2:,11;)(7, iLEAIIB - 116 . iniE BAIIICOF FRUIT TRED, • This operation should bo4o - i.rforined in 'sliy spring, ns well as in, inidesummeit Tim roith loose parts of the 1t should ..e scraped oil, us well as moss l id o tb e 'r iaraeites. The bark should then be env .Ted'With the following mixture; no high the operator can reach, with nn.ordina ry long handled white wash brush. 5 pounds whale oil soap, • 1, pound fine salt,, 1' pound fine sand, 2 pounds potash, 2 ouneeS nitrate of soda; .11iSOolVed or mixed with water to the con• ~iStency of cream, and thoroughly rubbed non the, hark; Many kinds of insects are kept from trees by a solution of whale oil ~ o rip alone, and ninny such as are resident the crevices of the bark are destroyed !ly salt. :. The fine sand is intended during !he rubbing to• scratch the outer coating of the bark and Illus assist the other in gredients for more perfect action. The vanish and nitrate of soda will decompose r soften the dead parts of the bark,so that luring the summer they will be thrown off by the healthy action of the growing Dark. lithe above mixture is applied in dry weather, it will become so hard as to remain during severtil showers, and thus have time to perform its office. Trees with smooth bark such as the plum, many or the Cherrios,•&c., should be rubbed with a wet rough woolen cloth in a low hours 4fter applying the mixture; this rubbing %%ill cause the sand to clean the surface. Trees so cleansed are not as likely to be revisited with inSeets as those left with their until:ll services, nor are they as likely to became barkbound. Indeed we have nov or known a tree to exhibit the disease call ed barkbound the surface of the trunk of which had been softened by soap wash in early sprirg. The cherry, apricot, peach, and nectarine aro subject,When left to their natural sthte, to this disease, and it has usually been attributed to too moist a soil ; and under-diaining and slitting the bark lengthwise with the knife are the usual remedies. The one is expensive and of ten impossible where choice trees are planted; and the other is barbarous and unsightly, causing exhaltion of gum and consequent canker. In any case, a few applications of soap to the surface of the part hide bound will remove the difficulty, and-the mixture before recommended may be:applied .slightly warmed, when required to soften th& bark of the bound trees. Me Journal of Agriculture. Benefits of Draining. Profesior Norton thus describes the ben ebts of draining wet kinds, an operation - Aiieh neglected among us : When a drain IA made and covered, (for I always mean liere covered drains,) the water which falls .. 11pOn "the, ground does not remain to stag vidies;and does not run away over the sur face, washing off the best of the soil, but : pinta gradually down, yielding to the ritints any fertilizing matter, which it may contain, and often washing out some hurt- Tul Substances; as it descends, air, and con iequintly'warmth follow it. Under these a new influences the proper decompositions and preparation of compounds fit for the `sustenance of plants gl on, the soil is 'Warm and sufficiently dry, and plants flourish which formerly never would grow :on It to perfection, if ut all. It is a curi _ ous fact, too, that such soils resist drought hettar than before. The reason is that the Plants aro able to send their roots much 'hillier down when in search of food with eiit ever finding anythinr , b hurtful. Every part being penetrated with air, and conse quently dryer and lighter, these soils do not bake in summer but remain mellow and porous. Such abets cannot in their full extent, be looked for in a still' clay du ring the firth season; the change must be gradual, but its sure," •' • TO PROTECT SIIEEP imam Docs.—Let me publish to the sheep raising world, a - remedy against the destruction of sheep. by degs,'which was given me a short time Slime, by a highly respectable and valued nn extensive 'Wool grower. It consists.timply in placing on one sheep jn,eyery ten of the flock, a bell the, usual sizo for sheep. The reasoning of my friend is this : The instinct of the dog 'pfotiipts him to do all his acts .in a sly, stealthy Manner—his attack, upon sheep is ,Ino,st frequently made at night, while they are rest, and the sudden simultaneous jingling of the hells will lead to their ex- Llmure. The importance of sheep preser 7:Atation from dogs, the-writer hopes, will %-elaim for this communication an insertion of the papers of the Union, that a .. : remedy so simple and cheap may be fully : .'-ip,l4!td.---.Prairie Farmer. OLD OncuKans.—The question is some times asked how old orchards will be ren ovated. It can't be done with any profit. ',Waste no time with them, but gO to work and select a, new situation, and our word for it, it will pay better and sooner. '• After the young trees arc planted, take • care of them, by protectinf' , them from the cattle, vermin, &c. PLOWING IIEADLANns.—WO observe that is Often inconveniently and awkward _Ayr done. The best way is to leave",strips :;fiouniouched land at' each side as well as ' r idtl44d9 of the; field all of equal width, and theif,the whole is finished by going round with one continuous furrow until it is finished close to the fence. In this wny ;I',''l'lettd of the'newly plowed ground is, trod , 'don !lard. • ' "PLIVVENTION OP GPM ON PEACII TREES. : practical , gardrier informs us that if the earth , is removed from the roots, of . the . • Peach trees affeeted, With gdm,tolidista distance cif one toot iffirriediately,'arouad the trunk, .powdered itharCeid ' applied to ihein the thielme4S, of en juch, that it will . 611betuitHy 'cheek the flow' of ) 1 2IR 9E' znr. - • For the Clandield 401)111)11cup., LINES By N. R. op the death (yr his cousin A. R. How blest tR our brother. bereft Of nll that enuldbitriletihis mind !, How caw the sonl that has left . Otis wearisome body behind !' This earth will afflict him no mato iii•luitiss, or rack him with pain ; 'rho war in his vitals is o'er, ___ A lid never shall vex him Nom , No ringer, henceforward, oultnme. Shall redden this innocent clay : Exiinet is the animal name. And put:stun is vanished away. This; languishing head is at rest 4 ' Its ibinhing and nehingare e'er,— 'flits quiet. immovable breast, Is heaved by nilla•tion no mare.. 'rho ;ids he ao seldom could close, By sorrow forbidden to sleep— Now sealed is their moriul repose, Pare strang,ly forgottea to CO);mt The fountains can yield nu supplies— Thcs,t 11(0(1mill - ern water nre free-- The tears are all wiped front these cyq, And evil they never shall sec, Our brother the haven hath gained, Outliving the tempest and wind— His rest he hath sooner obtained, ,Ntitl left his companions behind, Still tossed on p aen of dittrc ii. Ilnrd;tothug to make the blest shere.”- IV he re nll is assurance nntl peace, ' • And sorrow and sin are noonure. Thera all tho ship's company meet, iVho sailed with tho Saviour helionth ; With shrilling eat h other they grei Apd inmph u'or sorow and death : The voyngo of life's at on and Tho mod al efflietion ;3 post— The age that in heaven they spend For ever and over shall last. C* -- Mrs. H was a very religidus woman, and perhaps came as near wor shipping Mr. N., her favorite minister, as some of our big bugs do Kossuth, the Hun garian; but be taut as It 'may, she was constantly hammering Aaron, a shrewd lad of some sixteen years of age, who to pester the old lady and make her scold would speak rather lightly of Mr. N. • Happening in the house of Mrs. 11. one day, the old lady began, as usual, to chas tise hip, and Aaron, thinking she put it on rather too hard, after hearing her through, said—. "I am as good as Mr. N., and can preach as well." "Preach?" said the old lady, " you don't know a single word of the Bible." "Well, give mea text," said Aaron, "and see if I can't preach." "You don't know anything, about the Bible," said Mrs. 11., "if you do you may take any text you please." "Well," said Aaron, "'a virtuous wo men is without price,' flint that in the Bi ble?" "Yes," said Mrs. 11., "and it shows that women are better than men, for the Bible don't say that a virtuous, man is without price." -- "Well, we will see about that," said Aaron, and after dividing his subject into two Gr three ditibrent heads, commenced as follows : "The scarcity of nn article, in all cases, governs the price, but when an•articic can not be found, it cannot be had at any price. Now if there.were any virtuous women, there would be a price, and a high one too, by reason 'of the scarcity, but as there is none— At this stage of the discourse, the old lady seized the broom— " Aaron," said she, "you are an impu dent brat, and if you don't clear out I will pelt you with the broom handle." Aaron made tracks down the road, fin ishing his sentence, "they aro without price," as he went through the door, which the old lady closed oiler him, with consid erable force. • Aaron now started for home, saying to himself as he went along, "I guess the old woman will not chastise me again very soon;" and as it proved, he was not mis taken in his prediction. * CHARACTER.—We may judge of man's character, by what he loves—what pleas es him. If a person manifests delight in low and sordid objects—the vulgar song and debasing language, in the misfortunes of his fellows; or cruelty in animals,, we may at once determine the complexion of his character. On the contrary ifho loves purity, modesty ; truth—if virtuous pur suits engage his heart and draw out his af fection we are satisfied that he is an up right man.. A mind debased„ shrinks from association with the good and wise. AN OLD ADVERTISEMENT OF 1852. "Wanted a stout active man who fears the Lord, and can carry two hundred weight." Doctor Yourself For 25 Cents. UV MEANS or tho POCICHT thEBCUIAPIUB. or every °nein/ own linialan. Thirtieth edition. with upwards of 011 hun: fired engraving% vhowitia.nrivan diseases every amid. and form, and malformations of tho. genera. use sysietni. By Dr. Wm. Young, RI. • The time hos now arrived, that eaeoisons sullarinz from set ses. need no more beco em me the vivrim ov.QuAcitkaty. ni by tho piescritticns contained in lids book, any ono may mollies. sell; without biennium to bust. lieu, or itho knowledge/ of. t h e that intimate friend. and with one tenth the usual expense. to addition to tbegeeural routine of private diseases. it f explains the cause ormaelioad'a early decline, wills observe. ti •ns on Martian° —besides many other derangements. Whitt!' it would not bo {ironer to onnmerate in this ri9blic prints. Aar Person sending TWENTY-Fr PE °WM enclosed in a letter, w II r(Netve ono copy. of tpis book ; or Five copies will ba gentle:One Ironer. Address,'• 01t..W11.1.1A1il YOUNG. No 452 9P9111,111 PhiladelphiTt:" Postpaid. r, VOUNG cab ha annulled on-any of the Diseases do. scribed in hit different oublioutioas. at his office, IsBdoruco n tract. thiladelohin, every day between p and 8 o'clock, (ftutlays excepted.) •• • . • limit tin. 1931.-17 p t - -..., Light fi , iteratttre.• UWALLA() 'itt tlft.T.tt kut yip jilt :0441;0 a !argil tot of 9' if tilt - tacoa poldrootiobs cr i.tztttlAitoroture. Which ProPoto to sed.Vltilit (3111,111!. • -,-' • • •- - • Inatt,tl; N. Y. Dutchman MEJ)ICAL HOUSE, riroi:EN itolAr.4 :MEM=ltriatgru Nortli:W.st corner of Third•and Union streets, between 4ruCe-nridl'ine. ' PAILADELPIAIA: • , • ... . CirrE4,, , r4 YFldifts ofoxperlenol and unlntortuoted Woo. IL ilea spear:l thy y haw) r euilored theritorea• Port aOtt intecerrtil proetielorter or nnd near'. in Ow trunlrdont or alsepool . u. !Myatt, unt,pro. Persons billianit with nt• owe upurttim bah.. !Millet or roes. pales in the bend c r bones, rderOtithil theumatont, alnolurei, "gray,f, dsps Wising ttorn yolithful excel,r3 Impittitien of the rlood, whereby the constitution has (memo 'enfeebled, am n il treated with rumen: Ile whet place!hiintolf under the care of DR. •. ma?' fell amitotic confide In im nor as tt nottlemian, at outilluentiy rtly upon hid na m n pliyitninu Take Particular Notice. YOUNG ME:N . t'vho liwo Injured themselves In n cattitin companionsuld In--a held , Irequontly lamed Nom evil at solnol—the tilhots of which nro nightly lilt, even when allaeo, and destroy Ineh mind and body, should apply Imaurliately. Wonkness and constitutional debilitY, taunt' tnutoularenurgy, physical lassitude and general prop ttatlon Irntabitlly and all nervous ollectioni, indigestion. slagetsbnest of tire liver, and 6vory disease in any way crow netted With tins d I .ord rOl e 'promeative unctions °acad. anti fall vigt r restored YOUTII & MANHOOD• s READ ! A VIGOROUS OR, . 4 % , "-#< l \r-r -r-r-r-r A PREMATURE DEATH ,KININELIN on Solf-Pl'eservation. Only 25 cents. The Think: Bat publlthed, Is filled with pr i de lln formation, on the infirmaries and diseases of the r:oneritlve Ottani, It addresses itself alike to YOU 111, MANHOOD nail OLD MIK. and should b 3 reed by all. The valuable a I vloa nail Imprewivo warelna it gives wEI prevent years of misery ntal rullarinc aril 11151V0 annually THOWSANIIy OF WV ESA ..I . AIMNII et by ranklin g it, will learn how to prevent the destiuction of their children. 'VA remittance of TWENTY-VIVE CEN"I'S onelosed in alettar addiesell to OR. KI N KUM X, North West Comes of Tinßo tr. UNION ducats, be WOWS Spruce end fine. l'HlJAnKtsl'lllA, will ensure a Book under erivelorm per Tatum of mail Person; eta distance may address DR. K. by letter. (post Paid.) nud be cured at home. PA :KAHL:I (11 , " . MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, Ms for. warded by sendinor n semi lance. and put op secord from DAMAGD or 0111Utri4TY. Booksellers. News /scents, Pedlars ' Canvassers. and tall others, au polled Wi th the above work a t vet/ lo u w Wes. dly Bs 1851. Estate of Isaac Broodier, deceased. mantle. IS HP:Rh:IIY CIVEN, Tnat Letters of Artmln• LI filtration have, he n istned to the tabscribercon Ihn ettnto or Irma Dm:tette/ .late Of lataly towuallip.• deconard. All males indett Id to asideda , u will tipieoforo make Immediate payment.—and thole bayli,g claim, neeintt tho same. aro re. gimleti to present Otte to the sub.erilwrs. lu Math , to 41:1• ;Mu, duly nu.boatiented for tlrimi.st. Immediate attention Is renuired to thlt nolicu, in n rder that them:ale may be ,ruled without delay. MARY DRALICKELI, Itrintr'x. March 1:5 -1852. ARNOLD. AVM. NEkVELL 4 -SON, Wholesale Grocers & ( 101111111681011 . Merchants, IVO. 3, South Water st., ii A l v altVl, 7 6"l l ° . u nd:n a a n nt a t iIVAPA ' Ar : timq TEAS. ho . to winch wa invite tho ohm/twit or COI INTIty MERLIN ANIrS. I w.u. MI —7m ROBERT MANLEY, MAUI alala 4 1,2 AND CBI 4.111113 NBA E 111 C subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Clear. field CiitlllfY that hu ts espying un the Lhovu business on At stk.?. street Leads opposite I his residence of Isaac houthauf wheraho respect idly solicits'tt share of public pmrduno:o lief! oters hut:stir t Ira he C ut tarnish tvork to at persons who may top tensed to cad, to their entlre satisfaction. tie sways have on hand Cabinet-work and Windsor Chairs ()revery description. Upholstered chairs made to order. ALSO, Dentist, Invalid, and Chamber Chairs—Chair Beds and lied Chairs. The Ohl Chair can h. tonverted from the 'Arai Chulan a complete tied in two minutes. end will also fold up so that it w ay b e c orw.s.fenity erstried under the arnt - it is pramealarly tot nets for rd tiltury Onion rs and fur erefetrioral genthstron. N. It —Willis made athe neatest manner and on the shoe east notion Ito sespectinily solo euntlananoe of the public, patron age. Belyt. NAVE YOUR MONEY. FREEMAN & CO., CHARLES I FitEEMAti. ili/DGEi Er. CO.) R,S AND JOBBERS. 144 Broadwa Ist floor below Liberty st., ZE>.Yr.ll3•.. ;. h n.l, wife c-ivala hror taeH3 v,, ~ei/ n nrtnt r oa4 . o nfaaturers.aa flAtit A07110N;,111t:1 FA:44 INA111:11: FANCY tql..E. :1111,L1.)1 Et: ir WMI)3 Our ItoLk Or RICH Itlllß' cornonn.s every variety or (ho tweet bad most beautiful droditus imptuted. Many of the goods um manufactured asurently to oar order, from our own dealgos nod tvit , erus.anJ stand unrivalled. We otter our cool s tote I. 1T ILIATI, at lower prkey. than any credit house In Amzrie% chi atiord. All ourtir,sers tittli it greatly to thoir intarost to resort.° a cotton 01 tooir money end mako 401edlioull from oar arca' vartzty or RIGII )op* • Ititwoos rich fin tlonoids, Caps. Hashes and Botts, lioauot and rmk,t,Azi. inewitteti,s. eqllars, Gamoisetts. Cayes, liettka• Inbits. 6l‘ s. Enaravturs, and tasertiur3 Embrnitlerol ite•iere, I.rtcu, end Hemstitch Cambric Ilikfs, Itkratts. Musicals. and Emtmedered tows fur Co.'.. llonitoa. M7creen. Valetta one,, end Brussels Laces. F.:n:l'lrib and Wove Thread, Farrar'. Lida Threul and Cot o r Lacer. Kid, Lislel bread. Hilt and Scoria: Hilt, MOM and Nati Frenc.) and American Autticini flowers. French (ACM, English * Amer:can and Italian. raw_ltoonots and Trimming,. March 23. LEV. Millinery and Mantua Making. MISS FORD & MISS LIUNTER, EttI'EUTFULLY nunnuckee to lb° ladry of and vicinity, that they bvo colutueue:ll the Lush:rn ut Making, Reparing, and Colloring Bonnets Black, Making Dresses, Caps, &e., ahli may be ion mei in 'he *non ndjiioteu theresiduno of Wm. J Ilen,hi;l, on Front street, Thoy hone , r) ho favored with a liberal share of 'labile pat routine, as their watt• will he noon to Please M. ,l nn the most reasonable intuit. A, , ru la. Id4J. Notice to Tox-Poyets. A LI. PERSIINI3 who Roy to tflo Cooeofo!, of their rospeo. L tivo townshins.tho whole imount of 'hot? :iTATE 'IA on or before ffio first tiny of JULYtiout, shall avo an abate ot of FIVE CENT to ih•on by thi Pootor. oft ou . tropeotivotowo3hlpc. 1:1r odor of the Ijonorliastooors. COM11115:1J1Ivri t ill •o.t Att,t. V. b. 6th. G. 11. GOODL.ANDER. Cl' k. - - _ PENN NON FOUNDRY; Machine,, Pattern anti, Blacksmith Shops, allazikna, Ya. would announce to the citizens of 1 Clearfield, and oilpintex counties, that h? has snouted a 160111 oa Peuend street, in the borough of C:earticlit, near the store of Leonard tz Moons t wham ho intends keouing a GEN ERA Is A a.SOIVI'M Ur iatITIN 143. warranied to be made rithe best rnatedal, and at prices that cannot fail tneas3. Tho folic wing 1..031{:0 aII .IL of stiek un hands: IN'S 11111 . -Allt COOKING ril'ut/11, for either Wyse! or Coal phis Bteve has probably the largest intro dilation of any other folio of staves. It has superseded in UtrilAbl every county, the well known Hathaway and Wyk tor stoves: It is etuily usdasstood, and the flues being so arranged thut all can be oleuntsl without any troulde. Toe p. cutter, feria end construction is such as to render It the inostdurable of aIL stoves.fhuntereus testtroontals could hr added, but It is doomed un , eeesta7.t . . . IMPRUVEIJ 1 IU . tX/OKIIO.I I:STOVES—at horn 18 to teo. STOVE 3—for either wood or coal, - • Altt-711,10111* - do HA LA MA.N DER do a beau tif u 170 al Stove . N kin A.; TEN tßoves—very cheap. MANTLE (JR %with iarnmer 01e0.... A huge - variety eed oupWor lioiahe 1 Come 3 I tom 18 to Ilfl Lulea. COMMON GRATE - 4, all inzits. PLAIN AND Ult..e AN! ENTAL HAILING ; HOLLOW WAS. ; OVEN MOUTHS: GRID WAFFLE do. SCALE 13Ettfild. WAGON 80X1!..'1.131,E1G11,81.ED A DOB OLLS, ihr Rohs. Itt)A1) HUILA. l'Gßet, a new article. COLIN SIIELI.ERS, CORN AND werraqtal to grind 15 Hue. Ears pet hour , ImActothwril Y EitEtt. rho butt In mot do. //AN. • IJ/111.1.4 and TlltE /SENDERS t Together with tho usual variety of artlclesltopt tit Foundry Estntdishments. dr Also Made Order, • • GRIST an elitawm I id. DEARING—havIng decidedly the largest steelt. and hest variety of patients of any esiabllsh• went in • western Pennsylvania ; MILL DOGS. SHAVP ING—largo nod small, rf east nyyreught DANGERS, W lIR Mr 3 and PULIrIES fitoto and other approved' Water irt:Eke; WOOD and IRON bit'l'llhlS; MANDRILLS .for llitcularSayis, WOOD SURING :01AUI.11.NEi. Constantly on hand and for sale, FANNIN,(I hrlLl.kt, THRESHING hIMIIRIP,FS: PEN NUM'S ÜBLEIIIIIATED GUAM DItILLS. &o. bito. Scrow-Cutting. • An? sized Horew, with soy dashed nu grsbat ol thretidir to the loch, 'ether so .are or V thread. Bram Copper, and Babbett's Metal Cartiotte_made to order, N /A . • - March 4, NATHAN • . -10 Mill Oveners. i m undersigned . has appointed 'CAtiTEE. of T Cleerilold.• his agent fry the tale pr Castinge. who will !valve blue for ad kinds of Milt Gearing., and Other maphfut • yr.; Perlone desirous to contract, will do wall to clapped ex owl ne the catalogue of Pattern,' and specimens al trig WOricr bolero making engagements elsewhere. Lettings will ho do. livered, If desired. at Clearfield, and warranted 4.0 be made of good material; and ta a workmanlike manner, Hay. log in cunning order FIVE timperior Lathes, and other ma. chlnory in the same proportion. employing none but the best workmen. using the very boat Pig Inn and Coal, with many other advantages, he flatters himself that his work will be done as well as in the best city shops, en/ on the shortest nottoo. For pertlot} an.o4llotiMr,CAßTEll, Afoot. • ' • AATtI,iIP7 Ikt V EllB. . fderok4 • • • ..1., L!, • , ' TREASURER'S SALE 10,EP UNRINA.9I9 - 10 LAMM In •Clenrflold County; for. 'faxes. '. IN pursuance or the lit 'motion o . f en Aot ofAssembly ofthe 13th oflll arch. 1 Ple.. entitled .. 'An Act to amend an Act pros tante the manner Sr telling [Wonted Lands for Taxer. And for other purposes, 'Ahere will he exposed to PUBLIC SAUL on the bilicUbil , MONDAY DI JUN P. PlexT, at the Bond. House in the borough of Cleadiell. Oloadield co.. (and adjourned horn dal today until the whole tue told ) the MI lowi co Ilmeated Imnslg and town Lots in gahl county, for the amount of tax get ouposlto each trout. No. Ac's Ps. Beccaria Township. Tax. 70 . ' id; Brown &P. Bo) ton. 44 61 70 100 BoMmun Limns. 4lb 4J3 lab lVililam tiros. , 12 Si 4BB 123 John For/Ivey:ono year, 683 017 John 'Alight'', 6 13) 60 Campbell & Turber it lilt 80 • Henkel. I ',B 121 Jacob bildstersmith. four Yalti. It N 60 James Blain. 8 0 J 11 70 400 John Allen. Bell Township. . OW MX) Hoary Beek, 83 50 CIO do do 5O 3'.111 450 John Nicholson, 15 54 6313 11l Melilla Sc thdlith, 4 bd 11111 19U do ' 4TS Boggs 'lbtontiavl . . ' 1377 80 John Thomas . . B etl 203 John Hull, lO 78 John flail. 170 , 4.10 410 1U Peter Peanut 115 Darbara 'Snyder. 4 14 , 100 Jo:1111(mm, .020 125 George llootruan. 2 100 Maury France. 8 Ski 101/ do. do. 828 10 do. do SS Bradford 21nonship. 101 113 John Campbell, 400 123 Mahal Carr. 8 04 d.O Aaron Leavy. 20 68 4S Dremtzer, Daniell laFulton Y 1 61 IA Matthew Forgo., 7 70 40 Mese' Boggs fleas 11 SW .-- -- 134—... John Nicholson. 4 01 0.1 - Jane Campbell. 0t U t 3461 James Donowt. B4 Di 200 John Irwin. 7 lb 200 'flair M'Lenahan, I 85 5 71 117 Isabella Jordan. - 103 Cadwalader Brans. 6 81 400 John B. Skyron, 14 70 III! Thomas P. Ctpo. 14 62 431 17 Polly trl'benahan, 11 1 67 800 Martha Houston, 7 60 414 D. El. Cuantnaltam, 16 44 ek lOU Jos William eanrom, (IN 53 Francis \Vest, 8 OH 78 , d I 100 Jehn Datum. 4 PO 1,0 William ean.om. , 037 h 3 du. do.. . 68d 7U 11 D. Conway. 1 5 13 145 Thomas 11. Forcoy. IIU 01 100 .1. 8, Kylar. ' II lOU V 11. Holt, 7 115 ge, W. Craho.m. IS td John Graham. Jr.. rr., 18 ICU W.II am Murray; 83 .Brady Township. Jared Ingersoll, do. do. John Hart. do. do. Jonathan D Smith, Joseph ration. four Yeats. Pommel Johnston. John Dunlap. Roberts and Pox. Joules Reed. Casper Savor. Joseph Perron, do do,_ George A. woaver. Jana Liars Ilavid Dunlap. Itobart Fox. do. dn. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ' do dn. du. do. do. do. do. Burnside lbwizsitiP. John throb, Christian Bloke. Chest 71nvnship. 13 William Cook. IQ John Guadrcker. 10J Mitchell tr. Wood. 163 John Matter, la 4.1a41J1 Evans,. Philip roomers. 'George Doss, Fredrick Kohn. John Conniugham. Matthias Idlougn, Gd John Grolt, Paul I.ontaingar, Peter Getz, Henry Musser. Jacob Alusaursmith, Covington 'lbw/whip Mortis teNtewart do do do do do do do do do do SCA 250 b4l 011 C4l 645 110'.1 srlll 090 5073 310 srs 115 1411 dt;o3 150 &A 'CO 195 77 5'L 203 6681 1.415 I'7l 63 A'77 197 91 CO 141 8 , 114 117 llolli 800 3417 UM 1191 191 IV.) V./ 1941 11.9 1c93 FrB It^J9 tt`O W9l IJ rl5 t:l7 ISO'S Itkl! Ircti +b:+l IWO do do 101 kW do do Decatur Ibtonship, insaph Roper.. is Jo-with It( Wind, _ Ferguson 7bwitship 11 c-9 -nire-FidoeroVE,-- Ilni Joba !I 4:0 151 Lliniol Turner, pi 33 4.13 IJ3 thwrge Ruu. 2 1 ,1 3.,11 John Datigotoa. tt (71Pninger, b N 101 4 '3 100• st eale.J 15 Fox 7blonshiii, 4a7J 157 441610 s WlllOo. 18 64 441X1 1.91 do do 481 8d 4181 10.1 do do 84 Ei 4181 do. .do do SJ KS 4188 du. do d o IN 83 4:11 do. do do 84 a 1181 do. do do "Itl el 180 Ildoinmin !Inlet. 4 40 in ['hams t.lark 8 8.1 l• Girard 71nonshii). 18:0 8c , 7 45 tdorris & Fiewatt. 19 . '4 1 9 1 4 ..Tnze, 1 . ii.., c•or 100 n, 11 i; 1813 '.IIO Norris 41, rstsovair. ll tit', 1931 WI lid do do 12 bli 1013 1.1.1 do do 1: 38 198 i DM do do -2 72 199 I lh 16 do do 11 di .. . 1818 116 do do- 6 SU 1,67 Ulti 'Ed (1 , ) do 7 Ml 4 il.trJ 251 1:.8 do do 884 1 4 , 8 4 4 1) 160 IV/ . b 7 103 do da MEM Goshen Township 60 EOO .1 sin>h t;huw. r 325 YW George Mead. lbsstoit Township. 60r.2 trip Wil liam Powers. 20 76 195 Cavid Caldwell. 5 11'41 Moore &lauey. 5174 1041 Al .In , do WO 090 William nmeis, 20 76 5066 090 • do do 20 76 5675 104( Moore & Delaney Al 84 4256 090 James VVOsoo, ' 0 26 49u2 420 • Wilhohn Willink, 8 82 4880 990 4902 55 do do 1 12 5063 100 William Powers, 3 12 5061 1 1 1 3 do do .11 66 5070 1041 80 Moore & Delaney, • 21 84 5671 1041 80 do do 21 84 5679 1041 80 do do , 21'84 5672 347 27 , do do • 720 5061 990 William Powers. 2(1 76 200 • , Wing and Rider, - 420 4897 60 Wilhelm Wi!link, 1 86 4897 50 4209 100 Jordan Township. 433 '153 Richard Peters, 19 73 do. do, Peter Kuhn, ' do, do. do, Fredrichlleates. du. do. do. John Dunwoodie, do, 216 156 Adam Reigert, 992 ' 197 80 Silas Wilcott, 910 300 ' William Wilson, 13 80 600 Gleu.& Mary McCormick.27 60 200 James McNeill, 8 28 120 William McKee, 7 38 • 218 William ‘Miley, 15 02 433 163 Isaac Wampolo, 19 73 433 153 "• William flunter,, 19 74 433 163 John Cersey, 19 74 Karthaus Township. 1900 COO Morris and Stowart, 27'00 1901 778 do do 35 20 1913 507 do do 22 EU) 1093 200 , do do 990 1093 '79 • 22 Charles Wiliinlc, 3 52 1023 •" 88 do do 3 95 683 147 do do ' 28 70 3475 1914 513 95 Morris ilnd'Stn . wart, 23,07 WOdwarct 7bumshz:p. 900 William - Parker, 11 10 58 Wistar, 2 13 240 • William Drinker, 8 88 70 Henry Fauneo,. 2 50 300 J. Morgan 11 10 200 • C. & P. Loudon, 0 18 116 • Charles Loudon,', 3 24. , 446 , , ; 77.$itmuel , 10 35 '44o' 10 HeriTy Drinks, . 00 78 . • .--Morris Township; • 103 31 John Fry, jr., 3 68 427 Philip Wager, 10 20 421 Jesso Yartiell, 15 90 345 85 John Andrews, 13 12 330 125-William A. Smith, 12 50 _ 409 130 William Smith, 15 36 166 24 Wm. M. Smith, 028 486 32 do 18 44 90 John Palmer, 3 42 407 86, William Smith, 15 48 300 Peter Yarnell, 11 40 183 Francis Johnston,. 8 42 248 Jan Fry, jr., 7 48 330 ------ Thomas, 10 80 150 Francis Johnston, 7 12 183 Stephen Kingston, 8 60 170 Blair McLenahan, 0 52 406 Jacob Wetzel, 22 25 382 • Joseph Simons, —l4 50 406 150 John Skyronr 15 44 218 John Price, 4 26 200 J. Nicholson (w.. 4) 7 60 98 Andrew Dunlap 350 102 Jacob" Morgan, 3 86 221 John . Morgan, 8 30 217 Casper Haynes 824 ass Christopher 13aller, 14 62 38 John Best, 1 74 217 Casper Haynes, 822 Penn Township. 583 200 Andrew Rees, 6 00 5962 425 14 John Nicholson, 12 77 168 John Nicholson, 670 " 40 G. R. Barrett, 1 20 5937 90 Catholic congre'tion, 246 " 93 Cochrane Tract, W. 5781 050 John Nicholson, 10 02 5778 1920 do 18 32 ' 200 A. & W. P. Reed, 8 65 5777 1029 24 John Nicholson, 31 68 5780 720 64 do 13 12 100 Win. Hartshorn, • 2 00 220 I). &. W. Hartsock, 4 62 268 47 Jno. NPFenon, &c0.,8 40 Union ?burns/tip. 11 00 13 70 11 o 7 8 87 ' 41 113 11 6 03 13 61 VBO 4 40 • 888 11 611 OP 840 6 40 11 Se 104 4 10 31 18 8 71 80 100 11 t 4 6111 8 WI 2000 475 Roberts & Fox, 17 47 3587 350 do do 13 08 3591 300 do do 11 23 4251 850 Jamss Wilson, 31 83 3581 270 Roberts & Fox, 11 00 3588 50 do do 183 3010 75 do do 279 3608 50 do do 183 00 Jot►►► Fleming, 2 00 100 Hugh. Wilson, 1 20 121 - J. Kline, 1 20 122 J. Burg & Hoffnogle, 4,ycarsi, 2 68 138 Jacob Kline, 1, 20 • 143 P. Sh►ndlo & Shaffner 88 170 Andrew Brown, 80 184 Michael Lentz, 80 185 R. M'Clure, 80 150 J. Watson; 1 20 175 Christ. Kaufman, 40 ' 180 A. Whitmer, 40 181 11. Barr, 40 F. G. MILLER, Trs'r. March 5, 1852. £ll 18 YO 08 a NJ EU 78 . al 78 T SW ' 656 14 84 7 bit 4W 4 bl 7 K! 91(W 40 in 4040 111 4: , 10 oh 87 Et 72 6U eon fflarietta House, GEORGE PETERS—Proprietor, D ENPEf7YUI.I.V announo.s to t$ .e Public. that he hat Lib taken that won known Tavern bland. on Front Street, to the borough of Marietta la.. tormerly Relit by Wil drat.khoute. where by will ba gratified to tee nil ids obi t nand,. Mad as many now ono* as may favor him with a tall. The home has been theme ahly to titled. and additions added theta), making it one of tun largest and most comma. lintel* is the ba.r.uth, HIS TAMA: will always be tutinhed with the Imst. the 11111r/tat will aliwd : and IncßM/ nell be stared with the chweeit I. peers and he will at all tin , * twain* beet , n le..vora to c.nulued to too tlOmloat uuti pleatale of h'.l c art.;* ; and done. that he may receive a slate ul the pub lo initimengn fcl (lei I it. Feb. it 1. inid-4 . New F.vali & iVlluntea• GOODS, 41 rahantton, Bradford township. 'I I IIE substullier ellen forint', on the most liberal terms. t.AktOLI AND kI.X'VEINIVP, AN.IOI('IMINT Of corms. 00..i.u.g of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, flats, Caps, Bonnets, loot 6 and Shoes. All of wbieb will be sold as low as can be bought elsowhe in Ilie comity. Porctrueri will find at CHA II AMTON over des,riptiou HtSOIX.4 usable grist in a ()011INITH V STUltl•:—oil 01 which wiil be tlisvoird of at vory.sma'.l ailvauczis lot I'HO. DUCE, or I,IIM ll Please call stud examine for yourselves. JAMES El. (MAHAN!. Grahamton. October 1.111.;1. REMO VA L. GEORGE W. TURNER, FASHIONABLE' TAILOR, RGSITCTFOI.I.Y autiouuees to his rtends. and he pub liu generally. that he het red,o%eil his shop to the Nor. West coiner of :leoond and Market a r..ets. and will hetrafied be found tio the building lately occupied as a ihnu. nannies! and "Philotophical" store, by Dr. Bond, and 101 wily by Dr. A„ Id. as a Pra t ! Store. nod known far and iv do by theattra two sign of the 1110 DOM/ 11' dITAR Fiefs thorn prepared to "(. 'l. MAKE. or Al END” all garments in Ins line from the flowiou robes of the ()arrant' down to Miss 11 . 001110 el late improveniont of tno 'Doom Toga." a little quicker.' quite as good, and no cheap (but not any cheaper) r s they can he a/cowherd. work will be WAHILAN't ED to give satisfaction. so that those why employ hum havo no risk to run. Al. kinds or artrketing taken la °Actium() for work. and the highest paces allowed. • July 10. 11%1. 4( apt 7t 78 Watch & Clock 11inking. ....., ipoErT R. WELCH begs leave r„. ..,...c..) .1.11 , to itilerni the citizens 0 i 1: Clearfield and vicinity. that he has O- permanently locoed in the shop ( AS ' adjoining.Lanich% hotel, on IMP 1, '°, . hot street, whore the repairing of 'Lf.-- WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEL. RY, &c.. will be executed in t h e .best manner. Ili the shortest notice and on reasonable forme. Also. ENGRAVING executed at short notice. WATCHES, &c., loft with him to be repaired wilt be promptly attended to, aiidavarranted for one year. April 9,18.51. POPULAR BOOK FOB AUEND3. DEWEY'S LIFE OF KOSSUTH. T underglined havo In Men, and will publish In Jana • THE LIFE OF LOUIS KOSSUTH, ''GOVERNOR HUNGARY. With nottcesoi Mei imiulshed Men, and &elms of the Ilan. amiss Revolution. To which is an Appendix. containing the most important of the Addresses, Letters and Ettneches of Magyar Chief. By l'. C. Headley, author of "Lilo of the RmPrersJosephine." "Woof Lafayette" etc ‘• with en ).u. troduetion by Horace Grotty. In ono LIMO vo l ume, with steel p e n re o, uniterrn In style and price with tollsadley's Josephine." Pilo°, $1 tb. A gen t s w ant e d in every County in the United States. to canvass for the abovo popular work. * **Any Newspaper published within 600 miles of New York State. that will give the above throe insertions, shall receive a copy of the wort immediately on Its pnblicationfrea of oxPeaso ill mall. DERBY & ISllLLER,Publithers. Deo, 130. 1051. , Auburn. N. Y. O To Shoemakers and Others. First rate JERSEY CALF SKINS and Mons Morocco and Pink Linings, ry For solo. vu. oheap at the storo of J. L, HUN MI. Cloartiold =rain, , NOTICE ' To Justices of the. Peace. 'run Indaet ofthe Court °Mu artor Sessions have appoin -2.. rod me tolrotecute on behalf of the Commonwealth for the county of lerolleld. Thad adios of the Peace will there. fore plangent e !cern to me of all Coruitionwealth beldam by milker otheyvvitit, av soon after tho tamo macs befole them as the nature thereof wilt admit of. • - 108EPAI b. FRANOZ " Clearfield, Deo, 20,1851. • - Hipburn, Pike Township, Clearfield Borough • *- CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. ••••• TiiEl TRUSTEES hereby wive notice that they hireeit t e traded with DR. CATLIN I& WIFE; -i To continue In!theme of the Academy duritt atiothef Tee Academic year re divide! into. FOU RLWAR ' . of TWELVE: WEEKE3. each, and FIVE DAYS of ing In each week. , . l'he next Quarter will commence on MONDAY DEO' ~ l . 18Di, at the following s • • , dy4 liceltsceat Itates Of Tilitioiii COMMON ENGLES!! BRANCHES—lncluding i ,-,' Reading. NV,rlt.rg. Spelling, Arithmetic, Gear, ' ~. raphy. English Grammar and History - slat-- nia. IllallEtt ENGLES!! UItANCIIES , -Inein. —, ing Latta , Gremener CLASSIC/0, AND ratan EMATIOAL DEPART ."'• . . htENT • ii f f n WEEKLY bEtTPHRES arc given to the older pupils eel, History, and ether Interesting sub eds. without extra chars -,, Such of the older papillae choose , engage on mit u tite P. M. of each week in exercises Elevation, Vogerc i i t i o , oat t view ()amnions upon their several studies. All others ettelli to thaw osnel I',ht. studies. The 11_,ADIC DEPARTMENT is entirely separatel ea she other on tho port of those who desire it. Two or t 1 clones consist of both sexes. for the purport, of economy '1 time; hot it is optional with the yonug Ladles whethst - 0.. Lc rota such classes or not. Tuition Is charged fro n the date of the Scholars eotets . . aing to the close of the Term—deduction being mashie*, ''. of tilnencooonsed by sickness. anti when a special agyeetme . Is made, in novenae. wiihthe Principal. MORAL 'NU AS EON has hitherto been the chief reliantssall the Teachers in secunng thorough disci olio e--and ithas he,, , efficient. Corporeal punishateattis administered onlyiguil , c„ west obdurate and incorrigible cases. Theeonstant aim of the Teachers fern make the insti:o4/ :. they impart, as well as that of books, Practical, as Diga,. , ThOOrellelli. --'' The strictest attention is given to the Condunt, Ileblissed, .1 Morals oldie Pupils. white ander the charge txf the Teaches.'' HOMED can to obtained at insensible prices.' Vii RICHARD SHAW, Preeldset.: i.: Whl. L MOORE. Seesetary. Nov VAL 1851.:1:';!' DR. HOYT'S' L9IYSW/9/Mll3oce lIIE PREPARATION Is now being Owed to tho ns a CUAANTEED CURE for the HEAVES I IL I(ree and as CHU only known msdielne in the wpm. having been used in the private Veterinary practice oily; otonrietor for the last 20 years nail he has never knows it fail in atingle Instance of prml acing a lotting cure. and law ing the hem) in good spills for work. The ntter inconspeto oy of the hone for labor. when troubled with this moms: thieve. tliould indoco every ono having such to applylak. nactliutely lorthls remedy. PRICE ONG DOLLAR PER PACKAGE. " Which will bo sent, "with raii dirretions." to 0111.0srtet4 the Dolled litotes. An letters or coentounleadons to be 14;4 dui et!, Pest Pohl. to 1. P. HOYT, Rear of No.lo South Fl tTtI Street. Wholesale agent in/ 1110 Uniteds 4k ' N. B —Agents.wented throughout the cooptry to ir liberal discount will be riven; and their tomes Moils 4 the advertisements. Address as above. rirxiisArvir HILL IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP,; ` At Clearfield. tindersigne I respectfully announces to the MOS tg IL Clearfield aad the adjoining counties that he still cases. Des to curry on the atiove illllooolS at his ex ien,ive ment iu l ire norough of Clearfield, and is new peva* manufacture all kinds of Castin , >s used for Grist Mills,euv-Milli, , and all kinds of Ilfachinery. II is Caitlin!' are no # of n ioperior ounlity--Fgaat. irlitotnr porior. to any other is the Mate—as to: rises 00/u but Mesa best ma t er i a l . nod employs none hut the very Lost of wottaits II.a 'ACHINE SHOP, • With two anperior Telll.llMl LATH t:S. driven by shim, is is in suo.:essfuloperatios. and nrider the ouinnsemionsf n pine , leaf niechaniu—w hoe almctt nny nittvle of msetnivri non be FIN lilt I Cl/ intim sery best et, In. and t.ll thlangt4l. lie ha. now an L3CallS a Wee `lssortmont of Anna. stel ns 13 Pr 11112.6 of wino . s inzos and pattern, rimt Gl{ Iftllllo WAbll IC h &0.. woman heolferatoselliow f ensh, or on tt re at0,;,0 bln credit. lie is now eastinss has ha ruost utiolovod ist!Tl erns. HATHAWAY COOKING—STMTa - ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate and coal Stoves. A150,',.. . . . Millard's celebrated Ma,* And all kinds of 1101.1.0 W-WARE, SLEIGH aril SLID StiLE:t. WAGON BOXES. Eta Ile intends nos ell uu teneonatrie termv. nail Unit. thsttla citizens of ilia counts. goiCeinlir will tind it to their silvans. to give him their custom. CASH will always tie pretend- hut the hialiest pita.' will be- unywoil for t:ountry andOLUhii3TA Is. As hegivcsoitesinhiuhtnesthupetPta supervision. ri'l orders lur work will restive ommtit aunt*. llAvlll Lin; Cltarfeld. Nov. 2E10851. FIVE HUNDRED BOOK. ACENTSIIVANTI3IO Alr V geoi naive and intelligent man. with . a tmall cankil of Iron% 88u to itn, can melte large Profits by ens4ati iu the tale of the laliowing : 1 , • IP @radian- air,Z - goo fi'mll Moo ellAI111Wii:A IN VORMATION FIJIC 'THE , l'opnlarEbcyclopeliu of Itoowletlgo. Two hap corny° volume. (potonining I'CrEttStiN't3 ,01^ 111 E: REV*4 () LAY/ 10:1• huge octttvo iisgra, with :AL) tine Estis.'; vious. nisTotty OF Tii i; UNITED 6T4T69; NAVY ritUlur,tr cuthvn puree. awl IL+) flue Ilnerarnigti ii.EM A ILICA111.1.; hVIINTS IN' lIEHISTAr ut." AmEitl6.. Two low: octavo voatims, gostaisoc. , 1600 pace, ond 704) thigrovalzs. I%m bLet 'Joh:it/01AL.! erica otibi.:l..l. nit ,131" S I'IHTVIRIA . .I. !APE Ot Wit'SfINGTO:i. A): rtidsinild coon' ning SGU o-driria Da Res. and E2gt.:vint:t. 'rite Clirapctst life el Wash.netun eye( us' hl Asti E's 3 lIISTORY (IF TIIE INVIAN WARS. I!olorel and Plain l'iates. TIIE TItSJE Ctratniniug filo higiuote, Addresses and lire First Annual Addresses and PleustssriA a:I tlAu Presidents of the Unital States, Ih, Consteanoessif thu aunt iemirtant Slates in the Illnton, ktu,, with I'tettalla cf all tho Presidents, engraved and a view of the Capitol of tno thuittd ballet pas s. I•2ino. et )X'S lItIUK OP' MARTYRS, A Splendid Liao,. large quarto with 65 Engravings. beaadfells in Ntale!):.l:4:.i. "OCES. SA, II !STORY 01 , TII L . : Pi_ lAr~e Oa evup3ges. with Euitravingi Ji ittl