IMMORTALITY. : . If . wholly perish with the body, what an impOsture is this whole system of laws, Manners and usages on which hu man, society is founded! If we wholly, pe4Sh with the body, - these maxims of charity, patience, justice, honor, gratitude and friendship, which sages have taught and good men have practiseq t , what are they but empty words, possessing no real, binding efficacy? wuy should we heed them, if in this life only we have hope! Speak not of duty. What can we owe to the dead, to the living, to ourselves, if all are, or will be, nothing? Who shall die tate to us our duty, if not our pleasures, ifl not our own passions? Speak not of mor ality. It is a mere chimera, a bugbear of human invention, if retribution terminates with the grave. If we must wholly perish, what to us are the sweet tics of kindred? what the tender . names of parent, child, brother, l sister, husband wife or friend The char.' actors of a drama are not more illusive.— We have no ancestors, no decendants— since succession cannot be predicted of nothingness. Would we honor the illustri ous dead? How absurd to honor that which has no existence? Would we take thought for posterity ! How frivolous to concern ourselves for those)whose end, like our own, must soon he annihilation? Have we, made a promise? How can it bind nothing to nothing? Perjury is but a jest. The last injunctions of the dying— what sanctity have they, more than the ' last sound of a chord that is snapped, of an instrument that is broken To sum up all : if we must wholly per istf; then is obedience to the laws but an in sensate servitude; rulers and magistrates are but the phantoms which popular imbe cility has raised up; justice is but an un warrantable infringement upon the liberty of men—an imposition, a usurpation : mod esty a prejudice ; honor and probity, such stuff as dreaMs aro made of; and incests, murders, and parricides, the most heart less cruelties, and the blackest crimes, are but the legitimate sport of man's irrespon sible nature ; while the harsh epithets at tached to them are merely such as the polity of legislators has invented and in]. posed on the crcdulty of the people. Hero is the issue to which the vaunted philosophy of unbelievers must inevitably lean. Hero isthat social felicity, that sway of reason, that emancipation of error, of which they eternally prate, as the fruit of their doctrines Accept their maxims, and the whole world falls back into the most frightful chaos ; and all the relations of life are confounded; and all ideas of vice and virtue are reversed; and the most inviolable laws of society vanish and all moral discipline perishes; and the govern ment of states and nations has no longer any cement to uphold it : and all the har mony of the body politic becomes discord; and the human race is no more than an assemblage of reckless barbarians, shame less, remorseless, denaturalized, with no Zither-check than passion, no other bond than irreligion, no other God than self!— Such would be the world which impiety would make this world, were a belief in God and immortality to die out of the hu man heart.—Mas..illon. TO RAVE A GOOD lIORSE. It is not sufficient to have a good colt, the product of a superior mare with a stal lion of good blood and established reputa tion. This is necessary, but it is not all that is necessary. A most promising colt that attracts universal admiration while it follows the mare, may be grown into an almost worthless horse. How then; hav ing a good begining shall wo grow a good horse, for good horses alone are profitable to raise 7 By exercising the greatest care in their management until they have ceas ed to be colts—Many ruin, almost, a colt the first winter by starvation, by turning it in the yard to run with the young cattle, to pick a scanty nourishment and that of the cheapest and,.coarsest food. There is , on the other hand no one season of its life when care, and good and full feeding of appropriate food will tell so much for good as this same first winter. A friend, who for many years has annually sold two or three young horses at the highest market prices, has often assured us that at no time in the life of his colts did he take so good care of them and feed them bettor than during their first winter ; and that by the effect produced upon them the first year he could tell what kind of horses they would become. There is something so abiurd in scanting the supply of nourish ment to a young growing animal I Some -fiincy that such a course will 'render the animal hardy. The only effect produced upon the growing animal by an insufficient nutrition, is to hinder his best develope moat. Wait until he has attained his growth, and then stint him if you choose. It can be done then with less injury. Colts are often put to hard work at too young an age. It not unfrequently hap pens that you will see a horso of five years old with all the wear and tear of ten in his appearance— This should.never be. The exercise of the same judgement in the management of colts most used to wards children would prevent this.. Colts should be put to exercise - and training at an early ago; and may do light labor to advantage, but to put upon for years the labor proper only for six and seven years, has been the ruin of many promising animals. There are oth er suggestions that occur properly in this connection, but we will omit them, consid ering the two mentioned above as the most -important.—Granite farmer. _ Every farmer should see daily every animal he has, and inspect its condition. Weekly visits, as with some, soon result in weakly animals. The man who provi des well sheltered cotes for his sheep in winter, will soon find plenty of coates for his own back. ,Heavy carrot crops for cattle, will soon return carats of gold. • ACTION AND RE-ACTION IN FARMING. Never keep animals on short ellpanne— if you starve them, they will surely starve You. Although in draining land thoroughly your purse may be drained, yet the fall crops that follow will soon fill it again. Always give the soil the first meal. I this is well fed with manure, it will feed all else; plants, animals and men. Fences operate in two ways—if good they are a defence, if poor an offence. Many a farmer by too sparingly seeding his new meadows, has had tc, cede his whole fitrm. A good housewife should not he a per ! son of "one idea," but should be equally familiar with the flour barrel ; and al though her lesson should be to lessen ex- Tenses, yet the scent of a rose should not be less valued than the cent in tho She will doubtless prefer a yard of shrub bery to n yard of satin. If her husband 'is a skilful sower of grain, she is equally skilful as sewer of garments ; if ho keeps his hoes bright by use ; . she keeps the hose of the family in order. "Manure is money," and "short paper" is like a short plant ; a note at bank ma ture'} by falling due—but th'ey will be found m both cases shorter than wanted, unless the fiscal bank and the bank of the earth both receive timely deposits. To abuse animals by starving them, is as base as the hope of gaining by it is Unse r less.—Albany Cultivator. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF' CLEARFIELD CO DAVID SACKET, riABINET AND CHAIIL MAKER, Locost st., betwoen ✓ Eecoall and Titittl. Apro I AVM. T. GILBERT, ITLACKSMITII—At hicrThee's Mills. in Bell lownthip— UP where ell work in his line in done on stio,t notce, an reaionabto UMW DUAL Wit. 1&51 . P. W. BARRETT, MEltellANT and PLLODUiIi. DEALER. Larhoyetin ra Clearfield co., Pa. Auril 17, 18.5.1. SAMUEL ARNOLD, ERCAANT and PRODUCE DEALER, Lothersburg I.V.A. Clearfield caunty, l'a. Aurul 17. MI. FREDERICK ARNOLD, MERCHANT and PLI.LIDUCk: I.utherstnirg Cleat acid ea.. Pa. April 17, 1183 J ISAAC SMITH, rt i r C RCII ANT and LUDIBER and FILL/DUCT, 11F,ALE11 Curwrosvilla. Ap , ll 17. 1113:1. WILLIAM H. BLOOM, F.ICHANT find and DEALT a LVI. Lurwontville. Cleat Cold county. Pa. AVM 17, 17SJ WILLIAM BLAUKSHAIRE, CABINET and CHAIR MAKER. and 1101'e.B and SIGN VAIN PELL one dt or toutn or the Proihyterinu Church, on second street. Ulendield Pa. Apra hi. It EJ. JOHN H. HILBURN, BOUT am) eIIOE M AK EH. t'econd urea. nearly oPpos:tp /..P A. K. Wright, sore. Cleartiaid. Ya. Awl] 16. 1632. JAMES HOLLENBACH, fILACKBMITII„ on Third street, between Market end 11 Wanitit, elearfield.Pe. Auntie. HO. WALLACE & HILLS, RLTAILEKS OF FOItEIGN AND DOMESI'IO MER tAIANDISE—at F. ha w's old Bluntl--Ckruilehl. the HURXTHAL & BRO'FIIER, M ULCH 4NTB and WIRIER DEALERS, Woolland Post °thee, 11.adford Cluatfield co. Avni 17,'u3. J. L. CUTTLE, rfIOIINTY PURVEY ER and LAND AGENT. Office ad YJ jarniog hls residence an Market street, Clearfield. Ar,ril rd. IHs2. GEO. RICHARDS, FASIIIONABLE TAILUR—WLet end of Shaw's Row nu Deo. JO. 185.. RICIIARD GLENNAN, BOOT & 13110EntAii. ER—East door In -Mimes Row on Market streot--elearfield. Dee. 30. Mi. MRS. ELIZA IRVIN, ERTENSIVE RETAILER Or FOREIGN AND DO mastic Itlerchandiza—Ensi. end of +State street—Cameos EDW. B. PATTON, CABINEDIAKEW—Enst end of State lireetn,--CiaBr.Tens- THOMAS MILLS, fIOACII AND BLEIGII MAKER, on Third street. be swoon Market and Locust, Clearfield. Pa. APrilltf, '52. WM. McBRIDE, rj, ETAI LER AND DEALER IN LUMBER —Norteas lA. Comer of State and Locust streets. Cu rwessville. Dec. 30,051 ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, A T the 'mouth of Lick Run, b miles from Clearfield EitCHANI . B. and extensive Lumber menu, acturers. June lei, IlisJ. ROBERT McNALTL', TANNER—At the ,LIJP ISTAND in Curwecsvi Pee. 0.1851 SAMUEL WAY, B OUT and SHUlLMAKElt—L'arwenivilla. DV!. 1851 G. C. PASSMORE, BLAOKSMITII—At the Old Foundry—Curweesvllle. races to suit the limes. TEIOMAS SE-lEA, FASHIONABLE.: TAILOR—In Shaw's Row on Minket street, Immediately over Ise l'ost Uoe—Clesrlield Deo. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, TANNER. and BOOT and 131108 &LAN UPACTURER— Curwaaivilla. Dec. a lail. GEORGE W.•ORR, I)LACKBISIITH. In his new Shoo on Third street, tooth of Market eicatfield. Pa. May 1. 1832. R. V. WILSON, DiIYSILIIAN--ullice on Cecond street, opposite the resi -1 deuce of Gov. Bigler. Cleartheid. April 111 HENRY LORAINE, PHYSICIAN add DRUGGIST, on Market 'treat, opposite hur madmen. Clearfield. April 10, 1&,4. JOHN W. SHUGERT. WAGON hlAtiliat.. corner of Third and Loonst streets VV Clearfield. Repairing dono to order. April.ll3. PETER SEYLER, lIION-FOUNDER—Near Lothenbare—wnere all sorts of (instinct urn made of tba best material, and on reasonable terms. De 0.519,1851. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fi ce aeljoiningr his residence on Sound 'tree t, opposite the resideueo el Gov. lit trier Clear field. ra. April 17, lel4 JOHN FLEGAL, bACKOßllTH—Lothertborg Wagons. poetics. &o .11.3 Neatly boned on the 'hotted notice Deo. 0,1831. H. P. THOMPSON, YSICIA N—May be found either nt his office, oral &o. field's hotel—Catarensvnte—when not not professionally absent. Leo. 2ti.1t161. LEONARD & MOORE, ERC HA NTS AND LUMBER PEALEBB—Second 4 , 11. I Wet. cot weotalatk et and Locust—Cluneeld. Deo. 1831. JAS. B. GRAHAM, Or ()sr MASTER. MERCHANT arta LEALER LUM BER.--Clahanaou. Bradfuld to washiP• Dee 29.1851. C. KRATZER, IVI E JUL A TL OA I N AjA m —tiIiIf. ALER—Con ' er °` Leo. 29. JAS. ALEXANDER, SADDLER AND HARM.= MAKER— ha stem shoP on trinket street. DearAtenell's note!. Deo. 99,1861. • .1011 N CARLILE, ver.AOKBMITIL & JUSTICE OF THE PEASE—, Lath satifintg. Doc. V, MI. I. L. BARRETT, AA(EHRHART. I.4IMBERMAN AND GENERAL Pilo LTA DUCE DEALER—At Banana' rogls, nt Cleatf.ald firldizo Deo. 80, t. ISRAEL COOPER, IJOSTAt ASTMS nt Glon Hone—Retailer of Foreign and 1. Domestic Noseband's°, aud extensive denier in Lumber. Dro. il9. IHSI. 0. B. MERRELL, riQPPEIt, TIN It SHEET IRON WARE MAMMA() ILIRER—At bolitel'a old stand on Alutitet street—Ulm field. Deo. 29.51. ROBERT MANLY, WIIERIAVIIIoIIT and (MAM MAKER 110 USE nod URN AMENI'AL PAINTER—EncI. hladtet aireal— anarfnud. any. na, lball. J. &. J. G. RUSSELL. MANNERS & COURRIERB AND Dv.mxits IN ALL kinds of Leather. llidas.(3rain, Etc,talien exchange. Peansvillo ra.—Gramplanhids I'. U., lob. 4. 1h1.2. AVM. P. CHAMBERS, utr 111 F.III,WRIGIIT % kIIIMAKER. and HOUSE & w v SHAM L'AlNTER—Ourwousville. Dec. 29, 11351. B. F. STERLING, QADDLE tY. MiItNESS-MAICER. and JU3TIC❑❑,UC ►7 PEACE—Curivongvilia. Deo. iIJ, st6l. WM. W. FLEMING, OYSTER SALOON. BATING -DOUSE nod CON V'EC— TIOLA Alt le —Cur woolvillo. Doo. .D. S. PLA'I'NER, Washingtou, Hurutide township, Clear field county. Decenthera,lVll. CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. IIEELWRIC 11T tr. VIIAIRA1,11( End. &0 . -11rItI g pod. Olio tow odop. Deo. 12, 1851. GEORGE R. BARRETT, A TI'OIO , ILY AT LAN—Otliee 'adjoining lite residence t. on Second srisA, Clearfield. April hi. JOSEPH. S. FRANCE, A TTORN 12; Y AT LA W on Minket itreet,uttjelning tno feSiOCLltel) Or J. L, Cuttie, Eig Clenitield Apal 16, 183 J. A. L. SCHNELL, TAlLOR—Luthersbnrir.—will hi hia walk jazt as good and as cheap. as any other fellow. Lieu. Itn, 18:)1. J. D. THOMPSON, LAULSMITII. Wagon', Ili:ladies, atc., fin , ironed on short notice. end the very hest style, at hie old stand in Inn bOrou2ll at Curwenevilis. lieu 1659. A. K. IVRIGHT, 1 ERCIIANT ND EXPENSIVE NEM.IIR IN I.IIM -111:11.—tioutli west Owner of tba thamolid—Clettifi W. Dec. VS, 1851. ISAAC SMITH, MArERCHANT, AND DCA .ll{ IN LIT IMM AND na Country Proz!ueogeoetally—Statoitreet, between Cherry and Locust—Curwensyille. Dee. 50.1251 THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO. FRON-P NDERS—Corwen.rille, An extennve anon. A Inept of Canine. made to order.' Dec. J. le - .1 THOMAS U. FULTON, & CO., ERCIIANTS. and extensive deader, and Menullteiurent of Lumber, Buhl 1111 , .. July 23.1b5:1 RICHARD 1110}3SOP, FORC.GN ANS DOMESTIC MER- R CIIANDIriE & LIQUORS—AI Bigler & Co'.. old stand. Alin, oti dui tv est iide of 2,1 areet. Dot) au. to,I. nollE subscriber, thankful for past favors, res• pectin Ily informs his customers,and the public generally, that he has removed his shop to the buil. ding over the Post Office. lately occupied by It F. %Van], and ihat he will be there found at all limes "on lonl" to supply his customers, linlikesomeot hiscotempornrier. ho is unable to promise that his Fashions are of the most Ii pproved style of ANTI QUITYi but will insurethem made according to the .Latest Fashion of more modern days. THOS. SHEA. Clearfield, April 1, 1851. ROBERT' AIANLEY, cr.M.1211114.1U AND (I)at ULU ICA A 1E Ile . TEE stl bscriber respectfully informs the citizens hf kar field county. that he is car , y log un the above trustees. un Market street. ,early opposite ilto residence of Ileac c 43111 ila• when, tie restocet , ally solicits a share of halite patronage lie it tuershimsell that he o-‘n furnish work to al persons who may be ideated to call, to their enure satisfaction. lle will always have on band Cabinet-work and Windsor Chairs Of every deacnpuon• Upbolatered chairs tondo to order ALSO, Dentist, Invalid, and Chanzber Doc. 80:1131 Chairs—Chair Beds and Bed Chairs The lied Chair can h^ converted (rum the Arm Chair to a complete lied in two minutes. nod is ill alto fold up so that it 12111 Y be convevt-ntly eatriett ander the afro It It pap icularly tat, able for Miami 011ize re nod for erdlersional gentlemm. N. II —Collies made mho neatest manner cad on the shor °est notice. lie reipectfoily wits continuance of tbe public puree uge. Watch & (loch Making. 1100111' It WELCH begs leave to inform the citizens o f iv Clearfield and vicinity. that he has 0 • 4 4... permanently located in the shop 7a adjoining Lanieh's hotel, on l'ldcr , * het street. where the repairing of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEL. RV, &c.. will be executed in the hest manner. at. the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Also. ENGRAVING executed at abort notice. WATCHES, &c., lett with him to be repaired will be promptly Attended to, and warranted for one year. April 9.1851. Estate of Matthew Ogden , deccased. Nr(rrick.ld BERCII Y sil VEINY, That Letteis Testamon• Lr tory have be,l2 Issued to the BULlsarilietl. on the estate of Matthew Ogden, sea., late of Lawlenea towashiu. thew field county, dt,tenseil. All persons ititleidwi to said e.lato will tnoreluto make immediate payment—and those having claims u,:• , nat the lame. ttre requeited to present them to the sub scribers. near Clearfield, dory authenticated tor LW tlement. ABRAIIA tt OODEN, B a l m N. K. MoMULLIN, June 95, lAA att (Z 5 C.O 1 Q ASuperior Lot of Western Meal—clean. nice and Cured In the host possible manner—for side at WALLACE & HILLS. Twenty-five Tons Hammered Iron, W1N613, tihears, Coulters, land sides, bar and square V V iron. Orders for any size Promptly lllled. 3 . 110 Woo supplied at Philadelphia prices. This iron Is used in all the machine shops or the Pennsylvania Railroad and has been pronounced to beeline! In ivialityand,supslior in finish to any hammered iron in the State. For bate try P. G FRANCISCUS, Art% Freedom 1. Works. Lewistown !Way Set 1852. NEW TANNERY, At Clurwensviiiiie. SAMUEL LB. TAYLOR. respectfully announces to his Particular Irlends—the public—that he has removed to and [commenced business as his New Tannery. on Filbert street, Immediately north of Bloom's hotel, enrWensville, whore he is prepared to supply all orders on short notice and in the most satisfactory manner. unlit/ES, GRAIN and LUMBER taken in esehange, and the highest prices allowed. / May 17. 'l.2—pd. Ho! ho!! yo lads and lasses Who nro fond of fun and laughter, Just call at Wallace & Mills, And they'll show you what you'r after ; For tbey'vO the prettiest lot of books Ever you hoard tell o', And full of love and murder, Within their backs of yellow; Then call in yo jolly ones Who have an hour to spare, And buy anuartors worth of reading To drive away dull carcr, THE CHEAPEST GOODS! ! a'azat epacsuauaQ, ISt SMITH, having purchased of J, 1. . Hunter Ids IStock of Merchandise, are now teaching a largo and well selected supply of SEASONAULE GOODS of every des' °option, which were laid In at the lowest possible rates. They would invite the public, before parehasinu elsewhere, to call at tho late stand of J. h. Hunter, on Matket street, and exa. mine their STOOK and PRICES as they are dets:mtaed to sustain thelforater character of thO house for low ptices. W. F. Apr 1119,1832. ' A. M.. 011111. 11Q1EADY41ADE CLOT HING of &manner, duaription all+ for solo at tho store or Juno 18.18511. & TAILORING BUSINESS. REMOVAL. Copper, Tin 8t Sheet-Iron Ware MAYUWACUOM,Y S , 0. B. MERRELL F.SPECTFULLY announces that ho Is now prepared LIL to manufacture all kinds of ware in his line of batmen In the best 11111[1001'. at the cheapest rafts. and on the short est notice. Ito has just laid In a fish and large supply of Raw Material, and with the aid of the best of workmen , and the use of the latest and but impreyed machinery. be mores the nubile that he can supply them with Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Japanned Ware, As CH BA[ and Ili GOOD ns can be found in any country town in the interior of the State. Ile intends to keep constantly on hands a general assort ment of READY-MADE WARE of his own manor:mbar°. which will bo sold either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. Old Brass and Copper Will be taken at the highest prices in exchange for work or wore. PrMending done to order, Ilia shop is nt the old stand. on Market street, where the piddle are rearectfully Invited to cull and examine for them selves Tin & Hatrahvare STORE. Ch B. MERRELL respectfully informs Int friends and eastomers, and the citizens or Clearfield county gener ally, that he hal LIMY opened on tkieentl street, opposno the retidoi.c of Col. Barrett, an esleasive Copper, trio, Sheet-fl on and Monti Wave STORIE, And that IV, IS eow receiving a large atortment of Cooking, Parlor and Fancy STOVES, And a ' , Wig, or and Kitchen and other con von ienoar cover her .to olio ed lot sale in 00 counts , . ammo which ha would particulnity mention and recommend a R•. ; ; 'Gamma) II" IF 1111Felala Cs' ) y At a superb article, and a great Invorito with the ladies. It is lirht easily carried Item ono room to V.° other. and heated with either stun. , .e.,al or char coal, at very trifling 0. i•ease. and it used either for %Veining, honing or Cooki.ig. But he would Invite parll,:tdar attention to Iris 14311,1t.111 Ota Alma. were, oolong w h ch thr follow tug articles may bn. lo Ind FLAT lie II'UAI .I.IUUND I 1 , 1.,AT litif fehl TEA- M /1 L.E,K3 K ETT L. E:3. Do do OVAI, do, SAUCE:I'ANS LIPPED OK 11.1,ETS, f RENCK r3TEIV PANS, *I WINE IteXEB. GLUE PO 113. 51A:3L1P1 KE111.1.3 of differ. ICeill•l'rElt. SCALE'S. '•. .. eot 'uses. A splaald article. I TEA 1711)A15E.3. end the very bell fur cooking POREINOELI2.4. preserves. an. I SAD-IKON STAN!). 1111.(N BUCKLES, fur Win- FANCY Fliik:-110C1 eow Shone's, COFFEE ((OAS TEILS. EN Ald EL.CED SPITTOONS. GRIM/LEA & FIE l'iol6. kVAFFI.E IKONS. STOVE SPIDEftS. SKI &c. &0.. All the above ..rtictes aro 'finned and Enamelled Inside. so as to prevent them Iron corodine. and mattering Clem more durable and less liable ro brea k fbm sodden heat. STOVES. Among the FITOVES whlah be oilers for sale are the fol• towing pattern. viz No. COMPLETE of 180. No. 4—HANDY C' OK. No 3—NINE PItATE tiTOVESF—lmproved. No. 4-I'EN PLATE, or liA L11111011E: C00K...... \ No. e—t:lttllSE IMPit' /VED No. 6—EMI'IRE b CATE of 1831. Ns.7-JENNY AND ItAulATOlt—Parlor. No. 11—NEW 'YORK Alit TIGHT do No 9—5A1..41%1AM/lEli do No. IP—COLUMBIA wrovEs, for liar rooms. /to. Ile has n's r on hand, winced to ha co damns. very cheap, a *uteri:lr Litchi of Stove Blacking, That can't be beat. It is cheap, easily put on, looks beauli fu_._ and wears very well. R- AN the atrhve untidy. are INFAIII ED, fled will retold blitt CAtql at tutees so kw as to astonish .'very body. Clef:Wield. July b. Lnet Lottctoro9 111Prnaining in the Post Office at Cleart.eld on the first day of July 18523 Daily. G. James Leonard, M. W. Dual. Mrs. Martha Leonard, John Butler, Elizabeth Lannsberry, Susannah-2 B , ish y, Jaseph Miller, David Chase. A. P. Marshall. Joseph M, CespeJ, Phillip John Main: ans. Andrew Genie, Catharine Michel. Algernon Davis, Thomas Mcßride, Miss Mary M. Dobbs, Ddw. Stanley McGaughey, John Docherty, Sarah Ordway. Gilbert L. Dunlap, Robert Ogden, Zenas Duff. Charles Ogden, Zechariah Estes. Esq., John G, Paid,Josepli Flegal, John A. L. Robertson. Miss M J. Frantzmati Michael Strouse, Jacob ill. Frank A brahum-3 Shide,Pbilip Gelnett, Samuel Smith, William—`' Harden George & or JulinSanburn, A lbert 11, Corkry Stone, Lindsey ILO!. Horatio L.-2 Sinkey, John Hall, Rebecca Thomas, William Denies, William Ulmer), L. [louver, Miss S. Jane Watson. Mrs. Mary A. Hicks John Winecoop, Henry r ohnston, Robert Wilson, David Krepp, Ilenry IVline, Hon. It. G. Kuck. Erg., T. White, James A. WA!. RAM:BAUGH, I'. M. Clearfield July 1, 18.52. List of Grand Jurors Drawn for September term, 1852. Bloom Itano inokoner Corwenivalle Femur J II Cobluot-maket do flyers bamorl Farmer ilorwalde (;‘i:ogher Hugh do do Kern Nod= do do ((mg G W. do do . . .. lima John Carpenter do Crowell lib zel Partner Bradford Mollowell David do do . _ . I !ulemart Richard do Karshans Yotliers Joseph du do Ilider'John Innkeeper (11 CsrMeJoan Justice Brody Ll•ler James Farmer Bell Glibett Wru T. Blacksmith do Gulich George B. Ingmar Lawrence I igtiell M. t.. do do (hr hush do do Read Josiah R. do do Wont Wil.lem do Ptko [fart/horn Jona.han do do liy lar lhomas do Morris Nudge John do Covington Peters Jam's do Boggs List of Travis Jurors Drawn for September term, 1852. Addleman Andrew Farmer La wrenco township Ames Philip do do do Reed George L. do do do !laity Daniel do Pike do IlloomJames do do do Bloom Abraham do do do Caid well Ism do do do Fullerton Gixtrgc do do do Boynton Jonathen Lumberman Clearfield borough Meow Wm. L. Merchant do do Kane Henry Ten miter do do Wrigley J times J. P, do do Wright A. K. Lumberman do do 1 flakier Conrad Farmer Jordan township Rea Robert do do do Brubaker John do Union do Coulter John do Woodward do Dow ler Jamas do Burnside do ioeS J. F. do do do Nell George 11. do do do IVe.tover Jonathan do do do !toughed, Robert do Morris do Bunter Win. Zr!. do do do Ernigh Christian Carpenter do do Elllugor John Former Brady do Luther M. 1 - 1. do do do Carson Benjamin do do do FlegalJohn Blacksmith do do 011 s Richard Farmer Bell do flovener Valentino do Houston do Irwin Garland Laborer Penn do Pennington Robert Farmer ' Chest do Ralston John Carpenter Boggs do Bpackman John Farmer Girard do Tata Matthew do Goshen do Walker Michael do Decatur do Fatriners take Notice• SUPERIOR THRESHING MACHINES. rriIIOMPSONS, lIARTBOCI. McALARN E Toku IL this opcortanity to apprise the FARMERS or CLEAR FIELD and the surrounding counties. that they are now en. gaged In Manufacturing. at Curwensville, Clearfield County a Superior article of Thur Horse Power Threshing Machines. They are prepared to supply all orders on the shorto.t notice and on the most accommodating terms. These machines ate constructed of the very best material. and the Pattern being Perfect In every particular. and passing through the hands of none but first rate workmen, cannot fail to give general satit faction. ALS9—all REPAIRING of Threshing Machines done on short abacus and intim most substantial and satisfactory man* ner. at Darwensvllle NEW Foundry. TEI ompsoNs. HARTSOCK & MoALARNEY. Carvrer.svillo. Sept. 4. 1851.—1 y. CEio EZt sZ) a. a CIS CIS 6 TSubscribers to the Stook of UNION TURNPIKE A. will rake notice that they are required to pay the LAST and FINAL. instalmentor Stock by them severally subscribed IMMEDIATELY. The road le pow completed, and the money to the Coo traotare, and thaw neglecting this notices may expeot to bear t h e consequences. By order of the Unnesere . . AK. WRIGHT. Tn't. Clearfield, Jolt 89, 1852. A SECOND ARRIVAL OF-SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS: , "E.BEirC. - VZ? EMPT.I 4 CIEA22.LEBO 17 MONTELIUS, BROTHER 4 TEN RACK lATUULI) respectfully Inform the Patina, that they have vV 11 , entered Into cio-partuershln In the M ERCANTI LE and SHOE BUSINEdSe end have Just received from Philadel phia thou second and hamicOme assortment Of 211)lliimg Ounnamor (If alt Ki ods anti latest styles, which. having been purchased at unusually low rates, they are enabled to ollir to the public the very BEST BARGAINS. it would bo almost Impossible to enaMerate the many ortl. cies con rising that stock of goods just received—but they invite all to COMO and see for themsolves, assuring thorn that they will get More Goods for the same money than at any other Store in Curwensvillo! They have all kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, And all other articles usually found Ina well furnished store. To render their establishment well worth a visit at all times thou will continue to rec e ive ,elve as the reason advances now supplies of seasonable Goods for Ladies' and Gentlomens' WORT. so as to be always toady to oiler the choice of Eastern Markets. They would also call attention to their apartment of KrlECools and Shoes, Whoro the, always keep on hand a large and well assorted lot of FRENCH and COULI'LttY SAW, MOROCCO, KIP and UTOGY BOOTS. Mr/ROL/CO. ()ALP, KIP, and all MIL of Gentlemen,' 8110 ES. Also, Ladles' Fine Shoes, Such as GAITERS and LACE Boors. ritENUll end JLNNY I,IND TIES, Lit IPPEiti3 of all kinds. qualitlet and sizes. Also—Hoye and Macs' GAITERH and SHOES of all kinds- Asthoy keep constantly n lot of the best prude,' workmen. and hlnnufectero their noes they.cee %mania them to bo made of tho best Material, and in the unit and latest styles. fG,P - IDE6 cud COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In ex• chnnge for goofs. ULM EMBER—Their eetnblisment is one door West of John Uraucker's hotel. Gunn:lll , lMo. Juno ID, IFB7 --Bm. Clearflold, July 8, 1851 GooD ADVICE. rrA t Tl t NOTICE, MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN WA.LLIA.CLO 'lave rec.ived their Spring and Summer Stock of Goods, and are prepared to astonish the natives at THE GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. Their stock consists or a hrge and vurio.l attortinent of nth EIGN AND DOMESTIC Bareges, Berge,De Lanes,Lawns,Callicoes &c.—ALSO a large assortment of EmnilwarecDp emeennarmarr BOOTS and SHOES, :IQs: EIEI (..matzt 65 They have also on hand n very lame stock. of SUMMER CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres, Saainetts, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Muslims, Tickings, And In feet every thing to supply the wants of town and country. all of which they are den mined to sell means. than they base ever bean sold before. they. therefore, request ale Perim' wishing to purchase to glee thorn a call CV' Remember the cheap cash core of WALLACE & HILLS, hi adiet ' , reel near the Dimond, Clear Geld. May 3.1 e. 11E2 AATII ATE VEIL omeorns the health ned happiness of a pro pin is at ail times of the mast valuable importacce. I take It for graLion that every person wit do all in tho r power. to save the lives of their children. and that every Venues will en deavor to promote their own health at all sacrifice. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly assure you that v. , EOM accord ine to the opinion of the most cc ebratod Physicians. nro the pommy causes of a large morality of disear.s to a hiels chil dren and a. ohs are liable; II you have an appetite maims ally changeable It m one kind at feed to annther, had Lireath,- Pain the them !eh, Poittog at the Nose. Hardness and fell a es ol the Lay. Dry Griner% Fslow Fever. Pulse I:reit o'er— remember that all these denote WOlifild. and you should at once apply the remody An article Nun& I noon So ientific Principles. isempound.d w;th limey vegetable substanms, being petite If safe whys taken, and can be given is nt ' mo t tender (•it'nat with d cm deft b-fietiniel effect where bowel Comp . nints and Mart:mit have made th,m Weak and debilitated the Tonic properties u , my Worm nyrup are such that it stands with tot an equal in the catalogue of medicines. in giving to.o and strength to the Stomach, which milky' it en Infallible remedy fdr those efriinte,l with Dirspeeta. the astonishing owes performed by this Syrup after l'hysimens have failed. Is the best evidence °lna superior efficacy over all others. This is the mint difficult Worm to destroy of ell that infest the human system, it I.:rows to an altruist Indefintie loositu, 2cconning 10 creed end trweeel iii tivi Intestws and Stool. ach enacting tt:o Iretuth so sadly as in cause St. Vito, Dance. Fits, ate . that thin, al flicird seldom if ever stigma that it as Tape t‘ o:ro hastening lien to an early grave. In order to itesimy this tVorm. a very energetic treatment must be par. in d, tt would theref lie he wooer to .aketi or Bof my Live, Pills so as to removo tall obstructions. that the Worm Syrup may act direct open the Winm, watch must betaken in doses of 2 Tablestinun fulls I times n day, Thes,eirtritions followed have never been known to fait in curing the most obstinate eras ul Tape Wolin. No part of the sys , em it more liable to d seam thou the LIVER—it serving as a titterer to purify tha blood. or giving the primer secretion to the litie—so that nay wrung action of the 1. vet effecu the other !Mooned - it parts of the systam, and results variously in Liver Como! tint, Jaundice, 1 pipette a. Sic We should. therefore, watch every Is nottom that might indioate a wren action of the Liver. These Pil.s being com• posed of ItOtiTS and PLANTS tarnished by nature to heal me stets :—Nitme4, lit. An EXPEUTUItANT, which out meats the secretion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane. or piomot.s the discharge of secreted matter WI. Act ALTER ATIVE. which changes in tome inexplicable and Insensible Mantle: .he certain morbid melon of the system dd. A TO NIC. which glees tone and aliened' to the net eons system. renewing_ heath fix! vigor to all Pans or Me body. 4th. A UATiI AIITIC. which acts In pert. a harmony with the other Ingredients, and oceratfeg on the Bowels. cud es yediaz the whole mass of extnot and vitiated ineWur. tied vurifylug the Blood, which destroys disease and tmtotes health. Yon will find thew Pills an by:Mashie medicine in runny complaints to et hints )ou are soblect. to t listruetions either total Of partial, they have been found of inerttinable tientlit— revtoring their functional arrangements to a healthy action— notifying the blood and other fluids so ellectually as to put to flight ell °ample:lsta which may arise from female teregulari nes, as lierelatthe, iddruesy. Dimness ul Sight, Pula in the elide. flack. bge Notre gentiage ODIN] signed J. N. 111.111ENSACK—L11 others bate Inutatlons. IlZrer Agents with.e,r now supplies. and Store Keeper. deli. tons of becoming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N flobeatack. Phila..elohla. Agents in Clcarfidd county. WALLACE & 1111.1»,....C10uti01d. P. NI . BAUM:TT Luthersbure. J. SMITH Porinvillo, J. C. BRENNER Mooresville. And b every revectable Dealer and Merchant in tiro county end Sia!e. (* - Price, each 25 cents. Philadelphia. Jane la. IFG3.-Iy. Bettor Matt® Clam Never. T ILE Subsorlber would respeetfelly announce to his old J. 'bends andoostoruen, and to the 'Albite generally. that hole again opening at his stand at the coiner of eront and Cherry streets. A large and well-selected stock of GOODS, P=ll;M=MiElll=l At Wholesale or Retail, for the CASH. fie will alsoexchatute Goods for COUNTRY PRODUCE, so fur u he can make It answer lua purposes. As he cannot promise to continue In the business lour, on account of the LOW PARMA at which he intends to sell, ho would advise all who wish to buy CHEAP GOMM to CALL 80t/N C. KRATZER. Clearfield, July 9, 1852. Tsai 'oa °our 'olouioon 'INV° 110.3 avatia iloAtagodju caplpuooLzoJ papal pnv •oaltuvra 'pup 01 1 0129 1,1 *sown poa °quo Poo 000 p 0g0 . 0 0 t03 B,Nviotor7n 11 ^ Iv Lootn 01110001 Imo ONWIOO 51111 eA ,4 ;?'' spa/ 'Amino ;log 0 0 Jog 011 R"1-7 Elil. 0 0 11 AN V doom cops noun,' •aJnyaiginutanT augon i 1 BVA. i i wrAA. i UV/ coavteutonc, ALL persons are hereby cautioned nattiest meddling in any way whatever with the following !property now in the POSUSIIOII of Enos hlohtestless. of Burnside township. Clearfield county—the same having been PUTChelfdd Inf me at !Outfits sale on the lith inst...und left with the said Mo. Masterson loan. intim to my order, vie— ONE YOKE OXEN and VOlilt. ONE COW. • ONE LONG SLED. ONE LOU do ONE WAGON and BEG. JOHN PATTON. Carvrenavlllo,JalllVlBsl-0. WIND-MILLS Fon Emu] BY WALLAQE & fLW 1.11% 8500 Chailenge. lIOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. The Tape Worm Illobensackls Liver rills. 1 .t.,1? ct) La- , cmbz-b--t-Isealle)as. as CHEAP as th© CHEAPEST, linterad wording to Act of Cknurrests in the yoso 1851, by J. B. uffuemrow, M. D., In Cut clerk'. OMNI of tho District Court for. the Mutton. District of Pcbuiryiranla. • .Atioiher Scientific Wondeil • OREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! ME TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, 05511 g, Gia.p;;Planne .311 J CE. Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after Directions of BARON LIEBIG, The great Physiologichl Chemist, by J. &HOMO. TON, M. D., No. 11, North Eighth Street, Phila., del phin, kn. This is a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, CON. STIPATION. and DEBILITY, Curing alter Nature's own method, by Naturo'Sown agent, the Gasltis Juice. * * *flail a teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused in tvg. ter, will digest or dissolve, Five Poonns rot ROAST BEEF IN ABOUT TWO 1100115, DUI of this Stomach. DIGESTION !GESTION Is chiefly performed in the stomach Wag 1 aid of e 'laid:which freely eludes from the Inner coated that - organ. when in a state of hen!tb, called the Guide Juice. This Maid Is the Great Boiveut or the Food, the Purl. 6114, Preserving. to - d Ititlinalating Agent of the Sloralleir and interlines. Without it there will be no tit/destine-go conversion of Food into Mood. ono nonntritlen of the body but rather a foul.torpid, painful, and destroctirecondAlosbi the whole digesliveapricratus. A weak. half dead, immured stomach produces ro rood Gastric Juice. and hence the dis. ease, distress e-d debility which ensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. PEPPILY is thecblei element, or Great Bicetting plindpi r o! the Gastric/alts. it is fulled in great abondenCe In the solid ',easel the harnt.n stomach tiler death, and sometimes came: the stomach to aicesi Itself, or eat itself up. It Unite totted In the storanch of natimalr, as the ox, cult, &e. His the tantoial aced by farmers in molting chonte,called theeircCt 9r which has long been the woader of the dairy... The cordite,: 61 the mils Is the tint proceu ofdigestion. surds ne e u n r s l s , rs o s ti to e n t lh o i u n s c a p n r r times Tt i l t e , o s w telo i w ac e li g itf t a or cuarm Baron Liebic states that "One rt of l'opun dissolved in slily thousand pails of wet , r, p iii digest meet and other f00d...-. Itisatued stomachs produce no gond Gastric Juice. Rennet, or, T Pepsin. oshow that this want may be perfectly supplied, we quote tho lollowive SCI k:NTIFI C EVIDENCE BARON LIBBIG, in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry. so's: Artsbote I Digestive Plaid may be readily obtained from the mucous membrane of the stomach of, a (WI, in which various aid 21es of food, as meat Baden:, will 68 doftene I.Chanced, and Dinested, precisely_ in thence manner as they would be in the human stomach." DR. PER CIF A. In his famous ivetise on "Food and Diel.". published by Wilson te Co. New York. page 33, dateline same great fact. and descrgs the method ol preparation.— There are few Helier authorities than Dr. Perei - a Dr JOHN W. DRAPER. Professur of Chemistry to the Medical College ol this thAVefflitY of New York. in his "Text H oo k 0 1 Ch em i s try." page WS. says. It has been a question whnther artificial digestion could be performed—hut ills now universally admitted that it may he." Professor DUNG 1..160N of Piladolohla. in his great work on Homan Physiology. devotes more than fifty pearita examination ol this subirct. Dim esperinients trash Dr. Rose mont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained from the living hOMIII stomach and from animali are well known. "la ell calm" he says - dirrestios occurred as potently an the Artificial Its In tho Nature: dizesi ions." AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER. DR, i preparation of PEP:3IN hos produced the mast marvellous eflects. CUTIG4 ()Mel o! Debility. Emetis.• Nervous Deaths°. and Dyspeptic Consum, hoe 'salami to bd OD the very verge of the grace. It 13 IRIODUIbIetO give the details of eater in the limos of this ridvertiretnec—but authenticated certificates have be a lec,ived of murethan 200 REMARKABLE CURES In Philadelphia. faew York. and Horton atone. There were neatly cli desperate cages and the cures were act unly.itaid and wonderiol. bat permanent - . _ It it a areal Pi Elt VOUrt ANTIDOTE. and from the aeon. 'thine IT small /inutility uecestary to product healtbydiAtitict a believed to act upon ELECTRO•MAGNE I IC PRINCIPLES, There Woo form or Olin STnki ACH COM PLAPIT.i wile] It does no: seem to teach and rem .ve at once No b•td they may ae. it (I VV.:4 INSrANT RELIEF. A any's dose rim - mono all the ono:moan' as mtroms, and it arty salit to he tepcatw•, for a short lime to make these good eine et•n. mimeo. PURITY 1.01 , 1)1.0111.) end V MOH Initow ut once. It is partuulatly excellent in case of Vem!tinit.Crnmps, Sureness of the pilot - me Stomach doom of er fluid state of the Illnwl, Heaeines.s, Loosen of SWIM. Despondence..... mamation Weakness. tendency to lateen)., Ihtce,t)PG DOLLAR per bottle. 0:10 bottle will oats effect a lasting cure PEPSIN IN POWDERS, SENT BY MAIL, YILEL OP POSTAGE For con v-nience r f sensible to all pints or the country, the MAVIEtt OF 111L•' PEI htIN u pot up lutes lor n 01K/wars, with directions to be dissolved in dilalui akohnt, wear. or et roil, by tto patient. these Dow (lei an tain pleclsely tine rinse matter as the bottlrs, but ttricellia qmmtity tor tha 'nine price, and will be uOl by main, PRUE tiE POSTAGE. for ONE DI ILEA It rent (post veld) 'o Or. 44;11111M. No 11, North Etthtb street Plata , Ps. Six onelotares ler five dollnn Every nod bottle bum the written signetnie of J. 13. !lOWA' LON. M. D., Pr ture,of ••Agtonia wanted in erery Own in the Unit d States:- Very . Itheral ate:aura' given to the trade. Dru eights, Poitaatt• tart, and llookte lent are &lima to bet as necats. AG I:.ll'eCieat ft-Li eon W A t.l.ltt c t harcach. WI t.t.l AN) hie 11111 E. Curwensville. P. W. iimmorr. Latherchera. It W. Ilai In town thin. CUMMINGS & ht EIIAVIr . Na iv Washington. JOHN C LiIiENNER Alumesvillo, Clearfield co May al. 1851-Iy. Reduced Rates of Tuition ; COMMON FNGLISH BRANCHES—lncludiac Rending. Writ nit, Speihutt. Arithmetic, Goon raohr English Gramm:wood History ALL ER ENGL.! 4 11 IJRANClll^.B—Inele• lug Latta Grammar. SIIA CLAS: I ICAL AND Al ATIIEMATICAL. DEPART. M ENT 18°0 DAILY E:XEiti.7ISEA s.iven in VOCAL MUSIC is whirl all may partieitint.i Fdditional chargo. WELICL toe g•ven to the older pupils 011 and other interesting 11.11..tets, without extra dune. SLIM of the older hi choose. engage on FRIDAY P. M. of each wean in Plereir.a Ltucutioa, tt'ler..ositios tad stew 4tuestions upuu their several steam. All others attend to their use"' P M. studio. The LAtnEti DEPARt . mEriT is entirelf summits from the other on the pencil thou who desire it. Two or time classes consist of both sexes. ler the Purpose of commit* tine; but it is optional with tho young Ladies whether tO joie such classes or not. Tuition is charaed Don the dnmF of the Scholars Calumet. Moe to the clo.e of the Terns—driluotion being made in ate of absence corned by stone:a, and whoa a special agreement is made. in ansance.,woli the Principal Mt IRA I. Sl.l .I.`etlON has pith rto been the chief relined° the Teachers in secunng thorough daciolieo—and it hashes efficient. Corporeal pu cithinesitl is admituateted outwit the ml i obdurate one incorrigibin caws. constant aim of tbo Teachers It to probe the instractioto the repair, as well as that of books, Practical, as rrilllu Theoretical. The strictest attention le given to the Conde it, Dahhi sod Morals of the Puuil.. While under the charge of the Teachers. HOARD can boob:caned at reasonable prices. RICHARD SHAW, PrClideat. J. D. ISPENALLY, Secretary. June E 5. Ith9 ' PLEASANT DRILL I IRON FOUNDRY and MACIIINE SHOP, At creayierd. TII II n ndenignel respaotia Hy aimon . gioas to th e people 01 Clearfield and the adjoining co (*.that 'result coda• nes to carry on the above basin etensive establish, . meet in the norouch of Cletuti is now pre p to manufacture all kinds of ' I Castings used for Gris , Saw.lllll ~ - and all kinds of hews Maehin 1 . coon{ Ills Cas are now of a superior quality-a-Coe , If perior,to any other in'tho Slate—as ho ages noUt attar* 0 best material, and employs none but the very best of erottralk Ihs MACHINE SHOP, With two inPailor TWINING. LATIIES4 driven by stafal, Is now In socoeufdl operation. and under Use tnanaremeat of a practical rceabania—where armrest any Ankle of maottlyan can be FINISII I ll ) in the very hest style, and on short arnica. Ile has now AO hands a large enortment of C..sunes. such 7 as STM,r ES of Carlo s sizes and patterns, PLOUGH IRUNd. WASH IC 1... CUL ES, huh, tze. wit ion he o ff ers to sell halter Cash, or oa a reasonable credi , t. lie is now ousting. (rota be most spe,oved Patterns. HATI - I A WAY COOICING-STOVES. - ALSO—Fancy Air 2Vglit Parlor Stoves, 'it , - Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, • Warlord's celebrated' Plough. , And all kinds of 1101 , LOW-WARE, SIXIOII and SLED sobEdl. WAGON ,11()XES, Ito lie intends peg ell on seasonable terms, and trustt that the 1 citizens of the county aooerally will find lila. their advastato to give him them ou stoat . ()ASH will always be porforred - • but the higher' prices will he allowed for Country E' rode lf . 1 and OLD MET AL. As he gives his establahmeathispersals :N supervision, all orders for work will receive prompt attention, '-'1 AM Liar. 1 Clearfield; rZo. L 8,1651. D THOMAS DEVINE:--TAILOR. itESPEUTPI.II.I.At announce; to thg citizeninf the vide. !y of Gearlielti thidge, that he continuo' to Cllll/1 psi TAILOLCING 111JSIVES a short distance East albs whom ho thunkfalFor a share orplibll9 pity)liti" he Mteadsto aloaseni I who favor him with their costOlti., Clearfield. Pa. May 28. I&3l.—tf. • Just Bectiietina, the, .0.20 t Za 1 New supply GROCEE. rw " A noezi Jai? a.3t169. 110171 ii Ebirral. ,