Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 03, 1852, Image 1

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-(11;„ t latiaittligea OF,Lift 1
irxeirt thei?enusyLvtinia. Inquirer. we take
theafollxrethagisuggestiyo articles)! . • ,
We have often:Monett/in 'ettifilning
ealMty•andearefully into theVritiantlphaSes
of•ltdritttrertieteneet,in annlynirig the bills
of niortitlityytthdftenqiatinitlielehtingei
and'elittnees: that itetituitt the i fbitiines , of'
the rich and 1 4hdf iitior;:the'tirond 'and •the
hainiblei 'that 'denpitii!the'ibroad oontrnSis
that'a'prietiti on the ehrthee`of thingt—des=
pia the 'fact , diet. Mali+ i neentlitniserable;
ada tlid fed 'happy , e,tiinfrttrativoly' speak
ingi/thelehjoYttientwotthia 'world'are nice
ly balanced, more wiselY ' tmliAlaitably
diVideili than ,the istitierActiti'ayes'are apt
totirtitigirie:;"- ,We now speak) inn, general
sorisb;:tuid:iithiWitbreferdnce to individual
cliseY. ,l :Thel-tottsition, toe; )tts . 'l t seems to
UttillSrttilitkitili • Why Shbuld the feiv bo
faVettectati the expense the many 91 Why
sheaf& tylittialful of human' beings be - sew
lect!liiPtibt(tts'the'-recipierits of the high fa
vbili Cf aiiimet, of health au d'•Of happiness,
tdtheihegleet Of theinillionsic:VVhy should
the rich by inheritance, er:lby some sud
den turn of prosperity be eminently con
tented intittral, and oteinpt from the ordi
nttry Cdres . to o trhich•fiesh is heir, and the
multituileortnally upright, Intelligent and
virtuous; boa Wected to every species of
Aguish?' It is not so. SuCh
a la*: Oh di conflict with. the bonificent
principles •of the 'Author Of 'our being, and
Rider of the' WUrld. It 'would chill the
0 heart of philtutthrooy, •and deaden the in.'
e celltives to virtue. It would discourage'
tilitOciVer'dfl hinikind, and retard the on-
ward Inarelvtif humanity, But, we repeat,
it in net do:- Itrhe enjoyments of life 'are"
nicely distribbted and wisely balanced.— I
However •desirable wealth •rnay:be, how-1
ever power and place may be converted—l
it by' no' means follows that either is inev
itablyassociated with hhppiness. And as-1
suredlY 'not ; when the moans of attain
rhent have been tortuous, unfair, unmanly'
or dishonest. :
•••Wtr ami arrioni.:those 'who believe that
while virtue -has itslown reward, vice is
sure to be accompanied or followed by an,
adequate 4ptininhtnent. And thus, we hold '
the, dectriee' that, 'however dizzy 'the ele-
Vation,•or heWciier-Crcesus-like the wealth, ,
there cannot bo ease of mind, calm of spirit
and .. repose Orttaiseience, if fraud and
treachery and crime •have formed ~t he
rungs of the ladder," through which the
elevation has been attained. Nay, in the
very supposed hour of enjoyment and tri
mei; %come• unseen, some unexpected ca
ramtty-iwill be sure to track the footsteps
or the Itiiitlitious and the avaricious. ,Sick
neSS 'Will' come with its debilitating,. and
paralyzing influence, the loved 'ones of ihe
soul ,will: be borne away in, the, arms of
death; tt sudden expose Will' &liken: and
overnhadOW reputation, 'and -thus life,' al
though, apparently golden arid glittering,
will be hollowvimpty and lain-:: On the
other halrld;:the'thoderate in circumstances,
but the pure in heart, the individual who,
is of a cheerNl:rind contented spirit, who!
is in the- fullienjoymdnt, of health, and of
all his faculties, who is,regular in his hab
its, aral.iinireet Wills sobialdiseipline, who
has no gnawing.adder 'otletnorse eating
tiway his conserene,e, deep
and traiiqnil, and ' whbia .waking :moments
are free from :selfreprottelisurely such
a person, and there are thousands and tens
of thousands 'of' such in 'all t h e walks ofl
humble' life; is, comparatively • Elect/ king a '
happy and an envied being. lie appreci'
Wes his fioi3ition, is grateful for. the bless.
ings he enjoys, and while prompted by a
laudible desire toattain.anindependerikpo
sitiorr;ittedock •not fret his - soul awaT in
bitter jealousy at the success of others, and
would' • not: , for ' the mines of, Golconda;
wrot-d 'aliftlendii•malig,nt,,nlnbighbor, de•
fraud a fellow creature, or darken his
tnetridry(initill,tirria to conic, by ihnperpe
tratierktfltny Illaseer untivrthy . tret..
True, he - may live for, years, and only
live. ; Ie .mit''''find it'dfilicult to save any
thiV for: ii - ,i aiy' f, rir i ld at tinacp, for
i r
• ~, .p,. • .•,. f • e may ..) 0 •..
such' is the It ot;" e iav lis
4.49,.liatt.)gr9p,tations, his linxidttes ;Mil
'hip Align: ,13tit,siyith Et, due reliiipCe:upon
spiriitia*rt iirol i 'ridnee, Witt; a donseit
altuti i bithii trot 'right Withia—With
th? l . 40,1 ate l graalikihat .if - file' Ohlt , e ,
'ehoul efaini! hia!,i6.!rnof?ow, he 'w(iuld
pols?,„friri4f: itli,e'Ut ti ,dark. upeit'. his
'clutraeteyt,,:a, Oiliettial 'Siinihili e . flirty . l 3
';ioi4tedipto:sr around , ' his Unit,' i 6 ethertat
ivi rd - 'd u "d* lid' to rob even
it far
l an , spirit, n, ,
cal grits 'froivn.l lt,is',thtis; we' contend,
Ilia l itiu.liiiiieli'',and niertgant4 ef life are
.laiegY iina r vJieetY atiiiitCW:' On the, oth
er hand, hew many temptations in' 4 We.alth
stAiiiflftfAtig• (t4ls3vhkOh,nOverlyjp eMernpt;
temptatioNt /Ma 4,1 thousand forms, and
, whle,‘ be 011o.ent ihemselve,q do) not : deal-,
izuatktil•tuociskte4,,r.rbgroli no greater ceprikei
ri44li4)Warld them; idleness---there, is s , no
.moreimisprillAVAguaAhnu 44 itilor,,,i , THe ke
either,' o itOnithelmietiomf bud hohite, or, tho
!prey gisoorbititfOcie s4 ' 'the , hnztgiuution 1
, it!)qulck is r alt 00N ltekeeemes miserable,
no bolfenrcely, 45 noVe Likity, 21 The!subjeet
is ,& frightful one; mad .enpable pf many il
lustrations. The true philosophy is toot);
rhecitttu‘tuaenj9y.the comforts we possess,
e blessings thnt are: VeUeltOtifed to us, tkad
,net,, ttv wander after forbidden fruits,, covet
• . our neighbors' property, ,or•aspire ; beyond
' ..._.1.. .1 :i.f... liv. , :-. i -0; Awl
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. . •
Volume 3,
reasonable bounds:.'lf we look arounpls,
we will.find that thato are others far less
favorable clicurnsinnCed than ourselyes,
and who yet, are,cheerful, contented 'and
grateful. There are certain laws which
piern human society, either of which, if
yiolated constantly and habitually, will be'.
attended' with bitter 'consequences. This
illlshould remember - when examining their '
evin 'cases, and comphthiineof their mis.
fortunes. Thus, he who is 'habitually
treaCherous or false, cahoot lOok for conli.
denge and respect on the part of his friends'
and'associates. And thus again, he who
is idle and dissolute, will be
,sure sooner
or later, to pay . the adequate penalties.—
And so too be:who is careless and neglect.
ful, may,look for ea relessness and neglect,
with regard to pis family, his 'friends, „his
husines and • his fortune. ESch, should
act according to, his position,. his•sneans
and his responsibilities, and with reference,
not only to self and to time, hut to society,
and a higher,, holier and happier condition'
in the life to cOme. , ,
"Act wellyOur part,
There oil tho honor lien."
We quoted, says the New York Organ,
some time ago from a correspondent of
the Newark ..Daily Advertiser, an inter
esting account of Gem Washington, while
he was with the army ',Le Morristown, N. .1.
The Spine writer flirnishesithe following
respecting Mrs. Washington, which he ob
tained from an old family in Whippany,
N: J., 'twined Vail. Mrs. Vail's first hus
band's mother,. Mrs. Tuttle, was a sensi
ble and agreeable woman . , whose company
was much sought, even by those who, ow
ing tO their wealth, moved in moro fashion
ahle circles. Ainong other frequent visit
ova. was Mrs. Troupe, the lady of a half
pay captain in the British navy. She is
described as a lady of 'affable manners
and: of intelligence, !Arid much esteemed... 4
Ono day shayisited Mrs Tuttle, and the
usual compliments were hardly passed,
before she, said,;
"Well, what do you think, Mrs. T.; I
I ham been to see Lady Washington !" .
"Have you indeed 1 Then toll . me all
abont . how you found her ladyship, hoW
she appeared, and what she said."
"Well, I will honestly tell yea," an
swered Mrs. Troupe. "I never was so
ashamed in all my life. You see Mad
ura aud Madam - 7 ---, and ,I‘,(ladarn
Budd,. and myself, thought we would visit
Lady ,Washington, and as she was said ,to
be so grand a lady, we thOug,ht we must
put on our best bibs and bands. So we
dressed ourselves in our most elegant rut . -
(lots and silks, mad (Were. introduced to her
ladyship. .And daiet .you think we found
her knitting with a speckled (e/leek) apron
on .:'She received us graciously and easi,
ly, but eller the compliments were over,
she resumed her knitting. There we were,
without a stich of work, and sitting in
state, hut_ General .Washington's lady,
with her own hands, was knitting stock
.! legs for herself and dear, husband!
"And that was not all. In the afternoon
her ladyship 'took. occasion to say, in
way that we could not be offended, that at
that time. it was very important that Am
orican.ladies should be patterns of indus
try to their countrywomen, because the
separation from the mother country will
dry up'the,sourccia'-whence many of our
comforth aria 'reeelied: Wo must beehtne
independent bY"tiu'r determination to do
'without What we cannot make ourselves.
Whilst ohr husbands and:brothers are ex
,c3r,p4triotisrn, we must be patterns
or tnanstry !"
According to Mrs. Troupe's story Mrs.
WrisliingtOn gave to hPr visitors some ex
cellent advice; the Meanwhile adding forte
to her word's' by'actiens, arid withal, in
such a way that 'they could Leot take of
,fenee'.. In this trio ptiit,r6dliei•sell more
worthy to eccupy poSttiOn
than shecciald have dondliy all the grace
-1111 nr d'tlPgatit accdniplishmentif Which ate
Otto fOUnd'inprineesses and queens.
the.' felation4 she'o'ccupled; her knittidg
'Work and Check apron - Were qtleanly arm.
nnentl; 'and 'we'inny . be -ptond to know alai
such a woman as Martha Washingtort'se
achnirable.„examplp ,to her egintry
Apuirio' ,Fouritotans.—,-Our sCluptprs
'thObt dig'theli• marine from Pontinemarsh
ds,; our pnets roust be judged by tlf9 .
'iAtitid[trd ; our t
tiittkabdd 'grant mg r: like Carlyle; or inch
fac.titious'nails with tin grgitrridntaf sledge.
hitnrinier, like IVlnettulby ; -obrititiyers
"trat St ; clips, tsoth! nails, to tri gty 'old
continon:lnw, striving;, eve4 - iind
:tindn'',.to 'put 'firs into boneS•drier than l eVeitt
th6sb' 'of `Etiekiei's gS a
nation, wo must rentaiii'doniinnally iit lea.
dindPatringB,l swayed: by such grotesque
tmdidone,and dogmAS,,that AA, intelligent
, foreigner might :be led. to , deom, uo feted ,
*ith ascirt kihgn:eVil, only .to belcured
by the,iinpoiition of roydt•hatisls. .
(k 'T la., is the p ace for
"anxious mothers" to migrate,to. Within
six months 6f3V9 married ladies o ut there
ligsre,gdded-seventeen to tho popultitionl,
ectrWhen the winds of applause bldyir
strong, then steer with a steady hand.
.•. ,
I .t
Clearfield, Pa., l Beinember 3, 1852.
TRH DARK uoun: ' '
BY- HEY. 11. HASTINGS. Walt..
'A woman, still in die bloom of youth,
sataloneinan - huiablit'apartmont. Alone=
end yet•notralone ; for although theio Avore
none tvith , whom 'she could exchange .a,
thought,,the basket cradle at her foot shel
tered a little being which made Mary Ir
wine feel, that whatever the world might
think, still she was not alone. Nor was
she companionlese' what mother is 7
To the stranger and indifferent, the infant
may seem, if not a cipher, a trouble, and
a wearisome, charge. But she whose own
bloo&flows in its veins, never forgets, and
never wearies.
We have .said Mary was still in the bloom
of,youth.. •Put ,the,blessom was sadly fa-.
ded. • Care, suffering, want, had blanched
the rose on her cheeks. A few days be
fore, you might Italie discerned feverish
anxiety there, but now; all that had pass
ed,. .Tie expression .of her face. was
thoughtfi4 but still it snake rest. She
had drank of i the cup of l bitterness to its
very dregS';' inn . He whb hears the sorrow.
ful sighing, 'oldie. wretched, 'had comfort
ed her. The crisis hnd passed, and she
felt that natural composure . Which steals
on the soul, when all isdene i and all is suf
fered—the rest with which Heaven rewards
the patient and the dutiful..
Iler story . Was not a 'remarkable one, it
by remarkt.ble We mean to say unusual.
The appearance of the house indicated'
something or it,; for we imagine that there'
is always a significance in the aspect of a
dwelling which one of the late inmates had
just left, to go' to the "narrow house."—
Mary's husband had been consigned to the
grave. Ihe neighbors and friends who
had aided in the melancholy bustle of the
last offices, had returned to their homes,
and Mary sat with her babe in the silent
The husband whom she had buried out
or her sight was her choice,—her wilful
elpiio, made in spite" of the remonstrances,
tIM oh jectiens, and forebodings of her rela
tives.. For a short time after her union,
it seemed as if his life and prosperity were
to prove her triumphant answer to their
objections. All was sunny, cheerful, prom
ising. And the very friends who had
warned rind expostulated with her, were
willing to believe that they had been IA row?,
and Mary right; and that affection had t
not unerringly pointed out to her, excel
lencies of character which they had not
perceived. As if willing to atone for past
enmity by warm friendship, they crowded
advantages and facilities upon him, and
liberally opened the way •to wealth. For
a time, all succeeded that ho undertook,
and no young man in tho city seemed
more certainly assured ofeompetence than
he. And Mary, how happy she was ! We
can pardon her short period of exultation,,
fer site bitterly suffered for it.
Some men cannot bear prosperity ; and
henry Irvine was one of these. Give
them discouragements to meet, and uupro.
pitieus circumstances to combat, mad they
hew their way with a silent pride and res
olute perseverarice which 'conquers all ob
stacles. But let the sun shine on them,
then pride soon finds outrageous utterance
and their resolution degenerates into opin
ionated obstinacy. They take pleasure in
contemning, good ad vice,and will do wilful
ly wrong, and against their own convic
tion, to mark their indepenildnee. Henry
Irwine took early occasion to retaliate up
on his Wife's friends for what he affected
to regard its their unwarranta6leopposition.
Ho accused them, while they were in no
snit:di - degree the authors of his 'prosperity,
as being drawn t 6 !din fly it ; aridltitima
tedthat'Selfishness was the origin of their
former enmity: ' • •
May was a trite'Wite. She saw the in
justice other hneband,anCdeelined to ac
knOndedge it, evett,te' hers'elt. 'At' length,
, the coolness becartle.mcire and' more
hig;iintillt resulted in'irreparable estrange
rnent 'between Irwine.and:the friends of his
wife. „He:gloried in what. he considered a
eernplete„ p i nd enderivered to persuadc,him.
self was rightedus revenge.. He ,made
hie tartlet; opponents suitors for his friend.
•ship, and proudly spurned their'. Such
was his:impression: Theirs was that they
had overloolied,,thc disagreeable character
of their faverite'e husband, and striven • to
hefriend him; ; but that, true to his, natur
l'AStinets; be 'had refused. Neither'
'TiartYives entireiy r right.' , Whennthe breach
!becerne firmly .Ma'iTlrivine deserted father:
andrmother,'Anti kin.dre,d,, for. her husband,
I:and ; identified
,herself w,ith
• him, so far as
lingering, first, affections would permit.—
But,'lr her Yearned "ciVer' the' dent
kat-Moods of her,„yputh,, she : never,suffor
ed ,hen comlact to,betray,whwt she aecoan.
led a weakeossil lAA el.Png,l4: het; itti!;bAnd.
matittestfpf,a!Te9lieP,:w.4io doom-.
ed a better return than she received.., .
; PetwOrvFinel as ye ;have ' . said, could
cito tbeag;presperity.• A "ere; reason hard
ly .acltoowledged to hiinsegovliy. he dis
liked his wife's connections, was keens°
Ijoy, perceived his dangers, and ventured .
mo o, him.,His sensitive pride took,cap
lion m
ndhe gloried , in moelung
proof, by persisting in. indiscretion. The
0 .1
end_ of such a course is easily' lirOphosied;
He fell among thieves; and for the wounds
of friends exchanged the selfish flattery of
knaves.• Plucked of :money, and bank
rupt in credit and character, he•awaked at
last to find himself a ruined man; with a
meek ; 'uncomplaning wife dependent on
him, and feeling twit() •as keenly' ns ho
did, all his ruin and degradation. The
temptation which has ruined many ; canio
in to complete his destruction. He sought
oblivien of his degradation in the:wine-cup,
and there lost the last redeeming trace or
hope of, manhood. It is a fearful fall,
when the appetites triumph, and the reas
on is dethroned; when the man wakes
ofily to misery, and rushes back tolnebri
ation again, in the vain hope to forget him
: self. • '
A lower depth still remained ; and lion
ry Irwine, found even that. His jaundiced
thoughts dared to suspect her who, for
love of him, had surrendered friends,home,
happiness, hope. Because she did,not, and
could not rail against her own, as lie did ;
because she was mtek, and quiet, and un
complaining, he quarrelled with her also.
He charged that she hated him, and re
gretted that het fate was coupled with his.
The last she could not deny ; the first he
saw in his Awn heart, and judged that it
nzust be in hers also. It is their own fan
cied concealed reflection in die good, that
the wicked hate.
And he dared, moreover to accuse his
wife ds the cause of all his misfortunes.—;
Ho said she triumphed in them I Can we
wonder that she did not say that:she did
not 7 It might have been 'dint she thought
such a charge too wickedly preposterous
to answer ; or, it might have been that
she was wearied into hate at last, and not
displeaSed to find that there' was one mode
in which she . could inflict pain on one who
had heaped so many wrongs on her. Mary
was drawing near her DAnts Iloun.
There is in most, if not all, careers, a
moment—the crisis of life ; an hour upon
which all the future hangs. That crisis
came to Mary Irwine.
Her house, derobed of many comforts,
was not yet quite d.solute. She clung,
while a glimmer cif hope remained, to her,
faith in her husband. She believed that
all who knew him did not knoW his degra
dation. She thought that she had Conceal
ed it from many ; and, fond simpleton !
imagined that men did not see through the ,
hollowneSs of her smile when she studio of
her husbind
It was night and late. There were voi
ces, and a rude knock at the door. She
opened it, and her own brother entered,'
preceding the pobc"men, in whose custody
he had found the inebriate husband. She
looked, and comprehended aIL They laid
the senseless man on a sofa'; and the stran
ger lea the house.
"Put on your bonnet, Mary," said her
brother, and mine home with me."
Mary cast an eye on the wreck of her
love and hope. Loathing thowdits rose
within her ; she' made one step as if to
comply ; for escape was now first in her
thoughts, and she felt that she had borne
all that human nature could endure. The
child disturbed in its sleep recalled her to
the thought how hopeless was eitapo
the babe smiled, and in the smile she saw
the sunshine of other .days: Bowing over
the cradle,:she sobbed out of her heart all
its stern resolves. ;
. .
"Come 1" said her brother,
"But, my child I"
"We will send for it," said the brother,
but perceiving a strange' 'look, almost in
dignant, through her tears. "We will take
it with us," he said. Bathe first curelessl
expression had turned the scale, She
Made no answer, until, after waiting a mo
ment silence, her brother said,and now
more sharply, "Gone. !"
"Wait till to-morrow."
" flow, or 24eVeT
Sho made no reply but beading, over
her infarit soothed it again to sleep. She
wairtrred.; thoughtiparleved ; and was ions.
ed, at' last; from a half 'dream by the noise
of a closing door. Sh' rose ,suddenly,aud
gazed wildly aiiput her._ Her brother had
gane,;—her dark hour liad gassed; for, the
temptation' Was - witlid raWn.''' Did she do
right? Mark .tlie , sequel, and then answer.
. .
.IX my Irwino awoke, to consciousness
i 4 a burning fever. It 'We's net merely thdt
'Which Irvin riahl y folloWs . debauch,' nor was
is; that terrific delirium consequefit • iipon
long indulgence in intoxication,for his fall
had been rapid, and the tirpe of his error
short. But disappointmert;'excess, and ex.
Pointe, lutenirulti shoit spWco, a
perfect •Iredltl. , He-obeyed Ihercguiddnce
likoti child; and she conducted him to his
botb.and, then:, despalFhod , the, ; following .
pote to, an old •
tlfarY 'hopes that 'a mOng . all the
friends of her better days, there is On s o left
who will comelo her itylier extreritity- with
vo impossible•deindnds; and that she :shall'
find that ono friepd in Dr. Ralph."
The physician, a benevolent Old gentle.
map, was with her . even . before 'her mos•
senger returned.' He listened kindly ; and
if a .thought • of incredulity arose in his
'TO! 10 ' i:-It1:10-1ii4Lttloi ' • I
. .
mind, he and followed •the
wife,..with .kind words, as an; equal, and
Was a tron, to the bed-side of her hus
band. For a Moment: he stood' regarding!
the.sad picture; then, gently taking the
debauchee's hand, proceeded mechanical
ly to 'count his pulse.
"Oh, Doctor 1'! cried the sufferer turn:
ing away, "thisis the cruelty of ltindneis!"
A.dark shade game over his face. "No P!
he shouted in a husky voice,"it is the keen
ness if insult I" He rose to spring forward;
but his face became deadly pale, and he
sank exhausted and' powerless.
The Doctor sighed and, turned away.—
He sat down and pencilled a, prescription,
and said, "I will call again.
"Will you, indeed !" said . Mary, : hell
face brightening up.
"Poor child !" said the old gentleman.
"You are pleased to find that I admit that
soft pthing ails him beside intemperance.
.trang'e—strang,e—but very natural." -
L And lie hurried out.
From the N. Y. Truth 'hemmer. A ug4l.
TuL PRESlDENCY.—ttlfroris of a pecul•
iarly mean, insidious and unscrupulous
character are being made by agents 10' the
whig party to catch Irish votes for the Whig
candidate for the presidency. The deep
and well-grounded antipathy of Irishmen
to the English government is made. use of,
and they are asked to vote. for Scott,, be
cause, as is alleged, he carries "British
lean" about some portion of his body.—
The sacred name of religion is also used,
and Irishmen are lislied to vote for Scott
because a daughter of his has had the
grace to become a Cntholie. We allude
to these despicable efforts and the silly ar
guments by .which they aro sustained, be
cause WC conceive that the parties who use
them insult the understandings of Irishmen
and Catholics in the United States.' We
do not deny—no one can—to Gen, Scott
the merit of being a good soldier, but it
may be worth while to inqilire on what
occasion he received this dose of,"Britisb
lead" about which so much is said, It
waa'q One of the battles of the war of 1812
-,-La war declared and carried on by a dem
ocratic administration . ; and opposed in its
'inception and its progress by that whig
party of which Gen. Scott is now tho stan
dard-bearer. Had that whig party in pow
er in 1812 no war would have been de
clared in England, Scott would have won
no laurels, and the United States would
have been humiliated and disgraced. Dur
ing the war Scott, then a Junior officer,
obeyed the orders which he received from
his superiors, and fought gallantly ; but to
the party which originated the war is .due
the thanks of all true Americans and of
emery enemy of English, insolence. No
mutter what Scott's persenal merits,
he is noiv, and would be', if by accident he
should be elected, a tool in the hands',of
that party which; on every occasion since
the foundation oldie government, has lent
itself to the designs of t! - .e British govern
ment—that party with whom originated
the alien and sedition laWs of Sohn Adams
and whose most prominent leaders, even
of the present day, are tainted with the
spirit of native-Americanism—that party
who opposed every proposition for'llie ex
tension, by purchase or negotiation. of the
limits of the republic, by which from year
to year new fields haVe been Opened in the
West and South for
. the labor of our bo
pressed country meti=that party who have
commissioned Abbot Lawrence tin' the
Court of St. James, to beslavcr, with his
praise the tyrant aristocracy of Engkind,
and" who, within the lust two years,, haVo
signalized , their rule by the betrayal l .Oftlie
republie t h of Central A ioncriO'' 91,4qm : inapt
slavish Submission to Englisii tiggressfoy.
Out'With the cant of "British lead,' 4
oppose Gen.' Scott because 110 1 17,1 he tool
of a party whose sympathies' li,recr
and whose policy has irivarinblY tended to
invite British aggression. , i
With•reference to the religious cry
Simply ask by wheM it lop .
roise.dl 13y,tijo unOinted,giu s trtlien,s oftre
Catholic religiOrk in' the''llll
No t py*Zealous . adherents oreven tOn
- 'VEIT I DBE NOTICED. I professors or that faith 1. !NO 'such thiog, ;
but by Meri Who . belong to I
have 'notice'd that nit men speak well
porsuas:ons, and who, ifthey lit?.Enneere,
of till men's virtues" ‘vhcif they are dead,
can have no sympathy tli'e i Ontholz
'and Abet taintistine4 'nreall marked with
Es ' religibri.' It is not, theif,,,a Tor the
the epitaph's' of "geed and
where the bad 1 1 catholic religion which actuatci i theSti
therettny particular' cemet r yt.•, , t es, but desire to make political capital
Men hd.biirleet •.
Gout of the religious feelings o f Irishmen,
I Have noticed that the prayer Of every . . in
attempt. is not more reprenettsibte in
selfish tiln is "forgive us our debts,"'butl time parties who 'Make. it Vial) 'it would be
makes every body pay' who owes hi& to — s , , .•
glace u in any Irishman to allow men
theUtnoSt forthin.. • !Self fo a moment to be influenced be such
l'' have he whe thinks every '
•• .•
Anworth y appeals. , Apia matters it to
man Ck_ xegne,, is certain to see. ono when! air Catholic %what religion
he shaves, himself, and; he ought, in, mercy
I Sco y
tt's'dadgliter PrOfeSseS7 , %Valet Matters
rascal to r
to. his neighbors, surrender e a
..„I it even what religion Scow himself'
.. • • prefess? Hera, in this "free hindrthefels
• I have noticedthat,,money. t
• he ' ' 6° ' -'6 'l no State church, but all creeds iiretiy
,wisdom, the knave's., reputation, the wise orre„ 7
n piacce on unequal
tnan',S ambition, and, the idol of all.
is i Ifooting before' the State. To introlue,O,
have, noticed that merit
"Y s therefure, th O question 'Of religion int o time
in ' ll9 ‘vqTl4 success. Inrona"Of party polities is 'uncallelfUr,,is
I have noticed that where newspapers ; i,46ka..., The Mari Who 'does so, is no{ the
are taken by ere al
fr!enif 'reliiiion; ner iif the pent..e arid
,ways trite Iligent. *1 :;. •, hrinPinesS of trio UnittidStaie:'' In I ritd
have noticed that where a person i •,!"
'• • tIIO CIAO would be (laden, for there tin
makes justice his ruling, motto, row ard is i government 1.4 . the enemy of ilip . peoplo's
certain. : , I religien ; herd ',it 'is notSoHnever cite lit;
Henry lay some hours. weak but con
scious. Faithfully, but painfully . did his
wife, attend upon him for while the ne
cessity of attention and promptings of her
heart called her to his side, she grieved to
see that the sightof her face disturbed him;
disturbed him almost to distraction. And
who can wonder 1
It was a long, lona day. And dav pass
ed into evening, and evening into midnight,
before the care of her husband and her
child suffered her to test. Exhausted na
ture claimed her due, and Mary dreamed.
She was back in the joy of other years—
yet over that joy there seemed a sadness.
People were decrying him to her, mid she
was zealously defending him ns she had
often done, And while she dreamed she
thought his pleasant voice spake in her ear
"Mary !" Again she spake,and now she
sprang up and went to his b edside.
"Can you tbrgive me l"
"Forgive you, ckarest . 1 " She did not
knov whether she was asleep or awake—
whether he spoke in fact and deed or
whether the voice were a dream voice.--;
So, for want of further words, she placed
her cheek to his..
'God bless you, Mary ! /Vow I can rest.'
Ile fell asleep. .But the shock his health
had received was, not to be retrieved,
so easy as by one night's rest. On the
morrow he was both better and worse, for
there was less strength.
And so %tore day after day. We need
not relate how with sure progress, but slow
death mastered his victim; for Ilenry
wino's days were numbered. - And we need
not describe how the young wile hovered
over his couch, and his weary life was
closed in forgiveness and peace. Brothers
and friends she lacked none now ; forlle
who calls us hence by death, has surroun
ded its approach with circumstances which
remove enmities and disarm hate. He pass
ed away quietly, and his last illness left a
gentle memory of him in men's hearts.
There was a sound of wheels at the door.
"Now, daughter," said her mother, ns she
entered, "we have come for you as we
promised. Come home again to our hearth
and hearts. .Forget that you ever were
nary silently pointed to her child. Her •
mother could make no reply, and Mary
said :
"With this memorial of hint, mother
(and may Cod spare it for my memorial
when I am gone,) I cannot forget that 1
have been away. And 0 ! how grateinl
urn I, that once away, I stayed until now ; •
that I remiiiiied here to see all reconciled
on earth, to note the evidences in a meek
and ninet, a repentant and resigned spirit,'
that all is forgiven in heaven I . When this.
dear child snall_live to 'ask for
,his father
now, mother, l'r:nn: speak of the peaceful
cluse`6l his brief day, but I, .need not of its
dreadful storma."
' .1
And Mary Irwine , bode adieu to /hi
house in which she :had met and ,COnqiier
ed her nArtxliOutt.
Wl3O Ninclful that 'the 'present tune s(s;7liess such, parties tho.e . ' to' whom
alone is ours, , the past is dead; and the fu: i we riferrell should:be,.allowed "to
turn yet unborn. 1 make Of the religion of a 'numerous seetion
'ir• ' ' 711....'.."'" 0 -, ' , . ‘lt i r :
t r
i I fricc4 of ; ill cow l , i 1;
1:. .
ii tom* .llttiorthini '' if/ 511 '4 tquaree 11 senalbli 1 Sala \
2dp , 11. its 1 , k 063 , do 0 months. . At s.„
bleabiabsequelie de; ''.. sis .4' ,d & .111fttionthst ..,' ''l ' \
I tquares B months, 260 1 ball colemos 2 hiroothWig , '•
do 6 months. 4.04 1 do do :6 months, lit 10
do. 12 months, , . 7 Or. Ido ' 6, ~, i fig 11 u u
2 ' do' o'motirlll,, " 4 Cl. 1 coltimn V Inosthes
do . 6 months., -560 1 ..00 ti (Jr). .i• • !A
'do 12 mantel s 'BOO 1 db Id' de,'
, 1 r ~ ,
it liberal reduction will be hmtdii to 11ilitettahttl ohd Otheie
Iwho advertlie by the year.
Oat paper cii" t titt's itt every beiglitliilh'i;od s end !tined by
lowly every Wooly,la,the county —sse thereiore eflordegi
coriVenient rind' ofthiv metini for the herrings, grierf 'hi our
coenty—the merehartt. reechoed° .and ell qtbers—to extol ,
the knowledge al their leoation end hotness We ghoul
like tq insert "A Crud" Jot ovary Moohneic, Merchants 1111 d
Protestioval man to the conew. We hive. twentysf room
withgetenoronehinr ovum our nudism genteel', wed bso math '
la a latitimai a Ooziness will lose by nilvertising extensive s*
fins al et general rule, its' m nee. westerly , a mast adirerthates
the greeter will ho his profits. . . ,
Number IS.
Books, Jobs and
, • isk.:
oPxygnir DEstnitrnoy. PRINTI D,INITIIB iteav
tiTYLV., AN .D ON T(lp R.1.15/4.TaT.
NOTICP. AT TILE . orrico,or ~-
t - "CI.I2IARFIEW i •
'ln gWing'place td Iho rollewtrig;abli4 - ,ar;
thiii9* s 4
“The whip leaders, .actuated by, ,the
worst motives, and reckless of the, cense.
quences might ensue, , have attempted ,to,
bring, religion in'to i party They.
htive appealcd . to our Catholic citizensipnd
attempted to array them against General
Pierce because of the disability . clause in
the constitution of New ;Hampshire, to
which he is opposed. Tho 7 7 / 1 04 Teller
is one of the landing Catholic journals ip
the United States, and the • article which
we take frem itfk,.cojunufs gives assurance
that the dangerous course of the whiglea
dors is fully understood, and that our Coll
olic citizens repudiate the efforts
have been made to induce them to come
as a religious body into the arena of Ilk'
ics ”