Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 23, 1852, Image 2

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,occeseteel,sortiel glass, with the type. t r the Wnshington Republic.:
Itts perfectly under your control, I admit t ('ONGRESS.
there:would be comparatively little rens*, On Tuesday, the oth inst., in the Senate
fur urging you to sign the total abstinence the resolution of Mr. Bright waseeken up,
pledge. But inasmuch us nil experience directing the Committee on Printing to
bus, proved the litllacy, the treachery of contract with Messrs. Donelsontndl4rin.
Olitg self-confidence, it is right to infer that, strong for Printing the returns entlie
It always will. Young men, be not . de- sue. 11Jr. Rolland proposed an anieed
calved. Thousands, oace as buoyant mein, substituting for the Nina:ince on
with hope, es strong in their self-eon fit- Printing the Secretary of the Senate and
deuce as you can be, would tealay tell you the Clerk of the House ; and the day was
that treason lurks iu .he social glass;-- chiefly occupied with the discussion of this
treason to your- hest interests—that ere amendment- Mr. Cass, Mr.,e.Gwin, Mr.
you mire aware, it will, inspite of your good Bright, and Mr. Dodge, of lowa, spoke in
resolutions, sap the foundations of your opeosition to it, and it was finally with
'prosperity, however deep mind broad they drawn by the mover. In the course of the
muy be laid, debate the system of contracting for the
"Touch not, taste not, handle not" the public priuting with tle.) lowest bidder was
intoxicating draught, is your only sale andalmost. universally condemned. We be
sure motto. , '
Have - Mr. Underwood thought that, if it
Were I your worst enemy, were there were strictly enforced, it might be made
deadly hostility rankling in my breast to- to answer, but the opinkin seemed to be
ward you, no stronger wish could I in-' peculiar to the honorable Senator from
dulge flit the satisfaction of that fiendish Ketnuck v. It was e stated by Senators,
malice, than that you habituate yourselves and not denied, that the re esent contactor
in the indulgence of the social glass. was every day violating his agreement,
While pursuing my studies, nt the age; and furnishing inferior work; and it was
of eighteen, it was my lot for some four shown to be by law the duty of the Print
months to be associated with a class ofd mg Committee, under such circumstances,
or 10 young men, whom for their suavity to abrogate the contract, end to make nee)
and honer 1 shall ever remember with es-' arrangements for the public work.
teem. We indulged in the social glass.— It was also stated,and not denied,that der.
We, too, had our examples, as indeed, you ink the whole period fur which the lowest
have at the present day. 'bidder system has been pursued, the work
Several evenings of each week,we might ,of Congress has been badly printed and
be fotind at one of the first class hotels.—: badly bound, and excuted under circuit).
,We had no idea of becoming drunkards. stances which render it of no use either to
- Our ideas were limited to genteel rind re-;Cengress or the country. The only an
itipectable drinking—so genteel, that even swer to this is, that, though Congress may
at such an hotel, we could drink only in get illegible printing, bad paper, bad type,
our private room. bad ink and bad binding, they get all these
Two of these youne a men were saved by things at half price,and that the lowest-bid
a timely removal b eyond the leach of der system is, at nil events, the "cheap"
temptation. Twelve years had not pans- system. There is great force in this a rgu
ed, when the others were sleeping, "the , went. We pro re poor country, have no
green turf under." Each fills th e grave money in the treasury, and, if we can
of an inebriate, and his death was directly save a little by cutting down the wiges of:
or indirectly induced by his debauchery. journeymen printers and similar candle-
But, young gentlemen, when I claim to end economy, it is v e l ry desirable, in our
advise you as your friend, my every act , destitute financial condition; and the gentle-
has proved the profession sincere, men who are disposed ni,figure in the cap-
I say, then, as you value the peace,good acity of Treasury save•tt will entitle'
order and harmony of society—as you themselves to the gratitude of the country.
praise all that is noble, distinguished, and Seriously, we think that the "persecu
of good report, in your characters—as lion" of the typographic art has been car
you would cherish the fond hopes of kind- tied about far enough. It is unworthy
red and friends—above all, as you desire enlightened and liberal legislation to per
tomake Heaven your blissful home when ' sist in a policy which has eunressedly
you have "passed the bourne from whence " ed to answer the purposes fur which it was
no traveller returns,"--by all these con- :intended. We agree entirely with the
siderations and ten thousand more,—by honorable Senator from North Carolina,
all that makes life desirable and death tri-: Mr. Badger, in the sentiment that he has
umphant, shun the social .glass ! Avoid repeatedly expressed on the floor of the
the initiatory step in vice ; assume total :Senate, that it would be as well to throw
abstinence from alcoholic drinks for your: the money into the sea that is now expend-,
motto, and live agreeably to its dictates; ed for the public:printing, under the sys
be man enough to frown the tempter from! tern of compulsory contract with the low.:
your presence; let hint know that you
l est bidder. indeed, there is little or no ,
have respect of character, and firmness difference that we can hind in the publish.:
enough to resist his damnable thscination. ed views of Senators on this subject; and
Ladies, your influence in advancing the, the only wonder is that a system which all
(milk of temperance, though peaceful,: condemn is permitted to contintfe.
calm and noiseless, is mighty; and us in! There is one view of this "cheap" sys.
every other instance, so ie this, it must tem which appears to have been overlook
prevail. We are rejoiced that in this. as e d, but which merits attention. It is the
in every other good work, we are blessed constitutional duty of the President to
with your patronage, influence and aid.— , make certain recommendations to Con-
Yet, why should we not have it ? Ales press; and he is frequently called upon to
what Sourceof bitter grief ni l -your sex has furnish documents in explanation or via
been so prolific as the intoxicating draught?: dication of his policy. By the ''cheap"
Who can estimate the amount of sorrow plan it happens, in five cases out ten, that
and anguish which women have experi- the papers necessary to explain the re
armed in consequence of' alcoholic drinks?: commendations of the President, or yin-
Indeed, ladies, in this enlightened land, is; dicate his policy, are not furnished to the
if not the only bane that is left to yon?—l country till months after they have been
Is it not the only barrier (I' had almost communicated to Congress. Is this just
said) against your perfect happiness? Nu to the Adminstration? Is this just to the
wonder, then, that you are with us. No' constituency?
wonder, young lady, that you refuse to ad- In the House of Representatives, among
vertise fora drunken husband, by associ. other business, various reports were made
sting with young men who, in this duy,n re from the-several standing committees. The
found to frequent the saloon and take the House in Committee of the whole on the
social glass. state of the Union , had under ebesidciation
Finally, Mr. President, as I have climb- the bill providing for the payment the
Vey° u r wild and picturesque hills, and, last instalment to_yexico under the treaty
coursed my way through your quiet vat- of Guadaluffe Hidalgo; but the suject was
ley—both more captivating by their no not finally disposed of when the adjurn mein
tive rudeness; as I have witnessed the in- took place.
dications of thrift and progress in your On the 7th, in the Senate, a debate took
busy streets, I have rejoiced to witness so. place on a memorial praying that !loge
much indicating the predominance of vir- irg be restored in the naval discipline, in
tue, temperance, and correct principles.— which Messrs. Stockton and Badger took
It is not, however, for me to compare the;
present and the past. Those longer ac-! In the House of Representatives various
quaintcd are qualified for the task. If I, bills were introduced and appropriately re. i
belieVe them, I confess I should find little (erred ; among them one by Mr. Bayly,,
ground of encouragement, and there is of Virginia, for the relief of the Ameri
nothing in my brief observation among; cans who were engaged in the Cuban ex
you, to warrant me in disbelieving them.: pedition and pardoned by the Queen of,
I very well know that the temperance cause Spain.
has times of apparent decline and also of At one o'clock M. Kossuth was intro.'
advance: Such is the depraved appetite, d uce( ) ; and the house adjourned until Fri
wof men that decline is to be expected, un-; d ay.
less itti vigor is sustained by the constant On the oth the Senate were engaged in
,vigilance of its friends. the consideration - of private bills, several'
May such be the vigor of your society, of which were ordered to a third readin g
tor, ancl of all Me temperauce associations! The Flouse Of Representatives colisider-
Orthe.placeithat soon intemperance shall: ea an d passed thirteen private bills ; and
be known-among you only as a legend of i sundry Executive communications were
the past. referred to the appropriate committee.
Ou the 10th, in the Senate, the resole.,
tion declaring the Compromise measures a
definite settlement of the queStions growing'
out of the subject of domestic slavery, was!
debated by Mr. Downs.
The House of Representatives was not
in session.
04 the 12th in the Senate, the joint res
olution providing for printing the retkits
of the Seventh Census was discussed by
Mr. Smith.
.Time' House of Representatives among
other business, was engaged in discessing
the report of the comm,it*on',Printing,
that' six thousand extra 4les of, the re
port of the Superinteadent of the "Coast
Survey be printed—five thousand' for' the
use of the House,and one thotisand for the
use 'el the Superintendent. The i'Opbrt Of
the,committee was finally adopted.'
'Si. Louis intelligences publishes a list•of
the most serious steamboataccidents on the
Western' waters during the past year.—
.T . he, whale .number is. 48. Of tliese, 25
were caused by striking snags and other
Obstrtictions in the river, 8 were the result
of explosion, 6 of collisions, 5 of fire, and
the remaining 3 were boats sunk in a storm.
The aggregate loss of life is computed at
227. 68 were the result of collision, and
'l4B of-explosions. The greatest- loss of
in,.any single instance was at the time,
:of the explosion of the Oregon, in March;
lash `when fro.n 45 to 50 souls, periihed.l
'The destruction of property cannot fall
- short of a million of dollars.
, Activ;ty in the Navy Yard.
Wit,shington, Tan. 14.—There is some.
!ling extraordiriik . goi ng on, The Navy
Deportment is actively .engaged in order..
irig NesSels to prepare tor:sea, and in col
lecting supplies and munition's. ol' war.--
Among other things, the . 'Mediterranean
Sqiindron 'is to bC'strengthenoti by two
clitiontal veesols.
Patal'Affray at Columbia:
Columbia, S. C.,jan. 12 . -- YesterdaY
evening, about 11 o'clock, it niost: tragic?!
oecurence took m
. pla here. John Sloan,
orrmilius timely, was stabbed in the
&remit by "a man named J t E. Sharpe, mu.
sing his death almost instantly.'
. Correkpondence ol the Pentipyltimi”.
:he special train provided to,;;onvey
'Gi'aV. Kossuth and suite end - the ; 'Commit- .
teei !of the Pennsylvania Legislaturti, to
arrisburg,,left the depot on Calvert, street,
Baltimore, this morning, shortly aker tOO
'o'clock, but Owing to unavoidable doten
, tion in consequence of the breaking of a
I wheel of one of the cars, the train did not
arrive here until about three o'clock.—
The committee and the distinguished guest
were received at the depot by the: members
of both Houses of the Legislature and 'a
very large concourse or citizens. The'
party was conductecitnsleighs,each drawn
by (bur horses, and the procession formed
entirely of individuals in sleighs, tiller mo
ving through the principle streets In the'
borough,amid much enthusiasm and many
demonstrations of- weldome on the part 'of
the citizens, finally drew up at Herr's
I fete!, where apartments had been provid
ed !Or Gov. Kossuth and his suite. The
utmosenthusiasmwas manilbsted through
out.. The party retired fora few minutes,
eller n few introductions, and immediately
alter dinner proceeded to the St atc'l louse,
where Uov. Kossuth was presented to ;he
two houses of the . Logislature. '
The House met tit 4 o'clock. About
noon, large numbers of Indies began to fill
the Hall of the Douse of Representhtives,
!and long before the time for the meeting of
'the House, all the sent§ of members on
!the floor were occupied, notwithstanding
!the rules which had been adopted by the
Committee. The rotunda or the Capitol,
!and especially the entrance to the Hall of
the I louse, presented a scene of the utmost!
confusion and excitement, the dense crowd
struggling for admission, and lavishing
'imprecations upon the officers on duty.—
'The speaker repeatedly and loudly called
' upon the House to come to order, but
without avail. The Speaker of the Sen
ate also appealed to the crowd, entreating
'them to clear the rotunda, and allow the
Senators to pass into the flail of the I louse;
but his appeal was disregarded by tI c
! !nob, which shouted and hooted all the
'more, and indulged in the must disgrace
; Cul exhibition of rowdyism. Mr. Speaker
Rhey, of the House, plied his gavel in
vain, and finally gave up•the task.
11 the midst of the confusion Judge Gil
attempied to address the Chair. He
had understood that the Legislature of
Pennsylvania Was to receive the illustrious
Kossuth, but the seats of the members
were occupied by strangers. He hoped
that Kossuth would not be received in a
way that would disgrace the State, and
moved that the Convention adjourn until I
ll) o'clock to-morrow' morning. •
111 r, L"railcy, of Schuylkill, rose to re.
ply, but his voice was drowned amid th
shouts of the mob. Every body rose to
their feet. The Speaker called to order',
and asked members to be seated, if possi
Judge Gillis said that if the Speaker
would order the officers of the !louse to
dear Ne Hall of the persons who occupied
the places of members, he would take his
seat. •
Mr.Frailey hoped the Convention would
not adjourn.
Mr. James said it was a burning dis
grace that the proceedings of the Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, on an occajOn like
this, should be interrupted by a noisy rab
Yudge Gillis insisted upon his motion to
The Speaker finally put the question,
and the motion to adjourn was voted down
almost unanimously, but whether by mem
bers or strangers it was impossible to tell.
The military having Ven - sent - fdr soon
after the opening of the House, with a view
to disperse the mob, the National Guards,
of Harrisburg, Captain John R. Garland,
arrived at H) minutes to five o'clock, and
marching into the Rotditcla. took posses
skin of the doors. Several attemii:ed lo
resist, and a number of arrests were made.
At 5 o'clock the Governor and Heads
of Departments were announced and en
tered the Hall. The confusion wits then
again renewed in the Rotunda; in the midst
of which the Sergeant -at-Arms announced
the joint committee of the Senate and
House of Representatives, who entered,
Messrs. Kunkle, of the Senate, and Bon
ham, of the House, escorting the distin
guished guest, Louis Kossuth.
The Chairman of the Committee, Mr.
'Kunkel, then introduced Gov-. Kossuth to
the House, and he took his seat beside
Gov. Johnston, on the Speaker's stand.
The noise, confusion and cheering here
became so great ltat the ceremonies of re.
'ception Were, for'a time, suspended, and
the Stinker ordered the doors to be closed;
but this was found impossible, the mob
having again neg - ired tho aScehtliiriez' in
their vicinity. • • ' • 'l l
GOv. Kossuth 'sat calmly
not a Mature of hiS face distlifl4o4.lhe,
military, finally marched through
and passing out at the back windOws,filed
round to the front of the Capitol, - with' a
view of again entering the Rbtunda ' and
clearing it of the mob. The attempt, ho‘s'-
ever, was futile.
In the midst of the confusion, Gov.
Johnston arose and. commenced his ad-
dress of welcome to GeN. Kogstitli, not a
word Of Niiiich was heard • beyond tho
Clerk's desk, if even there.
' When Gov. Johnston' had concluded,
Goy. Kossuth remained Standing silent for
omti, time, until the doors being 'closed,'
he' commenced his reply,amid the now
deadened "shOutS of tlie crowd butside.'-4
ills speech ‘siaS . listened to with breathless
attention by tho'se inside the Hall, and fro.;
quently interrupted' by shouts;of applause::
• 'Gov. - Kossuth sp i olte - for - about 'filicen
Minute's; and when' lie had finished 'tile
Convention, Was , adjottrned, rind 'then, and
not Until,' was scene'the' of rowdyism ended.
;During 'the evening, at his apartments,
ho wag introduced to many members of
the Legishiturb, and a large - ddrntier °fat:
ions who Called'Upon - ,
A Fearful Winter In Germany. 1 CLEARFIELD ACADEMY.
The followin,g paragraph threatens a .1 3 11111 TRUS'TELSIhere by adv.) notice that they havoc
Wetted with
am viol winter for the mass of the people s DR. CATLIN & WIFE,
lot' Germany. - Hunger and destitutio and
' oppression will form a' hurthen hard to bo , i To condone in;oharte or it. An& my daring another year.
I of Ti 4 A p t;aderuio
,y ea r h chide i into OM 41 . . QUARTER'S
tech, and El , V 1: oAvo,cirrea9•
borne, and we should .not bo surprised any iin g in eaki V s t. o.`4l."" .
.t• , • Tim next Q`uerror will commonceon ,MONDAir VE6. Bili:
day to hear of violent .efforts' being , made 11%1. tit the sullowinn ~-.
by the su ff ering riopulation t o better their nediuced , iptte4 of Vuitioin
condition, worse it can'ScarcelY be.i . COMMON ENdmitti aat.riiitiEs-itnoind o .
Itendino. Writar s Boe;ilne. AothmitlC Ge l d: ' -
An Austrian paper. says- It l
—.. .s)much faith,. English Eraitimnrend sultry , . .
: A l l o .,1 1;
i ß a lp in fle m E m NGLl.Ull BRANCHES—Mein. - • -
64 00
to be feared that this will prove a ver e t , avA r ! At. AND IIrATHEAIATICAL DEPART.
disastrous winter, as the lower—classes i n y
most of the provinces are in a sad state of if WE EKLY.
, i t t: !mu. s are g iven to the oldrr popilt on
p &At lo n f e th: oileri t° u
7, re p s 1
1.7. s s o • , ,, ,, ri o e , t l e i : t ,, ,, , n i i g h o o a n i! t : li n t ri t .
I A LT ii ,
destitution. Transylvania, Croatia, Styria,' vi ..4l , . it igge o .h ,
u sv v e n ek neterresseElactitiou, ,VOMLOriabn and
theircentral studies. •All others attend
Carinthia, Carneola, and mu oftLon - :-
!toihelr mod P. M. toulliot
hardy and the Tyrol, have ' suffered terrt.l.arg h LAlna h l DEPARt AIENT Is entirely r i ontate from
bly by inundations; ' and, even at this !clams Cron7iitto? part 0i,c!r.'117111°.",`,`.", It. °T. wecoonoorinVrig:
youttiVilet , what., to
earl y sea son, the qu icksi I ver i n F a h re a-
t i l e c i rn o .o:ati t cb til l s c li t c: i n:7 7 ° 73?tiolil a w l i ti th e : i t h ir o o o t o t o n:
i s ciu lin g iti m uo t r e r , •
heirs thermometer has been as low as four
'teen degrees below' freezing point. The t.'' b y ra..3.7.7.,"Le . s w h rh a t e t: . P a rrn d oi l o v a i r a 1 P a a aI a a rea
a net
Obit:y:o bend the elderrelionco of
prices of corn, meat and fuel rise, while th m e 44 1 ,ii l e'rat el le 6 OX 'ba t!
efficient. Comment t ilfalgi u n g t is di al l g i gisto a id o l igin b a n .r.
the value of paper currency falls. We most obdurate nod incorrisibi ems -•
the:Teachers I, to make the instruction;
ist. have heart rending accounts from Curia- Il l 'e r j h o t t ic e ri7 o s a s tr . , n as t ai w m e o ll f ilethil of book,. Viatica!, as well as
this; flit damage done by water i t iv i rtiet lo , n
l i lt aitie d n M I 'tha ti Cond o a t. [labile and
mated in that province alone at some emsill: m T i ni t tld iti o l 0
e Papule. tri v ij i l i e : ll tx s t o m ii ? ).t er p gi l n4 the Te.,chere
. liltlflA n ttv ° dt's A*. President
lions of florins, and numbers of people.are mt.'. moons. Saarotary. Nov vit. 14131 '
not only without a home, but are literally
reduced to beggary, their crops havinu
been carried away, and their fields spoil t b
l'or years to come by the sands and stones
which the . rivers brought with them when_
they quitted their beds. One of the . em:
perces adjutants is now travellino, b through
the districts which have suffered most, and
the imperial bounty has not been wantinfr,
but much more must be done if the poo r b
creatures are to be preserved feem 'pes
tilence and fatnine. The snow has fallen
in such masses that wearo almost cut off
'Flom the rest ofthe world. The mails from
the North have been waiting these two
Jays, and things are not much better from
the South. By advice from A b (Tram, we
learn that the city is almost snowed in ; at
least the streets are impassable for car
Philadelphia tamale Medical College
The first public commencement of the
Female Medical College of Philadelphia,
took place on the 30th ult., at Musical Fund
hall, Philadelphia. The novel and interest.
ing occasion drew a large audience, about .
one-third of which was composed of Indies.
There was a numerous attendance of the
young men belonging to different schools
o r w e d icine in that city, a very small minor
ity of whom evinced a slight disposition to
indulge in merriment and ridicule at the ex
pense of the ladies present ; but they were
soon shamed into propriety by the good
sense of an overwhelming majority.—
A few were inclined to be boisterous, but
they were prevented from annoying the
assemblage by the presence of a detail of
the i‘larsha!'s police, under Lica Watking.
The platform was occupied by the officers
and patrons,,and patronesses of the insti
tution, together with pupils of the College.
The graduating class were seated upon a
front settee to the left of the speaker's
stand. Their names were called by pro
lessor Muscly, the Dean, when the presi*-
dent, William J. Mullen, conferred upon
them severally the degree of Doctor of
Medicine. The graduates are Hannah E.
Longshore, Philadelphia ; Anna Al. Long
shore, Bucks county, Pa. ; Angenette A.
Hunt, N.Y.; Mrs. Martha M. Sawin, Bos
ton, Mass.; Ann Preston, Phebe Way,
Susannah 11. Ellis, Chester county, Pa.;
Mrs. Francis G. Mitchell, Philadelphia,late
of England—Total, 8. Mrs. Hunt is the
lady of Dr. Hunt. The two ladies Long
shore are relatives of Professor Longshore.
The valedictory was given by Professor
Longshure,and wa s a n exceedingly fine ad •
dress. The religious services were con
ducted by the Rev. Messrs—Brainerd and
Gillette. An excellent hand of music fil
led the orchestra, and enlivened the exer
cises by a number of capital airs. The
class now attending the College is compos
ed of ladies principally from Pennsylvania.
There are three or four,, however, from
New England, three from New York, two
from New Jersey, one from Virginia, and
one from Ohio.
Interview between Kossuth and tho Indian
The numerous calls upon Gov. Kossuth
continue to occupy much of his time. A
number of Indians from five different tribes
of the Sioux natimi, visited him this morn
dressed in the fantastic style ertheir
'race. Gov. Kossuth expressed himself;
highly gratified to see theni and shako,
hands with them, and hoped God would
bless them and their tribes. He then beg
ged them kindly to accept some medals,
which soma kind fiiends in the U. State's
had made, in rpemetty of his being here,
by which they might remember him when
they returhed to their homes. They were
of no value ho' said, but were intended on
ly as tokens of remeinbratice of a poor ex
ile. His 'remarks were interpreted to the
Indians, and 'Mr. Hajak ' distributed the
medals, ono to each of them, and they
were accepted with marked gratification.
The Indian agent explained to them that
Kossuth was an exile, come to visit the
President, who had taken him' by the hand,
and shown him all the peopleof this great
'nation, who were all — ,glad to 'see him.
Kossuth, he said, laid'the' btime principles
;about' how . ' a nation ouglit i lo live, which
this coUntry'aCkneWled,gi . ia, and which - ftiet
made. him welcome out here.
Front (1101%.19gnotie Telt% tapino despntehee'to ibo
Atiother Illasemann Letter.
!Washington, Jan: 14.-- . -Mr. Webster
is• preparing a response to tile recent letter
of Chevalier Huise►pann,- drawn. forth :by
Mr. Webster's speech at the Kossuth din.
Atitenor has nottranspired, but it is
not improbable that • • the Austrian Charge
may .haveohis' passport tondergd him.::.
The number of now buildings erected in
Philadelphia dnring;lBs1 1 :Was' 606; tin in
crease: of 22 toyer the. previous year: .the
aggregato r number; in nineteen"— yea**, bus
ben &00.. t •:t r; •
At Clearfield;
rrtfil; aedenftce•t rutnecitfully announces to the people. 01
Cieathelit nhd the adjoining counties liar heath alintin
nes to early oto the above bootee's et his ex endt's ealablmlt
merit In'the tycoon:o or 9eafflaid, and is now prepared to
ninnotactore ail kinds of
Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills,
' and all kinds of Machinery;
Ma Coition ant no +a of l'inper , orquality.;-ratml, if not an noy other It the 4tun—ts he U." nu.c but the ye!
hart I:naiads!, and employs node but tha very.bust at work men
%VW, two saperier TOIL(+ING LATHES. driven by steam.
Is now in succerrfol operatiot. and under the management of
a practical mechunio—where alirmst nuY article of weaker,
coin he FIN 1811)2:0 in the very best stele. and en sh.ot notice.
Helms now tin hands a large issortmant of O. songs, tech
es BIXEVFA of Vero sizes !tad pattern*, I'l ,r) VG: I tiON:t.
WASH K rrLE.B. &a.. whica lie Mints ra sell low for
Cush. or on a reasonnble credit. Ile is now casting, trona
he mon approved patterns.
ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves,
Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also,
celiebrate(l Plotigit.
And all kinds of 1101,1,GW-WAItE,'SLEIGII and !MAD
ridentis los .11 ua !carom:We !ems, and trusts (het Ihr
eit.s•as of the cutlery pre.:stally will fit.d it tu their adverting.
to tot tom tne:r custom, CA SI I will always ba preferred—
ttt toe l.i.t io t V 11,33 wrl Lo itrOise.l ter I;nUnlry PIOLIUCC
ends ILI) As ne gives hie estzhltshmeat ho s en. - tnni
subery mon, a I orders fur work will .salve urumut atl,ns run.
• I learriel t. Nov 28,
. 1 11 PAr ZU 4 c . ty
ri subscriber. having remaildh - n! 'the Store Room TWO
it LUUIUY west rif — Merrell's Hotel," wool! respettfoili
aanotin,o to the citizens of Clearfield borough, end
t.ret tiers r ceiving na ENTII( tAV ANU CAREI•U GLY
riI'OUIC UN I 1 EtSCLIANDif.f i composing
generril assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware,
Drags, Hats, Bonnets, Shawls, 4-c.
Particular enumeration is iletmod onnecassrui i TfloSE
IN IVANT Ut (AMOS, AT Li r W NOCE,. lan 11011014 d
imll and examine boor a purchasing Omni here.
Cslarrirld Nos. 01. tH,I. J 11. lIUNTER.
WALLACE & 11111 S,
Successors to RICHARD SHAW, Esq
ESPZCTI" ULLA eauouaaa to th.. public, that they
e just receivsol and ate now epLalag Ut the old slam:
of SHAW. Lso., attire° and well selected assortment°,
Spring and Sienznter Goods;
composed In va•t of Intl , GOODS. GROCE.RiILI4. IMILD
W (.IUEEtisA A qE. Re &c. Ah.o, o lati e .0.. t of
Ladies' and Gentionaersi. FANGY I iItEVS GOODS.
Ready-nuule Clothing ,
And all .the snicks generally sent in a country store—all of
w filch the, are prepared to sell aslow FUR CA6II os they can
be bought in Cisattrald trona:. (Vol, 0).1821.
Coach and .Nleigh Makers,
EPEUTkIit.I.A enrouree to the citizen
Ilk of CM wensvillo and v that they or
now prepared to manulact ore
Coaches, Carriages, Drggzes, Sleighs, 4-c
Of every detoription, in the most (tumble nod fashionable
chyle. They (Sage, themselves with the hello' shot their
cannot be escelled in the Btate, and no they s mt. tty in no butt
she best workusen, sod use cone but the veer bust mute ials,s
person' to went or nay nittete to their line will to welt to dent
with thorn in sirefeteucu to buy m i l the wor.hkas ' rubbish"
imported from eastern shops
(Mien will be orsimiitly ttitcntled to.
Prices to Butt the times. coati Country Produce taken in ex.
chuceo fur work on tms must accommodatte 10111)1.
Corwensvillo. Dee 12.1051.
Real Estate.
Clearfield County, ss :
V g 711th FAS at an orphans' Court held at eleturield, In
Vend for the county of Clearfield. en the 4111 die of
member. 1.851. heroic llonorn.des ROBERT O. W 111 TE
President and RICHARD tAllAri and JOHN P. HOYT.
Associate Justices of said Court. on the petition of H. W .
ANHE LAYS. AdMinistrator of all nod singular the goods and
chattels right, and credits, which were of THOMAS WIL-
K ms, rig.. late of the borough of Brioliville, in the counts
of Jtfletson. and State of Pennsylvania. deceased. at Ito limo
of his death, who died intestate. se tag forth that said inter.
tele died seized in his demo on of ire. of. in and to the one
undivided hall' part of the following described piece of land
lying and being in the township of limit) , in said Clearfield
manly, and ()Minded by land, of Pottailf. lend of' Fox LC CO
on the north. and try lend of Fox on the wet, with a CA
BIN HOUSE and STABLE thereon. with tinonefW 0 roes
cleared on the same, couiaining '4' WO HUNDRED ACHES
Also, setting foal, that said Administrator did, on the 8111 day
of eeptember. 4.1). (Mi by petition letting forth that the
personal property of stud intestate was insufficient for 'ho
payment or me debts, as. Immune! by the account then and
there produced. and ratting forth that in dinteitete died seized
in his demesne el fee of„ in and to the ono undivided half part
of the above desotibrd land Wile and Wing in said Cleallield
bounty--WIiFftEUPON the lioniunble Joskrii
FItiGTON. Piesident and J. EY,ANti and R. P, BAHR,
his Associates. then anu (hero composing an Orphans' Court
In and for the said county of Jr, Crown, the said Court did
Order and Decree
That tho sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS be tithed
Dem thesele of the lend mentioned in smd Eminent.
THE UOULV. Therefore. demi° a tittle of meld land In
pursuance (Win d retitiou. Hale to take piece on the TWEN-
I'Y-N MTH DAY (M. I JAN UAD,Y, A. D., itkitl, on the
TERMS—One•ThIrd pf the mango money in hand, and
One Third In Mary SIX MON'IIIB thrieaftey until paid,
with Internet, to be taunted lty judgment hood,. • ' wis
Or the Cond. _
Real Estate,
VIUTUE of ao Cider of tho Oroban'o Court of Chor
al field county, emoted at lhpeemher term, ItJ3I. there will
be, mred hi eutibto tt.ALlit on •
tfit the Court House. In tho borough of Chatfield. thelo •
lowing detetibed •
. .
Farni 0 f 6 Acres of Tend,
Elluaie in Pike township, Clearfield county; late the estate
and residence or,rouri FULLERTON, decreased. adjoining
lands of Daniel unlis:Alexmada Caldwell, and others, having
iheroon erected • .
f; A Tito a . o Story Log'House, and r:,;;
I • a large find coinmodiousßarn, . .
LAND, and a THRIVING ORCHARD thereon. • ,
FOt farmer pruuculars apply to the subscribers at Clear.
Mir ARL—One•Thlid of the purchase - bsi
conthmatiori, of the sale. mod the, balance in Three equej an.
nom payments, with intertit,,tO be speared upon the premises
by mortgagoend indsuuult bomb: , .
liy wildt or the court... •
.. • si
Adminjitralorfnithe gntept John Fullerton, : deed.'
Outfield. Decenloof 2E4 tuol, • • •
••• • , • ' "
111 Fi r W
UNIQN 611,witir .14,"
ittlettloss.and,fborani,ol.l , Oct irobugc, ' • - -•
. ,
~ .
List of Letters • .
.. „
REMAINING In the Pott Mika at CLEADRIELD. oat
Oltlt day of January. A. 11 , lefr.r.
Adarocrl 11, Jaction John
Akertght AbmlinV-8 'KernJoi r l • '
Hakes Ertl• 0 ' ' . Kelly Lawmen • ';'
Bei Esti Arthur Livingston Andrea/.
Hire bliss Marta Lucas Decry , .
Orookway Charles T Metz Eter. W El '
ChadtvickMist Jana Ann Millar Joseith , '.r '
Chi us .1 W Ntone L '
Davis Dania! .. tilmay 1 N
Dougherty Jason D Norman! David A ,".
Veeny John .Bhatinor eatnuel .. i ' I I , '
Fleunard latalt Ehomer Simnel
Poreay Matthew • Sloppy Al lieu N , ' ,-.'
titareitvin Lewis D. Belfritleo kiiss ..
Hammon J' W r inith John L . , 1
llarsook Miss RJ . Nnyder John
Harbor George IL •‘. Nuttier TLamall G :- ".
Dolt John,-.. . Tate John W
Dolt Esq. Tiloings ' Trude Nathan 13-11 `• ,
11010 f Mr. • • Waaner Jacob
Milton Chtiihs W Wray John -
Irwrn , Wintr_ ' , . . Wont° William,' . .1 .
ir,in'Wrp W ' ' Woodlo Mils Jana '
Irwin %Ulu 90Db14 ' '
W 111. I'PRTER. Cletk
THltir.arniersigned has taken 6 contract to driveler , '
k• the
.vnoty of (Jaen Creek. (;I erfi•hl count).
Boom et Lock Iteiren rand to avoid all &triunity ,teak
owning tionare 'further Wong the, river. ho wire lace It
him limbo notice, ir they hero any to be driven, tete
marks, te.o, ••, •J. !LAY*?
Dto }MIA: •
et GOOD. SULicilts.RnAL, ShEltlil to, sAo. E
A n.. 1 ,11
' BUNTER'S sTonp,
: Ja5..1&54. C'entat
••'e •
Estate'or Isaac Bally, de e d'
'veLC /8 tettonoe
• ,istnu gd theeFlate,9lle .ep ttAily. 1110010 f
shichelealield nor Illy. tleeeased. have been grad el
illblOnbets• ilettnue , tudnbled to WEI finnan , *
to make lcomedtate parment—and al* who have claim
said estate ato minuted to pruent thew dub' AP '
•'• .•t ~,•11.1ANIEL GA1740X.1
/estuary 15,1852. ,• • L • • - • '
I. • COW", rrI.PCla 111011! !
lIEREAS: linvorabio'llollEßT G. WHIT&
Provident Jridco oflbelkuort of Common
Clearonrth Jtiali. int Mulct, COmpored 'of the counties of
geld, Elk. McKean. Potter and 'Note, nnd rho flonntabfik
WWI ARID btIAW bud JOHN P 110 kr. AtscrrialeJoiteei s
in Illenitiebl county have mu ed their precept beming &fie'
OA' FIXTII fitly of &comb's', IND, to me directed, for hot&
ing a
giltnlT OF rom MON r,r YAP. f.EFHA COURf
At Clearfield. in and for Cleinfic!d county'. on o.e PlEn
MONDAY of February next being ll.ofid day oft ho month...
o tail Coronet; Jostices brine Perim. end Cons firths 'tend
for the county of Clearfield, to mince r in rho, own Proffer
Persons. with Rolls, Records, hortilloom, Examinations nnd
other Remembrances, to do that, things which them other,
dud in their behalf aPprotaim to he done, and all witnetrec.
and whir person/. prosecuting tiehulf of the Commonwealth'
gamma any prisoners, ore requried to ire then Milli thereat.
tending, and not deport without Mare. 01 their Pelt, JUICry).
=requested to ha punctual their attendance al. the ay.,
Pointed time, agreeably to natio',
GIVEN under my hand at `this
LOU' do' of Dec.,',
In tho year or our lord one Misbrand eight hundred ant
Fifty•one, and the t3ev.nty•sixth year of Arnett= lok.,
- •
11{ glister's
.INoi icy.
o - ricE is herobY giicii, than the firllO ii t g at,
ja rands hriye been examined and passed
me. and remain filed of eyeind ill this office.for
'the mrpeetion ul heirs, leatees, erednors. ate'&
(-Piers in ally uther.w_iiy interested, and MI! fla pre.
seined next Or - plinit's court of rlearliold
county. In be held (II 1110 Court flame in . the hoe.
(nigh of , Clearfiold on Thursday; the sth day of
Felt:nary next, tor confirmolion and nflunorice:
Tin account er Et.i.ll3U WIN, Tsustem Mini*
chi:Cron of ANN CULLINZS, late of Ulan:held tonal,
&ceased. '
The Guradien acconnt of ARTHUR 11C1.1,, Gnardlan
Oren) Minor ehddren WM. 11E14., Iron ut nen
shin. Clearfield county deecaged.
v Mll PORTEIt, Ita l y , '
11. , sucter's•Utflue. Clei Den , 22. 1E,51,,
%I;fecal Wanted. ;
11 L. ITITNTFIR *VI rectiver nay qnnatiry of LIERI.M.
ANTABLV WiLEAT thnt i/3 cflereCat Lltil
TY - -SLVEN AND ASIIALP CLINTe per buthel. phyablo
in (3001)A nt the 'mast Cltilprium at stow Jr. the tyr,
oath of Cirtrfirkl. llrcemt re LP. I'M:—
for sale by the Ltnrk , Barrel or Hush, by
rUCCr F 11/0,1 , Cliallf Pod,
To Justices of the Peace,
T UE Jed ffes of the Con rt wi irtor tcmilqit. have swell.
ted me to oresetmte on rf ire. t 'c mm.rar ellth
this county of Cleastieht. The J est ices ot the Per.eis will their
fore please mite re urn to me at all Commao WI nllh butineu
by moil or otherwise. at soon after the /..I , IIC COMPI htfo e thew
its the mature timed will adroit of.
JeVrEf'll ii FRANCE, 21
Clearlield.rea. 1851
A Pal, 'lam Itty COOK STOVE. Hathaway Pattern.
IjkAtfithl. Nut. J. IF,5a-
New Goods.
,VITALLACE 1111,1.,1 rrnot•ctfally announce to thifi
V inendl. and the public u , .nerellv. that tt , rynte taW
rccelV:llli and opening el 111,4 store In the IsJnotsli of Ow
aqtd of the LattGEzir AND MIMI CARIZULLY
That hal eve: been brought to thpc3uuty—concitttog in partti
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, Ready-made Clothiri,
Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, &c., &c. •
All of which they am coal lent will connate, both
CHEAPNESS chit QUALITY. with the.itoct ony eitYl.
:12t,ment in ter , conr.ty.
Give at a cail, and Icok at our Cl "IDS. It will (10 nt *WA
to the. tncut le )OU MD if Re ilea% U.atc ti 161,
TI, Sabrctibt•rt.lle•s at ariea'a la!e h'. valaabta FARM
cootainiuts t.tii E. it ON 1./R Et , . arid araytas,
to time in l.urr reo.e lowashiv. Cleattieltl couoir, a••jalils
lawls of Vitlilatrsslorgau„ . John J..Reatt awl John Posta-.
Hit e• I.e:h l•er, i s n su be autial ED LIC
)11.: , f... AND lIARN and abmrislXTv ACR64
CLllAtiF.l).ez.aid Farm is neat 'h • pu!•hc told,
wee trills, from entwerisv:lle. nod s..t Gnat 1'4111141.,
ror Terms apply to W.I. A WALI.,IGE.
riChl • or to ll.e .0 Webber °tithe hero
October :7, 11351.
Wl'ovule Grocers & Commission Illerchann,
No. 3, South Miter
always on hand a I.MIGL: AN I) VVE1,1,11,1
f 1 1,E011.11 nstorUnent of It( it IE3. 151'.3
TEAS, tic to vg Inch we tame the nt %cation of COVNTit . ,
MEKCII A li•51 —7ra
C:k.r., ../1" ...r a- .r..." a - ~...r ..ra"...r ..10"..1%.4 , ..1.1"J"..rn
s DR. IIARD11:111' P. TIRDIIPSON,. ..
f s
S - gji A VINCI lunnietl in Curt % i ille, (gen I,
S A IS his prelei.s 101 l li services to the citizens 5
S .ti [lint pine° nod lin. surrounding tionliry.S
43 When nut prolessioniilly engaged, he ii ill he Y n'. Ilse(Mice Int . inerly i'ecupicd by Dr,
J, C. Itichurils, or lit Scoliein's hotel. Cnlls
(3,% Ibe attended to at all hears. 0r.3, '5l.
....:-..t....-..r,..-....-.."..r..r..r.r..i-...r.-1--r.r.e.r..r.r."., i
A true Love Story, GEO. SAND, author ,
"Indiana," "amazelo," "The Coun
less of Rncolstadt," etc., etc.
T. B. PETP.Ht.I.r..S. No.,Clioltunt circa. fhiladeltilk
publishes this day tin above Work It is ore a the rot
aid inters sting works ever published. It I.
ithr it with eleven fine lark° engravings. illosPntive 91 anti
eces in the week: ns well at a large portrait of tholtrokt
toes or this work, and a beautd u:ty illustrated cover. Ilia
met.. ith an immense sate to ?wit, having alit:fly magi
through ton rnl e !Pons ia ilia space of thrso mail*
will have a very italte sale. and it is a work no one WSW
dita..oirr est with. It iscaid by critics who hays. pettotdike
be 'tho bestwork" of the day. It is published compleila
nee largo adass , volume oftt. priers sled prints d no (Let
white.paper. Pee PIETY CENTS it ropy.
:og e cep'es of the work will b. sent to any ono on Oil
ceipt of teinittances, addressed to thss pit blither. s'u6G.
and fur rale by i.
No. 8 1 . Chestnut street, Pisiledelaka,
To whom ell orde• must be addressed, post
Philadelphia. Ike. St, 1t , 51.
Eslitorsof Nowspm.eis F wing (ha ELIJCVO one or mem
tient. (including this notice.) anti scatting a copy or thees•
marked. to the publisher, shall have a complete colsjet
work sent if/am 1.7 rause of mail.
TRIAL LIST for Feb. term, 1852. ,
Win. Wings vs Samncl Clark
P. A. Kennels, vs James WISSIog , •
do ' vs do
William Williams vs D N. Moore
James Robins vs JsMal Johnson
bleeping Stevenson vs Joseph Irwin
E. Guidon, use of 8.. Shaw vs m. Forov, corn.
.W. 6" ,
Joseph Haler vs Goshen townshi p
John M Chem . vs SRMII-lArtiff •
H. Bloom, use of Ifiml.h VI Peter Bloom
Joseph McCracken vs t•etivabergor Bloom 2
Christian Luslgh vs Jame , A Wert & Brothels'
Alphonse Leconte ' vs John Patchin,et.tit.
Bonsnoel Denby . vs Lewio Aunt.
WM. PIatTER. Prblki ,
..Dieembes O. ISSI. . . .
Vi7M. IiADCB A . 01"; t