Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 30, 1852, Image 2

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    . ---- -
i IN
• _ ) Indeed the speedy completion of theiNiorth
',::: OP ' GOVERNOR: VILLIAM , , BIGLER., :. f. ' Branch canal, is, in my opinion; col)sis
"' ' P,,4tow-crir,
aji ;ss:l7lm p ' ruy ' ick . l,6 • 6 ' i, f tent with the truest principles of economy.
Pennsylvania is, perhaps, unrivalled by
',; pOd , has prospered • bur great
p ‘v t . a e t tl e i s th i . n
She natural ,is e. : l 6 e ii re elements
realth. • The will 'attic people .I C ia ° s lr c l u il l ' l ' d 6 :l ' .. '?; „ ( e; ' a n t ' n e t r .s s s is ti t t e id r
.1-tin humble 'citizet . to • • the performance Of "
f_ i l i e fE,,,,, 4oot i vo office. the garden spot of our' common 'ctiuntr - v.
"the duties - Of heir il
than she is the'" k.eystone'' of the Fedorill
In.ticcordariec wilt the requisition thus
rondo upon• • me, ntd in obedience to the f},.r.e.11.. Abounding) in indxhitilstible and
' i ninorlif resburces,.itin , abundance,
,p — rOvisicies' of Coristitetion Isomer be- ` } t ri ed t•
•`' ' d• v'f r the purpose ' of Saiscrill. of well located dater power, admirably
W. you
0 , ( ", oince
an,Las , stimin i, the adapted to manufacturing and mechanical
1- --.
— *tithes ° . 'l' embrace - this opportunity to q.
the 'best ;viticulturel soil,, she can doubt
press the profotmil - gratitude I fist toward
the people for this•diAireinislied mark tit'
l l es ii s , T x„ l 7 0t 107. human
YisubsiSt'and prosper a greater
beings than any other
1 090 : confidence: • •; , • •
' State in the, Union. Her mountains, her
'lrt: cOnteinPlating
the high and del
. 'c ute iiii,„' , eclnlll4'.liti'd lovely volleys, aro rich
nature'efthii duties'appettainingto this stn.. with
na.tural..adviintages to ,man. IJer
tiiiii=their Complel and diffetilt chit rtieter, • neu Au are • t , 11 .,,
i in t. i t ent,industrious and enter
the nitigniftide; of "the interifsts involved in i • i, r i s 'i ug , ,, u u dir not restrained by unwise
:;itheit'i faithful performanec; I um inott sot= ic'gislation,Will seen occupy and improve
wemtsly ', impressed:•witli• the. responsibility" these adVantages to the fullest extent, sand
;•tiiiisl necessarily `impose..'The' i'thi" r ' ev 'ilidreby rentler o our beloved • Sialo prosper
,'. -all my predecessors in this high; station, I. s etis and wealthy tai an eminent degree. .
enter upon the discharge of its duties with •
A tlairOugh knowledge of the science of
• the utmost•diArust. of my • own r i tialifica ' :agriculture by our people will have a most
-.: tieing for the taslc.• I have, hOwever,reselv••• beneficial effectoif not ttuite essential to
ed to:dovoto my beSt ennrpoint 4 , ray laT es ' the prosperity of our State., I arn, there
qind.prayers tcralhitlitlit'dischtirge of the' fore, much gratified with the effort now be •
. obligdition I have just taker), and look to the' jag made to accomidish this, great end.—•
people for that generous indulgence which 'our own experience, and the history ofl
has ever characterized their action towu rds 1 other coiitrils, , fully demenstrate the iin- 1
• ,Publieservants who have honestly endenv- ! porta nce of such ,scienti need ueatidn. Thu;
.cored to 'perform' their whole. duty. ' ‘•- rl ' e ' study of this science; conthined with the,
efforts of man, at best, are but feeble; pa' practical dither of tilling' he soil . , isless
the aid that his wisdom can bring to the 'elileulata to clevateand , dignify the far
-,4neomplishinent ofany great purpose must' vier, thin)to .reward, ' h i rr t i
,for i iis,toil.... _
- fail, linlestiaccompatiied and controlled by
1 This - grant fir•A rioSt.dignitied and lade.
the guardian care of Him who gives .diree.: ; endent vulv it ol,ntan, so peculiarly adapt--
thin to all human affairs; .• On His powered to our Slate, and the inclinations of
and , good pleasure ell results must dcpe nd .!oui people; shOfild,' command the foster
4n' Him we should rely. in a spirit of liii. 'inn. care of go%'ernine . nt. 1
• imility :and Christian confldence.i '
' , Pennsylvania, is blessed!) with a ,rich
Our' republican' institutions aro based :abundance and' variety Of minerals, adapt
=upon the'axioni, that the people are the 'ed td thopractical. uses and necessities of
only rightful 4eiiirce of power. Under; man. tier ;Mineral interests
these institutions, thus founded, the will of great add growing source of wealth, con
the people-reflected throtigh the .balloi box, tributing •la rgely to enhance, the receipts of
gives - direction to public affairs. Through.l o u r treasury: The uppreci..tion thus giv.
this medium the humblest 'citizen,. not less' en to the value 'of property—the populn
than the most distinguished, can stamp the . tion thereby sustained—the improvements
irripitSs of his•will upon th , .. public policy ? made fel' their develOpment and advance.,
of the country. This feature of our - Re- +mem, ns well ns for the trade they furnish,
_ publican system is its great distinguishing; to the public works 'belonging to the State,
charatiteristic, and, guided by the general 'greatly promete this end: •
Intelligence and •patriotism of penult!, The rich iind extensive-deposits of coal
the cause of our success ns n nation. -The land jron ore within' the borders of our State
right of suffrage should, therefore, be held' make her particularly blessed. Her an
most sacred 'rind inviolate, and its lode- 1 thraCitti coal beds, furnishing a choice and,
pendent-exercise enjoyed by every eitizen. l cheap foil for domestic purposeS,• for gen
fo:prepare the minds of the peep!e for.this crating steam fur the stationary kind loco, by general education; by the in- motive engine, as Well as' for 'the propol
oulcation• of moral precepts' and rolgious sion of our steamships, give to I . lr a trade
truth, should be accounted the noblest ptir
-I:pasenf the Government,. All that we aro,
and all that we cum hope to be, us a nation,
isidependent upon this source of power.—
The right of theoitizen over property—his
:personal liberty and security-4he free
'dem ocispeeelr and liberty of the press—the
*en tateration of. religious sentiment are
alike subservient to this great source of hu
unt' law..: How important is it then that
thistreat head should remain pure and in
dependent--,"When the founutinia pure,
the stream emanating therefrom. will also,
berpure." Then, by promoting the moral
And-intellectual culture oldie people—r.thy,
soctree and "vitality of our: gtiverument--our
law.t . will .be made wise, our itistitillion; be
proscitsied:pure, and our country remain
freeri.prosperous and happy , •
- (;11 ekperienco of the world seems to
denitinstrcite'that 'general• intelligence and
republicantatif Must move totvither.' 'The
sliceessfUl .go‘;ernMent of the people is the
gotrerunient Or intellect, directed by virtue.
kt . hcirotighiediteation or the youth of our
country wii4 . therefore, tend fir moro to
the securitty• of our institutions and the
maintenance of our national honor, than
all other means beside. Common school
education, • high literary attainment, a This security may be measureably afford
knowledge oldie arts ttod sciencess,a com- ed by imposing on the corporators indi
prehension of individual rights, and the vidual liability to the fullest extent.
principles of the Christian religion, consti. The injurious effecti of an' excessive is-
tut© the very bulwark of our republican see of paper money, have been so frequent.
government. The schemes and ly demonstrated in by sad
nations of the demagogue will lull harm. experience, that it is quite unnecessary to
less before a peoille thus thoroughly cd. discuss the question on thisoccasion. The
ucated - laborer, the farmer, the mechanic, the
.nThe dangerous tendencies of monopoly, Manufacturer and merchant, are all deeply
and. the. Corrupting influence ofjnoney,are interested 'in having a sound currency.—
Met and .counteracted. by the power and No pretext can justify the creation Oa
virttioofthis knowledge. Liberal expendi. superabundant amount of paper money,
tures. by' our government for the purpose and it is will painful alarm that I have
ofedueation, may well be regarded as rigid witnessed a growing"' disposition over the
economy; and the payments of the people entire country to indreasr , the use of this
for the support of this cause, as pure devo. medium, on u small specie basis, regard:
fien to republicanism.. It should be the less of the inevitable effects of the large
first eareef the parent and the government, accessions of coin which Califdrnia is'i
itidfits fruits decounted•the richest legacies- furnishing to'this country and to the world.
we eattleave to' posterity. . Every people, must have ' it circulating mcd...
a mat ter of
fin' the 'discharge ofthe various duties of rum;
should have whatever itmounnt thiettde, Ours
Ile office; I' have just assumed, it;will he
fion of wholesome buiness cflitire may de:
nV,unxioutiodesire to do "equl l l and exact
jingled to all Men,of whatever persuasion, mand'; but unfortunately we se too un
religious or political," and especially to a dwilling - to stop at the proper period ' in the
vancp the interestrof this, great Common- creation oft his medium. That as coin be
Weitlth-!--to inerease'the resources''of her' conies abundant' it should supplant , and
unnecessiiry - the use of paper, is to
titeasiiry—hu6band, 'her means--diminish render
my' Mind the plainest leeching of comoin
her! debt, and' elevate the standard• of her 1
ciedit—to 1. vor such measures as may' be B enge ai l eh r 'Prhetreal eine! is dernaned'
her v the true interests ofthe peeple. super 7,
calculated 'to develop°.vast' resources,
abundant amount of 'money of any kind,
and stimulate alike her agricultural,mining
cannot fail to enhance nominal val 1.10.3 above
manufacturing, mechanical and •commer•
proper standard, and thereby engender
cialinterests, and coperate most Cheerful.' rt
a Spirit brddri g orourY speculatien, and in the
ly With the legislative branch of the' goy.
ernment in the adoption of such policy ns t end prestreto the great ceinmereitil and,
natty tend to lessen the present onerous bur- I manufacturing interests of the country
thens of the people. . ~..I The manufacturer is more Vitdlly interest.'
"Our vast debt should be reduced as rap.: cd in this than any other question of gey
idly en' practicable: ',lts injurious dr ec t s , !ernmontal Policy. 'Without 4.„1661ind cur.
upon the 'growth of our Population, and rho rency, the incidental aid resulting - lo' tbis
..migtlatiOn of capital to the State, is muchigreat interest, f(Ofia — the - ievenue.laws of
more' etent than thotaitial observer would , the general gOvPiiii - hent; n never have
suppose.. This may , not be -, Most readily force or •stabilit*/ , • •
accomplthed , by. a 100 tptirsimonioes .use, l would 'fiet,.ftle'tialtirkood thing
or the, moons a l rea d y seemed to the 0 011 , 3 ., rhitvo said, es,'lltddill i me opinion that
ury.. cat maybes wise ,to. .apply .p4rti on , mere Legislation; Wik 7 "Vilt give
orApse Jo complete public itnluoventent& Prosperity, to a CoiMiry, whilo,bad
now far advanced in construefien, but yet: tier- euggies', no Mattel.
Thfrobontioa meat of auch. the' leher; in,dttutri,ttio:und patri
itrip,ravements,:would inikilyp the lo,sssor ..etwerref'theifteleinay be, Wise legiela.
large,amonnt of papital.alreadyMr,pended,t fic,i,n! only' -'opptrrtunity 'for the
and sacrifice entirely the, cha ncespf:futu re/legitimate rewards of riatml reiklt. cea de.
returns to the treasu ry from these source; sloped 'by 'Orlemberriagetlabar' Theil
- almost exclusively her oWn.: For the sup
ply of,this article, she is without any con
siderable rival. Although this trade is
comparatively in its infancylt'has already
groWn to one of great magnitude.
The value of the product of the mine is
made up mainly,by the healthy, invigorating
labor of the hardy miner, whilst those enga
ged in thiS trade ConAitute an industrious
and valuable constituency, willi'WhOse in
terests:the prosperity and greatness of our
State is identified.
It will atibrd me the utmost pleasure to
favor till proper niebstires'ealettlated to ad
vance out great Ei!triculfural, mineral and
other interesta. • '
Intimately cOnriectecl with the great in
ten:sts of the etnt
r utryls this subject of a
currency: The proper disposition of this
' question is not only highly irtiportant, but
one of the most ilitiit ult and dangerous
duties of the government. The errors of
our system, are. Of the most seductive and
dungeratiS'eharacter ; Consisting mainly in
the creation
,of tow Much paper for the
amount of specie basis provided for its re
demption.. The utmost.cardshould be tak
en to guard againSt this tendency, and to
secure the people in the use of this meditim.
more dangerous political her
esy taught .in our land, than p that the pros
perity of the country is not to be created by,
its legislation. A just policy can only
guard and protect the lei,, , itimate(nrarts\of
ril i oduction from special-privilege's, 111 . .94-
Vipes.;6f the canning wicked.' ',The
pqopld Should !r . dlOn indtvldtidl
efforts,. ruthetthan
,!tlie me sores. of
gciverninentfol'ittccest,:l4i4l.a.iibri shotild
give to all citizens tin equal opportunity
of enjoying the natural advantages which
surround them. Corporate power and
spe,c.O . :privilegestoo often produce there-1
vert:cr ; find 'sliciu 1 t f l 110 - p (Ore only {. he
granted to facilitate the accomplishment of d
great public purposes, not within the reach!
of individual int:unit . : OTV - id: and . halal)
co-perating-in.a proper relative position 4
have made and r will make our,
country proaperous and litipPy'.. The rights'?
or tho..lnttei. should bev:arlbu sacrifiee.d to!
the interests to tlid farther: , Special tel.!
islation too freqUently has this tendency..
Capi tel can always command employirent
and profit:—labor, less: , able to cot hits nd
either, should receive tin watchful Care,o 9
I am most happy.; .my fellow citizens,,
!to meet you in my present capacity, nt a
period when our common : country is at
pence with all the world anti prosperous iu
an eminent dcl . 4ree. .Th'ei dangerous
tlict touching the:subject 6fslavety, which
for a time seemed to menace .The stability'
of the National .Government, has been
most fortunately, and I trust,' permanently'
adjusted' through the meduitn of what are
generally known as the Compromise Meas.,
ures. The general acquiesence of thel
several States in this adjustment gives as.'
surance of continued,• peace to the country
and the Union—perman
ence to that Union; the formation of which
gave our Nation early influence and dignity ;
of position with the other . powers of the I
earth. 11cr rights have, consequently,'
been respected by all,and'her wishes heard
with ,profound regard. In war she has
gained a high character , for military prow
ess, and in pence secured the confidence
of all mankind. The jostled anu liberality
of her institutions has constrained the op
pressed of every land to seek an asylum
within her limits,:and enjoy, under the am
ple. folds of her National flit, political lind
The continuance of these unequalled
blessingS is dependent nti rely upon theper
petuity of this groat national compact; and
this can only be secured by a faithful ob
servance of the terms of, the constitution
under which . it was formed. The Union
and the constitution are one and indivisible.
The former cannot oxigt without the latter,
and the Intior had no purpose:but to perfect
and sustain the former. Eletherefore,Who
is not for the constitution, is against .the
Union ; and he :who would strilte,at either,
.would' commit political sacrilege ngainst
the great fabric, sanctione , l by %%rushing
ton and. Fanklin. .:Thc Federal constitu
tion milk be maintained nnd executed in
all its parts.. , It is the paramount law of
each State, the imperative deny
of their resbeetive governments, .to assist
'in the just and 'full -adminstration Of all its
provisions. - To Congress undoubtedly be
longs, in the first instance, the ditty of niak
ing provision to carry..into execution the
intent of tliis instrument ; butit is the right
nnd dutyof the States; moving within the
limits of their reserved .rights to co-onorate
with the genernl.governmeut in this legit
imate work. They should certainlynever
attempt, by 'rneatti of their legislation; to
embarrass the administration of the'con:
stitution; Such' interference cannot fail
to engender hostile feelings.•b6tween the
ditkirent seetions•of the Union, and 'if .per•
sisted in, lead to a separation of the States,
So fur as legielation of this kind can be
(bond on the Stattite hook , of the State, it
should be speedily repealed. Of this char.
abter, I regard the greater portion of the
law oil 847, prohibiting the use ()four State
prisons fur the detention of the 'fugitives
front labor whilst awaiting trial- In that
work I shall most ,theorfully'participate, tis
shall also aid, as far ns 1 may properly
do so, to suppress all attempts to resist the
execution' of the laws - of Congressovhether
providing for the rendition of fugitives from
lador, or for any other constitutional pur.;
pose. The necessity for such :action is
fully demontitratnd by the fluid consequen-
(Ts resulting _crop() such an attempt, recent
ly occurring within our own borders,'
The loyalty of Pennsylvania to the na
tional Union cannot , ' be doubted, She is
now as she ever has been, forthe eonstiu-
den and its comprotnises: Sho,will main
tain and' execuie, id:tither and spirit, the
several adjtiStmeht . measures as passed by
the late Congress, tin thersubjectiof slavery:
'She regards these measures as alpehman;
eat settlement orthili , dung'otous gograph:
ical - conflict, and:•will discounic4nceito
• ,
the full extent of her influence,' tittenipts
, .
at future agitation of'the. questionfi settled
by them. S'ho has - planted herself on tho
constitution, and'guided by.its wisp provis
seek todo'hstico to all sections
Of the ountry, and endeavor to strengthen
'the bonds of the Union, by cherishing re,
lations of amity and'fraternal'uffecticn be•: ,
6veen nil its rhembbrd.' ' 1 • 0, •'
I need say
,ro More -fellow c i tiz ens, of t
the importanee'of the:Union. •• Yob are;
um con fidept,Ubendantly impressed-with
its magnitude:" Without union:bur'
tied never , botild , have been 'achieved,'With
out t they eat - iota be maintained. W ith 'the
disdolutlen orthis , 'nationar coMpaCt would
1411 , tlfe 14ed of the' World for 'republican.
ism—theiCa'ue•of political. and-religious
libert =the, pace itn4'prosPerity our
people: °To the Ond,.then, that; its. great.
Bleeding May be pieserved,'andiis advan'tz , i
ages veuelisafed to posterit,iP, , it becorneb
the 'duty (Well to I;ield(tc:pattietie submis=
bibit'iso , the laws cOnstitulithially'.tidopted, ,
and cherish feelings "of affection'ate inter
course between the several 'Dampers of our.
glcirious Admonished se; to do! by
the immortal Washin'gton, Jet,..the iinjuncoi regarded ( by each end ;all of usiith ,
Let. out habits of
acting, thinking and speaking of the Union
be ns though it wore indeed "the Palladia
urn of our political safety and prosperity—
watching for its preservation with jealous
anxiety, discountenancing whateyer i ,may
suggest even drilispiiliOn that it can`lb Orly
oient he abandoned,aol indignantly freiim.,,
ing at the first Onwn,'(if fray tittertipt to 411.
cn atnany' protion °lour country from !the
rest, or to e'nfeeble : the spercd ,ties which
now link together the various paha." Then
shall we have performed our whole duty-a ,
duty to ourselves—to our sister States, and
to the cause Of republicanism throughout
lii6jhroli(l4 . ; ;.; I !!.)r ,IT
- - . . -Fmk the 1)% ask' rigttlyplop„,....,
• J ~,SCNAT?"77N;.9/SDA,Y.JPI ,- 1 9) 1 '"*"
Mr.., FiSb prPsPnled the:PuTAPTilt! of.,tt l o
New. YOrk Society,, .1 - quYi9g
for,tho ostalAisttrpent;o4 jiitc,of, 4,4(MP I Pri 3
to run.betwoc:n.tho ,Vnitod Stutgs.ttnd At-
Stockton presented
,a memorial, ask
ing relief iin consequence of the, adverse,
decision ,of the Mexican beard ; also, ninemorial in relation to the.PatentGllice
ing ; also, a bill itutlwrizing tho.Vustmast
or Gene rat° contract for carrying the mail
between the United • States and Galway,
Ireland. I. i•
Mr.:Sumner submitted ti resolution of,in
quiry in relation to. the abolition 011ie spirit
ration in the navy and ,the increase pfthe
monthly'pay. •.!
Mr: Clarke introduced a joint resolution, in
relatiOntathe•forign policy, of, the United,
Stater; quoting largely from Washington's
Farewell, Address, and -maintaining the
no joint resolution:making, land war
rants assignable was. tiikeii up and amend
ed, but no final action was •had thereon.
house adopted a resolution (alter some dis
cession) ordering, the Committee on Print
ing to procure the printing of 1U0,900
copies olit report trent the Superintendent
of the Census, embracing a, synopsis of
the result of his labor, . if ,it can be done
for one cent n copy.
Mr. liriggs brought f,,rward a resolution
directing the Committee of Elec . Lions to'
make inquiries into the legality of the' clec
tion of the delegate from Utah ; which, of
a few remarks from Mr. B. in cxplan
ation, was laid over
,until this morning.
Mr. Disney proposed a resolution togrant.i
the use of the hall for the Colenization So
ciety's anniversary meeting, to be held to
night ; but two-thirds nut voting ityc,,t,he
rules were not suspended for its introduc
Mr; Cliagman proposed to suspehd the
rules 'for the introduction of a resolution
. •,
hectoring that, in the opinion oftlinflouSe,'
no one had a right to carnplain. (except a
citizen of the palicular Stitte)?of any action
of a State in telercnee to negroes, free or
slave, within her limits ; but the rules were
not suspended for its introduction
Mr. Fuller, of Maine, proposed to sus
pend the rule 4 for the introduction eta res
olution sailing on the heads all the execii ,
. departinents to report a full list of all
iliC claims paid by their various bureaus
since March . 4,1b.49, .which had befOre'.
been rejected orsiispended ; and also a ful!
liSt of the parties, claimants, and egent,
attorney's, &c., interested in their prose
Pendihg the question on the stispension
of the rolep rei, the admission of the reso
lution, the tiotise adjourned.
S mtpstige was received, froiii
the Pre6ident of the United State's, upon the
subjtict of the next instalment of the Mexi
can indemnity.
Mr. Underwood ,introduccd a bill grant
ing la nd in aid ofa railroad through Indiana
and Illinois; (ruin "'the Ohio river,. opo§ite
to . the . MississlPPi, Opposite 81:
Louis. . .
Mr. Nerds stibrnitted a fesolu tioh author
izing the Secretary : SoniatO't° I)4Y
for the publication Of the reports of the Sen.
ate debates, in the fiOongroisiona,t. Globe."
The coMmitted - on /Milt's, after,
a long delitite,'Nvas atithtiriied to employ
Messrs. Cnss and Seward
amendment •,to the resolution subrnit.ted
Yesterday by Mr. Clarke in relation to the
Foreign policy of our government.
Thc Senate then took up the joint r,cio;
lution making land warrants assignable,
and, oiler some Ittrther amendments'uncle
leni , debate, orclekeil,it to he engrossed for
After a short executive session,.the Sen.
House 'werein gornmittee of th o W hole un 7
til-a late hour on the bill. to prev.h)e means
ofpaying-the next instalicnbrit duo„of,thp
'Mexican,. indemnity,; on , which speeches
,were made,by-Messrs. McMullin, Marshall
of Kentucky, 'Brook, p,. PiseeYi Pensten,•
and Dunham., , , Afterwards,there arose
diseeasionhetween,v4riePs members, from,
Ohio ,relative,te their rpspective pourseti, on
the'resOlutinus.welcoming, Kossuth
.to the
hall,;•which , ,was•teintincl.tect only bY ad
joUrnmentat. a late heur.„! •
. 1 7 rtn AriorwruntiVir-a€k 3mus,ti.have
been :anticipated, by all, there ,baye• been
some: .disuppointmentn,.as. wgll,4s priPPint"
NG: fiLdiOß GT AVISiOn Pf , 4 l /.9 pAr,ty. Alas.
teen served to the exelasionofotherili,m4
m this Gov. BIGLER has. gratified the de
siresif,the great!body,of , thp derneeratie
arly da.his WP No. P?.
y,that PAKtY; ijas,
gauss dif,:compiniat kiv9. °W. )ittle
pipubt •thyLt.upOrk' , 44o NaetetiPTl ,all fhP,
kvoll liatiB6ed..t-rialprwie• ti .:Itat f
A letter from the nines in n Califoroia
OtHir;tnaya-r"W., 01411). iipPri4Y,iPg•PPIIP I :9 I
minettffight 1034) (kritAgibsly and. en3rifnclm
lictn they did:' :,.4,1),„.1
TUESDAY, Jan. 20
rrHl6 TRUSTELEP.herebY/Elve notice that they have coo:
truct , vl with
TO °enthrall inoharge of the Academy doting &anther year
Tae Academic rear Is divider to POUK QTJARTERII
of L'WEI.YE WEEKS. each. an flYVvillAyr3 OcTeauhr
ice In each wesk.
he &eat Qa iner will commence IMODIDEt 66: • 111h
191.,11t the 1011ow , ing yfir. r.I
Vita tl4 r ed ittlits !Pc
• '' I
COP.IMI;N ;I.:MS(0311 loolodtor
hln el oh 'Gra m rear at dlt oto y.... I • , s.. 300
ALL ti I G ILE tt IfItANUI c. 8 '4 1 1010 1--. ' '
ing 1 ei•!!! Grammar. 11 Ot)
so Ott
WEEKLY LE:TIT/110 are even to the oldrl pupils op
!Jittery. tied other luteresilne ea I jade. without nitro charge,
Ruch of the older pupils as aware, (rousse on FRIDAY I
Py. el each week in ,elerevre,E.lrouticroy Demsolition and
View lu&slions !man their ictlmllytlidttli fill litho,/ attend
the r P. M. unAldt'
The LADIE.I3 DEPAIt faIEIIIT is entirely separate from;
The other on the outer' those who desire it. Two or three/
olattesconliit of both trace. ler' the purpose of eC0110111.9 lel
rime; but it is optional Iva! thayloung,l.o.dies whether to .
Join such dimes or not.
'tuitionts charged fro 1 the date ofthe ti'llydare common. ,
eine totheclo.eol the Ta•M7,,dsduction befog made In cure'of atiencecoustid by 'fatness. mid INtatittswen:nTrorreeivent
f•Pg i v,O,Tvviazr.9 , llV;..t r d i rtiO V AL?lth&'ehlefrelielorro'l
the l'esehery in ;reaming thornedh dirololive—eLd it pao been
efficient. I.!' ITOPIPII pboarodfills,fuleurntitakvrt•OnnrilD
to olsdurate And leenirielb e tas 5, ,
' Therinottsur aird tbitTkoh 6 ti ill/lA/as the Isstrattions
they Impart. as well as 1.0. t of
,bookt Praotical. as veil at
• 7150,siticiest attentierris silvan •to the Coado.A. U Nils and
Mr.rtiii of gilt Pupils Whiie nedYi she chary. of , lbeTer.thers
yAltu ceiplur ob / oirrelt 'gro u t so
A n a K o hte i f ti ri A o , A..: w
WM. Is MOORE. Sei7etayy. , ,Noe •33.
10' • -itili'6iiti/111—'11i1111. 11.
. . .
1' P C andettlgte t nateolully titiOnanotta 10 tlio *utopia ot
Coa-110(1 nod the isdin:otno,canotioo L,r,ot broil f coatin
ono to nervy nn the (1•KIVO nositteto fit niottateutlint pstoblath
total In the Ootougo of Claatlield,
' gld :is port weitarod tO
mon uractuto all kinds nf
• . . i..
(vs used for Grisi Ilfil s,- v-Mills,
and all kinds of illitchz,zerb. : .
His enstiees are nor or a iipertio'quility.--tvool, if 'mein
ueaur; to bur Dam It tbedtaw—►alJuo a 44.13 but the v et
nod CMPLOYIII3OnO bln il/6"6 . 121 6041. of ivJrurneo
. , . . .
With tato atipariof•Tt:llSlNG LATiI 3 . ,d•lvto I i %tonna
ntw in linC`enfollyto4,llttiv. nail 00 nil fife 1111111011enlent of
•ppiroloal macho ttio—ts• boo nonokt ony ant ht of rn,ohl eon'
any be FIN !tiff I.:;ts loan/aviary bast as le. and i•ts short Imbue.
• Unitas nowsll Statists a 10,11 as/unmans of cu. inch
as s. t ,v1«.3 var,o_ s sizes ukd babero's.l'6oo3 ll itiON
WASH H. b. rrLk.. 7 3. o tr. o. w hfcifora to WI :otv for
ndy or oa n renijanto.o otudit. Ho is ttovo Casting. from
ho MOH ni'DfoV.34 val , ems.
ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves,
Nine .Plate 'awl Coal Stoves. Also,
Lirdls celebs•atiql . Plough.
J. • -
And'ell kinds of iIOI.L.DW- RARE. BLE IGIL and BLED
SOI,Gte. W AGON B.. O XE.B.Itte •
Ile intends ec.s ell un itaeonetie terms. anti Dude Ott the
,z el:the weary aoperotlr will titd It in their ed•ctotniee
ro Wee him then euelom, U 41611 will always De preferred—
but the hi4heir Ducts will he. slowed lot louatrr,Proauce
vd OLD tALTAL. Aspatore; his es.abhehme.ahts vers3nal
upon/woe, et I Tars fur wort warreueorriorurn V ptL
ID aheu il ltiDel.
t Itetncl I. Nov •
wialVitt 0,412(0111W
• •
CES FOR 113 111 OR• MER—
`vllE se looriber. bovine Ten/Milled the Store Foom TWI")
• A. 1)01lltrt wen. of "biomes 1113101." would tetpet.ttolly
announce w the eitivttot of Cive.field lantouels. nnd voianr.
unt. /cis wivtivr Kri I W A hil.tV.All FIL111.1.1(
Ei.ECTED S 11141tel1ANDISE., computing
youelal ossurtn,ent. of
• • Dry Goods, roeerws, • •
• Hardware, • • '.. , 'Qucensu•are,
Drugs, .Bofinets, , Shawls,
Peri/eel ea ti ifthir tat lon tlev.mee onneceiinryl 111•14.1 SE
IN WANT or (;,..mtw. W nta solicited
.0 en , l nod t.vtunite home pocohn/ing the% tote. •
I.:Aut , ol/1 bor. 80, /831. Jll. HUNTER.
Successors to 1ti , c71.21.12D sn-ATV,.C.,sq
, .
1) ESP!..r.',TF TILLY bo nonnoa to th• . public. thet they
Li hi. ejust two: viol w.f.% are now ..peoltnt 6.t I hti ontitand
01 n!nree eed Well selected titiortn.eLtat
Spring and Summer Goods,
I,,Ciinitorai in va,t of DRY GOODS, GRDDERIE4. MOLD
qubcrtstAnisr. ace tic. Alio, a iliac. lot of
Ladies' and Getitleir.ene eat 4 4.; Y DSESS GOODS.
Rcady-made Clothing,
And nil the tottolcs oneraily•tent In a 'connif7 ttorf—alliwf
*tcti the) ax premixed tonal ni as the, can
hE balAglalti Clealtiold 0011141;". • DIOV. IV, ICU.
Coach mid Sleigh .I'llakers,
ESP EVITULLY noutee to .he eitExen
( 4 "" 6741 It. or Catwonevillo tett v chitty, that they er
now emitted to mhouiectero •
Coadhes f earkiages, Buggies, Sleighs, 4-e
II every detoriptinn; in the most du'rable' nod fashionable
modem with the be,loi that their work
trionnt.tin e.eelletl in *hi litene. and es they init. cc none bolt
the best %ink men nod toe Lune but the very hfitt mote tall..
io , r.nov in w•tnt el any ntte.r in tiro rltne will tin well to dent
,i,411 team ,0 vintnience to huong the rioritileu • sulttn•ll"
fintont d Ir.:m ., grow*
I inlets will hit htlentirtl
Y'11,3 In •u it tie tltteq.'ti htl; Colin:Ty Produce taken in ox.
idiengo li,r wore ou ti.e unst accommodating imms.
Cael:9o6, Deo 1.115 t;
;Zeal Etaite.
Clearlichl County, ss,.:
o r 7. h tl: :'
ecArt.,!;notah a t4th r6
f tie
cember, teforellonornblea HOOP.ItT NITI.TG,
Prteldßitt NHAW, Imo JOHN P. HOYT:
Auoriale Jrretiees or trod G.' mfr. on the petition of G. W.
AN itlll.oYrf. 'Aelnuniatatei of all nod rlueutar the goods and
ohottcle unfits nod credits. Web were ot MAO Wlll.-
KIN 14 • ' Es rt.. Into of the borough of Unionville, is the county
of J.lbison, bed stole of, Penntylvania, deceased, at the time
of ha death, who dyed intestate. ea tale 'forth that said hates•
tole died 'Mend, to hie, demesne of Ire, of.. itt and to the one
undivided hall part of tho ildlowlnetletcnbed viewer land
lYina.ond being fa fl.e.,l,o‘voth4l 01 Hardy In said Clerutiald
ccunly. anti land 'at Pout ti . lend of Pox iffc Co
on the north. and try_rtand •Pox cra.,,ther east, velar a GA-
ItIN 1101.1tIE add UT/MUG thereon. with'abburf t% 0 Peres
cleatefivotheartmexertrarolon4WG 111UNIMED ArtHIES.
Alm, setting forth thnt said Ailndolftlator dirt: oh (ha 11 :h day,
of Peutembee, A') ',cutleryot
tety,.fortn that "fc
mammal property or sal . dlnteltatO Wal fill 'he
Pad meat. of his debt', as' appeared by. the accountthemand
there pre.l peed, and semen forth that sd.d intestate died noised
id hie AlorniellifoU lie of', In and to the One undivided half Dart
of the above rlrsorib,d land Jyi as and bring in said Clearfield
chunti--WAEREUPON the. Henorable JOSEPH BHP..
thOTON. Preeldent.and J. E.VANd and H. I'. HASH.
his Anociatevr thr d .and there vervain:nisi an ()Thais' Couir.
nn and for the said county of the ett4 t..outt rfid
. Order and Decree •
. .
Thal'lie turn 'of ONH THOUSAND DO S kit raked
from thoente'of Pito toed mitotiOnOdin'titid
'I LIE COUOI', decks a tills of told laud in
punioaroe of to d ocitiloo.. ttatitto (Ott plocnoa the TWlltt-
VY-NINTiI PAY Ulf JANLIAILY. A. D. ittaa. oil the
Oreirst , rs , ';' ,•t• • , :
TERMS—Ooe.ThIrd or the porch lie rflooir In hand, and
Otop , every ,, SIX MONVlB'thercaftet upUl paid;
•• Iptc o b
the ur
rest. tdsoced
tt byjudgroon) bonds. ,
• • 'CoO. •, • • i!1 • • •
• raTErt. Cie*.
,- ' h Real-Estate
bl , vi
X Mg Or 413 • (Arder of Om ()rphin's cotitig Clem:
i l e VI eT;ll l 'Vi l it r itire l A it a e g nbut°l :„ * 15° :::"" u 2
bION A V A 11, ,. RiECOND DAY 05' I; ...1116.,AF.Y4 185..
,At the Cann aute, irt the Deoronsh ot plerntleAs /hold ,
lowing dennibed
1 I t'
'll Fci ' r'ni qf 11 6 'Athii of rand,
Pit'' It o i l ' ri . l l l . ls tokenshio, ' Clettillekironsity late °levitate
Ind Ilde i ticd Id:VAIN PULIZATO.P4i tteeeil*i. glinnelf
lands of Ditujel Un ify Alexantho C aldwe ll , and others. reVing
,heleop & ac ted , i t ii.• I j• .1 l i I i i
' .. A Two , Story Log "louse, andie
. m r
'' a
a large and codtmodfousßarn,
ipd having Alit , at HlCilllae;p VP ACIIEB Or WARM
AND. no t 1 a Tllll.l l / 1 84 tCHAUD thereon.
iron fa ttneirbiutioolars ago y ito the titittunitiail at :Cleat;
9 'ilitittisila.-‘olleahlit oil ihilintahilti • torines i to, to wad i m,
c ou nnuation qr the WO. end t 8 lat g gancs, in Throe l eq nal an.
Anal temente. with interest- t bts UM uao. We Wittraoll
i r
CP"'tf4l4l"4'l37lfsll:toVtfil'emi t ' .;
$ 1
; r ‘l.l , Wet,l i i ir fd P T E :Et atityk . . , ,
403 F raAtitont or tho Febategit. ;OAD% Wii r ,
biellfieli3; DeOlEtwr 18.1 seal • , • • ~..
stem oii
l,.ii*Thtgli4itin virg tiAistit
.kiiiiiit4W Itn4'viiiiiri
ittuld foritO uvf AO rtm , Ji 1 _ il , it i.
, -
e'+'4,3o/1171P+IrreelaniatiOn -+
WIIEIIEAS. The ,Honoroble Hon,EnT 13.+ 11t+ 1
;VW'. Preefortit Jbdicif al the Con st or Coalition Valle.
FotertVud) istlHaPrict.'ltarrnPored ofehe 'coantia, cup
field, Llit,_Mußean. l'olier and Tioen, and lie Hos'
ItICHAILD :MAW mad JUIIP P 110 Y 'l'. Assealsief .
in Ciee•firld county, hare issued their precept Wiest
iIitrEIXTH On of.' liedoenbee, lebl; to, me directed, fot o
otiurcr O. vfml .rtritel. 011 P lANTi, ni i
D , C
• •Ltv,t9Ly, ••, ~ ,
At Cleeilielii;lss and .tor CifentilA ccinnty, on i+,..
i ,
frIOI4.IJA V. ot Febranir txt—belna thei:d de) °Ma „'
To 4ho Coroaor,.,l undoes f the .renor, and , Causal:Ott li
forth° connti of Clearfield, to n°i'eor in their ows
Thermos, with Itolii. Records. Indaliitions, Ezeinieetient
other Remi.mtiranoce. to do those thine' which their . •
end in their behalf appertain to be (hoe. and all
+ pi
and 4:040 91 100w proiedatinaia behalf oltheComnio ''"'
eaainst any prisoners, are requi:ed to be lbw :plied
tending, ead not' deport without leave, at theitittil,
areirequested+ to' be pneetaal in their otiendansxee i
pointedlime.;egreeably to nonce; • ; ; ',.. ..- .+:.
GIVEN under ray hand at tilanolleld.• Ibis 20th dere ,
s; is the year or oar Lend one rhotomnd'eieht head
Yifty•one, and the BeCialydulth 'Year of Amelia %
peadenco. - - ~,
. .
ROA er's I9lOlice.
NuncE to herob"tr.gooMlhttfille following
counts hnvel:hCen examined and pos4
tno, mid remain filed of ; tecord In • Mtn ollit
the triapeCliorr qt Icgri teca, .400(140re...44
ethers in any othei !Noy interentod, and COII fie
nidned t, tho next . ' Orplittint ctiortOf Clein
to' be, ilia Court lionse,rn tj
puet.of,Clearfielq on ThurwlaY the r'ili 41 1
Voltsnary :mkt, Mr confirmation and 11(1tintil
Id. The account of ELLII•I 11.8 W IN: Trustee for las
children of•ANII CU1.1.013, late of Clearfield
• deceased. • , •
Bd. Tft thiardien occountof •Altfli UR ntw., fie .
• of the Mieur children of WM. BELL, late of NO
still. Clearfield count! derdroserk fi :-
ileeistere.Office, Clearfield; PeciAlBsl.tiTl.lll,
• :•.
ir9. IIIINTERreceive any ntatehti at Id ;:
le (00Ini at the Inwest oath wines. at gill st , re, la the
etig h Overlie' d.• • • • Umetet er 1:44
SALT ! SALT !! • •
tussa by the sack. Baird at Ileabel by WALLACE Lk' )nra,
Eucckstort . Used tad. ra.
To Justices of the Pence; ' 's`
lIE Judges of ihe Courier Qa emir Sesilorie have*"
L ted me in prnrevute on behalf of the Commounealli I
the county ulClearfield. TnsJustieesol.theyesee %MIN
fore please make re urn to me nt all Commoe wealth bona
by mall or otherwite, no 1-fne after thesame comes Mir LI
as the Write thereof will admit of.
Clearliold.:11)eo. 1851
APint qoahly COOK !STOVE. liKthaway Pattern:li
Emoire or T. J. AIeCULLOUGI
Clearfield, Nur. 2. IrEer
VIALTACE & 1.111. A .ti terpretfolly intropl4 to
V toenda..aed the publics generelle, thatflatitni
mettle/ and opeinna at their store friths boronght)f
field one of the LAI - Wk.:Br A:0.1 MOST.C/4.16f1f
That het ever been brought to theirontp—noluishe i ehi
Dry Goods, Groceries, 1 ..>7*
Queenswa re ' Ilea y-made
Shoes, flats, Bonnets, &c, &c.
Au n t which they ern noun loot will catenate, bulb
I.4IIEAPN.L.SS end Q 4 JALITY. WILh the @tea (Tani • 4
lisi•nieut in the event,:
thve ui a call, and look nt onr M./OLS. It oil:Wont
t, situ w [tam to )00 even if no don't ..10,e aura" -
(kVA"! 3.15%
THD Salriberrimi ta
tt neonterCe bit valnatil&PA
containing (OIL. 'NORM! AeitE.l. and ease*"
situate in Lawton,* it:means, Clearfield county.. 080 .
lands or uiilltam Morgan, John J. goad sad Jana row.
aOn thora is a lutorantial DEWED.II
111111i3E ANIS DARN and about SIXTY AU ,
eI,BAuF.I.I Raul Farm Is near .1
moot I nu...sullies (rum w a.ift six tom tdeat
For Telma apply to WM. A WALLAUR, Esq, ."
Deists Or to tile .uhnetinCr OA the Brent
ttA5ll/EI. MADDEY:
'October • .
Whopude Grocers &, Commission Nerd ,
No. 3, South Water st.,
11 AV Illalways ou hand n LAP.Gg AND IVIZI,
it it ,
TEAS, etc to It Ince we write the et itlettus GfUJUIVI
31E10_41 AATet. t .s. 1E31:—. 7 4 r
. ,
Mc..i• . r -rd. .r..r.r." - -r...e.r. ..•-,r.ra-4 , -...r..r.r.."..r.,
S in: xVi NG inCtlitiii in Cum( tis‘iile, oilier%
S 11 - 11 his prelesesumul services lo the eilizertik
S td mot pines and Ole Slirrounding counlty ,
I- When nut proles...soma! ly engng ecl, he IA ill ht
2 foor.d it: the Aire formerly ors opird by - Pr
E ,
.1. C. Itiebards. or nt Scofield's. bolel. rallil
4 wili be mended lo at all Iscors. 0p.3,11
A true Love Story, GI:O. SAND, au4lvor . ,
"Indiana," "Consuelo," "The dull !
tas of It acolstadt," etc., ctc.
T. 11. PbTElizaWi.ho. Fl. el , r;tl,e; al Ie; rhil t de4l4,
nabliat , t tbit ;lay the ahoy , . aura It le ore of iblaed
charmer: later , surie works eve II Lambe;
saltrd with eeren fine largo roaravlngs, lila t! N taye uldill
. .. . . . .
scenes a the work. na weil n a 1;rgo pertran of the two M*
1,131 of the work, and a beautilo'ly illustrated euvrr. It
rnet.;with an itninente sato in Pal.. having Jltettly ,
Intookh ilow.tal o• moos in 'fig apace of flute months.
wilt have a ,cy la , Ao ache. and P. 3 A acrk I/0 OLIM Mall
rtlint , olrred with. It t•san - 114 calks ah. unto P.... , cnvitit4o
be "I Ire beat ai,ik" of the atop. It la wail:had comtarlail
me 115fre110 , 61 , 1 VOIIIMb of2t+ pica. and ptintad OD the OA
white paper Ma lin Y l'l.,Prl'M a • opt. ,
Si Dire copies of tho work wilt tr- sent to any one on thy a:
count pr recnitianao, addretsegl to the cutolaher. I 0.14101
and rot saleby T. IS PErEfts l /N,
No. P'. Chant nut airtet.Poiladelplat,?,
1 o whom all ordcs moat be alltheisnl, post pall . .
Philadelphia. Dee. 31, IESI.
Ithrsol Newspaeers giving. the ab‘va one or men fawt
(including this notko.) and seading,a tumid Waste.
marked. to the puld.ther. shall haw° a ocentr!ea COMIC*
wort sent them by retina ol mil. • ' • • ,;
TRIAL LIST for Feb. term, 1852 . , , ;
win. in[. vi Samna' Clark • —
P. Al w Katthaus vs James Wiggings
ilo vs orr do
William Williams vs I). W. Moore • •W‘
James Robins vs Jamcs • Johnsou
Mantling eieventon vi Joseph Irwin •
II GU/iiiM. 1110 /Olt. libaw vs m. Poway. cam. W,CaliP,
Joseph Briar ' vi 0011 hell lOWIllill? .
John N 'Llama vi Namu.l Ardrg ; :. , 01.-,, ,
II BIN in. - ose of I. Snal'h vs Petra Bloom
Joarph Ma:molten • vs relitstwiter Blom ~.' i ii ,
Christian Itmlgh vs 'lames 41 Mi at Omuta '
Alpha:an I,acopta vs 4 Jlu Balotrin,et.airil 'i : .hi ,
gmaguci Danes vs Lew ie. Au iii.
vvra, PURTBIL RiVtiO
Darernbor al, IESI.
, . •List of Letters •,,.,,, ~...,
pe EMAINING In the Fott office at CLEARFIELD. es tio
XL Vint day of January, A... 1) ..flrs4. .• •: `,••il t
Adam , J H Jsercroa John ' t
lesight Abraham-3 Kero John ' ; ...,:i L
ialter Esq. U• . . Kelly Lawrence ~, „:
tell Esc, Arthur) ,: Livitigston.hadrepr'. ; • • ;:triN
tire bliss Maria , Lucas flenrL ,
I campy Charles T . Irtail'Ertrl. WII . i•Y '-'i'•
Chad wiek.llliu Ana Ann Miller Joseph
Chime) W ' . Stone I. '. ''',' , i) '3•1•• f . 1
pelvis Daniel * Shire, I S
B ti o h ri afi ns . a er t Ll ta a m vi u d e A, A. ,; : • • •; 1 r . .r.:
I, l•M e n i r: y he ,y r o t h y n Jeson D
larnard Elijah -• • ~ Phearer Samuel. ; 4•-r • or 2
coy blattbeW ' ' 8 10 PPY Milton Pl, • ••••
oodwin Lewis D. • • Belhisisehltss Barthian, •
iammon ,I,W ~ , I. mith John Ir „.. 1 e ~,,, F il,
ray:soak Mufti . Polder John • • .. ,
arbor George Fl, , , Bender Thonaryi., • . ;1 ;1.:•ll
oft John ' •' • Tate John W' • •
0 1 1 %I. Tbb o3 , l ! o ' • 0 ; r d q t •I T hnq A . 7 5 .1 .1•;•;i1r r,
lioler r. ••• ,..,a,,eaSt tqqb . ;,
ILitan Charlas,Tr ': , , vvrey John . ! L , ) , 31 , ,,,ii
rw n WITS'r, ' " Worde William
rwl: Wm W ' •' ' • , ' ;Wiredie 14 611 J Uiti o ! :;)alt
rw Miss Sophie • ,
•.'' ': i" ;• : . .. WM I lIADEBAUGHt •?....W.;
' • '
. . T
•. ' .O , LT)IVIBERMtN• , I . 'r .
THE nnerintigmed .has Wren a etract to drise;Leis
A the vicinity of Chest Creek. Clettrfirrld ' mast? . el
Doom at Loot !lavers:and so avoid eli diffizoltes .,icA
owning llquare Jilmoer. along toe river, ho ask ,
_.l* ; _
him uweir &mic. Lf the, . Pave aIIY,JO bo.drWeili c tai • •
marts, Bro. J. Ii: f'
Dao. 80;11381:. : '.•.. • ' , .•i , , • ;c v ...• .2 ,1'
A GOOD DOD3I44OIAL 131,E1011 ibellaie,
+A..15:18' • OTORP
Jan.lSl. ' Cgentool
• • .
- Estate of 'lsaac .Eally,: deed.o,i g • 0, ,
NTOTICE LB HEREBY GIVEN, ThbblietiOrl, fr, ~'
4,11 , Menlo'. pn the estate of lraae Bally. lawn. to oo nj
Illt Chat bola ortii, deceased; bare bees 'granted ...,
Itigbots, All mono indebted tq geld ertetaar, Pa
to eimmedia • pstaxalt+sad ali , whoihayialloolo ~... it
WHO ate.requaitett to ;latent t 1 .107,3 dpi, Ilan
' : - v . c
for,seutzt. • • ' • -', ' , • ' 4
4 ''•'. t7.1W•1 I:4i ~', -AV4BOINUX,Imos xi
47 ' 7 •
i rPOStitlieK;?: , li. 7 Lc t:. 1,c. , , 4 / f.' 4 111 I.,..!!;.)11