. SdflUcQfrMtafcAßOe , f earBE6r * , . aVe i*2%»atd” ; v ,. ■•. • EIAOILiTV W PPSTMACTEfIB. . aroxt illr«)ipil, wlfcnawlmfeaM' oObdVdf Ou> •uliiciliuroiimn"*/- ml(l , e> . or t 0 othon. piloao,r«dtioiiD- SiVtiw.iflrt.nr aa.tWdßyrtt&litbroMMatJlh.ooßntr »#rfnolUM*.' f , - ■ arT 1 * *■' l\Urt •- />! i' : ’J p| 4 hn-m ,ti i.'-i:.; 'hf» . is prteD; psM» : whethar lh:» guinqfLfjy pitting/ip.hay,. straw, *4O .feed neat .stock., ; Something dp dp.on circumstances,. If, your hay.is hyi 11 eat.the ,10. without cutting,; and save .you the if your fodder is mostly poor, if it has been injured in making, you 4o y/cU to cut it short, apd mix some ig with it to mako it more palatable. had coarso .fodder, cpt,fine nnd iwKlP.d "vyith.water, and by adding a lit* meajy and. mixing tho.i whole together have, been .'wintered, at less os - .than on mecrlmntablo hay. Cows: miih j. live on it* and it seems to he, the y of disposing of a quantity of hay. that, lot gqo4,; Sjraw; also ,may be disposed Ip.this: mode. We make it a saving as, , do. by hashing meat that is not .fat en* rh.'fqr, eating . without i the addition of ,or something that will improve the meli’r HG V ilia* llOVt CON*. .. furaV ' Wlri*.: "i ■ 'm a» or .fth* '■ • trart-ii, j >maoh: 5?5Sr- Fas fkir. t ' •■> ■ : ■' '• , flusks and corn tops, .when well saved, ve much vi rtue in them; and rnpst ,pf it es into manure, unless particular, alien ,n- is, paid to foddering. Cattle find it [Rcult to bite off the stems, though thoy ice one foot on a parf of them while they ill with the.teeth ond gums. Some far *m©rs cut,thorn. up.fi.no for their cattle* and they would do.cven though,tho steins iVo'uld be worth nothing’for fodder,, be cause- of the'trouble they; make in over; iaiiling the manure. \Vjmn a{l. coarse •Xdder is cut short there will bo no long , Manure ; a sbpvel will jenter. a,i)eap, and 4y4en spread, a harrow, will bury, sufficient. Ploughman. kßlOftl l - ' tty M ; itohof - bw K ; KMtM» ' iWOffc to ll> |«ta fuia f»' Howto judge Cuttle.- flb all' domestic’ amroais,. the skin,.or -iide, forms one of the..best means by which' to 'esiiiTiate r thcir'fattenping prop- ( erties. In the MnUlipg ofoxen, if the hide , to found soft nhd silky to the touch, jt af ■ fords a proof brieiidency meat. A ;Behst having a perfect touch ivilt have a Ihick, loose skin, floating, ns'ft were, on a Saver of soft. faV.yielsxv any other—r” •,:t; l il: i- i'»-‘ili t _l“Notrifiing:with jnc.sir-, ~: , £ns\vqr . ;'question ,at once,' 'or, ypp UP. ■'& jf—djust .where, I .wapt -ito, go-;, just »here you’ll send .ftb,', whether,. I..fnswo.r . fbii o/hpt.:, v*A m ■fc matter..' Stream o| a,G.onL feaf you,a ro;, .something worse l’m ypuV |prisorier., , Keep i il E odd : Vatch on.me,:;i;ni Wkablyapt Ino infer carbon apd .cnrh'.nos. /lafieet fro my pride, £ph 3 re ifiE the idelfl worship, ; .soul Chart 'that' pulled mb out ofb.«g -«“ •»» Tho vvh9 | Q sum, .revived 'Sinca.p.ec^mlier thie i moTningv , \ ,i: f 31,185, realized©?,7oB.,Vf.'. , :-j B*W»K* MwkM vicinity, of, iS«Bof 6 i«"»y'iM r?*i • .n ; ': a ‘Vi o Vham''>ii'i(tSrThb city-a&ent ior the fiamQi 49ijJ?P . Gun,’ > - iuHM‘wf!< llduotv hiadehiS' 'report lon thfe-'fst L ***2?£d Spies'&:S mSi“il'dbount Wabout .heclobbed ,sportsman i wh° ninety-seven gallons. The Sweater par this. wiold'to-go*ot of the c«m however.-- hrougbt.ihe,«Po saw ~ . . B^yandvicinity-must W-'very..sickly. jlieWu hoi obliged fto, { 0 rljhite so muQhwedicine.. ’ F ron l“JJ 1,, -v>. at •• :Bd-Io DbtdA l hdr.2Bd,..bP^gfcPtf A Mr-'Gujincdidigdv jo h- ! t - 1 >A, I r long 'fht^Prefetdent^and, .tt , „ pSgiavltetiifir'dtttUßants-in Illinois l January been indicted by the GmndjJury < '-Uaf-^ CUT; FEED; I 1 0 ,-:.,-,:i * >! l{ x WEEKLY MFER: DEVOTED ,T*o LITERATURE; AURIOILTIKE, MIHIALITY, AMI FOREIBN AND POMESTIC ISTELL Volfinie 4, r : ■nnini} TttsrnmtSß Fromlho Washington Republic. BRIEF DISCOURSE. . Feat of a Qipsy—Astonishing Dclnslon. riy THE CHAPtAiN OF THE n. V. j. ' gabs of gipsies, consisting of three or ; Text.- oit «o four families, have been for some weeks ! My Hearts-.— There are very many occupying’a targe-brick building ncnrUie; lovely women in my flock,, who a ? p a * u £; thrObservnmry, Tvhithor ne hnve°been at- ble personal Jarrns Bu .my dear f nd , buen in Georgetown, and my yiowpf the matter tans 1 . * • i b some . are there yet. A, circum clear utter it in yo u r L 'arhig ; ’ , hat j our police, and its publication may tend to made Woman, and m well assurca ,n “ l * h l n thGir „ uar d against these nothiDg short of Divinity could *»*••• !£" KTCS TiL*» V MM t,i,cd . piece .'“I” 1 K Ldutil. which induios some person. to nod notjput fhilh in fortune lolling. HOROSCOPE'FOR THE LiBIES. ~ hv nictures stuck on magazines, called] These gipsies were some weeks ago on- \Ve extradt the following “Horoscope, !« c futurc -fe Tfi” worl’d in one hand, and in the other a-wo- t0 romairi for some days. In three daysi! pass;i bly handsome, with a sharp-nosfe, b t a ] most dr j ven f ro tn the ocean. In 1839 j f> n S' B f, a , ■ ; asens ible by chhwo; man such as 1 desire, offering me the gipsy returned, aud she and Perry had, fine hust . Sh „ w.ll be of rather sulky ' it began to (Wish, and the beino carried into/ho opeSa choice—l’d fling the gbld to the lore winds nn interview alone. trunk was open- j tempe r. • l >ons ' VRrO ado P ted for edcpumgepient o!I ( . andjinyin" been returned, to I heaven and take iho other though alio ed n pd the bundle Was found exactly as it ■ ; august.—The man will be hmbtlois ~ . shipping in the colonial ports against D S:I V »_ ' 8 * d ' „jf’; va * iK dit as mother Eve* was, & £bn placed. He *&*£««* und courageous ;ho -ill havescyerifl mah ; - ch 9l , v % iutfDgla vvs.have been.eve..-; * £ cr(£nJe' % ..... - s 19,899,170! 10 oUS school boy. And so be ■ bag, which:he.hast.ly,o[ .d ‘ , p { - that ify rejoicing oyer this increase with - - " ’ ***' - the C,unard'Steamsf|ip Arn|)iaf.'vhi,ch ,had :Bat j g f ucdon> and aliributes it directly to tho T'fpd this bundle for the one containing his. been built ~e.xpressly to discriminations made in .faVot of the Span tuted tbtsbundle tor t , b ! fiteiv[l)pr3> pnd was:considered the most auv| . gh:fl b ei£isling duties; the effect ™°Wbhout informing his ’family or friends 1 ns ( yyell. os tte fastest vessel afloa,. j h - h hbivdV er, is multiplied and- aggro- fihe servi-! Kd.;>vere the expltat.ons oVer the ant valfid by tW6c , unter restrictions which our ° f nr two or three persons, and, mounted, pated triumph ~aud,..the lo; vyer. itig_of, tjw | GovOrntnont set up in‘ order to compel hastened to this city in' pursuit flag Iri, this, It°heinstated they Zd corhe this /febas ,bepu Tho t ? sueT ; Tbs ; felW, j attempt they hiVeTaifed. ;‘ that some of them Were pvhicb y. r / j^ewTorki.'Jau.t ; ’ :: 'f , 'o' valueof all the exports froiri Cdta the beda wore occupied by women mepn- y^9o?PJ OI lP, '’ S p'l'-hm-nhio comneti 048,Q81/' The discrepancy .arisen from S 3 No obsUe- wrik’ preserited 'to j over the water, in j|Si^s of yaluatM ’ In’ Cu-. the search ;‘arid tiod'up,in 'hautlkerohiers,{tjQn t fqrJ c.njasTy p .. of ovorritrites the,, raos in-tin kettles, boxes, &c., tho officers ■ D AnA?‘wiU uindeVirates thri exhorts, Thtri fountl'Targfc'itibVititieVof gold!-arid-silver jCu,narriprA: J H Q l |, l,yP | commode. -fcrirrjed on r '66tWeiq'ri ih'ri'Unitsdl ihiis‘■4 d -bo^Teast! i hpq : mgg.^ ffIP.O.OOO Captain,‘Pofry-j- • -* l ' 'riulietin \ ing the lB5l is'fetutdd in tho'follow grem6rgprtion of|tim ;• wt u. .if < V ‘ * 1 ‘ * . iri:i 1 "^sb' 1 ‘■-Sj-j i' si S’ r r—. a S ■ Clearfield, Pa., January 28, 6 §*>ss. , ... r „. PrlcM of /, , . • , ■«./, ■ ! iiquiaimnihi, .SMl,k*Hc4 1 do « mnnthi. . IN j. do, Jdo f roeratM. do 13 month*, rod Ido 'do lSmostftt wv™ 3 110 8 month*,. ~ o.tti 1 cOlnitioS BOnU|J.,,i; JflSi do H mnniiu. -it 50 l" do h do iooim -4». Iflßionthn, do ;tt do ,; “'W w ' I A liberal rednction'wilVty'e made Qnd Olb*t* ( ; W Oul nnpar'citcn'niMino'mf celnhbfiitiood.nDil ii .V nearly *»«?» forally fo the.coohty.-nVd OooWo a«oidr» <■ convenient anti ; phe?p m?.nu« ; lor tlye hoilnm corn clJtfU !■ ooonty-ttio rherchnn!. meohtinic.aod nil oihn»-lo,«'«0“ theSnowlodee ot their lii-taiiOni'Acdvliorlnewi Wj*.el®aW (t Bafia\sarit«.^Btsag»g» assist for, nianoni r.-ilioY. lh<- mnroo>tcj»i*:ly. a, flltJtprjjH.,, wilUjehUpTotUa. ■ • Boa!*Jobs anil BlanKSr OP EVERY DESCjuFTION. , 'REST eTYLr. ASD OX THE ffIORTEST • NOTICE. AT.THE OFFICE OF TUB ••• ••cebakfieed bppuhmoa» i -’. , i.'; NiA -i'i—,?!!> r *]S> >x ' n !.■■om.!ilj;iin 1 wls pjmn it-having bfien'in bills of the Baltimore banka—nor could ho identify either of the women hero na the woman who had prom ised him tha treasure. Since then, with the aid of several officers, ho has been scouring tha neighboring counties of Vir ginia and Maryland, but up to last night he had obtained no knowledge of his for tune-teller. . Wo regret to have it to say that any one should have be«n so unfortunate as to fall a victim-tosuch a superstitious and still further have ’to regret to add that Capt. Pefry, on 1 Saturday* not. content with the serious lesson he had received, actually visited a professional fortune teller in this city, to 1 be informed where it was likolyhe could find his lost, money. ' • Fnim ihe N. 0. PicnyUrie/ ' j ing. insignkicnnt figures ,543,. COMMERCE OF CUBA, . " 6^, 76 V^ Sp?rt Vffm^rtuoitv The gt&u interest whichistalcohm this ■ Jj- the ncw contracts, countty, in all that relates t° the,.condition. fo| . th^im^Jtolion.of'Chinese laborers.ifffo. and resources oftho Island pi Cuha v grves / ulhc(Uic^,eU ' lK cnce hasten Jtfb, interest to some official statements of its. f f iho sixlling of iho imports and exports for tie year IBOJ, ( J.. ;re j| ■ (ho iftth, of, Au^us^fwiv, which wo find m onr late files firom Hava- ? , with ?I0 ihiaesb »“• published, and though we have not a copy ; the Junta do Fomentp, . Pfti. of the document itself at large^we fintU g fptembor jhaftip Wflfc, copious review of it,'in .‘.the $ ■ Marino of the 22nd and 23c[ ultimo.— This work is similar jn character to the annual report upon commerce and naviga tion furbished by,.tlie Treasury .Depart-, ment at Washington, in the. whole movement of the commerce and customs of the cbbntry for (ho year is minutely re-, ported. In the absence oftbe original, we avail ourselves of the labors of the Diairo to present' some condensed details oi tjie commerce of Cuba. The value of the imports into Cuba, for i the year 1851, reached fhe ?um pf 832,- 311,430 02, which is,an increase of 83, r 328,203 over the imports of 1850 j and the largest since 1847. The following, table shows the annual importspipco.lB4s. 1846, $22,625,390 44] 1847, : : : : : : 32,389,119 19; 1848, i : : : : : :25;d35,565 62 1849, :::::: 26,320,460 00 1850, : : ; : 28*903,227 56 1851, : :. : : 32,311,430 62 These imports (of 4851) Were brought from forign ports, in the following propor tions : Spanish, : : : t : $8,500,258 2o American, 8,148,077 06 English, : 7,374,958 25 French, :::::: 1,738,360 75 German, : : : : : : 1,852,576 50 Belgian, : : ■ 412,283 37 Danish, : : : • : = = 690,010 94 Dutch, 240,875 .04 Italian, : : : : 27,148 00 Sweden and Norway, : : : 28,998 37 Brazilian: : : 1 ‘ • '• : 61,305 06 Taken from bond, : : :570,71^.,PZ Of tf)js gross' amo.unt about three-fifths ($19,809,196 i 9) were imported in Span- :gence.' NiiiiilbcrS. 1 ■>p[ - , io isail with 320 more, and' after. hpp.tho,,, Gertrude with 30d,' the Blpnheim,vvit,h, 400. and other ships to follow, GreuLcs pectations are entertained by. the,p}wsf*> of Cuba of the benqfit'js o,f this i^tmgraiiqp., None of the emigrants have yet, rcachedjtpD,. i island.*. We.halt suspect, that,after : ithf?ft i English) ships' have introt|uced p>Wsfttl sands of these poor Chinamen intq_the.au:,, gar plantations of; Cuba, jsornei, Erjglipjti; philanthropist may discover of enacting a statute for, the suppresstqn ; of an Asiatic slave trade. Deformity and Surgical Operation.. : A young woman from Kentucky* near,, Moysville, came to tliis .oity. soma days : since for professional relief froni a very remarkable deformity with which shewn* born, and which has since , rapidly, in- ; creased jn size. From one hand, project-, ed an enormous growth,. rocencous in .its character,.about ll)e sifce, of un adult loot, shaped somevyhat like buj. lar 'er than a Florence flask with a part.olj the°neck broken off, on the end of which was a nail about twice os largo as,that 01, the great, toe. This mass occupied thepo sition and seemed to substitute the middle, ring fingers/ crowding the little, and lurp, fingers and thumb from their natural po v sitions, and. altogether disabling then); extending in thq palm ofthe hand, up tq r and on the back of, the, baud nearjv up tor tbo wrist... From ihe/otHcr hand cxtpndetf. • two similai;; tumors reaching to the wrist* of fiyo or six Jhe littlefin ger; and (hpmb only .being preset,,.out useless in consequence, of thd encroach-, meqt of the growths. : Tl>ey cojJftit.qtqft cumbrous mpsses, renflcriu S t)is litnbs qm look upou,' aq ' MosEstr. r ; . t ,,,. A Quaker, parsing ’through » ; fn:>rkipf, stopped at a stall, and enquirqd the. price of citrons.,, . •,, v,i “I have none,” said the honest country,- ,rjiap,.‘‘that will euil /ou;,th the fruit, the preceding day, .pB*#f;jH9y' he would • , ,q. - evil-/ “Nay, friend, fbou Hast: once, and now although thou mayest speak the truth,': still I cannot pual.ftM; but thy, neighbor, chose jo deal .uprightly with me,' and'from.hcnceforlh his patron. . Tjhou wouldst,.ttp wpUWf ’ member, this, and learn by experience jhpt a, lie is a ba?? .thing in, the beginping,-and Jp uppfo.fi, ,9,fle, fp. -thpJMW ,*« !• <••< '!i S :.v' fii; i • dd™ . Report upon the most extraordinary operation,qor lhe atone over, The »4erer,wj»B e .popper, ay: Mpntppher, had been'un^valid/pr.^fW stone ;^tra