Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 23, 1852, Image 3

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i nf ricid, Pa ,Itiniittrpt3,lBs2.)
0-stuch of otiilliado 'occupied with
Oleriga - Iy, but very credifithld,..acidresk
Di'. CATLIN, to 'tho exclusion of our
•ual variety. ' - •• • -
0"....W0 were sure we Would, be able, to
y beforo',Cour readers this 'NYC' JIC •
ount of the Inatiguration, on TiteSday
st, of Col. Btotun, as.Cliief Majistrate of
ho State. for the next three'ycars, as also
e address of the . new" Governor. But so
r we have not heard a , word, and can
my guess that every- think passed ofr in
ood oilier, and piOrnise full particulars in
ur next. . ,
--:-.--IP • .. • ' .7 , t
ihe 'next Presldeney-HBlichtlitan'sTiospelts.
i The Democratic party of LanCaster Co.,
held their election for delegateste .the
County Convention, , on Saturday , the 10th
gist., and contrary to what the public had
been led to believe by the organ of ,Mr: ,
t nerin. - Nares enclitics in that ,county, re
-:ulted in the 'election of an alniost unani
mous, delegation in favor of that 'gertileman
or the next Presidency. We had felt con.
ident that tutlecidad tnalerity
mocracy of Lancaster county,would pre
fer this great statesman over any '4r nil
=competitors, whetieVer the time fer action
'W ,
ould arrive; but we must confess that'
the opposition to him in that county had
Fled us to — belieiie that their numbers Were
- ,• : at least respectable, and that: they would
poll a sufficient number of votes against
-him to make the party throughout the state
t believe that there was serious cpposition
to him at home, and thus AbrOW some doubt
`over the expediency of his nomination by
the National Convention. The issue was
fairly made. The opposition • have. been
:xtremely active, and have labored con
-'santly for the last year, and the result is
that out of 46 districts in . the County, 41
elect Buchanan delegates; three, Cass del
•.. gates, and two are doubtful. Avery.large
'me was polled. f So 'far, therefore, as
.•entisylvania is concerned, .the selection
- .1 the next democratic candidate for Pres
"aent is settled, and 4 AbIES BUCyAIVAIki • VIA i
1 :e the choice of the ,next fourth of March
onvention by a very large majority. over
31 competitors.
•' , lt is unfortunate that this expression on
o part of the democracy of Lances
r county did not take, place months ago;
' r we , are, inclined to believe that - there
to many democrats who havesonuntted
~,.,„! , p,
„ emselves in favor of the claims of other
ndidates, sololy because they were in
uced to believe that the opposition to him
3 Well-founded and formidable, and that
...would not be well sustained at home ;
't . whO would, upon no other considera
r'-p, have consented to 'abandon their first
ioice, and the just - claims of our state.
~ri Buchanan is popular ittPennsylvania.
•,...,:ere aro very few democrats really op
• .'-ed to him—and the wonder is, thatthere
• .old be a single one. It is true, that
~.. re arc many good democrats advocating
-. claims of other Candidates; but in nitic
ses out often, they
,do so under the mis,.
lien idea that Mr. B. is not popular,' and'
• nnot secure the vote of the State. ' Had
:is action on the part of the democracy
Lancaster, taken place .sooner, - very
ny excellent democrats would now be
lie'ved from the false positions in Which
cy appear before the public.. W.: hope,
oweyer, to ;•see them pursue that course
the future, which is' dictated by wise
'cadence, and a hart attachment to the
inciples of Notional:DeinocraOirlin order'
,at the .National - administration may he
seedily and safely restored to, the demo
ats .
.•:Tho prospeets"tire now highly favorable
''Mr.'Buchurian. The claims. Of Penn 7. l
lvarna.aro universally conceded, and all
'at is necessary his nomination
the Natiettaf COnvention,is.the evidencO
'fUnion and harroOnytai home. That Mr.
itchanan'attould',be unpopular iwith the
emocracy of his ow . n 'state; would indeed
..e a strange fact. To' whom, more than
o Mr. Buchaiiati;•ls•lhalentocracy in
ehted for it4lifiday' triornPhs; 'for its . hitth l
'• • 1
4liaritettr, and •for' . it,s fyrn' find' patriotic
t , itrind on all impOriant.natioadl questions'?
HisfamOi'ai , a statesman, :belongs. to tho
. .
action, and is world-wide; and not to lion,
or him at , home, would indeed :be. i giving
the demoCraey of:Pennsylvanta a-charaa.
ter that we trust. never tci:see it merit.
Srnem AND Low WAGES.—Louieiana
ossesses- a greater--amount of specie, in
ropoition to)ier ',paper
. pireulation, that,'
ny other State in the WO
0 not mistaken, the 4vagesAcarrelianics
4 nd laborers are higher, or as in
at as in any of the Atlanttc,States. :Gan
y 'of -our, paperanouey worsliippers
lain the reason of this l 'and .why the wq
ed:cif labor thdre does ~noveonle doom to
mothina like 4‘tert cents a,day ?"
PANIITERB.--Vci have heard
tlin, taking and killing of , no. less tlittit
pditibers by the hunters of our g em.'
ty, duriug tlie late hiantingertiotti ,And
there are said to iie:it row, left.
.:. r-: COLD: WEITIIEB,—...---.--....r.,-1-!Arld .vstrious.r . tkmoro. are current as to the ,it '11`; .I'6llltll.lPpiron
Fita t o oe the,c9mplain is uni. reSiliti it is likely to produce on the'cabH 1 ..• . . ..• '
.. . Alla .r!'.. . . ..E:.,.. ' ' • , ul!,. OR 11EN1 4.
, understood that Lord Palm - ers. l ,I.s -,, ,• ma
.versa) that this is ono of the regular old 'SO!
ton means to bring the whole ;matter -be-
keyqn TAVERN
fiishianed 'WititerST`abd,Snew iias ^iNted .. - ', - MBE A 5 ,` , , lo.ri rerkett the well
•., fore Parliament. ' ' A ITI'A.., as as the .
all pert's' Of enr,country, everi,, New_ 9r., : FnANcE.—At the latest dates, PariS Wiis . 1 E r ' if'R
lbans.being fevered ;With about siYCirtelteS.:.perfectlV tranquil. The - reSult of the elee': ' ' .
si ,„„,,i,, , iAing the Merlon minty lion. In Brady Irnyn.
. . . 'Mo. Clenqield county .ea rhe turnpike road Willing to I .rio.
on then 2th, 'with tolerable geedileighing;- lion is as follows The home is largo and slammed ous. and wail fined uP for rt
. i Tamen Weise, with Stabiles. eta.. cittimhed ThOte nit;
„_. Whole number of votes, ' 8,146,7 t.,,,
.-0 ' nuNIIREI) AGRES of Land attic! ed to it, or li o (pal
in event almost without precedent there.. 1 ' its fur farming purposes. If not said roan it will be g r i rnicii.
For L.' Napoleon, 7,439,211 rowedee will be given ou tho first day of April next
In this section vie have. not had a:very For faitherpanicuiSti apply to the subscriber at 4;ioßrlltitt
Against, ' 610,737 , ur.kartiar.
heavy fall , of snow at any one time as vet, i Pitmen! is, 1852. .
Majority' for Napoleon, 6,798,479
but we possess the "advantage of keeping) Louis. Napoleon was inaugurated on the
all that falls, fore the mercury 'has seldom first inst.' The ceremony passed off
slightest with
aspired td , rise above zero,.and we begin to out the
feel.quite comfortable when it. gets withinl --, ,
The Wonderful Resources of California.
a round dozen .of the freezing point. - i
1o ie lait i s - e.
Niondc,ky,lci!iit, ,.',t, , oriceded on' We find, in looking over the files of
California pa pers,that some new and hither.
all"lands NVASAIIO . coldest ' dhy yet--.and
. , to undeveloped resources are constantly
on the next morning after sun-rise 1 11 6 1 being brought to light in that wonderful
Mercury 'stood at 16 degrees, !country. At first,says the Ana California
or' 49 degrees WOW freezing. , , the production Of that country Was hides,
I then came• gold, and .although ;she was ,a
Even this must not , fria bi non any4ody,
very valuable country, owing to her gold
for we may . go doWn 16 degrees more be.! mines, yet her soil was of course poor and
fore we surpass ourselves.. A gentleman unproductive, because of its mineral char
'of our village, who has carefully register- newt.. But gradually we find that grapes.
1 rich fruits, and huge and most delicious
ed the extremes of heat and cold foi many
- . vegetables, are the almost spontaneous,
years, informs us that the coldest weather ; '
.. ..,„ •
he has. experienced in this place, was, in ', later we here of elegant marble, ledges oil
January 1840. On the first of that month granite quarries, of quicksilver mines, of
the mercury stood at 26 degrees below coal mines. ' We listen among' the moun
zero, and ranged from '1l)'io - 20 the whdla ! tains, and we hero a hundred waterfalls,
waiting merely for the mill to turn out
Month, and on the 1961 it stink so low asi
? with
li untold magic the richest fabrics. On'
32 degrees below zero, or 64 degrees be- examination sonic say the soil of a largo,
loW•freezing point. ' :,.. portion of the State and the climate also
are admirably adapetd to the growth of
the very finest of cotton. From ice and
granite, to wines and orange;—from the
Indian scarcely removed from the brute,
to the most refined and delicately consti
tuted mind; from the canou to the steam
palace, whose various saloons are soft with
velvet ; they are all found in this ill under
stood and ill-appreciated California of ours.
The very last production, however, is
found to be nutmegs, which are found
growing_ very finely on the hills of' that
State. The Sacramento papers say that
astonishingly fine speciments of nutmeg
have 'Zen discovered. Gov. Bigler says
he saw a large quantity of them growing
last summer.
C* - "'Crov. KOsstmt was in Harrisburg
last week, the guest of the Legislature and
citizens. He did not stay for the, inaug
tiration, but started for Pittsburg on Sat
urday, laying Over Sunday at Hollidays
olio "rowaies" and • ,4 1adics"' of Harris.
burg kicked up,a tepriblo fuss with the
Legislature, at the time of the reception,
by playing the game of the dog in the
'manger. The Legislature seems to be
highly incensed in consequence, but wheth
l'er at, the rowdies, or the ladies, or both,l
does not so clearly appear. At all events
they arc threatening to pull up stakes and
move to some place more famed for deco
rum and good Order, and where the ladies
have better manners than •to put their
sweet, dear little feet on gentlemens' seats.
It is said to be an "ill wind that blows
nobody any good," and perhaps this wind
is no exceptithn to the general rule, and!
now is the time for Clearfield to hold up
her head. Just:bring your Legishaure up
here, gentlemen, if you wish to be protec
ted from such foul. indignities. ilte have
, the COV
ernor now—and that is consider
lable—but We could support even the hon.
'or allaying your Legislatorships in our
midst. There are but two places to go tul
that will at all suit you if you leave Har
risburg—one is Clearfield, and the other
is Ridgway ; but as all Elk county has
been converted into stock of the Sunbury
and Erie railroad, we look for an easy
victory. Comb, then—won't you come 7
We'll be bound for the good conduct of
our ladies, who know how to appreciate
such courtesy as the assernblga wisdom
of the State are-want to extend to them ;
and as for rowdies, why, we have none—
i they all go,down the river •
New York, Jan. 16.—The steamship
Asia, lyoniLiverppel; with dates to the 31
inst., arrived at 6 o'clock. this evening.—
She experienced much diflinilty in reach
ing her Ivarl . in consequence of immense
quantities of ice. Tho 'Asia brings 49
passengers. She left Liverpool at 9 o'clock
15 minutes. • .
The'Arctic arrived out on the Ist inst.
-Henry,•Ellinabworth, a passenger, died
on beard 'the Arctic Dec. 230,
:The' Arctic, in entering the Mer
sey, came in contact with a steam tug, tow
ing a ship, severely injuring the tug and
doing Borne demo? to the steamer..
The majority' for Denis Napolean is said
to be 7,000,000.
The overland mails arrived in England,
on 1s! instant,, from Bombay and Calcutta
but the ritiviccs are not calculated'. to give
any impetus to the demand for goods or
yarns.. . •
The proposed loan of "two minims of
pounds lOr'tho Greet Western and Cnn
ada Company, six per cent. debentures
repayable in 1857, has been completed in,
Louden. • .
ENGLAND.--The London Morning Ad-,
vcrtiscr states.that•thocauSe of Lord Pal
merszon's.resignation was the interference,
on - the'part of•the Prime Minister, with the
atijkirs.oftlieVoreigtySeeretary--that Lord
Palmerston, .0n,., ascertaining the fact be
cptne very titilignent, and by letterdematid
ed an explanation. '••
The.ansWpr of 1110 Premier was vague
and ghtifiling,'arid the rbsult was a length
Secretary :and the V,rerni.eri , , •
On tiro . Other - hand, the Landau ,Times
statiia'•that • verj:laseact of Lord Palm
erston was the.. expressed. unqualified ap
probatian of, Louis i Nappleon's coup d'etat.l
,Chreiiidd -.states that, all
Orts,of taracirs arc afloat as to the resig-:,
nations by -members- of the , former gov 7
ernineptiN ca,ltn i ptq ! P . presgpt; but
so car,.aapas,t,nfortpaticn, extends,' these
kilrAgrliPP9... l 4-.07R111 )611 .V ° . -xek °P. PPJ I ' -
ing bettprllirr r gi4essma`pp,:ittrefe;ncds , ,
VW ; London herald
~ sOys, that the
friends p.O rnerstep are very Indig
nant qt i14f.;,A440.0.18.0Ma1.,fr9r.n "ffir'
We recommend the following sensible
article from the Monroe Democrat to those
who object to Mr. BUCHANAN ' S nomina
tion because our whole State is not unan
imous in his favor.
The business of the ancient Polish diets
was conducted on the principle that no
measure should bd adopted unless it met
with unanimous consent. Anyone mem
ber could defeat the action of his associ
ates by opposing it. There appears to be
an effort making in some quarters to in
troduce this sort of a custom into the dem
ocratic party, by laying down the doctrine
that because some. few democrats may be
hostile to a candidate for the Presidency, ,
he should not be nominated. Some of-the
opponents of Buchanan urge this kind of
an argument against him. We have al
ways been taught to believe that the prin
ciple upon which our governMent is found
ed, viz:—that the will of the majority
should prevail and be respected by all—
was particularly applicable to the Demo
cratic , party, and we believe so still. If ,
Buchanan or any body else is the nominee,
he is fairly entitled tothe support of every
soldier under the banner of Democracy,)
and would doubtless receive the merited
support of those who at presentprefer some
other candidate. If it be indeed true that
they are pretended Democrats who are
prepared to oppose the nominee of the Na
tional convention in case he does not hap
pen to be their peculiar favorite, such men
should not be all Owed to exercise any in
fluence over a party they are ready to stab
unless its actions precisely suits their de
Terrible Steamboat Explosion
Tho Steamboat George Washington.
her way from Ciocinniitti to New Orleans,
when near Grand Gulf, Miss., on the
Morning. of the 14th, her boilers explode&
with terrible effect, shortly after which the
boat took fire and , was entirely consumed.
The result of the explosion, upon the of
ficers and crew of the boat, was fearful in
the extreme, as well as upon the few pass
engers. The killed and missing are Will
iam Carroll, first clerk; Mr. James Treat ;
Phillip, the cook; the first fireman, six deck
hands and six deck passengers, whose
names aro unknown. They are all sty
posed to have been burned with the boat.
The injured are Captain Irvine, badly scald
ed; Mr..Pearc.e,second
. cjerksbadlyscalded
Daniel Clemons, engineer, badly scalded;
Martin Dunn, second mate, injured; -
Wiley, 3d engineer, do.; Mr. Moore, watch
man, do.; Jas, Moore, first mate, do.; C D.
Clemons, passenger, do; J.ll. Kugkondall,
passenger, from Ky., slightly scalded ;
Castin Wheeler, second cook, do.
Tho surviving officers and crew were
taken off the wreck about four hours after
the explosion, by the steamer J. S. Cheno
with. The books and papers of tho Wash
ington were all saved. Two barges, in tow
healyily laden with stock and freight . .were
fully insured.
Pittsburg Municipal Election.
Pittsburg, Tun. •14.--The election for
Mayor yesterday resulted as follows ;
For Sohn B. Guthrie, dem., the present
incumbent,. 1428 ; for B. C. SAwyer, Whig,
1383 ; for Josph Barker,79s. , The small
vote given to Barker is the subject of gen
oral congratulation. ,
Nn Artificial Digestive ',Fluid or Gastric Jule° !
A great Dyspepsia 'Curer:. prepared from Rennet,
of Om fourth Stomlch.of the: Ox.; niter directions ut
Baron Loihig,tho dreat.P.hysiological Chemist, by
J. S. Houghton, 1.41, D, No.ll North Eighth Street,
Thiladelphla. Pa. Tiiis is a truly vvendertul rem%
eily tor indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver
Complaint. constipation, end Debility. curing after
nature's own mothod,by :nature's own' agent, the
:Gastric juice, ties Aclyortissment tri anotherevi•
Estate of Wilson McClure, deed.
NTOTICE GtVEN. That Letters of Admin.
1111 Wlllll9ll havo been granted to the subscritere on the
tame of Mime !Winer°. Into of Pio n townseln ; Utcnrfiehl
chin'!. decency!. All litmus ineebteA •to tido estate will
therefore %eche immrdlate pnyment.ncid thud) haring claim,
anclus said e,tato mu lemmata! to present them duly authcip
trotted for settlement. Reheat W. at'elnal., tit Car wensvl,lo.
will gtvo tho business nt terd lon nt
A tit.. Administrator.,
MAUI ArCLU RE. Admiahltalrix,
Corwentville, Deo. Sio,
• Estate of John W. Miller, dec'il.
IvroTicp. 1:4 HEREBY GIVEN, that Lettered Admln•
itd ration have n issued to the eulectiber. on lie astute
of John W. Miller. tete of 'lcemen township. deceased. All
"rme indebted to Bald (Mate will tbideldre make immielinte
payment—end hcrn tinting i olaime ed. ind the eame..nre ye-
Ide to
rul e , e n v! t 'C i ro (I t t' ') ., e u : b n i e C h il t l 7 r itri tp f egrl ITI
r a i t en 7 rnll
ehi l
rreuirlel to ling notice. in order that the estato may be settled
vrnhout delay .
. LION AL. W MX, Aden'r ,
li onaTir. !mustily , . 1115 . S -pd.
--------- - .
Great Excitement
lea the Sad!t...._cry Business.
1 - 4 11,EmING 8t STECO,ING re.peclfUlly enerunre to theft
k nnit the pulino in general, that they have entered
joie c o .natinenhili in the chore beelines , . in'tiorwensvllie
Their shop is on nteto ilteet, r•posita Scctirld i a hotel. Int,o
neon oird liy 11. S. Ilion Inc whoop they have on imoil, and
ore always oteoared to matte al the shottestnettoti , all article.
in their line of bovine , . !inch its
Saddles, Side-Saddles,
'' N • —. V\ ness, Gears, Riding
iIS -s-V,Blind Bridles, 4-e.
1 -
ALSO—Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Vali
ses, Saddle-Bags,Whips, t
Allot which they will warrnot to b mnou hi the 'etre end
mod. approved styl. Al they rue both EX.VERILINCE.Ir
WORKMEN they satisfied ihnt they can am general
Thor [ f owl, Are libeial—and they will Par in exChrITEO for
wvk all Merchantable Produce, tuck as Beet Hides, Lumber.
Gram, &o ,end even I not ratified
They would tesm.ctfally inviie the public to call and exam
ice their coot end tattlfytheintelyes.
CurwentvUle, Jan.B.
Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate.
Y virtue of:0
writer V..tinitioni Expuuus,
ty. issued out
LP of the Gotrt Common Ilene of Cicattield coun nod to
me directed; will lie exposed to Pub le te . 0.0 1 the court noose
I , the born t.h of Glenitield, op Ml )511/AV the 1:(1 day ot
rr.llllllAltY, next, the following ErritiertY. to Wit • — A eV'
(mottoes of land sitifitte In --- township, Ulearrisid (row
Elk) county, beEinning nt temnple tree the comer of lot No.
4tl t hence sent 133 Mims and 1.0 links ton r °mar, thenoe
west 1) chains to n comet, thence sou h 4 chains non 15 beks
to'n corner, tierce wen Betimes tin it corner...lth 50 licks to
a corner. watt (5 clinics and 2.5 links woo. 14 steins end
links to is esrmr on tlie earth side el said kit No e
east 31 chains end 00•I:nlis In lfe place of bet:lupine contat
nine 115 1 . 4 nines End rn dr, sir ct 'nee:era, With a flume,
F nine Barns. a Gininerr mid nliont ler nctra clsorsd end no
Retinal thereon. Also n int( re: Janine the Maly contrite •
inn 75 acres, tome or less being the 'emelt/oil bonslo of Ilre•
eklith and Zehalon Via.nir and token In tleetaltoll
and to he so ,d us me property of Jelin Gardner.
BY 'earl(' Of similar writ tuned out of the some court and
to me difeele.l. will tie eXhOttlii tii the seine
time nod plena. n certain tine( of Innil Won e In Fos tours.
ship Clearfield county, titeironitle it a lemluet', Itien.; ll
lot No. 4:135 east 174 and nior.renihs 1 pieties to a corner.
thence oo 0 line parallel with lot No. 4111:1 JJO tistruto., to a
corner to line of lot No. 41, thence by some Weft 174 nod
nine tenth perches to a s' one heap. Thence routs by Ict No
4.141 320 perches to place of beginning. contniving 1130 mak,
mone or less. of Unseated hand, being the westernmost
part o f a c,tatin tract of bud surveyed in pursuance of star.
I t
No. 4010. tleiZeli and lOell in execution and to
as the property of Henry roker.
- -
Y VIRTUE of a similar, writ. horned out of the snm•
La court, and to me directed,.v/01 Pet. xposc..l to cehlte lode
et the some t me and tditositorittitin trent, of emit to io
hescrenco tow oshio, ricattield . canety, rolcoo'lla !awls
clam Rotten. Owens. heir. of Mitchel( and Gorsdrellow char'd
Knew end otter., cofttalnloc 1,01:1.1 et res.
mote or leo t . ?—iietl trod taken %n,Slarall/..fZ611/Apsisserto das
the property of Itotert Wallace.
ICY VI ItTI E of a similir wr I, iti no, not of tho lel>ltCentt
tail to me sir, Gird there will be exPeaol to puttlie sale
et the snmA I tiepi ice, Ii ertsin Tract of Land Squat.
in Coy octet estop, Clearfield cmaste, Poo ndsit la lend.
of heroine end °their. conteinlnt NONI:9 Y ., diX acres. with
nhout acres cleated nod (louse mod Imllovenneatr
[norms, Fiimdrirci taken la executtin and to to sold as the
Ompeity of Julau liestletron.
Y vinTirr. of a P!urptis Ventlitlonl Esponns itsued out
e ; of the stole court, and to me of mood, will ha stimuli to
pubfoselo et toe tame time and Once. n coTlaiii Trat.l. 01 L•ar.4l
situate in f et4ipoo township. Clratti.dd canotY noun ors
land ot floone. 11 Davis. John Campbell, and others. con•
tmeing LINE IIIINDIMUP ACRLu, with a Mowed boa
Mime, Blacksmith shop and eintre Hare, and , uto , ut
TEEN ua clew. d (listen's. t+eiz cud toxemia I zu:atiou
cod to b e sold as the property of Andes w Davis.
BY VIRTUE of a orient Expense. Igivei
of Thu tame Nina. antl•to mertitentod. will tie tviyo
public tale. of the tllll4 tune and ,lace. SINT -SLI I
Lae* and thirty• three perches of laud. t item° In 'Woodward
toe nem). eientheld county. known hi the Ferns le Flynn.
helot panel the Richard Whitehead Tina ejoteln,r land ol
t'etrion Dowlin. 'Nettles Lafurd. and ahem, with a ne
!leavened Li mull Litahie thereon erected, and nbant EINE:
earns chimed. tiecterl mid Lanett in tneztititat' and to be d
es the property of John Logan._
mY virtue ern similar writ. impel out or the same conrt.
ILA and to me direct , d, will be exposed to public rain at lb,
saute timo and ri'acw. Certain Tri.ot of Lund situate in Pike
township. Cleartin cl county. on the ttusquehann and Water
tool turnpike. b% miles Walt of t nrwearrille, king nail of
Tract No. 68Lrt, warranted an tbe name of Nick in li.
and adding lands of the Oussinehanna and Vs aterlord tor:splice
Comunov on the wart. nod ism' or George Beatty io thrienst
and north. containing NW EY acres, more or less. with the
improvements thereon. Simrld and taken in execution rind to
ha sold as tbo property orJulin Elimper, by
' A. CALDWELL. Eheriff.
Fiber if' Office. 112,oamip•s. CO, Nil.
For February term, 1852.
Robert l.awhead Farmer Lawrence
Ross Rend Farm.,r do
Jordan Read Farmer
Jacob Campbell Farmer
GeordeW. Rio: r Formes,
J 35i611 111111WOOd Farmer
liatuel Kephart . Farmer
Russel Showalter Farmer
Isaac McKee Farmer
James M. I eantrd t'utraer
Jeremiah Miles . Fanner
John Golder. Farmer
kg.felnt Farmer
h ai. • Fa rmer
Byers Farmer
.51. A. Flank Tailor
Jacob Dobler Farmer
David Hoyt Clerk
John Ferguson Farmer
Jahn Roackman Girard
William Tucker blamer
David 1(111 Millwright
John Eirelcona Farmer
George Wilson. Jr. Faunas
. .
For February term, 1952.
John MehnlY Fiirrner Barad4p
Jrneph Nell do do gb
Oliver Westover no do
Wiliirm Atchison do
Joseph Eaton ' do
Samuel !Fullerton Farmer
David Brown do
Jurnet Irwin
Alexander Bud } Sawyer
John Onltch '
'i Cabinetmaker
11myth Leavy ti, Farmer
harm Thltmotall4;; do
Jahn S a , do dO
Oiler Ile I 'Ty do For g atOn
JaMelJOtinkors, Ferule! . * Penn
Optic Minot - Farmer Brady'
.Mtokton ihinsall do .-' x co
A. it tlehnell 'Pallor - '".., au
John Mollowpeter Farmer '. y,niun
Wilihun Taylor di ) .-. ..", radiord
i avtd Wilson ,do TA ' + du
Miles Murray Blacksmith P' i' do
, ___
Patrick Eowlin Farmer 'or... Woodward
Beaty 11. third do Chen
Simon ItorabJugh do do
merles Sloan Miller Bons
Valentine Ggarhart Farmer do
Thomas Linilitori , . pall'Pllnlet flO
Hassell ,NIOSIOIIIY ALMS( ' Bell
John P. Odor do do
Joseph Mllwood do Theism
Vllll rem L. 11110002 , Eike
Jot n Owens l:..d ' " do
. der'd '
Jnool.) lailjek , . ~ do
B.S. Humphrey . r i Millet do
Amara Smith , Farmer fleccarin
This Way!
11Q0 Iti.aPECTPULLY tenders her compliments to her name;
/LW ous friends in the borotistf of Clearfield end %Windy,
and takes piessuro lu announcing to them that me has how
received her stock or couns, and has them Hi ted'uo
style in her new budding on onh-erecond.titteet: watt side.
where cony bo found a general assortment of
Which she will dispose of on the roost reasonable Injure.
Elll3•Wlii also be at nil times sutintird
t with PIES
leo.. MI. and ,
- tOystei
Freshs. •
And those fond of **the Fleur' aiin have them served to
their taste on abortnotion either YligSli.,frastiEft 11.0Ati-
E 1). 411 4 rEt or
ARTkUR, ry70.1.,,,•rAti , Tamura 'or chniiinlo counts in;
acco at w ith the county front tho 'Our Janacry.•lB3l . , to
thet7tli of JaLuasy • i 852. inatsisof , , , ' , -
To nm't recniXiol froth own#rt ofilnicited imndy. 'a wB3
TO amount receirql :from Collomois, ~ , . - ~ ,t ES bil
To linignceot pad, ford for 1041 24. 1317 'Octi:led .
for. now , tranu'unEd in connty. • • 60 E 4
Tolialauca one county at lost settlement,' , • 4rl 41f
- alanocidua Tres Belt i runt.counit. 1 ' 155 71
' , .• '., , *Win 49
Cy arnmint paid JorprY.' ' ' I" • . ' . eirt cu.
By amount of P.l. talon Eneritel, 1143 tni
wy nm mot of Constables . wagon, ' • ' ' / 62 62
amount aoynt paid Aw • t' i1 46 146
fly amount mud County thmixdufaiders. '' • '
By amount pool Wild Viewers. , 141
fly amount pehl Prothonettry. • 11,11
fly amount paid Clerk 10.Commissionyis. , 148 72
By amount paid for °Ws in Common Pleat. . 01 21
BY nitoont.nullorifpoinoit eittioonnt). . . Ili lo
By amount void ,Couuty Auditors, • 04.0
By amount paid lot Itepairs. WU O
• 251 MI
By umuunt paid on Printing' °Carat% ' ' u
By amount WWI for COtrael, . . ,-, , •,P' 'GO Ou
By amount pain I out ( rysr, ' 48 00
By amount paid Blin 111. , , • . lli 84
By amount mod tor Pnnther, Co: and Welt Bcalpi, ' 178 ti 7
114 o'B l o llol Paid for I'llkm :., , , 1 61 till
By tillicUnt paid late TfetallieT,tho balance due. . 1 tili
1117 &Mount fin'd hi Justices . Tee's, , , opd
lit amount paid for t all lees. ~ 1.9 87
By aluonnt of nranotatlone to Collcolorn , 76 4t)
fly ,nmount paid tul Auditing Prollinnotnry's c.naouuts 12,E0
If, omen ut Vail kat'uutt:ltate tit I.ut No. 71. 300, 111
By swoon' paid ad Judnemant duo Aoadtaa7. 110 61
By amount itettitidell, ' 04
14 80n
fly mount uatd for tiurveyinn u
By n.nount of Peps find 11 in i.ct Aftninov General. 63 95
Ily umrinnt mcdiird to Tr4ysttraf aria placieu oaths.
1ent.. , .1 litt lOr 0 , 1 Ibutioh, '' 93
Treassinwhi per cent qu $1,202 01 et 1,,i Pet cent . , j. " Ift 61
Outstanding Debts due County.
GOD rer Y. t 4 TATF."
Prom Own^rs of Unseated Lends, 03
Flom James Ilea, Jr., Col'r of Jurdan.lB47, lel 67 $57 75
Proa. Pt. Horn do llatnidin.lBld, &8 118 119
From Phi,ip Mike do i,nrwoiwo do 7CO 449
om David Corr do lux 146
4,erudi A b'm Pre6acr do l',ol'n do 13 (14 1
From Horn'lt42teleer do 10110 do u 69 - 111010 Jus. do /3 0 CP. 1 b 49 .
Flom 11svid 1A.,: lid 1 :1l6111.3 1 d do 17 61
6' Gra J. aluNiurrs2 do Ilornst.le do J 9 Jr
num Mows Peak° t..; ,obt do .26 61
llurgeny (to Covington do
From 'l'honins 1'f111.021 do Penn .16 2197
From J. sittodetitn .10 11411 150 44 st;
F , 031 J. 11.'1 do How dly 79 18
Pro a 11. t/cutPantior do liratly dr 44 al
From Jame) 5111wun do Ilornsola do 9119
From J. P. Dur.t. do Veracious do .b 00
From A. A Rend do Coshrta do '4 73
ProtsVP. Witscruar do Jordandu 38 68
('torn \V.I . . Fe dna 10tw0..165 110 lid
From 3. Roth o.k do Morris ,do 31 415
From Wm I,vm Pike do IEO 17'
Prom W' do Woo, and do . 70
Proton Ilayor.kor Ito Wet:aria I.DI 117 02
From 11 Boob do 1101 do 179 7,1
Fr. m Isace 1.1.0 s do Boast do 03 11
From Wm Graham jr do Dradford do 4.4 47
From P. Miner do litadr do 4 1 '
Firm 3-11111 YOUTIg do Daraddo do 293 167
From Elias lord COest do ;41 5
From Davit: 11511 et rOgtot du 41 28
Protn Groom 81101.7. do Decatur tin 18 64
From W. Met:rocked do Fetgoson do 80 53.
nom J. Doody do Fox do 11 23
Plorn Charl' s 511 not do Mood do 23 73
Prom (4. W.(lra a ham do Coshed do 49 99
hum Tbomaillewit do 1 button do :9 08
Flom David tioattet do Clantiltdd do 214 47
From llnvid W (111009 do Jl/11'140 it, 102 79
From Wm. Iltidatnt ito Latitbaus do 4.1
hoot liobett ((0 era do I,llW•eocg (10 1110 CI
From Jucob Wire du .Mortis do 1744 63
From :4. Widemon do Vertu tIO 151 29
From Job Eralsol do Pike do 6dd 44
1',19/0 51. Ilullnpetor. do Uwe's do 25 77
rdm T. tiendenott do AY oud'ard do 543 93
Cluutandlng Orders.
Arthur Bell, Treasurer, in account wit
Townships for Road Tax.
Amount of Bond '1 ii ,x. received and paid oat 10
1850 and 1851, us pia statement herewith an
tiesed,v z :
Ain't, Pd. Ain't; Reed
Borough of Clearfield, 22 , 00
Becariu township, 4 07 4 88
Bell township, 21 66 , 24 66
Boggs township, 28 48 28 48 u :
Bradford township. 23 44 23 44
Brady township, 77. 88 88 89
Burnside township, 9 00 9
Coest tow nship, 971 64 05
Covington township, 10 10 19 10
Docator township, 26 G 5 34 41
- Fox township. 00 00
Ferguson township,,,.i.
Girard township, 0 . 610
Goshen Township, 132 01 132 01
' Huston township, 55 GO 55 GO
Jordan township, 44 48 '44'18
Karthaus township, 91 01 91 01
Lawrence Township, 65 28 65 28
Mores township, G9B . 698
Penn towtoship,
Pike township, 573 : 25 44
Woodwird township, 722 722
Union township, 141 95 92
' ---;7.--- 1336 05 82 - 7g4 5
t Bal. Due road funtl,lBso.'sl 188 80 :
821 84 824 85
'toad Fund fur 1818 and .'49
luil due from inst seitiel.' 107 22
By u n it pd, Bavaria tp. 222
Chest tp. 20 60
Cut ington tp. 12 03
Fvrguson tp. 4 81
Goshen township, 3 50..
Jordan tp. 16 92 ---\
Karthaus tp. 13 9d 14 07
Balance due Road Fund
fir 1848 and 1849 $32 25
Balance due Bond Fund for '5O-'5l 188 80
Totul Rood Fund duo, 221 05
Cr. By amount paid F, G, Miller, na
per Ina receipt in lull for balance. 221
Arthur Bell, Treasurer, in account with
Received from unseated lands, including balance
due at last settlement, viz. DR. CR.
Amount paid Becaries District. 65
Amount paid Bell District 39 '24 55 19
Amount paid Borough, 2 99
A ipouoi paid Bradlurd, 24 16 '23 i
Amount paid Boggs. IR 61 44 69
Amount paid Brady, 6l 56 74 '24
Amount paid Burnside, '22 69 22 24 i
Amount paid Chest, 41 (,S 42 83
Amount paid Covington. 310 10 Si
Amount paid Deemer. 32 '7O 32 ,70
Amount paid Fergus mi. 7 'l6
Amount pail Fos, 3 90
Amount paid Girard, 30 301
Amount paid Goshen. 1 130 21 81
Amount paid Huston, 44 16 44 16
Amount paid Jordan, 16 77 232
Amount paid Narttious, . 'I 03 661
Amount NO Lawrence. , 68 , 11 83
Amount paid Morris, 12 30 19 33
Amonnt paid Penn, 9 15
Amount paid Piko, . 22 15 29
Amount paid Woodward, 163 43 110 51
Amount paid Union, s., 288 67 13
Balance of School Fund due districts and Treasurer
as ItillOwi : Dues from Treas. • Duo 'Trans. groin
Bel. 15 95 Beacom,- 65
Borough, .2 09 Burnside, 40
Boggs, 26 05 ' Chest '.: 185
Bradford. 16 94 Huston '',...,, ,
Brady , 14 68,, Deemer .
Covington, ' 773 Jordati',' - 'l4 45
Der:tiler.' Woodward, 58'112
Pike, ~
Union, ,
D'' . 1 iits''
Jordan .
Burps de
Cleerfleld bur
C. 'told
Hie Dis ' ts. . > b2 i> Du , ,`. , ilc, r• 61u. 27
.1)uo School Disirict, - , •-; : , 1 '. . 1 032 60
, ' 4 l'''V, . t''''"
Ain't. pti r.Y. G. Altiler, as poi fig!tti. ift'lal t " .tr.. 12 f.t)
' ' , ..':.7' •'•• ' .. '.. l'''" ? ' '. 4 '.. ..
. . •
lATII tiiiktottsignoil ComunissioDers of” it eld coarty.
vitesissino u Oollood tho accounts of 4111:141UR M
"rottootrot. ot ma ' ltouaty for 1031, 1)0 certity. that'sve Und
sandlot's:l,oov° statad—rind tbat tno atitstuadtog debtsdau the
oxi s nty" . asnount to Fist) thousand lira huotlrthl and ,caghty.
leveriAlopts and lorts•onc cents
Moots out hands this Oh day ofJaaaari. st: D.. 185/.
r)AMUI , -1, WAY. • • -
r. • ' • WM. nLexANDErt. con.uvre.
. • loolcroat 0
. Attcit — U. B. cooDLIANDta, (20A. . -
. .
lA7 E the uudorsigued Audiiorr ofElearflehl coituty, harlot
W V enamor:l.d t o aeouriate of Att' TreueUree,
of Cleattluld County rot tho year 1d51.110 report: that thluad::
count, pluae.ohueo gtotea7l..hat the county id' Clearfield tr fit,
debt to said Trucourer Ihe %urn of CFA 71, coo that esidTrerui•
doer has paid over to his ilinCeStof In other, the ant re a wed ut
of 'toad Bud eohool mune, found br our alga ravi.lole to be n
his hand.. aud that.thrvatitstarthiu; 4febtaliftle.,4l,,c6auffty
amount, to Oi.b7 dollen and 41 Dente.. . .
VVitpeaa au r luada this 11/th day_ tolJnuatte4A. D A d
" Ts
Attest7k - b, ellilVir;•
, ~te,t~rf.~-d~
. , ~ 1 u 1:. ~ u
,04 / 2":,8
6.68741 55
1.662 93
School Districts
3 90
20 54
6 58
11 80
7 03
15 07
G 4 25
,I±gßiTY , ' •
•M ,
EttcliANTA AND 11.1141101 . ISIIALIIREA=E4OOI , -,
ittclat.!.atJpAlar4er a
,J ; .• , J. H. %TINES
.Q.IIOB BOOT Aajoiniag his leiiertlat fp.l
batweea Thad and roorth otteett—Ulearittoa:
.JAS. B. GRAHAM; • • ..!
• 444.7•Drahaadi3,0..yradtuid tor n !‘' P,,D,,;,134014`;''
• , c. )CRAT7grt; ' •
IF.IICIiAN'r ;ANL" 1E7111.V:11.7-flornes.
Jk rtant.and Locuct r itlM. , • I •
- .
0 A MMER AND 11 A LIN I 6:.! MA I( hh new th • 010,1
liturkot due l tear Menth's 110,0. '1 WO?.
• • Pen. 101,,
WALLACK &.1-11LLS, r;
TITAII,Ew3 UL' FOR Ell; tv AM" itz.a in All r 413.-
CIIANIMI2I-81. w old SA.,,no— , Clearflol , l: •'•
nom. ft- 81101:MAti t't , eat watt of. bhava's rtoy . r jolt
.LP hISThq ateat—Uicarsiela. 21. .:
. .
--- .
..,, . . ~.,
i': JAI I.Elt (11 0 I°OllElO N hr 1)01\1Errall: MiiiilrMAß= 3
.101.-.DtaL—frrarket street. Iwo doors mit o der ten. s' hotel.
D m or, libl. , ,
stow, nn Itfiti!toc,
street, itntnethatolrover toe YiAt Ote—t3lemt
~OfrAcilANT AND EX TEN 1111;_t)1;A.I.Eli 1N ,11.ckti- 1
Ti ISER—Sotallvvest Owner of Ow usamnfid—Olettfil til. •
• iho W. 1t51,1,
1 - 2 LAINM IT H— t Aimes the D ee. Old Fuondty—Cttrweidsvllle...-
LX I rice!ln !mit the t, , .
cllnNiiit. 4 B & LlQuotzs--.At Rigiet Cu '. utt
cud. 4.lrfroglll3 wegittle of 24 Area. Ltua avjtot.,
RASIIIONABLE TAILUR—Wnst end ol (toff',
Z. uucturs—Uloarficli.
l'p oT tt i>IIOEMAKT:II:--Eixst astir la tco4 . os
niket ureet. Oteallwtd. ~ De.c.3.1. VIOL.,
14 114
E 9 ttl
'At u 8
waive blei uliantza—Last end or State street—Curweak
v • Dou 80. flirlt„ , ' .i)
PrEnclittil% AND IN buratitue n
IS Country P rod u oa, lamer —dtale &trout, bet w e On t ?ie 177
and 1 u st—On r easy i Ile. I Atc. 7.). 1 I
1813 fie
1.4 41
IU 715
8 74
Stl LB
TAI LOR—At' tho toOrthweit n , fOvi of
Frotato . tithukol weds. , Ltd.
—On 'l'lllrd st,eut. between hiNket ant Locust.
••• ' cn, l'.;
. .
I. L. BARRETr; ' • '-:ii
iv! ERO II APT. LUMBERMAN Alit) Opti ElitAj.. Flyt;
DUCE ODA I.E.I,L—At. Barrett* ' rnt.i.. ft , . '.!al e.a
. • , . Pen 90..14,a.;
.• D. S..PLATTMER, '
SAILOR— iew Wathinnton. iinrnsiste township, (Nail
JL couit9r. . • Deo...miser :JJ, 1541.
- ,
.g,AciomiTHLutheii.bari . Vstgans. flugigrit
Neally trotted on the 'honest novo° 183,,
71TAGON-11A K Wort ‘tiiti In'Ot(lnd
d on Om L notice. and on good ternu, 11 , :o ' , U. '6l
irlyaLrat—tAthimburc.—will do lii idotk 3141. zit Fond zusd
&moo. NS an, Oltlct 1 . 44. 11511.
K Tu ti . M. ITU, dr. J USTICE OF TEIt7IVA+IG YS1 nas
IRON-,COUNDEK—Neer l•uthenbure—wgere giq sorts. ,taf
Onstlogi aremado of the belt material, and on reetiobattlii
terms. , . Dea.4ls,pipt,
r I.meol 1 gaznmSTa,rv:=llle. Au'
• •
v o y t .T . lrt e l o G i nzar. p ‘ CIIAIRMAttEre;3
'"ADDJ.O AhRNESS-61AKCIL, and Junius, Pr
rti PEACL—Gulwonsville.
TANNER—At the LILO BTAND in Cativenerille.
H SIC IL A.r4-11PLY be found culla A t btu ece - "i'
hut.l—Uuivrecrivilie--vthon Dot unt r,ro etilotithle
Ll"tel3.. tC. :44
TOOT tail bliomunicEr.—Ciarxettiv , i!J.
lac ?J. IfsSl
vFerEn sttimorq. FATING-1101181i end coNrue
11 ,iN Ait I —Cut 'wow Wu. , Deo. V-I, ibJI
_ _ —.....-...---
E.l) \V. B. PATTON,
A3l N CTldAKEit—qinit ond of Sato itroid—Cttry,rnv
rtde. Lea.
rr f EF..zd BOOT and RUE 11,Vail,FtWAINVerr
WWIP, A•I\II3E , P.S, •
VV I !3C : , kr . !:' P1i11i‘,i13261,8.m.,A.1;11.,;,/1* 4"
"Y1134 '
0.1:2, tti
- -
ptlvoun,vi. imey townyi counct, nt 4161624
.QisrvJug.e.valle. wbeu nut tquieuilvu4,4
.LAPORT c 1,7,
JD, Tll,OllPOll' ' " '
ilp.ountrru, Wagons Vuzzies, Fie., Sic , Itoor, , 0 , 51
1.11 short, notion. and 11.8 Veiy boat solo, at, b:s ced• titsi4 jet
ti e butouch ot CUM' et4ville: .peo.
ItYMQIIII4- 4 Un Ott 11.1024 Chca vO4, r
i rf
wiles pom Curweasvllle. • ' • • -Dm L,ll
WM. McB4IDI3, "' '
W , ait r;Er.. • ' ANA) 'DE 064.
'IN 1.1iF4t,-Niatcaul
l.knuisioll3ll447 and Loust:4l?e,:ts,l:cp ur:,,,srat,
Ik2c , 50,`Ittli. ".
SttALI, , '3
U,OSTNIAI,3TI:tt ut thea II ove—lintailw or vo;Okti aad
Domani° Marahandiae, and extkusiv dolur takjapto4 , •
,L)(1Z „
• t 't t,
S. C.' PATCHIN3 :•
rILF N lifJPll, Soustler, at l!'oratta, pad Do M)u:
tatandire, and liumN:lllatetvitt:'. I N.': - sidi itkl•
7-.--. 7 - 7 - 7 -- - .
lESIIICK 'l 7 ONIAS," • ".
lip AtiDliati IttiravilAryiDltES.SE3.--7 II t t.n; 0 7
I i "I t ' ',:111.' ,
iLIV manila In hlsi line on Clod 'notice. ci it a tbit tynnityini
factory manner. lilt mono will bo iotind in t o bal.-moot !toy
01 tno Monition !lonia. - --- - - Januaryti; 'UV
J''' l o. B) MERRELL;
U . SA CET rtloNktLyi
t ' o!d cno4 Mama at roet—Vestr.
tel 1;, ' t - . • • I • 13, (MIA t• 1 •
17,VIIKF,:tfw.ritotiTcpAtiotri!(Eit.'1,01.1c5C and
V tuat.l.AtiEN'Aßfii rAl:crta-zwLit AVOietrr...
, , , Dan. Ud,
. / ilA.iillectori for tuia , . did foi firfrooryevs; 4 . 00 tile*
thamovou arsettink-Are pAy la I tgi Si yew pe•
et the ‘rhdler hmcirst - of Urea dUplidatga , cm or. bekitllVi v tled
tarfolgOrttil tig:Wtrehonaletigilitti,gtitreigg fog!e:Uft
tapVtli r Ott h r? 6Ql!%troiriftritit; glitore i g ){ : ; ? tif 11!
.",. • .
11, c;
.., I. )ii
u 4i!