THE ..REPUBLICAN... Pab; M0.6'25;1852. FOtt rltgfil DENT, • •,ll MC , pr , (Subject to the decision of the ' bensocratic . • NatiOn4 copvention.): • , 2 r .111140ArfAl , COMBIISIBIO I E II . W ftL I A '5l S.E Ft 1 G - H T, OF FAYPATII 01111/NTY. 0 - We aro again . compelled to defer the publication of the programme of the late school exhibition. '1 o*-His Eteellency, Gov. Iltorxn, made , brief visit to his family last week... Ho arrived on Saturdßy evening and returned' °Harrisburg again on Tuesday, he ea 'oys excellent health,and rooks very well. nd who wouldn't look_ well after having efficiently put a check to careless and • njurious legislation, in the manner he has ,onel AmosT.—Our entire population kis .een engaged for the last two weeks in .reparicg our lumber for market. The 'ver was in fine order during the last eek, though most of the time too high for •a fety. On Wednesday morning it was n good c.ondition,und every thing seemed be afloat, On Thursday the weather et in cold, and , from that until the follow ng Ttibtday fro had first rate winter. SAUTAIN B MAGAZINE, For April is -rice: bird of a book. WhO would be so gardless of the beauties of literature as r dose to patronize it. IP - The "old fashion" . part of the pre t winter Still abides with us. Last hursday, Friday and Saturday threaten very hard to prepare for another grand reak-up 'by bridging our streams with ice. on Sunday and Monday nights several '.ches of snow fell, and so far as the ap - canoe of the outer world is concerned, • well as the jingling of sleigh-bells, one ight suppose we aro still in midwinter. PtgIICRICCOTYPING.—Our citizens CON 1 VC a fair opportunity to procure well ecuted Daguerreotype likenesses. From t we have seen of the productions of • :srs. SILVECTIIOII/1 & AICMEEN who bo found in the room over the office sq. Wrigley, we should judge them to ell Worthy of patrOnage. iu t—We regret to learn . that the ling of Wat. Fust,Eirro , s, on the river t two miles above this place, was en. destroyed by fire, on last Friday ing. ~/P number of watermen were house over night, and the morning .very cold, a large fire was kept up an early hour. The fire was not • lered until about daylight, when the :`men tmd ull left,, and had progres -. far that but , few articles of furni. ould be rescued from the devouring umwrs.—We have heard of almos rribei of accidents and narrow es of limbs, and lives, during the pre fling season. Two were of a fatal ter , --the ono, that of the drowning n on the ri!ier somewhere above • nsville ;' the other, the crushing or of a man at Queensrun dam.— arc rumors, however, that are not rifled, and'ai there are difFerentsto. id. we begin :6 hope . that there is no tion for (herd. ' • he Elk -County Advocate is ou .ted io favor"pf - thri repeal of the law! ing the circulatien of small notes, down upon us like "a thousand-o% for the manner, in; ‘vhich •we allu a certain vote of Mr. GILLIS on this t. Now, we are not going to quer : h our friends of the Advocate. We ko to quarrel; and the long and the f it is, we won't quarrel—with such owe. But we should like to have pace to show, , that on This subject we are right, and they are wrong. lernen, your small notes, whether or' domestic issue, are' no more business and honest industry 4 Vour mammotlipirie sturizps ire : to theimprovement and produc oar ,'verdant, soil. And as to the bility of excluding them from cit.- ; that is settled. Our business. their praise -he spoken"-took yin hand, and, although they for• t our onlyctiirency 'when The . )fflato„operatiouot - foreign,, small w seldom -met with. Nor have serious complaint:for': the s tinge more than was the ease So would.,,,bey' in every knot excepted, if their men of ho gerierally put money in return 'for the :produttsof tho :Auld ckras most or thOho ar our • in the' :habit of .and Pre ' ' nee Mi. the shadow—or, tno. ~~z:~ : ~ ``C T. 8,. ociri;:has placed in our !lands a copy of "Eintl AND,T#un Lovn," a new novel by the agreeable author of Consinna.e" "Incilana,"'&e. Idea very !excellent work, in 'many respects. Pric 60 cents. 228 pages., , , TnE . N.Tmi,orz tiIIANDR.- 2 —The following are said to be the number of kil led and .wounded in - the several engage ments 'between the Liberators and Mexi cans, since the,dcemmencement of the out break on the Rio Grande: First battle of .Camargo, Liberators, I none . killed, 6 :wounded; Mexicans, '4O killed and wounded: • At Matamoros, L's, 4 killed and . 8 wounded ; M's, 50 killed land wounded. At Cerralvo, L's, 10'kill ed: and 20 Wounded ; M's, 52 killed and 60 wounded. The last battle of Canter- L's, 6 killed, 16-wounded ;'M's, 70 killed, 100 wounded., , A NOT!! ER SCIEN TIFIC %WADER PErsll% tat Artificial Digestive Fluid,or Gastric Juice ! A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet, 01 the Murat &mulch of the Ox, after directions of Baron Leibig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J, S, Boughton, 111, D., No.ll North Eighth Street. Philadelphia. Pa. TMa is a truly wonderful rem edy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, constipation, and Debility, curing lifter rinipro's own method, by nature's own ,agent, the Gastric trice, See Advertisement in onothercol. Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. ti:BY aortae of a writ of Vstuditionl Expo- zi ,on' L nos, Issued out of thoeourt of Common Maid ••• - •N , 11184 Clearfield uouuty. and to me directed, will be ex• raised to pubdo sale. et the court noose in the botodgh of Glen:fill& on MONDAY the 81:COND DAY nr MAY nest. the followlog property, to wit :—Uste Tract of 4C4i ccres.sar veyed on warrant to Jacob Dowulag. in Dacatnr townshM, bounded by treats In a the names of Benjamin West, John Tay t0r.110,6 Ely and Richard Thomas, a ith a small Ito• provement on the same made by Jonathas Kephart. One the residue of John Llano:tan. Is Ilea:patio township. containing 833 acres 153 perches, bounded by tracts of ered• crick llonaman•John Malts, lands of Joseph Smith. tortathet with nu improvement on the same by Samoa: Also, 175 I acres of leorge Graft. in Deesour township. bounded by land s of Edmund Athelt. Shawano, floury tiltudo an tracts ofJo oph nad MIL hansom. Also in 'emu township, the rezidite of ho Wm. Pansom surveY. contalninz 318 Bonk. bounded by tends of Jacob I.' Bank. Eels turnpike, lands of Michael rank. Georce Smeal. Wm. Drinker and Lichtpd Thomas. Also, the residue of Uenryrinkee, containing lia3 eines. In 11.(e tuts townshlp. bound ed by 'nude of Antnuel Green. Joh', Gets Alphas(' Thomas, Hugh Ely nud Thomas 1 Cope. on which there is an Improvement made by Josiah 51111wo Tram. in name of Thomas F,dcaanson. containiag 401 acres cud 14 perches, bout , ed by sithagtoo formic Jim Drinker, and lands of Daniel Albert. wilts the improvements made on the same by Da del Kephart. senior. John Reams. atid John Rettros,janins,in Detains township. Also, survilk in the name of John Drinker. containing 4id sorts 74 perches, in Decatur townthip. bounded by treats in 'names of Thomas Edmonton, Patrioa Moore. Jonathau Nea -1 bit. John Sky run and Hotel Allied, with Improvements . I Riede by [leery Kephart. junior. Also, the residue et John Skimp, in Mourn r tewnthio, cinteinine ewes 114 tpi• to, bounded by Jahn Drinker, 11. chard Tnomus, Benjamin W pton. and 11111 , 1§ of Jacob linceliman. Also. survey in the mune ot Wm. Wiison, in tlecoatia township. containing SR AMA 143 vetches, bounded by surreys in tile mama of William ilawle, tionjausin Young, Henry and Herman Witown—late the estate ol Daniel U timers a. d Miter' N.. Stanley. anti seiz ed and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of said litlmart and Stanley. ALSO, f 2 Y virtneof a similar writ. issued out of the same cbort. IJ , and le me directed will be eXpesed 10 publio sale et die same time and place, SI Go' stain Tracts of Land situate In Bake townslop. Imude.i tied nescribed as Maws ;—Ono 01'nnd mem begiuoinc nt a fallen wit le oak center, ammo by :tomtit' Blcdgetsouth 37 dexteei vast 1.13 otroli,s•to a pat. thence north 18 du riot Weer 41 and fire tenth per lo ft post, thence 'Guth 7 degrees 60 porches to a pep, thence south Al degrees start 41 and li ye tenth percino to a white nine, ti.ence south o velphes to a Chollllllt O%IIL (1 . 311tra.) thence EMI( M per. ahem to it Post, thence north by land of Hugh a , " 713 Perches to a pad. thence east 63 notches to a post, tnence non h CO per ches ta a post. thenne west 16' and seven tenth t etches to a white pita stump. them.* uoith he perches to apost. thence mo tnen north Ed d ate:see d4O perches to mood. thecae south Meares* v s. ho and five jeoth parches to a post. thence south k3degears east 74 I trolls/ to a post, thence by land di Wm.ll.3.shorn south 5 d •grees west 145 perches too hemlock, thence by land dl luau' Bloom south its degrees east 11l pa.• elm to a cucumber, thence south a decrees eest 4., re abet to the place 01 beginainC, coutainlec TWO HUN DRLD AND etWENY-EIGUT awes and eighty and seven tenth perches. with ado Recce for roads, &0.. with about EIGUTY acre. Monad. with Wee Drellirg Poe et. Stabliog add a small Satithsho., Mewls meted. Dam likes ol hod is deter. ed se follow, .—tleginuing eta white piny. thence by laud of &limb .m llarso.k north 71 perches to a white oak. Pierce 14 land of Hugh 110 south perchesgres east t 7 of to e st h,re„ pine, thence east 47 to the place of bsginnina. coetainia I'EN ac es anti allowance. Seized cud taken m axe at:on and to be said as the property of Gems.° G. rats- MAO. ALSO, Y VIRTUE ors Ind of Venditlosifxpttana ittred eut of the same cond. and to ma directed. will he aapo,ed to ',atoll° sale. at the tams tiros and °Doc a certain Tract or I.ot of Land ai mate in Penn townihip. Cleattistd county. In Pminvits, bounded by John Ste'', Sfshn Fe lon acd the Ginn Hoye tnroptse mad. with a Mute and Li !sand' baton hire to erected Seized and taken in It :caution and to be sold as the property or Minty Ll•it ÜbAY A. LDwr.L.L.f . herilE Sheriff s Office. March 0.1852. Estate of Isaac Draucker, deceased. nrOTLCE beenllElttir GIVEN. That Letters of t h e 1 istration have tutted to the subnilbers oo the estate of halo Draneker late of tired, township. deceased. Al Parsons Indebted to raid estate will thereat" make immediate parmant—and those staving claims air in.t the same. ore re• guested to preens, them to the atalieribets. Is Brady t., en thin. dal, ao.hoatosted for se•tlenseat. Immediate attention is required to t y h . i s notice. In order Y that i t h A e estat. ma y be settled d wMhoohdta PERaD 10HEA.m'd. Mosiotorz 6t o. maricE is hereby given. that the follig accounts 1.11 have been examined and pasetKl by ma. an d semain filed of record in •thir office for tbo inepsotlon of heirs. Legatee., creditors, and all others In an other war lateretted, and W il l be otezentsd to the next Orphans court of Clear fi eld Coanty to be held at the I :out bones in the 11‘trouos of Clearfield. on Tuesday the 4th day of May next, for confirmation anti a:- lowa ace. let The account Of Georg* Weaver Executor of Gottfried Wen• nes, tale de township . , Clemlle'd °entity. et ejated. 2d. The of Oadiriod Zellict, Executor or th, estate of Catharine Weaver. late of Brady township, CleatfiAd county. deceated. ' II 1. The Account of Simon ThompsonAdministtator of the ettere of James Lord, late of lleccat la township. Clearfield counts , . deceased. lth. The 600011ut ofJonatban Kephart. Admini tinder cf the *state of 'l'hornal Morgan. la eof Deo - .tur township. Clear 11 Id emnaty. deceased. 'NV. po R TEA, Register. Reglstersofilx. Cleartit Id. March Uft.l• B s l . • cesatscratieDuca. . A"rrnions aro hereby tuoutioued Bunn purchasing. rr radioing with the following described Prot:arty. now lo e vraselsion of Peter 13. ler. one e°one Dower Threw/sing Alaeldne ? all the (::11olts and !oli t il'i be g Trpogni,niantalVoduin'erriBlgt:gioneautPadtirifililifilitl°. voesne Vjoe and 1,011 WMe of grain is the eronnd.raimid uromtty belongs t , DAVID WELT YSt tiAbIUEL MOULD. March 95. • . SAVE - YOUR. MONEY. CHARLES P.' FREEMAN. & CO., LATII FREEMAN. IiODGE3 & CO:) „IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS: . 144 Broadway, ,I,st door below Liberty st.; u AVE now on hand, And will tedriVAdaily through the I SWUM, NEW IMOLA directffim the EtirOoonn men. 'CASH AIR)TION et, RICH FARM( FANCY SILK bIILIANERY CitiODS. Our stock of RICH 4tRIBONS. comprises every minty of the latest and most beautiful designs imported._ Many of the geode are ilientiluotarea azoressly to 011 r order. from our own designs and patterns. and stand narivarbol.• We (Maryut good/ for NETT CASH, at lower pikes than any credit house in Amcrion can afford: *All nu Liti:Wera will find it steads to their interest to reserve a porton of their money and make scitctious Rom oat great vetiety of RICH CHEAP GOONS Ribbons_ rich for Bonnets. Cans. Sashes and Bolts. Sonnet dabs. Satins Cranes, blues and farlstons. jiimbielderl.r. Col ars. Cneaihretts. Capes flonthss. • fiebitl,Sleevin. Cull,, Engravings, and insertions: Embroidered Ltsvlere. Lac°. and Ike Mititoh combo° Hdkfs: Biondel.•tilusions , erd Emorolderedbelies for Cans - lientloa. lidechion. Vainactenei. end 'Brussels Laces. English and Wove Thread. Smyrna. Lisle Thread end Cut. toe Lacer. ' ' • Kld, ,bisleTbraad. Silk and Sawinglillik. Gloves and Mitts. Small and American Attilimal flowers. French Lace. English. American and Italian. Straw Sonnets and Tr mining.. • March 43. 1842. ilzilloot 7.aoimaarillo Eialinzon. 11.88 OUTILFI Will oommosee the Paned Quarter of her - 1 4 1.11 , E0T PEMAL4 8011001, on m ee dey th e TWENTY-ti.P4 O D day Of blartOD. (instant.) la the baronets of Cleattlelcr.' TOO fiChool will be open at tho cam• m•neement„ to all who desire to send. until it I full : and it Ii hoped those wb%lmend sending will i coat:lance as near the tombir Day of the Qnsrter as petals. The Quintet will consist of TWEL.VEI wr,etce. and FIVE DaYti echool each week. bolo:days will be charged 110111 the time they enter the School, salts ke T pt i er itzt ay 4 b l . l , itatti qs• . . • seeding. Wrlthan aid SPetllng . • ' $9 00... l'lgnifsPh7t.OlaPllnag and arithrecio. with above. 800 1 Toe above Dicauzbas. whialuturat Philosophy. ills tort'. to , and Ornamental Needlework 400 Mosle„pssQuartar ot Bel Lessons. .4 6 00 eirviosi who are not provided 'with Pianos are Informed that they Cu have lessons on Miss CLIVITL,PII3. •• !demob 19. 19Z9 —,14 .. , , ',, • ? .., —,•,. •, , , , . • - NOTICE, • rrtrE martial meetinf , thi 014VOL i trIFJ.D COUNTY I..}IIIIIAKAVOIET ler tite'eitietlo of °Matti'. wt be Win tbe igriboditt , .otteobel Chew In the oorougb of Uttirfield,oe BIONDAy._ Much 15th. ea 7 o'oloob i.e ev enlite. all Maws are Prnvectfaily Invited to attend. Ulttufield, Much MRVIN. Oetev: 114(lbsei Belt tow athip Wparb ail 161rk lP h 10,116101, dc!skto 'bog. notice, and on TOPOnable tetmv, Ve0.119,1601. nealizt Motsurihrit,e_. _1 Of hireigif and Dotostii Merihandiso in Clear . field County,,for the year 185 V, BELL. TOWNSHIP.. 110 • 14 Clan John El. lieley.• - 'l4 do euwart at Co. do 14 do Tkoran Rattaw. do ••• •• BURNSIDR TOWNSHIP. Dossier kAke,. no • 14 do Cummings& Mobialg. do 14 do . James fdoMeiry • do • 'l4 do • to. Bons. do' • 14 BECCARIA TOWNSHIP. Paella & Hwnn. Llquor. , 14 do Corer & Ilaucock, ' ' 14 do Is 4.lCoorer . no i;rinor 14 do ; lloyntim Dimino, do •. ' 14 do lsrl.h Wrinkle. do . „. 14 do . BRADFORD. TOWNSHIP. James Graham. •no liquor. 11 do liurithail eta Bro. . /11. BOGGS TOWNSHIP.; • It. Bl.l3tevenson &Co. no IlqUor. 14 do 1. L. Hansa. .do 14 d o BRADY TO,WNSHIP. P. V!• Harritt, no liquor. • . 14 do • Juseph Lilolll, 14 do Hamel Arnold.. do 11 do R. 11. Moore. do ' 14 do loroderick Arnold. do 14 do CHEST TOWNSHIP. Bradt dr Hornbautli. no liquor._l4 do Nathaniel Hughes • do l4 do H. Pennington. • liquor. 14 do COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Francis Gondriel. 11(81Or. 14 do John K. Barmoire, liquor. 14 do J. P Mkt. dem 14 do Levi Lutz - no liquor. ; . 13- do CLEARFIELD BOROUGH. A. K. Wright. 'no liquor. 14 do Leonard lt. Moors. do 11 dr, Waggles ft lials. do ' 11l do ~ 4.1. limiter. do ld di R. 41.450 p. ha . 14 da do 14 do G. hrthztr. 1 'avid Whitetails. ' do &4 do R. Wimp, liquor, ~, Id do Glitinld , KAl.oolc l .—n. Smith, II 8 do CURWENSVILLE BOROUGH. Wiiliim 41'Bride. on Honor 13 do William A. Bloom. liquor. Id do !rano Pmith. do 13 do DECATUR TOWNSHIP. J. G&G. H. Rainer. no liquor. 14 do FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. wm.G. flatlet. nollouot. 14 do John I'. Gott. do 14 do GIRARD TOWNSHIP. T. 11. Potion. & Go. no Honor 13 do 4. Patehin & Pons do 14 do Anenitsu Leconte. Minor. 14 do GOBIIEN TP.—B. Irwin & boos no laltinot. 14 no itubToN Ti'.—'. it. 'mei:, do do 14 do JORDAN TP.—Jno. M. charm, do do 14 do KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. Poets el freeman, no liquor 14 do 11. I). Hall & iCo. ' do 14 do Ildward McCarver do 14 do LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Wm. Addlemen,jr.. & Co. no liquor 14 do James Forrest no liquor 14 Co MORRIS TOWNSHIP. J.ll. Wine. no liquor. 14 do E. W. Rule. it Co. do 14 co P. J. Doom do 14 do Mott. McKean. do . 14 do Moore & Bro. dol4 do , James M. Leonard. liquor. 14 do PENN TOWNSHIP. Robins & Mendenhall, no Honor. 14 do hobo timid]. liquor. 14 tl3 PIKE TOWNSHIP. Diet Irvin. no liquor. 13 do c.:-. Joha & li. D. Patton, do 12 do Georize Recur, liquor. 14 do PATENT 51E111(1114F: 4 TOWNSHIPI Po do UNION R. W. Moore, no liquor. 14 do Henry Wniteriend,. do 14 do . WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. • Lytle tic Souls, to liquor. 14 do Jost ph Kemp. • do 14 do I do hweby may the above to be a correct hat of there ft 1101 of Fo clout and Domeitio Mnrohund Ise in etesofintd 00.. Or the year 1' u 3. .111114. L LIITILE, Mar. Appraiser, Cie wfield March 13.18511. Imo' A n A Dorn! will bu held at tho Commisolonem Of ioe. in he tioroneh of Clearfield on Moe dav the fehrd Ms - • FOR CALIFORNIA. Through Passage to San Francisco Direct TILE 13UPERIOR CLIPPER. tia:).oLz) V.roz)zzaticiPas•e, 0 Tons bort hen Opt J.ll.Yonng Commander Wll.l. EtAIL I , IIOIiIPIIILANCLPHIA on Tavares the nth or Anril LI tila t trim with passengers,— al.l. This splendid ship Is fitted tits with one aunmodions sa ooe. 100 last long. with state moms and berths for families, aftdidingr the best and cheapest pawns° this (as the mail steam ships ate full until Jane.) and will sail on the day or expenius paid. It is c.nfidently expected this ship will make the passim in 100 days. rot passim. aad small lota 01 fraight apply immediately. N. B. hit) dELEY. 87 South Front st rir Passaca in poor tibia MI, Lower mars cabin , c°. miuth 1452. 11,1ACKEREL , 1 SHAD, CODFISH, Constantly on hand SALMON, , . and for rata by " HERRINGS, J. PALMER & Co„ PORK. Market Street Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES.PHILADRI.PIyA. , I LARD AND CHEESE, March 11, 1852. EMacmaciaist. YIRENVIO COUTILIEZIVE FRENCIIIILLE, Clrarfield Co., Pa. feld I.l.'`',.sol:a l ;ll',LjeiTana n o n ae t n i kT: 1.71: 1 7t1 c 4rg I Fo i l; stand formerly occupied by M. Lamour,. where' he has ° ou hand every variety of 0001.1 S usuall kept In a retail atom. all or which will be sold t3IIIIAP lor CAbH or eschanged for nt coury produce of all kinds. COUDBLET. Frenchvilia. of PENN IRON FOUNDRY; Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, Chrilora, Yen. TH O E i etfinedker,siande d a d 'wo uld g annnune t ha t h h h u i op z e en e o a room on kleceed street, in the borough of Clearfield. near the store of Leopard at Moore, whets he Intends keeping GENERAL. A SSORTMEN T f IAb'TINGS. warmed to be made of the best materiel. and at. prices that. cacao' fail top.ease. 'The following conic/map-it of he stock on hands : FULTON'S fIUT-Allt COOKING INTOVE, for either Wood or Goal This stove lies probably the largest intro damson of any other form of doves. It has superseded In almost every countY, the well known Hathaway and Ztug. ler doyen. It is emit, understood, and the floes being so arranged that all can be cleaned without any trouble. Toe Peculiar form and construction Is such as to render It the most durable of all stoves. Numerous testimonials could he odds& but It Is deemed 01100C4111111 , 1•4 IMPROVED PREMIUM WOKING tOTOVES—at from 18 to $2O. SARIMIL STOVES—for ellher.wood or coal. MR-TIGGIIT do SALAMANDER do a beautiful Coe/ Stove. ABE • do EGGdo NINE & TEN PLATE Stoves—very cheap. MANTLE GRATES, with summer _pieces. A large vatletY and superior thilshe Gilles I rpm I li to IS inahes. COMMON GRATEB. all sizes.- PLAIN AND • GIINANIENTAV RAILING •, iirnAnw WARE ; OVEN MOIITHS: GRID IRONS. WAFFIX tiCALE ROAMS. WAGON BOXES.SLEIGIL SLED UloUtf IaULN.M. DAR RINGS tar Rafts. ItOAD PERS. a new 'micas. COHN CORN AND 1~1 f 1 warranted to grind 15 Has. Ears pet hour BlinCitrisarni TIJ Y ERE'S. the bed In use ; do. MAN. DRI Lid and 'ITRE HENI)EIO4 ; Together with the usual veirieLy of articles kept at Foundry Establishments. Also, Made to Order, • GRIST and SAW.MILL GC ABlNG—lseveng deol'ilrAly the largest steels. and best variety of patients or any establish. meat In western Nunsytveala I DIII.L 1.1003. 13UArr. INtl—largo and sinall,oloatt or terrenght Iron lIANGERti, GRUbrIS and PULLIES ; Hose and other approved Water. ty ROM: WOOD and IRON LATHES; MANDRILLS fcr (Ampler SAWS. WUOD HOEING MACH IN ps. , Constantly on hand and for sale, FANNING MILI.S. THRESHING MACHINES. JPEN NUCK'I3 GEL.EBRATELI GRAIN MULLS. Sta. llto. Screw-Cutting. Any sized Bonsw„ with any, rhisired .number of threads to the Inch, either eq .are or V thread. Liraa. llouher. and Babbett'e Metal liattlazimede to order. March 9, 1831.-11. To 111111 Owners. THE under/doted has appointed CARTgEI. of Clearfield. his nous for the sale of Casting", who will receive bills lot all k iv* of fdlll Gelding; and Diner maahinr U. Persons desirous to contract will do WO, to cell and ex" POPO the catalogue of Patterns. end specs trots of the work. before making engagements elsewhere. Outings will be ds. livered. if desired. nt. Clearfield. and warranted to be made of good naltlarlid..and Minim! in a workmardiko manner . flay. inn in running ordet FINK titipenor Lathes. Dud other gm chimer, in the semi 01000n1011. employing none but the best workmen, using the very bestt, rig Iron and Coal, with MIMY other advantages, begetters himself that hi. work will be done as well as In the best city shops. ant on the shortest notice. ' , mondial:4m call on hIr,LIA.U.TaII, Anent. • , MYERS. March 4.11ga —l7 • • DISSOLUTION' • • "• • • rst , PARTNERSHIP.— , The co.Partstrthir. heretofore ex gur Witte between' the so tradition. traqtaala.the !tame of . 'I..APUBT t' to the. uoson end eteigh Binhafttothry. at Oorweesviite. is thistle! dltsol!ed by mutual consent.. 7110 boots of the arm are in the hand; of Lewis Ltwort. tirho will carry on the boar at the sir plane. • • DLR. IN SLLYff. Ourweaettnle. Yeb.iCteasi. TREASURER'S SAI4E 0 TiMelE l 42lol , LAMM In Clearfield Comity; for' 'faxes. ~- TN PUnnencs at the let section of an Act ofAasmbly ofthe .4. 18th of tdarch.lBls, entitled. "A* Act to amend an Act , mooing the meaner or soiling I.laseated i jrds for Taxes.' and brother outposts." there will be ex slot to P 1161610 SALE. no the 15BLIONIO.MONDA y 1,4 J ICE NEXT a 1 the Cowl House in the boron eh ot Clearlield. Clearfield 00.: (and adrouraed from dsy today nosh the whole are sold ) the lollowinx Unrested bonds nod to-0 Lots In said county. for the 1 moral of tee set °noodle etch tract. . , ,•• .• . , . Ara. Ac's Ps. Beccaria- 'ThlonShip. :Tax. 79 g. Brown 81 P. 'lesion. t. 'Si 61 •• • 7d., 180 Soloman Lyons.. , • ..• 4 115 ad 154 WillitunCireY. . .18 65 483 196 John Ford met , . one year. 6pi • 1117 John Trluler,_ , • • .6a) 60 Carnahan fa Turner • . 292 Lt) . elooket. , 156 161 Jacob 61assersmith. four years. 11t 60 James Blain, . ~. 200 4161 John Allen. , 11 111 Bell Township. ..• • • .. 6166 lA.'. ' Henry Bach, • • , • 1,3 0.. 1 4U16 do' . . do 11t6d '450 John rsioholroa. ' 16 6918 191 Mukha, 86 Griffith. . ' 8• ' , 6911 186 do . 4 • Boggs 7bw,:ship. • 897 Si Johtaminia 052 John Hall, 78 John Hail, 410 10 Peter Pogue, 10' Fintbans Snyder, 10A John Kean. 195 (Norse Boorman, 100 Bonn , Pianos. 100 , dd.' dd. • 58 do. do Bradford 7burnship. 101 —25 John Campbell. 121 Mal al Garr. 4 0 Aaron Leavy. 4; Cramset. Lauich dr Fulton 3( I U Manche Poroy . 40 Metes Sages 110.1 John Nichulto-, 1a Jape Cissophell. 854 '6l- James I)unoan, 2011 John Irwin. 00 Blair 51' (Anchors. 117 , isahella Jordan. Dodos abider Evans. 4C.Q f John 13 Skyron, 997 Thomas P. COP,. 437 17 ttliir 61'herinhan. Mohr. llons , ov, 414.11.Vontitighaus, 10J• Joe or. %A Micro Saloom. 4904 62 rowels Wee', IMJ John llsonnas 0 William tan on, /11 do. do. 70 D B. Oraway. 145 Thomas 11. Poore). 1110 Kyles, k6V B. Dolt, W Graham. ie.. t 5 Joins Graham. tr.. .100 WJI am Money. Brady Township. Jamd lnoonoll, • do. do. John Hirt. do. du. Jonathan B Joseph Ferron. lora years. tremor! Johnston. John Dunlap. Robertand Fox, James Rood, Caspar Silos% Joseph Seeman, (:noo do vaen d orge A. Weaves,. Jesse Lines David Dnniari. Robert do. do, • do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. MO 1113 LYN Lu 2 P9O 274 641 645 6681 6876 810 115 823 60 431 9603 193 880 100 77 5r:91 963 emi 160 les 119 60 8371 53 8371 1 8 111 Me 4i WWI /17 BAO 100 8617 B 3 1191 LW 1800 1 10 7 10,07 L 0 Burnside Dnvnship John Birch. Chtistisn Stake. , Chest l'ozeuship. 433 113 William Cook, 413 118 John Goodeeker. 112 180 Mitchell do Wood. 433 163 John Money. 431 103 Daniel Erase. 151 Philip Thomas, 121 George Rots. SIO F•ednek Kuhn. . la ions Canninhetn. 100 Mat th ioA ttion g tn. 89 (id John Groff, 204 Paul lotntnlnger. Peter Getz. 3;6 J flentl Alsuiser... vus acob stnuersmab, Covingitht Thumshir. his Morris dr. Stewart. g.-. 0 do do .- Kea do do 645 do do $O6 do -do WU ,do do 1836 1K.,/ 1901 1911 1E97 1593 18 11391 1101 do do 1591 ..Irl 203 do do Decatur 21nonship. Joseph Raper, 3ult. ~ Joseph liardsca. id Ilan bun. Ttnonship. 319 John Stlsomers -993 159 John Hamtittitht. 433 153 Daniel Turner, 433 153 George Ross, lido John Goaglidoa. IW P. Cronin ger, 10) Johubwae. 100 Wiley's sedate. rot Thwnship. t 1 4 0 do d 057 James Wits ro, • PM do do do. do do do. do do do. do do do. do do 100 Denjamle Hoist, 80 Mildest Clack ' - . Girard Township. 1890 - 887 45 Morris ig Stewart. 900 !dame& Palos. four gears. IEB . O lio Morris $ Stewart, 1931 549 116 do do 1933 bB9 do do 1930 103 do do 1918d110 GC 16 do do 18 a do 1111 918 53' do do 158) 254 190 do do 18.101 10311 16 D 1837 57 1011 do do 13911 10 do uu Goshen nwnship. 50 P. P Roretbal, MO George Shaw , 58.13 MO Mend, Huston nwnship. NMI 990 William Powers, 193 Ihivid lihrddsrall; 5373 lon • moors ac Belau'''. ri74 1041 Fl do , do 50.,7 990 William Powers, 5066 990 do do' 5675 1041 Moore & Delaney 4256 990 James Wilson, 4902 420 Wilhelm Willink, 4889 990 do do 4902 55 do do 5063 100 William Powers, 5061 1113 do do 5670 1041 80 Moore & Delaney, 5671 1041 80 do do 5679 1041 80 do do 5672. • 347 27 do do 5064 990 %Valium POWOIII. 200 • Wing and Rldtr, 60 Wilhelm Willinh, 50 do do• 100 . 1,10 do Jordan Township. Eng 4200 41St 41g1 419:1 4271 413 E . 433 153 Richard Peters, do. do. Peter Kuhn, do. do. - Fredrick Reales, do. do. John punwoodie, do, 216 156 Adam Heiger!..,.• 9 92 197 80 Silos Wilcott, 910 200 %Villinm Wilson, - 13 80 600 Geo.& Mary McCormick.27 GO 200 . JamesoblcNeal, 828 120 • William McKee, .'7 38 218 William Wiley, 1502 433 163 Isaac Watripolo, 19 .73 433 153 William Hunter, 19 74 433 153 • • JohorCersey,' , 19 74 ' • Karthata• 7bianship.• 1900 GOO 'Morris and Stewart, 1901 778 do. do . 1913. 'so7 ' • do do • 1093 - 200 ' do do . 1093 '79 , 22 Charlost•Wiliink, 10'23 • 86 do do 3463 . 3475 co 147 do !;; . 1944 513 95 Morns and• Stewart, Woodward Thanskip. 300. William Parker ! 11 'lO 58 William Wistar, 213 240 William Drinker, 8 88 76 Henry Vaunco, 259 300 J. Morgan, 11 1.0 260 Sr, P. Louden, 6 ..18 110 , :,Charles l'Audea, 2 4 . 443 77 'Samuel mlin, 16 35 440 120 Henry Drinks, ' ' 00"78 Mori* Township..- . 16331 John Fry, ~3. 6131 • Philip Wager, 16 .201 .• • 421 . 'less° 15 96 345. 85 John Addraws, • 13 12 ,330 125 William A. Smith,. 12 50 , 409 139 William Smith,, , A 5 36j • 166 .24 Wril.,M.' Smith, 6 2'41 486 32 •do - .18 .44 • 90 '.. - John Palmer,. • 342 407. 86 William Smith, .-15 48 300 . Peter Yarnell, •11 40 183 Francis Johnston; , 8 42 248' John Fry, jr., 7.48 330., , Thomas, , ' 10 80 150 Francis Johnston, 7 12 183 Stephen Kingston; 8 00 170 Blair McLenahan, 6 52 466 ' Jacob Wetzel; '22 25 382 . Joseph Simons, 14 50 ,40,6 150 John Sltyron, .15 44 218 John Price, • 4 '26 200 J. Nicholson, (w. 4) 7 00 1 98 Andrew Dunlap 350 102 Jacob Morgan, 3 86 221 John Morgan, 8 30 217 Casper Haynes • 824 385 Christopher Baker, 14 02 . 3B John Bost, 1 74 217 Casper Haynes, 822 Penn Township. 583 200 Andrew Rees, 0 001 5982 425 14 John Nicholson, 12 77 " 168 John Nicholson, 070 " 40 G. R. Barrett, •1 20 5937 90 . Catholic congre'tion, 246 " 93 Cochrane Tract, W. Hipburn, 2 80 Pike Thwnship, 5781 950 John Nicholson, 19 92 5778' 1020 do 18 32' 200 A. &W. P. Reed, 8 65 5777 1020 24 John Nicholson, 31 68 5780 720 04 do 13 12 100 Wm. Hartshorn, 200 220 D. &. W. Hartsock, 4 62 468 47 Juo. M'Fenon, &c0.,8 40, Union Thwnship. 2006 475 Roberts & Foi, 17 47 3587 350 do . do 13 08 3591 300 do do n 23 4251 850. iJamss Wilson, 31 83 3581 276 Robots & Fox, 11 00 3568., 50 .do do . 183 3010 ''7s do do 279 3608 59 \ do do 183 No. s. \ Clearfield Borough. 66 John Fleming, 106 Hugh Wilson, 121 J. Klino, 122 J. Burg & Hofrnoise, 4,years, \2 68 133 Jacob Kline; 2o 143 P. Shindle & Shaffne r l, 88 170 Andrew Brown, 80 184 Michael Lentz, 80 185 R. M'Clurc, 89, 156 J. Watson, , 120 - 175 . • . .Christ. Kaufman, 40 180 A. Whitmer, 40 181 H. Barr, 40 F. G. MILLER, Trs'r. March 5, 1852. 11 00 18 79 8 87 8 87 43 IX 15 11 609 b 1, 4° It mg 1$ 6 2 a 40 9 90 I 66 416 PI 14 3 76 10 , i 1 92 IV 6 1 14 3 14 00 40 04 40 40 IA 49 10 elf 87 80 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY VIRTUE of an Glider of the Orphans! Court of Clear. field county. them will be exposed to PUBLIC arms. at AP RI L I Nevi Washington, on MONDAY t describ e d g of 1832. at PO o'clock, M., the following • • REAL ESTATE, Late the property ofJonathan Pearce. decene• situate in Bell township. Clentud con n. .UL • Is. and known ae the ItOltAlIA UGH P..i11; , containing 100 Acres,' More or len. adjoining lands of Miller &redden the North. of Mactnantis on the West. tinniest en, der pn the South. and sosder onthe heals), thereon ended& comfortable Two• Story Log House, a Large Log Barn, with about 76 acres of Cleared 'Land in a good stute of cultivation, and a good bearin g Orchard thereon. TERMS. ftNE-lIALP Bash at the coafirmation of these's% and the bilious in one tear there all er. with iutereut. to be secured on the premises by Bend and Mortgage. By order of theVourt lessp. nurrott.. JOHN HY , SAMUEL wr.a.ven. Administrators cfJonathan Pentoe. deceased. March 12. 13 VI ti 18 18 8, 0 04 tS 110 813 43U al3 18 is 4 ' Hi 86 82 €3 8! 61 3163 11.1 *2BB 440 04 DD. ITARDDIAN P. TUOMPSON, S ipm.AVING located in Curwensvitleiefrors St, his professional services to the citizens S ,‘" ul that place and the surrounding country. 2 Whon not professionally engaged, he will be 5 2 found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. '1 J, C. Richards, or at Scofield's hotel. Calls S will ho attended to at all hours, ap. 3, 'M , Tl Irikco Notaappo UNHERBRHiED intends DRIVN 0 LOGS rom the of the Ohms , 'free and Users Creak. t oeth Boom at Lock Haven. during this SPring ; said logs are all marked with a K cut in the log, and most all beanug the tti- Idols of the undersigned stamped la the end. - HE HEREBY CAUTIONS ALL PERSONS, not to later. fete or prevent the fl oating of sold logs by detaining or har boring them a they will be dealt with according to law. Feb. 2/, 1152.--ew.spd. JANE S W. KELLY. Se 76 408 174 76 86 76 10 76 20 76 21 84 9 26 8 82 10 3G . NOTICE To Justices of the 'Peace. • • 11112 Judges °fine Ooti rt of Qn Snot Bessiona hare appoln. tad me to proieoute on behalf of the Commonwealth for the bounty of Clearfield. Thai/salmi at the Peat* wilt there• fore plea.o make rears to me of all Commoewealth business by mall or otherwise. Cl soon after the same comes before them a. the nature thereof will admit of. JOSEPH t 3. PRANGE. Clearfield, Deo, 20,1951, 21 84 7 20 20 76 4 20 I 86 1 84 2 10 TAKE CARE. 'PRE t ers of township. will take onjoe L that tho t oowine kUiiOOi . fAX on the Duplicate of Robertw ens, Collector for the year Ic6l. or on the Duplicate ofJes. A. deed. &hoot Mature+. for the prcyrous tea , teout red to pay the BOMB to the enhscriber, on.os belore FRI. DAY the 20th instant. Those necleorinc to do so may pre- Pare for war. N. K. Alckita.LAN, Constable. • rob. fl. 1252. Ibttee to Tta.Payers. ALI: PEttfi. nNS who pay to theCotteoldrs or their teepee. (ice townships, the whott emount of their t:TTATB TAX on or before the first day of.' ULY nest. shall bays an abate• ment of FIVE CENT allowed to them by the CrAteators of their respective townships. Ur order of the Commbalonets. Commis , lonsta t se,l Attest, Feb. nth, Ibtd. G. B. GOODL.AN DER. (Wk. Nolte° to Collectors. MOM& 18 UERESY . GIVEN, shpt all C Aleetors of 1.111 Catiti.i and Stele Tax wilt be °halal Biz per cent Dr. TESEST on all mower due frcin one year alter the dale of their tespectlve Duplicator.' 11l order or the Conanabudoters. Atteit, G. D. coa....LANlign. Contenlealv eta' Mks. Feb. U. 1134 Cletk.. 27 00 35 20 22 80 9 90 3 52 3 95 28:70 23 07 Letters of Administration. oTicg HEREfty GivEN.thet WIWI' Or AdMillittra• ri Sloe neon the estate of Jun BalllMPl.inte Al Monis tossarttlit (Newfield a mita', itetotased„ hays In the form or luw Wen wrested to the sobrerlb nu All perms, ladettted to mid estate are rtmiestect to p make payresat Immedi tell. end settlement., Claims will reterit them duly authenticated (or setement.. CA.THAKINie BROw Pi. Admlsist rates, Feb. 27,1852.,,EVH , ITII. Admmistrauv. Eitate of William Dunlap, Deceased, MOTICE IJELLEBY GLVEN. teas letters► of AMAMI,: 111 birettas open Om Estate of William Lenten. d.o'd.,lete or Ms tow osbb. hairs bees le due to m of law, granted toile subscriber. Ati persons bevies Maims entelust said estate will 'vegeta them properly eutheattosted for settlement. end those envies said estate will make 18 pa AA y sn t) u ( UN lonned N latety. 6.011', • • - • • • • Joutpipu rsi LAP, Pike tows:l'o,n. rob:O. !B&B. JAM PS A. 1E96 EP. Law rot oe synth , p . Ot — lo S ho e m akers fpfd Others..4o, 'First , i.itte'SERSEY.C,AL ' 'F' SKINS acid' Mena Marocco and Pink Liningo, Fos a tithe ld ds. vo rzchqap lathe Lion of J. L.. MN ITU. Cle MVO 10. 'bti. ~,SA it B. TAYLOR TANNER. and BOOT and 1311L1E Caratawsvilin; • • Dea.lo/.labi. 'CHAMBERS, KLEPFER.;-, 71IEELAV RIG !IT .0.11A.111#1,41BitEl.; big -4104 Poll , ran .owash:p. lJec. 1851. • . . . . .GEO, !, itr,v TAlLva—vvest eta .I%q *tow. , staqi—Cleatneld.• • • • Irsl S.: - ''• • . B°°" Lfil Oda In'ii.miei'itgw On Market stroat-431eptifiald... • • ,I)ce.a ) ?to it. r MRS. ELIZA IRVI weal°ltrchaHE a TAllAtt e• n l d e lATStattElirea& /lU'. u ps . vino:. r o ;ha :91.1e51. , JOHN 'FLE(3r,III4' P.VEIOMPSOiV,' • Di' NWye tel N-61 fty be finin LI either MI br: cazi,.#o' • ' !tutel7Carwensv flie-Then DIA L Not pro 9 t Omen% . • • • • 1)60.11. 861. r• SAMUEL %y BOOT awl giU9gidAK4--Ourweritylieji.o., WM. W. FLEIIIING • I aIkYSITER SALOON. gATINtI-11UUSit 80(1_001414C7 ,TIONAItY—Car tensville. .. • Deo. W IWI *. EDW. B. 'PATTON,' , CABINETMAKER—ksit. end or State' latent—Mira lir 'Li vitas. ' Dec..t ISO!, JAS. B. GRAtIAM;.. OST AFfrEst. MrlWill ANT and iMALED. IN WE— BEK--Qrahamtop.ltradlotd township. • • • , Doe Y 9.1951. C. • KRATZER, - • it/I-ER(3I/INT AND LUMBLIL I IgALER--Cionser *IF LTJ. Front and Locust streets—Clearfield.. . , Ve5.0,11351t, JAB; ALEXANDER,; • OADDGER AND NALltElizi MAKER—Ia hisiturshop oa Marketstreet.setamerreirshotel. D4o. 99.1851. • WALLACE & HILLS, • •_'• I) ''• ETAI LEM OF FOREIGN AND, LKIMWSTIC Mt L ILOIIANDISE—at 8133sy's old Btai3o—Cllesift61 4 1. - Deo: 910.101.; I. L. BAIIRET'I I , m Etten LUMBliituAri AAA• OIJCE üBALER--At Murata rota'. at tout *ld Dr,idsto • , L k , a 811 . 1 ow , ~ . 'D. S. PLATTMER, rip/aunt—New weemnetee.•Buretkle tonii: tl, field conmy, • ' VecTlPb w er IA 4 41 . i --' . . JOHN CARLILE, • ' BI.ACKBMITH. & JILISTiC in? VIZ PEAPE - • Unita arc ors D 00.24 v . MESHICK GRAHAM, ' .' 1 ", .. • •1._.. . 3 AREIER RN D HAIRDRESSER—WiII attend *all se. wands In his line on short notice, and la the Moat ant e 4 . lento* manner. HletWal, will beloand * the bas•Mmit Mo ' ra. Mil of the anas Dm 00. - , , . Julian, V. Viii. . _— O. B. MERRELL - , ' ri Q PPErt. TIN it tiArEl s IRON WARE AIANtIiAC:i, estptei a old Itand oo Monet otrelergillt Geld, • 2 00 1 20 1 20 ROBERT MANLY, : Vr j uiEeirkTeViTt."ffiliUgini lt rYMgiintaa L t o, ems; md. • Deo. a?. 14904 1- J. &. J. G. RUSSELL TTANNERSISt COURIMIFI AND DEALERS Pt At/l. kinds of Loather: !inlet, Veal a, Ito" taken la PIO/page& Venom Pn.—Grainplanhiin P. 0., lab. 4. 1818,- • WM. P. CHAMBERS, ufTilEEGwittotrr,dlikklithiiiKEß. sad 110M3D PAlNTED—Durvmatille.. Dec.lo. WI.. G. C. PASSMORp, LAcKstarrn—At the Uld Foundo—Curve vtirdle.... Prices to snit the limes! ' • Dee. 104.1831. ' MOSSOP,... • ErAmnit OF FOUA.ON 'AND DO:Ai:2llc MER-. CHANDWE LILIUORti--At Blgig iv Os's. DIM stand. Also, on the west side of iklst.teet. . Ma. PETER SEYLER, • RON-FOUNDER—Near Lathembure—groare aA Botts' , el I t.:attrags are made , of the bett 2 ragitiOle terms. THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK,'&.CO" — • • u ON-FouNDEß4—corwoi.vithi. An extanstvil anon- , meat or Outings mAde to order. - Dec. 24 1851", • AVM. I%icBRIDE, • - 11ETAILiBEI AND DEALER IN •LIAIDES—NostiaiK Cornet of State and Locust areets•Durrenswllie• • • • Deo.•80, ISRAEL COOPER Et tall o f Farris aad P°lormaTAFll.l.G,4l°.MPATentivi e delo itplbs„ , the. 20, ISAAC JOHNSON, .Frit?aTke a tigt ill)EMAlC ifer. Wr " " d re:ll6 3. L. HUNTER, R , ETILER OF FOitEIGIN dr. 1)661 . 63T10 81E40 1 MS - t 1.11 Old E—Dl ar tot stoaet. two doors west of Mestere tote.: Deg, la. /WA. ; THOMAS. SEIF,A,: • ABEIIONAB TASLOR—Ie Pltw's Row, ell kteo,l4 , street. tmosodtatetrOver the Post Oce—Cleeifteld ' Deo. Wd. A. K. WRIGHT, TUT UV:HAIM ANDOw eXCEN*IVE_ ai PHALER J1V144, LTA PER—Douthwest ner of OW Disoddneatii Id. , , , Deo. Mi. 1614: • S. C. PATCHIN;" j i • MOPE.' Retailer ot Foreign And Domiditie pie; VI - eland's'. and Ltuntier Merchant. Pack IinP.RMI. B. F. STERLING;!,: • SADDLE & AaRNEBSVAREIL. asd JUSTICE CHIP THE PpACE—Cutyrcumdio. , Deo.lld. ON. ROBERT McNAUL, •.' TANNER—Ai the DUI STAND fit Cu tweurittle. _ Dec. ea. LEONARD 6r, MOORE, , i ci , ERCHANTd AND LUMBER street. 'ae, weaa./Sar a et aid Loatud—ttorr • 3. 11. JONES"' ' SIME • ridOTS hid 11( EILL4 a:loll:add his filial:MCl lip Marked, between Thud add Fourth guadirrClesideld. 0; • .r : Q. 1114!_,A. ISAAC SMITH; MERCHANT. AND Dgm..Ett. IN LUMBER 'AINHE OA Country Prod oe eater/Ally—State 'met, betoredekONT/, and Locast—Curwoosvilte. &Min, • • • G. W. TURNER,' :•.." 1 " GwiII3HIONABILIN.TAILOR—At the ittol lot isinikif Front nod Wilke Wee", • Deo bal .80 . GtO. W. REIEEM ADM, R. it AUNESS& TtiUNKDIANUPA4.rkIitiIiR t• -rO4 'l'hlrd dant. between Idulksta/o Locast.l 1, . Poo. EDI • M. E. WOOD, PHYSICIAN. Mn, always be faind at hi. 111 Carweasrlile. when not profeuionally absent. . • • , ' ,• , ,• • Mo t e. LAP()Rt VOAOLI and BLEILIIMAKI34I3--Quirwenswillei . ••1 GEORGE WILSON: H . 4 YINCiAti• Li; 110n-d'ai ti.s. ( 0 _as in Ltry _ , JL JIULLG. when not. fibula on prademienaJiainam. •• i• Pabruam jia• LLL2. - • ' " GEO. B. GOODLANDEB VITAdON-MAKid—Lnaheriburi. Wat doop tOaid.; V, Ti 01 'khan AO*. eind oM 1116.11.116tmk.1 Deo. w. 451. x ' t . 80i4Nr,t,t; " A. FrAti.olPLuttwinibuit.- 4,111 16s Wotk7ostuQoo am ia • 0 ht!il) 11111COUIDT. &WM: • Deo. g), LA ' /Am ' e r a J.* short gotlcic ava 1141 ° 4 6 opitio: c ia 114Oldlta ° 4 11 1,1 thot borough' breariKensolls. , , 5 LY. tr t ri"wy ""rs Axi , r i co di.J/111•4 C . 11.//14 1 MARGhe yr:(liit IIVSICIAN-42ft the itiled Itoia to OP.St OrOgt (WtP allies from Curwessvllle. ! i)o-111/, war.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers