THE REPUBLICAN• CLEARFIELD ra., April 9, 1852, FOR PRESIDENT, `JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA. (SUIiCCt to the decision of the Denaocratic National Convention.) FONRANAL ILX)DIMO3EIIO,, ER, WILLIA:M.SEAR I GHT , OF FATF;TTE COUNTY. PUBLIC MEETING. TYRONE AND BRIE RAILRGAD.--A meeting of those friendly to the proposition of constructing a Railßo(Ld from the Cert. tral Rail road, to Erie, will be-held at the Court Honed in the Borough of Clearfield, on Salurday'the 10th inst., at early can. MANY CITIZENS. April I. 1852. . , , TAB MMES. The render will find two admirable State papers in the foregoing columns, from the pen of our excellent Governor. The spe cial message is highly spoken of by the can did men of all parties, as well-timed, and us containing suggestions of the very high est importance to, the Commonwealth, and urged with a boldness and business-like manner iruly characteristic of the ;ener getic BIGLER, We presume , no man will neglect the opportunity to peruse both these documents attentively. Gov. Moven has found it necessary to veto two other bills since the date of the one referred to/above. Both were acts of incorporation, for purposes entirely within the leach of individual enterprise, and con • fer:ing privileges of the most extraordina ry and dangerous tendency. Beth these vetoed bills failed to command even a ma. jorit y of Senators after their return with the Governor's objections--two or three of the Whig Senators voting against them. LEASING THE PUBLIC WORKS. A magnificent scheme of speculation was entered upon at Harrisburg, some three'weeks ago, which, although at first apparently in favor with the public, we are now happy to see treated by many as a hoax. It was no less a scheme than an offer on the part of a number of gentlemen, mostly connected - with the forwarding and transportation business, to lease the &m -ulcted portions of our public improvements for a term of ten years, at the rate of one million of dollars per year. This was the offer. New, we have neither time nor space to inquite as to the effect such a dis position of tho public works might have upon the prosperity of the State, or upon certain' portions, classes, sections and in terests thereof—for we do not look upon its accomplishment as within the catalogue of probabil!ties: But the making of the der shows that these gentlemen—who doubtless understand, the manner of con ducting such stupendous works--also un understand pretty nearly what it would cog thorn,- as well as what would probably be their profits, and of course they must either hay& calculated upon 'doing more business,- charging more for it, or conduct-, • ing . the whole work at much less expense than is noW done by the State.. Now, if • these improvements can be conducted by a company, so as to enable them to pay a million ofdellars per yeariren.tx9sSeiell a year to the State. Nor hays we any doubt but that they will, and that very shortly---peihaps this very year. We have no doubt but that a company would make more than the State does, or 'ever will—but we would. be sorry if our good old Commonwealth should turn to he as hard a tusk-master as most joint stock companies are. Our public improvements are the pride, of our State, and they are destined to be a prolific source of revenue. But in' their management We 'are in favor of applying the wisest system of economy. 4.IIII4PfORTIO ' BILL. bur Cegislature is busily engaged in ap portiOtiing tit; State Into Congressional Distiicts. Among all the different propo sitions yet made,'we have , not seen a sin gle one that places our county where she :lOngsgeographically. They all class us as a western county, when almost our en ire trade and communication is with the Keep away the cheese and"fish ped lars who'flock here after our monoyevery -winter, and our dealings aro as muchectst ,rn as nny of the counties bordering on, the Delaware or Schuylkill. We arepret ty well reconciled' to our great Senatorial half the flitste ut to . that we have submitted with a toter ie gria,and not havingcoi:apittined mud], Il agree ,not to complain at all hereafter, ;,videtlAhe dose is not repeated in the ' •sent ItOortionment. Our old district, Sivetid 'way well;uand if we Caiutotbe l l 'clied„to tut', eastern district—where we 1 belOng7why, an hundred times' remain where we have been, tke fg7 whatever adjoining my will - give us the proper number, her tl?np : foltitc.e*:ga,tl o gynbury and e nillroad l• • ••• ' -- TYRONE ANA. ERIE - RAILROAD. - Our reader's . will notice that a public meeting of those friendly to the construc tion of a Railroad from Tyrone to Erie, is called for next Saturday night, in the court house in this place. We have made the call at the request of several gentle men of this county, and at a timo when it was thought that our business-men would generally be at home. They arc now ab sent, and but few of them can be expected to be present. Those, however, wife aro at home, and can attend, we hope will do so. The most that can be expected at this time, is to do something that will at tract the attention of capitalists to the pe culiar advantages of location of the propo sed route to Erie—for it cannot be thought, in this enlightened age, that sane men would think for one moment, of following any othet route, who were once fully a ware of the advantages possessed by this one over all others—certainly no one who had any regard for the prosperity of Phil adelphia, or for the advantage of the buil ders and projectors of our great Central Railroad. OtrAn immense quantity of lumber has now been sent to market from this region —a much greater quantity 'than in any previous season. The flood of last week was a very good ono, and notwithstanding the weather was extremely cold and wet the rafts passed through the falls a little faster than they ever did before. So far as we have heard, there is a fair prospect that all this immense quantity of produce will be sold at a fair profit; and if so, we know no reason why the coming summer should not be one of general pros perity among us. DEATH OF THOS. PYLS.-It seems that our informant was in error in stating that this young man, who was stabbed by Ha gin, at Philipsburg, was recovering and out of danger. lie died on Wednesday evening, tho 3lst ult., quite suddenly and unexpectedly, having eaten a hearty dinner on that day. His murderer is yet at large—un css an improbable rumor that has reached us of his arrest and murder of the officer ar resting him at Williamsport, and his sub sequent escape from the jail at that place should prove to bo true. OTTILE Wriernsn, for the last week, has been as completely winter-like as any person need wish for, and Wednesday morning (the 7th April) found us in the midst of a fresh snow some six to eight in- ches deep. This, we are apt to think, extraordina ry, unprecedented, &c., &c. But such is not the case, as' a reference to the weath er for a few years back will clearly show. A gentleman of our town, who mostly takes a note of passing events, has furnish ed us with the following extract from his register : 1835--sth April snow fell in heavy flakes. 19th—snow yet, and freezing in day time. No garden-making yet. 936-3 d April plenty of snow, and the ice did not go out of the river till the st' or 6th of April. 1837-9th April snow, and bad colds and influenza generallys,urnitl— Argblo n 'Tif April, a heavy snow fell to day. 18th, snow. 1839 was the earliest spring for many years. Or• Our readers will perhaps remember the notice at the sudden disappearance of a boy named LEHMAN, a pedlar of jewel. ry, in Philadelphia, some time last winter; and also the discovery of his mutilated re mains, tied up in three separate bags, in the ice, on the Dtlaware, a short time af terwards. Two brothers, Polanders, na med Skupinski, pot yet two years in the country,. were suspected, taken, and the following is a notice of their trial and con- viction. Since their conviction, we learn, Mat thias lies made-a confession, implicating a third person, a Hungarian, who he alle ges acted as principal, and solemnly pro testing the innocence of his brother Blkise, who, he says, knew nothing about it until after his arrest : COI4VICTION OF THE SSIVINBIEII3. -- The court room of the Oyer and Terminer was .densely thronged on Saturday morning, in anOcipation of a "verdict in the case of, the Polish brothers, Matthias arid Blnise Skupinski. As was stated on Saturday, the case was given to the jury on Friday everting, and the public mind had been' settled down in the 'belief that the jury would find no difficulty in convicting both.' Upon the organization of the'court, o the jury were brought and the preliminary, forms having been i gone through with, a fi rst verdict of guilty n the degree was rendered against both the accused, amid the breathless silence of the court room. The brothers manifested ati..little concern as though they did not comprehend the fearful import of the, verdict. Nor was Much of a change visible in 'either when theinterpreter• made it ,known in their tongue. Both, however, conversed very freely with' the Polish gentleman who read the testimony to them. :We are gratified to state thatthere'wore no marks of appro.: , , bation on the rendition of the verdict, asl Shotiff's sale of Real Estatc. the stale of the public feeling had led us i BY vutue of a writ of Yeaditlohl Expo.l2 ,M"' nat. hatted out of that:and of Common Pleas of to expect. The brothers wore not kept ! iuu Cleareeldoonsty. and to me irectd, l e as o' ! long in the courtroom, but were temaned t o publics sate, at the court nouns In the borouga of i t VPl:difield, on felt iNDAY the !SECOND DAY of MAY next. ed to await sentence. It was reported ' the following property, to wit t—Ors Tractor 908 persons hounded warrant to Jacob Downing In Decatur towashits. by tract* in the names et . Benjamin West. John that Matthias, on his way to Moyamens- Taylor, Boats Ely end Richard Thomae, nith a small am. provement op the car made by Jortathen•MeOhat t- !In° ing, gave some clue to the missing man, 'neat, the rondo° of ohn Ilatoroan. In Beocarin townimp. saying that ho is a tailor, and works in r r ,'"'"e ar" 3 Perches.. bounded by tracts of trued. 'with Mr. lion. in. oho Mails, land' Lit Joseph Smith. together the city. We can't understand how Mn[- , an isuprovemeet on the same by Semple. Also. 175 I notes ot i.eorge .4mft, in Deaver uswnshin. hounded by thins could know anything about the third landsof Edmal.L.A.bert. J din Showalter, Beery Simile. an I mots trfJo oph aud Win. Sansone. Alll3lO same township. man, since ho has boon closely confined! the residue of the Wm. etansom i wee', containing 516 AVM bounded by lands ofJacob r Reek, Erie turnpike. Mims 0 1 in prison from the time of his arrest up ' Michael Punk. George emeal. Wm. Drinker and Richard the day of trial. Since the conviction of to'Thomas. AI °, the residue of Henry Drinker. containtag aht acres. la Deoqtur townshlv. bounded (loth lands of Samuel I Green. JAI. Goss Wuhan' Thereat Both Ely and Thorns' the prisoners, other and serious crimes are , P. Cepa. on whielt there Is an insp;ovement made by Josinh Miliwo d. Alsoonne Trant in name of Thomas Edmonton. laid to them. They are represented to s u r veys. g 431 acres and 14 perches. boon ad by Billiee . on have been grand rascals, and to have at- I i,n p,ovt , , t .. e n L. ureter s . :id !ii a V.. Isar.bof I sa , ft i l e l l i ttlb,ert ,i w it ,. 11 I he • I John Beam and J Ito It Toni. )3 fo a l) c u .r. e l l tire' s :4 . tempted the lives of two persons, one in Nilo Si ill the 1 '' I) , ram:. of John Drinker: co tainiug 41d in 1 u..atur township. bounded by Limns 1 1 . 1 Now Jersey and the other in New York I:r s "r" "'' Ines e .I. homes Edmunson , Patrick Moore. Jonathan Nes- State. An officer was on from the city of I hit. John :Asian god Daniel Albert. with impievemants made by Beery Kephart. jdn•or. Also, the residue cif John New York, to take charge of the prisoners Hkyrue, in D.Aust or, t ma'am, oentweing 113 neat, 1..4 ,e c..• es. bounded by Jahn Drinker, B. chard Thouaas. Benjamin wi(sos, nod tan I. of Je.cob it ,uglanan, Also. survey In the in the event of an acquittal. name et Win. Wilson, in Bermaria township, containieg Bd4 a.res 145 perches, bounded lie servos in trio name of Witliem Smelt., Beejamin young, Henry end Herman Who er—lnte 101 , 51.0 of Daniel Ullman and Myron N. Htaniee• and inns ed and EMI &Alcu tak ne en in u execration and to be sold as the property of nit titanic/ A . LSO, BY virtue of d i rected writ. issued oat of nubile cond. 11 end t/ me will 11(1 exposed to sale at the same time end s a n dplace ertai Trams of Land minute in Pike toWnsh.p. bounded described as follows t—one of them beniva at a fallen ... lite oak corner. thence by end o Samuel !Modern south 77 deg iees east WO perches tn post ` thence ninth 13 de.Lces west 41 and five tenth perches to a post, thence smith 7 dua l . . east 60 per. to n oast, thence south .8 liearCli Cast 41 rind lives...nth parches to a white nose, Wentz. south 5 perches to a chesnuLoak Ltatten,) thence onst 57 per. chin to a post. 'henna moth by teed of Dinh flail '. 111180 e s to a p )•t, thence east 63 t arches to a putt . theacia nor Per- Lilies to in oust. therm west Itia nod seven tenth botches to u white pine unmp, thecae north ltd perches to a post, t south henoe pien-e north 51 (levees ehst 40 perches tea post. thence tid degrees e.g. t 5 and five tenth perches toe post. thence M. h 23 degrees east 74 tussah's' to a troll. thoned b f WM. ilarishorn south 5 d glues AO4 145 perches i o ahem loc k, thence by laud of harm ithrom south 70 ileirees east 11l tur • chic to a encumber them, WIIIII jde ' ten s oust 4 perches to the place 01 hegionlue, Lontninidu s eve n DUN tiltED AND :LEVI: • Y-E1t.11 . 1 ems end eighty and seven tenth ',.ers.hes. with IItIOWIttICO for roads, km.. with about FAUST Y ao,e. cleared. with Tires, Dweilieg Houses, Stabling &Lit BUM! Snotheloi , thereon crtcted, Vie other piece of hind is demob od es follows .-11egineing at is white titan. thence by laud of Abraham Berwick north 7.1 perches to a white out. thence by (whilel !Huh Ball south perc h's grees SASS e 7 perches to a pine, thence east 47 pto the p'eco of b..ginnitig. contains . and no es and ollownnon. ..41 and taken in exams Hoe and to be sold as the property ofGeorge U. Past mem ALSO, . . Another Difficulty With England. It is stated that a grave misunderstand ing or misinterpretation of the Oregon Boundary 'treaty in relation to British ves sels navigating the waters under the Unit ed States jurisdiction, within the bounda ries and along the coast of Oregon Territo ry, is the occasion of a correspondence I which is just now going on between Mr. Webster and the British Minister at Wash ington, Mr. Crampton. The second arti cle of the Treat), defining the boundaries between the two countries, grants only the right of "navigation to the Hudson's', Bay Company and all British subjects trading with the same, " or so much of the great northen branch of the Columbia river as is within the boundaries of the United States, and from the point where that branch meets the main stream of the Columbia out to the ocean, " with free ac cess into and through the said river or riv ers, it being understood that all the usual portages along the lino thus described shall in like manner be free and open." There are no other stipulations in the Treaty touching the poin t at issue, save one other, whic reserves to the United States Government the exclusive right of making such regulations in regard to com merce and navigation on those waters as it may see fit, and agrees that British sub- I jects trading.with the Hudson's Bay Com pany shall be on the same footing, with their vessels and marchandize, in navigat ing those waters, as citizens of the United States. ANTI -TEMPERANCE PAPER.—The liquor dealers of New York had a meeting at French's Hotel, on Tuesday evening, and r •ised nearly $50,000 for the purpose of setting up a newspaper to be devoted to their interests. 0:!-The Princess Navaki, grand daugh er of the Emperor of Russia, has adjured the Russian Greek faith, and become a member of the Roman Catholic Sisters Pro vidence, at Valenciennes. () - The value of the real estate of the city of Cleveland has been doubled since 1847. Such has been the effect of the railways radiating from that city. The law against the circulation of for eign small notes in Delaware goes into op eration on the first of May. The penalty is $lO. O::r"GENERAL Score can't carry Vir ginia," say the Southern Whigs—hence he should not be nominated. What Whig can carry Virginia I History says that neither Adams, nor Clay, nor Harrison, nor Tylor, nor any other Whig, has over been able to lift one side of it. Ten persons are confined in prison in , Now York city, charged with murder, h from Rennet, ice j ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDERP.rsirt. an Artificial Digestly,p,„V"},l.p -areCl A alehßiilb Stnnrich of the Oz. Etter directions o I Baron Lemig, the great Physiologic.. ...,.., ,• i. " J. B. Houghton, M, D.. No.ll North EightcStreiif. Philadelphia. Pa. Thia is a truly wonderful rein edy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, constipation, and Debility. curing after nature's own method, by nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice, See Advertisement in anuthercol . .. DlED—Very suddenly, at the resi dence of her son-in-law, Thos. Shea, in this place, on Saturday last, SARAH HERD, aged about 77 years, and formerly of Clin ton county. Hutt of Lottaarop Remaining in the Pust Office at Clearfield on the first day of April 1852. , Barger Jueob E. Merrill John Barger Joseph Murray James, Barr John MrKee Thomas, Bendle MILS. McCulley S. J. Britton Isaac MeKeun S. M. Bennett C. P. 2. ‘ Oakes Daniel, 2. Cavenaugh James, Ostrom John. Dressler Jane Miss. Peters George R. • Dundey E. S. Rowe Hollis J. 2 Dudley James 11. Ream Abraham, Parer John, Smith Stephen D. 2, Shannon ohn Fuller C. 4, Gallagher Thirrth Miss, Sackett George W. Hall Horan., L. Smith Barton. ' Haines IL L. Smith iVm. S. Borsch John, Solt Peter, Husteud Thus E. - Shearer Samuel, Hummel Abraham, Sponsier Soloman, Jackson John, Seyler Win, B. Jordan Joseph, Trudo Nathan, . Lytle Robert, 2, Wylie Rev. 2, Lytle Margaret Miss. Wilson John, Lloyd Daniel. - - Wetzel Samuel, Lender James, Woulridge Wen. Mopes Sarah Wiler E. and F. Merrill Howard, 3. WM. RA DEBAUGII, P. M. Glearfiold April 1,1852. MARY ANN HICKS,' In the Common Pleas of . ' lie, ' Clearfield co., No. 38 May JOHN HICKS, 'Perm 1852. Alittilai si,oe nu tur.diaorce. "" IVOTICE 18 111811EBY GIVEN to the Defendant, that J.N th e Coultor i-omsnou Plias of Clearfield °aunty have granted as atlas suatmsna snr il.v..rne, returnable or. th , TIIWJ) DAY OF MA v NEXT. commanding the said Ile readmit wheat:o,6hour Whore stud Court, nt the retura of said writ. to show cause. Ii nor he has. whr the Haintillt should not here a Decree to Divorce in her favor. 01 all which he will take 40t100. ALeX.. CALDWELL, ith'il. Sheriffs' office, Maxfield. Anal 'is 1854 1 4 D1 Boitiaa); • rTIHE IiItIDEBStGNED intends MONTH° 1.00 3 from the maths , of that:hem Tree and Chen thaelt. to the Room at Lock Hoven, during this Boring : sold loge are ail marked with a IS cot in the log, and most all heenan the M idi& of i the unmastgeed stamped la the cud. • He F.H.HB Y CAUTIONnt AL•PkiII.SONS net to inter. fere or prevent the Orating of geld logs by detaining or bar. boring them n they wilt be dealt wiltsaccording to law. 11152.-4wepd. JAMIA W. HELIX. . . • Wheat Wante(l. • '1" L. fIUNTEB.wiII melee 4111 oteaatly or &omen- ANTABLE WHEAT that way_ Weltered sat Mal- Ty-StNEN AND AZDALF ($N of costa. payable le;GOODIS at the lowest cash tidos. at his dote Is the bor ough ot Viewdata. Deuesabet 1,51. ByVIRTUE of writ of Venditlosi Expends. loved out of the lame coal. nail to me directed. will be exposed to public gain. at the sams time nod place, a certain Tract or I.ot of Land it nate In Penn township. Cleaihold county. In Pennville. bounded by John Bich, El'sha Fenton and the I Glen lintieturnpite road, with a House and lackmithshoP thereto s e emed. ee(l and taken iu eiguntion and to be sold as the ptopetty of Unary Lone. ALSO, , All the right U le and merest of the Dafenitant, of in and Cleofaa toin tract or pl,co of !snit, shoat.. in Fug town iald wanly. bounded by 'auditor Chatintey li , ockwa ship, y. Chtishan Nall„ Btott trod ethers. c ontaining al) int sinety•sis sores, with an ulit Flaw mill and two mall home. lhotan, teem. in esocutbun, tad to be sold as the ptopetty of Davii Can. ALSO, All the right. title and interest of the defendant, of In and to a unit of o certain Lot of ground in the Borough of (lumens• villa, anti County of Clertifield, known as Lot uo Bi, in the plan of said town, a..d bows le 1 and described in. follows, to wit : b log the usual wait hor a Lot on Butte threat, by which street it is lu.undeil on the south, mud twine b 4 lest Ll•toll On Filbert street, by which street it is l.s,Anded on the whit. and bounded by the residue or the Lot now belonging to Isaac Bloom jr. on the north, and y Lot no. lei on the east, with a wo.story frame building onno pied n Store (louse. Tailor h ixnd dwelling thessou etec, , it ; salz anti Won in exams. .0a and to be sold as the plope ily ol J. LlO.Ol , Klass. A LSO, At •he Male time, end plane a certain tract of land situate in ,ccarin township Clearfield count. containing gSri metes. with about two antes cleared and a to g house thereon erected; hounded by lands of John kipangter and others. bet=el and taken is execution and to ba wld as the moonlit , of John Henry Abbe.s. ALSO, At the same time and place a certain lot of ground situate in th rtmotosb ot Clearfield known bY No. Al ly. e on the West by rtecoad street, on the north by an on We East be an Alley. and on the South by lot No delsed end to• ken la execution. and to be sold as the prover.) of Mal/ teClelland ALSO, • At the semolin , and ultimo certain. lot aground sitnata in the Iloronch et eurwentetlle Clearoeld county, on the north Me or btate street, West of Walnut sueet, vglang at st a corner of a lot vow, or late of Wm Irwin. extending Ea ward 111.13 g tall Dula slicer. lit) feet to a hot or z ADM Way's. thence along the score v es t 18)feet, more or less to un Allei• thentse along tit same a/ leet 1.0 V.ll+ lot now,or Isku of. Wm Irwin, and thermr along the same. s u h, 18 1 1 feet to the place oi beginuing, with a two.stury frame house and other improvements ther,on er.eted. Seised nt.d sat en in exams • llUli and to he cold as the property of lialuttel Ulan. ALSO, n Y vitae of a wilt of Berl Fir2las, there will he imposed to .1./ , public sale i.t the Co , rt Mute in the Borough of ~.leer field on Friday the leth day. of Atrill, at 11 o'clous P Id. the folk; w {Da de . cubed tract or land beginning at a birch . . thence hy lahils ul Hugh Venue, Jacob Cos sod llultzman, south 5 , 40 perches to a white oak. thence by land of Joncehn P. Coot and 01 s% north. 45 deere s. SSA. t.ts perches to a ticht, the by l George Ralston Joh n thtr lands. north 40 perches to a post, arenas by laud uf Ibleker. west 14 j perches to the be ginning. rxrutatie 403 aces and 10 perches. and surveyed on warnant to tarnuel Be mbleton; wizen. taken in ecuuo 1 and to be told 63 ProPertr of H. Wallace. ALSO, ny virtue : of a writ of Tentatum Venditioni issued cat of LP the dixnet Court of the City and County of Philadelphia and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale on lion day the ad del or MO next at IJ o'clock, A. M. the follow. leg described ptoperty, to wit 1-11 certain piece nr parcel of loud situate in Fox township Cleattield county. Pa . begin . rug at a post or corner of this lot no. 41711, thence by lot no. slat. east AU pendia' nod thirtrlire bundreths of a porches to a - uorno., , thence north in a direct hoe parallel .with the ehstntlat Line of lot no. 4:174, three hundred and twenty per ches to a corner in a line of lot n0...17d, thence west along the same MI patches. and thi ty.tive hundoel be of a perches to a Poet, end thriuce south alone lot no 4541. 1130 perches to the pla of haematite. containing 475 acr. more or less. with an all ow ance of six per cant for itself' ~Ste , brine the we n wi t most moiety of lot no. 41:71. which Charles it 110 and tt,treh his wife, by iadmi urn dated the 110th day of DoteinpayiEca ea; fifil CP'l.l9S 4 2lgf./Pllliker in i.e atc., an. seated land ; rimed and taken in eve:anon and to be sold us the property of steely Baler. . _ Sheriff s Wien, blared 115, 1832. NOTICE given, that the following accounts have been examined and passed by me. and remain filed of record in this olfioe for the inspecuon of heirs. legatees, creditors, and all others In any other was Interested. and will be pierent#d to tie next Orphans' court of Clearfield Goseto to be held at the Coon bowie In the Borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday the nth day of May next, for confirmation and al lowance. lit Thu amount of George Mayer EXeentor ofGodtrfed Wea' ver. late of Bradt township, Clearfield county. deceased. gd. 'rho Account of Gottfried Minot, examiner of the estate of Catharine Weaver. late of Brady township, Ularofiald county deceased. ad. The Account of Biroca Thompson Administrator of the estate of J ems I Lord. late of Bei:nada township, Clearfield county, deceased. 4th. The aooolaut of Jonathan Kephart, Administrator of the estate of Thomas Morgan. la ei of Decatur township. Clear fi Id county, deceased. MIL The Account of E'iao Irvin Adininistralrix of the Estate of John Irvin, lute of Fitte,township. fUlatufiuld county. de ceased dth The Account of .1. B. MoEnally. Administrator of the pld'atel i r o Marfie'd argaret COunt ivllor, late of the , borouali of Clear , Cy. de004. 64 . 7th The 'account of Andrew Moore and Eliot a Fenton. Ad rnioistrators of the estate of JIIIIIV3 Meese. late of Peon tow astdp Clearfield coo n'y deo#n .ed po FLIER, Re:liter. Itettiters office. Clearfield, Match 4h, llibd. Court Proclamation. wIIEREAS.,The Honorable ROBERT: G. WHITE, president J ndgo of the Court el Common Pleas of tLe Fourth Jodi ial astrint. compo.od of the on r. onties of Clear. field. Elk. Mutiettn, Potter and 'now'. and the Houorables RICHARD SHAW and JOHN P H 4.0 er. Au° late Judges in Clearfield county. have tuned their precept beating date she SIXTH day of FIMMILTY Wal, to me directed. for hold. lag a COURT OF C MON PLEAS. ORPHAN'S COURT Cl CURT OF Q UARTER SESSIONS. AND COUItT OF t ;VEIL ANL TERMINER AND GENERAL JAIL DE LIVERY. At Clearfield. in end for Clealflold county, on tie FIRST fill./NDA If of bitty next—being MOW day of the month. NOTICE IS. THEREFORE. HEREBY GIVEN, To the Coroner, instil:es nfthe Pew. and Cons abler in and for the county of oorocioid, to appear lb their own proper Persons. with Rolls, Renard'. Inquisitions. Examinatioas and other Rememlnances. to do those things which thou offices an 4 is thew behalf Appertain to be done, and all witnesses. and Whir person'. prosecuting In behalf (tithe Commonwealth against an, prisoners. are required to be then and there at tending, and not depart without leave, at their POW. tit VEN ander my hand at (Newfield. this 20th day of Match. in the year or VW Lord one thousand eight hundred nwi Fitly•cone. and the Havanty.elzth year of &Millie:AO leder tandem , . ALEXANDER CALDWELL. Sheriff. (3m.LpaL, C CATLIN tenders his thanks to Metin. Miles V V Simmer. ft: S. Dhuley, 0 D. hldrtell. Thomas 'Mills. Ceo Known and J.• e . Krasner. for the very excellent Music with which thay acoompaaled the exercises of the recent exhi hition (tithe pupils of the Academy. Also, to all others who la any war aided la making the ma'am anangements. Acallemr. Clearfield March kO.lMg. , '1 MII• 1111 • QtenmeaaDm. • . . . Aid'93,lool ate harsh, cautioned against vutehailng, fly MOdUilVg with the following described property. now in the pesseuion cif Peter St It, Ova 4 bone Dower Throwing Machine, all the Fluke and Patterns belonging trend Peter Plyler's Found ry4 Egg atones. all th e Pig hon. and Fountlnr.Fan. one Fanning idyll. one Vine and ten antes ofgrain in the ground fts said inopetty belongs to DAVID WELT Y.& SAMUEL ARNOLD. efevoll ULM . • 1 , • . , „ riONFECTIONAIIY.-1131tins. Candlo: &e. la leg rile by J. L. alcazu. , lid uly,thal. • . LW of Rotannore Of Foreign and Dangle Merchandiseln Clear field County, for the year 1851 BELL TOWNSHIP. 7homas McGhee ik. Co.. no MHO. 14 Clsols John id. Kelley, do 14 do D. co , wart & 400. do 14 do Thomas Itiattew, liquor. 14 do - BURNSIDE - 14 do do 1 TOWNSHIP. D op ler & Ake, no liquot. 14 Cummings & Idehafly,, 4 do James Mcßletry do Juba Patchin, ik Bons. do 14 do BECCARIA TOWNSHIP. retain & Swan, Liquor. 14 do Collor & Hancock. do i 4 d d o Isinel Coop 14 do er, no liquor o lloynt..n ry, Noylin. do 14 do la. i ih Warrick. do BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Jain° , P. Gr alum, no liquor. 13 do S do Ilursthall & II" do BOGGS TOWNSHIP. It. M Htesenton At Co. no liquor. 14 do 14 do 1.1.. B arrett. do BRADY TOWNSHIP. I , NI, Barrett. no liquor. 14 do Joseph Lines, rio 14 _do Pommel Arnold, do do IL hi. Moore. do 11 do Frederick Arnold. do dd CHEST TOWNSHIP. Brady & Rornbaugh, no liquor. 14 do Nathaniel Hughes do 14 do ILPenuinaton. liquor. 14 do COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Francis Coudnet. liquor. 14 do John .4. Hormone. do 14 do 14 do J. P. Mier, do Levi loos no liquor. 13 do CI,EARFIELD BOROUGH. A. K. W right, no liquor. 14 do Heoiord be Moore. do 13 d 0 Wellam. & Wig. do 13 do J. 1r Hunter. do 18 do R. Mown), do 14 do C. lirtilva. do 14 do Hasid W laterally.. do 14 do B.• M 4 snip. liquor. 13 do 01.81%8 8.‘1.00N.—.R. Bmit h. 8 do CURWENSVILLE BOROUGH. William M'Bride, no liquor 13 do William A. Bloom. 11,1uor. 18 do keno nmith, do 11 do DECATUR TOWNSHIP. J. 421 &G. 11. Steiner, no hquor. 14 do FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Wm. (3. Battler. no liquor. do 14 14 do John P. Hoyt. do GIRARD TOWNSHIP. T. H. Fulton, at Co. no !MGM 18 do J. ['litchis' & Sons do 14 do Auction. Leconi.o. liquor. 14 do GOSHEN TP.—E. Irwin & Bons no Liquor. 14 do IIUbTON TP.-- , . B. Wlt.g. do do 14 do JORDANChase, do do 14 do KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. float & Feemr,n. no liquor 14 14 d do o B 1). Hall & l'o. do_ 14 do Edward McGaryoy do LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Wm. Addleman.jr.. & Co. no !Kiva 14 do Forrest no I:quor 14 do MORRIS TOWNSHIP. 1. 11 . Wing, no liquor. 14 do H. W. Hale. & Co. do 14 Co T. J. MOM do 14 do M o re . Melican. oo 14 do oo & Elm do 14 do Jollies M. Leonard. liquor. 14 do PENN TOWNSHIP. RAIL' tr. Mendenhall, no liquor. 14 do Wan Bmiih, Ilqam 14 do PIKE TOWNSHIP. 1i , i71 Irvin noAgog.l3 di Jahn As. ti I) Patton. .10 12 do (4,11/9 tsPatty. liquor. 14 do PKIENT SIEDI UNIO P.INE N --./ T O WN S HI PPtton do II W. Moore, no liquor. 14 do I le W neehead. do 14 do WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Lytle & llonty.. no liquor. 14 do Joseph Kemp. do 14 _ do I do hereby certify the above to be a normal bat of there tellers of Foieign and Domestic He,ohandise in Clearfield oo for rho year 1.52. Jr )11N. 1. LUTTLE. Mer. Avoraisso, Clearfield March II Mg tsr An Appeal willbe held et the Commlitionere thrice. lo he liorough of Clearfield on Monday the Who! Me) next. PENN IRON FOUNDRY; Machine, Pattern and 'nudismlth Sho allwrilorm 9 Ma. 'Pi' lundenhreed would announce t* the citizens of Clearfield, and adjoining nonuties, that he ha. opened a room on Second street, in the borough of Clear fi eld, near the store of Leonard at Moore._ where he intends keening a GENERAL ASSORTMENT Orr CASTINGS. warren, ad to be sande ef t he best material, and at prices thdt cannot fail to mean. The following compo.ep -nor :he stock on hands FULTON'S 1101 r-AIR COOKING ST.JVhI, for either Wood or Coal This Stove liss probably the largest tram &lotion of any other form of storm. It has suPawdral in alnalit oroty county. the well known tiethaway and Zing ler stoves. It is easily understood. and the fines being a r arranged that all can be clamed without any trouble. Ti Peculiar form end construction is such as to render it the m u o s d s de ar b le t olt l is al e a su d e n . i tesUoomals could IfdlKOVEllell,osllGsl. UOOKLNG ISTOVE.B— at from 113 i to 11'20 PA11.1,1111. STOVES—for either wood or coal. SALAMANDER do SALAMANDER, do a beautiful C.ial Stove. VA-1E do EGG do NINE & TEN PLATE Stoves—very cheap. MANTLE (MATES, with sumnier pieces. large valet? rio shet Gruel I rum DI to as inches. COMMON GILtATEd. alleges. PLAIN AND OtC.SANIYINTAI. nAthiNa ; 1101.1,0 W WANE ; OVEN mutrrus : cnon i RONS. WAYTIA: do SCALE BEAMS• WAGON IltrXh:B.Bl.Elt:ll.kil.ELl at 808 sOLES, OAR RINGS for Rafts, 110 AI) HGRA. PEltd,_a new article. CORN SIIEL.L.EItS R CON AND (XIII 1411.1.8_, wermntot to grind 15 BIM Earn per hour BIACkit,MITIITIIY MM. the best in use ; do. NI •.• i DRILLS and TIRE HEN DEIV t 1 TO4BlllOl wan the usual mmivign-cr kept at Foundry iee I Also, Made to Order, GRIST and SAWMILL GEARlNG—having decidedly the largen swot. and heat varlet) or ',Miura, of any Et.ablish went in weatPrn Pennsylvania ; MILL DOGS. SHAFT. ING—largo and stnerll.. , f oast or wrought iron, HANGERS. DRUMS and PLILIAES ; Rote and other approved Water for Uran WHEEL ia( S W awa, W LAUD IRM OOD and IRON UN A G MACH L ;LTHES; MANDRILLS Constantly on hand and for sale, FANNING MILLS. THRESHING MACHINF.S. PEN NOCK'S ULta....I.:BRATED GRAIN DRILLS. 840. &C. A. CAIADWELL. Eheriff. Screw-Cutting. Any dyed Screw. are any &sited clamber of threads to the Inch, Daher .41 are or V thread. Blass. Cooper. and llabbett'e Natal NA Catalogs made to order. THAN MY eau. March 4. To Mill Owners. Tundersigned has appointed L. R. CARTER. of C earlield. his agent for the sate of Castings. who will receive bills for all kinds of Mill Grating. and oilier machim ry. Porsous desirous to contract wilt do well to call and ex amine the cstalogue of Patterns. and specimens of the work. bolero making engusements elsewhere. Castings will ba ds. livered. if desired. at Cloartleld. and warranted to be wade of coal material, and tinislosd in a workmanlike manner, liar , Inc in running order FIVE cluperior bathes, and other ma °lnner, in the came ploportion. employing none but the workmen, using the very best INg Iron and coal; with many other advantages, ho flatters himself that hi, work will be done as well as in the best oily shops. ars i on the shortest notate. Fur particulars. call on M.. CARTER, Agent. NATHAN M ERB. March 4. 11352. MACKEREL , SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS. PORK. HAMS AND SIDES, LARD AND CHEESE, •Cti:Dac.o3..a 712.ADTCHO CC - JOUR)) FRENCIIVILLE,. Clrarficld Co., Pa. . utipEt-IrFULLY 4MlOUlrleell to the cilium ol Clear Geld IL county, flint he has offeaed n NBA , bTAMLF, in the old stand formerly occualed by Mr. 'Amite where be has on handoool variety of GOODS usually kepi in a retail stare, all of which will be sold CHEM' lot WIWI Of exchanged for country produce cif all kinds. COUMILIET. Prenchvlile. March ill. 1852. ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF RI" VIRTUE of in orrlor of the Orphans'. Court of Cleartiel °Lowy, granted at ag , br, f eeernber term, expo.eoo riblO SALE ou MONDAY THE THIRD DAt MAY NE chewinghe court butile , in th e borough of Clear field, the f described Farm of .126 Acres of Land, Situate in Pike township, Clearfield counts. late the elate and residence of John Fullerton, deceased. adjoining lands of Daniel HallY, Alexander Caldwell. and others. harm them. op erected A Two Story Log House, ,and a Large and Commodious Barn, And haying about EIGHTY-FIVE ACHES OF CLEARED LAND. ands THRIVING ORCHARD thereon , •W' Vor farther particulars apply to either ofthe undersign ad at and nem Clear field. , '/Elttddr—One.Third or the purahase money to be paid at the oartlirmatlon of the sale, and the balance In Three canal Anna at Payments, IN ikti Ins t ant,to Ulf lieCtirlad Upon the prem. ea by Mortgage and jarlarnea' llond. Hy order of the Court. ISAIAH reULLERTON. Oleatilleld • April I, lan. WK. FULLERTON. Adraintstes. SAMUEL B. TAYLOE, frig..E.l.:l.loooT and 1311011 D.'-S. PLATTNER, "PALLOR—New Watidagtoo..ll3unt• lobrAlpiear tulip coanty, 11.111111.1 CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. Wfigitatl=t 4"11" Kg .&19.:3 151. h. maw GEO. RICHARDS, 141ASIIIONAISLIK' TOlLult—VOto, end ot Sbetw's RoW IL' no o'.ftirritileartteld. ' l• RICHARD GLENNAN, nOOT & HllObblAtiEK—Eugt do6t Row Ou 1.1 Market street..-Clearrield. ' 80.1861. • MRS. ELIZA IRVIN, VXTE6IBI Vl3 It ET NibEtt 1r r. dictalUM 'ANO J_:l mostiO Dlerahand,za—East and o fstrost--estrw,eo pea SO. 1156 L; JOHN FLEGAL, BIACKSMITii--Luthenburg Wagon. tittles,_&e „ Neatly boned on the shortest notice Deo, VG H. P. THOMPSON, ..• , '; Pfilt MCI AN—Mal be found either at his of:nukes at Sip. lisle's houll--4.leiwunsvilla—whea pot a ue ot o v . rof av ess .nra bali . a ll l absent. • SAMUEL WAY, nom and BIIDEMAKER —Cutwevavilt..Bo. ss G. C. PASSMORE LA(ASISIITII—nt the ()Id . rodtultp,--eurtes e 1 De n a .W.B6llrvlliw• Moosup suit the times. De, RICHARD MOSSOP, 101 ETAILER OF kc FOUE.GN ANDLt votimeno PER. uu orts—At. Bigler & I, old 'tend. Also. on the %el:Meld° of 24 Amt. Deo 80.11:13i. WM. W. FLEMING, Yfrl'Elt SALOON. BATINU4IOUBE and COMM} , TILIr4 AU Y—Unr Montville. Deo. 22, 051 • gDW. B. PA'rTON, CAIIINEIMAKEIt—Bast end,of State sueet--Carennr villa. 1,043. VAL JAS, B. GRAHAM, qratigra g rV ri gg ""'" LUIZ- Ptoladdu . Du 92.1851. C. KRATZER, IVIERCIIANT AND LW)llihk I •EALER—Onoor of LTA ritual and Locust streeta-4.:leaxdeld. pea. 21.1B61; JAS. ALEXANDER, SADDLER AND IlitßN ESS MAKE:U-1U Minim shop on Market 'treat. tionaderreirs houal. Tbso. Va. 1851. WALLACE & HILLS, It ET/LIU:IW OF FOREIGN ANL) voldwrio &ma cti D IthE—et She w's old L3teind—Olentheld. Me. Li& 1831. I. L. BARRET'r, `` t EReIIItPtT. GU HOER AAR AND G EUAL P 6.0- Yl DUCE PEAULII—At 'layette' mills, al IlearfA4d • Deo. J. L. HUNTER, 11P EVILER OF rOIIEIGN trt DOEllic7lO RIEROHAN• DI , :.:11-1 , dui kat street, two doors watt of Merrell's Itcrtal. THOMAS SHEA, ABIIIONAIII.O TAILOR—In Shew's Row. on itaikit Fsure. ununtliately ovet Post Oce—Cr ivafteict. Loa id. Mt. JOHN CARLILE, . . n hACKSMITII. IL JUSTICE OF e I:E TUE EAj4f2lll VP rs`qui Do P w OM. MIMI MESHICK GRAHAM, BA EWELL END HAlßuntlesei—will attend to id/ 40. mends in hie line on 'hod notice. and le the most ',Mr 1.11011 manner. Hie room will Wound in Matteson:et iteur of the Mansion !louse. Januar, 0. B. MERRELL, QPPER,:Iiti BAIIET IRAN WARE 616,1 5 1DPA0. CTUB.ED—At Detuel's old nand co Monet street-04M field. Deo, 2sl, . . • ROBERT MANLY, I I . . EELWRMIIT eu3d CHAIRMAKER, HOW mid WtattIAMENTAL. PACITIIK—EPI Malkel 2110* - • Cistufierd. Deo. In. Ibid. • --,---- J. &. J. G. RUSSELL. TANNERS IL COURRIERN AND DEALERSIN ALL tads of Leather. klides,Graio, No,. taken NI sidling& Pe o—Gremplatihitls Q. a. rob. 4, 11011, WM. P. CHAMBERS, I - AT NEM...WRIGHT, CI I AIRNAtt E.R. gad NOUN/ & V V 131 U tiN PAIN Tkat.--Cut wens vtiir. Dee. B. F. STERLING, QADDILE ACEINESS-on Wad JUIIT It KM UP 1.7 VIE PEACE—Coiwartuville. DIO. ROBERT McNAUL, . TANNER—At the OLD t3TAND he Convenevilte. Dee.o.llol LEONARD soMOORC, zi q, nc rz A ras AND LUMBER DEALERS — S( O Od hi street. not v.ecuAlarket aLd Locust—Clear! eid. Dee. ed. J. 11. JONES, 110 E Et. noun MAKER—A(o°lplus his residesios ea 1.7 Minket, between Tbini and Fourth sheets—Cleartiskl. Deo. XV, ISM. ISAAC SMITH, WrERCHANT.,,AND DEALEIL IN LAJDNIEN INA °wintry Prdilauegousially—Statestrest betwassegMirty nod hocull—Llarwessville. Ilea. MI • PETER SEYLER, lEON-PO(1N DEa—FOUNDER Latbastsnr.wbste stati e Cattiags am made of Me bast =UMW, end as MO. n e Lana.. THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, iitoNFouNDEßs—comsnoals. Aa exteall a ran" meat af emu. mute mdet. eh , WM. McBRIDE, ETA I LEII ANI) DEALER IN LUMBER ...Nottaat RUo mar of Siam and Locos% weds, I, , arweau* k). Db 2. 0161, • ISRAEL COOPER, DOSTNASTELL at. Glen flope—getailew of foreliii lad L Domani° rderobandi.o. and arafaninf • dada , In Loo!OIL Deo. ISAAC JOHNSON, 1100 T 8110DtdAKER—West. mid or 9.havr's Dow on 1.9 Market stloct—llisarrield. Deo. 9U. 18D. JOHN C. RICHARDS, PIDIDIVAICIAN—Ott the Ridge Rout to Cheet creek, con miles from Durweseville. Deo. W.lBll. Constantly on hand and for awe by J. PALMER & Co., Market Street Wharf, March 11, 1892. G. W..TURNER, ,•. wASIII6NABLE TAILOII.-.-At the no:thwart oornes Frontand Matke , stmts. limb° 1851. GEO. W. RHEEM, SSADDLER. HARNESS at TRUNK AI Et UPAOTUSXB —On Third aLeet between Make. end 140/ 11 . 1 teo. SO. 1851 M. E. WOOD, uni(SICIAN. May always 'bo (bond at his 'residence la Co sweasvalle. when not professionally absent. • Deo, 118.18111. LAPORT & LEVVELLIN,,. COMM and BLEl.6ll6lMaiarrellei, tem • • . GEORGE WILSON. •• . . ' • Lion YSICIAN mar ba found at his OfiLia in 1..1/Tflgillr 1 [MEW. when not absent on prolessioant Matilda. • February 20.1832. .. . GEO. B. GOODLANDER, IATADON-AlAKER—kmtheiibunt. Work done roman V V on short elution. snot on good, loons. Deo. 0,4,11., A.• L. SCHNELL, TA ILOR—Lathersbu ro.—w ill do his work JastiOr /rood kad as °heap. as nay other follow. Iwo. gi t ib31.1 .• • , J.' • D.: THOMPSON, • . Er LAM3Mirif, wagons, Basaaa, Ro. dre..iroand ID short notice. and the very but style. at alaala ""i a the boroosh or entwensvillo. • . 52,1b65. A.. K. !W RIGHT, , , ClicilANT AND 'FiC t lONE VBALMR IN W -. LTS. llNN—Doatherell Oorattr of die D.amodd...tri B3l safil. ~14 • Deo le 1 - . . C: TATCHINi . ~; ;' 1 ei_LFN 110PLI. UedaHer of. forelan and Domestic , bloc. uhaudiae. and Landau idivahant. . Vag. ZP,