Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 25, 1852, Image 2

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The Dentoei•atic State Convention to ap
point Delegates to the; Baltimoro conven.;
den, Presidential ilileciors, and to
iiiiita'ailitirdate'ror Canal Commissione`r,
in the Hall of the Honse
litiiresentatives At 11 o'clock, A, M., on
Jho..4th inst., when on:i motion, Hon. Win.
ites*, of Luzerne, was appointed chair
mentor the purposp of temporary orgaul
-00911. Geo. K. McFarlane, and 'others
were appointed Secretaries.
list of Delegates were then ealled
over t and tho ConrenticnproceNled to hear
the contestants flour the 14thend 20th
Districts. '
On motion the chair nppointed a com
biottee of one from each Senzosinl district
to report officers, for the perWhtorgan
izatiou of the Convention.
4Ale,,Convontion,was called ,to :order by
, • •
fix . F,CopVention proceeded to the con
,4e,roon of the contested seats in,the,
rting,,Clinton.xad Sullivan district.,
The,credentials of Mr. Dietrich certify
,Ipg,,tco_ his appointment by . the conferees of
X.yeernin,4 und, Sullivan counties were
was moved that A.r J. Dietrich be ad
-41,...t.C4.19 his seat,
To amend by admitting John Neg. •
~_.,To amend, the amendment by inserting
mco admit the. ,delegate whose credentials
,errs signed, by the conferees. from Lyman
.t.;Air4Dietrich was then - beard: Mr. Neil
was then heard. And oiler further dis
The ayes and : noes were called and re
ayes 92, noes 34.
~_The resolution as . aniended was then
The Convention then proceeded to the
consideration of the claims of the contes
tants from Columbia e pd Montour counties.
The proceedings of the conference were
read on the part of Mr. Sprodic, the con•
testant from Montour.
Mr.. M'Roynolds, the contestant froth
Colurribia county; presented his ereden-
Mr. Spool addressed the' Convention,
whet it was moved that both delegates
take their seat. To amend the amend
ment that both delegates 'be rejected.
The motion was •withdrawn.when it was
again moved that Mr. M'Reynolds take
his seat, moved to amend that both be re
jected ; amendment to the amendment that
the delegate Whose credentials are signed
by the conferees from Columbia county be
admitted,, which was agreed to, and the
resolution as amended adopted.
'The Committee to report officers for the
paiimment,organization.of the Convention
reported the following:
Hipi'KLNß, of Washington county.
..Fbr trice Pres idents.—ll. .W. WAGNER,
et Northampton ; AncoLD PLuantn, of Ve.
PP e r'
. 1 L rt
181 MilesSweene'y of Philadelphia co.
' 1 20....0. W. Boman, Philadelphia city.
, Michael Arnold,Philadelphia co.
. 1i S. Nichols, do do
,cieorge W. Jacoby, Montgomery.
, Wm.. Fry, Lehigh. .
,7th.,•Major M'Veagh, Chester.
; figh,:Ames.Patterson, Lancaster.
„ 9th. John S..Shroeder, Berks.
, ; 10th.,.H. B. Beardsley, Wayne.
. ; : ; ilth:; James W. Rhoads,. Luzenie.
John F. Means,
:11 8 th. 'John V, , l3arber, Union.
~;•14t14- C.,M. Hall, Schuylkill: • •
; 15th, Adam Ebaugh. York.
16th,:Joel B. Danner, Adams. .
17th. David Batee, Mifflin.,
18th: Maxwell M'Caslin, Greene.
19th. Hon. Philip. Noan; Cambria.
20th. David Beim, Beaver.
21ta. Col. H. M'Culloch, Allegheny.
22d. Andrew Buchanan, Lawrence:
2341,. R. Laughlin, Clarion.
'Alb. Abner Kelloy, Indiana.
smith Skinner, of Philadelphia county,
William H. • Welsh, York.
Willitun H. Miller, Perry.
~,;serge Merriman, Crawford.
~;• . R, Rody, Somerset. ,
„ yp i rry Baker, Allegheny.
s• ,'S,VV.incipstor,,Wyoming.
• Geprge Moere, Philadelphia county. ,
.. I ,loreorge R. M'Farlane.,Blair.
„Thomas Craig, Jr., Carbon. •
1 , „Alex. WKinney, Westmoreland. •
• The President, Hon. H, Hopkins, on
*tin& bia seat, addressed the Convention
nu eloquent manner.
,Mr. Hirst of Philadelphia offered the fol.
,;(9wing resolution : • •
Wuzants, The Democratic party of
!Pecinsylvanin have caused this Convention
.Abe convened, and have imposed upon it
, theduty, among other thipg,s, of eplecting
delegates to represent the Democracy of
.114 e, State in the, National Convention to be
held in the Lcity , of Baltimore, on the first
.Monday Into next„for the purpose of
nominating candidates -for, the offices of
Prtlident und,,Yiee President ofthe United
States, and also of nominating electors to
be voted feral the neit ensuing Presiden
'vial election, ' ' •
' 'TlierefOre, 'fOr the pu r p os e of c a r r y ing
'into, effect the object thus specified , ararof
fully and fairly ascertaining who is the
- i,iheico of the gentociatic party or, Penn.
s'ylvania for , the chief magistracy of the
11nion, be it ' ' ,
That the members of this
Convention do 'now proceed to vote, viva
00 ' . for a candidate to be recommended
~pennsylvetnia to the National Conven.
' - t!eit'ith the Cheice or the State for the Pres.
idential chair; and that the candidate who
! Shall receive a majority of all the votes in
ConVeutionshail be declaredlo be the cane
t,lidat9,Ofthe DoMocracy of Pennsylvania.
• The resolution was udotteid.
The roll was called, iv en
Arnold,Baker, ` Barclay, Bates,
badger, Barber, Aid., Bs rrett, Bertolett,
I. Beck, .1. B.• Beck, Beardsley, Black,
Bowman, Buchanan, Bunn, Calahan, 'Clo
thier, Coulter,iConroy, Coyle, Craig,Dan
ner, Deitrich, Donnely, Ebaugh, Byer,
!Fagan, Gamble, Gill]flan, Graham, Gillis,
Hamilton, Hershimer, Hirst, •11op . kins,
Ilugus, flyer, Samuel Jackson, James; Ja
coby, Icelly;,Kingeley,. Laughlin, -Ahe l m.
Limber ton; W. 11. Lot - 114*n; ; Li ppon.
colt, Lynch,.Alarstiall;
Memos,,liklarchentl,;;;Mattraw,, .hierri n ,
Missimer, George Moore, John Moore,
Murphy, Murray,' rthur, M'Caslin,
M'Cullough, M'Grath ' APK,'inney, M'Kib
bon, I%l'Neo AVRoynoltls,MWeagh, Niven,
Noble; Nott; - ' Noon; Pattbrsotf,"Philips,
Plitt, Plumer, Rankin, Reynolds, Rhoads,
Rinfiwalt Roddy - Ross, Samson,
Stamburgh, Stewart, Steckle, Skinner,
Sweeney, \lodges, Wngner, Watson,
Welsh, vo;;
ted for James Buclinnen. •
Messrs.•Achenbitch, Armstrong Balmy.'
or; Boics Clymer . ; Dougherty, 'Darman,.
Fry, Griffith, , T. M. Hall, Hager, C. M.
Halt, Hook, Horn,4lunter, Leech, Miller,i
M'Alistcr, Nicholas,
Nill, Packer, Palmer, Reilly; Sacgbrs, -
Scott, Schroeder,
.ettright, Stiles, \Veav-i
er-31 voted for Lewis Cuss. • •
. Messrs. piercer, bl'Keatt-4 voted for j
R. J.. Walker. _
• Messrs. Smith Jackson, Stalman-2 vo:
ted from Samuel Houston.
Ono absent, Mr. Roddy, of Sorrisrset..
On the motion that the Convention be
declared unanimous for Mr. Buchanan the
yeas and nays were called for and result
ed as follows :--Teas 103. Nays 30.
Mr. Hirst presented tho foll Owing reso
Resolved, That the:candidate of Penn.
sylvania having been declared in the man
ner proscribed by the foregoing resolution,
the President of this Convention do now
appoint a Committee of 24 ;• one from
each Congressional district; with instruc
tions to report . to•this Convention, subject
to its approbation, the names of Delegates
to represent the Domocracy of the State
in the National Convention to be held in
Baltimore on the first Monday of Juno
next, and for the purpose of advocating
with earnest sincerity and zeal before the
delegated power of her sister States, the
claims of the "Old Keystone Contmon
wealth." The said committee shall re
port the names of 54t - 'De legates to repre
sent Pennsylvania and cast her 27 votes
in that Convention ; that is 4 Senatorial
delegates, 2 delegates from the State at
large, and 48 Representative delegates;
and further that no person shall be report
ed by the Committee or chosen as such del
egates who is not knOwn to be the firm
friend of the nominee of this Coavention,
and who feels no other preyerence, and
further, that the said Committee be in
structed to report, subject to the approba
tion of this Convention; the names of 27
Persons for Electors of President and Vice
resident of the United States, to be sup
ported by theDemocrutic Party at the next
Election. •
Mr. Scott of Huntingdon, moved to
amend as follows:
Resolved, That the delegates from the
several Congressional districts be request
ed to report to this Convention the name
of one person from each district as a del
e4 to to the Baltimore Conventionto nom
inate candidates for President and Vice
President, and the names of persons to be
placed upon. the Eleetoral•Ticket.
The amendment was discussed by Messrs.
Scott of Huntingdon, Nill of Franklin,
Reilly, of:Franklin, Clymer of Berks, and
Hirst of Philadelphia; on whose motion
the Convention adjourned to meet at 7i
• The Convention Met pursuant to ad,
journment. •
Mr. Roddy asked leave to record his
vote for the nominee of the convention and
leave being granted,
Mr. Roddy voted for James Buchanan
and the record was altered,
The consideration of the amendment
offered by Mr. Scott was resumed and dis
cussed by Messrs. M'Alister of Dauphin,
M'Graw.of Allegheny, Leech of Mercer,
M'Farlane of Bluir, Lambenon of Venall
y, Barclay of Jefferson, who moved to
amend the amendment as 'follows:
"That the Delegates from each Con
gressiOnal'. district report -two delegates
to the national Convention, subject to the
decisieri 'of the Convention.
The discussion was continued 'by San
som,. of Fulton, M'Kinney . of Westmore
land. Messrs. Nilo and. M'Allister called
for the yeas.and nays, which resulted yeas
32, nays 95. .
to'poStpone the further
consideration of the question for the pres
ent, which was lost. • • .
Yeas •and nays called' by Me . ssrs. Mc-
Mister and. Nil!, which were as follciws :
Yeas 40—nays 92. •
Messrs. Riley and Scott called the yeas
and nay's on the original reSolutionyeas
Olonlys 41.
." • ' •
Mr. Scott read•a protest against the aC.
don , of the Convention, signed by 84 mem
bers, which they asked to have recorded
on the journal of the Convention. ,
Mr. Hirstinoved that the prote st be re
ferred to a committee of:five persOns, and.
it was agreed to. The Chair 'appointed
Messrs. Hirit, Magraw, Lamberton, of i
Venango, Yost and Barrett.
• The Chair announced the Committee to
report the nornes , of persons to serve as
Delegates and an Electoral Ticket:
Mr. Stites, of:Lehigh, offered tt paper,
nominating delegates artd•EleCters for the
6th Congressional'district, which was'sub-,
sequently' withdrawn:
A similar paper'was offered' by; Nr.
ley; of Franklin; and ''on motion, both pa
pers. Were referred to theconuoittee'on
egates and electors. • • • •
The following resolution was offered by
Mr. liugus, of Sonterset,Lconsidered, and
agreed to.
Resolved; - That tho • Presideni . 'of'th is
'Convention do appoint a committe of five
I to prepare resolutions for theconsidoration
of this Convention.
CommlTTEß.—Messrs. Hugus, Stem-
I bough, Searight, Stecklo, Hergshirrner,
The Convention then adjourned,, until
uttyler pitst'fl ' o'Clecit te•inerrow morn-
I ,• '
• -
flAnniantlitn, March 5,1852.
The Convention In& at a quarter past
eleven o'clock.
i • Mr. Hirst, from : the Committee appoint
ed for that purpose, teportedihe namdS - of
1 54 delegates to represent the State in the
National Domocrntlc:,Convention to meet
at Baltimore. Also, the names of tsventy.
seven gentlemen as electors.
SENATORIAT,„ , • ,•'
James Campbell, Philadelphia.
Samuel W. Black, Pittsbnrg. ,
David R. Porter, Harrisburg.
J. Porter Brawley, Meadville.
A. H. Reeder, Northampton,
Luther Kidder, Luzon - no.
Con. Dist.
1. Robert Tyler, Robert T. Carter.
2. Jas. C. Van Dyke, Chain. M'lCibbon.
3. Sam'l D. Patterson,Jno.G. Brenner.
4. Peter Rambo, Henry Leech.
5. John B. Sterigcre, Jacob S. Yost.
0. Chas. W. Cooper,
7. John A. Morrison, P. Frazer Smith.
8. James L. Reynolds, Win. Mathiot.
9. Chas, Kessler, William M. Heister.•
10. J. L. Ringwalt, John F. Lord.
11. H. B. Wright, S..S. Winchester.
12. Jahn Blanding, C. L. Ward. ,
13. A. D. Wilson, William L. Dewat.
14. John Weidman, Isaac G. M'Kinley.
15. Henry Welsh, James Gerry.
16. George W. Brewer, John Stuart.
17. S. E. Hench, A. S. Wilson.
18. R. P. Flenniken, Isaac Hugus.
JO. Joh Mann, J. M. Burrell.
20. nos Cunningham, R. Donaldson.
21. David Lynch, Mathew J. Stewart.
22. Arnold Plutner, Jas E. M'Farlane
23. James L. Y. James.
24. Alfred Gilmore, J. Forney.
George W. Woodward, Luzi:rne.
NVilson 11 , Perindless Allegheny.
Gen. Robert Patterson, Philadelphia
Con. Dist.
1. Peter Logan, Philadelphia city.
2. George Martin, City and County.
3. John Hill, do, do.
4. F. W. Buckskins, do. do.
5. R. M'Kay, Delaware.
Q. A. Apple, Bucks.
7. Nimrod Strickland, Chester.
S. Abraham Peters, Lancaster.
0 David.Fisher,.Berks.
10. R. D. James, Northampton.
11. John M'Rovnolds, Columbia.
12. P. Daman, Tioga.
13. Henri C. Eyer, Union.
14. John 'Clayton, Schuylkill.
15. Isaac Robinson, Adams.
16. Henry Fetter, Perry.
17. James Burnside, Centre.
18. Maxwell M'Caslin,
19. Joseph 11PDonald, Cambria.
20. William S. Calaban, Washington.
21. Andrew Burke,, Allegheny.
32. William Dunn, Mercer. -
23. John S. M'Calmont, Clarion.
. 24. George R. Barrett, Clearfield.
The report made by Mr. 'Hirst was
adopted by a vote of 07 yeas to 3 nays—
the Protestants refusing to vote.
:Mr. Hugus from the Committee of res
oluticips, refortcd the following:
Resolved, That this Convention eprdi
ally.approve and endorse the great Demo
cratic political principles embodied in the
resolutions adopted by tho last to o Nation
al Democratic Conventions, held at Balti
more in 1844 and 1848, and believe their
strict Oservance to be not only conducive
to the prosperity, but essential to the pres
ervation of the Union.
Resolved, That the Democratic party,
in view of the present critical condition of
the country, we should now, more than ev
er, resort to the principles of its glorious
founders, as furnishing the safest and sur
est guides and landmarks; and that among
thoSe of primary importance in the exist-'
ing position of public affairs, we may enu
merate : n' strict construction of the powers
granted by the several States to the Fed
eral Government under the Constitution of
the, United States, 'and . rt denial to Con:-
greSs'of all doubtfurpower ; a sacred 're ,
gar& for the rights reserved to the States
respectively, and to the' people an abso
lute non-interference by the several States
and their, citizen's with the domestic insti
tutions of each other; and a rigid econo
my and strictaccountability in the 'expen
diture of the public money drawn from the
pockets of the people by, taxation, confin
ing the . appropriations made by CongresS
to national objects' plainly authorized by
the Constitution. • • ' . •
Ri'soleat,' That the Corner atones of the
Democratic party were 'seen rely . and deeply
laid during "the reign of terror," by. the
immortal patriots and statesmen, Jefferson
and Madison, in the Virginia'and kei•ttuelty
reSolutione, and in Mr.' Madisoires report ;
and' that • wheneVer the government depart.
ed' from the spirit of these reSolutithis and
this:report, dangerous diSsensione - and in
jurious donsequences','to the country were
the Testilt.' - • • • ' '
Resolved,' that the Democratic Fitly is
the true Union Party of the whole country,
and 'we recognize no other We rejoice to
witness that' the Democrats in other
State:3, who disapproved the compromise
Measures of the last Congress, have;; for
the sake of the Union, resolved to acqui
esce in them us a final settlement of. the
'vexed and dangerous srestioits arising pu t
'bf doMestic slavery ; and the Democratie
party' . throughout all the. States, are now
returning into solid .phalanx upon the
principle that these measures must 'and
shall be - maintained and executed,and with
the firm determination that the party-shalt
be restored to its fel mar ascendency and
power in the administration of the Federal'
Resolved, That the Democracy of Penn
sylvania will maintain,. with fidelity and ,
energy the faithfolrexecution of theltigi.
tive slave law ;.Jtild thdt we. pledge our.
selvo to (me rt . Our .best efforts to secuit
speedy repeal Of such portions Of 'the . ‘State
obstruction deny . the use. of
‘ ouk
jails for the detention of fugitivert from la
bor while awaiting their trial, or in any
other manner interfere with the constitu.
tionnl rights ofcitizens of our sister States,
in reclaiming their property.: • •
Resqlocd, That the Democracy of the
old Keystone Commonwealth having .de
ferred their.alaims to a Presidential candi
date to the appeal of her sister States for
more than half a eenttiry; do now; by an
Unprecedented majority; earnestly and en-
Orgetically assert their strong and long de
ferred right to the tenor of furnishing
President for the Union, in the person of
their fellow-citizen; :fumes Buchanan.—
They have no second choice ; and' they
firmly believe, that should he be,ndMina
ted by the Dernocratie. NationalConven
tion he will receive a' triumphant, old
ftishioned Jackson Majority in the Keystone
Resolved, That we. present James Bu
chanan as our candidate for the Presideri
cy,- with the full confidence that the 'De
moCraey of our sister States will ,concede
to the Keystone State the honor to which
she has so long' been entitled, and which
she haS so long generously yielded: That
the fame of our candidate as a sound
statesman and zealous advoCete of republi-'
enn'principles is not surpassed. Ile is a
consistent and uncompromising Democrat,
an able defender of the Jefferson= doc
trine of State rights, a foe to the unconsti
tutional doctrine of centralization—the ad
vocate of universal suffrage—the early,
tried and confidential friend and adviser of
the immortal Jackson—the leading and
successfill opponent of dangerous nmional
monied monopolies--the 'Supporter of the'
economical administration of government;
the friend and promoter of agriculture and
commerce, of domestic manufactUres and
mechanics. The services of Buchanan
in the case of the party and ofthe country,
are recorded in the hearts of the people,
and we believe that with the executive
branch of the Government is in his hands,
equal justice would be awarded to all the
great interests of the country, and our be
loved Union be Ear() against the inroads of
foreign aggression, and the dangers of in
testine commotion.
Resolved, That the delegates elected by
this Corvention be, and they aro hereby
instructed to vote for him from first to last,
and to use all fair and honorable means to
secure his nomitiutipn.
That we congratulate our fel
low . Wiens upon - the successful termi
nation of the late Gubernatorial contest;
the election of his_ Excellency, William
Bigler, as the Chief Magistrate of the
Commonwealth, has secured to the people
an able, enlightened, honest and economi
cal administration of the government, and
redeems our glorious old Commouwealth
from the disgrace which has been brought
upon her by the late reckless and extrav
agant administrutiori; that for the personal
and untiring exertions of Gov. Bigler to
secure theascendency of Democratic prin
ciples during the lute canvass—for his el.
°quern and statesman-like discussion before
the people, of national issues, which made
the late contest memorable and critical for
the country, and which conduced to the
glorious result, the Democracy of Penn
sylvania and of the United States owe him
a debt of gratitude equally difficult to he
established or discharged.
Resolved, That all vacancies that may
exist in the delegation •at Baltimore, now
selected, shall be filled by a majority of
the whole number there present, and that
the said delegation shall have full power
and authority among themselves to regu
late by whom and how their votes shall be
given in the Convention.
Resolved, That the President and two
first Vice Presidents do nominate and ap
point a State Central Committee, consist
ing of thirteen, and that they may an
nounce the appointments before or after
the adjournment of the Convention.
Resolved, That the Democratic State
Central Committee shall require.a pledge
from each elector,
,to vote. for the:candi
dates • for President and Vice President of
the United States, who may be nominated
by the Baltimore Convention, and in case
of the neglect or refusal of any elector so
to do within a reasonable time, the State
Central Committee bp and they are here
by empowered to substitute. • •
Tho eighth resoluton was amended: by
striking out all after the Word resolved and
inserting the following. • . ,
"That this Convention has full confi-
dence in.the.integrity and . talents of the
delegates just selected .to the Baltimore
convention„ and we believe that they . will
triumphantly advocate, the • nomination of
Pennsylvania before,the Convention.. . •
The resolutions' ivere then . adefittid, and
the Convention adjourned until 2i o'clock.
The.Conveption met at 2i o'clock, and
on motion, proceededio bidlot for a Canal
Conienis.sioner.. The folloWing is the ie.
Senright, 23 ,
Mason, • 20 •
Mott • 9 •
Curnmins," , • 9
Fry, , ".
C. Brady; • 12
'Forsyt ,
, Fege r ly, . 2
• ' Kutz, .
Creswell, t . 4
West,, 2
Heck, - • • ' 3
F9ather, ',,2 •,
Th 6 11 Et MEM of Brady, Forsyth; Fegety.
Kutz, Creswell, West and Feather were
Searight, 43
Mason, 33
Bratton," 10 < •
:*: I - • .
Mott, , --, • : 9 •
Cummins, . , 1 2
Fry;! ; << , l 10'
• HePic, 3 ,
Mr. Heck's name was then withdrawn.
Searight, 54
Mason, 37
• • ' Ramon, ' '• 14 •
Mott, 8
The names of r...'ummins and Fry were
then withdrawn..
Searight, 77
Mason, ' 37 •
Bratton, 8 '
Mott, • • 1, , 19
Mr. Searight having rec6iveda rnajchity
of the whole numher of 'votes polled, was
declared duly nominated, 'and on motion,
his nomination was unanimously con.
'rite Convention then adjourned sine die.
From tho,!enneylvaniam
A brief article in the money department
of the Philadelphia' Ledger the other day,
expresses exactly our views. of tho topics
it discusses. Special legislation, it says,
will certainly receive a wholesome check
during this session of our Legislature.—
The Governor has begun significantly,
and we trust that he means to put a stop to
class privileges that are fait sapping the
foundations of our Republic, leavina b us 1
little but the empty sound of equal rights.
This winter already, is our seat of Gov
ernment crowded with borers, whose of-'
Tice is, to speak plainly, the purchase of
special privileges. Every lapyor that has
an important case in Court, *bleb the law
does not favor, asks a “sapplement," .
harmless and unintelligible to: the reader,
and, while general in its style, is really to
meet a special and generally_ an unjust
case. We trust the Executive may con
tinue his watchfulness in this particular,
and protect the public against this shame
ful invasion of its rights by careless and
corrupt legislation. The sound rule is, to
pass no laws that cannot be proved neces
' sary to_the public good, and to arrest all
legislation for purposes not clearly having
this solo object in view. The veto power
will be sustained by the people when exer
cised thus, and the firmness of the Gover
nor will live in , history as an example to
admire and to imitate. The power of Cor
porations, already so formidable in our le;
gislati we halls, calls loudly for suppression;
and the first movement • to assure us has
already been 'made by the. Governor. No
special acts nor supplements should be al
lowed to existing charters. If acts of in
corporation .or supplements to them be
wanted for manufacturing, for coal mining,
for railroads and the like—whatever re
publican reason can. be advanced in favor
of the special law desired, will be 'found
much more. appplicablo .to a general law
that enables all citizens to. do.the same
thing that the applicants ask for themselves
alone, excluding all their fellow citizens,
without any show of reason, right or sound '
policy. The shortest and fairest way to
deal with all such applications now befom
the Legislature, would be to make sup
plement to the present general.manufac
torsi law, that will cover therm ; and
thus at once dismiss the host. of borers
that annoy Members, and make a whole
some beginning, that will . relieve every
man' in the State of the annual fear ho now
justly entertains of having his rights inva
ded by stealtliy.and special - laws, that lift
• his nighbor above him, interfere with the
business, pad rob him of his equal. rights.
Bread Without a Crust
The following will' be interesting to
housekeepers, and we would advise its tri
al. The, Wyoming Co. Mirror says:—
Mr. Throop, of this village; lately present
ed us a loaf of' bread, which was done,
without a crust. The prOcess of baking
or rather steaminff, he gave as follows :---
Preparci,the dotigli the same as for baking,
in a tin basin. When in a proper'condi-,
tion; instead of putting into the oven, put
it into a kettle. There should be Same,:
thing in'the bottom of the kettle; a hoop of
tin two or three inches broad would behest;
to keep the basin irorwthe' bottpm, and
there should bo riufficiell water to'covei
about one-third of the basin. :Keep the .
water constantly boiling from the time the
loaf is put in, till it la dene, which
,Will bp
about three-quarters 'of an hour,. with
Ordinary sized loaf. • To, know when it is
done,. press upon'the 'Centre •of the top:of
the loaf with the thunab',andiif done, it will
pull back . on remoVing', ipa thumb, if not;
the indentation • Will reinain2 'The' loaf
presented us' s nearlyasAvlitto outside as'
inside, and filo outside' is . Seardely 'any
harder' than the' rest: is' pot
perceptibly diffeient' lion) hrend welt
baked': O have . tiled Vie experiment in
our family with perfect success It looks
white 'and beautiful, and we think 'fully
equals ordinary bread in its flavOr . . •
, •
Com. Astir.s.—T. R., Of tinghampton;
*asks'; "Is the ash of anthracite coal' a fer-:
linger, and if so, how should it be applied?
What would be its effects 'on fruits, 'mai;
cularly 'grapes?" It is a'fertiliser, because
it 'contains lime, magnesia, iron, alumina;
and:sometimes - potash. Ilhould be mix=
ed with tho sell; because Se mechanical
action of the cinders in heavy land is very
beneficial. Its effects on fruits, "particu
larly grapes,"` Will be good, because it
contains the necessary ingredients. Coal
eindeis would be a good bottoming for a
vine bed. Coal ashen will always be found
most Valuable in heavy, moist soils,
1 A GamntEß , :•l4EcimetA:APTipier
nampflilliorriklaii qufre.ra.. 0 13 TIP I P t it -
Lynch Law .liickmol A. I , JaViighilfilla
s nco, at the hands.of the passengers of the
s earner St: ; paul. ,His , offence, ,consipted,
in an attempt to. plunder one, ofo .party , Ot
returned Californians,' on tkepnsSage qbtril
NeW Orleans l to, S t..Lotiis:
; The boat stoped ati
Hickman, an t he
I, , ..1.4. f ,
passengers, then took the law in their own
hands, and seizing their victim proceeded.,
to the woods, tied him_ up to a tree and
gave him sixty seven lashes on , his i tli ti: e
1 back ond turned him doom. Every blow, -,
brought the blood `from tlte. poor . Wratch;',l
whose screamssould be heard 'A' mile,
The man who was thus :stimmarity ‘.l
dealt , with was tall, and genteellydressecl,
with a scar on the end of his nose, se' ;fa
,small ' piece had 'been taken:Mr - "Thiir:
answers the description .of a gambler o f
the nameof."Jef. Williarnson,7 welikliown
lin this city.—Louisville (Ky.) Courier
of 6th. . ; '
. .
' The DirFellomn.—Whop . a . rakish
youth goes estray, friends' gather around
him to restoro him to tho'path orvirtuo:—.
Gentleness'andlindness arol4vished up•
on him to win hinvbackloinnocence:and
peace. No one would . suspect that ho
had ever sinned: ' Hut *hen a poor confi•
ding-, girl is betrayed; 'she' receives the
brand of society; and is henceforth driVen
from the path of virtue. The betrayer is
'honored, respected, es.teemed ; ,but his ru
ined, heart-broken victim knows there is
'no peace 'for hor this side of the cold aid
solitary grave. Society hali- no. helping
hand for her; no smile of peace, no voice
of forgiveness. These are earthly mom.
lists; they are unknOwn i.rt 'Heaven ; ; there
is deep wrong in Them, andlca rfut tirA the
roses.—ln a certain village in Massach
usetts, the only licensed vendor of ardent
spirits was a very conciencious man, - who
placed a strict construction:upon the
uto limiting the salo to 44medieuFnaechan
ical purpose"
One day a sly old toper living.few-
miles out of town, called fora gallon of
rum for "nzecha' nical purposes." The , rum•
was drawn and delivered without suspicion
and the old fellow had paid for it, and was
' on the point olpassing out when the.vend.
er noticed an odd look about his face ask- -
ed what mechanical purpose he proposed-
to put the spirit tot
Thu old fellow opened the door, casting
the most quizzical look in the world overhis
shoulder at the apothecary, replied that lie
was going to mike an az yoke with it?"
The bill of ICossuth and his party at the
Alleghany - "Mountain House," has been
found fault with; The - party,including
the legisintivecomrnitte,'&d.,nurribered 23,
and they were charged 43.50—
Judge Gillis writes that Kossuth and his
suite "called for 'nothing . but fire to warm
themselves by and , that they did net get."
Flo hopes the bill will not be allowed.-
- Saturday Gazate..'
Stiicinn.—One of the most &Stressing'
case's of suicide, it has ever bee n . our lot:
to chronicle, was committed in this Colin.'
ty, on Monday last, some six, or eig,ht
miles north of this boiough. The Wired .
the Rev. S. P. Ballrnan;put a perioitto'her,
existence' by hanging herself in' `her owe'
house, during the absence Of her husband
and other members of the We tire'
not informed as to what caused'her to' cora;•
mit this foul deed, but presume - it Masi'
have been in a fit of insinitY; Certainiy,
no htiman being enjoying, .their . rational`.
senses,' end 'amidst 'their friends, wield'
have the temerity to thus ' expunge them:'
I .selvei froin existence.--:/ndiana Reg
The Rev. Mr. Biownloy, editor of the.
'Knoxville, (Tenn.) Whig says, with Scott
as their candidate, they will be beatefi
000 votes in Tennessee, and that . "Scott'
has personal vanity enough to damn
cessive administrations, and with. it, very,
poor civil qualifications, and, by no. mean!
a high order of talentS., He has .been ha'
incubus on the Whig party For many yaeri
and defeated Mi.. Clays nomination id
1848." Atid again he say's,' speaking
Gen. ScotiaS a civilian: •
"L am an humble member ot tde party,
and will support, in good faith, eithet
more or Webster, but 1 will never sup.•
port Scott; .directly or indireepy, though
he may, receive the endorsement of 411,the
twhig Conventions between Hell and Heavp,
en, and between this and November ne#t
A Far. Fuivrtr..--In a lato debate be.,
, „
tween General Foote of Mississippi, and
Senator Rhot, of S. C., the General, in
reply to the assertion of Rhett; that he, had
never seen Gen. Jackson's Proclantatio4
on Nullification, said : "I would as soon,
expect to see the devil, sitting . on a, stop
fence on a cold frosty morning rending
the Bible; as a regular: South Carolina
nullifier reading the P'roclamation'of
eral Jackson: , .
Otrdiris, liever . run away iron,: yout
parents till you. are sure , the young, map
you elope with ,don't run away, from, .yolli
This advice is worth a year's subspKiptiou.
but we,,will give, 1,/
The question, "why printers domOt titles
coed, in business as.' well as breiters wag
thus answered: "Because, printers 'work
for the head, and brewers for': the stet&
ach, and whilst all , men have stomachs,
very few, have heads)! ; •
(* - The I.egislatureefVertL, Oita .re
cent seisien; enacted a law forbidding the
employment' 'of conductors,-.: engineers;
brakerrien, or switchmen, t‘who shali make:
use' of intoxicating liquors: at; it• beverage:
BILL has been introduced into tee ,
Legislature of. Callforpia,
, Proiridinglet
the restoration of slaves brought into ;the;
State Wore theadeption• gf the couetituttoo,
. .