--114111targiormnikraMVP PA; fI„ , 1 'AV( it PW ,ritrarreatails.,‘,: opx•frAID:NP47IIIKBIN IF Nor PhU) wiTritta Nitla unTIAL •,, A VI IF par PAID 'WITHIN ':XWEIIY/t td011111 8 .• ' tiO , 11 , • , , The ab 6 veteran ateax Went LA these of any other leitiattyatalterfatlteStatoodatlioUl be butted. ItodloorlDpAepootellltealtowad untUailuntatesetberr buirmio• ' • • • . Ati EtiltitilLlTY OP fOlcrialtrittiS. Ppjt `iitaeothiete stag& 'B4 by laof the Denbet poets q t . eel lilted by those to OW** itilscupo. lets tbdoseztin nal tetoontible 'fot &moult of tleettbeetipttortesese. L. Penota Await Dom oderesiabdlothtuatelves.ot to imam beotateriaaaaOttirm, sad .sre liable foe the Oa of subsprip. lion. Clerpeaerliacra i taw** to !ma tbitovabont Abe beauty, free . of charm - • , • ! FOR fIiFt,IRTIODLICArt. THE -wen al&ii•S WISHES TIM POOR NAN'S WANT'S: There was a rich mania - whose hdade All things plaspeled - rearistv:- • Fortune wailed at hie commands -And obeyed Win cheer( ally— • Still'hisarPriee grasped fdr lam Wealth to l tuld anal his store. pain. ynan,onee,in , doopdietrepa 'To this ri ch . !aim came lon aid, Numbly' aid hie wawa confess, Told hie own exertions made ' • But an failing, bow. it wae ho Atrked tot aid end eyinpatlit The rich =on beard him, tht - in replied, I•ban sympathize with you; Youllaro want's I'M satisfied, But stilt I have wishes too prant my wishes, then, I soy. I will grant your wants to•day." The poor man•looke d around and thoug ht Surely hero all things mpuund, The' rich lean cno Wish for nought - Thattiinnot bo quickly found ; Then he,srlidodr:l agree , • :Il I eau consistently. • • The rich,n:inn.ioici his wishes o'er, But "on wishes, wishes grew." The ppor titan counted,nenr score ; "BtOP" - inni he, :•sir, that will do;', Then returning nome again Vowed no Inore to astt rich men. • Both late end virly thoit hi wrought, .*'rayed the lord to help him through, Lived content, and doily Fought . The way to Heaven to pursue; Died' at last in heai'nly love, • Angels carrying him above• The rich man added 'wea►lh to wealth, Filled his coffers full of gold But, alas! he heft his health • : And w,thout e'en genlng old • - Died In great distress of mind Leaving all his rvealth behind, pout tbo Now Yo , rt Bossing Post. REMINISCENCES Of the American Revolution. Bit SEVE NO. 6. Battle of .Trenton—Donth of Gen. Mercer. The influence of the Baule of Trenton upon the public mind, was as important us almost any other event during the mote- So triumphant had been the British arms, and : ' se., feeble, had the resistance of the . Americ.arts.h&bnie,,that Lord Cornwallis had actually left the army, and gone to ..New York, to embark Ter England, for the purpose of explaining in person to his Majesty, haw, completely subdued' was the rebellion. , ,VVashingtOn'.s foree was reduced to less than,2 4 ooG men, of the regulars, and their Berme exPired within a few days. The men were ,ordered t 4 parade. In person Washington marched to the ranks, and addieesed the men by companies appeal ing to their patriotisayand demanding to know if they had determined 'to leave him • talemb, in the field. 1-16 then called Upon those..whO intended' to stand by their court . - iry to match in front.; at the sarnotirne nouncing . that a new bounty "of ten dollars, *ouldhe allowed for a re-erth.4tnnent of six Weeks, 'This step . alone , saved an entire of the arrriy; only teb 'days be fere'the:battle of Trenton. Thii bounty WaspxtuTtdinary; bat Wa shington wrote. Ceng t iess, no '`better could" be done. Teed Congress had foieseeri its inuch', and , had previously relieiiadhinn from all: re etiletionin the matter. • Thiti small band dernipdsed the last hope of liberty,' arid'lt vitt§ beta* for all to 'perish' ln the tit:. tempt, 'than for rib bloti , to bb struck. • The siirprise of Trenton wits determined Upon. Every Man wi l e Witnte.d.. The surgeons were' - enjoined' tb exatnine the hospitals, and excuse no man who, cent(' trittrcit. In the bcinti; the 'painting - of • Wnishington crossing the Detaware, this 4batitmed by The 'appearance of tht . hunt- Bed inValidi3;:in the shape . of men, lOoklng in6its : halted for a sick room than, for an, open btlat,' t iioren ' . of 'Sleet and scow; tbiliouis t eheintited 'lee,: and 'sbtiie tit' , the ,littrAieSt'a6ttittllyi• fro s t 'lritton,''landirtg Oneiriy: . • litside-Yfittilfitikasheil the Partienlars or that event. • It-has faithfully deSCribed that bleeding 'match; whet 'the Trotter' , ground moo markod With Moot front fEtt• of the tattioie, , :whosa botintry •*an ohible to fahltlit , thorn • *Ulu: shOeu. • • As- soon al; Washington could 'reUrtisn , they Delaware 'with ibis <tine, thousand . Hessian. Kisotters. he merit them to Philidelphie and had them *gushed frthroggh..the:bity: l We spirit cof .the ••people; the cause. become psdre end.. more populuty;and• irnett Nroltin. teored to join his steindard: - Thd prisoners . . . WAM,P4lllt,lPOihßlP t eTK l r ,arf ig n g# e,Glor- Vgliiiiiiimmt4;Phßtylciphlay wh,qaPloni96.4 hiPdnco, !TWA ROCIIV PlAgge4iffunitMOgßitica,weglithei ,0011.):Oritroce,t so Shat • mrkbile /OM 41cOtibrPIPtANokk : Mire iiitritfil be E4 e Po i nV g e itt lir 9gt,l? AiPER3IOOTPt? SdnAn:,!?PPti7 gl:Px9etliFieBsll ram% is to a non hts Voyage, and to - : 91?'* .1 "; ;;;.; ; 4 '.“'' '''''' . ''' . " ...fl . ;;;: . ii)1:f"' ir ''-' ::il ' ... ,: :::: . :: . :; - )t ' f r : ' ,. ' ,....:.1..,:11., o';`:;k:':.•;-.'.;.-.7,1,:::::;i ~ ) - ::;:::t . t , ' • ,;:,':; ' 4 ,'''' ' ',,,: . ! •: ! :: ' 6 . .4 -1 ,;;: ." . - r,' :, " ; ; . :. ; ' ::;,'.l - 1'::: : ::It A t . ; " ' i " :1;4';','.11., :, t t; . , ,.! . 1 44 ' , I ;." .T0.1..1.'td. Ci.'it ). ) :1';," :';;• t l; , 11 ; ...;.; ; ~.. . ..ic; - .,11:1' ,f`;). t:. f1;;;' ~;;".. ) '.".:1 . 1 • i;,) ;•:, ' i..t;:,',' 1 , 1 •"0 . ' ~.":;:';:ttt ; ; ; ;;1.• t ~ , , ,,i ~,... i,," 1 ;,,"' • t . , ,•, •'1;•';', .. ; , ..,;'. ...-•-., '4l .: i.• , .. ) 1 '.l'.'l .'•! ',' '.. ' •'''' ''"''• ,•'.. - l• . • . , ~ _ ~ , ~. . 1 0 : 4 ...,, ~...., ~ . i ' j ' . : ii .., ~!, .. i.,. . . ~..... . ~ : .::: hi I*. A,. . :t ', , 1 !Cir. NH. ' z I,: ~ • ~,,, •;..; ../ ‘.l* ... "! 't ; •r . • ...t.., .;, ~„ •, ,• .!,.!,.. ~ .„,,...? ,!,(. •,,, ~,, „„,•, , •• , • , , , , 1 5 9 7. rt 95 j . 'l O If f I -. .. • / .1 -= ......6—...... ] ~. •../ ::I i:elt ...,,,.,,. . :,.., •,,,,.....• ~,,...• •.,.., •; , . : ; , . . .i . •.: ICll."'ll'''' ir 1 :::,.... ~• „ T .:. .1 . ..._. . , AND —7 LTUD.E IVIORALITY 'AND'TOREIGN''VOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. Wpm .DEVOTED TO . LITERATURE,.AORICU Vohime 3. return at once to his party. He nOw dis covered that Washington :was a soldier to be feared end respected. •,• The force of the whole British -army,' was (now •in the dead of winter as • it was,) put in requisition to surround Washington. Tobring him to . battle except upon his, awn terms, had been impossible. In rho mean time, Congress had• conferred upon him dictatprial powers, authorizing him to ap point arid displace all officers under the rank •of Brigadier general—to establish their pay, and to fill vacancies in other de partments—to take whatever he judged necessary for the use of the army—to ar rest and confine all persons who might• re fuse to take' constitutional money, or be otherwise disaffected to the cause. A copy of these powers were enclosed by Congress to the Governor of , each state, requesting thiiim to laid Waehing,t6rl in the exercise .ofl these powers. • January 2d, 1777, found Washington ) l again in greet 'peril. The etlemy were ad vancing upon him in every direction, and his' whole force of regulars, only enlisted for's' few weeks,. tind that as a matter oft personal favor to "him. As the rear of tho A-merican army left in village, the front of the British'would enter in five times the forcer Fortunately, Washington, just at dark had placed Assanipink Creek in Trenton, between him and Lord Cornwal lis, and night coming on, the British army could not ford it in safety. Both'armies posted their centries and resumed their camp fires. Washington saw that• he would be in the morning entirely surround ed, and his army cut up, unless he could change his position before morning, and that undiscovered by his vigilant enemy. at once impressed all the teams within reach, •and before twelve 'o'clock all his baggage and heavy artillery, was by a circuitous route, on the way to Princeton. Having renewed his fires late at night, the enemy had do suspicion of his movement, until they were startled in the morning by the roar of his cannon charging upon the British at Princeton, where over 500 of the enemy, wore left dead upon the field. Cornwallis, upon finding himself thus out generated, at once' made a forced march after Washington, who, having destroyed all the bridges on his mi4ch,delayed Lord Cornwallis so long in repairing as to ena ble the American army to again change position, and thus avoid theappeartince of having made a retreat. In this battle, the loss of American officers was very severe. Among the slain was Brig. Gen. Mercer, a brave , man. Congress erected to his memory a monument, and ordered that his children should be educated at the public expense. The same honor in the same resolve was extended to Gen. Joseph Warren who fell at Bunker Hill. • The delay 'in the approach of Lord Lord Corn* wallis - upon Princeton by the destruction of tha bridges enabled Washington to pur sue the 'flying British from Princeton for several miles. Thus while Washington was being pursued by a superior force on the ono hand, he was hard pressing anoth er division of the enemy', and all this with in hearing of each other. These great movements of Washington soon caused his name 'to be venerated, in Europe. • Dr. Franklin wrote him, on hearing of these victories, "All the world, on this side the water, consider you as the greatest captain of the age." Notwithstanding • these brilliant results, Washington had only, accomplished ono half of bis plim•when he made the forced march to ,P'r'inceton. • His' design was to Nave urged his , harnessed troops on to Brunswick, but liefound BO many of them had,been without, rest ro F , two, nights, that his officera,utged biro net to attempt it,— neit ,mOve was to,Morristown, which dioxin:oy reached ian',l77l. During this Veholti winter' thus. far, the whole artily had, been ,withoift ; cover, and great 'nein, bera .Of the sol4rs,,entirely beretOoted, and otherWiSeiniserably clad. In ell those actions ,Waibingion exposesrhis person inl theime'si,friarkablc naanner,, ly e / i 'Princeton, where, at thri,tene Meicer fell, the treops gave , way and Washington seized a standard, and planted his horse so ' farlin front of his troops, es caused his,9l- fiCers to,exclaim;"Man, Bain your Onerl ttV Utul, thus t_huy were. brought don to the. charge,' .9mgreas beeame alarmed at seeing : Washington so freely?xpoeing him an/d passed, a resolvo,, in sub s tance, that Cpngress,yould, be, pleased en. allm erlons n learn iliat,,he . had ,not'e?tPoSed his perion.t Washingtoni left,tho, enepy In. great, consternatien when 'lie •retiree,to winter qudimrs: Three weeks beffire l lhey had no exPectation.that.he'iould make an effert,or • even-Iteep up the appearance of tin 04.: thc:rneitntirrie, he fled' ch 0 irg- Kev i to4styip m thenct tki Tin i n i ten and PrinOen, and came near, ilSstrgitig'thrun at ttinits‘yiel4 and '4141414 their. Military chest, , Which 'would have 00164. if not 49RAYO)iied::.fiiejai Thelsaleients' gave , e nar'fitceSe qua SoCUtid,ihe • I.•tet 1.1 , To ertnutyania t4l4r,e,it, sle,terd;:purp6o,B it , of Fittsi Wi %In 6 ,0c4 ,*4; yes ' oa 10 L IAI it; and` ini,aiatlie,,Ox !fp' hf3FP4„tkr.6e., the Leg,terattikiii . , • • - .431ei[r. .251,1k802. Short Patent Sermon. I shall give . you a sermon to-day, drawn fr i pm the following, text:: • ' ,:The lady isto before tho tub. is not ashamed to wring and ill!) Or on the floor ashamed to scrub,' • And cares not who calls in to see, • Her laboring so industriously, i Will make a wife for you or mo. My learefh- 7 it was ordained by Heav en—not by the devil.;--that every man should have a, wife, and every woman be bleised with a hiisband: the begin ing God 'made two of the genus h6mo-r-of opposito sex., a The one he elected, pbsitiVe ly and the Other ono negatively : so , that when they approximated,, their Mystical effect would bo produced from the ono to the other. The how, the why, and tho wherefore, no mortal has yet been able to understand—neither is it necessary that ho should. The sex naturally 'approach and adhere to each , other, through some mysteiious influence that admAs of no so lution. Let it suffice that it is so. ,hen the creator made Adam hosaw that it Was tibt.good for him 'to be alone; so ho ynes merised man—dug a rib from lig side with Out the least parilcle of pain Irani from it he made Eve, to be a helpmate for him, as well as a fancy plaything. Now,with: out knoWing What love was, they couldn't help, loving the moment they set their eyes I open one another. He cast sheep's eyes at her at a distance, and she threw some killing glances in return, that fired his soul, and set his heart vibrating like a splinter upon a chestnut rail in a sou' wester.— They finally came together just as natur ally as a couple of apple seeds swimming in a bason ()Ntter. But situated as they were at first, and having little or no man tle' labor to perform--Evo could be of lit tle real utility to Adam and Adam'could'nt do a great deal for Eve. Still they loved and were willing to assist each other, in case of any emergent casuality, and so when they tound-that aprons were neces sary, they set to, and with the needle worked together for mutual goo llip Eve only understood plain sewing—she knew nothing about your embroidery, lace work ing and piano playing, and cared not about the same. -The couple were perfectly hap py in their rude and rough state, until the sarpint got among 'cm and even they stuck to each other through thick and thin, and through all the brambling vicisitudes of life—from Paradise to perdition. My brethren since you know that mar riage is a divine institution, and that every one of you should have a wife, what kind of a rib would you select 1 a pretty little useless doll, or n woman big and spunky enough to Tassel with a bear, and come off first best? 1 imagtne you care nothing for either extreme; but you would look for personal charms. 0, you • foolish idola ters at the shrine of beauty I---Know you not that hundreds of husbands are made miserable wives and that thousands are happy in the possession' of homely ones 1 Homely without but beautiful within. Alas! what is beauty? It is a flower that wilts and withers almost as soon as it is plucked, a transient rainbow, a fleeting meteor, a deceitful will-of-the-wist sufligmated moon shine. The kind ern wife you want is of good morals and knows how to mend trow sera, who can reconcile peeling potatoes with practical or fashionable piety, who can waltz with the churn dash, and sing with tho tea-kettle; who understands broom• ology,andthe true science of mopping; who cah knit stockings 'without knitting her brows, and knit up her husband's ravelled sleeve of care ; , who prefers sewing tears , with her needle,- to sowing the tears of scandal 'with her tongue. '• Such is deci dedly a bitter half:. Take her if you can get her-L-let her be up to the elbbws in the suds of the wash tub, or picking the geese in a cow stable. - • • My hearers-;--my text speaks of a lady , befoie , tho wash tub. You may think it absurd, but let me (Mine you theta, female can'be a lady before. a wash tub or in the kitchen, as much as in the drawing room, or in the parlor. What constitutes a lady? It is not a costlYdress,paint for the cheeks, false hair,and'still falser airs ; hilt it is her general deportMent,her intellectual endow ments, rind thatlevidenob of virtue which commands the silent 'respect and admire 'tion of the world. Bho would be recogaii, ed as , a.lady at once—it matters not Where or in;l4tat situation she were :fottad.-;-- whether scorching_hed.hugs with a hot po ker, or hollowing halleluiah; at a Metho dist camp meeting. All that I have , far ther:to saY,felloW-heClietoi ., is that, when ydu marry, see that you get, a l Wyk:wide and feu who knows hey: , to keeii. the pot boiling, and looks well, to her house hold.—Se mote it bet " • Dow Jr. , .. Certl wishl owned anintordst in that dog of yours," said a peiglibor, in our hearing the other day, tb another neigh. bor`whossi dog would dart toward ihe logs of any one with whom lie - rnigbt. , be talk-., ing, an4:then "back up tighin AO look up in his Master's face, as mdAl'.* , to _say; "Shall r pitch into 'riive him a nip ort,the . leg?" "An inteie'4'in ; my dog? ' said his;:master : what could`yeti ',do with it'l"—:"Why," replied the' gttier, "rd 840.924 thAnZiOiilininutesl '` ' • 'English tditiriontifitiss. Tho Eart of 4Oriser's hoMestead,about sixty Miles froth 'Landon; coMprises ton thousand Litres. , .pistefully, divided into parks, meadowsi pastures ' wondEi; and• gar dens. His library, called the finest' private library•in the world, eontnins fifty ;thou sand volumes. ::'Extensive and elegant stables, green hisses and . conservatories, gamekeeper's house, and dog kenneld, port cr's .iodgo, and farthing houses without number, go , to complete the establishment. Hunderds of sheep and cattle graze in the parks about the -.house, • The Duke 'of Richmod's home farbo., 'at Goodwood, sixty-miles from London, con ststs of 23,000 acres, or over 35 square miles. And this is in crowded England, which has a population of sixteen millions and an.ttrert of tthly 50,000 square miles, or just thirty-tWo millions ofucres,giving, were the land divided, but two acres, to each inhabitant.' Tho residence of • the Duke is a complete palace. One exten sive hall is covered with yellow - silk, and pictures in the richest . 'azia most costly tapestry. The dishes and - plates upon• the table are all of porcelain, silver.and gold. Twenty-five race horses stand in the, stable each being assi g ned' to the care of a spe cial groom. Agrotto near the house,• the ladies spent sit years in adorning. An aviary is supplied .with almost every var iety of rare rind elegant birds. Large herds of cattle; sheep and deer, aro spread over the immense lawns. The Duko of Devonshire's place, at Chnstworth, is said to excel in traignifi cenco any other in the kingdom. T he' income of the Dulto is one million of dol lars a year, and ho is said to spend it -all. In the grounds about his house are kept four hundred head of cattle, and fourteen hundred deer. The kitchen garden con tains twelve acres, and is filled with' almost every species of fruit and vegetables. A vast apboretum, connected with the estab lishment, is consigned to contain a sample of every tree that grows. There is also a glass conservatory 357 feet in length, 12 in breadth, 67. in height, covered by 67,000 square feet of glass, and warmed by seven miles of pipes conveying hot water. One plant was obtained from In dia by a special messenger, and is valued at $lO,OOO. One of the fountains, near the house, plays 285 feet high, said to be the highest jet in the world. Chastworth contains 3,500 acres, butthe Duke owns 06,000 acres in the county of Derbyshire. Within the ehtire is ono vast scene of paintings, sculptuer, mosaic work, envied wainscoting,and all the elegancies and lux uries within the reach of almost bonndless wealth and refined-taste. TUE CAM Sys-rmit.—The evils of the credit system, in minor transactions, 'are the experience of almost every one. The remarks belnw apply as well - to most kinds of business as to publishing:— With publshers of newspapers, in com mon with business men generally, the cash system is preferable to any other ; to publishers who rely, or nearly so, ,upon their subscription list for support, for the prosecution of their business, they must necessarily be the loser. There nre thousands of well meaning men, who sub. scribe for newspapers and intend to pay for them; but the idea of writing a letter to an editor enclosing two, three, five, or eight dollars, never enters their heads— though if called upon for the amount due would probly be prepared to meet the, der mud. But the publisher of almost every country newspapet Anews,it . would he out of the question for ,him to employ a. colH lector out of the, profits of his •Einbserip tions; so many of his patrons continue year after year taking the paper without udvancing a coat, while he is ,paying Cash for his printing and materials, .canh for his paper and labor 4. and every thing else necessary to carry on business. , Here, then, is a loss- 7 -not attributed to any, de sign on the part, of,the subseribers to de lraud, but tho fruit ofa, worse than wortli lees system. They would pay' if waited upon, but the printOr can not .airord to spend five dollars for collecting three, and never gets his - FDANOE AND TDE BAY OF Bi...NtN.—The Paris Coitstitutiotutd, the organ of Lewis Napoleon,',has an editorial, argurnentativ `protest against what is termed the British ' 0::7"" Fat, can you te ll mo what is a blockade of the bay ofitenin. Itinsists that virgin V' . , , • the French commercial situation on ,the "To .he sure I can, jimmy," . , coast of Africa is better than the, British, "Well.then will , you he ,after doin' its" and intimates that jealousy of the rival 4 'sies, jist it's a • woman that has, never lies at the , bottom of the affair.. A thriving been , marr i e d at all , French factorY;hllving hci'corinection,With ..11 c , ye i n earnest, Pail" , , r . 1 it Oil hirslaVele, must be ruined by ,bo9k "yes,Ain nv .,, . , ~,,,, ~ • , 1 o r f!,, crook., Marseilles, Itiodeaux and ~ , T he saints, in heaven be praised ,thin, 'Mintz, have ,cliltimed 'the'interposition of • iny . , rhotherwas a virgin; my father nevet theligoy' m ernent, hy'llieir •Chaniber of married h er , cit. citt sure:,, .an 11616. re. 6 . , : • • Otr - A couple of "limbs of the law," who I ~,' •,,, I , „, ~ , 4 ,7,t, , , • i., , . were.conducting a suit before a: justice in 1 3 ., t17 1 W,4,.. pipowysicl,r-lop: ,op.turd4 3 7 rio c titester r got incensed at orie ;another, 0 arnpon p.eeit,; Mr. : Lewis . Michael, , of an . 4rißlly.qtp:no toblpWs,. The ,Court sat I ,' npover, Pa.,, in : seven c.onsecatiye, shots by and looked coldly . on. until, the fracas 1: 1 , , ,, , it111,;if1e,qt p,Oistance of one hinuireo yias over 7 - 7 ,The, combatants apologised for 1 1 ,mils, drove pie co,itre jive #1 . 7,10, anci ,in th,sturOng his .h9por 1.,, 7 ,hat, the, luStice yip iirtrvTiniiiig twp , ,,shots,,,ihg t ,halls 'struck mg- his specks, cooly declared.het,hano ,t q,i;c 4 ard ,Withinbat„n.few.,eighths of. an been, , ) distarbech in ,;the, least- 71 hp rather inch of thb centre! .liked a. lIORRIBLE TRAGEDY , We are seldom .called upon to record a MOTO dreadful and revolting tragedy than one which occurred' in this city on Satur dhy . It 'was ono of those corn , bintitions of crime, to be guilty of which all the fiendish passions of man must , tole predominate,_ unrestrained by any moral principle. The particylars, so far Its have yet been developed, are as follows: About five o'clock on Saturday morning, Mrs. Mentz, residing in Maiden lane, near Little East street, befweed Baltimore and Fayette streets, .heard a noise in the street and on looking from her window discover ed a man named James White, who lived opposite, knocking violently at the door of his residence. He was apparently much intoxicated; and as it was quite cus tomary for him to come home in that con dition, Mrs. M., paid 06 more attention to him. Shortly after this 'a noise was heard in the house, as though there wail a violent struggle going, on, and soon after the building was discovered to lie on' fire. An alarm was raised, and several of the neighbors gathered, and endeavored to ex tinguish the flames, which was notaccorn: plished until after the building had been considerably burned. Some of the neighbors then went into the house to ascertain the amount of the damage, and on going into theAsecond story front room, found a son of Mr. White, aged about two years; lying on the bed, patially consumed, with his throat cut and•skull fractured. On the floor ofl the same room was a sister of the child, about fifteen years, of age, mutilated in a similar manner; by her side lay the father, between whom and the daughter there seemed to have been a protracted struggle in the course of which, the head of the girl was thrust beneath a shoe-bench, where it was still laying, the throat of„the father was cut from ear to ear, so as al most to sever the head from the body. The mutilated boides wereall scorched and blackened by the flames, the extremities being burned to a crisp. White is represented as having been a very dissipated and intemperate man, and living on disagreeable terms with his family, towards whom ho exercised great brutality, His wife had left him some two weeks before this horrid event, hav ing been impelled to do so by his ill treat ment and her own feeble health. She call ed on a neighbor, the day she parted from her husband, and .showed marks of violence on her face and neck; saying that White had chocked and beaten her. She is now lying very ill at the . house of a relative, and her recovery is considered extremely doubtful, Coroner Hooper was called and held an ioquest on the bodies; the jury rendering a verdict, that, in, their opinion James, White had murdered his children by cut ting their throats with' a shoe-knife, and then, after firing his residence, had com mitted suicide by cutting his own throat. They also concluded, that , the deed had been doe while laboring under the effects of continued intoxication, as ho had been known to have been drunk, almost con stantly, for the past two or three weeks. After the verdict was rendered, a pistol was found in the room, and some of the neighbors asserted that they had heard a report of a pistol a short time before the arm of fire was given. From the wound on the • head of the child, it 'is ,presumed that it was inflicted with this vfeapon.r— The shoe-knife was found lying close, by the side of the deceased, where it had seemingly fallen from the grasp of the wretched man, after he had given himself , the wound which terminated his existence. , During the whole of Saturday, the great est excitement prevailed in that port of, the city; hundreds of persons crowded to the scene of this awful occurrence, to gaze upon the remains of thoso who had been thus hurried into futurity, in .so. fearful a manner. , ; .About twelve ,o'cleck, the re-i latives of. White had the bodies removed preparatory to burial. 'rho wife and _daughter appeared to have , been , highly respected and esteemed hy ,their .acquain tances, and all who knew them testify to their amiable conduct, and deplore, with un feigne sorrotv the horrible death of the daughter, and unfortunate bereavement of the mother, who has not been madeac quainted with the fearful calamity which 'has befallen her. • , ve . . , - , sown% 1 ingestions ; SIN SO ti Squid* illnOistinht,l - ,4tert Ido 8 do I'OU 3 , . 8 nouns. 7 tes— Boob sobeqtrares do: • do. 18 oleatbs3 1 - ,1134 . 2 squares mouths. N t halt . cotoroo,ll month., 00 do . months, : ;: Not I' do " do, Pilleatratbiallut do 'lll months.. 11 At tdo • do. 12 do 13 W Bldo • Vmoarhs, '4142' t Wallin Bin outlii, , , o s' eau do months. •66r 1 ,do b • „do.. tO - do • 11;stioutbs, Ot 3 do 13 -do ' , '• . Oben! seduction Will tie hinds! tot Idere..h dhl oltyt l ts who advertise by thqtqi veer. ; ,• 1 ' • Vat %Apar oitcolit in eveie • ilatitiliashou3: km 4 fa tta 4 • 6 f neatly every Sandi* sq the county—as dAhatefors,42o9 l 4 l CanYiriatent and chest, means fbr the batlanl 'man of Oar Monty—the Merchant. Methnnte. and II others — to uphill the knowledge' of their 'Wanton and hat Dear We' a atald like to Intent "A Card" (or,evety elechpolo.-Merobnithaqq Prolesneual wen In the honesty. VI, boob plied, rpons withbateocroaeh ing upon oat rall 3 / 1 1 0 ColOdutt: Odd NAM , a to a !exit; Mese hinnies, will Igoe by adgett.sloit extenelvell— for, sts a general ride, the %ore° leogyely a Mtn advuotheir. the grottier will to hts rous. • riittiubek' 1 7. Books, Jobs and Blanks, OF v BUT DES,CRIPTIOist. D JIN uEttc R F PL i 31 BERTH? 1 L EXTRACT. I saw the temple reared by the hands of men,' standing with :its. high phtnnolea in the distant plain, the stream beat iniori itll the God of nature hurled his thtindeiholts againkfit—and yet it stood n.s.flirn nit 'ad amant. Revelry was irt its hall=the:gtik; the happy, the' young 'and beautiful' were there. I returned and the temple Itlis fie more—its high walls' lay in scattered ;Li ins, moss and wild grass grew wildly there, and at the midnight hour the owl's cry add ed to. the young and gay Who revellbfltlitfich had passed away: • • , I saw the child vioiting in his. 'youth— the idol of his fatli,:e:"l mtarn,ed, and ( thi3 child had become old:. TieMbling 'with iveight of years, he stood ilieleet, of7hils g,eneration--a stranger °Mid the &kola tion ambit(' him. I saw the old oak stand in all ,it's pride on the mountain—the birds wera.cartpll ing on its boughs. I returned. The.oak was leafless and sapless--the winds 'Were playing their pastime through the bOinChes. " Who,is the destroyer ? " said I tom , guardian angel. " It is Time," said .he—when the Morn ing stars sang together with joy- 1 --OVOrthe new made world,he c,ommenced his course, and when he shall have dostreyed all'that is beautiful on earth- r -plucked the ,sun from its sphere—veiled the moon in blood; yea, when he shall roll 'the . heavenwttnd earth away as a scroll, ,then shall an one Igel from the throne of God.come , feral, and with one foot on tho sea, and one 'on :i the land, lift up his head towards Beavermand Heaven's oternal—" Time is, Time was h Time shall ho no longer.”—Paukling. SINGULAR lISTORICAL FIR. The New York Express brings to ' l .tei a singular historical feet which is not erally known. It sans that'in' Russian of eminence, M. Pozze db !J go, being then in PariO, addressed, to his, court on the irniloittifiab Of replacitig South America under the 'do minion of Spain, that the United' • glitt6 shotild be subjugated. He ' Aga, "Founded on the sovercignty•Of 'the peti2 pie. the republic of the. United Statiii-bf America was a tire, of , 'which the daily contact with Europe thretttened ;the" fatter with conflagration,; that as an aayldin for all innovators it gave theni nit:tins of disseminating at a distance, by .thetf%vrit ings and by theauthority of theiibiample, a position of Which' the cottauthation could not be questioned, as it wfil• well known that the French ievolutiOn tad its origin in the United ,Skites, ' that tilFeady troubles eifects wete Telt froin•thiittre senee of the French'iefugees hb: fnit ed States was an easy enterprise; thb i the degree of poWer to which , 'the Aniel'igans had risen .made them objects 6f 'Ant. l *• l the European monarchical goVerniinetiltif; s *c. The editor of the , Express came in'eoittact .with this curious paper in the Stati, ILib • rnry at Albaby4 in an 'Old file of ; die 'Mis souri Republican,pritited rnordihati years ago. CATCH nrci w' TAR'rAit.—The origin of the expression, "I'Ve - caught a Thrtari 9 ' as nearly as we can rorneniberils soqiewhat as follows: In'the days When the soldiers of Chtisdemlom were doing battle'agitnst the Tartar hordes, who Were' enlisted on the side of the Turke, it butbliniati,.ttight ing valiantly on the side' of thiS 'tfoss against the Creseent, and inure distlhgiiish ed for honesty than foreunnini,, '6444 a Tartar mounted 'en ti hetib, Who'd' he thought it Would be a 'Minable liiiph . Y to capture and bring into camit.' ''.'F'4s. khis end the . Dutchriittn; seiziega averiibiaop portunity, bprang upon the . horse'beilind the Tartar, and clasped him tightly"etout the waist. The latter, as may lid iil l t4- ed, clapped spurs to his horse, titiil Made offtojoin-his troop, andliidlait4tatlivas known of the unfortuntito'biltehnitiffi* his cornraile4, he Was diirig. at ii"fdious pace townrds , the iTurkish ' army% lieliiid his intended cOptivel, Mid singing bilt iii the top of hi6'voice. ''' Tee caught& ,Itiittii." LOOPHOLE IA THE LiNV.—in, tab `' Ft r u ary number of thO' .Law R,iiiatel'l find the tolloWing .cited 'ad tiii.iQiiiitie Where'. offeilders gb univhipt` 'tifidittide throulgViiid fl aws and technictilitia.ofh4. .. ,.,. ~ ,).-- At the last term of die Manley:A 6outt in Boston; a guilty per'sim escaped Ptihiil?. Tent solely through the ingOiuity or,itor e'ouncel. A woman ' %Ili's ' indicaigct ,for stealing tAG:gota rings of the V aitiatit, ilii'ee dollars. At iting ;others,, a Witk4i; tbAfi ed that the' woman d6pllca . 0/4Ot " i iii ' a tinge which' Were sitilen, aMili§', , piCketilt up., ThejurY found her guilty, anS4oa being questlened replied 'that thoY klunil that she stole but ono 644:1 4 h&COqiisel fOr'thti deferidant 'then iiibli'tho' POint:ififit As the itidictmtint chti iiged ' 'Oki.' tiereticiit t ot i with gtealleg two rius,,.tekethec 91' the value 'dr th'reedoltaili ','Nithed laiti,klW ' the !'value 6f eae,tt 'ritigi itiid . :64, itid ;la - filo I 'relied 'thee ehe'eidle but dile iiiik;;li ' fa 'not ailfithii. ifilii the' ride, :610)6 1 4 ad 43 :`,Wily value, thereforh, therb u lifbi'Og' il'fp Old qttiou of the value et' . oue rin g ; ' siipitVlLkirtont Waabfid=-Land in tliii',he ‘46:4 lutiladdby Ilia COttrt:, ' " ' • ' ' ' ''.' st.. t''''''''' ~ •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers