Awful Disaster. - • • Steamboat Collision on Lake '.Eric—,Re. ported Loss of Two Hundred Lives. Bufalo, N' Y. Aug. 20.—We - have just received a report of a collision on Lake Erie, Which occurred about g• o'clock this morning, between the steamer Atlantic and the propellor Ogdensburg, which has been attended with the most melancholy loss of life. The latest accounts aro that the steam er was run the propellor, and as the passengers were all in their berths, they were swept away before they were able to ascertain their'dreadful position. Buffalo, N. I'. Aug. 20.—The steamer Atlantic, with nearly 250 passengers on board, came in collision last night, on Lake Erie, when about 12 miles from Erie, Pa., with the propellor Ogdensburg, by which the Atlantic was so much damaged, that she sunk in a few minutes. The Ogdens burg Was much damaged, but succeeded . in saving a number of the Atlantic's pas ' sengifs, and this morning , put into Erie with them, from whence the steamer Clay ton, was immediately despatched to the scene of the disaster, to render any assis tance that was possible, if any of the pas sengers should survive. The accident oc curred during the prevalence of a dense fog. The Latest Account, Over 200 Lives Lost. Buffalo, N. Y. Aug. 20, 1 P. M.—The vows oldie dreadful disaster on Lake Erie has created an intense sdnsation here• The collision occurred near Longport, and with such force did the Ogdensbui . g strike the Atlantic that she went down in a few minutes, without piing time to alarm the passengers, who were asleep in their berths., It seems to be the impression that all on board went down with the ill fated steamer. It is impossible at present, owing to the distance of the scene of the disaster from this city, to get anything like a correct list of the drowned. The accounts came in a disjointed man ner, though it is known that at least 200 lives were lost, and perhaps a much larger number. Tho report says that 250 lives were lost. Erie, Pa., Aug. 20.—The propellor Ogdensburg reached hero this morning, leaking badly. It is reported that not less than 250 lives were lost by the sinking of the Atlantic. LATER INTELLIGENCE. By nn Eye-Witness of the Scene.—Nearly Four Hundred Lives supposed to be Lost. Front the New York Herald. We have seen ono of the survivors off the ill fitted Atlantic—Mr. John S. Blake, of Meriden, Connecticut. lie arrived in town yesterday morning, and proCeeds to day to his home. His escape from death was miraculous. Tho Atlantic Was from Buffalo, bound to Detroit, and was loaded to her utmost capacity with passengers. She had on board fix° or six hundred, in cluding over three hundred Norwegians and Germans. She was so fully ader) with her human freight that Captain Perry was compelled to leave from fitly to sev ,qity.five emigrants on the pier nt Buffalo. We aro informed by Mr. Blake, who is a cool and intelligent gen.leman, that of the whole numbation board the Atlantic, not over one hundred and twenty-five were saved. They were picked up by the pro peller, and he saw all when they proceed• ed on board the Sultana. Thus instead of two hundred, the loss is nearer four hun dred. Mr. Blake has made a statement of the terrible affair. It is annexed; and speaks fbr itself. .Ninv York, Aug. 22, 1852. I have at this moment the first opportu nity since the fatal disaster on Lake Erie to give a description of the awful scene, as it then occurred, which is still vivid before me, and in all its horror, as far as 1 had an opportunity to view it. I have refrained from reading any account published as yet, with the exception of the first telegraphic despatch, which ap- I ' peered in a Buffalo paper, for the reason that I wished to retain the scenes fresh in my mind as they occurred to me, believing such truths in relation to the heart-rending and fatal catastrophe should be mades.ub lie ; that the evil may bo remedied. IP You are aware that the calamity hap pened abOut• two o'clock on Friday morn ing; August 20, at which time I was sleep ing in my . berth, instate morn No.l, (with two other gentlemen Whom I have not seen' since, arid' fear they are lost,) which. room was on the larboard side, and within from' four to six feet from wtere 'the propeller struck the' , and as near us I can judge, about y between file paddle /i t wheel and t n of the 'vessel. AAie moment she struck us,and while the t o rs were still moving and crushing • me deNtlft in my berth, I struggled and ex tricated 'myself, and in a moment was on the forward part of the hurricane deck, along Side of the pilots wheel. I had occupied this positicin but a few moments .before : the appalling cry wash heard that she was sinking. All was confusion;and the next moment the command.Was,given in a stifled and ag itated voice, tohead 'her in .for shore and ring the bell, both of which commands were soon . ..obeyed, and some . exertions made to careen her over on her starboard side, tokeep the water from rushing in but without much effect. .. All this finisher engine was ininotion, as it had been all the while and was fast leaving the, propeller., 1 , ' .1 then theudht it time to make an effort to save my life.:—l secured the gangway door, and placed' it' ver the rails on the guards outside, intending it for future use, concluding telemain upon the wreck as long 'aii,•l totild, giving myself 'sufficient time to Clear the-.vessel when she should go doWn. ' ' '.. ' '.• , ' But very soon the cry of fire was heard, at which time the OrnigriinthWeie jumping off' the for Ward deck, as they' hed been do ing, previously by • dozed'; some sinking under the wheels, and some passing astern, uttering such fearful cries for help in their own language, as to render the scene which it is impossible to describe doubly appalling. Some fifteen or twenty minutes after the collision, the main deck sunk 1 . and then I launched my frail support and struck out to clear the vortex whichl supposed would soon be made by the sinking vessel. When I waS sufficiently clear from her and her wake, and also without the reach of those who were drowning around me, of 1 whose cries I will not attempt to speak, I lay still, and watched the motion of both steamers calculating my chance of escape , which I did not ,at any time, lose sight of. GENERAL ELECTION It has been said wo went some 3 miles r , ,-,-, LA,ooLh.m.a. 2 E ®l`4 . after the collision took place. If so, then EREAB, Ily nn Act of the General Assembly of for mo to be able to see that distance, ono W P Ponusylvauta, untitled -An Act to regulate the Wu. of two things must be false—either it was ' the airat P i lettl e tt with il in fl ' ' Sri Ct4n"ettit It i t ri tt3n" l7 .l" l Je t :N.'ll ~ 10 1 1. 0 _5.,11.1111. L./UO.IO 10 ILVO 1/1.1.11/ 1 ,1111, not verry foggy, or we did not run that dis _ r00L0wi.t,;,,,,.,...iii,%1,,1L,,.., I. to i,., e held, and the ()Meets to lance. It is true I did at one time, almost High i'lligii"°l.6''g;ile"l'il ‘:°i"'.YL•l'A'liniraelt;LlLg'''AuLihniLLl'. lose sight of the propeller—l supposed she 1 To tho Public Notice, was leavina us to perish. It was then for El r cters of the count of Olan , flohl that n GENER in i Al. 1...!.1i.i.t1 I' 1.4 will ha held on the BEOIIN G TtIEnDAY the first time I lost my fortitude—l g ave up t in ti : .. , : i t i ,7 ) r . . , :lipt ,, n v ext i (using the TwELPTII day of the w s i; i i ill o,, u c orty , at for lost ; but I yet hoped for help from that , wnid,O.,,,,Ji the quarter, and I did not look in vain, for soon °ll6 person, for Judge of the Supreme I saw her bearing down towards us, and.' Court of this Commonwealth. God only knows my feelings of gratitude. One person for Canal Gommigsioner of i l I made for heras fast as my strength would! this Commonwealth. permit and was taken on board. One yierson lb represent -glen counties of! plow that such an accident should hap- Clarion, Clearfield, Elk, Forest, Jeffer pen, must remain a matter of speculation: 80n) McKean, Venango and Warren in 1 to those not present, but me, I believe it to the Con g ress of the United States. I be ono deserving the strongest censure.— One person to represent the counties of That there was a reckless spirit manifest- Clearfield, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, Mc ed, I fairly believe—otherwise, how, on an Kean, Potter and Tiorm, in the Senate almost clear night could it happen. of this Commonwealtri. J. S. MAKE, Merideo, Ct. , One person to represent the confines of Clearfield, Elk and McKean, in the ------ FROII EUROPE. House of Representatives of this Corn- monwealth. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. One person for Sheriff of Clearfield coun- The ty. Fishery Trnbles in England. . One person for Prosecuting Attorney of New York, Aug. 22.—The Collins Clearfield county. steamship Atlantic, Capt. West, with four One person for County Commissioner. days, later adviccs from all parts of Liu-' One person for County Auditor. rope, reached her dock about half past 3 Tim Electors of the county of . Cleartio..l will t a ke no tes o'clock this morning. She left Liverpool' ir,, , t , a,, to d G.uctal fl!ecitdu will be held at the lollow:na on the 11th inst., at a quarter past 4 o'clock . At i the , COUla ifiusr. , in the bdruugh of Clearfield, lot P. M., rind arrived at the Hook at 11 o'clock ; Al t: liti house t ow nsh ip WllAM lIJOVER. for aradfotil town. last night, thus making the passage in ten At 1111; louse of ,j 1 ill N GO 3S. tor Deco ur t ..sensh to. At .l T t r , ..houroof SAMUEL M. hAllTtd, ror Iteecaria town -1 days and seven hours. The A. has now Ai w t o i nv i , , , or i!o or h rLA t n . ? , BLOOM, jr , to the bo:otigh of Car made the four quickest successive trips' 'ever accomplished between this pot[ and; r i, k , i , i il ro igunrj..ic,4viiity,iitycktEal fl;Vmritgtgtritzwra:wilal: Liverpool. i hip. I A s t i lio tnhoel hooseen Si encore Ilill, for Penn township. A' the h ,ure of J A.fil EB I Al ittl Y. for Chest towntloo• The Asia arrived at Liverpool on Sat , At [.gates, Bill Sehool Bonze. for Girard town shit, uruay eveninff, 7th inst., at ten minutes At the hoe se ofYOU N G,AN , lot ‘lrrislo,,o4lip. lit the ro of J,BIN ter du rnside toirrisshlP. ' past 5 o'clock". I At the noose of ABAPTI EWA:3,for Bell townshitt. 1 .s. rho house of JAMES 1t10N713A11... lot J 011412 township. At I oe 'woo* oi G UtritG lit TIRO ER, fur Boggs tow timid, AFFAIRS IN ENGLAND. ESE NY 1 1,81,N, AlAt iho hnuo, old 0 , Ito to Wll5lOll. Mr. J. Macgregor, formerly President Idtitrt wise of ID iV . 8 .., V':67".:°"yr:i:',s,.". 4 ' . of tho Board of Prude, publishes a letter At „ too i. oottio of .touri w titre.stue., tor Woo dward town in the Daily News and other metropolitan . ~ , t i , T t i t i,, , ri i t i . t p:Acil , ,oi, ii.iu.s 5, for Cio:hen township. ME SOU 91, loroierly cc u o thl It a hoarding papers, strongly in favor of an amicable Al A.7l u irri:.lTlM l lti a llr u n t h f i t P W. Moore, for Union town. adjustment of the fishery question. On A Vi t l& COURT 11011 SE, fos the broonli of C!ertifiel.l 11 , the same subject time Daily ,News of the , At tide lease JOBB D RAUGBEtt. for the borough of 9th says, in his remarks on the money r, NOTICEe. , e .lett ' c e IS „ INIT.'O'Fh."P,,'LTP e wI n,V .EIi . Zit all market, "as regards ono of tho points ol e i nc., or . aupotatment of t o oth or trust, unite": the et/rerun:a. el due e tt , n w s . elt i n .. t i e ,;n o , r d o , t fli o n n o y r o c r ity ot of ins that has told very sensibly in favor of the bears, viz: the American Fishery dispute,' 't...,'L l 'r'lit,"'i i :.",l...i c i.V. l. LI ;T.', who o ruJ n'Ate`ilV,tiebpea.t..."..7."l we are in a position to state, from the best 1, .%i - L,i a re'n s i u / . 1`.% ° . Yi,=' B , w "..".. o t, r e s rt y r c i'n Lt a g t re l s n s e ncrei a t t n d d a n t e e n b o y ' I:71 1 e..1 (, 0 i n, , authority, that in the present position ofl I oteg,lllnl.lLfri.,,Ant..i,l .0 1 l ' a t n i l y e i.e 0 common ro ral'e r d se t t il'is e t L ri L g. n the affair there is not the slighest ground 1 1 ° tr::, 7.ttlit i t t o lt i g .to ° !l, g o i if 1 ' D o,o* t ai o th i ! )rtr oti'ma'site'oToao' or Valet no r lostector. Judge Or 0011 " for the fear that any interruption of our I th t l i s e Lj,`""a" ° '''''' oh any ‘ueli o.eztarn shell be eligible lo a my ogles voted friendly relations with the United States I" And the R eturn Judges of the respective districts atomised& will ensue." 0.,, te r t ,ttr.ti to nosed et the wart house, in the botough of Cleartiel I. on the FILLST firtIDAY neat ober the :aid Se The London Times of the 9th has a oo tt ,,, l , u v, e l . ,: t i a e y d of of t t e e ni tore v r ia t w nen and thole to do all those leader in favor of the British claims. The' U s i , ' t I , :lh bidyeorinly.h,aun„ci • anA the sta y l . , ,a a r t (i:loalarrlieldrpoltw, te„t:uty,- and o At hundred and ;i n fty-two. and of the I n dependence 1120rnin,, ,, Herald (government organ) has . I 01 I.lle t..l.lltbd Suites ti,eventy.tioventh. the following, which may be regarded as; __ At.exmiukar oni.owc.i.b. Einar. semi-official:— In reference to a question which natur- ally, at this moment, absorbs the public at tention both in England and the United States, tho facts are as follows :—"Her Majesty's government have made new claims on the United States, and have withdrawn no concessions made to that government. A renewal of the long vexed question respecting the Bay of Fundy has been mooted. Lord Aberdeen's concession of 1845 respecting that arm of the sea, (guarded as it was by his Lordship, by an assertion of our rights over the whole bay,) remains where it was. The disputed in. terpretations of the technical terms of the treaty of 1813 remains where it was. All that has been done by the government, is to strengthen our squadron on the coasts of Newfoundland, Novia Scotia and New Brunswick to defend a right which the United States do not and never did dis pute, namely, that of retaining' in our possession the water 'Within three miles of our own shores from the encroach ments of both the French and American fishermen; and the American vessel, they GEORGE LANICH, JR., Coral, alluded to, was seized within a guar- i ter of a mile of our own coast. Our squad -'I .F3ll-'6ll3Aaeo ron is now no larger than the French one IN tiivid,ilV.Mtvfourieiri his his on the same coast. Our right is that !Ittonsvon.T,V.'lls!Llesntdacdotitlthitetli'L!yiheijoGnaliojadlTlTuili'al which demands the respect! of all nations z g e o r ilf oect u r, l l,3 ,l l t n0devirit.,...,,,D41110 D on ascend stree., of the globe ; one acknowledged by inter- Wagons, Buggies, &c. national law ; and if for many years our will be Ironed and tinislvd Mt in the nett style and or the successive governments have neglected to iwi.,,,r,i,,,,,,...nLe,,,„th.,:, mammy , o r ,, k . l b o e I: nug,oia,fi evert 1.. h oc ; m li e m s 1 , El: .a s . b protect their- fellow subjects, as Francelt!lls'_..2_l--------- Clearfield. Atte. 1.11, 1b d. ------------------ and the United States always protect theirs, I CARPETINGS IIND OIL CLOTHS. both in America and the channel, we can i ; DA . ELLIf 12 . imo v ii , Em pi.„ only be grateful to our present Ministers , IMP. ,ItTMltti awl filentilaottartir of CAllii•E3ll , 4o: l . and 1 it dealers in CAINTON unit COCOA MAVIINC3. too. for repairing their fatal supineness. ' Corner of Twelftlt and Market St's. Philad'a. We shall return to this subject, upon invite attention totheir eatenti e man of s ' which both hero and across the Atlantic, s,vor:iar.„er:elty et. '1 ritptelsiiriAirtitsieles.ntrintd ii'll'inuifurn the public have been most grossly i i rn_s_n- tii• ir 10..re0 stoa ' t);" i % u v g ull' gene ' n ' or ri,...Tii.l:l"(tilOtilla, insortsl 1 Willllll, from/me to eight yards. Our stock of LtiNt PRICED formed and misled., llsilDtAlls: CARVETA. al our own manufacture embrnoes the 1-IPat vat' Iry of well made amid, over Put In the market—all of Emigration to Australia continues undi.! which will t ha otr,,,ed on the most 'eyelet:a terms. _A • -,, st'Zl. Uto'.l.-10. minished. D Fifty ships, of from 500 to, 2000 tons, are entered to sail during the present month from Liverpool, London, and Plymotith. ' Accounts of the potato crop are at least no worse. Interesting Southern Items. Baltimore, Aug. 23.=.—The Southern , mail came through to night with dates from 1 New Orleans as late as duo, bringing also', advices from Texan to the 13th; The Texas papers represent .much sickness as prevailing in that„State: .The; crops are eVerYwhere yielding &pitifully, and of fers have been made to furnish the Govern• merit with corn tv4inqr.ftVe cents per . MARRIED -- On' yesterday, by Bev. M. T. Merwin, BENJ. SPACEMAN to Miss MARY JANE FLANNIGAN, both , of Bradford township. KrFor want of room we are compelled to omit a description of the beautiful and delicious wedding cake that accompanied the above information.: DIED—In this place on Sunday evening last, Charles, son of Robert and Louisa Manly, aged about nine years. In this place on Sunday night last, in fant daughter of Ashley M. and Jane Hills. On Wednesday last, Edward, son of Samuel Fullerton, of Lawrence township, aged about 7 years. Watolli®i B WaLtolh®o BOBER r II WELCH 11 EFT'S aouttantiv on Bond a lino ristortment of Wadies n. et the follow II Ir low W.'S' C( ) LA PIN ED, '4 hottest j•ver t ett, 18 carets. $5O POI SILVER HUN FING ~.A1..... rive, I,ov r, 81 00 SILVER DETACH Li, Lover, luiljewelart 20 to ler th 00 SILVER t PEN Vlti , 7' . i I'. I...d.ned, 14 to Iti Also—SliliMN It lIAN II WA.11:11t.:;. of vaTioug pikes. He rI M 1 ',vs 8e...14 on 15t,.1 n I rue as ailment or If st- TERIALB FOR WA ft;ii LS, ol tilt, hest English menu fai• lure, such at chem.. 4:lleitis , . I:lslamic Kers, &a- Sic. tient Watch Ilnuits. of nil ktnos. Also. Fancy Siert, n od Fan'ty Pin: (11, and common ?ranch Bands of ull suns, SMl and Wiwi RITA I RINI: of Cloaks and Watches dart° to order, owl I for nine at nothing. Cr 6..0,, on 6,tcuud street, CM iOltli LIZ Lanitth't hotel. ultrattlettl, Aug. 07, 1852.—tf. Why Dont't Von Insure rVIIE INCOMING MUTUAL IWURANCE COMPANY I still continue to mike 1115111111:10t3 against Ltlhtik:3 BY FLUX. on buildings and other preperty, at as low a lute as ring respousiblo company can. If Wire' occur Uhl alarirOultillY,Pald.and no ,tria,to t hen is II eekt lIIITy to !nuke good the Itelll ill i015011111111.11,11111u, Ii00•1(010(1 at au y tune. Persons liMllinn - in Clearfield county, desirous of insuring their property can have tha sam letters"deS to bp addressing the suliscr.ber at elvarfield.—All pest paid. August t 11,11354.-8:. jUtiN 1...C1171'LL, Agent. c.chula.chacu;.Ey.a.o A LL carbons aro hereby cautioned arralp'Ktritsting my 13. wife unTtiniti pa: on my ueaount. kha to now helog ha a ludo of separation from nio, and I will not tionguousi her bie in nay way for her maintulnance, or usY af coutractioa. At wooer time will show that 1 have no riga to paake anir provision even for her 'tweet. flli.Vlll W. HOYT. Forguloo town:Lilo, Alut.9. I 652 Estate of J. E. Hunter deceased. I\.TOTICE 113111:MERVIIIVN,* the Beets, end an .1.11 Boum* oIJ. fillNTEU:deeeated. have been placed i n in , basiiie by the tolvolutstintott Gcuribe Bunter. ler °A. !cativo and tettlemept.' Pericles Indebted will do well to at. tend without 'delay et toy °nice la Latutlield august at. ma. • JDAIISNALLY. nPALL imur,vricon.. FEL.t.t)w-errizENe OF OLEARFINILA) CUONTY— I respectfolly offer myself to your ocouldetallua as a candidate for the office of kill blitt FP at the ensuout General Parma— amd if elected, pledge myself to pnrlorm the duties thereof to the best of my abilittes, antl without t ear, laver, or , WILIAAaI POW ELL.. Aug. 0. 1852 ME SSRS. EDITORS— Male ennonneo the name of JADI ES MI MI, ren.. of Pike township. tt, n oand Wet° for Li' e ()Mon of riIIERIVF. at the eornine.,toll eleutiou.Ana.. Ih, Fr..21-nd. MEN:1118, MOOR LI WIL ON— GI EN I'LEMEii—Pleuso outlaw:tee the name of G FORGE; It. Hymn'. alarm!! towntlyt, an n Volunteer candidate for the ullize of COUNTY CONIMI:36I()NLIU at the ensuing Unteaer neetion, and oblige MANY VOTERN. August 0, 1853. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. 1111 E TRU:irk:LS hereby giv. UULI that they havoc:el meted with DR. CATLIN . & WIFE, To continua io charge of the Academy during 1311 , 011er yrt.t TT e Academic Year It dividh min f 1 ID It QUARTER:3 of lIVLIATE tti ELKS, each. and ElVii DAYS of Teull• in^ in each wok. 'he ticxt o.l.lrtor will commence on MONDAY JUNE. 0, 1832. at the followliin Reduced Hates of Twitliont CoM Nil IN I.:M01,1311 BRANCHES—lncluding Wilt no, Stickier: Antlunette, clacc• molly. Vertloll Ilranntnny anti 11Won' t'2 00 Al.l, III(;11Ett PlING1.1:311 BRANCH it,tl—lncl ins Latin Grammar, 04 00 01A1111LAI ATICAL DP.PALIT fI ell 00 M DAMN.' EX BittilletErti given in 1 / I .IOAI, ItiIJSIC la which ell Ina , oftfliajontn warllalt (1111116 , nd ehirOo. Vt/ Ef KLY 1,1 . 1CT1 :It hrt are given to rho older pupils on olory , and ether raterekt tog en ject•, without extra 01134 , 0. SOO; 11l the ()Mil pupils no choose, encnne on Fltlttis V P. NI. ot each w0..1r in er,ofe.res Einem t.lrent.c.ition vow ittnesl ioni upnii their ievutal studio. All °there attend to their nseel l'. ht. hititliel Iv , I.4I}IES ItEl l Att I'M Mil' is er.tirely snitn unto from the alit, r en the ortt of those who dale it. Two et clothe 1000111 of 1,1111 weXe.l. jet Ibe tie 110 10 Of vcoaelll it , him.; Ent 1t is uutiunll with too yalllag Ladleti Whether to join each claw , of het. ts chary.rat fro tho driver the lieholots common• ulna to the clo,ti et . the Torn—tb duel tea being made In C3to of absence ceased by mottos!, 11,11 401,000 'petard ugh:kat:eat is made. In novas:at, with the Prieeieul l u ll rti AI, Sts Artl, IN ham hi:lotto bean the chief relin nee th4Traeliersi in le:ming 11.00m:zit illunullue — ntubit hi, been 10E•fieir Corinnunt tin ni:htnentlis ad:11;101030A ouly,na the t wist wererate owl inutfrfieitth• t. 111 , A:01.'11:int aim of the 'reedt to is to wake the initttiction4 they 1 , 111 , 11 t, 01 Weil as thht of books, Practical, us v. ell as tworolifoLl, st,ioto.t nrenUon lo given to die finndli rt. Paints end Metals oh the Niels whi.o ender the charce of the Tertche , a. Whitt It can hi 01.,,uitiad fit re ilonn hie price , IHA ;11Ait BO . President. II M'EfilAl ,,, Y. Seerrt. v. J PENN IR()N FOUNDRY; Machine, Pattern nail ffinclisinitli Shops, 9 'a• uven.s. tvntild In thn of :.11,1 .• I lint h.. ha; (L....e1l If 1 , i(1111 t. c.,od .•rL r,I, a I tot cl ffeffrtietd, near the Li. , e of henna... U. 'dome, v. 11.,e tin it limos keetiiria ( .1 N aA 1 , A r Warr/1111e 1 1 I ) b. male of tno boot me.lntinl. and a: inice3 that ununa all ut) , lllon'e u I. or hoitook on h 2,1 : Fl free, 1101 . -Al It Et fI(ING STOVE, fot ether or 'lout '1 his Stove but ho.bably the largest into aof any other m st iyee. IL h at neLii .i t e i lA.L in ftitil^o l it. sty i.A.uuty, we nitwit !friths way• ler sti It It na , dr uniltirsti, el. aril the hunt belay in L unen zed thAt al• can be itleriard w,C.iint any tootle°. Tee 0.01 , 11ir torsi soil coniti action is 'net' us to render it the mast dnr.tldn of all stow es. Newer 'us lnit.lintic.als could tie oddol, bit It demand v n 00011,11 I I.lll'll. IVEU ("SEM 11l SI COOKING tITUVES — at from 18 to 1,0 fit STOVES—for either wood or coal. riumi . r do • sm.AmANDeat do a beautiful Coal Stove. VASf: do EGG do MN LI 8,1 TEN PI,ATE etiomt—very cheap. , , OKA lES with Summer niece.. A Imp) variety MANTIA: n •111[1.C. 1•••...• 'snperior lin!suo (t',". I tom lb to 25 inchez. 041140 N ll tiATE - . all ET" PI.AIN AND 01; ANI fiNTAt. TAILING; 1101,1,0 W WAIVE; LIVEN muirrElS II) do S , .;ALIf. SEAMS. %VAG , )N BOX stAR KINGS for antis. ROAD SCR A. TCR: 4 , new article. COHN CONN AND CI m wnrrente Ito grind li Bus Ears rot hour . II 'ICY ERGS the best in use ; do. bi AN. I 111!1.1.: 4 aud TIIIE BENDEIVA ; Toge.l.2r will, the usual variety of rt isles kept at Foundry Establishmen a ts. Also, Made to Order, GRIST and SAW-MILL GEARING — hav ng decidedly the Inrgust stock. and nest variety at Wendt of any osunbligh went in wcatArn Pennsylvania ; MILL LUGS. I:3IIAFE ING-I.lrge and granil.of cast or wrought non , (lAN I; ER, 4 , IMO Wiend PUL.I.I ; Rose end other esporOved Water ty WOOD WOODN I.ATIIES; bIANDIULL.S tut Cireuler Saws. (JOKING at AOHINEN. Constantly on hand and for sale, FANNING M1L1,0 4 . TURF:SHIM; MACHINES. PEN NOCK'S 2;):I.ERRATEI GRAIN DRILLS. &c. Ike. Screw-Cutting _ Any sited screw, with any desired — nun:Biter of threads to ~ieti, eithei to are or V thread. Brass. Cooper. and lilibbett's Metal N Casti ATIIANngs n rodo t Y o order . Match 4. I g 52.-1 'i'o U II OWIDCFS. Mlle undersigned has nopointe.l L. It. eARTEIt, of Cearbelii. hi. ean. for the 1310 of eating'. who will receive bills for ail kinds of Mill Gearing. nod oincr mobil:it • ry. Persons demons to contract will do well to call and ex amine the catalogue of P.,: and specimens of th work. bolero making engagemenf.s elsewhere. eastrogs will he de. livered, it ogstraqi, nt C ostheld. and warranted in be of good material, and linisti•il in a workmanlike manner, tfay. in , in mmg ieigi o rder "'IVO rsoperinr Loth.. and other ma chmery in the same propeitton. employing none but the bat Workmen, slime the very bent Pig I ruu and Coal, with maul other advanteges, he listless himself that his wink will be done as well as In the best ciry shoos. an t on the soonest notice. For particulars, call on Mr. t_..iktirEit. Agent. NATHAN 1g Y EHS. Maroh 4.1482.-1 HEMP HILL'S' iiinOTEL, CLEARFIELD, PA. P. subscriber most respectfully informs tha 0it . 7.43133 0 1 Glintifielti county. end ihe travelling public geumally• that he has taken the elitism named IJOTEI satiated nit the 00fIlOf Of Front Anil Merkel rtreeta, in the borough 0 1 C ear when, he will tit all time. 1)3 VITUISIt , I to accommodet • Mom who limy In tor him with then east ni. No hams wit b. covet by the timortmor to make his immunise's comfortable and los bourn aHO51I; to thme who um t Wp with him. !I's STABLE will he catemllv nrendeil to—and ha TA ISLE anti LIAR notional with ihit bet. the m M ernet wt.' nffird VI Al. J. HEPHILL. AuKatt B. l,!&3 Saw-Illill and 200 Acres of Land 0,4 FOR. Sit ILE or CI EVE• T Vtti r uri)e c lrr o HALMor their \ it4.,ie : tl, i t TI N.l II L( LAN II run ded In l's•na towna in, Clendivlrl counts. This ilsoontiy p m 5.60,11111117 udvuntuuet t. it Lulu ncring oCnbishroent. being sitn . devl on lip stream known rs iii Itun. nbout 1!% nil is from the rivvr. and in the in:dot of nn exlnatilvel Liflthdr tea ion. ,Tiie ;AO' tql y (Art , nal) . Iv, Sold Cr liPnled. Wthls tho,,,,,thie and so/lumpy. ul InnnollaielY. rir r"r fwd. , on apply ether to I bell !wavy. 111 Ciouliekl, or to Cloth and Cady, on Inn Gramodushills. neer tho June 18 185 J, OILS, TALLOW, GREASE, AND C Elll'l3 "Miluamnall PliiraLte 3 0n IiARREI , S MACIIINERY OIL. l'oico 76 cent. ''''' catkin. ...ii.b G A1,1,1).,.:i Do do 1 in a. I , F. of V 1117 0 ,11 liZ" I Price 75 cis. per gallon. i,itlo BAHR 1i:t...%i BOILED PAINT OIL. do do do stlo G ALI.ONI3 Do do do in lack,: of vario seizes Do do do SY) B,l.friry,l,t4 TANN BltS' OIL. Venous kinds and quail h:c. from to it per gallon. 1500 GALI,ONM in Cl:taco! varionr sizes. Various kinds mid 91:tiddler. from 33 to i.II C..lts tier gallon. ED 1 ONt2. TALLOW LREASD, tot Ileavy clarifies.... and Coarse Machinery, In Darrel , or CELAN. of any oto.siateui oy Tertured. Pike d contc her pound. lit) iiiriy,„l i Alio bfIAL:AL PALL, in Barrel', at the lowest mug:et pogo. ElAutiiN zit y OIL, warranted not to chill In the coldest weather, and congidered by thm t o A equal to Hoorn; I Ili. WHAM) PAINT OIL, equ a al to Lin.eed Oil, other than for white. I ton consiantly receiving largo runplier of the above named enrolee, and rny wetter 1.. "timed profits an S. oniuk returns". LS . PPND. 56 Water Street, (under lbw Pearl Et Wane) New York. June lii.leok.—Unau. Ned , York. City. Zla a CD at 0 A GENTS 01 experien.n wanted to opriato for the FAH- Isi La , ' and kN1 1 :11S' NIIITUAL 111.: 4 ,11111 ASS( AAA - 110N O 1 11 Ait MitURG. Pa., to whom cowl aneouragentaat will ba givon. App y at the Ullico. Nu. 01 South Second Street—or uddrcz (potl mod) j F. unhca. Preildont. Ilarriiburg. Aug. 1.1._18.511 Estate of Richard Davis,dced. T v °TICE; Li 11Mt LAW GtVILN, ThatLettergof Admin. A istratlon have been granted to the eutocrlbere on the Clearfield IIICitARIS DA'VIS. late of Beer:arta townshin. county. deceased. All pertoos Indebted to said es. Loe it.° requeited to make Immediate payment—and theme having demands 'against tho same will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. DAVIEI, Boccaria, } Ad Adorn. GEO. GILL, Ll:afford, Autruct 18. 1833 Teacher. Watited. ANY p,...,qualirkd to .te , tati - a COMMON BCIWOI can get a ittuation at Curwensville with a liberal corn vemation. rot pasticulars address the subscriber WM.. IRVIN. Ourwensv duly 23.1839. Ditucollaatiom. Cc.Pnitnorthh , herebilo o esletitie between tho sob" Acacia, talin: ns pertuert In the name ot .1. P. & 1). W. HOYT. W' (I'l4:lived by iron: it cement on the Dth of July last—D: W. Hoyt having withdrawn Item the business The accounts of the Into Firm will be settled by J. P. Hoyt who w Conhuuo the batineasat the old stand nt her•toforo JOHN P tHIVT. DAVID Rola. ' , moon township, Aug.ll, 1652 Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. V %Mae of a writ of Lovarle Tadao. Ii M it f sue U out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me doweled. will tie es isosta to public sale. et the court noose In the borough of tgesufield, nn FRIDAY tho TWBOITY-i:IEVENTILISAY of 18.32 at 1.0 o'olock, u., in.. the following described linildtng. to Wit —Erected on a lot of ground of Jacob Cur. des, bought of Frederiek Zeigler. situate on Ilia Run theeK. in IfrodYjownship, A e , mule dew Mil. Fifty loot long and Bixteen reel wide. and the lot or. coming° appurietant there .cif od soldho conveniences 'necesiaty to uso tho maid mill -- ed taken in estent.on and to bra sold us the prOldertY of Jacob Cordes. ALSO, rtY VIIITUD of a Writ of Vornittiowl Esermes. Ironed out of ow tome court, and to mu directed. 'Will be ecpoied to publics sale. at the court house, In the borough of on MONDAY the 2:nh day of SLIVTENIREtt next, the fol• lowing described Tract of band, situate iu Vito township. Clearfield county. viz—UN:lnning at a hickory. thence west Ihti patellar to a post, thence cJ dert,ens, wilt 170 tenches to a post, north 49. &gnat east 4011 percher too post, ti,enca north lb dcgtees west bit perches, boor port of a tract of laud suf. veyrd to pursuance of a warrant grunted to Adam Zardzlng er, with 83 acres of clued dwelling llonsitstland Us inn Ilarn thereon strut:led. I:7e,zed nod taken le execution rum so Im told as the property of :form 11-nry and Thomas Henry. ALSO, ppV, - vittu of similes writ, issued out or ono same coma, nr..l ti eme itiottde,i, will be exposed to public sale at the ware truer rind place, all the interest rd defendant in and to a esitalts 'Citosti or Lund situate In roll township, (Jo, ttlani county. containing. Ilio exult. ?wing part of a survey on war rant Nu. b/d], in the name 01 Jails ell ioLnU, botianiud tit rho two, fritlen n5ll ,corner on the river, the boundary of snit% original surety. 'biome down the liter EU rods. thence by a. line across sold Trent to the northern line 0111102 a m, so as to include 110 acres of tho tumor ..nfoissaid large survey. and so as to 'delude the improvement of said deleadaut on said tract whit tw,s CAribling awl Saw ahlr Croton erected. and gloat 118 nowt cleared. eicreeri rind tilt sin 1111'01CCUtten and to Lid toldus dor purpo ALSO rt y of Comae Walters. , v "lane of 11 similar Wrihrlntiell out 114 . 1b0 same court. allO to the directed will be espotied to public sae, et the same time nail plate. a Cortaro Tract of band Sill/rile in ituegi toWntrlllp, (.11810rtield county, bunk:MOM!'lud acres, stir. veyrd on warrant to Robert Morris. Imundtsd by Vs , m. [slur ris &althea If Merton, John nurbilan and John Thomas.— Also hO acres m alt township. a !idolise the Itonett Morris lieginilina at :Llama thence north 10 perches to a our• nor or John 'I homes, theses 1.11. 4 5 per Ches tort pest, rousts 1 4 5 perches to place of beginuiny, cut 011' sin southwest coiner of the Waller syyoy, width() Carel (11calr-it ou the 409 acre trent. Hetzed nod taken iu exe,.uuu a and to bn odd as the property of John Mese. ALSO, ra virtue or an niers similar wri issued ont of thy same .L 0 court. and to me (hunted. will h, cx,rood pu bins sale at the same limo and place. all the interest of Josepu London e i .d ,lortu mode,/ in and to a Cor , run 'fr ,ct I.and. shuttle m Penn trienislrii,CleltrOPid CcUnty, Der:racing at a hemlock tarot to Lstes' cc Loctoon's hood 119 ptlches, theno3 south Uy I.ind or A. B. Heed Mil percher to a post. thence again east I.:0 octants. thence env h by toad of A. 11. Need 10ti perches inure l I eginniner 14141 part of survey keuwn Ll No almat 7,1 acres, with a 'l'wo Btory House and about 1U acres cleared thereon. AllO tit aces pi knit innate n 0:g• tuworblu. In sand county, bounded by land of Geo W ikon. wen., nen by laud 01 tlal ourY. with a CWlin•rlnuiso and Barn end about 1U acres cleared thereon. eeized and tt.l.,e In eieClitir)ll atol 10 be, suet as the proputty of Joseph Lund4n. ALSO, • vlltue of old:Mint writ, isteert out of rho same court. 11 / and to ate iti.ecred, 10 pis bite 4111 0 11 t the. nuns li.he and place, to wit--Ail lire rir to, title, ere,: tuna n,lll of tin r n:t an . re,, in nod t !.'its' ts tract of land situ eft r., iiicihrriri tots n hut. comfit' bocinnin3 at n retire tone. tneacu by lire 'I hems hilbrOn survey of.lltn Iln iter,hes tat a poor, the eau try lir a soil to C. Tipton west SO porches, the.ree mist try tho I{.•l) , lrt Wilma gurcey tl5 trer2.ll• r or, 1:11:13e .1 east by Inane Het bets port:hello tps..ln• t. berritt pun 01 a target I rho to the Diana Thomas tuition, with a Moore gad dta 11 , 0 and ahem 45 notes elearcd thereon. Bused and taken In exeuirtion and to be sold ea the property or Jeho It. Miller. ALSO, BY 'virtue of rt similar writ, issue! out of the same court, and to me d ,scted. will be exposed to public sate at the same onto and piLote. h. no pAnt,tile, ideroat and clan or James Robins et , to. auti le a u AI tale 'tract of Land siturve Penn tewnsiPp. Clearfield county. containing 51 acres. Lo wit—beginning at the township 1,4,1 lealtag to the Cherry Pic', thence along the Ire of John Stuarts to a comer Gill d Bell's COMI.V, Pien.:e at right angles into the balance of Peter Owen's lend a proper distance to make 5 acres. with a house otsciedthermn, and Omni PI acres cleared. thez,l and taken in CIIKAIL101:1 and to be so.d as the property of James lictnns. ALSO, BY virtue of a similar writ. issued out of the . same court. and to tile directe , l. wall bn swooned to public sale at tbe snow time anti place, to wit—A Certain Trout of Lind tan nin in firma/in t .w nstuo. tticarliobt county. bounded by !author Jan Pritchin, Hardman Phillips, and whim. con - Talmud ',hoot 110 acres, witty about 6 notes cloared. Eeiccd and tutor. In ezeJubon and to be sold as the Property or John ti. SV Mem. ALSO, DV virtue of n similar wilt., Issued out of the same court, lu and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the same time and place, to wit—a. Certain Tract of Land situate beingo township, Clearfield county, (soul alalng at acres, part of the Peter Widdows survey. beginning at e nut, thence try Jacob Downing north 117 percher, thence west 117 percher, thenoc gout', by rimeaPs land 117 perches, race east by the George It ibert's turves' 1 , 7 perches to Otos of beginning, with the inthrovements thereon. seized and taken In execution 1131 a to be sold zs the property of Mahe! Cum ALSO, 13' virtue of a writ of rieri rodeo, Issued out of the some Curt nod to me dtheted, will Po emoted to public .ale. en MONDAY the 20th day of t'eptumber next, at tha Court Muse in tire Borough ( . 41_10'1E41a. the following property, viz certain lot of amend situate In the borough of Our. wetiss die. Clearfield county. on the north of btste street. and west cf Walnut street ; beginning at a corner of a lot now or late of Wm. Irwin extending aloud said street 60 Net to a lot el Samuel War : thence along the same northward, 181 feet, more or less. to an Alley. them, along the same Well. Warn !49 feet to .bid lot, sow n late of Wm. Irwin: therm! along tho nine Southward 150 to the beginning ; wit h rt two story d welling house and stablo airman erectml. 8., zed and taken in execution and to be soul as the property of Samuel Omit, A. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Sherif s Office. August 5,185 d. court Proclamation. WHEREAS. The Honorable JOHN C. KNOX. Prest. dint Judge (Atha Court of Common Pinto of the Eigh ty-ash JII4II tat ()strict. composed of the eoursies of Cicar field. Clarice, Jefferson and Venango, and the Ilonornbits RICHARD SHAW and JOHN P. HO el. Associate Judges in Cienaiel4l county. have Issued their precept bearing dote the SIXTH day air August. 16a2, to me ttiteeted, for hold ing n CI 'CRT OF COMMON rt.F.As. ORPHAN'S COURT itIRT or QUARTER Sh.SSIONS AND Ct HALT OF ty ER AND TEIthIIN ER AND GENERAL, JAIL DE- LIVERY. At Clearfield. in and tor Clearfield county, on the THIRD .110Ni/A ot eept. oext—being theWth day of the month. NOTICE W. THEREFORE. HEREBY GIVEN. To the Coronor, Justices of the Peacv, and Cons' aoles in and fur the county of Clearfield. to nupear in their own proper persons. with Gulls, Records. Inquipuous, Examinations and other Rem..mtirenr.i. to r4o those things which their offices end in their helm( appertain to he done , and ell witnesses, nod other persons. prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any prtseners. are rtqui:ed to In, then and there at tending, and not depart without leave, at their peril. 61 Vttl under my hand at Clearfield. this 6tll day of Anglia, eo Chu year u otir !Ai vanty.eeventh year g ofd ono thousand eiht Amur t una In* d anl fifty tw.o and the 13e dependence 0511 M 'aro liailf..ilTs A.° 1.1310©. is lictelly given, that tho follow iug miscounts have been (tinfoil:ad and passed by ma. and remain diet) id record to this othee lot the It - plot:Pon of heirs, ieentem, U rt,:ttaft, and al! others in any Other way latereited, nod will 1. , visitant, little nest (I , nhaus l court ef Cleurfield Count) id he held at the Court I. Mise I.ho llnrung o! Cindield. on the :Aid day of . apt. next, for sionfirMati o on and al lowance. ist.-71m partial etrionnt of John Curry cud Simon Rom. Lough, Executors of James Curry, lota Of C.. Cal WWI:L.IIIP, e fluty, deceased. .2‘.l.—The foal As:count ot Cdtts aril Williams and William Wool iridg e, mintstra•eis of Samuel ilartler, late at !Wilfor l d I n o ro wnslitii. Cleutiit county,sd.—Thu Partial deceased. Accorut of JUMPS T. Leonard and Willinm A. %Violas:a, Flaw:oboe of Wm, 4). Welch, late of the bor. in col Cinch ;1.1 deceasu I. 4th —Tlis Plant Aceinut of John Tread, Josiah R. Rend and Ilum; Urn& Admiistrnioti Thomas Read, lota I-l i teration top, uship, o n olllll2'd county. deceased. of Ith. The Act:cunt of Ilenjamin Harsher°. Administrator. rod Eitzebe h Welch, Ailmintstrntift. of the estate of Geo, 440h0 WO township. Clearfleid oo e ke& Qt h. Thu Account of I). licrodrell .w. Administrator of tho e.titte of Isaiah Cdstdifeliuw, lute U I Clearfield Co , deed 71h. 'l'll3 Final awoont on Wm, Irwin an-I Amelia McMurray. AdrtilliatrUillti of Isfis thew Irwin, lute of Wraildo, town , shp, dee'il, fur telttement, Register's utile - " 1111011 LEAVY. PA t1&ll)1 4 . lIAI I.Y. WILLIAM (MARI( TRIAL LIST for Scpt.lerm, ISU. Lament & Mow° vs lii.ualirceoi & Brooke. W II Newcomer vs lied soon Ilan/ecru J T Leonard, Assignee. &o. vs James TUrlter Bell utat we of Homier use of ni. Grehhm,jr. vs II L flail Behaoherger & Bloom vs Benjamin If Ire Sabina vs 'V A McGhee, et. al. r:ium ate of Fed4wlek vs It linftsliorn George W Isong va lilac esmith Guillun use all Phew vs M Pricey ant. of Cuilllin Thos Llliot vs HAM& McCracken Philip Antes vs Bigler et Reed James Gailolierjr. vs Itorirunder ti. Brinkley John a t Chase vs Samuel Autrey James Gallaher. jr. vs J litirennder, et. oh W H Bloom um oil Smith vs Polar Bloom • , Wm Wilson vs Win Bloom Joseph McCracken vi SOlig64oMer & Bloom Wino Wilson vs Uhristlan lAA Si Emlah - vs Ji1:111111 Altvrt. & Brothers “ooree Reborn vs Evi-vhard Rehorn Jew') Snyder vs F WlJKini & A Pitt. Wildman Phillips vs Samuel Manny • Same vs Wm .Glasgow Patents' &Sons . vs A Leconte. A Leconte vs WM tci o nS E RPa. Pcrhoney . Aug. 10. Ma. _..ossmosoomoNNll Pierce vs. Scott. 'VMS canoe is down for trial on the Ii.IF,GUNI) FRIDAY or November, ord. The Plaintill'a declaration Is filed. he Deleartaut has out fits plea noon the record. Arid now,to wit. the 11th day ofJulY. HA the uudersizned fates this welled of gtoinv Public Notice To all poisons Interested in the tow or the above caw, that be unjust rem ved from the Dwain Uutes a large Will select assortment or Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware 4. Qucensware Which ho Is now prepandl to sell to either Deraoc.ate or Wi l k., at the lowest poisitilp cash PriiV.S. or in exchange for conntrY producer. Tho above stoat ot. gorier Dal Den 6014 , 01 , 11 with groat CCM; at to quality and pllCEl—dad with dstertraination to eEt.t. (.111 , 1 a than eau be uurgliased at any other eatablolicunnt iu the borough of (Newfield. Aud as wu charge nothing for showing our goods. or lel Int oar mins, we earnestly invite all Dennicratio and Whig I,n. (Leland (Jentlowen to WI, examine, and lodge ler them. salves.. At the old stand on Becloud street nearly opposite this tee. dello or uoyernor Bigler. MAD 510880 P. Cleathelds Joll kiss. ALEXANDER CALDWELL, Sheriff W i. PORTER. Register ea, Gleamlll. Augmt I}6J. . WAR, DECLARED WITH ENGLAND!. ....... . 147Ait WITII ENGLAND is beteby declared by Meter T V scriber whubasjust received from the Works of liit.' VIRE. fil'COY er. CO.. Illilesharg Pa... an extensiv lot q uality . MON of every description, and a l the very best which ho will sell at the following seduced prices: Common bar Iron,lissorted, 83 75 • • Horse-Shoe bar, alone, • 4 00 . Nail Rods, alone, 4 50 Nails at 5 00 and when n larger quantity °fainter nails or iron Is required. a creator red uot lOn is mode. There will 0113 be found at tbe tame u t u b.isumoor. a large assortment of . Stoves of every description, Conking Stoves. Ten Plate. b ino PAM. Parlor Ccal and Wood Flom., ell or which will he s dd at Cheap, and a hula Chink er t han wore over hallue °flared in these parts. Call and tee for yourselvts.uoar L. Leonetti Br. Mooro's s e tore. IL tiAti.That, Agnt. l Clentfiehl. Ativit 6, 1832. TO TIIE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. First Class lletel—Terms $l5O Per Day. mho subscriber, having lately become proprietor of the FRANKLIN IiOU:SE., Chesnut Street. between 3d and 4th, Plif LADELPIIIA, end haying reduced the price of board to SI 50 per day, gives notice that. notwithstanding this reduction. he will still continuo to keep a FIRST CLASS LIOUSE. The Franklin House has just undergone extended alt , rations. and is now fitted up and finished in ea% perior style for the reception of visitors. .The Low,. er Floor, formerly occupied by stores, is now incur, ded in the Hotel, forming n spacious Receptidn, Room, Gentlemen's Parlor, and Dining Mom. there.. I by allowing an addition of thirty chambers and sev, end beautiful parlors, fronting on Chesnut st. The Rooms of this Hotel are superior to most others, being constrained with alcoves. forming parlor and bedscbaruber attached, wet I•lighted and ventilated. The location is unsurpassed, either for businssi or pleasure. BEN. I!, WOOLNIAN,Ttop'r. Philudelphia,July 26,1852. Public Caution. ••• rTIDE PUBLIC ARO IiBREBY CAUTIONED ofignitt' : R. taxing the aasignment of certain note for Fir ESE( 1001,1,A its. glvan by me to HENRY FalßßNFELlYrolould • i nhout Cho month of Nay lesl. as I have notreceived valuerot the sow will net Day it mail compened by law. An g 7 AMOS IIUBLER: etroly Cow. C ANUS to tho premises of the subscriber )Z0 0 o about tho 10th of July last. a MTH A Y A , said cow is of RED and WHITE colour. nod the foto Intl white, and giving • intik. The owner is requested to coma forward, prove mooed, 7. nay charges and take lug away, or she will be disposeo $ accoptioe to law. PETER I.IRONOEIs. Covington township Angnst li, 1P53. MECIIAN (CS, MANUFACTURERS & INVENTORS , r li c I n d o l ai i Vo r e e 1 41 . 1 h * t o r ? 6 1S e C t I o E m Pr b T o Pll fl p i !f i ll e t= devoted to the diiTustia - of unit al iri'recticel.fmovriedge. and is c.nin,ntly ealculanylro advance the great interests of tailgate —Momenical. Manufacturing, and AFricultuml—the gamine and master.sol It of the 111111011. It is unrivaled as a Journal of the Arls and Si:deuces. and maintains a high character at home and abroad. Tee Publishers pledge themselves that the future Volumes shall of least moat. if not snipes' their predeca.son, Among tios subjects col, ill brought foard A rchite ct ur e scussed in Heidi. emas. la.. Civil Engineering, ltallroads,_ es, Agricultural Implements. blanufactures of Metaburitttoun end 'Fertile substances, Machinery lot the purpose. Uhernio al l'rooesses, Coloringt &o. Steam sod Gas Engines, Hollers and Putnam.. Mathematical. l'hilmophicial and 4 Vti• cal Instruments. Cars. Carriages, Wuter-vrheels. Wind and • ; rind is g 61.115' Posvon. r laming Machines. Tools for Lumbers trek Meade:mi. Formieg, Fire Arms. Eleotriclly, Telegraphs. ....:4ti•g iced 'name:lents, Um. besides Claims of all the Patents. Iteviews. Nodes% of hew Invention,. American and Formica, firework I. IS form for binding. contains Several Ellgr3Vilgt, over four hundred pares of printed matter„ and weeklypusndex Nearl M ice s valuable Patents. which WWI from the Patent are illustrated with Engravings in its cell inns, tilos making the paper a perfect Mechanical Eneyclopolia for future rut well et present inference. Valuable Prem!ums are tittered for the Largest List of Subs scribers to this Volume Ag en c y published weekly. by MUNN . at their Patent Office, 128 FaltOn Street, New York, Terms! Terms ! Terms I I copy. one year, ......0U 0011 Con sir m0nth5.....01 00 ALWAYS IN ADVAN y, CE. 6 Copies for six months se 00110 Copies for one seer, 016 00 10 Copies for sir months, 00 116 Copies for one year, 09 00 In Copies for one year. oitß 00 Southern and Western Money and Post °Sloe Stamps takes for subscription. Leiner) should be post-paid. Estate of Wm. Whitaker, deo'd. • .ETTEllti OF Ai/MINISTRATION on the evildoer Wm. IA Whitaker, late of 11.. , wre Ice township, Clearfield °msty. deceased. have been granted to the undershoot. Theodore all persons indebted to sad estate will make Immediate Day. meat—and t hosehe having claims against (he same will prima ' m e m duly antte tor setlement. CHARLES SLOAN. Adm'g. Clettfield Bridge, July 29 1E.51. Dissolution of Partnership. THE Partnership heretolnie existing_ between BANUEL bIeKEAN and HENRY GRHE, trading nodes the firm of GhOE & fiIeKEAN in the Lumbering business, on the Mothannon creek, was dissolved on the eth Instant, be martini Glutenbusineu hereafter be carried on by Henry G roe, who will settle all the business of the late Orm. HENRY GROB MoKE . /SPI,, Jail a 1852 Estate of J. R. Ames, dcc'd. ivroTicrilti II EREBY GIVEN, hat Letters d o ei ill traitor' de bonus noo. have been granted in form of law to the .tubteri ter, on thn ottate of the above deceased, late of Jordan tote nobly. i.loarLeld couuty—and that all parson I nodded to told eitate are rfordrei to make payment without delay , d u lyu+ havioa demands maitut the tapas wilipm tent them , authontmateo fot aettlement. U. W. MOORE Adm'r de bonus nom of J II Amos, dtio'd. ]ely7B, 185 J. FRENCH BRANDY. SUPERB ARTicix of French Brandy, interned at the 14. Corwin Ikons. end for gale tidy 16 CHAIN PUMPS for Hilo ni Juno WALLACE H ILLP "LOLA NIONTES." Moot, affilolx© Meaning, AT CLEARFIELD BRIDGE. FRANCIS HIORT, tan ectfully announces to the public. g. that he has commenced the above business at CLEAR FIELD BRIDGE, in the new building occupied by John Ganda, on the west side or the creel. where he will mnantso tare DWI'S and Silt 1.5.1 of all kinds. and at lair prices. on the shortest notice, and in the very best manner, Give 13BORTY a call. Jane 4. 1g52. DR. lIOYT'S 121)4 1 41.11)ZUMGle Til IS PR PPARATIIIN is now Laing °flared in the POOP° es a GUARANTEED CURE for the iIEAVES IN HORSEA, rind as thoi.ouly known madleine in the world having been used in the private Veterinary practice of the proprietor for the est r ears ; end he has never known It to fail in usingle lostsece at producing a lasting ante, and leer ing the horse in good epirite fur work. The utter incompeten cy of the torte for Libor, when troubled with this common disense. should '(nonce every ono having snob to apply im mediately for title remedy. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER PACKAGE. Which will be sent. -with full directions." to any ptut lot dream the Un tied litotes. All letters or communications to be ed. ed, Past Paid, to P. UOYT. Roar of Ne. 1.0 South FIFTH Street.Philadeltdde. Wholesale agent t i c the United plates. N. TI --Areas wanted throughout the country to whom 0 liberal discount wid be given ; and thelt nstnes placed In the advertisements. Address as above. Beady Made Clf/THING , of nlmott cverY detoduCon—Coals. Widened Pantaloons. A covering lor the Upper extremther, Weld cent , and a Dan of Uaamentiouab et, all for Tllftlal 1)01,14A Rtd. WALLACE lir HILLS. FOR SALE. Arm, . A en " A D , t.)pil iUOY rs',thnoa us new. fur sulo'clicsspT For further pa.THOUlase THIS OFFICE. a:motto:a • vearatto • On'Hawamentai and Aches' purposes. for sale at the CHEAP CABII ;Stott 01" July 16. Cedar Ware. TUBS and DUCKM, for sato at the Mono CMII btOtO of July 14 • WM. NEWELL & SON, Wholesale Grocers & CommisSion Merchants, No. a South. Water et., _Rik.; • Hin• L vd. c ,pr it y. u ' o n uit o A c t i n Mr 1E4104 I'EAB. Ate.- to whrerh a ssortment of the ationtleseitl)UNTlait Ml3lOll ANTS. C. b.. 185t.-7m LEVER FLEGAL BLACE:SMITH, kutliorsbatg. Pa . will attend to all bad puce iuli,t line, awl will &co fun:dull W.,11.011Ne. BUG— gzu you obenP, and manalaaturod in.tha wit stils. ppd. war:opted. . ' -. • , For Salo. •• - . . ~ ' ONE 0001) • TWO 11.01.113 p ,wAGON rot sale by r x ',nut: at RILLS, VAL Jnly fi. Nil. , ' , .. . • • . Estato of 'Margaret Reed, deed . . Nr(Y.AWE AS 111:111111Kpi VEN. that latleia or Adialnlitra• 'A 71 Lieu upon the canto or MARGARET 8R1:01/. late or . Fergulon to.. Clearfield otk,. dou'O., 116341 In duulorm Odes been grantee tothotobloriber. An periods Ito:looted to to m estate we wouested to,:mako payment lanuedleitafir. sad t h o u) (minus claims will present then duly nothenOmmed foe settlement. . , DAVID Eliltl3l7BoN. Adm't.. Oloattleld, Jul, A 1852. R. 111(080? A. MOSSOP: R. MOSAOP