==MI cLEglyispu Pa., Apyll 11852. rArj_n: tOR PRESIDE,Nro „ TA MSS 111 . U. C 11 A WIN' • 9 • • OAVENNsimvANIA; ( t Stileect to the decision6:f the Democratic Vettionaß Convention.) • COMMIV3IO , IEIe. W iLLI A 111-IE.ARIGHT OF trAFICTIriI OOVICTY. PUBLIC METING. AxDONE AND giDEN,RAILDOAD:-4 meeting of those friendly tu,the proposition of constructing a Raillioad from the Con-' trot . Rakt road, to Erie/ Will 'be' held at the Court House in the Borough of•Clitarfield, on Sattirday the 10th mitst4 at early:reap , MANY CITIZENS. • 1852.. ..krtornsit inoon.The last flood was a Very poor one-,--but few of the rails that started reached market. The rain of Tuesday last. has again raised the water to goad rafting order, aad our river presents a busy *Rule. ' THE NEW 111111011, LAW. The subject of the passage of a law pre . venting the sale of spiritous liquors, in quantities of less, than A 1 gallons, or what isal; substitute f or the celebrated Maine Law, is likely to etten stipercide the uni veFtna -Bank question; iu importance at HaFrisb4rgh. An, i MMon se number—some say•two huni.ire4ihnusand petitioners have demanded Legislative enactment on this subject, and the probability is, that the questlbn of such a law may be submitted to a direct vote of the people. Oterhe Whig. State Convention was held at Harrisburg, last week, for the ap pointment of Delege tea to a National Con vention, and for the nomination of a Pres idential Electoral ticket, nod also a candi. date for Canal , Commissioner. General WINDFIELD SCOTT, was declared as the choice of the Whig party of this State, the vote standing 113 for Soott, to 5 for all others—by which it would seem that the Convention was not a Very full one. JA COB HOFFMAN, of Berke county was nom inated for Canal Commissioner. °trThe last adviees from Europe bete ken a crisis ahead. The French Govern-' ment has formally demanded the expulsion by the Government of the Republic of , Switzerland of the French refugees. This demand, apparently. intelligent letter wri ters assert, will not he acceded to, and war is quite likely to follow. Later advices report the settlement of the difficulty between Switzerland and rot nco-;-,,Switzerland substantially agree ing to all that France demanded, OFY9n tho second page of to-day's pa per will be'found the Veto Message of Gov. Bictiza, which will no doubt receive, as it justly merits the careful perusal of every Puider of the Republican. THE IIEGISTBATIOI LAW. The law that paised, the Legislature, last inter, requiring the Registration of all rem, marriages and deaths, became a • w without , the signature of the Governor. This Jaw takes effect from and after the rct ofJulY. next, and if faithfully carried will prove to be of vast utility in many -.pacts. The Prelich nation have had uch a law it Operation ever since 1790, sad is-probably theonly country where the 'system has leen effectually, carried out.— t there furnishes &lids for statistical in fan:laden as 'to -the relative increase and rowth 'oleo popidation that can be found `th no other part.of thel'worid.. The-followingit it. Verkr correct synop. or it,, which is taken From . the Mercer Press BIItTIie s .„IIIARRIAGES AND MCAT/M.-- The act providing for the registration of Triages, births and deaths which was by the Legislature, iuts become a w viithout the signature of the Governor, • • • been passed within ten days of the krlaikrthalastsession and not sent back "i • *tee days after the meeting of the • '-•.t'Legislature. The bill requires the r and, Recorder' of each county to a. book for registrations, in which wlrl be•entemd, in case , of marriage, the - aird'oecupation of the husband, his lace of 'birth and residence, and the name f his parents; also the name of ,the wife d her, parents,' together with the color the parties, the time and plade where the " -remedy *t is performed, and the newe l ad residence of the person:performing it. ese racts in the form of a certificate, un ,r oath, must be furnithed to the Regist . ; by the clergyman, or • • person officio ., within thirty days, under a penalty of *OW. - le cmsa erkbirths, the pyysi . .ian or other person-in attendance is re , under the same penalty, the name and 0c ,.11,4400f the parents, es . ; welt, 'the word* mOther Pmvieuelo, mar is ehti'ieiitliaOolOr of the add; the time of birtl4 6:6••^;Whee 'deaths - otetillY the 'Milne l e k?" 71°04 (as nay ce cad be as nlurP e thene***, must be return. :the occupation, piviceipf and deeth,..eause - ofdeath,' • end iiber 'Negteet or re. oT prpar • Orson" In to •tike,such return, subjects him to a ppnaltrcf. twenty 4011046 ' llkeipeniitrorregbitrigiiampe tops paid out ofthe county treeteuiir: et7l) - kray which took place; in PhigpabtniCentreco., l ie taken from the centre „Democrat of th e 24th ult 1- - "An anrortnaubinflray toolat place in Philipskert. Centre County . on the evening oilthe2o; betweeniWoyoung men by the nattie of.Thamas PYles and' George Ha gin itr Which the. fermer received four stabs with a dirk hnife, either of whi ch,, . may. prove ,. - fatal. There were- sever a l persons present, but owing to the darkness !of the evening, no one knew at the.time that Pyles had been stabbed. ,On leaving Hagin ho exclaimed to the persons pros. ont that Hagin hid a knife, and started im mediately down to Dr. Fosters house,enter ed the dining room where the family were lat tea, and exclaimed he , had been stabbed by George Hagin and wanted to be taken cared. The Doctor seeing him in a faint ing condition, arose from the table caught him and laid him down. He was then ta ken to his boarding house, and on exami nation it was found that a large per. tion pf the small intestines had protruded through one of the cuts in the lower part of the abdomen. Begin was taken into custody but made his escape, he was pur sued retaken, and brought to this place, 1 where he again made his escape and is now at large. The sum of $2O is offered by the constable for his arrest,. and deliv ery in the jail of the county. His knife was found over the fence close by where the affray took place.— Pyles is lying in a very dangerous cond. lion and but little hopes are entertained of his recovery. OtrWe have later intelligence from Phil ipsburg, which speaks positively of Pyle's recovery. EDITORIAL Cumieu.--:-We observe by a late number of the Pennaylanian, that W. H. Hope, Esq.,who was formerly connected with the altimore Argus, and a gentleman of fine abilities, has assumed I the control of that journal. It will here after be issued as a penny sheet. We xe tend to the new editor the right hand of friendship, and trust with all sincerity that the Democracy of Pennsylvania will yield it a warm and cordial support under the existing arrangement.--Dena Union. THE MINE LIQUOR LAW The Maine liquor law was up in the Senate yesterday, and had a decided ma jority in its favor on every vote- It how ever was amended in many particulars, the last one of which provides that liquor may be manufactured in the State, and sold in quantities not less than thirty-one gallons. It may, therefore, be regarded in the light of the thirty-one gallon law instead of the entirely prohibitory law. An amendment was also adopted submitting the question to a vote of the people. In this form the bill will probably pass.--Dem Union. BANK NOTE PESTILENCE. The Cincinnati Enquirer, in noticing the statement ofDr. Buckler, of this city, that smallpox is often communicated by means of small notes, says : "The teller of one of the banks of Col unbus, an estimable young man, contract ed the disease by handling a batch of bills which had been transmitted from this city, where the small-pox was then quite prev alent and in malignant form. The young man died; and, by such a seemingly harm less channel of communication, was that loathsome pestilence the cause of a fam ily losing their main-stay in life." The foregoing statement from a very respectable physician, is another very strong reason why the Legislature of our State, shouid not repeal the law which prohibits the circulation of small notes of other States within our borders. Dem. Union. Otr"At a meeting of the Democrocy 'of Morgan co., Missouri, says the Pennsylva nian, the following eloquent resolution was unanimously passed. It is by the promul gation of such principles that the Demo cratic party has succeeded—and as. long as they adhere to the doctorne they will triumph in every contest against all oppon ents: Resolved, That we are unconditionally opposed to nullification, Abolitionism, Fourierism, Free Soilism, Socialism and all other false and dangerous notions,whose only tendency is to engender discord, pro• duce strife, and alienate one section of the Union from the other, and thus, weaken the attachment of the people to our happy government, and impair its perpetuity.— We declare , all persons who hold to aay of these doetrines as enernies to libekty and good government._ - TELEGRAPH TO THE PACIF/C.—Henry O'Reilly of telegraph celebrity, is now ear nestly engaged in promoting the project ofextending the telegraph westward to the Pacific; and is aangukne of, being able to have it in operation .to San Francisco ‘ eighteen, months, 'proVidedk Cdoreis shall • makee 'favorable -,vesponse , t o , his memorial asking for right of way through the'wildeiness and protection to hisyires. The distance'between Missouri and San Francisco is about 2,300 miles. . DREADFUL • Svarioiox:—=Nand, Hum. ford, recently sequined of poisoning Mis Engle, at Cumberland, is'lnow suspected of poisoning three husbands, who died sud denly. The lasthusband died in Somer set county three years ago. His body hen been 'disinterred, and it was found that he was poisoned. ( , 4:77The Maine his passed the Nirt nesota't,egiilatuterWith a. proviso for sub mitting it to a direct : Vote of the *Pie.— The vote throughput the Territory is to be taken OD the tlttit Monday in, OttvThere, it ply in England to evAM Pled, hundred :More worn*p, than men 'go' mad'&ghat country, the proportion being about eight to seven. 1 1 i Innored.Tragedy n ge n y aiie MNty iidic ems - The Fairmount 'Me Virginian of Sat urday says: • - • - A report Was brought. here on Thurs day, by the mait!oktrrier from Clarksburg, to the read thnt a. horrible and wholesale murder was , committed in , West Union, Ddldttidge county, on last Wednesday nigg Six men 'and.one woman are said to have been cruelly. murdered. 'Money is - supposed to, have been the Object, •as s4oollxre said to have been taken by the perpetrators, 'lt is thought that this, crime and the escape of Owens frana Clarksburg jail,were hotheaded by three men, strangers who came to Clarksburg on Saturday evening preceding, and who are now suspected. to be accomplices of Jacques and his gang. They are thought to have helped Owens out of jail, by letting a rope down the chimney and drawing him up. He is known to have since taken a boat to Park ersburgh, on the Ohio rive; and it is fear ed he will escape. The other parties left Clarksburg on Wednesday, reaching West Union the same night. Stopping at the same house with a party of persons mov ing west, and either kdowiog or learning that the movers had money, the villains rose in the night and murdered every hu man being but themselves about the house; and escaped. ' John Owens who is hero referred to, had been confined in the jail, at Clarkesburg since last November, on the charge of set ting fire to the buildings, burnt there at that time, escaped on the night of the 14th instant by crawling up the chimney. DREADFUL MURDER.—The editor of the Lehigh Register gives the following ac count of a dreadful murder which occurred in the town of Easton on Tuesday last:— "It appears that Barney Andrews and his wife, the unfortunate victim, had lived to gether for many years in a very quarrel. some manner, and finally parted, some fifteen or eighteen months ago. The husband, in a state ofintoxication ' on the fining above mentioned, forced his way nito the house, which she determinately tried to resist. He finally succeeded, and when in, cut her throat from ear to ear with a razor. Persons living in the second story of the house gave the alarm of mur der, when it so happened that a police of ficer was near by, and the demon was im mediately taken. • He confessed the hor rid deed, and requested to be hung for it the next day." orWe have conversed, says the Nor folk (Va.) Herald, with John Morris, a very intelligent and respactablo Mored man from Elizabeth City, N. C., who has just returned from a visit to Liberia, the object of which was to see the country, and, if he liked it, to return for his f i amily and those of his friends who, up,oti hear ing his report, might be induced thereby to emigrate along with them. He spent, six weeks in the country, chiefly at Bassa and Monrovia, and the account which he gives of the country is in every respect favorable. The colony was in a most flour ishing condition—good government, excel lent society, plenty of schools and church es, cheap living, provisions of every kind abundant, agriculture and the mechanic arts, and, in •short, all branches of busi ness prosperous, and the people contented and happy. The soil i's exceedingly pro ductive,and adapted to the cultre of all pro ductions of our Southern States, besides numerous others of indigenous growth, and the climate continues to, improve as the cultivation of the country extends.— He says he expects to take out with him at least fifty emigrants besides the members of his own family, and does not doubt that the entire free colored population in the counties around Elizab'b City will follow as soon asthey can make their arrangements to emigrate. The Bth of April has been set apart by Gov. Boutwell, of Mass., as a day of public fasting, humiliation and prayer. ANOTHER ScIEN7IFIC WONDER Piteste pin Artificial Digestive Fluid.or Gastric Juico ! A great Dyspepsia Curer. prepared from Rennet. of the fourth Stomach of the Ox. alter directions of Baron Leibig,the great Physiological Chemist, by J. B. Houghton, IV, D., No.ll North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. This lea truly wonderful rem edy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint. constipation, and Debility. curing after nature's own method, by nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice, Bee Advertisement in tkimitoreol. MARRIED.—On Thursday, March 25, by Rev. M. T. Merwin, Mr. Valentine Gearhart to Miss Mary , Cadwallader, both of Morris townshipiClearfield county. ADJOURNED onPumir COURT. SALE OF ' Vacfaclarl Llll3EZH:karacilic: ....... BY VIRTUE of IS mime( th e Orphan' 44 Com of Clearfield county. mated at reoesahos taw, II ri infif•there sent to es powsi io t• es 0 wAb es MOND AY THE THIRDiP 4 E M " 4141 NEXT. at the cos house. la the beseilith of Peak Geld • the followlan dawn , g ia Farm of lig Acres of Land, , Bltaate6Plke township, Clearfield seaate. luta Hollows and roe oa of John Pa Intros,. Owned, adjoining lands of Haslet 4. Wander Colwell. and ethers. having then. A Two Story Log House, and a Large ' and Commodioutt Baru' Ira.ttlitttliim ax it t jun f iTi v igro &MB WWII, 007 Walther °fibs nadittlgs ' 04 , 0eks. delifiddiee Mow to be Paid at the, wiaLtatothes can the balsas* la lime egad JUlsoeiresinOete.witil twat. ON tplitzzaTum to be seated upon the prow se by mantas* wog banes, 'mid Cl , %doe of uircloaLt t _ .• . Vit. essfitold.iittli it lira ir.mitysi. Ad alaidea. ~'. elektiot' Iraninifie 1361114olii: & 1 1/W,Vmd7ril l iAke li fta l it, oa d taa ml trtars 'er honour of Oswald. Ts, likhotoi wal. Alas at tam ataJa• :Vlto mei limo florin to said. usui it i fall; sais it * who' eed main will lol .iostioc sins the ro r vat tbs SPINET osiiitilis;•_Xiiii salts WI soloist o , =Liu sr ri ..4 mo. d..e.t.oi ulli stt nos tbs 'msg . 's) , ssititt Uri . iiiiisis It 111/14 bf I akiips. 1111 ,; 1 TAIMIUMI t... , • • - • *Otis:sod • • toy r l is l iiy= t i t 11 a4*: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .• pm _}. I .. ___tiajr_sil _ _.._. is. ' ~.. leffre to., Yu .01sual siogss....ss.tisi , Mods. list (Pvt.( et Ilk Loom ' • 110 tiss " rbir ia nsji Ist= rt WIMI I M an ' tall". 1 war* Li I= -Alt THE Walklajtoniaa: Quote,le AMIN' a Monday evening the ist Of ARIA orCleallield coast" sill, hold 'Units MA at. emir audio tight. In. the court house. The Mends etumporoece, and the Ladles In Iparqcniar..ara fernto J. H. Idornaile and ThOs. Bl i CollotstiEeitire.. will address the timeline • Acid 1. 1033. .P. GULICH, President. • • • c CATLIN leaden/ his thaolts to Mears. Mita Hrectst. kJ. Gulden O. Metrwl. Thomas DlCts. Geo Rowan aod .1. I'. Ennio, for tit., Tory eicohout Minos with which they acoompasted thssasiatsos or the recant earnr halos of the pu DIN of the Academy. Also, to all othan who In any way aided la making ths otroessray anaugetweals. Academy.lUleatlield Match Court Protium:Mon. WERHAS. The Honorable ROBERT . G. WIRTH, Preelaeot Joke Of the Court of COM mon Pees of the Fourth Judi lall/ittfiet. competed or the ooaqtles of Chute. Feld. Elk. McKean,' Patter and 'lluke.and 'he flosorabl,s 11711ARD tittAW end JCIIN 1' tin tr. AttmleueJoeges Clen•fiehi county, hero rue ed their precept beeline date the EIXTII day of Pebruary OH, to roe directed, for hold. lava `COURTF CCllti MOS MIME. ORHIAN' COURT OF UV QUARTER tlEBStUfgl3. AN D OF OVER ANL TErilldlNEtt AND 13ENERAI, JAIL. DE- At Clerarthrld, In and for Clcalfie'd molt. on t, e MST MUNLAa ct May next—betas tread day or the month NOTICE IS. THEREFORE. lIEREBY GIVEN, To the Caron° r, Justice. of the rel 10.!. tied Cons able, In and for the courtly of Clearfield, ect appear in Our own proper permits. with Rolls. Record.. Inquisition., Esamiantioes and other Remerabranom. to do those things which their offices and in their behalf appertain to be done , and all witnesses, and other pitmans, proseoating in behalf of the Commonwealth' against any prisoners. ate tyquired to be then and there at tending, and not depart without Jane. at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at tbe ap. pointed time. ogreeably to notice. - GI YEN under my hand at Clearfield. Ibis 90th day of March. theyis ear or our Lord one thousand eight. hundred and rilly•ona, and the Beventy.sixth year of Ametloen lade* psndenoe. ALEXANDER CALDWELL. Sheriff. Bberiffla Sale of Beal Estate. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni BspOß nas.inuedeutil tholUort al Oommon Pleas Uleatileld cos say. elate ti ma directed. will ost ear of passed t _frith sale. et the cows Genes In_Bito si tangh of 4/IMdflaskl. Gas MIINDAY 151tOOlertlf Y neat, the Tollowill kstegleity. till wit ;•••Oso of amesonts toyed os warrant to Jaoob Dowieleg. n Decatur tewnehio. handed by Imola la the mamas of Benjamin Welt, John Tarim. Hugh Ely and Richard Thomas, with rsii small Ins. provemotat on the some made ht Jonathan Kephart. One Vinci tho rtsidue or John tiouanian io Bet:wain townaldo. costalaiag BdJ cease 158 porous*. bouaaled • lay tracts of Fred. *rick Iludnan. John Malls lands of Joseph Barth. together with an improvement on the same by dimple. Also, 17h acres ot I,norgo chaff. in Decatur township. bounded by leads of Edna ondAl but. John Otsowalter. Henry Khans ant traota :rota' sad Was. Hansom.. Also an same township, the on) moot the Wm tiansorn ry auey. oontatalng kik sorsa. bound by made of alaoob P Ronk,. Ede tom Pike. lands 01 Michael Knot. George Pineal, Wet. Drinker and Richard Thomas. Alto. the - midge of Henry Drinker. contaralus um. in Dentur township. bounded by lands of Runnel ()men. John Gots Rickard Thomas, Bosh Ely and Thomas I' Cope, on which them is an Improvement made by Josiah Molwond. Machos* Treat in name of Thomas Edmunson. containieg dill acres and 14 perches. boss • ed by liiihneton surveys, J-ho Winker, and lands of Daniel Albert. with the improvements made on the same by Daniel Kephart. senior, John Beams. and John Beams Junior. In Decatur township. Alto, survey the name of John Drinker. costaisleg 43ti ecru 74 perches. lb Decatur township, bounded by tracts in damn of Tnorou Unloosen, Patrice Moore. Jonathan Nes but, John alma saCDaniel Albeit. with Improvements made by Henry Kephart, joalor. Also, the residue ofJohn dkyron. in Dewar township, containing as IN norm ltd it oh• es. bounded by John Dilater, B chard Thom. Ben &min Wilson, and lands of Jacob Baughman, Also. sunny the come or virm,Wilioa.j. Lieccana township, motels's Bid awes 115 perohas, bonadid by surveys in tne name of William Rawls, Benjamin Yonne, !Wary ,and Herman Witmer—late the eausteot Daniel Ullman and Myson N. Manley. and sea w 1 and taken in. ezeoution and to be sold an the property of said Unruh and StanitS. • ALSO, Patriot. By of a similar writ. Waned out of the urns court. and is me directed. will be exposed to pubBcgalup at the gams time and oleo., 2 Certain Tracts of Laud situate In Pars towlmhiP. bounded and described as follows :—lies of them beginning at a fatten white oak comer. thence by and of damsel !Hodge% south 77 degrees east 118) perches Ma post. thence north 13 de rem west 41 and five tenth perches to a post, thence moth 7 degrees 60 perches to a post, thence south 18 degrees east 41 and five teeth perches to a whits pine, teener south 6 perches toe cheennt oak (fallen.) thence east 117 per. ches to a post, thence north by land of Hugh Hall 78 perches to a pout. thence east 63 parches to spout. thence nOrl h BO Ow ohm to a post, thence west 183 and geese tenth perches to • whits pine stump. thence north 166 perches to a post, thence memos north 61 degrees east 40 perches to a post, thence south Sidearms • .s. 65 and five tenth perches to a post, thence multi 23 degree east 74 perches to a post. thence by laud p 1 Wm. Hartshorn wroth b d Tome west KS perches toe hemlock. thence by land of leaso Bloom moth 70 degrees ant 111 pou ches to • cucumber. timer watts a degrees east*. perches to tee lace of besicalag. contythslas Two iluduagn AND 6EvEN y-ER,IIT acres and eighty cad sew. teath pendia. with alktivaacre for roads, ea.. with about EIGHTY acres cleared, with Three Dwelling bonees..l3tabling and a small theithshop Berson amotod. The other R NOS of laid is demob ed as follows .—lleglanlng at a whits pm., thanceby land of Abraham Ilarsock north 76 perches to white oak. thence by land of Hugh Hall south Bt3f. degrees east b 7 parches to a whim pia, them:oust 47 parches to the plus of begherinul. contalaln. TEN ao as and allowance. Idaizad •nd takers to execution and to be sold as the property of George 0. hue . MAL _ _ ALSO, BV VIRTUE of a writ of Viroditkad Emus. lamed out ef the same oouit. and to sae directed. will be exposed to public gala. u the same time and Dime s cartels Tram or Lot of Lead at oats In Pena towaship,_ learfigkl county. is Peenville, bounded by Jobs Stele, Ells a Fenton sad the then Hepe tures:dee med. wins B a oum and Hlackmltbabop therms emoted. Beized sad taken in execution and to be gold to the property orktiory Long. At the same Uwe and plass, a Certain tract of land situate la Elsocaria township lreatlield county. coatalaiss VA &Md. with about two acres cleated and a los house them* erected; bottoded by triads of/ohs Mossiest and others. Seised and takes is esecntloa and to be sold as the mot:arty of John Henry Abbess. ALSO, At the same time and place is certain lot aground Illtt In th Bonanib of Clearfield known by N 0.69: bounded on the West by kbroond stmt. on the north by an Alley. on tan East by an Alleys asd on the South by lot No Si. Seised nnd to ken In execution, and to be told so the property of Mary ALSO, , At the sometime and place. sourish'. lot of ground sate ate Is the Borough el eurwensville elearbeld county. on the smith side or BMW strut. West of Walnut street, beginning at a corner of a lot now or late of Wm. Irwin. extendiag East ward aloes gab, dtate street. 60 feet to a Lot of Samuel Way's. thence along the same ninth 180 feet, more or less toes therm along the same west bU feet to gala lot nnw.or late or, mo. Irwin, tad meson along the isms. s. nth, 150 feet to the place or biglanieg . with a two story frame house and other improaments thereon er,oted. Seised and eaten in exacts. don and to be odd as the property or Samna' Clark. A. CALI) MILL. Ehruiff. Sheriff' s Office, March 1852. vogiliztozz Notnao. NTOTICE l twreby given. that the following accounts LI have been examined sod mused by me. and remain Gild of record In this ethos for the Inspsction of beim Inatews creditors, and all others la an ti attest way ringed. sod will be present...l to Ow nest Cry us' coast o Clearfield County to be held at the Court bquise n the Borough of Clearfield, on Thuds, the 4th day of May nut. for confirmation and al lowasoo. let The accouv t of George Weaver Exton tor of Godlried Wes. vet, late of Wady tiownsblo, Cletrfleld county, deccoued. AL rho Atoountof Goolfriod Executor of the estate of Catharine Weaver. late of Brady township, Ckarfiekl county deceased. 81. The Account of filmon Thompson Administrator of the estate of Ames isord , late of Becoarlagownsido. Clearfield county, aeorgs.a. 4th.' The accoust ofionathan Kephart. Admtnistratorof this estate of Thomas Morgan. la • of Decatur towasitlO. Mar fl Id county. deceased. 6th. The Account of Elixa train. Admlatstratrit of the Estate of ceas Johned. Irvin. late of ?Me towstablp. Clearfield county. de. 6th. The Acrount of .1, H. lidoEnally. Administrator of the Resta of Margaret /Caller. late of the borough of Clear field, Chatfield county .' deceased. pro PORTER, Itiefftet. Registers office. Clearfield, March 116. - FIVE HUNDRED BOOR AGENTS WANTED. A NY goof Wire god fotothoot man, ifi h %awl eapit,l CA, of frone 011blio *ICA, ma mike largo profits by eggagiog in th e sale of the loilowlag: 702101 m r email MI E 3 ooko. ORAIDDERS INFORMATION Ft)R THE PEOPLE: nr PopaluF.asyclopodta of UseMl Knowledge. Two large octave volumes. containing 1700 Pasts. PETERtiON'd lII§TORY OF THE /IIDERWAN REV In.liTlON.' ow target octavo pages. with idko des Engra. Pi t i l iß li tartN'S MEMORY OP THE UNITED STATES PRaiccifetkA ri ftln t .tl v elrlftrAiWi t ti 'l hrili s a ! Mtir Or AMhRLUA. Two largo octavo volumes, oontsining MO pass. and 700 Engravings. Tn. bast Lbstorg of Am *nenoutdo/lad. PROdIT'd, PIAORIA LIV It OF • WASEINGTON. A noisudid Root mutat GOO octavo pages , and 1600 , Engraving'. too t of Waskatitsw aver:pub. 7 t . HPTOfrir F TUE INDIAN WARE. Pilo Colored and MIN elate". /11V TRUE , 111EPUOLICAri. Containing the Inaugural Addrossesand the Pint Annual Addrasas and Messages of all the ?widgets of tba Usltad b eesiLbsuuon of a e r ll 4 lB / 04 01„ftlitil av a thy oi rrelo.. Raabe?. the . ma:rand aa Ito shad pastas. 00u 11114.11ai. Palaeglit !Nab MIL AR ar Lk"' ' lO ~ O vain Baravialts. boaatilally bond 1/P; CO hi lrl'a fIiSTORY OF TDB POPES. WO lath cow arc pageo.ss Engravlngs JOSRPLI WOOKAS. Lan Ldttloo, ono larKkvohitle. cer.itirrto rue DB WORKS Or WM. „r_lEftlift% ATUDIE3 ER HITE% V OP WORLD. Valuable Gasivallitstory. Vas large cocas* imams. la kb Madame r*Vill • • LI Ii GREAT AND, rIELLEURATED•(MAR -411 all Mai tit COO ISM. use lama mums or !XI Mao, wlth - sumeginasoEstg sings. ftgattior with a a'agallittorak* Waft' paißcula i 7 or fur mat bbaal diosaaala will be era* ta Acosta VW) 1 01 17 islets la I safe at the above Vaisar i Ska. - ir Or (OM panlosbine add ( rwisra .) , t , 4 4 * 1.101 • • • ' se. April I. iva...ixa. Eatate of hatiellmiteker, deemed. . :munch, Is: a Mon Y. MYNA. Thattetion or Admin. •• • t i nlat ik ra l g is tr tothesutechterfohlihkohua ono • ' 44 yo '1400., a••••••d m kg wool t• wsu , tompro• Dashing WOW 'how ha lat+ hihlaS tIwWZASCEL r,0111.1 le "ip II to tz V:i.tbmitimuitatsay aimeik4 waV id . i lmti lm 4 x klh4UollEV,,,Adou'z. • . 1111. Ma* pAyLV. Aas t. leinierance Neetiig. (33 Ell EP Ca GI ALSO, lof Miattirdle Of Foreign and Domestic Merchandise la Clear field County, for the year 1852. , 1, BELL TOWNSHIP. itA n t e ! 111 1 47._ Co " a°dricre 1 4 1 Ciao nt• wan , et do • 4 do 'lemmas )(tautly. llquor. - *4 do BURNSIDE Dots fei & Ake, to Nod/. H Cummings gr. 111ehllr. do de James hisMstrr • do 14 i o Jultheatohso, a Boss. et. H do BECCARIA TOWNSLIIP. P ‘ ateldotawai o l i do l i trt a Zf a il x . )p llllOO Do i r 11110 f ' 14 do POT at, du , 14 do Weniok. do 14 do BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. . " • James 11. Grahnin, no liquor. IV do Ilurathall dr. Um. do 10 do - BOGGS TOWNSHIP. R. M. Ntevenson & Co{ at UQUOZ, 14 do 1. 1.. Untrett. o 14 ,do BRADY - TOWNSHIP. piM pli ße i rroit, stilton/. I{P do o 14 do Oscine, Arnold, i ld. do 14 do R. 11. Moore. do 14 do Yrederink Arnold. do ' 14 do CHEST TOWNSHIP. Drab & Rorabaugh. no liquor. It do plathanuel Hughes do 14 do H. Peso 111/6011. liquor. 14 do COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Frano:e Cotiddet. liquor. 14 do John O. Illannolro. do 14 do J. P. Biter, do 14 do Len Lois no liquor. 111 do CLEARFIELD BOROUGH. A. K. Wright. 'no liquor. 14 Co Lecirrerd er. Moore. do 11l dc. I'Vallacia & Hills. do 18 do J. L Hunter. do 13 do R. Mossop. do 14 dr C. K terser. do 14 do Havid Winter:ate. do . et do H.. Mrssoo. liquor. IS do MATHS 6AL006.-11. Smith, 8 do CURWENSVILLE BOROUGH. William Milldde. no liquor 18 do William A. Bloom. lime. II do liana elmith. do 18 do DECATUR TOWNSHIP. J. G. &G. 11. Meisel, no liquor. 14 do - FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Wm. G. Butler. nollmior. • 14 do John P. Hort. do 14 do GIRARD TOWNSHIP. II . Fulton. a Co. no liquor 18 do Aurachle & Pons do 14 do sta. Leconte. liquor. 14 do GOHIIEN TP.—E. Irwin &tuns no Liquor. 14 no IIUrsTON TP.--1. 6. Wing, do do 14 do JORDAN TP.—J no. M. Chace. do do 14 do KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. Posit & Penman. no liquor 14 do B. D. Hall & Co. do 14 do Edward McCarver do 14 do LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Win. Addlemas. Jr.. & Co. no liquor 14 do James Forme' DO II(Plat 14 do MORRIS TOWNSHIP. J. O. Wing. ' no liquor. 14 do E. W. Hale. & Co. do 16 Co T. J. Hr. do 14 do Gat ro. Mame. do 14 do More tiro. do 14 do James M. Leonard. liquor. . 14 do PENN TOWNSHIP. Robin & Mendenhall. no liquor. 14 do Llano timiM. liquor 14 do PIKE TOWNSHIP. Visit Irvin. so liquor. • 12 do Jobs Js 11. D. Patton. do 12 do (le pus lOW ty liquor. 14 do PATENT 31Ettlit• EA & Fl. 11 'Pullin, 4 do UN lON TOWNSHIP. RW. Moore, no liquor. 14 4° iuiehead, do 11 du WOOD WARD TOWNSHIP. lone ge l lloula, ao 14 do Joapb 1 do busby certify the above to be a oorreor list of then. tailors of fro *Um and Domestio Iderhherad be to Ofeetaeld co.. for the year 1%11. Jilin% L. curriLE. Hu. Appneser, Clearnfeld !dap* 12, lb 62. far Au Apos! C learfi e l d held at the COMMittiel Oftiell. la the florae' h Clearfield Gs Moodie the robot bier next. FOR CALIFORNIA. Through Passage to an Francisco Direct. THE SUPERIOR CLIPPER. EMUELariSt (3:0 (De 600 Tons burthen Capt J. H.loting Commander. jelikWILL FLAIL. PRONIPRILAPELPIIIA on Tavola, he t dtb or 401 lie Ballad trim with passelters.— This splendid ship is tilted op with on. ooloolodlidt , het loog, with state rooms and berths for families. atturdlng the best aad cheapest passage this sushi. (aa the mail steam ships are full until Jane,) and will sail costae day or espresso paid. It is o nfidently tweeted this shin will make the passage is 100 do7ll. Yor passage and small lots Of freight apply immediately. B. 1406E,LEV. 87 Booth Paint it Phil's. 12W*Pastee s in upper Gabbs Lowot man oabia $l6O. March 15. 1'62. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, Constantly on hand SALMON. and for sale by HERRINGS, J. PALMER & Co., PORK. Market Street Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES. PusLarmeitta. LARD AND CHEESE. March 11, 1852. EMeaDzrzhas.. 7.31/INair.gs dOICID3,N.IE`2 2 FRENCHVILLE, Clrarfield Co., Pa. ESPEItTFULLY announces to the cit tams ol Clearfield lip county, that he hat opened a NEW bTORE. In the old stand formerly occupied by Mr. Lamour, where he btu on hand ',filial, of GOODS usualltOterit lu a retail afore, nll of which will to sold unpAr for LAM or exchanged for country produce of ell kinds. CUCDSIET. Erenchvide. blank 12. 11:112. PENN IRON FOUNDRY; Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, Chriimm, Psi. THR tundewlgeed would annonace to the citizens of Clearfield, and adjoining• counties, that he has opened a room on Elwood street, in the borough of Clearfield. sew the wore of ILwenard & Moore, where be intends keening a GENERAL. AtIBOUTMENT OF CA3TINGB. warren:cod to be made of the best material. and nt , cries' that cannot fall to phrase. Theron/mime compoltp-rta the stook on handl : FULTON'G itar-AIR COOKING' !STOVE, for either Wood or Coal This Otose has brutishly' the largest intro dactson of any other form of &oyes: It has soperseded in alm^st envy county. the well k nowicHat haws, and Wei ler stoves. It is easily understood, and the floes being so arm:teed that all con be cleaned without any trouble. Tee Peculiar form .and construction is Inch as to render It the most durable of all stoves. Numerous ustimosials could IM added. but It le deemed our eoenari,l latlY/19 YEW PREI4IIJed WOKING STOVES—at from 19 l 0 PARLOR STOVES—for either woo 4 or coal. Al.ll-TIOG fly do SALANIAENGEE do a beautiful Coil/Rove . VAS .111 . . • NINE dz TES PLAT E Btoves—very cheap. ' • MANTLE GRATES, with 'UMW piece.. A large ea , lnti sod superior tbdshel Oiliest:oat 10 to 118 bobtail. COMMON GRATE:r. all sixes. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL RAILING ; HOLLOW WARE; OVEN ROUTER • GRID_ IRONS. WAPPLE do ECALE BEAMS. WAGoN BOXER.BLEIDIL_BLED Lt 808 oOLES., OAR RINGS for Rafts, ROAD HCRA. yetis a new article. CORN IMIELLEItE, CORN AND COB /111.1.8 .1 warraeted to triad IS Has Lan per hoar . • MAC OMVIH TUIIIBEOB,O* host la are ; do. MAN.. IMIILIA and TIRE BEND ERS t Together With the usual varlet/ of mirth:l4'l;B3 at oaridrY Ertabilihmeau. Also, Made to Order, GRIST bed SAWMILL OHARING—hae ng decidedly the hugest stoat. sad best Tenet, of pouting, of one establigh• meat is waters Pennsylvania : LOOK. SHAFT. ING7lanos and quall,ofcass or wreught boo. HAN OURS, DRUMS laid PULLIET; Rote and other approved Water Wei Mare; WOOD asulfißON LATHES ; MANDRILLS for amulet dews. W./OD BORING MACHINES. Constantly on hand and for'sale, FANNING MILLN. THRESHING MACHINES. PEN- I.LCLEISHATED cHAIN DIUI.LS ego. to. • . Screw-Cutting. Assatzed screw, with f) dilated amilbetol thuds to the Iseh.ettberso ,antelv eree, . ;Nor oast 94" " *". " 4Raalleit illegal PIM:LI it /MIL hierelt4.llllll:—.le. ;To'lllllll ' TE andrrilined has oppo!aori thigTEJl. or 0 earlield.,6l.llolll. for • the sale of Castlngt , who will melte Ms let ail binds of Mill (leering. and Wier maohins re. Pence, dolmas to COTllflOt will do well to call and ex.. aisles the catalogs* olVatterne. and epees rens of the work. berets makes eats/mm.lBs elsewhere. tau es will be limed. if desired: at VlWothstd. sad wannated so be illkitds ltoOd nanterlal.ezipswbsd 1111 a work watalito. atagasty Hay, too taaniso VIVO Superior Lathes;,sed °tear am thong ta umi unto otooorilowotwaktlint Imo but tat bat wai t ing , aweigh. eery 'hot ne law and Coal, with MU/ other, addas hadn't= tdonelf that hi o , wait will bo dais at will ar la beet alts Mom sesillient *Wok' For pantos cellos lIVERS. Much . , • tha.'"•=v2ll2.ll4rlol 444611d14 1141 ! AP "Th.l.fiter ilfilterlisksud si t ip AZT oglaVi ' t oneionsfatnv . thtviD-WELT V 4 a 1414 Ali II U itch O. BUSINESS DICTIONARY OP (IRMO CO. JOHN C. RICHARDS'' -• • 011YISIOW4m-ch• the ads* Mold I& IlAtitt 00C hit ems heal uanriguiville. Dec W. IBSI. . • G. W. TURNER, WASuIONABLE TM 1601t—Ak the sotthwast'conicricif Jr 1113 . dries. • - Hee. aa' GEO. W. RHEEM, lien. al. Inn M. E WOOD , PHYSICIAN.A4 mildew. Me, elevate be found at hldew. In Corwo...seille, when not innfonfunelly aleeet..•. peg. 0.141 LAPORT & LEWELLIN, COAOII and BLE . ILGILMAKERS..4Iar. f e t ,f GEORGE WILSON.. PIIIIBICIAN'mair be liinao et his Onlae iq Litritia.• BURG. wheriaot tlbgent proleiduaal , • February al. lt , b4 , • _4l • GEO. B. GOODLANDER, , '"' • W AGON— n i dt=ftmelv. A. L. SCHNELL, •." • TA[LOR—Latheobor¢ do his work Ants, plod Jai escheat,. M Imp other tallow. , Leo. Idt, *BO. J. D. THO.IIPSON 9 ErbAt:Lomita. Weaots, Buieter, fro.. & o !noted ea LP short erotica. and the very but style. at hisold rtand is the boron rh or eurarensell Deo. Mr. 1116 Y: A. K.• WRIGHT, MERCHANT AND EXISNOVE DEALER 'RIMY'. DER—Southwest Dorset orthe Diamodd-7.olrarD.ii. IV, 1t461. S. C. PATCHIN • GLPN 110 Pd, Retailer of r01:11411 and Dourqula Mir obandire. and Lumber Merchant. • 400.M1.111561. B. F." STERLING,„ • QADIME & AARNERS-MAKER. sad moths ,or A. 7 THE PBAUE-Curweasvilie. . • Cliba&P.aeu- ROBERT 'McNAUL,.. TANNER—At the OLD BLAND la Carieztratiiii LEONARD •& MOORE , ' ERCHANTS AND LUMBER DEALI6O-breo-d IN" Snot, LAS ween.idarkiS aLdLtp,-.4;kufvda., , Leo. ge, Ma. • J. H. JONES , O.IIOE AO Bean fdAliElt—Adjoialsg Li, iestilises Ds Market. bidwass Thud asd Fotinh maseta—Cleariadd. Deo. IS. lOW • ISAAC SMITH, • • MRCEULTIT. AND DEALER IN LUMBER AND' Donato Prod a a generally--dcate street, We weirs guar,' and Locust—Oa rweniville. Deo. ET. DAL PETER SEYLER, IRON-FOUNDER—Near Lnitudshaar—wnets'all semis at llastings are made of the beat material. and on nara ss rable terms. THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & rRON-FOUNDERS—Curwmvills. Au extensive 01'6u. 1 meat. of Uustat, uvula to order. . ' Dux Ilk Ida , WM. McBRIDE, ETAILEft AND DEALER IN LUMBER.-Nortest R licrinerof dtato tied flLostiel streets. Verweestr b. . Deo. 20. LNIL ISRAEL COOPER, UOSTM ASTER at Ghat hope—tletaitar of ?okra aid Dameatto tdarabaattisc aad e:teain• &alp ta LamINK: •• Ltd. Yd. I; f. , ISAAC J0HN50N,......... DOOT & BHOEMAKER—West and of Shaw's Hoer, me, 1.1 Mutat street—Oleasfiskl,. Deo. so. - - • . . • • J. L. HUNTER, • • 10p ETILER ON MUM& & DOBOLIT&I - MERCHAtr• DldE—lnartet street. two doors west or ldertell's Dia. k 9, THOMAS SHEA, IGNABIIIONAB‘E TAILOR—Ie kleser's RoWie Matto meet. onmosatelyoret the Post Oce.-.Clrit Id. - • • Deo .teliL • JOHN CARLILE, ftI4OII.IIIIITLI. Jr JUiIICE OP WM PEAOS i gath re rig MESHICK GRAHAM, 'DABBER END HAI ftDREBBEII.—WILI fittest to ea de. JUIP Maud& in hhi Unapt, abort votive. aad la the most ester faotot r mese er. His room will beloved la the beeelteo of the Ideation Douse. . . Juana e. ACM 0. B. MERRELL, ricIPPFA L TIA & BAFET 111011 WARE UARUZAC4 fUuzu—At Belmar sold Broad on blarpg urroktk.lou• Bold. ROBERT MANLY,. _ ' WIIEEILW_ Rig lIT and CJHAIIIMA KEIL war lad ottNAiwiTAL PAR'C'EL-lint slot strestra! u.. 0. an. IbeL J. &. J. G. RUSSELL. • ... TANNERS ft COURIIIEREI AND pEALDRB ALL kludge( Loathet. 111444.43ra15. aco,. totes in exabasse. Peastyllle. Pa.—Gramplanhill. P. 0 fob. 4. IBts.. WM. P. CHAMBERS, wDEELWRIMIT_, kIRMAK ER. end NOUSS BlUtiti PAUNTgli—Ourwimerille. , G, C. PASSAIORE, BLACKSISIITH-At the Old Youndre—Ourweity l lyt.6 Pates to tuft the tlwa. . Deo.lito. RICHARD MOSSOP, 13 CM LER OF FORE GN AND DOMNSTIC WS; CII ANOMIE. & LIQUORS—At Hyatt & told stead. ALIN on Om west side of stmt. Mo. &USW WM. W. FLEMING, , OYMilitaN"c:liinimiTlNG-Housr.Dig.docipare- EDW. B. PATTON, ' CA , IIIIIETMAKER—Mist end of Bust, tirseig*Brarar JAS. B. GRAHAM, ' • OST MAR7'EI. MERCHANT and DEALER ITILD M., P BER—firshamtoa. Bradford to warldp. D • • eo MM. • C. KRATZER, I i..• MERCHANT ANL LUMBER l'EALE4l.—(konri dt Frunt suidloonst stseets—tleaufteld. • Leo. 241861. . . JAS. ALEXANDER, . . SADDI.ER AND HARNESS MAKER-la kkemn!Mrio. ort Market Muer. neat msmell's hotel. DAL MOM. WALLACE & HILLS;... • ETAMENtiI DrOUTLEIGN AND Domezrrib mei; WIANDLIE—st 15haveo old 13taad--Oloarbold. • Deo. 24 • • I. L. BARRETT, MF I ROH .taignatiimi Amu qtristALt Duck; UZALEIL—At barrette mills. at Malt _ Deo. 80. ISSI, D. S. PLATTMER„, fl ' T A ile! - DP; w Washinit — pu—idegarlitu, CHAMBERS & KLEPFER, •° INT EELWI/10111; It' OHAIBMAKEva •am --8110/ v s , gent. rike,owastilp. Deo. - ' . GEO . A. RICHARDg;' . ' - .?, FsalciimmeAgaT...evest.eimi 01 Abair's Ilia OD tarn - Elea • bp?: W. RICHARD. GLENNAN; -, , YU/tn . ISL ISHOZMAKEII—East door fa Atiawis'4ll AP amidst. so . petTclioarfis,laf F. .1, MRS. ELIZA IRVIN; 11MILI t ga or inittellitC 4ND:OOI+ .11:41 toollloldetchasl44l—rmi/Ola 01 isttf• ittset—ctirirow • Volk, ..`• JOHN FLEGAL, ": • • .‘ 1 • • ni i &ciuSIIIITIV-Litherstosta %saw J./ Maur Mtge} is sAul slAttati metier Veg. ipiyto44 /LP. THOMMON, t l l2;S l MA t iritu f rpst * aat. . • _ ; ,AMIJEL 1 • „ 800T!1".4 *sAriluEL 'll. TAYKin., 1 • y - -) TAmixixr:idatittitifit4 Dee. SIV., UAL