THE REPUBLICAN. Num, non or th e of Clew 1 01'0 , 01'es IrteJodjeS . flog dmq t roy hold. Clearfield, Pa January 16,1842. 0:Y -Our thanks aro respectfully tender ed to Hon. ALFRED GILMORE,' fgt. valua ble Congressional Tairors. Tho constituents of this gentlemen will ho pleased to learn that their' faithful rep resentative is now at his seat in Washing ton, from which he was absent for several weeks on account of , the severe illness of Mrs. GILMORE. muter 11 It. T 11, DE. In end propel nomad (dim . moo, wealth , ere ll* Juror, he al). KrHis Excellency Governor BIGLER, and lady, lea home this morning for Hay risburg, where they expect to arrive to 1, . morrow evening. A special train of cars will bo at Tyrone to conduct them down, QC. by • for re- old hon. of KrThe first three days of the present • eels were almost as cold as any we have had this winter. Thri-river is again cles cd with ice. TUE Lv.otsweruntt.—Wo announced the organization of the Legislature in our last, and the election of J. S. Ruzy,Dem vcrat, Speaker of the House. Wm. Jack, Democrat, of Westmoreland, was elected Clerk. The Senate was organized by electing J. H. WALKER, Whig, of Erie, Speaker. Nothing of importunes hao yet trans• pired in either House. TIIE aPOCKET•PIECE VETOED.—On Friday last Governor JOUNSTON sent to the Senate hi's veto of the bill repealing the fith' section ofthe Act of 1847, which for bid the use of our jails for the temporary confinement of fugitives from labor. The reasons assigned by the ._Governor are not altogether original, but are about as fallacious as any ever urged by sensible men,. We have not room for it in this papor. (3 ' 'The Forrest divorce case has occupied the time of the Supreme Court of New York for the last month, and is not yet fin- Our readers will find in our paper to day the lust (and certainly the least) an nual messaged Governor JOHNSTON. Its brevity will'afford every reader an induce meat to give, it a thorough perusal, and it is therefore unnecessary that we shoUld do more than to respectfully call their at attention to it. We cannot refrain,, however from ex- pressing our deep regret that the Governor should again 'call up his favorite subject of small notes, and urge the passage of a law authorizing their issue by the banking institutions of our own State. There may be other topics in the inessago eqnally ob jectionable; but this measure has many advocates, in both political parties, and nothing but the watchfulness and unceas ing vigilance of the people will prevent the evil that would follow such mischievous Wo have between thirty and forty millions of dollars -more specie in our country this day than we had a year ago, and every man should know the fact that nothing but the superabundance of paper money keeps this specie from circu lation among the people. If there was more real value in paper than in the arti cle which it only claims to represent, there might be some reason for trying to keep gold and silver out of circulation. The excuse is, that the lawof 1850, forbidding the circulation of small notes of !Anita' in othes States, is disregarded in certain sections. If this is true, make the law more binding,.and compel the enforcement of its penalties. This is all that is wanted But if the circatation of this contraband -- 'currency is en evil (and the Governor .treats it as such) will that evil be.cured by adding another to"it 7 Tho Governor says thatthls foreign trash—about the solirency .of the institutions issuing them we know nothing—will be'drivon home by our own. But this is a mistake. They would still remain with'us,'and would be peeping out of every " shrew - d speoulator's pocket, and when they would' , finally 'become so torn and dirty• es' to be 'unable to show oven the:State they came from, they would in liinectfsesoutof ten,,be found in the,hands --- .soMe honest, hard-Working poor-man. As well Iparwe,expeet to see our Califor nia golsit drivet! out of circulation by the drat arrival of the yelloW stuff from Ans. tralia. Two currencies of equal value may circulate together ; but experience has abundantly proven that wherever there is a difrer . e . nce that of the least value_ will - f.KS paid to the labeling and indu.strial P , -,a-sse r. We have every confidence in the integ .-rity of the present Legi:slature, and think that no such mischief need be 'apprehend- F4Alk their bands Besides this,e . fter Tues day next, the people. will ,have a Chief • Magiatrate whose feelings and teachings tire more in unison .with their own Olf this vita topic; :and thOi'mai feel themselves compratively 'safe for 'at' least threoettiti to -coma. TUE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. . . . . . . . , STATISTICAL. The imam' of deaths thaiVecbrred in is sold for $40,000 ; the proceeds invested the city of New York, for the year ending in gin; the gin transported to France, and Dec. 31, 1851, was 16 there sold for $60,000 ;that sum again in- . ,610. .Of which vested in silks, which are transferred to number 2,223 died of consumption, 1,085 England, and there exchanged for cotton of inflamaticn of the lungs, about 1,000 of goods of the value of $50,000, which the dysentery, and 513 by accidents. vessel returns home. The custom-house The number of emigrants/for the same books would, in this case, exhibit an export period, was 289,601,•being an increase of of $2O 'OOO ! and an import of $60,000, and according to whip arguments, an in about 77,000 over the previous year. debtedriess by the country forth() difference The number of vessels that arrived was' between the two amounts—a fallacy which 3;888—of which 2,381 were American. ..1 has often been exposed. The proposition The number of vessels built and launch- • may be stated in various ways ; but all. ed at New York, during the same period, agree in c, the result of proving the fallacy; . iof any argument based upon the figures of I was 81, measuring 65,038 tons. Of these . the custom house books as to the real con -39 were steam, and 42 sailing vessels. dition of the trade of the country, and that 'rho value of merchandise,..zoceiveil at i it is not possible to ascertain from tbern, with any degree of accuracy whether the New York for the - same period, was $131,. balance is for or against us." 229,663, on which there were paid duties This is conclusive. But it may be amounting to $31,079,209. added, by way of clinching the nail, that, There wore 342 fires in the city during since the foundation of our government to , 1 L the year 1851, destroying property to tne ,tae present time, the amount ofour foreign amount of $1,144,526. . i imports has exceeded our exports by some 750,000,000 dollars; which, according to The whole number of persons commit- the logic of the protectionists, would make ted to prison during the year was 16 '11 3, the United States at this time just that a of whom 10,003 were white men and 4.71 I 0 mount poorer than they were in 1791 ! ! white women, 626 black mon and i 431 [Lynchbu — rg _Republican. black women. Thus showing that while tho blacks constituted only about one-fifli- eth - part of the population, they commit about one-sixteenth part of the crimes,— "A very instructive fact," says the writer from whim the above facts are taken, "and one admirably calculated to show the value of freedom to the negro, usit affects his mor- al position, and, of courso, his general com fort and happiness.. -In the South, where the black is in his proper sphere, the case is exactly reversed." C* - The Bostonians , seem to have a strange way of punishing offences. An exchange says the other day a man was knocked down by the wind of a locomotive at ono of the crossings in that city, when he was taken into custody by the police and sentenced to twenty-four hours im. prionment, It is not said what was done with the locomotive. The Troubles in Utah—Plurality Wife System. A long document addressed to President Fillmore, has been published by Chief Justice Sa m'J. G. Brandebury, Judge Perry, A. Brocchus, and B. D. Harris, Secretary of Saucer Utah, in reference to the reasons that led them to abandon their official posts at Salt Lake City, and come on to Wash- ington. It is, however, but a repetition, in an extended form, of the statements that have already been made. The hostile and' seditious feelings of the Mormon Governor, Brigham Young, and the Mormons general. ly, to the United States government and its officers, are said to have been such as to make longer stay there not only danger ous but impracticable. The officers repeat the charges of pro fanity, blasphemous allusions by, Gov. Young to the death of General Taylor, and contemptuous defiance of the government of the United States. The Mormon Gov ernor is also said to have abused Washing ton at a public meeting, saying that "he was a greater man than George Washing ton ;" that he "know more than George ever did." &c. The excitement of the people became so great that the officers feared for ,their lives. Misappropriation of the United States funds is another of the charges brought against Gov. Yodrig,.— The vice of polygamy, according to these recreant officials, has reached an outrage ous height- We extract the follcming, in reference to this point, from their letter to the President: "We deem it our duty to state, in this official communication, that polygamy or "Plurality of gives," is openly avowed and practised in the territory, under the sanc tion and in obedience to the direct com mands of the church. - So universal is this practice, that very few, if anv, leading men in that community can be - found who have not more than ono wife each, which creates a monopoly, and which was pecul iarly hard upon the officers sent to reside there. The prominent men in the chtirch, whose example in all things it is the am bition of the more humble to imitate, have each many wives, some of them, we are credibly informed and believe, as many as twenty or thirty, and by Brigham Young, the Governor, even a greater number. , Only a few days before we loft the terri tory, the Governor was seen riding through the streets of the city in an omnibus, with a large company of his wives, more than two thirds of whom had infants in their arns—a sure sign that the evil is increas ing.. • It: is not macommon to find two or more sisters married to the same man; and in ono instance, at least, a mother and her two daughters are among the wives of a 1 leading member of the church. The prac tice, regarded,and punished as a high and , revoltinc , crime in all civilized 'countries, would, of course, never be made a statuary drone() by a'Motmon Legislature ; and if a crimO nt common law, the court would be powerless to correct the - evil with Mor mon juries." The. document shows a most monstrous state'of social as well as political morals in Utah. -1 . - J TO ;BALANCE OF TnADE.—The fallacy of the argument employed by the Whigs and protectionists in 'support of a tariff, that a nation is improverished just in proprtion as its imports exceeds its expertsos effect ually exposed by a correspondent of the Wasingten‘ Union; in the following brief paragraph:: The Balance of Tracle.—Suppose a vessel 0,011 from New York with a cargo of-flour valued , at s2o x ooo. for the West In,dies, and on its arrival there, that it is dispesed 'cif 'for fifgo,o,oo • sugarl Purahased • . ..... SOME Gums, in kissing, purse up their mouths as if they were about to perform on the flageolet. Thisis wrong. Kissing is a luxury that should be indulged in with "an appetite," and not nibbled at as if it were "a pizen."—N. Y. Dutchman. ANOTHER SCI EN 71FIC WON DER PErstrt n Artificial Digestive Fluid, or Gastric J t otco ! A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet. ul the fourth Slinincli of the Ox, slier directions of Baron Leihig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J, S. Houghton, 51, D., NO. I 1 north Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Tiny 18 a truly I,vunderlut rem edy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, constipation, and Debility, curing alter nature's ov% ti method, by nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See Ad vertisement in another col MARRIED—At Clearfield, on Thurs day evening, the 15th inst., by the Rev. Miles T. Merwin, Mr. JOHN F. WEAVER, to Miss REBECCA, daughier of A. B. Reed, Esq. On Thursday, Dec. 11th, by Rev. C. Jeffries, Mr. Philip Miller to Miss. Eliza beth Stott, all of this county. On Thursday, Dec. 2,5 A, by tno same, Mr. Thomas V. Weinright to Miss Eliza bf:th Lamour, all of this county. On Monday, Jan. sth, by the same, Mr. John Low to Miss Lydia Beck, all of this county. DIED—On Friday lust, in Frenehville, very suddenly, MICHAEL SCHNELL, aged 78 years. n""A correct sketch of the life of the deceased would fill a volume of stirring interest. Ho was among the number who sought our inviting shores as a refuge from the wrongs and oppressions of the old world, during the first feiv years of the present century. We believe he was native of the city of Hamburg, and served in the wars of Europe, first against the French, but being made prisoner, after wards espoused the cause of Napoleon, and served through several campaigns up to the battle of Austerlitz, at which place, we believe it was, he was severely wounded. He then returned to France, and married a wife in the city of Lyons. He has re sided in this county for twenty-three or four years. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. ALL Collector. fur MO. and for farmer yeap. WllO know thomsevor to ftrfOlifl Mu sequd.t (.1 to pay to the Tioarur or the whole amount of thew_du plicate.. on or ',afore the next Fatimaly . noun. 'Muse who neglect chic police can have an opportonity of peeing eoroecort loth(' lillevittroon alter court. r!iud sumo of the Collector. fur 11111 had better keep a loot cut for that. Officer. fly °retool the Commkutiners G. Lt. (1001)LAN DER. January 15,11Pril. A Tavern htand and Farm FOR SALE ott RENT. THE duhsoriberso&r. for sale the wall known TAVERN Bl'Abill kricwo as the JEFFERSON LINE HOTEL, Situate adjoining tho Jettosou county line, to Brady town. stdp.C.oraticld ouuaty on the turnpike road trading to Erie. The house is large and cornaunt,ouy, en d we ll li lte d a, got a Timm clause, with litobling.N.u.. rabidly& Theis is ()NE nutsintvi) weals or 1..1 attached to it, of a good quo, it, fur farming purpose,. if riot sold soon it will be rented. Palomino will be gives on the fiat day of April next For further particulars. apply to tha subscr ß. ibor at Clea ßAlLltt.Trfield. (3. /Ronan , 16, nu SLEIGH FOR SALE. A 0001 ) t3UIIi3II[3TIAL BI.E10!1 ref 1331 e. Empire at 73n 15 1552. 11Ubi1E13.43 Clearfield. Pa. Estato of Isaac Bally, dcc'd. NTOTICE 1111111113 Y GIVEti. That betters or Admin. /.11 titration on tho estate of Is Hails, Into or PIIIP town ship. Clen.field coo nty. deceit/at% hare been granted to the subscrib immed i ateerw indrhiod to sold estatearo requested to make pas meet—and all who have claims against said swots are requested to present them duly authenticated for soUlement. flAllirYa Ad ALIDLEMADI• January 16.1839. Estate of Wilson McClure, dec'd. . , NTOTIOE IS fl.EllEllY GIVEN, That Letters of Admin. L 'straiten lame been granted to the subscribers on the (;.- tale of Wilson fil'Clure. tate of Me [sweatily' Clearfield coon' y. deceased. All persons indebted to sa id will therefore make immediate payment. and those having claims regains , said estate ate wrested tomemo. them duly anthem heated for settlenwnt. Upbeat W. ht'N aut. at Ontvransvllla. will give the business attention at aII times. it. W. 111 . 14AUli. Admlnisttatar. MARY fiI'CLURE. Admits istratrit. Carwenivitla, Dec.2o. P 331. Estate of John W. Miller, dcc'd. NOTICE 1 II enrol , nIVEN. That Letters of Admin• i i tiation have bo n Issued to the setnenber. on the °dole of John W. Miller, late of deccaria towsisthp, deoenzed. All Parsons Indebted to add inlet* will therefore wake Innnalinte payment—end thins haying claims ay. Ma the same. aro re quested to present them to the- subscriber lo Ilecceria town. ship, duly au.heutlaatad for eettkiuseut. Immediate attentson Is required to thiz notice. its 0 Tiler that the estate may be settled without delay LIONAL W. WELD. Mixer. Saccade township. Jay.15.1652—pd. Great Excitement In the Sadiery Business. FLEMING dr STERLING respectfully announce tc; their frier ds and the public in general, that they have entered Into Co•Veri nubbin in tho above hotness. Co rwensville.— Their shop le on blots street, &Toth° elootield's hotel, lately occupied by D. S. Fleming, where they have on hand . and are always prepared to make at the shortest notice, all &m , ica In their 10 of businew. inch as Saddles, Side- Saddles, Har tttt. ness, Gears, Aiding and PA ALSO-:—lTtuides, 'Carfiet-Bags,' ses, 'Saddle-Bags,--141dp.s, All of which they will warrant to tri• mace in instated and WORKMENprd' styles. As they are both EXPBRIDDICED they feel satis fi ed that they can-grve general satisfaction. - • • Their terms are liberal—and they will take In a:Ubangi/. for work all Merchantable Prodacia.sncb as Beef Diders.i.dimber. Grain. &U., and oven CAtrill not refused. They, would respectfully smite the public to ca ll and exam hie Dieu stock and aviatat remadves. . D. S. FI.EMINP.• • Ouprensville, ;ask. 8, e..1311.441,1fi.0. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES , , • of CLEARFITIELD COENTre • ARTHUR HELL, Esq , Tremor - it of Cleastintd county, In neaouns with gala county from the 7th of January, MOO the7th of &mum, anti, incluslve, Dr. To nm't received from owner, of Unseated Lands. eati 113 To amount received from Cutlacton, - , .; g,r4.1) 133 balsuoo of floral fund for !bait a. 11147 nacalott for, uow transferred to county, To balauco dna county at last settlement, Valance dap its', 801 l funs county , 414.12a1 49 Cr. fly amount paid Jnrora. 4 968 01 By amount of 15Iaction Expenna. 643 WI By am nut otConstalitus' wagia.lso fill lly amount paid ganarors, . Oil 84 13y amount paid County 42cramissior.en, 261 40 By amount paid Road Viewers. 129 00 By amount paid Prothonotary. 152 lb fly amount paid 1:lorit to Commissionary. 148 72 By amount void fog coats In Common flout, n 8 86 lly amount paid lot Foot and !Stationary. 112 10 By amount paid County Audliots. 27 V) By amount raid far Vona's. 251 611 Ely amount paid on Printing contras', CO O m it lay nrnonnt paid for Counsel, W 48 00 Ily amount odd Court Layer. [By amount paid elherili. •.. 89 22 fly amount paid fot Panther. Pox and Wolf Fordo, 179 87 fly amount paid lot Iquitos. 67 bil lly amount paid late 'Promo ier, tho balance due. 10 LO fly amount paid for mustione' fen, Lar CO 1 Hy amount pawl for Jail fem. 18 21 1 114 amount of exoneration to Colleaton 75 41) Ily amount paid tor Auditing Prothonotary's account% 12 1.11 lly amount paid on potation of Lot No. 74. 800 00 lly croon u: paid on J utlsement clue Aundemr. 316 07 117 arouliut itettadod, 04 ea 14 IX. Ity amount :mid for riuneying try amount of Peel pad [Patriot Attorney General. 23 I '6 Ur amount endued to 'l' retinter and placeu on uri nated Ilet lur co i lection. rrounreg's per cent, on [17.71)7 81 at 13[ per Gent . Outstanding Debts due County. COUNTY. dTATiIn. From Owners of Unreored Leads. 00 From James ILLII, Jr., Lol' ro 1 Jordan. 1817. 101 07 $07 '19 F lor r o om m l4 l9l . l B op er A n ntes d d : ' rtu f w n entr jB dt . D 7 IS 0934 Ila 4 44 Erom David Lou do Fox do 1 .lo From AtJ'ur Nueocer do Peon do 804 169 From listu'l Spout:sr do Pike do •63 From Jos. rabies do 'Wigs 1849. 14 48 From Ibrvid Luz do t.imulleld do 17.01 From J McMurray do purnsi3o do 1:.1 34 11 7i From *lams Persica do Cost do 116 61 From D. Ilutgeny do covlngton do 161 From Thomas Fenton do Pena do 41 77 ob From J. bauderha do sled DIIO 41 711 Prom 11.'1 tuner do Boggs do 79 13 13 23 no a 11. Gcodmoder 413 HMI,' du 4189 From James 51Evistu do Buintalo do 117 69 Frain 4. P. Mort do Ferguson mo 6VO From A. A flood du Goshen do 474 From T. Wit beroW do Jordan do 38 08 From W. P. Fulton do Lawrence do 811 From J. Hothrodt du Morris du 31 43 From Won Irvin do Fite (13 114417 • 61 From 17. W Noir do ~Wootrard do 29 .0 'BO 70 From E Haymaker (10 Betlearlft 18a1 117 or 104 From ii. Brads du 11411 do 170 73 11l lib From 15500 Mess do Bores do 03 lt 49 Sid From Wm. Graham .ir do Hrothord do r,2 07 84 84 From P. ithiler do Brady do 43 47 4ni From Jho Young do Ilarnside du 1:93 07 69 e 8 From Elias hard do Chest do ul 05 ,U ob From 7 / a vid krodlet do 1 ovingtor. du 81 89 From George titutz rt.) Decatur do lb 51 II 12 From W. 61oCrae en do Ferguson do 80 s 3 110 1.9 From J(7 Bundy do Fox do B4 11 49 Front Charh %blignot. do lifrord do 81 74 From 13. W. Graham do Gosh.m do 49 93 18 58 From '1 homanlle mu do r onstuo do I'l4 el ti 7u From David toselset do Clontheld do 811 47 1.4 lai Four David lh'itlianas do Jordan do 149 79 lu 76 From Wm. Wadi:ens do 1 orshous do 47 74 11 74 F•orn Robert Owens do Lawrence do 11.0 91 110 From 1 , 1 Ise do 51orns do 119 6.1 83 53 From 11. b 'Jennie do Venn do lil 99 From Job Erglond do rite do 603 44 28178 From M. llollopator do I 45m11 do 115 71 From T. Deradorson do % oud'ard do 11 . 89 78 ir. - - Er 587 41 LOW Et Outstanding Orders, 1 552 43 Arthur Bell, Treasurer, in account with Townships for Road Tax. Amount of Head Tux received and paid out for 1850 and 1851, us per statement herewith utt• nosed, viz : Ain't, Pd. Aml, Ree'd. Borough of Penfield, 22 00 Becarin towdship, . 407 488 Bell township, 21 66 21 65 Bnggs township, 28 48 28 48 Bradford township, 23 41 23 44 Brady township, 77 88 88 89 Burnside township, 9 00 9 00 Chest township, 9 71 64 95 Covington township, 19 10 19 10 Devator township, VAI 65 34 41 Fox township. 03 0 0 Ferguson township. Girard township. 9 Goshen Tuvrisship, 132 01 illusion township, 55 60 Jordan tov‘innup, 44 48 Karhaus township. 91 01 Lawrence Township, 65 28 Morr.s township, 6 98 Point low:whip, Pik(' township. 5 73 25 41 11'oodwaril town , hip, 7 22 7 22 limn township, 1 41 95 92 636 05 821 85 Bal. Due road fund,lBso '5l 188 80 Road Fund fur 1818 and '49 'hal duo from lob' bottlo't. 107 22 By ain't pd. Bucurta tp. 2 22 f !tient tp. 20 60 Covington tp. 12 98 Fergtmot tp. 4 81 (100 ten tusvi:altip, 3 50 Jordan ip. 16 92 Kartliatil tp. 13 90 Balance due Road Fund fur 1848 and 1849 Balance due Road Fund liar '59-'5l Total Road Fund due, 221 U 5 Cr. By amount paid F,G, Miller, as per his receipt in lull for balance. 221 05 Arthur Bell, Treasurer, in account with School Districts Received from unseated lands, including balance due at lust settlement, viz. DR. CR. Amount paid Becaries District. 65 Amount paid Bell District 39 24 55 19 Amount paid Borough, 2 99 Amount paid Bradford, 24 16 28 Amount paid Boggs, • 18 61 44 69 Amount paid Brady, .61 56 74 24 Amount paid Burnside, 22 69 22 24 Amount paid Chest, 44 68 42 83 Amount paid Covington, 3 10 10 83 Amount paid Donator, 32 70 32 70 Amount paid Fergusin, 7 'lB . Amount paid Fox, 3 90 Amount paid Girard, " 30 3 04 Amount paid Goshen. 180 21 84 Amount paid Iluston, 44 16 44 16 Amount paid Jordan, - 15 77 2 32 Amount paid Multiunit, 03 6 61 Amount paid Lawrence, 08 11 88 Amount paid Morris, 12 30 19 35 Amount paid Penn, . 9 15 Amount paid Pike, , 22 15 29 Amount paid Woodward, IC3 43 110 51 Amount paid Union, ' 288 67 13 Bulanco of School Fund duo Aistricts and Treasurer as fellows i Duo from Treas• Duo Tre3ll3 from Bolt ' 15 95 Recearia, 65 Borough, 2 99 -Burnside, 40 Boggs, . 26 05 Chest 1 85 Bradfon!, 16 04 Llusion Brady' 14 68 Decater Covington, 7 73 Jordan, 14 45 Deeater. ' Woodward, -52 92 Ferguson 798 _ Fox, 3 90 Girard, 2 '74 Goshen, - 20 54 Karthaus 6 58 Lawrence, 11 80 Morris 7 05 Penn, 9 15 Pike, 15 07 Union, - . 64 25 ,. . . --4-;--- Duo Dis'ts. 75 , 27.3 i To :.Duo Treas l Lino 27 . Duo School Disiticts '45 . 23z 50 Am't, pd, F. G. Miller, as per roc'ts. in full. 232..50 lINTE th e undersigned Comentstioners of Clearfield county. g g having examined the automata of DELL, Tretuuter or eala county lot DOA. Do certify. that we hod them as above itated--and that the outstanding dentition the county amount to Five , thousand five Mindful and e•i,ghty. seven dolor, and fortY•one cents • Witness oat hands this lihh day of January. A D.. 1812. BANUE.t. WAY.' • t • ' AtilD(Atit DEL Cou.neiti. 1•1111.1 P 11.EVENEtt, Attest—G. D. GOODLANUICA. Ueit. . • • WAITE the undersigned AuditorsofCloarfietdcountr. having V examined the accounts of ALM:ilt BEMs: Treasurer ofeleartistd county lot the year 1851. Las report, that the ao. counts areas above stated—that the county of Cloarliald is In dbbt to said Treasurer the sum of $1454.1..and that saidTreas user aas paolnver to his Bugs:moor Orme th revi s ion mount of Bead and outset'o bolo ids bands, and that the outstanding debts due the panty amount to PAO dollon had el cents. • Witaoss our hands this Atari day_ofJeosuary. A..' R.. / 13 5 2 .. ' KU Arl. • if. - Witatil4l4 4 1141 ° 11 ' gest—A U. 8111A.P7, Cpg. , • BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY. LEONARD & MOORE MDROHANTS AND LAISIIIEII. DEALERS—SmII a utreot, vet WOQII Market acd Locust—Vow Dee. tJ. IHII. • J. H. JONES; cm*: & [ lour ftlitKEß—Aojoruina 1:14 reoldene4 on 10 Ida:4ot, botweeu Third and Fourth ahooti,—Uluarlodu, Deo. 4:), Ibsi. JAS. B. GRAHAM ! POST MASTER , MERCHANT and DEALER IN LUM BER—Grahamton. Bradford township • Me. IT, C. KRATZER, m B e R , Li c a ' a A i N i d T .Lo A u gp it k e u u m tti a t rti ld . A LER—Corner vt lieu SEa.lB5l. JAS. ALEXANDER, 'ADDLER AND HARNESS 61AKL113.-1n his now chop 1.7 on Market street. nous Monall's Deo. 29,1851. WALLACE & HILLS, El , Erni!,Ens OF FOREIGN ANL) LAIMESTIC titEk- MAL Oil ANL/WE—et E'llow's old Blaud—Glentfleld. ike Ul). ISAAC JOHNSON, uocyr sHoEmAKva—Weit end of Show'a Row on /LP Mnihnt ettet.t--thourlitki. J. L. HUNTER, lAMILE!: or routouN DOMEbTIO MEPANIAN. UNE —blat ket Itteet. lwo (loots went of Morrell I. hotel Loo. 44.'45b 4l THOMAS SEIEA, VASIIIONABLE TAll.tnt—ln tihew's How, on Market street., inont,Jiately over the rout We—Clearfield. fun VJ. A. K. WRIGHT, a MICH/INT AND EXI'Llf , ll l / 1 !: IN Uorutr of the llmaakrid—Clettil) hi. Leo, 111, 1851, G, C. PASSIIIOItE, 131..At:KH111111—tit tt.a Uld Foundry —Cumveuivillu.— LiO Priure 'Boit (ha times. Mu. W. INS'. RICHARD MOSSOP ) vol BTAILER D I.)OhIE.STICDIEI:- L AN LKIEMIS—A: Uo'' eh Mend. n'sn, on the west eine or 2t: street. Deo. 3n.tia. G EO. RICHARDS, 1A Th(fl ABLE TAILOR—West oud of Shßw's (tow 1: LIT) s eld. Dec. 00. IbJ . RICHARD GLENNAN, & door in :.‘hriwi's Row on LI ?Anglia ari-bl--Cloarliniii. Mu. dJ, 1651. MRS. ELIZA IRVIN, VXTENtIIVE RETAIL. Da OF Fi)touGN AND DO I_ll n.cAtie AltichaLd.zs---Eaut end strut-I —4:urweru villa. Deu 1951. ISAAC SMITH, AtlJ DBALEIL IPI LUIVIIMII AND LTI Country ro.!orre sentralLy—State street. between Cherry tool Loeust—Curtvensville. Dec. U. G. W. TURNER, reAVIIONARLE TAlLua—At tho northwest earner o Front and bleukot streets. Deo. 30 ISM GEO. W. It EEM Q.. MIDLER, HA TRUNK, MANUFACTURER —4.ln Thud Waft betwcen Maitet anl Loam'. Ilea. a), 1831. I. L. BARRETT, 11RPRCIIANT. LUMBERMAN AND GENERAT, PBO -11.11. WILE ERALER—At Burette wets. h. Cirurf eld Brides Leo. 130. 183 i. D. S. PLATTMER, "TAILOR—New WasLingtoa. Burniide townifilp. Clear 1 lima county. December k 9, 1831. JOHN FLEGAL, • rz I diettNtil ITll—Lutheribtug Wagons. Itaggire. &c Neatly Tuned on the abcotost notice 11 , -o IV, nsit. CEO. B. GOODLANDER, WACON-MAl(llll—LuthorsbuTc. Work .:C.G.3 to order on shint notice, and OD good terms. DP c •.:11 '5l A. L. SCHNELL, TAlllt—Luthenburg.—will sib his work just as root! act. .0 as uhrop, Os :soy other fellow. D„,,, J. NS. 6 10 132 01 55 60 94 98 91 01 65 28 6 98 JOHN CARLILE, Bt.AC II KSMIT, ac JUSTICE OF THE I'MACE—Lutti P , ‘ II 1)00 IVhl. PETER SEYLER, 17 RON-POLI 4 .1 ttElt unr Lothenburg—wnere all rotte of td&toug*WCl made at Urs boat material, and on ootsunank Oqrns. THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & I RON-F(UN DEUS—Comm vino, Au'estenc Ye tlzott meta aCastiugs mad° io 1N.:1 CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. ATI/EHLWItIGHT at CIIAIHSIAKERS. Pmt Pike,uwelhip. Dec :V. 821.83 813 85 B. F. STERLING, ABl . 1 1 .3t a A liNISIgK IL It e dJL 11g11 01SV1 , urwe e bee . . ROBERT Mc NAUL, TANNER—AIibi ULD STAND in Curwoutvilln. De..: 0.1.1031 H. P. 'IHOAII'SON, 1.3 I YSICI &N—Muy be round either at hi. office, or at Sea. hutel--Conirdoodie—when not not oroletatonalli Lira. 'tH teat. SAMUEL WAY, ;OUT and tiLithEMAKEW—Carwansville. Ilea. W. Ihsl WM. W. FLEMING, rhYSTEN. SALOON. EATING-11(.41E5E and CON , 'EC- Tr.)INIA lir —Car Neorvidn. Deo. 23, MI EDW. B. PATTON, rIAIIINETMAKER—East end of State Meet—Cur. , cm -1.-1 vt e. bee. ieJ SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, TANNER. and HOOT and SLOE MANUFACTURER— UM wooly 1116. Dee. V 9, IN I WM. P. CHAMBERS, 171711EELWRIGHT, CHAIRMAKELL and HOUSE: be V SWIM PAlLiTtat--Curwonsvilln. Df 0.19. 1851. M. E. WOOD, • . aHYSICIAN. My always be Lined at 'his residence In Cawensrille. when not protessiunaliy absent.. Dec. ifd. 1 351. LAPORT & LEWELLIN, c 0 011 and tILEIGIIMAKERB—Corwas e , t : ISM J. D. THOMPSON, lz LAU LB MITI!. Wagons, Buggies. Sm., Ego . ironed on /LP short notice. and the very best style, at htsold stand LL the borough of Cur svensville. Deo. 1b59. JOHN C. RICHARDS, DIIYPRICIAN—Ci thri nitiso Rout to Chest croak, four hum Curwoueville. Dee.Str, WM. McBRIDE, ETAILER AND DEALER. 1N LUMBER—None:at 111 , U*1110764 Slat° and Locust stmts. Untringy aro. 80,1831. • ISRAEL COOPER, POSTMASTEI at Glen Hobe —Botaller of Focalize and Domestic Merchandise. and extensive dealer in Lumber. Loc. bil,lbsl. S. C. PATCHIN, CIL:FN HOPE. Retailer of Foreign and Doraetticr Mer obaudite. and Lumber Merchant. Dat,eso. • • - • • • MESHICK. THOMAS, BARBER EIND HAIRDRESSER—WiII attend to nll de. firands fu his line on short notice. end la the moat statist factory manner. Melo= will be Wand In tbe basement ataxy of the Mansion House, • • Janactry,K 0. B. MERRELL, TIN at IC OPPER:BAEET IRON WA12,11 _ /11c1UPA.C. liklli—At Donned's old Rand on Monet aneetrtllou. • ' Loo. ROBERT MANLY, 114 4 YriliPgaTeliSsUld Cleatflaid. D ec . uy. • • . ' WM. T. OILBERT: ' • ' veI•AORBNITIP7At. Mcgisee'a in Bell township...- 1P where all work hn his line b done on sport notion nod on retuounble Loons. Poo. ii•D. Jen.' griltheK4l3.B..-E3o4antl Boston !.414c4.41113 ['Dived an now selling at thestoto of : aid july;l2sl. J. L. lIIINTER. BLAtilli tot sato here. , ;, .- Sheriff's Sale oaf Real Estate. Y video of nu uliss writ of Venn Went Plypenni,isinedant LP of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county. and to ow directed, will be exposed to Public rale. et the (welt botree In the horoe,rti - ,of Chatfield, on 51i IN DAY the VA day of FEBRUARY, next, the folle wing PrOpelty, to wit ..—Alle , - triltgtoot of tend situate In - lownthlp, Elearlhddinnor Elk) county. heninning slu maple LI - Milo cornet'Of let No. .134. I henet4 teeth IfJ chums nod :7) tinily to a tonter, titmice west chutes n coma, thence sou 11 4 emits and C 5 1,15 i . loin count. thecae weal 6 chains In it career. Louth 501inksto et corner, west 15 chains and 25' links mat 10. Orin; ea d 61 ljnts to r corner on the north sole of said4l.4. No. 4, 1 4, thstreer erut ill ehnins and 15 links to Ltd Waco of "beginning. C. Mat. none 115 1-4 senor and 11 roda steal tnoinurn. with a Moto. tune Horns, a Urainery and (Went WO acres cleared nevi nu tirchnid thereon. Also a Tract rutioieing the above cement ing 76 now, more Or lOn. being thosnenetruct bought vr list. calah and Zehnlon Worntr. 1 1 . eized rind token iu siteuutleu and to be told as the property of John (incliner. ALSO,* BY virtue of a olmtinr writ iscuad not of flisit moo conrt and, to ma oirento4l. will La exposed to I , al-i•to bal. a 'ha servo time end Ono,. n curtain ttact of land onul o tu Fos town.' shin. Olcarfield noway, I....gmairi.t at a • ratloct., shoooo Ly kit No. 4218 eaot 174 awl f-iolior to it °Omer. tlitmottoo a Into p'an'ful with to, No. 4 1 02 :MI pe.r.thos to a Unmet in lino IA tot No 'I'M , . Oran, LY .nu" W4at 173 rinA: Laud tenth perches to a a (ma , IieLCO WO , ya by lot o, 820 ocrohes 'Otte.. of l,,riuu , iic flan aininv more or I'm. of Un•rwoo Land. the wasteromoss taint hart of a I wrialu tract GI lam satv.! ,, in I !instance of war. rata No. 4140. row... Anna tat ra at cstouttort mut to no Uta pronctly of nom • uYor • ALSO, BY VIIITUE of n enn.lar writ. lone .1 Ohl of the Won Cent.. and to 11N Jru i Il i K 11l UhNte,u4,,A w Oub1;0 //kW, at the sumo t the earl place. a Cetlitilt Welt of Laud 10thato in LeiNtulteo towasbio. Clearfield oeuuty, lands 0. Robert OwLna. heir,of lartnelitll and Gorelfellew. It chart _hart and other. uosthaitlina abont SIXTY-FIVE U 1143. mwe or lead and oaken in rut:ellen ras.e. to UJ to d rY tho ntoourty of ItoLel I. Wallace. ALSO, BY VIRTUE:aI u similar wr.t, lastitl out of tho hoobruoult nod to mo ditao , ll. Uwe v. iII he expale I to ',oldie vile at tho mon time and place. Tract of Load satiate la Con ogtou low t , thip, Clontlie'd frotii' Y. I.oti ntlell I.) lona, of healing and others, coutomiug tftN GI V I:11X noiu,. waft! pa !lout FIFTY lures cleared ar' 11.uto ;Ind itninot,ontrits thereon. Kozbd and talttn in otwettuu t lad to La said as tixo plupe.t./ of John lluetlerson. ALSO, Y ramie of a Plureus pans., issue.: out .Li of the swirl court. and to Rid li`lecl4ll, %VIII lA/ClL...tit. , ;MIA! o solo er crane line awl lilac.% u certain Tract of Lend rituutuia VOTQUICIII township, Clearfield outrady, corroded try fount of Thomas II !nisi., John Campbell. and Moot+. ai3ll. Mining ON H UNDIWO AHIHEO, with a hewed 1 1103r4/, Illsoricinith chop and Fraind h orn, unit abet Flt- ITEM acres cleared thoreorr. belZerl IttlFl d to be sold at the proinnty of Act! row I)avii. ALSO, BY Y VIRTUE of r. writ of Vuntlitlati Vv..' nes.. iitimd nut LP of the LEIDIO amid. and to ate directed. will tpto•; wed to politic sale. uL the 1.0.131. 1.101:/ God Ooze, Vag loom and ttorty-thme potehos of laud. situate in Woodward to Clealfodo know ri la 'lli rernbide Plauc trim pada t Ito Rjohard Whitehead Tract a 'Motu.: laud of l'airiek Dowho. 'Rooms Lutoid. nod ott.ers, wqh a Log Howe and 6..0u1l Stable thereon erected, nod about TWELVE cum cleated. Seaed and ti,Lea to est....Luta cud It, be wal as the property of John Loanu. ALSO, 6Y a s imilar writ.itcued out of the mune Poen. and t., mts sitoicto.l. will he taps:awl to nubile salts to the same time and Wane. A Getttin Tows of La u d situate in Pike 'owruldp, (.lunnte d count,. on the bonito. li vole end Water• lord turnpike 01 msles.wezt of CutweasysPe, being 00,101 tact No. Pd.sti, warstadvd in the name of Nicalin ts: Urlinth, and adjdlun lends of the tintquel.nn on 'soli Yr aterford turnpike Coal Puny on the wed., un 1 Used of George Boutsy s,n the oast and north. conthinine FIFTY n2rei s MUM Or low with the 000r011 matos snoreon. nog taken so extsoutiuss and to ho sod as Lie prooesty of John A. CAI.I)YV , LL Ehatil( ghoriff I :ff. e. I) sc3mber ,A,1831. ritospheTus or SAItTAIN'S MAGAZINE FOR 1952 Unrivalled in Beauty and Excellence ighty Pages of Reading Matter in each Number, being sixteen pages of addi tional Reading over and above the us ual quantity given in the 83 Mugaz's. THE oroprietnrs of this PePoles redtollool will 110 011 1 3 0 •x• dente tu the ellLrt to itopiat the most decided suP lITIOILY 10 their Mrepizioe hod trust to leonine 1110 sego muted 09.4 e. elation that. btu heretofore rewarded tht a entvrptue. AMERICAN LITER ATURB Of the highest clam will be found in their nage'. EUPERILEMBELLIeiIIMENTS. Consirtiog of unevoripts 11003 EU Paintleils by eminent A !VI Ettlt AN ARTINTH. will aline exceed 1c vela° the pnce of subteription, A MP/H.OIIA DEPARTMENT Ilits ['vett added u. their evutt I form nf canititila.lol3. whine HIER myritivit.iNo PI/NCH. W ill monthly open his putifolioel the Choicest "good thins." oni he oil from ell ~.litts au). world A summery of MIMI CAL,. LITE RA II V, unit ARTIrSTIO INTELLIGENCE. will tie treeare, for every number by Mr. Cl/ . ). LELA No. ren'n acme us u r.roniinent featu e, ititurestiog 111. , 01111:1 DI 1110 11111110 ft of Continental Europe. nll'lllloll pu hli. colt •ru. This. with ti el Lb ODli IMPARTIAL REVIEW Iltl••1Rlid1131 w lA, thvy hope, unost mPh the ttoprOvtd of tin it blot,?) fro:l;th. hni.rienl design. of EffrTAGE end VILLA AltElfrrEc- TURE. with one mennying wound ohms owl it v.i,itni etre,. Ines. wilt Le furrilthe.d by the tulente tr.:Mite, 11: WAD• Si: I Ell Evil, lIEBIJA OP PROVERBIAL PHIL. OSOPII V PLIKIIEA I. EN I L E Mr rAbIIIONS, ChOTCHLT PAT. . EMBROIDE/I1 . _ _ W ill to the monthly variety they PrOmho their tab .:qt.... At all Potiovuters ere REGULAR AGENTS for the woe K, pal on, to obtain a luta.' deseriptiou of rt. or torso ercia.rn t.:otiy. will oli•ado cal; U 1114 IN 31,:.t PUILPI2.IOI% who will receive the INIVP.IICe paynieut, nut lumeid their amine' and the 11101201. ferrous vi get up a Club will be 'applied with iocAri.en 0 . 3,,y lir tile now noitid jaw, which went iota to Jaly, the EN.NTAGE (IN TiltS MAGAZINE; GNEATLY Re: J uilt;Eit. When pall quenerly pi advance tt is now as fullowe —Under 550 wiles, 24 cent t over 50P toile'. TENNIS. FON IN ADVANCE. One 011i1 eve year. $3. Two eopiei Dee rear $3. Opeoops two year. 95. live copses one year tlO. 'lea copies 011/1 yen S;:U, nor'. copy to the person wooing a Club of Ten. u a 25 cents. meal Note' IA a ti.oeut Stater reoeirod at pat. Club cub. curb:toms sent to ifilluient Poo itflhiei. Addle.", JOHN dAtiTAIN Cl).. Januar'. thij Philedulphla. GRAND JURORS For February term, lE+52. Brolkartl.awleud . ... . .. Row Read Formor Jordon Bead Farmer Janoir Campbell F/111116i George W. Elder Farmer Josiah Millwood Fernier DISIPUI K.-hart Farmer Itmtel tllrowaller Farmer Irmo McKeo Farmer /norm M r (Kinard !Muria Jtretnltill Shies Framer John Dunlap Former Joseoh II rt num or Reeder k iny Farmer J.. 1113 Byers Moan,: M. A. Frank Taira Jacob Golder Pnrrusr (by or Hoyt Clack John Firgno , nl Format John Suaokman Girard William Tooker FttaVIOT David Kite Millwrlaht John 1:110111W3 Finale! Goma Wilma. h• Farmer TRAVIS JURORS For February term, 1852, John biehutlY Illittlloluß final a Joreph Ned do tio Gliber Westover do do William Atoll' ion do Joseph Eason do do ' Samuel Fullerton Fauna Lawrenco David Brown do db James Irwin Farm., ,f Alexander Read eaw, or John Gollob Cabinetmaker thigh Leavy Val d o or lseno Thompson do John ii • as do Grier 1141 • do Jamas Johnson Farmer throw Elilager Farmer Jackson 801161111 do A. L Schnell Tailor John Bollowpeter Farmer hobo William Taylor do Bradford 11. avid Wilson do dr. Miles Murray Blacksmith do Patrick Llowl in Farmer Woodrum! limy 11. Bard do Chem _ Ilimon ttorabJugh do do thinks Bloan Miler !ford o es Valentine Goart Farmer . Thomas Bala= Carpenter Russell tdotituri Framer John T. Woe do Joseph MPlwood du Milieu, L. Bloom du d o Join Owens J a 6ob Lydick do Anm. u Soimnlpiher Farme r . This Way! • NEW and FASHIONABLE. CONFECTIONARY um! OYSTER SALOON., • MRS L. R • I:BP.ROTFULLY tenders her compliments to her sumer ons friends la' the borough of Clearfield and 'Maas And takes pteasure In annourletrur to them that ibe has how recehlsd her stock or GO .IDS and has them fitted op in good style In her new buildinc.ou timid [Second litreet. west side. where may be found nitesetal atsortmeat of • ' C'ONFEOTTOIVARY,'' . TO ES, WhichCeOwilldispoioofon the most reasonable terms: Phe will also be at all that?s sAPVIird with PA- 441 . PM , . and • ' ' • : .• F , resit. Oysters: ;And thous fond of "the FLEW! 'talihave them milks rt me their taste on sholee. OW YttESILTISIED. LW trEl). t3T.EIVEDf FLUTTERED. OrtICOLIAWAP,;..:. •• • - , ,; N : t tli:tilfH t all ." 6i ' ,F 7 I[lOlMll * Medici& Kay. 20.101. • .14 I.awres 00 Jo7dau Mut , Wady ike P NY oodwunl Bo nyrdo do Muffinl4l bar lirkdf9ail letetpAnn CI triad chest Penn Knithaut rogli Cletarlßld Jordan do rolgusoo rena Brad/ do 1113 do lloooadq,