' WW2, Stall garealitiat . . ... -.' Ta inted weekly, at.cleatfleld. Pe..MOURy3, sad Ptopristor. tiooP_Oie foOrrottit war isioiablo 1, 1 ,• r 1 : I Ir• Oka st s.• • ' ,: , • i . OOPT ONO YEAR. INAI)ANO*. , , i • or ,p o ttO IV:TOM TABOZIOIONT,O. OT PAID WITHIN SIX . MONTge. • OT RAW Wl,Tlllti PONE MONTHS. • OT PAIDIVIVTION TWELVE MONTHS. "h bo ' 4 I T so Tetanl' or at lberal,ase Of ani othei , ,I s.olaue pam le the State. tutd, will ha exacted.. . Itegutlnueeme tell b3allowett until all amanitas have ~. ' ' , . . UTV AND I.II9ILVEY OF POSTMAISITES , Masters tiegleallag to notify the outillshm as directed of the sup, that pavan Dl* not lilted br thPle to whom are directed. aro themselves held responsible for the at of the aulsigletron moue,. , ' oat Millie papers Addressed to themselves: or to others. sishearlbensi and are liable for the price of sublieriP• I Drill tow carded by mall throughout the count,. Ibarge. --....--------' ____...—.. - 7 -- From tht New Yolk Evening Post. &Owl; of the Al3lOllOlll Revolution. 131 , BEVE,Nr)t - BIX. ;hington: &Va . lley Forge—Col. Ham t4 sent forward to address the Henry pursues Sir Henry 7linton—Vietory at llionniouth—Ar e.st ofltrajor . General Lee. the Miters of the L'vening Post: aving recently been favored with a visit one of i the survivors of the Revolution, .ite taken down Some interesting recol , 'ens rrornone who is among the last of :0 who remain to give tho present'gen tionflie details of what ha saw and eX lenced in those days of trial. 'Mein the season of 1777, Washington, various causes; was undecided where inter his,army, or even how to protect m till spring. Council after council had n called, of his general officers, who required each to furnish his written nion upon this subject, but so groat were difficulties surrounding them, that no ision was made till. December 15th, •ri Washington; contrary to the Niews large party in Congress, and many of general officers, took the responsibility . rderingthe army to Valley Forge,where marked out the ground in person, and h a shovel in his hands throw up the earth in the presence of the whole ar . After which, in general orders,each on el or commanding officer in the re.gi nt was required to superintend the ere° , I of huts for his command, encoding to . general plan furnished by Washington. o wholo army, was divided up into par , of twelve, which number of, men were :igrie4 to ono hut-14 feet by 16; sides, sand roofs made of logs, and the, roofs de . tight, with splits slabs, or in : some ser,way—fire places made of-wood ; one t.to, each general eflicer, ono to the staff each regiment, and one to the commis , 09.4 officers of . the eompanies,&c. Mrs. :slaington, Mrs. Green and Mrsi , Knox, rained in these miserable accommoda ns with the army nearly the whole win , silencing by their fortitude and exam , all complaints, until the dithress for vision became unendurable—the eAmp times for three , and four days without • at, nnd then as long without bread—and sin the dean of winter. Many of the (liars could not leave their huts for want clothes to,be decent I 'At length the day rived when provisions must be had, or a -nem' mutiny and dissolution of the whole my. ',Congress were powerless. They d. f o reseen this, , and given Washington 1„tho ,powers thsy could give. Colonel milton,att aid.de-camp, was• sent out to dl meetings in Jersey, and, address the 4 4 upon the condition of the perishing w b of .tstit cl 4. ailk ranch lq. trots. • hilt. Tioq, CO WAN atithe by 116 c ti oa • Ps* Maga • body], • ttimg r lowa Vie dill, MUM* lea als• Itla e s t 0 0 .11 WIG 40 Col. Matthew Ogden was ordered to lead detachment into the country, and, seize revisions, teams,. cattle, grain, &C., in Ise !the appeal of Col, Hamilton proved ngaccessibl. But the people of Jersey id not need 'military coercion—they vol. titarily threw open their , barns and eon ibated• a portion drill they had. P•ty in mant remembers seeing one family turn Ut ail ox--another or bag of corn—anoth it straw, and so on, as the army wagons tssed through the townscollecting for the my. In this way the army was saved. Ville .same time there' was not money ough in camp to pay for an express.— his-is confirmed by offiial letters.) At ngth spring approached,c and Washing rremained 'still, watching the move eats of Sir Henry Clinton,'holad been !tning With his army in Philadelphia du ag Newthe winter, and had now determined 0 itiaicli to York, not supposing the rnerican army were in a situation to ap ism: befOre him... , .: • Juite IS, 1778 the British army left Phil nelphia. As 'soon' as the express reach (l Washington, confirming this, he put in Wittidn six brigades and followed in person iteith the whole army within a few-miles of onmouth. After a forced march ho nto up to Sir Henry Clinton, end sent rwardhis seetind in command, General , • iti‘trs,ooo Men, to 'commence the ftgel;POn ';110 British armv,Washington RAlbwing with •the main b * ody tosupport ltirn, Midhis trbciPs disencumbered ofevery witiclernit,ept arms and atnunition. The ditigra`e'eful retreat of Lee followed, and Washington was obliged tochange in con quenne,his whele order of battle in pres. nedot e• superior enemy; nevertheless he "eiolvedlo attack, an&-dreve back the elfish and-took possession of their dead ndwounded. Night etune on, n the whole my dropped upon •the•grennd p ad slept , on 'their 'arms,' Washington' Himself Ong thein.• During the 'mght the 13ri h stop away' in glitch' silence that they Wiied seklerelmiles,nd top nnar the 1 ^ pon 't i e briag ilibrh . to WO.; :: , 1 On., 1 ?I,VicitAton was among the, dead ! ; ,Y: "•"""Y Clinton : uP,?1(1 tIY? 'net& h i Aripfiet. of, I NV caingtou , Ost Ole Bri,t,i p,AR',IONIi wounded . IT4'4Ficr e c il t '''''W wo thoustind ,Men. ' , ' ' • ~ ..., bit or ••.. • ki,..,i It 0:: I, ;poi, 49nanior 1 , Vo . It ant Onterat i11iq1,14411 t 1 10.,4 1 . 4 49);it to ar rest PonOrn% 1.493, urOcr Poifon9Mng .0 1 Argoat ; ‘, 1 . , .Nirtit,r,Disobn4ionc,o of , anion , in , not making.the attnetkanordorod.. , , t i Asiald • a, tA • m ln acho asd etsoh thew* stall" UM is the Li' • I lit to 10 BOP • iter4l . 4 f I. tclig . trz.r a ege lf.;,=, the WA' i 1 . 'EBB . Ts wig* dil r o w," iirst ,a9al ; • dtCI ...ker •• 1 • OMEN 41001 I fit /00 176 300 A. WEEKV PAPER:. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTVRE, MOR *.oluinie. 3. Second—bad behavior before the enemy, by making, an unnecessary, disorderly and shameful retreat. Third—Disrespect to the Commanderin chief upon the field, and subsequently by letter. General Lee, upon his trial made a most Powerful defence. Major General Lord Stirling was President of Court Martial, which continued for three weeks adjourn ing from place to place as'the army mov- Iced. Lee was found guilty of all the char ges, and suspended --Congress soon after, doubting his patriotism, dismissed him from the nrmy. General Lee had beent an aid to the King of Prussia. The Amer ican people looked upon him, previously, as the man to command, in case Wash ington should fall—but from this proud eminence he fell, until at last his dogs was his only society—and he died in the gar , ret ofan obscure tavern—his'dying words were, while delirious—stand by me my brave grennedieri! This battle was fought on Sunday-L-ond of the hottest days in June. The suffer ings of the army for water, 'in a sand andy country, were amiul, both for man beast—many men dropped dead in the ranks=-and the surgeons reported against n forced march after the retreating, enemy. Congress bestowed upon Washington a vote of thanks for his wonderful activity in leaving Valley Forge, pursuing Sir Hen ry, and bringing him to battle under such extraordinary circumstances. NO. 2: Murder of Captain Ilitddy the'Brit , 'isle--Feremythry demand of Washing ton on 'Sir Henry Clinton for the Murderer—Retaliation by Lot—Capt. Asgill--The French, Court, at the in stance of his Mother, intercede with "Washington for his release. My venerable friend has spent his even ing in detailing his recollection of the sen sation produced-by the inhuman murder of Captain Middy. it appears that •this gentleman, while commanding a post in New Jersey, was ta ken prisoner by a band of tories, after a gallant defence. They'eonveyed him to New York, and then imprisoned him.— After a time, these tories took him out in to the country and hullo. him. The people 'at once rose in arms; and determined upon revenge. General Forman, 'who was an influential military man, took the lead, procured, evidence,.and_Waited upon Gen. Washington withilie facts duly autheroi elated.' All the papers were, at once sub- Mined to a council of general officers, and each was required to give' his answer in 'writing to the ,folldwing queries Fiest.-=-Upon the 'state of facts in tho above case, is retaliation justifiable or ex pedient'? . Second.—lf justifiable, ought it to take place immediately, or should . a .previous representotion he made to Sir Henry Clin ton, and 'satisfaction demanded of html case of representation and demand who should be the person or per sons to be demanded '1 Fourth.----ln case of refusal and retalia tion becoming necessary, of what descrip tion shall the officer be—on whom is it to take place,and how shall he be designa ted for the purpose'? Twenty-five persons sent in their opin ions in writing. Their unanimity of sen timent was remarkable. They were man imous that retaliation was justifiable and expedient, and that the leader of the party should be demanded from Sir Henry Clin ton, and if refused, then en officer of equal rank with Captain Ruddy, should bo se lected by lot . froth the British Captains, who wore priseneis.' Threaother officers were of *Mori, that immediate retaliation and exception should renew, and Withenit,.no tice to' Sii . lleriry Clinton. The American' o(licers were or' dered•by General Heath, to give their:opinion with out any consultation, ,orie • with .another, and seal ep.their, respective opinions and send them, direct to the Commander - in - Chief.::.., .• . • • Fortified :with •theSe opinions, Washing ton. sent O flag Sir . Henry. •Clinton, de manding of -him the - rmirderer. Ho said, "To sov'eltitO innocent, I' demand the gni'. “ty. :•In failure .of hiS. surrender I hold "myself•justifioble lathe sight of God and "man, for the .measures to which I' Shall "resort.:l-desire an immediate reply, for "which my..resolntion is only. suspended. No answti•liaing received, , Washington ordered Col.•'lloason. aisemblo all the Captains from Paid Cornwallis' Ormy,and to .select by lot, one for reteliatien, and,:at once ,undorti strong guard to. march - him .head-quarters. . In mean time ry. Wasireballedond. the coremand,of the. British army devolved upon Gen. Robert tea , Chtinge..cauidd ,delaY in oxecntiort :of Capt. Charles Asgill, a young, nobleman 19 years . old, heir to •largn tate.,;and the .-•plieragein onllisoneson whom thelot .ha - fallen forimMediate eke ecutipm t The; 'British ,oflieors;;.trisoner s, olefin no ,ronipluilit •against.: Washington; but: -loudlY,; .censure:d • Sir flociey ; . - ! rho)! asked pormissioti fOria , flatt:td go and , watt upon .Sir lenrY,and.dolay Of tho cxectitiod for That du 41°804 Washington'granted"tho. roctuost ; ,lotiUrt , tup.tliht Iv as valtad,,by MEE Clearfield, 1 , 11,,, Rare! 5, 1802. the British General, and Washington was assured that justice should be done., Dia-, ing these delays the sentence of: death hung over poor Asgill. At length hi§ sit uation reached his mother in England.— Instantly she put in requisition all horpow. erful influence, and implored the King and Queen of France to intercede with Wash ington to save her son. Count Do Ver. gennes despatched a frigate sot Ameriea, with a letter to Washington, eing forth the distress of Lady Asgill, and that the Queen on. reading 'her application to tho French Court had been moved to tears.— also stated that the King and Queen would feel gratified by having Capt. Asgill pardoned, which to be acceptable must bo unconditional, and no other victim substi- tuted. This application Wits at once sent, by Washington to Congress, who immediate ly resolved: That the Commander-in -Chief be direded to set Capt. Asgill at liberty. Washington gladly received this order,and forthwith enclosed Capt. Asgill a full .par don and permission to joie...the British ar my in New York', remarking that the par don would not be to Capt. Asgill a greater relief than it was to himself. , 1 Count de Vergennes, in his application to Washington, remarked--" Capt. ASgill, "sir, is doubtless your prisoner. But as "the arms of the king ; assisted at York "town to place him in your hands, I trust "you will pardon the request for his par "don, should circurttstaneesrender you un: "able to grunt it. Washington replied that Congress had - granted the pardon with , \ out his intervention, and thus ended this interesting tragical affair, second in inter est but not in importance, to,the execution of Andre. Peace being now anticipated, and Gen. Carleton having arrived, with large pow ere, he requested Washington to order .a cessasion of hostilities, as the next arrival would bring news of peace. The reply ' was, that Congress alone could do that, but, under his assurance, he wriu/d order all the outposts of the army to act only on the . defensive till the pleasure of Congress could be known. NO 3. Arrival' of Rochantbcau at; Newport.. Treason and Escape of Arnold—Cap. turc and Execution of Andre. Rochambeau arrived at Newport R. 1.,1 in July 1780. Ile landed with his staff end walked up the street, to the hotel with out any . parade. The people of the town were sitting at the windows, holding lheirl hands almost in a state of despair at the depressed condition of public affairs. , The streets were deserted, and the . country people had discontinued coming to market, as there was no 'money to buy their. pro- . duce, tiro eurrericyl,having fallen to sixty to one. •Washingten wns in full retreat before . .the British, and for days and \leeks he had .not 3,000 men, and these were flying before an enemy, all well appointed, I of ten times the ferce pf. the Americans; indeed the cause was gonervkily Considdred as lost. Thus matters stood when Rechambe,au reached the Hotel in Newport. As a mat ter of respect, several of the most respect able men at once visited him, when he announced to them, that the French King had determided to support the Americans with all his power—that these ships were the first division of the French army, coM prising twelve battalions of infantry, and that he had on board funds, in gold and silver, sufficient to pay, in cash, for all the supplies the French might need. In a few moments the news of Rocharnheau!s mission spread over the town. The hells commenced --the people poured in to the streets—guns fired—bonfires blazed, pad, the whole town, became intoxipatedl. with joy. Never was there such a sudden trap sition from extreme dOpressieu. to the high est exlidiratien. Eta:presses were sent into the c p l ietry,,and the next day, tha town was Tilled with all hinds . Of produce, vege tables, Meat;.poaltry, &c., '&8.; Which the, French piirchitsdd at liberal prices,' and paid for in Silver, which was then a very rare article. These , fresh 'provisiMis refreshed the Preach troOps,, wbo wei* soon landed and encamped in the tawn,-- Their discipline was so exact that the pigs and chickens walked '.aboat unmoleethd, and 'fields of corn, freit, dr,c., adjoining the camp, had not a breach trlteri frern them. This deportment Of Our new friendis:S6on inspired,thb•people with the highest regard, and veneration for the• French kitig;'tind for ‘the Eirmy.:llo . had so generously , sent to:their, rescue., ~! In the meantime Rochambeaw , had in./ formed Washington-of--his arrival, corn mend° g hie • eommunieation in ' this way : Being, ordered bylthe King, ,my rilaster, to tem and,put myself under your command, I arrive: with She ~deepest inns of submission; of,treatandvenerationl fox :your, pe'rson:) am noiv, 1314:tinder yomr •commaxid.f. Lenckise.a eoprof . riiy orders' froni the King ; alao.n copy Of my secret. Odom .tia e,horigd to. liavol nd sb erets with my genprao:l,l, it • Theid.sentim'onte ibipired rind t Bole i toutitryo 'With the": hihest hopes : from.tha aid' of Ole/ Frenpli, l 'and all a greettilifit - thel King:Of the rencirwai the friend of the Americans,',"-(,-'1')) • , ANDIFOREIGN AND. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE, Washington's reply to Rochambeau was equally courteous: "Among the ob I elige=s tions we are under to yqur prince, teem it one of the first, that he has made choice, for the conmand of his troops, of a ,gentieman, WhOse high reputation; and hbppy union of soeitil qualities, and- mili tary abilities, promise me .every . pub , advantage and private satisfaction. "The gentlemen under your command` must un- derstand, that it is out, of my power to of fer them any reward for their sacrifices in aiding us;"except their share in the'Oory of the field." After this 'introduction by letter, the moat perfect harmony prevailed between these two great captains. • Rech ambeau brought with him - the highest mili tary reputation. He had been in conflicts where fifteen thousand Frenchmen had been killed or wounded before, hirq t , All W nsbin t ' 13 . plans' Were, by this arrival, at one.C'clianged, and; it sti l ton ' be came necessary for him to have a person al interview ,with the French commander. Hartford was the place for, the conference. On the 16th of .September,, 780, Wash ingion placed Gieene in command of the army on the' Hudson, and left to meet Rochambeau. His parting orders were,"l leave all in your discretion, except that you will understand ? it is not our business to seek' an action; bit accept one, but on advantageous terms." ; The next mornipg, in the general or ders, of Greene, be say!, " His Excellen cy the commander-in-chief is goinglto be absent for a few days, which will no doubt become knoWn to the enemy, thegeneral desires officers of nil rank to be in perfect readiness to meet, them,at the shortest no tice. The out-guards must be kept vi,gi lant and attentive, and the patrols active ' and watchful." This was the moment for Arnold to ex ecute his scheme of treason. Andre was et once sent for to come on shore, and fin ish the business. On his return, he was captured, and the three - militia, men who took him brought him into Cot.' Jameson's camp, who was bewildered with the cir cumstances, and could not see into it.— Major Talimadge, (afterwards General, and the father of our late Recorder and present, Marshal,) the second in command to Col. Jameson, at once saw Arnold's treachery, and protested, but in vain; a:. ainst allowing Andre to write to Arnold, This letter alone enabled Arnold:to es- cape. Washington reprimanded Jameson most severely for his stupidity, and wrote Con gress but' for that, he •would have secured Arnold and saved Andre. Major , Tall midge was a brave and spirited officer.-- Wasnington presented .birn iyith a sword, and ordered him to divide among his gal lant potty all the pro pe rty.taltenby them, in a bold enterprise on Long Island. In general orders his gallsntr was com t meed n ded, and his good conduct a seor to Congress' for their consideration. Andre was confined within the co'rn m •nd of litajor Tallmadge—who furnish ed my'old friend with many particulars. As soon ilys ho avowed himself the adju tant-general of the British army, every tenderness consistent with safety was ex tended to him. His capture produced the greatest distress to Sir Henry Clinton ; who sent in flag after flag,. soliciting his release--oflering every possible induce ment. General Greene took the stern stand on his court-martial—"He is guilty or not guilty—if guilty he must die as a spy—if not he must be acquitted." Col. liamikon was his warmest friend. His powerful pc,ii turned the public sympathy in his favor. The superior education of Andre, his refined:modesty,great gentleness of' har acter,with his bold determination not to implicate others to save himself, together with his noble• avowal, exonerating Sir Henry from all blame for sending him into his.unfortuarte position, created in the minds.of. all, particularly:in the' feelings of the general officers comprising the,court martial, a regard almost amounting, to veneration. Up to the, last hour Sir Hen ry continued to implore Washington to spare Andre. • His last struggle was ac companied by two officers of the highest rya*. , • , ' , ;Washington sent* Green, to the binding' to t receive them. ' IVA 'masterly ability, for' hdurs; they contended for'his pardon. Gieen felt that upon his , report the' fate of poOr-Andre might hang, theriifora he re duced the arguments to writing,.had them signed by byth,parties, and annexed these papers te his report of j ,the Wnblillitoti''foi.irid' their, reasons- ibr his releaStiunavailinvand at bpee 'ordered the e inentiOri for the next'dtiy nt 12 o'clock.— In• 01??.MeRptimei,the ,sympathy.foi "poor Andre, ,become „nniversal, and - he died iyittioiita,4ri'eye to Ivitnestk the execution. event -unsettled the, public mind' se "it;t!ich as this ;• expresses were Sent 'tele;ii pry: Cornmand near the Hudson, to double guarda,)&n. , as theeneney:might,with their inSortnation frpn Arnold,p.ttac.lt,thnt very night. 'rho doubt abdslistrustintha mind of yVashinigton, that .mofnent, is , seen in bis-orat4ii the.differerit.m:tp.,., iWcpn- Ati6s; few' ‘•iiiniri eithertee me or he,ar frpin pie again.. , C6l; de-camp of. Arnold, Boutin a request for a i i 1 . ~: f uUbcr 15. court of inquiry upon them. Washington, replied, that no court ,could be ordered, as there were no charges or suspicion against them.::,• , • ;' . At the time Andre was captured, Wash- Ainglarf;expected that . the court would con tinue along time,during Which, his inten tion walf,to Rod spies into Nov York and get Arnold, and then try to save ,Andre.— His benevolence was frustrated by the open nod , frank avowal of Andre when broughtbefore the court, which rendered the examination of witnesses unnecessary. Thus situated, events connected with the trial and execution were crowded into a narrow space ; his guilt ,was sure, and stern policy required immediate Andre implored the ; favor of, being shot, and dreaded the halter:, request was submitted to the general officers, who decided that the Corn mander-in-Chief must adhere to the ,sen tence, Andre supposed, when he was led out for execution, that his request 'was to he complied with, till he came in sight of the gallows—rthe sight of which ,caused him to halt—for .a moment ho could not utter a sound—at length, recovering his fortitude, he said, "1 um reconciled to my death, but detest the mode." In general orders, Sir Henry announced his lamented death to the British army, in the most ten der feeling and respectful manner. The three militia men who took Andre, were "lions" in camp—particularly when Washington delivered to, them their medals and pensions of, two hundred dollars each per annum, for life, awarded by Congress, which Washington deemed ample and lib eral. ,Andre offered them any .sum tole lease him, and proposed That the two oth ers should keep him in the woods, while the other went to Sir Hunry for the ran som; payable either in gold, or in dry goods, which inghose da'ysNY6e more val uable than cash. WATC II VA.HING.-- MITIOSt WAITS' body knows, what a watch is, and most I people understand its use; but, after al, very few arc aware of its mechanism, nor have they any idea of the number of tiny pieces of which it is composed; It is, in fact i one of the greatest curiosities that human In vention ever produced. Mr. Dent, in a lecture befbre the Lon don Royal Institute,made an allusion to the formation of a watch, in which he stated that a watch consisted of 992 pieces ; and stated that ( 24 trades, and probably 215 persons, are_employed in making one of those machines.. The iron, of which the balance spring is formed, is valued at something less than a farthing; this produces an ounce of steel, which is worth 4.ld.,which is drawn., into 7,250 yards of steel wire, and repre• scuts in the market 66 dollars. Still another process of hardening this originally farthing-worth of iron, renders it workable into 7,850 balance springs, which will realize, at the common price, 24. 6d. each, f.,846 65., the effect of labor alone. Thus it may be seen the mere la f bor bestowed upon a farthing worth o iron gives it the value of f,84855.,0r $4,55, which is 25,880 times its original value. Who could believe that the small article he carries in his pocket, to denote the time of day, was the work of 215 persons Yet it is doubtless so.—Ploughman. Nutritive Properties of the Potato. The potato, it is well known, is one m the most valuable edibles of the farm. Its nutritive properties have also been univer sally ,regarded as great; yet, very few, perlirtps, have ever appreciated them so highy as they deserve. Compared with the articles below named, the relative value of the potato, for alimentary purposes is as follows, which I, have no doubt will be interesting to your readers: One 'hundred pounds of good mealy po tatoes are equal to • Meat, clear, without bone, • 25 lbs ,Beans, . ps ic Li . Wheat Breed, • Parsnips and carrots, 196 " " Tarnips, . _ 300 Cabbages, ', • .100 " The experlinents upon, 'Whieli this, table. Was predicated, were CendUcted by. Perry doubtless very ecirreetly. ',I3EuT tiqukfli--,--Theirtanufactu re of Led root sugar is attracting considerable atten, t tom the production of this. a r Ude in Europe :was estimated at, 55,000 tons; hi,1047 it was said to b 0,100,000 • tons, and in" 1850 it was calculated to, be • :100,-; (100 tons. The manufectura; is..said to; be raPidly, increasing; ,and realizing a great p ro fit . ,to those engaged in it• ,; , . , , IJ U'ITES.;--;Ellety:rndn ought'to pays his, debtsie he can. 'Ey,ery , man 'might to help tia neighbor--i No can. Every man and .woman, ought to get' inarriet)--4, theY ean:. Every man , should do his work to suit hisctOomer.s—ifhe.can. . Every man' should pletis'alliswifc--if be can. Every wife sliould;plettse' her haSbandif she can. !Every, .'should sometimes tonguo=-uif-shecan. Every lawyer ehould (sometitries telt)thor he c Ey= Foy, matt shOld 'nun& ean ; and'eVery toe:" Every . one 'should•ttikei newspaper,'Od.vaij for it—any how.—Ezdtange paper."., . . • RIM. , / Aware , Ilnolltllyo. 119 60 9 lonanot Smooths; .;'a oo Ido 8' do • lOf 3 do 6 mon th s; ', , 7, to Zilch afoloeiltdop. dO. . •81 V. • i i . iii ...ttu... • . tow , ignores 8 months .. aM 1 hal 00 111 r 08 . 1 1:r* I do ~ i 6 months. - •4oi t dal 40' 6 do 111.moraltr. Ol t .do ,do 18 do . . VU a• do ,wsnoinh.. 4 a 1 tiolanan 8 mouthy.'' 00 0 6 months, fr 5t I•do• , 6. do , • !.. YA WPIi. do . ,18,:monthoe i 801 I do ,li do ' ' i A liberal reduoliP*;loll be made to fdedohtuds aid otliou who advertise by the yeet. oor Wiper oltoolotro in army neighborhood i end lo mad ht brolly evert locally in the contsty—and therolpre alrotde o oonventent and cheap-intents for the basidass • Milk or 01t 'CUllllty—the marabout. mechanic' ,nad all cdters—to astend the knowledge ot their Welton and bu.inest ' We' should like to Insert "A Cord" for every Mebbonio, Aletotisse4ll44. Proltsarnol men to the wooly. We have ',imply If Noon* without enoroaching upon out modito columns. dad Om** to a leo Itimata humans will lose by advertising extesstvo lii;-• fa. au a generalla IN the more a Moldy ,ly ,n, ' man intillOnaleail the grouter will De kis ilaillts. . . , • • Books, Jobs and Bionics, "'r` OF F.VERV DF.ScIRIPTIoN:PRINTED IN Tl_____F. VE RY B tin t3Ty.t.v, AN D •ON lain stioarves. • . NoXION. AT TDB °Friel: oF Tnii, , '14..D814F,1F.1.D REXUBLIDAN.IF . , • 'lmportant 'to Dairymen.. , Our readers have all,in yearspaSt,heard, of the success ofAlonzo D. Fish, of Litch field, Herkimer' County, in the deiryin4, business, a business in which hohod been largely engaged,and in which hah l as done!, great service to others, who are" pursuing' - the same branch of agriculture. . . . , There is, perhaps, no Man, in this eonn , try, who had, done more to promote ; Op, speed ofpractical information among dairy; • men, and to enconrage'a desire and thirst for knowledge, in this dePartmentt. ,then Mr. Fish. ,It is therefore with Much pietis t , urc, that We - copy the following' articlo from the , Harlunner Democrat, and We,cali, attention to'the experiments`; so 'enteflillyi, detailed, in his communication. s , There is no branch of Agricultinal pur suits more important tothe public, than the malting of Butter and Cheese, noir in which producer and consumer are more equally interested,and we hail animprere., merit in it, with great •pleasiire. ~\V4, St not, however,design to endorse ihe print' : pies laid down in Mr. Fish's article, hav,- . ing no practical knowledge of tiro expert, merits in question, but the known ' 41)114, of Mr. Fish to judge in such matters, and, especially after an experiment eo carefuy, made, is a sufficient reason for introdue ing it to our' readers:---* Y. Farnter,,,, 1 '6 Ma.,Burrole—lf you think, the falA lowing report suitable to your columns, I.' should like to see it in print, because I be., l lieve the amount of cheese per gallon ham never been beat, if ,equalled. • ~ .. ;,• ; ,;,, Number ofcows, 4 ;' price paid,l322,per! head, in• March; age, from sto 5; timoof coming in, middle , of March and Ist oft April ; number of lbs. of cheese . on hay and 1 peck of carrots a clay,,3i ; on grass only,in May or June, 4 lbs. per cow; num. : 'her of quarts which they gave, 8 to the! milking; number of gallons per dab ,12 ; number of gallons pet into a cheese, • ,g,4;, weight of cheese after done pressing 32 114; 1 number of cheese made, 40: all sold at : home market for 0 cts. per lb; ;lumber 9.f! lbs. per gallon 1 ,rate per season, 729 4 1 MODE OF MAKING:4-First day's ,:milk , put into 2 air tight cans, holding 6 gOlll.l. 'each, and lowered into the well; below the, surface of the water ; second day's treated , after the usual manner, the night's milk, cooled more thoroughly; the whole raised , to 1000 and over ; rennet applied and stir-1 red briskly sor 10 rninutes. In from 15. to 30 minutes more, cat with a wire cut-• to to a fineness of corn, stirred with a'•. wooden paddle till cooked hard ; number' of degrees of heat in scalding 1005 to 'llQ§, according to hardness or softness of 'curd no separation acre= took place in the first day's milk rind a trifling in the last night's. QUALITY OF MILK USED:—Cheese was made during four days and cream churns ed alternately: quantity of butter made 12 lbs. Hrisrrst—From certain ipbseryationV which I have made during several years of failure to produce the best and Oar cheese from a given quantity of tnillr',l• came to the following conclusions. ' That electricity is the vitalizing principle trail animal substances. Milk 'being an'an imal product, contains a portion of it ; the more recently drawn from the in the more there is in it,and tire more nn reet t• will take to digest a given quantity. Physi- cians have noted the fact that new milk dose not digest as readily as that which' has first cooled, and then been warmed or scalded. The nearer souring 'also, the more electricity , it contains, it being the nature of acid to excite electricity. Any degree of heat alone will not'' sour milk. It will remain for several" daysin the bag at a temperature of• 100 degrees without souring, though it coagnlates.i, At the same time let it be drawn into the air and it - will sour in 10 hours •or les4 , in a temperature of 70 degrees or 80 degrees'. So butter will remain 6eale4 l bu up from the air for years without change; twill be come rancid, if exposed, in' n '4B the hrs air .--'--• The 'first point then is, 'te ClUde completely from milk while standing: The second, to extract the electricity dranimal heat as soon 'as possible.' Small dir-right vessels are the best for'this proeb,SS; butif these should be deemed cumberiorne and expensive, a wooden follower is recom mended, with cotton cloth taeked" around the edges, and fitting close to the inside of the vat, to be pressed hard dowa r tipon the milk: The expenses of such an article would not exceed ova dollar; and it Will pay for itself in the making of one cheese. Milk'Cooled in large only on' the bottom and sides, is longer in ceoling,and raises' its' Cream more rapidly: Alter,"it bas cooled to a terriperaturo of the 'air, above, a color 'of caloric, parries down through, it to the colder waterbelow pro ducing deconnpositiOn. ' As to the advan tages of the abctve process of making cheeeel can 'do no more tban state the facts; others must judge of the quality of the article: ' Several "small "eheeses • ivete made while pursuing tire' above mode, in the old way, tdich fell Acid in weight (nth genitor. The quality you c4rfjuage of Mt. Editor, as you are,pregented with one or A.D. FISH. : Litclifield, Writ. Co., Jari.;`l.4, tEtfl2.'