wished it, Mr. Gibson would :enable him_ to throw off the Dutch lyoke; that there_, was a i t utOleet 'Atnericati l vessels 'of war, who would assist the Flirt against the D,utch.`,',Tho ,nial.6 travelled In a native iritc!avoid r ottspieion, and Wien captured the letter alluded to was found concealed in ono of his stockings. The matter had caused much exitement in_Batavia, as the accused parties are to be tried for treasona ble designengitinst the Dutch government. "On his arrival at Batavia Mr:Gibson was kept a close prisoner but released by the court, on the ground ;hat the affair ap peared to be no more than a foolsh escapa de. On the same .day the procurer. gen eral-had Mr. Gibson and crew imprisoned, and at tho last account they were incarcer ated, thaiii_ng trial bbfore the supreme court.: Mi.,„Gibson had addressed a letter to tho'Arnerican commodore, begging his interference and protection." !Pt hre toni an riher n qua'. MO* Wiled fut. Mao,. hos t) to of lutt• • v. : .vew 14 We from ;art lypn - ; - 14 a aq The Speete Motiement. The Omount ofgold deposited in the United • States •Idintidurin,,c , the month of April lies been $3,070,000 1 The official statement will vary, but little from this amount. ,During this ,period the entire sbipmerits 9f' _specie from'this country.to Europe 'have been ,only $9,000, while the receipts of coin front abroad have amoun ted tb probabiy - tt couple of hundred thous and dollars.' It will be remembered that on the Ist insb wo estimated -the excess of our 'recents receipts of gold over our ex perts at about $6,800,000., If we add to this. the result of the April movement of specie_, we shall, have a total excess of $lO,- 42116,000. The flow of specie from Europe is just setting in, and coming with the in- Creased, receipts anticipated after the close of Ili* rainy season in California, we shall probably . seen have a greater amount o the . precious metals in the country than waS over before known. rirh WA% n-- ,not . . iloaninLs. Daieria . .l3etWeen 7 and 8 d'olack , ,yesterday morning, ,Mr. John F. Burns, a grocer residing at No. 55 Ross street, corner of St. Mary's died from poi son communicated to his system by a dis eased horse. ' About two weeks since, it appears that, the deceased had a horse af flicted. with glanders; and during an ad ministration_ofmedicine, thrust in the an imal's mouth his hand, - the middle finger of which had - ,bcen previously-cut - and the ilesli laid open. -,..'l'firougli this wound the -poisonous virus was absorbed and mortifi cation havingsupervened, Professor Smith, a day or two since was called on .to ampu ..tate: the:diseased member. Perceiving, .however, - says tho Arg,us, that the poison lienetrated .to. every : portion of the un fbrtunate man's . system, the Professor de clined performing tho operation,and stated that no earthly skill could save his life.— After lingering in 'great agony, death :kindly closed the scone of suffering. Ballinzorc . Sun, • et, rs, nde 1 4 y: si . "om. Text• MARRlED—On_the,eth April, - by the Rev. C. - Jeffries, Mr., George. Byers, to Mrs. ,'•Fiaiteps Aart cKisicy, both o CleaKeld County. On the 6th May; by the - Same, Mr. tib- Tabora Crow!, to Miss Mary Kephart, all •orClearflold county. • • . DIED—At the residence of John For. guson• itiForguson township, on sunday last, Margaret Read, widow of the late 'Thomas Read, deceased, aged about 60 yoars.. - NEW TANNERY, At Curwensvaile. s/3 TAYLOR, ifspectinll7 in•nwunrts in his pou haul*, Meads—two be has icsn.ired esti Xsanouonacti tiuwitera Ms Now 'ranntry un rm, 5t0.41. ioarnedustely north or te'nolu'o lune!. Cul erensvius, were be Is priTered to so order on short notice awl in the Most maul - actor) lUlllllOr. HIDES. 311A11 ,1 gni LUMBER st taken i xchvn. ;Prim Losbast pitons allowed. • bas/ 17. ,3,06P.11105.11f,t3 FOR . punbuimirio AT WASHING-MN. C.. During the •apiiraaebing Presidential Canvass, • , . . • •A WEEKLY PAPER, • lb be entitled • - 1 11111.:CAMPAIGV .2b be excluiively devoted t) the advocacy . and diisenzination of.Deniocratic prin- OAS and the support of the nominee for de Presidency, of the National Dc tnocratic Convention, which, will con at.paltinzore on tine efirst of June, •,• • • . 11E. soloacito . re propels) tit commauce; ou th e 4th ofS'une. T- cr w so..a thereafter as proceedings of the IS al orcore Conveutio crat be teemed, -is lat e . wee under thou .pleceding the etetelt tint het h‘t is to t .ke peed in TlOVlltebet Pent,' lies mil he devoted enOlUtivele to the decastiou and:advocate, of lmeT b:re test* : , for il i ttre ih pn n Golrl t a lec ptiieilgdciapl ess and measures. and Pledged lo 'the saptoh p lot thetwo Wanedais n slantheggilt. pytheAmelitau ll eu mae. etrato Conveutioa wuith will atsentb!oin Malt:core oil the itt of ince next. .1/10 lino num! ei t "Tilt: C&ItIt'AIGN" wlh. containa catapiele astalyesof the state of tamps when Utineral Taller eras elsoted. a relieW Of On Oen es which &Weaned the dealt/- credo nominations. met an czar/Ave or the Gontlitetehotl; Which.4We %De belef thatthe Utopia 01 th ileti te .altav wanes :P siag the. inability of tha whist p arty, to f ~ ilil its pledges anti tot:Wilma the I. &fel a3lnln titration In the 1010. ger beet wit:elated to promote Cad sot u a the -gemmed iu ete*t, await, atial...ual the up. cttPuity to ce the alto of pi it e tat terra ocentielesi,, vigilant, age . vett:elle heeds lupine the distention , whine will ha cello out by the upProttatting • yen. ass.it will bathe ohitct ofthis paper to fornalt timely tutor muthnt to the Ipoople, end elell.eoneideinl 'lnkblot iwn •nult dards and eireuntwancer as Islay. be. Pecetsary t ac o a tburougb A ngenttnedipg of the suite of the coziest and the PrineVire which are in twee between the two parties. • Earn is verysleusante that subsatibent shOuldhavo their Avers watered promos t ot e h lit of, June. June .( f of. the owening of the canvass.") es we cutout guaranty to famish , Desk nunabersto . towe who shall aubsotibe gun the issue of! the third samba., ' - • • • ' u rult Cl,l4ololll,siiill he cendunted under the editor hip • :of the Washington Uhlots; It witi De Panted fromd si 'ilar in tlx style an • r abcellon that Issued hie office is pis esti foldtdiei convealtut brut for binding, at • '• ' ' 01101)011pr per copy. " Clain wllthe faraisbettwith a capanklbs 1 p ltd.. ". • NOTICE). -.Newspausts.- by:pub Wong thwelioen:lp• gettwe with thus notice Until the 25th of ante will bitoretwr 40 with one center khipp),u,satin IF Toe 1160 %Umber Dr t.rhatleaspeuen" whiles published ef ts, the pectins, and will i euntal p I the otflultd„ Ittutes of the icaavase in eves! Orate. • '..••.::•."; ;• '• P9NEII.B, UN Itt",,A9SIBIII.QNG;„ ( 43 1 t063.1:kbaRESEItio MAHE pubiht are - hereby calumet', stalest . harboring 'or gr i n ibig my sow 0 C utittitoriumir.tte 11 : will pay jeuvaghts of hie tetatrattues after: this uate. ',Kett nvtioe 18 IUI , aloe heral d .tea 'Won • to' LO sopploymgf to,14:b01 id I ,ta p r ut tblis for at tat motea. ead that at the Me or ONE DOLLA tlerttat.f • - . ;•• • •en 3 •111ARTWQ BUCK% otiliidfardtowathlo.hlee 10,101. . , , • Estate of :Mlles .lock IVOTIOE IEI &EBY 454VRN:thatlett4viNAd4hatetta. LN time 800 the *Mete aubf.4 ittkauswg.: fete of the Boum Otirvressilk hums) doe Om ofjew bees ma to the tabtedoer. MI putout 1 Indebted to siin eetate,an , I;w:tested to-mete -ipayroset immcdi tier. -and thor m nav fug EElEsipill prfaftpl the? dolt tpftlientloated tot nett ean.t. - . = - • • „• E MA ROARIZiiiVitT-STU,KJA'aiiart,'.. tiollhwotrav M0y..d.,0.1;3. : 1. . • GE 1 .06/6 ' PARC NOTICE. MEN,WCIHEN AND CHILDREN J. that ' :* , • • ' . WALIGIADra a. IBIXLLS -.:..iitivervvivedtlnit • . Spring and Summer . Mock of. Dods, • and are prepared to astonish the natives nt GREAT'REDIICTION OP PRICES. Tnidr stook tOttaiste of et large and varied attounent rr - roitit!aN AND DOMESTIC B ar eges,Berge,DoLones,Lawns,Callicoes, iSze.—ALSO a large assortment of atenrallwares, Qmenanownrim; • . , BOOTS and SHOES, 1-9-IeQOCIG3 1311 Mai. C 4 e1a1P656, They hey a also on hand *very largo stook of SUMMER CLOTHING, Cloths,- Cassimeres, Sallinetts, Kentucky Jeans ; Tweeds, Muslin, Tickings, Atol in feet every. thing to supply the wants of town mot country, country, eli of which they are dole mined to 101 l (IMO, then they have ever beef sold betene, they. therefore. te . ouest all pets .ns wishing to r sachets to arse them a cati Ittmembet the cheap cah s D imo nre or WALLACE Et 31 nt whet street MEW the 4, Clearfield..Oa WON, itt62 LOOK HERE!!! -0- Lewistown Hardware Store. Opposite May's Hotel, east end of 21nen. lilittliEßS and cmtemers c 313 sive nom 95 to 80 per cent. ill in their I manic' 01 Hardware, C..nchwero, Noddies,. si Paint,. oils slut, rim.. nt too owe of Lewistown May lid, 185 J. M. (I. eRANCIFCI.IB . Twenty-five Tons Hammered. Iron, W1N...6, Elwin . . Coulters, land sides, bar and square uoa hders for any size promtly filltd. The true° supplied at Philadelphia prices This iron is used in all this machine shops of-the P Irani* Railroad, and has been proaoutee ironou& to q lathy and superior to llaish to any hampered in the Stat.. For tql:e I.y team:in:us, FrePtiom I. Works. 14P , sidown May ill' s Itis~. • lEBTaallazroslillturiallwaarre JrALL KINDS, t h e IOLI b, us at °ivy prides. Making Jr our VUlCiallsel Dam etatern Malaria., we eau sell as og Cie townwel:MlA In l'hiladolubin. IL FBANUISUUt3 LewlMay U. IBSJ. OUR STOCK CIMBRACEi evitythinf that belongs to the ilerdware. Coachware and Valid erg trade. which Is always large and IhnighL from first bandsoshich enablegas to selltocountsr deeiers nay foods they may want on us Inhorshls tenils as they non purchase to Philadelphia. P.O. IIItANCLICUidi , I.ewbtown. Mar Si. 1658. A:lt:m . l'llam tlhe6 Wllrio Al.l. p none Indebted to. or 1%..,v10tt unsettled aceount% %edit. On tubscribet. ato r+ques ed to coma torwind IM MEDIATIFLY, and Mate aettletnent, ae Ise a determined to 1,w.) nll of hi neoonoll of Over n sinedtag. Butted 11 between ttus and the Utdesol July next . • - tinMILIILIL B TAYLOR. wras;•III. May 17.19:J.—pd CACTION. A hi, rer.ons ore hotoby caution , d against boying or sering, or la bar war meddling with a certain TWU HORSE WAGS/N. now in too Low...soon of Voter Oeylor. of Brady to NOl l .l •al Ilia Wagon belongs to me. and to in hii u, on lots G. I.IGUUDIAANDERt Latheributg. DU 17. 0 .51. . TURNPIKE ELECTION. A Mr.ETING of the sobsonbers to th stock of the Clem Afield end Curvesivite 't turnpike hoed wtil I.e be a nt Corot noose in the balauth Uietriehl. on MONDAY the 14th of JUVE., Nest., nt 1 o'elo,:k p. m.. for the pug. Pose of eleCting othzeis to coconut tie ntlalts of foe said COM Pan] r o p ie rniming Sea. 111 May 8.1E112. 110IJSE AND LOT kl ?'U ea [`HE Su morlber offers for sa'e .h's HOUSE and LOT. In I. PENN V I lALE. Clentfl . Ad county. It is situat.d cu the south ludo cf tire !Lice and ?iv:i/villa turnpie . nod a goo.' Icon' i..n for ictsiness The luprovements are a small dwellh g hors 41. store h .4 Sr. 137 , iii crorivri I will be sold ow for cue heir cosh io hood. tad the hei . .ante to c.• vier roe futilier.nreinteilon apply to a.),iAllt AN EVANS. jf..reouviite. or t rileirrii . sub. scriber. BAUUELsN plat 8 Itati e3:3a CD =11291:W10 SHOWING the amount due each School District in Clearfield County from the an oat State appropriation for the year 1852, in pursuance of an act of Assembly passed the seventh day of April, 1849, as follows: Remark+, 854 111Girard, 25 67 Bell, 48 58 Goshen, 16 98 Boggs, 38 711 Huston, 16 59 Bradford, 55 30 Jordan, 53 32 Brady, 86 90 Kerthaus, 28' 04 Burnside, 84 92 Lawrence, 104 281 Chest, 35 15 Morris, •44 63 Clearfield 80., 43 05 Penn, 48 19 Covington, 45 82 Pike, • 107 0.1 Decatur, 33 57 Union, 21 33 Ferguson, 26 07 Woodward, 33 57 Fox, 3 55 I do certify the above to be a true state ment of the State appropriations as furn ished by the Superintendent of Common Schools and on file in this office. G. B. GOODLANDER, Clerk. CornmisSioner's Office, Clearfield, ,May 0, 1852, -Encampment. attoimtiioun VoTomato aro 2 • I 11Ft Otthiers and mrtnbers of !he. IRCON GHAY:S neoectfutly aanotreco that they t avo.resolveVto hold an ENCA,lttl'hiliNT at dui. G. W. WISW:. rn Jordan township. and tare =dealt urs.,enory ttr,aagements therefor. flro lincrromLent willcommenceonTGEellAY the Pletelk tiny of JUNE next, and condone thtetwhout the %trek. Comfortable and well supplied Quarters will be suPPlioti. at it a toe inteDlloll to fulfill MAUI the req risitions of thu law. A cordial levitation is tendired to the Volou• acts of tne alertly. both r ;Weer' awl Men, w. 1.11 Gm assaulted of uttiotoier'e welcome. U . Order. W, ItIcCGI;LY. PO.; . Capt. Union Grave. ----------- _ - Dissolution of Partnership. 97111E1 CaTertoer.hub heretoforeHallett between the on / lersigued th thel inning line n e hue been this day Inn taslly di salmi. The !looks wilt be lift Nat'l, John Hum for r t.t tie matt Those wtrs are into:Wed will please a a arena . ] eine ns utssibto. as we ate demous or easter the ea • county settled ap. JOHN HOS: E 1.1,„ J. li• 1tU8t3t..L1.4 Pststsville, fib n.o.let. 1852. Tondarsistied Atoils Ininself or this ooPottnuity to 1 rural has cadornew • a-d the pub:ica generally. Mate sill' pornvirs .43nalitIC On the, tabove-anantinned bolting at o.tt etard au Penno , il p, wheals la earneatly alatte a eon tlarditton Vat painonto which the/ hove heTtclarc had JOliN USSE.LI.A. • Pennvill'e llat6td wo 1852 S DR. HARDMAN P. TIIOMPSON, -s S 11 ‘ViNG located 'in Curweneville,offers 5 prelemionul services to the citizens S 7/ of ling, place and Ole surEounding country. .S When not professionally eugaged, ha wilt be 1 Inuml nt tho °Mee formerly fierupied by Dr. S J, C. Richardieer at, Scefield's hotel. Calls 4 % S ba attended to at all ap.3,' 1 51 s 4l • JOSEPH S. FRANCE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, kVINQ located himself in .Cleartiele.ollershis precessional services to the public. All busi ness entrusted to him will Ito promptly attended/to. Being familiar with, the GOUT1111(1 languago ho inn with more facility transact butiinesilor the Gorman portion Of 'lto community. °Mce9r NarAollitreel. anejloor west l,Dr. Lo rain's Drug store;lately-oet•upted by . J. L:Cattic. • • Retutortinics. • nun. John O. Knox. Kittanning. • • Joseph Ouffington, • ," • • -•/V N. Lee; Esq, _Dvnallv & Cantwell: flun.Thomaa White lndiana. • Augwitus • ~ , ~,,• , av,D;Fohter; •• ..'Gieenshurg. 05)930i!i1i ' • Jan. ;OM. ... __. . . I:ptutztpm• t:r,.., ~ .„ .w . -- Ailic—d.-et,' -- 1 1. - ! J.,. 44-I,4%vwi.a..lied,ra.„itip-vi, Or 61 . I , I MO anne.frosh from the hands ot 1. 1 _.t. 11;2211,- not or Vriiii i del i ptim. ;,,,,;.,' .:. It ,'. ,:. 1 ;:I 4 .. ... : 'APtti Im. 7 . BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLERFIEIJD CO. •l p. W. BARRETT, MERCHANT AO PRODUCE DEALER. toithersburi. LVJL Clcatteld cp:. wa. , . - APril 11, Mi. • ' ,•:SAMUEL ARNOLD; 1% ERCA ANT awl MUMMA) DEMA:II. Lothersburg. IVY elbstlield county. No. ' /WWI 7, 1851. • FREDERICK ARNOLD, ra FIR CHAN and PAUDDEE DEALER, Ltaber!bura LY-1, elamaeld ca.. Pa. April 17,1802. ISAAC SMITH, itTERCIIANT and LUMBER and PRODUCE DEALER LTA twunsvido. . Apdll7. 11'3511. WILLIAM H. BLOOM, MERCIIANT end LUtittlEttnud PRODUCE CFIALER Cu rwourtille. Own tiold county. ra. Awn 17. 1H62. WILLIAM BL AUKS H AIR E, CADIN ET and (111Allt MAKER. and noilsE An d SION t'AINTER ano duor moth of the Pradoterian Church, on teoond Street. l o lentflold Pa, ADM 16, 1b152. JOHN H. HILBURN, ROOT wed 13110 E MAK Ch l•rreend etwel,, nearly opposite 1.0 A. K. Wright' Wore, Clearfield, Pa. April 16, Md. JAMES HOLLENBACEI, nLACKSMITII. on Altltd street, between alket end Weinnt,Uleattield;Pa. A print!. MU. THOMAS MILLS, (-40Acn AND taLELGR MAKER, on hird err K. e. be tween Market and Locust, Oteartie P e . April SACKET. & GULICII, • BINET AN D 1.31 A IR MAK Elie, Locnst it,. between V Second nod Thitd. A pnl IBM It. V. WILSON, 1:111181CIAN—C•Illee on Fecood stied. oppnifto tho Teti. deuce of' Gov. Htter, Ciendfleld. .Apol 1F52. HENRY LORAINE, pIiinSICIAN tied DRUMM on Market great, oppoeite to IttidanCe. Clearfield. April 16. JOHN W. SHUGERT. lAT AFDN 'MAK Elt..com done Third and lkoast gives Y ucatheld. Repeating to order. Aptd. '6ll. GEORGE R. BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW—(aline adjoining his residence LA. on Seared street, Clearfield. April 16.1h6d. C. D. WATSON, UUGOIST and GuNFLCIIONEtt. ou Eecond street op IP prude the stole lately occupied by Meet bleu Cleat old, Pa. April 1t,52. JOSEPH. S. FRANCE, AT PORN YAT LAW Oiltiou on tdayket streat,ncljoininit the rash:eine of 1 1., (Attie, Hon . Cientticll Ap: 16. 1832. GEORGE W. ORR, AI:KNUTH, his ntw Shot) on Thud direst. tooth of Musket Used told. Pa. elity 1, Mil. HURXTHAL & BROTHER, VIERCII Li I'm awl LUteltint DEALERS, W‘olland LTI Post. Office, II tadrotd tp..thesifield co. APTiI 111, %IL J. L. CUT' `l. , (1011 NT Y EIItVEI ER pad AUF.NT. Ottice ad jAaina his resident:eta Atoka street, l,leartield. April It1;13,0: WILLIAM A. WALLACE. , A TT 4 iRN EY AT LA W. Office ad lin;ng his iesidenca on CIL Ern , 'mistreat, opposite tha randsnas of Gov. Ilia Utenr. Geld, ea. Apr1117.1'54 J. B. WBNALLY, A ITORN EY AT LAW. Ufil,ier in the east and of the 1 - 3 , - Palma buildiags, binrket st.. Clearfield. April. IESI JOHN FLEGAL, 31.ACKMITIIutersborg 'Wagons. Boggles. BLis Neatly Lotted on the shorted notice Deo. 13, 1851. H. P. THO,NIPSON, Y BICIAN—Day be found either cotit offiee L ot Bea L hotel—Carwearelite—whea not arores.ionalle about. Dee. YJ Dol. - _ SAMUEL WAY, BOOT and BLlOEMAKER—Curweinville. 1651 - G. C. PASSMORE, pLAOKSMITII-At the Old Youndry—Oniseentvile. JLI , Paces to molt the gem. Dea.W. 1851. RICHARD' MOSSOP, ETAILER VOULLON AND DomEsric 131 , CHANDHE & LIQUORers-At Dtgler at Co's. old stood. Also. on Ilia we+ttiaeoflditreet. Deo du.lebl. J. L. HUNTER, - 11.71 gTILEEtOM & DOM E6flo MERCHAN 1.11. INSE—Maikat street. 1.0 1 4 . 5 doors west oftderr la elrt hots] Deo. , Mt. THOMAS SHEA, F AsmoNrome TAILOR—In Shavv's Row,. on Ma tat strati. tmenstliatsly over toe Post Oce—Ciesii told. Deo IV. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, frANNER. and I.IOOT and:3lloE JSIANUFACTURER -. • A CurwecivJkh Deo. 01. MI D. S. PLATNER, 11A.11.01L—Naw Washington. ManniDnoilcerober township, Lieu field COUnty, 1631. CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. I.47I.IEELAVILIODT de 011AIRMAKER.S. dr.e. 185 —Dridg V Dole etke.owaship. Deo. WV, 1. GEO. RICHARDS, PASMONABLE• Talbutt—West and 01 Shaw's Row no atwr.—Clentfield. Mo. Ea. 115.. RICHARD GLENNAN, flouT & dtIODMAKRR — Dast door in Shawe'e Row oa 11 Market street--Cdearlaeld. Dec. ad. 1851. MRS. ELIZA. IRVIN, 11 -1 4 XTENSI V E HET/LlL:it .F‘Dlis;IGN AND IX> wettio Aterchaudizo — East end of Dude strut —Convent. Deo. 80. 1061. EDW.,B. PATTON, CABlNETlttAltEitrEast ead of State street—Cur Bl ve= yule. JAS. B. GRAHAM, POST MASTER. MERCHANT and HEALER IN LUM 131:11--Gininsmton.Braofind township. Doe 29.1831. C. KRATZER, m EttellANT AM) DEALER—Comet o Ygout and Locust etreets—Cleasfield. Deo. 29.1851. JAS. ALEXANDER, DDI.F.EI AND DA RN ENS MAKER—Ia his novi shop - 7 on Mast Moot. 1:)ions hleirell's ham!. Dam V 9, 1851. WALLACE & HILLS, It E'rAl LEAS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MEE (MANI/ ISE—M allow's old tiland--Cloartield. Deo V. 1851. I. L. BARRETT,. IVIERVITANT. I,UbIBERAAN AND GeNETULT.PI2O- LV.IL UWE IMALlat—At -Llavretta , meta. Clearield e. Deo Bridg BO IBA • . 1 , ISRAEL COOPER, . ~ POEIVIABTEtc at Wen ilope—Reteder , or Foreign and !),impala bilerelandae, and catenates deal e. er in Lumber. . ' tre 89.18/51. JOHN CAItLILE, BACKSISITII, it JUSTICE: OF TUE PEAlleba an burg 101. 0. B. MERRELL, C9PPER,I'IN Itc BARRI' IRON WARE MANUFAO TURLR'' llolssol's old stand on Blto_tot street—Clear. field, Ilea. 529, 1151. • ROBERT MANLY, IVITHEELWIII.OIIT end CJIAIHMAKER. 00118 N mut V V ORNAMENTAL. PAINTEA—.Iint ftlaiket street-- Deadlad. Da).)19,1951, J.,&. J. G. RUSSELL. ." • TANNERS & CQUittLIERS AND.DEALEuS IN AU. kinds ofLeatbet. ,Ilides.G rain. lito" Laken la azottaaso. rimming*. PA.--Gramplanbitl4 P. LI,. Yob. 4, inn, • WM. P. CHAMBERS, , CtiAIAMAKER. end fIOUSE at V V , ei.OIIN Y.lapiTE,tt,—Vcirw•Dlville• • , „ , . •, • • Pef'"?;•/851' . 10„Ai)DGE. Sc r AIIiIIiES&MAKEE. add JUSTICE OF • STARLING;-._ THE. YEAOZ-4 rwensville. • • Deal al. lb6l. MES ICK GRAHAM, • BARBER RAD HAImuiBEBSE.I2.—MIII attend to alt de. unuids is Wenos Oil SOW notice. and to the most tatty factory meaner. Jib meat will be lound la the basement Bs gots of the Mansion uoute. , . January 2. 12. : WM: .W.' FLEMIIsIO;. , YSTRft GATING -11 . 0:1,0 and 69N4 7. 4%. QTION Alt —Cur gensville. •„•. , so, twig. . ~ • .. ~ . .. T AILOR-I.itgeribtirk...—voiti doh!' ivotitiasitui 4oed find • aseheap.. any othequtlavv. -r • P00.,00851. . . D. D THOMPSON, rAyhShllp; Wa gon s ,lngiag,lt aD & eoclirontao B:htouaiamiavery l eet tolmi 0 d l6sn iti the bnoagh of 1 1 . A . K..WRIGI - IT, rijiEßCiiiirtT AND EXTgNSIVE 111141.P.R. I,IIM -11.1. BlLK—Soulliwtst Uormaur tho Ilnij 9..Cteill I id, e 1.1861 S. C. PATCEIIN, LFN 110 PB, Retailer of Foreign and POl3lOllllO Mor clumdko, and Lumber Merchant. 03. 1:9,1b51. . , • IS4,A C JOHNSON, . , norrr Er. SHOEMAKIatWest end of 181inw'm Row on ..l. Linvket stmet—elentheld. • Dec. 1841831. JOHN C. RICHARDS, tha ltdite !toad to Cheit mak, fon milei from Cam° avlllo. Ma. MI, 051, G. W. TURNER, wASHIONAULE i'AILOR•-At the, 00000.elt. oriel 0 111: Prow. and Malik) 'trees. 1551 GEO. W. RI-lEEM .:. QADDLEI2. HARNESS & litUA nlAttl.: 3 r . su Ato:T lB U n ltEit 1.7 —On Third at.eet. between AI ket and twenet. _ M. E. WOOD; PH YSICIAN. May alwa P r ofe s sion ally at his residence in A. Carte eussille. when not abeenc. Dee. ii 9,1861. GEORGE WILSON. IIYSICIALN may by found at hit ()also in lAl'l'llEllB PMO. when not absent ou pretessiunel business February 8). Ih5J, ROBERT McNAUL, TANNER—At the vlO eTAND le Uetweriville.- , Dee.V,plsl LEONARD & MOORE, MERCHANT 6 AND Lumnit DEA LERS—bleo6 ll itri et. tat v. egnAl Arica aid Luna—L:64ot id ' r. Deo. Di 'I. J. H. JONES, Qiior. & [moll MAKER—Adinining Ids residence on 1.7 Malta, between:Thud aad streets—Clean teid. Dec.lll. 1851. ISAAC SMITII, M ERCHANT. AND 1./lIALMI. IN LUMBER AND Prodnceinnerally—Stalestroot, beween Cherry and honuo.--Curwansvillo. Loc. t lin. 1181 PETER SEYLER, IRON-FOUNDER—Near Luthenbunr—wnote all tarts of Unsung' am made (Atka bait mamma, and on novionabla terms. Deo.t."J luta THOMPSONS, HAR'rSOCK, & CO. 110N-FOUNDERS—Curwen.vllio. An exteucva anon ment ofUttstings made lo uplet. - Deo. 1.111 WM. McBRIDE, RET AILER AND DE %LER tN LUMBER —Norte= eutneta ante etud Locust atiotts.Cutweetvile. Dec. 1‘351 JOHN P. HOYT, (\MERCHANT sod LAINBERBIAN. on Apriliver, In Pus LTA town.hip. Clea,ticld co.. Pa. l7, GEO. B. GOODLANDER, AGONSlAKEl7.Lnthenburic. Wolk eons to order 10` V on sand notice, and on good tams. kt),'Ea. TILE GREATEST HISTORICAL And Allegorical Print of the Age. In Commemoration of the most important events in the American Revolution. The British surrendering their arms to • GENERAL WASHINGTON. After their defeat at Yorktown Virginia October, 1781. T IIE enainving Is executed by Tanner Valiance. ISearner , Dom an °Singel dmving J r Benan3 and Pubil turd by denfauda Tanner, Eograver, Philadelphia. The size of the print is 23 by. 11l ino,.es, end was oireduilly pub tithed to Selarribers at IDA in the sheet. EXPLANATT )1 , 1 —THE DISC./HY —ln the OM and reed plan are exhibited three large groups of the ordsrels oh lions, who sere pro.ent nt the frantautrou. with a faithfal likeauss or etch. In the first creep is see 3 General Vlinellinglol3, General Ro• chambeau, General Lincoln Col. Hamilton, an old Farmer. covier to contemplates the crepe. hills the servant, and the Hone of Goneral 'Washlngtori. In the second group. are American and French MR ler,— General Knox.. Secretary Wilsou, and the Duke do Lauzue. and the Marquis de La Fayette. The thirdgroup is descriptive of the ftrilsh rorrendeting their arms. Lord Conwallis: General O'Hare. Commodom Simmons. Colonel Tarlton, with Iw, Sneers cut oil, Lieu tem ant Colonel Ralph Abercrombie, Lieutenant-Colonel puede.. l o ot Chewton. o. Lord Cornwallis npuears prnentine hAr sword to the first General °Meer be meets. but Gem Wash inverts is pointed out to him as the oul.i par t0.,t0 whom be I. to surrender his sword. On the height, and in the distance are the different armies and crowds of spectators. The house of Secretary Wilson,cm copied by Lord IL:orn wallis end his stuff which was bombard• ed and pierced with bails ; rte blarouts de La Fayattee hay. Big remelted that they were carrying dishes for the dinner of Lord Cornwal is asked leave of General Washington to serve him a dish of his own cooking. and immediately after several bomb shells fell through the reef on the table, and wounded some end d spersed the party. THE' ALLEGOItY.-0 0 the kit Is erected a monument in honor of those illustrious heroes who sacrificed th.ir lives and their tortures to Insure their eitizeus. the Liberty and lade. pad curse they now enjoy. PUIII.IBIIEI3 AT ail fly Md. A. LANE. PHILAI/EL PIIIA AND TO BE HAD AT TIM OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA,.'S() 141 01E3 FNUT SrltEk.7, Ad PREMIUMS TO THAT PAPER. A LIBERAL. I.II3OOUNTTO AGENTS. April 16, ISIS). .ZU l; : l a — al cot N °TICE. hireby given to all pertcor. that tho under. ill signed together with several othws el their n eighbors have by subscription raised the money and puithased a nowt:. for the use of Dr. 1) D. KLIN h.with w hich to prao ties medicine in the neighborhood of Decatur townshsp and adjoining townships. toghthei with a waddle hod bridle for the same. The object In purchasing .ho bacon to enable him to attsad our families when we desire him to' do en, and to practice medicine generally. lie is a 'IL AUK littlitahl, with a atar in Its (Ilea. and tine white foot, on yhata o.d The horse belongs to the persons who raised the money by sub. scription to par for him, and the endentigetd. who wale am thorned to buy the hone. and have the control of him, have left Lamle the patentee of Ur. Kline for the special purpose above stated, and for none other and intend as long as he behaves himself well as their Phrsician to give him the ward . the bons, They that'll:it°. warn all persons not to purchase or trade tor said hone or meddle with him in any way. as he Is not the proem) of the said Dr. D. D. Kline ut belongs to the undenegend. JOll b+S AIIKAII_AhI C 03 ,31 Decatur Township, And 6, 1 52.. pd. WhI.IIUGIIEd. Estate of Lewis riturray, pec'd. Nils HEREBY GIVEN, that [viten of Adrainic 1.11 istratrou upon the Estate ef Lewis Murray. Me'd., late or rike township. have boon in duo to re of law. granted to she subsonber, All penous hay lug claims against said estate will Present them properly nothenuanted for settlement, god those Owing said estato will mate variant immediately. LEVI MIGILLAY. liush lb,. tAntre, 00. Apil 23, uts2.—D d Notice to Purchasers. .. . • WingEAS. OUT County rilietilf het eilvestised a home and Itt for salo to the town 01 l'ennsville, pi the mop etty 01 John Long-1 hereby, notitvali poisons. that acid lot belongs to me as the aroressid John J.ong never bed an At tiu'e for it, nor has he paid me for the lot ; s ) tiny peon put. Online said house must purchase th J lot ot me. Apia 16,18,58. • EREMIAH MOORE. ricPerctiotr . .RE3tcisscAla THE ICIND of tor excellent qualitor sate by Aunt la, Vi(iLiatME &HILLS. A _ LARGE ASSORTMENTor BAR IRON l ,' AII.IIOEIB. HOWSE 81WE UAtiRS and tIORBE NAIL all for solo rem damp rot cash, by WA L.LAEIE do II AAA. 'Mull 28. 1831. • 4 c..eniziettga..)oaq, , ALL potions are hereby, ono ttoncd minion gin eohating. et madonna with the toilowing destitibad property. now ho the possettion of Pater By ler, • Ore 4 hone Dower 'throning Machine, all the Flatko and p a tterns belonging to said Pete: nit lees Pon nilry,4l,Egg Cotes. pli the Pig lion, and 'foundry g an, one FlUilling Mill. one Vice and ten note' of grain in the atoned..ns sant tinnoetty belongs to DAVID V/ 41,T1( tittIMUEL. hitilah23. 1852 i CHEAP WATCHES, ,• Zays*pllry eareLE Eiftivor A OHLAT HEDUCTION jN ,PIIIEIO . 3. Twenty per cent: atiottst less than (Ater ,have been sold in the United States,. '64..,Le LEVER WATCHES. fun jeweled, y caret ceses (aerially sold at ebe) oat/ • .1130 GOLD LAME W ATCHL.B.IB carat caw. jeweled. 84 %UFA P f itYlN l MllarlVta ( Vi n s i a l . l7 " S") TBAISPOUN S. pet bait frozen, GOLD YENS. reilveyhelders. •• Persons whiblena.Watr,h or WatcbesorJererditnnan hese them tent by mail. with perfect safety, to any part of the Hid trod Sates 01 West ladres by bra irritation the about% of tea any All articles warranted at represented fibrin. Orden "Ildrusa°9ler tril l r A TlM Y S i ta i llUS. 10 ' 6 Etkataut ppp Itli the Franklin E use Philadelphia. I • • Cni/for ..rdn GotS booattit. Naupfacture4iate.jewelnr. • 41Pill ga•thfu. ; • 1 4 1 00.11 1 , , dE.erfafI li X 4 '. f i ritireve4cat received a large lot or c the lateripubli does 011.1.ditaLitenrtuat. which they pantos° to soil VER. WIC ARJ ' . Mal ts. IMP ? 9 ELT s T Farmer, Farrier & Maio Proprietor. • GEO. );V: IVIERCHAN'T'S CELEBRATED ,GARGLING OIL I.IIIUoiIitALLELCD'I2I zoirrorr or mamma As the most remarkable Eatornal APPlication over cot mu D. - _4 '`. They mat Keep •House wit U. ',.. - - Exlierience of 'rims° then sixteen years has established the fact that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling Oil, or Val. 'reseal Family Embrocation, will cure most caeca, and re lieve all such as Spam% Sweeney. Ringbone, Windgalls, Poll Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls o l f all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises,' •Fis tale, Sitfast, Sand Cracks. Strains. Lameness. Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease, Mango, Rheumatism, Bites of Animals, External . Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Biteti, Boils, Corns, Whitlows. Burns and. Scalds, Chillblains, Chapped Hands. Cramps, Con tractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, d;c.'&c. &c. The unparalleled success of thia,oll, In the cure 'of die. eases in Horses and Cattle, and even in humae flesh, is daily becoming more known to the farming community. It can hardly be credited, except by those who have been 1 4 th , habit of keeping it in their stables and houses; what gis i tunount of pain, suffering and time, are saved by t• timely application of this Oil. ear He sure the name of the solo proprioetor, in GEOUGE W. AtERCIIA_T, Lockport. r N•- Y., is lilwn the side of the bottle, Erld *his handwriting over the cork. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be promptly responded to. Get a Pamphlet of the Agent. and see what wonders are accomplished by the use of this medicine. • Sold by respectable &alma generally, in the United States and Canada: Also by . . AGENTS for the above Medicive. O. D. WATSON. Centricld „Clearfield curly. S. SMITH. Poonv,lle, do do JOHN PATTON. t.ln•wrosipillo do do ' , OTTER It IfachUNN centre COMM tNe R IHAJOO, Itrookvide.Jdreco A. DICKINW ) N. Bel vide. J. P LEAK LEV. Freoktio. Vivian to carat?. JOHN 0. BRENNER. Moorasvtlie.l,leadlaid co. Mitered sown:ling to Act of Congress, in the year 3.85_4 by J. B. UOUGIITON, n D., In the clerk's mice of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Another Scientific Wonder! OREAT OURE FOR, DYSPEPSIA! THE ,TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, on a GASTRIC JIJACE. Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach, of tho Os, alter Directions of BARON LIEBIG, Tho groat Physiologteal Chemist, by J. S. HOUGH TON, M. D., No. 11. North Eighth Street, F hilu% del phia, Ye. This IS a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, CON STIPATION. and DEDILITY, Curing a:ter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. * . * Half o teaspoonful of thin Fluid. infused in wa ter. will digest or dissolve, FIVE: POUNDS in ROAST BREP IN A DOUT 'MO ' HOURS, of the Stomach. DIGESTION. • niagsnoN Is chiefly performed In the stomach by the aid of n field:which freely exudes from the Inner coatof that organ. when In a state of health, celled the Gastric, Jake. This Fluid is the Gnat Solvent of .the Wood, the Puri. lying, Preserving. sod IStirenlating•Agent- of the stomach and intestines. Without it there will, be On dleention.—no convenion of Food into Blood. ane gmbutriticu Oahe body bot rather a feu I. torpid painful, bed destructive conditiouot the whole digestive apparatus. A week. baguets& or injured stomach produces no good Ginnie Joke, and basica the dis ease. distress and debility whish ensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. PEPSIN Is the ohlef element, or Great Digesting Prlnclele of the GrastrieJuice. It is found in great abundance in the solid yarned the human stomach after death,. and sometime cautes the stoteneh to digest itself. or eat itself up„ Is'is nava fouadle the stormed of neimals, as the ox. calf. lko, It is the Triennial used by farmers in mating elmese.calted Rennet, theeft*,ct of which has long been the wondes of the dairy.— The curdling ot the mile Is the first process of dlgestms. Rea. net possesses estoniudog power The stomach cf a calf will curdle nestle one thousand times its owe weight or milk Baron Liable states that "line part of Poona dissolved in gixty thousand mats of water, will digest meet und other food."— Diseased stomachs prod oceao good Cattalo Juice. Rennet, or Pepsin. Toshow that this want may bo PCrfeellralPpiled , we quote the following . S-lENTIFIC EVIDENCE. BARON I.IEIIIO, In his celebrated work ou Animal I Chemistry. se's "An Artificial Digestive Fluid may he • readily obtained from the mucous membrane of he stomach of a aD which Vraloll l lIItiCIPS or 100 d. at meat and eggs, • will be Sellouts I.Chaneeci, and Digested. precisely, in theseme • marines as they would be in the human storpacht" DB, Pk:REINA, In his (famous ttatise on "Food and Diet." published by VV 'bon it Go. New York, pngeia, states the cease great fact. and datcrib . e the method ol prepare:len.— There ate few higher authorities than Dr. Perel Dr JtHIN VI, DRAPER, Professor of Chemistry an the Medical college us the University of N ew . York. in his "Text Book of (31emistry," page 3Ri. says. 'lt hex beets a question whether artificial digestion could he performed—bat His now universally admitted that it may be." Professor DUNCLISON of Philndelphla , in his great work on Haman PhYstniegy. devotes mere tnan fifty 'loges to an examination of this subject. Ills experiments with Dr. Beau mont, on the Gastric. Jules. obtained trove the living human stomach and from enamels are well known. ”In all mom" he seys: "d is anion occurred as pesfectly In the Artiliciel tut in the Natural direst lora." - AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER. DB • /MUG lITON' i preparation ofTEPSIN has produced the most marvellous Whets. curing casesol Debility, Ecoacia • tim.Nervuus Decline. and Drspeptio Consumption. supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is imponibleto give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have been teoetvedof rime than ' - 200 REMARKABLE CURES • ' In Philadelphia. New. Yolk.' nod Bosuns alone. These were nearly all desperate oates and the CUM were pot onlyirapld and wonderful. but permanent. • cc • ' • It is a great N EIRYOUS ANTIDOTE. and from the Mon. hallway smell quantity neoessery to prodmehealthydigestion. Is believed to act twon • ' • • . ELECTRO•MAGNErIC PRINCIPLES, Thereismform °COLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it does but seem to rdach and remove nt oneo• • No matter how bad they Mee tie, It GIVES INSTANT RELIEF. A single dose removes all the unpleasant symptom. and at only needs to be reueatect,f ess short time to make these goad efTeo'speu gement. . PURITY UP /11.001) and VIGOIi 1101)Y4 follow at once. It is pant Melly excellent is 'case of Nausea. Vornitingt.t;minpr.laareness of he Olathe Stem atals dinsess eller eating, low, cold state of Blood. Ihnsylpess, Lowness of Spirits Descondenoy. r.mactation Weakness. teederce to lasaaity:Sucpside. &o. , • Prices ONE DOLLAR, per. bottle. Ono bottle will often . effect, a lasting cum. . • . • PEPSIN IN POWDERS SENT 131( MAIL. AIME OrzeGSTAGE , Foy convenience ef soignee to ell parts of tie country, the ' I DIGESTIVE-MATTER .OF IHE PEPSIN Put u di lu ted ' form ot Powders, with direotlons to he diswlyed In alcohol. Water, or syrup , by Ise patient. 'these 'powders oor lainprecisely tata :same Waller as the bottles. but twicethe bellsitire for slie same prim, nag will be . tot by mall, FREE 1/P POSTAGE,•for ONE DI Eighth (post paid) to Dr. J. Id.,HOUGHTON; No. Notth stmt. Phila.,Pe. , Six mime. far fi ve dollars Every peokeps nud bottle bears the written signature of J. S. -110DGillobl..ild; 'DA Hole Proprietor. ' •,," Agents wanted Is every town 111.11111 thlitld maw.— Very liberal distespotkilvento thatrade./DrogstauGroscems., ters,and llookse lets are desired to act as meals. J AGONTS fey Clesufield ocittaty-c-_ Sc HILLS: Clearfield boroush. • W 11,1 4 1 AM tlizßAlDE.Ctoweasvilio. ,,, ,, • W;klesittp2 Fulli4lnbart.;; ; it . W. P.. a °nomad:W. • VUIRMINGS Es RR Avrir.. New Will 1011011: JOHN (,),BRENNERadooregville. lEnnslield CO ' •Ms 28. , • t •,. 4 1 - • r WM. •T: "GILBRT; • IIIBLACKSMITH—At Iloaheea,llll64,• in Bali towtU6ip— li all work in bin lino Ls don° on ikon zloty*. eed on reasonable tenor. • Duo ltJl. MEDICAL 119 SE, - , ESTABLISIIED '.F irftlEN YE RS AGO ,BY 0.1 1 /W rtggereteraal, North-WeSt c or;need•i ' Tliio and Union streets, betweenSpr - uee and Pine. PAILADELPFWA , ~ FirrEEN lemma oranittieno-Ari4 tipititeieteritliltifee. I&eliPtitt in this WI hove tendesed Illt. i Me.i. ,11 • Deft and suocessful onotioionet foetid neer, le the afttltostW - of ell talents ofn notate.. I'maaas hMtuteil with , til• 41 , l'Ut.fin Ina botlYsithroet or lees, yelps tno bead iv Woe.. m.total..l antinsat en., 'lronies pray I. disease- name irons yonthf.l exists." • I la:mottle , at the Mb d.'whotebY the esntli.ation has become etteble°, coo all ranted test!' Ile who pin° is hinisolf nutter the "ate of ADR. K., msy tell• glottal coati le tot 1.11 .ot al a tootle am. and codhlantly t.ly llet)b nt. kill ns nohysiciseA Take Particular Notice. Younn 61EN who have fnjured t hettatoleesbyticettain prai.tlee indulged in—a habit traqueatlr I aaaa e 4 f urn evil eompewineeint. Bobs of—ran effects of 'vellolt tra nlahtly f e lt. even when toil, cp. and destroy 1)," h and Ind ayply. "Wald Weettara and coot tutionel debility. tots of to twesiar enerer: OhYtiaal tattoo la had arena o at ,nB l . ttatloa, nntl all nervous tittectlons, flatme!". sturaishnessnt the hver.and every di.ensens any. WOr 0011 • necte•t with the &order of the vrocrentiee functions mod, anti full totO reMuied , • , YOUTH & MAtillOOD . s READ!! s inV OROUS , -r-0-.P. ,- -" ,,,, rd\r A WOW ATURE 11.1 11, B CO( on Self-Preservation. Only 25 cents. The Boole. Intl pnbliwhod, l filled with a ill al inreratatiou • on the itifinveirs and (Imams of the lieeesAlleo Organ., It addiesses it. elf nlike toOM B.lAtelluoli nod ULU Aga:, er d should hi teed by all. . • 'rho valuable novice and imoresieo warnitite It gime/1.1 ',tercet ream of misery and taillnag and saeo annually THOUSAND:I OF by reading it. will learn how to protract the d e•t or ion of •hell children. • remittance of TWENTY-FIVE , EEN rS =Missed In e letter edtlwesl to DR. KIN WAN, North West Camila Titian At UNION threes. ram • Bpincis end rine. lA., will onturo a 13ook coda onvelo.us pit return at mail. Person" eta distenoe mar 'Mein ,DR. K. by hetet Wit paid.) nod be cored ht home. Estlif,AGEA hiEIittANES. DIREUTIONS , far• oSastled by sending , a rem lance. and pat up tame (too DAMAGI on Clialt):lTY. lloossellort. News Anent'. Pedlars, Csneesrent, anUfllll ollieriClUPD:thd With the above work at TOY low rabw July 8, 1881... Estate .of Isaae.Draueker; deceased.."'_ molly b sy atiltKotelitVEN. Thee tssiteriof Atheist. istration have e Issued to the subscribers on the eetate of Isaac Drencher bite of firmly urivrishig. deceasint.L'All persons larlebtrd lo said mint° will therefore 'mato roanotriMste Delmont—and those devise platten Benoit' tbe tame, are re. nueltsd to present llitm tot e sathcribets. In tired? to sue ship. drift nu iseationted far to' teeniest. Immediate litlejstion Ls rtquired Oil, notice. in °Mel that the Pettit/. me) , besentel without delay. MARY DROICKER, Adele's. Marche. 185,3. l'erf WM. NEWELL & SON Wholesale Grocers & Commission Illorchatits, No. 3, South Water'st.,Th'ilii. ilArvAtiNnolinTelt of t3iI(ICLNIF.+. o TEAS. 81.3 to which we invite tho ot.entio T SIEUCti ANTS, • • t 0..11 1 . 1 1851.-7171 • ROBERT MANLEY, , • AN D WIELA/04 RAKER. TH stbscpiktr respectfully informs the clihst as of Cha. Laid county, that ho Is on the above basliese Oa Market street. mend , opposite he residence of Sane t0n014 4 4. whole ho respect elle .aelioits a share of Publics patronage Lie s tart himself that he arse furnish work to al• persons who may twipionvid to call, to their anti's satisfaction." lie will a ways have on hard . • Cabinet-work and Windsor Chain ()revery description. Upholstered chairs made Uo °Wel: ' ALSO Dentist, Invalid, and Chainter Chairs—Chair. I3eds and I3ed The Bed Clair eau be converted froth the Arm Chewwo a complete Hod in two mina es. and will also fold; qp Belqatit i may be canvas tinily coniol nudes the arm it is pattlaniatly sul able for Military Unice a ,and for erofesskre al eentlens In. N; U —tlorflas made info asatelt monitor tad on the shoe test notice. Ho respectfully wits eneilautepe pf the public Wm. ate. Sept. sis. 18,31-4 SAVE OUR 'SIONEY:-.. , .1 , CHARLES:, I . FREEMAN '&; FREEMAN. tiODUEd lk GIX) •, 1711POR Tit RS AND 10 BIIER.O. . I.44'Broadzea, Ist door below !Liberty S i t fl AVE vi ow .on Is ,n I; and will receive daily; thmokht Lit 'Amazon 'NEW tiOt IS, direct f.ons the European m an• ufactn re man 10ABI , A Gift ioNsattull vmsmoriAnt.g, FANCY tHLK MILLINERY 00011 S. Our stock otjtlekl GIBBONe. comprises every variety of the lame and Mot beardilui designs impoited. Mine of the rods are manoinctored egoranly ta oar order, from our own designs A std p+tierns. and stand unrivalled. We 'utieraut goods for NISiIT CABE, at tower pates fhan any credit house in Am Mot cars affor d. , Ad our.:h.ssera will find it greatly to their interest to reserve a porvon of their money and make selections from oar groat varlet, of RiEll utiem , cowls Ribbons. rich for Boaters. Cape. Boehm gad Belie. Bonnet Bilks, Satin,. Crapes, Lines and far atone. ' Emb:oideli. 2. Collars, Enemisetts, Capes. Berthas. . tilteves, Culls, EtiftfaVilartf."l,ml tomatoes' L Embrolderedlterore. Lac°, and tiemstitch Camber! Ildkfs, Blonds. Illations. and Emarordered Laces for Capt. noniron. belechlen. Valenti toe., and Brussels ,Laces. Engdsh and Wove Thread, ?Smyrna. Ude Tinead lad Cot. ton Loom. _,_ • Kid. LialeThread. Eilt and Sewing Bilk. Gloves sad 111,tta r Breads and &merlons Artificial Flower. ' French Lace, Ellalllh. Alllefleall and Italian. Straw Bonsota and Woman its. • Match 95. 1911. • irliliinerp and Mantua Making,' MISS • FORD & MISS HUNTER; kBrEVITU Guy etiooneoe to the ladles or elaufle'd R and vicinity. that they have comma:km(l . ll4e gusher:l of Making, Reparing, and Colloring 'Bonnets Black, Making presies, Caps, &c.,. and mop he found in the shop adjoining the residence of Wet. J. fitnatatid, on Front event. They none in be favored with a liberal shere or pnbllo psi foliage, as their work will Do done to Please dan an the niOn reasonable terms. • 'April 18. Notice to Tai-Payers. • A"pERBoNtI who pay to the Bottecopts of their nave. five townthlos. the whole amount of their HT ATE meet bee FIVE P E R day of JULY telt, than lave an abate of FIVE PER ChNtallowed to theft by thb Xllootort of their mpec t iv air,wn,hjpe. U, order °IMO Coati:3ll6oam. Commir ideas t fit to. / Attest. Fr b, 6th, Wog. S G. U. GOODIAN DER. Ol'a: PENN IRON FOUNDRY , ;. Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith - ,Shops, .Ciliriionn • si Pee . :nude:site ed would announce to ilia chianti of T l , l lJeat field s and 6El.:dolga countless. that he hart °tamed a room on Reesed strtat,, in the borough of Clearfield, coat the store• of Leonard CI fitoorth whale ho barna* awning n GENCRAL ASSOIII'hIENT Ult CASTINGS. Warranted to bo made oft he best material. and at mice, that canasta fed to please. The following upo sp.," of •he stoek on hands : IsTON'I3 I.IOT-Alit WOKING S COVE. for • either Wood or Coal This litove has probablt the largest iukrot duaticavof any other forte ot stoves. • • It bag erportseded to almcst evory county ,the well known ilelhawat and Z• a. ler stoves. It is cattle uedentood, end the flans belag_aa arranged that all can be cleaned without , ane troub:o.. Vecultar form and construction is •such to - 'reader It the , most durable of all stores. Nuaterona.teAdlorpaorda 09P1 4 be oddedt but It Is deemed unreoessetY.l tespauvitu PREMIUM (minim; OrOVE.l3 , lkricon id to all. • . PALLU)II. BTUVES—for either wood or coal; , •do SALAAN DIUEN., do • a beautiful CoalStotal VIIGde VAMP: N 'St TEN PLATB Btoves—very cheap.,;, • , MANTLE ORATES, orb It summer uleeet. lerge valeri and superior finished (tMes Item IS to IS Incites. ) GOrdDION'GRATES. ail sizes. MAIN AND OR riAil LtN'PAI. BAILING :fIOI.I.9i ~ VAREI ; OVN.N MOUTRI3 ORM II RONA, WAIPri, do, :SCALE REAMS. WAtitni ROX RR stiLRIBIL_II+IS It BOIS taULES; OAR. RINGS for Rafts. ROAR .reati,a D6W article. COHN•Etslttiltli, dtlfltstt. warractwi to fitted 15 But. Lars pet boar I:lbACKehit'llt TV V f_iltEB, the best la ate di, MANI Litt Llid and_TIRE LIEN DEft.B Togethet wan t/10 ritual variety oreutleles kent td,fedlsdife, Otabllshinents. . , • •• • • : r ' Also, Made to ! Oder • • OftlBT sad BAW.MAL GEAtflt