CONGRESSIONAL. nr.i.jogtun tipt4it, S! tio."ST)AY Jan. 20,1852. 'Who President before the Senate the retort of the Secretary of the Treasury, comniaienting It stntemem of the con ,tritets made during, the year I'Bsl on nc-1 Outii of !iglu-houses. Halo' presented mentor' is from cit. lOne of Pennsylvnitin prayi.ig for the Ivsal of the fugitive-';lave law, and Ito- the abolition of slavery in the District of Co lUmbin wh;elt were laid opon the tn!!r. Th. 3 resolutionsubmitted by Mr. Clarke, in relation to the foreign policy of the U. States,.wns taken up - and made the, special order for next Wednesday week. The bill granting laud to the State of lowa, to aid in the construction of certain railroads in flint State was taken up. Mr. Undorwpod resumed and concluded his remarks upon the amendment which ho sainitted, giving to each of the old States nn amount of land named in the amend meat, corresponding to their federal num bers, as nearly as possible to conincide with legal subdivisions, and granting in All about fourteen millions of acres; where upon the Senate adjourned. Hottaa.—The House adopted the reso lution of Mr. Fuller, of Maine, calling on the present ndministrn!ion for a full' list of all previously suspended or disallowed claims on the government, paid in whole or in pert since March 4,1840, with a list of those in any manner interested in their prosecution and payment. ' The subject of making lend warrants, issued under the law of September 28, 1850, assignable, was next made the spe cial order of the day for Thursday next, on motion of Mr. Harris of Tennessee. On motion of Mr. Smith, a call was made'on . the President . for copies of nil correspondence in his possession relative to the alleged difficulty - between Kossuth and Captnin Long, of the steam-frigate Mississippi. • Afterwards, a debate sprung on a reso lution reported by Mr. Gorman, from the Joint Committee on Public Printing,aut her izing the said joint committee to contract with Donelson & Armstrong for the print ing of the census, in which, atter a few preliminary explanations by Mr. Gorman, Messrs Evans of Maryland, Venable ,and Nabers participated. Shortly after Mr. N. commenced his remarks, however, ho gave way for-an adjournment. SENATE, Tuesday, Jan., 27. The motion to print 2,000 additional copies of the proceedings in the case of W. K. Latimer was taken up, and after debate, rejected. The French spoilation bill was made the special order,aftcr debate, for Monday, February 10. The Senate then took up the bill grant ing land to the State of lowa itraid of cer lain railroads in that State, to which r. Underwood's nmendincnt, eivinllands to the old States was pending. 'Mr. Sumner addressed the Senate nt length in favor of the bill, and in cunnex ißn therewith in favor of a liberal policy towards the new Fia:es, dwelling at some length upon the argument of the immunity of the lands of the United States from tax alien during a series of years. The further consideration of this bill *As postponed until Thursday. HousE.—The House devoted its session to' the consideration of the joint resolution from the Joint Committee on Printing rel ative to the census printing; which was finally referred to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. SENATE, Jan. 29, 1842 Mr. Cass presented the resolutions of a public meeting held in Detroit, urging the passage of the resolution in relation to the release of the Irish exiles, upon which he took ocasion to make some remarks. n't , fr. Hale followed in favor of the reso• lution referred to. Mr. Butler. spoke i n favor of the release Of the Irish exiles, but deprecated any ac tion which, by attacking the British gov ernment, would defeat that end. Mr. Shields intimated an intention upon Monday next to call up the resolution, to - offer an amendment, and to submit some remarks upon it. The compromise resolution was taken up, and Mr. Davis addressed the Senate at length against it. ,Mangum intimated an intention to move to lay the resolution upon the table, 'but yielded to Mr. Mcßae, who has the floor 'for to morrow. After an:executive session, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPIMENTATIVES.-TllO - House was in Committee of the whole on the, state of the. Union upon the'bill to pro vide the mean s of paying the last instalment of the Mexican indemnity, and also on the bill malting an appropriation of means for bringing to the Unitld States the Cuban expedition prisoners recently pardoned by Spain. into first of these acts passed with out amendment ; and the latter was report,' ea back to the House with an amendment proposed by Mr. Carter, declaring that nothing contained in dicect was to be con strued into approbration of the conduct of United States citizens in9,,ipterr el i ng i o f t h e d omes ti c affairs of Cuba. Pending the question on agreeing to this amendment, the House adjourned. SENATE, Thuriiday, Jan.2Q, 1852. The President laid before the Senate a report .from the Secretary of the Interior, in relation to iho census tables now being prepared. Mr. Clarke presented thejoint resolutions of the legislature of Rhode Island against flogging in the navy and the continuance of the spirit rations. Mr. Bradbury introduced a bill n alter and amend the jedical system oriW Uni:ed States,creating a court oflipponbi, tic. The resolution of sympathy the 11 ish exiles was taken up, and Mr. Shields has. ing given notice of nn amendment; was postponed for one week. The compromise resolution was taken up. •Mr. Mcßae addressed the . Senate at length against the resolution, but declar ing it to be his intention,and the intention of his party in Mississippi, to: Allow the compromise mutt - sures to 'remain undis turbed. Without concluding, hegave,way to a motion to adjourn. .• • fter passing the bill to appro priate $B,OOO for the relief of the Amer ican prisoners recently pardoned by the Queen of Spain, as amended, on motion of Mr. Carter, in commit: of the .w+ole on the state of the Union, the standing committees were called for reports, which were received and disposed of until the Muse adjourned. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE REPORTED POR THE'DEMOCRATIC UNION. SENATE. TUESDAY, Jan., 27, 1.852 The Senate met at 10i o'clock: The Spanker presented the twelfth an nual report ofthe Monongahela navigation company ; also, a petition from Blair county, for an alteration in the Constitu tion, to prohibit the sale of ardent spirits. PETITIONS. Mr. Shimer, several from Lehigh coun ty, and Mr. Crabb, ono from Philadelphia city and county, fur the re-charter of the Easton Bank. Mr. M'Murtrie, one from Huntingdon county, for an amendment to the Consti tution, to prohibit the sale of liquor. Mr. Guernsey, one from Carbonton, Tioga county, remonstrating ngainst any law prohibi:ing the sale of liquor in said county. BILLS IN PLACE On motion of Mr. Sanderson, the Sen ate passed through committee of the whole the bill authorising n loan for the comple tion of the North Branch canal. " On motion of Mr. Packer, the bill re pealing the fourth and sixth sections of the obstruction law of 1847, was passed thro' ccmmittee of the whole. Mr. M'Cnslin, with leave, offered a joint resolution requesting the,Governor to open a correspondence with other Suites rela tive :o the circulation of small notes; laid on the table. lIOUSE Tußsa.tY, Jan. 27, 1852 Mr. Black read in his place a supple ment to the penal laws of this State, so as to render them unirorm. I:9OLUTIONS. Mr. Broomall ulli•rcd the following : Resaved,That a committee of five mem hers be appointed to inquire into the expe diency of so modifying the usury laws as to put individuals upon equal looting with corporations, in relation to borrowing mo ney, and to report a bill for that purpose. Mr. Bonham opposed the adoption of the res"%r ;on. Mr. c Iso advocated it,as did 11r. Broom. all. The discussion was C onlin ova by Messrs. James, of NVarran, Flanigan, and others. Mr. O'Neill moved to strike out and in sert, "that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expedien cy of revising the usury laws." Mr. Henderson opposed the amendment at length. Mr. Blair moved to amend further by striking out and inserting at the cud of the word "expediency," these words, "of re pealing all laws conferring special privi leges upon corporations which are not conferred upon individuals." Which was agreed to, and the resolu tion passed—yeas 84, nays 11. SENATE. AVEDNESDAY, Jan. 28. The Senate met at 101 o'clock. PETITIONS. Mr. Crabb presented one from the city and county of Philadelphia; Mr. Malone two from Bucks county ; and Mr. Shimer several from Northampton county, for the incorporation of the Easton Bank. Mr. M'Murtrie, One from Blair county for an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit the sale of liquor. BILLS IN PLACE Mr. Shimer, a bill to incorporate the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, at Allen town. Mr. Carollers, a bill to incorporate the Third Ward Savings Bank, of Pittsburg. On motion of Mr. Mulenberg, the Sen ate took up I..nd passed the bill to establish a public park in the city otßeadin,g. HOUSE. WEDNESDAY, Jnn. 28. The Speaker informed the House that under the resolution passed yesterday, he hud appointed Messrs, Wise, O'Neill, Fiffe, Leech, and Rhoads, a committee to examine into the management of the Por tage Railroad. Vlr. Gillis presented a petition from citi zefis of Clearfield county, asking un ap propriation to remove obstructions in the West BranclOf the Suswhanna river. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Mr:Laury, (Banks,) : reported with ,a mcndments, a bill toineorporate the Farm ers' and Mechanics' Bank of Allentown.. Mr. Reckhow, (same,) k‘b . th amend. 'rr ents, a bill to incorporate tha Mauch Chunk Bank. ' Mr. Merriman, (same,) with amend. mints, a bill to incorporate .theMeadville Bank,"in Crawford county., • ' . . SENATE. •, TIRTHSDAY;Jan.29. The Senatd mei at,104 o'clock. • The Secretary of the QoMmonwealth• buing . .introduced; 'presented. the following nicssago from the GOvernor Extotrrivr. CHAMBER, t 'Jan. 29,1852. '11) Mr. Seim& of .pennsylvania: Sciltitors:-1 herewith return • to "aho enure, in which it originated, the bill en titled," a supplernerit to the act entitled an act authorizing the Governor to incor ornte the Hanover Branch railroad com pany, approved March 16,1847," without my • approval. The provision in the . first section of this bill; intended to confer authority - on said' company to issue its bonds or obligation's "in' such manner and form .as they.may deem expedient," for the payment of the money which, by the act incorporating the i sonic, this company is authorized tobor row, fixes nb limitation as to the amount of such "bones or obligations." This would authorize the company to, issue cirtificates of loan, or other eviden ces of indebtedness, for - any sum what ever, not exceeding the whole amount bor rowed, and might thereby, in the abuse of suc h authority reute"obligations"lbr small amounts that would pass from hand to ha rid by delivery, and would make to some ex tea n currency. This would be violating the u ell settled policy of prohibitin g issues of paper intended for a currency, by any other than by insti'utions specially created for that purpose, as well as by the equally just policy of prohibiting paper issues in tended for a currency, of, denominations less than those now authorized to bo issued by our banking institutions. WM. BIGLER. On the question, shall the bill puss, the yeas were 3, nays 27. Mr. Carson then introduced the same bill without the ohjectiontible part, and it was passed FRIDAY, Jan. 30. The Senate met at 10i o'clock. PETITIONS. Mr. Fernon, one from Philadelphia county, to re-annex part of Penn township to the district of Penn ; also, one for dam ages sustained on tho Philadelphia and Darby plank road company; also, one to prohibit the locomotives of the Wilrriing ton and Baltimore railroad from corning cast of the Schuylkill. Mr. Evans, one for a bank at Plicenix.- villa ; also one from Philadelphia relative to special legislation. Mr. Malone, five from Bucks county, and Mr. Hamlin, eight from Monroe coun ty, for the incorporation of the Easton Bank. Mr. Darlington, one from Lancaster county, in favor of re-enacting the fee bill of 1811. • Mr. Shimer, one from Lehigh county, for a bank at Allentown, to be called the Farmers' and Mechanics' sank. Mr. M'Murtrie, one from Blair county, to prohibit the sale of liquors; one in re lation to the formation of an agricultural bureau. Mr. Frailey, one for the incorporation of a bank at Tamaqua, to be called the An thracite Bank. The first orderlof the day was the clues. lion on the amendment to the Sunbury and Eric railroad, which was agreed to be re considered on yesterday. Mr. Packer moved to postpone the ques tion unTil Monday next. On this question the yeas and nays were na vs 18, yens 11. The next et , l-r (,1 the day was the bill to repeal the ti,t rill and sixth sections of an act of 18.17, known as the "obstruction law." Mr. i Mulcnberg offered an amendment, which repeals the whole bill with the ex ception of the first and second sections : which. Mr. Crab!) moved further to amend by including the seventh section. Mr. Mohlenbere then moved to postpone the bill for the present. Mr. Evans moved to 'postpone indefi nitely. On this question the yeas and nays wore, yeas 12—nays 17. The bia was then postponed for the present. HOUSE REPORTS OP COEEITTEES Mr: Jnckson, (Judiciary,) reported, with a negative recommendrtion, a bill to au thorize justices of the' pence, in Tioga county, to'hold courts of spedial session. Mr. James, (Banks,) with an amend ment, a bill to incorporate the Anthracite Bank, of Tothaqua. The Forest Divorce Case. The Forest divorce case, that has oc cupied the attention of a New York Court for more than a month, has been brought to a close. The jury found Mr. Forest guilty of infidility to his wife, granted her a divorce, and awarded her three thousand dollars a year for a support-. This to us seemed to be rather an extraordinary ver dict ,for so far as we read the evidence, we thought that Mr. Forest and the whole literary clique that held their revels in Twenty-Second street, might haVe been found guilty of nlmost every' kind of im propriety. We do not think that our readers would be very highly . cdified with the details of this "most extraordinary legal proceeding, where they seemed' to try the character of parties, witnesses and spec tators,the living and the dead, at the same time. We shall therefore not - extend our remarks farther on the subject. Ot' - An Irishman went into a country meeting house, where an'auctioneer ' was selling the pews. "Well," he Cried, "God has broke down as well as the rest", and here they are selling him out in' his own house, to pay his debtsl", , Kr-That Mexico, is a queer place. - One half of the people are ex-presidents, and the other half loafers. Tbere is but one industrious'man in the couhtry anti ha's got the itch. • „ O'::rA fellow who attended temperance meeting, a few day,s since, went home and beat his wife almost • to death,' to lot her know that, he went for, the lick-her-law. , Iltrßilloiret is tt counting-room'!" I &pewit's a place whereithem,ero darks sits and counts their fingers." - ARRIVAL OF TUE lIUMBOLDT AT HALIFAX. The steamship:•Huniboldt, Capt. Lines, arrived at Halibrx on ;Sunday morning; short of coal, havitigi experienced very, severe weather throughout the whole voy age. • By this arrival we have receivedintel- - ligence from all parts of Europe, four days later than that brought by the America. The Humboldt encountered a succession of heavy western gales, and ,in lon. ,30, damaged her rudder so badly as to cause great trouble in steering, and much delay. She put in hero to repair the damage, and has token on board 200 tons of coal, hav ing over 200 of her old stock. She will probably leave at noon to-day, although it is now snowing hard and blow ing a gale from the northeast. The London Times announcesthat the next session of Parliament will be opened on the 3d of February by the, Queen in person, and that the present Cabinet .will remain without any further modification. The accounts of the state of trade in the Provinces indicate a healthy state of af fairs in all quarters. At Manchester the foreign demand was good. Nottingham exhibited a prosperous state of the hosiery manufactories. At Birmingham there was no alteration. In the Belfast Linen market an active business has been done. • . The London Daily News, on the 12th inst., states in reference to the Promethe us affair, that the British G'overnment.will express to the Cabinet at Wirhington,•in frank and manly terms, their regret; at what has occurred, and testify in a mark ed manner their disapprobation of the ag gressor's conduct. There is no doubt, therefore, the matter will be amicably set tled . Tile Chrystal Palace is at last cleared out, and the vast area is soon to be thrown open to the public. FRIDAY, Jan. 30- .Dena. Union. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM,EUROPE. FR ENCII AFFAIRS. The President of the French Republic has issued a decree, dissolving the "Na tional Guards" throughout, but are to be organized when the government may deem it necessary for the maintenance of public order, in such case the President will ap- point the Commandant Col. and Lieut. Col's.. •.11 It was daily expected that Louis Napo leon would declare himself "Emperor," but it was felt that such a step would not add to the despotic power ho at present exercises. Large numbers of parsers were being shipped off to the pe§tilential swamps of Cayenne. Decrees had also been issued, banishing Victor Hugo, Cherras, and a great num ber of the Mountain party, from the terri; tories of France, Algeria, and the colonies. The same decree ordered the removal of Generals Changarnier , Lamoriciere, and Bedeau, and M . M. Thiers, Gcrardine,and twelve others, for a time, from France-and Algeria, for reason of public security.— The Generals had been released from the Fortress of Ham, and escorted to the fron tiers. - _ A conspiracy had beon discovered for letting loose the convicts of the hulks at Rochefort. Arrests continued to be made in all parts,nnd there was virtually a reign of terror. The French Funds had fallen considerably. FROM TEXAS. By the arrival of the steamship Meteor, Captain Forbes, at New Orleans, on the 14th ult.; we have Galveiton dates to the 9th ult., inclusive, and the mail as due from other points in the State. The subjoined paragraphs aro from the Houston Telegraph : - Delegates have been sent from the offi cer commanding Fort Brown, for more troops, to enable him to prevent parties of volunteers from invading Mexico. The San'Antonia Ledger says that troops from Forts Inge and Duncan, have been ordered to Fort Brown. Igthe meantime parties of volunteers aro daily collecting all along the Rio Grande, and are, apparently, wait ing for some new expedition to be sot on foot. A large -party'of Americans recent ly penetrated to the vicinity of Monclova, and returned without .molestation.. Their object, it is said, was to re-capture runa way negrOes ; but it is supposed that they intended to join Caravajal, if ho had been successful in his attack On Ceralvo. The Camanches taking advantage of' the disturbed state of the Mexican frontier, have made a foray upon several of the small settlements above Laredo, and car ried away a considerable number of horses. Between the Indians and the contending forces of Caravajal and the troops of the Central. Government, the poor people of Tamaulipas and Coahuila aro in a deplo rable condition. They dare not side with either, party, and are wholly unable to pro tect themselves against the invasions of savages. • New. York, Feb. 2. 7 --WO Understand that Genet; P. Levy was arrested on Sat urday, by' order of the United Stated Mar shal, in accordance with instructions re ceived from the Government at Washing ton, charged with maliciously carrying on a correspondenc%with the Government of Mexico, and the President , thereof, to the grout damage of the United States. An insietthent has been found against him by' the: 'Grand Jury of Washington on the charge, and he was taken to that city,.=— The offence' has reference to the intermed dling with theGaray , grant for theTehuan, tepee ship canal. .r On. Satarday'evening, while a keg, con taining 5,000 Mexican .dollars was being hoisted. on board the ship St. Nicholas;the keg burst and the specie fell :,into thp,dock in 20 feet water. ; greett6.r,part;of ,tho.,HgogPrippd in , this nit) , have fouralmnploymentypnd are earning their own livelihood. .._ ...... _ CLEARFIELD ACADEMY frlill 1 RUSTSF.BII3mby .1 i v a ithtlee that they hare col. t a treetnd with DR. CATLIU & WIFE, " TQcoyntlnne le:charge of the Acad. MY during Gunther yen. Tn. Amulentie steer is nit hle I into 'FIRM QUARTERS of PWEINV: WEEKS, each. and FIVE DAYS of Tow:fl ing in each week, _l_, The MAI %We will confluence Pb MONDAY,DEthVh. 18b1, at the following , r , 4 ! . i , Redu.ctd 111:106 of Tullio' n :. CA-11%110M 14(11.1311 BRANEllES—lneleding liewilnie. Writ mt. Kleine; Arithmetic, peon- . rovity rnviish Grammes and Ili. tory - 112 00 All.l, ISlGlll'ltt EN n Lloli OR ANCFi eS—lticia. • Ira I .e' fa Orrmmnr. SI 00 el,Ari-tti A'. ATM MATHEMATICAL, DEPART. MENT te 00 WEEKLY Lr.(.71.11t1Pr4 ern "Ivan to the older mile on Moore. and other loterestioir sv n ose , wlthont extra charge. e ne h - ot the older pewits as c. encore on FRIDAY P. M. of etch week in elarcises Elnuntlen, Corapolition end view noestions upon their several studios. All others attend to their mewl P. M. s indls,i. The LADIES DEPARTMENT le entirely separate from the other on the rof them , who desire it Two or three classes consist of b , th sir x". fir the Demme of economy In time: bnt ft Is optional with the young Ladles whether to inlet such clones or not. 'ruffian is charawl fro 1 the &veto? the &tholes Coleman. Citla to llv olo.e r!' din Term—d , death:lo in case of absence cons. d b. sickness, mat whew a f pac al "pee:Lent it mode. in,, vont.. with the Nome'. , MORAL, ,hl I k rzlitrq b,' W.W.11" been the chlnf reliance of Ihn Tench... to ..3 runic thOpme is dlscipllre—end II has been 'Maloof. enr...oreal punt hment Is aim :into ml only in the mow obthwnte ono lonnrritriblir ran v. • . Th stamina's! elm r f fbn Towbars 11 to motto I lin instrtrilnaz they Imolah as weir as that of books. Pii•CtiCal.• es • ail i t s Tbmrd•ont. , The If rich st elleetlon Is given to the fleraln-r trod. e and fArralt.l the Penile w hi.e nail. i the chaise of the Tenders. 110AltD cm, boob tined at roannolli'e prirt-s - - RICHARD bli A W. Pavia/sus, WM. L MOORE, eecratory. Nov id'. MI. FLEAsAvivr DaILIA IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. LP, onde~lrt^e' rerecifolly annotiacen to the movie of Orartle.hl nod the adje.soea COODUCI rani heath co..tle• tilts to owl on tee ti• ove Litteinew et h'a es revive entahl'sh mint in the Loiongh of Claathahl, and is now pi epar d to manufacture ail klaita or Castings used for Grist .Mills, Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery. Hie Castleman, D 3. of a •npericie nullity—equal. if sot in o any as r le the Flete— s be ova ro .e hu wtamen t the e MIS ovetroisa. sad employs none but the very best ol }l.l .111AC.HINE SHOP, With two impeller ING %AMES. ma by gleam. Is now in 16,1,..111.610,6.31.0.. mad under the ,n,sederavt: of prao•loal treets,tuic--,s htie atm, st any ankle or mecnieelY can be FINIBIIr. I, in the bee et, le. and n %holt notice 111111/1. now 1.6 /111.1. 1 3 i 11116 nitoriment of C inch es 81 4 11trYaS 61 ear re end patter .1. ttr.ON.I. W A All K ko.. atm.. he °fief. ee I low for Cash. or on a retwaneb ' e mina. lie is pew 0611.114. 1,010 he most eoeroved HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, IVine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, ia rd)s celebrated Plough. And all kind. FIoDI ANia,GW-WARE, SLEIGH and 1:31.i..D lA . tio lie intends emelt on reesonibie term.. and traits that the citiz-ne of tha county een.e.elly will find It to their advantage to gave him their carioca. CAdII will always tie prelerttd— but toe 1 Ithesl phone wit be arowed tor Country ['coder° and OLD METAL. As heaters Is es.abluhtnest his 6(.101161 BO pervotoa, a I orders fur work will teeth,. b i.romi Vl ii attention. au LUZ. rleadial 1, Nov 1141851. zga - ly• zu k Dall • AND NEW GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRI— CES FOR CASH OR MER— CHANTABLE PRODUCE. ►r. satneyibey, haring remodelled the Store Room TWO 1 DOORS west of —hlerred's Bute'," would retpeeDuhy annoo'oe to the citizens of Elea , hold baronets. End vh-andy, trot boils r cesving an ENTI ' < C N Y.W AND I Val CFI TBLY SELECTED eSIUUK UV xiettunANßair., complutaa a General auorr merit of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Drags, Huts, Bonnets, Shawls, ,u .mention Is deemed unnecessary, THOSE IN WA.% f t: VIM. AT 111 W PtUUE 4 . are solicthod to '.llvowels...ow purohnsing elsewhere Nor Inal. J. it. BUNTER. WALLACE & BILLS, Successors to RICHARD SIIAW,Esq. O.,EAUMW, PA., RULLY announce Ic, th% public, that thrt ha. e just :teamed at.rl are now catalog at the old !tam: of Lt. SHAW. kilo.. a terse and well selet...l smith-est of Spring and Szenzntor Goods, Compoted in pat of DUI' GOODS. GROCER I ILA. 11A1.11 WAttE. QUERINSW A ttE etc Bic. Alio. a case tot oh Ladies' and Gentlemen,' toMit..Y WIENS GUOIJ6.. lleady-ntado Clothing, • And all the articles gilierally toot in a country .torn—all which they are prepared to WI uslOw FUR IliAblUrs het can be bougbttn Cleat count . , - . Nur. LAPORT & LEWELLIN, Coach and Sleigh Rakers, LORWENSVILLE, PA.. jt E o t: P u l.;:p w r z y r, l i tlf s D o d o v ne , r ,. : on o y to th tlle t V e V y ee t r; Pow Metiered to ruenutecture Coaches, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, tj'e Of description, to the most durable and loshionotobs crisis. They Outer therowlves with the belts: that thou usenet be esceifrd to llas eite e. end us they mu oy one bat , she best oilmen. tied u.n cone but the tiers bolt mete tel..* oerroes in want Or any naive in their line wt.t do Neil to deal with them in ortleteace to bosun the %sor,bless ' rublosb" Imports tl loon eastern shoos Orders will be orometly attended to. PSICIs 10 worte times. ,str.O. Count sr Pt,uloce eaten in ex• change for on tun mild eccommodetinn 1.10,a 7 13 I,APOLL Corwensvilll, Deo 12.1551. Wheat 6Nante4l. T L. HUNTEPI rseelse any vitality. or mgßeit •F. ANT ABLY, WHILaT Thal tuns be lll:Ted:at E,14:11- TY-SZEN AND Attl ALF UP.' , ll'S p.r bushel. payable In GO )113 al the lowest cash prima. at his stre in the boa - oath of Clearfield. Ws-easter W. 1:f1. SALT !• SALT !! 1 - 2110uND A LUM. WF.STERN and DAIRY SALT NI tale by lite Bault, barrel or Bushel 11, WA LliaCEk HILLS. Euccessors to 2 liAler Cl.artatid. NOTICE To . Justices of the Peace, 'rug Judges ofthe Court of Quoror &aides have oppole ted tee in nmsecute on behatl of tho eAtmmonwealth 141 She county of Clearfield, Tne J twice. of the Peace will them tote blame mtska recta to me of all Commonwealth business by mall or Wilmette. al {WM after the saute comes befoto them as the nate; o thereof will admit of. JOZRIIi S. FRANCE. clearfield, glee. 20, 18.31. FOR SALE CHgAP: A First quality COOK tiTOVH. Hathaway Pattern. IL Caquire of T. J. McOUI.LOOOII Nov. . New Goods. TAJALLACE Ec JULIA onneotfolly announce to their V V (nand,. and the publio ge:erelly. that they are now reoeivint and opening at Oleic dor In the borough of (Near• field one of the LAROFST AND . MOST CAREFULLY tiELEOTEDEvrox FALL and WINTER GOODS That has ever been broyaht to the count y —oomistpig la porta Dry Goods, Groceries, • Quee nsta re, Ready-niado ClOthie g, .Shoes, Hats,Bonnets,:&e., &O. MI rienehtch they are wallet:ft will °ampere, both as to CHLAPH and QUALITY. with the stock of gay eatab. lishment he the pounty. Give as torilLgad look at our GOODS, it will do us good to shoW teem Mica ••ven if ere don't wake a sale. • October E8.11351.' 'WV.`,‘DIWELL & sppT, • Wholesale GlOCelt & Commission Merchants, No. 3, South 'Water: st. Phila .1 Mk:YE 'luau on hand a LANGE 'AND EL:RE 11 I EEC EEO • ',nutmeat of GILOLIEHIES; WINES TEAs,dto.. to which we Invite Ott attention or MUNTEt_, C IdZitt7o BATA. • • Cot.' n. VAL-7m 'I T1.r..r.,,,,i.'r.r."."i-::•a4 ,, , ,,,, rip DR.; C DARDION P. TIODIPSON, s, in AVIN leeatell, in Cu'rw.enevitle offers JUL' his professional iservicce to the l einiona S of that placo and,lhe surrounding country. S Whim not professionally engaged, he will be S four.d at , the Once formerly occupied bei l lir: 5 : L J, C. Richards, or at Seolield'e hold.' , • 1 ,„ % Wilt be attended 'to at all hours.l'. 0p.3, Ifoll . . . SLEIGH , FO4. SALE.. A ,apoi.)l3l.7lo74liTits4;l3l4lteiti intiste. asllth? As: at lluftTEßlSW i i i , • Jas. lU$, 113.52. 0,116 4fROSPECTU:4 I OF SAIITAIN'S MAGAZINE FOR 1852 UnrivOled in Beauty and Excellence ! Eielty, Pages of Reading Matter in e atOer, being sixteen pages of tional Reading over and above the to 214 quantity given in the $3 Magaer. , THE proprietors °Mit popular Periceliont will snore DOI, POW ID the-a:At to import the mow deeded wareriorn• their Mnansine. and trust to receive the seem marked app elation that has heretofore reworded I ht - p enterprise. AMERICAN LrrEn. Krim E .. Of the MOM Our will be found in their nage" HOPERtt EMBELL,I2IIMENTS. Crinslellng nf tiamerints from orioles! Pa otiose by mimed A MERU: AN ARTISTS. will ciloneritceud In value newt. of a year's stibieriidion. A DEMI MOUS DEPARTMENT line b:onh r.dtotheirne u nlformofounntnetion,where , PUCK ouniviLiNiu Will monthly open his pnrtfoliv • I thechoicest "gond things'? Rothe nil Dom all parts Dill* word sunruenty of MUM: CAI.. LITERARY. evil ARTISTIC INTELLIEErgeg, will be oreparril for every timber by Mr. eff A RLES.J, LEI,ANIL.MIiffICIPe e. I* prominent lento e, Interesting counts of Monell:inlet . Cuniinental Eurnye. end iheirouh , .rm Thu.. nithn et •Lb IMPAFITIA REVIEV. IrEPARTMPAT wl.l, may hope, meet with the titmlovul of their literary friends. littlelnal Milting of COTTACIP, nod VILLA AP (MITE: TU KB, with am monnting gionnd pines and rxolicl4 (Hrn , lien.. will ho foinbhml by the taleme) en:Mita, WAR'.; SKIER, Ern. REBUS it.I.IISTRATInNS oc . ruovEnnini , rtit4 mom , r‘grtent. Ercimins-1. Nueif.. - . • loAlqUi tics. eitriThli ET I'AT. TERNS. EM PRIAM:ft ho.. &n.. Will contiihnte to tiio monthly vromly they hromito their sob; scribers As all Potitmulen are BEC WAIL AGENTS far the work ; per our *Wing to obtain a foyer description of It. or tomes tipecimen I :op". will ploare call npm rh. neared rnatmetter,. who w.ll receive the advance payment, and torvveld they Armes nod the money. • . remelt wbbing to get up a Llab will be twiddle,: With at Ipecimes on o ', grafi.. tty the new pedal taw. wh'ch went airs oneraton iv July. the PiPqrAGF. (IN Mid MAGAZINE la. WM/11'1AP ltelilkit•Ill. Who paid quarterly in advance ft is caw sq yellows ;--1 TtdrrSgp k 9 y . e . 1,124 mi lot, 6 cents. TERMd Foil IN ADVANCR One emir o e veer. fa. l'wo ccolP , one fear $5. Onectiat two yenn #5. rive crwirs one year 1110. Tots copies one Yen. $4O. and an ex.ra copy to the penou tending a Club of TeL Haight numbers 25cnnts. h m .ii N o t e , of.) frereot Strati werlyed at par. Club tat*: sorbillons tent to ditierent lakes. . . Aod rein. I.IIIN tiMITAIN CO. - insuary.lBs,l • • REMOVAL. GEORGE iV.TURNER, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, ESPECTFIDLIA announces to his friends. and the pub. AIL liu generally, thht hi has removed his Jiro, to the Nosh:. West co:ner of . 4 eeond and Marset str , ets. nod will heienflet „be fauna in the building ocottisd as a Dine. ehelnlaiti; Alotsnieal and "1"hiltsoohicll" store. bi Dr. Ilan& and row En..tly by Dr A. M. MIS, as a I;itig more. and known tat and w to by (hyalite ties siga of the 1)1(1 Golds MOP7'AP-. Ile Is there pre, , ared to "1..1 1. MAI:li, er MEND" all: garmeols to his line from the ft twice rubes of the Oriestati down 10 MISS 11•00rner'S late fin:•Nyensnut. of Inn • •Ncossn' Toga," a little quicker. quite as good. end as cheap (bat AM any chenl'u) 4a linty can be made csiewnrse. Hi' work wilt ha WAKIVA W 1 ED to glve satisfaction, sot that those wh trouloy him hate no risk to ran. Al kinds of insrsett et token In exchange I„rt work. and II r highest ' , noes allowed. July lb. IBM • 7 — • WASCh & Clock 112aliing. unorr R WELCH begs limy '•; YIL to inform the citizenti..o. W , Clearfield mid vicinity. that helm O \ permanently heated in the their IE3 adjoining Launch's hotel, on Mir. "eS , • " t :It• bet street, a bure the repairing of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWEL. a 0... will be le:vetoed in the heist manner. at the elpirtcet notice and on renerinable terms. Also. ENGRAVING executed at Shutt notice. : IYATCIILS, &c., left with lion in lie repaire'd will be promptly uttentied lu, and wnrrnstlett for one year. April 9. 1851. TAILORING BUSINESS. REMOVAL. raIHE subscriber, thankful for post favors, res. peeilully rustoruersoold the publio generaity,thit he litlS removed his shop to the ding over Post OtTi , r. lowly tweopled by U. Ward. told that he will ho there lotitid rgl nil limns 'lin hand" to supply his customers. Unlike Romeo!' liinculemporzirier, he is 111111111 e 10 promise that hits are "id the Wai t approved alyle ut ANTI: QVITY, hul mill insure them made tieeorditig to Om. Latest litshion of inure modern days. THOS. SHEA. Ci , :arficld, April 1, 1851. FIRST AND TRUE LOVE. A true Lore Story, GEO. SAND, author of "Indiana," "Conduelo," "The Count' less of llucolstadt," etc., etc • T. It. PF:l'Eft , ! , o... Nu tfq.Cheitntrt ewe. t. Philado t tihtle. • publishes this day the above work. It isOLO ul the mos: dismal; and IPlProlt.l3B worts ever punli.hcd. It y emb., tilimit %ph eaven nee large engravings. lIIIINUWIS , OoI atones in the work. ne well as a Into portrait of the tau beta inc. vi [ley cork, and n be/MLitt If illasirioel cover. It WI tnet . n bit an imn.enie late in Pali, twelve , licettf. ' thronsli soh's! e• solo. the weep el owe mniehi. it I will base a ye p la au and It la a werk no nue %Wu disapoialel with. It I.mid by critics aho lIMUI perused it. lo te, 'The Litat rk" if day. It is pub!atied compitte IC one lames vat, volume nrell`i piers and printed on the Wit. white taper Prize FIFTY CENT:. a .oil. entrees:Ors of the work will lei sent to any one on tit^ U. ' , :eiPt of nerrillete.r, uddieseed rntili heti and for &ale by T. 11 l' tt I ENS' IN. No. P', Chestnut intent, Philadelphia. • To whom ill wile . . mutt 620,1mi/id, post paid. Noluttelphi, Dec. 31, 'F3I. EtWow"! Newson, en Vv:ne nb ye ore o r .7'T ° ""T : , timis.(iticludipir hie nfriLe ) and Ondiflg I.IIIOIIF of the mnrked in .be pubi , ohn!I have a whol4ehe cep/ oh wort scut tbcrn to return of • List of Letters RFAIMNING is the Poll °Mae at GLEABI 7 IELV...onthiI Ord day of January. A. st , Eciiilt. .-- ..... ..._ Adana JIl .I;:esson John . • Ak e risk Abrah-m-3 KPie JOh4 Ilaktr E:sq. e KAY Law!enco Itr II la Ar.bur/ Livlngstun Andrew 11',.,e Ali.' Marra i acts. Henry ,:,„,,j,‘, , try Cowles T Meta E.,rq W B iliad , . ids &Ha:ants Ann MunrJo.2l,ll Cal its J W it.o..e Is Davos Daniel [thrust , 1 ti. Houelsorty Jason D Borinse,lllv:d'A trtea.y John hefluer r•arnocl IVler.nard El J oh Oscars Smoot Focal Matthew 14 , uppr Mown v GlX•dWill 1,0% in D. L m fridge Miss pashas E !Jammu:l W itts John 1. liar sock Miss 8 J . l'nyder John [isobar George 11 Boyd , . Thomas GI Holt John.,,, yeti John W Holt EigArtiomas Trust° Nathan 11-2 11..1er M. WurroerJa oti Ildtos Churl.' W Wiry inn Irwin wail' Worn(' William 'swim Wm I .V Woadle Miss Juno 'twin biliskloohla Wtkl. IJADEBAUGII. P. 11 TO LUMBERMEN. THE osterrebtoed hes Wen a enutre.ct to drive Lots front the vulnity of Coelli treek..Cl , nr ll ..d county, to ttr: Alcsum at Lock Haven. and In avwd nll,:u1ty neossea• o w l ogiir tz,inare Thoter Wong t,.e river he asks such toll's' him notice, LI they note any tu be ddvert:also et lb. marts, WING. Deo 130.1851. Estate of Isaac Bally, deed. IIkTOTICE llEREiri' GIVEN. 'that Letters of Admin. 111 Wrath's on (borstals of ls suo (laity. Into of 1%1(0t...i5m. shin. Clew field car nig. tleceoust. hare I n to granted to the mbsoribom. All perilous indebted to satd rststeers reit:mast. lo make immediate pa men , All WhO harp claim+ ottoinst said esmte are rcoostcd to present them doll atithenthmiod for tettloment. ItAN I nr. RAII,EY, Ad m l a. W ALILILEbiAN. January 16.1833 New Fall& Winter "„3 GOODS, At Graluzmton, Bradford township. T",E. A VE%VensariVArAheAnz st s i kTß l ETT n tf GOODS, cousistlyg of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queens Ware, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Bonnets,, • Boots and Shoes. k • • All or which will be sold as low as Can be bought eisawhem la tha count,- • rarriril pitl . k fi cti TA "? li ra 17111PrigPirial ita."" nwl °Avan"' ,cA4 [!aria pal sad e* H. youriltr.6 a. at mi GrubamOi. October 1.1011, • , HeadAtimarters! OYST.PBSI •'II4VSTERS! A TISMITEII 'NOW 01 . (filitEla SALOON ate; BM% 1,..1\13r0111,31Wi deglirket street% w we b. h en pe 11 . . 1 " ne1iP71 , 614. r*. Estate' of Conrad Merwinef Jr • dee d,' • NYC/TICE 118 HEREBY CIS, Tina Lefton of 4,11, istratiox bow. woo prowled to the subtoltor on the ee. tau of Otientd literevine, Jr.. parr n tow nshi ii kelegt. cooitY, dowsed. ,AJI parson isdehtect to *Me U. footwoo to pato notoodiate 'psi:nest, nod timid ain't claims Wind WO SEM teetOei Upte flifir,spOpoliticalti4 p!PT,rmi 41 6.4a2; 26..1d* TVA BUCKWURIL *be* Dimly tisi