" IMO itablettidilittge4kl plinted. 'WWI, 40.Plagals14. Pe .. Ili D. w. auxin iot aid typo* ' ; • 11' US, • rin dopy v HAIL IN ADVANCE, $lOO e,1•1011PAID vviTrutct.TnuEgt MONTE. i" • 125 p NOT PAD WITHIN BIX, wousTne, 160 F NOT emu vaunt; NlriE BIONTHE; • r NoT PAID wrruni "CWELVE taciriTnis; • 8001 above two ate as liberal thote or ant °then V- 4 oalutri Potter ln [hal:ludo, and will bo Ingo! ed Na p s cotinuant, willir3 allowed until [lli arrest:os he;ie id. • DUTY AND LIABILITY OF POSTI , fAI 3 TZE B, Postmasters neglecting to notify the rnblisher, Redirected law • of the fact that papers rh. not lifted by thereto whom el are direated. Jim themselves held responsible for the mounter the tabled otro n 'woes. Par.oas lilting papers Redressedmug res. or to others. cocas subscriber% sod are !labia for the primal snbsorip. ion. Our Rebell; now carried DT tbrovahont the ociant,, roe or charge. . . The Iltingarlati OutIOW. ' minded them of the clouds of the previous . ... . . . WASHINGTON. . The Thermometer. 'd ts ay. After they had ridden about an hour Peon ..tonn ,arAuores' nearoex• or Tun Froth a new work entitled " Talcs and The lute severe frost bus caused partie hey suddenly .heard the discharge of a Ataerties,N itEvoxbuileri.. ulna . attention to be -paid to these useful' Fraditions of Eiengary," By Francis and rifle close to them in the woods. Ifabumk, During , many .i ,years did. Washington and simple instruments, yet many persons Theresa Pulzky, we take the • fallowing steppedcontinuo to enjoy the .pleaeures end fulfil ' are quite ignorant of the principles on forth from the bushes, end bid the . ketch ofthe romantic adventures . of a th e coachman "halt." The horses stopped ; the duties of an independent country gen.lwhich they are constructed. The word of people known in that country as the the demon. .Field sports divided his time with ' means literally "measure of heat." The prince drew forth his pistols. But 'Hungarian Outlaws:" Haburak, without heeding his threatening t h e co le u s . si • to and :improvement of his , idea of determining the intensity of the PrineeFredrieke,S,chwarzetib,erg, the son mein, rode 'close up to the carriage-door land, and . sales of his tobacco; he i subtle agent emanated with Stinetario, an if the 'celdbinted'Field-MtirShal. &Wilk- and said ? "We yesterday sacrificed our showed • kiness to his; dependents, and 1 Italian philosopher, in the yeer 1620. nberg, used often to rehitelis encounter corrnort that the rest of this lady shell not hospitality `lee his'.fen:tind having been His plan was improved upon by Faren. yids the notorious robber Hahurult. The lie disturbed.. Now I will see whether it elected one of the House of Burgesses in i heft, a German philosopher, who lived , deco once accompanied a lady from Hun- was worth the trouble." With these words Virginia, he was, whenever that House i about the year 1720, and he was the in gary to Vienna. They journeyed on the he lifted the veil, which hung down from met; exact in his attendance. To that well I venter of the thermometer now used in mountain-roade :between the counties o the ludy'S bonnet, and looked for en in- regulated mind nothing within the course this country and Eneland. The form of Gotror end . Tome. Heavy showers had stunt into her face. The lady blushed andlof its ordinary end appointed avocations le Farenheit's thermometer Is too well known greatly,damaged the ho rs e;' evened ap- the robber said; "She is really very pat- seemed utiworthy of its, care. His led- to need description. Farenheit's that - - preached ; the tired hoes leached the ty." Ho turned round, plucked a wild gers and .day-books vv.em kept by himself; , mometer is deficient in this respect, viz: ledge of the woody height, but could not rose from a bush e s, ose at hand, and offer- he took a note of all the houses where he that the inventor labored under mistake be urged on further ; an& the travellers cd it to the lady vtli these words : "Ac- partook of hospitality, so that not even the when he imagined 0, or zto ben arex wre thus compelled to seek shelter for cept this rose kindly as a keepsake from smallest coUrtesies might' pass unremem- trerne of cold. 'Zero is ere,tp or the night in the em .of Aggtelek, a hiding- the poor robber Haburak ;and if you some bored ; t ot d 'until his press of business in equal parts of snow and salt, and Faren place of ill note for robbers. The carriage time hear that he has been hanged, pray el 2 i Le -eut_onary War he was wept ev- heft thought that that point was destitute halted before the house, and the servant an Eve Maria for his soul." The lady cr y e vening to set down the variations of !of all heat. Repeated experience has prey inquyed whether room could be afforded. took the rose, and the reber vanished.— the weather during the the day -- cd that the mercury often fulls lower even The publican - replied, that there Was' one Two years later, newspapers related : that llt was also his habit through lire, when- in temperate latitudes. The frcezinpoint iroom for the lady, bet that the gentlemen the robber Haburalt had been caught; that ever he wished to,possesshimself perfectly : of water he marked by plunging his even not be . accommedated, the large he had been tried at the assizes in Turns, with the contents of any paper, to trans. mometer into water in that suite, alter hay gtiest.room being over -filled. After some convicted of desertion and highway robbe- scribe it in his own hand .and apparently I irig marked the degrees on his scale, and 'visible reluctance he owned that the gang ry , and hanged, with deliberation, so that no point might j found it 32 deg., the heat of boiling water of Haburalt was drinking there. The lady —___ escape his notice. Many copies of this I 112 deg while 'other temperatures, such became terrifiCA, and entreated rho prince . ABOUT AFRICA. , ~ I kind were after his death found among his ' as summer heat, blood hent,and fever heat, not to remain ; but it had grown dark, the W bat vvonderful .eontinent is this round- ' manuscripts. are merely arbitrary marks, supposed to rain was pouring down, the horses were ed, smooth-shored Africa, known from the We may observe, however, that in the .be correct on the average. The only pus- out, and the steep descent of the road was earliest dawn of time, yet so unknownl; mind of Wushington punctuality and pre- itive marks are the freezing point, 32 deg., so dangerous that it was most huzardous the granery of notions, yet so sterile and , i n a n did not, as we often find them, turn ' and the boiling point, 112. to proceed. The prince tried to re.assure fruitless about ,nations, ; swarming with life,' in any degree to selfishness. On the con- French thermometers are differently the lady ; so•slie locked herself up in the yet dazzling the eyes with its vast tract' , trary, ho was rather careless of small marked, but equally ' wrimg, as the freez- room assigned her. Hercompanion, wrap- of glittering sand! North America, first points where only his own comfort was ing point is pieced at the temperature of 1 red in her white officer's cloak,. under seen but the other day, has been proved I c oncerned. Thus he could seldom be mingled snow and salt, or zero, when, in which he kept his pistols in readiness,step - from end to end ; its gallant and restive ' persuaded to take any remedy, or desist reality, water freezes at a much higher . from Pod into the apartmeut where the robbers Philips, Tecumsehs, and Montezumas , r any business, when he caught a cold, temperature. The boiling point in h were th e Wind and sat down at the table, have been bridled and broken by the white . but used to sny, "let it go as it came I" thermometer in use in France, is mard facing the Window, whilet his servant, like man ; but Africa has seen no Cortez, nor Nor yet was his constant regularity ofiloe dee. In Germany and Russia, th e o wise armed, kept watchsoutsido. the house, ev en a .De Soto or La Sella "writing fu- , hatrits attendeehe undue formality of man- ' freezing point of the thermometer is also I close to the windoiv, in , case his master vor from fate." Some solitary Menge! ner. -In one - of his .most private letters marked zero, and the boiling point ltto should want any aid. v l he compnny con- Park, or faithful Lander, or persevering there appears, given incidentally, and as dog. ' rifted of about ten or twelve men. Their Burekhardt, ulone has tried to read the se-lit were •by c hance, a golden rule upon At 40 degrees below zero mercury be. rifles leaped against the wall ; their axes cret of the mother of civilization, the gray- ' that subject : "As to the gentleman you comes solid, consequently, to mark the •l ay upon the board, on which lay the rotor- haired Africa. . jugs. They drank, sang, and talked over It' we seek a land of romance ad mis- \ :their adventures, and did not take uny no- tery, what quarter of the globe compares' ceremenious ciyility." mention I w c h r t uinotincyhosprgincionnlyissetlaf ti v tt i t t i lLi u n i c l i t - deseces of sometimes experienced in i Russia unseenthe Arctic regions, spirits l of wine is used, which has never been lice of the newly-arrived guest. The wan that which holds the pyramids ; the In figure NVashington was thin and tall known to freeze from natural causes, al prince mixed in. their conversation, took g iant Thehun temples, under one roof ot i (above six feet high,) in countenance grave t hough it is said that a Scetch chemist once wine with them, and listened to their doll ersation until it had grown late. Stlden• y he rose, called ,the publican, t brews it i ? old coin on the table, and said : "this is which clusters a modern village ; the sot- ; unintpussioned and benign. An inborn succeeded in producing such an extreme emn-hewn mountain cliff of a Spynx ; i N Vordl,all Unaffected dignity, been - led forth degree of cold as to freeze even alcohol.— the ruins of Carthage ; the Nile, with its forth in every look as well us in every If he did so, he never divulged the secret hidden sources; the Niger, with its hidden word nnd deed. . His first appearance and of the chemical agency by which he affec or the wine these good folks have drunk, outlet ; the heaven-beuring Atlas; the dim- address might not convey the idea of su-ited it. hey arc my guests. But now,". he con- ly seen mountains of the Moon ! perior talents ; such at least was the re- I tinued, addressing the robbers, "it is time There, reader, the slave rose romantic - 1 murk of his accomplished ,country.nfan, I'D sleep. In the adjoining room is a sick ally to be the ruler of millions ; there, Mo- , Mr. Gellatin, but no man, whether friend lady ;the entertainment has lasted long . Pen, ti o atin. , in a cradle, is saved by ai or enemy, ever viewed without respect the nough : I cannot allow any one loner to kig's daug'lner, and like the hero of somelnoble simplicity of his demeanor, the utter :occupy this rootn, or disturb the lady's earlier character, breaks the bonds of his absence matte of every artifice and every rest by noise." At this imperative com-Ipeople;and (bends a new and mighty no-laffectation. eland one of the robbers jumped from his t i on , There was the home of Dicks of It has been justly remarked that of Gen. seat, and contemptuously luughing, cried ' Hannibal, the scene of Scipio's triumphs Washington there are fewer anecdotes to out : "Does the gentleman fancy that he- I and Jugurtha's crimes ; there lived 'Fermi- j tell thee perhaps of any other great man cause he has a carriage end fouraind plen-', l a i n , Athanasius, and Augustine; the ro-lon record. So equally framed were the to of money in.his pocket, hc has i the rightimance of the Moors dwelt there ; the last \ features of his mind, sonaramonious all its to command us 7" An uproar followed. breather Louis of Frit tice was drawn there. , proportion;, that no quality rose it s men vociferated : "We arc poor Inds,l Africa is the home of the leviathan, the I tient above the rest. There were none of andstiterefore we are masters here." "W elbehemoth, the unieorn, the giraffe, thelthuse chequered ques, none of those war are no timorous peasants, who take off our i • slig,lit antelope, the eartinshalting elephant, ' ring emotions, in which Biography de hats to every gentleman." "We have yet the•unconquerable lion, the all conquering ligies. There was no contrast of light 3 -money and credit enough to switllow a 1 buffalo. It is the home, too, of the myste- ' and shades, no • flickering of the flame ; . draught when we are thirsty." "We do minus negro races, yet lying dormant inthe it was tetra] light that seldom dazzled ,but not accept any gifts from people `ho e tlloY germ, destined perhaps to rule the earth that ever cheered and warned. His con- Ihemselves better than we are. "W will when our proud Anglo-Saxon blood is as •teinporu ries or his close o bservers, as Mr. , not be ruled." All this was almost sim-' corrupt as.that of the decendunts of I - 10- •, Jelferson end Mr. Gallatin, assert that he ' had naturally strong passions, but had at ultancously uttered, with -a. loud tainult i mor and of Pericles: • ... from all scdes.. All the robbers had got up. The past, present and future of Africa, i tained complete mastery over them. In The prince mechanically caught hold of! are alike wrapped in mystery. Who can self control, indeed, he has never been '.- his pistols, and threw off his cloak. "I um I tell us of the of dark brewed surpassed. If sometimes on rare occa . a master of the craft in which you are - but E g ypt, square s houldered s and energetic ? . skies, and on strong provocations, there '-, apprentices," he oclairried with _dignity. C a rthage, the England of tho old world'e . was wrung from him a burst of anger, h “You are but robbers ; I ton a soldie4; ru lers, has not even romancing Livy, still , was almost inetantly quelled by the do / '. end fear neither the'mouth of a rifle or the a' less an unwearied Neibuhrsto explain her , miniou of his will. Ho decided surely, ledge of the are. During this. uproar, rise and entangle the mysteries oilier con- though, he . deliberated slowly ; nor could man of middling height and strop en stitution. Of all the vast' interior, whatdo any. urgency or peril move him from his cd features had risen from the bench be- we know morealian the Punie merchants, j serene composure, his cii alm and clear 'e, side s the , stove,, where ho had • Aeietly sat who like us - , dealt there, taking .slaves, herdedea good , sense. Integrity and truth . during the whole time without partaking of ivory,. end gold. lo ever. present .in Ins mind. Not „ .. . t .. . . to ne : 'ine. He now said in a comManding And what can we hopesto see' hereafter a singlejastanCe, as I believe, can ha found ts t "Silence I” The robbers grow, ins toSei immense unknown lands? God jin his whole career, whe offer, was impelled t, speechlees ,at, this', order, • and '-ngein sat ha. enabled the Euopeen, tO drive they to .butae. upright m or endeviv i,down to:the fable. ht offiCer,' dentin- North •American step by step towards , es - j ()redact obtain any object by any betworthy led the norm, "don't.think that ,YoU, fr,lg'ht- tinetion; 'and has Olen a great centinentjmeaessi Stich are some of the high . quel. have be a soldier ? anAliriO the full development a c ed trial . of whatever : ities.whiehlhave justly earned for General t en cis:' I too se ' aucessian racepoi- Washington the admiration everythe most probably,eptelt m,epepewder then you permanent ,power I . . did. lam Hubarak, If I, *sired to !. ever . sasses. But Africa He bus preserved-40.1 country. he, oppoeed, and not merely the 1 (10 you any harm, a si g n le'•whtstle would wheel Fo r. (unite cornestsl For anim-ladmiratieni but the-gratitude , tied affeCtiOn . , sUffice, ,The, table at, which, " ' - ' lization to be entered I 4:his . awn. e Such was the pare and ,up you , her sat portant' foreign civi i „ ~.., ~1 • ils were deiWn wetild he overthrown, the candlee ex- through Liberia and .dape Colonieslrese right spirit to which, when :ite, to. , , tingtlishelha ad ..helhre len wee lit are of *Franco and Britain are:, watching .Cech , Oser 'aridits eartlily course lied been. run, i - oso barniog santrs',.#9'j Walciteredlthes,unanirriqus:homage of the whet yvas, going 9n, you would be a dead, other' now along th ~ . .., . , '''' ''' ''''''ileeW that -ydtti% servant Abetcy.iiit they once watched by th Mart; no c icy rockssofiassetnbledCongress,alleladindeep (nouns the wiridoW, ,svheelhifilt?,sheewAttejt9e dia -Issnit to end in"the in lei their commoriloss,-es,to "the man us, Canada•and Arca ~ ~ ~„ ,1 g whilst wo. watch .hiet. first in peace, and first in the I) I,isaw you, bolo same subjection of tho aberiginal owners; first in war, . , ~ , . a lielY out of: h tsta _carrtage.andtako bai to to. _en©. or _both of tiles, : . b 1 Or does the hearts , of itis.foltow,cluzene. ' .At Out claY ,• , . ~ i.varien‘podgesti h'e. "in thqUnited.SfateS: the reverence for hie, the edjoinitig'roem. We , never' sill &di idea id' 1111. ) iiit tr that 'pkcitii for understatitlinkLatid liVittit oaths character:is , as it should heidoepnrid.nnit itifla.a.ludy,,,ke*.i•-.Y.q.,/Plr,q)4"-,!3,-,..kri.5.•• ! deep . .rl ,•'.a., ,, i:, • :, h p , .. t .., •.r. ~ , . ivis thflfiro Acne, ill,..an,rthtir,r4 t!mt t es? meaning, in 'the sysn• srCI e —Chris- venial, and_not confined as with veatly• all,' leu•-have been tiedei a roc4;,. arid that tiartityeeres the • • ohs rip{, of , the ~followers i out; English. sto leaden, te..9PQ: pa,rt.Y.f999 e • ••• • ••• L: •,• I: , ail thy'' '• " " iWt5 ot;Odtn.oeVer. did: end, never cam ittider...l provioco,-rirc!one crecd.! .:Such, rt:ee FP notc. couch. there, ,141%Y. i !,,,! : lOW .4,4n?Fli "t .. i . ' 1 )1' '' V - '' • d'Und net it 1 '•' ' -• . • • • for; Washton!i: felt fru by' those who loilVeSis,byno means corp,er.a , -- p. ~ Are; awn' .. .. ,:: ~.. _„: ..„ ~...... „,,. , , • N ient 'Friends, .let ius • go,'" ,, he; guktotl i ttil ' ,lf thotoid _Egyptian e. 1505,.. ~. , .e ~ , . . . Ms had mused wanderlliartheat from ,the pat* ift.:wl)i.o,l , i ' h e p r ' ' - ' i'. iii -1 hts•finen.., ey.t9Qlc,-. tip AO t:,-, r,, . - s ll i lo •O.,con.YOPIRt9. qi • ' • itiod. rA:riesid6nt when „recorimeq4l e illiterai wanderers. "Of he 1 ;eni. ' The prince ;was greatly strualt.,,4 'Greece,. to ,whorti; Cadinus twos,. , • t iv- • ng,,mettiures 'or.aggreSSidn:, end, iltYP*9n; 4us .str , 1 . . ~ I ;'' 'WO AO letter's Or Ph'efiel: can still!.,refor to hiriti whOse r Ulu .was, ever the whole proceedings,Ho,did..ll.ol 411.11 SO! ,ing to make .no only in selCslefence as to "the l'y treat -the robbers' words; and relievinr, 'chi'' , would not , Plato end, Aristotle. have 'to arm . I) JJa ' '.i;; , eked 11l i 1 , it , his gervaat they 13 , ,d , ilvii a do* ,-11u4 seamed , I ''- '- gym,' 't •"hirdia' ilia"' exie". I ateatest 010 'hot , of caeo 17.. ' ta l Ps ,l Y4t ch opp,ssib, 0 ~, : ~,.., . ... .....,., ~. „,.. „„ ..,. 4 nOc.y. as a roof of ir -•• ' •••1 •'• ' • • l i 1 • . iii r ' 'R't''' '' ' 'Africa' . ite - a lighe'r'aristkataty Cult itt;:.thetr oh }tutS, . ~, ,P 1 ;,, - ...eep.ng- watch the' w..0.0nt1i,..,A..',.4.,-P ,n o tence , 10::.,,--- - '.- .' ,,-.. . , '.? Ih • •'•I I 4 c and hale de '' ' ' s'•' ' ' ' d•'00:' robber are ;aerate , ~ , 1 .., , , ,, ~ . , thOnorroW ltheil'' hike yet ' boob- , seen' '6oents, to' t.Dt -- i t pm superior, .O. rPv! , 9 Ftsp,. .., . hie. ''' 1. - ' - • d qt. (Info • $ • nevver ape m • titelit4 entititiOd.,ho,lpv,Ast-titti,,-her Would'' not,,' therasent ; pbeitiOrt Of the s , eel me a On A ~;..pt.,_4 a,..,., ~ , comparnone.lo,l9.o.4flr had claarea'avi lonir,o ' 1110 likoirtitpooted-eq . .. natty mere& gaxcefeb toi'Plf9F,..itilMt, Y9Pd c . , ,!:lP , -cc; t i l ?, i r i vld only the puddlextit'ther-,ltuide.emd' the mafe to e fi v gp:o _ z _, . tY 'Parthetib ' un ers m thelgrettitrOVA.ll7-.4L4,v931.1(e1t 91 1 69 ° Att i l la and hosormith tl4t rerforipmatoropatree • circipla of rliitt etste.ning on tO i',olllAch9re• gardens of the fr,..eadernyl-Wihlr4Dl hicke Qom u. ratem wilco. t. *es • se t if . ~./~{~~ _=9. . . r)l' 1, • ' 1,, i t I \ 11:1' , 31 • 04) .11 Oo' • t) liJ f • • ~11141 • I. I • • , , 71' I • , I Volimnie 3, Clearfield, Pa.i, Tel) 11852. PlscruALlTv.—Ah ! that's the word, punctuality! did you ever see a man who was punctual, who did not prosper finely in the long run 7 We don't care who or what he was—high or low, black or white, ignorant or learned, savage or civilized— we know if he did as he agreed, and wns punctunt in all his engneements, he pros pered, and was more respected than his shiftless, lying neighbors. Men who commence business, should be careful how they neglect their obligations, and break their word. A person who is prompt can always be accommodated, and is therefore "lord over another mnn's purse," us Franklin would say. Never make promises upon uncertainties. Al though the best men may sometimes fail to do as they would, the case is exceeding ly rare. Ile who is prompt to fulfil his word, will never make a promise when it is not next to a moral certainty that he can do as he agrees. If you would succeed, be punctual to the hour. Return borrow ed money the moment you promised. In all things, if you are thus w eedprompt,e will risk you through life; you will you cannot help it. Those who are prompt in their business affairs, are generally so in every department of life. You never know them pr omse late at church, or to the polls. A ptness in every thing char. acterizes them. A Worm Tel YOUNG Mos.---Wishing and sighing, imagining and dreamintr of greatness, said Wm. Writ, will not make you great. But cannot a young man command his energies? Read Foster on Decision of Character. That book will tell 3sou what is in your power to nceomand plish. You rnust gird up 'yout loins go to work with all the indomitable energy of Hannibal scaling the Alps. It is your duty to make the most of time,' talents and opportunities. Alfred, Ringo( England, though he per; formed more.buisiress than any one of his sUbjects; found time to study: Frederick 'the Great, with an EmPire his directionon the midst' ofwar, and on the eve . of battle; found time lfe eo lla In'tl3l4 chariaspf ithd !bag luitkty and science. , • , .Ntipoleen, with Ftnr9PP...tik isposal, with .kit)o at his 0P100 4 .t. 1 , 11 r , en 4 et the head of.thoasands,ofmentjv:. e.s,edestinida Were suspended on his found time Ao,eptiverso rtrt;, hooks." Mind young Iliom rvlto taro „cp.44od tq WM - table; evenlAiglva liour4l4 ficLy? - Av o t y takts hour arid/ a_half, (41414 study told ivhielok ill amount tgparn nanntks Irrit4elcoarsaor a yeari, , . ; • „ niw 44:4. lawa•CO':".ll:7o'urig xxiaL . . . . , cent a, few daps Nig ft t ommiliti 04,11000 : • T . To the Women of the West. , A large number of the women of Pitts• burg, Allegheny, and their vicinities, ani mated by, an ardent love of Liberty, and deeply sympathising with the oppresSed people of Hungary, have united for the purpose of affording them relief. The title of their organization is,- 7 " The Ladies' Association of the Friends of Hungary." This body has agreed to preserve its or ganization, and to continue its efforts and its contributions, until the aid of the As sociation shall be no•longer required. Impelled by un ardent desire to see this good work more extensively carried on, our Association have deemed it not im proper to call the attention of their sisters of the West, and of the country generally, to this subject ; and have deputed us to perform this duty. Acting , on behalf of so largo a body, we therefore earnestly and affectionately entreat You, from this threshold of the Great West, to forth sim ilar Associations, for a similar purpose, in your cities. towns, and villages, wherever there is a sufficient number of hearts that prize our own free institutions, and sym pathize with the brave Hungarians, who, groan under the heavy yoke of despotism., It is impossible for Governor Kossuth, du ' ring his limited stay in our country, and I, ' in his impaired slate of health, to visit andl address the people in every place where warm hearts may glow for the emancipa tion of his suffering country. But if he I I cannot personally address associations al Friends of Hungary in every locality, he I can and will acknowledge, by letter, any , contributions of "material aid for obtain- ing the Freedom of his beloved Father- I land : or, wherever he may be, will in per-I 1 son receive your deputations for this pur-1 pose. We hope, therefore, that you will not delay your active co-operations until the arrival of Governor Kossuth among I you ; but that you will form yourselves into Associations of Friends of Ilung-ary, and send your contributions to him us soon as possible. We have seen and heard Louis Kos- such, the great Apostle of Freedom ; we have listened to his moving appeals, and our hearts have thfilled beneath his soul stirring eloquence. We have confidence in the justice of the cause he advocates ; and- we feel convinced of his honor, his devotion, and his noble disinterestedness. We regret that every one cannothear him, and thus be moved by the magic of his living presence ; but you have all read the addresses he has delivered since his arrival in the United States, and consequently no labored argument by us is mcessary to ex , cite your sympathy in behalf of his oppress ed country. In the Providence of God, we arc per mitted to enjoy the blessings of a free Gov-', ernment. In the-midst of our prosperity I let us not forget that there was a dark and dreadful hour in the annals of'our country —when her truest and bravestsons almost despaired. While the men of our Revo lution were fighting for Liberty with un shod lett, and while the blood-stained snow betrayed to the enemy the roo!e they had taken ; while the eyes of our forefathers were imploringly turned to Europe for aid, , —then was it that food and clothing, mon ey and arms were brought by generous hands, to be consecrated on the altar of Freedom. Thus, when the French ves sel came to our assista rice, with them came also much aid, beside that of stern wiils and stout arms. And shall we now re fuse to the patliots of Europe a return for their generosity 'I Shall the women of America provo less active in their sympa thies than were the French nation in our sacred cause 1 Do we not regard . Islational Liberty as a precious boon of Heaven 1— Shall we selfishly confine our sympathy and benevolence to our own country, and close our ears to the cry of suffering Eu rope? If we really value liberty, will we not try to prove our devotion 7 The ladies of this Association know too well the char acter of their sex, to doubt their deep in terest in such widely extended good ; and' they, therefore, appeal to you with confi dence, and invokeyou by all that is dear i to us in our own' institutions --by all that We hope to see'ciecOmplished by those in stitutions in the future—by all the ties we regard as sacred--to join in aiding . the people of Hungary to the attainment of that which we hold so dear. This can on ly be One 'by 'assisting•that nation to ob. tain . their independence. To do this,•the moral influence of women, rightly exerted, pi'Weit as hO:contribiitiOris of money, and! such other aid as may be at liberty to eitoad,.areall required. We therefore earnestly, request 'and beiseecii you to ex. eri YoUrselves in 'this' glorious ,enterprise, by.lending. your permanent arid' efficient fail ' to ihe Eiti§e of doWn4tbdden'Hong ar y .i -• • ' . lilt k.' tt , Ei.r.tdr; '; ;' .. 'CirbitiOirti ti'VV•ll./.90 ' ValiN M. ',DOLOP. •, *.- :• ; ' i.ti i ' , 0 , i i , •, : -I. -1 1 ut 4:trEdlconsl Or nes sp pers . , th bug o tl}o:o:siairy:will'ileaki ,ici,kc'ciiiiyihdoilbore iiddiess.=.tit6:"P:oit: • • .. ' - ' • - . . (v3,ltepiaditavesoys,:thckt various iiiiiicataiut its'tiotieN loads it to the th4:oeloyklie Pad Alfewitua , will , go . . 1 • • ~,• ,• • - .. 4.:4. ;t ; 1 ;, ; L impose; it liiiediii. .lO DOT tittiaititidaftie. AW Ido ' II i 1 tot 3 to tt tonna,. 7 .. bli t oe s so b,equm do, Mt 4 do 11 mouths. 10 d etilltatere • ImAdtet • I ' I halt colatxua.3motassi 6 f •do It ntontir, i Ot'• tdo' do "6 uontlis,it co do 10 MOD, ..., lOLI ; do de .11 ; do, 111 on s do ., g m oor. I. 4Ot i gologra 0 monthg,, r I do • •ft roonthr. 1 e6tltdoo , do , to ,do IA inOtttng. ,•Uoltdo 11 do • II" A liberel niandtion trill be L uitiie t BlesobittVs est OMR vino adVeTtbsik by the Leer. • . • Oct . ptyPer airclihnos in eveio oolghtrorhot4 ail Is re to y b nefolf eye!, 1 stally is the ,manoty--aorl thotelloto Aftbrde A cougenient wed chaßp ratan' for tho baguets too or ot cutteto.--trio metehent. gnechnnto .ntt , all otherrato soles the kneotledgo of their !grams and baldness. We glen like to feted , A Vard" • for evert hieelinele, fferohentt is Proleolianet man in the caskets , . Wo bate plenty tf 100111 withontenetotteh lb g ti IMO Out 'radius colt:mil. and1 0 • 10 / 1 in It legitimate hntincto tvlll tote by tialettillibir &lieu. 111 , 7'; cut. Win general rate. the mote 0 , lentil , lay 1 ell* SilVl the ;meter will Labia yrotits. Miami) Or 13. MEM= to'olis, Jobs and Dian • EVEnv br.ygollirrloN. pitlrcTED "141141 k. E.Y BK9 , t& AND (IN Tilts Pi igt lAt (110T1411.AT.TLIE: ottFttlE " ••01.EittiErr.1.1111.1.ruBialLIN Central African ExploratiOnei , The London lithelitesum contains al account of the movements of the two (V terpising travellers, Dis; Barth" and Over. weg. According to the last communica , tions home, they 'were on the *it of starting on a highly interesting jburttey'te Borgu, a mounthinotts" country,• lying to. the north-cast of LakeTsad about midway , on the read to Egypt, arid never yet • visit• ed by any European. Important result are anticipated frotn this exploration. Pa their return, the travellers will direct' ME their energies to the South ' ' namely from Kuka to the shores of the Indian °bead: Dr. Barth believes that a more southeirly route, in the direction of Lake Nyassi, will be much more practicable than a straight line to Mombas, on a bearing of ribitiut south-east. The information collected specting the Nyassi ' lino indicates' many powerful' kingdoms, densely peOplad; inter sected by numerous rivers, very fertile l and abounding in forests. Dr. Barth 'an his companions have rendered good service id fur, in determining accurately what before was but vaguely known. The 'rentiaal ready performed amount; at a rough esti mate, to 3,700 geographical miles ; and this itineraries sent home by Dr. Barth; form a net-work which covers the greater portioa of Northern Africa. It seems,' however that they are but poorly provided with means for the prosecution oftheir research es, the whole ofthe sum originally grant ed by the English government having been received, and their own means well nigh exhausted; while now they h ell nigh to look forward to £2OO, which is to be placed at their disposal on reschin tits Indian Oceati. ANECDOTE OF GENEVAN:. JAC19014.-- While General Jackson was operating in the Creek country,some thirty odd years ago, he invariably gave orders that all the encampments should be made near the main body, to prevent surprise and alarm; but he had one officer, captain G.., who al though a brave man, was rather lawless'', and disposed to prowl and "bush week" about on his own hook and accotint.— When the main camp fires were lit at night, his would frequently be seen off on some hill by itself, a mile, perhaps, from the others; and in a very exposed situation. Gen. Jackson finally got as tired of giv. ing orders in relation to encampment, as captain G. was of receiving thern, end seeing his fire one night on a distant hill, the commander sent an aid to arrest ths brave but eccentric otTicer. "Capt. G." said the aid, "I ea etborell to take your sword from you." "Are your "I am." Well, take the sword to General hike son, and tell him to keep the d—d old thing. I only gave one dollar and half for it when it was new, and I know wh9MI . OitO get one twice as good for the same Own, A BEAU STORY TIIAT BEARS TELLIVO. , —ln the Juvenile Wesleyan—but whether original there or not, I can scarcely tell— there appears a story of an adventure with a bear, which, while it furnishes roomer materials for a good round laugh, illustrates the desirablenessof union among members of the same family. At the first settlement of Vermont—so the story goes, three young men left their homes in Aiassachusetts, with rifle. in. hand and each bought a tract of land side by aide in the wilderness. They erected a log hut, and agreed to live altogether, and work first on one, and then on the other's farm alternately. After a few months' harmonious acdon, one of them became dissatisfied, and, would no longer work only on his own farm. Thus they continued game time without anything anything to interupt their course. One day, die two who were at work tra gether were surprised at the outcries of the one at work by himself. They grasped their rifles, and flew to. the relief r ef their comrade, but when they came in sight Of him, such; a ludicrous scene presented itself to. their gaze, that it was some time before they could restrain from laughing sufficiently'to hold their rifles with a steady hand. This TOW Was at work, .haVing placed his' rifle against a tree sorrie r 144 distance off, when a large bear ,come be ! tween him end his rifle, and attacked him f ' Finding' there was no time to lese, he sprang for the nearest sappling. Apt trs bear could not climb, and t . VCIS soon 4 hip, to it; 'but the sa pping was . top tendpt bear up his weight, and. it bent ovpiiike i s bow and brought, him insuch a position that'ho.bod tnbold,on with , hiS feet .and hands; and the bent part of hishetly,Which was covered With,,bnekskwin,. hung down within leech of the be while p ,stOird on *hind 444:N.vith , 11 !'0.° 440 fare Itri.set him ..at a . swinging . .ipOtinp f The. hear veryptinpritly . set on.,lde t hhuo7 ches till he became he raoresteady, 04.thea 'vim' (II , give him- another ,blaw, ,. pra i l‘t Berrie. result; followed ; but not-penetrate the 7 IMlcloklip; . ' 4l: ti r ,, P.P" i ! was nate:tn.: ,h,f,t9;-t.be tW0:44d,ti,914414iF in a hearty laugh they-drew upitleir,"ool and stretched porn ,Pruta on thp.gratinkf. They:united, ctgaiA 4 1 0 \YO-ris'd 340 1 1# 1 ', 10; terwlo4lll:,.