Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 30, 1852, Image 3

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    Pairs thiT
. kettor to'Jadgi WoOdwittit.
.Dear Sir:--The undersigned members
of 'Democratic party bog leave to' call
your attention to certain charge now fro
quentlY made by the Whig pressos, against
you, in regd.(' to your- views upon the
n aturalization laws, and alleged hostility
to the rights of naturalized citizens. Wo
aro aware that you may justly regard your
life and conduct in the high station you
have occupied, and the boundless confi
dence of the Democratic party which
you enjoy, as a sufficient answer to such
But tho charges aro intended to operate
on and mislead persons to whom the truth
is unknown. We would, therefore, solicit
from you an expression .of your views on
the subject, if your time will permit, not
doubting that every candid mind, will thus
be'satistied, that by no act of your tire
h a ve you been justly chargeable with hay
teg entertained men, or measures faVoring
illiberal or proscriptive policy,'towards
a dopted citizens, on account of the place
of their birth or their religious opinions.
Very respectfully, yours, &c.
Charles Shaler, James May,
H.' S: Magraw, S. Jones, •
H. Hepburn, , John Anderson,
Th. Umbstaetter, and many others.
Judge Woodward's Reply
Pirrsnuaost . , Sept. 14, 1852 ,
Gentlemen:—The official duties which
brought me to Pittsburgh, keep me con-1
stantly engaged. My answer to your let-'
must, therefore, be brief,
,From my earliest youth to• this present
moment, 1 have been an earnest and
hearty supporter of 'the 'Democratic party;
and an equally zealous opponent, so far as
my political action . could decorously and
properly go, of whatever has opposed it.—
I am not and never have been a "Native
American," in any political sense, any
more than I am or have been a whig, anti
mason or an abolitionist.
• The charge of "Nativism" is attempted
to be sustained by aniotion which I made
in the Reform Convention of 1837., That
Was simply a limitation of a motion made
by Mr. Thomas, a whig member from
Chester county, and was calculated to
'compel his party (who were in majority
'in the Convention) to come up to the
mark or back out. They chose the latter
branch of the alternative, and my motion
having answered its purpose, was with
drawn. The sin of introducing this sub
ject into that body lies at the door . of ri
whig, and not ut•tnine.
The speech so often quoted against me,.
I stn not , responsible for. It was intro
heed into the Debate's by a Whig Reporter,
in violation of the rules of the body which
required him to submit it.for revision be
fore publication, and which he never did.
I made some observations explanatory ofd
my amendment of Thomas' motion, but
that speech is not a fair report of them.
My other speeches were submitted for re-'
vision This one I never saw till the book
was printed, and I have never ceased to
condemn it.
During the session of the Convention,
namely, on the 10th day ofJa nuary, 1838,
a member in debate alluded to the motion,
not the speech, as indicative of hostility to
foreigners. I promptly denounced the
imputation, there . in the lace "of the Con
vention,as I have done many a time since,
as a gross misrepresentation.
See Debates of the Convention, vol. 10,
pp. 33, 34.
I.have retained the undiminished confi
dence of the Democratic members of the
Reform Convention, several of whom were
adopted citizens, • and all of them opposed
to Nativism. Would this have been possi
ble if the whig reports of my sayings and
'doings bad been true?
The Native American Party itself is my
witness. Seven years .ago I was th cau
cus nominee for U. S. Senator. The county
of Philadelphia was represented by Na
tives. They asked me, whether, if elect
by their votes, I would favor their meas
tires for changing the naturalization laws.
I answered them no, and they threw every
vote they could command against me, and
raised a shout of triumph over their vic
tory. .
You refer to statements „in. the -whigl
papers of this city. dine. 'of thorn was
shown me a few days rtgii; in which. was
a garbled extract from a letter written by
• me about a year ago, in which I repelled
the imputation of Nativism as distinctly
as I deny 'it now. Yet the editor told his
readers that the letter contains er. ndmis.
scion that my 'sentiments were at that time
adverse to the rights of
,foreign bide cid-
Zeus. A copy of the letter thus Misrepre
sented by the Pittsburg Gazette, I send
you herewith iii the . "Keystone" of Sept.
23, 1851:.: u
,• When men will idlovv . their political
passions to get the better, of • their veracity
so far 'as to. impet them to acts anif
lions liko this :it is easy enough to . under
stand how find why I was misrepresented
by a reporter,ofAthe..convention, whose
motives, for, doing so were just as strong
• as those'which actuate my
. pelitieal oppo
nents. pow;• • r••• • i:; ; •• ,)) ;'
Another allegat r .en; that I opposed Judge.
Cttmpbell.last fall,is-tislalse as any other of
the tatuArous,,,MstateMents recently made
egainst me. I . never opposed .any
.religion, .
nee on ,accoant,,iif hia:,.birth, or
and I supported no, nominee last fall more
. heartily'tttan dicl - JtAge Campbell.
fs with infante "rcluetance I:appear,
• before itt this time, even in self-]
defence. -Ainandidiite4Or'aijudicial office'
1s; perhaps; more than:any.caber.iinilidate
*Mitred lii".aiVait..9itietly the decision of
the peeple;
,I;am tis:;Orrible.q,agy *mart
• s 'awaY
Qs:: possible, from': ' j ud i cial: 'electiens),
the terms of`
,Your', letter leave me :,ego
elieien but have, answered
Yott' by giving you briefy , tlm truth.. I
1 give it trutti,' a nd I ac.
company. It with 110,,Op;petlI
sio - n - pr prejedice. 4 ;: 1111 1
1 If industrious defaMetion canisucceed,irr
'repreenting me as having sustained
illiberal or proscriptive isnt,thed the l utfa
'and.a Life are. powerless against
:There are some presses and many Man: :
`opposed to mein political sentiments, who !
are disposed 'to tint 'trio fairly, and who
will not descend to base appliances, to ac.
' complish a party purpose. Such men
1 and, presses command my respect.-
1 Against others who are less' scrtmulous,
I. have, no shield except truth and my life;
and relying on these, I can afford to await,
I in patience, the verdict of the people.
Thanking you, gentlemen, for the kind
feelings manifested in your letter, I am,
with great respect, Your ob't serv't,
Fur the Republican
Tho American citizen is called upon to important duty than that
or the Electiie Franchise: - While ho is
the Subject, ho is, at the sumo time, the
Ruler, and upon his ono baltoi'may depend
the weal or woe of his country.
For the past few'years we have had, ;n
this country, two distinct parties, repro
senting,if We may credit thoir leaders,,
two entirely difreiont set of principles.—. l
With the exception of the Abolition filed
tion, each voter has considered himself as
belonging to one or the other of these par
tiesoand given his vote accordingly. As
a general rule, this is as it should be. The
existence of two parties, each mutually
checking the other, is, in my estimation,
the strongest barrier against corruption,
l and surest guaranty of the continuance of
' our free institutions, and the nominations
of each' party, when fairly and honorably
made, should usually be considered as
binding upon the individuals composing
that party. Still, there is a slavery of
party, which is entirely inconsistent with
the design of the ballot-box, and directly
'calculated to defeat the great object attain-
able by freo suffrage. If a man must
blindly follow the nominations of his party,
directly against his own judgment, or with
out daring to exercise that judgment, in
what respect is he a freeman any more than
tho,loyal subjects of monarchial Govern-
moat 7
In the one case •the usage of his party
compels him to contravene his own judg
ment, and in the other, the fundamental
law of his country places a monarch in the
chair of State, who may or may not be
geceptablnto . the masses of the people.—
In either case the better judgment of the
people is not exercised. The epithet "turn
coat," when properly applied is disreputa
ble and dishonorable. But to whom may
it justly be applied 7 I answer, to the man,
who having no fixed principles, votes
with one party to-day, and another to
morrow without regard to their principles,
or who, possessing one set of principles,
throws them aside to suit present conve
nience, and votes with the party opposed
to them. When the two parties, speaking
by duly authorized Conventions, so nearly
approximate in principles as to leave noth
questionable between them, the contest be
comes a mere struggle bctween the nom
nees—in other words a mere strife for the
spits and no individual is obnoxious to the
charge of "turn coat," if he prefers the
candidate of the party opposed to him—for
the struggle is merely between men and
not measures—l mean if equal faith is
given to the professions of each party.—
Much less is he obnoxious to such a charge
if he refuses to sustain the nominee of his
party, believinr , honeiilly, that in the adop
tion of their platform, they have perpetra
ted a fraud upon the country, and have
concealed their sentiments.
There may be also a thorough change
of opinion. The actual working of the
principles of your opponents manfully and
honestly convince you that you are wrong
and they are right. In such a case, if you
continuo to act and vote with the party to
whichyou have belonged, you do so against
your better judgment, and are nothing but
a party slave. Nor are you less so if blind
ed by party prejniice, you close your eyes
and ears to the good results of the policy
Of your opponents.
These remarks are to no purpose, unless
they are followed by a practical applica
tion to the present position and relative'.
merits of the two leading political parties.
It becomes every man who would - not ben
mere party slave to make due examina
On almost every question, as we have
before said, these parties have professed
widely different principles and policy for
many years. Without entering into mi
nute details, it is sufficient to say that
DemoOratic policy and measures have pre
vailed with but slight interruption in the
affairs of the national administration, for a
series of years. Such have : been their sue
cessfUl opeiatiOn that year after year, the
cry of the. Whigs for, a change of measures
has, grown fainter and .fainter until it is
effectually silenced. A whig executive
recommends material , modification of
Deunocratic Measures, during tlire v e or four
years of its administration. But more than
this, the whig party in national Conventien.
buries alniost every ~distinctive feature by
which whiggery was ever known and bews
respectfully to Denaocratic principles and
policy by adopting a platform in imitation;
of that of theirOpponenti.: • Greely.(Whig),
says the only essential difre i rence between
'the two platforms is, that the 'whig platform'
was the Woilt of an ass; arid - thattlie Dem
ocrats, was written ti:gianPf senati.'.2
Now, what sensible man does not see
in the Couite 4idopted'hy.. the,....whlg Con
vention, the very highest compliment paid
Deinocratie .ineasurdS and poliao
they'wet . e heriost thoiela not 'a feature of
i i
Odwhiggery )4,lo:contend' fat'. If they
were dishonest and intend*playlhe
, ~.
cbeat 7 . that- they did in '40,, what.' honest
man wishes to. ustain'themt!Take either
horn of this dilemma (and there is no mid,
die grourid) and it appears to me thatlikere
is but anti course for all honest, Upright
and, virtuous men .',Whatoicr mar . have
been their first 'preferences—viz : Note
~with and sustain .the party whose' policy
has stoodthe test of severe trial for years;
\vhich is so beneficial iu its operatiort,,t tat
;the whit icadcrs 'dare not utter tho faintest
cry for a changer in the nominatidn
candidittes, while each party has rejected
its ablest and most talented men, there is
yet a material difibrenco between the men
nominated and the means ,by, which that
nomination was efrectecla diftercnco de.
cidedly in favor of the" Democratic nonti
The Democratic candidates
the Convention represented no difference
of principle's. They we're each iddntified
with Democratic principles and measures
as their firm and unflinching advocate S—
. each presented a large and unyield
ing army of friends--,but, when this be
came apparent, a perfect union was form
ed upon a third man as the only honora
ble alternative. In the selection of that
candidate, they were most fortunate, in
finding ono whose life has been devoted to
an unyielding advocacy of Democratic
principles—whose stability of character
and soundness of judgment impart the
strongest confidence to all—in short, whose
whole character shines the brighter the
closer it is examined, and puts to the blush
the most infamous whig 'slanders. The
W higs presented three names. Two known
and able advocates of whig policy and
sound on every national question. The
third, Gen. Wind field Scott, was presented
ns the special favorite of the Abolition and
"higher law" faction of the whig party,
with no recommendation but a successful
military career, with the strongest possible
,evidence of a lack of statesmanship glar
ing in the face ofevery man who examines
his puerile attempts in that line. Notwith
standing ho was in a minority on the first
and second successive ballots, there was
no attempt at uniting on a third candidate.
His friends madly persisted until his nom
ination was barely accomplished and the
Abolition faction succeeded. Those who
can see no difference between these men
and the manner of their nomination favor
able to Pierce must be ignorantly or wilful
ly blind. Two reasons only present them
selves as inducements to vote for Scott
His success as a military chieftain and the
expectation of an office under him, if suc
cessful. The whole whig thunder of the
campaign resolves itselfinto this and noth
ing more. On the contrary, those who de
sire to see stability, firmness and enegy
in the affairs of government—those who
wish to see a continuance of that policy
which has proved so beneficial and pros
perous to our country; carried out by its
original advocates and constant friends the
Dernocrats—those who desire to sec all
sectional animosity cease, all discord and
strife settled and not reanimated and kin•
died afresh, as .they would be in the event
of the success of Gen Scott, such will de
posit their ballots consistently for Pierce
and King.
MARRIED, On the 16th inst., by F.
Pearce, Esq., Mr. Francis Graham ofßrad
ford, to Mrs. Emeline Undercoffin.
On the 16th inst., at Massevsburg, Hunt
ingdon county, by the Rev. it. A. Curran,
Mr. William P. Rend of Lawrence town
ship Clearfield county, to Miss Mary Mar
garet MeCrum of Masseysburg.
On Thursday the 25, by the Rev. C.
Diehl, Mr. Robert Bause to Miss Mary El
len Scott, both of Bradford township Clear
field Co., Pa.
On the 16th inst.,by Rev. W. A. McKee,
Mr. Simon Stewart to Miss Elizabeth,
daughter of Wm. Feith, of Burnside town
On Tuesday last by Rev. Wm. Cham
pion, Mr. John Graham to Miss
- G. H.
I Dale, both of Bradford township.
DIED.—In Bradford township, at the '
house of James Flanigan, on the 15th inst.,
a woman supposed to be about 40 years
of age—with sandy complexion and with
a large wart on her right cheek, and sup
posed to be deranged in her mind. She
gave her name ns SumavAlv.
(n—Exchange papers will please copy.
On the 15th inst., of Scarlet fever Hen
rietta Virginia, daughter of Philip and Ma
ry Antes, of Lawrence township aged 8
years 2 months and 25 days. .
In this place, on Sunday the 10th inst.,
after a short illness, Miss Julia Brady for
merly of Marietta, aged about 17 years.
For President,
Gen. WINFIILD SCOTT,of N. Jersey.
For Vice President,
WM. A. GRAHAM, of N. Carolina.
Fbr Judge of Supreme Court,
JOS. BUFFINGTON, Armstrong co.
For Canal Comntissioner,
JACOB HOFFMAN, of Barks co,
For Congress,
PATRICK KERR, of Clarion co.
For Sheriff,
WM. POWELL; of Clearfield boro'.
' :RR' Commissioner,
GEO. E, SMITH, of Giiard township.
INTE C l ar i onorized to aunoucce that KERR.
V V e county. wilt Do n candidata to represent - the
mantles of Clarloa.Lilearitattl. .E t he Forolt, janerion.
Kean, Venango And Warren I n toe Congreu of the nited
eegi KM%
I renpectintly otter alargati to yotio coosideltvlon as a candidate
lor the elite° of 81IEHIFF. at the easalea tleoetal Elect ma—
ned If elected, Medea myself to petform the dodos thereof to
the beet or my abilities, and without fear Savor, or affecoloa.
WILLIAM rovika.t.,
Cfeariseld, ag. , 1852.1 , .
Mare eattonetoo toe mole of JAMES
P l 4O .tr Pike
candidate for lb e es;44gtiatoo uAeg.
. .
AS R 1 . 4.8118. MOORE & WIL - ON— . , ' • ~ . ~) ,
GENTLEMEZ3I.-Pleala announce the eawie or GEORGE
I. 1011Ttl. or ON township, ai a Vola ewer oaudidato thr
the offieo of COUNTY COMmilaktlONEkt at the awning
Odoher Voodoo, and oblige . ,
August B. 182.
The Presidential Election takes place on Tuesday the 2d of No
. 1 • . •
E3U24C4K;SYI .SCKE;IC)1:01Z31 •
•' ; ` IRWIN lit, SMITII
film hitt received a largo and well selcated.STOCK of
Lk GOODS meltable to thoroaron, }OD* the/ rieetellirg it
very low prim, and lavild all who vOlah to bar cheap weall
and examine before purcharldr eltotvhare. •. eept SO, .IHW,
C....CiLICDCUEZ:3 - -
AT T ECAS sT o E •
AND Datati l lne
HAMrullablo I t l is a tli fi o r ie e ls a n n a d which th c o i c a arti T s C ollin i( g ott
at very IMO Mcai—and_. they lova° oil who wish to buy
GOOD cooos.uliti? to call road axamluo beim pur
abasing sisewlicio.
Clnorfeld Scot 20.1 RM
TO . Tcanasiers.
❑L sukoribers have oa hand now et thtir maim Mills,
.11. in Covington townshio. a !arse ritinutity of Bowed Lnm•
be'. and will have by the lit day al January neat.
1,500,000 feet
To he hauled to the dyer at the month of Doer Creek; nen
„Wire Loom's. The distance is 6 mita end a fair and for
ther wegensor sleds. they wish to employ learns miter by
the thourani or by the ociy. to heal it, hut igould prefer giv
ing hoot try the contract. The hauling must commened
soon as the ground Is fn man $ rill ❑nEt to carry a Waizon ist.‘l
load The cash kid be paid Ni soon as the wort is done.—
Verson, wishing to engage, will apply at the ritearn Mills two
miles fromlereadville.
11 & C. I,:mml
atom 0.1E52 d.
THE suliserlher resrectlully announce; lo Ms friends and
the pablia generally that ha has just RON LW 4.1.1
TOOK OF OUOOh3. which war Wm:lid with a strict regaid
to QUALITY. and vs htch ho will tell as cheap as eau ue
bon,ht rlgnwhero is the county:
la nd.lit.ork to his rti:c`s of DRY (1001)3. GuocEitiEs
II ARDWARB. LIQUOR'S, atu..,ho would pailluttiatly call
attoatiin to We stoat of
Thankful fat the liberal eastern be ha, hereforoio rocolvoi
fram his fellow eitzdrit he res,eot sully snlietti a =tin aer
of the mme, 'snaring them that hit fl'81•11t smelt will ha tile
posogl of tits inch intuit it. wi.l cive Kill satisfaction.
rir All atoll of Connt re produce vri l be taken in exchange
for gmels !it the highest Louise' iitl , F O ,O R .
FIC4CilVii e. SCP' • IL 4 . (852
• DR. G. F. 11001',
F irtizi 11VI LLL, Clearilo!d onur.y.
Oept. UN
Stray Steer.
if - A m lo th , premit - I Or tom CO Scral'
tenttlaig t• Bow t On or Own , • "I .
the re!, .a.teut , a I.IOIIT 11E11 r•TE Lli. flews -
tuppotati to b., etbont for yews nil. n 41 10 hnVe
ate r•m I tom a Or,,ee. l 1., 00 WI 1. int ,elect for,
; r)vo ta400•11T, doll team him mw
111.“, towngitio Fopt :3,18t3.—{,41
St i•a y Cow.
4 - 4 AM Fl to the relldent.e 11e altrart.
.1../ bar. l•n the 14th 0 ISED U./ tv 4-- •
with e wg two fler. end wit:tore odfffelte....2
rf er 11.410 brauJed nn t..a lett rump. tad suatiotud to be
tidal '0 r ram rld, the I. rwt oivir7 rIIC. Tie over" ir
tag le tot to wino turwnrd. Drove DroDe.tY. aLe emi take her
W 47.
A. El J. C HUN IrEll.
Morris town•hlo, ! , tent. Ml—Dit
(ITIGE IS ItEltEllY GIVEN Po the Ttlx•rayPtl of
IN Lam roam Schaal Ittetrict, that the ,thoo; Trentwet har
a:Totaled Tuesday the Ikalt or (atubor ant., tllactton day )
at th , c llama, ror rrreorme lila at:mm.l tob yol tux. Po,.
na t lea t ag tilts °Mica may .sorer In be d , nt , watt tit the
law d r, rte IZOIIERT 0 NE:(
Sm., 'ember 28. I!J
- •aDtk.3a3icaD.
If.7n IlEit GI V P.N. Tf et tre !took; of the
Lr Ive Film of f 1 OR li EM) is Will'rTAKFAt, in the
nod Fulllrg ha. invst. nt Ctherield Ibilfre, ere le.
in he t.t,n ..1 the su toe& er for ,eminnient, nod un snit
w 111 bolitoorht en nil !mooning tercets:mg unsettled rata, the
Pllll . . day of November next.
CI n Weld Illrifige,9opt. 21,1'52.
UV EREAS, Ily an Act of tho General Ariernbli of
`` P.. my ivsuot, cut.tlei:l 'An Aut to icgolate he t: en•
ciul I within ill's Cimirtriowtalth." it is eniodie'l on
the in I 0 11.1rVII:lt 1,411:t . 01 to •give public notice of
such elee• ton, th • place w brio .o tie held, and the °dicers to
e e ictitel —I II o„ 1, A NriLlt. LLIVVEL.L.
llth Bnei di of Cle - ifi4t county, d 7 hereby give
Public Notice,
To iho Electcri oldie 040017 of Uloattivid that a GENER
AL El w II hit ecld on the BEcl'INI) TUEoGA V
)10 OUT, tll6l{ nest, (nein( the TW ELFTII day of the
mouth )at the iuswel election Mitticits to said county, at
which time and plaur the qautified Mecums will elect.
One person for Judge of the Supreme
Court of this Commonwealth.
One person for Canal Gommissioner of
this Commonwealth.
One person to represent the counties of;
Clarion, Clearfield, Elk, Forest, Jeffer
son, McKean, Venango and Warren in
the Congress of the United States.
One person to represent the counties of
Clearfield, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, Mc-
Kean, Potter and Tioga, in the Senate
of this Commonwealth.
One person to represent the counttes of
Clearfield, Elk and McKean, in the
House of Representatives 'of this Com
One person for Sheriffof Clearfield coun
One person for Prosecuting Attorney of
Clearfield county.
One person for County Commissioner.
One person for County Auditor.
Too Loco". or 100 county 01 Ciearfield will take not.ce
that the raid Guneral Election will he held at the following
At the COURT HOUSE, in the borough of Clearfield. for
Lawrence tow milli ,
At the house of WILLIAM HOOVER, fcr Brudford town.
At the itouso of .3 , N GOSS. for Orionis:it tiwnshio.
At the louse of SAMUEL M. I , lllllli , tor but:corm lowo•
At the house of ISAAC BLOOM. jr , in the borough of Car
...ravine. for P.lto township.
At the house of J MASH M AU KER. for f tor ingloa township.
At the hour° of wiLiAnm for thistly town
At the Store house of SAW.; EL SMITH for Penn township.
At the house of JAMES :Unit Y. for thest tow ostou•
At Congress Ifin School House. for Girard town dirt ,
At the h )060 of J LOHMAN. for Monis town hip.
At the house ot Jr lIIN YOUNG, for .throside township.
At the novas of ASAPH ELLIS. for Hell township.
At the house of JAM Eol MeN EA!, tor Jordan township.
At the home or DO lED E If II( NEB, for Boggs township.
At the house old ESSE W LLB( IN, for Huston township.
Atthe house of THOM. DAVIS, for Forcutoa township,
At tho house of JOHN I BUN Y , for Fox township.
At the house ofJOIIN W RITE:SIDE, for Woodward town
At the PUULIC SCHOOL. HOUSE, for Goshen township,
At the FRAME HOUSE, formerly mi.:railed as a Warthog
house, for Karthans townstills•
At the batittE HOUSE of It. W. Moore, for Union town.
ship. •
At the COURTHOUSE, for the borough of Clearfield
At the house of ISAAC BLOOM, for the borough of Car.
penons (except Justices of the Peace) who shall hold any
°Bice or appointment of moth or trust, under the government
of the United States, or of this State. or of nay city or loon
pointed distect. whether a commissioned efficer or otherwise
o subordinnte s Riser or egent, who is or mail be enroloyed
water the Leant:awe, Exotntive or Judicial depaitments el
this Slate prof the United States, or ant C. 17 (If incorporated
district end also, that every msAiler of Congress and Stale
Irigniaiure, and of the common or seloot counell ot any city,
or comminion•ir of any Incorporated district. aro by low Inca
pabie of holdirar or exemiguag, at the some time. the office or
appointment ofJudge, Insoecior, or Clerk, of any election Ot h er this Commonwealth t—and that en Inspector. Judge. Or Other
OtUCCE of an, such traction shall be Linville to any Who° voted
. And lho Return ',lido) , of the respeutive districts aforesaid,
are required to treat at the court home,. la the borough of
Clotuffeld.ou the .FIRST FRIDAY next slier the raid Be
cowl Tuesday of October, then and there to do all those
things required atheist by law. -
GIVEN under WY hand and seal, at Clear Geld this tweets ,
seventh day of Almost. In the year of oat Lord one thou.
and eight hopdred.andlifty-two. cud of the Independence
of the United States he &van ty.tieventh. •
VITAE WITH ENGLAND is hereby declared by the sob-
VV sr:Tiber soh,hnsjostteoelved tron3 the Works or IR
VINE. hVCOY Et GO.. Milesborr. Ps.. an 111 Waive lot or
LEON or every description, and
redo ho very best qoaldr.
which he will sell at the:ollo,ring oed prices: --
Comnon . bar- Iroa Assorted' • $3 75
Hcrs,e:Shoo bar, alone, „:, _ :4 00
Nail. Rods, alone ' ' 4,60
;Valls at , • •G .00
andwhan a bolter nbaetits of either nails or iron is required.
a arrester 'adoption is salute. , There will also be found at the
same s stablitnMellt, a large assorrotensof .
• -,)^ Stoves of every desertp - tio'n
C6i,lr lag Stoves. Ten Plate. /4 too Porte. Parlor Coal and Wood
bitoves, all of W Won will be sold as Clamp. and a Unto Citea.)-
er Mad were ever before offered In these parts.
Vail sad see for youtselves.uoar Leonard & Moora's store.
L. Et. upwratt. Lama.
Cleadield. Ananst 6. len.
. • . .
lt d grolhiot?:.Mrociei. Tiribronanfontw fir,.
Pt /IA , Invite the Ladlet of the thly rind Colour 'to cell and
examine tplen sleek of Trimmings. which hat been.
telebted with the utmost gate,
Me O. being enabled. tram hi, expel:tonne le the' butinets.
le take iiiventagoor the %v heissele• market. le able to sell at
ow at ntlY blithment. Mr O. wee formerly Win
e pal conductor or ottellr.iee tnitine3 or hi'. W. J Mitt.
Men, No. Pr 4 Cliettnti: tin at, alit his attentive experience
will he cCenarantee of nit eh !icy to do Bittica Whit customer , .
Ills leleub (winnows ha II l'Ortin—:+itit. Worsted, and-Cot
ton Curtain Fringes. Billow. Tart&s and Cord—Bilk and
Worsted Blind de—:lite. Woollen and Cotton llotbdy, and
Govei—Combs. Brushes, taps Perfumer} , &o. —Woollen
and Cotton. Itnitbrig and Darning Tem.-Porto ?demount,
Pond:hod Work. Bores, Bracelet,. and Fancy Anklet genet.
ally. Call and exemino l‘d yanilelyte.
Bent. 29, 1833.—fm
Morket 6.irret • •xcovetth. l'hiladelohla. Under the new
eryangemet.t, arrive rem Numbing. Iterrishura
Stu . wilt run to the Now Depot. corner of r3choylkillMh and
Mark In order theccomnieat the the
we will always
have Ja r Gooch at NAW *repot au the °Meld of the waste
carry passonsera to the Allertheny.floure, which is io the cen•
he of the city Our old french w
. it metro tide (IJWII end elf
who wish to pi:amok° a 11..u.e wuhaGuo.l Tabio CIOII3 Beds
awl nouummadniimg /1214 , /thtil soul please vivo U 2 U. Calla
Terms—One Dollar per day.
!Sept 0.1855.—em.
500 Agents irfanted.
V l'ATEti naive and onifiroming mon. to nactse in
rho gals of sown of thn best tlat ks publisto I In 'lie Oman , .
To men of good eddy,,,, possessmg a small capital of Arm
116 to SIUI, inch ladtccomonlo ho olNied as to enable
.h •ot to mete from THREE to TEN dollaqt ft (lay prat.
no Hoots 1)111)15119d by us era al useful In their character,
ear. melt' pupula , , and. commattl lame tales wherever dory
are orlon d.
For further particulars, address. (onstage paid.)
Successors to W.A. Leary Er.,Uo..
No. Lid North Osmond Sheet.
Sept. 111. 1852
Commercial Hotel,
priE Subscriber havinn looted the Pnblio /ions% formerly
J. known as tho Arnetionn House. No lb Sontb Sixth ►ltttt,
between Market bud Chestnut strncts. hot conflicth tho name
of iitosam3 to
Coramorcaill Eatoll,
Wits Prise to Inform his friends nal WO l'ubliO, ant 111 11
house' has .dervone a ihomnsh remo letting. repairing, re
aunties sal repaperine, from utile to basement. An entire
new o alumnae. bedding. ere.. 2e.9.. hits been procured
float the moil celebrate:l Manufacturers in this pity.
From tie centre' Ice ohm, trod lie rime proximity to ths
Railroad 1 erne , Mom ,out Landings. Places of Amusement,
ni.bienaide 'rn .rauslit,res nod t'ab'le tiounier, s it offers in.
ducementa to the Mertilinnt visiting the city OD business. or the
Traveller s eking plo,,sure. Ti. families and female' visiting
the pity. are r friedrty will be offered, and every comfat re•
gelded o M•l4.lhew visit agreeable and pleasant.
A stie-u of the militia patronage is resuectinily solicited.
JAUutt G. 1.C.811, JARED lttVt 1.
Sane:intendant. Proprietor.
Peal 3. IFS —4lm.
"Every Family should have a Copy."
An invaluable Book, only 25 cts. per copy
!SOO s FOR. THE ANTLICTELL Containing an out
line of the Origin, Progress. Tren meat and A:afoot every
Intm 01 detente, contracted ty Proraircuons Seen& tute.contre.
be self nun..,, or by der ear Excess. vat% at Vitra for their pie
vention. written In a lennharityle. avoiding all merlcal tech.
uresinies, ard eyery thing that would offend the ear of de
cency; PORI the melt 01 game twenty years succeed - al toms.
tact .crotu.tvely devoted to the care of Omani ol a defiant!,
ur prlifaln nature.
To whioli Is added, receipts fur the our t of the above disoas
es. arid a treatise on the canvas symptoms and curer of rite
Fever and Ague, fur twee - y lute cents a COPT six Mile. ono
dollar : wilt oe (orwartled to any part of the United orates, by
med,t te. o of portage. Address. postage paid. "0 0 1195, ('rut
otllors " or rho Author, IN North devout!! ls direct. l'ltil ll adeluhi , .
rpt. 1.51.1-4.
poi.l,Atts FORFEIT. DR. MINTER 1.V11.1..
U CO if lading to OQIO tiny °ascot secrot disease that
Orly coma !Intler lime care. co matter how long standing or
hill chug. Either ties are invited to hi. Private Rooms. EIS
['with Seventh &rem. Pich-delpiva, without tear of Inter up
wen from other ',noel's,. Swingers and oilmen who have ta,n
ultra , innate in the SoleCtiOn of r. Physician ate invited to call
IMP° Y.-.-Throngh unrestrained Indulgentse in the
pesalOnv. by excess sr nett' abuse, time evil. are 'tampions.—
Premature .mootency. involuntary seminal dmmlmnr en. wont
ing of the mesas. ion of memory, &distaste for female society,
general del. ity . or constitutional dertingorneat. nre lute to
titled It smeltery. cortsait the Doctorevllli confidence:
t.eofl yen perfect wife.
REM , AND RP-VIA:CT.—Thu °Meted wood do well to
011eCt before amuse their health. cairideoss. and in Men?
caws their lives, In the hands of pllyste.ano ignorant of this
class of contorting. It is certainly imeossible fo. one man to
underetnad all the ills the human family ire subject to. Ev
ery respectable physician has his pecut ar bunch. in which he
I. more soocessiti I then his brother professors. and to that he
devotes am t of his tone and stud,.
Y EA titi t iliP PRACTIS.E. exe'usieely devceed to the study
and tuat:Lent of diseases of tiara% organs. r with
Weer, Upon the body. throat. nose or lege, halos in the here.
or boom mime MI aotimatism. shictures, gravel. iheyula.i.
tier, dhows Arita' from youthful ego sin. or Impurities of
the iduuti, ratan try the has become en erbled,
I rite bc. the I. actor to (fa speedy rebel to all Who may place
theauelv,S under his CUM
filerhc:ne tor saute,' to any Gila of the United Stales,--Pries
rice ant Ten dollar. par paas t a
Sept. 2,
First Class hotel—Terms SISD Per Day.
he rubserther, having lately become proprietor
of the FRANKLIN HOUSE, Chesnut Street,
between 3d and 4w. PHILADELPHIA, and having
reduced the price of board to 8 l frO per day, gives
wince that. notwithstanding this reduction, lie, will
sti II continue to keep n FlitsT CLASS HOUSE.
The Franklin House has just undergone extended
alterations. and to now fitted up and finished in su
perior style fur the reception ul visitors. The Low•
er Floor. lormerly occupied by stores, us now inclu
ded in ilia Hotel, farming a spacious Reception
Room, Gentlemen's Parlor, and Dining Room. there•
by allowing an addition of thirty chambers and sev•
oral heautilid parlors, twitting on Chesnut st. The
Rooms of this Hotel are superior to most others,
being constructed with alcovilii, forming parlor and
bed-chamber attached, well slighted and ventilated.
The Miamian is unsurpassed, either for business or
pleasure. BEN. H. WOOLM A N. Prop'r.
Ph dadel ph in, J a ly 4G, 1852.
DADEA_Cd . I . liK111 ) A_)) /81.1&qa 9
1M Triltal anti Mlnutneluots CreItI'UTINGS. and
el calm M CANTON and t,OGOA MA'iTING I 3. ere.
Corner of Twelfth and Market St's. Philad'a.
Invite atieultint !hell exit:m.l%m essuitmeut of saner or now
s't les 01 emglish Velvet. '1 spelt,. y ltrut sill., nod HIM I tarmin I
atm Ven num eurtiettuea, of taco own I Inenit 0 , 1011. Alm to
it lame clock to well ventuaeil Float 01 lit
vviilthS, front ono to eight yards. ur rivet 01 . 1.0 1, * el , ICED
IN ,/ tin IN cmtpor,. o dow n manufacture enibrie.ii Ili
net variety of well made tooth. (-vet put in the market—all vf
which will be ulfaied on the moit luv otaliM Let uml.
Aim urt 27.
5,000 to 30,000 Acres Land Wanted.
EO b. CO to 80„ . 0.0 Acres o
Ummorovni Lund is Pennsylvania. nr Weinein Vim
whion Anll anti CITY rttOrlilliTY, or ramt-
DMZ, will be given in ton menu
Adereit, MI 11,k1ELL & win re.
783 i Lock !Mite!, Philadelphia.
Vent. 8.1852.-3 m.
Le-3 aW. r..EZ3 DUI
w()um, ruspeetfally tender his thanks to tho e e ho have
heretofore lavo,ed aim with a share or their custom,
and now Informs his friends end the public at large, that has
Bellows ale again ia blast, and that they can find him to that
o d, long established. and convenient shou on Second striae. ,
formetly occupied by David Litz, where
Wagons, Buggies.
Will be Ironed and finished oil in the best style and on the
shortest notice, and a'lothsr %yolk blongng to tha baslnets
will be done in the belLllllllllo/ and o n li r e most accoanincila.
use terms. Clearfield. Aug. 9r, teb9.
;me- etraay
riAME to the premises of the subscriber
abodt the Ist of Julie Ir-i. o drltitill
11111 k: LAM ti—withoht marks. The owner lo
- ro
goosted to coast forward. prove ProveitY. POP
chances sod • ko a away—othorwiss It will by dealt with es
this low directs.
Lawrence tnwnship, Aart. 39. TM
ahrmy °mann.
W riAME to the premises of the subscriber
11,..t0 4 , la in :Morris tow whin. on the Ifith ar or
!,•‘ :.*. Ansesu 18.13, .ot4ll YUKP: OF 1./sista:
P I One :s god mad while suotted—the
Tips 1.,' other is e red tqns—suopoted to bti Bor it
Yens old. The owner is reauesttd to cane'
forward. wave vinaetty, pas charges aria take them away — .
otherwise holy will be disposal of us Lao taw (filet:U.
Morris township. 1853.—pd.
100 Fox 'craps.
Fur/BAIE by the enbscriher, v,h3
give the HIGH
EBT CA LI F/11"'"` r-S ' Ot'FULLS no d LIEL
bbirl'is OK a INS.
Y .13/I.IIU . •
. .
.1) LACKSMITIi. Lothersblug.l'a , will attend to all bail
D 11.1411 la bile Ilad, and will also tarnish WAGONS, BUG.
tai ES, Sta.. yew °heap. and' mantilaetured in the pest style,
ao d warranted. ' • MY. 7. 18,St.—y„
VCR Sacramental and Aedicil t•tuposes;for, tale at the
411.* CHEAP CASH 13tote 9f
July lb. -n. MOESOP.
CIIIAIN PUMPS for solo bs
N., • . Jaw W. wALT:Acr. &1111.1.E\
TItf.MTFE.Ht hereby give nodule that they hanit,oqm•
11.• Motet/ With .1 '.- • • ••• • , • .
; fl7l CATLIN !Zit, !!
To aoatinne hi charge of 'the Academy' daring °visit reit'
Too Am PI) UR letplo Year is divide I Into (11.14 TED.I4
of 4 , 1 5 1k:,ti11 , ,, vVeXKIS, oath, and PIV.E.DA.Y3 °Menotti;
Itilt in each week, .
The neat lattor oonamenneontliOND,4*iurilt ,
attheiollowlng . •
- giate - s of Tuiticiiti
coniMor4 Ertatai BR/omits—including •
IterulintoWritm itj t burning, • Aelthment;
raphy Grammar and (I istory • • $llllO
ALL'lltGfll ft Eitttfiff3ll , llßANClllai—lnalte.. '
inn Latin Grammer SO 0 0
ChAt4:9I;AL oho IttAlliftatATlbAtt DEPART.' ' • • '
lIA, oCt ,
LiX}IIII3ISIN given In VOCAL ftlllBlb in wash,
all mar oartlerto without additional, charge. • . ,
WHE'airif .IILITiIItE. 4 aro Riven . intim older pupils ots
Histornmed other Interesting on hjans, without extra churl,
su c h onhu alder, pupils as ahem, regime on FRIDAY`
P. M. of rnah week in parent's h.:Moieties Composition tusd•
view Oueetions apontheir several studies. 'All others •attend ,
to their lawn 'P. M. studies.. • • • • ; :t
Tho LADligd DOPARIVEN'r is vitriol, sPpoitdo from
the oth consi st tho pnhose who riesire it. Twn or nano •
classes of both sexes. for the pantos° of, economy in
time ; bat It Is optional with the young • Ladle/ whither to
join such classes or not. ,•••
Tuition is chatted from thft Ante of the Scholars' ointment.
sting to the atom or the Term—dedautlon being madeta case
atnenrm corned by slaenets. nutwhen cv special agreement ,
is mode. in ottanuao. with the Ptinoionl.• .
MOR Al, RI) ANION hes bithrtto been the 'chief rellahOe're •
the Teachers in secunng.thorou eh dlsoioline—and it has beats:
ntlialeut. 4.torporeal punithmentlis admlatsteted °atria the
11104 obdurate ana.tatorrieible news.
The constant nitre of the Tonehen it to make the instructions
they impart ,as . rut. that or books. Practical, as evellins ;
Theorem:Al. 'it - .
The strictest attention le given to the Coattail., HabitssaA t
Mettle (Attie Pupils. while ander the charge of the Teachers.
BOARD can be Obtained at 4.etonnlue pri A ces.' • ;
eIIICI n IARIf W, President.
/ D, hrENALLY. Bean tety. JouoLVIE3II.•
Machine, PatteriChnd Blacksmith Shops,:
ColisseLopisi 'Pat.
rug fundenleaed 'would 'announce to the elllsees of
1. Clearfield.. and adjoining • counties, that he harouened acl
room or eCatitl street, in the borough or Clearfield, bear the
store of lorenard la Moore, whore lie intends k,eeoltutly
to he made rt he ben, sparetiat. and at pHtres that census felt
toplease.. The foi w fr comp° p_rt or iho stook on hands;
COOKING tcrovE.. fot either
Wood or Coal ,T HOT-ALlbhis Stove has probably the largest tote*.,,
d a ction or hay other 'funnel strees. It hat superseded Ili
nlm~stOCuTY County, the well known Hathaway Rod
ler stoves. It is easily andersteod, land the firms hells°
arranged that all can be cleaned warm's! any troabie.,l sle
peCtilier Corm and -ocinstrnotlon is such 'as to tender It Icy
most durable of stoves. ,OltirnerOes testimonials weird
he added. but It fi deemed On resessarr.•
I.)WILOVED PliEfdiU al WOKING RTOV,EB—at from IB, ;
to 420 • • •
PA 111.011. RTOVZS—for ether wood or coal. .1
SALAMANDER do a beantlful CM Stove: (1
fri CIE & TEN PLATE Etoses
MANTLE. GRATEA, with snwirner
and eapninr tioithel Gates I ruin IS to IN inches.
COMMON tlltn'llf,..N . all 07.91
tVA r, • OVEN MOUTLIS nal n ,
do. a:ALL RE.AM:3 Wittl l, N tl(iXE;el,3 EIG(1,01,E0
' Pt BM: ••.•031.1f.5. ()Alt ftINLIA fi.r Baru. OADSCIA.A.
pe:118, a new tqIEI.I.IIIIS. COHN .AND'
coil M 11.1.8, wartante I to grad 15 lint . Ears per hour .
ill,ACKOMPllll.llyEar.s.the best in ate; do, MAN.
together with the netts! v.riety or articles kept at round,,
Est abi II hments.
Also, Made to Order,
GRIST and SAW-5111.1, GEARlNG—having decidedly the
largest stoct. and beet variety . 01 patterns col any Wabash.
meat in wegt.rte nasYlvania : MILL DOGS. ISRAIrr.
I NG—large and einah.of cast or wrought
iron. (lAfIGSBN.
DRUMS end PU1..1.1E.5; Rose and other approved Water.
lot Div -plea Stwc WuOD BORING NI nuiliNg3.
Constantly on hand and for 'salt:),
- -
Any sized screw, with any &sired number of threads to
the Inch, either rq nre or V I Ivenul.
Brass, Copper, and 'Sehnert's Metal Cstings reeds c order .
ti Y.L1123
Mara 4. 185.3.-17
To Mill Owners.
andersigned has appointe I L. IL CARTER, of
C:cartiekl, Ida agent foe the eels of Castings, who will
receive bills tot ad kinds of Mill (karma. and inner matatint
ry. remits desirous to contract will do well to call and er
unlike the catalogue or Patte rn*. aid specimens a the work.
before making encasements elsewhere. Cristrnas Wilt bed,.
livered, V desired. at Clearfield, and warranted .o be candeef,
good material, land mrt workmanlike manner,' WV
ma in running order Five. :Superior bathes, and °Varian
chinsry in the nine pupation einploylog none but the beet
workmen, mina the very best Pia Iron and Coal, with Many
other advantages. he fluters himself that hi. work will bedews
as well as in the beat city ahoy., ans no the shortest 110110111.
For particulars. call on Mr. CARTER, Agent.
March 4. D152.—1y
OLEA ft1:1 V,LD, PA
n 'subscriber most resi.scifitily informs the °Weems of
eleatfiela county end the travelling public generally.
that he has taken the above named HOTEL. situated nn the
cornet of Front and Merkel strtett, in the borough of Cient
o Id, where lie will at ell lima be ormated to accommodates
those wbo may tacos him with their eastern. No pains will
be &enrol by the uroorietin to make his customers comfoitables
tiroand hie house n 110611; to those who may stop with him.
STAIII.t will be cereitilly attended te—and his TA.-
HU; and BAN supplied with .he be Wb at the
J. mark l et will elr s ird.
l. ilk,
Auclin 11. 1867
Saw-Mill and 200 Acres of Land
ke t r o ib .. es ti s ic iff y. e i r ti f i or r t v A t. l ) l,f it.. ?; 4 l2g their gil t ;
TIMOEII I.nt.D, situated Itt Penu towes'iri. Clealfleld
variety. This prunetty p manias many advantages as a L.urnt
berme establishment. Lein; situated on the stream known es
Sig Ron about 2 rot es Item the river. and In the midtt of
an extensive timber region.
The proned" will mirtaisily be Bold or Rented. The Lerma
will be favorable. anti rossession given immediate!".
tir rot further pa i feu Jars omits either to • II u;b Leavy, at
Clearfield. or to Clark and Dolly. on the Graropiaabills. neat
the Pro; rate
Jona lgb
(0)1iio MfiEnorralil IPolnlint,
SOO BARRE:Ls 011.. oleo 76 mate
11,500 h ALL( nem Ito do
Is of V 111,01.11 Price 76 eta. pet gal!o2.
11AliStE.6 BOILED PAINT 011.. du du do
fakir NALIA)NS Do d.)
iu calks of colic @flan Do do do
130) BARItEI.S TANNERS.' OIL, VariOus Wadi 5241
fon) 6, to OU per anthill.
1100 A fry )NS In rash' sit varion t sixes. Various kinds and
qualities. 'rave :15 to i U e ...t. p e r ge ile,e.
60 TONS TALLow tatFArIL, lot Heavy Jainism*, and
COll6O Muvhlac, barrel. in Cn.Kt, Of 0137 conalstally
'ay required. Price 6 coots per pound.
1...1) I
oweONS 110 F.M., PAINT. in n.agols, at the
lst m ol a , ket mice •
61ACIIINEKY 011., warrant it not to Chill coldig
wl3 eather, and considered lip those using it equal to clip rm
11141 A) I'A.I3T tnitlai to Lineeed .01. r (ban
for white.
am coas'atilly receiving large :unpile' of the above Beata!:
ankles, and my' motto t., •'dtnall proOts and moult retards".
Li F. PUNI.).
60 Water Street. (under the Piaci it 11.•ute)
New Vela. Jude —Om". New. York Cdr.
it£s3{l. , :ti)(B3
CENTS of txperien to wanted overate for the PAN
A 1:11'.:t' nod 11111:.011 4.0411.3b5' MI/TUAL.IIEALiT II
Atith.CIATION ti A11110:511 LIG. Pa., to whoa
encouragement will bs Overt. App ! at the , Umoo. NOV
South Sectoul Street—or addles (paid paid)
.1 F. BALOII. President.
llanisbutg. Aug. 16, 1552.
Why Monet You Insure?
1. will conunuo to make insurance agaiust.l4.flink:i
FIRE, on bidldles' and other property, at as low a retells
any responsible company non.
If Ips‘ci occur tory are promptly paid, and no more thin It
accetsary to mike coed the actual losses sustained. isoolkoted
at any time. Persons t Uteadield couety,, desirous.
ail:swing their property can hare the same attes ted tO by
addresslng tho se incriberet letterspunt pa id.
August 27, J ttHN CUTTLE; A'rdit
Estate , of J. L. flouter, deceased.
GlI/I;f4. tn.t tee tludke unifier
eeeete ditlp/rEtt, doeoMed. have lava platete
tp m) rands by the Administiotor, George !luau, l or
ice ion nod le , tieraoM. , Persons indebted will do weUldat•
tend without deity at my Wilde to Clearfield.
!mama V.. 181 d. BIrEPTALLYL
rIN IRE CaPartogqibio heretoro attvitotnilliiLitito -
l 'its'tl.g..wTsd'dnlf3aarve:l 4 l)l"; i lnulliao:nbteultiga j itZial*
July lost-1.4 N.llort heolog withdraws from thq hatpins.
rho soomnito or the rite 177 he Acadia br r.. 0) t.
who w ill °oath::to tho but fawn at the ollt stitsal o,lstelative.
• JOHN r
Porgntnn inwnthln. Ang.lT. . ..
tiwt;t ! ,t ttyln now 113 cumaulacituail at StrglAnnrttle
Ll Citulou (*may, P. eur tea "
Papt.; 8, last'
.. ,, LOLA. MO . S
Moot . dull. onzot...
.1157 4
FA.GOII3 8110111 4 . laseitalially
hint he hasjoemineneed, {he ahoy Douses'
VIEW) BRIOGG; in I.llw now betel ciocanild 17/igna
nema where he w amafee•
()° u' l N Os t e we l tl4° ? re rk aiurei me oder Os
tuts illitYl end RONAL al
the shottest notiee. nod in the very hart plalykel j .i • ,;4t.
Give 15L10111' Y a call. Jane Mai
qtho moErr APPROVED STYLE. at tin, tow pnoo or
from $l5 to •25, Ton Plato for U.
uota:l4 Bop U. L. It, VASTER, Agent.
—very cheap