. filitAbll.t'HlA'; i. ... MEDICAL HOUSE. Established 38 years ago by. Dr, Kirkelin, N. \V corner of Third and Uniyoetroeis, between &'■» •■ *^P fuce Fine' Bisi., 1 Philadelphia. IjMuRtREN yearxofexUnoive and uninterrupted practice XJ spent la this citir, have rendered Dr. K. tne most export '*ml successful preottUoner, tar and near. In the treatment of .01 dlieatesof a privatonamro. pe;ious afflicted with ulcers •n the body, throat or lefts, paras in the head or bonce, uior. cureal irheumatism, strictures, gravel, diseases arising from i youthful excoiie»or imparities of the blood, whereby the cou. .motion hasbecome enfeebled, ore all treated with success. He who places himself under tho care of Dr. K., may r?li jiously confide in hi* honor a* a gentleman, otid oontidentiy rely upon his skill as n physician. - TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE: I Young taeh Who have injured themioivea by aonttain prao* tioe indulged in—a habit frequently learned Lora evil com* panloh* al school; the effects of which are nightly felt, even when rtsleep. and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness end oonilitniionul debility, leisor tnusoutarceergy, physical lassitude and general prostration, i irritability and ail nervous affections, indication, sluggish ness of the tfVer, and every dixeaseinany way connected with the rfltordcv of the procreative fuaotioni oared, and lull Vigor ; HEAD. YOUTH AND MANHOOD! A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death. Eiirkelln on Self-Preservation—Only 24 cents. Tbliltokjuttpnbtlihodli lillnd with nisfnl Information, on fneinfinqfttiesand diu-aie' of ihe Generative Organ*. It ad Jtesuf itself alikd to Youth, Manhood and Old Ago. and ■rhoatdberead by ail. The valuable advice gad Impressive warning ,it civet will preventyeartw mUery lid sullcring, and save annually thon. toads of II vos. Parents by redding it will learn how to prevent tbe dostruo* tlon of their Children. •**A remittance of 25 cents, oaolosed mu letter, addressed to Df.KINKELIA. N, W. corner of Third anl Union streets, ketstsautfriuceand Bluet Philudcldliia. will ensure übeok •udercover per return mail. Persons atn distance muy address Dr. K. by iettar, [post eatd.l and be cured at homo. Packages of Medicines, Directions, Sie;. forwarded by send* hig a remiUjuco, and put up taco re from damage or curiosity. DOOkdielh’M. News Axe ns, Pedlcrt. Canvamrs, and all •then gupptieo w iUi the above work at very low rates. Octouor 27. 1862.—1 y. pOTY DOLLARS FORFEIT-DR HUNTER WILL IP IwfeittW if felling to cure any cue of secret disease that •say kiM' under Ist* care.no matter how long standing, or how tmidisg. Either cexa;© Invited to his Private Rooms iH North fcMrventhstreet, Philadelphia without fearbt inter* lOption from other patients. Btrangers and others who have Oecouafortunatoia tba selection of a Physician ore invited to call. . . iMrOTßNCY.—'Through unrestrained indulgence in the pauUMS,by excess or selLabuse. the evlle are numerous.— /rearatare (mpotenoy, involuntary tominal discharges, wait, mg crlheorgatn. lon of D3?mcrv,adistai efor female society, general debility, or constitutional dmneemont, am sate to pillow. If aeoemry, consult the Dacror with confidence,— lie offers a perfbcuisre. READ AND REFLECT.—Tha afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting their bealtlr, huppinou. nod in many eases their lives, in the hands of physicians ignorant ot this classoriQuiudios. It is cortainlrirnpossiblQ lor ooorcanto understand ufi ihoillsthehumaa family are subjsctto.' Eva. »/ respectable Physician has his naculUr bnmoh, in which he *3 more successful than his brother'protasori, and to that bo fcevotes most of hist me and study, YEARB OK FttAOnCE. exclusively dpvotea to the study and treatment ordisaatefol'the sexual organs. togethei -with • 'Off* upon thabodjr, throat, ncso: or logs, pains in the head. V a ®9l e# * wofcanal rheumatism, s'.rio urei. gravel, irregular!’ aruinirfrom routbfut esrauet, or Impurities of fha conitiiuiion has becomeenfeebled. ecab4eata«.i>octor to offer ipeiidy relief to all «ho m-jy place sbfßMlvee under his care. i *‘Sjs < * #for m ardw, . l ° PO rt tho United States.— rifaamaandTen Dollars per package. *‘Eyery Family Should have a copy.” Ah invaluable Booh , only 25 cts. per copy. MAN, KNOW THYSELF. D R nAIH H I,WS. . E DIU AI, MANUAr. and hand UOpK FOU'l His AIEUCTBU. Uaßtamlneiinoat- RMOfui* Origin.' Progress. Treatment nad Cure or every wdlsaase,cautracUd by Promiscuous Bexuai Intercourse, ft y*rL*®wa.oiby.SjXualExceja wun advice for their pre -SSfff 1 ' wnl J c ® 1» • famuiar slyie. avoiding all medical teeb- PtHhMr* god.every thing that would offend the ear ofde* aanef, from tha result of some twenty years* succnsful prac* tioa,axnJaiively de/oted toMre core of diseases of a delicate or Djjvaie nature wMoh is abided recsioU for tbo cure of the above diseases, aid a treatise on the Causes. and Cure of the Ke* W.gffrtAWift coats aoopy, Brxcopiesodo J- "Mb® forwarded to any part of the united States, by ffiSM* of postage, L'ldross. DOJiajre paid, “UozlW, Post Ufflce.' or tbe Author,iidNortb Seventh Street, Philadelphia i . - • , Bopt. 3.iew— lf, ILj'si I dlaos i> Diraea 0 JapBERTRDFKEn, E. CoRNEtI NIHTU ,iNI) .MAPLE BTHEETS, AUOVJi KACIO. PUILADEL PHIA« invite the Ladies ot tho Oily and Country to call and eiamJeaM iDlea-iia atook of Inmmingi, which has ticn selacod with the uiroost oaro. being Pifabjed, from hlxexpefienco io the buiinets, retake ad vaoiace of tho wholcsalo market, is able to sell os ■gw as any olhoe cst'biirhmeni. Mr O. was formerly prin* •IpaiooaanotorOfihaextaasivobusineisof Mr. VV, J Hunt ibjuUNo, W 4 Clieudut street, unu hii extensive experience wffl be Agaarantae of hU ability to do jastici to hu cuitomers. HU Stock.ooruprnes tlioful’owing— Si'g, Worsted, and Cot* Sn Cortain, irlnce*. UiUjine, Tusiels and Coni—Silk and 'Or>Ud_Biiod Silk, Woollen and Cotton floxlerv, and Draib&s.S.iipi. Perfumery, &c.—Woollen akd CoUon Kniltiog r.ad Dutmar Yarn—rorte Moanaies. Totalsbed work. Boxes, Bracoleti, and Fancy Arliules cener* ally, valiandexaminelur ypuneive*. • t.i > Sept.29,lBsi.—Cm SHELDRAKE'S M, HOTEL. QHBIJIRA&B’S ALLEGHENY HOUSE. No. 210. K7-MatfcatH'xee! ( abo*e&th, Philadelphia. Linder thenew anaagemafct, the can wh e!t arrive fiera Pittsburg. Harrisburg •0 -swill ran to the New Depot, corner of Bobuylkiil 6th ana nuikiL in order to accommodate tho public wo will always Mte our voacb at the New Depotou the arrival ot the canto •arty passim cars to the Allegheny House, which is in the cen btwUtfaiiy. Oor old friends will please ride down and all who with Ur patioalse a Uuuse with aGoud Table. Clean Beds 4>o aoooamodatiac atriit-jm- f»i*rm give ni a call.^ ferns—Oae Dali*;, per Sept. 18.1953.—f1pi. . 50© Agents Wanted. .$lOOO A YEAR! VVTANTED IN EVERY COUNTY'OF TflG UNITED * * STATES, active and enterprising men, to ensieein Mate of thobest Looks uoblin.ed in the country. DOttsasicg aimall capital of from •eototlW, such inducements will ho oftorod os to cnablu tmtn to make from TKUEE to TEN dollars a day profit. TfcoJßpokspabtlsbed by us are ad useful io their chaiactot. **tnmaJf popular, and command large saJes wnerever they an offered. n For further particulars, address. (postage paid.) UANIEIiS & GETZ, ) ■ . Successors to VV. a. Leary & Co., .■ mßmm No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia. 8ep1.18.1853-Qm. *• . » r . .. Commercial Hotel. *VliB Subscriber huviag leased the Public Home, formerly JL ihowa as the American House. No lb South Sixth street, anil Cbssinut streets, has changed tho name 9J?lia© ©omnuDiroSal .Ho4©1 9 fttos leave to-iaforra his friends end the Publio. thattbis bouse ms undergone a thorough remodelling. repairing.ro painting and repaocriop, from attic to basement. An cnUr* tootnt(?numitaTe. feridiutr.fiic., fita.. has been procured the mois celebrated Manufacturers in this city. . MB tho oentral location, and its close proximity toth» pod j.epoU, Steam ooat Landings. Places of Amusement. fo®ableTbi.roQghf4rDi Qud Pnb'io Squares, it offers iq. dMtmms io (be Merchant visiting the city on basinesi. ox thu Traveller treking pleasure. To families and females vLiticg 4hecfti«eve/j facility will bo ollbred. and every corafoitie gardM >o mike their visit agreeable and*pleasant. Afraa oftbepUbUopaUobago LreiDootfatiysMicUed. AAOOB O. LEBO. JARED IRVIN; _ Superintendeut. Proprietor. Sept. B.lB9i—tim. *' . *•, i * - • BOOTS & SHOES, n& •1- TOOMAg ©OxJR O 258PECTPULLYannounces (otlisßf t'J'tt'- ,MX citizens of and vicinity.to i tniiMjiat commenced the business of manufacture InfßCKWff nnd BHOEfI of every description, inthobor. oujtbof Clearlield, in thssblp nearly opposite the Academy, on Float street, whale he may be found at all times ready and uU who may favor him with their Fine and Coarse Boots and Shoes, and Ladies'iWarc of every descriptioji, WIU bo on hands ( and manafaoturcJ inn style superior to •ay hotoiofore mad* in tho county, and at such prices as will y got tilt to give entire satisfaction. ffiX r,Rafting and Lumbering Boots. t-V&iwU! Olio manufacture on article of BOOTH for Rafting ~*OO Lumbering in. pod for other rough outdoor work, wbioh W imiioularly recommends as a superior article. _ ••iii.v- •/.. »v Octobers, 1852.—tf. .'jPoww . * l 'For Sale, i':7jiiL' r \JU l !c l ‘ PUBLIC! BALE on BSSi ''fwMfoW.lOZOihei wans FRAME BAIIN Miotooutl AlflO. " ■Tobnold ieparatn Domlho lud.l Bolt Bon Mill Blonei • 'TJ3.U;Ooarttry Mill Btonu, yithßmot Machiuo auaMill Luni. LOT_ OE'.pRQUND in the borpnth oriCleailleld, luiown In tlwilwn ofuMltows by numberff7.. « s-v-'VbHMB OF BALE.'One tbßd, ofi tba nnrebuo mon„ '■ down, tn, bnlnnoain thtea payment,, with lalcrctt, to bu . COindby JOond and moiteayepn too ptopertj... ■*** ■ - 'ii „ ABRAHAM OGDEN, Attorney ... FoiDeylieciofMaUbewOgdon,dooeawd. : j ls .jpiaAiße(iJ,.Weo.. H.ißsj., ■ '•-“Estate el JoJm Bennylioef, dee'd. I ETTEBa OP AOMIHiSTKATtON having beta «mn> ntumm MQWiai tptßMlTMindebted towideiUiv ammqncsled tt mate pajsaaat imknddlaUljr, and ptttou Itavinff claim* wu,p^»®»aticMai THE ROAD TO HEALTH HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CURE OP A DISORDERED LJVER AND BAD DIGES- Copy of a Letter from Mf. «5 iV. Klrlsiw, Chemist, 7, Prescot 6roefi (England,) dated Clh Juno,ibsl. To Professor HOLLOWAY, Sill—Yonr Pills and Ointment have stood tho highestoa our sale list of PropTtetaty ’ Medicines for tome years. A cus tomer, towhom-laan refer for aoy enquiries desires ms to let you know thepaitionlarsof hcroase, Buo hud boon troubled fur years with a dUordorad liver, and bad digestion. On tho lost occasion, however, tho vizoience of thojutaok was to nlurmiag. and tho so severely, that doubts were entertained of.her not. being able to bear up under it; : lortunaicly she was induced to try your Pit!*, and she informs | me ;hut niter tho first, and each succeeding do* e, she had great I raliei. the continued to take them, and although she used on ly threo Boxes, iheis now in tbe cojoymcntof perfout hoaltb. 1 could havosent you many more oases, but the abovo, from the Severity of the Attack, and the Speedy Cure, I think, speaks tonoh in favor of your astonishing Pills, feigned) R. W.KIRKUS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURB OF RHEUMATIC FE VER, IN VAN DIEMAN'S LAND. Copy of a Letter in tho iJobart Town Courior.of tho let March, 3801, by Major J. Wolcli. Markarot M’Conaigaa, nineteen icon of ago. residing at New Town, had been stiflerinx from n violent Kbenmatlo Fe ver for upwards of twortnontbs, whioh had entirely deprived ‘herofihe nse ol hot limbs jdunnff this potiod showas under the onto of the most eminent medical men iq Uobatt Town, and by them her case was considered hopeless. A friend pre vailed upon him to try Ilotlowoy’s celebrated Pills, which she consented to do, and in un incredible short space of timo they ctlocted a poiLct card. CURE OF A PAIN AND TIQHTNE33 IN THE CHE3T AND STOMACH OF A PERSON 8» YEARS OF AGE. From Me.’sra. Thow & Son, Proprictorsof tho Lynn Anveiijscr, who can vouch for (ho following etutemoni. August 2nd, 1651. To ProfeuorHOLLOWAY, SIR—I daire to Dear testimony to tbe good efTeots ofHollo wav’i pills. For mine years 1 suffered, severely frOroapain and tightness *0 thostomioli which was also accompanied by ashortucss of breath, that prevented me from walking about. 1 am 84 rears of age, and notwithstanding my advanced state of life, these Puls have so refievod me, that I am desirous that others should be made acquainted withttioir virtues. I am now rendered, by their means, comparatively active, andean take exercise without inoonvonieace or pain, which I could not do before. ' (Signed) HENRY COR. North street, Lynn,Norfolk, Thcso colobrated PilU aro wonderfully efficacious \ ; in tho foifbwing complaints: Aguo Fevers ol all kinds Bore Throats Asthma Fits Btone and Grave! Billons Complaints Coot Secondary Syrup* Blotches on tbeSkin Head-ache torus Bowel Complaints Indigestion TicDoloureux Colics Uflammotion Tumors Consiipation of theiaundtea Ulcers • Bowels Liver Complaints Venereal AflVclions Consumption Lumbago Worms ofall kinds Debility Piles Weakness from Dropsy Rheumatism whatever cause, Dysentrv HetenlianoPUrloe tic., &o. Erysipelas Bcrofhla, or Kiug’i Female irregularities Evil . Sold at the Eitnhllihmenl of Professor HOLLOWAY, 244* Strand (near Temple Bor, London,) and tty all reipootablJ Druggists and Dealers in MMioines throughout tho British Empire, nuc of thoro of the ÜblUtl States, jn Boxes at ©dlso The attention ofthe Pair Be* is particularly Invited to »hmr Suj.'Ji. conj »tinn rantrof flJon* ao ljcge, Cashmeres, 4 olon» Ue L&lnes, Preach Merinos, Coburg, f Afpaocas, i&o. GENTLEMENS’ WEAR. Tbelf assortment is urusuallylargo. embracing Cloths. Cat* it meres—plain and fanoy—SaUineti. Silk and Satin Vestings, fcio.iof every quality and price, READY-MADE CLOTHING. A very rich Stock or all sons, sizes and qualities. madelu the latest and bat style, or tbeibat workmen, and of tho xery Lett material. ' 'BOOTS and SHOES, A very lares aiiorttneot—for Ladles’, Gentlemens’ Misses*, Bors* nod Childrens' wear. Hosiery.Glovrs,’Perfumery. Fauoy Goods, Booh as Ladies* Diets Trimmings, Ribands, Liu., Groceries, Hardware, Drugs and, Qnecnsware, of every ve« ileiv and quality, equal to the best. and Die very cheapest. . They also have on hand FLANNELS, TICKINGS. LIN ENS, MUSLIMS, SHAWLS and in short goods of nil kinds to sn:t both town and country. , 337" Cal I and judge for yourselves. Remember the.OLD STAND, Market street, near the Diamond, fCjearfield.Nov. 25,1853. 1,0000 BOOK AGENTS WANTED, TO BELL PICTORIAL AND USEFULWORKS FOR THE YEAR im.\[ . ©l,OOOO A YEAltf \KT ANTED IN EVERY .00* of the UNITED BTATEB. vv nctive and enterpnnng men, to engage in the sale of route ofthe best Bookspabllshcd in the country. Toznenof good address, possessing a small capital of from 135 to $lOO, inch inducements wilfboollfred as to enable them to make Rom Threq to Five dollars a day profit. The Rooks published by us are all useful fn their character, extremely popular, and command large sales wherever they aro ottered. For farther particulars, addrets, (postage paid.) • ■ „ ROBERT BEAKS Publish*. Dec. 80.—2 t. , 181 William Street, Now Yoik, Semi-Weekly Daring the Session of the Le gislature at §2 00. ' rpHE UEMOCBATIO UNION will. (umuai.bopnWiihwl X twice 0 week during the ooming session of the Leftisla* ture.aad woembrooo ,the present occasion £0 commend it to the nvorof the reading public.- Neither pains or expense shall bo spared to impart to it* column* additional zeaJ and vigor. Ample and correct report* oitha proooodingiof the two branches of the Legislature, together with iketohes of the debate* on all public and important qoes.loniuwill bo lurniihv ed—competent reporters having been engaged lorthat purpose. As It is believed it will be the only Democrutio paper published semi/weckly at theicat of government, daring the session of the Legislature, vre trust our friends will give It that encouv* agement and patronage which Is nooesiaty .0 defray the ex penses incident to inch pnblications. Persons desirous of ob% talnlng true and early .Intelligence will always find rathe Democratic union a faithful and honest chronicler, - ,An able cormpondent has been employed at Washington city, who will keep our readers constantly, apprised of events transpiring at the scat ofour National Government. "" ' • TERMS. For tbewolayear* (seinLweekly daring the gesdon,)... $3 00 For the whole year, (weekly*) u 00 For the session only.. 3 00 „ \ ■ , • M'KINLEY St DE3UI)nE. December 81,1853, .Stray Steer. CJAMfrto Lhepremlses of JAMBB CUR-iOH2I aheni thli ; W* wJf\T t i?«fc k vS. r wA tl f D " lut, a KEU and ffiffig gSTjEHSTEEU. supposed todSES^SSB \ffnrrt TheOWUOf IS KCQeiitd tO COIDB for* ! ffisssss;sl«ss»“ - /Wilor Wanted. Tif, In ‘ho Tailor* Now Wiibiniton.Deoa, 1853,-fll, p J*“TNEIi. 0c10bcr7,1653.—1T- CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Dciuocrnlic Uiiion. J;; A New 'WtinklSP UNION CLOTBINC STORE. WH. A. MABm WOULD respoctfally announce to the citizens of Clear* n ß ld county generally, that ho has just opened hr Car. wensvillo, on Htato street, two doors west of Drancker'shotel, and one door west of Moalillious’ itoro, aspioadld auortment of Ready Made Clothing , Such'as COATS, PANTS, VESTS, ALSO, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. GROCERIES.—Tea, Coffee and Sugar, all of the best quality. Also, COMFORTS and HOSIERY, of all sorts, and very cheap. Every Garment bought at this establishment is warranted to bn as reuresrated, as ho pays a better price than THE JEWB, and tolls no rotien or daraagctF goods, nnd thorofore oannor fall to please NO JEWB—No JEW WORK—nor no JEW MODE of dealing I* to be feared atthis Store. He Is determined to iraotioo Ihe lint law of humanity, and treat every onset ho Would wish them to treat him. At ail events none can do better than give him a call, and whoever will so favor him, will meet with polito and geotlemaaly treatment, and are particularly requested, should they find nothing to salt their tastes, not rebuy, : Finally, Mr. M. wishcs ltto bediiUnotlf understood that bo will SELL CHEAPER than any other establisomenf In the county. 63F*Call early nnd secure good bargains, Curwentville, Doo. 2, 1862.—tf. ToffiriiM© C?©nafßltagn’rattaaaim S Fia ? ej Fire?! Fire!!! Great Destruction of Prices AT BLOOM* STORE, in CUKWENBVILLB. where can be found a splendid assortmom ot GOODS nt the best style* just received from Philadelphia, at whioh place! soared no pains In making the selection. 1 foci lariillcd that 1 am able to compete with any Bioroin tbeoouniy in Quality, Quantity and Cheapness. The Block compriin in part the following articles, all of which wilt be dieposed of at unusually low prices for CASH LUMBER or PRODUCE, as 1 have determined to arioptla, future tho ttEADY-PAY BYBTEM. Dry Goods. Mcrinoei, Ca|ioos, BleOchcd Muslim, Alpacas, Chintzes, Brown do De Laiucs. Ginghanti, Mull do Harnges, Poplies, Book do Persian Cloths, Paramethai. Barred do • Cashmeres, Lustres, Cunihrics, do Ladies' Robes, Bilks. Linens. Do Gloves, Lace*. Ribbons, Do Blockings, Hnawls, Tab*, Do Hoods, [Vialorinos, Comlortt, Fmaoeli, liokmgs, l.indseys, Cotton Flannels, Chocks. tic., Uo , fiio. Cloths . TwiJed Block, Plain Black, Plain Olive, Do Blue, Do Blue, Do (*reon, ire* Gray Do Drub, Cassimeres. Block, Bloe, Green, Gray. Doe Skins and Fancies. Sattinets. Brown,JGreen, Gray, Black, Bluo and Fancy, Hats df Caps. Silk, Moloßkln, For and Wool Hats. Bux, Plush, For Cot* ton. Otter ami Beal Caps. Clothing . Over Coats, Dress Coats, Frock Couis, Bick Coats, Cloaks, Pant*. Vests, Drawers, Under tihuti. Gloves. Mitts, Blockings, Cravats, Handxerch efi, Comforts. Boots <|* Shoes . Gentlemens’ Calf Boots, Ladies’ Gaiters, ire Kip Do Do Morocco Boots, Do Coarso Do Do Leather Do Do Fine Brogans. Do Bljiypers Do Coarso Do Do Thick Bhoci, Do Gum*. Do Garnik Childrens’ Shoes. Childrens’ Gums. Qneensware. White Granite Tex Setts. Spotted Ten Setts. Flown Blue do do Mulberry do do Superior Cups aud Saucers, Superior Plates, Common do Common do Wash Bowls and Pitchers SoaoTureeat. Bowls, Pitchers, Egg Glasses. Turabhri, Lamps, Candle* Sticks, Ac .fitc.. 6rc. Hardware. Mdl.Croa-Cat, Hand, Wood, Compass and Tenant BAWB. Nails. Hpikes, liing ß s, Screws. Augurs. Cbitseis, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives. Bpoooi, Razors, Btraps, Bcitsors, Bbears, and every tiling la tnis line. Groceries. White Havannn Sugar. Steam Syrup Molasses. Do- Brazil do Sugar House do Ciuihed do New Orleans do Lout do Matanzis do Brown N. Orleans do Candles Do Porto Kico do Soap. Imperial Tea Rio Coflee. Young Hyson Tea. Java do iUack do Sperm Oil Cayenne and Black Pepper, Lard do ALpic*. Full do Oo Ground, Ulin do Cinnnamon & Cloves* __ Brandy a Whiskey. Chcctolato.&o., Brc.. &o.« so-, so., sc.. So. Medicines. • JAYNE’S Expectorant, Alteiatfve. Vormlfnire, Hair Tonic nnd Dye, nnd Mill. EOUDEN’rt Eipwtoraat. Aitnrntlrn. Fill.nnd VermifoffQ. l>r. GREEN'S Madlcine., FAH NESIXICIt’S Vermifbpe.MaAili.l.-r'aOlniment.Bhap. hord't Sanapnrills. Hair’. Gennine Pelrotenm. Dr. J, B. Houghton 1 * Pepsin, the true Di&e-'lD* kluid, or Gastrio Jo oe. for the cure of L)y*pep.Mflv^ rei ? l ** P'ronelleld's celebrated Cattlu l’owdort—* ocelli li with all trio Medicines usually found *0 n Country Store. , _ „ All of which I am determined to sell at the LOWEST POS SIBLE PRICCrf. Cal! in. 1 will not Charge any ‘ or tha sight at then nods,mod but a small advance wnen Isa.' 1 to you. VYM. 11. BLOOM. Corwoosyllle. ILc.B 1853. NEW GOODS. Montelius, Brother, Ten Eyck WOULD respectfully inform the Pu olio, that they have entered intoco*p&rtberahio in the MERCANTILE nnd SHOE BUSINESS, end have just received from Philadel phia theurseoond and handsome assortment of FaflH simdl Wnsatifflir (Si-©©cffls s Of all kinds and latest styles, which, having boon purchased a* onuin&llv low rates, thoy ure enabled to ai\n to tae public the very BEST BARGAINS. It would, bo almost impossible to enumerate the many arti cles comprising the-r stock of gcods just received—bat they invite all to come and see for tnemselres, asiaiing them that they will get More Goods for the samo money than at any other Store in Curwensvillo! They .have all kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Q UEENS WARE, HARDWARE, And all otherartlcle* usually found inn well ftirnlihed store. 1 0 render thfli establishment well worth a vrait at all times the) will continue to receive, as the soaion advances new supplies of seasonable Good* for Ladies’ and Gentlemens* wear. 10 as to be always roady to oiler tho choice of Eastern Markets. Thuy would also call attention to their apartment of and Shoes, Wheratkafalwair, keppon h.ml n Jam, and Weil e,totted lot,of FUKNOII andCOUNTUV CALK, MOUOGCO. KIF and BTOGV ROOTS. ’ MOROCCO. GADP, Kli’, and nil bind, of Oontleau*,’ SHUES. Alio, • Ladies’ Fine Shoes, Such as GAITERS and LACE BOOTS. FRENCH and JENNY LIND TIES, SLIPPERS ol all kinds, qualities aad sizes. Alio—Boys* and Misses’ GAITERS and SUOES of all kinds* As they keepoomtantlya lot of tho best practlctl workmen, and Manufacture their Shoes tbey.can warrant them to bo made ofthe best Material, and in the best and latestiiyJes. .CSTHIDES and COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex. change for geods. r UEMGMifER—Their estabtlsment is one door West of John Drauckar's hotel. Gurwensvlllo. • ; I 0ct.80,1853-Cm. Important to Mill Owners. mnESUUSDRIBEK HAS THE AGENCY, for thU and X other counties In Peaniylvaaia, qf Rose’s dirtet Action Water Wheels. AfidUpreparodattbaahortest notion to put .hem In opera tion, or to sell territory.. He would alto say that this method St water power iseqaaJ to other usual methods, with one aif the amountof water. HENRY B. SMITH. Clearfield Oct. S 9. 1853. ■JVTOTICE Isherob/ liven, that tho Co-Partnenblp hereto* hetween Al FITCH, .JONATHAN FRRUERICK CONKUN. under the namo ol CONKLIN & CO„ was Dlssolyed oatneli6th day of Oc tober, A. D. 186 J. £3a Von will find these Pills an invaluable medicine In many complaints to which you areiublect. In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of inestimable benefit— restoring their functional arrangements to a healthy action— purifying the blood and other fluids so eflectaally as to put to flight all complaints which may arise irons f.raiaiejr/egolaji. ties, as Headache, Giddiness, Dimnctsof Bight. Pain in the None genuine unless slgsed J. N. HOBENBAOK—aII others bi-iogbato Imitations. , „ r , , , Agents wishing now inpphes.and Btore-Keepers desj* torn of bteomiug Agcots. must address tne Proprietor, J. N. Uobcnsack, Philadelphia, Pa. Agents in Clearfield county. WALLACE n HILLS Clearfield. C I). WATSON do. B. ARNOLD Lutbnrsbarjr. (515 Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, THE lunderilgned would announce to the citizens of Clearfield, and adjoining counties, that he ha» opeoed a roomonSecead street, , Persons desirous to contract will do well to call and ex nwy.*q the catalogue of Pastorns. and specimens of tbo work, bel'erd .reeking engagements elsewhere. Castings will be de-’ liveratLi. ' -'toired, at Clearfield, and warranted 10 bo made of goodmat£i'li* , « and finished In a workmanlike manner, liar ing ia running order FIVE Superior Lathes, end other ma chrnery In the psoportion. employing none bat the best workmen, using very best Pig Iron and Coal, with many other advantage., lib fibers himself that his work will be dona as wall as la the best ci.’r 'bopi, and on the shortest notice. For partis™, call on tU. u y p[|R March 4,1852. -ly NEW GOODS. THE Subscriber would inform tho citizen? of Clearfield coant7. and the pnblio feueraJly. that be has «UBT RE CEIVED, and is NOW OPENING, ot the BtoroM>W for merly occupied by Wing & GetcbeJ, at Morrisdale, a Large, Splendid Cheap Assortment of Goods, consUting ofcverystyle and quality of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensiaare, Cut lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes and Bonnets, Confectionary, Clocks «“ wnMoaj-and *UI trad, them for LUMBER, iGßAtNorCaih. Th«y an mule iajlmiuott darchieitylo— Home with Umber and kujib with .tiff tmijrnm-rloißitpnroh. atott. A larte emigration for BALT EIyKR. will »nc* lure, (SHairE©m, IPs. Also, Made to Order, i Copper, Tin & B|eetlrsu- Wsre! .* M A If F A 0t O B Y, O. B. MERRELL RE3PECTFULI-Y announce, that, he ti now prepared to mennfaotuis ell kindiof war. in the best manner, at the oheapwt rate, and oh tbo short cst notion. Ho has just laid In n fresh and largo supply of Raw Material, and with the aid of the best or vrorrmnu, and tho use ofthe latest and bestlmproved machinery, he assures tl,o publio that he can sopply them with Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Japanned Ware, As CHEAP ami at GOOD as can be found In any country town In the interior of tho Slato, Ho intends to keoo oonitonllv on hands a general assort ment of READY-MADE WARE of hi* own manufacture, wliich will bo sold either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL* Old Brass and Copper Will be tahon at tho highest prices in exchange for work or wore. t3r*Mendinc done to order. . . .. lilt shop isnt the old stand, on Maikot street, where the pnblia ere reipootfally invited to call and examine for them ,o|V<”- Clearfiold. July 8,1831. Tin & Hardware STORK OD. MERRELL respectfully Informs bis friends and • customers, and the oitizons of Clearfiold county cener* ally, that he has now opened on Second street, opposite the resldouoe of Col. tianett. an extensive Copper, Tin, Sheet-iron and Metal Ware STORE And that lie is now reooiving alaree assortment of Cooking, Parlor and Fancy STOVES, And a variety of Household and Kitchen and other conven iences never before ollarod tor sale in the county, among which he would particularly mention and rocommend a fciaoir FuamsKßOj . As a superb article, and a great lavorito with the ladies. It is light, easily carried Horn one room to the other, and heated with cither siouo ooal or ohar-coat, at very trilling errense. and is used either for Washing, Ironing orCooking. Rut be would invite particular attention to his assortment of Metal ware, amoog whicbtbe following artiolcs may be found FLAT BOTTOM ROUND 1 FLAT BOTTOM TEA % BOILERS. KETTLES. Do do V)VAL do, SAUCE JPANS. LIPPED SKILLETS, FUENCH STEW PANS. TWINE BOXES. GLUE POT'S. MASLIN KETTLE, of difler- COUNTER SCALES, ent sizes. A spbuuld article, TEA SCALES, and the very beat for oooking PORRINGERS, preserves.22o. S&D-IRON STAND. TURN 81/CKLES, for Win* FANCY FIRfcbDOGS. dow Shutters. COFFEE ROABTERS. ENAMELLED SPITTOONS. GRIDDLES & PIKPAISS. WAFFLE IRONS. STUVE SPIDERS. SKILLETS, 22c. bo.. &c u All tha above articles are Tisned and Enamelled inside, so aa to prevent them from coroding, and rendering them more durable auil less liable to break from sudden heat. STOVES. Among tho STOVES whlob beoflers for sale orotbefol* owing patterns viz i No. l-IMPHUVED COMPLETE of 1848. No. H—HANDY COOK. No B—NINE PLATE BTOVK3-!raproved. No. 4-TEN PLATE, or BALTIMORE COOK. No. a—globe improved. No. 6—EMPIRE STATE of 1831. No. 7-JENNY JIND RADIATOR-Parlor. No. 8-NEvV YORK AIR TIGHT do No. 9—SAL AM ANDEK do No. iI>—COLUMBIA BTOVEB, for Bar tpoms. fito. He bas also on hand, will cell to bis customers, very cneap, a superoraiUclo of Stove Blacking , That can't be beat. It is cheap, easily pUi on, looks be&uli fu!, and wears very welt. All the above articles are INSURED, and will be sold FOR CASH at prices so low as to astonish everybody. Clearfield, July o. 1831.—y “LOLA MONTES.” Boott sinadl OJn©© MaMnaff.', AT CLEARFIELD BRIDGE. FRANCIS SHORT, respectfully announces to thepnblio, that hohas commenced the above business at CLEAR* FIELD BRIDGE, in the new building occupied by John Condo, on the west sido of the creek, where he will manufac* tore ROOTY) and SHOES, of all kinds, and at fair prices, on lh* shortest notice, and In the very best manner. Give SHORTY a call. Jane 4,1653. PIERCE vs. SCOTT. THIS cauw i,down for trial on the SECOND FEIDAY of November next. The PJomtill’i declaration Is filed. The Defendant has put his plea upon the record. And now,to wit, the 14th day ofJuly, 18511, the undersigned takes this mothodof giving Public Notice - To all porsons interested in tha trial of the above cause, that behasjuitrece.vedrromlbe Eastern Cities a large and select assortment of Dry Goods , Groceries, Hardware <|* Queensware Which he Is now prepared to sell to either Demoorata or Wbigsutlbe lowest possible cosh prices, or in exchange for country produce. The above stock of goods has been selected with great care Plica—and with a determination to BELL LHEAIEK than can be purchased at any other establishment tn thoborooghef Clearfield. And as we charge nothing for showing oar goods, or tel ing our prices, we earnestly Invite all Democratic and -Whig La. die* and Gentlemen to call, examine, and judge for them selves. Attbe old stand on Seoond street, nearly opposite the resi dence of Governor Bigler. , „ , RICHARD MOSSOP. Clearfield, July 14, 18511 DR. HOYT’S LPaMV/lIILBEZto PREPARATION is now being offered to 1 at a GUARANTEED CURE for the HEAVE* IN HORBE*. and as thelonly known tnndlolne in tho world bavins been used in the private Veterinary practice of the proprietor for the last 80 year*: and be has never known It to fail in a single Instance of producing a lasting care, and leav ing the hone in <*ood spirits for work. The otter inoomppten. cv t**f tho horse for labor,; when troubled with thlsoommoa duefi.6. should induce every one having snob to apply im mediate.';' for ,hj » lemedy. plt*;iE ONE DOLLAR PER PACKAGE. Wbicb will bo *cnt, “with full directions.” to any parto the United Stales. All letters or communications to be ad druied,Past Paid, W f p HOYT Beu ofNo. 10 Son'll FIFTH Street. Wholesale for the United states. N. B.—Agents wanted through ol . n liberal discount will be given t ai>uD l ®J , ®awes pieced In the advertisements. Address as above. GEORGE LANI(Sh, jk., - I33RairC©Da6SEEEs.aiilElg WOULD reipectfblly Under his thanks to those w ho bare heretofore favored niro with a share of their custom, and now imorms his friends and the pnblio at large, that bis Bellows ere again in blast, and that they con find him In that o!d, long established, end convenient shop on Second stree:, formerly oooupied by David Lila, where Wagons, guggles, &c. Will be Boned and finished off in the beu style and on the shortest notice, and ellother work belonging to the basinets will be done in the best manner and on the most aooornmoda* ting terms. Clearfield, Aug-2L1853. THE public are hereby cautioned eeraipst taking tho ns* signmentof aoartaio Note, or Duo Bill, given by me to Amass Jonw, for FIFTY WLLARS-borrowed monev and dated about May or Jaae. 1858, as the told note, or due bill. hu bMii fully paid. PHI LIP ANTES, Lawieiico lowmhip. NovembarSO, IBW- BiEMPlfllliL’S HOTJBL CLEARFIELD, PA. THE subscriber most respectfully informs thecltfgens of Clearfield county, and the travelling publlo geueraJiv. that he has taken the above named HCyX’EL situated on the comer of Front and Market streets, in the borough of Clear. iLld, yvherebe will at nil Umw be preoaredto aocommodata those who may favor him with their: custom* NodbE* will be spare 1 by the proprietor to make bu ouitomers comfortable, and hi« houseo HOME to those wbo may stop with him. His STABLE will bocarelully attended to-and his TA BLE and BAR supplled .wUh the best the market will afford, - 4 lt |6 , Q WM. J. HEMPHILL, August 11..1652, f . CHAIN PUMP* for solo by June It). WALLACE CHILLS. COOKING STOVES, Oleailleld.Bcp 8. ’62. L. B. OABTEB. At.nL . , WIND-MILLS pOK bALE BY ' WALLA^tB^UB- A gSl.t' l °» PATENT BAUBAgE.CI |f r, 4.-. --- - -r : FaSSPKBfisS, ««>i ,nl;r U - C.KOBSOP.e | ! Another .Wohdetl. • • cure.- Fbft',''/."•• D¥SPEpgl^ ; |',§i , DIGESTITC; FMnSj;;; ? 08, «AS®RIC - i i Prepared oTtlie fourth Stomach oftlio Or, (liter Directions of B4RON LIEBIG, ; , TIIO groat Pfiysiolegi cal Chemist, by J.B,Houon; n , " ton, M. D.,JNo. 11. North Eighth Street,Fhir«v n : ' delphio, Pa. > Thi* is a truly jCwderfuueroedjMQt iNmaiiTioifc' Dyspepsia* Jaundice, Liven Complaint, Coik •TiPATioN.and DwhlitV; NwiriV" 1 own mothod, by Naluro'Bown ngcni.lho'Gutrey.: in Julco. • ■ • j f Jlj VHolla tcaspoonful ollhtu Fluid, infuscclin w,. ■ tor, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds o» ' Roast Beef in about two uouhb, out ofth,M Stomach* DIGESTION. Digestion i. chiefly porrormo;! h» tha itomie!, 0,, BidoTa fluHlwhlohHeels eindci fromlhoi;»(nco«tpt., that organ. when to aetata of health, pall ad the Gauda Joloe. Thie Fluid lithe Great Bolseht of tbs Food, the Buj. 0} fiiog, Preserving, end Stimulating Agent of the 6*onitch; and intestines. ‘Without It there will bo nq diaottiocu—uL convoniouof Food into Blood, and nonntntion crtbe body : . butrather n ftjulvtorpldrparafdl.aDddestractlveco&ditloadf \'f the whole digosUveappnratus.: A weak.hall'acad. oriajured' stomach produces bo good Grutno Juice, and beaooihe di*. ease, distTeseaod debility wbiehensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. PEPSIN lithe chief element, or Great DlffeitlnflPrtncjpU-', otthoOaitrloJuice. Itii foapd in great abundance U Die , solid parttol the human stomach altar death, and sometime*,, i causes the stomach lo digeit itself, or eat itself np. Ill* also found in the stomach of animal*, as the ox, calf, Btc. ltia the material a«ed by farmer! in nulling cheeie,caned Rennet, theefloct nftrhioh hat lose been the wonder of the dairy.— The curdling of the mils ii the first process ofdigeitron. Baa* net possesses astonishing power The stomach of a calf will cardie nearly one thousand times Itsownweightof milk,— .<« Baron Liebig states that “One pert ot Pepsin dissolved in sixty , thousand parts of water, will digest meet and other food."-* : Olt6atod stomachs produce no good Gastrlo Juice. Rennet, ot ■ Pepsin. Tosbowthat this want may be perfectly supplied, ' we quote the following ' >. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, BARON LIEBIG, in hi* celebrated work on Animal. < Cbemiitnr* sars: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid mayo# readily obtained trom themucotumembraneofthettouacbcf : a Calf, in which various articles of food, as meat and nil, ■ wJUbeSofleneJ,Chanced,and Digested, precisely iff theisms manner as they would be m the human stomach," DR. PERlMPA,inbltramouitreatisaon"PoodaadoieV K ' pubttshnd br Wfiion fitUo., New York, pato S 5, jtatMlx#" same great fact, and describes tbo method oi preparation.-’* There are few higher authorities than Dr; Pereha i Dr. JOHN W, DRAPEU, Professor of Chemistry ta Umt Medical Collegeol the University olßew York, ta bu "fat Book of Chemistry.’ ’ page 886. sav*. "It has been a qusstio* whether artificial digestion could be performed--but Ills nonr universally admitted that it may be.' 1 Professor DUNGLISON of Philadelphia* in bis great wortM on tinman Physiology, devotes more than fifty pacetjo to, examination ot this subject.* fllsexperiments with Dr. Brio- > mont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained ftoovthe liringbonna stomaoh and from animals uro well known. "iaali cases.". 1 he says, "digestion occurred as perfectly in the Artificial uia . the Natural digestions." AS A DYSPEPSIA CIIRER. ; DB, HOUGHTON'3 preparation ofPEPSiN has prodoeed the most marvellous effeots. curing cases o I Debility, Easefe* lion.NonronsDociioe,cad Dyspeptic Consamptldn. supposed , to boon the voty vergo of theprave. Itlslrapotstb'eteyite t the details of cases »n ibo limits of this advertisejniat—bo< authenticated oertifiostes havebeen lecetvedof montbaa- 200 REMARKABLE CURES In Philadelphia. New York, and Boston alone. Thfese were neatly all desperate cases, and the cares were not and wonderful, bnt permanent. * ... ItUa greatNEßVOUrt ANTIDOTE.and from teuton. Uhlnjrlysmnllqaantity necessary to prodncebeaiUtjrdigttttiea. • believed to act upon ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PRINCIPLES,. , There imoform of OLD STOM ACfl COM PIjWN TB wkidl. ’ it does not teem to reach and remove at once No matter nett bad they may oe.it GIVE* INtiTANT RELIEF. Aiiiflt' dose removes all the onplftaiant symptoms,- and it only news' to bo repeated, for a short time, to make these good euecis«. manenu PURIT Y UP BLOOD and YIUOU OP bUDft follow at once. it Ispartianlarly ezcellentin cueofnaniae, Vomiting .Cramp*, Soreness of pitof the Stomach : distress; after eating. low, cold state of the Blood. Heaviness; Louses of Spirits, Despondency, nmaciatlon Weakness, tesdeney to*' Insanity, fiueicide. &c. „ I’rioe.ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle wil! oit«4 effect a lasting care. PEPSIN IN POWDERS, SENT BY MAIL, FREE OF POSTAGE. Forconveniesceor Rending to all parts of the cooatry, the - digestive matter of the pepsin ts pumpi»u* form olPowderi. with directions to be dissolved In dllottf' alcohol, waUr.eMyrup, by the patient- These powders oer< talnpieclwly tha same matter as the bottUrbut twiostW, quantity for the same price, and will be sent by mall. fEEJC) OF POSTAGE, for ONE DOLLAR sent(post paid) co Dr. J, 8. HOUGHTON. No. ll. North Eighth stmt.Phila.eP*. ; Six packages tor five dollars Every package aad bottle bears the wmteo signature of J. S* HOUGHICN, M. D„: Sole Proprietor. Agents wanted in every town In the Unit'd BUtea.***- Very liberaldliooaatsglveniothairade. DragiiiU,FMtAks< ten, and Hookso lers are desired to act at agents. ' ' AGENTS for Clearfield county— WALLACE Gi HILLS, Clearfield borough- ; WILLIAM MoRRIDE. Carwensville, P. W. BARRETT, Lulhersburg. R. W. MOORE. Union township. CUMMINGS & MEHAFFY. New Warhmgfen. . JOHN O. BRENNER.Mooresvilie, Clearfield co. ; May £B, lBot-ly. PLEASANT HILL IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE BDOP, At Clearfield. THE sndereigßo’ respectftaUy asaouncet totbeneopls.ef Clearfield and the adjoining counties mat be still coatia. nes to carry on the above business at his extensive establish*- mentlntbe borough of Clearfield, and Is now prepared tn maaafaotere nil kindeor Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery . i His Castings are now of a-uperiar quality-equal, Ifnotik perior,to any otbar ta the State—as be ntes none bnt the vet best material, and employs none but the very best of workmen His MACHINE SHOP, With two lapeript TURNING LATHES, ddnii by ,Um. Is now In suuoessfhlopenitjon. and under the oaaagemenloi a practical raeebaniq—where almost any article of mscblaery can be FINIBHED in thevery best style, and cm short notion. He bar now an hands a large assortment or Csstian, such aiHTOVES of verio;! tsizes and paueros, PLOUGH LRONB, WABU KfifTLE*.ko.,fito.. whlchheoffarstoseUlowfof Cash, or on A reasonable credit. He is now casual* frt® he most approved paL’ems, HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, Wiard’s celebrated Plough. fiLEIGH He intend, Ifoi till on reuba&bleformt. md treiUlh»tO» cltizeni of the cOQnty coaereily will Cod it to their odrutU, 'oliysfalipthelrooitom. OABH-wUI elway, tiepr,fonS—■ boi'b, P l ,, “* will be tUofftd for Coaolnr Frodoo, end Dv? METAL. A, be lire. hU titabUibmtethupMoUl •operaUlati. A|l otdon for work wIU ik^voproinnt ott»nit«.' Clomlleld, Nov. CK IBSI. DAVID LITR- • NEW GOODS AT FRENCnVILLE. ytoSiKlfKtlY GOOba. GHOCEItra. i • Crockery-Wave. r Tnifokfnl for the llbeiai omtom he hu hetafofore reooi.kl from hi, follow oiUwe, he icpectfolly wlloitiacoatlniitM Fresohvnie, Sept. 28. CBia ' FBANCIB COUDBIET-; TAILORING BUSINESS. • REMOVAL. ' rmiUfi aubacribef. Ihanl>fut /or past f»vor», f«- «. peolfully in(prjl)a his fijatdtndfß.and thb puttie gonerdlf jf. lhat he baa refnovqd hiaahap M Ih# huil dingovpr fha ifpai OJlide, lately .occupied by R. F. Ward, ppd dipt be wilt be Ihoro found plbll fifaM •on UUd M in snppiy'Hibcuitomeri, Uollbeteibiteji hiacqlotap6mrieo; hc ic-unpb)p to. prerpiac 'thal blp kaaniopa pro of the. most approved aiyleof Ahti atHTY, but will insure thfetai niadfradcoWing towp Latest Fhshioh tifmdre >m6derh days. - ''"Z 1 .'• TIJOS. SHEA, . .Cfedrfeld -April li 1851. ' - ABSOOIaTION' OF^lfAßßiaßUKdrto Jkhffli S««4 Ilwrlibnrr, Aug. Jfi, Ifla, ‘ 1 s