Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 13, 1852, Image 1

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t y r ige4 i f rekly; ealoartleld, Pa.. by D 1 Vir riuunr.
dltor aud Plinrletor• unowtbe follow's/ very favorable
IviziCs..u . . 1 1'
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OF.I. Tho ithWeei terms aro as !lantana thole..Of any Mho ,
cauary.papbt in the orate, and will as exacted.
D,lcitarenntlnuancia will A:allowed until all memo/law
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ros'trisitars neglecting tO notify the viabilities, as dite:ted
1 law. Of the feet that linnets ens not lifted by those to whom
hey are diteated., are themselves, held responsible for the
mount of the auirsuriptron motet: . .
Verrone Muir papers' tare e to 'limit!! i s to others.
«come subscribers. and liable for the pe of subtorip.
Our Merl& now riatzied by mall throughout the county.
re of charge.
• . . . .. . _. _
Nen Yptt.
'TO prospm
6 814We:1
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Nor. filt
ny MIL% ;V. G. unaten.v.
-Tile strringer'it henit 7 --oh;viiiunti it 'not ;
A yenining imp; ihitu its lot-4,, '
lienoath the shntiniv of thy tree,
'clic stranger finds no mitt in thee."
.. . .
The love of bottle -.and "country is al
ays strong, but nowhere is it' Stronger
lan in the .warm heart which beats be.-
mth the coarse gray., frock of, the Irish
isant. . He itsves the green land of his
,rth,' cursed as it is with hcggary and
ttrvation; and stern istho necessity which
:ives him forth - to seek a home among
:rangers. ' I never look upon one Of these
,or, despised; degraded sons of Erin, but
heart warms towards him, and.l think
of one whose sad and early' fate deserves
a brief, memorial,' . - •
James Moreen was born
,in the north ofi
Ireland, in etneof those miserable districts!
where hunger and nakedness ' scent the I
only inheritance of the children of the soil 1
where the priest and the landlord step in
co divide that which should be the reward ,
of honest industry ;• and thoSe who have
earned their bread by the sweat of their
hrows, are left to perish for want., The
home .Of his childhood was a hovel—;
a miserable hovel without a floor--the cra
zy, ruinous walla, and the mouldering roof
of thatch, were frail protection against the
winter winds and summer rains; nudyct,
with all its squalid' poverty, he loved it,
for hive was there—a blessing biiejiti cribs
denied the palace. His mother :had been '
fair in girlhood—very fair—and . , though
the bloom had forsaken her cheek la foie
James could remember her, there was still
a melting tenderness itMwr soft, blue 'eye,
and a loving smite on her, i ip, which seem-. illumine the naked, dripping walls,)
'when the wintry
. ttorms, beat in upon them. ;
And there'were days of summer sunshine',
—blessings indeed to the• poor—when the I
wreathing vine, with . a rich canopy of
leaves and flowers hid the rough exterior
of the cottage, and the wild flowers grew
about the door, sweet and beautiful as if
planted in a palace garden. Thank Heav
en ! there-n re. soinc things which the rich
and proud cannot monopolize: The great.;
est blessings' which God confers'on man,
he has made universal and unalienable.—:
The poorest .wretch Who walks the earth
may look up to , the fair bluo sky above;
himiand to the glorious-garniture of suos
'and systems which adorn it, and ifirink in
the mystery. and. beauty of the scene, as
freely as the monarch ou his throne. The
zephyr will fan his check as softly,and
the floV..ers, earth's fairest andisweetest ad
orning, will unfold their petals bdneuth his
eye, and pour their fragraace, ,as gently
around him. . . ~ .
Such was the home id
t which James
Niemen grew up to inenhood:' . Though
fortune 'lied been 'nigaardtv, nature Was
prodigal in her gifts to him, and u rnany a
purse proud aristocrat would have.gladly
excharigeci his gold for the. manly form
and handsome face of the poor peasant.
:see:lst ra.liolr:rwo-aus:l,otbulttifselthnigoltieosnt
him. The sWeet influence of his mothers
...: smile kept him from'degradatien, - •,, ,
endowment. He Possessed not only the
lively and irrepreSsible Wit 'Which eliara
terizes his nation, but a noble, g,enerons
heart. The curse:or drunkenness 'and,
t i i i r ls il i t f y ll i •
, r is tu '
Mary O'Brian was a neighbor's (tang)).
ter. They had' grown up together, and 1
as they met day after oay, it. -Was not ,
~r ~
l.;''' strange that a mutual affection sprang up
r ~, between them; and when Mary's father'
, i,c, and mother died, leaving her homeless
.:• - f and friendless, .he offered her all he' pes- 1
.! .• -•. , c
ce llo •,..1 sessed—au, honest heart, a strong-hand',
' a home under the poor roof-which shelter
'i . - i , ' •
iid oil '.. cd him. 'Hitherto ..lanteEi flair borne his,
ng.. l V 11! lot With . Scenting indifference', • Ile - had
'ei ,',l• -
i ep „b. ‘: It labored hard all day,and returned at night
treForr,.:4 to a of oat-meal gruel, and a Couch
iia !It ~.,- 5., ~ supper,
frovie.t . : of straw without a murmur. But , .since
00. ~,,,;, ~. . I
"„h.res'in,,- his marriag,c,;_e...cbmgei had, come over 1
''' •-I ' A' • tie deS''''' t.B' bett . better hi ' I
u t : k. . nm.. ms ,s rre e us_con-
.. sat hi ditiOn,,had taken possession of hikn. ,Ho
qt 1 , , j •
),', • bad heard of Americathat: bleSSed land .
50.4• ?
;•., where the'lland:ef industry could .earn',
': broad enough and. to .spare. Onetltught, I
.one pu rposo occupied him—how. hashould
get, there. - I.le,reyolved)t Aay:attcl night.
At-evening; When This -work' was , done, .he
would turn away:: from: ti}e scanty and'
tasteless, Ipeal , wlnek 'rewarded lOs toil 1
with ill: conceate r d ithpaiienCe, and 'sit with i
a'cloOilet.tifer.'dping.en, the tottering
• valls,and ree king,inoulderingthrnph•whic li
~' sh6liered'hiiiil i , '''''''' 1 '.'''' .'. i
- " Mat' ails' 'Y, r, r ,. ) <JiirniecVhis' il triother
4,, weuldsornet.itriessSay.,4("COrab, cheer up,
I darling, deal he ,so '6Ober . like.... -God
' . 'knows We have . ,•trijUblo':Criongl - den 3
biing a'glaenly thee' te add . , na•it. t .', l . L: , 1
• :'.' .Ged: limey/Awe have - too • ' muely'scir
raw. araLwant,". Ile_ WoUld reply. ''' . 'lle
never Made his. chilawrovh . o•, s tiktf - UL . soil
, to starye.• : Why, 41041(1 you, nueber,,and
1 Slary, 'Who - deserve alalado, dwell'un or
' ' '
-- ''
such a reef as this)' - cicd.belp me tam,'
the land where honestindlistr •' ' " A
„ • .. . ,.. ,
,) , is rewar -
ed;'und 'you-shall have bread'atida'Utter
boost). to shelter ye.. . .
if Don't speak of thatland:,.hey.a •
04,140 d . theith . ,:. it ':.tter*wlie elifl2 po or
et t nevig..KPQW . :4 l PPg9t ilPt nAkelY l fP.•± .lo, i
natTi'th'e lilib of us. 8o • tip -s 10.2 d ltAiNd l ,
lilt .
Inert t
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don't, fret about , it, and look for a ' better self, changing to a black and offensive
land beyond the grave." ', • ,_ • ', -• i. Inasstre Rapidly they disappeared, and be
." Hush, mother - dear, and don't bels - - fore winter had fairly sot in, their little
couraging alpoor 'boy with yourtuars l---'store vas all gone. • New their onlyhope
Pray God' open the way- before • me, and, wasidJames. They had written to him
lie who guides the little birds over ..the .oftheir distress, and if they could hold out
wicip 'Waters will be mindful of us in time till the assistance which they felt sure he
of need." wOuld'send thcm,should nrrive,they might
While James Noreen was vainly devi- hope to got through the winter. Now ev
sing plans to accomplish the deareOt pur- cry particle of food was economized, and
pose, a gentleman came into the neighbor- the grains of corn counted out. Whey grow
hood, and took lodging at the little inn.— paler, weaker, and more emaciated, and
Ho was born near there, and though he the-scanty pittance which now sustained
had no relatives living in the place, a re- life must fail. As day after day passed
collection of his early days had brought. away, the forlorn hope of help died m their
hirri'back to visit the scenes of his child- bosoms. They could expect no assistance ,l
ho2d. He look long walks, conversing. frdm the neighbors who were starving',
freely with the people at their work. •The .around them, and the Catholic priest who
superior manliness and intelligence or resided in the place wus little better offi
II young 11 oreen goon attracted his attention, than themselves. lie had promised them,l
Viand interested his heart. When he learn- however, to send every day to the post
-led from the young man his wish to emi- office for the expected letter,,but morning'
I grate to America, he offered him a pass- and evening. came and passed to the fain-
I age p i n a ship of which he was muster, ishing family, and it came not.
which would sail in a few days from Dublin The Inst spoonful of oat-meal was made
to New York:.
• into gruel and placed on the little table.--
; This was good -, fortune beyonP his ut- The poor mother, already wasted to a skel
i most hopes, a nd h e hastily prepared for
,oton, was lying on the couch of straw, her
his departure. His family must be 101 l 1 rime wrapped in the ragged coverlet. A
behind, not even glary could go ; but then
ithin hand removed the coverlet, and held
they soon expected to meet again in that, a cup to her mouth. With a strong el-
land of freedom and plenty l
beyond 1 4 0 fort. she pressed her parched lips close to
sea. How sweet was the hope—how bright gather, and turned away her head.
l the imaginings of that re-union! But alas, "'Thomas," said she, "take my part of
how false ! A terrible future was before the gruel—it ivill give you a little strength
them, of which they little dreamed: —and go to his reverence; who knows
• The morning of separation came, and but that letter may have come."
with many tears, and prayers, and bles,;- Thomas was sitting with his face buried
ings, the younw - man took his farewell of . tan s..
ones _ in his . 1 d Raising his sunken eyes,l
his humble home, and the dear he said, huskily, "it is no use, Kate. If
(Ida ter than life—who were to reinain'be- '
the money was in my hand, I could not
lend. .... crawl to the nearest market to get bread."
I " Ged keep yau, darling, on the wide'
' waters," sobbed his mother; "and bless " Nay, go," exclaimed the pale woman,
you in the land to which you go !" striving to rise. "If the money cannot save
i And his father exclaimed, the tears our lives, vet it will be blessed to hear
streaming down his furrowed and weather once more from the dear boy befdre we
beaten face, "God bless and keep ye in
the hollow of His holy hand, and if we Mary, who had been moving about the
room like a shadow, "
sae your face no more—as 'my heart for-
husband, threw herself at the
the bed beside
mention of her
bodes we ever may—He will give you an on
entrance to His blessed throne above !" her mother, arid wept aloud. Thebitter
; The young wife cluog. weeping and sob- est drop in the bitter cup she was drinking,
nine to his bosom, till the moment of p a rt- was to die without a farewell from the lov
•ing came, nod when he turned to depart, cd one far away.
she sunk, fainting: in his mother's arms. " I will go," said the old man, rising.
1' With a hurried step and streaming e 3 es, "The holy Virgin grant it may have come!"
i James Morten fumed his feet into the He tottered a few steps towards the door,
high read watch led to Dublin. He soon and fell fainted andexhausted. He never
' gained a little eminence, from which he rose again. ou!
euuld obtain a last look at that poor hovel Two days after the scene we have been
'which hetd nil that was Tear to him on I I 'll' littlepale-faced in
( escri ing, a man, tie
I earth. He paused, and looking back,threw I peculiar garb of the Catholic cleray,might
' himsel fen his knees and raising his hands have been seen walking quickly towards
1 towards heaven, exclaimed: the cabin. Everything was still as death
' ", Q. thou, who clothest the lilies of i thearound, and his heart misgave him that all
c '
(felt, and licarestuhe young ravens when was not well. Ile raised the latch and
they esey—_project them—and guide me on' pushed open the door, and there before
my way !" Ho arose, strengthened by hi m l ay
the whole family, still and cold in
this simple, act of devotion, and proceeded death. He stood for a moment, horror- !
on his way. The spring was just open- struck at the scene, and then, raising his '
.ing. Here and there a daisy peeped from hands ;towards heaven, he exclaimed,;
the sod,, and the birds sang on the leafless; o
Holy Alother, help us ! Surely the
trees. Who could have foreseen that ere !
I y•
Lord will not utterly 'forsake his people !"
those spring flowers should bloom iigain,l He had brought the expected letter,whieh
famine and pestilence would sweep over ihe had just received. Alas ! it came too
i that devoted land; leaving
,many a hamlet , l ate. The kind-hearted priest turned away I I
i desolate, and many a grave yard "full I Iwith tears from the scene of death, and,l
1 We will:pass-briefly over the voyage.— returning home, he wrote an account- of
' The ship,,the sea, everything were new andthe sad fate of the family, and' enclosing
strange to the yoking ,man; but he con- the letter which he had received, sent it to
trived to make hitiiselr§o useful and agree- ' James Mercer'. -
able amourdi& vessel that-when lie landed 1
1 ! , : 'rho winter passed heavily away to poor
in • /New York, , the kind-hearted captain
,James. Every tiny broughrsad tidings of
gave . him .. eight=,dollars, and 'obtained for
,tho woes of his country ; and lie trembled
him a situatioh as porter-in a store. at the thought that his family might be in.
It was a happy day - , for him when he
~volved in the general palamity. 'At last
received his; first morith'l,•lvages—twelve the fatal letter came., It was handed to
dollars, besides his board. Ile had never him in, the store, and with a heart whose
Tossesse so• much money before, and belthrobbings might, have been almost °heard,
looked . ori ,. .it - with •a. feeling of, triumph, ! he entered the counting roorreand request
whiehahose,whoLare accustomed to abun- led one of the clerks to read it. The young
! dance can never feel, A letter was dis- ' I mug broke the seal, antlglenced over the
patched td his fatlier,lnWming him of his ;terrible
Contents. ' lie Wetted up, and
gooit :fortune, and . promising in , a few i Moreen stood befere
_him, iii, and tremb
months to send him money enough to bringlling., lie had watched the,expression of
themall e oVer the' water, and then 'the hap- t ' lace, an,
;py lio'rhdr.that;lduay,:wobld have! - ; They I t i c jii lgs . • .
l-would,not.stay -in -the city, but hasten to l . Bead it--read it V' he'exciciimed,With
the western,wilderness—build it logicabina
husky voice: . `.`Let tnelittoW it, all."
adai: - h• field, andlive like princes on I :tie read with ,ri
~trembling voice, and
; their.own.dcitnain.i., • , poor James leaned. against the dedk for
'-• , Weeks araLmonths passed away. The 1 support. Every feeture Was convulse;
; summer rind , thp autumn were gone, and i.w 4h agony, / and his bioath 'came - at king
c e - ,i i 1
the„terrible,,winter Of 1847 commenced.'
I and irregular intervals ; , but when the Mr
iThen thelidings came over the sea—fall- ! rible certainty Mime. over him that they
ing likoWdo,tlV-Iinellon: the ears pfJamesl , were dead-all ikcid--'-iicid died of sta,Oci
ir,s3cp.,-la,t Ireland was starving. ,Not ! tion,,,ho title ted ri Shriek; and fell fainting
'it "TiOtti l `w 'sliest. 'Every cent of his. ell- on thp t)oor. - Lie Was, removed to.hisledg
saved'eainings. was dispatehed. to the re- :ings,,[4 : for, ninnY,' t165!,9 raved 'in wild
lieNic his family,for liehat no where knewt
, more:dekrium. ,' .13,pa.sMa tit, 0 returned, 'bUi
heav- his he l art was. brtidicn, HOpe 'Vis , qep
would.thplaitilic calamity, fall
iliifirin ofitis native district. ' .'l* within him, - He inti6led 'on a few skeekS
::pivi.tecrihlekw,irtter, of. 1847--long will tir l, sun k quietly to the gravp,
~ A , few 1
pew n vo i, and shudder. nt the whom his virtues, had
,i'on ? Oi:his''644 and
rycolicetiPn-qjAW9cs• Thel t.farller- w ilo 'early fate
,i-.66y0,:i.0„-,*rympattiy., laid ~- 1 110 .
plisses:through the eland is' pointed to
d'esertcd'hOVels, and (old the fearful storyOe down, not : without ,a; tear, in, hiS'lppg,rot.
: ing place. 'lint the MornOry, Of 'his worths !
Cir•star'i'mtibii:',4nd. death • which has' loft l i and his Woes had 'UIMeSt passed ft'oM file !
them desolator Among: !those, tenantless Lminds-or men, upd the grass grown green
.. ,on tto limn where us roc tear ceps
dWelhitgS may bb'scen the humble roofi ' I ••• ''' •a • •.l i• • 1-. c sleeps
.WitiCh-NitheTcd- the childhood- of , James! j ri p q4 pe—yes, slepps in peace,•thoUg i ii o'!
Al'oreen --: , - Jctlr .140ty la- 06042.0 ‘ dust lies near ;,,and . ' the'
_loot Of ;
bored , o
or' dca',lo,'l'litiPitt ' a(' ledt'i'a fter i the aranger treads 'L Wei' kis bed' ? I
teniand:.iiibes %Ore paid, tO'.h l aVe a eew yet he sleeps in peace in his • narneleSs •
ttatoWl ''' 1, 1 t': , '' ' :, ' :
es•fo'r iiiiitter:‘ 'Out what. Were. theit igrmi q
libeTing6,:a&th466w...those preototts;root4, , .
~ . .„,7 , , , Thip:n tethe, pill o . the ge'v?,, :. .. :.
Ort.whichttitr.-wtive-Aleppndent for iifd it 1 ' 'lac re ohaleril
. Ijkantlitlr'eam'd of %'0e.72
, .1 , :..t.:.• , -.;!. ,•V:1!' - • '•: •• , ...12A V . IL l'4 13 fll7, I , 41.
(). •f' 11, 11,1,;:l r , l 91(Vi
Clearfield, Pa., Fe b 1 3,7' 1.852. '
t '0
A Hotel Eeene.
fly 11. KOSIIdOT.
IL was at one of the extensive hostelries
which are to be "tied up to" in most of,
the largo. towns in the interior of New
York, that the following scene actually !
occurred, as can-be proved by a cloud of
witnesses who. have heard the landlord tell
the story.
The hotel referred to was, on the occa
sion of which we are speaking, rather full.
and the nephew of the landlord lay sick
in one of the rooms on the third floor.—
fie .was to receive medicine during the
night from the hands of a person who had
been procured to "watch" with him. The
landlord had instructed the aforesaid watch
;er to administer a portion of some little
physic to the patient at 12 o'clock ; the
dose to be repeated at certain hours of the
"He is very techy," said the landlord, I
''and you had better keep out of his room
until you go up to give hin►> the medicine."
"Oh, for that matter," riiplied the watch
er, who was a novice in the vocation, "1
prefer to sit here ;" and he eyed me sofa
which was in the apartment, is suspicious
"Well," said the landlord, "vou won't
forget tic number of the room?'
"No, sir." •
"And tell him he must take the 'medi
cine without making such a confounded
fuss as he made with the last dose. Tell
him I say hc must take it—it's good for
- .
"Yes, sir."
"Good night."
"Good night."
Boldface retired, and the watcher depos
ited himself on the sofa, from which he
was roused by his own snoring, at a quar
ter before, one. In dismay, and confused,
he seized the potion, and hurried up stairs.
The sick man was lodged in No. 52,
but the nurse, in his haste, mistook No.
33 for it, and entering the latter, he saw a
person lying in the bed, face upward, with
his mouth w ide open, respiring with that
peculiar gurgle in the throat which indi
cates strong lungs and a plethoric habit.
"Ali I" mentally exclaimed the astute
watcher, "he makes a fuss about taking
nibdicine, does he blowed, though,
it he don't take one dose quietly—before
he wakes up, in fact."
The idea of giving a potion of bitter
physic-to a somnolent patient is sufficient
ly ridiculous ; but when we consider that
the watcher bud went into the wrong room,
and was about to administer it to the
wrong man,•the aflhir becomes still more
Our friend the watcher, acted promptly,
and having filled the bowl of a large spoon
with the nauseating mixture, ho forced it
down the throat of a sleeping traveller,
who happened to be a healthy Hibernian
who had never tasted physic before in his
life. The Irishman struggled and bit the
spoon severely, but tno watcher plunged
it still deeper in his throat, saying, as he
did so—
"Oh, but you must take it—the land
lord says you must."
The 'lastly dose went down, but when
Patrick recovered his breath and began to
pour fourth his objurgations in his own pe
culiar rhetoric; the watcher discovered that
he had committed an egregious blunder,
and seizing his light, fled from the room.
The astonished and enraged traveller
sprang fican his bed, and was soon heard
rushing about in search of landlord, swea
ring vengeance against him, and all con
nected with his house. On he came, tear
ing through the passages, banging the
doors; and roaring•like a grizzly bear.
00.00.00 : kilt 1 u m, be dad;any
how. • An-ugh •I'm ehowlnid with pison !
-Divil. a bit iv a farruna in the westhern
eOunthry will buy now, for l'm•a dead
man ! The. pison is ating me up just,—
°eh; it's enough to make a dog throw • his
father in the fire!: .I-lowly Saint.Pathriekl
Landbrd landlordil landlo-0.100-r-r4 11 "
Pot had, by this time, descended te . tho
1- flOor' , on• v hick the landlorWs - apartment
was situated; and , the , Worthy host,hearing
'the hillabulloo, opened , his door and: asked
what was the. matter! -' • •
"Ah,l is it tbere yn nye? Conte out for
bating--or let
. me eorno r till, yel, , A
4 717 74 purty house
to, stud
yere'man into an honest traveller's, rii;Oija
pispri i the innocent,divil Ps, sliipe.—
,here ,
„the bitter, nasty pisenl, '9 me out
here an4'l'll'iatherle WOO
"What's the tter, my'good 'friend?"
inquired Bonifaed,'Y
'rniitter is it? , - , when l!Was.
'‘Vtiked frail 'ray sWate.'sltipe,T, al'big
lbrhirit Ime,7•l'atriraire
big 'a• - cidle . doisti 'my It iota ifu 1 Bison';-•
sei'he;ye triust'lalt'e:it;lthe landlord
fez so, , An'now, vet's 'the , matter,'•sez
'Corrie ou hoe an! I'll ba- yozi
I‘te,:• • Be
ilia' blond of the hovilinitarthers;Bll break
ivey beho'in:Yere body' , .Vll , itheholie•fo
'prson'ai ' dtteent'thravl Alatt!apia s to
I bny land in the westherntouathryll?l, t, •
ThOyiShmtin hero! Wearne!entrmgled
iii'lhellrieshea' ;Amok) is'ettee::whißt
stood in 'his) tyci - tr s ; and' int tha ,. .satntr time
lOq 110.11
the landlord's wife SeNedlier 'wrathy' herd
t—nithough a "host" in hii - rSelf,'She Was ,
not willing to risk him in inn retigh'anditiM
ble fight in the diirlt•-;--ti rid ' having
him 'back into her sleeping aphitmetit, Who .
locked the door, and bolted It soeurely
The-prospective pur-cliakr.ef,i"WiStern
landS" having extricated hiS legs and arms.
from those of the settee, still thirsted for
the landlord's blood.
''Bring me till the murthcrin'
lyan—let me coma' at him l"
I At this juncture, Micl, the hostler, made
his appearance with a lantmn, which he
held up to the physic-smeared face of the
enragdd,travellcr, with a polite request
that he would hould his tongue. And,
Mick was at last compelled to gise his fel
low -Countr a
man , good' beating,' which
had the effect to restore him to rood hut
mor, and when lie found that he WlriS not
poisoned, after all, he retired once more
to his bed, to dream of thd "tnrrum" which
he was:going to buy in the "wistcrn coun
One of the most thrilling calamities that
ever occurred on sea or and, took place
oil the coast of England on the 4th 9 iJan•
uary, by the burning of the Steamer Am
azon, on her outward voyage to the \Vest
Indies, when about sixty miles west of the
island of Scilly. The particulars of this
sad casualty are briefly these :
The Amazon was a pioneer of a new
line of steamers recently projected between
Southampton and the Isthmus of Panama,
intended to convey the English mails from
port to port, and also to touch at the Is
land of St. Thomas on the trip both ways.
She was built in a most superb manner,
with capacious accommodations, and ma•
chincry designed to enable her to make
the,yoyage in eighteen days, instead of
consuming twenty-five days the ordinary
running time of the old English mail stea
mers now on that line.
The Amazon was pronbunced ready for
sea during the last month, and cut the 2d
of January, she cleared 'Southampton for
her destinatiOn. She carried with her 50
passengers, i:20,300 sterling its specie,a nd
500 bottles of quicksilver, valued at
150. Besides other cargo, she had in her
hold 1,133 tons of coal, which had been
put on board for the purpose of being de.
li\rered for future use, at her contempla
ted coal stations. She was commanded
by Capt. Symonds ; and at 3 o'clock on
Friday, the day heretofore named. she
started on her unhappy voyage, amid the
cheers of assembled thousands, who had
been attracted to the wharves to witness
her departure.
The entire number of persons entered
on the vessel's book was 101. Every
thing passed off pleasantly and without ac
cident, until about one o'clock the follow
ing Sunday, when to the horror of those
on board, the steamer was found to be on
fire. Scilly was within sixty miles to the
west, but our accounts do 'not mention
that any attempts were made to reach the
The fury of the element devoured evcry
thing before it, ami involved in the com•
mon ruin the lives of 115, out of the ag•
gregate of 161 who composed her crew
and passenger list. Those who escaped,
had floated at the mercy of the waves, in
open boats, for twelve hours, enosed
the inclemency of the season, cud had
well nigh perished by a death hardly le'ss
horrible. Twenty-one were picked up by
un English vessel, and twenty : five reach
ed the coast of France.
Compressing the Waist. •
In the person' , ) recollectiotiS ofCharlotte
Elizabeth, the rollowiq passage occurs...--
1.1.9. : tallier ennui in while the staylinalcdr
Was spreading out her buck -rani', 'Whale
bone, &C.
- "Pray, what aro you going to dp with
the, child'!"
‘ , oo'ng 'to ft l7 w'. 'a "p tr • •,,
"For what uurposel"' • .•' ' •
"TO' hnprov'e'her'figure;•tio 'young lady
can grow up without them."
"1 beg your, pardon; 'young gentlemen
groW up vdry well without them,• and so
may young ladies." • ,• ••
"Oh, yob are' 'mistaken.. See what.a
stoop she ban' already; depend upon , it,that
girl. will be both n dwarf and - cripple it
iv c , don't Put' her into the stays." .'•
child May be a cripple;; ma'ma,'if
isi•Ged's will, but sit° shall bo ono . of
`llisfnnktng, not ohrs." . • ..•
Thurelbto;;'Shd 'grew 'hp "without -head:
Acches,' or. othdir "lad ema lad tes. , " , !Pu'r
§ - SOlne ; m - ny say this has .no." bearing
I ,ttpoiiithe ;subject sze" . are • upoti;! butl Utica
'leave to dttre,r;liii t the 'st'itlimitrt new' 'put
'the drysses of bur fomti esi.ts , more in.
'of•the: bodY I than
the "stay ci'er be. • I • ,
'eguntiewith the'presont
neat fasliion qfliiklineck dresses ancltloi‘i , .
ina Sli(rt'S; l B(ifthe'VhisilAsitC .):i gaists l 'ih in
,the healih'i:ifliulareds-of the lair populty•
Vulgar—Talre'thb rag off tho bush.
(front the infttntilc tree: • ,
it f.,,; 2,
1 padre" ; / insertion, $0 BO 3 sacrum II m s onths,_ ..$5 00
do I 3 (10 0 monthg. - — 1 00
Vlach eabsednenil 40.1 I • t10..12 months. lo to,
2 "Qantas V months. * 3
ot. tjail eolnmo,3 months, 6
. _ /4 01 1. , o do 6 wontlis.titio.:4,
do !IV months. rU I tut „do 12 do. Is 00
.9 . ! so slmotails...;:,: . ; Ici I ouvons-3.1330nt55i , ".", 800
do 6 months, t do 6 I
Bt J no
: .11q..montils„...•,' do. (do: , i!, 00
A Mein( redactioa No [ ro;l.le. AlM9ha t in , ,,Bf,FiWers
who aciveo.46 by the
•1 Opr.onooronoulnos (4057 Ilei3it`'"C. n b n itZ 3 - 5/4.7(ti b i
gs 7 ); v ril n a t ire;y r i n l th: cotintys7martil
,socti, 4 um ,
nenntyllhp.merOlinnt.TnAshinnom4, et)i
the kuowlodito of their letatiOn t he ti stitiald
'do to Imam "A Card" for every Mechanic.lere3ot, and
Prof/nion al. men id , oiluoty_ Wei have. Pleat). Sr room
anthem enoonehmg rpm oarmndletr Colo may et a Doplelll
n• leg itimato bu is est NI , 11l bre 10 adiart sing
for. as a general iu'e tt , e mom •tonsiv Ay . a man advtletleal.
the drerain rtill be .• "
• I .. •. 77,
11,i1 , • -11
1 .
ot , EvEftv , I,l,;:amprifiri.tittii en IN' TVE.-
11.1: linrAT :- i' V 1.. n a 11, (v. 4 l'7/4'il l it . l4A
turner AT 'll.lll'frrll.l 0 TV ,
• I ',.1: 1121 , :( CU.) Ithrli 11(JCAN
lm ismiico• *0:
• •
At tt,banqaet givenJii .commemorxtion
.of the birthday of BenjaminiTranklin;by
the -Nekv.,iYoric,,Ty,pographicall'pSeieipty, ,
Mr. Bigelow, Editor:Of t he ElVOl**Pa st,
made: the following singular, and,,tcoeho
craft, gratifying statement,:-Jrn
~ B e said .t that he,esteemed,itan bortor,at
all times,to appear as the representatile, of
the Press. ; He esteeincd it the;,more when
he enjoyed it by an invitation dithe iSmi
ety af.,P.rintr9. One reason-, why he
would make that distinction; he would
state.;. Six or sevce,years ago-41)0,0e
honor of being appointed; InspectorioCklio
State Prisons at Sing Sittg, ,It layan the
line of his, duty, to observe -the; antecedent. ,
and peculiarities of the inmates of-thaqn
stitution..: found them kioplc; tw hund
red persons, of every nation,of
of every color, of all ages,.excepttlie...r.ry
'young, who wercrescrupt . frsrm prison Pea
1, a Ity— hc found representatives, of, eytAry
grade of ..depravity, and every, denomi
nation of crime, and . repre,sentatives.lof
crery imaginable business, art,, ncl,,call
int; of hie, save one—and that calling was
the art of printing. There . . wasynotja
that institution during the threes ho
was connected with it, tier had there,been
for a quarter oft century consigned ite its
marble jaws a single setter el, typos;A---
There were carpenters, tailors, masoes,
shoemakers, accountants, broker:4;4l)ol.ol . s
and yet there were not a printer among
thum There were also lawyers the,mand
lie said it with mortificatiqn, that 4410
member of that profession was now there
plying the penalty of a .crime for which
I he had not the poor apology of poverty.—
And there was also thcro .a elergymsn ;
but there was not,and never had bcen,spria
ter. There was something in the fact worth
considering. By the toast, a complimen t
is paid the Press as the bulwark of thcTc
presentative system. Time would not al
low him to speak of it as be could wish.,---
lie was forced to conclude by simply pro
posing, "The memory and honor °Nilo
calling which is unrepresented in the Saito
Our city was much excited on Saturday,
by the announcement that a horrible mutd-
cr had just been brought to lightin the
District.of Richmond. Jt will be rernem
bored that some weeks since wo gave an
account of the mysterious diaappea taco of
n lad named Jacob Lehman, sot of a
German Jew pedlar, residing at 487 notch
Seventh street. Subsequently it was sta
ted that Lehman had been tiCCII under
circumstances that induced the belief that
he had been murdered. And a few days
4 ,ince it was reported that he . bad :been
found alive. The mystery was , cleared
up on Friday evening, when twenlinlo
girls playing bn the ice above J. P. Morris
& Ce's.'lron Foundry, Richmond, found
three .bagse6artie cloth, with geese feathers
and geese wings fastened upon them'r , On
calling to some man who wore cutting
wood near by, they came, and openbjg
the bag=, found portions of a human body
enclosed in them, cut and mutilated in a
shocking manner.- ~ •
The sacks were immediutoly -.con
veyed to the hotel of Captain George Mc-
Cnilen, on Richtnond street, whero a jury
of i nqui‘st was cmpannoled. The:appear
ance of the remains tray shoekjogv 11l
one sack was.a head and lags.anbl i t'eet; in
another a thorax, arms anal hands, ,tint'
the visceit 1 - 41 the chest; and in ; t4,1,1nr,4,
the lower porOon to the trunk, ~and ,Oin
laps and thiglisi with tiro viscera.o.f.op :Co
dorninal region._ The portions of thebody
in the dittoreut sacks were, . w;ith• pipAs ! of
the clothing of the deceased, fixed,.a pd,tiqd
together, i.fryas. to occupy -09, least .-lace.
,T be bead ba4,beep so% (-red Rot t r,3l4-t3twif ,
the body hewn in twain, the legs g h ii ps" 0
qffiap the karea,,,a4 tlie,
.ltipt,!,par.M/ cut
front the logs, at the ankles, so titt4„ r fllcy
1 raigltt he l a,c utupwards,!...l,'herejtas l lrafso
tican an 'attempt ioe r vit.,,i,liq.thOrex)rilirp
tength 7 wiise : .On lite t.)p of!,lio'llea,4lvere
two frightful ioung , crellurum Clip
The ,rese ) vfas likewisO hroken„pici i tlo
cyn,•s•l{lia,ol;i:cd.'. On putting the reticulated
parts of rho body; together, and . lay coatile
}yliole out in ,:1,(0 Coroner's ice lfic t
rwiriad•flAb iterfeet c*SO ofn yebiliabetat
17 yearaold-411c iigeof tkcJad,.l
The inli,ir':,:-4's,liltelas. ,The',ftlilllier
repre, C9l ro 4 potidO , to ,his in. we ? height,
OA gencr,al;appserneel, and' , liclit i s +, , , lii -) 0
,tijion4 praying its idOtity,beyonq a
'doubt:- 'The agonittl' tiiiliertirati l'lreOent
• ,: 1 , 2'i •I, en
'and:,althOgt,iiny. 5!,?,1,0, uf,4lMrcict i ttat at Vat
'speCtacle',: ,WaS ,n1,46,t0.:ittc061 - .l.e'ii iel
riattinS' of biS.iffp i rdertil 'Sop.' llait'ClAiii4
,WaS ettiltria.l.?o, l , i iA,Riig4atii,iietili
lli'd lieAn'S iverO 'renrioveilfrOtti' 'the - 111:64
coat. Ar o und the pieces of trio ,
botb.ipside and r optsidepft i he sacks, wore
.ge*,:k+ . WI ifi l ' il nil' fd atticr'S'.':, In each site.k
vas, a
n . .,it. : •-• , ", , I.zti,T7k.: ,
was a ne4vy } viii wg stotit. 7 - iV' 4,11.u5.
, r ~ , . 1+ ... ,1 " , 1 •1 , , i' 1 - l'l'Y'ef
ictutoe coltt top
ilicy'rdit fit, N'm.
it tho,d,..)ett}i Lit Atli fundralii,p' . dn!) . or tits
p 9 ticris; 'A ti;ytp,' erb,lio
happy )(mit)." 'so 'l'," ui.lred' r 'l
doctor.'''''rl3'ectu l ,iBe," replied the • tdilor,
'• -
"you never . ) bud 1% 4.
.returned on your ha
,►„ 11r
. ri
. yrwo !OM, '• 4