Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 25, 1852, Image 3

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    is which be attempts to reward General
Pierce for his' services in, Mexico, Hear
bow the Sun treats the' miscreant: •
Gen. Franklin Pierce, was in the battles
o f Conimreras, Churttbusco, Molino del
goy, near Cbapultepw, near %len arid at
Gorita de Belen. The correspondent who
s ends us a vile libel, hinting that: he faint
ed to avoid the fight, must take it to some
o ther place for-publication. Gen. Pierce
volunteered his services lilco a true Amer
ican, in vindication Qf his country's bon
a, and shall always have the due meed o
'raise from us for that action.
Niro Work for Sunday.
The Telegraph reported the following
very interesting item of news, on Sunday
last, as appears by the Philadelphia pa.
pars of,Menday. Where, now is all the
morality 1
Excitement in Bahimore---Bas upon the
• BALTIMORE, June 20, Si P. M.—Tho
excitement continues unabated, and there
ig much caucusing going on, while heavy
bets are being 'made that Gen. Scott will be
D ominated, and. somo of the - friends of
Scott are so confident that large bets of
$lOO to 30 have been made during tho
Samuel Hoffman, an opulent and distin
guished merchant of this city, died of apo
plexy this afternoon.
Gen. Ms.
The Washingtop correspondent of the
Philadelphia Ledger relates the following :
General Cass, accosted at the National
Hotel by one of his friends, who observed
that "Republics were ungrateful ," instant
ly checked him, by assuring him that this
Republic had been _remarkably grateful to
him. "I crossed the Alleghenies on foot,"
said Gen. Cass; "I rowed my boat on
the Ohio, and from that humble position I
have been exalted by the gratitude of the
Republic into every station of honor, trust
and emolument, except one, and for that I
have been once nominated though not elec
ted. If there beany man in this nation
.who has reason to thank the Republic and
the people for favors bestowed upon him, I
am that man." The would bo -flatterer
was dumb.
The following telegraphic despatch, says'
the Democratic Union, is the reply of Mr.
Buchanan to one addressed to him. by the
President of the Democratic association of
Washington city, inviting him to attend the
great Ratification meeting in that city im
mediately after the nominationsof thel3al
timore Convention were made. It shows
the feeling which animates the bosom of
this great Pennsylvanian, and although
condensed for the telegraph line it is as
marked and decided as though he had
written a column to express his meaning.
LANcesTER, June 10, 1852.
Sin :—ln answer to your telegraphic
despatch, it affords me pleasure to declare
that Pierce and King shall receive my cor
dial support. They are both devoted to
the good old cause of State rights Democ
racy, and are worthy to lead the Demo
cratic forces to victory. Men are but the
creatures of a day, whilst principles are
eternal. A Democrat is unworthy the
name who would not waive his personal
preference among good men for the sake
of the time-honored principles of his party.
Yours very , - respectfully,
Escaped Convict Captured.
The convict named William Mulloy,
who escaped from the State Prison in
Charlestown, Mass., a few days since, by
climbing over a wall, was retaken in Bos
ton, Saturday afternoon, after a most des.
pemte resistance. The Gazette gives the
following particulars :
Information was obtained by Constable
Clapp of the intention of the prisoner to
leave for St. John Saturday afternoon, and
Constable Hopkins and Holmes were sot
out to identify and arrest him. While
walking down Long wharf they noticed an
individual who answered the description,
and one of them said "William," where•
upon the person addressed, who proved to
be Mulloy, took to his heels, and ran down
the wharf, closely pursued., He dodged
through a store and gained T wharf, but'
finding that he was headed off, he turned
and ran up the north side of long wharf,
where he was seized by a person, who at
tempted to retain him, but• finding it im
possible,-released hire, when Mulloy jump
ed into the dock and• swam towards 'l'
whaf again, climbing up the, side of a
vessel. The officer at once pursued him
intaa store, where Mulloy drew a sheath
knife, and brandished it, swore that he
would not be taken alive. The officer was
unarmed, and after making one or two
desperate passes at them, he made his es
cape, and again jumped into the dock, and
took refuge under the north end of T
wharf,• where he hid himself with such se
curity that his arrest was impossible.
•Hopes were entertained that the tide)
would dislodge him, but finding that this
was not the case, police officers John C.
Warren and Edward Newhall commenced
a thorough search, swimming under the
wharf. About 7 o'clock they saw his hand,
rind at once summoned him to surrender.
Molloy replied that he was an Irishman,
and would not give up to a Yankee.
Threats were then made, but he persisted
in stating that he would rather' die than
yield. He wail then told that unless he
yielded he would be shot, but his replies
were only the -more insulting. A pistol
was then handed down to the officer, who
fired, wounding him in the leg; but.atill
Mulloy did not give up, but while a lo ng.
Mition from one cob to another
he Was seized 'and' taken on the wharf,
having eluded the officers three hours.
Ile was at once conveyed back to his old
quarters 'at 'Charlesten, where he has an
unexpired term of six years' for' tbe ft ‘to
aerie out; Ile is a ,desperate.eharacter ,
• and tho officers who iffeeted the arrest
serve the gieateit_ciedit. • „. -
Ilastdo, Prus s ia , and Andria.
The. recent visit of the Emperor Niche:
las to Berlin and Vienna, is excitingmuch
attention in the European' World: It ap-
pears to be conceded that the object was to
effect a closer alliance with the Govern
ments of Prussia and Austria, and especi
ally with 'reference to France. It is elle:
ged that an intrigue is on foot, to induce
Austria to enter into a distinct:, and sepa
rate alliance with France, and hence the
presence in person, of Nicholas in Vienna.
The Emperor of Austria, it is now affirm
ed, has not only pledged himself in the
strongest manner to abstain from a distinct
alliance with France, but has bound him
self to regard any attempt by Louis Napo
leon to violate the Prussian territory as nal
attack upon himself. A letter from Paris
"At Berlin the enthusiasm for the Czar,
in consequence of the support that ho has
given to Prussian interest, is very great.
Nicholas is almost worshipped, particular.
ly by the Prussian army. Soon after his
arrival at Potsdam, the ,Prussian generals
and colonels formed a circle, and were ad
dressed by the Czar. Ho told them that
he came to them as an old comrade, to le
peat the assurance of his friendship; and
asked them, whether they agreed with him
in opinion that for their interest and hon
or they should remain comrades and
friends—and give each other support. The
officers replied simultaneously, "Yes,"
and set up a loud hurrah, which was echoed
by the crowd. It appedts certain that a
new, treaty has been signed by Austria,
Russia and Prussia for the mutual protec
tion of their territories, and that the King of
Sardinia has given assurance to the same
KrEvery day we meet in our exchan
ge's of instances of tie horrible influence
which the blasphemous humbug doctrine
of the Spirit Rappings is paining over good
men and momen on all other subjects per
.sane. The followilg, a case in
point, we find in the St. Louis Evening
Despatch, 26th ult.;—
"A gentleman living, me think in Illi
-1 nois, and known to many in this city, has
a family of sons and daughters grown up
men and women of the highest respecta
bility. Some years ago his wfe died, and
he living in the strong remen k brance of
her love as a faithful good wife, has nev
er married. During her life tley were
very happy, perhaps less than the tap' do
mestic vexations of mulled life mewled
them ; not the first blush of a suspieion ev
-ler attached to her good name. ,rat this
i has been swept away by the most ramna•
ble . (excuse the expression, but it \s the
most applicable, and we write it don in
1 great sincerity) magnetic juggling of me
dium, who has .borne evidence from me
departed spirit, that she, the good ife,
the revered in memory, was unfait to
him through her whole career, and . at
the children, one and all, were Meg/ mate.
Is not this truly horrible? But thy" worst
has not some. Wholly under thl influ
ence of a conviction that spiritual gency
is a fixed fact : the gentleman h disin
herited his children as common stards,
and driven them from his heart.wife's
memory blasted, children's names ishono
red in their life, and made a th'lg couple 1
with a scourge to whip their ea is with,
a happy home made desolate, n a fath
er's closing eve of life renderp dreadful
in its loneliness. On what eviOcel On
. ,
en Artificial Digestive Fluid,or G rie Juice !
A. great Dyspepsia Curer. prepared om Rennet.
of the fourth Stomach of the Ox, aft directions of
Baron Leinig, the great Physiologic. Chemist, by
J, S. Houghton, M. D., No. n North ghth Street,
Philadelphia. Pn. This iri a truly iderlul rem
edy for . Indigestion; Dyspepsia, J. dice, Liver
Complaint, constipation, and Debilit curing oiler
1 nature's own method, by nature's o agent, the
Gastric Juice, See Advertisement another cot.
mon. ' .
• MARRlED—Yesterday ,
T. Merwin, Mr. Joseph B. M'
to Miss Amelia Wright, all o
DIED, On Tuesday, Juno
guson township, after a short
Sarah Jane, wife of George
the 23d year of her age.
The subject of the above n
daughter of Mr. Wm. Wiley,
this county and had been
than a. year when she was cal
bourne whence no traveller re
By her decease a beloved h
a large number of relatives an
whom she had endeared her
virtues, are left to mourn, but r i
who have no hope ; she havin
dence whilst lying upon a death
that her peace was made with
Jesus Christ our Lord.
DIED, At Montgomery's
township, on. the 15th instant,
Groff of Berks county, in the
his age. _
I The dec'ed. was a member
ern Church—was on his way
la drove of sheep, from the wes
I " bed at Mr. • M's and in five
ns, le ft this world to try the
the world of Spirits, leaving
i l friends to weep. The fune
I were attended to by the Rev. J .
His faithful riartner in bttsines
with him ; helped the kind fa
care of him ; saw him close
death, and made every nccassa
meat for the occasion. Comm ,
In this place,onWednesday
cathatine, wife of Joseph H. J
ing a number of small children;
eat about ten-days old. r ,
Estate of Matthew Ogden, de
mcyriew , ts' uglier! , GIVER, That
LN' tory haveboa ler to thesootolbers
Matthew eadoureeit ofirewrisos tow
meaty. deoessed. oetooss•hutabted•to
thoptate toots
lumina the wee*
peeetteCl to toteeet
IMPOZ,4 , 'SPX U We, deiLauthoe
• - ADJKAIIher
luso* ,r6ir
31PALL ElLMonon,
WE are authorlzed to aasounoe WILLIAM OGDEN..
V V of Lawienee township. as a eaadidive fey the Officer of
BftrairK at. the evielaa easeful elegem. subJeot to the
deo Soo of the Ilernoeratla von, of Oleeraold Co. Jane 18.
9 , 11 E TRUSTEAS hereby Rive notice that they have co%
Meted with
To therefor the Academy dating !Mother year;
Toe Academia tear is divides into FOCH QUARTER/3
of rwELvn WEEKS, each, end FIVE DAMN of Tenon.
highs each week.
The next Quarter will commence on MONDAY JUNE.
Mg. at the following
Reduced Rates of Tuition :
Reedinit. Writing, L3pelling A i Anthmetic. Geod.
ALL istcr
iLlifl English G ETZ i t t r i
p . ift Latin Grammar.
'An 116 00
DAILY Exraunsts given in VOCAL MUSIC In which
all maw participate without additional charge.
WEEKLY unvruges are given to the older pupils on
History, end other interesting saWeets. without extra charge.
Bach of the older pupils es choos e . engage on FRIDAY
P. M. of each week in exercises Eloontims. Composition and
clew questions upon their several studies. All others attend
to their usual P. M. studies.
The LADIES DEPARTMENT is entirely separate from
the other on the out of those who wire it. Two or three
Masses consist of both sexes. for the purpose of economy In
times but it is optional with the young Ladles whether to
join such classes or not.
Tuition is charged lion the dated the Beholars common•
ping to the Moto of the Term—dello:lotion being made in case
dateencocoused by sickness, and when a special agreement
is made. in arivauee. wtihthe Principal.
MORAL KJ AdION has hitherto been the chief reliance o
the Teaulters in soonnug thorough discipliso—and it has been
efficient. Corporeal panithmentlis edmintstmed °minis she
most obdurate and incorrigible cases.
The constant aim of the Teachers is to snake the instructions
they impart. as well as that of books, Practical, es cell as
The strictest attention is given to the Condnet„ Habits and
Mom!, of the Pupils. white under the charge of the Teachers.
BOARD ono be oh-slued at reasonable priori.
I RICHARD SHAW. President.
J. B. wENALIN. &crass y. June M. 1E62.
Notice to Builders,
SEALED PRorostas will be received by the subsoil.
- "I bets, nt Mooresville. oeatileld conoty ro. clout the
FIFTEENTH daT of JULY next. for the building of a
FRAME. MURIA. thintr rive by fatty feet. sixteen feet
high. with a steeple, Ito. ; A full description of the building
will De given on the day or letting by
iotir4 13 KYLAII,_
JAB QV I.l o .oNAttit. t Building CCM.
0. P. ILI3EE,
Mooresville. Jona 11.1852
FAD Y-MA LIE CiLO MING Of almost riots dasorlot too
for sale at the store of
June 18, 1852. 13511T11 Es IRWIN.
Saw-Mill and 200 Acres of Land
lliE.gobsaTibeirs offer for HALE or RENT their RAW—
MILL.. torether with TWO HUNDRED ACREB
TIMBER LAND. shunted In Penn lovers in. Cealfleld
counts. This property p mimeses many advantages as n Lulu. I
bertha es'ablsbelent. being Ousted on the stream known as
Big Runobent aki ml'es horn the over. and In the midst of
an extensive timber region.
Tne property will certainly be Bold or Rented. The terms
will he favorable and re 41131000 given Immediately.
'rot (antler pa Boni nn PPM/ a tier to Hugh Leavy. at to Clark and Daily. on the Grampiaahills. near
the pro.. ertr.
Jane 18.1852.
300 BARRELS MACHINERY OIL. Price 76 cent
2100 GALLONS Do do
In casks of various sizes, Price 75 ids. per
11)0 11611RELS WILED PAINT OIL. do do do
in casks of ratio liaises Do do do
810 BARREL* TANNERS' OIL. Various kinds and
qualifies. from ill to 60 per gallon.
1100 GALLONS In Casksol variont steer. Various kinds and
qualities. from Mtn 60 ce-taLler gallOn•
5.0 lONS TALLOW GREASE, for Derv, Oaring , . and
Gars Machinery. In Hama. or Casks. of any consistent
ted. Price 6 rents per pound.
lowest motet price.
MACHINERY flit., warranted not to chill in the coldest
weather. and considered by those using it equal to SOcfro Oil ,
DOILSD PAINT OIL, equal to Linseed Mother than
rOr white.
receiving 'large suOPlies or l be abor6 named
articles. and my motto le. ''Smeill profits and quick returns".
66 Water Strek. (ander tbe,Pend itWow)
New York, June 10.1852.—5m0. New York City.
EtC;O9EI; I Z - 3( . .:31:.83..
BOCOBALS will he receivcd on theist day ofJuly next at
rthe house of ALEXANDER t:TIVN B. for rerhuilding the
fiIDGE Oyer the Clearheld creek. on the Philipsburg acid
tiosivehasna turnpike Bri d geeery particular said tirtdaa
to ba built similar bs the over the nveratCarwens•
villa. By order of the Boa W rd:
. BAGBIIAW. Bea's.
1'11114)11mM. done 7.1951
CN BAIN PUMPS for sale by
Joao W. • WALLACE dt 1111.1.8.
Z=3 eact)cisoatia LcotlG3lll o
Dissolution . of Partnership.
T"Eunabated , heretofore e statism Letwoco DAVID
1.116 and GEORGE ORR. engaged n the Blacksmith.
fug busivess in Clearfield Pa . has been dissolved and the
books end papea of said B GEORGE
am in the hands of
ORB.; and ail POMO* aeowiag themselves indebted to said
firm will save cost by nuking the same imm
Jars 1,185.1
" prrsons nre hereby cautioned grated Purchasing. or
Ameddlieg with -a certain note given by !STEPHEN
111 ItY t:SON, to .11ittliti HOYT. calling for ONE
NUN DEED and EBVITYVOLLABS date') Aprill.Bsl, u
the undersigned have jut and legal eff.etta nealutt said note.
and are determined not to pet a unless nun uelied bBUNDY.y taw •
• se4. 1E52 —nd
Dissolution of Partnership.
trim Paitnenthip heretofore existing between J. BLAIR
ItitIORE and W BEN D EAMON MOORS. trading
order the firm of MOORE si BROTIIER. In the lumbering
and mercantile business. was this day dissolved by mutual
er meat. •.1 BLAMMOORE, having purchased the Inter.
ester W6l. .IL MOORE. in the business, and having the
boots in his potsession will settle them. Alit/gnarls knowing
tf•eroselves index ed to Moore Cr Brother. or having claims
against them. will please cell and settle immediataiy.
Moctsirille May 21.1852. J. BLAIR MOORE.
Rev. M.
Otis place.
~ in Fer
mis, Mrs.
Davis, in
A l 6.l,mmeitadviubearrrrnr,lsfre7ttinditninie f r j ee n ti l l
orCUMMINus & MAHAFFEY. are requested to call irn••
mediately at their store in • New Washington. and settle the
game, as they am desirous of nook g a settlement,
Jane 8. 1834.
was the
merly of
ried, less
to "that
.and with
Mends, to
P by her
as those
iven evi
;(l of pain
r through i
S. M.
1, Brady
r. Adam
year of
Ho! ho!! ye lads and lasses
Who nre fond of fun and laughter,
Just call at %Yonne° & Hills,
And thoy'll show you what you'r after ;
For they've tho prettiest lot of books
Ever you.hcard tell o',
And full of love and, murder,
Within their backs of yellow;
Then call in ye jolly ones
Who have an hour to spare,
And buy ogUarters worth of reading
To drive nutty dull care.
LE3 ttia ctio co co.
Saparlior hot of Wintem Meet-clean, nice and Cored
CA. in the boat poullgo in%nonr.--for sale at
WALLACB & 1814/31
May 97. ' ' '
The Snuggest Lot of
Obi /CK_II ever ofrorei to the citizens or evrerfield roe set
Mar 97.
he Luth
me with
took his
's sick
alities of
•ife and
to take
oyes in,
s ated.
ling last,
es, leav
. .
' Notice to Pure asers.
wo EREAS. our. Vonety Mania' hati advertised a house
VT end lir t formate in the towe of Penniman*. es the prop.
erty of John Loan—l here'd?, notify all persons. that said lot
beton : pito me as the afointaid Jana Loon ' never had an /kr
thie 10f it. nor has he paid me for the lo;; soapy penes pot. ;
chasing said hoine.toutt pa:thee/the lot 01
me. •
April Iti.lBil3. • JEILEIdtAII EdOORE.
• (120:11:5;leadDalo ,
lIE i
mbito s r...hereby "onthined israirst harboring or
tint log MI son Orfio ItitYrOY BELL eel will Das
no debts of his controottos after this date. And notice Is fur.
they hereby Riven to fitl parlous employing said NV L thet
will look to thorn for his woos. and that at the rate o f OMB
Bradford township, Hal 10.1 050 . • '
• . .
Estate of , Miles Ilartseek dee d • -
OTICE HI HEREBY GIVEN. that rioters OfAdritaistra•
NRon open the estate of hitbES•ll.klinK. late or
the Boroneh of Coneensville .deect., base Indus onn of law
bora gootted , to the subsorther.. Alt porous led test to sell
estate. me requested tq make par:lslet framed' taw. and
those having Maims will present ibex duly. authenticated fur
settlement. •
CUM•ns RI& WI a lau •
• •
I. auto of
Co field
T r m , V cr l g
: riotool!Li •
, Ready Made.
ofalmost owns dasegtotloo-• , 43osts, Visit and
4." ,
A orutasi"irbiejggekreplititkoga
4A 88:
r oo st sa i d
Mr 0 0010101 Of a
W4PLAP —Bl,4l!l'W
Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops,
Cilliriolmi Pm.
T"' tundenii.ed would announce to the citizens Of
Clearfield, and adjoinieg counties. that be has o p en ed a
room on Second streets in the borough of Illeartleld. law the
store of Leonard 61 Moore._ where ,he intends keening a
Ito be made Piths best material, and at prices that cannot fail
to l ease . The following compo e p ~rt of the stock on hands
PC/ Ll'ON'S 110T•AIR COOKING eruvE, lot either
Wood or Coal Thls Steve has probably ths largest Intrco
ductiou of any other form of stivas. It has superseded In
plainstevel7 minty, the welt known Hathaway and Zing.
ler stoves. It Is IltUtir understood, and the flees beinso
arranged that all can be cleaned without any trouble. Toe
peculiar form and coustrucPon Is such as to tender it the
most durable of all stoves. Numerous testimonials could
be odded, but It 'adorned ancecenam.l
to OW.
PARLOR STOVES—for either weed or coal.
SALAMANDER do do a beautiful Coal Stove.
EGG do
NINO & TEN PLATE Stoves—very cheap.
- ALarge variety
itlANTEEcliikl;ES, with summer pieces.
and superior fi nished Grates t rout 18 to 118 inches.
COMIRON.GRA'rEti. all sizes.
do. SWALE CAMS. WAG( IN BOXES. stx.ion.SLell
11011 'zOLEti;t;Aft. RINGS for Rah,. ROAD NORA.
FERO, a new article. CORN SDELI ihall3, CORN AND
CUR MlMks, warraniet to grind 15 ilus Ears per hour .
• Ill.ACtiebilTH •1 UVE/IES. the best in use t de. MAN
DRILIA and Tilt 11 RENDERS :
Together WWI the usnnl s idol, of ertieles kept at Foundry
Also, Made to Order,
GRIST and SAW.MILL GEARlNG—havng decidedly the
largest stook. and but vanity of patt eras of eay rahlish•
meat in western Pennsylvania ; MILL HOGS. SHAFT
ING—large and satalt,closst Of wraultht balls lANGLItS,
DRAMA and MiLLIES; Rose and other approved Water
tor Manias Saws, WOOD 11011INU 61AtIHNB3. '
Constantly on hand and for sale,
Screw• Cutting.
- - - -
Any sized &dew, with any dashed aomberol threads to
the loch. either aq are or V thread.
Bums. Cooper. trod Babbett's Metal , Cattle ge made to order.
Much 4. 183 -4r
Devotee fired thrir
Spring and Summer Stock of Goods,
and are pre ared to astonish the natives at
i ii
Tireir stock oolsists of a large and varied assortment of
' I CC:;OC)7:Y"CM.-.a
Bareges, Berge,De Lanes,Lawns,Callicoes
&c.--ALSO a large assortment of
Elaralwearo 9' Quacoemozwecro;
LEButt® MiEtac3ll ClCaeilllPGs a
They have also on haul a very large stock of
Cloths, Cassinteres, Sattinetts, Kentucky
Jeans, Tweeds, Muslim, Tickings,
And in fact every thing to supply the wants of town end
oonntry. all or which they are deter mined total cheaper. then
they base ever been sold before. they therefore, request all
pets 'tie wishing to turehme to glve them a call
or Remember the cheap cash store of WALLACE lk
HILLS, Market street near the Dimond, Clear f1eid...453
bley SW. PHD
—O- -
Lewistown Hardware Store.
Opposite May's Hotel, east end of Thum
Dttital.Elikt nod easterner" can .ave from 85 to 80 per omit
in their hotelman of fiantware.Cec &chaste. Sadd orf
shoo fine Mae. paint.. oils. glut, 5r.0...0t the .tore of
Lewistown, May IN, 1858. k . G. MAN CISCUS.
Twenty-five Tons Hammered Iron,
WINGS. Shows. Coulters. land sides, bar and square
iron. Orders for any size promptly filled. The trade
supplied at Philadelphia prices This iron is used Is all the
mat bine shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad. and bag beau
pronounced to be aqua' In guilty end superior in finish to any
hammered iron the :Mat , Pot Bala hy
P. G FRANGISCUti. Ai% P'recdom 1. Works.
Lewistown May 20, 1h52.
Dmfilidloro' D3lgurdiworo
OF ALL KINDS. cusi be gold by ha at cur t wice*. Malics
our purchases from the eastern factove.. - we can sell u
low as cah be boughti n Philadelphia. E. U. PRANUMUeI
Lewistown tdefillo
I‘MBHAHH3 everything that belongs to the Hardware.
.112 i Coachwere and raedlery trios. which is always large
and bought from Put handawhicb endplates to sell to otientrl
dealers any goods they may want OD as laboreble terms as
they eau purchase is Ptmadelphia. F. G. kltALICIBC01:
Lewistown. May 20. 11132.
Attaiintiican ttlln® Whoilo.
A" p , r.ous indebted to. or having unontled accounts
with, thelsubsolber. ere onlues'ed to come forward IM
MEDIATELY. end snake settlement, as he is determined to
have ell of his new:lents of over a Tent's standing, settled up
between this end the Ist day ol J SAMUEL B TAYLOR.
Ca rwensv.lle. May 17.1832.—nd.
To. Mill 'Owners.
PE undersigned has appointed le. E. CARTER,of
TClearfield. his agent for the sale of Castings, wbo will
receive bills lot all lands of Mill Gentili C. and other =whim.
ry. Forgone desirous to contract will do well to call and ca
nonise the catalogue of Pateins. and specimens of the work.
before mettles engagements elsewhere. Earwigs will be der
livered, it desired. ut Clearfield. and warranted bo made of
good malarial. and finished in a work moodier manner. Have
ing in running order FIVE /Superior Latbes..and other ms•
chines in the same psoportfon. employing none but the best
%%redone. using the very best Pig iron and Coal, with many
other advantages, he flatters himself that his work will be done
es well cs In the best city shops. 1111-1 en the shortest notice.
Fa call on Mr. CARTER, Agent.
Mamh4.1 , 1517 4 Y
AWING located in Curwensville,ofterii ss
5 JCL his professional services to the'eitizens S
,S of that piece and the surrounding country.
? When nor professionally engaged, he will he S
2 four.d at the office formerly occupied by Dr. S
L -1 J, C. Richards, or at Scofield's hotel. Calls S
will be attended toot all hem's. ap.3, '5l E
RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens or the viand.
tyTAItl rMealrtNieGlr )
BBLrbid lN e, thata
s be o C t Olt s a a n n n c i e
&toM ca a rr h son
wham ha v 6 ill be thankful for a share or publio patronage,
be intends to pleasea
ay 118, ti who favor t hint with their eastern.
Clearilaill. Pa. 1851.—t.
To Justices of the Peace. d s. ;
TEE Judaea of the Connor Qts attar Sessions bays appalls
ted me toproseonte on Isehall of the Commonwealth rot
the meaty of Clearfield. TheJatlices of the Peace will there•
fore please make retain to me or all Commonwealth business
by mail or otherwise as aeon after the Slitne coma berme them
as the ordure Omni will admit of.
Clearfield. nec.1.10.1981.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against basing or sof iey
oil+ nose Oar meddling witha certain TWO HOWSE
WAGON. now in the possession of Yeses diodes. of Wad?
townshii , ; go skid Wagon belongs to toe. and is to hts use on
Loan only. G. B. GOODLsANDEB..
Luthenburg. Bow 11. 'W. • • " •
. . .
Notice to DEK.Payers. •
A LI. PERSohni who Day to theCo eCluri of their revneos
trye townships, the whole amount ol .theIehTTATE TAX
on or before the ant der ofJIILY nest. shall have an abate-
Int at of FIVE. rail MAT allowed to them by the ecAleototo
of their normative township'. BY Order of the Comm unionists.
Cootraistioners tato./ . Attest,
Fs b. ath. land. h • •G. IS. GOODLANDr.u.. Cl'k.
Counsellor and Attorney at Law,
AMINO locoted !dwell in Cleerfiele,oflelrs hie
professional services to the public. Alibusi.
nese entrusted to hies' will be promptly attended toe
Being familiar with the German language he can
with more facility transact business fur the Getman
portion bithecommtinity.
Officion Marhetstreot, onedoor west of Dr. Lo
rain's Drug etore, lately occupied by J. L.Cuttle
Hon. John c. Knox, Kittanning ,
" Joseph Buffington, •t
H. Al. Lee, Ksq,,
Dorsally & Cantwell. "
Hon. Thomas White' , `• Indiana
. Augustus Drutn
Uon. LVD. Foster.
Col. William lligter,
'Wm 'J
, Jan.l4. 1851
bliglatt - 1441(E4. on TIM' ttrest.;..b.,
I. %wino Margot gad 140;41,iikerughL , P 4 4, ARP* *l'•
• .02iS3 63W(9113314
TRWIN lk. SMITE', having purchased of J. L. Ilanter hii
1. Stock of Merchandise. ate now receivlnk a lane and well
selected supply of ISBABONABLE GOODS of every des
!motion. w Mob were laid In at the lowest poutble rates. Thee
would invite the public. beloie, purchasing slumbers, to call
at the late !laud ofJ. Hooter, on Market street, and exit.
mine their STOCK and es they are determiced
sustain the/orator character of the house for I W nw pri ces.
April 2'0852. A. Id !SMITH.
Sad('!Wri t Attention! ,
DRABS Mountings at 03 00 per sett.
11g Rollo !locales at 60 cents per dozen.
It ass Tri salting imitation rut Trees at 76.
Japanned do do do 81)g i
Mass Plated Stirrups at . 5114 per pair.
Japanned do largo size at 10 .10 . ,
Cotton 0 irthing at 50 cents pet bolt-45 yards Warren tea, ;
Straining Webb 24 111 76 Intl belt. !
Drags Ornaments at gi to Mlg per dozen, almost any k ind ;
Short Top Japanned Gig Haws at MA per pair.
i Long Sort than—lron. at par pap': •
Ido do do—Nom at (11% • • .
Saddle Trees of all kinthi—W noon Tress at 1g..,
Columbia at 75. Hpanish Tree at II 00— Side do at 873;
with several new patterns never In market before ,We have
always on hand a large stook, which will be sold at cheap
prices. All goods warranted to give satisfaction, or returna
ble at my 'unease within bi days. Goods insoki•d rod derive
ered at the rallroal free of charge. All orders (Postage reitd.)
reran Cash. Address F. G. FRANCISCAN.
Lewistown, Slay. 11350
$3 00 •
pErt for Naito, !ipitcri. Bradoi .. gr u e.. k tiAkr i vr e lid i nn . 4.1'4
Builder's Hardware
(VP all kinds can Witold by us at oily Prices Making our
Purohases from the Ensigns fiCtOTIOS for Cn ► b, we can
sell as low Lan br bought in Chtladelahla.
Weatherell 4- Brother's,
TIRE Wlllll.l I,EALI at Si 00 per kat ratty at 6.54 oar
lb.: t3pirits Turpentioe et 60 cents per gallon,• el
II at 75nonts; New Yort Shade Varnish at $1 fo to CI IA
Planes Planes l Planes !
U 017111.1 8 iituN Lulea's' PLANES et SI 75 per Sett :
Brood Plithes otstl conks 01l other kinds ol
Bounfor. Devils, Bro. et equally low on es
Lewis:v*l2. May. Ilg:1 F. G. FRAtit.ISCUS.
Carriage-Makers, Take Care !
LtAl34 BAND 3 at 8414 to 4 inolas lye—good and heavy.
Japanuod Carriage h nubs at di tier grnu.
Bran do do at 0l OS per gross
Hairy Lining flit 115 to per yard.
Carriage Dolts from 'ls 75 to 09 55 Per HO.
Tolle and lima. Japanned t3iiv •r Nails re IS pulpaver,
['Mont Canvass do , plain. 43 inches wide,
e, at 35..
Du e n•cd do
Enamelled do at 45 cents per ya•d.
Patent In ge her at 15 cents p •r foot.
Mall muting' at 15 conic per oh.
Black smtings—all sizes at 8 cents pet lb
Brass Nutt Axles at io cents Per lb.
iron do co at 63,5* Per lb.
rashers-1 spit ilia+. at 0 i. 50.
bran curtain frames sit 87 per dozen.'
iI btok Enamelled Trp Leather at t ce ta par co.
lilac do • Inside do at 98 cents per foot.
White do do do at 01 cents per foot.
Chains. Hides at Id cents per loot. Wholesale and reta
at Lewistown, by F. O. riLANuistais.
I.a. !JUNIN() 1.1.1111.1. lower than can be bought in Phila.
1J dolphin. Art wired et the railroal only at tvooletate. by
F. U. PRANCliClitt.
1 •
, IN PLATBS—nt city ID rivi—T, tithe Iron Virre at fi,54
toll eta oer lb —fin P.e Plates, Patty Pans, Mock Tin,
at 21 eta. per lb.—iron and 'fin flaits,•Candlattick timings,
dm.. by ritaNctscua.
BY VIRTUE of es order of the Orpnass' Court - of Elem.
held county. there wol he exposed to PUBLIC SALE
on the premises,on SATURDAY the 7th day of AUGitEti
nest. at 'd °Vont, P. M. the one undivided Third
1 . Part of TRACT of LAN D. sltoate In Brad, town.
ship. Clearfiqd county. adjoining lands of Christian
hoar, non others. late a part ofthe REAL. ESTACE of Eon.
tad Morslne jr, deceased.
TER4l2.—Lasti on confir.ostlon of sale.
/N RAD AIiiiINTNE. Adm'r.
Brady township. Ma' I'o, 1852.
The Cheapest and Best
LOLOT OF BOOTS end BEOE3 ever dieted to the chiral:Ls
eieerfield can b, found at
Zerszrollty Ali d 1 Wir®o
Twenty per cent, at least less than ever
have been sold in the United States.
CIoLD LEVEE WATCHES. fall jeweled. 18 carat cases
ILA (usually told nt $33) only 430
GOLD LAPIN C W ATLNIESS, IS carat cam jeweled. 24
SILVER W ATCII [SS. fell yewelettAnseatly at 1110 la
SUN EiL 11.APIN W CS. Jeweled. 10
dILVEIt TEA YAPOONd; per salt dozen.
GOLD PENS, Silver holders ..... 1,... 1
Persons within/ a Werth or . Watches a; Jewelry, can have
them sent by mall. with perfect safety to any part of the Uni
ted States or West Inches by lint sending the amount of mo
ney All articles warranted as reprepented above. Orders
from the country respectroPy solicited.
Addrers post paid,. LEWIS 1AL10.511.125, 106 Chestnutst..
opureito the Franklin Nome. Pbiltutelobia.
rirCalifornia cold bought, or manufactured intojewatry
Constantly on hand
SALMON,` and for sale by
PORK. Market Street Wharf.
HAMS AND SIDES:' Puntsoar.citra.
AND CHEESE. March 11, 1852. . Erb,.
Clrarfield. Co., Pa.
DEspECTPULLY announces to the citizens of Clearfield
ootinty, that be has ooecte.l aNE BTOLLEL to the old
stand formerly ocenoied by Mr. Laurette, where he has on
baud fIVdTY variety of GOODS usually kept in a retail stem
all of which will be sold CHEAP lot CASH or exchanged for
conntrl produce of all kinds. ' r. COL)DitIET.
Frenchviile. March 11153.
,ni-.P.r.e..r ...... -,r-",rir..-.r.r.r.r..n.r.r
s Attorney at Law, • s
S Having located himself tn the borough of S tk ,
. (7learheld, will attend to all legal business; 4 ;
i; eta rioted to himwith promptness and fidelity.
• Offico two doors east of the Prothonotary's
office. „i j - t!- , ":**..:'-': j'''' '• S
HAVING Purchased the toTORLI of IiIOI.F.R. & In
the borough of o:eartield, is now opening at the
STAND a splendid assortment of FALL and WDITSIt
Dry Goods,
Bunks as Alpacas, Silas. Loewe'. De bau. Bashmeres,
Laos Chintesa. (Unchains. Ticking'. Nulling, bleached C
unbleached. Flannels. tad, white and gado uostme Flannels.
and Shawls ot all descriptions ,
Cloths. •
French Cloth. Twilled heavy Oven:Patio g. Gee. Good
black Cass' mores. Doe Fhin do. Prime ertinicreessmata. B atd
nets and Keatocky Jeans. all of which axed the beat duality
Woolen. Goods.
Oa m rids , Gloves. Hosiery. gr.o.. a large auortment. and at
low prices.
ats and Caps. .
Hilk, Plash. and Far HAUS and CAPP, of all sorts anddzes,
gOod and cheap. to en itparchulusi • .
Boots and . Shoes.
Heavy winter boots. Kip .Blor0000; Igo., • Mons' ware of all
hinds. Uoya ' and Chlldrens' Boots and Films. Also. Ladies'
Fine Morocco and Valfilitn Whore. Also. Gam Over Idhowl.
Fine and Coarse, good and cheap.
- Groceries.
Good Rio ale Java COPPED. IlroWn.tirothed. and Falling-
Loaf SUGAR. Young Dyson. Imperial and Black TFAB
Gunpowder: Lead. Palatal. Paint Brashea. Dye Stuff's. Cotton
Yarn. So.. taa.—all of whrott are of the Waif:moldy,
Boser.floure. Orleans and Steam Syrup:and every attiole
It at he ownmunitr may mad ip seed of.
All the oboes etArk of Comte will be sold roi C.IBU or
COUNTRY PRODUCE. on the very lowest terms.
firma orm sad eitunitte for loureelves at theater* of
RICH SAD 1401380 P.
Clearfield. N0v.10.11.851. .
Farmers take Notice.
rrittloBo2 63 , LISItTdOCK dfstAL4NNE:ii Tao
t Is oncottanltY•to satirise the V attniEttli U r CLEAR
VIOL and the surroundlor oouottes, dint they ere now en.
gaged fa alsenlacturins. at tiersterville. Clearfield County
a superior, article _ • ,
..Ebur.l - ctrse Power AreskAng Machine. t.
Toil Refolded to supply all orders on the sborteal notloe
and on use most assommodittis terms. 'Striae maahlaes etit
constructed of the very tint metered, and the radian bens
Melba fa eVeti p articular. and passing thou* b the heeds of
nonj o bu4 ant fate workers*. songs fall to tioi;oaeral 51U1
A 430-411 A6Ptilintil3 of Throttles Idaollites doted*
short spilt* and lathe most inbrtanUal and mall tors mCfl
ci-tiAvv Von vd.. '
- 11 " k Fi l tradiSN 13 it4aiickii 4'll 4.lAtiNtir.
Centouville. tilept.l4lvvly. • • , , • 1
30 Boxes
TO Tun
Farmer, Farrier & stage Proprietor
As the most remarkable Edema Application ems,
covered. •
• .
Boils, Corns, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds,
Chillblains, Chapped Hands,Cramps.. Ckin-•
tractions of the Muscles . Swe ll ings. Wakness
of the Joints, Caked Breasts, dm. dm. dm. •
The unparalleled success of Oil, in the cure of di,.
eases, in Horses and Cattle, and even in human flesh, is
daily becoming more known to the farming community.
Bites Beep
I House imal
B v: E th .
te ou m t al l
Experience of more than sixteen years has established
the fact that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling Oil, or Uni
versal Family Embrocation, will cure most cases, and re
lieve all such as
Spavms, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windgalhi, Poll
Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all
kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fis
Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness,
Foundered Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mange,
eons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites,
It can hardly be credited, except by those who have been
is thr habit of keeping it in their stables and houses what
es , amount of pain, suffering and time, are saved by
N timely application of this Oil.
liar Be sure the name of the sole proprietor, GEORGE
W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. )r., is blown in the side
of the bottle, and in his handwriting over the
be co rk.romptly
All orders addressed to the proprietor will p
responded to. •
Get a pamphlet of the Agent. and se; what wonders are
accomplished by the use of this medicine.
Sold by respectable dealers generally, in the unite,'
States and Canada. Also by
AGENTS for the above Medicine.
C. w Alb( clentfield..Clearfield coot,:
14; SMITH. remmins. do dO '
JOHN PArrON.llo,wenivdie do do
MoteHNN. Hellefoo , e. rept»
CUMMINS tO. B69ol).lllrookville.Jeftitos
• A. 1)I1:KIN81 1 N.
J. IILEAKLEY. Fraoklio.Venangooonoty.
JOHN O. BRENNER. Mooresville, Clooraold os;
- -
Entered according to Act of Oongrese, in the yea
2851,•by J. S. 110II011TON, M. D., in the clerk's)
Woe of the District Court fbr the Eastern- •
District of Pennsylvania.
Another Scientific Wonder!
Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach
-of the Ox. alter Directions of BARON LIEBIGi
The great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houatl•
TON. M. D., No. 11. North Eighth Street, Fhilai
del phis, Fe.
Thir is a truly wonderful remedy for INnimesTlON.
STIPATION. and DEBILITY, Curing alter Nature's
' T own method, by Nature's own agent, the Onside
Juice. .
* s illsll s teaspoonful of this Fluid, infused in ws•
ter, will digest or dissolve, Fist Pouring of
Stomach. .
lIIGESTION Is chiefly performed in the stomach by the
Le aid of a fluiCsvtdch freely exudes from the laaervat or .
that O rgan. when in a state of health. called the Gentle ...
Juice This Flu id Is the Great Solvent of the Food, the Park. .
Wog. Preserving. sod Stimulating Agent of the Stomach'
and intestines. Without tt there will be no dlgentots
couvenion of Food hit°
panfulnd rio nutrition o I the hod) ,
but rather a foul. torpid, and desteuctivecondrtlottof
the whole digestive apparatus. A weak. half dead. or ieturip
stomach produces no good tlestn. Joke. and turtm.e the ilhis
ease, distress acid debility which ensue.
PEPSIN lithe chief element, or Great placable Niel:lOW
or the Gastric Juice. it is' found in great abundance la tile,
solid oartsl s tom achuman stomaoh after death, and sometime'
causes the to digest Itself. or eat hull up, It is also
found In the stomach of animals. u the ox, estf.ltio. Ills
the clausal used by farmers in mailer cheese, called Bennet.
timelier. of which has lost been the weeder of theiligr
The curdling of the mils Is the first proms of digestion. a.
net possesses astonishing power The stomach qf a will '
curd.. nearly one thousand times its owls weight of MM.-.
Baron Liable states that "One 'pert ol Pepsin dissolved in de i ty
thousand parts of water, will digest meet and other food. , .r.
Oh, used stomachs produce no good Gastric J uice, Realist; er
Penna. 'Poshest , that-thts want may be Patfectil sUPPIted.
we quote the follow Int
BARON LIEBIG. in his celebrated work on Animal
Chemistry. sets : "An Artiflcial Vicente. Field may be'
readily obtained I rom the mucous membrane of the stomach of
a Calf. iv which various articles of food. as meat aud URI.
will be tiollenel,Chansed and Digested. PrehltelY,litthellerws
manner as they would he In the human stoma ch. lilt. PEREIRA. In his famoustreatto on "Food mid MOP
publishod by W hou CO.. New York. pa i
e 85, stales
IMO great fact. n adde r cribes the method ol ProParartort.."
There are few higher authorities than Dr. Perel a
Dr JOHN W, DRAP_ER, Professor of Chemistry 16 Hoy
Medical Collegeol the University ot New York. in his "Text •
[look of Chemistry." page NM. sat's. 'lt hat been s illusatelli
whether artificial digestion could be wirformedc-but it is now
antrersaily admitted that it may be. . .. ~
rfatISCIT DUNG LlBOri of Philadelphia. in hi, great work
on Homan Physiology. devotes magnum ' fift y peyote ha
examination oi this subject. Ilia experiments with Its, Heal.
moat.. on the Gastrlo Julies. obtained from as living Imam
stomach and from animate pre well known. In all
bogey .s 'd tren asperreetly 113 the - AttUlt=,la
the N Mutat duresttoue.l, . •
DR. HOUGIITtMV 4 preparation ofPBPSIN has toroduco
the most marvellous efteirts,_.caring mese, Deb Ilitr. B
m altem_„,
U. Nervous Dealine. and Dyspeptic. (ArturtimPtion•suelloevec
to, be on the very verge of theater.. It is no Possible to give
the details of eases In the limits of this advertisameat-sbat
authenticated certificates have been teoetired of mote Pula .
In Philadelphia. New York. and ttoston'alone.' Thine Wife
Deafly all desperate oases, and the cures were , hot onll,:reptir .
and wonderful. but permanent and from
It is a groat NERVOUS ANTIDOTE. and theMoa.
ithing I y Illinal(1011111tit7 necessary to produce healthy dlgeMoi..
it believed to act noon
"• t
The re IS to form ofOLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS earth
It does not seem to reach end teas eve at onus No maim bow
bad they may be. It GIVErt-INSTANT RELIEF. A. single
dose rem sees all the noel sssss t sr melons. aid It mil heeds
to be repeatett.,for ashore rime to mato Swig good etTeces per.
m ama, lIVItITY UN 131,001) sad VIGOR Or BODY.
Sorrow at owe. It is partioularly excellent In cue.of Naos*.
Vomiting, taum ps; Soreness of the Oaf the Stomach . distme
a r tm esitag, low. culdniate of the Sloe, Hearlsess; Lowness..
q ykspiets. Dapondenoy. amaciattori weakness; tendency to
tossaity,Socde, D OL LAR. • •
_rrioa: ONE per bottle; One bottle wilt oftu
effect a lasting atm.. , . • . . .
. : PEPSIN 1N POWDERS, . - , •.,
Vol corkers tea°. of undies to int parts of the 'the
for* ol Powders, with, &mums to 'be dluolyed I. Whiled
alcohol. water, 01 Imp. be trepans's*, lbws powders cols- •
rain precisely the same matter as the bottles, but lA/loathe
quantity for the Irtiele ir riee arid will be gent tir ma? PBXS
I.)LP POSTAGF,for NE ./01.1.. Alt 'WOW p )to Dr.
,L 23. 111 oUGIITON. o. I .Noith Eighth sued.? ily.,Pli.
Six 'makes.' for five dollen Every pease. ea bottle
Ewers the written slirtsature of J.B. HOUGHTON. M. D.. .
s .• , : ' - '
wanted In swami bran s is the Unlttil Stagier;
Ver . y ei t w e rt s disanta &mato thetrado, Ornegbits.FllltloW
tors,and Stooks, hos are denim:tip sot ail ateire. •' ' • •
AGE -ITS for Clesiftelp poorly , - . • i .
WA IsLACIN_ _a HILLS; OteardeldboioliM' . '• •
l e
.:WWAAl§t.stif WS. Ontweb)10 110 ." ;1: ;11 •
w. Rang i mithwoop. , ;. • '' •
Nig dr. atcntowssa • , ',. , i-, •
_.v ii , ir Withittjt ,itin '-'
• Jo ar O. IHIENNER. liooreerlUe. Olsaillad ea, -
. . ,-. ... .
SALT l S 2
. ~ ..I .lE l' A , l 2' , y ,
o . in i . , • a d o •ALANkf I ,. W o gr o tr u pa t ~;; !; I"
wort - sk by.thoo , —. w b a PliffiT. •
~,.., ' ; ', ,' facp • eitiCekto WA . de% "'