i 1/1 • ' Mr. leel•ti.r..=.l noticeddd iaki°, not lcitig44o„ in'one oldie Agricluinnal lications of - the North; headed 'Too much ' land." Tlid'Object , Of the I'vriter wds te de. inonatrate that farmera, as If general thing were in ihe habit of attempting tho culti " vation of far more kind , ffiein they had the trierthi : Of 'cultivating well. lam convinc= ed, for: one, of the enfire i defensibility and . mgrectnehic of tills pOsition. hoie is a sortormorbid ambition on the part of fann ers, to own, largo fiirms, er ..rather tracts ofland, (for we cannot npply the term farm Wit section of several hundred acres, no part of which is efficiently fenced, and not one acre of Which produces enough to re ithulierite the owner for the expense of carrying it c,10,) and to be ocoisiderPd large owners, pth,er ,than to deserve the ,epithet otinpriferlifters. 'I know of no condition ofiftuation in life more truly pitiable than that of itn'eacizsive rattle? who is pinched for means; Who has lands he cannot fence, / buildings he cannot repair, and-debt which ! he dose not' possess the means to pay ! Anti tide, too often, is found ta be the con dition of thope - culivators, who, froin an inordinate ambition are desirous of excel . link in the extent of their possessions, and Who too generally realize the fate or the poor frog generally fable whose vanity caused him to emulate the size and majestic "cir cumference of an ox,,and to rest the suc cess of his rivalryupon the - emptiness of Wind. • "A little farm well tilled, and a little house well , filled' is the fundamental princi ihdcreed of tho intelligent farmer.— CoiCiintrated efforts in farming, aro cap able of effecting' .astonishing'results, and tole convinced of this one need only con template the effects produced by garden ing, where more manure and grater care nte'accorded, and where, also, we expect to see better results. In the vicinity of Boston—where market gardening is car ried on to a very large,extent, I am cred ibly informed that manure to the value of $lOO is frequently applied to an acre, and that from that acre the nett returns in cash I over and above all expenses, frequently el - seeds $1,909. , The profits of British agriculture aro also capable of being ad doced in ,testificatien of the advantages of liberal manuring. Many of our farmers would think' tborpselves utterly ruined were Ahoy to ,expend,, upon their whole as much for manure, as many English fanners expend in manuring a single acm. , ‘Re:stricting our' efforts, gow *etc* tbis•particular, Is poor economy. Naturels a 'strict accountant; she refunds our r InVostAPPts with a liberal interest, but awrarely accords more than this, even to thermion favored. ,H. 1:); WHITE. Winrika,ra,llle., Jan. pl, 18.52. Sewing Grass Seed. --We find in the Albany Culitvator, the . subjoined experiment' Made in 'sowing an abnatiance of seed, with the result—a re suit' which,, we feet pretty certain, will at tend every similar expe'riment, whore the equally fertile. As the present is the-season when farmers will be thinking about sowing grins seed, the'article will not,corne, attliss. • ' Pattriers; as' well as other pebp!e like to ' mal7t,good bargains. Some of the yorst bargaiatetkey ma kd Witb' th'emselvei. 7 — Fcie• example;---to save five dollars of seed they le.se, twenty dollars of hay or• pasture. way of experiment, and to exhibit the abvantages of a good supply ofseedi the writer sowed in the spring of /850 a piece'orgroutid'tdmss; at the rate xiti:tr? bushel of seed per acre, or half a bushet of clover and- the same quantity of timothy. less' thiti two months, the field nfbrded a prodigiou6 amount of :Oaat. urage,—full twice as much through the season byq estimatiraeordinary good pes tling. The present year the grass was al lowedto grotv for hay, which has just been cut and drawn in, (7 nio. 10, 1851,) and ditiliroduct was found to' be three and a . half t*s per . acre. Where can we find permanent patitiamor ' ineadow that will d° 0 4 7 ; Th? s9i ll villa cif - Ordinary fertili= • ty*y, or Would not probably have yield ed more than 59 bulhels of corn per acre. Th Vitetint`of pasturage afforded, by the giccinld:groVth of this gram field, fully warrented tiro belief that a ton 'and a half par Sere might have been again cut, mak , ipifitifitons qf hay per acre in all, for _one year. - • • , • The,bay prodnced where plenty of gram seed'is 801 Vh, is of much better quality , - than wham the stalks stand. thin 'on the EARLY PLANTING OF' POTATOES--The . hest wa y to, escape, the Jim', and the pole , to plant your potatoes as - early . Aleittst of March or first of April—put ,it little lime 410140 bill , when planting.— kUveplanted my early potatoes in this otiqiisoithe last five years, and none of thein - litive ever rotted.• I have also pram . 4,4,atoe,in ever y year for several years(Withcut liming,) and they have al. ways ratted; more'erleaS. , Eut putting.lime tha hills will not prevent the buga,from eating off the tops; neither will sprinkling /iine! on the tops pain stop to their ,ortnandiing,, • But if . you will plant very early, your potatoes *Mho ofgeoclsi4e.nefece the. bugs make their a(►ia*ce, And, you Will have pota. toes , in spite - of the biigs. While if those plan n e'd' iitiackql tho - same time 0 1151YiffikasPg!c9IY 4 0 , ,Worth. digging, : as they grownone after - the tops are destroy. OztrlOW tdb eft! titou t estu g lean Pit'4l,*thata man has two minutes and' a luzlf to the, one. to , smile, °tie to sigh, and a half to love for in the middle of ibis bo dial': Ilia the the Shining tread of the ) eagle ,tlat treks us.-- M r klen the Prl4iows ba a 4tkroya the fatal earl at the end.of t thelr;;,*wetly Naiad, and the dart only lifta the . thorwr fronibis ) 151 41. ,r)-, ~.. , . ( 'Great - Eiciteraaat In Ilte r i ILAWING & BTEil.lll. 4 7 4 ttsip l e . 4l)l .l. ll;rin ; nostto their . frier and ihe teirOtllthat they hatreeniertal Into Cm Pastnenhip In the tibove Ant:nut. in enrwpasville.— Thbir shoals on int ate:Sittat. dote!. lately °cub pted.he 11.8. Fleming, where the - hate ea- Inud ustd ansat Offl9llr prevail:A.lAS this thartestriotiedi till articles in their lice of Intsunim•s. tar+ at •• • • • • • • • • '' • • " Har ) i„ 1 ofirlertric,\E,. ••. 1 zfiti Brldles • • ALSO— Trunki, , Carpet-Bags, ! Yali .sqs, Sackl,44.Tlapi: Whips, All of which the; will warrant to is ,nm0..3 in too latest and most Improved styles. As 1 hej are huh 13XPERIBNCED wort itm EN toe, fuel • satisfie that they can give. aexeral satisfaction. •I , • ; • • ' Their fount tiro lihnal—and _they • will like in excharnro for spoilt all Merchantable prod such as Beef Hides; Lumber. Grant. &cc,sind area nut ter . s,Al • .;• • Thor Would respeo•laily InVite the-valid° to call nod exam ins their stock owl waifs themselves. ' ' R. MINING: • Oarwensville, .lan.B. IEIIO. tf. BTBRIANG. • .., This - Way • 'NEW' and •FA$l-IIONABLE. ' CONFECTIONARY -afid OYSTER SALOON. MRS. L._ DUNLAP . iEOPECTFIi LIN infield hei COmpliments to her ening! .neafriends In the beroglgh.ol.l3learlield and vicinity, en takel moue re in antionnelng t( , them that lire has how recelvt her stock act) , all, and had them fitted unto good dytelo her new building on tirrtll.orecoul Street, Wast side. where may he round n general, friscirtmeet of CaNFECTIONAIIY,, TOYS, 15-c.. Which see will disp o se erne the most reasonable terms. She will also be at all limes au otili.d with CAKES. PIES lko alto., and Fresh Oysters. And thole fond of "tho FISH" can have them served to heir taste on 111 short not, ,ea. Meer PICEA PrtigH..BOAS TE, id E WED,'PRI IT • RED, or ett,OLLOPED. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY lIIIE VRUSltEL3:horeby .aive notice that they havocoa Ittatted with DR. CATLIN & WIFE, To cuttleue Igeharge of the Academy during another year. Toe Aceldmio Year ti d Ivple r iplo FrUlt QUARTERS of l'lVkll.Vl•' WEEKS, !each, and FIVE DAYS of Teach lay in oath work. The oat Quarter will aoffimenoffOn MONDAY DEC. Bth, 1851, at ale following RcdiiCcal Males of Tilition CQ411:1ION ENCLI LI URANCHES— Including' Sondina.,WriLne, Snelling. Arithmetic. Geist raphy.,Erialtsh Grammeenun I/2 00 ALL HIGHEtt ENGLISH BRANCH titl-10010. inn I.a4e Grammer. 14 00 CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL DEPART MENT • 18 00 WEEKLY Lt:CTI/JtES are liven to the older pupils on Ilj!fore apdotherinteMstinl sal jeiits, without extrn cheese. Such . 111 the older putills tui choose. engace on FRIDAY P.; JCL of each week in exercises Elecolitri. Comqosinon and view questions upon their several studies. All others attend to their ustill P. M. studio,. . - . Tho LADIES DEPARThIENT is entirely separate, from the other .on thp parlor those who unite it: Two op three ciente cootie. of bush sexes. Icr the MM.'s° of cconorna in time: bat it is optional with the young Ladlw whether to joie such glasses or pot. TottlouPs charted • fro 1 the date of the Echelon common clog to the close of the Terne—ded ruction beingmade in cam of ittnenceconsed •bp slotneu. and whet' a spaded agreement is made, in anvanee. with the Principal laff)RAL SU O.$lON has nith prto been the chleftelisece of the Teachers in sotennog thorough dlopiplieo—porl it has been efffcienr. Corporeal ponishmealli admlntstmed °MLitt he mvamobdurate and Incorriwible cam. , - Theconetant aim of the Toaolutni It to make the instru n ctlons thy, impart. as wall as that of books. PraeheAl. as wellas Theoretical, The anetpstatteqtlanii gicito to.thn Condo t, flabits and morel, (Atte Pupils whj,e under the charge of the Teachers .00/I.IID can tatob.alnod 11 repsampb , c prices. ICIJAM) SHAW. Preald rat. 117.3 It I._L MUOE. georet PT. • N0v.1141851. • _ WALLACE & RILLS, Successors to RICHARD SHAW, Esq. cbE A ftript.D. PA.. RESPErfT a FULLY Vah:Oa to "RI, public, that they be• ejnst recall:ad act! am pow opening at the old stand or R. tHIA W. Ego.. a lArge cad well selected asort !Lent of Sprino-awl Sumincr Goods, Composed ta pats of DRY GOORS, GROCERLEFI. HAM) WARE. QUEENSWAIIA A to gro. Alm, a large lot of hrldlest. and Gendemone FAYMY 'DRESS GOODS. Ready-nzade Clothing, And all the articles annertlly Kept in a COMM? loin—alt of which they are prepared to sell as lo w FOR CAFII a they can be bought In Cleat Geld wad:. Noy...D. ISM. PLEASANT 11111144. IRON FOHNDILY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. rIIE undersirse mow: drolly announces to the People of Clearfield and the adjoining counties moat heartl contra use to carry oa the above business at his extensive establish• metes in the borough of Clearfield, and to now prepared to maaufacture all kinda of . Castings used for Grist Mulls, Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery. nisei/tints are cow of a uperior quality—equal. If colon perior.to any other In the titate—ts be uses nose but the • er best material. and employe none but (hover, best of workmen His • MACHINE SHOP, With two superior TUR'XIING LATHES. driver by steam. Is Dow fa snoressitiloperatton. and (ruder the management of a practical mechanic—whetentricattny article of machine/7 tam tie VINISISELO in the very heat stale. and o n short notice, Gahm noes' an hands' a large assortment of Canino. such es eft/YES ammo swaps and Pengss. PI.OUG II IGONS, KErrl:o3. Whlei he offers to mellow try Cash, or oa a reasonable credit. Ile is slim casting. from be most anorbved patterns. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOV E S. ALSO:—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coat Stoves' Also, Wiardls celebrated irlongli. And till kinds of lIOLLGW-WARE/SLEIGH and BLED [SOLE'S. WAGON BOXER: Lab • t. Ile intend( Ors ell on leasenable terms s and trait. that the citizens of ebb cocafir general i willfted et,lto their advantage to give him (hair ouster'. CAS!' yr ill 'Mews tre preferred— bat the highest once, will be allowed for Country Produce and OLD METAL. As he gives MI esiablishmenthis Ismrinal supenrtrion, WI orders for work will receive prompt attention, Clearfield, Nov. 03. 1861: ' AD VW LITZ. • 20111\W 632QUalai AND N,EW 6COODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRI— CES FOR CA sop OR MER— , CHANTABLE PRODUCE. THlPutirSaj` l7 lrp.V:d ti lloTl L OTtraltrrTrlvir l ° annoying to the OiliStins 0. Cleat ehr e voilltlith. eht n i that he is r carvin g a u ENTIRE NEW AND CAREFULLY 881.ECTED BUiCK himennsinn. comprising a general assortment or Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, • Qucensware, Dra g s, Hats, Bonnets, Shawls, 47c., Particular enumeration is deemed onneceeteury.4 THOSE IN WANT OF GOODS, AT LOW PRIIEB. are solicited toed!! and *sewing. before purchasing etrawirere Ultartield.Nov.lsl. 1851 ., J. H. HUNTER. " New Goods. Ineods, and 'lNV,binegefigl fail , announce to . their receiving and opening at theft store r r o th e b.,00e..0 0 f C le ar liehi one of the I.4IIOFATAND MOST CAREFULLY tiELEUTLDB POCK UP FALL and WINTER GOODS That he, ever. bean brOntht to thanniantr—eondsting In part Dry Goods, ) / Groceries, Qaeenswa re, ,Ready-tna de Cloth i Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, &c., &e. I t ) g r it i b ich th iit y ld a ri e UTln a ll i . t trems:rtifbaontjyj an iiihroeut tin the county. Give us aoatl,andtootatonrGOODS. It will do as good to show them l o om even If we don't make a sale . October/5.1851, fitutly of 'Conrad Btrwine. jr., !voiles 18 JIEREBY UIVEN,That Lettati of Ailiniu• LI isttation nave been Fronted tote subscriber on the es. tate or *Mated Dterwine.jr.„ Moor Wady township, erect claw county. deoorsed. All persons Indebted to meld estate ate required to make Immediate; parment, and snow Lariat pi a i ma against t *an mlts masaatgima Man authenticated rot setttemeat: • - • OciNftetbllEJlWlNE,Admir. Brad] township, Jan, Vt. 1135 a. • . , • • WM. NEWELL '& sON, Wholesale Grows & Commission llerelhints, No 3, 50 t . u elt Water s IZAVi .ASD . 4621611 BE 41;;6 24 ,. E 4C"f * ll B l%'"a b i t u'vgat i lWaV i i.4o44 . Vot.u. 1861..4m. ' • Estate at ligittlaily, deed.% . . ivivat us "EREOY ofry,gN. That Letters or Admia,. abl to: Vas' Ittnol s :M . ° 11 1 9 h i lt i t i , ' air garatfirtt; latnambema Mips Sailabted to - said iamb:am tau wed L id !_,_. o mattiorlOPlP pkiailli.oltlautrataiata Wan 51 " IS gm nql 1? M* tmat r autha . .. r i1g : 1 1f4 4 4 4 . if ' :: 1 , v im ii . lik iraz , v ? ii . i ' ti 'n• TO - rinitycerfoltr . skt.adowilelturgo fOr•Row#,,,,b L(507 , 176. l i cknt ;1 - Lb pd. BUlVAiktMititir.fde. A. M. PirOfOor of Lan gun re aro. w. Lai/intlgo Iterate CHAS. B. IA g ar erofeisot of filathOrintles avid ALOAIED : fi f fi r Y LAW. Ani,;Paoiltasay ofßelie% Llt!tos. TllEusualsystemof, Collegiate ednianeiip Is rally carried Mit:embracing a donne of runt years. and entitling the .04 - oentplikadeht to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, In o Mot., more° vet, to adept [be flntvmalty tothewants or ell,' u entitle ofstndy has been establiahed omitting the Ancient nnreT anti Nbs t I Alltg itp i v are vs branches 11Li at m teri ajg rai r e4o:tt t s4, and complelm end al eite°et. (wthin'st%dmit to thedree Ijachelor o l'hilosonhy. ' • • • St titan ts w ho design 'vending but • year &tech at College, will &Indy whatever branches they um, cleat, such as Chem istry, Civil Engineering, 14e. Every Student Will be required to g:ve (pedal attention to Composition end 4's blio Ia onnection with the Catenate Department's an ACAD. Ebil Y. in which the ordinary branches of ea La=tish and Can steal eancatlyn are punnet. tin department I under the °barmier lOA AC L 4. LOCISIIA, A, 61 , ['unglue aad 'Auld. ant. Every arrangement ruts been made to tarnish all requirlte aid in every part of n thoroagh Academia and Collegiate ede• cation. An exceilent Library, n very complete Philogouhtaal Leta:oat ry n o provided, The Library 4 cortstantlyearetving valuable edltione . . . . .. . . The Univemity has extemlve building's standing In an ele vated grove en the youth tilde °TIM town A more beataUfel; Mamma and healthful leoution.codld not hoTonnd within the Htate TUITIOI4--Corestiate noperigumt, pet. ntonum. Academie 20 The gentle divided into two Sowletw—nneofllB weeks cam. mewling 16th October end continuing till the 14th Auril the tecond of 14 weeks. from the IFlth e hlay to the Wth Anion. Feb. L 0.1832, A Taverna stand-and Farm . /aEOR SALE on RENT. a THE Su Wed hen oilers for sale the well known TAVERN RTAN G known as tho JEFFERSON LINE HOTEL, Situate ialqinius the Jellerson county Lenin Brady town ship. ClentQeld county. on the turnpike road leading to Erie. The home Is large and commodious, nod Well tilt e d up for a Tavern (loose. with Statdint./ko.. attached. There is OtsE ACRES of bled attached to It. ore good qnal• t for fawning purposes. If not sold semi it will be rented. J'onemion wilt be given on the find day or April next For further particulars apply Loth° subscriber at Clearfield. G. IL. lIARRETI'. January 15. 1E54. !Marietta House, ' GEORGE PETERS—Proprietor, REST k: vim, announces to t` e Public. that he has taken that mot known Tavern Bland, on Front Btreet, In the borough of Marietta Pa. , formerly kept by Wit lam tisackhouse, where he will be staed to mall bisold end as many now ones as may favor him with a call. The house has been thoron_ghly re fitted. and additions Added thereto. making Bone of the largest and most comma dinsilotels in the boronek, MB TABLE will always be supplied with the best the mareet will /Word : and his BAR wit: be stored with the choicest I,quois. gad he will at all times use his beet endeavors to ounduue to the comfint and p'eattire orbit guests ; and desires that hp mu receive a share (tithe public pritronnen Marietta. Feb. 81. 1832—Alm. TIMBER AND BOARDS. . WILLIAM M'BRIDE& A, K. WRIGHT. mirAVING formed a partnership in the Marehan• I disc business, nt the bowie' formerly occupied by Wm. M'Bride in Corwcrasvillee, They aro now receiving n large Block of goods of every descrip , tion, which 'hey will dispose of on the most reason able terms for grain of every description, or boards shingles and timber. or d little cash will not be re futed. The highest price will be given for good timber Boards and shingles. M'BRIDP, & Curwensville Feb. t'd,11852. New FaH & Winter GOODS, dt Grahamton, Bradford township. HE subscriber oflen for sale, on the most hbensi terms. T ..ARGE AND EXTENSIVE AMONTMENT u GOODS. consisting or Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Hats, Cnps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes. All or which will be sold as low as can be bought elsewhere In the °aunty. Poechwers will And at GR AIIAMTON toter, description o GOODS usually kept inn COUNTRY ETORE—aliol which, wid be disposed of at very small advances for CAI3II. PRO. DUCE. or LUMBER. Please call and seamiest (or younelves. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grabaminn. flclober 1. lag. REMOVAL. GEORGE 'CV. TURNER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, D EBPECTFDLLY *spectates to hi. fnends, and the pub• tic generally. that h. hat removed his shop to the North West corner of de.0... ad and Market streets. and will hereafter he found in the building lately occupied as a Drne.Chemlotl. Botanical and "Philesophionl" store. by Dr. Bond, and for• wetly by Dr. A. ht. Dills, an a Drug Store. and known far and w ea by thirsty:fa ttve sign of the BIG 601.1) hIURTAR Helm there prepared to "cll. MAKE. or MEND" all garments In hi. line from thellowlng robes of the (meows dose's to Min Boomer's late improvement of the "Bore' Toga." a little quicker, quite as good, end as cheap (but not Any cheeps-) is they can be melte eltewhere. Ills work wilt be WARRANTED to give imtisfaction, so that those wits tITIDIO, him have no risk to MI. Alt kinds of maraetleg taken In exchange for work, and the highest prices allowed. July 10. 18.31. la r atak & Clock linking. - —... Tiort'T IL WELCH begs lortve 0 JUL. to inform the citizens of iit , Clearfield and vicinity. that ho has 0 , 4 4... ‘\ permanently located in the shop ( k el , s ' adjoining Lanich's hotel, on hfcr. ‘,7 4 ,. k... ket street, whore the repairing of ...„ II 1., ‘VATCITES, CLOCKS. JEWEL. RY, &c.. will be executed in the best manner. at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. _Also. ENGRAVING executed at short notice. WATCHES, &c., leli with him to be repaired wilt be promptly amended to, and warranted for one year. April 9.1851. TAILORING BUSINESS. REMOVAL. THE subscriber, thankful for past favors, res. pertfully informs!his eustonters,and the public generally, thot he has removed fits shop to the buil% ding over the Pust Office. lately occupied by It. F. Ward. and that he will be' there found at all times "on hand" to supply Ills costumers. Unlike some of hiscotemporaries. he is unable to promise that his Fashions are of the most approved style of A NIT • Qiinv, but will insure them made according to the T;atest - Thshion of more modern days. THOS. SHEA. Clearfield, April 1, 1851. TO LUMBERMEN. • T'oneerilined has :taken a contract to drive Logs from Ji• the vicinity of Chest .Creek, Vlstutisld counts'. to the Down at Lock pertained to avoid alt difficulty wit persons owning B.ruare limber along toe river. he arks such to flee him timely notice, if they have ally to be driven. also of lb marls, &o • •• J. D. WING. Deo 80. t&sl. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. ILL Collector" for 1950, and for former Yam, who know thenuevne ID amaze. are requeued to pay to the Treasure. er the whole amount of their duplicates. on or before the next February court. Those who neglect "hie notice can have an opportunity of paving somecon to the Sher ilrsoon afternoon. And some of the Collector' for 1851 had better keep a look pu: tor that Officer. By order of the Commissioners. January 15,f 1 Pal. U. A. GtIODLANDEA, Ct'k. • . POPULAR BOOR FOIL AGENTS. HEADLEY'S LIFE OF 'KOSSUTH. MBE undersigned hive in press, end will publish In Jana aIY7 I`IIE LIFE OF GOVERNOR Otritipi GARY. - With nnticei of dtitlninishodM and &ones oldie Ilan gatian_ltevolation. ,To which man Appendix. containing thereon important or the Addresses. Letters and 13 porches of Mestar Gillet. U 7 P. U. Readier. author ot "i,410 of the EmpussJosephine." ”Life of. liaraiette," eto with an In. trodaetlon. by Horace Grimily. 11 0 IXmo vol t ume. wi th a steel Portrait. Unit orin in style puce with rtivadley's Josephine." Prics.4ll6. • • • Agents wanted in every Ootintg'io, s the United States, to, canvass for Useably...) Oithalat wont; •.•Any Newspaper published. within 1500 miles of New York Etat,. that will afire the above thine izeintions. shalt fecreiyis War:ipso( the wpth Isamediattly ita publication free 01 snease Ds mail. DERBY & MILLER, Publishe..'. Doi, so. zoot. . Publishers..'. - , Anburn.N• Philipsburg and Susquehanna Turnpilce .: ... . !load - Company. ! . NO} 18 li'°D"'" , r „,,, t ruivn to o h lto t ek h hopen il. tiln4.l toljtoo.-thi. g ab %Wm at le it iißk t_t ,i tl i n u ta A ci u tiell=tit etiflifir r itottort and 5 t'cl 5 4. p. m. Op elect 1155 aim! foA 44350u1xis Vett. , . . .. . ...,.. W. BAGSILILIV.Beo's. phillpiilinri. W. ftft 4zoft . (5 ' ERSONS having businesawith the diidorpigneil neilualice 0 11 4 Reace. yvlll hifpclitber al lie " bilice,uriit the , o(fice in .the, pubiic uildinge Egg, ioxunilk.i.. ') " I W StICIORE. • .r • -I MEDICAL HOUSE, " rix . . ESTABLI§UEI).. i FA F7'E SV 1 ,is I! 8 , 1‘9C.1, W itt l k 2.3oMit At North-West' Corner of T iid and tniori streets, ISefieen Spruce tandPi no. ' PAILADELPHIA. ' VI ' , TERN YE ARM ofexpariencrand unintennoted Limo. lice spent in this city have rendered DR. K the mw t ex. pert end iniooesiiUl practioiohdrfartriad near.in thetreatment of all diorites ofa private nature. Persons afiliateri with al' cars upon the body.throat or legs. Pains h* the header bona. trtercorlel . rheumatism, stricture' gravel. disarms arising tram youthful excesses or impurities of the blood. whereby theconstitution bas become enfeebled, are all treated with sacra,. _ 113 who pine", himself under tiro irate of DR. K .. matrell , and confider' 6;11,1e - in hi> i Dear ai Wien - 6; Zan: and i iiiiiii rely upon hi. dull as a physician • Take Particular Notice. YOUNG WEN who have injured therntelvesby n certain practice indulged ;irr—tl habit Iteouebtly .learned •fiom evil companions 'at Siabcfd-kne-effeetsof Which ore' nightly felt, even when at and destroy both mind and body.' should apply Immediately. Week,oess and oonstltutionni debility, lon of muscular imam'. [arnica latittnrlctoqd Iceman' pro* (ration. Irritability and nil nervous alletiQns ' indigestion , sluestuhaessof the liver, and every diseesein e ar wet eon rooted with the disorder of the tirooreative functions cored. and full vigor restored ............. YOUTII & MANII001) . s READ ! ! A VIGOROUS OR, A PREMATURE DEATH. HiliNKlELlitti on Self:Preservation, On/g 25 cents. The Book. colt published, Willed with' nishilinformatioui on the infirmalteound diseases or thrtGetteritlve Organs, it addrettra itself alike to YOUnl. MANHOOD and OLD AGE. and should be read by nil. The valuable aOvlea and 'Mamie° warningit given Will prevent year, of misery and vollning and save annually THOUrIANDS OF LIVEt3.I .I'AltENTri. by reading It. will learn how to prevent the delt , uation of their children. _ . . . •.•A remittance of TWENTY-FIVE) CENTS anointed in a letter addres4l to OR KINKELIN.Nonh West Oonierof THIRD Prr. UNION Streets. be.wcen Spruce and fine. NIIIII,ADELVkIIA. will ensure a Hook under envelope per return of mail. Perseus eta distance mar address DR. R. bs letter. (Peet paid.) end be owed at home. PACKAGES OF MEIICINES, DIRECTIONS. &o for. warded by sending c tarot ranee. and put rip seam from DAM/1011 or CURIOSITY. 11oo►sellen. News Agents. Pedlars. Canvassers. and 'al others. supplied with the above work at very low rates July 8, 1851. DR. HOYT'S v:P* : 2 0 1111-iLtisN M'S PREPARATIIiN is now being oßeinl to th• Public T as o GUARANTEED CURE for Gm HEAVES IN HORSES. and as thej only known medicine in the world hnvinir been used in the private Veterinary Practice of the Proprietor for the last 80 years t and he hat never known It to fell In a tincie lints nee of producing a tatting cure, and leav leg the hone In rood spirits far work. The utter in competru. ay or the horse for labor,, when troubled with this common dinnue. should induce every ono having such to apply im mediate!, forthis remedy. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER PACKAGE. Which' will be sent, - with 101 l 'Frictions." to any part ol the United Stern. All letters or commooications to be ad drested.Past Paid, to 1. P. TM VT. Rear of Ne.lo South FIFTII Street. Philadelphia, Wholesa'e stoat for the United mates N. Li—Agents wanted thronehout the country to whom • liberal discount will he given and their num pieced in the ad venisem•nts. Address as above. GERMAN WASHING FLUID, IS CONSIDERED by thorium& whn barn tected 11,as bo fog the gieracet SCIENTIFIC WONDER OF TILE WWILD I Entirely dolma away with that laborione and inj nylons orac les of robbing the CLOTHES UPON +TUE WASHBOARD, And "relent saving or Time, Labor and Mpense. N. 11. To prevent fraud and imonsittcro, ty nuPilaretty ar-inani off an utticiapot up like num) the Pr o pri etor . it 1. P. IIoYT. will pat his WHATIT.N.BIONAT nerr the corn( of sows 80TT...E. And hesouly asks an EN- LlatifFINED rlhLiL.h otii,onrnand t'e German Washing Fluid With o ers that are in the mullet. It op Is large bottles, and sold at the nominal price of 119(. „sr bottle. P , 111 l will fled It greatly to their eutvantsge to par. chase this Fluid by the gallon. to clines their TYPEct AND ItOl.l.E.liti. Bela" Oar:roped-, dri kis for that purpose. fdan u fact n rel only by 1 P. HOYT. • At his Laboratory and P iselnal DePot. No 10 South FIFTH street, Philadelphia. Sold at retail by Groom and Drug' ds ireneraby A liberal discount. and extensive advertising for the benefit:of Agents. liemember the ennui .01E1lSIAN WASIONS' FLUID. All letters to be post paid. Oct. 9. 1631—Cm. Doctor Yourselr For 25 Cents. Y 141EANSief the POCKET 'IAI3BCWAPOIS. Of ever/ 'he own hysfolan. Thlrtirtn lion with upwards of an hnn. •d engravings. &boor ing,onvate Nue* fn every shone and form • forrnatns of the; genera. the time has now arrived, that mons suffering from secret dis. see need no more become the it... 11151 OF .QUACKURY„ as the prescriptions contained In book, any one may cure without hindrance so bust ius. Of ;the knovidedirerof the h one tenth the usual promise. ..... tine of private diseases. it folly explains the cause of mashood's early decline, with observe. ii as on Marriage—besides many other derangements, which it would not be proper to enumerate fit the public mints. Any person sendlog TWENTY-FIVE:CENTS enclosed In a letter, will receive one copy of this book • or rive copies wilt b. , sent for One Dollar. Address,"Ult. WILI.IABI YOUNG, No 15:1 SPRUCE STREET. Philadelphia." Post paid. Dr. YOUNG onn be consulted on any of the Diseases de scribed in his different publications , at his office, 11l !Spruce treat. Philadelphia, every day between It and 8 o'clock. taped:kis excepted.) April YU, 1851.—1 y L.' JACKSON CRANS, ofilriVeatt alr :taw%) Curwensville, Clearfield county, Pa. OFFICE—State street. ono door emit of Filbert et October 2.1851. MONEY SAVING MACHINE. FARMERS LOOK HERE. WE now have a lot of TWO HORSE THRESHING BIASAIINES at Richard Shaw% Clearfield. a 013171ber at Isaac Bloom's Corweasviile, FOR SALE. FAIIMEROwookI do well to call soon. At either of the above named places they can ba accommodated with Ma chines. 13. & 13. WILSON. Sag, 26. 141. NOTICE. TILE TRUSTEES of the CLEARFIELD ACADEMY hereby 'lye notlce.that Dr.CATIAN le defy authorized to collect bill. for tuition It sold Inatltutlon. for the year commeccing on the nth of t3eolember last. Ds order of the Board of Trostteel. Deo. 12. 18:11. • WM . L. MOORE, Seep. THOMAS DEV INE, TA ILDIt. RUPECTPULLY announce+ to tho citizen, alba victal• ty of Clearfield Bridge, that he continua to 099 on the TAII,CRING CUSUYES, a short distance Cad ollhe Bridge where he le in be thankful for a sham of public patronage. ha men di to Memel! who favor him with their custom. Clearfield. Pa. Slay 48.1851.—tf aOO KE k os NAIL; 13PIKE.sI & at 112 60 80 TOBrlrof tso;ted lrnn et 8 and 84 cents per period. 8,000 pounds COUNTRY arm% at 0 cent% per pound, 8 by 10 WIN ILX)W GLASS a! $2 1/0 per Dor.. (Jew) , en) PUTTY at 0)4 (ints per pound. • PPRING3 arid cents per pound. 1 Sr.l).‘ Inch Roller 11111;1(1.P3 at . CO rig Per atoo. HPANIBII 84DDLU•TitEez at SI . , WAGON do d_o nt 4I cents. ' Pt. head. BRASS MATED SylititUrd at 42' cant! per . pair—llar glola_pattern: - • 4 I'ECII3 at 13,4 gent/ pet quart. ID per cant. less for a Peck Of more. 888 SOLZI;BATBIEU nt lOU per nound—sood. Otat TANNED do do !APING (Pink) SKINS fija 87.4 to IQ cents. DIADRAtIt BOOT 3.101101X0 from 73 cents to OP CO per Skin rot' tole WHOI.ESALE nod nErnit, at the Hardware and Iron , Store or • • • F. 0.1 7 8/MBM ' Lewistown.Pc.oPPosits T. J ey ' a lin tel. A llheinl dtteOunt tains hada • .: , • ion. 16.,184. ~- • • • • Illen(1-quartfies: • • OYSTERS:r OYST.ERS! . • A T SMITWS NEW OYSTER SAI,OON. aver Mauna' naStoro.wast Woof Market snast:,Waeta theta delectabla marvels—Yeab; I:!'ad, and glean—naa always ha had . , , ; ROBERT SMTN.' . .. .' . Wheitt liVanted.. • T L. HUNTCR 'will receive any ganalliiv 'of. gent:H -.1. ANTADLE WHEAT th at cn_y__ be eitiared,!at BIGH- Ty..sgvEN AND AzHALF OENni E t :bushel. pitiable In 000 De at the loyie!;.paat riqwill, iii., li store in the bor ough or Cletufilald.. ~,. ,i 1 ,,.)' .. t. ember FY. IND. ' COErtir' . 6of4lsllBBoNZßB VOL& tisifise nlon on BlONtiAlTill!ii Mll ekritpa Ali e wopularlat any maniferot wltti that% am BGtiODt4NDEM. ConamiseaVLoccueatileld., igsrolkti.mit. • . . Dr. Wm. Young, M. D ROBERT MANLEY eau/au/2v AND outtattua MAKER. . , TIIE substitiber respectfully informs die eitluns of Cleat. t • field county, that he lace:tying on the above bailees, on Market street, nentl• opposket he, residence of Isaac nonthipd. where he tespectlally solicits a ,hired public) patronage He !filters himself that he cut furnish work to et pertoos who may be pleased to call, to their.enthe satielliction. He will always have on hand Cabinet-work and Windsor Chairs of avtrY description. Upholstered chain made to order. ALSO, Dentist, Invalid, and Mandoe r Chairs—Chair Beds and Bed Chairs. The Bed Chair tan be converted from the Arm Chair to a complete fled in two minutes. arid will also !hid up so that it may be conveslently married trader the arm Ilia particularly sultabie for Military °fibers and for erafessional gentlemen: —Collins madam the neatest manner /2110 On tha shor Best notice. He ttspectintly wits acl continuance of the public patron. are. , • • &pt. 25. • FOR SALE CHEAP. . '• ' A. - A. Pint. (X)OE. STOVE,ll4thawny Patera. • Enquire d • , T. J. AIo(JULLOUGLI. Clearfield. Nov. R. 185!" , . . • IVrASS. MACIIAIIEL try tbe „ 1 / 4 or barrel. WI profaned LT.I. No9A—U 'Std. . , A I.l36— . ll,abriuto . i IIEftRIN G. for solo at, the store of . Juts .14k11O51; • J. L. lELETWR.' t P . • 1 Fit"11111E BUOVILIBER. on th•l6th --,—", or I. Arum. in Covington I:ownshlP ( \ GEORGE Bt. OLAIR, aged , La All per :qua aro hargbY aautioP•4l arsillt 4ingUlli : : hiqou lA7 account. as I wi t vwto itebto of Ns oontLiattail ;!a,less oompluta by , Jal. - . 1 -- --, , ,,--_,—. , ' OP!: WI a m ' ' :' ' ' i ' ' , DAVID P. accuaite.,.. , ROUND *CV; WatairEPS litmi DAIRY SALT Gi"sale 8 !-'447.S18, 80A , st ield, a. FALLIativWINTE , ' ' Arlitaajtuthi.. „ . ,RICHARD.II4IOBPDP,, •••- • Poiohnied Iheeteitk Ant: co., in ,t hip borough of Pauffeld, tip,sioar;o *atijisifi.D , STAND ei splendid ambrtionitat tor nd WINTER.' GOODS. Dry GO till Bach as Alpacas, Sllar. Ltrstres, - DrLanes. Cashmeres. Cal. , loos. Minim Ginellems, Aittslins. bleached. and unblesishet..F , lanneis: red, White anti' yelitsW. Chilton Flannels, and Shawls ot all desollodnr.. , • ,• ' '•• ' • • Prenoh Ildth; bekr4 OVntitnittittf.' flob. — Godd black Castlmeres, De Skin, do.. prime artiole,Cassuotits,Sattl mill and KentritikyJ ean., itllnfsehlohltro oldie Wit quilitY • TiVoole9i Goads.:; • Comforts,Gloves. nosladr. &0.. nlara'deisortment, and al low prices. , , Hats ai?.d' Caps. • Silk' Plash, and For .HATS and' OAlho, dfall ions and diet good and cheep. tosalt purchasers. , , • • .Soots andSlwes. . Heavy Wlnto bootn.lip. Mine wareof all lands. boys' end Vhildrens! Doors and Shoe.: :Maui bedina' Fine Morocco arid Calfskin Shoes. Also, Grim Over Shoes. Fine and Coarse. Rood and cheap. - ! • Groceries: . Good-Rio enti Java COFFZE. Brown. Crashed, and Felling. LoafSUG AR. Young Hymns. lorrierial and Black TEll4.— l Gunpowder. Lend. Paints, Paint Crashes, Dye dmith, Coital] Yarn. &0.. &o.—all of wh rob tired! thit'best quality. Malas Bagar•House. Orleans and Steam 'Symp.—and ovary article that anteontmlinity tun? stand in bead of. All the above stook of Goods will be sold for GABE& or CO UNTR Y PROI UCE. °tithe very lowest terms. Mantuan and examine for yourselves. at the store of • 111CHAtal) 510580 P. Clearfield, N0v.10,1,351. Money Saving Machine! Tb the Farmers of Clearfield county O. Sr. B. WILBfrIN, of Strattonville. Clinton couniy.,_Pa.. won'd respectfully Inform the FARMING ItOMAIUNI- I'V of Clearfield and thee joining ,00nntles. that they o Linea to mannfoctore TWO_and FOUR 110 EtRE'TURESII MO If AGO INRB, of en Improved pattern. Tho hone oellidor is four Inches lonizer than the Machines heretofore made at oar shop, The Horse Power is a really improved.— NoMachine now innsels so simple.compact and useful. RICHARD MI A.W. Clearfleld. and MANI BLOOM, Cerwensville, Will have each a Machine constantly on head. Any person nankin* &Menton to them will be furnished with Machines on short notice. MnoMuss hers bleu ourchnred by the following persons's' Citrateld count y, vls— JOHN STITE3, A 0 WELCH, THOMAS HEAD. JAMES A. HEAD. __ JOHN NODULE . JOSEPH PA1'11:11130N. WM. LEONARD. I. BARGER. HUGH HENDERSON. end others 8. &. S. WILSON. Strattaaville.JuneW.lB3l JOSEPH S. FRANCE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, yr AVING located himself ift Clearfiele,oflershis 1 - 1, professional services to the public. All busi. ness entrusted to him will be promptly attended to Being familiar with the Gorman language he can with more facility transact business for the German portion of the communily. Office on Market street, onedoor west of Dr. Lo rain's Drug store, lately occupied by J. L.Cuttle. REFERENCES. Hon. John C. Knox, Kittanning. Joseph Buffington, 11. N. Lee, Esq., Donallv & Cantwell. Hon. Thomas White Indiana. A tip Gen. 11 • D. fuller. Greensburg. Col. %Villinin Bigler, Clearfield. Wm J Jan.. 14,1851. •-..0 - .J".1 . ,,ra . .1.1 . .r.e..0".rj• J. B. M c ENALLY , s Ss ,s. Attorney at Law , . s 1.... Ile v ing located himself in the borough of ( ~C 4 4 Clearfield, will attend to all legal business; c; S entrusted to hire. with promptness and fidelity. s Mice two doors .east of the Prothonotary's s S office.. 'S ~ - r-r.r.r.r.r.r.r.rir WM. A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, CLEARFIELD. PA. STILL oontinnes the practice or the Law. and eyelid timer he toned at Ids °ince adjoining him r•aidencece geoJoil 'treat. may 15. 1850. NOTICE. I subscitb'r takes this method of tenderiur ton genet. 1 ons pnbliohis sincere thanks fry the liberal 'hereof pat.• rouse° thus far bestowed. and Lopes. by strict attent•on to hasums. to merit accede aay.vit of theism.. Ile is NOW OPENING a NEW tiUrYLY of SEASONA BLE CIODS. nmongst which may be found the following— BLACK PI ANTLL.I.A .SILKS BLACK Fl LK LACE—do Fringe and Buttons. CINCH kald—Scotch. Easit on cud Domestic. DE LAIN ES—Plode and Fano, FANCY PRlNTzin;firm variety. RIBBONS. LACES. atia, ate. 110018 eau :mum. OA ReEre—cAßeET-CHAIN and COLORED YARN. OIL. CLOTH—thy Minors. BIERIES—HARDWARE—QIJEENEWARE. &e. &o. •• • Parchasers are respectfully invited to call. J. L. HUNTER. • Clearfield. mats 112.18;1. New York Importers and Jobbers, FREEMAN, HODGES & CO., 58 LIBERTY STREET, DErwEEN BROADWAY AND NAssiAl STREET. NEAR TUE POST OFFICE. New-York. °. . . AUR RECEIVING BY DAILY ARRIVALS v from Fn lope, our MI and Winter assortment of RICH FASHIONABLE: FANCY SILK AND MILLINERY Gl lONS. We respectfully ask all Cult Purchasers thorouftilr to ex. arrive On/ Stuck and Prices. bad, as INTEREST GOV ERNS, we feel con/Went our Goode and Prices will induce them to select from ourettablishment. Particular attention is devoted to MILLINERY GOODS. and many of the articles ere manufactured express!! to our order, and cannot be cur. passed in beauty , style and cheapness. BEAUTIFUL.PARIS RIBBONS, for Hat, Cap. Neck, and Belt: SATIN AND TAPPETA RIBBONS, of ail widths and colors. BILKS. SATINS. VELVETS, and UNCUT VELVErIB. for hats. FEAI'RERS. AMERICAN AND FRENCH ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS. PIIFFINGS AND CAP TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS—targe assortment. EMBROIDERIES. CAPES COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVe 8 AND CUFFS. . PINE EM Bib ADERED REVI ERR AND HEMSTITCH CAMBRICK HANDKERCHIEFS. CRAPES LASERS. TARLETONS. ILLUSION AND CAPLACES. VALENCIENES, BRUSSELS, THREAD, SILK, AND LISL%THREAD LACES. KID AIL SEWING SILK LISLE THREAD. ME , dill() wvas'ANDlVrrs. • PIGURED AND PLAIN SWISS, BOOK. BLBIIOP LAWN AND JACON Er English, French, American; and Italian STRAW GOODS Fish. SALT I SALTI I TA:11, , „,; „. 4 Vi f irti M ert TarATA State' MIRI4I4W (34E0. IrrEf VELEBRAI i EDOI Mill 1:61141111F 'o'4ll4ola As the most mnial•iiibletlttteiMiyAollo.4timeyw /6 1 ".They • ca n't IC4op ',EollBp!,without. it"' ,` •• '4/1. Experience of. more than sixteen years has establiehet thb fact that•Merchatit's Celebrated Gargling 4 011, , Ovedin vernal Family Embrocation, will cure moot casee c andro... flare all such tat " • • - Spavms, Sweeney, Ringbone; Poll! ) Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprain ,s Bruises, Flip tula, Beast,. Sand braekg, Strains, Latneneis, Foundered Feet, Scratches or Grease, .Mange. ,l Ilimumatism, Bites of Animals, Eitterra4 sons, Painful Nervous Affections,•Yrost, Boils.. (orne, Whitlows, Burns and, tic/11(.4i/ rt Chillblains, Chapped Hands, Crauips;' tractions of the 3lusCles, Swellings,' Witaktitagi of the Joint/. Caked Breasts. dcc. t age. • The unparalleled success of this Oil, in the career - its• eases ,in Horses and Cattle, and swan in human *AOC daily becoming more" known to the farming comma:4' It can hardly be credited, eiceptiby:thase who blew; 411 tie' habit of keeping, it in their stables and houses, what:. - amount bf.pata, krullarina and, time, era, saved tin : vs timely application of this Oil. U lie sure the name Of the solo 'proprietoe, OEOROX : i W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. Y., is blown in therilAi of the bottle, and in his handwriting over the cork. All orders addressed to the proprietor will be, promptly responded to. • • Got a Pamphlet of the Agent. and see what wondellatre , accomplished by the use of this medicine. Sold by respectable dealers generally, in the Halted States and Canada. Also by ' Another Scientifie.Woniter: PEPSIN I AN An riFinlitl. i t Luaelmoureltat zilzrawl e , OR 41 , 42artmeamt rivateaza A GREAT . DYSPEPSIA CURER:" 'repsred from RENNET, .or.tlie fourth Stomffelt oi ihe Ox, oft. r Directions of BA RON:La:IMO, The great Physiolog,icnl Cherniit t tv . .l. S. liouditti TON. M. D., .Nu.ll..Nurth -Eighth Street,thil,., tfel phis, Fn. • This is n truly ,wenilerfullemedy for IstewiperioN v DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT. STIPATION-LRI DEBILITY. Curing a . ter Naibrai own method, by Naturo's own Nom, ihe Gastric Juice • • , ~ !Ilan nlenspoonful of ibis Fluid, infusetiAn .svat.! ter, will digest or do , solve, Five POUND, ' or, ROAST BEEP IN ABOUT TWO nouns , OW of ' ll4 Stomach. n IGESTION Is chiefly performed in the stomach 1(4 1.1 aid of a fluid which freely rendes from thalami' petit that organ. when tiara state of hen CI, called the main . J mica • This Froadli the Great Solvent 01 the rood,the Pad.. it lei. Piei•rtiog." and Stimulating Agent of (be gromisdt . , and iniektineswithout it there will re on ehoestion.—a• convenkm or rood into Blood. ana no cutriti .a prthe body t bat rather a rool.tonsd, tamfoloiind desiga , tisc cormitiosey the whole digeltice apparatus.. A weak: IWfaetut, tar itUrne sit - meeb produces co good Gastric Juice. and hen_e the Ms. ease. dirartu and debility width ensue. . PEPSIN' is thb chief element. of Great brgeelinaPdncii ll or the Gastric Juice. it is found in 'Rat abundance in dot solid oarteul the human stomach after death.. and antnatfamd sautes the stomach to oisetr itself. r.r eat Nell up. It is elf i tt toed in the stoopsch of animals, as theca. calf, girc. •It the material used by farmers in mas cheese,called Henn thectlict of which has Mug been the woliderol Medal's..? The curdling tit the mils Is the tint process ofdigtetloa Oct possesses astonieWng pow( r The st,mach of a call eutd,e nearit she thousand times its own weight of milk.eir Baron Liebig states that "tine pert of Pep:to dissolved is sixty thousand putts of water. will digest meet and other lOcd•tht4 • Diseased stomachs produce no goad Gast rlo Juice. Rennet, et Pepsin. Toshow that this want Me/ be perfectlytuppiwc, we quote the irdlow tag BARON LIERIC. la his celebrated. work: cia Antmtl Chemistrysa• I : "An ArtiPcial Digestive Void mss rt readily obt . zinrel from then:et:ow meta brama - of tbe atonmeb OD a Call. in which various artizles of food. as meat and egg% will De Sallee°. I,Chaaged and Digested. iirtschialt Ile tilallatql manes , as they would ba le the human storasch.” DR. PER EIR A. In his famoustreatise on - Food tad Biel published-by Wdson Gm. -New Vority-ymbeeB6, station. same grext fact and eteicrib.s the method of preparation,- Them ute few higher not Amities than Dr. Perri-it ...) Dr JOHN %V, DRAPER. Poolemor of Chemistry I. the Medical College of the Uni vasity . of 14. eve 'York. it. Me rit* Rook of Chemistry." page 11811 says. 'lt has beim a quedial whether artificial dicestion could be perforracul.-but it te nufverrnlly anointed that me, be. '• • • • ' Professor DUNG LltiON of Philadelphia. In his crept woll on Human PhYsioluey. devotes more than tiny vases trs aY examination of this subject. Ilisexpetiments with Dr. Ilea moat, OD the Gastric Juice. obtained front the Ilutriattu stomach end from animals are well known. '"lsi all ewer. bogeys "didellior occurred al parreettria the Art ilicha aril the N attire: theer ions." AS •A DYSPUSIA: CIIR Eli'. i '., ,i, , ~,;7 - . • DN. lIOUGHTON' 3 preparation ofPEPSIN has mode the most marvellous e fl ecti. outlet oriel dl notillitlc Ell 4 tine. Nervous Decline . and lillystreptlo Consumtition. suPOO to be on the very verge of theirrave- It is im possible to idyl the details of cases An the limits of ibis advertisement—bat authenticated certificates have been receivedof rduiettuaL :, 200 REMARKABLE. c.u.REp • • In Philadelphia. No* IN*. nod Dotson alone. Theft Wel pearly all emeriti° Mel. and lbanntts wjte not oalYjnPA end wonderful. hot permanent It is a grsafNEß VOUS ANTIDOTE. and Nora thcasloah Riddell/ small (went ily neoestary to produce bealthr MIMI= is believed to act noon ELECDRO•MAGNE tie PRINCIPLES. Thumb carotin of OLD i3TOMACH COha%AlNTBwb bt it does net seem to leach and rpmnve at once No matter WI bed they may tie. it GIVES INSTANT RELIEF, Asiall dose removes ail the unpleasant s)cradOms, and it only tiet“ to be repente... lot a short time to make these mood effort No t Mil:lent. PURITY t BLOM) end vibioß °Flu j oy, fellow at once. It is partl lei ly excellent in case of Name!, Vomitimr,Cromps, Soreness *Me pit of the Siotnoch.dilledil hflereatine. low, cold state of the Itioo__,l Heaviness Lowest' of tapi!ite. Ilispondenoir. ranciation Wealtues. andettpl.o natente,Heekirle, &o. Price ONE DOLLAR per Cottle, .One boats *LII oil elEct e:littingtore: August 21. 1831.—Enn Br.NT BY MAIL, FLOM OFAPORTAGEr For conveniencs of seeding to ell parts of ti e eetterrY. MATTER OP fig rht PIM tiff In 7 bum of Yowlers, with directions to-be diuolved in d lO alcohol, water. or syrup, by Ls. vatiset. ,lbrue powders tin . rain precisely the sense mutter as the bottts, bat teileetbes quantity tor the Pune price, and Will be sent byeisils OF Pc/STAGE, for ONE BOLIII,A Wit (Dos aid ro vr. J. BOUGIIION.No.)I,Noith Eighth street . hrla. Ps . Six vantages, for tire rtollars Br ear pases el and sett* bears the written signature of J. B.LiOU,GIITON. B. tiele Vrootieier. / ***Agents wanted to direr, tewe tn the) btatte-• Very !Iberia disposals given to thetrade torsi and Hoehn lets arodesited Strict ay deem . AGENTri for ClearflAd coooty . , . ;11 • tt, Ckuitthild 60104 to ;:f.:!: 0 ,11 WILLIAM Mon RIDE. CUTWentif ilia. , Lutbenbara, . ff R: W. MO(lrleha to w Intik% takllolo3B . MELIAFTW. New Iyailt ( ng)ea r Maroo3l , -.41.• • ' • : ritrill&rS taiioTikitiOn SUPERIOR THRE-SHINGMACHINES: - - - I t TDONIPSONS, BARIBQCK hkAk o ttitsriall ; this opoottaally tompries the PA M F ELD avid the sohott Bg pountleg. theyme sow re redßreodu•it . vdowi—patiAle timilim of . 'l%:ist e ../Verich . Teeyt.6Bfdtldiedtoen6Ltiyiallordaldnrtbiibbrrdteialii entloa tbe asostitooommomume terms. These amohisci coestreoted of Um ners tit inatertiu. l get Mani Wrest la every Darnel ,ler eve omelet throush the W fao . ell_ t r l f ( 1 74f, 44 ' ,1 10 4038 1 4 . patimitemili.U 4 k . PA l . a1f , 19 of Umbrae Moot's., 'WI al!~ tb% l o athe mmt Sabstatrtiat tid , esetttf b atllija ll v. am- at llorwensvllle NEVI:Ie a,,,,L ematc w3 .61;wasligMtlirigatrwmg iIbONFECTIONARIC..rBAWAL Figr. MurktNot ambi,„o. AGENTS for the above Medicine. . C. O.TP AISON, aearfietd.,Cieni6rld rarity. Ht Sidrru. Pennvllte. • • do do' JOHN PATTON. CrimensvTle do do .Pi yrratt isr,MoMINN. (* Mal ' CUMMINS tic 111..trOD.Brookville.Jailiom. HICKINSON. T.el 'III..EIAKLET. Franklin.. To DIG ESTI ON PEPSIN AND RENNET S. lENTIFIC EVIDENCE PEPSIN.IN POWDERS, =MU
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