. * IMO_ . 41111 1 1 P -T 1- ism imitioPowNstolgustri,loritsw.siouu ild*Prelialttwwtl"tilli inktni, Unable • ; H. • ens 00#1 w' YHA. IN.ADVANON. CP 10,1'00 It NOT/PAIN WITHIN THREIVMONTII. I sto sr fief PAW', WITHIN SIX mums. - 1150 ICHOT END WITHIN NINil ItiONTHIL l n iv scrr PAID WITHIN TWEILVE MATEO. II 00 pavane abovetenctp.emet Men! Re theta of um other v*.• comet yam tit thetitata. cad will be exacted. NYdliffethihthies itlll ts showed qihtil all stratus brife HUTT • 41,11iD LIALBILITT or POSTILetkraB. Pat.• • . Potlictlett6 netirt the nablhler.es directed biii;r7aMtaet that paliar mot Med by those towborn amp ars &rooted Cr, urd tryout but rot the amopeto tegtetlytton F . papers add ub Omissive,. or to others. booireaterdbmi. era an Able far tbs mine of subseriP• II . 1 • • , ..tertelrstiatow catHloct or goal threnbeet the ocante. co e. 'Frots the New. York Evenlos Pots REMINISCENcES the neicritan Revolution. BY BM/wine-six. NO 11 SURRENDER OF BURGOYNE. In 1775, General Grant, a member in Parliament, proposed asking the King to give him five regiments for the American service, to enable him to march from one end of the continent to the other. This boasting found favor with the Ministry, and met the general sentiments of the people. Under this influence, Burgoyne was furnished vlith ton thousand men.— The popularity of the expedition induced six members of Parliament to join his ar my, expecting to find it a mere past time, and several of the pfficers,t ok along their wives and childre&, As soon as the ar eached fort Ed ward, their distress ecamo very severe. Their puck horses, baggage, artillery mid inftititry, extended twelve miles on the march, which was frequently through for ests, and over streams and mountains, or -high hills. In the meantime, the Ameri cans had resolved upon his capture and bad-faith in doing it. Within twenty miles of Ifis route, almost every man turned out, and hung upon his flank, either single or in companies. My informant remembers going to a funeral in a village on the Hud sort.Tiver, and seeing none in attendance elteept' very old men and women. Every man, capable of carrying arms in the vil lage, had gone to the army. - Indeed it Would have been disreputable fin- lid able man to have been found at home, when Burgoyne was to be taken ! Before Burgoyne had time to intrench his camp at Saratoga, the Americans had sur rounded him in numbers exceeding twice his.force. Gee.. Frazer, his main reliance and the second in command wns mortally wound ed; and•carried into the tent of Madame De Reisdell; whose husband was Major General of the German Troops. He was nformed that his wound was mortal, and hat there was only time for him to corn ', unictite his dying requests. He exclaim "o fatal ambition Poor Gcn. Bur •ytic I" Recovering himself he sent a essage to Burgoyne, requesting that his 'ody might be buried on the side of 1.1 ountain, at the going down of the sun. :11 e,morning he died—the British army • 'la under .61 full, retreat- - -but halting to ,to meet the dying request rrmyer. His grave , was dug on the spot is fancy had dieTated. Burgoyne deter . ined to give hinra , „rnilitaiy funeral.— he moved.with the body— , '- tea mistaki4,tha. objek - of this move •opened upaiiit;aserere cannonade. iliclorgyinati Wood over the grave, road. fuatal 'service, while the dirt was Ott oiler 'him from the ground, torn up tho Amoricnn cannon. Burgoyne him -If received a shot that tore his waistcoat, Officers.lind men were falling all As soon as this painful ceremo ,.. • Was over; Burgoyne resumed his re. to r after which Gates, discovered that it a a funeral, when he sent in 'a Itag,with apology, stating, that, had he under ..o the case no firing should have been loWed. 'Arnold at this time had no actual corn '. lid, but hearing the cannon he became cited and rushed into the battle like a -'feet.fury. Dtiring the last assault lie posed Lis person ; and led on the troops "thelnoSt dangerous manner. His horse killed under him and his leg severely -ended. -Stark had been ordered by rAtttigton to join Gates, and Morgan 10?,,,,,„Prates having slighted Morgan after liattttithe ., hitter notwithstanding de. mined -to. postpone his duty, and ask no ibis:, - The following day, Gates was hiog . with.several British officers, when orgatchad occasion,to call upon him ot- The irritrshOfficer's understand l''thel feelings between' Gates and Mor ; .1611: tha table, fbllowect Morgan into , a: front yard, and' begged to make his ea ; iintance,Ut ttio'srime time, loudly de ; ring; that:llia name in battle, had been it greatest ~terror. • This reduced the • queace of Gates, curtailed his vanity, 1 , ditirppsv6i his manners. After thii'stirreader,llie British officers tet!'hired an 'American colonel to mend hooic They hadgold,and the col°. :Vachekte !was a Shoemaker, and gold 'lib. 'Mtn Was a rare article. • i','.lkirgoyne had the highest respect, Wiislangton—who sympathized with • ; ;la rnisfortuneS in the following lan.' age: "Visiting:lran in the light of an i,cer, contendingatgainst what I conceivel i bis I rights of Ty , country, in' revers otLorttthe you, experienced rt the field -bo,to me, unacceptable--t-but, eh considerations of national ss" %ga l lean sinmely syrnpathizeWith feelings as a .soldier, , and unavoida a" dr, *hese 'sitaatio forbade' .# 44443,,ti0Aas a than, whoselot eicllie Otillhorty of ilt heahh, the anxi .. itivitfiand`thti (iaibCul sensibility a rapittatiThlgtiforgAflyttiare he most ta,14010,901"114,1na1im and de ' Wei rrati ibitiostoidge eye. ... . - ' • , -. •• 1 10 -..; , t. ,. .., ,: t : : ,, . : 7 ....' i. - 1 ~ ,;.. .0- ---,„, .:.., : .. .. 1 ,. - :•.' , ,: ....' 8 1 1. 1 11:11::.; lll,i , , ..'. ~, ~: : . .• -1. •A n TfZitira t g:; ls • l l l L ba 1"44 . . I \ • .. ... le . , - i p :). ytti'r.l '''''i'' ' ' 1- . ~.":" er „ . ~..1, ~...,.m ~: , ~ t ~.„.,„.„,...:,.,,.. ~,i. •• ~.,,,.. „„.„,,,,„..1 i• • 1 ..,1 , .. i .'•''. :ri, , ~.', f' :''/ - . . 1 , T lf:1 1 1 , ..1 ff r ii i, . • . • •:::':'iTr' •,!'.!".‘ii, ..:' : .,:;.,,,:,,,7 ' ~,,.. .; ' , r :z , ,:::::.... 1 , .-: ~ . ~ 1 ...:1.1 !: , : - :),:_te. - ‘, ..;: i / ..... - . ' ivi1e ,.. ,1 ., : • , 1 .. , , • , ~....' - t , 1 , - 4..' , .!,...i . ~..,.” 111111e111 ,, anao..,,eiv:iii nemo ta.alvantiorty:rvei.,, , ,,yai3 1 1,2.1 : ii i t: 7 6:::,, I l uctionll ' ui l t8 4 11 : : : t t ,isc l . l ry...h 6 1,, : it. i .u ' i, , i '6 ? " .1 : 1 2 :311 ' 0. 1 "6 .P A voto :W i: 1 / 2 1 fb.r f nigtre e 9 t1 1 y1 , • f' . irWi . . • 1 . ! : 1 ' ' - ~.,. '' • 'iv.- • ,, i ~•., •,,., , - • : ,•,.T •, yl --..., ,'t ~,, ~,, , ‘.:',.- : ,:i c , '. ' •• ::: ts I . iir,i •‘...!. I '.• :.. ' , ." 7 . - 1 y.“. t 'lhro i v. •.: :.?,.) 1.1 . ~.•., • . . . • - „e.g.° thehrtoarladqe ot_thetr letettotr r . Oho to Insert 'A. Uwe for ever, Perttertonst • min la. the-coital , . . . • -•-. , • - . • withoutenoroachinetirrou out • . lo loalttoratobasitreet voill lore _ 2.__________,......_—_,_.—...:-.... ' — lot Ora gene %tole then --.. :_..-... . wEEKTAT ,v.irrED - TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, 'MORALITY, AND FOREIGN , AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. voio'-oc' 3 . ' :noble and lofty seakhrtent. He replied to, Wasidngtoat: of beioou :to accept my sincere ackno‘ylexigementi; I find the char actor :which.' befaelnew to be tespecta- ble.,is.alsoperfectlyirmiable—and I should have few greater. private gratifications in seeing our melancholy dontest at ati end, than that ofeultivating yOlir friendship." In the•surteader Gates stipulated that Burgoyne might .go horde to England on parole. Congress, , for some time, on ac count of misundetanding in relation to exchange of prison rs 0a; hesitated in consum mating this arrangereent until Washing ton's influence induced them to confirn it. Burgoyne become very irritable under the delay, and loudly complaiffed of it as a breach of the.' convention, Washington urged the matter upon Congress, on the ground that duty as well as policy requir ed their sanotion, as he was clear in the opinion that Burgoyne would,on resuming his scat in parliament, give new light to the ministry upon the American war. This expectation would have been realized had not the King 'and ministry been among those who arc so blind that they cannot see. Burgoyne made his defence, and proved to every unprejudiced mind, that he had lost the army, not by his own judg enent, but by following his instructions.— The mortification of his superiors at this. defeat, under the severe lash or those who opposed the war, made it necessary to shift the responsibility from the shoulders of the government on totheir Commanding General, and Burgoyne was actually or dered to return to America by tho King, to resume his ,captivity. This cruel treat ment to one of their generals shortened his days, His return was not insisted upon, but he was obliged to resign all his offices and emoluments which were very consid erable. He was, under a previous election, st returned to. Parliament, and joined in the opposition to the continuance of the war, warmly contending that all the power of England could never conquer America. In .1783, as soon as peace was concluded, be lived a retired life till August, 1792, when he died by his own hand, a prey to disappointment and injustice of his coun try. There never arose a man in England, who, during so short a time, was held in higher favor. His death was announced in the ministerial papers as from gout in the stomach, but I have it from reliable authority as above stated. Major Gen. De Reesdell of the German troops, with his family came to Amerida, via London. The Queen gave audience to , his lady, and ,every attention wns shower ' ed upon them, as upon all others who were going td aid in subduing the rebellion. On their return from America the tune was changed, and Burgoyne, nho asked no preferment for himself, had the additional mortification to discover that ho had no in fluence with the King in securing justice for others. Wheaßurgoyne and his army marched out to lay down their arms, the Americans retired from the sight of this humiliating spectacle of their British brethren. This deeply affected the British officers, among whom were many noble men. On their return to England, whenever the American character was assailed, they pointed to the surrender, had defied the world to equal such magnanimity. BEAUTIFUL EXTBECT Go out beneath the arched heavens in night's profound gloom, tort say if you can “There IS no God !" Pronounce that i dreadful blasphemy, and each star nboye you will reproach your unbroken darkness of intellect ; every voice that floats upon the night winds will bewail your hopeless• ness and despair ! Is there no God ? Who, then unrolled that blue scroll, and threw upon its high frontispieee,thelegible gleaming of immortality ? Who fashioned this green earth, with its perpetual rolling waters, aria its • wide expanse of island rhainl Whiysettled the foundtitions of the mountains? who paved the heavens - with clouds and' attuned; amid the banners of storms, the voice of thunders,and ttnchain ed the lightnings that linger, and lurk and flash in their gloom? Who gave to, the eagle 'a safe _eye Where the tempests dwell and-beat th'e strinieSt ; and 'the 'Seco a tranquil abode amid-the • forests that ever echo to the minstrelsy of her moan 7 Who made thee, oh, man, withthy perfect elegance of intellect ; find of form? Who made the light pleasant to thee, and the darkness a covering and a herald to the first beautiful flashes of the morning? who Gave thee the metehleed Symmetry of sin. °wand limb? that regular flowing of blood, those impressible and daring passions' of atnbition,und of love ? No God.! and yet' the thunders. of heavon'and the waters ofi the earth are ettiml 'ls - there no lightning I that heaven is not •avenktedl Aro there no floods that it is not undor a deluge 1— They remain—but the blow of reconcili ation hangs out abovo and beneath Ahem., And• iv were.better that the limitless waters, and the, strOPg-niountains' were convulsed and commingled together—it were better that tho stars were condagrated by fire, or shrouded in'gloom, than that, one Plashan4 he; lost, whjle motor kneels aid .pleads Pr . bcgleath the till tof inter cession 11 . A . 0 +SI 1 2 i$ A . Clearøeld, Pa, Altana Ni t 100'411 Incident in..thalife of. Washington. * * As the barge gained the opposite banks one of the rowers leaped ashore, and made it fast to the root of a willow which hung its broad branches over the river.— '" ho rest of the party then landed, and un covering, saluted their. commander, who respectfully. Tetdrned their courtesy. "By ten o'clock you may expect me," said Washington. "Be, cautious—look well that you are not surprised. These are no times for trifling. "Depend upon us," re plied ono of the party, "I do," he res ponded, and bidding them farewell, he de parted along tho banks of the river. That evening a party was to be given at the house of one of his old and valued friends, to which he, with several others American officers, had been invited. It was seldom that he particapated in festi vity, .more especially at that period, when every moment was fraught with danger; nevertheless, in respect to an old acquain tance, backed by the solicitation of Rufus Rungsdale, he consented to relax from the toils of military duty, and honor the party., for a few hours, with his presence. After continuing his path for some distance 'along the river's side he struck offinto a narrow read, boarded thickly with brush-wood, tinged with a thou Sand dies of departed summer—hero and there zt gray crag peep ed out from the foliage, over which the 1 green ivy and scarlet wood bine hung in wreathy dalliance; mother places the arm Of the chestnut and mountain ash met in leaffy fondness and cast a gloom, deep al most us night. Suddenly a crashing among the branches was heard, and like a deer, a young Indian girl bounded into the path and stood full in.his presence. Ho started back with surprise-and jaid his hand on his sword—but the Indian only fell on her knee, placed her finger on her lips, and by a sign with her hand, forbid hkn to pro ceed." "What seek you, my pretty flow orl" said the general.,She started to her feet, drew a small tomaawk frorn her belt of wampum and imitated the act of scalp- I ing an enemy—then -again waving her' hand as forbidding him to advance,she dart ed into the bushes, leaving him lost in amazement. "There is danger," said he to himself: lifter a short pause, and recovering from his surprise. "That Indian's manner be tokens me no good, but I trust in God; he has never "et deserted me ;" and resum- 1 1 ing his path, he shortly reached the man sion of Rufus Rugsdale. In the midst of the hilarity, the sound of 0 cannon burst suddenly upon the our, startling the guests and suspending the dance. Washington and the officers looked at each othor with surprise, but their fears were quickly dis pelled dy Rugsdale informing them it was only a discharge of ordinance in honor of his distinguished visitors. The joy of the moment was resumed; but the gloom of suspicion had fallen upon Washington, who sat in moody silence, apart from the hap py throng. A.slight tap on his shoulder at length roused him from his abstraction, and looking up, he perceived the person of the Indian standing in the bosom of a myrtal bush close to his side. "Fla ! again here," he exclaimed with astonishment, but she motioned him to be silent, and kneeling at his feet, presented him with a boquet of flowers. Washington received it and was about to place it in his breast, when she grasped him firmly by the arm and pointingto it said in a whispqr, "snake snake !" and the next moment mingled with the company, who appeared 10 recog nize and welcome her as one well known and esteemed. Washington regarded the boquet with wonder; ho saw nothing in it to excite suspicion ; her werdsomisingular appear ance had, however sunk deeply into his heart, and looking closer upon the nosegay to his surprise herseW a small piece of paper in the midst of the flowers. Hasti ly he drew it forth,' and confounded 'and horror-stricken read—"BeWitrel You are betrayed I" • • It was now apparent that he Was within the den of the tiger, butte quit it abrupdy might only. ',draw the consummation of treachery the speedier upon his head. Ho resolved, therefore,- to disguise his feelings and trust tglhoPewer which; hail never forsaken him.• The festivities were again 'tetiewed, but altriest momentarily inter. rupted by.the sound of cannon. The guests now began to regard each other With mistrust, While many and moody were the glances cast upon Rugsdale, whose countenance began to' show .symptoms of Uneasiness,• while ever and anon'he look ed from the window out npon , the broad green lawn which extended to thariver, as .if in expectation:of soMe one's arrival.. "What can detain , them'!" he muttered to himself." "Can they have deceived met 'At that moment a bright (lame rose from the-river; illuminatinn•p fOr a moment the surrounding acenoryshowinga small boat filled:with•personsimaking rapidly towards othe'shore . : • . oAllte zontintied; in three min uteS' I shall belicissesser . : of a coronet, and the pause of the tepublielie no' • thbre."— Then turning to Washington he Said, Comp ar3tieral,,.pled w it ma the success of. our tirari" . , The eye of, auplaill ttha trtetineci encountered the Shi,utiniling lobk of Wash . - ington, ntid'Sati!t te:ilie 'ground, his hand trembled violently!—'Ren to a de gree to V) partly'spi)t;thti'ctitite* of the goblet. ' With dillicnlty he (;.t.`tive . yed it to, his, lips, then retiring to the ..witlelvi it: %ivied ills litind,,whiah hetiOn'Was mmedi atel'y'respodded to . by a third sound of the cannon, andat tho'sarrie rimment,the Brits!), anthem of Odd ave'thij king,.burst in full volume upeh the ear, and a band of men', attired in. British uniform, with their faces: hidden hy . masks, entered, the apartment. The American officers,drew their swords; bat Washington,. cool and collected,,Efteed' with his arms folded upon his breast ~ ly remarked to them, - "Be cairn," gentle men ; this is an honor we did, riot antici pate." T,hen,turning to Rtigsdate, "speak, sir; what dose this mean r.' "It means," 'replied tho traitor, placing his hands upon the shoulder of Washing ton, "that you are my prisoner. In the mume of King George, I arrest you I"-- Never !" exclaimed the General. We i rriny be cut to pieces, but 'surrender we will not: Therefore, give way !" hewav ed his sowrd to the guard, who stood with their muskets levelled, as if ready to fire, shoultlthey attempt to escape. In an instant were their weapons reversed, and drop ping their masks, to the honor of Rugs dale, and the agreeable surprise of Wash. ington, his own brave party, whom he had left in charge of the barge, Stood be- Tore him. "Seize that traitor !" exclaim ed the commander. "In ten minutes from this moment, let him be a spectaele l between the heavens end the earth.' 'The wife and daughter clung to his knees in supplication, but an arrevocable oath had! passed his lips, that never again should treason receive his forgiveness, after that: of the miscreant Arnold. "For my own life," lie said, while tears rolled down his noble countenance, at the agony of the wife and daughter, "I heed.not ; but die liberty of •My own land—the welfare of millions—demands this sacrifice --for the sake of hurnarlity I pity him ; but by my oath and now in the p r e se nce of Heaven, I swear I. witt not forgive him:" &wings of the New York Dutchman. CtxuainrEN's Wivis.—SomehOw Or, other, people have an idea that When they hire a minister they- hire the minister's wife also. From the tiny she Wee§ the parish she is a marked woman. tier dress is to be expected of the most saintly pat tern. The color of the ribbon may endan ger the peace of the whole community, and sporting a feather would call for the service of an ecclesiastical council. She must be the best woman in the world, the head of the benevolent enterprises; Sunday schOois Indies fairs for procuring flannel shirts for Hottentots, sewing circles, Bible classes, &c. She must be the politest wo man in the world, receiving calls at all times and visiting from house to house, and making' herself generally' agreeable. She mast be the 'most exemplary Woman in the world, never laughing above the / prescribed key. In short, she must be the paragon of all excellence, and possess a constitution like a horse, patience like an ox, and good nature like a. puppy, to meet the wishes of what Carlyle would proba bly call the expectation Epoh in the Sub lime Cosmos. And why? Simply because her husband has agreed to christen babies and save ingrates for so much tt month. Coptct,ustvg EvinENcE.-4 witness in an English cause was asked by the counsel whether a certain person heretofore con , nected with the affair in question was liv- lag. "No," said the witness,"hiz not living." . "Hew do you know that?" asked the counsel; . ' • "Why,.. i you must know,• your honor," sdid the . witness; "that t be a bitco.(a car penter,, and 'twos 1 that made has coffin.. i'Wekf, suppose, you did r Said the Coun. sel,."vet that is not conclusive evidence that the marl 'is' dead;" ' • ' • "Oh;•ythir htinor, You would 'be w0n..1 .drous hard to believe,. but I'll 'take my hopily oath before his worship o' here, (Meaning the' ohitirman,) that I not only Made the coffin, but : screwed the bid bciy down and'•l'lf be'bound, if the Sci•dwing of your honor down, that you' Wouldn't be axing me such out-ol=the-way questions." Cr.7 - The ordinary mode ofehurning but tot' in Chili, is to put the,milk in a skin— usually a. dog's shin—!-tio it on a donkey; *oust a boy' on , him with rowels to his spurs 'about the length of the animal's cars, and ,they run four mite heats. (KT - Alderman Bangs .remarked to his wife ono day—"l can't imagine why my! whiskers turn grey so much soonelthan the .hair on my head?' "Oh, lair said Mrs; Bangs, it is because you have work ed so much harder with your jaws than ,your !brains?' IgrAn India iubbe \ r:.9Mnibus is nhebt being inveptecl, which %AO jam'full, hold a couple more, , : •. , • .will .04y cincirmsti, editor ito danniog his subscriharp, nays . , Ite .has re,sipt,sitiitiO# throlln. NOP him 4P 0, 90g9C1 AP..trng• icdr ► Tbe .is tto,. face', So pleasant:tot:o hgld as the face, that loves us, , Dfasstr. . cre of - the Crows of two English`English`Ohliig: Advi. ~ ces were received atLloyd's March 17th,, communicating the detaila -cif twe, mast frightful events at sea-=---the rnitssa ore 'of the commanders and portions oldie crews Of the British ships Victory., of Lon, don ; and, Herald, of Leith. , , The VieterV Was the property Ofliessii.. Cook 'and i VVilson, .shipoWnerS, of Dock head, BerrnondSey. She was a bark, of 570 tons burden, commanded 14 Mr. Wm. Lennox Mullens; and having sailed to some,ChineSe port was chartered to con vey Coolies to Callao. It appears that on the 6th of December she sailed from Cum singrood with 'upwards 'or 300. Coolies on board and a general cargo. Gatti() after noon of the 10th, between 3 and 4 o'clock, the Coolies made a rush into the cabin, and with little diffictilty possessed them selVes of the ship's arms. Tne slaughter, was then commenced. At, that moment Mr. - Mullens was walking the poop, and,' in order that he should have no opportuni- ' ty of defeating their object a party of them was Sent to seize him. . One of the crew, a brave fellow of the name of Henry Watt, seeing the defenceless position Of the mas ter, made towards him and endeavored to protect him. The effort, however, quickly ended in his life being taken. Several of the wretches rushed at him with mereiless fury, and having despatched him threw the mutilated body overboard. Stir. Mullens got up into the mizen rigging. He was followed by one of them,u hoed with a cut lass, and eventually the master slid down one of the topmast backstays. The mo ment he had reached the deck, a number of infuriated Coolies began cutting at him with heavy iron bolts,and, finding that they had accompliStied.hiS death, they dropped his remains Overboard. Resistance was Useless. Mr. Fagg, the chief mate had gone aloft on the foretop sail-yard, looking out for land; but the sec ond mate, James Arason, and the . cook, Edward. Bailey, encountered the Coolies somewhere in the forepart of the ship, and Weielmirdered by them. Believing that they had 'overcome all probable resistance, they espied Mr. Fagg, and beckoned hire to come down. He did so, and some 'of the. Coolies who had taken an active part in the massacre led him to the wheel, and by signs directed him to steer for the land, on pain of being put to death if he diso beyed. The mate shaped a .course for Point Kambojo, and on reaching. the coast a 'few of' the fellows put off to the land, but reporting it Uninhabited they returned on board. They then endeavored to heat up the 'coast to Cohin China, but that being difficult, they bore sway fOr•Pulo Ptn, where the ship was 'ultimately brought to an anchor.: During this cruising they took every precaution of avoiding detection.-- Dbmining the "ShiP's papers and the log book, they tore them up, and, finding a convenient place on the coast where they had brought up; they went ashore, carry ing on with them a considerable amount of the cargo. They then deserted the ship, and, Mr. Fagg subsequently obtained some aid; she was got to Singapore in the latter part ofJanuary. The Herald, under the command of Mr. Lawsor, left Shanghai for Leith in the cowtse of last October; and in addition to the master and his wife, Mrs. Lawson,thore were on board two European mates, a steward, carpenter, a cook, a Portuguese seaman,l2 Munillamen,and a Manilla boy. Some four or five days after the Herald -had left Shanghai the crew' was put upon the customary allowances. This seemed to annoy the Manillamen. They began to bs dissatisfied, and • before the vehsels had made Angeer they had gone • to. thol captain some four or five tinter, and de mantled more, which was refused. The Manillamen,stlien,appeayed to have planned •ii.scheme (bribe purpose•of destroying the' whole of the Europeans on board; and in the hope of enlisting the Portuguese sailor'' in their with a View, no doubt; of more effectually accomplishing theii'mur,l derous design, they acquainted him with their project.' In Order that the Europe-1 arra ' might adopt means • Of defence, the Portugese endeavored to persuade them not to. resort to such violent means, and offered, witlia view, apparently, of paeify ing 'them, to carry 'the, Europeans Oft by .mixing poi So - in their food. This was at-, tempted, although in a small quantity.-- Sem° was mixed with the powdered su • gametic which %VAS used for the coffee, and of which Mr. Lawson andhis 'Wife partook.' They suffered from the'clibcts of the poi sOn, but they quickly* recovered. ,While this- was going on the Portages° l had `contrived 'to inform 'Mr. Lawion of the piot theNlaaillanten had arranged. The Master then, directed the chief officer -to muster' thetri every night", and - to talc° their knives frorn them. Pe also direeted the of eers to always keep themselves armed, so as to be,roady to act at the moment of Any sudden attack. About dia l, sth day, 'of the veyri.ke„d!#g.the,whof ' h i tirty" The 14' 1:8 , 4 :.: .;: : . prtioti • O , row. wert -" , '4: ,''....," :?)!...ainrul siivprf? ,is io, (4 , , fiVe•i. , ' 4 ,..5:1i, ;':Manillifro 4 ., : :#o. I t Pei',..-.., ;‘P l o. l3 °'. .. I :.-- ' e' 6 I .lAl;fii ,l , ; : t 4 writelipci proiri*Op l e4 b 44, .0 1 1414.! rO, a,itNotoht, !mtiolgi iroo:00 Capp' of Si: Helena, the iii a.-liT, Do rtinertiatier or. el n IL en erAl role. the morn ttregrauter Ms profits, Books,,Joba and Blanks, • • OP RV CRY DESCRIPTION. h l ir4i ; BY IF411:, 83: Y 1 . 27. AND _ .13Ern oFriut, tw TEI , • VLBABBIELD ItkrtatLlPAti. •I • I - brought to aaaecher, but continued the vpyage. This more exasperated the then, and early on the morning of the 2.6thithe Portuguese pallor was, alarmed by' hetret in . g his name celled in a loud ,toice. ran on deck, and, meeting some of site Manillamen, they old him , that they •had plenty of water and provisions at them dim pleasure, as they had sent the captain and his officers to the other. world. The Party• gueso was sent to assist in clearing the cabin, when he discovered the bodies. of Mr. Lawson, the carpenter, and officers, who,. with ' the exception of the :chief mate, were quite dead. Mrs. Lawson, the wife' of the deceased captain, was seen near the corpse of her husband crying bitterly.— Tho villains then attached heavy weights to the legs of the bodies, and, taking theth on deck, threw them overboard. The poor mate had not breathed his last when bro't on deck, and was heard to say, "Good God 1" One of the Manillamen, a gunner, then took the command, and appointed two of his companions as first and second officers. In the course of five or six days the wretches recommenced the . slaughter.-- - The steward, the cook, and the Portuguese were tied up and told that their lasi hour had arrived. The steward, it would seem, made en appeal to thorn for mercy, when the fellow who acted as chief mate split open his head with a hatchet, and, to , tent der his death more certain, ran along knife through his body. The Portuguese and the cook, who was a native of the coast, contrived to , move the WrettlileB. to 'Spare them and they •were eventually it. leased, but enjoined to , keep the , greaten! , secrecy. On that day it was deterred:4 to leave and scuttle the ship. The beeps were got ready, and Mrs. Lawson bearing of theircontemplatedabandonment,appeata ed to the %Maumee who had the, tom• mend, to take her ashoreiand not to leave her behind. The villain - unheededall har entreatieS, hoWever, and stated that his c,ompanions would not, permit him to do She then ihaplored•thern to allow her a spar to clingto, but this was denied. Weed, so determined., were the' villains that she should have no chance of saving herself, that before they deserted the ship they se cured the unfortunate lady in one e'f tkm cabins, where she would tiave 'no chance of escaping: About 10 o'clock at night, they, with the Portuguese, cooh, and 1144- nine' boy, quitted the vessel in one of the large boats, and shortly afterwards shelves seen to founder. Early , on the tollow,ing morning the boat reached Java ; the, retir. derers landed at Sjilankang,'but tho nuttier. Wes heard - Cc' of the horrible qequrrence, time was lost in arresting them, god, totig secured they were sent on , to Batavia, ,to . await the operation of thelOv. The Vi:ir r itiguese seaman, the cook, and boy htivp linen secured, in order to giro tfr3 4(57 eessary ev idence rigninSt them. A third vessel was likely to have had similar tragedy en beard. 'The Carcyra, Mr. Paterson, commander, manned by a TaVanese crew,lves proceeding froin Ma cassar to Sangai, when the men reOlteri. The second mate was murdered, butt he other officers succeeded in overpowering the rascals, and the ship was got jato Hongkong. extract of a letter from a enril Appleton of Portland, IVlaine,has been put:- fished, which describes the operation Of the Maine Liquor law in that state as much more satisfactory than its filends anticipated. Among those who appiOVe of the law are many moderato' drinkers, end others notoriously intemperate, but who Ire glad that the temptation is out 'ail* reach.' Crime, taxation, and poverti luiVe decreased and the best interests aint bAli piness of all - classes are proMoted t is good testimony in favor of dr' hvv, which, as an experiment, is inteMsting: to eveiy. 'community. If it be estaliiislied that such effects as these follow it'd opera ' tion, nothing can prevent its universal adoption.s . , VrThe following anecdote was teld,:of a very clever fellow who tied been some what frolicksorne, but who had „recently joined the Sons of Temperance:7-A4r coming a "Son," he went to Mobile op 4- sipess, end was taken ill there. The phy sician was called, and after examininghim, pronounced him in a dangerous positing, and prescribed brandy. 'The s;cls.mala told him he could not take it.. The doc tor insisted that it was the proper remedy, but the patient told him h© would not talf,e it. The doctor said he must, or he wottlid have spasms. "Well," said the. Sea, fpf Temperance, "I will try a couple of .Ipqms first I" He did not take the brandy, nctr did ho have the spasms, but went na 'Ns way rejoicing. 07 - . A. cheerful temper joined with inno cence will make beauty attractive, ktibwl. edge delightful, and'wit good-natured: It will lighten sickness, poverty and alba. tion; convert ignorance into en amiable simpliCity, and render deformity itor agreeable. I O*4•Th9 Chinese have a sayll that ' ty910 1 4 , ' Ward' 4000 1 cr,r 7 1 66 . cptiriot bp brip4b.t back I horses. • ll' " . •••••- itit t li4 Maar• 9 • :IA , do• 'do •191 idjt oat= 01944 0' loir; ,doionri 4 itunths.-1.1 1 1 eo a •40 • ad ' 1k 491 to to .rditbaboat WWI reigibneadtiodist r al l bt n Bari all othemr,!_all alto -uirillatrilt••• •Wai d ry ntOellafflo..lll/Ichltatf teativs I,a Man tuttlo44oll.