-- Gen: Arthur Germ. In a "filet&lof the llougarian IVar," now inCt),IVSO. i iCa don in Frazer's Magazine, we find the following reference to an officer who occupied a most promi neritiO'tisition 'in the Hungarian army, and whp,te,conduct exercised a most powerful Influence ellen his country's destiny. I-To hadliattieularly distinguished himself at the unfortunate battle of Schwechat fought alrifOshinder the walls orVienna, at which timete simply held the rank of major.— The unsuccessful leader in the battle Gen. Mora, was compelled to resign, and Kos suthArinnediately placed the 'chief com mand of the"national forces in the hands of GOtoy. Tile writer then goes on to Artlior,Gorgey;Torrnerly a subaltern in, theAestrian army, resigned his commis, , sion at a Imo w ien no patriotic motives' could' have pi:OMpted that step. Poor and unproteCked ay ho was, it is to be presumed that "ttie'sloWness of a military , career jar. . red 'upon his inipatient ambition. Thqugh no other profession was open to him, he resigno thescanty prey of a subaltern with the, snow Synical inciifierence which he'dis played on other momentous occasions,`and ho devoted himself to a life of misery and privations. 111-dressed,ifed and lodged, ho passed several years in the chemical labo ratoriet itt Vienna and Prague. Even nt that timeolls military bearing; tall madam. , tive figure, saturnihe aspect, the bughnbss and studied briitality of his address; his ne gleeted hair, and beard, and the • torn and filil4;•Miriont which appeared a matter of chbite'lither than of necessity, awiikened the curiosity of strangers, and amused and perplexed, his friends. He preferred, or pretended to prefer, the coarsest food, and even of this he' ate sparingly. He would' leave , his wretched attic to sleep on a stone floorvoton the hard and frozen earth. In all this ; hewas much discipline, but also much temper and +affectation. He delight ed in appearing mysterious, unaccountable impenetrable. The • obtrusive contempt, with which he affected to regard social eus,toMs and the opinions of men betrayed hiti desire for notoriety. Nhen Jellachich's invasion threatened Htingary„Mr. Gorgey offered his services ', to the Batthyanyi cabinet. They were readily: accepted, and ho was charged with the organization and the command of a free sorps ' and instructed to defend the banks of the Danube, near the island of Cseiel. While on this station, his troops captured Count Zichy, a wealthy noble man and descendant of an old Hungarian family. This man was taken under eir ctliteithne.es which warranted the gravest suspicion's. Onbeingsearched,documents wetalbuncl upon hire which left no doubt thethecarriedona treasonable correspond ence with the enemy, and that ho was in the habit of Informing Jellachich of the plans.and movements of the Hungarians. practice of espousing the national ctitAt) ' openly, and of continuing secret lommunleations with the cabinet ofVien na, or the. Croatian invaders, had become general. So' great was the indifference or duplieltyief the Austrian officers, who then commanded almost all the native corps, that an extensive system of espionage was canied'on by numbers of officers, noble men, and gentlemen, who, , doubting the end;:ivlshed to gain the good opinion and to merit,ihe thanks of either. party. The rolls or war of all nations know ofbut-one punishment for a imitor and a spy. In the ,resent instance, the culprit was a no bleman, a member of the emperor's house bad midthe scion of an illustrious and posseful family. • Major Gorges' saw no thitig . bilt the spy. The Count Zichy was tried by court-martial, condemned and exectifecl; The government at Pesth con fiscated the condemned traitor's posses. sions, and the result , proved that Major Gorgey's act was as judicious as it was just. It terrified :the double leaders and drove thorn to the iMperial stapdards,whe re they 'did no harm whatever to , the cause of Hungary,:Hence• Major • Gorgey had a tWii»fold claim on M.Kossuth's confidence. His ehdr , getic operations against the Croa tian rilverses; which he captured, and his gallantryetSehwechat, showed that he, at least,'Wa4 not inClined dilly with • the etOmy.': The !'imurderor of . Count Zich," nallo;Austriart journals called him, was a doomed macienless the Hungarian strug glepreved su ccessful. No other native offinery had given equal proofs of zeal en ergy, and devotion. M. Kossuth's selec tionbik,colinander-iti-chief was, more oior,'highly flattering to the national Mag. ydr,flarty,'and to those Hungarians who had, setvad in* the 'Austrian army: This class ef persons received an important ad dition to their numbers by• the wholesale desertion of tho .e'mperor's Hungarian no blif'gtuard, wheat an, early' period of, the man &le theirsplendid barracks at Vien na with the hope of , greater„ license and splendid fortuneS in the ranks of 'the na tional army. The services of these young Meprwere highly, prized I.iy M. Kossuth and On parliament. , Favors and promo tions 'Are lavished 'upon theni ; nor wore the'rnotives ever suspected which induced these military adventurers to discard the Hatisbnrg colors for tho Bang:tricot tric6l Orace, in his work on Hungary, gived the following sketch of this extraor dinary man, and in many respects takes a similar view of his character to that given Tliev„ is much truth ,in the remark— Gergeynever, bad the, least sympathy with either' the•virttiesor the weaknesse,s of ~ his countrymen., A man of cold, stern nature, or,few words and tremendous deed, ho overjthaMagyar fire, and eloq46CO ' and , patriotism. Despite the falseness he„displayed at, last -there is something:striking . abquthis chamcter.--. If he' was a traitor, 'he was no coriimon ono. " His. Career commanded in a charuo,: ttristie way—by,his hanging up, when ho was only a ma or, ono of the first noble men,of Hungary,. for treachery,as sternly and indifferetitly as if the man had been a IriliAVOTdrn n ter.' ~- -Tlf .. iIA r'q . ui? , a great noise; acidAVoighi'liS.temt very prominently' before the p,ubtie. His after course, was conSistdO r t r iVith' this: us ,cool in a 'disc:l . l'oi° :of Oak,' his .officorsi ,Sity,. as be _was, at.the council boar* They have told 'me they/111E0/d "4:iften mien' htm, in the rindit of a fearful charge Arent - id I hmi; sitting quietly on . ,his horso with ~a pistol in , , , hand; but not 'for tho 'enemy: The, mo ment Ito' saw a .man flinch; ho shot hincria unrelentingly as-if he' had been a AOgi--- He seemed to others utterly coldlind indif ferent to what men usually !Ong nflor. He always professed, amid his most splendid achievements, he would rather bo teaching chemistry than leading nn army:: When Kossuth-sent him on ono occasion, '200,-, 000 gilders ($100,000) to'malto provision . for bis future, and, in order not to offend him, enclosed it' to hiS wife, Inisenfit back with the retnark , -7".1f I fall, -1 shall not need it, and my wife .can be goVerriess again, as she' was' before; if :we are con quered, and I escape,. I can be .ptofessor, abroad.; .if wo conquer, and I survive the victory. I need no money ,now,!". After one of his great viotorieS, the min istry sent him certain decorations and or ders of honor: ho- put them ,aside, with a sneer; that 'islich gewgaws, were not .the things for a republic !" , People have told mo that, after the storming of Olen, the only words on .the lips of life people and of tho'army was "Gorgoy I Gorgey I" but with all the demonstrations before the quar ters, he never . evon showed himself and re- , mained coldly within, indeed expressing himself that this very bombardment was the ruin of Hungary 1" He always sneered at everybody—even the friends that idol ized him ; and was almost the only man in 'Hungary who was 'perfectly indifferent under Kossuth's eloquence. Amid the splendidly dressed Ilungarian officers, be always appeared in his old major's coat, and in boots whioh ho had not taken off perhaps for a week. A lady told me she met him, after ti.e taking of Ofen, in a vile looking coat, with a great hole in ono of the elbows. She remonstrated with him for wearing such a thing. "Pooh !" he said, "I shall be known through all my rngs!:' "Alt !" said she pointing to the rent, "sco the Diogenes peeping through the hole !" at. which he seemed very unusually disconcerted. • And I have no doubt the lady'had hit the matter exactly. It was not that ho was indifferent ~to people's opinion. Ho took this very Course to show his. own pride; his ruling trait seems to have been a moan selfish pride. Ho was unspeaka bly jealous of Kossuth, and would rather sco Hungary a hundred times ruined, than that it should conquer under him. Great Excitement In tlie Sadlery Business. VILEMING k STERI.IIcIG respeolfblly announce to their V frier dr and the ourato lo general, that they have entered into co.Parunerrlitti in the above basiness.in Gerwensville.— Their shop is on meta Street, o • polite Scelield's hotel, lately °cowed by D. S Orono. f, where they have on hand, and are always prepared to make at theshottest polio°. all articles in their' line of Wilmer.. sash at Saddles, Sidc-Saddles Mr ) 0; 411 1 11 -eckkHess, Gears, Riding and ATVI\ Blind Bridles, 4-c. ALSO—Trunks, Carpel-Bags, Vedi c, 9 Les, Saddle-13ags,W7iips, Allot which they will warrant to Iv mese In toe latest and molt approved styles. As they are both EXPERIENCED WORRNIEN they feel satisfied that they can awe sexual satusfattion. Their terms am liberal—and Oaf will take In exchange for walk all NI.!rol - antablo Predui o.sueb AS Veil . hild. Lumber. Gram. Ete., end even CAS!' not refaced. ' They would resprco roily invite the pobli9 to call and exam an their stock Sad satisfy INMAN/ P. S."PLESIING. Corwentville. Jan. (3, 1111E0. 11. - P. STERLING. This Waf • NEW and FASMONABLE. CONFECTIONARY anti OYSTER SALOON. MRS. L. DUNLAP RESPECTFULLY leaden her compliments to her tomer our friends in 'the borough of Clearfield and vicinity, and takes pleasure in announcing to thew that she has how received her stock of GIP and has them ihted up In good allele her raw building on Nor th becond street. wort side. where may be found a general assortment of CONFECTIONARY, TOYS, 4-c.. Which sae will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. Shy will also be at all times supplied with UAKEd. PIES oSto., and Fresh Oysters. And Ihote fond of "the FISH" can have them served to their taste an short smile°. eithar FRESH. FecIED, RUM TED. cirEVVED. FRITTERED. oraX)LLOYEII. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. PHE TRUBTLIESTherehY .aivo notice that they havocoa Intact! with DR. CATLIN & WIVE, . . , , To continue in:charge of the Acalemy goring . another year. Tile Academia year is divider into roult LtUARTELLS of I'VVELVE WEDED, tacit, cud kIVE VAYB of Tenon .. i ing in each tew.k. • flat orxt (4a.ater will commence on MOSiDAY DEC. tah, Inl, at tht following • Reduced Rates of Tuition : COMMON ENGLISH CHLANCllEB!—lncludinic Readina. Wattle, Rpeiliog, Arithmetic, Geog raphy Enalith Grammar and Hillary $2 00 AU. -H IGHER ENGLISH BRANCILES—IncIa. Ina Latin Grammar.ll4l 00 GLABSICAL AND DI ATHEMATICAL. DEPART MENT 1 1 $6OO WEEKLY LECTURE:I are given to the older Paella On Watery, and other interesting Batista, withoutestra charge. Such of the older MIN as choose. engage on FRID4Y I'. M. et each week an excircius El nentiou, Commotilion and view, ougstions Upoa their Serena studies. AU others attend to their mall At. studies. • The LADIES DEPARTMENT is entirely separate from the other on the pelt of thorn who 'desire It. Two or three Claeses CeaLitt of b.db sexes. for the Purpose of economy in time hut it is optional with tho young lelther whether to join inch classes or not. . Tuition 111 ebarga fr6n the date of the 'Saholttie common. eine to the cloke or the Term—deduction being snide lateare of absence ceased by sickness. and when a special agreement i s made. in emeance. vriffithe Prim:deal MORAL SUASION bes hitherto boen the.ehlef reliance or the Teachers in securing thorough disciplisee MO it has been efficient. , Corporeal punithmenti is admintstoted onlytin the most obdurate and incorririble cases. The constant aim of the Teachers it to make the lastructlons they impart, as well as that. of books, Practical, as well as Theh e stroretical. Tictest. attention is given to the Coid act. Habits end Morals of the Pupils; while under the charge 'of the Teachers. HUARD can be obtained at mason a bie prices. ItIODARI) 1311 AW. President. WALL MOORE. Secretary, • . , Noy,llo, 1851. 'WALLACE & BILLS, • Successors to RICHARD SHAW, Esq . .OLEARFIEI:.D. PA.. 11/1 ESPECTFULLY' nunoinee to thq public', that they AIL, have just received and miaow opening at the old stand or a. ellAty .. . Esq.. .t4rige ~.,4 well selected assortment of Spring and , I Gcgxls , amoored te_pix.t or DRY GOODS. GaoC.lealaa. rfArt.D ...WA . ..QUEENS WA RE, &o &o. Alto, a largo lot of Owe and Ountletnens' FANCY DRESS GOODS. Ready-made.Cbithing, And all the articles geuerelly keel In a (*natty etoter&l ol which they are prepared to sell or 101, FOO. OAHU es theyean be bousbutt Cloattield count:. • Nov, $O. Estaftof leang Bally dertd. NOTIOE IS HEREBY CIIVEN. That Ulterior Admin. 'erosion on theaters or /pane filaitiAreee of Pike town. 'Mo. Matti/Ad ooraty. neeensed; have 'been' /ranted to the inbsorilows. All persona indebted toseld estateare requited lolnake Immediate payment— ved ali w do hiee olaimi against ran estate are requested to present them dal/ authenticated roe settlement. • . • DANIEL DAILEY') )- • WBLADDLEIrANIAd" • hpar•17,?6, 1 842 - • - • '" , • U • r 0 ItEVt na°l( . .orrciiitty elk 407iiibluaci — fi • liogt,Arto Id A LCOAF,D. D.. Presir/c?t ort LIT Gate wunity REV, cmp. R. lILIKS.4,,aff pst!tosser of . Greek 4.aattatlita and I.ltenstuns. • GEb.: W. 4 .I ILE RB PN: A• lll ''ori i ic'ili tici (P) t i nfll 44 ° " ° and 14 stra,tita: JAMB A. I% PraceasotarAf4themeticeanclpat -1 - rni rhilbseetr if. A brapo Y LOD.* Plo, IYPrctlis or Miles le title; TUE usual sykie'm.of Colleelate edtieat'au le fall) carried t oat. entbrdoine a 'oottrse 'of fousjeate, and entitling filo sac - cossfelstadeat to the degree ot,tipokstior cif Arts. le otilor,Moteown. to ROA the Delvehtlte to the"Wasits of all, es panne nf doily has hose ddilished ornlttleu the Ancient Lartinitio 100 substituting In thali rilece - varlous brunettes of Ma maticis, Philtsophy end Na total Bounce. It is thorough au , Comolaie,. and will oaths tte faithful Student to tha degree of lischelor, of 11111qm:wit/. ' , ' ' ?tot ao Whirdasilm suendlelt but a yeti" os two ai 'lege will St f utiy ig trhetever reaches they man Moos non is' glom: 1.3‘11 flesineerl ' orr. Ate, Eveq ttaticnt , will la ritqu RIO tsig;tti special atteetlen to Composition and PoblifiSkimition. • la oodogatipn w:th t {rine Dertattmtiut Is an ACA D. EM Y whieh the ordinary ranches 01 en Lintlish sidnlenoogtlen MO pursue. blenopnttment I: under tho champ of WAAL) DI, LOOMIS. A, M., Pmusipa' and ,4ssist, not: • • . . arrangement. Crary a r rangement h tr eedas eri inside to furnish all ryquisite aid in ever? pert of a therough Aortifontionnd Collegiate ett u• milieu. An coon lent Library, a very complete Philosophical Laborat rym. o provided, • The Library inconstantly tsceiving valuable editions. The University has egtenitvis buildings Standing in nu ele vated grove on the out ti fide or thotalik A more beautiful!. Weratat tied healthful loonttotr tufted be round within the . ir t l.ll7rlON . -:(Areg bite Dorinttmept; • 480 pitiatahum. • Academie • " ' • •••I • • The Yearly divided into two Berstein—ono 0103 meld coin mooing loth October nod confirming #lll the 14th AMU . the woad - of 14 weeks, from the 13W 'MO to tho 18th August, , Feb. 60.1813, , • ~ , • , A , Tavern slaved and Farm' iIEOR SALE Oa. RENT.'s TIIE Subscribers criers for sale the well known TAVERN STAND. known al the JEFFERSON LINE HO TEL, Situate hej. - iining the Jefl.rsoti county flee In Brady town ship. Gleactield county. on he' turnpike toad bailing to Erin. The home is large and cr ninnidious. and will line r for a Tavern !Inure, wither:thong, are.. attached. There is oNE HUNDRED AUSE3 of ipinAlittacherf to it. of a good qual. Ity foiTermingptirrinces: snlci Odd it will be rented. Pi:opinion will be given on the' first:day of April next. Nor further particulars aPPIIr Wale subscriber at Clearfield. G. R. LIARRETr. Juneau+ In. IEOI , • , . Itlariegla EfiOlfSe l GEORGE' PETERS-:-LProprietor, LESPEJTFULLY announces to tlss Public, that he has taken that svod known 'lnverts Mond. on Front Strygt. In OM' bother h lll,irietth Fa.. tOrrnerly kept by Wil tam bsticklionten where rht will ba gratin:A to coo ail his old Wends. and as many new (mop as may fayor,hlm with a call. The - hobs.) hos twee thoronithir ,re fitted. and additions addril thereto. making Done of too largest and mcdt commo., dins lintels In tit, hototigh, .111 1] TAMA: wilt always be 'twilled with the hest t hp market will allmd : nodMs BAH wtl ho Cored with the choicest Liquors . and 110 *III stall thrum osa his boot rndeavars to candocat to the comfort and Omura of Ibis guests t and desires that he may receive a share of the pa b;io patronage Marietta, Feb. i t, 1852-4 m. • TIMBER AND BOARDS. WILLIAM M'BRIDE &A. WRIGHT. wirAVI NG formed. n partne:ship in the Merchan. disn business, nt the house formerly occupied by trtrm.-M'Brulelll curwensvillee, They aro now receiving a largo stock of goods ol overy lion, which 'hey will disposo of on the most reason able terms for grain of every description, or boards shingles and timber. or a little cash will not be re fused. The highest prico will he given fur good timber Boards and shingles. M'BRIDE & WRIGHT. Cnrwonsville Feb. f.'d,j18.52. ~* New Fall & Winter GOODS, At Grahamton, Bradford township. TH.E.AVATlbealan'iiii.l.ri7EtheAnialithradißtA 'TO GOODS. consisti.tt or Dry Goods, Hardwaro, Queensware, Groceries, Hats, Caps ; Bonnets, Boots and Shoes. All of vlhich will be sold as low as Cali . be - bought elsewhere in the county. Purchasers will find at GRAIIAMTON every description o GOODS usually Kept is a COUNTRY STORE—allot which wid be disposed of at very small advances for CIAISII. PILO. DUCE. or DUMPER. Please call nud exercise for younelvear. JAMES G. GRAHAM. Gmhamton. October 1.18 1. REM 0 VA L. GEORGE W. TURNER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY announces to his (nand', and the pub' lie general)y, that he hes removed his chop to the North, West coiner agleam! and Market stmts. and will k smarter he found in the building lately occupied as a Drug. Chemlovl, Botnnical and "i'llilesophicial" store, by Dr. Bond, and for• welly by Dr. A. M. Hills, as a Drug Wore. lied known lar an , ' w by the attra live tigrof the BIG RT GOLD MOAR Ile Is there prepared to — OIL MAKE. or MEND" ali garments In his line from the Bowleg "obese the Orientals down to Bliss B ciomer's late Improvement of toe "Roman Toga," a little quicker. quite as good-. end as ahem/ (but not ant cheaper) rs they can beenste elsewhere. Ills work will be WARRANTED to give satisfaction. to that those wh employ him have no risk loran. Al. kinds of museting taken in exchange fur work, andlhe highest prices allowed. 4017 10. Watch & Clock !Making. 130BI' R. WELCH begs leaVe -FM to infinra the citizens 0 1 l: iI L 4 : Clearfield and vicinity. that ho has 40 .0 permanently located in the shop ei ; adjoining Lanich's hotel, on M r .r is kat street, where the repairing of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEL. RY, &c.. will he executed in the best manner. at the shortest notice and on reasonable tonne., Also. ENGRAVING executed at.shert notice. WATCHES. &c., 101 l with Ilan to bo repaired willho promptly attended to, and warranted for one year. April 9,1851. TAILORING BUSINESS.. • REMOVAL. 01111.1 F: subscriber, thankful for past favors, res• peelfully informe!his customers,Lnd The public generally, that he has removed his shop to the buil% ding over the Foul Office, lately occupied by IL F Ward, and that he will bo there found at all times "on 'sand" to Supply his customers, Unlike some of hiseetemporaries. he is unable to promise that his Fashions are of the most approved style of ANTI. QOLTY, but will insure them made according do the Latest Fashion of more modern days. • THOS. SHEA. Clearfield, April 1, 185lic .• • • TO LUMBERMEN. THE ondenletted bar taken a contract to drive Logs from the vicinity of Chest Creek. CleisrfiPid -- county,. to the Uoom at Loci niveh, and 10 evold all &Woolly with persons owning equate timber alone tire river. he asks each to give hltu timely, noUee. If they :MVO airy, to be driven. taro or th minks, &to . J. B. Deo 80.1851. • NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. • A 1.1., m Collector& for Inso. and for former Ya, who know themsevel in wrests. are requested to Del to the Trealla . er the whore moiled of their dutdmatei. ea or beforethe next February court. Those who neglect this notice whore en ovvortoofte of poring some cost kith° bherilfsoon onercoon. Awl smear the t. cheaters for lan had better keep 0100 k Op for that Officer. By order of the COmmlssioners. U. 0. OUCIDLAND4R. Jetontirt . 16,!0351. , '' POPULAR BOOK FOR AGENTS. , • • ' • 'IIEADLEY'S LIFE OF IiOSSUIS • panundersigned hovels' press. and will publith in Jana. -IL OM. 'IIIE. LIFE OF LOUIS KOSSUTLI, GOVERIIIM OF 11UNOARY. With notices or distin u [shed Moo, and St t;nes of the Ilan. stolen Revolution. To which lean •APpenoht. containina too most Important of the Arianism, Letters and Speeches of Magyar Mier. Ily P. o..fleadley. author or 'Life of the tbrioiesaJoreohlue." "lJts of Lafayette" eta with an In troduction by flprace Creels. In ono l i mo volume, with a steel Portrait. trigioul4.ln and price with rileadley's Josephine.".Prtae, Si :ft., • $ t. • Agents wanted in everY, Ctuatttkim,An,Ualtid , lltataa.gir canvass for the abOve popular wors •. 4n7 lowspaper publirtied t • •• r o il l e tee/rive a copy or th ,work brurtedia,tv °WWI gab Ina.o.n 01. °f R e q .° D1'14411.: DERD4f4II4.E.R, Deo SP. 1851. Aubuni.ll. Philipsburg and Sroquoh‘anna 'turnpike Road Compfiny, Ngl u i2l B . gig! 8 E1 Y 03 . %M1l p h roc im l; 13 D nitia ?Own. P4l,llpsnurx, o n the Fl tipa,y of MAIL II next, Marlon t hd h tn ttniyi and teal Wt. p.stl,, to *lca 14814ageAfoi Pfrbll}4!l4 PWld asip i wAr Af . „: 1 rhillPAborg. Jan. 4,1154. I V. V,' it rt.. . . . "ERSONB hiviing business 4Jhh tI bhdersigned Vas Juslice,ol tho Pence: will Rnd him either nt lie " Dollar" office;ornt tho onion in 'the public uildings lately nocuiiisd by Esq. le:ander. , ' vvv P4P9gf.• lotto sasook : ' • MMICAL,HQI3,SI , = , ., f. rAnt,rsur.D • • FtOLEN irdAt.ta - 0 o,,tiv, H . • - ' •''-111Dillaltd6WIZEIMUISg • • North-West 'or.rt'ar,et!irrhiid tln.t.Ueion streets, between Spruce and Pine .,, FlErgEicyEants crexuerietn , ind nednteinfoted tire spent in this city hare rdered DR. K. the Melt ex. • pert and spoon fel pinotitioner at and near. tri the treatMent of all Mantua' a Wiesen' water enrsans affilated, with ' nersdnon the? Of. throat rff lestamina In the head or bead. memorial' `rh ntrukt,sm, ,atrictufen. kirayel. d arising 1 rertCyoutlifut 'Wetter' Cr finiantities of the blood,'Whereby the ciinstitution has bcoorne infiebiedi eta all treated with rice ' " '" lie,Who places himself on er t scare of DR. K.. may Tell &oust, confide in his color can gentleman. and confidently rely upon his .kill as a physician ,• • • •• • Take rartiettlar 'Notice. YOUNG MEN who !have Injured themselves by a certain prentioe indulged a habit imp:molly lenrood Dem evil companions at at:duet— th e effects of • which tire nightly felt, even when Weep. anti destrny both mind sad body, shunt(' apply immediately, Weakness andioeristittitional dohtlity, loss of muroularenereY. PhYlleal larnlnde and general Clot' trolled, irritability and all nervous affections, indigestion. siugeutimets of the liver, and every dilations any wet eon • needed with the dborder of the anacteatitteftlnationi; med. and faitylgor rotated ~• • •- • • . . ."""r.r.r.x . aW •YOUTII & MANHOOD. s , READ ! !s A VIGOROUS LIFE. OR. 4.4. ."-r-r•" - ' - ' w A PREMATURE DEATif KgrwffilißLllN on Self•Proservation. On/g 2,5 v cents. , , Tho Rook, ins t published, is filled with usetn I inform allots/ on theinfirrnailes and direnses of the Generative Organs, It nddresses itself alike to , x()Utli, MANHOOD and OL1) ADE. nod should bs read by all. Tito valuable advice nod impressive warning it gives will prevent years of misery and Inflating avid save annually THOUSANDS OF LIVES) ,I'ARENTS : hr reading it. will learn how to prevent the deitinction of their children 'VA remittance of TWEFITY-FIVE CENTS ennlosed In flatter addick , d to DR. KIeiRELIN, North West Corner of THIRD & UNION Streets. herweett Spruce end Pine. I'HILADELPIIIAi will ensure a Hook under envelope per return of mail Persons eta distance may address DR. !I. by letter, (post Peila anti bn cored at hem, PACKAGES OF MEMINNEB. DIREOrIONS. &o for. 'Warded by militia n semi tanco. and- put up secure: from DAMAGE or CURIOSITY. Booksellers. News Agents. Pedlars.' Canvasser,, and 'all others.eupplled with the above work at vela low sates July 8, 1851. DR. HOYT'S • • • IND 7/71.9Mat 630 r Pills PREPARATION Is TOW Itelngoiloied to the Punk U no is GUARANTEED CURE for the HEAVES IN HOSSE4. and as the] only known medlaine in the world bovine been used in the private Veterinary ',motto) of the proprietor for the I astoo yours ; nod he has never known it to OM in &stogie lust•n6he of producing a lasting cure. and least Inc the horse in 000 d spirits far work. The Otter Ineompeten. oy of she horse for labor.• when troubled with this common disease. should induce every ore having such to apply im modiately for this remedy. PRICE ONE'DOLLAR 'PER PAERAGE. Which will be sent. "with full directions." to any coder the United States. All letters or communications to be ad. dressed. Past Paid. to 1. P HOYT. Real o f Pin. 10 South FIFTH Street. Philadelphia. Wholesale agent for the United crates. N. B—A rents minted throughout the country to whom • littersl discount will be given t and their tames placed in the advertisements. Address as above. GERMAN WASHING FLUID, IS CONSIDERED by thousands who have tested it, as be leg the greatest 801ENTIFIU !WONDER OF THE WORLD Entirely dolag away with that laborious and Wugout prac lee of robbing the CLOTHES UPON TUB WASHBOARD. Aod irgreat *RADE of Time, Labor and Expense. N. IL To Prevent fraud and lamositloti. (for malls are UT. in to palm MI ap artiale pot np mine.)the Proprietor. 1. P. HOYT. wilt pus his WRITVEIOSIGNATURE over the MEE of every And heipuly asks an EN LIGHTENED rIUBLIO not to eonfound The German Washing Fluid With either. that are is the market. It is put op its large bottles, and sold at the nominal priceof 12N.... - ipbt bank". m /NT* will fled It I really to their advantage to p , chase this id by theta) on. to Moos their VTDd ND ROLLERS. d being it very imperil •r anima for that purpose. Manufactured only by 1 P. HOYT. At his Laboratory and Plincliel Depot No 10 South FIFTH street. Philadelphia. Sold at retail by Grocers and Drnza.sts generally A. liberal discount. end extensive advettlsine tor the benelliofAxeutx Remembei tho tierce to WASHING F 1.011). All letters to be post paid. Oct. 9.1851--Cm. Doctor Yourself' For 25 Cuts. • \iiie mE tY,A°FrlN, P o O r C err E onehis own hysiclea. Thirtieth A edition while upwards or an hnn -i, rhvil enornvinge, ehowing.ertivete di:lases In every thane and form. and nvelformetions attic,: genera. lye 'wen'', By Dr. Wm. Young, M. D. The time hes now arrived. that persons suffering from secret die. e . need no. mire become thy iN I ITIM OP 141,1JACKEltY, as sy the pintail Usu. contruced in this book, eny one rilay cure him• self, without hindrance to bail nets. or flJte anowledgol.of the do one teulh the usual riornse. ,outine of private diseases. it fully explains the cause of ma. hood's early decline, with observe ,l neon glarrlage—besides many other derangements. N Mak it would not be proper to enu nserate in the nubile prints. Any person sending TWENTY-FIVG CENTS enclosedap a letter. will receive one copy of this book : or rive copies 111111 i bison' for One Dollar. Address "flit. WILIAM/1 YOUNG. No 1,63. elf ROUE PREILT. Philadelphia." Post paid. 1/r. YOUNG cnn be consulted on nay of the Mums de. scribed In his different publications. at his otllee. 1588pruce street. Philadelphia, every deg 'between II and 3 o'clock kSundays excepted.) Aprilll3. IPsl.—ly • For Sale. , Ati ty ulE A o N ll t !i i 9 W ELL I n t , t l e lN i d E t l : ) , I T V l V . O m S p l i i r e R:1 0 .' ' Corwenevilre.. The boom it hlatteri e d threlna tient ire bewail suited for a DWELLING HOUSE. STORE or .1... TAVERN—Lot 60 by ISO feet. and bee e toed STABLE i thereon: The TITLE s hood. and the moped) , will be mold on the mint accommixlio lee terms. Thole who want to male a Food investmont. have uow enhance. For farther information apply to JOHN PI .HER. Bridgport i of L. JACKSON CKANS, Curweteville. October 2,18.51. ! . , L. JACKSON CRANS, arTVIIRITIVE 31e)Z1V0 Curwensville, Clearfield county, Pa. OFFICE—State street, ono door east of Filbert tit October 9, 1&51. . . . . , MONEY ,SAVING MACHINE. . FARMERS LOOK HEAL , : • WE now have a lot of TWO JJOESE THRErbEING hilACillNEd nt niuhant !thaw's, Menrlield. A WO. a ntienher at Irmo Mooney Curwenayillo, WOE SALE. N'Aftltd Etat would do well to callanoe. _At either of tho above named placos they p an ha aceilaemoOted with Ma china.. . . es. bt S. it.ttig. i 6.1851. J., rlioTim. , .. , . . , ripnr. TRUSTEES of tho CLEARFIELD ACADEMY -R. t hereby sive notloe.thettDr.l),ATlAN le duly authorized to college all bills NI tuition at said lestltotloo. rips tho year commehelne ma the 16th or September last. , By order of the Dowd of Trusttees. No.-12. 1161. IWM: .L. MOOHE.. Deo'Y .. . . . , • • - - - Tklolo . SDtVINE - .• TAiLoic. , • • • , • .. • . .. • RESPECTFULLY 40011tICOS 1.0 the citizen's& iheiten ty of Cleattlehl Bridge, that be continues to cruiy one n TAILORING BURINEzt a shott distance Enst Ofthe Bridge where he w lit be thankini for a share of public/ patronage, be Mend sto pleaseall who favor N a t with their custom. , Cie/11010d, Pa. May 28, 1851.—tt. aOO KEGS NAILS, SPIKES kIIEAHS. at ID 80 DO TOrrtro l l' e lre . p:ted 1 An st 8 and 854 mote Per pound. 9.000 non ode CIUUNTH r ir BTeEf.. ace eclat not Mond ; .i.l 8 b lu WIN tOW VIASS no Li 00 Der Mt, (Jersey al ri) PIT V. at 83 vents pm pound.. , a's, A k.v 4 l Vel°tßoftrinTi?Vg . iitiv..t.poirii,.... oar 811 840111.4 a a KEES at II OIL •I. WAGON ilp do. _,.. at:Wants.. Bt. h ead. MIAMI PLATED:I3I I IKRUPS , at .48 anti per palt-Ihr inestsr , -1 . " ' ' '.- literati' obi wiert..llo pot cent, lariat a rook iv. ~ N. ....." ' 1 i " RED SOLGra..t Hz.tt at 1634 pet piound , —,46d. (N I % _Alt elnk i jSPlNS'lVeni s ti r htalkents. l4Pr: r ti k e ""' IC).°Tig949cgq I ' j op 7 8 were 194 2 00 per 138 mi. rcor age wiwyno4423 ,404 Aunt!, at tl",tp 'Hardware arldiron Store of , li ' C, 1) I ' . 1 ' ' F.. 0. parmsous - i.ew Isiew ti. ri;:oupogit l T. Diar Piii Hotel. A liberal dpsuount to tbb Halm • ; •. , • , . : 1tip...111. 1831. • iicad‘Quarters , OySTERS!: OYSTER S% . sT NEWOVlirr s lift Str u n t ikve! l = st o le gfir r 2 :fi b itg4trll WA II • be at' 1: IMPPPWITII. FALL,. I.IIIIINTER -, , . I • , , RICHARD, - .MOSSOP, : HNfitZ;utrilMegrefi.ciTllgg'gfCt!ff ,,° 6o l ' am o rig t o, IT°"Pe!rti,l4: 1' A t e l. PIP l iv l l3iTcta Dry,Ooods,. • Such eta *lnflow; fillat.4 uolrec.ne Leillet.Ritaitn ) sfasdPA L i icuri.Cblittes. Girthams, Tickles'. Must ne. ,bleac le end ustbferichOdX,lonnids:ted, yrbiWtand,yelleye,Ueetungfikupplro. and Shawliot detaflPtlani. . C/Oth.S 4 '. ,G; I . i ; ! French Cloth, Twilled heavy, (ivarcoatiarr. fine. Good , black Cassimeros Doe Skin de. prime nitiele, Umlauts. Snell nets etiplAentuqiyJetuts, aft of whicb.tweolAbo Ippst (purity WObten-GOAr : • C 3 MibriS• (Novo: Dosiaii. Aid.: large eisorithent. and at low prices. ! F or FIATS POPs4 Silt rush . end For HATS and CAPS, ',Wilton; and slues', flood and cheap, result nurobasers. 1... 4:: • •1 , • 1, Boots and Shoes; •-• fleaylr wlnte hoots, Icl Oka., Mena' ware of all lloys'utpl ehildrons flootrabd Shoos. ' Als. Lad/es' Fine Algtocicarluct ,Cedfskto thole". ;Alto: Gum iOyer Bboeh Pine and Guano, good and ohcaP. G'rocerzes. Good Mantic Jaye CGPFBC.AIrown, Crbshod.and Loaf SUG ttlt. Young /Imo. Imperial and Black TEAR Gunpowder. Lead k Points . Paint [trashes. Dye Stun's, Cotton i Yarn. &0., ao.—all of whrob erect the bolt quality, .112 . 0145,1T5. •. ' • • SunaillOilso, Orleans' and Steam 'Byrup.--and avoriarflole that shecontmqt,lty MAY stand In 'reactor. • .. All other shove stock of Goods will ba sold for or COUNTRY P.R.OIICCE:cri the veer lowest tering.. . 1 Pleateonll and examine for yoursolvel l at the store of • • ADD BIOSSOP. Cleatfield,'Nov. 10, 113,31. • . Diuiie baying Machine! To the. Farmer, s of Clew: field county : Sdr. H. WIIAION, Sirattortellie,,E l kriOnoonnts.• l'a.. . would respectfully inform the FARMING u0111MONI r1; ofAlletulleid and. then joining cottony'. that they old. none Wmanulacture TWO and FOUR fIOESE TOILE:411 INO'+IAUIIINES. ter an Improved nattern•• Thelwo horse cylinder's four. Itchy' longer. than the Machine: heretofore made Ai ourahoi". The Ilona Power 1s arceitly ImProved.— No Machine now In:met' so tlmple.compact and useful. . , lIICHALID SHAW. Clearfield. and 15AA0,111.0031, Curradulvltio: • • '. • WIII have mit a Machine constantly on hand. Any lemon makini application 'to them will ho furnished with Machines . on short notice. Machineihnvcifive parapeted by the following pei4busln elearlield county, vie—, ' • ' ' JOHN riTITES, • A t 2 WELCH. " THOMAS READ. JAMES A. RIME, JONI.; NOOGIE, JOSEPH PATTERSON. - `• WM. I.lg /N AFt D. 1. BA,Rciell. • BOON HENDERSON. and others • 8. &. 8. WILSON. Strattointllle.Janele,lFtil, JOSEPH S. FRANCE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, ELA VI NG looted himself in Clearlielo,ollershis processional services to the public. All busi. ness entrusted to him will be promptly attended to Being familiar with the Gormaniangange ho can with more facility transact business for the German portion of the community. Office on Morkotetreet, onedoor west of Dr. Lo rain's Drug store, lately occupied by J. L.Cuttle. REFERENCES. lion. John C. Knox, Kittanning. " Joseph Buffington, H. N. Lee, Esq., " portant' & Cantwell. lion. Thomas White, Indiana. Augustus Drum Gen. li• D. Foster:' Greensburg. Col, - William Bigler, Clearfield. Wm ./ Jan. 14,1851. ."1" . ..1•4"4"."• .... J. B. IIIeENALLY, 5 s S-. - - Attorney at 'Lai*, _ s Having located himself in the borough of S Clearfield, will attend to all legal business; t ; ;; entrusted to him with promptness and fidelity. s s Office two doors east of the Prothonotary's s S ofiiee. 5 Wltl. A. WALLACE, Attoruey at Law, CLEARFIELD. PA. ca TILL continues the pjaetiee of the LAW, and oanat time. be bound at hit olfico adjoining his vsideneeon loo.jnd street. may 15. 1150. MACKEREL. • 1 SHAD. CODFISH, Constantly on band SALMON, and for sa'e by . HERRINGS, J. PALMER & Co., PORK. Market Street Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES. LA RD AND CHEESE , I March 1, 1851. N WI'JCU. I'll E. subscriber takes this method of tendering to a swir -1 our patella his sincere thanks frr the liberals/lam of rft• restage thus far bestowed, and hopes, by strict attention to husinessoo merit aconeinuaezie of the se tn..' • , . Ile us NI IW OPENING a NEW Ir•UVi'L'i' SIE.A,SGNA BIX GI lUDS. amongst whieh may be found the teflon/mg— BLACK AI tIILKS BLACK 'ILIC LACB—,IO Fringe and Buttons. GIN(111 MS—Hems/I. llarlstou and Gomm°. 1)1.: LAIN BS—Sloee and Fanor FANCY ironic vanety: 11111110148. LAUBS. 1100 ret mad spunk _ OANI . Etit.'—CARPET-CHAIN and COLORED YARN. OIL ciArrii—for Fkars. GUI ttIERIES—IIARDWARE— QIPERNOWAR R. &o. &a • eratabasets tuo tatpeatfaily Invited to call. J. L. HUNTER. Cleargald. july ELL 18511. New York Importers and Jobbers, FREEMAN, HODGES & CO., 58 LIBERTY STREET, BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. New-York. WE ARR. RECEIVING.. BY DAILY ARRIVALS (rurn On tope, oar r all and Winter alma meet of 111011 FASHIONABLE FANCY SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS. We respectfully ask all Club Purchasers thorou bly to ni. ovine our Sunlit cal Poem zed. WINTEREST GOV ERNS: we frel contident our noduand•Pdces 'adore them tueelect Iron) our esloblistreent. Particular atientiun is devoted to MILLINERY GOODS, and many of the articles are 'manufactured comes to ova eider, and cannot to surf.. pasted Id beauty. styli' add cheapness. BEAUTIFUL PARIS,AIIIIIONS, for flat. Cap. Neck. and Belt. PATIN AND TAFFETA ktIEBONS, tul widths sot colors. BILKS; .NAT,INS, VELVETS. and UNCUT VELVETS. for bats. FEAPII L F ERS. AMERICIANTAND • FRENCH ARTIFI CIALOWERS. .- PUFFINGS AND CAP TRIMMINGS. • • DRESS TRIMMINGS--larpauortment. EMB LE EOIDERI A ES. C V APE M S. - - COLLARS. UNDER SEV Eli ND FINE EMllfti iill.)Eft D F REVI ERE AND TIEMSTITCH • CAMBRICK 11 AN UKERCHIEFS. CRAPES/. MMES. TATTLETONS, ILLUSION AND CAP LACES. VALENCIEN ES, BRUESELS, THREAD. BILK. AND LIBLII THREAD LACES. KID SILK. SEWING SILK. maLr. TJIREAD. ME RINO GLOVE S AND MITI'S. FIGURED AND PLAIN SWII3B. BOOK. BISHOP LAWN AND JACUN ET MUSLINS. . English, French,. American, and Italian, STRAW GOODS. ~ROBERT. ,MANLEY • ealltailatel AND outtautza !MAKER. • rrillß subscriber respectfully (aroma iho citizens of Clear -I.'Gold county. that het snsriying oil the above business on Market street, nearly Lippe/Male residence of ((sago Soo third, where he respecti el ly solicits a share of U 134110 patmage Ile It atm himself that fie cop furnish work . to al. persons whO may be Plealitil ID Cap to their entire satlifection. Ho will always have he bas • Cabinpt-work ami.WindsorChairs Of every desoliPlien.. U oholttered olmlos made to order. ALSQ, Peplist, Inva4e4.and atainber Chairs--Chair Beds and Bed chairs. Theiled Chair Min be converted 6atis the Arm Chairto a complete Lied In two minutes. and w co fo ilpp so that It may be convenienUy molded coder the arm. It is pan toe Ituly suitable for Military ()Mom and Tor Professional nentlenien, N. ..—tkltfius wade in the neatest moaner and ou the shor Best notice. fie respectfully mita nal Continuance of thepublics patron aaa t3ept..9s.lßsl—tt FOR SALE CHEAP. AFirst quality COOK STOVE. Hathaway Pattern. Enquire of T. J. tdoCULLOUGH. Clearfield. Nov. 31. P 35 1 -• • Fish. M. 8,59 . hi &CHARM, by theld.or% buret. a; preferred Noe, 1-2 dt 8. ALSO—Lobrador HERRING, for side et the item of July,lWdlBsl. ' • 4. L . nuorprit. ' SLEIGH , FOR SALE. • A (loop 13U11 . 4.41 4 NT1A14 EMO T lgir s eN tm E g natiiie CleatesiC.Pe. . .. _..... . . I ::.•:1"A.,,..%f.'.!.faf i t .,ZF ., •, - 1.(l 4i,itAi;,'ii.! Farmer, FitTleOLSidge, proprietor,;:- . • • G 10:" O:c4AN I I 4 B PAAPP, *°44 1 ..Qr. , -. 7 . A •ho . most' . d ii, x i ve k ; f;. "They can't Keep , H o useos without it." Experleimo of Mord than'sixteert years' hae esiablishota the fact that Merch'ant'e Colonted Garglhog, Venial Family Embrocation, wilt odrd most casco, had lievo all such • '•/. l '• ,•, • Spay - ins, Sweeney, Rin,gbone,..,W,indp.ll.o „Ipp)1, 1 1 vil, Callous, Cracked Heels,, Q of, , h Fresh' Wonnclit . tula,•Sitfast;•Sand Cracks, Strains, Laineiiiil f i. Foundered Font; Scratches or Grease; Mange c d) Rheumatism; Bitesiof Artirnals t Fgeratil Fainful NetT,ous Affections,,Frost Bites Boils, Coins', "Whitlows: 'Burns'find? SclalchOt Chillblains, Chad'' , Hands; Prampa,:.Coii.o tractions of the Muscles, Sorol,lings, , of the Joints. Caked Breasts, dc. , .: dli Tim unparalleled success of, Oil, in tho curii.of dui. , oases in horses and Cattle, and oven In .hutmat.flesh,lsl daily becoming mom known to the forming. connatmity, It can hardly be credited, except byth'ose who hese' beeitm• i• or habit of keeping it in their stabled and houses, whio,,ji, pt. umount of rain, suffering and, time, aro saved by No timely application of this Oil. • Illar Se sure the name of the•solo proprietor, OFOSOII W. htEIICIIANT Lockport. N. Y., Is blown in the side' inof the bottle, and his handwriting aver the cork.:-, All orders addressed to the proprietor will bo propiptly reaponded to. • • .! Get a Pamphlet of the Agent, and sea what wonders age accomplished by the use of this medicine. ' •• ' Sold by respectable dealers gonernity, the ,trni States and Canada. Also by, • '0 I 0, i r .:•.4,9 AGENTS for the above Medicine.' a~ 0. D. WATSON. Cleartleld..Clearfield confy. Si Penntllle. di) dQ • ; JOHN PATTON. Un , wensv:lle do ilo POTTER & MoMINN. Hallelonte.rentrer CUMMINS dr. 111.1 top. Brookville. Jaiiiron • .' A. DICKINSON, Bel villa, 1() J. BLEAKLEY. Franklin. Vo • Another Scientific 6lVlintlei7u: :PEPSIN 1 ; Daaapuut.mu miatauh, 0R • • .oarxzeza artmema A GREAT DYSPEPSIA _ Prepared froni RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox. niter Directions of BARON The great Physiological Chemistk by J. S. liciiroir.4 TON, M. D., - No. IL North Eighth Street - , Fhi del phin, Pa.. . '• ." This is n truly wonderful remedy for INDIOEI.IIO/0 DVfiEEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER CoairtAlNtCptl• STIPATION. and DEBILITY, Curing niter Nature's, own method, by Nature's own eget% the (Inv:UP Juice. . . ,•Uall a teaspoonful of ilna ter, will digest or dissolve, FIVE POUND, ,01 ROAST BEEF IN ADOUT TWO HOURS, 011; ol",the Stomach. • . JJ ntd of a fluid which freely ezudrr from gat that organ. when in a state of heath . c 1 4 11•4 tha•Gat Juice. This Fluid is the Great Solvent orthe rOollo he Pet leg, Pt lag, and stimulating Agent or therupeek: and Intel-mines. Without it there wilt, he no eiaai converrton or Food into Blood. alto no nutrii Kra of t ha 47: but rather n teal. torpid. t antral, and deo no coudilioeirt the *hole digestive apparatus. A weak. half -end, 4:iridium. stomach produces no rood Gastric Juice, and hen tithe dis. case, distress and debility whieheasne. . PEPSIN AND RENNET. PEPSI G is the ale f element, or Great Digesting pdaeig,le oi the GaltrioJuice. It is found in great abondeucele solid Donau( the human stomach after death. and sometimes eactes the stomach to attest Wolf. cr eat itself op. • It hews found In the stomach of animate. as the OS. calf. he the =metal need by farmeis to mac log cbeescealted Rotas; the effect of which has long been the wow's.; of the deiry,—' The curdling ot the mils is the first process of digestion. -Ree• act posteues astonishing power The stomach of a calrerfit, curd.° nearly one thousand times its own weight' of millrW llama hiebig states that "Use tort of Pepsin dissolved itsitty, thousand pacts of water, will digest Meet' laid other foOtf."eP Diseased stomachs prcduce no [cued Gastric Juice. fteulsetelif ['eosin. Toeltow that this want may be norieldirt UPPPeIf; we quote fle Irellowthit BARON LIERIG. In his celetunted work an Amoral Chemistry. sa , s • "An ArtiFoal Dlrestivi Fluid- Marta readily obtained ircm the mucous membrane of the stomsch.pf e Call, in which verbena amides of food , as msatendetr‘ will he&f.eriet.Chaugedosail Digested. precisely_ in Ochreamine, amine , nw they would tio M the bootee stomach. " DR, PER MR A. In his famous treatise on ''Poed and MVP. publishod by Wilton A Co. Nesg.,York, mire 33, statehlit game greet fact. and d etch b . . 1 tin para.niad There ere few higher ant horities thee Dt.Perei a Dr JOHN W. DR AYER. Professor of Chemistry tap Medical COI kV! o I the Dui enmity of Kew York, in hip "y Book of Cbt minty," pace he befTel.fPiat whether artificial digestion could Ise ticiformed —but !CY universally admitted that it grimy be." Professor DUNGLISON of Philadelphia. in his great,wer on Human Physiology. devotes MOW (..nall fifty Paw to N. examination at this subj. et. Hit experiments PC WI Dr. lior moat. on the Deaths Juice, obialtred.frola the hving Wise ttomach and from animals pre well known. '''lp all" be says."disestion occurred as perfectly in the Arta:cal the Natural dirercions." ._. AS A DYSPEPSIA CIIIIER!t- DR, HOUGHTON'S prepatatlon b(PEI'DIN hat Prods. the most marvellous effects. coma cases of DettifitY•V ' lion. Nervnas Decline, and Dyspeptic Consurnidien.od to bu on the very verge of the grave. It le nnyyverbigaerflal the (let:1111°f case, 1 11 the litchis of thli-advettiremeel4el aithgullented cetaficatss have been 'received of mutation., , 200 REMARKABLE cUaES ~•[ In Phlleidelphia.Now York. aid Poston alone. W neatly rill desperate eaten, and the cure. were net only. and wonderful. hot nermaanat. le is grunt NERVOUS' NTIDUTE. and frdm S * uite is small quantity aacwissary id towduce bealtfty ills • , is believed I o att ' obis ' • ELECTRO•M AG N E PRINCI,PLEV'- ' There is no form of OLD STOMACH (X)ftIPGAINTII. • It does not seem to teach and remove at mica Igo rarer bad they may be, it GIVES IN6TANT BELIEF. -A '4 dose removes ail the unpleasant symptoms. sad it only 0! to be repealed, for a shod limo to make these good auras manent. 111KII'X OF BLOOD and follow at once. It is partimiatly euriellani in case of Na Vomitin d.Crampr, Soreness or he pilot' trot:U=4d. , aftereatiae. low. cold state of he 'lleatrin'eln"l of Spirits. Despondency, heasiciatfonyypalrmegs.: 41'0911 Insanity. Sucinide. fko. ' ' Price. (IN E DOL,1.1(B. PS/ bOttle -,Elan. brittle will, ' effect a lasting cure. • PEPSIN IN POWDERS BENT BY MAIL. FREE OFOPOSTiGB , For convenience of Sending to all parts ofahercquetti• DIGESTIVE MA'ITELtUF'IIiE PEISIN ts ppi form of Powders, with directions to be dissotvedlii itll alcohol, water. or syrup, by to patient, 1 hely nowde tails precisely the same Matter! as they bottles: belie , quantity for tho sumo pr e. `vii) _be avid by is I'OTAGE,for ONE'Vf sentlooll V.OIPAJ J. lIGUWITON. No. ,ll,Notth t:ighibVtotti Sl. 81r packages for live dollars Every t . neks it as bears the written slrtiatuKcol'A.§.:llo, l lJokl %)j. *lf Bole Proprietor. • • • * * *Agents wanted la every town to the Unitid Veryliberal discoun ts teen to t hotrods. Drpegists, Pik ' ters, and lianas(' jars soodogneo t ocioi,otoAPl AGEN'IS for Vietufletd county— WALL/101s. ar. H1,1.1. 4 „Cloor0014 bcioaugh. •<• 51' WILLIAM hioltßlDE.Cortveasvills. P. W. uniutErr. buthersbura. ! it. W. 11101.11 E. Galen township. 'Is CI IT; .• uumm MOB Br. ItIEILS.FFY.'Nnw Washing May 88.18 M-U. Auvist 1831.6.133 Farmers Itikefiroti .11 'hi.' 911 pUPERIORTHRESHINEVNIA.CI-11 . ; ; Unlit TagescoNS, lIMITSOCAJ at moilvklutla this opportunity to unwise the F-althlftp4 ur FIELD and the sorrow:dime con [diets .thaV the, golp caidap sed in 'Martic le anufacturing. at , Durvrensviile. ()Omar aorior of . • II) , Shur Horse Raver;Thieshingi They are prepared to lnDppll6ll ordenren tbaeherteit linden the most accommodating term,. Theseloa• r ctatrtrnoted or the very beet material, lad the Uat. perfect inry pattuprier.. and peering, throor i b i gisti.,, f noisi bet lint rate wOrkmea. cutlet fail to iiv (action. ,• itEPAIUIN f Gof Ihreshlnie lithoflaet shertnottoeand lutheptortardntapflelltitd, iteeatCunventville NEW Fop. fm • • .111141 , 80Ne•flAti „ Cur Wen e • er"g A ri"l 7 #"; rivqfilt triffl4.osl. - AN ARTIFICIAL. DIG Esri ON. sup:NTIFIG EVIDENCE ~,. , ~-,-~_ „;; ~, ~~