tatai l eir; .cßop , or . oAys, FniErregtoridn.-.4vdtwitfikAtiding the ifilii&kilf,Wriiten riieleW trio •00l tdro Of-other-grains that of Oats appears to re- ceive the cold pi'revolnino%of the Vattivator now"beroro .me 1-find but one article; meagre in: its detailsbitithb•Pubjbct, although" VIOL.° aro niotcrptishels raised and consumad• in this sectton'of the country, than ,9f any other 4 rain, and al present piii6a,• 'and, yield, +Arial Vilfrofitable as any.orop we grow. — lflippears to bo the przictice with most &mars ptant Oats 'the Irishman baid they did buckwheat in his country, "where npthiug else would grow." Any Ifitict,of land and culture is good enough, and with all this negligence it is astonish. itigthut 'WO - get - as much as we do: While th 9 benefickf effects 'of various kind of manuids are fried.on wheat, corn, etc., EitTainply'll'u,nomtivperops i are produc- A,,,nho 9,,w, maid of such a monstrosity in , ftwning as manuring -Oats? Yet the AT:-`Fork-Agricultural Society records the fact that 120 bosfels , ofealsper acre have beon,produced,with the aid ofu little man- On the 28th of Febtiiirk, 1851, I corn. Tii4igeti"Plowing for Oats six inches deep, and - finished on the - ,llth ,nf March ; her- Jawed,,tho ground', heaVY harrow tin the.27lh, and sowed two:bushels of well oleaned seed per acre on the 28th, and harrowedtand 'rolled it in; The Oats grew - Witand , yielded 55 bushels per acre, weighing 31, abs.. pot ,bushel. Notwith standing 'the Uricemitidn' dryness of the se oriy this was the 'heaviest crop` I lave ilfergnawn. on tbo - ;ground, and I attribute 45,tp do gitintid Wag' Plotvell 'early, and "lideinningeUificiently packed for the oats, to tate root immediately. I have soWedlfietn . ll bUshels to 3 per acre; and find that as much, oats can bo saiiked.from two bushels sowed, as from any other quantity. .:If.sbwn too thick, the %Haw isvenk, and more apt to fall, and ihitheads not so well filled.—Gcr. Tel. Iphitz County,. March 1, 1852. CUT FEED The'questiqu is often . asked, whether much is gained by cutting up hay, straw, tto., to feed . neat stook. Something do. "pigs - on circumstances. If your hay is .of the : first your cattle will. eat thcrwhele without cutting, and save you ihtrisbor d ji,ut if your fodder is mostly poroar ifit has bcen'injOred in making, yo } will do. well to cut it Short, and mix itomethiug with it, to make it more pa in t. able, i• • ' " 4 /Ve.have had coarse fodder cut fine,and sprinkled with water,and by adding a - little meal, and mixing the . whole together, our litlifig have been wintered at less expense Ittigktt'eg merchantable hay. Cows in milk -live-well on,it, and seems to be the best way of disposing of a nuantity of hay that ingot . good Btrpv also may be disposed oflrt this mode. No make it a saving, as we do by hashing.up meat , that is not fat tatumgh for eating without an addition of 141410i.or.sometlfing that 'will improve the Hardie end corn tops; when well saved, linro pOch. virtue in them; and most of it _goes-into the manure heap, unless perticu• lar attention: is paid ,to foddering. Cattle Aradit 'difficult to. bite off the stems, though they ! place one foot on a part'6f them, while - they - pull with, teeth and gums. Some farmers cOt'thern up line' for their cattle, Madriay they would do it even though the stems should be worth nothing for fodder because of 'the trouble' they 'make in over hauling the manure. When all the coal*, fodder,i, out chart, there will be no long manure; a shovel witremor 4 heart, and ' when spread, a harrow will bury it sulit ciently.—Ploughman. ro -RECIPE FOR TOMATO FIGS.—Pour boil. lingiwater ovPr the tomatoes. in order to iiihove the, skin; weigh them and place tberp in a stone jar, with as much sugar as 1-- u ra, ''" aye li tomatoes , and la, „let` them stand -two'diqs ; then pour dr thri syrup, and boil it unollhoistum 680. Then pour it was: the.tomatoes, and lot them stand two altgbeforo; then boil and skim again, lit ir 'l. :the third time they are,fit to dry, if the withemf6r:is deed ; if . hot, 'let the stand Iratitilj.riip Until drying weather. Then — ice on p,arthen plates or dishes, - I.atatkput them in:the sun to dry, which will takeftpti a iktek; after which puck them - ttawnin smol!,r3o . dea , boxes, with fine :ntrits! sugurbdiAreen every' layer. Tema- Alawarepared in this manner will keep for —years.- - A few apples cut up'and boiled in the '=+exttimtiader ofthissyrup makes a very nice. 4... —asucee—Mrs. Eliza Marsh. - ,It is only: necessary for,us to add that 'lltheiCemtnittee of the Messachustts Horti !'retiftuitl Society awarded Mrs. Marsh the Society's Silver *dal for t excellent 'Noveniber '29th. They were tasted , by the .bdintnittee, and pro. I:flounced to bp superior to tiny they kali * ever seen. They were put in small boxes, and to our taste 7erp . llr hptte . r.than two thirds p i f ha t are Gold, irt our market for the best Sinyrna tigs.—.Etkirott'/../Iragatine. Bumtwitevr:—The soil 'Should be light warm, and rather moist, 'and previously - prepared for the reception of the seed, by careful plowing: "A fine tilth is indispens. able l'cie the ,full developement of its excel. lencies, as is also a cleanly cultivation.— Sow npne hut .ptire seed, and see chat the is, carefully rolled after sowing. This grimily facilitates the labor of harvesting ; which on q,triughbitrfacei is attended with t,diffieulty ,and loss. 0011 "on. -James Burt , a - patriot o f the Revolution, died on the'lltih• 'ult., at, Wa. ;:tetville ) N,Y, eged,9o.', --•A gentleman being paned whether he was wiouslY injilred'when'a steam boiler eiplcided;' is, said to ,have replied.that he was so used to being blown up by his wife, that moro Elte'Arn• 410.0reet, on him. . . I he, Sadl.Great Excitement In te r ryllinsiness.. jLEMING 4 STEILLINtI rum:1011y announce to their Mu ndritnd 111 4.1atlelle'ioiOrtal. that they /me ou toted Inro Co Partnership tile abuye baldness. in Garweasyllie.— Moir chop is nn rate Streets , opposite koolleldil hotel. Intel, OCCIIIO , 6LI by 1 9 1111311919.•What6 taer- hare on hand, and are always prepared to make at the shortest notion. 8.11 articles In theirlipe of Mime's. • ' - Saddles, Side,-Saddles,Har \ ' .ness, Riding and . I 2.\ \,l3lanfl 11. i -idles, • ALSO—rrunks, • Carpel-. Fags, s Vali ses, •Whirs -Asiof N9(11721111. 19 91' moo 111 Ina latest and ' moaimpioved style?. As 'they lire both EXYBRIENCED Vl'litir.sllP , l they leol satisfied that they can ktvo eon rat satisfaction. War le a nt are litoral—nod they will tako in mimosa for Waite Plt Mitrobahtable Prt , dive.tocit,a, ilvf Iliderk,Le m hors Grain, Ism /and ertie CArfli Mit ,5 They wobid rotpervfolly invite tho Du alla to call and exam. ins thMr stock and 411:1119 ,119MIDIVPS. Carweniville. J an . 8. 18i. 1). R. 11 0 1.11N111%/0. v. H. r. 81EIRIANG • !i• Tlitis Way NEW and FASHIONABLE. ! CONFECTIONARY and OYSTER BAIIOOR. • MRS. L. DUNLAP AL ESPHGTFULLY tenders her compliments to hernamm one friends in the borough of Clearfield and vicinity, and take+ neuter° In announcing CO them' that too hag how received :writer* or Grp 'DS, and has them filed an an good 0) le in her new building on Doren :Second 5t ect. wat uido where,may he found nem:oral mincemeat of CONFECTIONARY, TOYS, Which eta will Minos° ofon the mnut reasonable terms. Nhe will Rho be at all times ite‘,Dlibtl with CAKES. PIES so aud [Fresh Oysters. And thow fond of "the FISH" can have them nerved to shot, taste on short mine, eh her FREstll, FrtIED, ROAS TED. tl fE WED. FRI ITERED, or .SCOLLOPED. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY TRlttil'ELSThetchy Rhin notico that they have ccri tracked with DR. CATLIN & WIFE, Toonntianela.oharreofth.Academy during another year T le Arlffintnic Year is nividet into F 4 /Ult tWARTERB of tIVELVE WEEKS. tach. and FIVE DAvd of Tenets rig in earls week. - TheneaQa.ner will commence au MONDAY DEC. 8111, ISA at the tollowing Itedittkal Rates of Tuition : COSIhION • ENGLISH I3RANC:111:8 Inch:Wive LteHding, Ppetiing.'Arahmetiv, Goog• rauhy. Voirlith Gratnmhr and History $4 00 ALL IIIGHEtt ElS(11,111 BRANCIP4B--Inolo. lug Latin Grammar 04 00 CI.ASAII 'AG AND MATHEMATICAL DEPART. M ENT $6OO WEEI IN LECTURE+ rue given to the older pupils on Hitters, and otherintatestmg ea !Jetts. without eaten charge. Such of the older pulpits as choose. engage on FRIDAY P. M. of each week In exorable Eloculio t. Cora - oti ion and ' xiew quot.lont u;ton their Nevem! studies. All others attend to their unix! P. M. studies. The. LADIES DEPARTMENT is entirely morale from the other on the part of thorn vrho (RAM It Two or three clams oondst of -both rears. for the purpose of economy in time; but it is optional with the young Ladles whether to joie such clams or not. Toulon uscharged Hon the datn of the Schafers common erne to the close of the Term—dedamion being made in ease of abloacecOntud be !Innen. nod whoa a special agreement is main. la tinvanee. with the Priralpal MORAL I ttthirtltlN has hith , tio base the chief reliance of the Teachersn rexanng thorough discipline—and it hes been efficient. 0-typo:ell puni.hmeutl is admigisteted mania lee most obdurate and incorrigib , t Ca 4.11. TheCiallaitit aim of the 'Teachers it to make the instructions they impart. as well as that of books. Practical. as well as Theoretical. • • • • - • The strictest attention Is given Waite Condo t. Habits end Morals of the Ponds. white untlttr the charge of the Te.mhere HUARD can be ob.alned at reasonable priest RICHARD SHAW, President. WM L MOORE Secretay. Nov ttO. PLEASANT HILL IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. rispeotfolly announces In the peoPle 01 1 C•enstleld and the adjoining counties trim hewn contin nee to carry on the awse billion.' at his extensive establish most in the notnuch of Cleatheld, and in now prepared to manufacture all lunch of Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills and all kinds of Machiner9. Ills Cutlass are now of a :abettor quality—equal. if not en petior.te ally whet is the elate— a bo wet none but the v el hest material. nod employs none hat ahem, beatol worsmen fiis MACHINE' SHOP, With twn sgpetior TORVING LATHES. d•iven by steam. is auw tG stuntestruloperatioa. and under the flute ovate Ant of a prantiant mechanic—wham alma nay ankle or manatetny Gan be [ 7 I4IBIIED iu these', best st. le. and nn short notice. lie he. now an hands a lane %Automat or C stow. stleh as STA./VE.3 or vano s sizes tied patterns. PhO G lltONd. WANII It a rI'LEI3. &0..tr.e.. wain he offers to sell low lor Quh. or oa a reasonable credit. lie 4 now cattail. from he most approved patterns. HATH AWAY COOKING—STOVES. ALSO—=Fancy Air TighiParlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, Wiardlo celebrated Plough. And all kinds of 1101 i LOW-WARE, BLEIGE and 13LE1 1301,EA. WAGON BOXES. bito 110 intends am ell on reasonable terms, and trusts that the' citizens of the county generally will find It to their advantage to give hint their custom. CASH will Ostrava •be preleried— but this highest prima will be Cowed for Country Produce and 01.111 METAL. Al he gives hi. establuhroentbto personal supervision, all orders for work will receive prompt attention, DAVID LITZ. Clearfleli, Nov DI. 1851 01,1141 attlat.P.l AND NEW GOODS AT THE LOlvr,cyit PRI— CES FOR CAS' OR Al • CHANTABLE PRODUCE. lifiE snhsoriber. having remoddled the Store Room TWO DOORS west or "Merrell's' Hotel," would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield borough, andy. that hots r °dying an ENTIRE NNW AND CAREFULLY :31.11.EUPED STOCK OP MERCHANDISE, comprising general assortment ot ' . . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensuare, Drags, Hats, Bonnets, Shawls, 4c., 4-c. Particular enumeration is deemed unnecessary. THOSE lAN WANT OF GUODS, AT LOW PRICE 1, are solicited tonal! and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Ctearlield.Nov. 20, 11131. J. H. HUNTER. New Goods. WALLACE & HILL respectfully announce to their friends. and the pnblia general ~ that tier are now reociviut aid °pontos at their store in the borough of Clear held ohe of the LARGaiT AN CAItIMULLY SCLEUI'EDSTOCK OF FALL and WINTER GOODS That has over been brought to the oouutr—consistrug In part o Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Ready-made Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, &c:, &c. All or which they are confident will compare, both es to OfiEAPNESS and quALITY, with the stock of any wash. If/Imola in tho county. , (bra us a call, ad look it our GuODS. It will dons good to show town to)oct even if we don't make a sale.. October 12.1561. WM. NEWELL & SON, Wholesale,Grocers & Commission Merchants, No.' 3, South Watei st., Phila., HAVE &wipe on hand a L . AILGE AND WELL BE LEUVED tuwortinent of •0110012.1 LIES. WINES, TEAR. gto.. to which we invite tho attention of COUNTRY AISILUDANTd. Cot.,. 1851.--7 in • Estate of Isaac Draueßer,,fleeeased. • Nlf. 18 . 1181V,u1( This Letters of Admin• .1. 'V Titration have besn.lssued to the s abseil bers.on the estate of imams Dranekur late of Wady township, 'deceased. All benums indebted tetrad estate will therefore make Immediate 'payment'-and those haying claims asolnit the same, are re quested to present 'thefts to the suhumbets. la Brady town ship, duly na,hentioated for seqlemeat. Immediate attention Is required to this notice, in order that ihe estate may be settled without delay, roroty DRA ULMER, A dair'n -2400 PO. jBsg. • , PETER ARNIIIJ), Letters of Administration. NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN. thnt teeters of Administra lion apoo the estate of JUHN AttOW.N.lnte el Morns township Gleatfitld count,. deceased. hate in •he lorm of law beak granted to the subscribers. All panties indebted tocsin estate, are requested to make payment immedi tele. and dune having Maims will content them dal, authenticated for settlement.— WWI MUNE. DROWN, Adininlittatrix. Feb. SIL In/ JOSEPH etirrat, Administrator. • Tea otaoo. , -91 4 HE UNDERSIGNED Intends DRIVING - LUG S from he vicinity of tbe larrty 'free and Chen Crc, to the Boonrat Look Haven. Oink* .tble Boring ; seht lone ere all goateed wit Li It it out iv th . el lo[; a 41 11 21111 peathig the m" wale of the tin,let.ltged tutu , • HE HEREBY UAUTION EL not to inter. , fere or prevent the Antler or a Id Joel. by,detalning or bar. I,koilee 1852 they will be dealt wilt, qamglpic to nib. —0w....i. JAldealt w. KELLx. • Wheat . Warlicd: 11" -L. HUNTER mill maths tiny quantlli"pf.BlßEt(ll - b tl e able la 00008 at lowaft tat.o Apes; at store thiaor ough of Ulaatfiela. ' December 28.1 Vigiiverotty Rpr.Aitti MALCOM, D. D.. President of the Val. REV. GEO. 11 4 .711.118. A. M. Professor of Greek Lanauage end Literature. GEO. W. AN DEIRBON. A. AI., nekton °Matti' Ltutetlage and CH AS. 13. e l .r.Frofetsor Mathew atles and Nat. ALFRED all LORA. ° Ifr,, Ptofcuar or Belles Latta. TIiR 9111211systern of Calleglate• cheat:on in folly corned out. embracing a catnip of fouryears, lad entitilun [Wino ocelot student to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. la order , moreover, to adapt the University to the wan t. of all, a course of study inns been established omitting tbo Ancient Languages and substitntien in thelrplano Various !starches of Mathomottos. Philrsophy and Na turn! tiolorioe. It is thorough and complete, and will entlletoe faithful student to thadegree of Bachelor of Philosoohy. Meadows av ho 110111/11 speeding but a year or two at College. will study whatever litacolies they mos elect, snots as Chum. istry. Civil Engineering, &o. Every Mturiont will be required to litre special attention to Composition nod PnblieSpeakinn. • Its oannection with the Coleman Departmeht lt an AOAD. CAM r In which the ordinary branches ot en Hellish nod .Eltuot slonl enentlou nre pursued. 7hit deportment. I. under the charge of DMA(' N. LOOMIS, A, M Principe and Assist. nut. . . Ivory arrangement has been mndo to furnish nil requisite aid in every part of a thoroogh Aoodetnio and Collegiate edn• cation. An ouce'lent I,ibritry, a very r oapleto Philosophical Lehoiat ryn.o provided. Tho Library Is constantly rseeivina veinabloeditions. • . . . . . The University has extensive tmlldinuo standing in'on ele valmistrove on the south Ildeorthetomn A mote bountiful, 01ensent and healthful location could not be found within the ru iTlON—Uollee late !Apartment, $2O per anaum. Academia " 20 The genr Is divided into two Sessfons—nne 0f23 weeks corn• mencing loth October and continuing till tho 11th April , tho iecond of I 4 weeks, from the 18th May to the Itith Auggst. Fee. to. 18.1;), A 'lavers' stand - and Fame ...nEOR SALE on RENT.ta THE Subscribers ears for sale the well known TAVERN STAND. known as the JEFFERSON LINE HO TEL, Situate ....Nolen the .Ittla3on county line. in Brady town ship. Clearfield county. on tho turnpike road imtding to Erie. The hewn Is levee and commodious. anti we:l fitted tip for a Tavern Monde, with titablinc.Sto.. attech.d. There is ONE BONI/RED ACRES of 'And attached to it. of a cood qua]. ID for firming purposes. If not sold soon it will be rented. Possonion will 113 elven on the lint dey of April next For futther particular, apply to the suhsoriber nt. Clearfield. G. R. BARRETT. January 16, Ifsl. larielgat LA . House, GEORGE PETERS—Proprietor, RESPE6II , IILLA announces to t'o Public, that ho has taken that woo known 'riven Wand. on Front kitreet, n the borough of Marietta Pa., formerly gout by Wit k m Bisekhonse, where he will be gratified to 1 , 70 all his old stimuli, and as many new ones at may favor him with oath. The house has been therarfthlY. re fitted, and additions added thereto, making ft one or tno largest and most contain dial Hotels iu thy borough, 11113 TA111.1:: tall always be supplied with the best the market will allotd : and his BAH wit: he stored with the choicest I.fguers and ho will at all time use his host encleavorsto undue) to the comfort and Phase re orb:taunts ; and desires that homey receive a share of the noble ontronago Marietta. Feb.lll. i852--4m. New Fall & Winter GOODS, Al Graha2nton, Bradford township. WIRE tahtotlber oilers rounle, on tho mosthberal terms, GARDE AND EXTEINtIIVE ABSORTMENT OF corms. consitting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queenswnrc, Groceries, flats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoos. All of which will be sold as low as can be bought elsewhere in the county. Purchasers will find at GRA!IAMTON every description o GOODS usually kept in st COUNTRY STORE—alio! which will be disposed ant vary small advances for CASH, PRO. DUCE. or LUMBER. Flame call and examine for yourselves. JAMES B. GRAHAM , G raham ton. nctob or 1.1&,1 EITII 0 VA L. GEORGE W. TURNER, FASHIONABLE. TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends, and the pub• He generally, that ha has removed his shop to the North West corner of ::lecond end Market streets, and will Wearier i.e found la 001:militate Inv'' , °coupled as n Drug, chnmtest, Botanical and ''l'llitescphia3l" store. by Dr. Bond, and for. reedy by Mr. A. M. Hills, as a Ding Pure, and known tar and w de by the aura Live sign of the 13111001.1rMulefALL tie Is there preAtreit to MAKE, or 111 END" all garments le his hue from the flowica robes of the t triestals down to Miss c omer's late imorutemant or the "Roman Toga." et little quicker. quite Os good. end as cheap ( but not any °Keane-) 1 s they can be irp.de elsewhere. Ills work will b 3 WARRANVED to else satisfaction, so that those wh I employ him have no risk *o ran, Al kinds of inirs.etiug taken In exchange fur work, and the highest priors allowed. July 10. 18.51. Watch & Clock rilakilaA'. .00**.• Di t CtlrT R. WELCH beg, leo v ' o.* JUL to inform the citizens o .' i I Clearfield and vicinity. that he low 4 1 ., ..*\ permanently located in the chop 1, el cz ' adjoining Lanich's hotel, on 111ra. \. ° A. it• het street, whore the repairing of , . ~ 1.,, - ---.7._'_-- WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWEL. RI% &c.. will be.executed in tho best manner. at the ahorieet notice and on reasonable terms. Also. ENGRAVING executed at short notice. WATCHES, &e., loft with him to be repaired wilt be promptly attended to, and warranted for one year. • April 9, 1851. TAILORING BUSINESS. REMOVAL. nvilE subscriber, thankful fur past favors, res. pectfully informs his eustomers,and the public generany, that he has removed his shop to the buil, ding over the Post Office, lately occupied by R. F. %Yard. and that he will be there found at ell times "on hand" to supply his customers, Unlike some 01 rirs he is unable to promise dint his, Fashions ore or true 1`I• CLUITY, hill will insure them made according to the! Latest Fashion of more modern days. THOS. SHEA. Clearfield, April 1, 1851. TO LUMBER MEN THE undersigned ha taken a contract to drive Log, from the vitinity of Chest Creek. Clear&ld county. to the Boom at Loct Haven . and to avoid all difficulty with persons owning Bouare Timber along toe river, Le asks such to give him timely notitia.tf they have nay to be ditto). also of lb mart,. aro .f. B. 'WING. D.° lit).1851. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. A LL Collectors for 1850. and for fanner years, who know then/wt./ in tumors, are ream:lnd to pay to the Tramp or the whole mount. of their duo:lento. on or before tho oext FebinarY court. 'Moro who neglect this notice CAD have an nPPOrtunity of paving tornecoet bathe bhedff soon after court. And some or the Coliectora /or Ibid had better keep atonic ou tor that Officer. BY onler of the COMInbiIIOACIA. GUI.:DLANDER. en. January lft,tlFOL Estate of William Dunlap, - Deceased. ivr(yricE IS MIRES Y GIVEN. taut letters of Adminik Istration upon the Estate of William L. unlep, dated.. late of Pike towmide, have been to due lo in of law. created Willa mini:fiber. All persons healing Maims analust said estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement, and those Owing laid estate will tanks payment Immediately. ISAAC HUN IiAP. JOIINDIAILAP, ° Pike towns'p Fab. 8, 1852 , JAMES A, Lth'En, Lawn:mu t. 4 wuth.P. o* To Shoemakers and Others..4:o First rate JERSEY CALF SKINS and Mens Marocco and Pink Linings, For wale, very cheap at the store or J. L. HUN /TR. Clearfield March 12,'63. POPULAR BOOK FOR AGENTS HEADLEY'S LIFE OF KOSSUTH. T HE undersigned bevels' s, and 7111 pa HAI in Jana bIE LIFE OF LOUIS Kossurn,• . GOVERNOR OF HUNGARY. With notices of distinguished Mau, and Scenes of the Hun garian Revolution. To which Is an Appendix containing the most important of the Addresses, Letters and Hinman of Magyar Chief. By P. U. Headley. author of "bile or the EmptetsJoseohlne." "(Aliso( Lafayette +' eto t with an In. troduction by Horace Greely. In one l imo volume, with a steel Portrait. Uniform In style and price with t" Hendiey'e Josephine." Price, el kb. Agents wanted In every County in the United States, to canvass for the above popular work. *.Any Newspaper published within 500 mike of New Yarn state. that will give tho above throe insertions, shall receive a copy of the work inunediately on its publication free 01 expense by mail. • DEBBY fir .h.1111.4:11. Publishers. flea 130 Auburn. N. Y. Philipsburg and Susquehanna Turnpike Road. Company, ~.' 0 • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the ,, Stockholders In thii!, Motu,. that an Election will beheld at the house of Samuel &for/Iron, in rbilitubere. on the FIRST, MONDAY of MARCH next, between the hunts or 2 and 5 o ol ck. p.m. to elect Managers fur the cashing year. • - • W. BAGEIHAW,Seoiy. ghlilpaborg, Jan. i 4, Ina. PERSONS hang business with the undersigned as Justice of the Peace, will find him either at u Dollar" oklice,or at tho cOce in the public uildings lately occupied by Esq, lc:tinder. Juno 8, 18 D, W. MOORE. 14 • MEDICAL lIQVSE, ESTAIILISIIED FIFTEEN ,YEA:ftt?.)AGO, By .113.1tAcc=effi'llZialliMeg. North-West corner,of Third and . Union streets, between. Spruce and Pine. .PAILADELPHIA. NNE-14%i.; YEARS ofexpettenoe rind nnlnterrtwited prise ; lice spent in this Wry have rendeled Da.. It. the movie*. ort and trlonersfillplactidioner foramd near, in the trbattnent uf diSean , el 4 WHIM IllAnfe. Persons affil Wed with 01 4 oflr r upon mi t body, throat or legs. Palos In the ticOd Or ba,ne,l l l . m onomer y mom; strictrirev zravif.:taoll It Fliing 110 M yonth mates or Impurities of t heblo o d. whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, ate all treated. with pieces, He who pfnees bi itself anderthe care of DR.,malfr relh einem, cou fide in his npoor as a gentlemen, and confidently rely upon his skill as a tillysofian' . • •; • • '• '' -Talc° Particplar ,Notico. Yourio PER who have Injured themselves ¢ y certaln oractiuti Indulged in—n habit frequently learned from evil companions .nt ,Notir of—the elfeetsof widen two. nightly felt, oven when token , and destroy both tilled and body, shoald apple Irnmedistely. Wooktitss. and constitutional debility, 1011 of einsoulareneraY: PhYrionl Instflude and general Or"' tration, irritability nail all nervous alienations, indigestion, siusfelsbnets of the liver, and every disease in atop was , con• 'tech.' with the [Pander of the proareative funSdinns. °wed. and full vigor restored' YOUTII ,t 4 lON ; s READ !! s If, VIGORO US LIFE. . . . 4 ERMIATURR DEATH Klllll EEfl.fltai on Self-P.tesorvation. Only 25 cents. .The Boot, just published, is veitg Pieta Information* on the lafirmaties and diseases_ of the. oneretiveOrgnor, it mbliestes itsciTalike to YOU til,' • MANHOOD nod' OLD and should be road by oil. The volut.ble adrift and' imprevsive•warning it gives will prevent yeses of mhery and suffering and save !turmoil, THOUSANDS OF LIVES.? _PARENTS. by reading jt, will leant how to prevent tire! destruction of their children. • ' • •6A. remittance orTWENrY-FIVE: QENTS etteJosati in. It letter addresed to DR. KINHELIN, North West Comoro( THUM Or ONION dtreets. lie wane edmos and Pine. i'IIiLADELPIIIA, will ensure a Book node( onVolo,m, Der Warn mail • Pmsoul eta distance may hddress DR. by lOW, (post Publ.) sold be Mired at home. P ttiKAOES OF 111 FAMINES, DIRECTIONE. &o for warded by sending a reini.tance.• and .Out up secure (tom DAMAO P 3 or CURIOSITY. ttooSseller. News Agents, Pedlars: Clownsten. ehd •alt others, supplied with the nbove work at Very low Wee. . DR. HOYT'S As: • /1 4 4?).E) , Laltaa AbliN 11011bEi, and as the; only known medicine In the world having been used in the privato.Vetertnery practice of the uprietor for the I ast EU years ; and be has never known it to fell in atingle Instance of moil titian abating care; nnd leav• ing the horse in rood spirits fir work. The utter innomprten. oy of the horse for labor, when troubled with this oonsmun littente. should induce every oar , having each to apply im medintely forth!, remedy. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER PACKAGS. Which will be lent, "with full d roctions." to•nny parte, the (Jelled States. Alf !ellen or communications to be ad. dyes cd, Past Paid. to 1. P. novT. Rear of Nn.1.0 South FIFTH Street. Philadelphia. Wholesale agent for the United mates N. R.—Agents wanted throughout the country to whoa) • liberal discount will be given; and their Dimes placed la the advertisements. Addrew as above. GERMAN WASHING FLUID, (X):IIBI.DERED by thousands who have tested It, as be ing the greatest SCIENTIFIC WONDER OF THE WORLD! cl u o y t i t ut i o n i g i t ni t a . way wait that laborious and Jai minas prac CLOTHES UPON TIDE WASHBOARD, And !event saving of Time, Labor and Expense. N. 11. To Prevent fraud and imposition, (for many are hir ing to oalm oil an article put up like mine.) the PmPrietor. I. m Ire. will pit his WiIIT.PEN:I3II3NATODK over the /DK of every 13411`..X. And hem'' , asks nnZN- L(bIIfF:'vEL OM LAC not to enufonad IYie German Washing .Fluid With others that are in the market. It is pat tip in taiga bottlas. and sold at the nominal palmier 12N cents:per bottle. PltlNTeus will fled It greatly to their advaatege to pug. chase this Fluid by the gallon. to Malin their T Y Par AND it8, .l Bring a very loped r all lam for tbat purport , . Manufactured only by P lIOVT. Mins Laboratory end irmaciom D e p o t, No. 10 Booth Firm wee, Philadelphia. Sold at retail by Grocers nail Druggists general.y. A latent discount. and exientive advertising for the benefit of.Age.d.s. ftemembe. the name WASH IN'.l FLUID. MI rollers to. be oil PIO. Oct 9,1951-6 m Doctor Votarsell" For 25 cents. 111 Y MEANS of the ROCKET ine l o A Ew UL h A r P io l t U aa S . : T r h i ev i er h y (talon with towards of en hen. red enamel:lgs, showinconvate kernel in every shone and form. Ind malformation; of the, genera. The time has now arrived. that )0:110138 (uttering from secret dis. ins nred no more become the fIUTIBI OF LQUACKERY. as ty the prescriptions contatr.ed In %is book, anyone may cure him• elf, without hindrance to bust. ten,,or {the knowledeel of the ,ith one tenth the usual expense, routine of private diseases, it fully -veining the cause of manhood's early decline, with observe. 11. Vo d uTd=ro. Itt7rTik. n : idel many other derangement,, which it A., per,. this üblie prints. ilte . r. , wi , l. { lee° {l, l.e 11... " A c drt 1 ress,"101t. Witl,lAftl YOUNG, I). s en y cir° 44sCrTBl'REET. Philadelphia," fort paid. - "hi: DUNG p.m ho consulted on a m of the Diseases de. scrib•rl in his different publications, at his office, 1528pruce street. Philadelphia, every day between 9 end 8 o'clock, (6andaysexcepttd.) FIVE HUNDRED BOOK AGENTS WANTED. A N Y good naive and Intelligent man, wtih . a mall mite] m C l ol true to COO. can make large profits by on:totting in the tale of tho tolloolog : oirDimllta . Ir. Emil IgiND fruall Moole. CHAN'S; Eft.; INFORMATION FOR 'THE PEOPLE 9r Popular Encyclopedia of Useful Knowledge. Two large octavo volumes, containing 1700 tares. PETERSON'S IIIesTORY OP THE AMERICAN REV • siAJTIUZI. boo large octavo pages, with 1.0) fine En vines. vines. PETERSON'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATE'S NAVY. 6001arge octavo pages, end 150 fine Engsevings. 'FROST'S REMARKABLE L'VENTS IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA. Two large octavo volumes. troataining IWO pate. and 700 Engravings. The best History of Ans erica rinblished. FROST'S PI..TORIAL LIFE OF WASIINGTON. A splendid Book. containing WO octavo pages, and 160 elegant Engravings. Tno cheapest life of Wpshiugton eyespots. this d MoORE'S lIFTORY OF THE INDIAN WARS. Fin° Colored and Plain Pintei. THE TRUE REPUBLICAN. Containing the loailatiral Addresses and the First Annual Addresses and Messages of nil the Presidents of the United States. the Constitutions of the most Important States in the Union, Ace., Eta. Embel lished with Portraits of All the Presidents, etramved on steel, and a view of the Cups tot of the Untied Strates. 570 pages. Hum. FOX'S HOOK OF MARTYRS. A Splendid Family Edl. tion, large quarto. with (5 Engravings, beautifully .bound In Morocco. stilt, DE UORMENIN'S HISTORY OF TIIE POPES. ENV large octavo pages, with Engravings JOS ePfl Iliar° 'WORKS. Floe Edition one large volume. sTURM'S BEFLECTIONS ON THE WORKS OF GOD. ST. Pi ERRE'si STUDIES OF NATURE. ' WHITE'S HISTORY OF 141 E WORLD, A Valuable General History. ()ne largetrotavo volume: with handsome Engravings. LIVES op GREAT AND UELLEBRATED _CHAR ACTERS—of all ages and Connirlos. (Ma large volts= of SW pages, with numerous Engravings. 'rotation with &number of other Works p 051.161118 ly adap ted for Popular Reading. Earn° moat liberal discounts will be given to Agents`who may engage /0 she sale of the above Vulaablo Hooks. • For lurtuer particulars, address (oottegepay • ; & • J. J. 0111()N. oblishers, I No. Obi Chestnut street. biltuieltibia, April 2.1832.-3 m L. JACKSON,' CRANS, 41.71111n5.% 4.1t 1 23.41W0 Curwen6ville, Clearfield eount, • Pa. • oFucE—Stato street,t7o door east of Filbert st. October 2, Old, NOTICE. Tk: TRUST . RES of . the CLEARFIELD ACADEMY hereby sive notlce.that Dr.VATLIN• la daly untalented to collect ell bill. fur tuition at said Institution. fotthe commenclen on the Isth of September Met. •' • • • By order of the Board of Denims. •;% ' • • • Dec. 13., Bisl. t Whl. L. 11100/M §oo'9' THOMAS. DEVINE, c . TAILoa, . , . . „ , RESPECTFULLY annottnies to the citizens of (hp 'lola. ofCleartield Midge, that he continues to carry on ebb TAILORING BUSINES: a short distance End ofthe 111140 whore-he be thankful for a share of public patronage., he intends to pleaseall who fond him with their onstontl. Clearfield. Pa. May 20.,10511.—1i. Bead-Quarters! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! A T . BMlTH'iii NEW OYSTER SALOON,' 'over Mostinge Btore,wett. side °Mutat street., wrier v i i t iese tleleotsous wo rat 01031r7M ahrayp e ha d:. . . • . HOB A • 1931.1111. Jnb 8. 1851 re !memo. y Dr. Wm. Young, M. D Fall* WINTER V 4340041 RIMARIP••McSSOO',• AVOIIGI purekved tfiebTOßE lilataft fc/G.,1131 . 1...1f. the borough of C:eatfield,' L now opening al. the nidi STAND. ti spliendld, assort pent. of FALL and WILITfIg GOODS. ' ' • . Dry ciPodsiJ t • Sup,h es Alpacas, Lustros. De Lanes Sushmenes. Gab loos. Chlutges. , tinhorns Tjaklass. blattolhed and unbleached • Flannels. red : wla te and yellow. Vol.fen rlannels. and Iplia*lo of all ftesonptiodc . • • • . • . . . French Cloth,' Twilled heavy Overiontlet fine.% Good black Gasslateres. Doe Skin do. prime article, im plants. data nets and Kontucks Jeano; allot which. aro oft e bat quality Woolen Goods. Hornforts.Oloyos. Hosiery,. &0.. a largo assortment. and ,at low prices. • • . . , Hats 'Out Claps., Silk, P/oih. dad roi HATS dad CAPB. of ail iortl and sties. good awl cheap. to snit Pnrobtuers. • . . . . • • Boots.and Shoes, lien , / wino boots. "lithrodoo, Vete wattior aU Uwe' end Children' Vogul rind 13hcei. .Also:Lediee Flne.Mo raced and Callen; hoet. Affo. <him Over Shove. Fine and Coarse, good and cheap. Grocerzes. GO . od aho'Javal3OFFTE. Brovro, Crushed, dad Palling. LoatSUO AR. youn g . hymn, Loomis! and Black TELE3.- 13 clammier. bead Mint; Paint dtruthes. Dye Bto fib, (Afton Yarn. &0,. dco.—all wi nch are of the beotquality. .11rolasys. tingavflotnie. Orltrans end titerkM;f3irpoe-rond eversartiole that , noommunity may stand In need or. All tho above stook of Goods will ba sold for '0.11311 or COUNTRY PRODUGG. on the eery lowest terms. .Pintue.oalleud examine for yourselves. nt the store of RICIIA di/ MOSHOPi Clearfield, N0v.10.1851. Roney Saying .filachine 7b the Farmers of Clearfield countfj: & B. I. WILSON, of Strattonville. Clarion dooms t•- I won Id respectfully inform the • FARMING 4;omatbnl - of Cleattield and then joining conntios, that they con tinn a to manalnetoreTW9 and FOUR 110131:38 THRESII rIACHINES, of no improved pattern. The ton cytivtder a foist !echos loaner than tha litaohlnas hetalotore 'Waist our shop, The Corte Po wot la greatly Improved.— No blachlca novpin nvo In so almole.ooMPact ['nausea'. RICHARD SHAW. Clearfield. add )BAAG, BLOOM, Corwcinsvitle. Will lowa each a Friable constantly 'on hand. Any person• malting applicatiop to them will ho Imbibed with i alacidnes, on' show totiaa.• • • Machines hairs hypo purchased by the following personals, elaavf.tdld con tity,vle— fOLlN STITE3 A ( WELCH. IiGMAS HE ofp. READ, VEIN GOUGE JOS EP H PAITERSON, WM. I,CONAR D. " BARGER; lIUGII HENDERBON. and'others " B. &. B. WILSON. Strattativillo,slunelo,llGl. - • JOSEPIL 8: FRANCE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, wrAVINO located himself in Clearfiele.crflershiri proccrinional services to the public. Ali busi. ness entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Being familiar with the German language he can with more facility transact business for the German portion of the comMimity. -- Office on Matketatreet t one doer west of Dr. Lo rain's Drug store, lately occupied by J. L. cuttle. REVERENCP.9. Hon. John C. Knox, Ktllanning. Joseph Buffington, H. N. Lee, Esq., • Density & Cantwell, " Hun. Thomas White Indiana'. Augustus Drum . . Gen. 11. D. roster, Greensburg. Col. William Bigler, Clearfield. • Wm J Hemphill, • " .km. 14, 1851. J. B. IteENALLY, S S Attorney at Law ---1, • , - flaying located himself in tho Grirough of L 45 s S Clearfield, will atignd to all legal business; r; s entrusted to him viral promptness and fidelity. s s °frier, two doors east of the Prottornotary's s S office. . S 4"."."...r•✓...... ..".e..r.r....".r..r.r.."."../.."rar, WM. A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, cLEARrieLv. PA. Scontiinn., lbe practice of the Law. and avant time be found at his Whoa adjoining his r•sideneaon fecund .traet. may 16. 1860. NOTICE. 'l` II E snbscritor takes this method or teaderiat to a team , 1 out public his sincere thank. the liberal shared' Pat' renege thus ler bellowed, and lopes. by strict attention to business, to merit acoutimmo.re of the srm. Ho le NOW OPENING a NEW tiUPPLY of FEMORA /ME Gt lODS. /motto which may be found the followilla— BLACK 61 ANTILLA r 111,103 BLACK BILK LACE—stoning° and Buttons. '- GMBH I,lB—Scotch, Eariston nod Domestic. La: IrAIN Er3—Mode pod Pea°, FANCY PRINTS is treat variety. RIBBONS, LACEII, Ate., &o. - BOOTS oats SHOE S. CA It PETS — CALIIAIN and COLORED YARN. OIL. CIA /Tll—for Floors. GRviIIERIES — IIARDSVARE—QUEENEIVARE. &o. &c •ernrchasers nye respectfully invited to colt.. J. L. HUNTER. • Clearfield. Jul; 22.18% New York Importers aud Jobbers, FREEMAN, HODGES & CO., • 58 LIBERTY STREET, BETWEEN BROAIIWA Y AND NASSAU STREET. NEAR THE POST OFFICE 10ew-irork. W . !•111 . Faitifilumnsrlin u 'r Y an dlla n AND 1111;1; GoOne, • . • We respectfully ask Mt Cash Purchasers thoroughly to ex. amine our Stock and Prices. and, as INTEREST GOV -ERNS, we feel con fi dent our Goode and Prices will Induce them to select from our establishment. Particular attention is devoted to MILIAN ERV GOODS, and many of the articles era manufactured expressly to our order, and cannot be cur. passed In beauty. style and cheapness. BEAUIIFUL PARIS RIBBONS, for flat, Cap, Neck, and Sett. SATIN AND TAFFETA RIBBONS, of ad widths and oolors. • • . • SILKS. SATINS; VELVETS, add UNCUT VELVETS, for bats. FEA EMIRS. AMERICAN AND FRENCH ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS. ANI) CAP TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS—Iarge assortment. Eassßi UDE:HI N D CAPES FS. COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVP 8 AN CUF FINE EttIBIL.IDERED REVIERE ANDIIENST/TCII CA BRICK CRAPES, I.IISSLII. TAB.LIITAINS, ILLUSION AND CAP LACES. _ . _ VAEsticisN Es. BitussiA.S.THILBAD. - 81Lit, AND B THHKAD .LAußs. KID SILK SEWING SILK, LISLE THREAD. ME ILINOGLQWSs AND parrs. ricusgD AND PLAIN SWISS. BOOK, BISHOP LAWNANL/ JACoNIiT 14118LINS. English, l'rench American, and Italian STRAW GOODS. • • August 2N. ;em—em ROBERT MANLEY, aauntime AND couutairli 111A1NEU. , • rrsil subsetiber retpeotfally informs the eitluns of Clear: gleid.couely. that lie is ea:tying on the above business on Market street. nearly opposite the residence of hang Uouthitud. where ha rospectjully solicits a share or nubile Patronage Hne Men himself that he otto furnish work to al penons who may be pleazl tq call, to their entire satisfaction. lie will always bay on and Cabinet-work and Widdsor Chairs. desuriptiols: • Upholstered chairs made to order. .411180,,Dentist, Invalii4 and Chamber .o7tairs—T-Chair. Beds and . Bed Chairs. Whe fled Chair can • tie coitetated from the Ano,chalr to a dotisplelto lied in two minutes. and will also,fol4 ntif so tha tit may be ounvonientlype M ried tinder the arm.; It is narttcultuly suitable fbe nbt filliltary filers and for grofesslonM gentiensmi. iilo 4 1 4 1 1,14111 *ld 00 neatest triennetand On the &hot e. 114 .° ib•PontinilY *Oils not Continuanoo of thetptiblio • patsory tiro.', ritept.,l3s,, . . , . FOR SALE.CHKAP. ' , A' Firit quality . , COOK ti/14VA. liathway_Pattens,. , ...:F4ripritre of. .•,' • • •• l'. J: fdo(JUblet.Wop. t;learfie!d, Nov. 3.,165.", , ' ' . • . 1. •I-• MARgii . MC l a t t legis b/ %hog or) barrel. as preforted .liftyl-VOZbrUtcket!EBEINCI.Tot sale at ibestarie/ • ' 7 r , b. I.; ;11 , ; ;*1; .:1146801;trirost , Co•Pittisprafill,'hitetororeex Istku between soniciltra. yadinkit Stnnssu of CA It. LEIWNIA4r.i t • in he Coach Frio bidet bianurnotAm. nteatirfensvnledlS d 83414191 red. hot Pautitat Consent.' The Woke of roe am in the 'he nr bawls Ftkct n4l l 1 14PY Q4OO Arlen " •„ . ; , • 'I: tINDLASY,LEFIr.r.A.Yar.! ' Curw9hlmllfe:Fib.l7,leq. , , , W 1 , Ulfr Gg4t. SPA gk j T ß Atrt b j / 4 4 , : ) saishiew poi(MitiVile4' VI P. oa. 1 T•41.2f•T • Vcs, I* Far ter , Farrier & Stage FrOprie,tpr.,. '• . - GtEc h - vv. -ME RCHANTS CElZElRATOo,vairazio ...ALL.. ix rue 1111ITORT Or , kaiiicnie Ap the most rethe4ictibltilltteinel Aplicatioi ever Experience of more than-sixteen tire thiiiiiitriblidlted the fact that Merchant% Celebrated . itraling pily.or venal' Family EmbrocatiOn, Will curer Inbar caves,-tini.ri-i novo all such as . . , , , , , • . . , Spieiuns„ Sweeney. RingbSne, Wind& - Evil, Callous, Cracked Gx •!. of 'alb kinds, Fresh Wounds. 13preinei PiB7l fide; Sitftit, Sand Cracks, Sunlit% 'Lilmeilesk;' Fonndored Feet, Scratches or Graiao; Mittrv; Rheumutnno. Bites, of, Animals, External Poi sons; 'Painful &Henn Affbetioris; i Bitel4) Boils, .Ccorns. Whitlows.. : Blitns • suid „Stalda,, Chillbjains, Chapped. Hands, Crairo, Con ' tractions 'of -the Muscles, Swellings, YPhalltiefl ~eff the Jointf, , Caked ,Bresst4i,4ce.• dm. • .The.unparalieled success of this Oil, In the cure of dW' eases in 'Horses And Cattle; and iron hurdan Yietit t y la I daily becoming more known to the 'farming corpmun ty, It can hardly bo credited, ezoept by those who titime;bessn let slir habit of keeping it in their ambles and house', what umount of pain, mirroring and tlitte,azo leafed rby dit timely application of this 011. Sir" lie sure the name of the stole ptoprieter,(CLltOnGlii W. MER.CIiANT Lockport. N. X., is blown in the side of 'the bottle, and in his handwriting over the ant. : All orders addressed to the proprietor will be p romptly, responded so. , , Get a Pamphlet of the Agin!, and sea What wand 6 l l ara accompliehed by the use of this medicine. i I. ••: Sold by respectable dealers generally, ID the ilaltetl States and Canada. Also by • . •• .; j;* • AGENTS for I t e above ediciiie. • C. A. VllATtlON.Cloortleld..Clenified catty: — , - do' • JOHN PA TON. Co , wenivoille 'do -' dO' • ••' PO_TTClt.gt tdoMINN, Belleloofe, rem. CUMM DI(.7II(INISONNS 14-111.. Rd Itrookville.JoWcos A. .J. BLIEAKLEY. F anklie.' vt,' . • Another. Scientific Wonder• PEPSIN I •• . aria . aareavazzatztui). • . .0 R .13 1 172.4324 A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER. Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after Directions of BARON 4,1E1310, The great Physiological Chemist, by J. ,B.llollolll' ''rotc. M. D., No. 11. North Eightfi r Street;thlli. del phin,. • •.1 This to n truly wonderful remedy tor TruarWriojs. - MOP:MA, JAUNDICIC, LIN= COMPLAIIIT, CO* IMITATION. and DEBILITY, Curing a:ter Nature" own methitd, Uy Nature's own agent, the Dewitt Juice. : . . . •ffall a tcnepoontul of this . Fluid, infuied in era. ter, (vlll digebt !or direct : lye; Fmk. Vounits , olt 'ROAST BEEF . IN ABOUT TWO nouns; out Wilke Stomach. DIGESTION. 111.01F.STION Is chiefly Perron:ilea In tho stomach by CY aid of a flaid.:whicb (testy eludes fromitheiumw co* that organ. when in a siato of heath. celled the Basi Ll i r c Juice. This Fluid is tbe Great Bolvent of the rOOd . he NU. frill, Fieserving. and !Stimulating Agent of the uremia and intiretines. without it them wilt bean digestion:rip conversion or Food into Blood ann nonattilica (tithe body but rather a fon I. torpid; hain fti I. and den mill ye conddloagl the whole digestive aim cantos. A weak: half .end . or isprift stomach prism:ices no rood Gastric Juice. sad nesse the sith ease, distress and debility whkihensuo. • • PEPSIN AND RENNET. • PEPSIN is the chief element, or Greitt Digestion Pdaelple 01 the ()rattle Juice. It is found- in great abundance Is the solid parted the human stomach after death. aad somellasai causes the stomach to digest itself, crest Dealt up. It issw found In the stomach of animals, as the ox,. calf. car. It the mateital used by farmers to mating chassa,callad KEW. Sheen/et of which has long boon the wonder of tha dalry.)- The curdling ut the mil. is the first precut ofdigestipa. lies.. et possesses tonit hit: power The so.reach of a I=lll4ll enrd.e nearly one thousand times its own weighs of caller flaws 4iebtig states that - One ant of Papua d tuolsod to sislf thousand parts of water, will digest neat sad of her feed...- Diseased stomachs produce no gond Gastric J nice, Reuset et Pepsis. Toehew that this wast Mee be beereeto I leedies we quote the following . S' , IENTIFIC EVIDENCE. . . BARON 1.!}.110. Is hla celebrated wort oe Chemistry. sevs An Arbectal Digestive Fluid may Ii readily obtained from the mucous ineeatireneof theslomsoint a Call % is which various altioles °flood, as Meat and etal. will be Sob ecel.Clianged e and Digested, precisely in then= matinee as tiny would bola the human stomach." • " DR. eßit jI D A. lb his faannstreatise on "rood and Diet,' onblishad by Wilson & Co.. New Vork v paste 25, stela tie reatyact end detcrib,l the methyl preparreiva.-• Medical Co ege '."!hpritifs than Ur . Book of Chemistry." pare 8811 CV/. 819501PW%ja , g= whether artificial digestion could he pryformed—but, It see universally admitted that it may be. Professor I)UNG JASON of Philedelnhia, in his great tint on Human Physiniugy. devotes mere teat' AA, tisietda,ts examination of Ibis subject. His experiment/1 with Dr. Bets• moat, on the Gastric. Juloe. abteloedfram the /lying liana! stomach and from animals are well known.' "In all caret, he says - digestion mourned as pegged, la he Astifitialielta the Natural _ _ AB - A - IiYSPEPSIA CURER • DR. 110 UGHTON'S preparation 'of PP.PBIN orodsosi the molt marvellous effects. carton Cesesol Deblljty, Erna*: thin. Nervous Decline. and Dyspiptlo (..kraertinption:suPPbsod to by on the very verge of the grave. It Is imposaible feels the detail' of cases In tho limite of this.advertisement—tist nathenticoted certificates have been received of mere Dam 200 REMARKABLE CURES to Philadelphia, New York. pod !lesion alone: Tbstpt, ,, e, - clearly all desperate cases. cod the curia Were not oalt.lhl 4 and woodethrl. but permanent._ tt Is a great NERVOUA NTIDOTE.end , Rom' theism. .. Ishioaty sm d all qua unti ponty impasses) to irroducpbealtbydliesties. la believe to act ' ' • . , ELECTRO•MAGNETI9 PRINCIPLE% ; 6 The re Is u o form of OLD SiItIMADD WhIPLAIL 4 ITS It does not teem to tench end reuses* nt Mice Norattrys l, bad they may be; It ED VEtt INSTANT BELIE • *AWL* dose removes all the nupleataat sy taDlOtrui, and t Call UM to be repeatec, lot short time to main theme eood effiettele. to =len rulairy tir ni,otw and viuoit 1401)Y, follow at 'ono°. It pant lularlclteit Is waiver Neat*, Voodlina,Crempf, 130e:tett of t Ito( the &mimed 4 4Ouslo after eat/nit, low, cold state of the low. filawhous. !Awns Despondency, omenlation Wiliam& • tea dna le Insanity Saatchi*. lice, • • prieo,iiE DOLLAR, per bottle. Otte bottle urlp off* effect IL lettlne eine. • , • ; t FUSIN Pl•Rowom, BENT BY MAIL, ,FREE OFVOBTAGE• For convert lance of landioitto all path of 'rho ixrinit4.;:till DIGESTIVE MATTER OF I BE pEksiti is.put PRO form otPownen, with dlreetione to be rilleeited , d l alcohol, water. or Sirup, 6y tae patient. 'There powder:or lain preolioly the iliale.4llorer as thio•tiottlf Itit twupll.4 .1 13 entity for the eameirme, end will be tent by malk:rani, p posTAO E_ ‘ Nn.ionu.,art iient cpast pflu La r t• I.IoUGHTON: No: 4t North Elea/ street 81.1 packages for Bre,dollep, Every pecker" sad bearilho written signature 'Of J:l3. tioupuLoN, ~i Bole Proprietor. in the Iftittidt la ,Aver t teen . 13tntali Very liberal d Wawa' elven to the trade. Dnteltts„ Poetrair• terl,llll tiooktolleft ate desired to 'Mt i tell 4lT "• I; V/ Atig , Tel for Clernfleld way rlietd t t,l,,At no borntign. • WIGLI AM MoDRIDE, Certiorari/Mo. %. • • P. W. BARRETTLathertbure. , R. W. MOORBidi on township. • • CUMMINGS Br. FErY, Now wuhuoilos. Mu 28.18M-Ip, , • , ,• • • • Farmers take Notice. tt 1 1 4 Pti° I Y I'I iREkIING MACHINN. firnotivi3oris;iiiiritZt li . eio'iLitatgv . .t* i tbli e wtAiliti to 'wade as (kali,/414/4 lla's7= I ir ELI, the lattouna)air coatittec th at two argil ~, seam' lo Al tosulacsatag. 14 vorwenavilit. 010aOluu Mr atiuslotarticiaor , ...s.', . ~ .. R 4 2 1 ., Zror* Arf 9.P: r iThredhinif , Michilfo , f.• Their ate grePttnALo 'sepia all o.4l,qtt i r ese thot,V , 'ihd on the ott , aeosoameaatist tem& ' t"." 4 4 . contemned ,of the, _sour best ,ratostial. as_ the re_t_ B / 1 0 peripethe aim Partto.oad pawl towska ma at i o non tint rate workmen , esaaatf ,I to Sive 1e . 31 , 11 ,/,X, 1 N • A/26 1 411 R 641.1111146 4 4 1'1mi : tut 161;1454e 1 1 2.111,, short notice sod to art tenet ea astapil il'toot sitts!riffriTt * ". heir .1 at: thoweisivi Its maw Feu MI. , • • „, r v. , TtiotrlPSONB JIARTIt9t4C ltr. 4 . 11o4L4P,ifi l li t: . Cantainvilla, *pc 4; lisl.oli. 0 , , ,,: 4 , :,_'', ' v. ' • JO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers