THE ..REPUBLICAN. Clearfleld, Pa,Febaary 14Mt Appointments by the Governor. • Franklin Vansant, of Bucks county; ,lout -inspector at Philadelphia. Jared Ketchum, Philadelphia, Quaran-1 e Master. Wm. Rice,Philadelphia,Harbor Master. 1 'knowH. W. Sample, Commissioner. to tako ledgmen of deeds, Szc., Keokuk, - N. B. Rigdon, Notary Public, Fayette 'Jefferson Worthington, Notary Public, mberland county. .;Wm. Kline, Notary Public, Dauphin , unty. Gould, Cumberland, Auctioneer, ' !lisle. KrAIaj.BRADY has dressed his (Brook. e) Jefersoaan2with a handsome new te of type. 0-Col. J. R. MAGILL after nn absence some two years, has resumed the edi *al control-of that excellent paper, the ,ga Eagle. kr Our thanks are again due to Hon fred Gilmore, for Congressional favors 0::7 - The Hon. LYNN BOYD, Spenkerl*o • House of Rapresentatives; will also ac et our tlumksifor similar favors. Otr - The warm weather, assisted by the of last Tuesday night, had the effect raising the waters.considerably, though : t sufficient to take theico, which still re ins, andjudaingfrom the cold blasts o terday and to-day, , is likely to remain some weeks yet.. :!.7" Among tho recent appointments de by the Board of Canal Commission :, we observe that of JAS. C. BARRETT, this county to be Weigh Master nt the .igh scales at Johnstown. :This is the same situation, we believe, t Mr. B. held some years ago, and the ; .ics of which he discharged in a manner irely satisfactory. TIIE LEGISLATURE. _Cy the sketches oithe proceedings of r state LeLislature, which we are ena ,,, topublish from week Jo week, our +Jess can form some faint idea of the rts, made by' the bank interests. We 1t we arc under the mark when we say at least one-third of the business of Legislature anually is connected in way, with the banking interests. To the daily journal of the proceedings "; . 'would suppose that every body was in of the new banks, of re-chartering .ld ones, and of giving them every lege they ask for,as there are about as bank petitions presented, as there :,petitions for all otherobjects combined. w, it is plain that this is not the work o people. They may not be opposed regulated banks, nor to giving them eges, that, compared to those enjoyed ; .,:dividuals, are truly extraordinary— present petition after petition, as ::ttg from the people in favor of this ';that bank ; or of giving them this and 'privilege, is all gammon, and the next to making a mock of this sacred ere never was a period in the history 'r Commonwealth, when bank issues be more safely confined to their pres - mits, or a period at which further re ions could be more safely enforced now, and if our Legislators would, do .• •w • hich would immortalize their mem •s, and confer lasting benefits upon the and the Commonwealth,they would ly the remedy at once, Gov. Bigler's First Pardon. he first occasion for the exercise of rdoning power under our present by Executive, seems to have been a t worthy one. It was that of Mr. AL. who was convicted of kidnapping, two years ago, in Philadelphia. The was in substanCe as follows: A fe-1 f., le slave was claimed by her master;. 'ipshe had been in this state she gave to a child, which was but a few, lis old when the mother was re•cltiim ed. Part with her infant the mother d not, and woold take it with her.— . rti was convicted of kidnapping—not, other, but the infant. Much censure been heaped upon Judge Parsons, be- 1 whom the case was tried, but with t justice we are not able to decide. must admit, however, that it was a loudly calling foe Executive clem. A General Jail Delivery. tome one or two of the whig presses e alluded to the first exercise of the ening power, by Gov. BIGLER, in a nor calculated to create the impres `` 'that whig Governors never interfered is way. Now, if these conscientious amen will make, the inquiry at the '.4r place; they will discover. that his Gov. Jontorrorr—during the `seventeen days of his administration, &from the prisop's chain', no less than '.thrit convicts! CerThe Pennsylvanian, in alluding to the appointment of Wm. Rion, as Harbor! muster 'Of the Port of Philadelphia, says "Mr. Ricnis ono of rho most _ active and intelligent busineis men in this city, and will faithctilly dischargeevery duty impos ed on him by the position. His appoint ment has given general satisfectien among nautical men ; and the political party of which ho has ever heen so firm a support• er, mill hail it as an eminently, deserved compliment. ' From the Worthing:on Union SIGNS FOR 1852. The people of this country have never re-elected a whig President. They have never elected two whig ad ministrations in succession. They have now put into poWer demo cratic governors in twenty-six States out.of thirty-one, leaving lying governors to five States. They have elected demo cratic legislatures in twenty-three States, leaving whig legislatures in eight States. They have a large democratic majority in both houses of Congress, prepared to maintain substantially as it now is the ex isting democratic legislative policy of the country. It is stated that, under the apportion ment of electoral votes among the States by the new census,' the democratic can didate receiving the votes of the States carried by the democracy in 1848 would be elected. Since that time the democrats have fully parried New York, Pennsyl vania, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Delaware ; in the gubernatorial election, Maryland, North Carolina, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Connecticut; and in the congressional election, Tennessee— all of which States voted for Gen. Taylor. Meantime the whigs have carried, even in the gubernatorial election, no single State in the Union which gave a democratic ma jority in 1848, except Wisconsin, which is now regarded as surely democratic in 11552. An offset to this loss is also given by the admission of California, which is also democratic. That the democratic party ,therefore,will triumph in the comingpresidential canvass appears to be just as certain as that it will continue to exist as a national organization. If those who prefer the democratic policy, and mean to vote the democratic ticket, 4hall see fit to meet, by their delegates, at Baltimore simply as democrats, without regard to any other party distinctions, or party organization?, or party names what ever, the success of the democracy would seem to be,sure. The only hope of the whigs is in the action of those democrats who may be led to take part in an attempt to supersede the democratic organization by some other of a sectional character, or else to interpolate into the democratic creed some new issue. To divide and conquer is the policy of the whigs—to un ite and be proofagainst assault is the duty of the 'democrats. Thus, in Louisiana, General Downs has been beaten because the democrats were divided—and thus it will be in every other quarter of the Union where Ai,liSions are permitted to tell at the ballot-box, So true is this, that it is ,almost a definition of whiggery to ba y that it is whateverdivides democracy. Another Evidence of the Good Sense of Gov.' ernor Kossuth. Kossuth has determined to decline the invitation of the Cincinnati committee to have a public that city, and will despatch Pulszky there to-morrow.— The following is an extract from his letterr to the committee, giving his reasons f declination : "I decline, in the most solemn way, ev ery procession, illumination, banquet and costly entertainment. Allow me to pro vide for my own lodging and board.— Whatever you have resolved to bestow for these objects, let the amount be given to wards the Hungarian Fund." It is much to be regretted (says the Har risburg Keystone) that Kossuth could not have had the ordering of the receptions and banquets, &c., with which he has been annoyed quite as much as entertained, du ring his progress through our country ;, they would have been managed very dif- ferently and in better keeping with the ob. ject of his mission. To the citizens of Pittsburg is due the credit of having got up a banquet on correct principles, where there was po gormandizing or guzzling ; and consequently nc expenditure for eat- indor d rinking, and the proceeds were ap plied where they should go—to the Hun. garian fund. Their example has encouraged Kossuth, and the ill-natured attacks of some presses have probably compelled him to speak on the subject, and to thus insist that no fu ture occasion shall be given for similar at- tacks. - There is little doubtthat the parade and display which has so far attended their progress has been irksome to othersas well 1 , as Gov. Kossuth. -• "Oh ! said Madameulsky in our pres ence, "Why . do they not take us to the farm houses instead of the hotels? You can see nothing, learn nothing at a hotel; there is nothing'but noiso, bustle and con fusion;" and then as though the thought that it might he necessary to stop at hotels crossed her mind, she added: "Surely they might take us to the farm houses,and leave the gentlemen at the hotels'?' ' During her stay at the Mountain House Madame P. gratified her desire , to visit a farm house; and`declining the invitation of the lady of the house to "walk into the Parlor'," proceeded, to the kitchen, where' she inquired with much interest into all the domestic arrangements and modus op ! erandi of the working department. ' • We may be allowed to add that Madame P. is perfectly at home in all that.. relates to agriculture or the resources and pro• ciliation/I of Ile:rutin country. . A REPLY TO, BITTRYAR'Y. - - . Count Pulszkey has written 'from Pitts burg, a letter, reviewing rather than ro. plying to the letter of Count Batthynny, noticed in our last paper, in which he fully exposes the motives and Objects of both Esterlinzy and Batthyany, and completely exculpates Kossuth from the censure sought to be fastened upon him. 'rho style of the letter is worthy of Kos suth himself and fully sustains the reputa tion of Pulszky for eloquence. Take for instance the, following :—Keystone. "He winds his letter up ty entering into technicalities, in order to show that Governor Kossuth had no right to thO title, and that he should retire into private life. The vanityOf Antisththenes peeps through the modesty of the Count and blinds him so far as to forget that since these last ten years, he, as welt ns his cousin, Count Louis, fought many a parliamentary battle under the standard of this same Kossuth, whom he reviles now—that they belonged to hikJ party long before 1848 that they were his associates in more than one po litical enterprise. The Count forgets that by his own concurrence the aristocratic Constitution of Hungary was already in 1848, remoddled into a democratic one— that since the days of March and April there was no more political differences be tween the classes of Hungary—that the Count himself consented to abolish the feudal rights and to enlarge the franchise nearly to universal suffrage. He forgets that it was Kossuth alone who, at the time when Count Louis Batthy..ny left Hunga ry- without the means of defence, provided for the defence of the betrayed country— that when Jellachich entered Hungary, and the Archduke fled and Count Louis despaired, it was the eloquence of Kossuth which gathered the people on the plains of Pakezd and led them to victory. Ho for gets that at the time when our armies were defeated, and capital lost, and the country invaded from nine different points, and there was no arms in Hungary, and no powsier for the charge, and no sulphur to manufacture the powder, and no money to pay the soldiers, and no hope in the breasts of the bravest—it was ICossuth, who, by the firmness of his will, and the resources of mind, raised armies and clo thed them, and armed them, and organiz ed them, and inspired the people with con fidence, and led them from victory to vic ry, till the symbol of double-faced Austria —the double-filced eagle—.--flew hastily back from the Theiss to the very frontiers of Hungary. And the Count forgets that after the deposition of the House of Haps burg, he did accept the ministry of For eign Affairs, from the hands of the Gov ernor, and took the oath to maintain the Declaration of Independence, and did be long to the administration of his highly cultivated' friend, B. Szemero, who, with out the previous knowledge of the Gover nor, declared openly to the Diet, that his administration was to bo a Republican or a Revolutionary one. Gnus - zit:L-3/w Extraordnary Still.— At a meeting of the German citizens, held at No. 60 North William street, New York, in behalf of Otto Grunzig, the re port of the Albany Committee was read; from which it appea red ,that M'ddlle. Lorenz having arrived at Albany, on the 22d ult imo, used by the Grunzig Committee about her object, she answerd : "Though innocent,l like to try to save Grunzig's life by making any confessions to the Govern. or. May they imprison me for one or two years. lam but a woman—lhey can't do more.—Daily News. • The Committee replied to this, that they would not bring her before the Governor under such circumstances, for they could not agree with using any falsehoods for the sake of saving Grunzig's life. M. Lorenz afterward was accompanied by the Committe from Congress Hall to John Wacher's Hotel, and provided for with every comfort and necessary. On the next morning, Friday, the 23d, at 9 o'clock, the Committee made prepar ntions to see the Governor once more and for the last time, as the happy news of the granted respite reached them. Therefore, M. Lorenz has not seen the Governor. She has not made an affidavit, neither in New York nor Albany. She has not been induced to make any confess ions whataver. SAD OCCIIRRENCE.—We regret to learn that James Derr, residing in Lewis town ship, in this county, was found dead lying on a limekiln, which was in blast near his residence on Saturday morning last. A box was found near the top of the kiln, upon which, it is supposed he was sitting the evening before, and being overcome wits► gas,fell into the kiln and expired. He was about 35 years of nge, of temperate habits, and left a wife and four small children to mourn their loss.—llliltonian. NEW GOLD DOLLARS AND GOLD RALF DOLLARS.—"Observer,. tho Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, says: "I have just seen the new gold dollar piece sent down from the Philadelphia mint to the Him. Geo.' S. Houston, chair man of the committee of ways and means. The coin consists of a flat ring, on which there is a superscription, but no head, as the place for putting a head is cut out. The only objection to this kind of coin is the detrition to wnich, it seems to me, it must be very liable. On the other hand, the coiri'may be carried on a string----a most convenient and safe way,of carrying money, Half-dollar gold piece, not yet called for by any law,have been sent down, and look _Very pretty. These half-dollar , gold pieces would be more convenient still 'than the dollaipieies, and may be carried in the same way. • OtrA snake was ' discovered crawling i4l the snow, in Bucks county, and killed, which mea§iired two foist ele'ven and a•hal inches.', • Fourth of July Convera Ilion.—Harrisburg, Feb. the House to-day. on motion of Mr. Flanigan, the joint resolations reported from the committee on the matter of the erection of monuments to the old Thirteen States in Independence Square, were taken up and passed finally. They provide for the op pointment of delegates to a convention to be held in the city of Philadelphia, on the Fourth of July, 1852, and name overnor Bigler and A. G. Waterman as delegates on the part of the State. A,NOTtIER SCIENTIFIC WONDER PErstri n Aritfieial Digestive liluid,or Gastric Juice ! A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet, of the (boob Stowell of the Ox, titer directions ul Baron Leibig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Iloughton, 51, D., NO. 11 North Eighth Street, l'hilndelphin. l'a. This is a truly wonderful rem• oily for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, constipation, and Debility. curing rifler nature's own method, by nature's own agent, the I Gastric Juice, See Advertisement in [mother col. MARRIED—On January Bth, by the Rev. Henry Lucas, Dr. James M. Bunn, of New Washington, to Miss Athelia S. Byers, of Burnside township, Clearfield county. On the same day, by the Rev. henry Hoffman, Mr. William M. Michaels, of New Washinaton, to Miss Florinda J. Hum, of Punxsutawney, Jefferson county. DIED—Of scarlet fever, on Wednes day night last, the youngest child of Amosßead's, sen., of Lawrence town ship, aged between four and aye years. Agricultural Meeting. IVOTICF , IS II EtIEBY GIVEN. That a mailing or Kiri LW Comm tier appointed by the egrieul n•ni me.,tiov h lil o 3 Int court week. tort) a ouroose o' granting a csouititution, Igo for a i e ma neat oityttligation of no Agricultural i.'ocirty I a cl o wn. Id ,penty. w II be held at the el HIRT HI ill3E, on Atilt IRI A V. the gl stday of Feinting, ISA. at 11 O'ulnok, F. M. of acid day. The following! Persons compose thecommittea : F:loha Fenton. John Stiles. G, It. Barrett. Johnreran. G 1. Bred . , 0. l'. Outwit, Joseph Irwin. II ngh I irr John It. Heed, VI mtot II Fulton l William Mitchell. IP A Rsith, a. 'iichard r brew, Inane Thom gown. Jr,s. B hi TtinVy, Melt hew Caldwell. James Itl'Glice, Jacob Molest. l'rewford Gailitvir, John Fiord, l:Vilharo tinnier. Benj imin Bmeal. I him la I ennard, Fraucis C.ontiriet, A general attendance 4 the.ELI Conotine is enrnesily requered m FI.IIITONSHA , Cht.len Clonilikl, Feb. 11.1FE.1. . Notice to Tux Payers. A 1.1. PF.P.Sritla3 who tiny to the Collector. of their restive• tt live townships, the whnt moonlit ut their NT TE TAX nn or holm. the 11r.t dev of .1111.11 next. shell I eve en ehate. mint M VIV E FEU UIiNT crowed to them by the eclie:ter, of their rest' came '”wothipt. ti y order ut the Comm ivim tem. G o mm,. ;tie s. t In •e. Attest, Fib. Pith. 115311. G. li. GOODLAN DER. Crk. No: ice to Coll( ctors. NoTicp. 13 11EREllY GIVEN, that all C Hectors of (:°1313.7 and titni•Tax will he chi:true! cqu net cent IN TEREST on no' mon m due from one year alter he du'e or their respective Duvlii.ate., lly orde r of the COITITIIIIIO II f fa. Allolt. G. B. GOJI,LAN Commlirilo , -ete P PAL Lion. Divine Services. By DIVINE RERMIS‘ION, the Rey Mr. DIEHL fr.m Joha.toorn non wench. on RATURRAY. the Idet too.. et roily candle light, nod on tiihhat h more log 01 I 1 o'clock. in the Lutheran Church. in this Oleo Llken,te In the EVENING of .he /IMP day in tjur• eravdlo, ntenny li,tht.- 4 he oubl (tare Molted to attend. Fell. IL 1b54. - - TAKE CARE. THE ter payers ef Lawrence tosenstrip. will take rotice 1 that those Owing ritNlool. fA X on thu Duel cat° of Robert Owens. Collector for the yea. laJt. or un the Mutants oil as. A. steed. zchuot Treasuter. for the previous soar. toe ir , lo °,l to env thesome to the suliscaner. on or betide Fral. IJ.s.Y the 2ith Instant. Those neileaine to do so 011 Y pre pare for War. N. H. 1110.1HLLES . Constable r 190.6. 1a52. Estatt of William Dunlap, Deceased. Ivo I ICE IS lIES LIS Y GIVEN t:t.rt letters 01 Adintals ill it tratwo epee the Estate of Vs Whim 1. nuirte.dea'd ,late of Pilo townthl have beep In due to rn ollaw, granted to,he 'dbl.:Tiber. All 1.1./n■ bnvtvg claim. cgum■t sat.l (+Ante will preterit there propetly audio:attsted fol settlement, and those owing eau' et,tme will make l pay meet immediately. ay DUN sAP. JUIIN DUN LAI', Pike tosens'e Fah. 6, 165.1, JAMES A. it gED, Law teu ce Ib wttrh.p. FOR SALE IigTHE HOUSE AND L. YI slow octturood by James Al'Conneli..ituate on the coat ante of the Methutot Church. in CLKAltifltady— wm ue to4l low for Oath, utal posseition Riven on the t.t ul April 1111:11. Apply to JOHN L. CiITrLE. rob:oars ti, 18b.t. Mimictin E House, GEORGE PETERS—Proprietor, Ll ESPE:!TFOLLY announces to l'e Publie. that he has lA , taken OA wed known 1-. veto eitand. oa ehm, is the borough ul Marietta Pa.. lormerly kept by Wil ism Oinekhouse. where he Wit. tis gratified to we ail s his old bends. and as many new one. as may favor him with cab. The house bus been trartonahly re hued. and adlittons added thereto, making none of toe largest and most monism. diva note's In the borough, 1116 TAtiI.E will metes' be supplied with the best tee market wit tithed : and his BAIA ao: he stored with ibs choicest Looms and be will at all tunics usg his hem endeavors to conittshe to the comfort and easate el ita guests t and desue4 that be may seems° a share of the wall in patronage Al minim, k'eti.g . i. ,83:1-4m. TIMBER AND BOARDS. WILLIAM M'BRIDE& A. K. WRIGHT. VING formed a partne:ship in the Merelian• H men business, at the house tormerly nevi] pied by Wm. 5113 ride in CUMOIIIIV illee, They are now receiving a large smelt ol guods ol every deserip. lion, which they will dispose of on itie moat reason able terms for grain oi every description, or buaids shingles and timber. or a Mlle cash will out be rti loved. The highest pries will be given fur gaud umber Beards and shingles. WBRIDE & WRIGHT, Curwensville Feb. c:,d, 1852. PUPUI.AR BOOK FOR AGENTB. HEADLEI'S LIFE OF KOSSUTE. lundersigned have its press, and will publlth In Jane J. ory, LIFE OF LOUIS KOSSUTII, GOVERNOR OF HUNGARY. With notices of distinguished Alen, and Scenes of the flo a • Voisin Itevulution. To which ie an Appendix. Loutelomit tau nom impordint of the Addresses, Leiters and tipeec.hes ul MIMS& Chia. Hy P. G. Head:ey. author of "Li.e ol the LuntieosJoseohine." "Lite of beiayette." eta y with an le. troductum be Home (Hedy. In one Limo volume, with a steel Portrait. Unhunn in lute and price with , — liendley's Josephine." Price. $1 in. Ascots want, every County In the United - States, to animus ror the move siuptdat work. •,,•Aay Newspaper published within 500 miles of New Y dints. that will give tho above three inwtions. shall motive a copy of the work Immed.atcly on Its pubhuation flee of expense by Snail. DERBY & MILLER, Fnblishers. Anburn.N. Y. lko 33 isni Philipsburg and Susquehanna Turnpike Bond Company. NOTICE IB BEREBY GIVEN to the atockholdsn Ia this Road. that an Election will be held at the house or daunted Mormon. in l'hiliptbum. on the FIRST MONDAY or Di A 1.11211 neat, between lhe at or 2 aad 6 o'cl ck. e. tn. to elect Managers fur the ensuing year. • W. BILGBEIAW.Becee. Philipsburg. Jan. 24.1F62. Estate of Wilson McClure, deed. NTOTICE IS lIHREIIy GIVEN. That Letters of Ada:On /11 nitration have peon granted to the subscribere on tho tate of Wilton lit'Clare. late of Pile towoihip. Clearfield eatinv. deemed. All putties Indebted to said ammo will thortlore ante it:mediate payment, and theta having claim, stratus , said e.tai it are tweeted to present them duly authrn. 'prated for settlement. Ltobeot W. mita aut. at Curwentvllle, will give tho business attention at all times. lt. W. 141'N AU 1.. Administrator. MARY AFC let) 11 B. Akar Isuatrix Ca rwenstrille. Dea. Estate of John IV. Miller, deed. Nolict.l.3 tlblikttY taVkllu. Whet Letteis of Admin. ligation Wm n Issued to the eubscrlber. on the estate of. John W. Miller. late of licocana township. doomed. All ma goes indebted to said estate will therefore make immediate payment—nod those haring claims ag.ln.t the same. are se. quested to pineal them to the subscriber. in Bac:eerie to en. ship. dal ao,hentloated for so gamma. Immediate attention Is required to this name, Warder that 'dentate may be settled without delay. 1.10N4L W. WELD. Mm's. Deccatio township, Jo.. D. 18,52 —pd. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. Al.l. Collector& for laso. nod for former yam, Chc;know therniever in arrears. are requested to pat to the Tramlin e, th nailale amou at of urea duplicates. on or before rho next Ma court. Thom who trealeot this otloa east have nu °PlP:trial* of Oaring tome oast rotas ISturriffilOOD ant( CODIrI. Lad lame ef the tollreters tor laik tout batter keep alaatt oat lot Ora UMW. Hi oram of D . Comraistioeete. • • • 0. 001E111.1 1 14\ ANIL sinvirr 16,E1R51 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES o f CLEARERIELD ARTIIURBZI.L, cou nty restrr of Cleatfield county, to account withinid from tho ofJanuaty. to tholtn of Ja“unsy 1853. Inctutivo. • Tam't recved from ow ners of Unseated Lands, /3555 83 o amount tecutwed *Ol7l Collectors. B,taw 88 To balsam ot goad Surd for MSc in 1817 ClrCeied JON now transtentd to counts. To balance due osuaty at Ina settlement, 011ibil(30 duo Tts's Iran county, - 14 208 49 ----. .Cr. By amount paid Juror', $ 868 01 BY amount of 'Mention Expenses. 848 tea By amJunt ot Constables' wager, 150 e 9 Bo amount •paid A sssss ore. fC6 84 By amount paid County Cnnutlationers.Aß 40 117 amount paid Road Viewer., • 'lO 00 - By amount paid Prothonotary. 1/411 15 Hy amount paid Clerk to Commissioners, 144 74 By amount void Col casts to Common kleaa. t 8 33 By amount paid for Fuel and Motional/. 116 15 By amount void County mullion. 27 LI/ Ily amount paid for 'mid I. V5l 01 By amount paid on Printing contract. . tao 00 By amount paid for Counsel. U 0 UU By amount Vold Court Oyer, 48 (0 • B Dimwit Y poid Stp:till, 3.1 22 By amount *mid for ('anther. Fox and Wolf Scalp., 17n 87 If, amount paid fur Midge,. 81 03 By amount paid late balance due. 10 1)3 (V 110 amount paid for J nation' feet, tO By amount paid lot Jail lees. X 8 b 7 By amount 01 exoneration. to Collectors 76 49 By amount paid for Auditing Prothonotary 'a amounts Ix to to By amount tail on purulinie at Lot No. 71. 800 lly alluvia, potion Judgement due Academy. 116 bl By amount Itelunded. 14 (4 be By amount void far eturseylnit 00 By amount of Pees pad 1.1 atr.ct Attorney General. 141 kis Hy amount coedited to Treasurer and p Mogi on on. tented lot for ootoction. 20 lb Trainmen per neat. on 07707 84 at 15: per taut . 110 111 Outstanding Debts due County. COUNTY. STATE From Owners of Unseated Lands. 44000 0) From James 11,sa, Jr.. eoProfJoronn. 1817. 161 67 t rum 1 4 . Horn do Worm di„1848. fd 98 From Fhirip Antes do Larwenuo do 7OJ Blom Day id Carr do Fox From Wm Suenctr do Pen do 804 From rism'lrlpender doprke du e di nom Jos. Moo: do Bow 1949, From livid Litz do 1 lesified du 17 61 From J McMurray do Burnside en 14 14 From Mows Peace do Oriest do 16 61 Cram D liorgeny do l'ovinlton do Frein'itomas Fenton do Peou do 91 77 Prom J. ductdorlin do (tell 1"60 44 7 i Ftom J mum -do Boers do 79 'A Frog a. tittolmmier ilo Brady do 4.731 From James blEwari do Buininde do 9/ 13 From J P. Dort ( 1 0 Forr.ust.n Jo 691 From A. A Rend do Goshen do 4 4.1 From L. Wit4.trun do Jordan do 83 06 From W. l'. Fulton eo ioom BUG! Ito 124 Fn ,m J. Both:o.k duj'dorris do 31 10 From Wm Irvin do Vike do 1 30 1 7 From H. W. :Shoff' do Woo:Paul do 13 Al Frum B Harrmkor do ISeccaria 18.51 117 94 om H Borth do 11:11 do i7ll 73 From linno Hem do Bores do Ili 11 From Wm. Graham jr do itrallsord do 2 2 a From P Miner ,to Brady do 46 97 IFrum Jhn Y.oums do liornsido do 1193 01 , •rom Eras Hurd do Ch=A do tit 03 nom 4/4•0 ktnilst do I:torisr tog Ito 21 08 Fnm George lihul'z do Dann'ur 110 It) 5r From W. 5702racken do Ferguson do 10 b 3 Flom J Hoods do Fox du 81 6) From Chathe /Meant do Ilirnid do 22 l'lrm G. W. Gorham do Goy-h , n do lii VS From Thomi.s newts do I oution do F.nin Car id tiner e: do Clestfund do 214 47 Dnvid W dltams do Jordan ld From Win. Ihidgen. do Lnitlinne do 41 74 rom Hobert (Arens do I.nw recce do lilt 01 Prom troth W lie do bil , f tll do 179 tl From W Idemim l'eues do 17,1 Lom Job England Ito Mr, do 31.3 43 From M. 11ollopsier do I'n no do kts From T. Henderson do Vr oiel'ard do h 3 03 5 587 11 1,682 43 Outstanding Order/ Arthur Bell, Treasurer, in account with Townships for Road Tax. A mount of Road 'fox [(moved end pool out lor 1850 and 1851, as per statement herewith illo flexed, va : • Am't, Pd. Am't, lielfd. Borough of Clearfield, 22 00 Beraria township, 4 07 4 88 Bell township, 21 66 21 66 Boggs township, 28 48 28 48 Bradford township, 23 44 23 .11 Brady township, 77 88 88 80 Burnside Ill,Niuthip, '1 00 9 00 Chest township, 9 71 61 95 Covington township, 19 10 19 10 Decatur township, • 26 65 34 41 Fox township. 0) 00 Ferguson township, Girard township. 9 6 10 Goshen Township. 132 01 132 01 Huston tow mi. in, 55 60 55 60 Jordan township, 44 48 44 48 liariha us low nship, 91 01 91 01 law reneo 'Township. 65 28 65 28 Morns township, 6 98 6 98 Penn towliShip, Pile tow miktp, 573 25 44 %Vood ward town 'hi p. 722 722 Union township, 141 95 92 6:16 05 824 85 Bal. Due road fund,lBso '5l 188 80 824 84 824 85. Road 1 1 %nd fur 1848 and '49 Ind due from lasi settlei. By um't pd. Murano tp. 2 22 Cheat tp. 20 60 Covington tp. 12 08 Kergioun tp. 4 81 6os6en townshtp, 3 50 Jordan tp. If' 92 Korihaus tp. 13 90 Balance due Road Fund for 1848 and 1849 Balance due Ruud Fund for '5O-'5l Total Road Fond due, Cr. Ely annum! paid h,U, :Moller, na per Ina receipt in lull lor balance Arthur Bell, Treasurer, iv. account tai School Districts. Received Iron% unsealed lands, including balance due at last settlement, viz. DR. CR. Amount paid Irecaries District. 65 Amount paid Bell District 30 24 55 19 AIM/1111i paid Borough, 2 99 Amount paid Bradlord, 21 16 28 Amnia paid Boggs. 18 64 44 69 Amount paid Brady, 61 56 71 24 Amount pall' BllfiltridC, 22 69 22 24 Amount paid Chest, 41 £8 42 83 'Amount paid Cosingtun. 310 10 81 Amount paid Detaier, 32 70 32 70 Amount paid Fergus. 'lB Amount paid Fox. 3 90 Amount paid Girard. 30 3 04 Amount paid Goshen. 130 21 84 Amount paid Huston, 44 16 44 16 Amount paid Jordan, it.: 77 2 32 Amount paid Kartnous. 03 ' 6GI Amount paid Lawrence. 08 IL 88 Amount paid Morris, 12 30 19 35 Amonnt paid Penn, 9 15 Amount paid Pike, 22 15 29 l Arnount paid Woodward, 163 43 110 51 Amount paid Union, 288 67 13 Balance of School Fund duo districts and Treasurer as lotions : Due from Treas. Duo Trails from Bali 15 95 Ileccaria, 65 Borough, 2 99 Burnside, 40 Boggs, 26 05 Chest 185 BradlOrd, 16 04 Huston Brady . 14 68 Uecuter Covington, 7 73 Jordan. 14 45 Deemer. IVuodn aril, 53 92 Ferguson 7 98 Fox. 8 99 Girard, 2 74 Goshen, 20 54 Karthaus 6 58 Lawrence, 11.80 Morns 7 05 Penn, 9 15 Pike, tp 07 Union. 64 25 Due Dis'ts. 727216 Duo Treas'r. 576 :t7 Due School Districts 15232 bu A tn't. pd, F..G. Miller, as per ,ree'ts. In full. 232 50 . . . .. ~ VVE the rtittlehilltlieci IJOatinlieltlllere of Cleeirfield eoulti. htsVitlit examined the accounts of Attlillltt BELL, Trimmer of stud county tot 1854 ho emit*. that we find teem as above stated—and that the notitneding debts due the county niuount to Fire thousand Lire huntind anti eighiy• seventh) leis and 10r.7.000 cents Witness out hands thu kith day of January. A 1).. 18.52. 13 &NUBIA WAY. • I.YAI A LEX/tithe.% tOorbm're. • PHILIP tiEVENtai Attest—G. G. GOODI.ANDEG. Cum. WE the undersigned Auditors ofClearlield countr, having V. emanated thenooounts of Aatillat DELL. Truasiliel ofCleartisto county for the year 1861 Do report. that the So. Coants are as above stated—that the count), of Ulearlieht Is la debt to soul Treasurys the sum of n. 65, 71, and that said Thetis urer has ;Aid over to his suto Ater in office the ent amount of fload nod echool mousy found by our said revision to beta his hands. and that the ordstann. , ing debts due the county amount to 5667 dollars and 41. cents. Witness out bandstbis Itali day offal:ma:y.4 ID., 151. 04 KV/07.1iM R . wm t ubey; Asditote. Attint—A U. 6IiAW. OPt. . • • • A BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF , CLEARPIEL MESHICK GRAHAM, • fIARBER RND lIAIRDPESSER—WIII attend loin de: wands in his line on 'holt alnico and in the moat redly factors manner. I ll s toom trill he lounil In the basomtut SAW/ of the Mansion. Douro. . Janunryli. O, 13. MERRELL, • r(RPER, TIN et BARRI' IRON WARE MANEFAO. %." Boitters old nand on Illaf Rot street—Oen noid. .. • , Roo. so. • ROBERT MANLY, • 101711EHLWRIMIi . and CIIAILIMAKER. fif lIPAS lad •Y ORNAMENTA L PA R.‘ l'Eß—Enst Matket. afreiter C full. d. Do. 119. l!tol. - - • J. &. J. G. RUSSELL. , • rrANNERS coußnAntes AND DEALERS IN ALL ki n d s or Lelithur. ides. 0 rata. 120., taken isk embalms. Tenntville Pa —llranninqhlits P. 0, rah. 4. Isla. kV5i. P. CHAMBERS, VA 711 EIWGVIIIGfIT. CII JUL:MAKER. and MAME. Sr. VV MGM PAINT.EII-o.lweon ON. Dee.Vso.lBBl. M. E. WOOD, PHYSICIAN. ' May Always he found nt his mildenna Ii Carwousmile, when not pruletlionftll7 absent. 1hat.5.9.19M, , LAPORT & LEWELLIN, . COACH and 81,E16HMAKERS—Curwenavinu. Dee. L9.18%1 J. D. THOMPSON, 111LACIAMITt1. Wagons. thirstier. ate.. /to . Ironed on .61_3 short noun°. and the very bort stile. at hisold stand hi tne borough 01 Cur sv emir litu. Vco. 111, 1 . •1 abli 49 JOHN C. RICHARDS, 110011VSICIAN—Uo the Itslie ktsgul to Chest cre.k. four L mites from Corwe +2.111e. Deo. 115. WM. McBRIDE, lETA !LER. AND DE A LEK N bliMßEll—Motteast L Uoinez of 6tate and 'mutt 'troths. Uurwaraysile Dec 80:18.51. eV 75 I Iv 4 4i 1 kit 1 96 ISRAEL COOPER, 130S111ASTEtt lit Glen Hove—Retailer of Foreign and lknnostio bldrchandite, and exlenove doaler :N in Lombot. Uto. . OM. • ii S. C. PATCHIN, lint HOPE, Retailer of Foreign and Domritto obabrbse. and Lumber Merebnat. L'e3. ;IL that B. F. STERLING, . viAnni.E U A AILNESS-MAKEII. and JUSTICE Off ki I III; YEACE—Catwentriile. Deo 11J ROBERT McNAUL, TANDEM—At the OLD bTAt tUe Cutwee'villa. 29 Dee. .1951 BO 19 I 'Xi ill Lk 49 'dh 2 i F f 9 such uip . 111.17 11. P. 'll - 10MPSON, ptIYSICIAN—Mai be found either et bit office. wino ti hutel—Uu•trdnietile—wbee not not nnutntly &w et. Dee. tin MI. SAMUEL WAY, B OUT eqa 8110EMAKELL—Corweitsvi1lLi.c. - , 1858 8 1.4 8t 18 st, 8 74 1 10 53 Le WM. W. FLEMING, rsTER sem()(lN. EATING -HOUSE end CON I'M -1 IAR. —Cur ree■vllle. [ho. EDW. B. PATTON, fIAHINETMAKER--East eud of State street—Cerweue yr In. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, MANNER. and 130(Yr and SHOE NIANUFACTURREt— s. cutwons, Dec. W. kin. I. L. 13ARRE'rr, ERC/I ANT. LUMBEKIIAN ANI) GENF:RAI. P go- UtlALEkt—At 'quiets' Ulearleld Lee 20.1831. D. S. PLATTMER, TA fi l o l ic. O . R—New Watbingtoa. Burst!e,mtob:rn.j.:ll4s(l3teer JOHN FLEGAL,—Luth.ersburg ' Wagons iliapeles. NnVI, Louctl on the shooest onOee We We. IEI4 • GEO. B. GOODLANDER, G7ETAGON-MAKER—Lntherclmre. Volk eoun to orde V V on anon notim and on on , nltOrms. 'MI. YU, '6l. A. L. SCHNELL, [IA I LOR—Lothers hurC —will do his work just as gond and as cheap, TS way other ftliiolV. Lao. t i. 185/. - JOHN CARLILE, LACKSMITH. ar. JUSTICE OF THE I'ILA.OO-Lulb LP ors' uric 0„ IM6I. • 11RON-FollNDElt—Near Luthentearg—wnera all sorts of Clutiogs are made of the best material. and on t unable terms. Dee. 11.1.1651. TIIOMPSONS, HA RTSOCK, & CO. ITlF o (Tiz , Rll77 , vii!.. An xteoviaoit. f T at 00,. bec.E CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. vTIIEELW MORT & CIMIRMAKERS. &a —Midi. , pot e owe.lrp. Deo. 29. MI. GEO. RICHARDS, FASHIfINABLI:• TAILUR—West end u 1 Bhow's Row uo ri—Cleurfirld. Doc. N.O. IBS.. ItICI-lARD GLENNAN, rporm & silotolAK Elt—Leat door ta Shaw.'. RAW 0* 13 Market atreet—Clearilteltl. 17ec.80.1851. MRS. ELIZA IRVIN, XTENSIV E HETiII.I t tll 1 , 11.131GN AND DO ivestic 51erchsnd,zer—Eatt end of State itrott—Curvrelh VllOl. pen 80. 1861. ENCHANT. AND DEAL.t . III. IN LUMBER AND (~unfry p ro ducoarmcrally— S tate between Cherry arid Louust—eurweolville. Doc. EU. IESI G. W. TURNER, IFASHIONARI , F; TAILOR—At the northwes t qerner of Frntat Rnd Ntn , lco streets. GEO. W. REIEEM, ADD L.P.11 MAHN ESS & TRU NIC MAN UFACTURER --Ou Third st,elA botween MulLet anti I Acne. I , no. 30. Mi. LEONARD & NIOORE, ERCHANTS AND I.IIhIBER. DEALERH , Sceod LYI stvet. tot weon,tdatket atilLottuttr-Uhrof•eld , Deo. Oh 1811. J. 11. JONES, Q‘ing & notYri MAKEtt—adjoinini hi. residence na 1.7 Ma!kat. Iscrween Third and l'onnh stiee D ts C J, cu.l9 ow JAS. B. GRAN AM, DOST M ottrrEit, .pIETACIIANT anti DEALEIt JAW— BER--Grahamton. ltmdfold.townihip. Dee 1,9.11331. C. KR ATZER, M EIRCHANT AND 1.11 MUNN 111ALER—Cornot of Front and. Locust strects—Cleatfastd. Nee 99. 1851. JAS.,ALEXANDER, ADDLE& Atilt A ItNERS M hotel Eitlo hie new dm. 1.7 op Market West, bent ISlerreil's . Tt.n. ^o IV! WALLACE & HILLS, 11101 11.16M1ANERa — OF t OI OR Wm G I N S AN n D d —DOOIeMu KeITI.O!UM; sa.issi.' ISAAC JOHNSON, nom. 13110EMAKyliWe4t end or lihaw , i Raw. oik Mneket stied—Clonal/Id. Dec. MI. J. L. HUNTER;' rvit.r.n OM tfOIIEIGN 6t DONWATIe, k 1 DitiE—Madet street. two doors west of Mor eo. el's el. • • PlO, um hot _ THOMAS SHE. A;':', , " VA.StiIONABLE tilistv's Lisa on Mead strost, troineditusly over the Post In Ocol-cbrofo4 l . 24. t• A. K. WRIGHT,' • TurEsralATlT AND EXTI:NrtIVO ULlAl , trt 1N 'AUK- J.TJ. Itelt—tiouthweitOorstrof tha Dittwoold—Chtion l. id. Deo. Lit, tlift • Cr, C. PASSMORE, T.AeiCTslITll—/Lt. the pia Foundry—CerweelAtie.... ten th tailt. the ' Deo.V.teei. • RICHAAD . 140SSOP, • ro ETA rxit LIP tolto. e..:1 Al4lll OnmusTlO 1 1.11iR.• la , I.:HANDL/4n LIQUOfill Iltgl,n• stand. Abu, on Ibt west lino 4041 • tnet. Doe. SIP. , mAgt . w i t %IT gatri. by t!io borrcl..os preforrid: O.l.l.l—bribloOn fingruisq, fbr Nolo It filo otnto of y ,211,11bf , 1.. - . COUNTY. PETER SEYLER, ISAAC SMITH,