ffo Week* lat?r from California? .' n ARRIVAL OF: THE' DANIEL /WEBSTER. $2,09f}509 of«tfafWtftJ New okeeanB; Jan. 7.—Tho 1 steamship Daniel Webster, Gapt; frpni San Juan er whatf ; .b>ingiq|» advices from San Francisco to the 15th Decem ber, two -weeks later- than those received by the Falcon. Gv ' ’j. The entire trip -from San Fnindisco to New'Orleans has been made in 231 days,/ being one of; the most rapid over accom plished. The Daniel Webster brings about 100 passengers, who have among them some 675,000 in gold: j,:' • • One of the passengers reports’ that the mail steamer from Sati Francisco to Panama, would joke in th.o neighborhood ofs2, 6oo,ooktn gold.- The news from San Juan possesses no. sfiptmi; inijptance..,\ ~,'i 'TlipiiieaHh.of San Juan was good, and the itransit-across the IsthrtlUß no ver bettor. Trjp I s ! ..w | erfl ,K>gi}larly ;i made, wltnout Any deception whatever.,: , . • » The'news from California tyas interest ing I,* 1 ,* bht possessed no feature of startling importance,... . ,*rv. ■ i-. A number of the 'passengers; of tho steamship City of Pittsburg, destroyed by fire at Valparaiso, had at San Franpiscp. . v , ; Thp. rainy season had commenced in good-earnest throughout California, at tho date of tlio steamer’s departure. -Tho stroams had risen to such an ex tent as to rerider many of tho roads impas sable. The irain, however, had interfered very litt|p with the operations of tho mi ners, who were represented to be doing well. ■■ The greatest drawback experienced in the mines was the continued'nigh price of fo6d, the want of which at cheaper rates many of the miners felt severely. The markets for nearly every dcscrip-. tion ;of produce had largely advanced) sinpo the departure of the steamer of the! Astult. ' • . The greatest advance that has been re alized was in the price of flour, which commanded figures never before heard of since the discovery of gold intiio State. Provisions were very scarce, and held at rates too high to admit of operations except for supplying tho actual wants of tho peo ple. 1 Tho general, feeling in the market Was, in consequence 6f the rapid advance, quite inanimate; , ' A bold organization of robbers had been discovered in Los Angelas county,*who carried on nefarious operations to such an extent ns to excite fear throughout the whole neighborhood. Plans were adopted for their capture, whidh proved successful, and several of tho number, were executed. The city of which lately suffered so severely fire has been al most entirely rebuilt; and the appearance of the city has greatly improved. The clipper ship Sen Witch, from New York,August 20th, had arrived at- Sari Francisco previous to the 15 th. . ■ A large' portion of the city of .Shasta was destroyed by fire’Ofi the'2Bth Novem ber. The total loss was abont 6100,000. - The first legal execution took place at San Francisco on the 10th inst. i; , ' • Catharine Hayes wasachieving immense triumphs; the firstichoice scat, at an auc tion sale, had realized 81,100 premium. China dates to October Oth had reached snn Francisco. The nows -was unimport ant. ■ ' :• Honolulu dales are Jo the 1 Oth Novem beffand give the particulars of a serious liotj occasioned by American sailors, and ; before it .was quelled, the station house and Harbor Master’s office !were burned r down. The whale ship Bramin, of New Bed ford, was lost in the Artie Ocean; on the | 25th of September, with a cargo 0f'15,00 | barjrelh’pf oil. Her officers and crow wero all saved. , , • ' ... ... ■ i% "{’non the Sandwich Islands; —The ~l* from the Sandwich Islands arc ten '■? days later. 1 • ; Hf , •V;; ■£’ ‘ The only nejvs of importance is the oc s curreneo of a 'serious riot aipong.tjhe sea -v men connected with (he several American .•’ whaling vessels in port. The riot, how over, at the latest accounts,' had been quelled. : . beuutiftil is pekde—at the ' home hearth, in society, in the nation, and ■ overall the earth. O’bliterator of feuds— < of blqod*stains,,und uniter .■ of parth’s races in loving brotherhood.: Six thousand yeargsinco, Qairi smote his broth er at thd altar, the earthhastravailed with waitvand in blood. The'bnly lpndniarks.l eparpfjby the-ages, have been trophied'bf ferocious conquest. Ruiii-and terror have 'or .jviUs.anct valleys one! seas ; \taity born, 'ivith sucli a .noble and vishgei -harf walkttl-a perturbed ible.spifit, in ihia earthgarden and '■bfVGod.- Peace which, I should; in the companion pf inun».und the Vf joyi' has only flashed' at; brief i interval?, through ;the sloud and earthis.life. .But it willnotbo ey- TJie war of humanity with itself*-;. \hl nature;and from 1 God, cannot al h. Eighteen hundred years ago, i npun by an sang .“Pence and good men.” J ADd the prophecyol that , doirie';tb:!has3.; : tmpngi imen,,i societies,i and' nations;- itfeei"’- Slowly, nnd jornpest will :»JJ back,: m\ icfear and soienofckyj i and ;hu-: self-bbiind, -like H the villtufe Which tor t& agony.: .Peace will cotae ~ for Gdd has 'baht n 'token and '.ens, rlmitithe i pf lall no more the earth. | l ■'l- 1 '';:. | CjPoJtori, jnn. 9.—A messenger Who ai med at Art.Joupial offieff,. thfevriioirning, frolin - Aridriye,r, teportk; jjJint thq. lridy'of Gpn. Pierce is much more resigned to the sad cnlamhy 1 , arid the fears which existed that -she mighlnot ,be; ; able , to bear, rip under it; are now removed. ; v V Tlie fatal blow by which her eori was killed struck him on tho forehead, and was go violent as to remove the upper por tion of his head, leaving n portion of tho brain exposed; 1 His face with the excep tion-of a spot near the right eye; is upiti} jured. ■ '' - . - " ~7... , ;. ■’ 1; Gen. Pierce appeared quite comfortable when the informant left. Latest Particulars. Boston , Jan.—Accounts from Andover this morning state that General'Pierce and lady are now at the homo of. Johri Aiken at that place. They * obtained some. rest last night, and haive not received much, if any physical injury. The, following is a correct list of the persons injured Mr.'Nowell, of Cambridge, had his ribs broken, and is beyond recovery. .. Benj. Kitridge, of Pelham, N, IL, one leg broken, and otherwise seriously bruis ed- The wife of Jason H. J. Nowell, of Con cord, N. H.'considernbly bruised. The daughter of Mrs. Nowell lmd her foot so badly crushed that amputation is inevitable. Horace Childs, of ■ Herkimer; N. H., bridgo contractor,..head and face badly bruised. ' ‘T. D. Richardson, a returned Califor nian, burned by the stove pipe and bruis ed. . ' E., A., Bailey,,of Dumbarton, N. H., thigh badly broken. E. A. Hall, draftsman of tho Phoenix Co., at Lawrence, badly hurt. Among those who escaped injury were Professor Richards, of Bowdoin College, the Rev. Mr. Fuller, of Manchester, and several merchants of this city. The Seminole Indians. Washington, Jan. 7.— Tho department hero has received official intelligence from Florida of the postive refusal of tho Somi nolo Indians to emigrate to tho'couritry as signed them west of the Mississippi. By the advice of Sam JoneS and the. sister of Billy Bowlegs, they refuse to ratify Bow legs’ treaty. Billy was at first disposed to fulfil the - treaty, but his peoplo took away his Wives and childden, and thus compelled him to yield and join them.- Upon being restored to his wives and chil dren, be took to the forests with them, and has not since been heard of. The greatest excitement prevails throughout Florida in consequence of this turn of affuirs. 05“Falsohood is ;not only one of the most humiliating vices, but sooner or la ter it is most certain to lead to serious crimes. How V.Tillable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE. M" M M tHE loliicriben.in bnhairortbehcir.orConr.id Wi«n, late nl'l'ika lown.hip, Clearfield l/iyuo, wot niUw Iroin Corwentviiie. aod anowfidi the V Wise Farm . T/;c limprovements consist of 75 acres of cleared land, a good state of cultivation, a Large 'Dwelling* House, a L/irgc Hank Ham, Spring-House, Dry-House, Shop, and other necessary buildings, together with one of the largest,' best selected, and most productive APPLE and PEACH ORCHARDS inf he county. Thii PABM la wall lofroiled with excellent water, nnevor railing Spring OIOMto thodoor..with othor*toi‘‘j“ at a little exDMWWJnex be conveyed,to any ooitot M'ther th% hoQieet barn, To tboto wbo demo lopfoouroa HOME FOR LIKE, tmi'-Fairn ollen inducement! no U°i.tf excelled in the county. Innd is of good quality, blfhly wSoSllo!nod well adapted for both «iam and it»«a-t»d flit locntud In the mlditol'o populooi and Ibbnitrioni «citle men'.coovjm'ent to o good market, good gminilUi. and a particulars apply to cither of tho.ub.crir bC ’ni"°propetty C nil| , ba , io 1 Id t on ter mi.and nwnrranteo lined , MICH aEI, WISE. WIbUAM. WUE. ; tobthhirqltheheiiacfOonisd WUo.dcooataJ. January In. Ibj’J.—tr. a ORPHANS’ COURt • SALE, Of Valuable Real Instate. BY Virtue of an order of ibc'Orphan.l.Opiyt.qf at^eoh m l.»/^rm (A lß® ilooMbin tha Dorongb of Clearfield; at t o c ock, P. m, all tbafofjowln* demribed BEAL. ESTATE, lulu tha properly of ISAAC BAILY. deceased, to wit i ‘ Tho undivided four-sevenths part ol a tract of- land containing 333 acres, ant allowance, morapr toss, Adjoining lin'd. gmlly. Bemeupn Cation dno d, William Mobtiothery* bod qthOro, late the protjß-y of Robert Uroay toVenshtu Uearfieldooon tv wltWtWo.rai!e*of Lotbenbonr, and in a *ection ol too county well ddboted tofarminli purooie*. TERMS—t>ee Half of the parcheie money on confirmation of «alo. andltho 'lolaooe iq one year, with inleiett, “iV iiii r-i/: * • ’ DANIEL BAILEY* • . . «iJ .. •. AdmlnUtratQif of band Bailoy, deceoi^d. i Jhnnary U, lßsa. •- . ' COyRT SALE,’ jjfc * 6 OP VALUABLE seal estate. SeTto ?6mic &ALB Wthfl mbmi of .tym. V.rotoj.is ®®B^«^wsara n ffs , {g ls i»Ka»«» ACRES, ti ..; : With'dbatk * in ft good state of cultivation ; a large Frame House 24 by hi feet, and Large Barn Thereoneiwieil, @!mdlr'JW?Vat M»en m,l ? .», [ U ? we.t,o^uth^ S r| ja _ bnWTHIKD Wtli# rmrchow moneyto be * co “. , k « E 2? the premUwthr f baU jed ncoa ibapiemiU* brAlortKB*»o»uJQdsme»t Bona. Ur u sV;ftJb’n»ny-MftUE CUOTHIHO ofnimoetexerr dettHilM l , &“te lha,,ora ° r " SMITH fcIRWIS. ' wll* DNituormndr* wilier V,.dErpona» i ’l*-OBffl ■Pa O «re«l ant i»f TheOoart ol Common Pleat of WRr ML Clearfleld county, asdto mo dirdotad; will be noted to pnblie sale, at the oonrt nou*e lotho borppfh or (jleaifleld; Ort’MONDAYIheSOUi dap of FEBUOARY n«t, at'io'ciooß. p ro„ tho followioe described property./!* j~* All the right, title; Interta and claim of Georg® waiter* la, to and fora certain treat nf land, utttae ttt uell township, (PearfititV county, containing ONE HUNfiKEI) AND Fir* TV- ACBl&'of Land, belw? bait of mrvey on Warrant No. iJsoB,tn» villoao ' t town,bio. Clauipeld ednew. boonrled br tho lAt ol Naif aad olhen. with a UlaofciinUhihon thaieoa erec ted. Beia«d uad takea laexeoaiioa and tobaxoid aathapro. pelt, of lionry Eons, b, WIL , , AM poWEL.L., ShatllT. Bbcriir ■ Cl nice, January 12,1853. ’ TRIAL LIST for Feb. term, 1853. Dottle* 8t SmltU »» J ft H. D Paltoa Jolia Campbell vi h William* Joieph Smith »t Itaao MolUe \ I.MOcle vx Cimrd townihip Halier liocon vt .John W Miller lloUuuck It haib vi I.eonard& Thcmat Kylar W H Bloom ate ol Smith « Deter Bloom Wm W Wilton - vt William Bloom Jotcph McCracken vt Fellgihcr 8t Bloom Mllet Felloe v> Moira Robeton Isaac Wihnn vs —— V*}? 11 , llanlmaa I’hlllpt vt Saoari Hciarly Pnmu vt- Glatiiow M A Ktiok vt GcoraelL lianloh Itaiio SroilV vt WantnolC'lark Ooarsd frrflefiok v* Henry Grow John Si Bnraael Wldemire v« Kilza lvm Italah Follnrtok rt F P HanUial Jamot E Biddle rt Aathont McGaivey ThomaiMahafler et ell vi Hoarr Peanmtton William Hell vi Jamn Sharp Wilhelm S Wann vt J Dla r Moore Famaei G Itandall »• I’ortell, Uipplo K Co. Fomnol 11. Taylor Vt Itaac Smith Ueoiamin Cariaa v* John Fattoa Gallon & Wliilo vt Stewart b. Thomat Daniel Hally vt Addleman b Bally David T Smith v. Wm ft W ll llloom Charlei II Vogelt vi H P Wilder Deary llesarly et. al. yt Wm Philllpt ft boni Bamo v* Sams Shrlaer ure of Middle* worth vt Wiliimn H Bloom AQgQttDi .McClain t* William Henderson Rank & Replier v» William Bloom SkifpsHosrs NOTICK is hereby given, that the following aeconnis havetwen examined and passed by mo. ami remain filed (twitomd m this ofllce for the imprciion of heirs. crpfiilnn, and nil others in any other way intereued, and will be presented to the next Orphans* court of Clearneld Gonnty tn b* held at the Court fnoiein the Borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday the i!2d day of February next, fotconfirmauou and The Account of Joseph McCiarren, Execatoi of tte estaio of VnlenunoFlfegal. deceased. .. 3d. Tho Account of P4ter Arnold, administrator, nnd wary L/raocker, admlnistjatrix, ol tho estate of Isaac u/anckcr, 3d dC Th* Ct A r coant of Joilah Evans. adminUtrator ol the estate of Zebulon Miller, deocased - . , , 4th, TheParticl Accoantof Eitxa Irvin, adminUtratnx of all and singular the goods and chattels, tight* and orwJits which were ol John Irvlu. la^rf. Reeiiter’s offleo, Cleareld, JoHaarj 13, UM. Estate of Richard Davis, dee’d. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVES. That Eotteri of Admin- Htratloa havo tin cn cmated to the inb«nb«r ODon lha ettate ofKICUABJ) DAVIS.Iaw of Woodward townrhm. Clearfield county, deceased. All persons indebted to said es tnie >hio requested to make poyment to tho suoscrlpoe. m Woo*dward township, wilhont delay—and those haying oe* mauds against the samr will present them duly auibenlica- Wd forrettlemcnt. ■ J3AA C COBBJAdm'ii.* Jannary 12,1663. , , Estate of Uugh Leavy, dee’d. NOTICE I 8 UEHEBV GIVEN. That Letter* T«tamtn;. tary have been iuoeti to the subscribers, nn the ertAfe a m ffiH LEAVY, late of the borongh ofLloarfield. daocased- All r-ersons indebtod «o said estate will therefore make frame diate parraeut—and those having claims snmeare requested to present them to the snbtcnbers at Lfeaifield duly ruilboaticatcd for , BaBAIILEAVY. Jannaty 13,185’J. ; €oiiß*t IProcl.'isnation. WUEREAB. The Honorabl. JOHN 0. KNOX, Preel dent Jud«» ulthe Coart of Common Fieri* of the Ei«h teeuth Judi ialDotriot, compoted of Ilia oonntlra ol creer field. Clarion. Jeflereon nad Vonaaeo, pad rh. HonpraWe* UIcIIAKD SHAW aad JOHN P. lib »T. Auooiat»Jnd*ee in C'oarfield ooanty, havo t*tu ed Ureir pteoepl bearm* dare theTWENTV -I’l FfH day of .December, lr.J.to me dtrec ed, for holding a COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. COURT COURT OF QUARTER ShAsIONS. AND COURT OF OVER AND TEHOIiWER AND GENERAL JAIL DE- livery. At Clearfield, in find lor Clearfield county, on the THIRD MONDAY of Feb. next—bcifl* the filuday of the moato. NOTICH IS. THEREFORE. HEREBY GIVEN, TotbeCorooor. Juitice* oftne i*eaoe,aau Cpn«iabJe*in and or the county of Clearfield, to aopear in their own proper >arton«, with Soil*. Ueoordt* indatuuoa*, Ejarainaiioni and other Remembrance*. to. 4 limotby-J Hall Bu.pl.mi ltowerar John Hamlin Abel II BhavV Richard H Hoover Mill Anon - ' goydoi AoiUn Hoover Mra Mary Bm th JV «m 8 lioovor Mr,. Mary J • Bniith William Holes Alby , _ 1 hompson Jqbn U HoncksDr.Jaaob , . Weun David Ilaey lUbert (.widow or beinlWrutener Joseph Irvin John Wearaer, n, John—3 Joy William Wood Fred’kjwido.w or heiri] tltlpdJobn Winujrnlt* MU* Caroline Mapes'ißlohOrdß.. WM# RADEBAUGII, P. M. AT THE CASH STORE. ' m&ww HAVE JDit received a larno and Well selected STOCK OF GQPl)3fluitable u tba*ea*on, which they are »elhqa oil nt very knrbricai-and they invito jdi wish wish to bur GOOD GOODS CHEAP to caU and axaxnino beioro pur clmsink elrewhore. . December 10.1831 : Valuable Fafan IN DECATUR TOWNSHIP JUL T%*3S*?S'tef , «9«®SMi . 102 Acres. improvements are a Story and a half Hevcd Log lioiisc, Log Bam, Thri ving Young Orchard, Sr about 60 acres cleared. , I ’This .Farm Is ,Hunted-In the 'best eirloulturaj pert or tin cohnty; Tha improved land i». in n high *tat*©f ?J? * apd protaoicd by toad substantial, fence*—and tent to a le. at hitold itand la the boron*b ofCqrwensviHe. A. K. WRIGHT, Merchant and extenbive ueauju in i.cm- BER-Boath well Oomor of the Dram ' LEVER FLEGAL, BLACKSMITH, l.ntherihnrr.Pa , win attead l lo all bath nut lahn line, and will al.o fnrouh WAGUN3. BUL UIE3, fto.. vorybhoap, ond mannraotnreil in the hrat »tylo, and warranted. An*. 7.180 J.-y, • ISAAC SMITH, Merchant, and healer in lumber and Country Prodncoffonafally—State street , between Cherry and lx>oa»t—Unrwensville. Dec. l>u. lwi THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO. IRON-FOUNDERS— Carwea.vllle. An eitoniive e«iorl moot ofCastinga made to order. Dec, da. Q-** THOMAS H. FULTON, & CO.. •EKUIIANTB. and extamive dealer*, mnd Manufecinrer ; ofLnmbcr, Bald Hill*. 1 July ItJ. 18oJ. JAS. ALEXANDER, • Saddler and harness maker—in himowrhop 00 Market «tro«t, nearMerroil'.horel. Dec. JS, foal. ■ ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mputh ol Lick Run, 6 miles from Clearfield - MERCHANTS, andoxteiulve'Lumber monoiaoluren. Jane 18,1653. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office adjoining his residence on Booond street opposite the residanceol Gov. Birer Clear field. Pa- April 17, lb6J 11. P. THOMPSON, PU YSICI AN—Ma, be foond either at hi. office, orat Soo hotel—Carwcn.ville —whon not not profeMloaally .hunt. Doo. try. lbol. GEO. W. RHEEM, Saddler. harness & trunk manufacturer —(Jo Second street, immediately over L. D- WaUon • Drag Sior«* I»eo. l». 18»2. MRS. ELIZA~IRVIN, I?XTENBIVF RETMGER OP FOREIGN AND DO-* l l i ir.estic Merchandize—Lust end of State street—Ourwens viilo. Dec. 30, IK6I. THOMAS SHEA, FASHIONABLE TAILOK-laSbaw’i Row, on Mnrkel street, immediately ovor li.e Post Oce—Cleirlield. Dec. 29, 1001. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, m ANNER. nail BUOT and SHOE MANUFACTURER -1 Gurwoniville. De0.29,185i. GEORGE W. ORR, BLACKSMITH, In liun.w Shop on Third •treat. «onth o! Market Clearfield. Fn. May I.IBoJ. R. V. WILSON, PHYSICIAN —Office on Cecond itreet. oppptllo thei reifi denceofGov. bigler. Cleorfiieid. April io loai. HENRY LORAINE, PHYSICIAN nod DRUGGIST, on Market etrejt. pjipoiite his residenoe. Clearfield. Apnf ib. loon. ROBERT McNAUL, rpANNER— At the ULD STAND la Cnrwprville.^ RICHARD MOSSOP, Retailer of foreign and IiOMEaTiG mer chandise ft LIQUORS— At Hlffler ft Co ■. old stand. Also, on the westiide of 2d street. Deo BU.lbol. WM. P. CHAMBERS, WHEELWRIonT. CHAIRMAKER. aad HUUSE ft BIOHN FAINTER-C-rwenivlllo. B. F. STERLING, SADDLE ft AARNESS-MAKER, aad JUSTICE OF THE PEACE—Carwen»ville. Dec.a, Xbal. JOHN W. SHUGERT. WAGON MAKER, corner of Third ond Locn*t *lreet*. Clearfield. Repolrin* done to order. Apnl. lb. '6J. Wallace & hills, Retailers of foreign and domestic meb- CllANDiafi—at Shaw's old Btaud—Olearfio d. fAc. 29. iojl HURXTHAL & BROTHER, Merchants ami i.umuer dealers. Wooiiami Foil Office, Bradford Ip . Cloailield co. April 17. oJ. J. L. CUTTLE, COUNTY SURVEYER had LAND AGENT. Offic. ad ioralns hi* reeidence on Market »treet, . GEO. RICHARDS, FASHIONABLE' TAILOR—West end of Shaw’s Bow no stairs—Olearfield. Deo.Yll.lßSi. JOSEPH. S. FRANCE, A TTOENEY Al* LA W, Othc* on Market «treet,udjoininj 1 11 tne residence of J. L, Came, Eiq , Ulea^i *jj l | ‘jg IBi2 ■ I. L. BARRETT, IVJERCnANT. LUMBERMAN AND GENERAL PKO- Itl DUCE DKALER-Al llarrem’ mills, rr. Uearl.eld Brideo Uoo JO IMI O. B. MERRELL, r~IOPPER. TIN 6t BAEET IRON WARE MANUFAC- Lr TUKEH—At lleisiel’s old "land oo Mureet field, ' Deo. 22.1851. THOMAS MILLS, Coach and sleigh maker, on ThW tween Market and Locn*t, Clearfield. Fa, Aprilltt, os WILLIAM H. BLOOM, Merchant and lumber nod produce deali A Cufweo*ville,Cieaifleld county. Pa. Aylill?. 195 J WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE, CABINET and CHAIR MAKER, and HOUSE andSiGN I'AJNTEU. 000 door »ouib of the Frwbyterlan Choron, on leoond ttreet, (Jleaifield Fa. April Id. 1h63. jr&7j.G.RUSSELL. Tanners t courrierb and dealers in all klmllofLesthor. Hides,Crain, So., taken In eicbunae. I’onamlle. Fa —CrampianmilsP. 0., Feb. 4.1812, DAVID SACKET, CABIN Ef AND CHAIR MAKER, Looost st., betwean and Third. Clearfield. Fa, ApriUlf. IBS2. WM. T. GILBERT, BLACKSMITH— At McGhee’* Mill*, in Bell iownihip wheTi all work In hi* line i> done on »botl notW. a;a d an reasonable term*. Dec. 89,1861. CHAMBERS 6c KLEPFER. Wheelwright, a chairmakers. &c.-Rridi port. Fikoiowaihip. Deo. 89,1851. GEORGE R. BARRETT, Attorney at LAW-omoe odjoidißit hi, ie»id«nce on Second itreet, Clearfield. April lo.lripJ. GEO. B. GOODLANDER, 17JTAC0N, MAKER—Lalhersbure, Work done to orde. Won snort notioo. and on good terms. Deo, bl. ul. DR. S. L. COBLE, • ’ . ! PHYSICIAN— residsnooone mlleenstorUenrliold llrideo— will attend to WloalUoatbo shortest notio^ nt 16< JBssli . p. W. BARRE'IT. Merchant nnd produce dealeA. LutbeTsborj, Clearfield Co., Fai . , Apnll7*lwJ. SAMUEL ARNOLD, 'H/TERCHANT and PRODUCE DEALER. Lnlhcrsbnrj, ivl Clearlitld county. Pa. April 17.186 J. FREDERICK ARNOLD, MERCHANT and PRODUCE DEALER. Lalhenbnr*, lT| Olearfield 00., Pa. •: ~ . .. . • April 13.18 U dr. g. f. hoop, JpßENCHVlLLE.Cleailleldconntr. JOHN JH. HILBURN, ' ' DOOT and SHOE MAKER, Hetond sttrfct. noatly opnotlte wri*hu*tore,Clearfield;Pa. April lfi.lobJ. I JAMES HOLLENBACH,; ' TkLACKSMITH. on Third sheet, belwet.it Market end 3 Walnut.Clearfield.Pa. ■ - Anrillfi, 1852. .. * j/'ij; jqnEs,' ;• ■ • • '• CStIOE & BOOTI MAKER—Adiolnln* hi, tesidenco on S Mark,!. belween.Thlrd nnd Fonitfi stieetmH^tl«ld. GEORpE.WILSON., DBYSICIAN m*T 6* io«nd at fch Offlo.in LHTHSBB I BUBO. wnen not absent on ptolesslonal bnslnes,. F.brnary 20. 1862, , '■ JOHN C. RICHARDS, ■pnY&IOIAN— On the Ridge Road to cUt meek. foot -Jr mile! from CUrwonsvillo. Ddo. IB®l : M. E. WOOD, PHYSICIAN. Mar always be found at hi, residence la Cur Ofl*ville, when hot prolenionally absent^ LEONARD & MOORE, Merchants and lumber DEALF.ns-seoosd ■treat, bet wooo*Market aad,Locu»t—Clearf eld. Deo. 89. I”!. BE^SOILOTEOH. rriHE partnership heretofore existing between Robert Lytle 1 aa Apmt . Clcaifiold Deo- 5, IB3J, A Journeyman Cabinet-Maker \&'^' I ‘SI23OLtIC&dQ o r ■r-lOCID Wages And constant employment will be given to tjr agood JOURNEYMAN CABINET-MAKER. Apply immediately to JOUN cuu( . u> Clearfield, December 3, 1853. • Crocks, Crocks. r lubicriber respectfully announce* to the Fubllo that A hi' will be constantly supplied with a general aatottmeat of the beat quality of , __ Crockery Ware Frrm the Factory of Jesse Adorns, in Contra county—wbioh will be sold ot iho «„ lowest WATaof , _ A , mt . Clearfield. Dcoamber37, IFs2,—?m. A LL penooi are hereby cautioned againtt taking nn a*- A. signment of a Note, or Deo BUI. M Jordan, of Jordan township, lor NINE THOUSAND SHINGLES, dated about the 20th of Dooember last, and duo about the Init week ol February next— a* 1 have not received value Tor said note, and will not pay the iamo onion com polled by law. JOSEPH MeNEAL. Jordan township. Jan. 3,1E53.— pd. CRAYDONS’ FORMS. NEW AND FOURTH EDITION. •‘No Attorney, Magistrate or man of Busiuess. should be without il.“'-i’A*7a. North American and U. S. Gazette. Just Published GRAYDON’B FORMS.—New and Fourth Edition.— Form* of Conveyancing, and of Praotioe in tbeConruof Common Plea*. Quarter Bcuroni. Oyer and lermieor. the Supreme and Orphan*’ Court*, and the offices of Ui« vanou* Civil Oflloeti and Justices of the Peaoe. Fourth edition. Re vised, Corrected, Enlarged, and Adaped to the Frau at btate onheLaw : Wttbosploui Explanatory No'e* and Itnteren* ce*. and a New and very Comprehensive Index. By Robert B. Wright, Esq. tn One thick Octavo Volume. Price only THREE DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS. recommendation. In the Preface to Brightly’* Bian*. Fifth Editjoo. the fol lowing languagei« used—’’ln this work (Dina’s Juttioe) and it* companion. ’’Groydou’* Form*/’ (the reputation or whioh i* to well established a* to need no eulogy,) the Magistrate will find all the information necessary to a correct discharge of the important duties confided to him by the law* of Penn sylvania.1 ’ Also, COMPANION TO THE ABOVE, BIIFS jnffSffiJEOT, BUSINESS MAN’S LEGAL GUIDE. A TREATISE on thnOffice and Datlcsof Aldermen anJ Justices or tho Peace, la the Commonwealth of Peon sjlynnin. Including ail tno reqairad Forms of Prooets and Doc ket Entries, and embodying not only whatever rosy bo deem ed vaJaableto Jnsticesof tbe Peace, but to Lanalords.Tea ants and General Agent*, end making the volume what it purport* to fce, A Safe LegalGuldefoT Onslnes* Men. by John Biont, late Alderman In the city of Philadelphia. Filth edi tion. Revised. Corrected, and Greatly Enlarged. By*F. C. Brightly, Esq. la One thick Volume, Octavo. Price only FOUR DOLLAR*. , . . iM . t •. JudgeGlBSUW tayiofUmn’t Joiljce.tbat *lll* notonly tbe best, but tbe only very good work that we have on the SUt)j«st." IN PRESS, And Speedily to be Published. TBOUBAT AND lIALY’B PRACTICE -New ft Third EdiUoo. GreaSy Eolatiod and Improved. under the Editorial Direction of Francis Wharton, Esq.; Author ot *‘American Criminal Law." fto., fto. In Iwo Volamea, Bv f'Rt'UßAT ON THE LAW OF LIMITED PARTNER SHIP in the United Slates, with fall reference. Id thelatoit eathoiitiei, EnelUh and American. By Francis J. TrouDat, Erq InOne Volume.B»o . .. . fcSTOrders or Letton of Inqnlrr from the Country prompt, ly attended to. RAY ft BROTHER. Law PubUihers and Bookseller*, IP3. Market Street* Philadelphia. Nov. 10,1853 -Sm. 5S 3 3D £SI S 3 ® Attention, Lumbermen! rriH R Subicriber* ofler for tale ou of George Page** Second 1 c f"or table saw-mills. With an IS Horse Power Etraiue attached, all new nnd In i The’ywdi’tl.t) tell their Block or HOBBES. Sledl. Chains. ■**Fof epplyto C. K. Mark, at the Mill, or}® L. .Shnil*. at Bald Eaale Pnrnaoe. Any person can atc tho mil! id fall .opo/atioa cow. MARK ft BHULTZ. December 8.1852, « (DaH4m®4 & MstMmgo JOBIIV ©IiLICH i . ’ kloll,of CABINET-WARE. . , • IHiibop ii iifaatetfoo Markot itraet. between Third and Fourth, where eil-kludi of work In his line will IM.'uiJj the BUST STY LE.and on the mostFA VORABLE TERMS and ontheahorleetnotice. ■ 1 tSTCOFFINS mada to order Bridge Election* do,tan4|*M^p^M^«n p a.y., (i , ; Oy uraer oiMwiwuu. fIiUI TBHORN, Pnt CarwenivUle,. , „ nnflß aodertJißfKl hnl opened a CTfOBE* iaGLEN HOPE ThS*r4^^^ ln AuSndaofPiotlneßtaltenlnozchaespslor^jdd«. H j, v Glri Uope.Oot. 7, :ithOzni=g4l3. aamizt a ••••* " ? .-FHn.IADEI.TOIA '1 MEDICAL HOUSE. Establi.hcd 18 years nyo by Dr. KinKELIA, N.VY corner ofThifd and Umonstroolfl, between Kpruco-end Pino Bts., Philadelphia. _ EIGHTEEN Ireiinofeittiuive tod nnlnteirnottd oraouoj .pent in thii city. have rendered Dr. K. tho matt erperr and inccenlol practitioner; thr and near. In Ihetrtiimeal« alt diKra.ni of a private naiora. Renon. afflicted with nloere on thebodr. throat or leu. pare* m the head or bpnee,per cereal rheumatUm, ftriolorei. rOnthfnleiceiietor ImpariUe;oTthoblMd. whereby theoeh .titntion boa lieoomo eofoebled, are' all trnatedwitli tncoeo... He who piaoes blmsell nnder tho ay*|Qf Pr* giously coafidein bis honor gontjeman,*®4 rely upon Mi till! as ft physloian. . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. aSWSSSISZ irritability end all nervous affections, lnaic«uo*, «uawi ; , BEAD. , . . / YOUTH AND MANHOOD 1 A Vigorous Life, or a, Premature Death- Kinkelin on Self-Preservation—Only 24 cents- This*ioofcjust published Is filled with urcfol informatloi.Djs the Inflrmefiot and dlseosei of ibe Generative OntMJ- R*J: dteuevltselfnlike to Youth, Manhood and Old AtOe.ay 1 1 and Impressive wamtn« itgiveswlll pteventyeori of misery and rail extng, and save annually tMQ* ,> Pare°nU threading It will learn how to prevent the (UftlVf • tinnorthclr Children. , .. ... A remitteaeo 0f25. centa. eactrned ins letter. aodiaijio to Ur. KINICELIN, N.VV. oortrerbf Third anl Unionitnra. between Bproco anil VihOj Phiiadeldbia. will eniure atpOOk U p d eoo C n. T "t P a“'dT.'tn°r»a» addreu Dr.K.br letter, Pn i4cUeM b ofHed d ioinM%“irecUont.&e..rCTWriedb» l *^- ln i^S“e,rCw d . p iV“r^i- m c»vr.^.^ other, euppiiod With tboaboeo work Firry dollars forfeit -dr. .MUN'i’Eja WiiA forfeit $5O itraiUna to.ouro adr bare or .eoret dieeatauat may come under his cam, no matUr hovv lonr sta ■ dmijor tO |MrbTENCY.-Thronsh unrettrained indnlnAw Irrtho panioni, by oaceu or ielf.nbuie. tho evil. areso“* ejt, I’rematore Impotenoy. Involuntary«*mlnai leg or the o.iiani. lojrofmemorT.adlttae oTor femakiiooraW. general debility, or oonititntional derangement, are .are to fellow Ifnocetrary. comalt the Dooror with conOdeture.- U READ Amj'REi'CECT.-r't'ho afflioted wonldrdo wehto refleot before trailing their trenith,happlnet>.endlnmn»y caici their liver, in the hand, of ohy.ioian. clanofmaladier. Itl, certeinly Impoicble »•““ nndentaud nil Uioill. the human family are.ulrject to, | Kt»- ry respectable Phy.ician bar bt« peculiar branch, in which he it more .nooealnl than hi. brother pioferiort, and tothathe devote, mo.t of til. t me and nndy. It. VEAhta OF rRACriCE, excln.ively devotedl tothat tndy and treatment of direaie«ortho teinal orirnni. together with nloer. np»a the bodv. throat, noao. or leg., pain. In the head; or bone., memorial rhenmati.m, .trio'nree. a l5 /?]* lie., disease, anting from youtbrnl eibelter, or Impnritleaqt the blood, whereby the coauiiuuon J>“ JlW”* enable, the Doctor to offenocedy relief to all who may plaaa themselves under hi. care. „. w Medicine forwarded to any part of tho united Hlaun.— PrioeFiveandTen Dollar, per package. ism—ly “Every Family Should have atopy.” An invaluable Book, only 25 cts. per copy. MAN, KNOW TBYBELF. Dr. HUNTER'S MEDICAL MANUAL AND HAND ROOK FOR THE AFFLICTED. Containing anortt- Imaoftbe Origin. Progress. Treatment nod Cursor every form cf disease,.contracted by Promuonoai bexaal lnl#rcoari«e by Beif-abme. ot by t3»xo&l£icess. WJm .tdvi«fortbeir pfj ventioo* written in a familiar style, avoidtnr aJI iwhca! BfoaUUei, and every tbiny that would offend the •»» oTow oenoy, from th» result of some twenty years »aco«sinl pnw dee. exclasiveiy davoted to the cure of disease* of a delicate Ot fo whichS'added tecoiDU for the core of the nbovo djsearee. and a treatise on tbeCauies. Bymotoms and Cure of tbe fe ver aod Agea. TorTweoty-Flve cents acopy . dollar: will be forwarded to any part of Uie!lßitedDtate>ADf mail, free of postece. l>idresi. postage paid. Boa 1». roet OUice.’' ortho AaUior,E3NorthUevezah tSept. 3. lDoa-ly, JLsKflSos* Diross JCe OBKRTEUFFJfiR. 8. B. CORNER NINTH AND . MAPLE STREETa; ABOVE RACE. PH IA * invite the Ijidie* of the City and Coontrr to call rsad examiue his splen id stock of Tnmmmsi, which has beta selected with the utmost care,, , 1 . .. ■ ■ Mr. U. heinp enabled, from bis experience lathe baimma. to Lake advantage of the wholesale market, ii able to b*Um low ns any other Mr. O. was cipal conductor ortho extensive bosinem of Mr. W« J. slant* man. No. 304 Cbeitntit street, endhU ottensive expeneaoe will be a auarantee of b is ability to do justice to bi*c«*lP®vn. His Block compmes the following—Bilk, Worsted. oaaUdt ton Cnrtaln Prtnyes. Binding Tassels, and Oord-Bilk and Wonted Blind do-91 Ik, Woollea and Cotton Hosiwvjad G oves-Corobs. Brnsbei. Sospi. Perfninery. Sc.-Wodm and Cotton Knitting end Darning Yarn-Porte Moaaam. Fartisbed Work. Boxes, Bracelets; and Fancy Artidsa g«Mt* nlly. Call and examioe foi yoamelvee. SHELDRAKE’S M. HOTEL. SHELDRAKE’S ALLEGHENY HOUBE. No. teO. Market Street, aboveSth. Fhiladelplna. Undee the e** arrangement. the can which arrive from Pit Üborg .H arm DM* bo . will run to the New Depot, comer of BobaylMU DUjujl Market. In order to accommodate thepublio we yrlU ar*ay* have oar Coeoh at the New Depot on the errarel ol the»nU) carry patseniera to the Alierbeny Homo. which ilia tre of the city. Oorold fnenda wiU nlease Bda d«m. a«d u who wUh to pahonite a Home with ft Good Table. Clean Bed* and aooom.QiodrUat etjirtant*. will Plcuisa give at ft oftli.b Terms—Oae Dollar per day. gepl. 10,1553. -<$aj. 500 Agents Wanted. $lOOO A YEAR I WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY OF THE.UNIHS) BTATKS. active and enterp riling men. to ttgirein theinleof aomeof thobert Pookapnblwned mihe oooigtj To men of good addreu, potcening a email capital of from gas to gIUO, »noh inducements will be ottered **'o eaaiM them to make from TUkEE to TEN dollar* a day Tne Book! published by ut are all owful ip their ohanotaL extremely popular, and command large sale* wherever they are offered. > For further pnnionien. (JETZ. Successor. to W. A. Leery ft Co., No. 133 North Second Street. PhUedelpbM. Sept. 10.1862 —t>rn. . Commercial Hotel< THE Butncriber haviuq leeied the Public Home. fprrnedy known a. the American Home. No 18 South Sixth etreec. between Market end Chestnut streets, hoe chanjed the name ofthetamftto ®]h©! ©®maM®ir©afsiH M©4©]l,' Bex* letvo to inform hi* friend* and tho Tublio. that tali house has o'lderEoaa & ihoronah remodeUlnc. r*painnf, rg oainting and repapeiiag, ftpm attid to batement. An e»ure new ootfit oftnnutnre. mcldinir* file., &o..haj b**n pjrdcwwl frora the mo»tcelebrated Mannfactarenib thl* cUf- 4 From the central loorilon; and iU,clata ororimliy to w Railroad i eoot*. Bteamboat Landing*. Place* of Amnwmept. taalilonahle Th<.ronjhfart* and fwto Bquare*,.iiofler*ift* riQcemenU to the Merchant vUaißgtbecirronbniin«**dorthe JACOB G. dAKED : BenllS. 185J.«-hm. . . m BOOTS & SHOES., a W THOMAS ' ESPECTFULLY anhoti'Eoea to tireV^ \ it cHlunt or.Cteerrieid, end vicinity,■ . that he he. oommenoed.the butineu el' meunfootur-rr IdSbOOTS end : SHOES of every dttortpuon. inthe bor on«h of Clearfield, in the ehip nearly oppmjre lhe Aoederey. onVront .treet, whore he may he found nt all ttaeiKady«A anzioni to acoommodate ell who .may favor him with . oartom..' l i; '. l ' l " j Pine and Coarse Boots and PfiQ&t an d Ladies'faWare of every description. Will be on handi.and tnanufaclnret in a inperlot ta any heiaioforomnd* in the county« nod at men pnoea a* will not fail to glye entire ratufaclioi. Rafting and Lumbering Boots- H* will alio manufacture an artloleof liOOTßfiwEaßtat and Lumbering in. end for other ranch w work,,widen heputionlarly feoommendee*».upeiio^wtlole.^ ; Fi#riii&:TPd^(rirt'li^' , ;s. For Sale* MWriLL be olleied at PUBLIC BAtB engg*- W: Toealay ot ihe February. Court a&ii.aW/f the court honie-if not; looner dltwiid orjrtHt. Buie—The Form formerly pooopied by MATPHtsW. OGDEN, deceiledi Id 1 Lawrence towMhlo. coatairuiijf SI hy 38 rent, totether wilt» BAMS M ? *>*' PWr. Bnlldlnn. ' v , .|g~ . , ' -.i'j r’lo 'thbetold epparito from the lanif.t Sett BortMill Btonet. i.HertjCpontiy Mill add MiUIWM.i LOT l)F GROUND in the borujehof Clearfield, knojWln} dowcu.tho balances three payment** .with to ge owed by bond end A( tmu„ , ; , i ForD«»hesnfMatthewOfdeitdeeMeed. 1 - ‘H- I l .*®*-.,'j (1 , i;i itfa/df.lFfif ' Estateaf JToli’n BennyhoiJlT,'dejfA' '' ‘^ r' ETTEBB 1 or ADMINISTHAtION h»lu 6e*ft «fin«, Bog|*Town*Mp, DflO-.iQ, l®3, ’